Two-Minute Renew America: I Blame . . .

Larry Klayman: I blame Obama for letting the terrorists blow up that fertilizer plant in Texas.

Judie Brown: I blame text messaging and iPads for euthanasia.

Chris Adamo: I blame the left for the Boston Marathon bombings.

Lloyd Marcus: I blame the media for not pointing out that the Boston bombings were probably the work of left-wing extremists.

Tabitha Korol: I blame the Irish Teacher’s Union for turning St. Patrick into a Muslim.


Comments: 202


Marcus: “Shamelessly, the Democrats despicably politicize any and everything.”

I’m sure I’ll be able to laugh at this once I pick my jaw up off the floor.


And therein lies the problem – the growing inability to think

Irony, thou hast met thy doom.


I blame text messaging and iPads for euthanasia.

And George Soros! Don’t forget Soros!


I blame text messaging and iPads for euthanasia.

Shouldn’t teleprompters be in there somewhere?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

The summaries seem so intriguing, but I daren’t click on the links.


“Shamelessly, the Democrats despicably politicize any and everything.”

Sounds best read with a Daffy Duck lisp.


Sounds best read with a Daffy Duck lisp.

They’re dethpicable.


I thought the lisper was the puddy tat?


Both were. Daffy was basically Sylvester pitch-shifted up a bit.


Daffy was voiced by Mel Blanc. BLANC! THAT’S FRENCH FOR “WHITE!” WAKE UP SHEEPLE!


I always had the impression that Daffy Duck just had an excess of saliva like the cueball from Politico. Don’t know if it’s vande Hei or Allen(I switch channels with-in seconds), but he always looks as if a flood of saliva is going to flow from the corners of his mouth. He probably carries a ShamWow in his pocket like normal people might carry a handkerchief!


Life seems to revolve around sending and receiving, even when the substance is totally lacking.



He probably carries a ShamWow in his pocket like normal people might carry a handkerchief!

He might want to advertise that to the various groovie droolies who populate the bobblehead shows.


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So…random thoughts—which are all I have after this last week:

How is profiling going to work now? During the Manhattan Project the code name for plutonium was “copper”, so when you needed to requisition some actual copper, you had to call it “honest-to-God copper”. So are all the forms going to have check-boxes: “Caucasian”, “Honest-to-God Caucasian”, etc….?

And: Derfs gonna derf, but I think on anyone reachable, the quiet competence displayed by all levels of government from the president on down during this whole thing is creating a very positive impression, especially in contrast to 2001…just limited observation and hope on my part.


the quiet competence displayed by all levels of government from the president on down

Why, that just shows how inept they are! 9/10 thinking!

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


That’s why I had to give up Pharyngula. Hours on end of discussion as to whether “herp-a-derp” was objectionably “ableist”. The level of purity required there is just not achievable by any actual human. Agreeing with them basically 100% isn’t good enough—if you do it from a point of insufficient purity you’re worse than 1000 Hitlers, as the constantly-morphing AUM-troll will explain to you in page after page of sanctimonious ranting.


Josh Marshall blames testosterone. href=””> “Young Men Are Wierd”
If you should read this, remember, this can’t possibly apply to any of the fine young men and women who enlist for service in the US Military, intelligence, or police forces. I can’t remember why exactly right now, but there is something which specifically prevents this from happening.


BTW, one of the surest indications of possible material support for bad peoples is the ability to construct links which work. I’m just evading suspicion.


“The level of purity required there is just not achievable by any actual human.”

I never had any trouble over there, but I’m an ungulate. We achieve, (and on a regular basis), a degree of purity universally acknowledged by competent examiners to be just like Mother makes.
Doubt me? Look at Thidwick, if your conscience can stand the comparison. That’s compassion, baby! Mother Thersa could take his correspondence course.

The Dark Avenger

During the Manhattan Project the code name for plutonium was “copper”, so when you needed to requisition some actual copper, you had to call it “honest-to-God copper”. So are all the forms going to have check-boxes: “Caucasian”, “Honest-to-God Caucasian”, etc….?

One of my father’s professors at San Jose State University was waiting for a friend who was working on the MP, of course he had no idea what kind of scientific work he was doing for the government.

When his friend, late by a few minutes, came out of the building, he scolded him by saying, “What the hell are you working on in there? An atomic bomb or something?”

That got him a few hours of interrogation from Army investigators, and the certainty that the answer to his exasperated question was “Yes.”.

And of course, there’s the whole John Campbell being visited by Federal investigators about a story that ran in Astounding magazine, that was 1943, I believe…..


“There’s people who can’t spell ‘weird’ right driving round with thousands in the bank”…

Frances the Cockatoo

It’s obviously Cannabis.


To be fair “weird” lies outside the usual I before E mnemonic, as it’s neither after C nor pronounced like “a” as in “neighbor” or “weigh.”

But you think it’d be easy to remember “Weird is an exception to that rule– because it’s weird, duh!”


Oh god Larry. “While it turns out that the ricin-laden letters that were sent were not actually sent by a SCARY BROWN MUSLIM PERSON, I find it HIGHLY DISTASTEFUL that nobody was yelling about how those letters were PROBABLY sent by a SCARY BROWN MUSLIM PERSON. After all, so what if they would have been WRONG? It would still have contributed to the healthy hatred of SCARY BROWN MUSLIM PERSONS. And that’s good!”


I would like the taco ‘copter, pls.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So what was the reasoning behind not-Elvis’ ricin letters? I can see the anthrax letters—pretty ineffective, but most people have an exaggerated impression of biological weapons’ efficacy—but ricin? The president, or some senator, is going to reach into his inbox and take out a letter hot out of the mailman’s bag and start chewing on it? Help me out here!

Enraged Bull Limpet

A decade-plus ago when internet personal ads were more fresh and innocent, I’d often pore over them in hopes of divining female limpets’ true desires, while also analyzing fellow bulls’ hopeful forays.

Helluva lotta females claimed to be “fiesty,” thus falling for the old exception trap. As for the bulls, you wouldn’t believe how many of them deeply admired and were profoundly inspired by some dude, apparently from Ghana, named “Ghandi.” Definitely a majority-misspelled case.

Enraged Bull Limpet

Speaking of personal ads, I wish, wish, WISH that I’d saved some of those early 80s pages from our PDX alt-weekly. In those days, submissions were run verbatim within word-count limits, supplying ample rope to clueless fools.

Much hilarity ensued, spoiled thereafter by the editorial realization that cleaned-up ads would result in more responses, and thus revenue.

Enraged Bull Limpet

It’s almost quaint, reminiscing about when idiotic personal ads went unedited in weeklies. There was something concrete about stupidity in those days, since it appeared in actual print. *Sigh*

–Nope, no further parallels to be drawn…


as to whether “herp-a-derp” was objectionably “ableist”.

See, I can’t stand people who insist on policing words like “stupid” and “idiot” as ableist. That really hasn’t been true for many decades.

But…”herp derp” = “hurr durr” = retard noises. That’s pretty clear.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

But…”herp derp” = “hurr durr” = retard noises. That’s pretty clear

Maybe…they’d chew you a new one for using the word “retard”, though; or even the suffix -tard, as in Teatard.

Here’s the thing, though—calling someone who actually is mentally challenged (is that still current, or did we have to euphemize that, too?) a “retard” is totally beyond the pale and I would never dream of doing it. But “mentally retarded” was totally obsolete and unusable as a clinical term when I started kindergarten 55 years ago; so to me, its official use is as lost in the mists of time as idiot, imbecile, and moron, which were once clinical terms but are now nothing but insults.

Like I said, I agree with The Horde on every substantive issue, but the Purity Police just got a little too oppressive for me—if they enjoy it, more power to them, but I like a little easier-going atmosphere, I guess.

The funniest one I read had to do with their campaign against “gendered insults”. They’re always having to explain to right-wingers or misogynists how different it is to punch up a power gradient than to punch down. The former is humor, the latter is bullying. And I agree totally. But that goes out the window when it comes to gendered insults. I would never dream of calling a woman a cunt, and not being British, it would never occur to me to call a man that. But considering the power differential between men and women in our culture, I have no problem using “dick” and variations thereof as an insult, and it doesn’t look like I’m going to stop any time soon.

Anyway, somebody called a troll “Dickcheese”, and they landed all over him, and a little farther down, somebody suggested “Smegmarmalade” instead—because it’s not gendered! “Smegma” of course is just Greek for “dickcheese”, but that seemed to pass purity muster, so it’s now in common use.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Oops! Apparently “smegma” is Greek for “soap”. People who make up medical terms are nuts.

I’m surprised there is a Greek word for soap that’s not a loan word from some Germanic language. The ancients didn’t use soap—they rubbed themselves with oils and scrapes it off with a strigil, I thought.


Helluva lotta females claimed to be “fiesty,” thus falling for the old exception trap.

Silly, that means they’re party girls.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

To be fair “weird” lies outside the usual I before E mnemonic, as it’s neither after C nor pronounced like “a” as in “neighbor” or “weigh.”

To be even more fair, English as a language is a terrible, horrible, mutant that pretends to have rules until it’s bored or it just wants to trip someone up and then every single component of its construction is up for grabs. Most of our mnemonics are complete and total bullshit and mostly serve as something to keep the English majors busy so they don’t reflect on their decisions in life.


To be even more fair, English as a language is a terrible, horrible, mutant

Can we convince the Rightwing that English is bad because, like Obama, it has a mixed heritage? It shares common ancestry on at least one side with French and Spanish. Also, it is constantly evolving.

Learning to speak a language they find sufficiently untainted might keep them out of trouble for a few decades. And when they decide to construct a language, we’ll get hours of harmless entertainment.


I see Fred Fnord beat me to the punch, but I’ll say this anyway:

Short (Not Leisure Suit) Larry: Elvis impersonators are all secret Muslim terrorists.

The Dark Avenger

Sounds like you’re angrier at David Neiwert than you are at any of the racists he writes about, Dennis.

Why is that?


Dennis said,
April 21, 2013 at 13:12

“Damn, another Failed Eliminationist Narrative. I can’t catch a break.” -Dave Neiwert

Speaking of ‘tards.

Dennis, you’re a moron. That this particular atrocity had no connection to militias (THAT WE KNOW OF AT THE MOMENT) mans nothing.

Neiwert’s points is still valid. You can’t throw red meat to the Teabaggers for years on end like the Right’s been doing and not have something happen. Which leads to the scary conclusion that McVeigh 2.0 is still out there, figuring out which building full of kids to park his truck in front of this time.


Larry: Elvis

No, it’s just LarryElvis.


That other way is too much like Mission: Impossible.



The Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, the largest Islamic place of worship in New England, closed for the day Friday after The Boston Globe reported that one of the suspects had worshipped there.

Cue Pammy/Malkin in 3…. 2…


So what was the reasoning behind not-Elvis’ ricin letters?

Well, he was a member of MENSA so it can’t be because he’s not all that bright. IT JUST CAN’T.

Trilateral Commissioner

Here’s the thing, though—calling someone who actually is mentally challenged (is that still current, or did we have to euphemize that, too?)

I hear “intellectual disability” or “developmental disability” more often (or, from the purists, “intellectual difference.”) I don’t follow the euphemism treadmill closely, though, which means that I’m probably one step behind the current lingo.

But “mentally retarded” was totally obsolete and unusable as a clinical term when I started kindergarten 55 years ago

Really? It’s in the DSM-IV, as I recall, though presumably they’ll change it in DSM-5. In my youth, which isn’t yet 55 years ago, I remember “mentally retarded” being used both as a clinical diagnosis and as an insult, so I would guess that that’s around when the transition away from the term began.

The Dark Avenger

Neiwert’s points are no more valid than someone combing through all the posts here on the preconceived notion that everyone posting here hated conservatives to the point they wanted them eliminated, then writing a book after choosing all the ones that seemed the most inciteful.

Like his latest book, about the woman who ended up killing two innocent people in her quest for money for her organization?

Good point, like the one on top of your head.


Well, let’s see what a quick Google search turns up:

Liberal Hunting Permit

Nope, that Neiwert doesn’t know what he’s talking about. No sir.

The Dark Avenger

It’d be like if I pointed out to you that the two Boston Marathon suspects chose a car with a Coexist bumper sticker to hijack as their getaway car Friday night.

Thanks for reminding us that there are conservative airheads doing so, Dennis, and that you’re not one of them.

OTOH, libruls don’t talk about hunting permits for conservatives, do they, Dennis?

Thanks for demonstrating what false equivalence looks like, Dennis.


Wow. You just go ahead and keep hoping for McVeigh 2.0, Pere Ubu. I’ll be hoping against you that there’s even any next time.

Herp derp.

Let me try to phrase this in words of as few syllables as possible, ’cause I know you have trouble keeping your mouth from moving while reading otherwise.

Let’s say you see what you firmly believe is a horrible, horrible wrong. Like Adolf Schickelguber type wrong. And you stew in a morass of media that confirms your worst fears over and over. What do you do?

If you’re Dennis, I suppose you log onto your nearest leftie satire board and see who’s being non-PC. But supposing you’re someone with a bit more starch in his shorts…

No, I’m not “hoping” for a McVeigh 2.0. But I have the horrible feeling it’s inevitable at this point.


Oh, let’s cut all this crap, m’okay? The fact is, I blame myself, and with good reason, everybody else blames me.
I thought I might as well say it before somebody else did.


New Neiwert book:



“inspired by some dude, apparently from Ghana, named “Ghandi.”

Finally, no more “there’s a bathroom on the right”! From here on in, lyrical accuracy:

” Ghandi, I call my sugar Ghandi
Because I’m sweet on Ghandi
He protests peacefully

He understands me
and my soul-force, Ghandi …”

You know the rest.



Okay, there are indeed, rare authenticated reports of stompings, and yes, a Bull Moose in “rut” will charge any Peugeot it sees, but on the whole, can you blame him? The danger is highly exaggerated. And on You-Tube the “number of views” is not the number of times it happened! (I was in a panic til I found that out.)
And look, those huge, steel-tipped, razor sharp antlers? (Just kidding!) Truth is, they fall off every year. most often, one at a time! and must be regrown. You gonna go out and stop a camper, looking like that? BTW, terrible migraines and pains-in-neck the whole time, too.
The danger is slight, they are much more frightened of themselves than you are.


“No, I’m not “hoping” for a McVeigh 2.0. But I have the horrible feeling it’s inevitable at this point.”

Yup, some goddam leftist, PC (or maybe even MAC) tree-hugging, 47er will do something like put up an anhydrous facility with no blast walls or deluge system.


Dennis, baby you and me is on the same side! I too, have worn my bosom to a nub taking to it the idea that only the sheerest, most unremitting kind of tiresomness will save this country.
And I know a man who is doing his bit towards that end, the kind of man like you Dennis, who will not leave his little boys behind, when I see one.


Well let’s see:

1. The 2nd Amendment is supposedly to “protect us from tyrannical government”.

2. Apparently at this point anything the federal government does, including just existing, counts as “tyrannical”. Note the number of “Obamacare = Hitler” statements from GOP lawmakers.

3. GOP lawmakers talking about “2nd Amendment solutions”.

You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to figure out what #4 is.


“You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to figure out what #4 is.”


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

@ Trilateral Commissioner:

But “mentally retarded” was totally obsolete and unusable as a clinical term when I started kindergarten 55 years ago

Really? It’s in the DSM-IV, as I recall, though presumably they’ll change it in DSM-5. In my youth, which isn’t yet 55 years ago, I remember “mentally retarded” being used both as a clinical diagnosis and as an insult, so I would guess that that’s around when the transition away from the term began.

No kidding? All I remembered was, in the late 50’s-early 60’s you got stomped on pretty hard if you used it—they were “special” students, taking “special” classes, in portable buildings they set up. For a while I thought “portable” was another euphemism with the same meaning. Hey, I was six!


Goddamnit, just more proof we must have an extensive background check before anyone buys a moose!



Related (retweeted by HTML Mencken today):

Benton County GOP Newsletter Article Suggests “Shooting” Legislators

Funny that it took an intramural threat of “2nd Amendment Solutions” to get GOPers to (maybe) reconsider their own violent rhetoric…


Can’t you fuckin’ libbies take a JOKE?


The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives. It seems that we are unable to muster that belief in any of our representatives on a state or federal level, but we have to have something, something costly, something that they will fear that we will use if they step out of line.

Exactly the same kind of thing that I read on alt.conspiracy back in 1994.

Wonder what ever came of all that empty talk?


The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives.

Wow, the whole “democracy” thing just a leetle too hard for you?


Pere Ubu goes Godwin in just the second sentence of his first rebuttal.

Never mind the constant comparisons of Obamacare and background checks to Hitler on the Right. (“obamacare hitler” = About 2,410,000 results on Google)

Fuck, Dennis, are you this stupid naturally or do you have to work at it?

Michael S. Olsen

“The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives.”

I’m glad that you’ve realized the 2nd amandment is beyond obsolete.


“gun background checks hitler” = About 1,250,000 results.

Including one of our own SC legislators claiming background checks will enable some sort of liberal Rwanda because the Hutus required the Tutsis to register their addresses or something. I would once again as usual apologize to the rest of the country for my state.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

You libruls, using facts to indict conservatives. Why do you hate conservatives?


Goddamnit, just more proof we must have an extensive background check before anyone buys a moose!”

Hell no! You’re dumb enough to buy a moose, you deserve whatever you get. It’s like buying a poke at a pig or something. I mean, ewww, gross, but whatayugonnado? Farm income is way down.


Hell no! You’re dumb enough to buy a moose, you deserve whatever you get.

Hm! Brand new and warped!


“Why do you hate conservatives?”

Oh, probably lack of education, I would think. We studied all that Constitution and Bill-of-Rights stuff, but the public schools concealed from us the rich history of conservative ideas. So we never know which movie, TV show, James Clancy novel, or Horatio Alger book their ideas come from, and unjustly reject them.


Irony, thou hast met thy doom.

this made me lol quite loudly…

i am presently working a crossword puzzle…the clue is ‘uppity one’ but obama doesn’t fit…hmmmm?


“Hm! Brand new and warped!”

It’s only tempoarary, I tell you. Soon the other one will go (did I hear a crack?) then I’ll be even, if somewhat attenuated. Gimme another six months, I’ll be magnificent, “with palmate antlers spreading six feet or more”. Until I notice that one of ’em is starting to split at the base. Then hello, migraines. You don’t know what humiliation is until you have one let go on a date. (What do you do? Leave it on the table, with a larger tip? Try to take it home with you? Where, in your mouth?)
Oh never mind, I’ll quit complaining. Sorry, Want to see me pull a rare bit out of my hat?


“Awesome golf courses and Jadeveon Clowney.”

Dennis, are you texting and driving again?


i am presently working a crossword puzzle…the clue is ‘uppity one’ but obama doesn’t fit…hmmmm?


Packers the Easygoing Governor

Badgers. I need badgers.


The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives. It seems that we are unable to muster that belief in any of our representatives on a state or federal level, but we have to have something, something costly, something that they will fear that we will use if they step out of line.

That guy does realize that Lone Star Planet was fiction, right?

Seriously, in my next letter to my Congresscritters, I’m going to point out that fools like this not only say shit like this in public, but other eejits will back ’em up. Therefore, rather than the the registration and licensing required for automobiles I’ve been advocating, I’m now leaning towards complete bans. Or at least suspensions for the mouthy ones.


The 2nd amendment means nothing unless those in power believe you would have no problem simply walking up and shooting them if they got too far out of line and stopped responding as representatives.

What of the Senators who failed to pass the background check amendment that 92% of the country favored. Isn’t that a perfect example of people who’ve stopped responding as representatives?


Hell no! You’re dumb enough to buy a moose, you deserve whatever you get.

One of my Alaska National Guard friends told me this story:

They were having a party at a house with a raised porch/balcony. A young moose wandered by the porch and one of these drunks decided that it would be a good idea to get on its back and ride it. I guess the moose’s back was about even with the porch.

The moose launched him at a nearby tree and then sauntered over and proceeded to stomp the crap out of him. Fortunately it was a relatively small moose so it didn’t completely stomp him into jello.


What of the Senators who failed to pass the background check amendment that 92% of the country favored. Isn’t that a perfect example of people who’ve stopped responding as representatives?

Textbook example, I’d think. But I think publicly advocating armed insurrection ought to put you on the “not to be trusted with a pointed stick, never mind firearms” list, so what do I know.


Nonsense, Møøser. The Swedes, who know from møøse, blame the gays.


Also, boring and stupid troll is boring. And stupid.


But “mentally retarded” was totally obsolete and unusable as a clinical term when I started kindergarten 55 years ago; so to me, its official use is as lost in the mists of time as idiot, imbecile, and moron, which were once clinical terms but are now nothing but insults.

the daughter, who is 27, was diagnosed with mild retardation…it’s still a thing…in schools they use different language…for a while she was ‘developmentally disabled’ which then changed to ‘developmentally delayed’ and now is a vulnerable adult with something something something…calling anyone or anything ‘retarded’ unless, of course we are talking about fire retardants and such, as a perjorative IS ALWAYS FUCKING WRONG! this cannot be pointed out often enough…

i will tell you one thing, listening to some kid who is barely scraping by in school and life in general say that something is ‘fucking retarded’ or ‘don’t be a retard’ right in front of a child that is actually retarded almost makes me forget that i am vehemently anti-gun and anti-shooting stupid people in their stupid fucking faces…

now i’m getting myself worked up…also, too…the crossword word was ‘snob’…not obama OR woman…go figure!


more on topic than i have been all day: melissa harris-perry’s show was friggin’ awesome today…i love that woman and am not ashamed to admit it…


Dennis said,
April 21, 2013 at 21:03


Amazing. Denny-boy. First intelligent thing you’ve said yet.


BTW, I don’t fucking play golf, and Nikki Haley, Lindsey Graham, Jim DeMint, and being first in failed rebellions against the U.S. Government leave me apologizing a lot. I’m glad the stupid doesn’t burn, because I’d be crisped like a very burnt burny thing.


the clue is ‘uppity one’ but obama doesn’t fit…hmmmm?


Or is he just “shrill”?

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

Dennis has a lot to be proud of, living in Virginia, like the AG who wanted to uphold sodomy laws and fell on his face whilst doing so.

WASHINGTON — A court has denied Virginia Attorney General and 2013 gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli a full hearing to challenge a ruling that struck down the state’s anti-sodomy statute as unconstitutional.

The court issued a short, two-sentence statement on Monday denying the petition, filed on March 26, for an en banc hearing. The court noted that no judge requested the full hearing in front of 15 judges, after a three-judge panel ruled the statute unconstitutional on March 12.

It’s a good thing he did so, otherwise Dennis would be reduced to playing Old Maid with his spouse if he didn’t want to be a lawbreaker………..


The moose launched him at a nearby tree and then sauntered over and proceeded to stomp the crap out of him. Fortunately it was a relatively small moose so it didn’t completely stomp him into jello.”

Oh my. I’m so sorry. Had I been there, I would have tried to help.

But look, let’s be frank, I am presuming on you people way too much around here, and there’s no reason why anybody here should suffer for my sins. So I re-opened my blog, Moosehall, (where Derbig Mooser presides.) And there I will weed my own garden, (or maybe it’s the other way round). and debate the question which obsesses me: Am I a man, or a….


“,bbkf pretty much just said she’d be tempted to take a gun and shoot you in the face had she seen the picture you posted a”

Gosh, do I hate a little snitch. You were a little tattle-tale in school, weren’t you?

And Dennis, please look up “passive-aggressive” and consider whether any of that applies to you.

Dennis, it’s very hard to convince anybody of anything political, or ethical or religious, if they get the distinct impression the person making the argument is an out-and-out shithead. It sorta detracts from whatever point you’re trying to make. They can’t help thinking ‘Jeez, if that’s what (say) conservatism did to Dennis, seems like something I should really avoid.’. That can work to your disadvantage.


“It’s a good thing he did so, otherwise Dennis would be reduced to playing Old Maid with his spouse…”

And if texting and driving is outlawed, he’ll just go back to playing with his putter.


he’ll just go back to playing with his putter.


Dzhokhar Avenger

bbkf pretty much just said she’d be tempted to take a gun and shoot you in the face had she seen the picture you posted a few days ago here of the Down Syndrome kid that you used to call me an idiot.

i will tell you one thing, listening to some kid who is barely scraping by in school and life in general say that something is ‘fucking retarded’ or ‘don’t be a retard’ right in front of a child that is actually retarded almost makes me forget that i am vehemently anti-gun and anti-shooting stupid people in their stupid fucking faces…

So, I’m a kid barely scraping by, and I said that something is ‘fucking retarded’, or I said, “Don’t be a retard” in front of a child who is actually retarded?

If she’s talking about you, Dennis, then you’re explicitly admitting you’re a child who is actually retarded.

That would explain a lot.

What saved you from her seeing it is that she doesn’t trust you enough to know the links you use don’t contain viruses… you got that going for ya.

Really Dennis, you could extrapolate that from this remark?

…i hardly ever click on links because i’ve gotten viruses before…

She also wrote this:

but i’ve learned over the years of being a mom and special needs agitator/advocate that you don’t continue to beat people about the head and shoulders for something they said…you go in, make your point, then get out…you may have to do this numerous times, but it is much more effective…

But keep beating me with the photo, Dennis, that’s all you have going for you these days, don’t you?


“The Swedes, who know…”

Would you expect anything less from the good folks who build the Nord C2 and C2D? Not to mention the other fine Clavia products.


You can’t throw red meat to the Teabaggers for years on end like the Right’s been doing and not have something happen.

The murder of three Pittsburgh cops by a gun conspiracy nut, sevearl similar attacks on cops by “sovereign” citizens, an attack on the Holocaust museum by a white supremacist, the murder of a Hispanic man and his daughter by a Minuteman boss, the bombing of a mosque in Jacksonville and arson at another mosque in Houston, a tax protestor suicide-bombing his plane into an IRS building, a smattering of doctors murdered by “pro-life” activists and the second largest domestic terrorist act in American history do not a trend make.


But keep beating me with the photo, Dennis, that’s all you have going for you these days, don’t you?

jeez…what was that photo anyway?! it seems to have caused quite a furor…and thanks for clarifying for dennis that what he said isn’t what i said…


Would you expect anything less from the good folks who build the Nord C2 and C2D? Not to mention the other fine Clavia products.

well, i am still more than a little annoyed at the fine folks at the ikea website who showed me alluring pictures of their smaka cheese slicer but would not let me order it online…


You don’t have to be a rocket surgeon to figure out what #4 is.

Assholes who act dangerous and assholey near the PotUS will experience the Dance of the Sugar Plum SS Agents, from the floor’s point of view.

Assholes who act dangerous and assholey about the PotUS at a distance will get a Visit from not easily amused people who have no reason at all to like you. Right, Mr. Nugent?


Would you expect anything less from the good folks who build the Nord C2 and C2D?

I like the Swedes.

They’re neutral, but in a “mess with us and we’ll remind you that we used to be Vikings” kind of way.


“jeez…what was that photo anyway?! it seems to have caused quite a furor…”

I followed that thread within the warp and woof. (and I tell you, it was rough!) Well sit down and gird your loins in case of a plotz. It is possible that the Dark Avenger may have had a slight lapse in taste! Or again. maybe not. As to why it is so significant and of such import to Dennis? Well, that one is easy! He’s very lonely, and his friend-making skills have not improved since the third grade. And so Dennis fires off his unguided missives.


“They’re neutral, but in a “mess with us and we’ll remind you that we used to be Vikings” kind of way.”

I couldn’t describe the C2D any better. It’s the first clonewheel to give the player the full 5 sets of physical drawbars at anything near the price. It’s pretty much sweeping the field before it. Everybody is beserk over it.


Everybody is beserk over it.

well, i was pretty taken with the smaka cheese slicer…i haz sad i cannot get it…my big sit-down gala dinner is saturday night and one of our local makers of cheese has donated 3 wheels of cheese for our social hour and the smaka slicers would have been poifect…instead, i have had to make do with some that i ordered through…which were supposed to be here friday…major, where are my inferior cheese slicers?!?

ha, ha…i am such a masochist that i have a board meeting scheduled for this week…along with my yearly eval…and one of my board members is proposing a major change in my employment status…oh, good times…


major, where are my inferior cheese slicers?

Is it being shipped by us or the freight nazis (UPS)?


Is it being shipped by us or the freight nazis (UPS)?

d’oh…i see it is the freight nazis…it appears to be in mpls and will arrive tomorrow…one thing that sucks (among many) of living in the boonies is that you can pay for next day or one day shipping, but it will never happen…btw, does anyone know how big a wheel of cheese might be?


“Det är bögarnas fel!”

Who sez the Swedes have no sense of humor?


btw, does anyone know how big a wheel of cheese might be?btw, does anyone know how big a wheel of cheese might be?

Depends on the type of cheese. Some can be quite large. I’d say anywhere from 5 lbs up to 40 lbs.

Lurking Canadian

The murder of three Pittsburgh cops by a gun conspiracy nut, sevearl similar attacks on cops by “sovereign” citizens, an attack on the Holocaust museum by a white supremacist, the murder of a Hispanic man and his daughter by a Minuteman boss, the bombing of a mosque in Jacksonville and arson at another mosque in Houston, a tax protestor suicide-bombing his plane into an IRS building, a smattering of doctors murdered by “pro-life” activists and the second largest domestic terrorist act in American history do not a trend make.

It’s totally unfair the way you group a dozen lone -wolf wackos together just because they all have the same agenda. It’s only “terrorism” if you an link them to some cave-feeling mastermind.

Grassy Know-It-All

The murder of three Pittsburgh cops by a gun conspiracy nut, … [and so on] …

Also, too: Breivik.

Lurking Canadian

Oh for fuck’s sake. Cave-dwelling. I’m not sure what cave-feeling is but it sounds like something Rick Santorum wouldn’t approve

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

My apologies, bbkf. I didn’t mean to push any buttons. For the record, I don’t remember ever using the “r” word as an insult (except as a suffix, as noted above). I stick with the classics pretty much. Although I guess my generation’s equivalent, “spazz”, would be even worse.


You don’t have to be weird to be wired…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

On the subject of random thoughts, did anyone ever expect, after the death of General President-for-life-or-whatever Dudaev, that you’d ever see another “Dzhokhar” in the news?


My apologies, bbkf. I didn’t mean to push any buttons

no apologies necessary…just stating my feelings about such as i have been accused in the not so distant past of not fighting the good fight…

also, i need to keep being fired up as i still have not been able to complete my epic post about gun contol and what fuckwits parts of our electorate and our country are…for some reason, hubbkf left the house with fox news on…two douchenozzles were calling obama lazy and ineffectual and were all, ‘boy, clinton would have got the background check measure passed…he would have been on the phone all night to all the legislators until they caved…and lincoln! hoo, boy…he dug up dirt on people and was willing to use it to get his way! that’s what obama should do but he’s not a good preznit, cuz teleprompter!’ srsly…they made a fucking teleprompter reference…and can you imagine the even more immense butt-hurt if obama did use so sorts of tactics? oh, wait…i thought he did already…aren’t they always on about what a bully he is and whatnot? oh, jeez…now i are confoosed…


pretty much just said she’d be tempted to take a gun and shoot you in the face

Wait, what, Dennis is lying about what someone else said, in the usual highschool “Let’s you and him fight” tactic?
I am shocked and must now hie me to the Fainting Couch.


That’s why I had to give up Pharyngula. Hours on end of discussion as to whether “herp-a-derp” was objectionably “ableist”. The level of purity required there is just not achievable by any actual human.

God, Pharyngula. It’s more the troll until proven a troll (getting upset at having to explain yourself repeatedly will do as proof) towards any new poster that really gets me. The regulars can say what they like but newbies will be harassed with that purity stuff until they quit the site.

There are some people who post daily who truly need therapy and to move on with their lives. Posting on Pharyngula daily accomplishes neither.

NE Way, there is such a thing as willful stupidity, which has utterly nothing to do with organic diminished cognitive capacity.


“The level of purity required there is just not achievable by any actual human.”

And has anybody over their stipulated that posting is restricted to homo sapiens and their straight friends? Maybe we’ll just have to get used to our place in the purity hierarchy.
Think you could best, say, a snowy white dove in the purity arena? I know I wouldn’t wanna try.


“oh, jeez…now i are confoosed…”

Now, now, just try to keep in mind that Obama has selected himself, or has been selected, damned if I know, to end up holding the bag for the Bush crimes, and responsibility for the Bush failures. It’s a huge job, and not everybody would be equipped for it. But I gotta admit, Obama really seems up to the challenge of taking ownership of those crimes and failures. And that’s how you deliver knock-your-socks-off service!


 I’m not sure what cave-feeling is but it sounds like something Rick Santorum wouldn’t approve

I dunno. I think it sounds more like something Little Ricky does every day, harking back to the patriarchy’s salad days* that he is so fond of.

*When men were men and sheep were scared.


Cave Feeling


I think I am not alone in my wish that D and DA would just get a room, already, and leave the rest of us out of it.

The Dark Avenger

I didn’t lie, “Anonymous”.

and thanks for clarifying for dennis that what he said isn’t what i said…

No, you just said what she didn’t say.

Have a good life, Dennis.


“What DA did, which was link to a picture of an innocent Down Syndrome kid and compared me to him”

The fact is, it’s very difficult getting photos of convicted Downs Syndrome kids, so he used an innocent one. I’m sure he’s sorry for the shortcomings in his comparison.

“Dzhokhar Avenger still has yet to apologize for his ignorance over other people’s feelings”

So sad isn’t? If only he was a conservative, known for their exquisite sensitivity to others. I read about new examples of their inclusiveness almost every day. But, ah, tell me Dennis, who is Avenger supposed to “apologize to? Those all around in the dark? Those ever’-where – wherever you can look? Those in a a fight so hungry people can eat? Wherever there’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, should he get an apology? The way guys yell when they’re mad, do they get an apology? Should he apologise for the way kids laugh when they’re hungry an’ they know supper’s ready? An’ when the people are eatin’ the stuff they raise, and livin’ in the houses they build, should Avenger apologise for that?
Well, Dennis?


What DA did, which was link to a picture of an innocent Down Syndrome kid

It appears that Dennis is now an expert in diagnosing trisomy 21 from photographs. Impressed I am.


I’m surprised there is a Greek word for soap that’s not a loan word from some Germanic language.

Maybe the Hellenes thought soap looked like body scum. (To be fair, smegma is also that dead skin cell plus sebum crap that mixes with lint in your belly button. Although claiming that it’s a non-gendered insult in a community where it used to be common to bait reich wingers by signing up for their mailing lists as “Rev Richard Smegma” among other joke names is just a little too cute if you ask me.)

Michael S. Olsen

Hey, Dennis. Aren’t you just the little coward? I smacked your stupid head at Alicublog a few weeks ago and now you’re here, being just as stupid. I use my real name, so why don’t you? And don’t say it’s “the Menace” because… well, that’d just be sad.


a Greek word for soap that’s not a loan word from some Germanic language

When I think of Germanic tribes during the days of antiquity, yes, “soap” and “hygiene” are the first associations to come to mind.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, I was wrong, there are records of soap from Mesopotamia and Egypt, I guess it was just the Greeks that disapproved of it. From Weak-ipedia:

The word sapo, Latin for soap, first appears in Pliny the Elder’s Historia Naturalis, which discusses the manufacture of soap from tallow and ashes, but the only use he mentions for it is as a pomade for hair; he mentions rather disapprovingly that the men of the Gauls and Germans were more likely to use it than their female counterparts.


it’s very difficult getting photos of convicted Downs Syndrome kids

There’s no database, because the mere act of gathering names in any organized manner = FASCISM, as we have heard from such political thinkers as Ted Cruz.


When I think of Germanic tribes during the days of antiquity, yes, “soap” and “hygiene” are the first associations to come to mind.

Way to be bigoted against Gothic barbarians, Smut.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

There’s no database, because the mere act of gathering names in any organized manner = FASCISM, as we have heard from such political thinkers as Ted Cruz.

No, no, you don’t unnerstand! It’s wanting to know when somebody buys a few hundred AR-15s that’s worse than Hitler. If anybody in the country can own a prayer rug without the FBI knowing about it, however, it’s impeachment time!


The danger is slight, they are much more frightened of themselves than you are.

They say that about snakes, too, who am I going to believe, you or their lying, unblinking eyes?


Apparently at this point anything the federal government does, including just existing, counts as “tyrannical”.

Every damn minute all the darkies aren’t strung up from the nearest sturdy tree, Liberty dies a little bit more inside.


Way to be bigoted against Gothic barbarians, Smut.

It’s OK when we Gothic barbarians say it about ourselves.


Way to be bigoted against Gothic barbarians, Smut.

They dressed all in black and wore eyeliner?


I’m somehow doubting they had clove cigarettes back in 11 AD.


We picked up the herbal tobacco tradition from trade with the Scythians, Pere.

Lurking Canadian

They sat around feeling sorry for themselves when not actively smashing Roman institutions.

We might not know them at all were in not for Cicero’s famous epigram ego emos amos.


Understanding him to have called us “Weeny, Weedy and Weaky,” we lost heart and gave up the struggle.


Which do you consider to have referred to you?


Understanding him to have called us “Weeny, Weedy and Weaky,” we lost heart and gave up the struggle.

I thought a noblewoman named Lucretia brought you to your knees with a combination of hot metal and methedrine.


I think I am not alone in my wish that D and DA would just get a room, already, and leave the rest of us out of it.

I believe an abandoned warehouse would serve them adequately.


Also, boring and stupid troll is boring. And stupid……because he doesn’t talk about penises and he distracts from me talking about penises.

Boring, stupid, and rude, too. Sonny, around here, if you’re going to talk about penis, you talk about PENIS.


I thought a noblewoman named Lucretia brought you to your knees with a combination of hot metal and methedrine.

Sir I will thank you not to rake up those episodes from the past.
The Frau Doktorin has made it clear that heated knives and related paraphernalia are not part of the mise-en-scene here at Maison d’Etre.


The Frau Doktorin has made it clear that heated knives and related paraphernalia are not part of the mise-en-scene here at Maison d’Etre.

The safe-word is “floodland”.


BBBB misunderstands.

You’re two days too late, old chum!


Re: spots. Well, the things one learns at SadlyNo! Since my Gerber multi-tool still bears the marks of The Long Night of the Hot Knives it’s good to know it would be evidence in NewZed. In my defense it wasn’t cannabis.

Dzhokhar Avenger

I’m not going to respond to Pennis G here anymore. Sorry, Pennis, find someone else to put on your shit list.

I'm a lumberjack

Liberals by and large soundly reject you, DA.

Dennis, baby you and me is on the same side! I too, have worn my bosom to a nub taking to it the idea that only the sheerest, most unremitting kind of tiresomness will save this country.

jeez…what was that photo anyway?! it seems to have caused quite a furor…and thanks for clarifying for dennis that what he said isn’t what i said…

I think I am not alone in my wish that D and DA would just get a room, already, and leave the rest of us out of it.

So sad isn’t? If only he was a conservative, known for their exquisite sensitivity to others. I read about new examples of their inclusiveness almost every day. But, ah, tell me Dennis, who is Avenger supposed to “apologize to?”


And has anybody over their stipulated that posting is restricted to homo sapiens and their straight friends?

It’s hard out there for a Mus.


The word sapo, Latin for soap, first appears in Pliny the Elder’s Historia Naturalis, which discusses the manufacture of soap from tallow and ashes, but the only use he mentions for it is as a pomade for hair; he mentions rather disapprovingly that the men of the Gauls and Germans were more likely to use it than their female counterparts.

Hey, fabulous hair ain’t gonna fab itself!


I feel like I’ve time warped back to 1997, I’m on Usenet, and I’m bad at using killfiles and anyway to young and dumb not to read every thread in its entirety and I’m reading endless cascading threads where two people everyone else has kf’d a year ago are disputing the meaning of “agnosticism” and obsessively calling each other schoolyard names, assuming the schoolyard included a barnyard, I mean, I seriously don’t remember anybody calling me a capon as a kid but bokgok buGAWK!

I'm a lumberjack

Bookmark it, libs!


“They say that about snakes, too, who am I going to believe, you or their lying, unblinking eyes?”

The somewhat rheumy, and shortsighted, nervously blinking brown eyes of the moose reveal infinite depths of compassion, understanding and love for all creatures, great and small. You wanna look at a snake, go ahead. Just stay off my goddam back! And no cracks about the missing antler!


Nobody rides a moose, not nobody, not no-how, not no-time. And moose have never been domesticated, except for the ones around that distillery. Anyway, some of them are in recovery.


Nobody rides a moose, not nobody, not no-how, not no-time.

Aw, maybe try MooseMingle. Or FetLife, you might even find a one-antler aficionado there.


“I feel like I’ve time warped back to 1997,”

I thought so to for a bit, but I checked. Same dearth of molars, same triumph of alopecia at my north pole. So I guess not. Of course, back in 1997, it was a very bad year.


“Or FetLife, you might even find a one-antler aficionado there.”

If only it was that simple! The cycle of antler growth, loss and regrowth takes place every year. The antlers are composed, of course, of tightly compressed dandruff, amalgamated with ear-wax. They can be temporarily repaired with epoxy and filler, if you’ve got opposed thumbs instead of split hooves and split ends, like me.


Yes Dennis, we know, the Dark Avenger may have let his taste lapse a bit, or maybe not. Several threads ago, wasn’t it? Okay, nice knowing you, got anything else relevant, pleasant or amusing to say? No? Okay, see ya.

C’mon Dennis, haven’t you always wanted to know what a “universal sigh of relief” sounds like?


Hmm, Mooser, if love is not in the cards maybe you can at least get out of the doldrums by giving back. It takes a witty ruminant to correctly spell or use “amalgamated”. I know of some Holsteins in the chicken sandwich advertising racket who could really use some remedial lifetime learning classes.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

Someone please stop me from commenting here again!!


Then he hides behind people like you who rush to his side to defend him;”

Dennis, you seem to be laboring under a misunderstanding, and without a contract, too. I’m not defending the Avenger, I’m attacking you. You are a one-horse, two-timing, three-strikes-you’re-out, four-flushing, fifth-rate pain in the ass. I wish you were an egg. “I have sir’ two words to say to you. One is “Pop” and the other is “Off”, and do it now!”


“Then he hides behind people like you who rush to his side to defend him; people who forget they’re defending bigotry because they think their first priority always is to defend liberalism. Or at least to always defend the liberal, no matter what.”

Were those the last words your ex-wife heard from you? As she was leaving? I can hear the door slamming, competing with your hysterical falsetto on “no matter what”. Can that marriage be saved?


“Of course you’re defending him. He quotes you, Mooser”

Is there a parser in the house? I can’t make head or tail of that one. He seems to be mixed up about the time relationship between a comment, and somebody quoting something from that comment. Seems to mixed up about which comes first..


I thought a noblewoman named Lucretia brought you to your knees with a combination of hot metal and methedrine.

I thought that was Lemmy.


gator, I’ll see your Diana Ross, and if Preston won’t get it, Franklin will.


Two overcast, rainy days and I’m absolutely drowning in Seasonal Affective Disorder. I don’t understand how you Portland Sadlies manage.

(And I grew up up north where it’s gray all the time so I ought to have been ‘acclimated’. Looking back, I flunked out of school twice, had suicidal thoughts, and was living with my mom. So there’s that.)


Mooser, I wasn’t familiar with Billy Preston, but he’s won me over. He and Aretha make a song that I thought was unperformable in English (it’s okay in French) actually charming and relatable.

I’m going to start gushing about la Franklin now, probably should quit while I’m ahead.


that I thought was unperformable in English (it’s okay in French)”

Oh yes, there’s pitfalls galore for anybody who tries to sing that song, and most singers dive right into them. But they do a great job. Billy Preston, raised in Gospel and RB, ended up doing a lot of keyboard parts for the Beatles. And had a hit or twoof his own


Aretha climbed every mountain but Amazing Grace has always been a peak performance for me.


Ahhh…In my youth I owned a FIAT 124 (seemed like a good idea at the time). I soon realized that I was spending every Saturday morning retarding the timing. Now, of course, if I still owned that machine, I would be unadvanceing, or maybe disadvanceing the timing.

“That wingnut’s thinking is retarded.” [verb form, gerund, still OK]
“That wingnut is a retard.” [noun form, bad]


“It might be nice if you state what you thought the trend even was, Chris, or even how these were even related. Or what they mean. You’ve done none of those.”

Might be nice if you made a noise like a hoop and rolled away, Dennis.
Roll over to your roll-top desk and look up the words “pathetic” and “absurd”. And then put the “ly” on the end of either. it’s a two-fer!


“The word sapo, Latin for soap, first appears in Pliny the Elder’s Historia Naturalis,”

Is that the root of the word “sap”, for Dennis?

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

Don’t confuse sap with Dennis, the former has a purpose, Dennis’s willful cluelessness is devoted to making himself feel better about being a conservative.

And I must say, the results speak for themselves.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

DA, first, you broke your solemn vow not to respond to me….. yet again.

I just wished for you to have a good life, Dennis, maybe my wish will come true one of these days.

And second, the extra ‘s’ in ‘ Dennis’s ‘ is not necessary. Just an apostrophe after the name since it ends in an ‘s’.

I’ll remember that the next time I prepare the covers for the TPS reports Denniss.

Third, your post makes no sense. You and Mooser are both trying too hard, straining, even. It comes through quite evidently

I do think of you when I’m straining, Denniss.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

DA, that promise that you made, you knew you weren’t capable of keeping that, didn’t you? You know some people here took you at your word, especially when you apologized beforehand, feigning sincerity.

Like I should care what ‘some people here’ think, when you don’t have a clue either way, Dennis.

Now, if you’re asshurt that I didn’t go away, well, that was the whole point. You get disappointed by me, but you keep believing the next post will be true.

Have a good hour, Dennis.

Rebecca Rectum Schlacter

Don’t get into the hot tub with Dennis!

Rebecca Rectum Schlacter

And don’t fall asleep next to him!


“You can post here, DA, but you’ll never be invited in to the hot tub”

What is that little epigram, or mot juste I keep reading in Sadly, No!? Oh, that’s right, I remember: “It’s always projection”

The Dark Avenger

Rub it in, Mooser, it’s not Dennis’s fault he can’t find somewhere else to show his superiority Borderline Personality Disorder.

The Dark Avenger

If it’s always projection, then that means you’re projecting, too, Mooser. And now I’m going to have to go back and read the whole thread to understand everyone’s entire thought patterns.

Poor Pennis, always reduced to an unsophisticated written version of echolalia at the end of one of his precious rants.

Keep fighting the good fight, Pennis, even when you forget what you’re fighting about in the first place.

Whoa, so now it’s actually DA with Borderline Personality Disorder, and you being unable to get the Sadly No hot tub invitation. This is going to take a while to decipher.

Get to work and off of the iPad, Pennis.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

I’m sorry, Rebecca, please let me in. Again, it won’t be in the butt, and I’ll start things only when you’re fully awake.

You know I don’t like to go to the local funeral home, but I’ll do what I have to if you don’t satisfy your martial duty with me.

Rebecca Asshurt Schlacter

Stay out of my bedroom, you creep.

Daughter Schlacter

Dad, I’m getting worried about you. Why haven’t you called me this month?

The Other Daughter Schlacter

You could’ve done a much better job with us, Dad, if you had really tried instead of screwing around with libruls on the Internet.


My Facebook status is “Looking for a hitman”.


My Facebook status is “Looking for therapy”.


Since I was 15, officer.


Help me put him in jail, officer!


My father is not to be trusted around girls or horses.


My ass hurts bad. Did you get into my bedroom last night, Dennis Gene?


As BBBB put it:

Christ, what a friendless asshole:

smut, I never understand what it is with your hot tub group, the way you stick together on your assigned blogs, and the sense of loyalty and protection you afford one another when it comes to debating on a political blog.

He can’t understand that we actually like each other. Fu-uh-uh-uh-uck… if I were such a miserable, friendless putz, I’d take a swan dive off a bridge. I imagine it’s the fear of going into that dark eternal night that keeps him from offing himself.


I need to give a shout out to this wonderful new word:snivel-goading. Not only does it sound like s.j.perlmans idea of a good name for an English village but it perfectly describes Dennis himself.


Dennis, why are you fondling the bodies of dead rapist pedophiles? Trying to return your foul spirit to your original body?


AHHHHHHHHH, I just shit out another Dennis. It sure feels good to be done with it and watch it go down the toilet bowl.


Why don’t I have any friends?


“I don’t mean any harm, it’s just that nobody likes me because I’m a mean-spirited mediocre middle-manager who beats children.”


“Does this make my ass look fat, Rebecca, kids?”


(comments are closed)