Sully is SHRILL

Egad. I know y’all hate it when I pat Sully on the head for writing something non-wingnutty, but I do have to praise this piece for it’s grade-A quality shrillness:

What the Bush administration wants is to introduce vagueness to get away with exactly the same barabarism they have deploying illegally for the past five years. They must be stopped. And eventually, they must be prosecuted for war crimes.

I said, GodDAMN that’s good shrillness.

Y’know, I would never in a million years vote for Sullycons like Graham, Warner or McCain. They share the same disastrous views as the Bush administration on preemption and American exceptionalism, and none of them have expressed many regrets about sending our military into a catastrpohically-conceived war in Iraq. But I will say this: they oppose torture, and for that they meet the very minimum standards I have to consider someone a human being. If they can keep fighting and deal Bush a big loss here, the country just might start inching back toward sanity. I can dream, can’t I?


Comments: 53


Bush said “Common Article III says that there will be no outrages upon human dignity. It’s very vague. What does that mean, “outrages upon human dignity”? That’s a statement that is wide open to interpretation.”

Is this not amazing? Here he is, the leader of the Free World, who gets his direction from God, who doesn’t listen to polls, who knows his own heart, who is resolute, who has no doubts — he admits he doesn’t know what “human dignity” means.

I wish someone would ask him – Mr. Bush, do you personally have a problem understanding what is an outrage on human dignity?


Yeah, I can’t think of another candidate in at least the last 70 years who has made opposing torture a central tenet of their election bids.

We have come a long way in 6 short years, baby.


hatter- yep. And that’s why this shit just has to stop. Again, I would never vote for McCain, Graham or Warner, but I’m glad they’re finally putting their feet down. Here’s hoping they don’t cave.


I wonder why McCain opposes torture.

Oh, that’s right. Because he spent five years in a fucking box in Vietnam while Preznit Dipshit was snorting blow off Laura’s thighs in Kennebunkport. My bad.


What does that mean, “spreading freedom and democracy�? That’s a statement that is wide open to interpretation.

Brian - tha Texas transplant

What does that mean, “spreading freedom and democracy�?

Is that like spreading a venereal disease? Sometimes painful, sometimes deadly, but we have to screw to procreate. Guess this is a case of procreating democracy. Like my dear friend Jello Biafra once wrote “it’s bedtime for democracy”.


Sorry, completely OT but since it involves our favorite twins – I give you Lynx and Lamb:

(I know, tinyurl is my friend, but I’m just too lazy tonite…)


I’m with you, Bradrocket. In present circumstances, we cannot afford to be particular about who our friends and allies are. It may already be too late, but operating on the assumption that maybe it’s not, we have got to start reigning in the power of these thugs and getting some control and oversight in place. If we fail, I fear the resulting nation will bear scant resemblance to the America we love. To borrow a phrase from many a right wing pundit, the next six months will be critical…



Presidents generally get remembered for only one or two things. Bush will be remembered for being President Torture.

Brian - tha Texas transplant

Sorry Mikey, but I’d have to say that we are 2 years to late on this. The first 4 were bad enough. But the truth about all the crap that has been going on is just amazing to watch as the media has slept on this for what seems an eternity. You would have thought that this some third world country with the way our supposed checks (the legislative and judicial branches) in the other branches of government not being there. I’d have to say that the democratic party will just do the exact same thing when/if they regain control of the government by taking over control and killing all opportunity for oversight. Choosing sides is one thing, but if we are to choose sides in either party I’d have to choose neither. It is time that this country’s people look to an alternative to the corruption of their current politicians. I know this won’t win an election, but it needs to start sometime…


Dream? Dream of sanity? Shine on, you crazy diamond.

And nice Dead Kennedy’s drop.

Last call for alcohol. Last call for your freedom of speech. Drink up. Happy hour is now enforced by law. Don’t forget our house special, it’s called a Trickie Dickie Screwdriver. It’s got one part Jack Daniels, two parts purple Kool-Aid, and a jigger of formaldehyde from the jar with Hitler’s brain in it we got in the back storeroom. Happy trails to you. Happy trails to you.


Shooting people in the face is cool, so why can’t they just draw the line there?


So he doesn’t deign to provide us with definitions for “victory,” “politics,” or “Islamofascism,” (let’s not even get started on “suiciders”), but he wants our help with “human dignity”?

How’s this, George: you will feel your dignity violated when we frogmarch you out of the White House, as we exercise our democratic duty to restore dignity to the office you’ve sullied. Does that work?

LA Confidential Pantload

Dunno about the other two, but this looks like classic McCain: heavy-duty “maverick” posturing for the media, then a quick, silent fade off-camera. I wouldn’t bet a nickel on his standing firm.

George W. Bush, now starring in “Major Blowtorch Goes to Washington.”


The fact is that the country will NEVER start inching back toward sanity as long as I have anything to say about it! Dream on, lib losers!

Also, Clinton got a blowjob and Michael Moore is fat. You can look it up.


When Sully gets his wish, and we prosecute Bush for war crimes, will we also spare a boycott or two fro his enablers in the media, like…oh, I don’t know…Sully himslef?


Can I just say that this argument between Islamic clerics and the vatican about which imaginary mythological being said what about this other imaginary mythological being is kind of embarassing? It’s like a soap opera where every character has superpowers. And is invisible. And omnipotent. Yikes. Am I the only one waiting for the grownups to step in and separate the arguers? Honestly, it sounds like a couple of D&D kids arguing about which wizard has more power. Or that foul Pokemon infestation of a few years ago. Geez, wouldn’t it be nice to concentrate on a few of the real problems we have here on fucking EARTH??

Sorry for the interuption, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming, already in progress…


LA Confidential Pantload


I think this post and its comments are the best analysis of the Pope/Islam thingie:


“this argument between Islamic clerics and the vatican about which imaginary mythological being said what about this other imaginary mythological being is kind of embarassing”

Word, mikey.


The funniest thing Bush said when he told Lauer that he wouldn’t describe the tortures because to do so would inform the enemy who would “adapt.”

Adapt to waterboarding.

As Jon Stewart mocked: the enemy might grow gills and be able to breathe underwater.

I recommend that George Bush be put through each and every torture he endorses. I want to see that piece of shit adapt.


I’d like one of the cablenewsers — perhaps CNN’s Rick ‘Tazer’ Sanchez is game? — to volunteer for a spot of live waterboarding just to demonstrate on camera the kind of fun and games that Bush wants personally to dictate. If no-one’s willing, then how about being made to stand up for 24 hours while regularly bucketed with cold water?

As for Sullivan, he’s been absolutely consistent on this, and on the angels’ side. Kudos to him.

When Sully gets his wish, and we prosecute Bush for war crimes, will we also spare a boycott or two fro his enablers in the media, like…oh, I don’t know…Sully himslef?

Oh, c’mon. He’s one of the few to show any kind of remorse, while plenty of ‘librul hawks’ still complain that those anti-war types who were right all along were right for the wrong reasons.


I’d like one of the cablenewsers — perhaps CNN’s Rick ‘Tazer’ Sanchez is game? — to volunteer for a spot of live waterboarding just to demonstrate on camera the kind of fun and games that Bush wants personally to dictate

I’ll volunteer. I’m serious. If they would like to demonstrate what their interrogation tactics have been since afghanistan, I’ll be DELIGHTED to be the big dummy. Just as long as they do it on network TV live, I’m all over that one…



Oh, and I betcha I beat the motherfuckers…


herr doktor bimler

Come on Mikey, be fair. The Panzerpope was not quoting some “imaginary mythological being” on the subject of Mohammed, he was quoting Emperor Manuel II Paleologos… who was not imaginary, despite having a really cool name. It has just occured to me that “Manuel II Paleoblogos” would be a good title for a web diary, but I digress.

I can’t be arsed looking up the context to see precisely why His Popiness felt inspired to cite the opinions of a 14th-century Byzantine Emperor… perhaps he was trying to stir up trouble between Islam and Orthodox christianity.


my imaginary friend can kick your imaginary friend’s ASS!


From The Observer:

One of the most common causes of injury happens when a torturer doesn’t put quite as much commitment into torturing as he or she should. If you try dunking a man’s head into a bucket of ice and water and blades and Korans while thinking halfway through: ‘Is this appropriate?’, then there’s every likelihood that the gentleman in question will see your hesitation as an opportunity to swing round and cuff you in the chest or eyeball with free bits of his body. Always be alert if close to pieces of serrated glass. Really go for it and the torturee will appreciate he’s in the clamps of a professional.

(satire, in case any Rupperts are about)


I can’t be arsed looking up the context to see precisely why His Popiness felt inspired to cite the opinions of a 14th-century Byzantine Emperor…

What opinions does the Pope ordinarily cite?


So who WOULD you vote for and why???????????

It’s easy to say what you won’t do or wouldn’t do, but it’s harder to say what you will do and lay out the reasons why.

I mean, everyone you can vote for is in it for the power of the office. Tell me who wouldn’t be, other than Oprah.


Oh, and thanks for welcoming me back here. That was very nice.


So who WOULD you vote for and why???????????

Anyone who is not George W. Bush or a member of the insane Republican Party.

Oh, and thanks for welcoming me back here. That was very nice.

Welcome back, you stupid, boring cunt. Make yourself at home.


Geeze, that excerpted paragraph from Sullykins… wow…
I mean, I coulda written that.


LOL. 🙂

Do you feel all cool now? You called me a cunt, have a cookie, your mother would be proud. Run down to the corner, maybe you can catch her in between tricks to tell her how cleav0r you are.


I wish someone would ask him – Mr. Bush, do you personally have a problem understanding what is an outrage on human dignity?

Mr. Bush has a problem understanding why his feet hurt every time he gets the “R” and “L” printed on his insoles mixed up again. Having Mr. Bush in the White House, pretending to Preznidint while his handlers steal everything down to the wiring in the walls (as souvenirs of their childhood inspirations Henry the K and Tricky the Dick) is an outrage on human dignity. The stuff Cheney’s goombahs are instructing the Blackwater mercenaries to try out on whatever poor bustards wander into their live-action Risk games… that, my friend, is torture. And I would pay real money if I could buy tickets to watch John Yoo, David Addington, and Alberto Gonzalez explain why waterboarding and related abuses “short of major organ failure” are *not* torture… after having each of those methods demonstrated upon their persons for our education.


Righteous Bubba said,
What opinions does the Pope ordinarily cite?

Just the other day I heard him quoting extensively from Motorhead and King Crimson lyrics. Then he went on to repeat a couple of Oscar Wilde witticisms, before he wound up his talk with a long passage from one of the Kai Lung stories.

I really need to cut down on the hay-fever medication.


I plan on voting for Ted Kennedy and John Kerry and Barnery Frank until the end of days. I’m just lucky that way, but their records make an angry letter to my senator/congressman very hard to justify. (not impossible, just tricky)


“What opinions does the Pope ordinarily cite?”

dead white guy opinions? just a guess.


wow! that is shrill. he actually said “war crimes.” i’m….impressed.


I like the Pope. We were online last night playing world of war craft.


Chris Muir is now waxing poetic over the joys and pleasures of life as a Guantanamo detainee.


Chris Muir is now waxing poetic over the joys and pleasures of life as a Guantanamo detainee.

Well, at least all those templates with bent spines and dislocated joints will be accurate for once.

Tara the anti-social social worker

A couple of years ago, Chomsky said the same thing about war crimes on Bill Maher’s show, and Sully went ballistic.

Here is a short list of some of the diseases that are shared and spread abroad by deathfags, especially by those who “go both ways� and share their death culture with the opposite sex:

Typhoid fever (caused by ingesting human feces via anilingus)
Herpes (from fellatio)
Gay Bowel Syndrome
Hepatitis (due to ingesting feces and smearing feces on their bodies)
(According to one study, the average homosexual male has from twenty to 100 sex partners per year, with half of these encounters involving the swallowing of semen, ¾ of these encounters involving anal intercourse, and 25% involving ingested feces. The “liberal� networks have been telling us for decades now that we are supposed to accept this as “normal.�)

Due to their multiple sex partners, at any given time, 80% of these deathfags will be carrying some sort of venereal disease.

Here is a short list of some of the diseases that are shared and spread abroad by deathfags, especially by those who “go both ways� and share their death culture with the opposite sex:

Typhoid fever (caused by ingesting human feces via anilingus)
Herpes (from fellatio)
Gay Bowel Syndrome
Hepatitis (due to ingesting feces and smearing feces on their bodies)
(According to one study, the average homosexual male has from twenty to 100 sex partners per year, with half of these encounters involving the swallowing of semen, ¾ of these encounters involving anal intercourse, and 25% involving ingested feces. The “liberal� networks have been telling us for decades now that we are supposed to accept this as “normal.�)

Due to their multiple sex partners, at any given time, 80% of these deathfags will be carrying some sort of venereal disease.


Oh swell, first it’s nazis and now these fuckheads. You know, for someone who “hates fags” you sure do focus on that hot, nasty gay secks a lot.

I mean come on, 25% of gay encounters involve swallowing feces? Only in your wet dreams, closet case.

P.S. Everything you listed is practiced by straight people, except i guess gay bowel syndrome, whatever the fuck that is.

Homosexuality is psychologically unhealthy because it is based on sex obsession. Since it is a culture of self-indulgent wantonness, deathfags need to feed their lust in increasingly bizarre ways. Sadism and sadomasochism are often on the menu. You may have noticed that serial killers John Wayne Gacy and Geoffrey Dahmer were homosexuals who had a taste for death and sex. Homosexuality and murder often go together. Torture and risky sex are always likely when deathfags get together, especially when drugs and alcohol are added to the mix. They complain about “gay-bashing,� but fags are much more likely to be killed by each other.

Up to 50% of suicides are committed by homosexuals. What’s the matter? Are we normal people not letting them have enough sex? As things get more and more kinky, these lost souls start to play deadly sex games, including deliberate oxygen deprivation with nooses tied around their necks. Combining orgasm with the thrill of a near-death experience is, to me, the exact opposite of what sex is for. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned! Silly me!

Homosexuals make up the vast proportion of pedophiles.


So, is it true that all of the Phelps family spend all the time not protesting fucking one another? Because it certainly looks that way.


wow, and here i thought we were talking about war crimes. silly me.


Maybe annieangel can have my love-child…


I’m voting for dead guys this November…I figure they can do a better job than any live candidate the Republicrats put up for office.


First a boring racist fuckwit who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, now a boring homophobic fuckwit who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Go back under the bridge, troll. Well, not so much “bridge” as “rock you crawled out from under.”


It’s always the exact same comment from those (in honor of annieangel) loosers. I think they’re just spambots. Somebody wake up Seb–there’s some IP addresses that need blockin’!!


(comments are closed)