The Question is Rarely Asked: Are Prisons Abusive Enough?

No image this week. GIMP decided to go on strike.

Stephanos Bibas, National Skew:
Leisure Time


Many things can be said to describe the modern American prison system. Abusive. Filled with a rape culture that would rival the most roofie-addicted frat house. Filled with a racist justice system that disproportionately targets minority populations and which often hands down sentences based on class and race. So horrifyingly terrible that our torture camps took notes from them on how to break a human being.

But to conservatives, who largely can trust their race and class to keep them out of prison no matter how terrible a crime they commit, prisons are apparently filled with gumdrops and endless ice cream cones.

Which drives them to endless hatreds as they imagine the victims of the racist/punitive based torture hives they eagerly cheer in the name of law and order are getting a free ride on the taxpayer’s expense that isn’t theirs (a problem we could easily solve by treating so called “white collar crime” and “upper class drugs” with the same intensity as we do petty theft or marijuana possession).


  • You know what would make the famously abusive prison-industrial complex and its not-so-subtle disenfranchisement of black men in particular even better? Bringing back literal slave labor so that we never again had to pay any poor people at all for so-called “work” doing manual labor. I mean, after all, it’s no fun for us unless the poor and small-time criminals we throw in there while protecting the high-profile corporate criminals and war criminals, are as miserable and overworked as we can possibly make them.

And yeah, it’s exactly as you think it is.

Right down to blaming the recidivism rate not on prevailing industry prejudices against hiring former inmates, abusive prison environments based more on punishment than on actual rehabilitation, and untreated PTSD caused by abusive prison environments, but rather on the inherent perfidy of inmates and trite religious pablum about “idle hands being the devil’s playground”.

The fact that people like this have been the sole people allowed anywhere near our broken and bitter prison system goes a long way to explaining just why they are as bad and unsuccessful in their stated (though not their intended) mission as they are.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Even when they’ve driven everyone to living in cardboard boxes roasting pigeons under the overpass while they live in opulent space mansions guarded by robots, they’ll still resent us for getting “free pigeon” that they don’t get. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 199




The subject rings a bell.

Back in the day I heard AT&T was paying prisoners about 60 cents per hour to be phone-drones.


Relevant. And pretty disgusting also too.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The Confederates are ever eager to tear away at the masks they’ve tried to staple onto their faces ever since the Emancipation Proclamation; and get back to the good old days where they could just rely on the system to provide them with slave labor. Every time they look at a prison, they just see the things that should be enriching their pocket.

They could at least be forthright about it.


This must be their plan to compete with China on an even footing.

We cannot allow a prison-slave-labor gap!


For people who claim to love liberty, they take its suspension very lightly.


Christ, do I dare dive for mangoes?


Fucking mangoes:

“Quaker and Enlightenment reformers proved far too optimistic about human nature, failing to realize that released inmates would relapse and return to prison.”

Either that or the Secularist Cancer grew terminal and overwhelmed the rightly ordered Christian communities that built this country.

Why did I have to leave the boat?


Why did I have to leave the boat?

so that i don’t have to? altho i am srsly tempted…no! imma step away from the computer right now…


ooops, i did it again…went mango hunting:

Responsibilities as husbands and fathers are important factors in taming young men’s wildness and encouraging them to settle down. Empirical studies provide strong evidence that marriage and fatherhood inhibit crime after release; one longitudinal study found that marriage may reduce recidivism by 35 percent.

ahhh…once again, redeeming men by saddling them with women they don’t love…

For convicts unmoved by the carrot of familial love, tough work requirements and child-support enforcement can serve as sticks.

as if enforced marriage weren’t enough, now let’s make them take that .60/hourly wage (after it’s divvied up between the victims and the government as previously proposed) and use that .3 for child support! it should be enough to keep the irresponsible sluts who can’t make men marry them off welfare…win/win!


far too optimistic about human nature
the rightly ordered Christian communities that built this country

Human nature: Fallen and refractory, stubborn in the face of well-meaning attempts to redirect wayward impulses. These only work when they’re our well-meaning attempts.


But chreap labor is plentiful now. Makes no sense to use a limited resource for such little gain. To get real value from our prison system we need to exploit the most valuable facit, the human resources. Human medical resources.

By severing their spinal cords at C7 the prisoners would become quarriplegics and thus we could save a bundle on prison guards. The guards will be replaced with inexpensive nurses imported from the Philippines. The inmates, pumped full of happy drugs, would suffer far less than they would if homeless and struggling to find food.

So what is a kidney worth? A heart? Big pharma would pay big for the opportunity to rapidlya develop new drugs with early human trials. Now we’re talking real value.


By severing their spinal cords at C7 the prisoners would become quarriplegics and thus we could save a bundle on prison guards. The guards will be replaced with inexpensive nurses imported from the Philippines. The inmates, pumped full of happy drugs, would suffer far less than they would if homeless and struggling to find food.

This all sounds vaguely familiar.


Perhaps 8 percent of inmates work in prison industries, and another 3 or 4 percent work on prison farms. (The fraction is higher in the federal prison system and Texas and Louisiana, whose governments are large enough to consume many prison-made goods.)

Perhaps? Idiot. And I’d need to see some heavy-duty prison and sentencing reforms before I even START to consider expanding slave labor.


Perhaps? Idiot. And I’d need to see some heavy-duty prison and sentencing reforms before I even START to consider expanding slave labor.

paula deen could probably use them for parties and whatnot…what would be worse…prison or paula deen?


Three squares a day, free room and board, free jumpsuits, free security guards, luxuries like iron fencing and stone accents, spacious open air bathrooms: What’s not to like.*

*Note to Kos commentators, I’m joking!


Fucking activist judges. When Congref renewed the Voting Rights Act just seven years ago they used the same formula as originally. The Court says “we know better.”

“Justice Thomas would have invalidated the entire Act.” How very surprising.


The complete disregard for the law in favor of judgment based solely on political viewpoint does not bode well for the Prop 8 and DOMA decisions.


Three squares a day, free room and board, free jumpsuits, free security guards, luxuries like iron fencing and stone accents, spacious open air bathrooms: What’s not to like.*

*Note to Kos commentators, I’m joking!

and as active a love life as you would like!


Yes, more sex than a playboy mansion.


“Justice Thomas would have invalidated the entire Act.” How very surprising.

It’s called pulling up the ladder after you climbed to the top. Very popular tactic is this day and age.


“Empirical studies provide strong evidence…”

And who amongst us would dare gainsay the Empire?


I’m surprised they’d come out for this now, what with Obama-Holder Thugs waiting to persecute the poor white man for hoarding enough weapons to arm a “Texan nuclear family.”


the rightly ordered Christian communities that built this country”

Perfect, all it lacks is a footnote referring us to the movie, TV show, or late 19th Century, now discredited popular history which proves this.

I mean look, do you wanna be the one to tell Americans that the sources of information they have spent the great majority of their conscious hours obsessively studying are useless, or even insidious, when it comes to reality? Where, I ask, is any possible profit in that? Ah, but telling tonky Americans their obsessive ignorance actually makes them smarter? That and a couple boxcar loads of underwear equals profit!


“This all sounds vaguely familiar.”

Ah yes, Dr. Freeman is probably looking up toward the ground and smiling.


Ah yes, Dr. Freeman is probably looking up toward the ground and smiling.

“Our benefactors”


“Our benefactors”

No one can say he didn’t give his awl for psycho-surgery.


For convicts unmoved by the carrot of familial love



But I’d still rather have a bottle in front of me. When it’s behind me I forget it’s there.


“Quaker and Enlightenment reformers proved far too optimistic”

Yeah, if there’s two guys you don’t want running your prison it’s William Penn and Fredrick the Great!


“Justice Thomas would have invalidated the entire Act.” How very surprising.

This guy obviously hasn’t seen a mirror in 20 years.


Mango hunting or “are there any T.V. executives in the audience tonight?”

“Singapore has corporal punishment. Wouldn’t that be equally impressionable on the low-information voter as well as the intellectually gifted criminal? I think so. And if not, I think it would be great television.”

It should star Honey Boo Boo in Juvi.


Fucking activist judges. When Congref renewed the Voting Rights Act just seven years ago they used the same formula as originally. The Court says “we know better.”

Fuck them, and the horse they rode in on. I admit, I’ve been thinking the VRA could use some retooling, what with Regressives (at least the ( R ) still works) in various previously non-slave areas reducing voting access to people they deem undesirable and getting away with it, not having a documented history of abuse. The RW SCOTUS, of course, views it differently.

With all the giant steps back this country’s been taking, I’m ready to join the chorus of “Gimme my country back,” except, of course, the ones already singing it are the thieves.


Prisoners and black people are just living the life of Riley in this country. And if you’re a black prisoner, why then, you’ve hit the jackpot. I’m just surprised that illustration of the jail cell with the big-screen TV didn’t include a big black buck raping a white prison guard while watching the ballgame, or something.

(Early OT, but I can’t help it, to DKW: Hope last night’s game made up for the heartbreak the Bruins inflicted on LEAFS SUCK.)


I’ve got to transplant several organs from and to the downstairs studio this coming weekend. Two spinets, two consoles mit Leslies.I wonder if Purdy could send over some help? Put a couple of pistol-packin’ Mamas on those Roll-or-Karis, girls on quirk release.


Hope last night’s game made up for the heartbreak the Bruins inflicted on LEAFS SUCK.

You can bite me RIGHT HERE –> (_|_)


I’m surprised he didn’t just suggest that we hold some sort of competition between the slaves prisoners. I mean they already get the free gym membership, the least they should do is fight to the death for our amusement. It’s just inconsiderate of them not to.


Oh, big A, my oh yes! Big A, double S, H, O, L,E, S!

And then there’s the VRA decision from the Supremos.


Like the world needs frothier movies.

Former U.S. senator and Republican primary runner-up Rick Santorum has a new job: CEO of Echolight Studios, “a faith-based film company.”

“I often say that culture is upstream from politics,” Santorum said, “and I know entertainment also can be strength and light for people who want to be uplifted and reinforced in their values.”


Corporal punishment = enhanced interrogation = overt barbarism-friendly sick-fuckery detected.

Nobody is more liberal with ethical boundaries than conservatives.

US Constitution: It’s just a goddamned piece of paper.
Magna Carta: We create our own reality, ergo fuck you.
War crimes: We’re sending a message to the world: Suck. On. These.

Meanwhile filthy godless pot-smoking liberalish DirtyFuckingHippies are mustering up a conservative push to turn back the sinister tide of quickening ecological damage that’s been bearing such bitter fruit everywhere from Russia to the mid-Pacific to the North Pole of late, trying to both refine & popularize more conservative efficient resource use & reuse, both high-tech & traditional … to the hostile mockery of conservatives.

…………. 𝄞 doo dah, doo dah 𝅘𝅥𝅮 ………..


I saw “This is the End”, the Seth Rogan comedy, last night. It’s like a more realistic version of the Left Behind series but with penis and masturbation jokes. It shouldn’t work but it does. Very funny and oddly “theologically correct” from a religious conservative perspective. I recommend it.


Productive, law-abiding citizens work for a living.

First sentence of that POS…

My irony detector just climbed a tower and jumped. Poor little guy.



The vast majority of prison inmates spend their days at leisure — endless television-watching, perhaps weightlifting or socializing with fellow convicts, but little labor.



“I often say that culture is upstream from politics,” Santorum said, before dumping a barrel of an unknown but ill-smelling & frothy mixture in the stream & watching it wend its way downstream.

I know entertainment also can be strength and light for people who want to be uplifted and reinforced in their values.”
Those are some values, needing to be uplifted & reinforced by popular* entertainment. Shouldn’t reading the Bible be enough uplifting reinforcement for them?

*Oh yeah, “Rick Santorum, Executive Producer.” That’ll put a lot of asses in the seats, what w/ Rick being so popular he lost his Senate gig by double digits. Can’t wait to see the first production, The Fetus Fondlers, starring Rick’s fetus in a jar.

Also in the chute: My Youngest Daughter Won’t Live Much Longer Because My Wife & I Decided to Keep Fucking W/o Birth Control Even Though We’re Both Too Old To Reproduce Successfully; Isn’t Slavish Obedience to Idiotic Catholic Doctrine Fun?, co-starring Sarah Palin.


Oh, forgot the “Which millionaire Xian moron financed Echolight Studios as a tax write-off?” question.



A little dose of SAUCE OR GTFO can indeed apply acupuncture to a bullshit zeppelin.


A little dose of SAUCE OR GTFO can indeed apply acupuncture to a bullshit zeppelin.

I’m trying to remember how far back my English classes taught me to disregard unfounded and unsupported statements like the silly assertion that prisoners just sit around watch TV until it’s time to go buttfuck each other. Pretty sure it was about the 8th grade. I know I had to cite sources for my research papers much earlier than that.

It’s awfully sickening to think about the number of people who just blindly accept bullshit like this dude’s call for modernizing the slave trade.


Next up at Santorum Studios:
A more catholic friendly version of The Sandlot, where those delicious little boys are taught how to handle the bat properly.


Productive, law-abiding citizens work for a living.

Even the wimminfolk? I thought allowing them into the workforce was a Bad Thing.
Perhaps they don’t count as ‘citizens’.


I thought allowing them into the workforce was a Bad Thing.

Depends on the conversation…if we’re talking about wage slave type jobs at the MickyD’s, or the old secretarial pool, then bitch need ta get a job.

However, bitches need to stay OUT of the professional environment because let’s face it, it’s a man’s world out there. You ladies with all your PMS and baby stuff just can’t cut it in corporate world, k?


“It’s awfully sickening to think about the number of people who just blindly accept bullshit like this dude’s call for modernizing the slave trade.”

You’ve just got to accept that “it sorta like something I saw in a TV show or movie once” is the same thing as “peer reviewed”. And now that I think of it, it is, isn’t it?

Anyway, at least intelligence, enterprise and the can-do spirit still thrives in Washington State’s tow truck operators! The local tow company came by the house and agreed to lift the organs into and out of the studio through the trap door in the ceiling, for the sum of $110.00


Productive, law-abiding citizens work for a living.

100% employment is why we must resort to prison slave labor to get needed work done.


I don’t get it? Why am I living under a dementocracy? A senilocracy?
Hooray for medical science, and our geriatric overlords.
Why I am kvetching when I know the answer? It was Reagen.


I saw “This is the End”, the Seth Rogan comedy, last night. It’s like a more realistic version of the Left Behind series but with penis and masturbation jokes. It shouldn’t work but it does. Very funny and oddly “theologically correct” from a religious conservative perspective. I recommend it.

The wife and I saw it. Funnier than most crass comedies. A real genre mashup but yeah, it works, and even provokes a little thought.

Having Rogen, Jonah Hill, etc. “play themselves” as various ridiculous and repulsive types is great fun from the start, but ends up driving the plot.

The Michael Cera cameo (well, more than that) was good.


what w/ Rick being so popular he lost his Senate gig by double digits. 

I continue to gloat over this, incumbency being such a powerful vote-getter for Senators, especially.

Rick Santorum, too obviously criminal and dumb for even a disinterested electorate to , er, swallow.


You’ve just got to accept that “it sorta like something I saw in a TV show or movie once” is the same thing as “peer reviewed”.




Santorum, too obviously criminal and dumb for even a disinterested electorate to , er, swallow.

Oh, but his base laps it up.


Oh great, my Wisconsin Conservative Digest Email Newsletter arrived. Let’s have a look!

Thanks to [several women] we now have another way to preserve life in Wisconsin by having young women take a look at their babies before they are torn apart by a Gosnell types and tossed into the garbage. One look at a sonogram and you realize what life you have in you. If you cannot have the baby get someone to adopt. Life is worth it. Do you want to spend the rest of your life regretting something?

“Having” young women take a look is an odd way to say “forcing.” And if they go ahead with the abortion, they will suffer more pain or regret than if they had not seen it — a wingnut win, I guess.

On education:

At one time, a Fortune article showed that the majority of industry leaders came from one room school houses in the Midwest. We do not have to have one room schoolhouses to prosper but we can have the local schools run by strong standards by the local people.

Idea-Man Rand Paul and the Secret Poll:

After 2012, a secret poll was taken. It showed Ron Paul head to head with Obama. He got 1/3 of the democrat votes, lost 1/3 of the GOP vote, and won the Independents. […] I see the same interest and excitement growing for Rand Paul that grew for Barry and Ronnie. […] Paul has all kinds of ideas, fresh and interesting. That is what we need to beat Hillary.

There’s more.


At one time, a Fortune article showed that the majority of industry leaders came from one room school houses in the Midwest.

Would that one time be, by any chance, before World War I?

After 2012, a secret poll was taken.

Did the poll subjects know about it?


Paul has all kinds of ideas

Oh yeah. He cranks out bad ideas faster than a Malaysian sweatshop cranks out Nikes.


Paul has all kinds of ideas, fresh and interesting.

I didn’t know “fresh and interesting” described a pre-New Deal economic system. Huh. Learn something fresh and interesting every day.


interest and excitement growing for Rand Paul

HEE HEE…Boners.


One look at a sonogram and you realize what life you have in you

“Holy crap, there’s a fetus in there? I only came to the abortion clinic because of this ingrown toenail! Thanks, Republicans!”


At one time, a Fortune article showed
a secret poll was taken

So a wingnut is content to rely upon dimly-remembered stuff-everyone-knows and stuff-I-read-in-an-email, to make the case for a revival of small-town education of the ignorant by the ignorant?
Full marks for consistency, anyway.


One look at a sonogram and you realize what life you have in you

I am not sure if they have really thought this through… I remember watching a sonogram of what later became the Doktorling Sonja and being reminded of H. R. Giger images.


Alternately, “Yup, it’s a fetus. Wait, is his hand between his legs? WTF IS THAT LITTLE REPROBATE DOING IN THERE?!”

Packers the Easygoing Governor

…get someone to adopt.

YEAH! Get someone!
Simple enough.


Fetuseses are the ultimate moochers. They don’t have jobs, they just steal their moms’ food and vitamins. Why don’t they support cutting them off of this fucking nanny welfare womb state? HUH? WHY?


I know this sounds really weird, but John Lewis DOES NOT APPROVE.

WASHINGTON — His voice steadily rising, Rep. John Lewis couldn’t hide his distress with the Supreme Court’s decision to strip a key tenant of the Voting Rights Act.

“They’re saying, in effect, that history cannot repeat itself,” said the Georgia Democrat who as a freedom rider and civil rights leader in the 1960s was severely beaten while marching for voting rights. “But I say come and walk in my shoes,” Lewis said, chopping the air with his finger while discussing the high court’s ruling Tuesday.

See, if there are still people around who got their asses beat down in an effort to get a bit of justice, best not to take back that justice. Easy to make those fucking decisions when you face no danger of getting beat to death or firehosed or chewed up by dogs because you want to do something as radical and leftist as vote and be treated like a human fucking being. But then that’s what Scalia calls racial entitlement, so I guess we should go back to 1963.

Thanks SCOTUS. Thanks a fucking lot. Five of you are incorrigible pieces of shit.


One look at a sonogram and you realize what life you have in you

I went to the clinic and found my remote and all those socks that go in the wash and don’t come out.


strip a key tenant

Should be tenet. Stripping tenants is a quite different matter.


“They’re saying, in effect, that history cannot repeat itself,”

Texas AG has already announced the state’s discriminatory voter ID law and new redistricting maps take effect immediately.


Those fucks are SO going to uphold DOMA. Scumbags. Fucking right wing hacks. Those assholes don’t give a fuck about the law or the Constitution or any American values.


Texas AG has already announced the state’s discriminatory voter ID law and new redistricting maps take effect immediately.

The rest of the Confederate Idiocracy won’t be far behind.


Do you want to spend the rest of your life regretting something?

ahhh, yes…regret would be much, much worse than bringing an unwanted, unable to be raised properly, or much worse child that you do not want into the world and have to raise it for the next 18 years…fuck off, forced birthers!


Also, Romney lost for one reason: not enough Get Out The Vote

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

For the record, Republican National Convention, what happened in the Supreme Court is why you’re lucky, lucky, to get even 1% of the African-American vote in this country. It’s fucking known what you just did, and it’s going to be remembered the same way Dred Scott is.


Do you want to spend the rest of your life regretting something?

Weren’t we JUST reminded that the funny thing about regret is it’s better to regret something you have done than something you haven’t?


The Question is Rarely Asked: Are Prisons Abusive Enough?

It’s a very common statement on the right, actually, to the point that I’ve heard them dismiss complaints about Gitmo with talk of how they’re just all sleeping in the open air in the Caribbean, what’s wrong with that? There are people who pay hundreds of dollars for the same privilege! Etc.

It takes pretty much the same shape as their bitching about how good it is to be poor in America – “they have cable TV! And free food!” On the flip side, prison rape is so common it’s become one of America’s go-to jokes (and incidentally, that’s how little we care that it happens) but hey, rape’s not as big a deal as it’s made out to be. Just ask some of our “pro-life” congressmen…


This guy obviously hasn’t seen a mirror in 20 years.

How I wish he’d just gone along the Michael Jackson path of compulsive skin-bleaching and cosmetic surgery.


So, Ed Markey is the new senator from MA, and it stays Democratic. I know you guys were chewing your fingernails down to nubs waiting for that news.


I read an sf novel once about people like this asswipe being kidnapped by aliens and sold as slaves. Did they learn anything about injustice or sympathy with the downtrodden? Heck no, and I bet that’s what would happen if it really happened to them.


but hey, rape’s not as big a deal as it’s made out to be. Just ask some of our “pro-life” congressmen

hey, if these dudes aren’t getting knocked up, it’s not a legitimate rape, amirite?


I’m just surprised that illustration of the jail cell with the big-screen TV didn’t include a big black buck raping a white prison guard while watching the ballgame, or something.

They watch basketball. Get your stereotypes straight.


I know you guys were chewing your fingernails down to nubs waiting for that news.
Good news, but not as good as the (Boston) Bruins losing.


And yet another person may begin biting my left ass cheek.


You can bite me RIGHT HERE –> (_|_)

And yet another person may begin biting my left ass cheek.

Thanks for the translation. I honestly had no idea what that emoticon was supposed to be.


You could’ve asked; you can ask me anything, I’m always willing to help. Well, except for now cuz I’m going to bed. But any other time. Yup.


Don’t get all tense, I’m just glad the team that beat the Kings won it all, ’cause it’s more embarrassing if the team that beats you goes on to lose.

The Pittsburgh Penguins

Don’t get all tense, I’m just glad the team that beat the Kings won it all, ’cause it’s more embarrassing if the team that beats you goes on to lose.

Tell us about it.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

M. Bouffant said,

June 26, 2013 at 5:28

Substitute “W” for “K” and yeah. What he said.


They watch basketball. Get your stereotypes straight.

Yeah, but the season’s over.


The sound that you’re hearing is only the sound
of the low spark of high heeled boys


You know who else had prisons full of slave labor?


Hah! The real Bruins (UCLA) won the College World Series.

Neener neener!


It’s 3am, and Austin wimmens just made the Texas GOP senators eat their own cheat sammich by spiking their close-all-the-womens-clinics bill. When the sun comes up, their butthurt will be epic. And the whole world will know they cheated, and still lost.

The black god of time

I certainly hope the conservatives who believe in the right of the Lone Star State to tell wimmen what to do with their bodies have a big sadz over it.


texas is a huge genital wart on the taint of amurika…


I hope Wendy Davis stays safe. Who knows what insanity might follow.


DOMA IS GONE. I’ve never been so glad to be wrong in my life…

(Upthread I predicted that the pricks would let it stand)


Texas, or as Molly Ivins used to call it “The National Laboratory for Bad Government”


Prop 8 is going, going, gone!


Well that’s a relief!


Who knows what insanity might follow.

Well if Lt. Governor Numbnuts tried to fake that time stamp, shenanigans will be called (as so might the Texas National Guard)


Upthread I predicted that the pricks would let it stand

After gutting the Voting Rights Act yesterday, I just couldn’t see that happening. Can’t Dred Scott two days in a row without some things being thrown.


I hope Wendy Davis stays safe. Who knows what insanity might follow.

she has my undying respect and admiration…we need more like her…


Yay! Now the gays can experience the thrill of divorce.


After gutting the Voting Rights Act yesterday, I just couldn’t see that happening. Can’t Dred Scott two days in a row without some things being thrown.

I don’t think the reich-wing side of that court gives half a flying fuck. They all dissented anyway.


“Prison was not always a life of enforced idleness. After penitentiaries were introduced as a substitute for corporal punishment two centuries ago, religious figures hoped to reclaim inmates’ souls through penitence,”

..Jesus F…wholy shitchrist. What the hell?

Bozo the Cocksucker

In other news, Pam Atlas has been officially banned from my country because she’s awful. Hooray.


(Upthread I predicted that the pricks would let it stand)

Imagine, “conservative” justices voted for federal power over what has always been a matter of state law, and for unfair increased taxation.



Antonin “Fat Tony” Scalia writes in his DOMA dissent,

We have no power to decide this case. And even if we did, we have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation.

Psychoneurasthenia or is he just not even trying anymore?


Oh fuck. Later in his dissent he says … wait for it … the REAL victim here is the Federal Government! No, he really says that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


“It’s very distressing for me to go into my kitchen and hear what these young people are calling each other…. For this problem to be worked on, those young people are going to have to take control and start showing respect for each other and stop throwing that word at each other.”


Inmate #75939582

Does this mean that I can marry my cellmate?


We have no power to decide this case. And even if we did, we have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation

So the democratically adopted Voting Rights Act–all good. DOMA, CAN’T TOUCH DIS.


“It’s very distressing for me to go into my kitchen and hear what these young people are calling each other…. For this problem to be worked on, those young people are going to have to take control and start showing respect for each other and stop throwing that word at each other.”

wassat bubba who said that?


We have no power to decide this case. And even if we did, we have no power under the Constitution to invalidate this democratically adopted legislation

and yeah…wth?


Sorry, that was Paula Deen.


Sorry, that was Paula Deen.

knew it had to be her or her brother…i’m getting annoyed at all the ‘oh, poor paula…she said the ‘n’ word that one time and everybody’s being mean to her because of it…stupid pc liberals!’ uh…yeah, it’s not just about that, she and her brother have odious business practices and she should have been banned from television just for the attempted murder of murika by fat overload…

The black god of time

Clean-up on Aisle 5.


For me, the best part of the decision was Scalia’s whining:

It is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive. It envisions a Supreme Court standing (or rather enthroned) at the apex of government, empowered to decide all constitutional questions, always and everywhere ‘primary’ in its role.

Hey, evil twin of Danny DeVito: how the fuck do you think George W. Dumbass became president?


empowered to decide all constitutional questions, always and everywhere ‘primary’ in its role.

uh…isn’t that their job?


I only heard it on the radio, but to my ears Paula Deen was going full Swaggart (“Dear low-urd, ah have see-uned against yew)”

Sounded like she was crying, sweating – only a handkerchief away from The Jimmy Swaggart Experience.

(though pulling The Woman Taken In Adultery was tacky).


uh…isn’t that their job?

Mr. Madison, this is Mr. Marbury. Mr. Marbury, this is Mr. Madison. Have you two met?


empowered to decide all constitutional questions



It is amazing to see Fat Tony dancing around, trying so very earnestly to justify his continuing disregard for the actual Constitution, desperately grasping at straws. Here’s a clue, Tone: Had you not begun from day one finding tortured rationalizations for imposing your will on the country, without regard for the law, you wouldn’t have to contradict yourself every other day. You wouldn’t look like such a pathetic buffoon. Please go make yourself extinct already. <== NIEWERTIAN ELIMINATIONISM ALERT!!!!


“One look at a sonogram and you realize what life you have in you”

And honest, the sound track lisping ‘I love you Mommy, please don’t kill me!’ is not added by the machine. And the “see what your child will look like all grown up’ feature is derived from proven realities translated into digital images. And computers never lie!

Oh my God, what happens when a sight-impaired woman wants an abortion?


HAHAHAHAHA Bryan Fischer caint think bout nuttin except sheep fucking blowing goats.

The DOMA ruling has now made the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, incest and bestiality inevitable. Matter of time.


I, for one, am not ashamed to say that the VRA decision, and then the DOMA decision, have left me non-plussed. It just doesn’t add up.


The DOMA ruling has now made the normalization of polygamy, pedophilia, incest and bestiality inevitable. Matter of time.

Well sure. But you can only have multiple marriage partners, children, relatives and animals of the same sex as you.


Yeah, Fat Tony is going to meet himself coming around a corner.


trying so very earnestly to justify his continuing disregard for the actual Constitution

All while considering himself an “originalist.” He’s so cognitively dissonant it’s gotta be Varese-like in his head.


Psychoneurasthenia or is he just not even trying anymore?

Charlie Pierce is convinced he hates his day job, calls him “short-timer.” Makes a pretty convincing argument, too.


It’s amazing to me how Fat Tony knows exactly what he’s doing, and makes no attempt to hide his method of playing both sides of the ball. Activist judge on one side, strict constructionist on the other. The only motivations for changing sides are his personal beliefs, which are not worthy of consideration at any level public policy.

He doesn’t take an objective look at same sex marriage, gives no fucks what the Constitution or any precedent might have to say about it–he just whines like a little bitch because he can’t keep the modern version of Dred Scott in place.

So Congress can go pound sand when Tony doesn’t like what they did, and he holds a sacred deference when he does like it.

In conclusion, Scalia is a dumb, fat asshole and napalm sticks to kids.

The black god of time

I heard a guy from the FRC claiming this ruling will endanger ‘religious freedum’ because, and of course George Stephanopolous didn’t bother to ask him why any church in America would have to gay-marry two guys and/or two gals because of this ruling.


Scalia in the DOMA dissent: “That is jaw-dropping. It is an assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s Representatives in Congress and the Executive,” he wrote, adding that the framers of the Constitution created a judicial branch with limited power in order to “guard their right to self-rule against the black-robed supremacy that today’s majority finds so attractive.”

ONE DAY after overturning part of the VRA.


“guard their right to self-rule against the black-robed supremacy that today’s majority finds so attractive.”

I know enough about Scalia to see the subtext and imagery of “black robed supremacy”.


I, for one, am not ashamed to say that the VRA decision, and then the DOMA decision, have left me non-plussed. It just doesn’t add up.

Simple. They’re ready to throw us a bone on summa the social issues that the top dog Republicans don’t really care about anyway………….but such things as controlling who gets to VOTE, for example………….these are the keys to real and permanent power.


Ball-tripping Supes hamstring the VRA, Wendy “Fillibunkerbuster” Davis gets help from pissed-off Texans to shut down that whole Abortageddon thing LIKE A BOSS (complete with enough GOP Supervillain Fail plot-twists to make “The Pink Panther” look subtle), dust gets blown off DOMA so it can be euthanized in a quiet room … y’all Yankees been having a bit of a busy week, eh?


“You might draw in a pretty good crowd.”

As far as I can see, Dennis, you will be among them, you wouldn’t miss it for the world. And gee, here you are again.
Thus allowing me to chuckle over the fact that when you are deleted, Sadly, No! will still have garnered the same “unique page view” or “hit” as it would from the most dedicated admirer.
Thank you for boosting Sadly, No!’s web stats.


Damnit, nearly trod in a Dennis. At least I won’t have to scrape it off my shoe.


Oh good God, tsam, how about disling back the dramatics a notch or two.

“disling”? Don’t you mean “diLING”?


I find myself thinking longingly of flaming bags of dog poop applied to the Roberts Five, but realize it would only discommode whomever they use as flunkies.

And I think JR

I, for one, am not ashamed to say that the VRA decision, and then the DOMA decision, have left me non-plussed. It just doesn’t add up.

Simple. They’re ready to throw us a bone on summa the social issues that the top dog Republicans don’t really care about anyway………….but such things as controlling who gets to VOTE, for example………….these are the keys to real and permanent power.

Has it right.



I meant “I find myself thinking longingly of flaming bags of dog poop applied to the doorsteps to the Roberts Five, …”


The day keeps getting better. Newscritter asks Nancy Pelosi to say something about 1l2n’s statement. Pelosi’s entire response: “Who cares.”


Dennis said,

June 26, 2013 at 21:35 (unkill)




Liked it better the first time.


I am a huge poopyhead.




They’re ready to throw us a bone on summa the social issues that the top dog RepublicansCorporate Puppetmasters don’t really care about anyway………….but such things as controlling who gets to VOTE, for example………….these are the keys to real and permanent power.

Bingo, especially as generalized by the enfixxoration.

That’s been the MO of BHO for the past five years, also too.

The black god of time not named Dennis

Dennis, thanks for demonstrating why you’re not invited into the hot tub around here.


Oh my God, what happens when a sight-impaired woman wants an abortion?

Question doesn’t arise. Mooser has not thought this through… if she can’t see herself then she won’t know she’s pregnant.

The black god of time

Nym said,

June 26, 2013 at 21:10

You have to remember, like all poop, it’s basically a smelly bacterial colony. It’s not the sort of thing you want to have, floating or on the bottom, of your hot tub.

Smelly Bacterial Colonies

We demand an immediate retraction!


<i.Newscritter asks Nancy Pelosi to say something about 1l2n’s statement.

what did 1l2n have to say? i saw that sarah said jeebus haz a sadz right now…


what did 1l2n have to say?

Basically that her law remains God’s law and the Soopremes can go piss up a rope.


Basically that her law remains God’s law and the Soopremes can go piss up a rope.

so basically what sistah sarah said…gotcha…

The black god of time

The statement Pelosi dissed was from Wild-Eyed Michele Bachmann, not her Alaskan rival.


Dennis, thanks for demonstrating why you’re not invited into the hot tub around here.
I understand he’s a carrier of CHTRG. He gets his own tub.


The statement Pelosi dissed was from Wild-Eyed Michele Bachmann, not her Alaskan rival.

yeah, i got that…

The black god of time

Willy, thanks for confirming my worst fears.


Did anyone watch Tammy Duckworth rip that asshat a new one? I would LOVE to see the vid of him squirming while getting eviscersted, flayed, vivisected and charred to a crisp.


Saw it at TPM.


Though I now see it’s EVERYFUCKINGWHERE.


Did anyone watch Tammy Duckworth rip that asshat a new one?

just did…not sure how she got through that…pretty amazing woman!


Jeez, I may have my politics, but I’m still a human being, and a compassionate one, at that. How can I not feel sorry for a guy like Dennis. When will science come up with medication for the kind of Tourette’s Syndrome he has? One or two comments which make sense is all he can manage, than he dissolves into nonsensical profanity and scatology. The poor guy.


“Mooser has not thought this through…”

You bet I haven’t and I don’t plan to! Whenever I think anything political through I come to the conclusion I should study the “three R’s”. Razor, rope, or revolver?


Did anyone watch Tammy Duckworth rip that asshat a new one?

That’s gonna leave a mark!


just did…not sure how she got through that…pretty amazing woman!

Duckworth/Warren 2016


When will science come up with medication for the kind of Tourette’s Syndrome he has? One or two comments which make sense is all he can manage, than he dissolves into nonsensical profanity and scatology. The poor guy.

He picked up a nasty spirochete from a polluted hot tub.


Meanie-meanie @ Baby Blue Satan:

Pierce doesn’t name the author, but …dang. If it’s a tweet, it’s the Tweet of the Decade…

“The United States Supreme Court Tuesday overturned a critical portion of the landmark Voting Rights Act by a vote of four-and-three-fifths to four.”


CP says “Even I think that’s cold”. me, I think it’s spot on…


“He picked up a nasty spirochete from a polluted hot tub.”

Poor fellow! Tertiary stage, huh?


Damn. First SN thread I get around to reading in weeks and Denny sharted all over it.


I’m never profane and I never talk about scatology, Mooser.”

Yeah, you’re Willie Mufferson , the Model Boy. So did you forget about all those profane and scatalogical comments up there with your name over them, or did the Internet garble them into obscene liberalspeak or something?

“save for the tact you haven’t called my house 45 times like he has.”

Gee, are you a little whining, passive-aggresive, putz putz, or aren’t you? You know what? I think you are!

And stop trying to worm your way out of those obscene comments, above. Shall I list the times?


“you’re somewhat obsessed with me despite everything you say to the contrary,”

You’re a sharp one, Dennis! You caught me being obsessed with you. It’s sort of a creepy fascination, like looking at pictures of Down’s Syndrome kids.


“Nothing compassionate about that”

I’m sorry Dennis. I hadn’t realised how desperately you craved our compassion.


“You can list them, but if it was the poopyhead and the peenor posts, those werent mine.”

Oh, please! Yeah, yeah, it wasn’t you, it was the foundation garment gnomes.
Look, this has been going on for weeks. Are you getting something out of it.

And Dennis, just for the sake of argument, let’s say (which I don’t believe for a second) you didn’t write those posts (yeah, okay, Denni) Why would that make a particle of difference? You know what they say, Dennis: “You can take an ass around the world, but…” So Bum Voyage Dennis.
Dennis got invited into the hot tub once. He was so cool he immediately took his pants off, over his head.


Dennis, you seriously complain about us being obsessed with you? You’re the one who insists on hanging around a blog where everyone thinks you’re a dipshit.


“it was Pupienus stealing my name again”

…and there it was, the proof! There were those “m”s with the missing serifs, and the slightly chipped “C” and how the “t”s all jumped slightly above the line. Dennis grasped the paper in his chubby little, unpleasently moist hands, the only hands known to produce smegma from between the fingers, and croaked “You won’t escape my clutches now, Pupienus! I will have justice!”
Poor Dennis, if only he knew, he was a victim of Down-low Syndrome.


Perhaps Dennis thinks a bunch of tree-huggers like us have to be nice to him? Uh, Dennis, as far as I know the mild bore is not an endangered species. It’s always open season on those pests.


Anyway…I finally got around to setting up a DeviantArt account. Check it out, if you feel like it.

The black god of time

Usually someone who takes the time to announce out loud that he’s compassionate is the one who craves compassion. And acceptance.

Just like people who keep bringing up hot tubs aren’t interested in being part of the In crowd.

Dennis, you’ve demonstrated that butthurt, like MJ, is almost impossible to OD on.


Anyway…I finally got around to setting up a DeviantArt account. Check it out, if you feel like it.

you’re very good!


More grist for the Martian-fauna project, Spearhafoc:


Had to take the alternate route home tonight, because this would have caused a bit of delay.

The weekend is just going to be nuts.


New post.


Also, troll cleaned up.

The black god of time

Have a good life, cowboi.

The black god of time

That’s what I like about you, Dennis, no sense of proportion. You’re probably on the side of the guy Duckworth was ragging on, because, after all, he suffered an injury playing football, and, like a good American patriot, he turned it to his own advantage.

Tell you what, Dennis: I’ll send a picture of Mitt Romney in his bathing suit to your workplace(in a discreet brown paper wrapper of course), so that you have something to jerk off to besides this site when you’re on the clock. Mmmmmmmmmkay?

Have a good hour, Dennis, if you can.

The black god of time

No, I’m not on the side of that scumbag, DA.

Sure you are, Dennis. Otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to make it about me.

And your claim of disproportion is more of the same weaseling you’re known for. Do you hjink the proportion argument absolves you somehow from being a scumbag who prides himself on your ability to game the system?

As opposed to your stiffie hero RMoney, who gamed the system enough to pay lower taxes on his income than do most working Americans in this country?

Own up to it for once. You didn’t say your dad discovered one day that his house got the signal, you said he discovered a free hotspot nearby that he could connect the house computer to, and you bragged about him doing it.

How else do you think he discovered the free hotspot, other than discovering that the house was in range of the signal?

You’re not making any sense, Dennis, but thanks for demonstrating why J. S. Mill is still correct.

Put down the iPhone and get back to production, Dwight.

The black god of time

Romney paid higher taxes than 99.9% of working Americans.

In amount, yes, in %, no.

And my guess is if your dad is the sort of person that would sponge off someone else for free wifi to his house, he’d also take advantage of allowable deductions, the same as Price Waterhouse did for Romney. And you’d justify it on the same weaselly ‘proportionality’ argument and leave it at that.

Nope, RMoney is the one sponging off the taxpayers by having his income treated as ‘carried interest’ a loophole unavailable to 99.99999% of American taxpayers.

The truth about you is that you’re a scumbag with no principles

Whom you can’t stop responding to, what’s the matter, Dennis, not enough scumbags in your life at work?

who pretends he’s on the side of good

I must be if I irritate a RW asshole like you, Pennis.

bitching about the other side being evil.

You’re the one who never does anything but bang on libruls here, Dennis. You’re the one complaining about what Cerb writes here.

You hate that about certain Christians

Just the ones who want the government to follow their religious preferences, who want to stone gays, or call them ‘barbarians who need to be educated’.

Keep whining, Pennis, it makes you seem so mature and hides your essentially weaselly nature.

Your prose also sucks horses dongs, BTW, not that you have enough insight nor intellect to do anything about it.

Have a good hour, Pennis.

The black god of time

The fact that carried interest isn’t available as a deduction to many Anericans is not Romney’s fault and it doesn’t mean he’s gaming the system by taking advantage of the lower tax rate,

Did I say that it was his fault, Dennis? Your reading comprehension doesn’t bode well for the reputation of the two institutions where you allegedly received your ‘higher education’.

nor does it have anything at all to do with your bragging about your dad sponging off someone else for his Internet at home

I mentioned it as an example of someone who was older and wasn’t ‘ascared’ of WiFi. That you have to turn it into bragging tells us what an idiot you are, Dennis.

And here you are again, on your iPhone, stealing time that your employer has paid you for doing production having your little spat with me.

You’re not just bragging that you’re taking your employers money under false pretenses, you’re proud of it, like you’re a smart MOTU like RMoney.

Keep commenting here on company time, Dennis, it will be something to boast about to your grandchildren, if you ever have any.


“Keep commenting here on company time, Dennis, it will be something to boast about to your grandchildren, if you ever have any.”

Oh, lay off Dennis! Can’t you see that when he has grandchildren, he’ll more’n likely be the one to raise them?

The black god of time

I can see Dennis doing Martin Milner impressions from Route 66 and Adam 12 on street corners in order to support them.


Well, as long as _somebody_’s suffering (and it’s not I)….


Oh wait. I read recently that the guy who owns Whole Foods Inc. uses prison labor and/or prison farms. He gets labor for almost nothing and gets to charge a premium price at his so called green grocery store.

Welcome back to the 18th century folks.


I found the article I read and am re-posting it here. I like to give credit where it’s due and this chef is wonderfully mean to the poor poor corporate critter.

I got this message yesterday from a company I’ve been boycotting for over a decade. My response is below the original message. This shit had me CRACKING up!

Original message:

Hi Berlin,

My name is Caitlin Riley and I’m video producer at Dark Rye, an online magazine from Whole Foods Market. We produce short documentaries and written articles about creative, inspiring people crafting a more sustainable future. The theme of our upcoming issue is “Meat,” and I wanted to touch base with you to explore the possibility of profiling you in it.

If you’re open to the possibility and free to speak in the next few days, I’d love to chat.

Thanks and best,

Caitlin Riley

My response:

Hello Caitlin,

I sincerely thank you for your interest in my work. While I would love have my work featured on such a wide platform, I must respectfully decline your offer to be included in any project related to Whole Foods Market. Considering that I spent a fair amount of effort exposing the hypocrisy and empty claims of Whole Food Market in my book and have always been vocal about my longstanding boycott of Whole Foods, I am frankly surprised that you would approach me to do so. The integrity of my work depends on my politics, and I fully intend to keep myself and my reputation far from the influence of those who are intent on profiting from the movement for good, clean food. Whole Foods sells itself as a champion of ethical eating, however, any quick glance proves that this is just a marketing ploy.
The actions of your CEO John Mackey, including his defense of GM foods, characterization of access to healthcare as a “privilege” rather than human right, as well as his disgusting goal of “rebranding capitalism”, are DEPLORABLE. In addition to Mackey’s questionable direction of his hyped-up super brand, the practices of shaming Spanish speaking employees & rewarding thin people with discounts are problematic and harmful, to say the least. Underpinning the racist and classist ideals inherent in the company’s culture, Whole Foods Market’s blatant pandering to the elite is a slap in the face to the hardworking farmers, low-wage workers and many others who are struggling every day to feed their families healthy food. Finally, as both a prison abolitionist and a chef/butcher who holds transparency and accountability in food sourcing in the highest regard, the fact that Whole Foods Market is associated with farms that use prison labor is just another reason for my continued boycott of your store.
Thanks to your message, I am realizing that I need to be even more vocal about my abhorrence of the Whole Foods brand. There is nothing respectful or holistic about a huge, now international, green-washed chain of stores shipping food all over the world. Whole Foods Market is a leader in the co-opting of grassroots movements for corporate profit and in the creation of Industrial Organic- the antithesis of everything that I stand for. Whole Foods Market is not what we need to bring local, seasonal, fresh and trustworthy foods to the table. All we need is for companies like yours to stop profiting from oppression. All we need is better leaders, fewer lies and oh, the fall of western capitalism.
John would hate that, right?


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