Queering her Garden and Other Euphemisms

The prostitute lay back and considered her options carefully. And to think she was such a normal girl before the hippie commie brainwashing of (DRAMATIC MUSIC) a liberal-arts education!!!

Eliana Johnson, National Discarded Sprue:
Queer Gardens, Pocahontas, and Prostitutes

It’s almost cute, when you get right down to it. The right-wing’s dual obsessions regarding academia. With all the various faux-intellectual “think-tanks” designed to produce various afactual “studies” to prove their bigoted nonsense, it is clear that the right-wing desperately CRAVES the respectability and gravitas of genuine academic scholarship. But at the same time, it so thoroughly despises academia for its commitments to the pursuit of truth and genuine investigation of the world, as well as academia’s nasty habit of routinely proving various wingnut conspiracy theories so very wrong.

The right-wing, in all it’s anti-intellectual fervor, despises those smarty-pants stuffed-shirts who actually know things about the world, but also wants to be them and have the respect carefully earned by proving oneself repeatedly right. It’s like they actually comprehend on some level that all their various wingnut welfare gigs for various propaganda factories are the real act of undeserved promotion they decry “affirmative action” as and so long for the accolades that come with genuinely earning your position.

They don’t want to do the work or accept the low paychecks that come with said hard work, mind you. Just the accolades, just the respectability. It’s the same reason that so many no-nothing pundits try to sell themselves off as “experts”.

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • How dare colleges teach anything other than dead white men! Burn the heretics who admit anyone other than dead white men exist and might have scholarly worth! Burn them!

And today’s offering is all sorts of nexus between those competing desires. The desire for an aura of academic respectability that drives the creation of sad tomes like J-Load’s Liberal Fascism. As well as the pure hatred of universities for daring to poison their artifact childrens’ minds by exposing them to the real world and a chance to be themselves rather than a phantom playacting for their brain-dead parents.

Obviously this massive dissonance will only create scholarly works of the greatest quality.

What Does Bowdoin Teach? — a report released today by the National Association of Scholars (NAS)

The greatest!

Oh man, where do we start?

I guess, we should start with “I wanna be real science too” conservative “think-tank” du jour, the “National Association of Scholars”. The organization is basically a who’s who of other right-wing propaganda mills, what with borrowing “talent” from such luminaries as the American Enterprise Institute, the Manhattan Institute, and the Independent Women’s Forum.

Its job is essentially to spam “studies” like this one harassing various real institutions with accusations of being “anti-education” for ever daring to offer education about anything other than white men or to anything other than white men. Their favorite targets are multiculturalism and Women’s and Ethnic Studies programs, because obviously the only real standard of a well-rounded humanities education is the list of “classics” arbitrarily copied from then contemporary English universities by early American universities, because anything made after the 18th century couldn’t possibly hold value to modern society.

The particular… “source” she is citing is a smear-job on Maine liberal-arts college Bowdoin College, largely because it dares to be a high-profiled “liberal-arts college” and the authors are not particularly subtle about hiding their Pavlovian response to the word liberal.

And it’s all one would expect from a right-wing attempt at a scholarly paper, including a sterling grasp of reality.

Like take this excerpt from the article:

One cannot predict how much, if anything, a Bowdoin graduate will know about the philosophy of Aristotle, the plays of Shakespeare, or the Civil War.

Written while decrying:

One course that was ultimately cancelled because of lack of student interest was entitled “Queer Gardens,” a survey of the horticultural achievements of “gay and lesbian gardeners” and a rereading of literary works on gardens from a “queer” perspective.

Yeah… um, leaving aside the obvious, let’s just take a quick jaunt down to the course finder for the Fall 2013 semester for Bowdoin college, shall we? And you might as well leave that open in a new tab as we’ll be coming back to it a lot.

Yes, and we see zero possibility they could learn about the philosophy of Aristotle… you know except for ya know, PHIL 111: Ancient Philosophy, PHIL 145 Truth and Morality, and PHIL 321 Empiricism and Common Sense, not to mention most of the Classics Department. But hey, that’s just a fluke.

What about Shakespeare? That poor dead white man is completely unexplored despite being so very influential to so much English-language literature and… Oh wait, ENG 10 Shakespeare’s Afterlives and ENG 210 Shakespeare’s Comedies and Romances.

Okay, surely the Civil War is the one that got the boot then. I mean, the poor wannabe “big thinker” spent an entire paragraph or two whining about poor Joseph Chamberlain and how his legacy of being the nerdy teacher who used basic tactics to make mincemeat of Conferderate soldiers was undone by a single canceled class on a little-studied interesting subject being offered in a seminar class. Surely that wasn’t all complete bullshit. I’ll just click over and… oh wait, HIST 025 The Civil War in Film, HIST 011 Memoirs and Memory in American History, and HIST 285 Conquests and Heroes. Or if you want to be on the nose, we could just look at the Fall 2012 History Curriculum, specifically 139 The Civil War Era.

But hey, in defense of this work of scholarship, these were really difficult things to find. I had to like… do a google search and everything.

Anyways, we were talking about the brain trust that thought that brain trust was worth citing.

And cite it, she did! Apparently that study’s labia must be coated with dribblings off the Fountain of Youth for how eagerly Eliana Johnson dove in there and polished it off.

The study, authored by NAS president and former Boston University professor and administrator Peter Wood, is the product of 18 months of research and is primarily devoted to answering the question it poses.

18 whole months of thinking about the issue with his brain words. Truly it must have no peers as a scholarly work. Hence why it is found in no peer-reviewed academic journal and instead needs to be self-published by the band of hacks who couldn’t figure out that google might very well disprove their initial assumptions before they even begin.

A social anthropologist by training, Wood refers to his study as a “full-fledged ethnography.”

See! Super academic! It’s like a golden shower of intellectualishyness that will wash away evil liberal-arts colleges and their desires to cover all issues. I mean, it’s not like we can look at the article in question and see how its description as a “ethnography” betrays that if there is any affirmative action going on, it’s in whatever poor institution gave Mr. Wood a degree in Anthropology.

The report documents an increasingly fractured academy that has no common curriculum and in which so-called identity studies take priority over a study of the West. It highlights, for example, the 36 freshmen seminars offered at Bowdoin in the fall of 2012. They are designed to teach writing and critical-thinking skills and to introduce students to the various academic departments.

No, you didn’t just misread that. They really did ignore all the actual curriculum that shows that Bowdoin College has the same sort of classes that most any college carries to instead focus on a small smattering of freshmen composition seminar classes. Why?

Probably because freshman comp seminars tend to focus on more esoteric, less focused on micro-subjects to serve as a deviation from what they’ll usually encounter as part of a “standard education” and therefore help transition the freshman student from a high schooler used to parroting whatever their teacher wants in order to get good grades to a university student able to think critically about the world and the subjects to follow.

It also lends an aspect of choice to the student to make up for the fact that they are required to take a boring composition class.

Some of the subjects are unsurprising: The Korean War, Great Issues in Science, Political Leadership.

And despite all that, they still offer the incoming student the choice to be a boring fuddy-duddy if they are so inclined. So if the class is something “novel” and not indicative of overall university expectations and offers plenty of alternative choices, what’s the issue for the right-wing screech-tank?

Others seem less conducive to critical thinking and fruitful classroom discussion: Queer Gardens, Beyond Pocahontas: Native American Stereotypes; Sexual Life of Colonialism; Modern Western Prostitutes.

Oh right.

You know, I sort of covered the main thrust already in the shorter, so I more want to focus on just how amazingly obvious they are getting in their opposition of literally anything that acknowledges that non-white people, queer people, or women exist and are worth studying. I mean, for fuck’s sake, they are whining about optional freshman seminar classes. OPTIONAL classes daring to cover subjects they don’t personally find engaging.

I mean, we’ve seen some serious lows in right-wingers trying to claim oppression at the hands of the big bad academy before, but this might be the absolute nadir so far.

And fuck, if they weren’t so reflexively against anything that dares mention non-white-men, they might have realized their fatal mistake in citing subjects that sound down-right fascinating.

I mean, queer gardens? As a comp class? That sounds absolutely amazing, especially when compared to my dull freshman comp class analyzing the rhetoric of academic papers (hint, they were all the fucking same, because they were all written in the same academic style). I mean, is it an exploration of garden imagery by queer writers? Comparisons of gardening works and queer works to really test the students’ compositional dexterity? I don’t know, but I really want to know.

And the rest of the subjects sound fascinating too and are even more revealing for the right-wingers to bitch about.

I mean, really, right-wingers? Complaining about a class looking at actual Native life separate from Disney movie notions? Yeah, that doesn’t at all make you look like the anti-Native racists you are. Same with “Sexual Life of Colonialism”. What’s the matter, right-wingers? Scared that someone might note how rape has always been used as a means of keeping marginalized populations down? And the opposition to “Modern Western Prostitutes” is just reflexive fear of acknowledging sex in its nonsensicality. Fuck, “modern western prostitutes” have been used in a fucking HUGE amount of so-called “classic literature”. The “hooker with a heart of gold” trope alone is worth a class or two.

Queer Gardens, an exploration of the work of gay and lesbian gardeners and of “the link between gardens and transgression,”

That sounds amazing, one sec. I need to look this fucker up.

Let’s see, from the “I swear I’m science” screed we get this bit of information:

“Queer Gardens,” which was meant to deal with horticultural observations by gay writers

Which frankly just plain makes sense. Garden imagery was often used as a means for queer authors to explore or talk about their attractions in prose. Especially in the days when it was considered unthinkable for a writer to admit to such attractions. Authors such as Virginia Woolf, Walt Whitman, and Oscar Wilde all used garden motifs heavily. And studying such coded language and the way those early queer writers inspired more modern queer writers (in much the same way as Shakespeare, who I’m happy to note also admitted to bisexuality in his poetry) is an amazing application of composition that really hammers home the purpose of studying rhetoric and why certain themes and images get reused.

And we can see that when we look at the full course description here at 028 Queer Gardens. Also, apparently reading Emily Dickinson isn’t considered “classicky” enough for the NASties, because… lesbians I guess.

simply “does not teach critical thinking as well as Plato’s Republic,” the report notes;

A) It’s a comp class, not a philosophy class

B) Actual philosophy classes cover Plato all over the place. As do the Classics classes. As does the Classics major if you want to devote yourself to nothing but the deadest of dead white men during your time at Bowdoin.

C) Plato was a gay man in love with his teacher and mentor (Isn’t it fun pointing out how the sacred “straight white men” considered the “greats” so often weren’t entirely straight?). I imagine examining his uses of gardens would have been fascinating.

D) Um, not to knock Philosphy majors or anything (no seriously, my partner is a dual Philosophy/Literature major), but I’ve met enough Freshman Philosophy major assholes in my day to be thoroughly dissuaded of the notion that reading philosophy in and of itself makes you any kind of critical thinker. Hell, some of the most tedious, most disingenuous, and overall intellectually laziest discussions I’ve ever had on certain subjects have come from talking to some terrible “philosophy teaches you all you need to know” asshole wanting to practice their “debate club judo” on me. It’s not all Philosophy majors, hell, it’s not even remotely close to over half, but it’s an annoying enough minority to justify pointing it out here.

E) It’s a comp class. Your argument is like yelling at a Freshman biology class for not bringing up the Cold War.

nor does any subject that has “no canon of works that embody exemplary achievement in the difficult dialogic task of critical thinking.”

Again, I’ll note that the list of authors the seminar was going to cover included Marvell, Lanyer, Pope, Seward, Dickinson, Burnett, Carroll, Sackville-West, Nichols, Jarman, and Pollan.

If some of those names sound familiar, that’s because they’re also names in the Norton Anthology of English Literature. Also available in new comic form.

But I guess, works that are considered proper British “classics” are no longer acknowledged as a “worthy canon of works” if you admit that some of those classic authors liked to use their parts in non-approved ways with other similarly gendered people.

The freshmen seminars, and Queer Gardens in particular, illustrate the increasing specialization of academia, which Wood documents statistically. Bowdoin today teaches far fewer survey courses than it did in the 1964–65 academic year, used for the purposes of comparison. As a result, students wind up in courses that presume they have obtained general knowledge in the subject area and mastered basic ideas.

This is also hilarious. The right-wing has been starving and starving higher education for decades now. Dramatically underfunding it, attacking various disciplines as “worthless” and arguing against education in general.

And then they have the unmitigated gall to blame the institutions for having to deal with that loss of money by scaling back on classes, overworking teachers, exploiting adjunct positions, and providing fewer options.

Because apparently in wingnut land, being able to offer less because you have less money is entirely caused by the existence of Gay and Lesbian Studies classes… Actually, given the right-wing penchant for blaming the victim in all cases, I’m betting they actually do blame various X Studies courses for “making us attack higher education and work to defund it”.

The school does not offer a single course in American military, political, diplomatic, or intellectual history.

…Snrk… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man, let’s look at our good friend, the Fall 2013 course list. Uh, let’s see we’ve got, GOV 025 Representation, Participation, and Power in American Politics, GOV 027 Political Leadership, GOV 010 The Pursuit of Peace, GOV 160 Introduction to International Relations, GOV 202 The American Presidency… I’m going to be here all day, let’s just leave it as the entire GOV department and leave it at that. Also… GOV 216 Maine Politics… nice! I like to imagine that’s a required course for Government majors.

Again. This is not hard. I used the google machine to go to Bowdoin’s own website and look at their current course listings. I didn’t use some magical wizardry or high-tech sleuthing ability. I’m disproving this literally by using Firefox tabs as I write. And yet, these hacks still want to be treated like “super smart academicians!” PUH-LEEZE!

In some instances, critical thinking is thwarted because the instructor has answered fundamental questions in advance, long before the first day of class, and thereby foreclosed discussion of important alternatives. The report cites as an example the course catalogue for the 2012–13 academic year, which explains that courses in Bowdoin’s Gender and Women’s Studies Department investigate “the experience of women and men in light of the social construction of gender” and how gender has been used “as an institutionalized means of structuring inequality and dominance.”

These courses, the authors conclude, prevent any exploration of possible alternative origins of gender differences and block any meaningful debate over the issue.

Bob damnitt. You’re going to make me break out the multiple answers again, aren’t you?

Sigh, all right.

A) How is it “blocking alternative origins” if it’s exploring the experiences of men and women? It’s acknowledging lived life experiences and using current research and understanding on the subject to show how they fit into the world. Oh right… you’re using “alternative origins” in the same way that creationists use “teach the controversy” and are mad that if some anti-feminist tried pulling some Privilege 101 Fails to “put the uppity feminazi teacher in her place”, he’d get his ass handed to him in a paper bag as said teacher politely pointed out the wealth of genuine scholarship on the subject of how men and women and others are.

B) No, dumkopft, it’s not “thwarting critical thinking” for instructors to have answered fundamental questions in advance, it’s the fucking definition of education. I know wingnuts would greatly appreciate it if every single class just had the teacher going “well, we can’t know anything, because otherwise I’d have the answers in advance, so just go on believing whatever you’ve read in a comic book about how this shit works”, but that’s not what people are going into massive debt to receive. They want to hear from experts on these subjects. People who actually know what they are fucking talking about and have some genuine comprehension of the fundamental findings of their major. That way they can relate what that field has genuinely discovered to the students and thus help make them closer to experts on the subject and ready to join in with the state of the field as it is.

C) Yeah, continuing that. It’s not “foreclosing” “discussion of important alternatives”. It’s not even “closing” “discussion of important alternatives”. Hell, any “important alternative” that’s been discovered and has any academic merit to it will probably be covered in a class on the subject. Anything else is just a distraction intended to interrupt other people’s education with ignorant conjectures. Your biology class doesn’t need to hear John Douchenozzle’s “important alternative” to the lesson on evolution that he heard from a pastor on the radio. They don’t even fully need Dr. I Actually Know What I’m Talking About to thoroughly describe the reams upon reams of data that prove John Douchenozzle an ignorant asshole. They need to learn what the current state of understanding is on the issue and how to approach the evidence that we currently have. And frankly, despite decades of trying to convince the public otherwise, the fields of Women’s Studies, Queer Studies, Ethnic Studies, African-American Studies, Asian-American Studies, Latin-American Studies, and so on have genuine scholarship behind them and a lot of conclusions that aren’t just somebody pulling out a fat dookie, but the products of real studies on how the world works.

D) Speaking of which… yeah, gender has been used institutionally to structure inequality and dominance. It’s kind of a no shit before anyone bothered to do the research proving it. Fuck, it’s the sort of thing right-wingers will even admit to having happened in the past when they want to show up their “not-sexist” creds before arguing that nowadays men live under the iron high-heel of Gynofascism. But I guess, that stops happening once they think they’re back in their natural element. Cause you know women automatically being literally the property of their fathers and then husbands (whom the father alone chose) was not at all gender being used to structure inequality when a feminist notices it.

Tom Klingenstein, the chairman of the Claremont Institute, who commissioned and funded the report, says that this approach leads students “to assume that what they are taught is established opinion, that there isn’t any valid alternative, and that only someone morally corrupt or of dubious character could disagree.” In the end, he says, this undermines the school’s efforts to cultivate openness and tolerance. “If you’re not exposed to competing ideas, you’re shortchanged.”

Teach the controversy!

Man did so ride dinosaurs to the stone-mining office!

Fuck, is it just me or are all these “think tanks” starting to blur together with their outright theft of unsuccessful bullshit tactics from each other.

Also, got to love the complete bad faith attempt to exploit liberal tendencies to being fair, open-minded, and tolerant. Hey, you liberals care about that hippie shit, right? Well, why don’t you throw it all away and let our ignorant ass snoops disrupt and silence all your classes with their petty ante harassment about topics that have long since been covered by the field? If you don’t, then you’re not being “open to alternatives” and therefore indoctrinating people.

Fuck, you almost have to pity them for this shit. I mean, do they really think academics, especially academics in fields specifically studying how dominant groups harass and silence minority groups, are really dumb enough to fall for this shit?

There are also at Bowdoin the kinds of people and attitudes you might expect on a progressive campus: a valedictorian elected by popular vote, a culture that enthusiastically promotes sex as long as it is safe and consensual, a student who tells Klingenstein that “it took balls” for him (a conservative) even to show up on campus.

How shocking. Ooh. Um, really? This is your “scandalous” college culture? One where students fuck safely and consensually? Hell, that already puts it above the rape cultures that exist at colleges where conservatives have a stronger presence (such as any place that has a thriving Greek or Rugby With Pads culture… like say Penn State… for example). And ooh, a college that doesn’t really have valedictorians… because valedictorians are a high school thing… and anyone who’s ever seen the inside of a college would know that. And scandal of scandals, shock of shocks, a pompous smear-merchant carefully antagonizing the student body of a college so he could accuse them of being unamerican traitors for daring to go to a school advertised as a “liberal-arts” school (you know, in the same way that NAS tries to play itself off as “liberal” because of the similar use of the term), got MILD-PUSHBACK!

Nooooooooooos! Impossible! Some rude conservative asshole openly dismissing the humanity of the student body at a college got mildly treated like the asshole he is when he went deliberately looking for something, anything he could use to paint himself the victim of anti-conservative oppression?

Truly the worst oppression ANYONE has ever faced in the history of the WORLD! I mean, sure others have faced rape, violence, stalking, having their rights and humanity deliberately removed and any subject studying their lives harassed by petty conservatives who want everyone to remain ignorant of the life experiences of minority group members in order to prevent anything ever being fixed for them. But hey, a conservative jackass was denied his right to say anything and have no one comment back ever, and that’s 20 Hitlers and a Satangoat powered by 30 more Stalins, right there!

And yeah, as a trans* individual still trying to figure out if I’ve weathered the storm of legitimate trans* discrimination at my job so I can at least remain employed until the season runs out in June, my cup of empathy fucking runneth over for every one of these “I totally was oppressed for being a rich white cis male conservative” bullshit stories and their sick fucking co-opting of the language of oppression to argue for even more silencing of marginalized voices.

The origins of the study lie in a game of golf. In the summer of 2010, Klingenstein hit the links with three others, among them Bowdoin president Barry Mills, whom he had never met. Over the course of 18 holes, Klingenstein shared his disapproval of diversity as it is practiced on many college campuses — by his lights, something used to emphasize ethnic differences at the expense of a common American heritage.

He was surprised to find himself the subject of an unflattering portrayal in Mills’s 2010 convocation address. Though Mills did not identify him by name, Klingenstein recognized himself when the president referred to the “opponent who announce[d] mid-swing, ‘I would never support Bowdoin — you are a ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons.’” Mills told his audience that he had walked off that golf green “in despair and with deep concern.”

I want to frame these paragraphs on my wall and make sweet sweet love to them all night.

I… I don’t even know where to begin. It’s such a perfect distillation of everything conservative.

The centrality of a game of golf, the petty revenge against a target specifically chosen because they dared quote the conservative’s words back at them and “like, make it sound bad and stuff”, the desperate need of the conservative to “stick it to a liberal” even when, or rather especially when the perceived liberal is politely tolerating their company, the need to dominate conversations that drives conservatives to assume total ownership over spaces and be dumbstruck when their failure to think of the life experiences of others comes back to bite them, the fucking golf.

It’s just… MWAH!

Mills “badly distorted my point of view,” Klingenstein tells National Review Online.

Offff course he did, poodle. You only ranted for 18 holes straight on the perfidy of his institution and “said some common sense truths” about “ethnic differences”, “American heritage”, and so on, and suddenly he’s out quoting your words exactly and making you look like a complete tool. And you know you couldn’t have been a complete tool because YOU IZ ALWAYS SCHMOTT GUY making oh so clever arguments!

And, damnitt, you were going to be sure to find anything and everything you could to burn his institution as a “ridiculous liberal school that brings all the wrong students to campus for all the wrong reasons” to prove how much of a lie it was!

I mean, for fuck’s sake, shitbeard, did you even think for five seconds about this shit during those “18 months” you were stalking Bowdoir students “researching” your article? That just maybe trying to publish a smear job on how liberal and filled with darkies and queers Bowdoin is might just make Mills’s accurate convocation address look even more accurate? And that bringing up a speech no one, and I mean no one gave a fuck about besides you again just brings it to fresh light and assures it might actually be read by other people who will also have the context of you being a petty and small-minded bully willing to try and destroy institutions all because one person noted something painfully obviously accurate about you? Hmm?

If Mills failed to acknowledge the legitimacy of Klingenstein’s views on the golf course three years ago, What Does Bowdoin Teach? is another call for him to do so.

Yes, I can’t wait for the even longer, even less filled with accurate information follow-up he’ll produce after this “work” is used as the inspiration for the 2013 convocation address.

It sets forth his case in painstaking detail and scholarly prose over 360 pages. “There’s nothing in this that consists of cherry-picking the most outrageous cases,” Wood says.

Do I even have to dignify this with a response?

That sentence is so bald-faced it might as well start investing in shady corporations and trying to destroy Superman.

Klingenstein’s immediate goal is for Bowdoin’s leaders to acknowledge that the school’s academic standards are in virtual free fall. He hopes that alumni elsewhere will start to ask, “What’s the case at our school?” If Wood, the anthropologist, is right, the study of transgressive gardens is par for the course.

Well, while you’re hoping for things that aren’t going to fucking happen, you can also wish for a pony that can jump to the moon. Fuck, any “liberal-arts” college worth its tuition fee has been through this song and dance of conservative assholes trying to destroy it through bullshit and lies a million times before.

Because that’s sort of what conservatives do these days. Harass and attempt to destroy anything and everything that acknowledges reality and how it works. Because conservatives have declared war on reality and think that if they are just cruel and abusive enough to anyone who knows better, that the real world will just fold up quietly and go away taking all us minority groups with it and leaving them with their very own rich-white-cis-male asshole utopia.

Sorry to disappoint you dipshits, but that’s never going to happen. We minorities exist and will continue to exist. And furthermore, the real world is getting easier and easier to observe and learn about and spread information about than ever before. The internet makes it easy to disprove horseshit in a fraction of a second and even easier for minority groups to get together and talk and share their experiences.

And you can kick and scream about that and say “Mommy, it’s not fair” and try and disrupt all their meetings with trolling and hissy-fits, but it doesn’t change that reality.

The world is moving on without you. And you can either get on and accept having to earn respectability the hard way…

Or you can remain where you are, old men and their concubines rotting away in a shrinking pool of defectives and the deliberately ignorant, a one-eyed king in a nation of blind-men, while we have our safe consensual queer orgies out here in the two-eyed world.

Ya know… out by the garden…

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Garden slashfic! Fly my pretties. Make it a real thing! We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 378


The study […] is primarily devoted to answering the question it poses.
Surprising all of us who are more used to studies that are devoted to answering some completely different and unposed question, as is the tradition in the scientific world.


One cannot predict how much, if anything, a Bowdoin graduate will know about the philosophy of Aristotle, the plays of Shakespeare, or the Civil War.

If one were a real journalist one could probably figure out a way to contact them and discover this information.

Some of the subjects are unsurprising: The Korean War, Great Issues in Science, Political Leadership.

The school does not offer a single course in American military, political, diplomatic, or intellectual history.

Um. Yeah.

Mills “badly distorted my point of view,” Klingenstein tells National Review Online.

Oh? Because if how Johnson laid it out it is correct he conveyed your point of view exactly.


Strange to come across you here, “Cerberus”, preaching, waxing so lyrically against sexism and bigotry when your reaction towards a transwoman like me on the Pharyngula blog a few years’ back was one of transphobia, misogyny and sexism. FYI…referring to a transwoman as “it”, “he” and trying to ‘shame’ her or any other woman into silence through the classic misogynistic tactic of attempting to humiliate her by defeminisation does NOT make you a liberal. It’s time your readers on ‘Sadly No’ should be aware of your behaviour on the Bravo, Belgium thread of Pharyngula a few years’ back.

*Btw…you can delete my posts as much as you like since you don’t want your fanbase here to know the truth.


From the last thread:

And, you know, for a guy with my particular taste in the female form, it’s weird that I’ve never actually seen a Russ Meyer movie. Huh.

When I was in college, one of my roommates decided to rent a couple of Russ Meyer films because Ivan Stang of the Church of the Subgenius described them as “dumb hillbilly trash, but HOLY dumb hillbilly trash”, or words to that effect. Meyer’s films are weird, some of them come across as porn done by a moralizing fundamentalist preacher. That being said, “Faster Pussycat, Kill! Kill!” is a must-see trash movie and star Tura Satana’s life was as lurid and melodramatic as any grindhouse trash movie. This is Ms Satana’s crowning moment.


I mean, queer gardens? As a comp class? That sounds absolutely amazing, especially when compared to my dull freshman comp class analyzing the rhetoric of academic papers (hint, they were all the fucking same, because they were all written in the same academic style). I mean, is it an exploration of garden imagery by queer writers? Comparisons of gardening works and queer works to really test the students’ compositional dexterity? I don’t know, but I really want to know.

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, I thought the class was about what the queers are doing to the soil!

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

Dennis, quit pretending to be ‘becky’. Go play a round of golf, or spend some time with your lovely wife Rebecca.


“Dennis, quit pretending to be ‘becky’. Go play a round of golf, or spend some time with your lovely wife Rebecca”

Well, that just kind of illustrates exactly what I said about the employment of defeminisation as a time-worn, patriarchist tactic in an attempt to make women who raise ‘uncomfortable’ issues to shut up, doesn’t it…?


when your reaction towards a transwoman like me on the Pharyngula blog a few years’ back”

A “few years back”? Yawn. We all grow, develop and change if we want to. You might try it. And learn to forgive. Her will show you the way, if you let Him.


Strange to come across you here”

Yes, that is a good point. What on earth is Cerebus doing here? Turning up so suddenly and all.


“exactly what I said about the employment of defeminisation as a time-worn, patriarchist tactic in an attempt to make women who raise ‘uncomfortable’ issues to shut up, doesn’t it…?”


“a transwoman like me”


Ive always wanted to meet the “transwoman” who doesn’t raise uncomfortable issues. I’d take her right home to Mother, and then pop the question.


It’s a little funny that becky thinks the link trail makes either Cerberus look bad or herself good. And by funny I mean sad.

Pupienus Maximus

Now now, don’t be harsh on “becky” for calling out Cerberus’ blatant transphobia.


“tigris said,
April 6, 2013 at 18:14
It’s a little funny that becky thinks the link trail makes either Cerberus look bad or herself good. And by funny I mean sad”.

Maybe I’m missing something, but how, do you mean tigris?

If you follow the link trail through you will find Cerberus coming into the discussion late, launching gleefully into an unprovoked attack on me on that particular Pharyngula thread, no doubt with the full intention of capitalizing on the fact that I was already unpopular through having the temerity to raise the taboo issue of the transphobia and misogyny in PZ Myers’ post.

Cerberus’s *grandstanding* was pretty gratuitous and hateful in the extreme, too – it wasn’t ‘just’ the crude transphobic and misogynistic attempt at defemisation by Cerberus – at one point I was told to go and burn to death, too. Curiously enough, a Christian religious fundamentalist had told me that I’d burn to death too a week before that.

Pretty nasty stuff and same diff – imho – whether it’s said by someone who considers themselves as a liberal or a right-wing fundamentalist Christian. So, tell me how, exactly, do you feel such hatespeak and bullying doesn’t make Cerberus look bad on that thread…?


“Pupienus Maximus said,
April 6, 2013 at 18:27
Now now, don’t be harsh on “becky” for calling out Cerberus’ blatant transphobia.”

Thanxxx Pupienus Maximus.


It’s a little funny that becky thinks the link trail makes either Cerberus look bad or herself good. And by funny I mean sad.”

That’s the thing that fascinates me about this stuff, the relationship people have with their computer and the Internet. When it’s coupled with a kind of ingenuous semi-illiteracy it’s often quite revealing.
Or maybe somebody is just teasing Cerebus.
Being within a toucher of complete illiteracy myself, I don’t worry about it.


“launching gleefully into an unprovoked attack on me”

Becky, you are rapidly, and completely, convincing me there is no such thing.


Thanxxx Pupienus Maximus.

HAHAHAHAHAHA I just won a bet with myself!


“So, tell me how, exactly, do you feel such hatespeak and bullying doesn’t make Cerberus look bad on that thread…?”

Well, it’s very tempting to say it’s because:

“you will find Cerberus coming into the discussion late, launching gleefully into an unprovoked attack on me”

I bet Cerebus was wonderful, served it up hot and crisp.


I thought you misread things so outrageously and so opportunely it was unlikely to be accidental, but I invite people to go to the blog linked and the thread linked there and make their own determination.


“you will find Cerberus coming into the discussion late,

Nope. In fairly early.

launching gleefully

Oh child, please.

into an unprovoked attack on me”

Also not true.

tigris, I’m with you – I have the impression, reinforced in this very thread here, that becky is a professional victim.


Mooser: what evidence do you have to come to the conclusion that I’m ‘semi-illiterate’? However, even if I were that wouldn’t alter the glaring fact of Cerberus’s transphobia. And, just because a person might happen to be illiterate doesn’t necessarily make them less intelligent or moral than another person who is. There may well be some very clever people on both this thread and the aforementioned offending Pharyngula one but when they fail to practice what they so eloquently preach even a supposed intellectual pauper like me is smart and insightful enough to see the double standards.


See libruls – we haz real science too! Really! With big words and everything!


Btw…since the subject of semi-literacy has been mentioned, in the above article, Cerberus, the German word you’ve used is actually spelt “dummkopf” not “dumkopft”.


“S. cerevisiae said,
April 6, 2013 at 19:11
See libruls – we haz real science too! Really! With big words and everything!”

Lol…Nice one:) Although, I like the ‘libruls’ who are genuine. It’s when I read pieces like the one written by Cerberus above and then think of how – when they think that no-one’s looking – they buy into the very sexism, gendernormativity and heterosexism that they criticise and take advantage of it – that the pseudo-‘libruls’ make me cringe.


the right-wing desperately CRAVES the respectability and gravitas of genuine academic scholarship. But at the same time, it so thoroughly despises academia for its commitments to the pursuit of truth and genuine investigation of the world.

Au contraire! Contards are quite fine with science whenever & wherever it produces truths & investigations whose primary result is profit. They’ll also take to even tech that they despise (*cough*interwebz*kaffkaff*) the way flies take to turds if that particular tech gives them a big enough structural or strategic advantage … & it’s non-trivial to note that this, er, liberalism of theirs includes tweaking teh “software” of memes/ideas. Libtards should maybe descend gingerly from their pecarious perch atop the One True Glorious Altar O’ Purity ‘N’ Virtue© more often to take a few notes & crib that lovely skill from them in my bumbled opinion.

It’s the innovation that science spawns that pretzels up their Manties™ … as well it should: an ideology predicated on opposing change on behalf of tradition can’t compete with science – or long survive it, if it becomes culturally dominant enough. Wingnuts have much MUCH more to fear from scientists than from hippy grrlz legally huffing bong-hits or hetero-challenged nuptuals.

is it just me or are all these “think tanks” starting to blur together with their outright theft of unsuccessful bullshit tactics from each other.

“Gooble gobble, ka-ching & amen! Gooble gobble, ka-ching & amen! Gooble gobble …”
It is not just you.

Also, I’m real happy for you & Imma let you fisk, but “Sexual Life Of Colonialism” was the best Skinny Puppy techno-trance remix EP of all time.



tigris, I’m with you – I have the impression, reinforced in this very thread here, that becky is a professional victim”

Oh please. a rank amateur if I ever saw one.
She couldn’t even get into the victimology novitiate, let alone become a high priest of the sect. (I use the word “priest” in a completely non-gendural context, so I’m not gonna put “or piestess” in parentheses, live with it)


@Pupienus: “becky is a professional victim”

Well, if I suppose being a transwoman in a society which is misogynistic, heterosexist and transphobic in an all-pervasive way if that does indeed make me a “victim” then it’s no wonder that I’m a professional at it by now:)

Seriously though, things were said to me as a transwoman on the aforementioned Pharyngula blog by Cerberus, others and by PZ Myers himself which they would not dared have said to a ciswoman.


“Mooser: what evidence do you have to come to the conclusion that I’m ‘semi-illiterate’?”

Gosh can we start with that sentence? Where the hell did you pick up a pretentious, noxious and passive-aggressive sobriquet like “semi-illiterate”?

And I’ll have you know, “Becky” (as if that is your real name!) when I spel-chek’d the above comment “sobriquet” was not highlighted! Right, first crack out of the box!


they would not dared have said to a ciswoman.”

Or my cister, for that matter! She makes cider in a cistern.



I’m not familiar with this term. A little help please?

Jumping in late here. I was in the simulator all morning.


Observing the horticulture


Seriously though, things were said to me as a transwoman on the aforementioned Pharyngula blog by Cerberus, others and by PZ Myers himself which they would not dared have said to a ciswoman.”

Okay, I get it, Becky, and while there may not be anyone else who will, I will do the right thing. Now, what’s your favorite chocolates, and favorite flowers? And the card will be sincere, and just short of groveling. Will that gruntle you?


“Seriously though, things were said to me…”

I’m sorry, your link seems to have failed. Certainly, there’s no reason you would say something like “things were said to me” without linking to those things, is there?


Observing the horticulture

Sounds like SOMEbody likes to watch…


cis = same gender as sex
trans = sex doesn’t match gender

where sex is one’s biological sex and gender is self-identify. I shan’t go into how those terms are hateful and exclusionary to those who do not have typical chromosomal makeup nor shall I apologise to anyone for my gleeful, unprovoked attack on such people.


I don’t if the link is being blocked on purpose, but here is the link that you request, Mooser:


Also, for some more transphobia from Cerberus, Janine and co go here:


Stuff they don’t want you to find out, eh;)?


“Well, if I suppose being a transwoman”

Sorry, Becky, I owe you an apology. I, too have always been incensed by the gender discrimination in railroad hiring. All Abroad!


Thanks Pup. Is there a correct terminology?


Btw…I have noticed that since June 2010 PZ Myers seems to have edited the thread in order to mask the transphobic abuse.


Btw…I have noticed that since June 2010 PZ Myers seems to have edited the thread in order to mask the transphobic abuse.

Riiiiiiight. Suuuuuuuure he did.

You off your meds or what?


MK, I was being a leeetle bit satirically hyperbolic with that final sentence. .


@Mooser:” “Becky” (as if that is your real name!).”

So, you’re trying to defeminise me again – kind of proves my point. There’s a disappointing amount of people who think they aren’t transphobic or sexist, but nevertheless can’t help falling back into their latent transphobia and misogyny as it’s been so brainwashed into them via a heterosexist, gendernormative male-dominated society.

Btw…if you’re keen to swap grammar and spelling mistakes…FYI…the correct spelling is: “spell-checked” with two L’s.


just wow…as a umm alum and having passing knowledge of pz, AND having read some of that thread, i am a bit worried about becky…she comes in swinging after cerbs quite nicely laid things out and then wonders why she gets ‘attacked’? not that i got that far…once she compared umm and pz to the kkk and then called someone naziboy, i just quit reading…sorry, becky…first you have to learn to play nicely before you get ANY empathy from me…


and what she’s on about i don’t know…we all know how extremely touchy i am about the r-word, and reading it used in a comment over there (even though that comment is two years old) still pisses me off, but i’ve learned over the years of being a mom and special needs agitator/advocate that you don’t continue to beat people about the head and shoulders for something they said…you go in, make your point, then get out…you may have to do this numerous times, but it is much more effective…


So, you’re trying to defeminise me again –

HAHAHAHAHA becky, if you’re sincere then you are insane, seriously deranged. If you’re trolling you’re just another pathetic asswipe. In either case, nothing you say will be taken seriously by anyone here. You just run along now and make an appointment with a mental health professional. There you go, that’s it. Goodbye.


also, i find it amusing that klingenstein did all this because he felt slighted for being an asshole…


Jumping in late here. I was in the simulator all morning

so that’s what you’re calling it these days?


Habemus trollum.

Trollus eunt domus!


“HAHAHAHAHA becky, if you’re sincere then you are insane, seriously deranged. If you’re trolling you’re just another pathetic asswipe. In either case, nothing you say will be taken seriously by anyone here. You just run along now and make an appointment with a mental health professional”

@Puppi: Another feature of sexism; when a woman has an opinion that is different – or considered outside of the box – she is dismissed as “deranged” or (classically from the male-dominated medical profession) “hysterical”. Yet, when a man does so he’s respected as a genius. Guess I should be a good little girl and not worry my pretty lil’ head about that though, eh?


“Chris said,
April 6, 2013 at 20:39
Habemus trollum.
Trollus eunt domus!”

Ah, *trolling*, 21st century’s equivalent of the pre-enlightenment’s accusation of witchcraft, often utilised when somebody comes up with ideas that you cannot accept and arguments that you are unable to understand or process into the small psychological zone that you have become comfortable with!


“Now, what’s your favorite chocolates, and favorite flowers?”

Oh, and Mooser, you do realise it’s spelled “favourite” and not “favorite”….? Two-Nil Sweetie – Advantage, Miss Becky:)x


Trolli Ite Domum!


Hey, S. cerevisiae: Cave Canem! (*I think we all know who I’m referring to here:)


Surprising all of us who are more used to studies that are devoted to answering some completely different and unposed question, as is the tradition in the scientific world.

The new scientific method embraces the hypothesisn’t.


MK, I was being a leeetle bit satirically hyperbolic with that final sentence. .

Sorry. I’m a straight, middle-aged, white guy. I do the best I can.


The priests are preparing the pyre to burn you at the stake AS WE SPEAK.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

Oh, and Mooser, you do realise it’s spelled “favourite” and not “favorite”….?


cis = same gender as sex
trans = sex doesn’t match gender

where sex is one’s biological sex and gender is self-identify.

For me, it didn’t click until I remembered the distinction between Transalpine Gaul and Cisalpine Gaul, then I found myself chuckling at the brilliance of the construct.


Btw…I have noticed that since June 2010 PZ Myers seems to have edited the thread in order to mask the transphobic abuse
So PZ Myers has the power to revise the records at the Wayback Machine? SCARY. But if the thread no longer contains transphobic abuse then perhaps it was not the ideal thread to cite as evidence of transphobic abuse.

That post is hilarious.

I was in the simulator all morning.


That post is hilarious.

Even funnier is the fact that the troll would cite it as a defense… talk about an “own goal”.

PZ, then, let us know that Becky’s email address she had used at Pharyngula had the first name “Donald” in it

Forgot the silent E


Useful advice:

The thread at Pharyngula she had derailed remained a case study in why a blog owner might want to swing the banhammer sooner rather than later


From pharyngula, threee (3) years ago:

(b’s first comment)

” Posted by: Becky Transsexual Author Profile Page | June 25, 2010 7:35 AM

“PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris.”

Do they award ‘associate professorships’ at the University of Minnesota for double-firsts in sectarianism and chauvinism these days? And if so, do the academic robes look something like this?


Dear me, how their standards must be so disappointingly low!”

WOW! No wonder everyone concluded Becky was an asshole.


“Hey, S. cerevisiae: Cave Canem!”
Wouldn’t the imperative be more appropriate, unless you want to end that sentence with a period? Cavete canem!


Becky is definitely an asshole. Becky, you’re an asshole. You truly are an asshole. People of all sexes and genders have assholes and can be assholes, and you just happen to be an asshole.


Oh well, at least assholes are useful:)

Pupienus Maximus

Anyone’s asshole is useful* but a public asshole is not something anyone appreciates. As an asshole, you’re less than useless.

*Some more than others IYKWIMAITYD


Not ‘respectable’…yup, that must so obviously be me then Puppi, liebchen, less than subhuman…where have we heard that before, eh?


Ya know, while the troll tried to undermine Cerberus by bringing up an old thread on another website, the end result is that I admire Cerb even more than before.

Here we have the troll stumbling around the Pharyngula thread, ranging from ad hominem attacks and false equivalence to full-blown Godwin’s law violations, then Cerb just swoops in, nukes the troll from orbit, and pauses just long enough to backhand another troll who is letting his privilege show, knocking him from PZ’s place across the internet all to way to Ray Comfort’s site.

Well played, Cerb! Well played!


Ease up becky before your pink parts (however they are formed) start to look like the legendary Play-Doh and bacon…


Oh dear, Nym, that’s not very kosher, is it?


“Not ‘respectable’…yup, that must so obviously be me then Puppi, liebchen, less than subhuman…where have we heard that before, eh?”

God for the win, Becky!


“while the troll tried to undermine Cerberus”

Goodness me Mister Big Bad; being a mere ‘untermensch’ I should never have let my privilege as a controller of a worldwide conspiracy that’s-in-your-head show! Guess as a well hard skinhead gentileman you’re going to beat me up now for mentioning the war…? Nukes? Kind of trivialises Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Something tells me you really need to visit there, Sir.


“bargal20 said,
April 7, 2013 at 0:24
“Not ‘respectable’…yup, that must so obviously be me then Puppi, liebchen, less than subhuman…where have we heard that before, eh?”
God for the win, Becky!”

Vielen Dank,loser:)


It’s interesting the way folks like the ones Cerb takes down in her post always seem to assume any acknowledgment of other* contributions to history, literature, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera must always be a complete refusal to recognize** any and all contributions made by entitled white males at all . You know, as if the only way they can operate is with only one viewpoint ever being allowed to exist.

I’ll grant you that as history enlarges due to the passage of time and the gradual realization that , frex, women and non-europeans also made contributions, it becomes more difficult to shoehorn it into the time allotted in K-12, but college is traditionally the time one starts following intriguing paths of knowledge.

*”Other” here being both nontraditional examples being used in class and such nontraditional examples including classes of people traditionally “othered” for so long in American classrooms.

**”Refual to recognize” always seems to be interpreted as “complete erssure.”


becky has left the building. Given the length of her creepy obsession with me given what I said on a couple of random internet comments*, I don’t want that to happen to any of you.

I’ll leave her posts from this thread up as a monument to the “point” she was endeavoring to make.

That all being said, snark on and enjoy my unfortunately not t-shopped photoshop.

*A rigmarole I had honestly forgot even happened before she was kind enough to creepily catalog it for me here. Speaking of which… uh, please, be kind to yourself and think about checking in with a mental health professional for this sort of obsessive behavior, because this. This is not a healthy relationship to boundaries and other people.


becky has left the building. Given the length of her creepy obsession with me given what I said on a couple of random internet comments*, I don’t want that to happen to any of you.

And there was much rejoicing!


becky has left the building. 

Thank you!

It’s annoying how truly effective (at making it all about them) a really unbalanced troll can be.

Pupienus Maximus

Aw. Now I won’t get to watch her respond to being called a one trick pony.


“Queer Gardens,” which was meant to deal with horticultural observations by gay writers … and of “the link between gardens and transgression,”
As Cerberus says, there is nothing wrong with this as a topic for a comp class… with “The Name of the Rose” being one of the first European novels EVAH, there is a massive literature on gardening symbolism in culture. DON’T GET ME STARTED on E. B. Macdougall & “Medieval Gardens” or else there will be the Explaining Voice and suddenly everyone has an appointment somewhere else.

At the same time, the topic looks risible enough to entertain the average NRO reader, so Johnson could have stopped there. But No, she feels the need to make shit up: In her world, the class would really have been about the cultural contributions of actual gardeners.

“Queer Gardens,” a survey of the horticultural achievements of “gay and lesbian gardeners” and a rereading of literary works on gardens from a “queer” perspective.
Queer Gardens, an exploration of the work of gay and lesbian gardeners

I guess that’s funnier. HA HA, they’re laborers, students are gonna study the ideas of grubby-handed soil-under-the-fingernails WORKERS! Like gardeners have something to teach us other than the proper application of compost!


where have we heard that before, eh?

Um, Iron Sky?


Aw. Now I won’t get to watch her respond to being called a one trick pony.

There is a blog link, old chum…


old chum

Do you own a bat pole?


Smut Clyde-

I guess that’s funnier. HA HA, they’re laborers, students are gonna study the ideas of grubby-handed soil-under-the-fingernails WORKERS! Like gardeners have something to teach us other than the proper application of compost!

Yeah, seriously


Like gardeners have something to teach us other than the proper application of compost!

That should help those young writers who want to follow in Johnson’s footshteps.


For me, it didn’t click until I remembered the distinction between Transalpine Gaul and Cisalpine Gaul, then I found myself chuckling at the brilliance of the construct.

That’s handy … Getting back to conservatives’ campaign against a liberal arts curriculum, let me offer them a rule of thumb:

If your “child” learns the about “Cisalpine Gaul” in college, that’s good;
If your “child” learns the word “cismale” in college, that’s scary bad!


Also too, Derek Jarman.


the distinction between Transalpine Gaul and Cisalpine Gaul

“Cis-sexual Cis-sylvania” somehow doesn’t work as well.


It’s not really that these yahoos can’t or won’t do online research (the offline stuff is too tiresome); it’s that when they see 1,000 Google hits that refute their assumptions, they see it as PROOF of the vast liberal conspiracy against them.

The Internets is magic, you know. And magic is the opposite of reality. Magic can be manipulated by magicians (or witches), so it cannot be believed unless you are certain it is controlled by a good (aka “white”) magician (never witches, cause the bible says there ain’t no such thang as a good witch).

It’s a strange malady these folks have: entertaining as hell in literature and film; scary as shit in real life.


“Cis-sexual Cis-sylvania” somehow doesn’t work as well.

Sounds like a number from the Rocky Horror Polka Show

“Queer Gardens,” a survey of the horticultural achievements of “gay and lesbian gardeners” and a rereading of literary works on gardens from a “queer” perspective..

“The Garden of Butt-Forking Paths”

Do you own a bat pole?

Bat, pole… it’s all good wood.


This summed it up for me: “Nukes? Kind of trivialises Hiroshima and Nagasaki.”

Just. Wow. I mean… How is *anyone* *anywhere* EVER supposed to converse with this person? Aw, no. I used a neutral, vague descriptor like ‘person’. I won’t get to see the outrage.


Authors such as Virginia Woolf
The funniest part of Orlando is the extended horticultural metaphor where Woolf describes the descent of English culture into Victorian gloom.


Just. Wow. I mean… How is *anyone* *anywhere* EVER supposed to converse with this person?

Yeah, right? “Nuke it from orbit” has passed into the status of a meme. I imagine becks would get bent out of shape if one referenced “cats that look like Wilford Brimley”. OMG, that trivializes the travails of individuals coping with diabetes!


Aw, no. I used a neutral, vague descriptor like ‘person’. I won’t get to see the outrage.

Best looking AG.


Neutral-looking AG, then. Damn.


Peter Wood

Hhuhuhhhuhuhuhuhuh. Ahhehehehhehehehehheh. Huhuhuhhuhuhhhuhuhuhuhhuhuuh.

Pupienus Maximus

But No, she feels the need to make shit up: In her world, the class would really have been about the cultural contributions of actual gardeners.

Seems to me less like a case of making shit up and more like a case of being so fucking obtuse that’s what she understood the course to be about. Five to one she can’t spell ‘semiotics’ much less say what it is.


“Semiotic” is when you listen with only half an ear, right?


“Semiotic” is when you listen with only half an ear, right?

I had little choice. The other ear was full of semiotic fluid.


When they advised you to prick up your ears, that is NOT WHAT THEY MEANT.


We have some very clever monkeys in our gang’s marketing department. So clever, no links, dates, etc. 😉


Best looking AG.

You just know that Ken Cuccinelli is seething with jealous rage.


You just know that Ken Cuccinelli is seething with jealous rage.

I want to be nearby when that “pop!” happens as he vanishes up his own asshole.

Pupienus Maximus

prick up your ear



It’s annoying how truly effective (at making it all about them) a really unbalanced troll can be.

That’s my longstanding beef with Balloon Juice.


It’s not really that these yahoos can’t or won’t do online research (the offline stuff is too tiresome); it’s that when they see 1,000 Google hits that refute their assumptions, they see it as PROOF of the vast liberal conspiracy against them.

I know some crazy people tried to make a conservative version of Wikipedia. Wonder if they’ve ever tried to make a conservative version of Google?

Pupienus Maximus

I know some crazy people tried to make a conservative version of Wikipedia. Wonder if they’ve ever tried to make a conservative version of Google?

Didn’t this come up here recently? Can’t be arsed…


prick up your ear


Pupi not a fan of aural?


Of COURSE I’ve had it in the ear before.

Pupienus Maximus

It doesn’t sound appealing.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Thanks for your quick action, Cerberus. Man, that was a blast from the past!

There are many obnoxious people in the Pharyngula dungeon, there are many clueless people in the Pharyngula dungeon, and there are many insane people in the Pharyngula dungeon…but taking the vector sum of obnoxiousness, cluelessness, and insanity, I think Becky Transsexual presents the greatest magnitude of trollosity of them all.


If one of you asks me to lend an ear I’m NOT GOING TO DO IT.


If one of you asks me to lend an ear I’m NOT GOING TO DO IT.

I’ll bring grease, though!

Spengler Dampniche

This mighty screed is so excellent I found myself gently playing with my dingus about halfway through.

That’s quality.

Spengler Dampniche

It’s annoying how truly effective (at making it all about them) a really unbalanced troll can be.

That’s my longstanding beef with Balloon Juice.

This also, too. Miss it for three days and it’s like coming back to high school after a bout of flu. Nobody likes who they liked the previous week, everybody’s in new relationships, and a new set of people have become unpopular.



Epic troll: often anonymous; creates drama -or even ruin – with a single posting.

Weak troll: often attention whoring; threadshits dozens of “COME AT ME BRO” comments or acres of cuntpasta for dear life.


hahaha…for two ballgames in a row, i have thought dick brehmer is saying ‘weiners’…urns out one of the new players on teh twins is named wieters…

okay, so i’ve followed some of the above links…what’s a gnu atheist? and whats the deal with atheists and skeptics and feminists? is this stuff that i need to waste precious time and brain resources on or can someone enlighten me with a cliff notes version?


also, i find it even more amusing that the post’s topic is mainly a d00d with a grudge…and we’ve been infiltrated by a troll with a grudge…which led to links to other websites which were created because of grudges…


also, thanks to being too lazy to change the channel after last night’s game, (stupid baltimore! sorry fenwick) i first learned about biscuits and chocolate gravy…we all know that my willpower is virtually nil, so if some sunday afternoon i keel over at the keyboard, you will undoubtedly know the cause…


If the gravy ain’t made with bacon, it ain’t fit for biscuits.


Grudge march.

a grudge match of epic proportions apparently…i would like to see some creative type person come up with either a gif or some sort of graphic to better illustrate this for me…i did after all attend umm which is one the most liberal liberal arts colleges evar…and we all know that libruls is dum especially umm-ers because pz meyers…


is this stuff that i need to waste precious time and brain resources on



Sorry. Now, it’s Grudge April.


If the gravy ain’t made with bacon, it ain’t fit for biscuits.

Mushroom gravy.



thank goodness because puppy potty training is quite trying and i don’t have any sensibilities to squander at this point…


If the gravy ain’t made with bacon, it ain’t fit for biscuits.

i gathered that…

Mushroom gravy.

i had jaegerschnitzel the other night…when hubbkf gets back from the great vegas pbs/nab conflagration, i am going to make him make me some decent schnitzel…and i have some morels from the year before last for gravy…yum!


i gathered that…

Trust me — I’m an authentic hillbilly.


Trust me — I’m an authentic hillbilly

also something else i gathered…


but in an awesome way…


but in an awesome way…

The fear of dentistry is not so awesome.


i was going to make a missing teef joke, but feared being rebuked by those that are less tooth-habited than i…but….

how do we know the tooth brush was invented in tennessee?


seriously? i am spending a saturday night at home and this place is dead?!?


seriously? i am spending a saturday night at home and this place is dead?!?

We can sex it right up, if your ears are clean. 😉

Horace Tittitot



seriously? i am spending a saturday night at home and this place is dead?!

I have to show for the simulator at 6:30 AM. I’m off to bed momentarily.


The Agony Booth awaits The Good Major.


I have to show for the simulator at 6:30 AM. I’m off to bed momentarily.j

hawt…just what are you going to show?


also, the answer is: otherwise it would be called a teeth brush…


also, the answer is: otherwise it would be called a teeth brush…

Oh, noice. 🙂

Peduncle Q Mackinac



hawt…just what are you going to show?

Hopefully that I’m not too much of an idiot.



i’ll admit, i lol’d…now the daughter and i are going to continue our ‘grey’s anatomy marathon…my own version of the agony booth…


Watch out for earworms.


Hopefully that I’m not too much of an idiot.

so have you written any diary entries on the joys of simulation?

Pupienus Maximus

Saturday night. I’m tempted to have a Vicodin or two, pour another martini and cue up Gorecki’s Symphony of Sad Songs. Teh Ho wants me to make dinner instead. *sigh*


“… the right-wing desperately CRAVES the respectability and gravitas of genuine academic scholarship.”

Funnier still, many of them express admiration for their St. Ayn, whose academic, intellectual villain of “The Fountainhead” sells out his real chance at true intellectual accomplishment for a lifetime of cheap hackwork psedo-scholarship and the temporary influence this buys him. How does he magnify his influence? By creating fake advocacy groups, which deceitfully issue impressive-sounding press releases and awards.

We laugh at how un-self-aware these fools are, but acting exactly like the snide villain in one of the most blatantly didactic novels they admire really shows it nicely.

And, OT, Major: steam gauges or glass in your fake flying machine?


I think vaping may be oral simulation, yeah.


Teh Ho wants me to make dinner instead.

Tell him you can’t be earsed.

Spengler Dampniche

Jut read the Becky material. Jesus, Becky has thon* knickers in a twist. I’d say übertroll, except these are posts lovingly dwelt upon for years, saved up like nuts by an exceptionally avaricious squirrel.

I think what we’re seeing is old-fashioned borderline personality or something like that. It’s excitoing. My pulses thrill at the wild possibility that somebody is out there RIGHT NOW arranging electrons into words in order to generate more of the same butthurt† elsewhere.

* Victorian gender-neutral term
† Gender-neutral butthurt

Spengler Dampniche

Just smoked rather a lot of medical marijuana. I’m cured! Cured completely!


Just smoked rather a lot of medical marijuana. I’m cured! Cured completely!

Ennui can be crippling.


My pulses thrill

Exciting the lentils.


Hey, I just found a 17mm wrench on the road. I can use that.


Exciting the lentils.

I thought it took a doll to excite the lentils.

Hey, I just found a 17mm wrench on the road. I can use that.

Good catch! That’s the benefit of being “closer to the road” than you’d be in a car.


Good catch! That’s the benefit of being “closer to the road” than you’d be in a car.

Indeed! 17mm is the size of any scooter’s drain bolt, btw.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

17mm is the size of any scooter’s drain bolt, btw.
Might explain why it was on the road.
I had a wrench ride along for three days on a motor mount bolt on my Buick once.

Spengler Dampniche

Holy shit, I just figured out who Becky writes like:

Chuckles, the Enemy of Feminaziism

Could… could it be?


Holy shit, I just figured out who Becky writes like:
Chuckles, the Enemy of Feminaziism

I forgot about that guy… man, his unrequited love sure led to an embarassing public display of something or other. He was concerned enough to edit her work.

Holy shit, I just figured out who Becky writes like:

Suddenly, I am reminded of that stupid “I Write Like” site. I ran one of H.P. Lovecraft’s most famous passages through that crapsack, which included HPL as one of the included authors, and got “I write like Arthur C. Clarke”.


Sorry. I’m a straight, middle-aged, white guy. I do the best I can.

Ask the simulator operator to switch the tape from “757” to “scary-brown-skinned trans teen.” You’ll be up to speed in no time.


I skimmed down but when I got to “Peter Wood” I had to engage in an activity known as ROTFLMAO.

Because I am immature that way.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

Hi there everybody, want to hear about my exciting job that can’t be fully described in 5 pages or less?


Spengler, wouldn’t dingus be the nominative case? Wouldn’t you have been stroking your dingo?


I wonder when the rightie-tighties will go after me in one of their academic witch hunts? After all, I teach a two semester course sequence largely devoted to the discoveries of one religious and ethnic group … and that group wasn’t Anglophone Christians.

Yep … I teach Scientific Achievements of German Jews. Or as it is also known Biochemistry.

Which doesn’t make a lick of sense without reference to evolution, btw.

Helmut Monotreme

okay, so i’ve followed some of the above links…what’s a gnu atheist? and whats the deal with atheists and skeptics and feminists? is this stuff that i need to waste precious time and brain resources on or can someone enlighten me with a cliff notes version?

If you were to hang around Pharyngula for a week, the definitions would sort themselves out by usage. Since that’s a long time to learn what these things mean, here are the definitions as I understand them

Gnu (new) atheist: Modern atheist who is totally uninterested in non-confrontation and going along to get along. Will call out all utterances of religion as being untrue and harmful. Also objects to the privilege that organized religion gets in our society as compared to other delusions.

Skeptics are the community of people who are interested in loudly denouncing pseudoscience like homeopathy, chiropracty, and any other new agey type stuff. Surprisingly, many of these are devout christian. Unsurprisingly many are unreconstructed sexists.

A year or two ago a prominent speaker at an atheist convention was propositioned late at night by a skeezy conventioneer in an elevator. She spoke out on how that was bad form and made her feel very uncomfortable. The atheist world exploded in an orgy of male privilege mostly defending the skeezy guy who propositions women in elevators late at night when they have no avenue of retreat. PZ Meyers is a loud defender of the atheist speaker and feminism in general (this led to his adoption of the A+ label which atheists who are also supporters of feminism and social justice can use to describe themselves). This offended many of the worst mouth breathers in the atheist community, and it’s been an on and off flame war ever since.


helmut, thank you kindly…i remember reading about the elevator skeeze…hmmmmm…what an interesting world we live in*

Chuckles, the Enemy of Feminaziism

is this the same d johnston who comments over here from time to time?


*take this however you like…


This also, too. Miss it for three days and it’s like coming back to high school after a bout of flu. Nobody likes who they liked the previous week, everybody’s in new relationships, and a new set of people have become unpopular.

LMAO. I should clarify; I really do like the place. It’s the only blog other than S, N! that I check every day. And the unruliness is part of the charm, even if it devolves into some ridiculous stuff from time to time.

That said, there’s at least one full-time troll at any given moment that you can reliably count on to drown every fourth or fifth thread in irrelevant comments until it’s successfully hijacked… which would not be a problem if the front pagers didn’t have a deathly allergy to doing what Cerb just did. Thence my beef.



maeve had a regular ol’ poopathon in her kennel last night…i think i would rather be in the major’s simulator than cleaning up a shitton of runny poo…i think my dog may be defective…


If more bloggers would engage in Kittening, Giraffing & Broadway Lyricing, rabid trolls would quickly be forced back into their natural habitat: Yahoo comments.


Yahoo comments

if our society were to be judged based solely on yahoo comments, future civilizations will be amazed at the abject ignorance, stupidity and hatred, then filled with a longing to kill one’s self…at least that’s how i feel if i dip a toe in the fever-swamp…


if our society were to be judged based solely on yahoo comments, future civilizations will be amazed at the abject ignorance, stupidity and hatred, then filled with a longing to kill one’s self…at least that’s how i feel if i dip a toe in the fever-swamp…

That is a true fact.

Pupienus Maximus

Things are much improved if youtube comments are included as well. In such a case the longing to kill oneself would be avoided because they will off themselves post haste.

Spengler Dampniche

PM, you need this HANDY DANDY little item right here. I haven’t seen a youtube comment in over a year. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE &c.



 (this led to his adoption of the A+ label which atheists who are also supporters of feminism and social justice can use to describe themselves).

I have to ask, being a smartass and all:

What color is the ribbon?


maeve had a regular ol’ poopathon in her kennel last night…i think i would rather be in the major’s simulator than cleaning up a shitton of runny poo…i think my dog may be defective…

A friend of mine has a German Shepherd with an enzyme problem, which was diagnosed after going through the delicate tummy foods, to no effect. I know Royal Canin (sp?) makes a wildly expensive delicate tummy food. My stepmother’s cat is on the feline version, which has largely cured his enormous and runny poop output, and mostly cured his tendency to be jet-propelled. Or Maeve could have had an episode of “puppy ate something she shouldn’t.”


Well golly, that was a fun two days of having emergencies thrown at me.

Actually it’s not nearly as painful as it used to be. They’re actually trying to teach us useful stuff and not just see if we can take a beating for 8 hours.


Or Maeve could have had an episode of “puppy ate something she shouldn’t.”

this is highly possible as she is just like a human babby wherein EVERYthing goes in the mouth…we are also contemplating changing her food for the hideously expensive stuff the vet sells…she seems okay some times which leads me to wonder if it is the treats she gets for making outside…which would be kinda ironic…

tendency to be jet-propelled

she made a really goopy loud one behind the chair last night…i had to laff because i think she really surprised herself…she now knows not to gamble on a fart…


Mix some rice (cooked) in with the doggie food. Like, almost half & half. Sovereign
cure for doggie squirts.


she now knows not to gamble on a fart…

Good idea. You never know when your fart/shit separator will malfunction.


Mix some rice (cooked) in with the doggie food. Like, almost half & half. Sovereign
cure for doggie squirts.

you don’t say? thanks…i will give it a try…


Good idea. You never know when your fart/shit separator will malfunction.

Wow, they DO teach you useful stuff!


Change of pace. Went knowingly to a joint with no Benny’s on the menu! Roost on Belmont Split sugar-cinnamon doughnuts (holes) served with a pot of custard to start. I had an impeccably prepared Kentucky Hot Brown. Teh Ho got braised pork belly on a scallion pancake, garnished with tomato and green olive concasse. Fried eggs with hot but not searing sauce. It. Was. Fabulous.


Change of pace. Went knowingly to a joint with no Benny’s on the menu

the daughter and i went to the local lutheran church for their annual ham dinner…impeccable is not a descriptor i can use, but omg, the dessert table!


In re “puppy ate something she shouldn’t have”: AFAIK, the ability of dogs’ P450 and similar enzymes to metabolize random molecules (e.g. xanthene alkaloids) is commensurate with their tendency to eat random things. Sometimes I wonder how feral dogs (or even wolves) manage to survive in the wild. You’d think dogs would have evolved at least the same ability to oxidize the *#&$ (I can’t be arsed to commit to an explitive here) out of random molecules that omnivores such as we humans have evolved. Maybe some wingnut could use this to argue against evolution? Of course what kind of intelligent designer would give dogs the urge to eat random shit and not be able to digest/metabolize it?


Also, are we talking dry or canned food? Canned can be too rich for some dogs.
Dry might be better, maybe with a little canned mixed in for temptingness.


Oops I realized I left out a key “not” in my last post: a dog’s ability to metabolize random *#&$ (still can’t commit to any one explatave) is NOT commensurate with its desire to eat random *#!$.


we do dry…luci sometimes gets dry with canned mixed in, but that’s only when hubbkf feeds her because canned dog food GROSS…

i think she gets a little worked up being in her crate overnight too…i cannot wait for warmer weather when they can be outside more!


I’ve seen dogs eat other animals’ poop. I’m surprised anything bothers their stomach.


First I’d heard of a Kentucky Hot Brown, sounds good.


First I’d heard of a Kentucky Hot Brown, sounds good.

Had one in Louisville once at the Brown Hotel, where the dish originated. They’re quite good but a bit rich.


Okay, did anyone else have to do a double take after El M’s (seeming) reply to
Major K? Or am I the only ten-year-old up ins?


Down boy.


Okay, did anyone else have to do a double take after El M’s (seeming) reply toMajor K? Or am I the only ten-year-old up ins?


I’m now going to have to look up what it really is, because my mental image is POOP!

Earl from Cleavland

Hey, KY is stealing our bit!


Ask the simulator operator to switch the tape from “757? to “scary-brown-skinned trans teen.”
Not to mention the “Puppy with the runs” tape.

dogs the urge to eat random shit
Clearly bbkf needs more cats. Then it wouldn’t be random shit.


You never know when your fart/shit separator will malfunction.
I’da thunked there would be a manual override.

canned dog food GROSS…
Her Royal High-And-Mightyness Kitteh and Punk-Ass Boy Cat get wet, and go stinking insane at dinnertime…
…as I am opening the can wishing desperately that this stuff had no sense of smell.


I frequently have to resort to the Great Gazoogle when Pups, our cooking overlord, is describing food. I don’t mind; it’s educational, mainly about the fact that Americans eat insanely rich combinations and will put melted cheese on Anything.


And bacon.

Pupienus Maximus

It was a well made Mornay sauce, NOT “melted cheese.” Not that there’s anything wrong with melted cheese. I mean HELLO PIZZA!?!!?!


And bacon.

Indispensable for gravy-makin’.


The report was an April Fools joke, right? …… RIGHT?


Major Kong said,

April 7, 2013 at 19:54

Well golly, that was a fun two days of having emergencies thrown at me.

Did you, at any point shout “There’s too many mother fuckin’ snakes on this mother fuckin’ plane”?

Because that would be super awesome and I’d have to send you a case of beer or somethin’.


I hope there was an inflatable co-pilot called Otto.


Did you, at any point shout “There’s too many mother fuckin’ snakes on this mother fuckin’ plane”?

Sadly, no. I’ll try to remember that for my next one. Even better if I can sneak some fake plastic snakes in with me.

Fortunately most of the sim instructors have a sense of humor.


I frequently have to resort to the Great Gazoogle when Pups, our cooking overlord, is describing food

i have been refraining from gazoogling ‘kentucky hot brown’ because hubbkf and i once googled ‘hairy underwear’ and ewwwww!


Even better if I can sneak some fake plastic snakes in with me.

Or the kind that are compressed into a capsule and expand when placed in water.

Yes, I do believe an appropriate use of one’s problem solving skills is determining how a person could introduce a lot of mother fuckin’ (fake) snakes to a mother fuckin’ (fake) cockpit.

This stuff is important!


Shouting out about the snakes everywhere is less effective when no-one else can see the motherfucken’ snakes. Or so I hear from a friend.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

First I’d heard of a Kentucky Hot Brown, sounds good.

There’s no way I’d look it up on “Urban Dictionary”. NO WAY…


oh great…guess who followed me home from here?


oh great…guess who followed me home from here?

Not a puppy, I suspect. Oh, dear. What’d you do to attract it, other than being … sane?


Not a puppy, I suspect. Oh, dear. What’d you do to attract it

Milk-Bone™ underwear.


oh great…guess who followed me home from here?

Bucky, the Victim?


jeffraham gets a bingo!

Not a puppy, I suspect. Oh, dear. What’d you do to attract it

apparently noting that I didn’t see any unprovoked attacks on her and pointing out that she was being obnoxious, idk…sounds like its her modes operandi….

btw, I checked out the Kentucky hot brown…mus, must, must have…


oh great…guess who followed me home from here?
Bucky, the Victim?

Link to a comment thread or it didn’t happen!


I guess we can add “bullying” to the list of things she misunderstands.


Hooray! You have your very own internet stalker!


I’m glad I missed interacting with Becky. Then again, I don’t have a blog to troll and it’s easy to block someone on Twitter, so I wouldn’t have had to put up with much anyway.

Sympathies to anyone who’s being targeted right now. I hope it doesn’t escalate.


oh great…guess who followed me home from here?

Her comment comes across best if spoken by Margaret Hamilton from the Wizard of Oz.


That one needs help and/or enjoys playing the victim. I feel sorry for folk like that, but not enough to willingly interact. I have enough sadness and despair* going on in my own life already, thenkyewverramush.

*Also joy and happiness.


Just smoked rather a lot of medical marijuana. I’m cured! Cured completely!



Hooray! You have your very own internet stalker!

I recommend referring her to the House of Substance where her grievances will receive a more sympathetic hearing and a complete absence of goatse.


Smut Clyde said,
April 6, 2013 at 11:19

The study […] is primarily devoted to answering the question it poses.
Surprising all of us who are more used to studies that are devoted to answering some completely different and unposed question, as is the tradition in the scientific world.

Smut, you know I love you, don’t you?


tigris said,
April 6, 2013 at 21:06

Surprising all of us who are more used to studies that are devoted to answering some completely different and unposed question, as is the tradition in the scientific world.

The new scientific method embraces the hypothesisn’t.

I’m also a-lovin’ of tigris…


“Cis-sexual Cis-sylvania” somehow doesn’t work as well.

Can’t imagine Tim Curry singing that, no…


bbkf, sounds like you need to experience the joy that is purging comments. DELETE! DELETE!


OMG, a live one! Mummy told me about such things, but I thought there were just stories, like Santa Clause and compound interest.

Ah, *trolling*, 21st century’s equivalent of the pre-enlightenment’s accusation of witchcraft, often utilised when somebody comes up with ideas that you cannot accept and arguments that you are unable to understand or process into the small psychological zone that you have become comfortable with!

Fools! They called me mad a troll! A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha-ha-ha, BWA-HA-HA-HAHAHAHA*koff koff*



Oh Jeebus, I’m sorry for that. You don’t deserve to inherit my fucking creepy-ass stalkers.


Guyz (youse), -te is for the plural, one person is just -e, unless it’s hortatory subjunctive or summat like that.

That said, I suppose trolli ite domum works just as well as trolle i domum, as even if one spots only one troll over the horizon one would do best to provide for the multiple personalities and/or socks. I mean, it’s common courtesy.


Epic troll is a myth.

If epic troll were real, there would be smoking craters where JLo, Ann Althouse, Jo’berg, Don’t Douthat, Reince Priebus, and Dick Cheney’s heads used to be. Sadly, no.


Helmut Monotreme, I admire your summary of the last several years of online atheism. If I may be so bold as to add one item of jargon, the linkie mentioned the slimepit, which as I recall had something to do with a very bright but apparently socially underdeveloped ScienceBlogs blogger, Abbie/ERV, who had been running an ongoing general interest seminar on retroviruses prior to Elevatorgate, decided to throw her lot in with the male chauvinists and denounce all da otha bitchez. Really vomit-inducing stuff. Her posts and the comments below became–well, to call it a slimepit is kind of an insult to blue-green algae everywhere.

Those with better memories than me feel free to correct. I was following Pharyngula closely at the time but really had to skim ERV quickly before I ran screaming. Like I peeked a couple of times because at first I couldn’t believe what PZ was saying about her, but then… ugh… no… it was all true.


Well, that was a fun read. Hate it when I come to these threads late. Still a little unsure about the troll’s physiology, but definately sure about the mental health issues. One thing I love about S,N is the tasty mango pie made from otherwise inedible mangos. Veni, vidi, edi.


Epic troll is a myth.

The nearest equivalent that I’ve ever seen is our own jim, who is too modest to trumpet his trollery.


What was said on the golf course, stays on the golf course. why do you think they exclude people from playing?

also, ‘shitbeard’!


I bring you great tidings of POOP.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Wednesday will discuss the Republican Party’s efforts to improve inclusion and outreach to minority community at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

(Did I do that right?)


Incoming! Thatchergasms on the way.

Helmut Monotreme

About the only sensible thing I recall Margaret Thatcher doing recently was refusing to meet with Sarah Palin. She sometimes is criticized for her role in the Falklands war, but really, I wish certain US military adventures recently undertaken could have been run as professionally with as little loss of life on both sides.

Wasn’t she as brutal on social spending in the UK as Reagan was in the US?

Pupienus Maximus

Here’s hoping she stays dead this time.


Latin snob,
I was relying on forty-year old memories of a class in which I was graciously awarded a C. Thank you for the Python reference!

Helmut Monotreme

Also I still find it hilarious that her son was involved in an attempted coup in 2004 in Equatorial Guinea.


So this Becky person shows up to pick a fight over something that happened in a thread on another blog years ago?

Wow. How utterly pathetic. What a completely unfulfilling life she must lead.

As for Thatcher not meeting with Palin, I may be wrong, but I thought that Thatcher was deep into Alzheimer’s by that time and wasn’t really capable of meeting anyone.


Oh Jeebus, I’m sorry for that. You don’t deserve to inherit my fucking creepy-ass stalkers.

hopefully it’s just a one off kind of thing…don’t know whether to engage her, ignore her or delete/ban her…passive aggressive as i am, ignoring her seems to be my best bet 🙂


but I thought that Thatcher was deep into Alzheimer’s by that time and wasn’t really capable of meeting anyone.

but i imagine the snowbilly would have had a meaningful conversation with marge, nonetheless…

Wasn’t she as brutal on social spending in the UK as Reagan was in the US?

i believe so…i’m pretty sure she was ronnie’s alter ego across the pond…

So this Becky person shows up to pick a fight over something that happened in a thread on another blog years ago?

Wow. How utterly pathetic. What a completely unfulfilling life she must lead.



It’s funny. Just yesterday, I put up as my Gchat status “It’s hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning” (from Calvin and Hobbes). And this morning, Margaret Thatcher bites the dust.


OMG, Becky’s been banned? That’s awful. I thought the whole thing over, decided Becky was right, and I was being less than gentlemanly, and an abject apology from me is in order. But, since Becky can’t see it, there’s no pont in humiliating myself.


And I let point slip by as “pont”. I am upset.


“Just smoked rather a lot of medical marijuana. I’m cured! Cured completely!”

ROTFLMSJAO! My hat, glasses, gloves and pants off to you! Amazing what that medical marijuana can do!


I know it is somewhat controversial, but changing troll’s comments always makes me laugh very hard and seems to send them packing pretty quickly.

Also, what sort of monster would troll a blog with ‘dorable puppy as the lead post?


I know it is somewhat controversial, but changing troll’s comments always makes me laugh very hard and seems to send them packing pretty quickly.

I never saw the controversy, myself. I ‘ve only seen disemvoweling and kittening, but those and similar responses are usually laid out in the “read before commenting” links or announced in the entry itself. As a last step before banishment, I’ve seen it work. For the ones it doesn’t work on, they’ve usually usually displayed a complete lack of reading comprehension (“You’re doing this because I disagreed with you!!! ” “I’m doing this because you were rude/inconsiderate/broke the commenting rules. See all the other commenters disagreeing with me regularly, fervently – and politely.”).

Anyway, the alterations I’ve seen done have been done in such a manner as to make it clear it’s been done, and why – even just a mod replacing a slur with [slur removed]. If it were a case of a blogowner/moderator making a subtle change in meaning in a post, then pointing to the changed post as an example of the original poster’s horribleness, that would be different. The point of disemvowelling or kittening is to make the objectionable material readable only if you’re really determined to read it (disemvowelling) or to replace it with something obviously and aggressively innocuous (kittening).


I never saw the controversy, myself.

Your site, your rules, and people can decide for themselves whether or not you’ve been too nasty with it.


I am pretty sure that “Becky” is the Dennis/Sally Troll that was stalking me a while back and was up to similar hijinks in the comments at Alicublog over the weekend in the Roger Ebert thread.

I could be wrong, but the similarities in argumentation, the stalking tendencies, the glorious picking of nits while constantly moving the goal posts lead me to that conclusion. Also too are the tendencies to pick fights with people who are clearly smarter, more educated and informed.

I wouldn’t be surprised if there weren’t a trophy case of faux scalps on the wall above the monitor in recognition of any perceived victory on its part.


Works for me. I’m all about balls out mockery but I’ve seen non-trolls claim that Kittening is the same as the subtle change.

I think these people are No Fun, but my sense of restraint is not the best.


I’ve seen non-trolls claim that Kittening is the same as the subtle change.

I have, too. I figure they’re even more literal-minded than I am (takes some doing), they have no whimsy in their souls, or they’re borderline troll themselves. My response to them: Don’t like anyone touching your deathless prose? Get your own blog. Don’t comment. Get over yourself. Oh, and what SG said.


Regarding the passing of Iron Peg, all I have to say is turn the speakers up to eleven.


The Post War Dream”

tell me true tell me why was Jesus crucified
is it for this that daddy died?
was it for you? was it me?
did i watch too much t.v.?
is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?
if it wasn’t for the nips
being so good at building ships
the yards would still be open on the clyde
and it can’t be much fun for them
beneath the rising sun
with all their kids committing suicide
what have we done maggie what have we done
what have we done to england
should we shout should we scream
“what happened to the post war dream?”
oh maggie maggie what have we done?


Tramp the dirt down.


Did Thatcher have anything to say about the artistic merits of vidya gums?


Becky was thrown off of Pharyngula for accusing PZ of being a Nazi and refusing to back down when people disagreed with her. It was a charge about as ridiculous as Cathy Brennan accusing RationalWiki of being a dudebro space.

In other words, PZ’s problem with Becky had nothing to do with “truth” (however you may define that) and everything to do with Becky being completely and *willfully* batshit.


they have no whimsy in their souls, or they’re borderline troll themselves.

On my calendar, the first sin is invariably linked with the latter.


On my calendar, the first sin is invariably linked with the latter.

Let he who is without stones cast the first sin.


Just smoked rather a lot of medical marijuana. I’m cured! Cured completely!

Smoked and cured….mmmmm, bacon.


Let he who is not stoned fist the sin cast.


also, ‘shitbeard’!

My new favorite epithet. Thank you, Cerberus.


Alot of famous people are dying lately. Ebert. Thatcher. Annette Funicello. Tura Satana.


People that live in ass houses shouldn’t throw sins.


Scratch Tura Satana, I got confused. Aw hell now the list is less fun.


Scratch Tura Satana, I got confused.

She had that effect on men.

bughunter, delurking momentarily because POOP!,

Shitbeard? Sounds like what you get after paying for a Kentucky Hot Brown.

Also, bbkf, I had a puppy once who suffered from violent, liquid rectal expulsions instead of regular bowel movements…. eventually he passed a baby’s sock which he had consumed, and the problem cleared itself up.

The vet said he was a very lucky dawg not to have suffered some fatal complication of sock-gut.


I recall encountering a housecat who had eaten some yarn, and had it coming out both ends.


I recall encountering a housecat who had eaten some yarn, and had it coming out both ends.

Flossing the cat…


Substance McGravitas said,
Your site, your rules, and people can decide for themselves whether or not you’ve been too nasty with it.

Visitors to the House of Substance should beware of McGravitas’ habit of revising people’s comments so that they read as incoherent drunken gibberish. He does it to mine ALL THE TIME.


The vet said he was a very lucky dawg not to have suffered some fatal complication of sock-gut.


I recall encountering a housecat who had eaten some yarn, and had it coming out both ends.



Visitors to the House of Substance should beware of McGravitas’ habit of revising people’s comments so that they read as incoherent drunken gibberish. He does it to mine ALL THE TIME.

What’s really amazing is how he can do it at Riddled, too.


Yarning the animal at both ends.

Visitors to the House of Substance should beware of McGravitas’ habit of revising people’s comments so that they read as incoherent drunken gibberish. He does it to mine ALL THE TIME.

Commenters who have extra hands around may wish to disable the keyboard when off drinking AGAIN.


N. Korea unleashes the dogs of war (literally) This is not a parody but it should be.



The Thatcher backlash. Not everyone in the UK has a short memory.


Yarning the xnYmtl at bwth tnds.

Vistsez to the Hoozee of Sxbstqnce shigld bqwzre of McDV@#$%s’ h&it of re%%8ing peZXZZ’s c%@$##$%ts sX th09 th* reHGjf as incGHJGt dru& gi^^%&7ish. HX dk it towmine ALL THE TIME.

C(^FKBers whX ha exGKhla haJLHs aroJund maJy wijh to diJKGle th kHkbyboard whH off drinHKGng AGAINST.


[Brushes off knuckles.]


My, look at the time, gotta go, Bye.


“Let he who is not stoned fist the sin cast.”

Leave no turn unstoned. If your dog eats something it shouldn’t, and you know about it soon enough (because, say, she was eating a glove and prancing playfully away from me) vomiting can be induced with Hydrogen Peroxide, the kind you get at the drugstore. Look on line for dosage recommendations. Saved us many times when she was going through that glove eating stage.
Do not allow the dog to use it for weight control issues. That can lead to eating disorders and other issues.


Visitors to the House of Substance should beware of McGravitas’ habit of revising people’s comments so that they read as incoherent drunken gibberish. He does it to mine ALL THE TIME.

He’s even worse in person- when I met him, all of my comments were altered so they came across as incoherent drunken gibberish.

bughunter, delurking momentarily because POOP!,


Well, I’ve spared you the details… the phrase “eventually he passed” is not doing justice for an episode which included one very frightened puppy, a half-shat sock, Mom shrieking at Dad “goddammit, catch that fucking dog before he smears shit on the carpet in every room of the house” and me cleaning up said shitstains — some of which were not discovered for days or even weeks afterwards.


Well, I’ve spared you the details… the phrase “eventually he passed” is not doing justice for an episode which included one very frightened puppy, a half-shat sock, Mom shrieking at Dad “goddammit, catch that fucking dog before he smears shit on the carpet in every room of the house” and me cleaning up said shitstains — some of which were not discovered for days or even weeks afterwards.



Whaddaya know, he was still swallering cloth strips 11 years after Crumb, but stopped grabbing women and rarely sits on his bed of nails:

“Every three weeks, Maxon Crumb swallows a long strip of purification cloth, a kriya (yogic discipline) that alleviates his chronic stomach pain.”


bughunter, delurking momentarily because POOP!,

Oh. Yeah, and the dog in question was a Beagle. Sorry Snoopy fans, but…





Oh yeah, I had a beagle. We took him to visit my grandparents’ farm and I swear that dog could not pass a cow pile without having a taste.


Oh yeah, I had a beagle. We took him to visit my grandparents’ farm and I swear that dog could not pass a cow pile without having a taste.

Maybe he was looking for more fiber in his diet and there was not a skein of yarn to be found….



Hey, Dennis, why not throw yourself out the window?


Tangling the skein.

The Dark Avenger

Now, now, Bitter Scribe, they’ll need to get a new MOTU to fill Dennis’s place at his job if he does that.

Better he should take poison so his family can say he died of a heart attack. Less messier, as well.


Out the window? Moar like out the losedow amirite!


What a tangled skein we skeeve when first the ta-pron-stries we receive.


Behold the GOP’s new minority outreach theme song!


LL Cool J: still bad?


LL Cool J: still bad?

He appears to be innovating in unexpected directions. So yes.


Oh yeah, there was a new Mad Men. Joan (my beloved Christian Hendricks) wasn’t in it much, but, when she was, she looked like this, so it all balances out.


Joan (my beloved Christian Hendricks) wasn’t in it much, but, when she was, she looked like this

Holy catfish, she must need steel beams in her bra.


she looked like this

As a straight guy who loves redheads and cleft chins, I gotta say… does nothing. She’s completely out-of-balance.


Holy catfish, she must need steel beams in her bra.

I thought those old bras pretty much did.


She’s completely out-of-balance.

Don’t worry, an accomplished Qi Gong practitioner could realign her chakras.

Heh, realigning the chakras…


Oh god I just saw that song over on Wonkette – bad is an understatement.


As for Ms. Hendricks I gotta say HAWT!


Pennis, no one will ever fuck you as well as you fuck yourself.

The Dark Avenger

The resemblance of Denny Boom-Boom’s comments and intelligent discourse is that of diarrhea to food.


As for Ms. Hendricks I gotta say HAWT!

I consider myself a person with the gift of the gab, but I’d have to resort to using my hands to describe her.


Really, Dennis, you said earlier you threw your hunch out the window. I think you should follow your hunch.


Yeah, P_UNEie, weirdly enough, I was kinda thinking becky might be you…

You got me, Dennis/Sally/Becky.

Sally/Dennis apparently claimed to have matriculated from my hometown University and has dropped enough details to lead me to believe that to be true, though I am not certain of an actual certificate of graduation, i.e. a diploma. And i could not be bothered to research the truth of this matter and while I attended the same school and did not graduate (due to a number of variables that require no discussion) I found that osmosis and getting paid to learn shit was a more viable way to proceed with my education.

Projection. Plain and simple, always about it, where self styled Protectors of the Patriarchy pretending to be women (in comment sections of liberal leaning blogs) are concerned, the Conservative He/She antagonistic troll attempting to one up even unlettered betters (that would be me) with stalkalvanian activities across a variety of blogs…This particular pathology no longer boggles my mind.

The last paragraph is possibly the worst thing i have written all year. I will let it stand, hoping that most of you will parse the meaning and let it serve as chum for the superior shark.

Becky is Dennis and Sally and who knows what else, It now occurs that we might be talking about similar party that used similar wit and conviviality to troll eschaton a few years back, seb and mimi come to mind…Jeffraham!!! call at the white courtesy telephone!



Fuck me, I forgot to close that tag.

/hangs head in shame, hoping that the regulars will figger out the substance of a ridiculous trainwreck.

And I pray that I did not inadvertently break the thread.
/crossing fingers


I guess I’ll know I’m fucked when I start begging for money on the Internet.

I guess I’ll know I’m fucked when I spend lots of time proving over and over what a fucking asshole I am on a board where everyone despises me.


And I pray that I did not inadvertently break the thread.

It’s been a long time since a broken tag messed up the whole thread, and I remember some doozies…

The Dark Avenger

Poor Denny Poo-Poo, the Pu-Pu platter of the Internet.


It’s been a long time since a broken tag messed up the whole thread, and I remember some doozies…

Hey everybody! Wanna know the secret tag-fail recipe?


Hey everybody! Wanna know the secret tag-fail recipe?

Be good, Mr McG. Be good.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m certain that begging for money isn’t nearly as pathetic as begging for attention.
Money serves a useful purpose.


A) New post

B) Will the person parody trolling as Dennis knock it off (you and I know who you are), you’re running face-first into Poe’s Law.


Seriously, the difference between parodying a troll and being a troll is whether or not you make it about joining others in laughing at a troll or perpetuate the same sort of bad-blood making as the troll to incite the same negative reactions they would.



I was Manti T’eo’s girlfriend, too.

Actually Sally/Becky/Stalker of irrelevance, it would not surprise me that you were in on whatever that irrelevant bullshit was about.

I am beginning to think that you may have wanted to matriculate at Notre Dame and had to go to IU (thinking third choice after an Ivy League or Stanford first choice) and after those were shot down like so many clay pigeons you managed to end up in my hometown, Feel the degree you earned beneath you and spend too much time attempting to prove your/his/her/itself on the internets.

Keep swinging Canseco….

A born and raised Catholic not only can not make the big leagues (Ivy) but fails to follow the path of Rudy into “Touchdown Jesusland” has to settle…..

Any of this coming close to the mark my friend?



Pardon all others for non bbkf related tag fail issues. That fuckup was entirely mine, and I appreciate any forbearance, as well as suspect the the regulars will be able to parse the content and from whence it is come.

/sits in corner wearing Dennis’ hat


Wellllllllll… in that case “Cuffman” and “Meribel”, farewell and have fun trip back into the land of banned IP addresses.


Cerbie, I’m who I’ve always been.

A morphalicious scourge of outhouse bullshit. Rats, who inhabit said outhouse, whose primary diet is Batshit, point and laugh as you pass by.

I may have nearly died a little bit over 2 years ago, lost an eye, and suffered a great deal of pain in the interim may have written a story outlining the situation and putting up a button on the blog. (Thanks to all who made last year a better place than it would have been otherwise). Feel free dennis?sally?becky ? to keep beating me about the head and neck with that situation. First of all I can take it online, any day of the week, month or year, secondly, I know, for a fact, that you do not want to learn what my pain threshold is.*


The Dark Avenger

Yeah, Dennis, she’s going to off herself based on a few mean comments on a blog. Right.

Get some sleep, cowboi, I’d hate to keep you up tonight when you have such a great big day planned for tomorrow.

The Dark Avenger

Just an illustration of your pretensions, Dennis, does it hurt much to realize what an idiot you are?

The Dark Avenger

Did you stop to think there might be commenters here who perhaps had a child with Down Syndrome or other mental challenges before you posted that hateful picture?

You’re funny, Dennis, implying that comments here might cause a TS to kill themselves, and then worrying about a hateful picture.

But you’re right, someone with Down’s Syndrome can’t help being the way they are, but you choose to be a conservative rectum on blogs that liberals frequent.

What if there were a mother of a child with mental challenges who posted here regularly who saw you making fun of her kid, what would she think?

Unless it’s her kid in the picture, she’d know I wasn’t making fun of her boy, I was making fun of you, a pompous, untalented twit.

You’re putting her in a position of not being able to look herself in the mirror knowing she hung out here with people like you who thought it was clever and amusing to make fun of and diminish her kid, just for your jollies.

I wonder how you can look yourself in the mirror and not realize what a hateful, shit-for-brains conservative you are.

Get off the iPad and get back to work, Dwight.

The Dark Avenger

DA, the web address for that image you posted doesn’t lie. You searched on the word ‘retard’. You most certainly are making fun of her child and every parents’ child who has mental challenges.

Funny, Dennis, because my two brothers, now dead, were autistic and had mental challenges.

You, on the other hand, have no such disabilities, but you continue to go around to liberal blogs acting butthurt that liberals on such blogs make fun of conservatives, like you.

I wouldn’t call you a retard, except in the emotional sense. Grow up, get back to work, and stay off the iPad.

The Dark Avenger

Dennis, you’re so amusing:

You chide me about not having a full-time job whilst you leech time from your employer to comment here and there.

Who is worse, the lazy rascal who doesn’t work, or the thieving rascal who steal time from their work in order to pursue their own dubious goals?

Face it, Dennis, you’ve lost again, and as Oliver once remarked:

Jesus, you really are that stupid.

The Dark Avenger

You’re a liberal who somehow looks up to and quotes a liberal blogger who’s banned you now at least four times from his liberal blog.

I’m not banned there, Dennis, I comment under my real Facebook name there now, in his last two posts. You have only one comment through a different Disqus registration there in the past 6 days, so I can understand your butthurt at finally getting banned by Ollie and inaccurately attributing to me your own fate.

You’re the one stealing time from your job for your private vendetta with me, Dennis, you’re the one in the wrong here, and it’s amusing to see you avoid that issue altogether and act like you’re some font of virtue compared to me. You’re the one who gets their comments deleted here, you’re the one who was thrown off Crooks and Liars.

Please, come off your high horse about my own history, as it is merely venal compared to your own black record of deletions, feuds, and derogatory comments here and elsewhere.

Face it, Dennis, you’re the one who compares me to the Jethro Tull character Aqualung but you still have to keep engaging with me and coming off horribly 99.999% of the time afterwards.

Have a good life, cowboi.

The Dark Avenger

You as The Dark Avenger have been banned at least three times at Oliver’s blog. So what if you log in there under a different name, that doesn’t change the fact that Oliver is embarrassed of you and wishes you would just go away if only you could take the hint…. that hint being three ban hammer strikes down on your totally clueless head.

Go ahead and ‘snitch’ on me, as you call it. The fact of the matter is that you’re too cowardly to create a Facebook account to post as I do there.

It seems likely that he’s banned you already as well.

This would account for the pitiful Disqus ID Dennis you created that has only commented once so far.

Your concurrent lack of activity there and the current engagement of the other commentators there contradicts your assertion a while back that your comments were the only thing that made the site interesting, which reminds me of all the other stuff you’ve pulled out of your ass over the years.

A liberal shunned by other liberals.

And you feel so much pity for me, the Aqualung of southeastern Tulare County, CA, U.S.A.

I can’t imagine what that must feel like for someone who brags about being President of his local Democratic club

I can’t imagine how shocking it was for you that I had actually accomplished something when you discovered that information whilst Googling my name.

Of course, I realize that you have the time to screw off at work to respond to me, but have you ever done anything for your community, Dennis? Served on a board, promote a civic event, or engage with the people who live around you?

Do you have anything to be proud of besides your paltry SEC brokers license and your command of arcane financial transactions and vocabulary?

Get some help, Dennis, I’d hate to think of Ollie being tarred with having a commentator who went postal at their workplace with a Bushmaster or whatever phallic substitute you may currently own. You really need to deal with this anger issue before it becomes a real tragedy.

Have a good day if you can, cowboi.


Are we entering a new golden age of Sadly No trollery?

There must be a word for the act of simultaneously pouting and stalking.

The Dark Avenger

Dennis Gene Butthurt is unique in that ability, JNM. He’s a veritable quasar of butthurt.


I think we need to fix Dennis and Becky up on a date.

The Dark Avenger

Dennis’ wife would have some objection to that, methinks………..


The way Dennis and The Dark Avenger have been going at it on multiple sites for so long makes me think they should just get a room and hate-fuck each other for a week. Right now, they have left a monumental mess for everyone to see, and they are huffing and puffing and straining, but neither of them is getting off.

Guys, you seem to know where each other lives (and, by the way, breaking the “fourth wall” and giving out personal information online is creepy as hell), can’t you just find a convenient spot midway between your respective homes and “have it out” in person? Sheesh, isn’t there an abandoned warehouse where you two could meet up?

The Dark Avenger

You post a picture of an innocent kid with Down Syndrome in order to illustrate to you what an idiot you think I am

Yes, Dennis, and it’s true that he couldn’t be as hateful, spitful, and hurtful as you’ve been with your comments over the years even if he was given a brain transplant from someone with a normal intelligence

Unless you were the donor.

You’re on record calling other people ‘trannies’.

And your on record questioning my masculinity numerous times, Dennis You don’t think anyone who has been a target of your disgraceful remarks in this area has forgotten them, do you?

As for your fussing about danah ganz, you had your own issues with Cerebrus:

Oh yeah, you post a “defense” in which you continue to use a pronoun Cerebrus has said – in this very thread – that she finds offensive, but you’re SOOOOOO “surprised” as to why anyone with two brain cells to rub together thinks you’re a fucking asshole.

Fuck off, troll. You’re ugly and you smell bad.

Dennis, the fact that you insist on referring to her as “he” despite the fact that she’s stated that she identifies as a woman is FAR more than enough to make her response to you completely reasonable, whether your inquiry is justified or not.


Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus said,

September 28, 2011 at 22:57

Can anyone explain why “Dennis” is obsessed with Cerberus and actor? Being into straight guys and transwomen, that’s just bizarre.

So, you were way worse in your treatment of Cerebrus, a transwoman, a few years ago, but here you are, ‘standing up’ for a commentator on Pandagon against me.

I’m not surprised at your hypocrisy in this matter, Dennis. I doubt that you’ve talked to your co-workers and friends or even your lovely daughters about how important it is to respect the rights and feelings of transpeople.

From the same thread.

Pretending to side with Cerberus, as if this crowd actually would hate transgendered people, is pretty fucking lame and insulting to Cerberus. You’re insulting her intelligence by playing what amounts to a race card with her.

But, we haven’t heard from Cerberus herself so, here’s what she told you slightly more than 1.5 years ago:

I wish you weren’t that. I can’t imagine how much it must suck that your actual worldviews are so heinous even to you that you can’t even be bothered to defend them, left only to pose as a fictional moderate and get fictionally bothered as a troll tactic. I can only say if my life was that free of real worries, that I certainly wouldn’t waste my days that way. I envy what you waste and pity what you are. There must be such pain in your head that this at all seems like a valid way to spend one’s days. I hope one day you find peace from that instead of blaming it on various liberals and trying to devote your life to stalking them wherever they go. It will never make you happy.

Liberals truly are the real bigots.

Sure, Dennis, sure. That’s why you like to troll Ollie’s blog at The Daily Banter, because, being a librul, he’s obviously a real bigot as well.

It must sting like hell, knowing that I’m commenting there under my real name and you’re not able to post a single thing under your regular Disqus ID for the past week now.

Even a round of golf couldn’t get your mind off of that indignity, but, unable to post there, you take it out on me here after having a day or so, and all you can do is repeat the same charges, like any of the regulars here give a good goddamn about your hurt feelings.

Get some help, Dennis, I don’t want to wake up one day and instead of you commenting here, I read about a mediocre middle manager who went postal on the East Coast with his penis substitute gun and killed/wounded some innocent people until the cops took them down.

You’re better than that, Dennis, please try to remember that.

Stay classy, Dark Avenger. As always.

Enjoy your butthurt, Dennis, it’s really about the only thing you have going for yourself these days ever since Ollie kicked your ass off his website.

The Dark Avenger

The fact is, you’re a liberal who’s been banned three times ON A LIBERAL BLOG. Some liberals have the decency to shun and even block bigoted liberals such as yourself from posting on their blogs. It’s too bad you don’t have the ability to take the hint from your own kind that they’re just not that in to you, DA.

Like anyone here cares about that, Dennis.

It’s liberal bigotry at its most odious.

On the contrary, danah gaz told you she was a woman, and you repeatedly referred to her with male- gendered names even after she flagged you for it. You did that out of pure meanness, spite and bigotry.

Again, Dennis, you’re pointing out the mote in my eye when there’s a beam in your own from the past:

Oh yeah, you post a “defense” in which you continue to use a pronoun Cerebrus has said – in this very thread – that she finds offensive, but you’re SOOOOOO “surprised” as to why anyone with two brain cells to rub together thinks you’re a fucking asshole.

GAFL, Dennis, you couldn’t be elected president of anything and your resentment and envy that I could be oozes out of you like mud flowing after a cloudburst in the Amazon jungle.

The Dark Avenger

I forgot:

Get off the iPad and get back to work, Dwight.

The Dark Avenger

The fact is, I can afford to quit my job and do what you do, which is hang out on the Internet all day and night.

So, that justifies taking time away from your employer to respond to little ol’ me?

You don’t have the choice to do anything remotely like I do, or even land a decent full time job.

And obviously, your full time job is so decent that you don’t take time away from it to respond to someone you’ve compared to Jethro Tull’s character Aqualung in the past.


Which I suspect is the reason you keep calling my house and hanging up, now twenty times.

Have I? Have you reported those hang-up calls to your Verizon provider?

Whatever point you’re making about motes and beams, you can google anything and everything you want and compare me to Atilla the Hun if you wanted to, but you were the one who posted a pic of a Down Syndrome kid and blatantly made fun of him.

Repetitous, Dennis, this is about the 4th time you’ve mentioned that, and you think things will turn out differently this time because?

.And of course Sadly liberals don’t care, you think I don’t know that?

But you come here to beclown yourself once again for their amusement.

That’s the whole point I’m making, that liberals are the real bigots, and they think they’ve been given lifetime immunity to any charges of it.

Yes, Dennis, danah ganz is a liberal, therefore she’s one of the real bigots out there.

Give my regards to Rebecca and your lovely and smart daughters. It must be a real whoop to be at your dinner table, if you monitor and correct their conversation the way you seem to want to do with me. Probably sounds like Pinter crossed with Albee as rewritten by William Burroughs.

They probably roll their eyes and desperately wish for the house to catch on fire and their agony to finally be put to an end.

The Dark Avenger

I forgot, you’re a real piece of shit, Dennis, stealing from your employer to feed your obsession with me here.

GAFL, Dennis.

The Dark Avenger

My employer gets a good 60 hours a week out of me on average, DA. Total hours don’t matter, I pretty much eat what I kill.

Yes, working an average of 12 hours a day 5 days a week. Which is why you can afford a few minutes in your day to respond to me here.

In a remote way, it’s kind of like you once upon a time when you were able to cash in your Wash U. degree to land that primo job selling used cars, only I don’t punch a clock and my production isn’t confined to certain hours. Somehow that’s a foreign concept to you. Production, I mean.

I never sold cars, Dennis, but thanks for demonstrating how little you know about my life.

It must be a sad life for you Dennis, only basing your worth on what your employer pays you and in the FIRE sector of the economy, you’re just shuffling numbers and papers around basically, right?

Get off the iPad and back to your work, Dennis. Get that production going, or you’ll be back to asking people whether they want regular, midrange, or premium when they come in for a fill-up.



Gonna need another chapter…

The Dark Avenger

Bald Bastard is just one more in a long line of liberals who think you’re a creepy freak, DA.

OTOH, Dennis, we have Actor212, Zython, Jaim or James in South Korea, aimai, and, of course, Jenn in AR to say you’re a creepy freak.

You’re the one who called me out of nowhere ostensibly because I was able to demonstrate in a thread at Ollies how you were wrong about a Tea Party patriots photo was perhaps photoshopped. Some people say that proves you’re a creepy freak as well, Diminished.

It’s confirmed now, with at least ten liberals on liberal blogs telling you how weird and disgusting you are, that you are the living embodiment of Tull’s Aqualung character.

Really, they all made that comparison, or are you just extrapolating again?

You, Dennis, are a shithead, and, I’m sorry that Rebecca and your two lovely daughters are stuck with having to deal with an obsessional pervert like you in their lives.

The Dark Avenger

Liberals argue with me and call me names, yes, DA. Like all liberals on liberal blogs when a conservative shows up. That’s what they do. And I enjoy their contempt.

That’s because you’re a dumb shit/attention male whore who likes to stir up the shit because nobody pays attention to you in your real life.

Your obsessive attention to who said what when and on what site tells us all we need to know about who is the Aqualung character here. I was asked by one of my fellow Porterville Democrats to go to the Literacy Festival today to read to the kids yesterday, for example.

When was the last time you did anything for your community?When was the last time you were asked to do something to benefit where you live?

I thought even dyed in the wool, stone-cold conservatives like you believed in that sort of thing. No community participation except for making remarks on the side at places your lack of common sense brings you to.

You seemingly have nobody outside your family and work who would ask for a horseshoe nail from you, let alone any time or effort on your part, apparently. Who is supposed to resemble the Aqualung character here? I don’t recall Aqualung being asked to read to children anywhere in the Œuvres musicales de Jethro Tull. Maybe you could help me here?

(That’s another way to piss off Dennis, folks, use words and phrases in a foreign language, especially French. Apparently being a conservative in Amerika means monolingualism as well.)

A dozen folks, eh? Well that would bother me if I were the weak-minded sort who needed to reaffirm how right I am by trolling conservative blogs and demonstrating by their demonization of me what a great guy I am.

Here you are, someone who keeps up production for 60 hours a week, but you’re compelled on one of your days off to get up after sunrise to do your little dance of malign joy that bbbk felt it necessary to respond to becky’s little snit fit about the photo link I posted here.

Still haven’t seen you on Ollies blog, and I’m sure you pissed off more than a dozen commentators there. But somehow, that’s all right.

I’ll e-mail Ollie about you today, and ask that you be admitted back into his good graces again, despite the fact that you’re probably only missed by Save Ferris and Dave in SoCal, since Frank hasn’t posted there after the election and therefore his opinion about your having gone missing can’t be determined due to the lack of any evidence on his part.

“Dear Ollie: You should let Dennis come back and post on your blog. He hasn’t posted anywhere but Sadly, No! after fizzingly out rather spectacularly on Alicublog, and based on his most recent comments, I believe that he’s headed for a meltdown that could lead to tragic consequences. Please give him one more chance, because I believe that he won’t blow it this time.

Signed, Dennis’s Friend”

I get it out in the AM today.

Anything else I can help you with? Get out a few holes of golf or whatever you call it, and get some fresh air, cowboi.

The Dark Avenger

Actually, Dennis, if you run an image search for “Down’s syndrome Superman”, you get the same result. It was used on the eXiled site, and at least the commentators there didn’t complain about them being mean to the developmentally disabled.

That you think that the address bar of a particular image or text reveals the search parameters used in the Google search engine to find it is ROTFLMFAO. It just demonstrates that when it comes to computers you make the average script kiddie look like Alan Turning by comparison.

You think Java Script is the hard copy for a commercial about coffee. You wouldn’t recognize a hexadecimal number if it bit you on the ass. There are orangutangs living in captivity who have a better grasp of basic HTML than you’ve demonstrated in the past.

Retard is in the address bar, so it must have been in my search parameters.

Thanks, Dennis, you did the almost impossible, you’ve made my day.

Have a good weekend, cowboi,

The Dark Avenger

It’s amazing how every time you’re called out by me or other liberals for doing something really, really creepy, you always resort to either saying someone else is a bad person to excuse yourself, or you bring up something about yourself totally unrelated that would indicate that you’re really not all that bad, or not a totally disgusting person with no redeeming qualities.

You are responding to a totally disgusting person with no redeeming qualities rather than spend time with your wife or call one of your kids on the phone, or maybe even take a walk.

That tells us a lot about your priorities, Dennis. You have to expend so much time and effort trying in vain to denounce me, to have the last word, that you take things all out of proportion. You want to come across with balls of brass the size of cantaloupes, but the effect is like a howler monkey who has learned to type and read a little English.

“Hey, I read books to kids at the library, so forget that I make fun of kids with Down Syndrome…… Please?

Nope, never said that. You have a gift for misinterpreting things. I was making fun of you by comparing you to a Down’s Syndrome child in a Superman suit. The distance between the aspiration and the reality, you know.

Yeah, Dennis, try to convince us you have a normal life outside of stalking Jenn of AR, Zython, Jaim, and myself.

Try and convince yourself that you’re an accomplished college graduate:

“What the hell am I doing responding to a totally despicable Aqualung type on the West Coast when I’m too afraid to talk to him on the phone when he calls?”

You are a buffoon, Dennis, you’re everything that’s wrong with conservatism today and you don’t even realize it.

You’re a special kind of freak, DA.

Coming from you, Dennis, that is so risible. Who’s the freakier, the freak or the one who can’t leave the freak alone?

Ranting at me only gets your blood pressure up, Dennis. You don’t want to stroke out, or have an MI that leaves you too weak to work, do you, Dennis?

The Dark Avenger

In your mind, you’re a perfect liberal as long as you can find one other liberal who has once uttered an offensive word or made fun of innocent kids with mental challenges

In your mind, you’re really the perfect conservative because you use toxic masculinity to deride and chide those who aren’t up to your own high testosterone-laden standards that come with being born with XY chromosomal pair.

Tell me where I said I was the perfect liberal, Dennis. Link to it, I’m sure you’ve bookmarked where I made that admission, just as you have with Zython, Actor212, Jaim, etc.

You’re just a miserable conservative, Dennis. Trying to police liberal sites by demonstrating what hypocrites and monsters we all are, while you’re Mr. Better than Average Conservative.

GAFL, cowboi. Try to enjoy this weekend, and I will e-mail Ollie about letting you comment again.

The Dark Avenger

You’d never email a guy who banned you three times already, DA. You know he’d never take you seriously. In fact, even when you were treated enough to post there, he never once responded to anything you said. Not once. Even the rare times you wrote your own thoughts and didn’t rely on some copy and paste job from something you just googled.

I know that you’re bitter about being banned from there, so I’ll not write him and embarrass you about it.

Have a good weekend, cowboi.


Love, exciting and new
Come aboard, we’re expecting you
And love, life’s sweetest reward
Let it flow, it floats back to you
The Love Boat soon will be making another run
The Love Boat promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
Your mind on a new romance.
And love won’t hurt anymore
It’s an open smile on a friendly shore
It’s LOVE!
Welcome aboard it’s

The Dark Avenger

BTW, this is why Oliver should’ve banned you a long time ago, not because of your conservatism, but your inherent dishonesty about your own writings:

I didn’t blame the stock market collapse on Obama,

Maybe not directly.

Feb. 20, 2009

DOW down 120 this morning. A market with no bottom. A stimulus package that investors have no faith in, people that know how well government schems that throw good money after bad works in the long run. A liberal blog populated with people who believe their shouting rich guy messiah can make no mistake.

God help us all.

Feb 19

’m sure there’s absolutely no correlation between how the AP administered that poll and the fact that the AP seems hellbent on putting the best possible light on the fact Obama’s hope and change measure doesn’t quite convince the stock market.

Ooh, look at this! November 5th!

Dennis says:
November 5, 2008 at 4:04 pm

Nice first day with the stock market. DOW down 486 points.

Buyer’s remorse taking hold already.

Okay, so directly, then.


That’s the same thread where you used sexist, masculinist lannguage as well.

It’s not a pretty picture, Dennis, but it’s you.


which is usually the case when libs bait conservatives to get them banned.

And the “conservative” never fails to rise to the bait and swallow it whole.

The Dark Avenger

We both got banned for doing what we’re doing here after being warned.

Gee Dennis, you’re now being truthful for the first time, telling me something I already know.

No mystery there, except your naïveté that as a liberal you just assumed you’d be granted immunity, which is usually the case when libs bait conservatives to get them banned.

Nah, it’s just like in a bar, where someone’s being an asshole, you don’t start a fight to get him thrown out, you start a fight in the expectation that you’ll both get thrown out.

I thought that a Steve Reeves type of manly man like you would have an understanding of such things.

Or maybe knowing you stalk the Facebook accounts of my kids that he knows why you go to the public library to read to little children. Aqualung freak.

Isn’t there a concept in AA about making statements without knowing all the facts behind a case.

The reading isn’t at the library, and you know my cell phone number and my address. You’re free to call the local PD or LEO if you really think I’m a stalker who uses Facebook accounts of peoples’ minor children to stalk them.

To be honest, as I usually am, I learned your identity from the LinkedIn inquiry that you made when you found my name on it. You learned little about me that wasn’t already a matter of public knowledge, while I found out where you live and all that kind of rot.

You probably won’t call PD, as all you are is talk and nothing else. If you really thought I was some sort of threat or freak or menace or pedophile of some sort, you’d act.

You won’t because it’s all just arm-waving in the end.You turn to that when you have nothing else left, after you’ve been exposed as a sexist, malicious example of conservatism, a hollow shell of a man who can’t find value in anything that doesn’t have a dollar sign in front of it. Someone who has a soul that is the essence of the Wall Street Tycoons that the Russians used to inveigle against.

Have a good hour, Dennis.

The Dark Avenger

And the “conservative” never fails to rise to the bait and swallow it whole.

That’s because of my special Aqualung powers I get from being a househusband who only sponges off of other when I’m not stalking people’s kids on Facebook.

No, really.

The Dark Avenger

I don’t give a shit that you know my name or anything about me, hundreds of people do. You’re the only one who calls my house and hangs up like you’re still in grade school with a crush on me.

You need to talk to your phone service provider about that, Dennis.

That’s why you’re a freak, DA. A bonafide perverted freak. And you know that’s true and why you’re shunned by other liberals, and that’s why you’re so sensitive to being told that.

And you have to spend your time telling off a freak. If there was someone really calling you and hanging up, Dennis, you would’ve done something about it, not complaining about it to me and blaming me for it.

Have a good life, Dennis.

The Dark Avenger

Gee Dennis, you are really missed at Ollies place:

I don’t know if Dennis has been banned or not. After the Disqus change-over, he got less rational than usual. Can’t say I’ve really missed him. “You Guys are mean to me” gets old fast.



“that you are the living embodiment of Tull’s Aqualung character.”

You are so frickin’ stupid, man. Aqualung is the frickin hero of the album. Some Tullite you!


“You’re a toxic liberal.”

Damn it! I stay up all night, drink 50 cups of coffee, use up a ream of paper, bite my pencils down to the cuticle, and Dennis comes up with it, the name for my band, I mean! “THE TOXIC LIBERALS” and then, the clincher, the bit that’s take teenage angst and make me a millionaire! “Shunned by their own kind!” Ka-Ching!
And to think I was gonna go with “Knesset-Funkadelic” and try to work the Klezmer-funk angle! I was a chump.
Thanks Dennis!


“The liberals simply do not like you. They’re embarrassed that you call yourself a liberal.”

Why am I getting a flashback to a wierd experience I had in high-school? A friend’s older brother had come out in college, and while he was home he spent some low-quality time trying to convince me I was gay, but just didn’t know it yet. (Which, I knew at the time, may very well be true, but damn, he was gonna have to come up with a better line that! )
Yup, you sound just like him, Dennis. So you’re thinking he should give up on liberals, and join you on the conservative side. Or are you contending he is so terrible nobody will like him? Your a fine piece of work, fella, before they made you they broke the mold.


The amazing thing here is no one will back you up, DA.”

Q:Hey Dennis, how many liberals does it take to swat a malarial misquito?
A: Only one.

The Dark Avenger

Have a good life, Dennis, and don’t go shooting anyone today with your penis substitute.

The Dark Avenger

Don’t own a gun, DA, and your infatuation with penises is obvious. I hope one day you find what it is you’re looking for.

Your infatuation with me is obvious from the speed of your responses both here and at other places.

Mooser, I can list as many as ten liberals who have spoken up on various libera blog threads to tell DA he was either far out of line, was being a prick, was being bigoted, or was being disgusting

Gee, Dennis, I don’t even keep track of the dozens or scores of people you made angry on various places over the years.

Why are you so scared of me, anyway?

Several times he’s been banned by liberal bloggers

Ohh, and you’ve been banned at Crooks and Liars, Dennis, I was never banned from there. Your envy at my record is flattering, if misplaced.

He has proclaimed that he has ‘a very healthy relationship’ with Amanda Marcottes, which has to be news to her.

Poor Dennis, worried about what Amanda thinks.

I don’t need to convince him of anything.

Except to stop posting here. How’s that working out for you, cowboi?

He’s a bigot who is hiding behind the liberal moniker for sanctuary and to appeal to naive defenders like you who somehow think you’re doing it for a broader cause.

You think somehow he can’t see what I’ve written here, Dennis? You think you’ll convince him of anything?

Have a good day, cowboi, and try not to lose it again, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay?

The Dark Avenger

bbkf’s silence here in the case of your picture making fun of kids with Down Syndrome speaks far louder than her words ever could.

Except if you actually read what she wrote becky, she said that she doesn’t click on links, and that she’s never seen it, so she can’t comment on it, or be held responsible for every thing that every liberal writes on this site.

But, hey, you lied to db about being banned from Ollies over there at his site when you admitted it on this thread.

How dumb are you, Dennis? And to follow that up with taunting me about my honesty?

You’re living proof of what John Stuart Mill said about stupid people and conservatives, Dennis.

Have a good hour, cowboi.


Who am I suppose to believe, Dennis, you, or the person who wrote this:

. if i would have seen the picture you said he linked to, i would have called him out on it…and i’m not about to go searching through a thread to find it and scold him retroactively…besides, i’m sure you were all over him or her…as i told you before, i’ve learned that there’s a way to go about fighting that kind of behavior…and you coming here and telling me that i am full of shit isn’t one of the ways to do it…


I think I’ll believe what she wrote over your baseless speculations, Dennis, to be Frank Cuffman about it.


Sure, I called you, Dennis, trying to get us to come to some sort of understanding, but your lovely wife kept saying that you weren’t there.

My guess is that you can handle calling me out of the blue like you did a few years ago, but, you’re afraid to talk to me now because I don’t know.

As for Facebook, I did check out the page set up by the son of your dry drunk buddy Frank DiSalle, a man who was at the time above the age of 21, so telling people I’m stalking the children of people I know on Facebook is a half-truth at best, a lie at worse.

I never, ever, looked up your daughters on Facebook, Dennis. It was your decision to look me up on LinkedIn that gave me your last name that allowed me to look up your home address and all that sort of thing.

Post back with your real last name, Dennis, demonstrate for once in your misbegotten life that you have some courage instead of the taunts, accusations, and resentments that your demented mind comes up with.

Have a good hour, Dennis, and enjoy your lunch!


“Mooser, you are wrong about Tull’s Aqualung character”

Thank God fish are smarter than you Dennis, or there’d be none left. They sometimes don’t take the bait.

Dennis, you are something much worse than a conservative, although the two qualities are usually in close correlation. You are extremely tiresome, and a real bore, besides. Gee, I guess that makes three ‘qualities’.


“Is it a mystery to you why even liberals shun you?”

Okay, men, Phasers set to ‘shun’!

Wait a minute, that makes them “shun guns’ doesn’t it? There’s something in that, huh? I guess they give you a ‘shun-burn’! At twilite, of course, it’s ‘dim-shun’ Okay, it’s time to stretch! They hate the decimal system in the military, that’s why they’re always yelling “A-ten-shun”! Can you blame them? They want to get back to base, too!


“Denounced by their own kind.”

‘Shunned by their own kind,
shunned by their own kind!
Just wait and see,
Just wait, Maria!’

I must go! They are strict with me.


Thanks for sharing, Dennis, I thought idiot wind was a description of you after a meal of cabbage and pinto beans.


Yes, Dennis, I got up, took a shit, and shit on you here. You have a problem with that.?


Dance, Dennis Gene, dance to my tune
Take out of your ass the stick and spoon
Spend some time with your lovely wife
Instead of worrying about my life.


I dunno, who else obsessively comments on the activities of a foul and repugnant old sod except a senile middle manager with a stick 18 inches long permanently lodged in his ass?

Take the stick out, Dennis, and GAFL.


Gee, Dennis, that’s so 7th grade.

I’m DG the king of butthurt
My head is really full of dirt
I can’t stay away from FC
He’s so creepy, please
Don’t let him post
or in my mind I’m toast!


Nice article, ssearch more in google


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