Titty Titty Bang Bang
So a bunch of left-bloggers met with Bill Clinton on Tuesday, and here’s one of the photos that resulted:
We’re excited that the supply of Atrios pix has skyrocketed (his is the barely visible cut-off head above, naturally, but there are other shots from the same series). Indeed, for over a year, we’ve been using the same funny-looking reddish picture that everyone else has, assiduously (but futilely) trying to fix the color balance and sharpness.
Above: A Very Atrios Fitzmas
But then of course, in this life, somebody always pops up to be an ass about things, and not infrequently it’s our wingnut pals, who are dumb and ridiculous and are a bunch of loonies and are bad. But who are at least, to their credit (and our everlasting entertainment!) consistent.
That’s Jessica from Feministing in the middle of the group pic, and Ann Althouse went into one of her characteristic passive-aggressive tizzies, accusing Jessica of having tits whilst in proximity to Bill Clinton — which means something very concrete and specific to the wingnut ugh-brain, since they understand the eight years of the Clinton presidency primarily in relation to the three words, ‘Monica,’ ‘Lewinsky,’ and ‘scandal.’
But that wasn’t ridiculous enough. Next Dr. Helen Smith, the wife and blogging cohabitué of Glenn ‘Perfesser Corncob’ Reynolds, moved in and took over this incredibly serious topic, about which much needed to be said.
In a recent post, Ann Althouse rightly pokes fun at a picture of a group of left-leaning bloggers who met with and posed with Bill Clinton. Professor Althouse points out the irony of a female blogger from a “feminist” blog standing in front of Clinton posing in a rather provocative stance. When the blogger, Jessica, comes to protest on Professor Althouse’s blog that she is being judged for her looks (yes, she is pretty clueless), she gets this dressing down from the professor:
Ladies and gentlemen, right-blogger and T-shirt model Dr. Helen Smith:
Above: A little nip in the air?
Ba-da-bing, ba-da-boob. Thankyew, try the veal.
Fucking conservative hypocrites. Plus, what’s she doing with the loser Glenn Reynolds?
They’re all hopelessly repressed. If they’re interested I know of some websites that may help their problem (I’ve only heard about them from friends).
“A weapon in my hand”?
What, having tits now means you approve of sexual harrassment? It’s another one of those things you always knew they thought, but didn’t expect them to ever *say*.
Shorter Wingnuts:
If you have tits, you should hate Bill Clinton
If you have testicles, you should hate Bill Clinton
If you have…..Oh, I guess that covers it…
This is consistent. Women offend them by having breasts. Gays offend them by having same-sex partners. Blacks and other minorities offend them by…existing.
I wish we could ship all of these people to an Island of the Easily Offended, where they could just bristle with indignation at each other and leave the rest of us alone.
and posed with Bush, smiling the whole time with a weapon in my hand,
Huh? Can I just say that with a 35% approval rating, if pretty much anybody got within hollerin distance of bush with a weapon in their hand, well, let’s just say that there would be funeral plans to make…
When neo-con bloggers visit the Chimperor, do they have “weapons in their hand”?
Please tip your waitress, I’ll be here through Saturday.
Can I try another shorter?
Shorter wingnuts: Warning, if you are a beautiful woman, before coming into contact with Clinton, you must ugly yourself up.
Does that mean that Anne Coulter and Bill Clinton are like kinda friends, maybe even best friends? I mean we all know she doesn’t have any titties, however there have been rumors that she has gotten one of those testicular implants…..hmm…..No…..I refuse to believe in your lies!
Oh, for fuck’s sake. I’ve been following this kerfluffle this morning. It is really amazed at the right’s take on this. They are all over the map.
Take 1) – Jessica HAS BOOBS! How dare she!
Take 2) She is “smiling” and “posing” when having her picture taken. This is inappropriate behavior.
Take 3) How dare she have the audacity to be young and attractive!
Take 4) By wearing an Ann-Taylor-type silk knit top and black dress slacks to an informal lunch [i.e., typical business attire for a young woman], she is dressing disrespectfully to meet a former president.
Take 5) The fact that she is in the presence of someone who got some blow jobs ten years ago undermines her entire crediblity as a feminist. But of course being a feminist is bad anyway.
Take 6) A person who has pictures women with boobs on her blog and writes about sexuality has no business attending a lunch with a political leader and joining in the group photo.
The Alternate Right Wing Dimension take on this, I suppose, is that as a feminist she should detest Bill Clinton, and therefore what she should have done is accept the invitation to lunch with him, dress in a dowdy, body-covering outfit that was dressier than the occasion called for, and when joining in on the group photo she should have stood behind people taller than she, and slouched unattractively while frowning, to indicate her distaste at being in his presence.
And wouldn’t everyone in the group have had a nice photo to put on their mantelpiece then?
‘Tits in Proximity’ is going into my vocabulary, thanks. TIP…hmmm….I’m starting to wonder if, to avoid future embarrassments of this kind, it also needs to go into the vocab of Bill’s Secret Service detail…
FrenchFryOne, FrenchFryOne. This is Kneepads. We have Tits in Proximity, I repeat, TeeEyePee. Please advise, over.
This is FrenchFryOne, Kneepads, kindly remove the TeeEyePee to a safe distance. Also, we need a full body search for a beret, and remind the suspect not to bring those items within 50 yards of Elvis, over.
Roger FrenchFryOne. TIP removed to a safe distance. Also proceeding with forced hair-dye to a nice warm blonde.
What? Not a word from the windy wingnuts about the pretty blonde two heads left of Jessica?
I’m shocked. SHOCKED, I tell ya…
frankly, where is the burka she should be wearing? I mean, isn’t that what the wingnuts really want?
or is it this?
Hehe, there’s a joke her about her outfit being an affront to Feminism, and something about a burka. Meh, someone else make it work.
I love reading these lefty blogs. Is it ever possible for a liberial to have a debate without cursing? It makes you sound uneducated and takes away from your argument. Speaking of arguments, do you people ever consider using facts?
Both sides are taking themselves a little too seriously. Yes, she appears to be striking the Catherine Harris pose, but who really cares? Enough with this masturbatory argument and get back to a real issue. Conservatives would rather talk about these mindless mini-controversies as opposed to looking at any of the disasterous consequences of their policy decisions (of course, I am using the owrd policy loosely). Don’t give them what they want.
Wow. I say this without any knowledge of what Althouse looks like, but DAMN someone is pissed about the inferiority of their milkshake. “Don’t flatter yourself”? Jesus, middle school issues much?
There is no “pose”. She’s standing at a slight inward angle to the apex that is Clinton, as is everyone.
Well, it’s not like there’s anything more important going on in the world right now, so….
Hey, Anne!
Which facts did you miss? That several people in a photo with Bill Clinton are in possession of tits? That Ann Althouse is a sour bitch? That many right-wing bloggers are dishonest, offensive, hypocritical pigs?
Oops, almost forgot:
Fuck you. 🙂
Thanks for playing, come back real soon, OK?
Again with the language. I take it you are a right wing blogger due to the fact you are not only offensive but hypocritical. A gentlewoman dropping the F work….I bet you even voted for Bush..Come on be honest I know you did.
Hmmm pompus bellyaching about cursing intermingled with outrage over, umm, an attractive woman having the audacity to be in the same room as a former President
The use of profanity, specifically the urge to go WTF??? when faced with said outrage.
Hmmm… I guess us liberials just don’t deal with the facts of the matter and are thus incapable of informed debate.
Evil words are scary. They’re so mean sounding. Oh deary me, I’m getting the vapors again. Someone be a dear and fetch my smelling salts.
When you know you can’t win the debate, attack the debator.
They’re words. Get over yourself.
I could care less about the photo. That is what is so funny, I can’t believe you people have been going on and on about it. Move on, don’t you have some illegal aliens to help out?
I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) every day I am not a liberal.
Uhhh Anne, we didn’t make a deal of this. Instapundit and Anne Althouse did. We responding with gales of laughter. Then you show up and complain about our language.
Yup. You’ve got us on the ropes now. Darn, and we were so close to winning this.
Really? I thank God every day I’m not a conservative. Wow the universe balances out or something.
It is obvious you are making a big deal of this since you have been discussing this for over an hour. The comment about the photo is almost as crazy as you people discussing the comment. Keep the attacks comming I get a kick out of liberals pretending to be informed.
Grace do you mean to tell me you believe in God. Be careful who you say that to, the Democrats will kick you out of the club like they did to Liberman.
Again with the language. I take it you are a right wing blogger due to the fact you are not only offensive but hypocritical. A gentlewoman dropping the F work….I bet you even voted for Bush..Come on be honest I know you did.
BLARGH!!! It is to funny!! Teh Anne needs party hat!! But keep the Anne away from the donuts!! OH NOOOOOOOO!!1!!
Help! I am illegal alien and the Anne has trapped me!! BLARGH!! I am banned from teh AmericaBlog Space-Time Continuum!!
I love reading these lefty blogs. Is it ever possible for a liberial to have a debate without cursing?
O! thou bawdy, ill-breeding baggage. ‘Swounds, I am sotten with contumely.
It makes you sound uneducated and takes away from your argument. Speaking of arguments, do you people ever consider using facts?
Coming next: The ‘gee, you must have a lot of free time’ riposte, the ‘brain cell’ insult, and other classics from 1992 Usenet.
So…since you keep making comments about people who’re still making comments an hour after it’s posted, doesn’t that mean you’re obsessed with Sadly, No! commenters’ obsessions?
And I must say, it’s been a while since I’ve seen the ol’ “I won’t make any sort of statement that comes anything close to an reasoned arguement and verifiable fact, and then accuse my opponents of being unable to argue facts and being unreasonable” bag. Hellfire, even Gary and Jose Chung give it a go. Too quiet in the freshmen computer lab, is it?
I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) every day I am not a liberal.
Whew! I hope you’ll also reassure us you’re not a ‘liberial’, because that might make you sound ‘uneducated’ and ‘take away from your argument’. In addition to being an asshole self-superior Jesus freak, I mean.
Sorry. ‘Grownups’ like Anne always make act out.
Plus I forgot to add: Fuck you, Anne.
No, seriously, fuck off, you aren’t smart enough to play in this league. Of course, you’re also not smart enough to know you’re not smart enough.
BLARGH!! What to do?? The Anne is funny!!!1!!
Well Anne, if we are so uniformed and so hell bent on attacking you, (and throwing insults like “Don’t you have to help some illegal aliens or something” at you), I have a crazy idea: You could educate us rather than complain endlessly that we know nothing. I know, it sounds downright insane, but bear with me, I’m a liberal.
And yeah Anne, I believe in God. So what? John Kerry attends Mass more often than George Bush goes to church. Plus, I don’t see liberals out in front of my church telling me I can’t go in, no matter what rabid fantasies Bill O’Reilly has every yule tide season. And they didn’t kick Joe Lieberman out of the club Anne, there was an election see. Joe lost, even though the odds were stacked in his favour. Wow a guy lost an election. The world must be ending.
Anne is talking to the liberal she invented in her mind, not us. She doesn’t realize that we do not think or talk like the little cartoon character she created. If someone like that exsited, Anne would sound smart by comparison. So now all she can do is continue her internal conversation and post her end of the argument here.
Here’s Anne, posting multiple times on a blog she holds in contempt, in a thread about a subject she doesn’t care about.
Hey, Anne…. what are you doing here?
Hey, Anne…. what are you doing here?
Well, the funny thing is, she thinks she’s slumming. 😉
Better trolls, please.
“I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) ”
Hey, Anne. I got something to say to you:
Now don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Going to lunch with breasts = crime against feminism?
ay yi yi
What are we supposed to do? Cut them off?
How dare she have breasts! And in front of the former president, too! For shame!
Your all childish and using bad words, and I’m smarter than all of you…..but I’m going to get involved in this liberal trash anyway because I’m a hypocrite….Anne, your my hero!
Anyway, here’s the way a proper young lady should behave in the presence of a president:
sayeth Anne:
I could care less about the photo. That is what is so funny, I can’t believe you people have been going on and on about it. Move on, don’t you have some illegal aliens to help out?
My god, I completely forgot! I left them in my trunk! I just hope they had enough tacos and didn’t have to resort to eating their giant hats to survive. *runs off to help more illegal immigrants*
Grace do you mean to tell me you believe in God. Be careful who you say that to, the Democrats will kick you out of the club like they did to Liberman.
No, Lieberman was kicked out for worshipping a false god. I believe he goes by the name of Dubya.
“I could care less about the photo. That is what is so funny,”
Uh, I guess I am missing the humor here. Sadly No – ites gather round and giggle about a post about a photo.
Some passer-by (I’m being charitable) says “Guess what. I don’t care about the photo.”
Where’s Teh Funny?
hahaha. That’s the trouble with trunks, Fiver. See, I hide mine inside the skin of other Americans. Sure, I have to kill them first to get the skin, but then the illegals I’m bringing in are set to take the job anyway! Viva Alztlan…lanztalnanlan…
“Keep the attacks comming, I get a kick out of liberals pretending to be informed.” Well, shit, Anne saw through us. Pack it in, boys!
Informed like, pretending that Liberals want to burn down the churches, that kind of infromed?
Hey, whatevah you need to perpetuate your intense desire to be the Poor and Opporessed.
Damn G, that was some funny shit! Uh, damn, I keep cursing. Oh well…fuck fuckedy fuck fuck fuck.
OK folks, knock it off. No more using the Cheney word.
Republicans have jokes about Clinton, and the Left can call Bush a genocidial maniac. Boy, you got us good, Republicans.
(no you don’t. Your toast.)
I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) every day I am not a liberal.
Well, that makes it unanimous.
Speaking of being informed, let’s all give Mr. Ole 60 Grit some attention, for his GODly work in Iraq.
Everyone knews the serious feminists tape ’em down “carrie fischer-in the first star wars”-style when meeting Clinton. Otherwise he’ll be on you like Dr Zoidberg on a buffet table. Ask John Podhoretz. He;s still got hickeys on his bazoombas.
By this rationale, Hugh Hewitt should conceal his breasts better when meeting George W. Bush.
Oh, and Anne, this is Sadly, No!, not one of those high-falutin’ lefty blogs like our Dark Lord Kos. We tend to be pretty vulgar in these parts … this is the wrong side of the tracks, you know, where all the brown people you wingers so detest live.
So fuck you.
Grace do you mean to tell me you believe in God. Be careful who you say that to, the Democrats will kick you out of the club like they did to Liberman.
But at least we still spell Mr. Lieberman’s name correctly. Of course, correct attribution seems to be the progressive’s hobgoblin to the wingtard’s fear of naughty words. Because we progressives only want to insult people on purpose.
Anne, as others have already pointed out, plenty of liberals believe in your God. Many liberals actually behave as though they believe in all Ten Commandments, and not just the first two or three of them. Some of us, on the other hand, prefer to believe in a whole bunch of gods… but none of those gods are Dubya Bush.
P.S. In case there was any doubt, “Anne” is NOT me.
I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) every day I am not a liberal.
Sorry anne, Kos called and said we wouldn’t let you in anyway. And if we don’t show you the double-secret handshake, we’ll always know you’re really a wingnut. But I gotta say, a lot of wingnuts aren’t quite so, well, Prissy, y’know? If a little discourse with the public gets your panties in a bunch, maybe you oughta spend more time at tea dances and less time on lefty blogs? Just a thought…
Coming next: The ‘gee, you must have a lot of free time’ riposte, the ‘brain cell’ insult, and other classics from 1992 Usenet.
featuring fresh, crispy ‘shave your palms and move out of your mother’s basement’
The lurkers support Anne in e-mail, you know.
I followed the link from Eschaton over to Pandagon, and I had to go back and forth several times between the photo and the blog posts related to it, to figure out what the fuck the deal was.
Honestly… calling these wingnuts ‘morons’ is a compliment.
Ask John Podhoretz. He;s still got hickeys on his bazoombas.
Is the ‘purple nurples’ thing related to the bald head touching thing?
Oh JimmyJeff, I just can’t quit you, man.
I thank God (oops sorry to use the G word in front of you people) every day I am not a liberal.
Gary Ruppert sometimes likes to pretend he’s a girl? Who could have guessed?
Conservative bloggers, man, you guys are just great. Look what a wonderful world you have helped create. Bet you think the pope did just great slaming those islamist facists with that stuff about mohamed, huh? Man, I am so proud to be am american.
What is provocative about that stance, that she has good posture? And Anne, please stop pretending to critique the quality of others’ arguments until you learn to avoid ad hominem.
i see it all the time.. a wingnut has no argument, so they attack the spelling and grammar, as if we are writing term or professional papers. it would be refreshing if they ever took on the issue with some intelligence and actually make a valid point from time to time.
Damn, “Dr” Helen looks awfully familiar…that hard body, that hardened, “been there, done that” face…she looks an awful lot like a porn star…Sydnee Steele maybe?
I’m a first-timer on this blog who followed a link here from C&L. Upon reading your comments, I surmise most of you are Fox News pea-brains who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground…just like Bill O’liely. My advise to Anne is don’t waste your time here; get on over to those many intellectually stimulating liberal websites.
For someone named G-spot, you certainly missed the mark by a mile. This is a liberal snark blog, where we laugh at wing-bots and folks like the hypocritical, sneeringly self-satisfied and cluelessly humorous Anne. Frankly, though, better she humor us with her inanities than waste the time of people involved in serious debate on things that matter, and we’re willing to take that bullet for the team, so Anne, please don’t check out those sites! And just wait until you meet Gary Ruppert, our dreamiest poster!
G-spot has confused me…oh, wait, never mind.
The g-spot has always confounded me. But I do OK.
Mea culpa. Geez, I really missed the mark this time. I suppose “wingnuts” should have been a good clue. I’ll quietly slip away.
Heck, don’t go, unless the type of humor doesn’t appeal to you; in that case RUN!
Ahem. This is awkward.
(No relation to “G-spot”)
G-spot said,
September 17, 2006 at 0:07
I’m a first-timer on this blog who followed a link here from C&L. Upon reading your comments, I surmise most of you are Fox News pea-brains who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground…just like Bill O’liely. My advise to Anne is don’t waste your time here; get on over to those many intellectually stimulating liberal websites.
Until I saw the later apology, I actually wondered if Gary R. was trying some kind of super-special double-reverse-wingnut-jitsu version of “I know you are, but what am I?” in an attempt to shame us all. Not a very good attempt, but still better than I would have expected from Gary. Darn!
Helen should now conform to conservative standards.
Mary Carey
I actually took that reddish picture of Atrios. It was the first one of him ever published on the Web. I took it at the DNC convention in Boston, and with his permission, posted it. I’m glad to know you couldn’t get the red out of it either, I tried for days. Despite that, it’s my favorite picture of him.
When’s Marie Jon’ gonna strike a pose like that?
Ann Althouse, an excellent argument against the tenure system.
An Outhouse….talk about raging jealousy. She’s a homely skank and she has the nerve to criticize Jessica? Unbelievable.
“Homely skank” is the kind of shit you can read at Althouse’s blog. The point is, Althouse is stupid, like Reynolds, Ace of Spades, and all those deadbeats, and a Bush shill.
Ever wonder why a MAJORITY of REAL Americans wished we had President Bill Clinton in the White House now rather than the bumbling idiot of g.w. shrub.
Glad to see the Perfesser is above all that.
Is that the Partridge family logo on her shirt?
It’s clear helen doesn’t like women, resents proud women feeling good about themselves, etc, what’s not clear to me is how the hell someone so crazy is allowed to influence the minds of women experiencing mental troubles. The APA abandoned Freud’s one good rule; practitioners had to undergo their own blistering analysis to ensure they weren’t batshit insane before being unleashed on vulnerable and easily led people in trouble.This comment in her thread nails it:
Anyone with a degree in psychology ought to know that if YOU see these things when you look at that picture, it is YOUR projection of your own mind onto a picture of people who are standing for a picture. Psychologists ought to be helping to make that point and not writing about their own projections onto a picture as if they somehow represented reality.
She’s a goddamn quack, and ought to be exposed as such.
Hey, someone gonna photoshop Cinton’s hands cradling those melons?
Plus, what’s she doing with the loser Glenn Reynolds?
Read her blog. They’re made for one another. I’m reminded of what Samuel Butler said of Thomas Carlyle and Mrs Carlyle.
Jessica’s got boobs, brains AND more balls (metaphorically) than any of those wingnut wankers. No wonder they hate her…
Dr. Helen seem to be pretty good at the lean-back-thrust-them -forward move herself. What does she do if Clinton enters the room? Retract them into her ribcage? I read her post. Calls Clinton a sociopath because, well I’m not sure why, maybe it was 8 years of prosperity and peace or something. But being the typical right wing nutball (redundancy alert), undoubtedly worships Bush, the sociopath’s sociopath. Go figure. Or don’t because you can’t anyway.
The really important thing here is that Jessica does have lovely breasts. Can we all just agree on that?
Can’t someone just stand there with nice boobs and not have it have to mean anything?
I guess 4 years of drawing nudes in art college sorta shakes all the middle school giggles out of you.
In some place like Italy, she’d have to actually be standing there with bare breasts for someone to freak out about it, and even then, they’d probably shrug it off, so to speak.
If you have tits, you should hate Bill Clinton
If you have testicles, you should hate Bill Clinton
Well that explains Rush Limbaugh’s hatred–he’s got em both covered.
You have to love a country where you can have your picture taken with a former president. . . and he stands in the back row. )
I got to meet Big Bill and shake his hand. I was holding my then 3 1/2 year old son in my arms. He tickled my son in the ribs and said, “What a fine little fella.” He made no move on my breasts, as I recall. And I definitely have some.
I guess that makes me a bad parent. i took my boobs and my kid to meet Bill. I hope DHS doesn’t find out about that. I guess the fact that we were standing with eighteen secret service people and a bunch of other people meeting the prez, out in the freezing wind of an Iowa field with Air Force One waiting in the background won’t be allowed as a mitigating factor. I was there. My chest was there. Mea culpa.
Seriously, Bill Clinton is a hot guy when you see him in person. I’ve long thought that a lot of these righty babes who hate Bill and loathe Hill are just very, very jealous.
I’m falling asleep. Time to crash. It’s allergy season and I’m quite benadryl sedated. To sleep, perchance to dream….
I’m offended by the word titty.
Sorry, but if this were a picture of conservative bloggers, I’m sure you’d be having a field day with the woman you’re defending, mocking her for showing off her offensive, right-wing tits. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t exposing boobies what you’ve spent the past few weeks attacking Day by Day and Atlas Shrugs for?
I must have missed the part where Jessica pranced around the Clenis singing “Don’t you wish your girlfriend was HOT like me.” But, really, the chief thing to mock about Day by Day is that it’s the anti-funny, and the chief thing to mock about Atlas Shrugs is that she’s genocidally cray-zee. This isn’t difficult.
Um, wait–we were obsessed over the breasts in Day by Day? Wot th’?!? I thought we were making fun of Chris Muir, misogynist anti-funny. Next time we maul DbD, I’ll be sure to point out the breasts. The. Breasts.
points out the irony of a female blogger from a “feminist� blog standing in front of Clinton posing in a rather provocative stance
Geez, can these people spell “repression”?
When this thing gets out of hand (and it always does) you have Middle Eastern fruit stands blown up for “suggestive” arrangements of vegetables and demands to diaper goats.
Obviously, a woman simply exisiting is to much for their minds.
Let’s see….the ‘Dry Drunk-Spoiled Trust Fund Baby-Cocaine Snorting’ George Bush wants to make the U.S. a ONE BRANCH government and all you’re talking about is TITS……well, it makes clear that you have NO REAL issues to talk about. Let’s forget about this Irag war thing….TITS are more important……..you FUCKING MORONS!
You know, TT hon, if you looked at more than the boob post you’d know that’s not all we talk about, and Bush is often on the receiving end. Why did you only read this one, I wonder? Maybe we need to put boobies in all the posts to get your attention?
R, Muir was laughed at because the art is always laughable, and the dialog is not. Aa for Atlas, well, *you* try to keep a straight face while watching her vlog.
“if this were a picture of conservative bloggers, I’m sure you’d be having a field day with the woman you’re defending, mocking her for showing off her offensive, right-wing tits.”
Uh, no. Because the whole point is that there really isn’t anything remarkable about the modestly-dressed woman in the photo and the way she is standing. There’s no there there.
As for Pam? Go visit her blog and tell me she ain’t advertising them.
As for Day to Day – I’m still working on figuring out what the damn thing means. I haven’t even got to the body parts yet.
“What would we do without Site Meter?” — Ann Althouse, 9/02/06. Exactly.
Must be sweeps week in Right Blogistan. “Necrophilia in Wisconsin” just wasn’t generating the hits, so why not go after a young feminist blogger who had done nothing to AA? That should get a reaction.
No, we get on Day by Day because he can’t draw tits, or asses, or legs, or arms, or backs….and his “comeday” makes no sense.
And Pam…what can we say about Pam? She’s an insane sociopath who would be completely ignored if she didn’t exploit her breasts. It’s a fascinating exploring of the connection between sex and violence in our society. And…well, she fucking hilarious!
Speaking of Gary Ruppert in this context, does he get huffy when some other idiot trolls on his turf?
Or is he all: “Amateurs! Well at least they can pick up the slack while I clean my room.”
Plus, Anne, if you “could care less”, that means you DO care a little. The correct expression is “I COULDN’T care less.”
I’ve never understood why people get confused about that. Or is it just that the spelling’s too difficult?
Speaking from my privileged (choke) position as a Third World crone, it is my objective assessment that Atrios is teh Hawt.
May I have all the feminist and anti-feminist bloggers spending hours on that, please?
Can I ask for an exception to the Proper Older Feminists Can’t Rag On Younger Women Rule?
I still want to be able to hate Paris Hilton.
Pam atlas points to the real problem with feminazi liberal hags; they’re cockteasers. Pam puts out, Jessica would probably just get all screechy and whiny about things like her own desires and intent if a real man like Bolton walked into an interview with her wearing no pants.
Ann A knows this, and that’s why she lectured Jessica for putting herself at risk by being fuckable near the Clenis. Ann only had the poor girl’s best interests at heart, Ann just didn’t realize Jessica isn’t a real feminist, the kind of feminist who understands it’s a woman’s job to submit to any man who is aroused by her, at least if he’s powerful.
The mind of a conservative:
“Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal…agh! Augh! BOOBIES!”
There are clearly 3 massive TITS in the centre of this photo
How come all you astuts bloggers have overlooked the disparaging anomaly? :o)
Heck of a way to avoid any useful discussion about any serious points raised though eh?
Well, unless you count the 2 ‘points’ you’ve all had your feeble minds feasted upon, classic slick willie, gotta love him :o)
Alth*use has now put up a podcast rant that’s funny, until it goes on for far too long. I couldn’t listen to the whole thing, but within the first 5 or so minutes she manages to distract herself from talking about what a calm person she is and flail around a bit before returning to babble on about how she’s so accomplished that it doesn’t matter what other people think of her, replay the “I’m a moderate” schtick, talk about admiring Barry Goldwater at a ripe young age, and pat herself on the back about 9 times before basically admitting that she was trolling and admonishing traffic whores to grow a thicker skin. Oh, and to mention that she’s bored enough by the whole incident to spend half an hour doing the above, and comparing herself to Coulter.
Not quite the treasure Pamela is, but close.
Boy, them is some sad trolls…ROW HARDER!
Where did I see this thing referred to as a tempest in a teaspoon? Perfect. Who.fucking.cares?
I think today’s Day By Day is very appropriate giving this topic, if you substitute “feminist blogger” for “engineer”.
Yeah, but check it out. The text in the first panel has TONS of unnecessary punctuation, including elipses and scare quotes. I’m thinking Kay Grogan had some input in Chris Muir’s development…as a “writer”…
“Where did I see this thing referred to as a tempest in a teaspoon?”
Mmm…..Might instead be described as a tempest in a D-cup.
Ohhh, noooooes!!!! In the 9/14 Day by Day, Muir “mocks” our Great Overlord and Ãœberblogger, Kos!! The bastid!!11!
Jesus, does Muir realize that talking points are not the same as punchlines?
Or, as in today’s strip, Muir demonstrates that he doesn’t reside in the same dimension as the rest of us. Damon, the whitest black man in the history of fiction, responds to Jan’s lame joke about the Pope wearing a funny hat by saying, “That’s right and wrong on so many levels.” No, I would just say it’s banal on one level. There are less than thirty words in that strip, and I must have groaned three times reading it.
Well, I must say that you have done us all a great service. You have provoked quite an interesting and thought-provoking debate on whatever weighty issues everybody was blabbering on about in the huge long thread that I barely glance at above, for all I know. I think you should regularly post photos of attractive women of my age cohort (well, at least that was my age cohort in the 80’s anyway). Heck, post some shots of strapping lads too for those so inclined, why not make everybody happy?
Muir has a really scarey photo of John Bolton on his site. I think there are shreds of flesh in his teeth.
Just noticed this morning–Althouse has a singularly appropriate Amazon ad on her site.
Hey, I just couldn’t resist one more cheap shot.
I am a good Christian and there is evil in the world, especially in Fullerton, California. I do my part, I harass those who disagree with my values, and I encourage my children and acquaintances to hate those who I deem evil. Democrats are evil. Gay people and people who don’t have lots of children are evil. Jesus loves me but you will go to hell if you don’t agree with me and repent your miserable lives.