Fear of a SheZow Planet

Apparently this image is destroying the world… Good to know.

Ben “The Loneliest Virgin You Will Ever Know” Shapiro, Andrew Breitbart is still Dead.com:
Children’s Network Launches Transsexual Superhero Show


Do you have any idea how many back alley blowjobs and secret cabal meetings went into this project to turn kids trans* by exposing them to the existence of trans* people in one single cartoon show on a struggling channel? All that effort to conceal the many-hands of the Illuminati’s George Soros funding and BAM, we get rumbled by the super-duper sleuths at Team “Breitbart’s Star is going to carry us home” and their unthinkable concept of obsessively following children’s entertainment news in hopes of overblowing something into a full-blown hissy-fit.

Fuck, if only it weren’t for the steely-eyed talents like Ben “Failed Lawyer and Collapsing Empire Inheritor” Shapiro, we really could have reached the 10-15 kids who would have stumbled onto the show normally.

And then, the hypnoscreens would kick in and BAM, they’d be infected with… liberal ideas like “trans* people are human beings” and “I shouldn’t make fun of people just because I perceive them as wearing the ‘wrong’ clothes”.

And then where would be as a society? Cities would fall, mothers would grow sterile, the whole world would be enveloped in unending night. But now, nope, boring old 24 hour cycles… no thanks to Shitbeard here. It just makes me so angry, you know?

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Perceived trannies, bad! Gender Enforcement, good! Trannies, ewwwww.

So apparently, the right wing noise machine took a break from repeating the words Benghazi over and over again in order to react like scared meerkats to the picking up of a little known Australian superhero cartoon to little known television channel “The Hub” (apparently it is the current home of internet-sensation “My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic”).

According to them, it is the reason that the skies are as liquid fire right now, because this little known Australian superhero cartoon, contains…


Which, every newscaster and right wing pundit worth their salt has been clear to emphasize is a vile and disgusting idea on its very face and proof that the entire world has lost its collective mind to think that’s even something remotely okay to show to children, our most precious resources (and thanks on that by the way, makes me feel real damn welcome on this planet).

Now of course, the creator has been very quick to jump into the press and reassure everyone that the sky isn’t actually falling and that his cartoon’s titular character SheZow is in no way a freaky-ass transsexual (so very welcome). Instead that the main character Guy is stuck with a Green Lantern/Captain Marvel style power that dresses him in feminine clothing and crappy 60s era ultrafeminine powers he does not at all like. Which honestly, is a pretty interesting commentary on sexism in comics and how things get gendered and the pressures placed on one gender or the other to perform a parody of gender roles to “fit in”.

Having watched the first episode (for free on the Hub’s website), as well as an analysis by The Escapist’s Movie Bob, it’s hardly the life-destroying monstrosity or first great trans* series it could have been.

Overall, it’s an alright cartoon, limited by stock characters, lowered ambition, and an over-reliance on terrible puns (which is why I think the comment thread here will probably love it (oh, you know I’m right)). While the creator stresses how very not transgendered his show is, there are actually some parallels, like the dysphoric reaction the main character has to their appearance and life as this alter-ego intended for girls, fears of coming out to or being outted to his family for his crime-fighting persona, as well as the simple fact that being a transvestite or cross-dresser has always been one of those things that has been debated back and forth over whether it belongs in the greater transgender family or not (personally, I strongly favor yes, but others, most notably usually drag performers and crossdressers, argue no as a result of their gender-non-conformity being a temporary performance).

Certainly the creator is right in that the main character “Guy” is not presented as transsexual (someone, who in the course of their life, is transitioning between sexes, also known as the thing most people end up focusing on when discussing transgender issues in general).

More’s the pity.

And speaking of pity, let’s tune back to the squad of failures and janitors left behind to turn off the lights on Breitbart’s rusty old basement.

Nothing says “child-appropriate material” quite like gender-bending underage superheroes.


No, really, why?

Why is it automatically assumed that knowledge of the existence of trans* people must be child-inappropriate. Must be to such a degree that penny-ante gobshites like Ben Shapiro feel free assuming it without a single never mind.

Cause I’ve never really understood it. I mean, I’ve been affected by the assumption that trans* equals sex equals hide from children. It’s been the subject of confused and hurtful emails from family members. It’s been the subtext of the discrimination I’ve faced at my job. And the subtext of the discrimination my trans* friends have faced in similar jobs connected with the education of children. It’s been the text of frantic cries that people like me can’t be allowed to use their public restrooms…

Cause in my experience, those kids could do with some trans* people in their fiction. Trans* people exist in society, and whether they are serving as teachers, parents, adults, future lovers, the kids at their school, or even themselves, they will probably encounter at least one before they die just by happenstance. And for those kids, it would help to see that a trans* person is still a person, can even be a hero. Especially for those kids who are trans* and already know they are trans* and could use a hero that they can look up to and remember when things get tough. It could be the only thing that carries them through a hard day or a hard year or a hard life…

And suddenly, I think I grasp the why. Because if we acknowledge the humanity of some filthy trannies, then who will we turn to when we want to feel bigger than someone simply for being born the way we are, what with the meanie liberals taking away all the other toys away? And if we don’t teach kids to carefully hate, teach trans* kids that they are to be hated, then the same thing that has happened to gay rights will happen for trans* rights and no one will cheer us on for kicking the easy target and enforcing that artificial gender binary.

What a shame for them that trans* people aren’t going away, aren’t retreating back into closets, and the next generation doesn’t seem to understand why they’re supposed to hate some sad-eyed person just trying to live their lives as best they can over some rules that don’t make much sense to begin with.

I’d cry for them, but sadly, as a trans* individual, my cold robotic heart is incapable of your filthy human emotions (yes, operation pretend to be human is going splendidly, none will ever know the truth, muahaha!).

At least that’s the theory over at the Hub, the network co-owned by Discovery and Hasbro, which is trotting out its latest soon-to-be-dud, SheZow.

It must be a thrilling existence, being able to waste so many thousands on law school to spend one’s days looking at a children’s television show list and screaming at cartoons to fail in order to feel like one has made a difference.

Must make those sexless nights feel vindicated, yeah? Like you really accomplished something meaningful?


That show follows the adventures of a 12-year-old boy named Guy who uses a magic ring to transform himself into a crime-fighting girl.

Or rather dress him in a stereotypically feminine outfit, but let’s ignore that little bit of bus dodging and focus on the sharp little dog-whistle of 12-year-old.

Because clearly, being 12 is a horrifying age at which to understand that trans* people exist or that feminine clothing can be worn by a guy, because obviously trans* people = sex = pedophilia = catholic church scandal = 30 year old virgins who spend their nights watching children’s television and scowling (I mean, fuck dude, at least find some goddamned enjoyment in watching something not intended for your age group if you’re going to put yourself through this again and again).

Of course, in our boring old grey reality, 12 is a really important age for a lot of transsexuals (specifically). That cusp of hormones, where you’re just on this side of puberty is a great time for a transsexual with supportive parents to figure out they’re transsexual by, because it can save a lifetime of pain by going through the correct puberty instead of having to backtrack later and try a redo like the rest of us.

It can help one’s body be more reliably accurate to one’s internal sex and save the kid a lot of dysphoria, pain, and suffering. And ideas that 12 is “too young” to really be talking about that sort of thing is the prime reason that puberty for a lot of transsexuals is most remembered as “that time they first tried to commit suicide”.

But that all aside, boys and girls being in the other gendered clothes is not at all a “new” concept for 12 year olds either. In fact, it takes a lot of careful social lessons by freaking out adults to “train” kids on the very concept that clothes have a “gender” and are “for” one group or the other (unt only VUN group or the other, sorry fluberts and other assorted genderqueer scum).

Yes, you read that correctly. When Guy says the magic words – “You go girl!” – he becomes SheZow, wearing a purple skirt and cape, as well as pink gloves and white boots.

In the time of kings, purple was a color of royalty. The finest kings donned themselves in purple to a degree that would have made Prince blush. In millennia past, the skirt was a warrior’s regalia, an important part of Greek and Roman armor in a tradition still carried to this day in the heritage outfits of the Scots. Up until the 40s, pink was a color for boys because it was related to red, the color of blood and fiery passion, whereas light blue was seen as the serene, calming color of little girls. And white boots? What, are you so terrified of sex that even mentioning that those boots are high heels throws you into shock? What a frightened, blue-swathed baby.

But history lessons aside, yes, that’s the point. That the stereotypically feminine outfit and all the sad pathetic powers often afforded to female superheroines including “makeup accessories that turn into weapons” have been given to a person who wants the power but not the girlyness. It’s actually a pretty clever way of critiquing the shitty choices often facing young girls who are often handed a less shiny version of an awesome thing, festooned in bright pink and made to look like something they may very well hate based on adult ideas of what “they’d like”.

It’s an interesting idea and it’s sad that freakouts like this one by Ben Shapiro will probably keep it from going much further into it than endless puns based around the word “she”.

The chief executive of the Hub, who may or may not have been high


(and leftist)


when she greenlit this project, is Margaret Loesch.

WOMEN BAD! ME HATE WOMEN SO MUCH! WAAAAHHH! Why won’t they sleep with me? MOMMMMEEEEE, make them sleep with me and stop getting boner-killing jobs ruining America with their unapproved cartoon cooties. I want He-Man back so I can masturbate to it… I mean, appreciate it’s totally not homoerotic undertones… Shut up!

Loesch commented, “When I first heard about the show, my reaction was ‘Are you out of your minds?’ Then I looked at it and I thought, ‘This is just funny.’”

And I do so enjoy being the punchline simply by existing.

And you might rightly say, Cerberus, you stone cold fox, she was actually saying that the show itself and its clever use of “she” puns is just funny, to which… okay, yeah, you’re probably right…

Which is probably why Ben thought fit to include at the bottom of his little hate screed an example of the average television handling of the subject, complete with disbelieving Morning Show Stepford Bot host laughing herself hoarse at the very concept of a transgendered superhero, because trans* people, instant punchline, right?

There is no eye socket large enough for the eye rolling motion that’s in my heart right now…

The target audience for the Hub is children aged two to eleven.

EEEEEE! Little children! Being aware of things we’d prefer they were ignorant about! Maybe thinking that it’s actually okay for a boy to wear a skirt without being less of a man! EEEEEE!

Fear response! It’s different! Snuff it, snuff it, snuff it!

Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America”

But see, it’s totally different when we react in constant fear to the existence of people different than us and seek to intimidate them into silence. Because… uh… reasons that surely are not at all IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Do I look like a clown to you? Honk honk. Oops, sorry, forgot to take off my red nose. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

MEMO TO ALL READERS: For those who didn’t read last post’s comments, I have created a new email account: cerberussadlyno at gmail dot com.

If you have a concern or our banned stalker troll is mucking up the threads and needs to be slopped out again? Feel free to contact me at the email address and I’ll pop over as soon as I can to muck shit up or deal with it.

Responses may not be perfect. I do still have work and life, but hopefully it will help avoid crap like happened on the thread before last.

MEMO 2: We’re going to have a new writer joining the front page soon, but I’ll let them introduce themselves when they do their first post after we finish getting them set up. So be sure to welcome them when that happens.

MEMO 3: For those thinking of mango-diving into the comments… WHY?

MEMO 4: Tell Christine that we’ll have to cancel all further indoctrination activities until the eagle eyes at Breitbart’s empire of Super Journalists are dismantled. They’re just too powerful for us to defeat head-on!


Comments: 249


an over-reliance on terrible puns



New poster = Dennis!?! = peace offering? = profit



While the creator stresses how very not transgendered his show is, there are actually some parallels, like the dysphoric reaction the main character has to their appearance and life as this alter-ego intended for girls, fears of coming out to or being outted to his family for his crime-fighting persona, as well as the simple fact that being a transvestite or cross-dresser has always been one of those things that has been debated back and forth over whether it belongs in the greater transgender family or not

Maybe an active fan community could help to steer the creator in that direction. A lot of morons are pissed off at the cartoon, hopefully, the writers will go further just to spite the mo-rons.


I am a terrible human being. I apologize to all I have offended here at Sadly, No!


Nothing says “child-appropriate material” quite like gender-bending underage superheroes.

There has never been such a character in children’s literature, NEVER!@!!!@!@!


And of course…

I wonder if Ben has ever tackled Bugs, or if he ignores the topic because Bugs is wildly popular and popular things are, by definition, “conservative”.


I just watched the bit on “The Escapist”. The righties really shot themselves in the foot by making a big deal of this- I mean, talk about a “Streisand Effect“.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Hey, if Jethrine Bodine didn’t freak everybody out 50 years ago, or Uncle Milty 60 years ago, I think Shapiro’s kind of beating a dead horse in this day and age.

Godless Liberal

They must be really crapping their pants then over this then http://jezebel.com/seal-team-6-veteran-comes-out-as-transgender-511206742

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And I forgot Peter Pan 110 years ago….


It’s been done already. In Japanese anime.

Ranma ½, which debuted in 1987!

“The story revolves around a 16-year old boy named Ranma Saotome who was trained from early childhood in martial arts. As a result of an accident during a training journey, he is cursed to become a girl when splashed with cold water, while hot water changes him back into a boy… Ranma ½ had a comedic formula and a sex changing main character, who often willfully changes into a girl to advance his goals. ” — Wikipedia


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It’s been done already. In Japanese anime.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oshikuru

Oh, oh, oh, oh, Oshikuru

My oh my, he’s a Demon Samurai!

(Who’s the guy who had to die?



I won’t grow up!
(I won’t grow up)
No, I promise that I won’t
(No, I promise that I won’t)
I will stay a boy forever
(I will stay a boy forever)
And be banished if I don’t!
(And be banished if I don’t)

And Never Land will always be
The home of beauty and joy
And neverty
I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up
Not me!
Not me!
Not me!
Not me!
No sir!
Not me!


I remember seeing a Laurel & Hardy film (no, not when it first came out) in which they played their sisters, which I thought was pretty funny. The memory of Mrs. Hardy’s bony shoulderblades waggling in her low-backed dress while she leaned across the table saying “picky! picky! picky!” to Oliver Hardy stays with me to this day. Perfect timing.


A transgendered superhero? Wow!

While the creator stresses how very not transgendered his show is

Oh well. So much for that.

I don’t exactly know how, but my almost 8 year old is somehow the frickin’ gender police. It’s actually better than it was when she was 4-6, but still. How do kids get some of these gender roles in their heads? My kid’s growing up in a pretty liberal environment, one of her best friends is tomboyish and has a clear crush on my daughter, etc. — and yet my daughter’s world-view is completely cis-gender./hetero-normative: I guess I’ll blame Disney.

So trans superheroes, a princess who is rescued by another princess and they get married and live happily ever after, two married princes fighting dragons … that would be a really, really, really, really good corrective to … well, Disney.


They must be really crapping their pants then over this then http://jezebel.com/seal-team-6-veteran-comes-out-as-transgender-511206742 – Godless Liberal

Don’t worry. They’ll find a way to blame Obama.


I watched the first episode and thought it was fairly amusing.


“Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America” Is there some kind of right-wing Mad-libs generator they use to make the lame-ass titles of the books these assholes keep pumping out? “Noun, colon, how noun verb America.

Come to think of it, as their titles all come from the same cookie cutter, and their contents are all the same with minor variations (“libs suck”), they’re probably all typed by the same uncredited team of back room hacks on the Koch Industries payroll, and doled out one at a time to whichever media wingnut is scheduled to be on teevee next. And media wingnuts are notoriously lazy, incurious and stupid; I’ll bet they never even read “their” “book” before sitting down in front of the camera for interviews. Which is an opportunity for an interviewer to generate some cheap lulz; he can say something like “On page 179 you say, blah blah blah” and watch his interviewee scramble to justify “blah blah blah,” whatever crazy thing it is.


I’m concerned these Republicans may be overreaching at this point.


At first glance, my first instinct was “are you kidding me? What now?” But after actually seeing this episode I’m convinced this society is going to shit. Seriously tho, what is the point. BTW the show was actually amusing


I’m using this space to lay claim on the phrase SheZow’s transvestitular hero.

So the complaint is about the freaky fashion stylings of a superhero? Just to be clear – we’re talking about an archetype that wears skin tight body suits with high contrast accent colours on their crotches.


Yeah you know what? Civilization didn’t fall when male actors dressed up as women back when people believed allowing actual women on stage would cause civilization to fall.

Straight guys dressing as gals in order that hilarity may ensue (that is the audience knows the guy is a gal and LOLs at his attempts to maintain the ruse and the pitfalls of the ruse – hosiery, errant falsies, confused suitors) is one of the oldest fucking gags on the planet. Guess what? We’re still here and I refuse to believe that even someone as clueless as Tweezers Shapiro isn’t aware of this tradition.

So he can either write a ringing denouncement of Some Like it Hot, or he can StFu.

p.s. I actually think the premise of the cartoon is quite clever. As someone who is stilll not very girly, I think it would have worked equally well if the main character were a very tomboyish girl.


Who is Alethea… anyway? I know, I do. I means… I see dead people… because I do… I do…


I be Alethea, I be Alethea… what’s my really real name anyways… now you know… now you do… My mother and father named me Alethea… so There!


Okay, so they did and they didn’t… or did they? Yes, they did, when I was in the womb… but, my really other name is Alliyah…

Helmut Monotreme

Why is it automatically assumed that knowledge of the existence of trans* people must be child-inappropriate.

My best guess is because it reveals that at a fundamental level that the material being used to entertain and educate children is grossly simplified and the so called morals that children’s entertainment tries so hard to instill are such treacly simplifications, that they’d only be useful in storybook land. And even if it were possible to give the whole moral outlook of an adult conservative, it would still be a gross simplification of the variety of experience any given person would encounter in their life. Shorter: Trans people are coloring outside of the lines, and conservatives hate that.

This cartoon, or imitations of it should be on a few of the major broadcast networks, should have interactive web, console and smartphone games, and have a full length hollywood movie or two. Mostly because the meltdowns of conservative pundits would be epic, and partly because it might make some people re-examine what they think about gender. If it convinces one or two brave souls to cross dress and go fight crime, that would be cool too. It’s a long overdue change to portray trans people as something other than malevolent dangerous freaks (although when you think abut it, most superheroes are dangerous freaks, they’re just more or less benevolent).

Well here’s hoping the cartoon is well written and that George Will gets a SheZow doll in his stocking for Christmas and that Virgin Ben can find a career that doesn’t involve being a tiresome moral scold. Maybe he could be an interesting moral scold? It’d be a nice change anyway.


Didn’t we already do this with Batman’s cute little sidekick?


Shorter: Trans people are coloring outside of the lines, and conservatives hate that.

In Conservative World, the coloring books only come with black and white crayons.


And WAY more white crayons than black.


By Jeffry Bartash

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) – The increase in U.S. productivity in the first quarter was a bit lower than initially thought and hourly compensation for American workers posted the biggest decline since at least 1947, according to newly revised government figures.

Productivity, Beaches!!!


hourly compensation for American workers posted the biggest decline since at least 1947, according to newly revised government figures.

According to my calculations, this SUCKS A WHOLE BUNCH OF ASS.


Back to Robin and his androgynous name, colorful costume, conspicuously tortured sexuality–total counterpoint to the Dark Knight and his uber-macho karate business. I think we’ve already covered this ground.

Suggestion for the cartoon creator to keep the fundies off your jock: Add a morally questionable vigilante with a burning vendetta and a tenuous relationship with the wholly incompetent cops.


I mean, talk about a “Streisand Effect“.

Definitely. My 24 year old son told me about the show several days ago. He heard about it through the anime community.

“There’s some cartoon that’s pissing the Republicans off”

“That’s not surprising. What’s the deal this time?”

“A cartoon of a boy that transforms into a superpowered girl”


“No and, that’s it”.

He correctly observed that if this tame little show freaked ’em out, “Japanese television would melt these people’s minds”

And then we went and watched a couple of episodes. He said the jokes were horrible, terrible puns, and so I would probably enjoy the hell out of it. (What I can say, I was raised on Hanna-Barbera)


he went and watched it. I haven’t seen it yet, but I expect I will in the next few days.


Hell if you really want an old-school example, there’s this obscure book called Huckleberry Finn


I’m not smelling heteronormativity here so much as CYA.

Odds are Shapiro doesn’t give a flaming rat’s ass about the cartoon … but the menacing spectre of yet another “deviant” social oddity becoming normalized without it leading to parents selling their kids to biker gangs or kids killing & eating their parents, thus proving he & his concern-trolling buddies on the Right are completely full of shit YET AGAIN?

Now THAT truly IS cause for real concern.

The point is fast approaching where even the drunkest hick in Appalachia can plainly see that these societally malevolent twunts are abject serial peddlers of genuine 100% bullshit … & the moment that point arrives, there goes an easy paying gig for Virgin Ben & nearly all his brethren.

Funny enough already that these Free Market cheerleaders all rely on a system of subsidies & constant online panhandling to stay afloat … but you want a REAL laugh? Just picture any of these clowns trying to get by on their intellectual chops alone in a truly free marketplace of ideas.


I think too many people have this idea that “this is bad and we have to stop it” when maybe we should all adopt the mantra that doesn’t affect me, so why take bother to it. Just a thought.


I swear the worst damage we do to our children is the result of our compulsive fear of them seeing the very body parts they observe on their own bodies and that of their siblings and parents. Being taught that parts of your own body are evil and sick is seriously not healthy.

Juxtapose that with our sadistic fascination with murder, torture, war, serial killers, the way we romanticize scumbag gangsters, the way we decide that the whole anti-hero who gives no fucks about the law or rules but metes out his own version of justice…

It’s little wonder we live in a society where we truly believe that magazine full of bullets is a viable answer to the creeping feeling that your life is falling apart.


(oh, you know I’m right)

If the show gets censored in teh US due to screaming bigots, would that be a wailing ban SheZow?


Puke funnel headline: SheZow to get your kids!


It’s been done already. In Japanese anime.

Well yeah, but Japan is rule 34 Island.


In my travels through the darker corners of the interwebs, I’ve noticed that Japanese Hentai throws gender out the window. I’m not going to sit here and say I don’t occasionally watch it and…well, you know. No fundie right winger will admit the same, but I promise you they are curiously fascinated with it just like the rest of us.


It’s little wonder we live in a society where we truly believe that magazine full of bullets is a viable answer to the creeping feeling that your life is falling apart.

One reason Virgin Ben and the tighty righties are up in arms about it is because it reminds them the pun is mightier than their swords.


Japan is rule 34 Island.

I’ve seen enough Hentai to know where this is going.


I watched most of the first episode. Oh, the puns. One detail I liked was the conflict between Guy and his sister; she thinks SheZow is great, he doesn’t. To mock, he puts on the magic ring and chants the incantation – which bonds him to the ring. Sister is annoyed because she should have been the next SheZow, Guy is annoyed because now HE has to be SheZow. And their father is a police officer, who can’t find out because he disapproves of her vigilante superheroine activities. And puns.
It was distracting that every time I heard the name, I kept thinking of ‘ShamWow’. Also the question – is it really just the costume, or does Guy actually change bodies? I like the second idea, but maybe that’s just me.


As I recall, Ben’s stint in a law office didn’t last long, and he opened up his own business before getting on the Zombie Breitbart gravy train.


I seem to recall that Bugs Bunny was known to cross-dress from time to time and civilization didn’t collapse.


It’s a long-standing trope of superherodom that the hero is masculine while the alter-ego is feminine (in terms of stereotype, not actual gender) at least as far back as Zorro, with follow-ups by other girly men like Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Peter Parker, and so on. Nice to see someone finally turning that around.
For that matter if some guy were going to be superhero and gender switch would be an excellent way to keep your identity secret (assuming you could pull it off and not just look like one of those late 50s-escape-through-drag tricks).

On a different note, it’s nice to see Cerb writing without worrying about whether she’ll stroke out, explode in anger, or become the first trans-Red Lantern (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Lantern_Corps for the uninitiated). You have enough to get you angry in real life without the pea-brained bringing raising your blood pressure more.


I seem to recall that Bugs Bunny was known to cross-dress from time to time and civilization didn’t collapse.

Many of those were made around WWII when the collapse of civilization was sort of in question…

It HAS to be a result of bugs bunny looking all fucking hot in lipstick and a fake eyelashes. Got to be. No question about it.


Back to Robin and his androgynous name

Inspired by Robin Hood, FWIW.


When I am unsure whether my comportment projects maximal manliness, I ask myself “WWHMD? — what would Herbie Mann do?”


an archetype that wears skin tight body suits with high contrast accent colours on their crotches.

I’ve always pictured you in baby-blue spandex with pink highlights and “Mom-man” on your chest.


Inspired by Robin Hood, FWIW.

When men in tights are outlawed, only outlaws will wear tights. And me. I love my tights.




No, God, the place where Zelda lives is Hyrule. You gotta upgrade from that Atari platform.


There’s a hole in Dora’s knee where all the money goes…


“It HAS to be a result of bugs bunny looking all fucking hot in lipstick and a fake eyelashes.”

He’s so lovely! He know’s it, he can’t help it.


I swear the worst damage we do to our children is the result of our compulsive fear of them seeing the very body parts they observe on their own bodies and that of their siblings and parents. Being taught that parts of your own body are evil and sick is seriously not healthy.

Juxtapose that with our sadistic fascination with murder, torture, war, serial killers, the way we romanticize scumbag gangsters, the way we decide that the whole anti-hero who gives no fucks about the law or rules but metes out his own version of justice…

It’s little wonder we live in a society where we truly believe that magazine full of bullets is a viable answer to the creeping feeling that your life is falling apart

gosh, i’m glad you’re back…it’s like you read my mind!


Return my dog!
And you damn well better fix her!
Return my dog!
Do the right leg,
Don’t get mixed up!
A dog like that,
Wants one thing only,
And when she’s done,
She’ll leave you lonely!
Stick to the pound dogs,
Stick to the pound dogs…


So he can either write a ringing denouncement of Some Like it Hot,

every time i watch marilyn in this movie i get seriously bi-curious…holyfreakinghotness!


also, at the time, i didn’t know i was being spectacularly naughty watching ‘bosom buddies’…did that show cause such a brouhaha at the time?


also, at the time, i didn’t know i was being spectacularly naughty watching ‘bosom buddies’…did that show cause such a brouhaha at the time?

Well YES. You never heard from the two stars again, did you?


I remember reading (on the intertoobz, natch) about some little boy (about 5 or so, I think) who liked to dress up in female-identified clothing (I think this was around Halloween, and his chosen costume was a princess or some such). His mom was fine with it – worse*, she was publicly fine with it, and was getting all kinds of shit heaped on her for that. She was, refreshingly, just going along with her kid, I think (hope) setting herself up as open to conversation with him later, whatever that conversation might be.

I feel kind of sorry for the kids today. It seems that in some ways the “approved” gender “norm” is being more fiercely enforced by those who enforce such things, probably because they’ve already lost the battle (I hope). But in the meantime, any coloring outside the lines is leapt on. As a side note, my mother, with her BA in Art & Jewelrymaking (she couldn’t do anything with it professionally, it being the 50s and she not being male or rich), refused to buy us coloring books, disliking the whole idea of coloring within the lines.

*For the people having meltdowns, it was.


MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. On the dot. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule. MyRule.


“…did that show cause such a brouhaha at the time?”

Finally, a use for my age besides an excuse for senility! Yes it did, and presaged the downfall of civilisation, ground under the high heels of a new race of she-men, according to the then-current arbiters of morality.

As I remember, the show made me want to captain a pirate boat crewed entirely by women, so I could say stuff like “Arrgh, the bosun’s bosom is a good’un!” But it didn’t last.


“Just spend any time on a left leaning university and u will find out in a hurry who the real thought police are these days lol.”

Hey, it’s just like they told us in MSF class: “Lean left, push left, go left”


“I don’t exactly know how, but my almost 8 year old is somehow the frickin’ gender police.”

My nephew went through a phase of wearing his clothes inside out at about that age. His Mom drew the line when he wanted to also reverse the usual clothing order, that is wear underwear outside pants, socks over shoes, and go to school like that. Considering later events, I’m almost sure she may regret that decision., but she did what she thought best.


Just spend any time on a left leaning university and u will find out in a hurry who the real thought police are these days lol.

I dunno. My department is divided between moderates and com-symps like myself. It’s the moderates who are always in everyone’s business trying to impinge on your academic freedom … and when you push-back at this, they complain that you are not upholding the spirit of collegiality.

So who are the thought police again?


Meanwhile, just got off the phone with Dell. I’ve never had to work so hard to get a company to sell me something. I guess they figure if you are anything more than a home user, you must have a Fortune 500 level computer budget, so when you are unable to spend that level of money, they don’t quite know what it is they can sell you.


Mooser: later events? What later events? Worried parents need to know what we might be heading towards …


Did they really Mooser? I led a noob friendly group ride on Sunday while Teh Ho rode sweep. (13 riders, great ride through Siuslaw NF to Netarts for excellent clam chowder which is surprisingly hard to find on the Oregon coast) Anyway, Teh Ho was quite worried about the young lady on the Radian who couldn’t corner for shit. When it came time for me to give some coaching – I’m an excellent coach, former MSF instructor, makes my noob rides very popular – she said her problem was leaning. Leaning dont do shit. You point your chin towards where you want to go, countersteer and then lean with the bike.

I just realized that you probably crafted that description to fit the setup line but I have to ask. Please FSM tell me they didn’t teach you to lean first. Cuz umma hafta give them major shit for teaching people how NOT to ride.


MEMO 3: For those thinking of mango-diving into the comments… WHY?

cerbs, cerbs, cerbs…why tempt me so? you KNOW i’m going to go mango diving when encouraged not to…

anyhoo…it’s a bit of a cess-pit over there…the conversation rapidly devolved into abortion with even a mention of our favorite leader’s muslinosity…truly, truly a mess…but this one, which pops up right off the bat made me literally lol…

Liberals abort their children so they have to try to indoctrinate ours.

suck it libs!


You know, I don’t remember if Bosom Buddies caused a fuss. Or Tootsie. My mom and some of her friends didn’t care for Mrs. Doubtfire because they had all dealt with dickheads who violated separation/divorce orders.


also, it occurs to me that this show is really about a boy who gets turned into a girl and doesn’t like it, right? and at facevalue, he just has girl’s clothes, makeup and hair, right? no actual girl parts? so who brought transgender into it? wouldn’t most kids (boys especially) be like, ‘har, har…he turned into a girl…ew, cooties!’ or find it humorous for some other reason?

why is it that the conservatives are the ones who always go there? they ALWAYS find something ickysex about everything…why can’t they just let the kids watch teevee and enjoy themselves?!?!

and like cerb pointed out, dog forbid we show any kid struggling with identity any sort of compassion or empathy or that there are other people like them…let’s make their confusion shameful and teach them to feel ostracized and hated…good plan…


Let’s not forget Mrs. Featherbottom.


There was a comment here. It is gone now.


Imma pretty sure that the real non-nymjacked Smiling Mortician would never bring himself to write ‘lol’.



When you say water is wet, what water model are you using? SPC? TIP3P? TIP4P? Because nobody ever really gets water/macromolecule interactions right, do they?

OK … I’ve been at a scientific conference for 3 days now. Does it show?


why is it that the conservatives are the ones who always go there? they ALWAYS find something ickysex about everything…why can’t they just let the kids watch teevee and enjoy themselves?!?!

Hmmm. People talking about sex and youngsters at the same time? Sounds like perverts who should be given sharp end of the stick to me!


” my cold robotic heart is incapable of your filthy human emotions (yes, operation pretend to be human is going splendidly, none will ever know the truth, muahaha!).”

Mitt Romney, is that you? Shit!


Hi, Oy, still fighting the dumb fight, I see.


Today’s “quoting verbatim and in entirety is twisting and distorting my words” news: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/pat-robertson-threatens-full-scale-expos-nasty-group-misconstrues-his-words


Major Kong is going to love that story. An entire senior class of students determinedly cellphoning in a plane and running up and down the aisles and general high-jinks, at take-off, in the face of the captain’s instructions to stop, and complaining that being ordered off is an “over-reaction”.

“They treated us like we were terrorists”, even though we aren’t swarthy!


So I suppose Ben and his ilk ignored another recent popular cartoon example of Him because he was one of the bad guys on the show?

It’s so confusing.

Also, glad to have tsam back — and in reply to his comment from the last thread:

I’m doing well — making beer, drinking beer, working, blogging random stupid crap, etc. Basically exactly the same as always.

Unrelated: right this minute I’m listening to “Sunday Nights: The Songs Of Junior Kimbrough” a collection of Fat Possum label artists doing covers of his songs. This one is quite good.


“They treated us like we were terrorists”, even though we aren’t swarthy!

cripes, the kid should be glad they weren’t on a delta flight…they would have gotten their shit handed to them…


I’m making a flick. Boring,my-life stuff. Busted water heaters, cats, scooters, vaping.

Say something @ catblog for an invite to the premiere. Gonna use unlicensed music and break other laws, so not gonna be public.


I hope for RWW’s sake Pat doesn’t mean he’s going to expose himself to them. Because there ain’t enough brain bleach in the wooorld.


Leaning dont do shit. You point your chin towards where you want to go, countersteer and then lean with the bike.

I just realized that you probably crafted that description to fit the setup line but I have to ask. Please FSM tell me they didn’t teach you to lean first. Cuz umma hafta give them major shit for teaching people how NOT to ride.

In the MSF course I took they most definitely explained that leaning doesn’t do anything. Countersteering was taught very explicitly.

Keith Code actually built The No B.S. Machine to deal with the issue of “leaning vs. steering” once and for all.


“I think if it was a group of non-religious kids, the air stewardess wouldn’t have dared to kick them off.”

On my next long-haul trip I look forward to exploiting the privileged, untouchable status of unbelievers. “I’m an atheist! Bring me more beer FFS!”


Say something @ catblog for an invite to the premiere. Gonna use unlicensed music and break other laws, so not gonna be public.

I would, but the link in your “via Nexus” nym is borked.


On my next long-haul trip I look forward to exploiting the privileged, untouchable status of unbelievers. “I’m an atheist! Bring me more beer FFS!”

Fuck that. As an untouchable highly-statused atheist I’m gonna bring my own damn beer! Why airlines think I’d willingly pay $5 for a Heineken when I can buy their adorable little Glenlivet bottles for the same price is one of life’s great mysteries.


It is universally acknowledged that the trials of the unbelievers life require lots of beer.


I would, but the link in your “via Nexus” nym is borked.

It is sending out the local host IP address.


Catblog linkie fixed. As of this here comment.


Catblog linkie fixed. As of this here comment.

That’s better…:)



What’s the deal with Heineken anyway? There is a reason they put beer in brown bottles. Don’t the Heineken people know that?


An entire senior class of students determinedly cellphoning in a plane and running up and down the aisles and general high-jinks, at take-off, in the face of the captain’s instructions to stop…

Those chickens look better with every flight.


What’s the deal with Heineken anyway?

The deal? In a just world they wouldn’t exist and I would be able to make as good a living as a professional brewer as I do as a geek. That’s the deal.

I have to assume that Heineken drinkers just really, really like skunks. I mean skunks are pretty cute…


Catblog linkie fixed.

And I just commented on one of your non-cat posts.


Heineken IS gross.


I have to assume that Heineken drinkers just really, really like skunks. I mean skunks are pretty cute… – OBS

Well, skunked beer works well for cooking in some dishes. But Heineken is way too overpriced to afford to cook with it when you are in my pay grade.

Interestingly, when I was in college, it was the young ladies who drank Heinekin. I wonder if it had some sort of male pheromone (straight) women tend to go for or something.

Otherwise, I always said there is a reason they call it Hineykin. That all being said, their “dark” line or whatever they call it (properly placed in a brown bottle) is drinkable.


As the poet put it:

‘TERENCE, this is stupid stuff:
You eat your victuals fast enough;
There can’t be much amiss, ’tis clear,
To see the rate you drink your beer.
But oh, good Lord, the verse you make,
It gives a chap the belly-ache.
The cow, the old cow, she is dead;
It sleeps well, the horned head:
We poor lads, ’tis our turn now
To hear such tunes as killed the cow.
Pretty friendship ’tis to rhyme
Your friends to death before their time
Moping melancholy mad:
Come, pipe a tune to dance to, lad.’

Why, if ’tis dancing you would be,
There’s brisker pipes than poetry.
Say, for what were hop-yards meant,
Or why was Burton built on Trent?
Oh many a peer of England brews
Livelier liquor than the Muse,
And malt does more than Milton can
To justify God’s ways to man.
Ale, man, ale’s the stuff to drink
For fellows whom it hurts to think:
Look into the pewter pot
To see the world as the world’s not.
And faith, ’tis pleasant till ’tis past:
The mischief is that ’twill not last.
Oh I have been to Ludlow fair
And left my necktie God knows where,
And carried half way home, or near,
Pints and quarts of Ludlow beer:
Then the world seemed none so bad,
And I myself a sterling lad;
And down in lovely muck I’ve lain,
Happy till I woke again.
Then I saw the morning sky:
Heigho, the tale was all a lie;
The world, it was the old world yet,
I was I, my things were wet,
And nothing now remained to do
But begin the game anew.

Therefore, since the world has still
Much good, but much less good than ill,
And while the sun and moon endure
Luck’s a chance, but trouble’s sure,
I’d face it as a wise man would,
And train for ill and not for good.
’Tis true, the stuff I bring for sale
Is not so brisk a brew as ale:
Out of a stem that scored the hand
I wrung it in a weary land.
But take it: if the smack is sour,
The better for the embittered hour;
It should do good to heart and head
When your soul is in my soul’s stead;
And I will friend you, if I may,
In the dark and cloudy day.

There was a king reigned in the East:
There, when kings will sit to feast,
They get their fill before they think
With poisoned meat and poisoned drink.
He gathered all the springs to birth
From the many-venomed earth;
First a little, thence to more,
He sampled all her killing store;
And easy, smiling, seasoned sound,
Sate the king when healths went round.
They put arsenic in his meat
And stared aghast to watch him eat;
They poured strychnine in his cup
And shook to see him drink it up:
They shook, they stared as white’s their shirt:
Them it was their poison hurt.
—I tell the tale that I heard told.
Mithridates, he died old.


Those chickens look better with every flight.

When the chickens start looking better and better, it is TIME TO STOP DRINKING.


Miles Davis liked Heineken. During his period of seclusion, he would get up around noon, vomit like clockwork, and have a Heineken. Or so an anecdote goes.

Maybe the Heineken people could find an ad in there somewhere.


When the chickens start looking better and better, it is TIME TO STOP DRINKING.

Spoken like one who has some experience.


vomit like clockwork

Worst novelty alarm-clock EVAH.


OBS – don’t forget Cider Summit Portland is coming up.

It’s great that it happens in the park across the street from where I live – I can crawl home. I have empirical data proving it.




Cider Summit Portland

Order a Snakebite, Pupienus. Go on, you know you want to.


I have to assume that Heineken drinkers just really, really like skunks. I mean skunks are pretty cute… – OBS

They keep the good stuff at home, though I prefer Oranjeboom.


Even in Godless Holland one can get great Belgian beer.


You know, I don’t remember if Bosom Buddies caused a fuss. Or Tootsie. 

I remember one of my fundiegelical stepbrothers getting all pursy-mouthed and huffing out of the room when I brought my tape of Tootsie out on a family trip to the (Gulf) Coast. The rest of the family quite enjoyed the movie. I think that was the first time I realized real people (people I knew, not characters in a show or on TV) actually got upset at the idea of someone crossdressing.


I see the black god of time posted one of my favorite poems. I always imagine the first stanza being read in the voice Monty Python members used when (appropriate to this thread) cross-dressing and playing middle-aged British women.


OBS – don’t forget Cider Summit Portland is coming up.

Hmm, might have to drag Mrs. Snob up there. She’s a big cider fan. Me, notsomuch.

I was up in Portlandia recently and saw Rock of Ages at Keller. It was stupid and awful and horrible and great all at the same time. I think it helped that they sold beer in the lobby.


Now the big question is whether the hub will cave to conservative pressure and pull the show, like they did with “The 99”.


I was up in Portlandia recently and saw Rock of Ages at Keller.

I was looking at the poster for that while standing outside Keller pre Brit Pink. I said to the stranger next to me, “has anyone ever seen a national touring company production of a new Broadway musical flop”? While pointing to “the new Broadway musical hit” of course.


I don’t think they’ll have beer at this thing. Snakebites will have to remain a home-only experience for me. Which they totally are.



One protester in attendance disagreed with the two federal officials.

“I feel like (these) men are attempting to intimidate people with the freedom of speech and that bothers me,” he said, according to the Tennesean. “I would like to say that Muslims have a right to live here and worship freely, but I do not think they have the right to change American law to fit Sharia law. ”


“I feel like (these) men are attempting to intimidate people with the freedom of speech and that bothers me,” he said, according to the Tennesean. “I would like to say that Muslims have a right to live here and worship freely, but I do not think they have the right to change American law to fit Sharia law. ”

“And, sir, how do you feel about gay marriage? How do you feel about abortion? Do you think those feelings should be written into law? REALLY? Goodness. Whyever would you think that?”


=> Most of the Americans who elected Barack Obama in 2008 intended their vote as a total repudiation of the policies and personnel of the preceding George W. Bush administration. Yet once in office, Obama’s crucial selections—Robert Gates at Defense, Timothy Geither at Treasury, and Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve—were all top Bush officials, and they seamlessly continued the unpopular financial bailouts and foreign wars begun by his predecessor, producing what amounted to a third Bush term. <=

Shocking, if true.


It’s great that it happens in the park across the street from where I live – I can crawl home

“Here’s Borjas, my seeing-eye dog.”
“But you’re not blind!”
“Not yet.”


Those chickens look better with every flight.

Packages don’t complain. Big advantage of flying freight.


Yes, and now we’re living in a FOURTH BUSH TERM! With a whole new set of illegal wars and irresponsible tax cuts. WE’RE TRAPPED IN BUSH FOREVERLAND.


Packages don’t complain. Big advantage of flying freight.

Similar to what I said to the X-ray tech about my Diener days.


Chicago Tribune : 10 injured in shooting accident at Kane County gun club

btw, I have 5 gallons of apfelwein in the closet waiting to be bottled.
mmmm cider.


The fact is, what the fuck is it with fags, they are everywhere or what?


The fact is, the person above stole my identity. Of course, I think homosexuals should be outlawed and probably put into camps, but I am not so crude as to call them fags. Turd burglers will do.

Freedom Based Values

Hey liberals, explain why you get tax ex empty status for doing art that sucks for for teaching gay stuff to kids, but look at the Tea Party — denied, targeted anjd get the Hitler treatment, and you think this is OK for democracy, whatst the MATERR WITH YOU????????


Yep, WE’RE EVERYWHERE. And we’re watching you. BWAHAHAHAHA


MR. STARNES: I want to quote finally from your article “A Theater Is Born,” on page 915 of the Theatre Arts Monthly, edition of November 1931.

MRS. FLANAGAN: Is this the same article, Mr. Starnes?

MR. STARNES: Yes. “The power of these theaters springing up everywhere throughout the country lies in the fact that they know what they want. Their purpose—restricted, some will call it, though it is open to question whether any theater which attempts to create a class culture can be called restricted—is clear. This is important because there are only two theaters which wants to make money; the other is the workers‘ theater which wants to make a new social order. The workers’ theaters are neither infirm nor divided in purpose. Unlike any art form existing in America today, the workers’ theaters intend to shape the life of this country, socially, politically, and industrially. They intend to remake a social structure without the help of money—and this ambition alone invests their undertaking with a certain Marlowesque madness.” You are quoting from this Marlowe. Is he a Communist?


Mr. Starnes:
And I believe Mr. Euripedes [sic] was guilty of teaching class consciousness also, wasn’t he?


Liberals are so kind-hearted that if you were to pick a destination on this planet where you’d be freer, happier and less prone to idiocy on the internet, if you mentioned this place, you’d have 10 offers for a one-way first class ticket by the weekend.


Whatever happened to shoelimpy? Something bad, one hopes.


The Lovely Daughter and I were just going through the list of Roman emperors and had a hearty laugh at Pupienus.


Faster! Faster! Faster! Fasterer! I simply insist upon it. It simply is so. As of now. On the Dot.


Speed up! Faster! On the dot!


A great lad with a beery face
Had tucked himself away beside
A ladle and a tub of beer,
And snored, no phantom by his look.
So with a laugh at his own fear
He crawled into that pleasant nook.
‘Night grows uneasy near the dawn
Till even I sleep light; but who
Has tired of his own company?
What one of Maeve’s nine brawling sons
Sick of his grave has wakened me?
But let him keep his grave for once
That I may find the sleep I have lost.’
What care I if you sleep or wake?
But I’ll have no man call me ghost.’
Say what you please, but from daybreak
I’ll sleep another century.’
And I will talk before I sleep
And drink before I talk.’
And he
Had dipped the wooden ladle deep
Into the sleeper’s tub of beer
Had not the sleeper started up.
Before you have dipped it in the beer
I dragged from Goban’s mountain-top
I’ll have assurance that you are able
To value beer; no half-legged fool
Shall dip his nose into my ladle
Merely for stumbling on this hole
In the bad hour before the dawn.’
Why beer is only beer.’


Have to get this in from teh previous post, cerb posts faster and longer* than I can read.

(Unless, of course, Congress passes a Blu-Ray ban)

My Ray Bans are black. Ha. Ha.

And so, my humor being done, I shall plunge into the darkest jungle, with vicious pathos leaping at me, and evil snarks hanging, hanging I says, off the vines, and me with nothing but crutches and comfy underwear.
*I is certain this is a veiled something.


Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America”

Bwahahahaha! He’s author of what? The left are the bullies instilling a culture of fear and intimidation?!? Wow, words fail me. My gob is well and truly smacked.

tsam said,
June 5, 2013 at 17:33

What tsam said times 1,000.


The funniest bit is the “New York Times bestseller” part. I imagine some right-wing think-tank bought pallets of the thing to give away as membership “premiums”.


Yes, the ‘bestseller’ bit caused me more than one chortle.


Ben Shapiro is Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the New York Times bestseller “Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America”

Haven’t seen this much projection since that summer I worked at a movie theater.


Talking of transgender heroes on TV, the current Doctor Who, Matt Smith, has announced he’s leaving, so they have to go through the regular “who will play the Doctor next?” articles. And this time, there’s a real feeling it might be a woman – eg
http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2013/06/03/matt_smith_leaving_doctor_who_the_12th_doctor_should_be_a_woman.html .

This has, of course, got the Daily Mail cowering in “it’s all just political correctness” fear: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2334893/Doctor-Who-Who-Doctor-ANYONE-woman-Says-TV-critic.html


Your Rob Ford update. You’ll probably read about the house on Windsor Road today. It’s where the photo with Anthony Smith was taken. You may also read about how there was an armed break-in there a couple weeks ago. What you might not read about (unless you click through) is Jasmin.


Re: Heinie kegs.

They make a 5 litre minikeg. Fits nicely in the fridge next to the box of white. And still space for a couple pizza boxes!

El Manquécito

Your Rob Ford update

Ceci n’est pas un pipe.


Pay attention to me, please!


producing what amounted to a third Bush term.

Thunder, please. I know you are a white dude and possess a working penis and that your privilege occasionally blinds you. If nothing else the lack of a citation causes me to call you out in this instance.

Dude, the government sucks, but not because Obama is the Third best Republican President since Lincoln. I too, was screaming at the clouds when I was 25 and formed my very own, personal chapter, of the Cassandra Society.

I might suggest to you that every member of any audience in which you scream FIRE, is cognizant of the conflagration.

You hang out in some of the smartest rooms of the intertrons, please stop insulting.

xoxox, buddy ,


Talking of transgender heroes on TV, the current Doctor Who, Matt Smith, has announced he’s leaving, so they have to go through the regular “who will play the Doctor next?” articles. And this time, there’s a real feeling it might be a woman – eg

I never really got into Doctor Who, so I don’t have an English bulldog in this fight, but reading this immediately had me thinking:


If they decide to cast another male actor, it should be Shane MacGowan… a toothless junkie Doctor Who would be awesome.


Mr. Euripedes

As I said to the tailor, Euripedes pants, Eumenedes pants.


I never really got into Doctor Who




And I have the nerve to consider myself nerdy.


Note that that was one of the few times (probably) you will see Classic Greek tragedy mentioned in this thread, and it’s in the service of a really, really lame pun.


El Manquécito

I laffed.


I first heard that pun in Latin class, Pere.

In 7th grade.

not a gator, not a yiddish shpeaker


Quick, nobody tell them about Sailor Moon: Stars. That season never happened okay? And Fisheye is a woman. So is Zoisite.

And don’t ever, ever let them find out about R*A*N*M*A!!!

Me My [Watashi no Boku no] Strawberry Egg is a lie!


Note that that was one of the few times (probably) you will see Classic Greek tragedy mentioned in this thread, and it’s in the service of a really, really lame pun.


omg…that really was pretty lame, but it made me sol…which would be snort out loud…

In 7th grade.

t’would be a classic then…

not a gator, not a yiddish shpeaker

So trans superheroes, a princess who is rescued by another princess and they get married and live happily ever after, two married princes fighting dragons … that would be a really, really, really, really good corrective to … well, Disney.

May I just plug the book coming out at the end of this summer called The Second Mango in which a lesbian princess is rescued by a cross-dressing female warrior (and no, the two of them do NOT hook up… read it and see). It’s YA rather than kiddie fic so your call on the appropriateness … it will be coming out on ebook. I didn’t write it (ha ha, that would be funny) but someone very close to me did.

Oh yeah, it’s also kind of yiddishy. If you’re into that kind of thing.

PS: the dragon is a good guy, and there are two princes in love in the sequel, which has already been written but prolly won’t come out unless the first one sells, hint hint


i did some more mango gazing…here’s my favorites:

Ben really is in idiot, in case you guys were wondering

You guys need to Google the term transsexual. It is sadly misused in this article.

there is also a lengthy argument between a normal person and an ‘ezra pound’ who really believes the holocaust didn’t happen…he also makes fun of a person who clearly has either a learning disability or is a foreign person who speaks english, so he’s pretty much a tool…but he also hates transpersons and is christian, so there’s that…

one thing i’ll say about the commentors at blartblart, they can really create some meandering threads…but they don’t have any good puns…

not a gator, not a yiddish shpeaker

Come to think of it, as their titles all come from the same cookie cutter, and their contents are all the same with minor variations (“libs suck”), they’re probably all typed by the same uncredited team of back room hacks on the Koch Industries payroll, and doled out one at a time to whichever media wingnut is scheduled to be on teevee next.

You noticed? They’re all written like a fourth grade essay, and not the one that got an “A”.

I guess it’s some sort of imperial Chinese art thing, the white blank space around the words is more significant than the words themselves, negative space, blah blah


You noticed? They’re all written like a fourth grade essay, and not the one that got an “A”.

i am willing to bet that they are also chock-full of ‘as noted conservative author/fellow journalist has noted [lengthy quote]’ and ‘as i said in my best selling book/bigblartblart.com’…just a bunch of regurgitation…


haha…helps not to hit ‘submit’ before one finishes…

just a bunch of regurgitation to the effect of ‘liberals is dum!’


I don’t know how many bottles of beer
I have consumed while waiting for things
to get better
I don’t know how much wine and whisky
and beer
mostly beer
I have consumed after
splits with women—
waiting for the phone to ring
waiting for the sound of footsteps,
and the phone to ring
waiting for the sounds of footsteps,
and the phone never rings
until much later
and the footsteps never arrive
until much later
when my stomach is coming up
out of my mouth
they arrive as fresh as spring flowers:
“what the hell have you done to yourself?
it will be 3 days before you can fuck me!”

the female is durable
she lives seven and one half years longer
than the male, and she drinks very little beer
because she knows it’s bad for the figure.

while we are going mad
they are out
dancing and laughing
with horny cowboys.

well, there’s beer
sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles
and when you pick one up
the bottle fall through the wet bottom
of the paper sack
spilling gray wet ash
and stale beer,
or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m.
in the morning
making the only sound in your life.

rivers and seas of beer
the radio singing love songs
as the phone remains silent
and the walls stand
straight up and down
and beer is all there is.


not sure if saxby chambliss could be any more reprehensible…


Sue, that was The Great American Novel, condensed. Brava.


oh wait…wrong link…anyway, this remark is unconscionable:

“The young folks that are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22-23. Gee whiz — the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.

gee whiz? really?

El Manquécito

while we are going mad
they are out
dancing and laughing
with horny cowboys.

I don’t know about the great American novel but it sure does summarize great Country music.


Every morning just before breakfast
I don’t want no coffee or tea
Just me and good buddy Wiser
That’s all I ever need
‘Cause I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself


Note also that Ben Shapiro would look really awful in a dress.

. . .

So would I, but I’m not making a big tsimmis about the subject.


Don’t know how I got here, and I don’t really care
They’ll kick me out at closing time, and I’ll go sleep somewhere
Most of my accounts are in arrears
The royal treasury’s kind of short-I am the king of beers

Sometimes I get shaky and I can’t keep down a thing
No one ever said it would be easy being king

The pressures of my office have hastened this decline
And when I peel my eyelids back it feels like Miller time
All my proclamations end with “Cheers!”
You’ve got to keep your spirits high when you’re the king of beers

If my luck holds I’ll reign a few more years
Until my scepter floats away, I am the king of beers


Friday, the week was long
can’t wait to get my twist-off off
one sip and all the bull shish is gone
um-hmm, Hey, Freddie, I’m already ready
For another down here… beer

Saturday, mown the grass
some people think it’s a pain in the back
Me, it’s just another way to work up a thirst real fast
It’s why I like to do her with a bungee strapped cooler
To my old john deere… beer

I like it ice cold, I take it with a lime,
Canadian, Mexican, Heineken, American, they’re all friends of mine
I like it in a mug, in a bottle, in a cup, I like it with a shot
mmm! it hits the spot… Beer.

Sunday, football game, hot dog and a mustard stain, cussin’ out the ref
but I guess I can’t complain, I’ve got it made in the shade
Of a 60 inch Sony and my lazy boy chair… Beer

I like it ice cold, I take it with a lime,
Canadian, Mexican, Heineken, American, they’re all friends of mine
I like it in a mug, in a bottle, or a cup, I like it with a shot
I like it when I’m fishin’ on the lake, I like it when I’m wishing I was
Fishing on the lake…

Beer… I’ll take it anyway I can get… beer, I may have a problem I’ll admit
It… beer
I ain’t never gonna quit it… beer, it tastes good, it tastes too good… beer…
Hey Freddie, I’m already ready for another down here… beer
I think I love ya…


All day I think about it, then at night I say it.
Where did I come from, and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that,
And I intend to end up there.

This drunkenness began in some other tavern.
When I get back around to that place,
I’ll be completely sober. Meanwhile,
I’m like a bird from another continent, sitting in this aviary.
The day is coming when I fly off,
But who is it now in my ear who hears my voice?
Who says words with my mouth?

Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul?
I cannot stop asking.
If I could taste one sip of an answer,
I could break out of this prison for drunks.
I didn’t come here of my own accord, and I can’t leave that way.
Whoever brought me here will have to take me home.

This poetry. I never know what I’m going to say.
I don’t plan it.
When I’m outside the saying of it, I get very quiet and rarely speak at all.

We have a huge barrel of beer, but no cups.
That’s fine with us. Every morning
We glow and in the evening we glow again.

They say there’s no future for us. They’re right.
Which is fine with us.


Well, I like a full bodied lager as much as the next hard workin’ man.
The taste of suds while dealin’ stud – I can surely understand.
Trucker’s speed and yes, indeed, it’s nearly gettin’ light.
Time to switch to whiskey, we’ve been drinking beer all night.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

I’ll just leave this here.


Strange brew!
Girl. what’s inside of you?


Up your nose with a rubber hose
and twice as far with a Hershey Bar.


If you feel like shouting
Got to know what you talk about
If you feel like shouting
Got to know what you talk about
Shout the beer bottle boogie
Cause baby, it just come out

Well, it’s hot off the press
And ready to roll
The beer bottle boogie can save your soul

Cause it’s beer bottle boogie you know
The beer bottle boogie for sure
Ev’rybody join me, beer bottle boogie now

Well I don’t like beer when I’m goin too fast
I don’t like foam in a muggy glass
You put out s’more and let the beats come on
I drink good beer when I go home

I got the beer bottle boogie you know
Beer bottle boogie for sure
Ev’rybody join me, beer bottle boogie now

Well it’s goin’ on tap
You know you got so high
He climbed the piano
Cause he thought he could fligh
He fell down on the floor
Caused a whole in his head
Ev’rybody thought that old cat was dead
The first thing he sad when his speech came back
Throw me some beer, that birdie cat

Cause it’s the beer bottle boogie you know
The beer bottle boogie for sure
Ev’rybody join me, beer bottle boogie now


“The young folks that are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22-23. Gee whiz — the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.

Shorter Chambliss: “God, I wish my Viagra(tm) (sildenafil) lasted longer.”


Ninkasi, you are the one who handles dough (and) … with a big shovel,
Mixing, in a pit, the bappir with sweet aromatics.
Ninkasi, you are the one who bakes the bappir in the big oven,
Puts in order the piles of hulled grain.
Ninkasi, you are the one who waters the earth-covered malt (“munu”),
The noble dogs guard (it even) from the potentates.
Ninkasi, you are the one who soaks the malt (“sun2”) in a jar,
The waves rise, the waves fall.
Ninkasi, you are the one who spreads the cooked mash (“titab”) on large reed mats,
Coolness overcomes …
Ninkasi, you are the one who holds with both hands the great sweetwort (“dida”),
Brewing (it) with honey (and) wine.
Ninkasi, […]
[You …] the sweetwort (“dida”) to the vessel.
The fermenting vat, which makes a pleasant sound,
You place appropriately on (top of) a large collector vat (“lahtan”).
Ninkasi, you are the one who pours out the filtered beer of the collector vat,
It is (like) the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates.


Time to switch to whiskey, we’ve been drinking beer all night.

Noooooooooo you fool! Beer then likker, never been sicker.

Helmut Monotreme

Sumerian? Akkadian? Babylonian?


America’s Shittiest Website doing damage control for the Kenyan Usurper?!?

We’re through the looking-glass here, sheeple!


The cool thing is that there’s enough Rob Ford for everyone.


Ninkasi, you are the one who handles dough (and) … with a big shovel,



Not a gater,

Thanks for the link. I might have to check this out. It may be a bit mature for my daughter, but perhaps not. Kids today grow up so quickly in some ways …


The cool thing is that there’s enough Rob Ford for everyone.


Sutpen's Hundred

Obama’s police state?

Meh. We just trust him more.

If I’m not a terrorist and not breaking any laws, then I have nothing to worry about.


Press event scheduled for half an hour from now. Rob is going to talk about the budget surplus, and then ignore questions about his crack addiction. And then storm off in a huff. If we’re lucky, Doug will then take the mike and say something ludicrous, something offensive, and then something ludicrously offensive.


Well as long as he doesn’t say something offensively ludicrous it’s all ok.


You know what the greatest thing for an addiction is? Lots and lots of stress.

Man he’s gotta be wanting that pipe.


I for one think it was very considerate of Mayor Ford to supply the citizens of Toronto with the comic relief they so desperately need in the wake of the Leaf’s Game 7 choke.


You know, I don’t remember if Bosom Buddies caused a fuss.

Only in the sense that, together with “Bachelor Party,” it almost strangled Tom Hanks’ career in the crib.


Something old and something new in relation to Sadly, No! Industries’ Toronto oriented comments business venture: https://twitter.com/Haroldorrego/status/28750990843


Dang: Bitter Scribe beat me to the Rob Ford / Leafs Suck cross-over punch?

So, did the Santa who infamously told a 3 year old that the Leafs suck give campaign money to Rob Ford? Inquiring minds want to know.


Sutpen’s Hundred said

Do I smell wisteria?


All I know about Rob Ford is that Canadian politics hasn’t been this much fun since before I was born, anyway. You had to go back to the likes of Trudeau and Flying Phil Gaglardi to find this level of larfs in the Canadian political discourse. Usually our politicians are if not boring, then just straight-up malicious (I’m still lookin’ at you, Mike Fucking Harris.)


The young folks that are coming into each of your services are anywhere from 17 to 22-23. Gee whiz — the hormone level created by nature sets in place the possibility for these types of things to occur.

Yet other occupations manage to recruit people at a similar age and still function without instilling rape culture at every level.


Please tell me that “Etobicoke” is a made-up suburb name.

Sutpen's Hundred

Yes it is! Some of it is kind of dying on the vine right now though. It may need some miracle grow. Kind of a metaphor for my life if you know what I mean.


Please tell me that “Etobicoke” is a made-up suburb name.

“Guelph” is funnier.


You had to go back to the likes of Trudeau and Flying Phil Gaglardi to find this level of larfs in the Canadian political discourse.

Belinda crossing the floor!


Man he’s gotta be wanting that pipe.

Hell, I want that pipe since seeing him slam into that camera. Poor camera holder guy.


Yet other occupations manage to recruit people at a similar age and still function without instilling rape culture at every level.

Yeah, one of the MSNBC folks brought up the point that the entire hearing consisted of a bunch of old white men coming up with various excuses as to why this was happening but not a one of them offered up any possible solutions.


Belinda is kinda cute.


Yeah, one of the MSNBC folks brought up the point that the entire hearing consisted of a bunch of old white men coming up with various excuses as to why this was happening but not a one of them offered up any possible solutions.

I liked how they tried to rationalize leaving the power to squash investigations and prosecutions to the unit commanders. It’s going to work, too, I’ll just bet.

Don’t forget the hormones! HORMONES! It gots HOR right in the name!


Good news, budget surplus being rolled into capital budget. As it usually is. But at least it’s not going to turn into tax cuts.

For context, municipalities here are not legally permitted to run budget deficits, so there is always going to be a surplus. The budget process involves the various departments submitting plans which develop into the “opening pressure”. Estimates are always high because they know that they will have to cut, and that they cannot exceed the limit. LEAFS SUCK’s operating budget is around 10 billion dollars, so this is a 2.5% surplus.

BTW, yes it is called Etobicoke, but it is pronounced ee-TOH-beh-koh.


a bunch of old white men coming up with various excuses as to why this was happening but not a one of them offered up any possible solutions.

Conceivably there is an unspoken assumption on the part of Chambliss and the other “Blame-libruls-for-letting-in-women” rape apologists, that the US armed forces have embraced rapiness as part of their culture, in the manner of Serbian forces in the Bosnian war. For building of macho morale, and to help dehumanise the enemy of the day, and to ensure thorough intimidation of occupied countries. I have no idea if the assumption is correct, but

(1) Other countries have integrated armed forces without treating half the troops as sexual outlets for the other half (because not good for morale); and

(2) perhaps the employers of the armed forces, i.e. the voting public, should ask whether this is what they really want.

Fearless Dick, I didn't get the part

“No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime, no more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war…”

BHO, 2007

That was then…..


Mandatory heterosexism + compulsory marriage = institutional misogyny and male domination with least effort. Two thousand years of state and religious authority having the power to enforce gender roles and marriage is fading out in some places and being challenged in the rest. Any deviation from the man/woman marriage with a man at the head of the table is a challenge to the only excuse left to let these stupid men have unearned and illegitimate power. Dividing the human race in half and hobbling the female half is not as supportable as it used to be, thanks in part to science and to a larger degree the activists and women who refused to comply and challenged the “rules”.

Every gender and sexual deviation from the manufactured norm reminds them how precarious their positions in society are, and of how little substance and utility there is in there beliefs.

The black god of time


Destructive storms and evil winds are they,
A storm of evil, presaging the baneful storm,
A storm of evil, forerunner of the baneful storm.
Mighty children, mightv sons are they,
Messengers of Namtar are they,
Throne-bearers of Ereshkigal.
The flood driving through the land are they.
Seven gods of the wide heavens,
Seven gods of the broad earth,
Seven robber-gods are they.
Seven gods of universal sway,
Seven evil gods,
Seven evil demons,
Seven evil and violent demons,
Seven in heaven, seven on earth.

Neither male nor female are they.
Destructive whirlwinds they,
Having neither wife nor offspring.
Compassion and mercy they do not know.
Prayer and supplication they do not hear.
Horses reared in the mountains, Hostile to Ea.
Throne-bearers of the gods are they.
Standing on the highway, befouling the street. Evil are they, evil are they,
Seven they are, seven they are, Twice seven they are.

The high enclosures, the broad enclosures like a flood they pass through.
From house to house they dash along.
No door can shut them out,
No bolt can turn them back.
Through the door, like a snake, they glide,
Through the hinge, like the wind, they storm.
Tearing the wife from the embrace of the man,
Snatching the child from the knees of a man,
Driving the freedman from his family home.

Was/was not Denny

Please pay attention to me, Obama is listening to my calls!


If all the water on the globe
Should turn to beer and ale
I’d cast conventions to the wind
And play I was a whale


I looked around for a still or video of John Lequizamo’s character in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything of him winning the contest at the end. She was so beautiful.

Watching the others help Chi-Chi evolve from a “a man in a dress” to a drag queen was fascinating to me, because I had never given it much thought. It’s great that movies and television shows can portray a three-dimensional world of drag queens (even if it has to be comedy). The episode of The Mentalist with the man and fellow drag queens who faked his death so he could be reborn as a woman made me cry. No doubt it made many other people shed a tear or two. It may seem too far off now for those suffering discrimination, abuse, and worse; when respect and recognition is so little to ask; but I think it’s just a matter of time before transsexuals won’t be considered taboo, so that they can find their place in popular culture with dignity and respect, then increasing acceptance throughout the culture.

Feminists who refuse to accept transsexuals as allies and fellow victims of patriarchy are getting an ear full and some have changed their views. It’s a battle on many fronts, but when a Navy Seal steps out and her fellow soldiers are proud of her, then acceptance is in sight and it’s sweet.


A statesman is an easy man, he tells his lies by rote.

A journalist invents his lies, and rams them down your throat.

So stay at home and drink your beer and let the neighbors vote.


Of course, it would be more progressive if real drag queens played drag queen, actual gays played gays, and actual transsexuals played transsexuals in television, film, and plays.

Was/was not Denny

I’m not so drunk yet, please pay attention to me!


Of course, it would be more progressive if real drag queens played drag queen, actual gays played gays, and actual transsexuals played transsexuals in television, film, and plays.

Wiley, there was one about 10 years ago from Thailand called Beautiful Boxer. The transgender subject of the film didn’t play the whole film, but did appear in a cameo at the beginning. I confess that film made me cry too – a moving story and some Thai boxing, what could be better?


It’s streaming on Netflix and has eleven pages of rave reviews. Gotta see it.

Ru Paul had a part in To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything…


Apologies if this has been posted before. Okay not really apologizing, you can all just watch it again.


The fact is, liberals are freaking out that their Black God Boy is listening to there phone calls, but I am not, because I have nothing to hide as a partiotic American.


Makes me want to have phone-sex with the wife next time I’m on the road.

I’m imagining some NSA operative desperately looking around his cubicle for a sharp object to puncture his eardrums with.


New post and it’s pretty mind-blowing in length.


there is also a lengthy argument between a normal person and an ‘ezra pound’ who really believes the holocaust didn’t happen…

I wonder how shit like that makes Ben Shapiro feel- here he is, an Orthodox Jewish kid, investing all of his time and effort trying to convince himself and others that liberals are the bad guys and some guy he wants to think is an ally denies the Holocaust in his blog comments. I imagine he wakes up every day with the taste of Breitbart’s ass still in his mouth.


Okay, I totally recognize that we’re getting pretty far out into the weeds with the latest on the house where the crack video was shot, but the story raises a very important question. How does one defraud a store of fabric softener? I mean geez, if you are already stealing Blu Ray players, you may as well just swipe the fabric softener while you’re at it.


And in other vitally important news, I finally broke 4 million in Triple Town’s Boom Town mode.


” Worried parents need to know what we might be heading towards”

DAS, the last I heard, the kid was going out for the Canadian Olympic Fencing Team. Apparently the experience of chasing his uncle around and stabbing at me with his “light saber” has stood him in good stead.


“I wonder how shit like that makes Ben Shapiro feel- here he is, an Orthodox Jewish kid, investing all of his time and effort trying to convince himself and others that liberals are the bad guys”

Oh, liberals are very much the bad guys. Just think about it, what if some of those same liberal who were so effective in the Civil Rights era ever turned their attention toward Israel? Nothing good can come of that!


“Of course, it would be more progressive if real drag queens played drag queen, actual gays played gays, and actual transsexuals played transsexuals in television, film, and plays.”

Wait a minute, which one of us isn’t one of those things? As far as I’m concerned, most of the straight guys I meet are some kind of hetero-drag queens. The part they are playing as a “man” is, to my eyes is just another form of ‘drag’.


Other countries have integrated armed forces without treating half the troops as sexual outlets for the other half (because not good for morale); and”

Speaking as an officer, I can’t imagine anything better than the present system! Just think about it: “Men, I need volunteers for a very dangerous mission. Now, who would like to escape prosecution for sexual assaults pending? I knew I’d see a lot of hands! Now, ladies, who here wants to show these guys you’re more than rape-fodder?” Come back successfully, and I’ll forward all your assault complaints to the CO”.

No, I think the US military likes things just the way they are. And of course the good ol’ Chump in Cheif has taken the sex assault situation on his broad shoulders…


Didn’t want to interrupt the Hitlering in the next threadle, so I’m giving my Rob Ford update here. He’s giving another presser, but this time no topic has been specified. It’s already 3 minutes past start time.


Okay – it’s about TCHC, LEAFS SUCK’s social housing agency. RoFo has been trying to distract by using this as his decoy. There was a city auditor’s report a while ago pointing out all the wasteful spending in this department. RoFo has been all about how his new TCHC CEO has turned things around and it’s the start of a brand new TCHC era.

And then just this week there was the release of an Ombudsman’s report saying that TCHC is evicting people improperly and not providing the support they should be. It would be funny if it weren’t so horrible.

Everyone is anticipating him noting that there are no more questions despite the fact that everyone is still asking him about the video and the house on Windsor.

Anything else? No? Have a nice weekend.


“Note that that was one of the few times (probably) you will see Classic Greek tragedy mentioned in this thread”

It just so happens, I’ll have you know, that I bring my knowledge of Classic Geek tragedy to every thread.


I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme.

Did you design this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you?

Plz answer back as I’m looking to construct my own blog and would like to know where u got this from. appreciate it


Mary, it’s a somewhat tangled subject. Some say Andrea Del Castagno others vociferously proclaim it as the work of
Mariotto Di Nardo or one of his students.
Still others, based on analysis of the brush strokes and patina (and I wouldn’t mind giving Tina a pat myself) insist it can be nothing if not the product of Da Vinci, hisself, but on a really bad day.


Barney, something wise was said about this in the Daily Mail that should be listened to with regards to Doctor Who:

Women should use their own imaginations and create their own female characters instead of wanting to piggyback off of successful male creations.

As to the topic of this blog post, the sheeple at Breitfart.com are pitiable morons who will be dying off soon, or who will find themselves irrelevant in the years to come as things change.


Latest Rob Ford update: Jaye Robinson, who last week suggested that His Worship consider a leave of absence, out of the Executive Committee. She was the last female councillor on the committee of 12. Note, this doesn’t mean all that much since almost everything has to go through full Council anyways. Even having 12 votes nominally “on your side” (out of 44) hasn’t helped Rob as he regularly loses votes by a 10:1 margin (in a 44 person Council).


(comments are closed)