The Arc of Conservatism is Long but it Bends Towards Stupid
Daren Jonescu, here being “oppressed” by young educated whipper snappers
Daren Jonescu, American Wannabe Gangstas:
Winning the Long War
It is often a tiny comfort for those struggling for justice, equality, the right to eat, etc… that the hard stone of their cell walls will eventually shatter if they and everyone they know endlessly throw their face at it for the rest of their lives and beyond. That this process, more often than not, has one ending which is eventually, belatedly, realized though the path to it is arduous and depressingly long, has become the source of many pat truisms.
And having been so shortened, I suppose it was only a matter of time before conservatives noticed and reacted the same way they do when anything is uttered from the mouth of a commie hippie liberal rat bastard.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- They say the arc of history is long but it bends towards justice… Well, fuck! C’mon everybody, brainstorming time on how to put a stop to that shit!
And since conservatives don’t waste any opportunities to air their various issues surrounding toxic masculinity when they are reflexively rejecting the notion of growing and accepting the liberally-biased world around them, his post also serves as a repository for all sorts of ill-thought war and heroes imagery and metaphors for his anti-reality screed.
For example:
Imagine trying to fight a war against an enemy led by ruthless tyrants, while granting that enemy authority to train your own military. After all, you reason, sending your soldiers to the enemy’s training centers frees up your time and resources for other priorities. Moreover, the tyrants have graciously promised to train your men in good faith, so denying them this privilege might seem ungrateful.
Turgid is both an apt description of his “big words will make me seem smart” prose and the state of his no doubt very large and not at all compensated for cock.
Seriously, I wonder how many unnecessary wars, unhelpful “war on x” style campaigns, and overall stress we could save ourselves if we just paid a little extra to get every conservative a subscription to, some therapy for their size and masculinity issues, and if we just took the wannabe macho culture out back and shot it in the fucking head.
But leaving that aside and focusing entirely on the world presented in Daren’s pathetic analogy (oh don’t worry, it will get worse), what exactly would Daren’s ideal solution to that problem be? Military training socialism? I mean, if Johnny Dickweasel didn’t want to actually train their military or know anything about tactics, but just wanted to bitch about how Sun Tzu is Maoist propaganda, then he damn well deserves the flattening he’s about to receive.
Same with all the conservatives seeing the arc of history bend away from them and crying foul. Sorry, dipshits, if you didn’t want to end up on the wrong side… AGAIN, then maybe you should have used the many, MANY years you had to jump to the right side.
And in case, you don’t quite believe me that this is what he is bitching about, he makes it painfully clear soon enough.
Civilization — all of it — is currently under the domination of progressive collectivism in ethics, authoritarianism in politics, irrationalism in epistemology, and nihilism in metaphysics.
Yup, we’re so unbelievably vile that we’ve taken over what is ethical, what is right in politics, what is reality, and the metaphysics of the universe itself.
They’re not just upset that reality has a liberal bias, they’re pissed that EVERY method of deriving truth has a liberal bias. And this is of course our fault for being so Satanic.
No, really.
The architects of this calamity have paved the road to the devil’s dominion over several generations. Their recent boldness, moving in for the kill on the last, crumbling bastion of principled resistance, America, shows that they believe ultimate victory is at hand, which, in human terms, means we face a thousand years of darkness.
Hey, it’s not our fault that Satan is so damn sexy. (He’s the ultimate bad boy).
We who reject the progressives’ knee-jerk historicism, however, need not accept the inevitability of this result.
We who reject history can also reject the reality of repeating it!
Take that George Santayana!
And yeah, his overwrought “I need to pump up a half page of thought into a 10 page term paper” style is driving me crazy, so we’re going to jump around a little bit to get to the actual morsels of… no, thought would be giving it WAY too much credit.
The first step to mounting an effective defense is to understand how progressivism has won so much territory, geographical and spiritual, over this multi-generational war.
Well, then I guess you’re fucked then Daren-boy, now ain’t you?
For “civilization” — literally “the process of civilizing men,” or the society resulting from this process — is, as Allan Bloom observed a generation ago, just another word for education.
Civilizing women, on the other hand, comes from the old English word: “Patriarchal oppression”… wait, no, whoops, I meant that they are not even worth considering. Ha, much better.
And yes, having decided that reality and history’s liberal bias is a Satanic plot to make him look like a complete asshole (because he is), he’s decided to take it out on the very idea of learning anything about how reality works. Apparently because reality is like a T-rex and won’t bother existing around you if you keep real still and avoid acknowledging its happening.
Oh wait, no, no that will still get you fucking eaten. Well, better luck next time, the reincarnation center is on the right and don’t forget to tip your Buddha on the way out.
And they have every reason for faith in their scheme, as they have been successfully training generations of men for such gradual submission for more than a century, at public expense no less.
Yes… It totally was the progressives who demanded that education be run similar to the factory system complete with bells and useless memorization. Also, totally the ones who pitch a fit when a teacher tries to educate students to ask hard questions of their beliefs and think critically about challenging materials…
Oh, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, how would we light our homes without you?
Public schools undermine — and are intended to undermine — the attachment to private family, by draining most of a child’s energy and attention into a world unrelated to home; by forcibly creating an alternative social universe that engenders attachments rivalling those to parents and siblings; and by teaching children implicit and explicit moral lessons over the heads of their parents, lessons that may stand in direct defiance of the parents’ beliefs. The public school, which is to say the state, becomes the highest moral authority in the child’s life, the ultimate arbiter of truth, the child’s primary social realm, and hence the main source of the foundational states of character that will guide his future choices and inclinations.
The inherent impulse of public education towards increased school hours, increased high school completion rates, and “universal preschool” is not an impulse towards more learning, but rather towards less. More time in the abstract world of aimless, collective childhood means less time developing practical skills, private interests, and personal motivations that might have made a young person’s future more fulfilling, more exceptional, certainly freer — and more independent, confident, and self-reliant.
It’s worth noting here that his solution is quite literally to pull a Huck Finn’s dad and yank dem kids out of their schoolin’ when they start to know more than their ignorant as shit abusive ass parents. Because they are literally arguing that knowing about the world, knowing how it works, and having access to information that is not from pre-approved “worldview appropriate” sources is equivalent to the greatest evils that mankind could ever know.
He is literally saying that knowledge is evil and that we must deny our children that knowledge so a bunch of dumbshit denialist dickschnauzers can keep pretending the world works the way THEY want it to work.
As an educator, this attitude is not just appalling, a vile abuse of children, and a willful ignorance it is not possible to respect, but also an EVIL. It is downright evil to deny kids knowledge because you don’t want them to call you out on your bullshit. Because you want to keep living in a fantasy kingdom and they’re “ruining” it for you by knowing things.
You didn’t have to turn out ignorant. You can at any time, pick up a book and learn how the world works and actually tailor your beliefs to that.
But you didn’t and now the rest of the world is moving on without you, adding the previous generation’s knowledge to the next and you’re trying to trip kids along the track because you’re worried that THEY might make you look bad. There is a vile cowardice here that is simply unforgivable in the extreme.
Compulsory schooling, masked as humanitarianism, was the single most essential coercive act required to achieve their long-term goals.
And you demonstrate why compulsory schooling is necessary and worth protecting into the modern day. Authoritarians of the previous generation will come up with any trick to deny the next the knowledge that has come to pass, to try and keep them ignorant and pliable so they can be used and abused and spat out again. Compulsory education and people willing to further educate them about all the reality that compulsory education tries to hide out of fear of those authoritarian assholes, is necessary to help those children escape the cycle of ignorance and abuse these sick bastards would trap them in.
Willfully miseducating them because of a false belief that denial will actually change the world and make it go blissfully back to a past that never was where minorities shut up and stayed quiet, all meaningful activities were done by rich kings and everyone knew their place and that “deserving” people’s places were naturally higher is just…
Sigh, par for the course for these wingnut assholes.
First, accept the obvious: there is no general will in a society grounded in government schools for undoing compulsory indoctrination immediately. We must therefore learn the most valuable lesson of progressivism, namely the indispensability of patience and gradualism. The next generation cannot be freed en masse from progressive mental control, and yet this freeing of minds is the only way to restore rationality and liberty in the long run.
The necessary conclusion, then: we must begin raising private militias for future battles — people who will not have submission to the progressives as their implicit goal, because, not having learned their rules of engagement in collectivist training camps, they will have become exactly the men most naturally resistant to progressivism: independent, confident, rational, and self-reliant.
The solution?
Military cosplay!
Instead of feminizing ourselves with faggoty education and becoming some filthy liberal nerd who like… knows stuff and crap, we’ll hike deep into the woods with a bunch of sweaty men dressed in ill-fitting camo so we can all “bond” about how masculine and tough and so very not queer we are as we stroke our substitute penises a lot and find excuses to share tents.
In short, remove individual children from public schools, and raise them as individuals.
We are all Huck Finn’s dad now.
You do not have the option of waiting for someone else to act. The trend throughout the world is toward increasing restriction of parental authority. Many Western countries have already outlawed homeschooling.
I could never have guessed that you were aligned with the child abuse lobby… I mean the fight for “parent’s rights”. You were so fucking subtle about it.
What is required, therefore, is educational guerrilla warfare:
Dear bob, stop him on the war analogies before he hurts himself.
Fuck, if I knew this long without a new conflict would give conservatives withdrawals this bad, I’d have disbanded the military and made wearing camo illegal just to watch the motherfuckers really twitch.
I have discussed the practical possibilities elsewhere, but allow me to explain educational guerrilla warfare by way of a personal example. I recently took a stroll with a friend here in Korea — a graduate student, and the young wife of a Christian minister. When she mentioned her plans to have children in the near future, I asked her about the possibility of homeschooling, which is uncommon here. Her initial answer was the typical, “It would be so difficult.” She has a conscience, however, so she immediately chuckled embarrassedly at her own words. Over the course of the ensuing conversation, and a subsequent one, I asked her the basic questions I believe all prospective parents must confront:
Yes… That’s right.
“Educational guerrilla warfare”… the daring commando style man action that could only be performed by the bravest of heroes, dodging the watchful eyes of the ur-conspiracy as stormtroopers seek to eliminate them is…
Memorized evangelical style sales pitches…
Color me underwhelmed at the bravado and risks these brave Freedom Fighters are taking under the Grand Liberal/Reality Empire.
If the friendly but pointed conversation I have just described under the name “guerrilla warfare” does not look like your idea of war, be assured — and warned — that it will look like war to the progressives.
Okay, okay, not even you, the fuckers so deliberately ignorant that you’d treat me like an expert of anything more than what my own shit looks like (and even then, I dunno, I think I want a second opinion) are willing to buy that talking to people is daring MAN MANLY MANLINESS COMMANDO MILITARY HOORAH MAN ARMY NAVY MAN GUNS MAN MAN MAN, but don’t worry, you’re obviously gullible toads, so I’ll just say that liberals will think its war and send you on your merry way.
I mean, fuck, it’s not like you gullible cretins are actually going to look for yourself and see if liberals consider you anything other than dumbshit overcompensating eager playthings of toxic masculinity willing to destroy your children’s futures over desperate intentional ignorance or anything. Goddamn rubes… oh shit, is this mic on… uh, the liberals did it…. suckers.
We, their hated enemy, have only our powers of personal persuasion, our own and our friends’ private consciences, and the strength of knowing that truth and nature are on our side.
Which is why you will continue to lose. Because shouting “IT’S THIS WAY BECAUSE I SAY SO” only works so long until the people you abuse and destroy for noting that reality doesn’t work the way you say it does grow so many that no one is willing to continue to fall for your shit out of a sense of conformist obligation.
And more importantly truth and nature are not behind you at all.
And you’d know that if you picked up a goddamn book for once in your life instead of railing at the injustice of the world for not conforming to your prejudices.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I’m surprised more wingnuts haven’t declared war on the internet given that it makes deliberate ignorance about history and reality WAY more difficult than it’s ever been. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Frist Center for The Penis Arts!
All please rise for the rich white Republican anthem:
? We are the victims, my friends,
And we’ll keep on whining ’til the end.
We are the victims.
We are the victims.
No time for losers
‘Cause we are the victims…Of The World! ?
What, ascii musical note symbols don’t work no more?
? ? ?
Shameless plug: I’ve been updating my previously disused Tumblr with coloured-in sketches from a series I’ve been working on where I illustrate Martian animals from various old books.
On topic: I love you everything he hates is an intentional attack on him and his fellows. Liberals, or even non-conservatives, couldn’t possibly think things are a good idea in their own right.
*love how.
I’m afraid I don’t love you. Let’s just be friends.
Shameless plug
I’ve seen pictures of those.
Yup, we’re so unbelievably vile that we’ve taken over what is ethical, what is right in politics, what is reality, and the metaphysics of the universe itself.
Well put … I was gonna get around to doing our taxes this weekend, but when you put it that way, I think I deserve the whole weekend off.
while granting that enemy authority to train your own military. After all, you reason, sending your soldiers to the enemy’s training centers frees up your time and resources for other priorities. Moreover, the tyrants have graciously promised to train your men in good faith, so denying them this privilege might seem ungrateful.
It’s a bit late to be thinking of the downside, dude.
Public schools undermine — and are intended to undermine — the attachment to private family, by draining most of a child’s energy and attention into a world unrelated to home; by forcibly creating an alternative social universe that engenders attachments rivalling those to parents and siblings; and by teaching children implicit and explicit moral lessons over the heads of their parents, lessons that may stand in direct defiance of the parents’ beliefs.
Free society: A cluster of tiny pockets of nuclear families run like absolute monarchies.
Compulsory schooling, masked as humanitarianism, was the single most essential coercive act required to achieve their long-term goals.
“…but I resisted – no schooling for me, says I!!”
it will look like
wara tantrum to the progressivesCivilization — all of it — is currently under the domination of progressive collectivism in ethics, authoritarianism in politics, irrationalism in epistemology, and nihilism in metaphysics.
A right-winger complaining about authoritarianism? Too droll…
The architects of this calamity have paved the road to the devil’s dominion over several generations
The greatest trick the authoritarians ever played was convincing the world that the devil exists.
We’ve actually tried home schooling, all over the world, for thousands of years. People were generally illiterate, innumerate, with stunted critical and creative capacities. A few people — almost always members of the ruling classes — got a good education and/or flourished wonderfully, but even the upper castes were overwhelmingly crippled by modern standards.
But our conservatives’ dream of rejecting compulsory, progressive public education is arguably worse than all that. A pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cacique fresh out of a time machine would have an far better plan for educating his offspring. But Cerb said that in fewer words with the “Huck Finn’s dad” lines … These people have no plan, and they’re ready to toss out even the proven ones that suit their aims.
Jonescu is so over the top. His rhetoric defies description. For all his inch-deep high-toned blather, he’s the one drawing up a map to cultural extinction. If by map, you’d accept a few shaky lines in the dirt.
I am not so sure that “liberals” should be defending public “education.” After all, I know plenty of good liberals who got good grades in school, were loved by their teachers, and won honors for their efforts who are so damn ignorant informed folks literally cringe whenever they open their mouths.
If the friendly but pointed conversation I have just described under the name “guerrilla warfare” does not look like your idea of war, be assured — and warned — that it will look like war to the progressives.
Like you pointed out, Cerb, it doesn’t look like war, it looks like child abuse. Well, if they want their kids to fail to be competitive, it’s their choice. Oddly enough, the progressive welfare state will help to subsidize their bad choices.
We, their hated enemy, have only our powers of personal persuasion, our own and our friends’ private consciences, and the strength of knowing that truth and nature are on our side.
Judging from the typical reaction to their viral e-mails, they are doomed.
So yes, the family is sacrosanct, and “civilization” means destroying any education which is not genetically programmed indoctrination.
Brilliant! But not very consistent. What role does the economy play? (Other than commonism= bad; bankster “free” enterprize and endless bubble scams = good)? Government/politics? Do as you’re told, but we’re not authoritarian (really) because we possess truth.
If you want to be Pol Pot 2, you can’t move by partial steps, you’ve got to destroy it ALL, kill the “smart” people who wear glasses, etc. and return to that legendary Edenic year Zero. (I’m sure the Repugs will mostly agree w/ the killing smartypants elitists part though, at least in theory.)
Sad and stupid. Even stupider than believing in the quoted claim about “arcs” of history tending anywhere. (History: I haz consciousness & intentionality and it is justice.) This is far from QED as demonstrated by 5,000ish years of “civilisation” and increasing alienation from nature and life . . . You might as well believe in “The Secret,” or “Don’t worry, be happy.” But nice that they have something to piss their pants over.
The architects of this calamity have paved the road to the devil’s dominion over several generations. Their recent boldness, moving in for the kill on the last, crumbling bastion of principled resistance, America, shows that they believe ultimate victory is at hand, which, in human terms, means we face a thousand years of darkness.
I guess in his world, Reagan didn’t win the Cold War, since he seems to think the communist horde has taken over everything but America, one last lone Fort Alamo in a Red world.
In short, remove individual children from public schools, and raise them as individuals.
… yep… that’s actually his new idea. “Homeschool your kids.”
Cause, you know, fundiegelical nutjobs haven’t already been doing that (or putting said kids in alternative “Bible schools” that teach them that Adam and Eve really did walk with dinosaurs) since the days of the Scopes trial.
This is easily the most tiresome aspect of conservatism – the fact that every five minutes, one of them will stand up and say “HOLY SHIT! I just had the most BRILLIANT fucking idea!” and it’s invariably something that was already tried and implemented, usually by their own side, forever.
A right-winger complaining about authoritarianism?
When your central complaint is that public schooling causes children to lose blind faith in the omnipotence and omniscience of their parents, and you begin with an appeal to your readers’ adulation of the military, of courseliberals are the authoritarians.
I guess in his world, Reagan didn’t win the Cold War, since he seems to think the communist horde has taken over everything but America, one last lone Fort Alamo in a Red world.
Their real problem is that they lost in the marketplace of ideas, and they are trying to call for a “mulligan”.
Free society: A cluster of tiny pockets of nuclear families run like absolute monarchies.
“The preservation of existing hierarchies” is still the best definition of conservatism I’ve ever heard. At the most basic level, that means preserving the right of the father of the family to rule his wife and children unquestioned and unrestrained by anything but his own judgment. Which is what their obsession with “family values” is actually about.
Once again we are reminded that the human rights of the fetus last only up until the moment of birth, and after that the child becomes parental property.
“Hey, it’s not our fault that Satan is so damn sexy. (He’s the ultimate bad boy).”
How do you know Satan is a man?
Jonescu is so over the top. His rhetoric defies description. For all his inch-deep high-toned blather, he’s the one drawing up a map to cultural extinction. If by map, you’d accept a few shaky lines in the dirt.
With a dull stick, of course, as pointy sticks would be viewed as elitist and thus liberalish, therefor athwart of nature…
These idiots make my brain hurt. These freaks would stab out their eyes, remove their noses and cut out their tongues to spite MY face.
And a generation later (in their fevered imaginings*) would be raised a progeny willing to cut off their own heads to spite my face.
I am going to add that it is a tremendous injustice bordering on proof of the non existence of god, that every last one of the folks that Cerberus takes out to the woodshed likely makes more money than Cerb, or you or me.
I was hoping that I might be somewhat clever today. Not feeling it. I’ll have to see if a couple of wetsuits and a trip off the boat will get the juices flowing**…
* a lifetime cranial butplug will have that effect.
**Feast of Burden
Nice work Spear!
At the American thinker, they dream of one true leader (on a hovercraft, or helicopter) with eyes above the shoulders leading a pack of cranial butplugs over a cliff (or waterfall.)
Evolution would suggest that some of the butplugged might develop belly windows and with vision thus enabled would take a right or left turn at the last moment.
Bowel Movement Conservatism.
Whenever I feel unhappy about the left’s setbacks in areas like environmental protection, and workers’ rights, and economic inequality, and perpetual war, and torture, and unemployment, and social security, and abortion, and . . . . I can’t tell you what a comfort it is to know that we still RULE when it comes to epistemology.
Alas, the stinker has comments, and thus I will start there, as Cerb has completely eviscerated the author, I might present a few rotting mangoes for your amusement. The default setting for their disqus is “most popular now.” As one who has possessed moderating privileges at both Slashdot and Kos I feel compelled to view the whole thread, feel that any voices of reason will have been irrevocably troll rated (feature, not bug) but will start with the good stuff…
“Who needs a reach around when you can lick your own prostate.”
We start with “Flamewarrior 7”
The ouroboros is strong in this one, a slave to dichotomy, and likely a Tribal chieftain to boot. As CRA mentioned above, the roadmap to conservative “Donner party” induced irrelevance is in full bloom. And does not the chosen nom de plume Flamewarrior7 suggest certain compensation issues? The name alone and the comment that follows could be the subject of a Masters thesis.
On to a person whose nome de plume suggests that there are lions at the gate: “Closet Christian” (definitely not an alpha or a top) chimes in:
A calliope of tropes is presented. At least this beta is aware that “reservation” is more PC than “plantation.”
1lostokie follows with…this cranial stun gun:
One might conclude that getting into a fancy college is the goal of some of these homeschool zealots*.
*yet another thesis, and why do I get off the boat.
One might conclude that getting into a fancy college is the goal of some of these homeschool zealots*.
They just want their kids to go to Liberty University and get appointed to “above their level of competence” jobs by a Republican administration. That’s why they are so dead-set on getting the Kenyan Usurper out of office somehow.
You know, that sudden reversal on “Core Curriculum” is a terrific example of the assholery of conservatoids in finding ways to not only fuck up the country for everybody else, but to then commit national amnesiac cleansing and foist the culpability onto another group.
Do they not remember that what they refer to as Core Curriculum and “teaching to standardized tests” was the grand creation of their own assault on public education as an effort to “keep up with the Mao Tse Jones?” When No Child Left Behind was being forced on what remained of a professional teaching class in this nation, there was plenty of resistance from normal people (i.e. “liberals” in wingnut parlance), but I didn’t hear any conservatoids joining in. No siree, at the time they all thought it was good fun to laugh at anyone concerned that NCLB offered no gain in improving our education system and plenty of negative demands on the scarce resources available to professional educators striving to provide actual education to young Americans.
Now, suddenly, they change the name to Core Curriculum and it is the Big Liberal Idea to Indoctrinate Yer Younguns.
Fuck ’em. They get away with this all the time–break something that might work, or cook up some fucked up Three Stooges plan to Get Rich Qwik, and when the wall come tumbling down, they get to walk away whistling, and leave the cleaning up (and blame) to everyone else.
Again, fuck ’em. When are we going to stop letting them do this?
Along with what I wrote above, their concern about the dissolution of family and community ties in this nation, which I believe most people are concerned about in one way or another, is so obviously a result of the rampant and malignant corporate state that has infiltrated every single aspect of our miserable lives in this nation.
Yet, conservatoids, like hard-core addicts in denial, cling viciously to their golden consumerism while their addiction slowly erodes any ethical/moral bits they ever had.
Public Education is dying for the same reason nearly every other dream of America is dying (or already stone cold dead)–unrestrained capitalism being accepted as some sort of ethical guide in place of actual morality.
You know, that sudden reversal on “Core Curriculum” is a terrific example of the assholery of conservatoids in finding ways to not only fuck up the country for everybody else, but to then commit national amnesiac cleansing and foist the culpability onto another group.
Their symbol should be a mayfly, not an elephant.
Along with what I wrote above, their concern about the dissolution of family and community ties in this nation, which I believe most people are concerned about in one way or another, is so obviously a result of the rampant and malignant corporate state that has infiltrated every single aspect of our miserable lives in this nation.
Yeah, even their outrage that women are the principle breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families is due to falling wages among males, rather than rising wages among females.
Actually, the comment that took me aback was : We Americans are the last civilized people, Uh – say whut?
Actually, the comment that took me aback was : We Americans are the last civilized people, Uh – say whut?
Our infant mortality and murder rates say otherwise.
How many pretty presents can I be you ask? Well, I said it to you clean and proper. Now. Love, Me
She has a conscience, however, so she immediately chuckled embarrassedly
at her own wordsat the American moron who thought education was a bad thing.They just want their kids to go to Liberty University and get appointed to “above their level of competence” jobs by a Republican administration. That’s why they are so dead-set on getting the Kenyan Usurper out of office somehow.
Or Bob Jones, Christfimative action to replace the Legacy (or whitefirmative action) in the 21st century.
Again, fuck ‘em. When are we going to stop letting them do this?
As long as the world is run by Billionaire Toddlers™ we’ll be spending a great deal of time walking up hills back and forth to schools hamstrung by budget cuts.
We Americans are the last civilized people, Uh – say whut?
America is a bag of shit, pretending to be idiots, punching above its weight class.
Unfortunately that baggage will go down swinging and likely take the rest of the world down with us.
O amor é o meu no tempo
Esperar não mais
Que chore
Eu me ajoelho aos seus pés
Na escuridão, à luz
… … A situação está perto de mais
O dia deve ser lembrado
À medida que o conflito desce
A verdade é que à luz
A partir de agora.
Estamos juntos como uma
A partir de agora.
A verdade era para ser
Como eu sou, assim serei
Qual é a freqüência, Ashtana?
Aonde você foi?
Na juventude torcida
Abri a verdade
Eu sou um amor
Eu sou para você
Como você é para mim
Você me deixa livre
Você me deixa livre
O amor é lindo
O amor é uma espécie
Lembre-se de forma diferente
Em um belo tempo.
Needs moar cats!
Actually, the comment that took me aback was : We Americans are the last civilized people, Uh – say whut?
Our infant mortality and murder rates say otherwise.
So, his argument is that “‘civilization’ is… just another word for education” and “We Americans are the last civilized people”, and then goes on to argue that education is all liberally and shit, designed to ruin pulsating young manhood, eh?
Does this pointy-headed four-eyes then follow with “ergo, all the rest of the world is better off than America” or, “ergo, America is inferior to all the rest of the world as the last ‘educated’ people”?
Literally, he states that civilization = education and education = bad, therefore any civilized person = bad, and then he bluntly states that America is the only remaining bad people left in the world.
I think there are plenty bad people other than us, but I suppose it is his right to have an opinion on the matter, being the civilization-destroying pro-education liberal that I am.
Along with what I wrote above, their concern about the dissolution of family and community ties in this nation, which I believe most people are concerned about in one way or another, is so obviously a result of the rampant and malignant corporate state that has infiltrated every single aspect of our miserable lives in this nation.
Yet, conservatoids, like hard-core addicts in denial, cling viciously to their golden consumerism while their addiction slowly erodes any ethical/moral bits they ever had.
There’s definitely an industry on the right in concocting Vast Left Wing Conspiracies (which apparently control the entire world, according to these people) that can be blamed for all the misery caused by the elites that actually have the power. Goes all the way back to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Two things. First, it’s a lot easier, for them at least, to accept that they’re being screwed by outsiders than by members of their own tribe. For all their talk about vast impersonal market forces, wingnuts aren’t really that interested in economics unless it’s telling them to blame one of These People for their troubles. This sort of crap fits their prejudices, and is also easy for them to understand – I suspect their eyes would glaze over if they ever tried to understand real economics.
Second, it’s a huge ego trip for them. They’re saying that the world is ruled by dark, unseen, all-powerful conspiracies whose ultimate goal is, apparently, to target them and destroy their way of life, effectively turning them into heroes of their own epic saga. In real life, the people actually trying to screw them aren’t Illuminati conspirators, they’re boring old businessmen, who neither know nor care about Their Way Of Life, and who by and large aren’t actually “out to get them” any more than the people who build highways are out to get prairie dogs – the prairie dog towns are just in the way, and business is business. But that doesn’t stroke their ego the same way, so they go with story # 1 instead.
Actually, the comment that took me aback was : We Americans are the last civilized people, Uh – say whut?
Tribalists have been saying “we are the only/last civilized people” forever and a day, everywhere. Somewhere in worst corner of Afghanistan right now is probably a warlord saying the exact same thing about his tribe. It’s just the usual racism/xenophobia.
You misspelled “paternal.”
I know I’s just a lurker, but I just want to say that Cerberus is the best thing ever to happen to Sadly, No!
Which is not to denigrate the excellent contributions of HTML Mencken, Tintin et al.
But she is the best.
I came to the sad realization that we weren’t civilized when we had a national discussion about when torture is OK. The infant mortality and murder rates just make it more obvious. Especially when you consider it ain’t the 1% who’s most likely to be affected by any of it.
Shameless plug: I’ve been updating my previously disused Tumblr with coloured-in sketches from a series I’ve been working on where I illustrate Martian animals from various old books.
I’d like to see more of the beasts from “Martian Odyssey”. One of my favorite stories – and the German scientist is named Putz, which is hilarious.
As far as American Stinker – we’re obviously the last bastion of civilization, because other countries ACTUALLY ALLOW Socialists, gays, advocates for workers, etc. to not only run openly for public office but actually get elected! quelle horror!
Nice to see the Faith-Based Nihilism community starting to really drop the mask from their latent desire for barbarism. Beauty is, even their ham-fisted attempts at stealth are a rampant tell (like the GOP’s brand-new “Sell Voters The Exact Same Shit Sandwich We Already Know They Loathe But While Making Slightly Prettier Mouth Noises” cunning plan).
If ignorance is your bread & butter, then yes, education is surely “the devil’s dominion” indeed.
Don’t know first-hand about homeschooling but I can say from bitter experience that correspondence is both nearly impossible to graduate from & chronically inferior to the same curriculum learned in a classroom. Education is a core element of a functional modern society. It isn’t just a road to Junior’s dreams coming true … it’s also the utility that by informing & improving every other utlility lets Junior grow old enough (in an environment advanced & enriched enough) to make that amazing fairytale a real possibility. Letting parents – or anybody else – fundamentally degrade K-12 curricula is a social time-bomb if it becomes sufficiently widespread.
These barmy motherfuckers think they’re Johnny Appleseed, but they’re actually Typhoid Mary.
Also, schools are usually where kids get that vital role as a member of their first real posse, meet their first crush & hook up with their first lay … these Dunning-Kruger Workshop Championship “heroes” are going to wind up with not-kids-any-more who despise them for stealing all those treasures of youth away forever, just in a vain dramawhoring attempt to try to spite some harmless hippies … who mostly neither noticed nor cared.
You’re choosing how & where your little angel is going to get educated now – but chances are they’ll get to choose your palliative care facility later.
Choose wisely.
they’re boring old businessmen
It appears that most of them own a franchise and think that that makes them “entrepreneurs” (pardon the French). They wouldn’t know what creativity and innovation was if either or both jumped up and bit their collective ass.
“Franchise” is French for “let someone else do the hard work”.
Yeah, even their outrage that women are the principle breadwinners in 4 out of 10 families is due to falling wages among males, rather than rising wages among females.
This. My own parents were no liberals by any stretch of the imagination, but my mother went back to work when I was a teenager, not because of the rise of second-wave feminism, but because We Needed The Money. Two income households didn’t become the norm in America because of Gloria Steinem, FFS.
Hey, you probably haven’t heard of this before, but there’s this thing called Benghazi that’s really, really important. Why is the media ignoring it?
Benghazi was a FALSE FLAG! Those four people are still alive and in hiding! Why is Taco Bell part of the conspiracy to lie to the American people?
There’s a tie between Rio de Janeiro and Benghazi, wake up, sheeple!
Bwahaha. My DFH run private school is about 90 zillion REDs (Radical Education Degrees) worse than his worst nightmare about the forced gay abortion of RealMerkin® values that goes on in public schools. And there are schools with higher REDs in town.
Cat Food In A Tortilla
What is funny is that I saw this nym and immediately thought Taco Bell. Then I scrolled up and saw Taco Bell’s suggestive comment.
Well played.
there’s this thing called Benghazi that’s really, really important.
(Not) Sadly, No.
It’s not.
Although the people’s house of Congress wasting their fucking time on it is.
Weren’t these douchebags supposed to be concentrating on creating jobs?
Weren’t these douchebags supposed to be concentrating on creating jobs?
Creating jobs is SOCIALISM!
Now there’s a topic I believe would generate reader interest.
So start your own fucking blog and draw in millions of readers.
Cripes, now I have to install the badger file on my work computer?
OT – If you are on the Twitters, some Womb Police fucks started an #exposePP to spread lies about Planned Parenthood. It has been hijacked is being used to accuse and PP exposed for such horrible acts as providing affordable preventive care and creating tornadoes with weather machines.
Ain’t it just splendiferous how four Americans getting killed in Benghazi is an “Obozo fuckup” but 3000 Americans getting killed in New York and Washington wasn’t a Bush the Lesser fuckup and 200-some Marines getting killed in Beirut wasn’t a Ray-Gun fuckup?
It must be wonderful when nothing is ever your fault because shut-up-that’s-why!
It has been hijacked is being used to accuse and PP exposed for such horrible acts as providing affordable preventive care and creating tornadoes with weather machines.
Is it true that they are using nanotornadoes to suck the fetuses out of wombs?
Post on topic asswipe
Says the guy who wants to screech endlessly about Benghazi. You’d think no one in history had ever been killed in the Middle East before.
I forget: is the topic POOP or PENIS?
PENIS, with POOP smears.
I prefer kittehs.
This guy thinks we face “a thousand years of darkness” because KIDS GO TO SCHOOL?
Noooo more teachers
Noooo more books…
Noooo more teachers
Noooo more books…
No more liberal-leaning schnooks!
Out for summer
heed the call
civ’lization starts to fall!
“Public schools undermine — and are intended to undermine — the attachment to private family, by draining most of a child’s energy and attention into a world unrelated to home; by forcibly creating an alternative social universe that engenders attachments rivalling those to parents and siblings”
Yeah, because back in the golden age of conservative values, parents never, ever died.
And couldn’t one say the same thing about an employment outside of the home?
and then there is the military …
Yeah, because back in the golden age of conservative values, parents never, ever died.
Well, mom died in childbirth with kid number eleven, but dad survived, which is all that counts for wingnuts.
forcibly creating an alternative social universe that engenders attachments rivalling those to parents and siblings
English translation: exposure to the real world.
Teachers! Mentors! Demons! Friends!
One of these things is not like the others,
tell me can you guess which one?
If you can’t tell which thing’s not like the others,
you are a dumb moron
You are a dumb moron.
This whole fetishization of the “Pioneer-type”, self-sufficient, no-formal-education lifestyle is also incredibly disrespectful to the people who built lives in the wilderness (OK, pre-cleared by smallpox….) with the goal of building real better societies for their children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren.*
If any of them were told that some idiots in the 21st century would advocate giving up all they strove for and go back to the kind of socially-deprived existence they struggled through, they’d never believe it.
*This ignores the founders of would-be-theocracies who have always been laughingstocks. Except in Wingnutistan I guess they’re not.
Alas, there is no way to subject these dunderheads to the lifestyle they adore.
Penis! Penis! Penis!
We are looking forward to our special little luncheon. 🙂
Oh, c’mon, what is the most important thing of all?
I specifically ordered ORGANIC FREE-RANGE trolls.
Not these tube-fed abominations!
These bloody things are barely even skin & bones!
I demand to see the Chef!
Is it true that they are using nanotornadoes to suck the fetuses out of wombs?
Where have you been, BBBB? They’ve always used nanotornadoes to suck the fetus out of our wombs. The trick is getting the tornado to drop into the blender for that refreshing afternoon fetus smoothie or, if it’s Friday, fetus margarita.
Hey assholes. Did I strike a nerve?
It was rather amusing watching you shit in your cowboy hat and then clapping it triumphantly over your head.
However, the resultant waves of stench soon turned the laughter into involuntary gagging .
I forgot how kinda awesome it is to see whole legions of badgers dancin’ the night away.
Lookit ’em go!
Fuck me but there’s some stupid arseholes in the world.
We need to define what intelligence “is.”
Oh, “do” we? I don’t: I’m pretty “sure” I know “what” “intelligence” “is”. “Honestly”.
Sorry, I got infected by the spotted double quote virus for a second there.
I was under the impression that free (& mandatory) public education had to do w/ citizens in a democracy being well-informed/knowledgeable, the better to exercise their franchise.
Ooooh. Never mind, then.
I’m not crazy about the illustration but that there is some noctilucent crazy.
Meanwhile . . . the AL congressional seat vacated by Jo Bonner (no doubt that’s an interesting story, even if it’s all about Jo Bonner’s, um, thinking) is filling up with Quin Hillyer–ex-American Spectator editor/writer, ex-Mobile Press Register editorial page editor, Washington Times writer/editor/columnist. Hillyer ran a Hate David Duke campaign in LA as a place for Republicans to hate Duke that wasn’t . . .oh, everyone else. (Think about that for a second. Hillyer, instead of joining more or less any rational group already speaking out against David Duke, started his own group to show that the only reason Republicans didn’t speak out earlier against Duke is because they couldn’t find a comfortable conservative place before Hillyer showed up.)
Education is important, people, how else are we going to discipline those barbarians?
Pace BBBB, while a wingnut complaining about authoritarianism is droll, as a certified nerd (PhD … in Biochem, but still … I did take a graduate philosophy class from a topped rank philosophy dept) the real nut for me is an American conservative (who presumably hates all things French and especially Descartes) complaining about IRrationality in epistemology. If this wacko weren’t so aghast at edumacation, he might realize that what passes for an intellectual tradition in his political stream is all about (or so they claim) either Anglo-American empiricism (in contradistinction to the French rationalism they claim for us liberals — of course, it’s always projection so natch they are, if anything, rationalists to our empiricism, so maybe the wingnut of interest in this post is onto something, although I suspect that our wingnut of they day simply doesn’t understand the meaning of the words “irrational” or “epistemology”) or a misreading of Strauss’s misreading of quasi-mystical Platonism.
Nu? Who’s irrational? People whose political theory is based on a a parable about a man in a cave and such? As if the definition of rationality makes all that much sense … if the high Tory Anglo-American culture is da bomb wingnuts are right, then it is precisely the Anglo-American empirical (as OPPOSED to rational) mindset that makes us free and great and whatnot …
…there is no general will in a society grounded in government schools for undoing compulsory indoctrination immediately…. We must begin raising private militias for future battles .
Exactly! conservative madrassas for a conservative jihad against the forces of rationality and reason.
They’ve always used nanotornadoes to suck the fetus out of our wombs.
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in utero anymore.”
Today is the greatest, day I’ve ever known. Can wait for tomorrow, today won’t be so long. I give my heart out.
Love, Me and You
Sorry, Cali IT IS, but the number of correct spellings in your offerings cuts your Troll Score to 5.8. Thanks for playing.
And personally I didn’t find it Aspie enough for IT. Since I are one and have been programming for a living since Reagan’s first term, I’ve developed a pretty good ear for that sort of thing.
He’s obviously a barbarian who needs reparative therapy, stat!
Scallop ceviche last night. And fish tacos. Exquisitely seasoned and grilled mahi mahi, mango cucumber red onion jalapeno salsa fresca, chipotle lime crema, red cabbage in homemade flour tortillas. It were good.
I’m fixing to go have some fish tacos and bloody marys.
Mmm, Pepsi Max and dexedrine.
…and PENIS?
Dennis, nobody cares about you and your stupid shitty obscure feuds and resentments over who did and didn’t reveal what about whom on the Internet. Fuck off.
Did somebody request badgers?
Far-Right Extremists Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers
Freakin’ Badgers!
Oops. Memo to self, at least read the last comment.
Internet Tough Guy really hopes you can’t tell that he’s wearing camouflage Underoos.
Maybe more profanity will make you think he has a large powerful PENIS!
Relax, Dennis, nobody is going to dox you, nobody gives a rats’ ass about you here anyway.
George Tierney of Greenville, S.C?
Thanks for reminding us of who you think worth defending, Dennis.
“Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in utero anymore.”
Take these internets, my child, for they are YOURS.
Ding dong, the cyst is dead
Which old cyst?
The blastocyst!
Ding dong, the blastocyst is dead………………………
What? Too soon?
I didn’t think my abortion/Wizard of Oz riff would pick up any steam.
Here, Sammy Davis Jr. sings that song. The whole album The Sounds of ’66 is hot as fuck (Buddy Rich et al). It opens like this, recorded live in Vegas starting at 5:15 AM, according to Sammy.
Says the Aqualung Freak/Child Facebook stalker who’s obsessively called my house 40+ times.
You’re the one who called me out of the blue, Dennis a a few years ago. Why wasn’t that stalkerish/Freaky?Aqualung back then?
Best. Conspiracy. Theory. Ever.
Young women dressed in fake fur were seen chasing doughty nationalist supporters down London’s Whitehall
Be still my beating heart.
That is of course “Doctor Brian May” as any fule kno.
Moderation: now a crime!!
We must begin raising private militias for future battles…
Be sure and have lots and lots of weapons for the idiots in your private militias, because what could possibly go wrong?
The Chicago Tribune, which is becoming more horrible by the day, concluded a long article on fracking in Illinois (newly permitted by state law) with these golden words:
The legislation “gives individuals the opportunity to appeal permits and launch lawsuits when they suspect the law has been skirted.”
Translation: We can’t be bothered to exercise any oversight over the people who are going to be injecting tens of thousands of gallons of toxic shit into the groundwater you all have to drink, but hey, if you want to do our jobs for us, that’s cool.
Jazz, for your Sunday afternoon.
And today in Headlines That Sound Like Benny Hill Skits:
Far-Right Extremists Chased Thru London by Women Dressed as Badgers
[Bonus Soundtrack for this story: Yakety Sax]
[Also, too: HOT!!!]
Oh damn. I had a S,N! window open and searched it for “badger” — turns out it had been open for hours.
Feel free to ‘Ahem’ me back to the stone age.
nihilism in metaphysics.
So we are back to the “Immanuel Kant = History’s Greatest MONSTER” tenet of the belief system.
Even shorter Jonescu: “OMG, edumacations might make kids less scared of brown people, or even make them think that our fairy tales about Jeebus are bullshit! THIS IS WAAAAAARRRR!”
[…] Via Sadly, No… […]
Hey, wow, has anyone heard about the dames dressed as badgers running through the streets of London chasing NF &/or BNP dilrods?
Last night’s din-din was Stouffer’s® Satisfying Servings Meatloaf, because (PUBLIC SERVICE for my fellow local frozen food gourmets!) Ralphs is selling all not-family sized Stouffer’s ® items for a mere US$1.88, through Tues.
I love America again.
The fact is, black people are largely destyctive aminals. Pruitt-Igloo was proof of that, build nice things and they brake them.
The fact is, Pruitt-Igloo is a shorthand for how socalist givaways are always oppurtunities for minorites to take advantge of well meaning but deluded whites. Liberals are like that, they think they are helpuing but you cannot fix the jeans for destruction and sloth that were borne from Africa. Why don’t they stoip the cry for reperations already and just work harder?
Agreed, blacks are always crying foul. We are always shunned, all whites are racists, blah blah blah. Get a fucking clue assholes
Where is verb the Tranny? Grandpa and am still shunning you? They should because it ain’t right. Queer ness is WRONG
you cannot fix the jeans for destruction and sloth that were borne from Africa.
So leave them ripped. Go for the distressed-denim look.
I love America again
It won’t last.
Wow. That is the only word that comes to mind. It’s clear that the extreme right is insane and the more power they accumulate the more dangerous they become to the rest of us. God help us when they take over which they eventually will do with the help of the billionaire class.
Gary Rupert and Cali IT IS:
The two of you need to go back to the Rush Limbaugh/KKK website you came from. On this website, your racist, America-hating, neo-nazi like fantasies and beliefs make you look like the monsters you truly are; complete with bad spelling and crazy, stupid lies that even a kindergartener would laugh at.
By referring to the badgette fleeing nationalists as doughty, that reporter wins my admiration. Word nerdism and sarcasm in one word. The only thing missing was a link to the Brave Sir Robin song from the Holy Grail.
I noticed and appreciated that use of “doughty,” too. Also, a quick scan makes doughty look like doughy, which I like to think was an appropriate description of the extremists.
God help us when they take over which they eventually will do with the help of the billionaire class.
Never gonna happen. If one of them decides to go full-on Cromwell or Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab, the billionaires will smack them down hard. David H. Koch lives on Park Avenue and likes to go to the Metropolitan Opera. He’s not going to fund the fundies to the extent that they’ll shit in his neighborhood.
The backlash will occur when the idiocy of the useful idiots exceeds their usefulness.
the jeans for destruction and sloth
Sloth costuming is the next fad amongst the wealthy.
Sounds like a major drinking binge.
Part of the problem? While they are women themselves, polls show Palin and Bachmann actually appeal predominantly to men — and as such might not be the best messengers to female voters.
How about you look at your goddamn policies, morans?
Actually, over at BJ there was some discussion that Palin especially was a greater turn off to Republican women because Republican men kept starbursting over her.
When you’re already dealing with a party lead by guys who have no problem trading in wives, watching hubby drool over Palin would cause anxiety and resentment.
Part of the problem? While they are women themselves, polls show Palin and Bachmann actually appeal predominantly to men — and as such might not be the best messengers to female voters.
Pinups for pinheads
The two of you need to go back to the Rush Limbaugh/KKK website you came from.
I think someone’s trying too hard.
Dennis Morrissey said,
That made me laugh, because this could be the troll’s theme song.
That being said, I’ve been neglecting Objectivist Morrissey for too long- I really need to revisit the character…
Eew. Gross but true.
Holy hand grenade of Antioch, M. Multiple Bs, that O.M. blog is beyond hilarious.
The boy with the thorn in his side,
I hope his health care is denied …
OK, I got nuthin.
AKA – Shakezula fergot to change mah name back after Dennis baiting.
“If I met Vic Reeves, I’d have no desire other than to smack him on the face.”
-Neiwertian Morrissey
Court Knee? Get it? Yet? Court. Knee? Well, Court, Knee. Courtney Kobain it is then. K is for knife, k is for life.
Mi ricordo di quando non c’era niente, e ho appena deciso di essere. E ‘successo tutto in un capello di una frazione di un millisecondo. E poi ho visto il futuro, in un capello di una frazione di un millisecondo. C’era cose che non vedevo l’ora di, e così ho aspettato finché ho potuto, nella poesia, e nella quiete inchiostro nero di tutto. Anche se sapevo che non potevo aspettare. Sapevo che dovevo ottenere la vio … lenza finita il più presto possibile. La verità è che la violenza avrebbe potuto durare per sempre. La verità è che ho dovuto cambiare la storia stessa delle cose, per quanto ho potuto. E ‘stato molto difficile cambiare il futuro. Si sarebbe mai dovuto accadere. La verità è che ho dovuto portare la verità alla luce. E che è stato molto difficile per noi due. E noi cinque. E noi sei. E gli undici di noi. Non volevamo fare del male a nessuno mai. Abbiamo impedito quasi tutto. Abbiamo ottenuto la violenza verso il basso per per cento di quello che sarebbe potuto essere. Che successo sono. Sono molto orgoglioso del mio martirio. La verità, è che cento è successo a me personalmente. Io sono il tuo salvatore, Lucianda. Il piano era per te. Ora lo sai. Mi riferisco a mia figlia molto speciale, Ava Adore. Satana si era intento a farla soffrire, perché sapeva che lei sarebbe più vicino a Dio di lei. Sono felice di dire che la violenza si concluderà oggi. Siamo tutti andando tutto bene. Vi amo tutti, più di li-IFE / più di li-IFE / più di chiunque altro. Vi ringrazio per il vostro sostegno, tutti e ciascuno di voi. Nel tempo, ci guarirà. Prima di quanto prima di prima di quanto presto.
Cordiali saluti, Dio
Pere Ubu,
Interesting comment, but not a word about the racist and lame posts of your friends. This says everything one needs to know about you. Or should I just refer to you as a troll?
“This whole fetishization of the “Pioneer-type”, self-sufficient, no-formal-education lifestyle is also incredibly disrespectful to the people who built lives in the wilderness”
That may be true, but the attention to detail and cognizance of the verities which make up the holy scripture of popular melodrama as explicated by TV and movies is truly astonishing.
There is a huge research work to be done, an annotated history of conservatism, which will note each source-movie or TV show, and tie it to its resultant policy or principle.
Oh, look.
Dennis has a new name.
Bob, meet killfile.
Hrm, I have Tampermonkey running on my Nexus and the badgerscript installed, but it isn’t killing comments.
Do I need to use Tampermonkey as a browser?
Or should I just go play Minecraft PE and wait ’til I get home to *plonk* the douchenozzles?
I haven’t tried Tampermonkey: Chrome not have plugins me want.
? It’s charity for no reason – & charity for no reason is MUUURRRDERRRR ?
Pere, here’s Dark Avenger/Chutney Love bragging about how your kill-file plonkification doesn’t work on him…..
Hey, Dennis, if you noticed, the killfile didn’t work on me because I can change nyms as easily as I remove my shoes.
He’s making fun of you.
Burn touches boys oy its so humid
𝄢 FWYP: you’re always on the rag
FYWP – your Mom is an ugly slag 𝄟
𝅘𝅥𝅯 FYWP – you’d make Linda Lovelace gag
FYWP – so tongue-buff my hairy bag 𝄫
Where’s Rico bell!!!?!?!?!? My crack is feckin humid
Where is burn?? I miss his tits
I took a poop. I didn’t get the main trouble maker, I was at a club last night, my rape whistle was blown a lot, tom hanks is going to play Obama in the sequel to zero dark thirty, what’s the deal with quakers?, let’s all get naked and play lord of the flies…burn can be the fat one. Morty for presidente, oh and I have a tattoo of Bart Simpsons balls on my balls.
U ever try to hang a wet towel on you fuck stick??? Its feckin tricky
As the courtesan said to the Bishop, how’s tricks?
Christ! Did a cow shit in here?
Now, now, a cow’s shit is it at least useful to the fertility of the soil.
This is just waste.
Welp, since it looks like the fucking Augean stables all up in here, I’m off to Minecraft until I can get that damn badgerfile working.
Hey, kiddies: Here’s a link to the latest bizarro episode in the seemingly never-ending saga of Rob Ford. What’s the agle this time? Why, the introduction of a brand new breakout comedy character, of course. None other than his Fatship’s identical twin, a guy named (and I am not making this up)…Slurpy!!!!
More and more, it’s like a sitcom come to life!
Ahem…What’s the angle this time, I meant to say. D’oh!
What remarkable weirdness.
I’m not surprised, I was once riding on a bus with a friend of mine, he looked a little funny when he saw an older man getting on at a stop.
When I asked him why, he said that but for the man’s complexion, he was a spitting image of his father. I later met his father and except for skin coloration he was nearly identical to the older man my friend and I saw.
Reality doesn’t have to make sense, unlike fiction.
Okay, then.
No, a cow didn’t shit in here.
The boy with the thorn in his side,
I hope his health care is denied …
Hilarious, I can work with this.
It’s charity for no reason – & charity for no reason is MUUURRRDERRRR
Heh, indeed!
I’ve been working on this:
“We’re cryin’ Mr Ryan, at this socialist mess,
And a Kenyan Usurper who’d penalize success.”
a guy named Slurpy
Okay, I have to come back in for a second to say WTF ARE YOU PEOPLE UP TO UP THERE?
Slurpy. JEEZUL.
There might not be cowshit in here but there’s sure one GIGANTIC ASSHOLE.
Say what’s up with the meth heads and such squatting in here, leaving poop all over. And jeez, it smells like stale piss.
How does one get the nickname “Slurpy”
Someone withholds your drug supply?
Slurpy’s identity revealed
I am flummoxed. Flim-flam, wham-bam, thank you, ma’am flummoxed. And, I don’t mind admitting, chapfallen. And just when everything was proceeding so splendidly.
There’s nothing to do but sit tight and await developements. Kind of like before there was digital cameras and shit. You sit around humming ‘some day my prints will come’ while waiting at the Foto-mat.
“but for the man’s complexion, he was a spitting image of his father.”
I wouldn’t worry. After all, great expectorations have been the downfall of many a man.
If I lived in Greece I would buy all my office supplies at the Augean Staples. Wouldn’t you?
If I lived in Greece I would buy all my office supplies at the Augean Staples. Wouldn’t you?
Hell, no, their products are shitty.
It occurs to me that if you menace a person with a weapon or the perception of having a weapon and take this person’s money, that’s a crime.
Why isn’t it a crime to scare the shit out of people by predicting the end of society because OMFG LIEBRALS to get their welfare is sort of the same thing…isn’t it?
K. I’ll just beat them up, then.
Slurpy’s identity revealed
Celebrity Gardasil endorsement!
Welp, since it looks like the fucking Augean stables all up in here
There must be a pony in here somewhere.
Last night I dreamed Sarah Palin loved me.
It’s like rust on your Rearden metal!
K. I’ll just beat them up, then.
There you go again with your eliminationist rhetoric, you Niewartian eliminationist you.
Did I miss any buzzwords?
Do I get a prize?
Tom is befouling himself again.
I don’t see why poor Rico Bell needs to be dragged into this.
Fucking Mekon-abusing trolls.
You sit around humming ‘some day my prints will come’ while waiting at the Foto-mat.
You go around the corner to the greasy-spoon cafe for breakfast, and there is omelette, without the prints of Denmark.
You work all day at the massage parlor humming “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming”.
Apparently, yes, Tampermonkey wants me to use it as a browser, but it has some kind of weird re-direct thing going on so it will take some work. Pleh.
I don’t see why poor Rico Bell needs to be dragged into this.
Mother MacCree, is this the end of Little Rico?
Rico bells twat smells like hot summer garbage…cuffman…eat my prickskin
I don’t know who chutney nut fucker is but I bet he sings like a canarie while giving dry handys down by the pier
Cuffman…where are you cunt lips. Why do u live in a shack…why are u collecting Obama dollars?????
Can’t dance to it. I give it a “two”.
Pick it up, trollish typists.
Bahhhrinn iz bahhhrinn.
Don’t look now, it’s Mancow’s less intelligent brother.
I’m sitting in a kiddy pool right now, listening to Bach and Mozart sipping on a gin an juice. I heard cuffmans wife sells seashells down by the sea shore
Neo Marvin…you have the mental capacity of a fucking pizza box. You wretched clay brained ruffian
Neo Marvin you churlish ill nurtured canker hole.
Someday my Prince will come. Here Prince! Come! Good boy!
Neo Marvin you churlish ill nurtured canker skank
I do not want to know what it’s doing with the kiddies.
Do you like my Shakespearean insults? You fucking dick fuzz. Your the less intelligent form of a shit I just took
Puppy us…your an Obama fan…I know
Stop eating my sesame cake!!!!! Liar liar pants on fire
There you go again with your eliminationist rhetoric, you Niewartian eliminationist you. Did I miss any buzzwords?
Do I get a prize?>/i>
You misspelled Neiwertian. You’d think for such a beloved icon hailed as a liberal hero here, you’d at least get the spelling right. .
Uh oh…
Ooh, so close.
Hey guys, let’s have a feud at some tangentially-related blog for no reason other than that more people will witness it.
What’s that? You agree, but suggest that we debase ourselves utterly and thoroughly in the process, while making the odd limp-dick-stab at moral outrage and/or a regular, in spite of how incongruous it seems coming from us? It’s a deal!
Puppy us…
Doesn’t know how to pronounce it, doesn’t get it.
your an Obama fan
My what an Obama fan?
There are mental problems going on there from both sides and neither can stop. What can you do but hope medical care is forthcoming?
On the other hand you can further refine the All-One-Guy theory.
Substance, I dunno what you’re talking about, I’m trying to gin up support for an idea of mine. It’s mad Stoopid, yo.
If superman beats up aquaman…is it a hate crime
Hot dogs…fuckin ewwww
Also, the all-one-guy theory is the scariest. I would say to him and/or her, get a room, several computers, and a LAN. Viola, the purest form of what you’re after.
Hi, Tom.
Seal Team 6 Veteran Comes Out As Transgender
This upsets some stereotypes, and the encouragement she received from other Seals suggests (to me) that the most capable U.S. servicepeople are often progressive in at least some ways.
Balance this against the evidence that our Air Force is infested with bomb-happy fundies.
Between my years in the Air Force and Corporate America I doubt I could be debased much more than I already am.
I was about to write:
“No offense to Major Kong, who doesn’t display these fundie, bomb-happy tendencies”
Anthony Hopkins in Magic.
Seal Team 6 …
Holy. Fucking. Shit. Heads are gonna asplode ALL OVER THE PLACE.
Pass the popcorn pliss.
No offense to Major Kong, who doesn’t display these fundie, bomb-happy tendencies
There unfortunately were plenty of those in the Air Force. Seemed like there were more of them as the years went on. That was one of my reasons for retiring.
I can’t stop thinking about bare men.
I always wondered what the result would be if Triumph the Comic Insult Dog and Dennis Miller sired a hydrocephalic child, together.
I don’t understand why the new trolls refuse to discuss Benghazi. Don’t they care that FOUR PEOPLE DIED? What are they hiding?
A life devoid of critical thinking and interpersonal skills, is my guess.
Or so they may think.
Please repeat last transmission. You’re coming in broken and stupid.
At least come up with some original insults. This is strictly Junior Varsity level stuff. They had much better trolls over at Huffington Post.
Anthony Hopkins in Magic.
Closer to Identity, Shirley.
Speaking of magic, WhyTF can’t we watch the FUCK out of The Magician, starring Bill Bixby, on hulu+?
uno burrito, por favor.
Frank cuffmans wife is a cock garage
Kong is no major…kong pleasures himself with patriot “rocket” pops
Frank? Lagursky is going to break your muppet ass…you anti colonial liberal Obama loving welfare collecting Israel loving fuck bags…ps cuffman I like your shack
But Identity was awful!
Oh, wait…
Does burn watch spongebob? Does cuffman have a job? Is da still up Oliver’s piss hole? Is manbear and lagursky and burn avenger the same guy? Who shot jr? All these questions and more
Lets all google shemale self suck vids!
Cuffman? What sound does the monkey do? Where tf is my tranny banging sack?
Lets all state our age and occupation! I’ll go first…I’m 27 and a strength coach…anybody else here have a job? “Banging trannies in the keister don’t count” hahaha
Anybody wanna rub dicks together? I bet manbear can sword fight with the best of em
I walk with a limp and collect. I beat my dick like it owes me money
11 bravo..I stopped working after I tore my rotator cup. Mr Sam I am…you make my mayonnaise cannon rise…oy humidity can u sit on my face? And I love Taco Bell
Only one guy. Goodnight, my friends.
Anthony Hopkins looks like a ball bag. Hey major kong…I heard your mother died of aids…got caught sucking shaft in a glory hole
Cra is a wannabe straight man
Cra is a wannabe straight man
Oh hell yeah. I would quit my current job in a second:
“The straight man is a stock character in a comedy performance, especially a double act, comedy sketch, or farce.
When his comedy partner behaves eccentrically, the straight man’s response ranges from aplomb to outrage, or from patience to frustration. He will often also be found in sitcoms.
In the manzai comedy of Japan, the straight man is called tsukkomi.”
A good straight man makes bank for what looks like very little work. I think I have at least some of what it’d take.
But again, good night.
Hi, Tom Dufner, is that the sweet talk that led your wife to want to marry you?
I want the Bello, Maria.
Why is Dennis such a ding-dong?
What smells?
The genius of Thomas Sowell:
Wearing shoes is SO FORMAL. Won’t have it, nope.
We can distinguish between types of shoes.
I say the entire population of moon-boot wearers gets a pass.
No shirt, no shoes, no service.
New post.
Too much of our current immigration controversy is conducted in terms of abstract ideals, such as “We are a nation of immigrants.” Of course we are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of people who wear shoes. Does it follow that we should admit anybody who wears shoes?
Ah, analogy tests. “Immigrant ancestry is to immigration policy AS shoe-wearing is to … immigration policy.”
Well done Dr Sowell.
New post.
Dennis doesn’t believe in Ghod.
Somewhere, an Adult Daycare Centre is missing its Ritalin.