Ask The Experts
Posted on February 20th, 2013 by HTML Mencken
Shorter The Editurds
America’s Shittiest Website
“Tailgunner Ted?”
- Just because Democrats are unhappy that Ted Cruz smeared Chuck Hagel as the Mullahchurian Candidate, doesn’t mean Cruz is McCarthyite. We knew and loved Joe McCarthy. Ted Cruz is no Joe McCarthy.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Oiled again.
Dear Ted:
It would make the government of Iran very unhappy if you blew Mitch McConnell on Iranian television.
Expecting understanding,
Also, too: Since the piece contains a flatulent reference to the Romulan Star Empire, I think we know who at least had a hand (or fart) in writing it.
Sure sure, Cruz never actually SAID Saudi Arabia and North Korea were funneling money to Hagel to influence him, he just asked the question how do we KNOW they weren’t, just like how I never SAID he stole the sad, wet noodle he calls a brain from an unflushed floater found in a soba restaurant bathroom, just asked how do we know he didn’t?
Meanwhile, Lindsay “Light In His Loafers” Graham (R – Closet) fights the good fight.
“Dear Senator Hagel,” Senators Lindsey Graham and Kelly Ayotte write. “Yesterday, the Washington Free Beacon reported that in a 2007 speech at Rutgers University regarding America’s relationship with the Middle East you remarked that ‘the State Department was becoming an adjunct of the Israeli Foreign Ministry.’ According to notes posted on the internet by a Republican political consultant and supporter of yours, George Ajjan, you made the remarks during the question and answer period following the speech.”
Yah, that should have been blockquoted. Everything but the first and final sentences. Please apply your ample imagination to see it exactly as I intended it to look.
Everyone can understand how seductive the call of Free Bacon can be.
Everyone can understand how seductive the call of Free Bacon can be.
I! N? W?
Senator Cruz has ably and aggressively executed his duty as a United States senator to advise on and consent to a nominee to the momentous post of civilian head of the United States military. He has not, as Senator McCarthy was reputed to have done, slandered an honorable man by cavalierly associating him with an odious and politically radioactive “ism.” But we can think of some Senate Democrats and cable-TV hosts who have.
oh, nana nana boo boo! go fuck yourself…also, too, about halfway through reading, i had to remind myself that this was not satire…
Shorter Ted Cruz – “Chuck Hagel doesn’t want to bomb Iran back to the Stone Age, preferably starting this afternoon. Waaaaaahhhhh!”
Chris Matthews is the id of the Democratic party? If so, we need a new set of desires … and I’m afraid to ask who the libido of the party is. I’m sure they’d say “Bill Clinton”
Cruz couldn’t hold McCarthy’s hip flask.
So… the next time a Republican presnit nominates a hard-core regressive to the Supreme Court, progressives should *praise* the candidate in order to convince the hard-core regressive base that the nominee is a liberchurian candidate?
So… PETA should have endorsed Roberts?
Just fucking stupid.
Also, too: Since the piece contains a flatulent reference to the Romulan Star Empire, I think we know who at least had a hand (or fart) in writing it.
You won’t like Jenghazi Rubin when she’s angry!
k-lo has a new crush…
Tailgunner Joe at least served, as utterly despicable as he was whereas Cruz is just a fabulous self-promoter with no depth. Huckleberry Closetcase is also determined to “Benghazi” Hegal apparently forever. The GOP is just a bunch ideological crazies with no real coherent future agenda.
Yeah, Teddy Bear’s gotta slander at least 50 more people before he approaches McCarthy territory.
He has not, as Senator McCarthy was reputed to have done, slandered an honorable man by cavalierly associating him with an odious and politically radioactive “ism.”
Yeah, sure, Cruz and Graham and the rest of the clown car haven’t spent the last month saying that Hagel is secretly Killjew McHitler because he might-might-not do what the Israeli far right wants 100% of the time, or anything like that. It’s not like Cruz himself said Hagel took money from Iran and the DPRK
They don’t need to name the odious -ism: it’s doing well enough going unsaid.
I have a list right here of who he should slander.
A Liszt, you say?
He sounds like a promising young asshole.
On this account, I’d like to see Obama be imperious, point out to the nation how many positions in the government are not filled because of this bullshit, let the people know the government has work to be done, and fill all those positions by executive order. If the assholes want to weep and gnash their teeth over it, then he can start closing bases in their states.
Fuck these people.
You want Liszt? I gotcher Lizst right here.
Buyer’s remorse
O.K., kg. Now I want to beat somebody up. This is one of the reasons that women so often don’t call the police. You let him into your room? You were drunk?
You missed a spot.
Wow, why on earth would young women want to pretend a rape didn’t happen rather than report it, it’s not like they’d be blamed for it and dragged through the mud by some scumbag lawyer. Because that never happens, right?
Heikki Lunta go away.
Ya know, Bush was so far up Prince Bandar’s ass, he had to part a curtain of polyps in order to see out. Where was the outrage at that?
And North Korea giving $200,000 to Chuck Fucking Hagel? Who the hell came up with that little detail?
Hagel was a conservative Republican, it’s weird that the ‘Baggers would be so willing to destroy him, even to spite the Kenyan Usurper.
Ave Pupi, what’s going on with Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer and the provision in the immigration bill about same-sex spouses of US Immigrants. This is a BFD to my spouse–one of her friend’s wives was deported.
I guess the other wives stayed in the country.
Don’t tell my wife I made that joke because she wouldn’t find it funny.
as Senator McCarthy was reputed to have done
That’s your authentic Goldbergian evasive weaseling right there — avoid any commitment either to admitting that “McCarthy smeared people” or to the denial thereof, not wanting to annoy hard-line ideologues or reality-based people respectively. Whaddapacka small mustelids.
OT, but hilarious.
The McCarthy similarities are quite striking.
Cruz has the classic boozer’s nose. The rosy tip with flushed cappillaries.
Miserable bastard drinks himself to sleep, probably.
Curtain of polyps!
Curtain of polyps!
That would be a good black metal band name.
BBB @ 9:04 Sadly Standard Time — being up Prince Bandar’s ass, listening to former Iran/Contra conspirators and deposing one of Iran’s enemies and pushing for “elections” resulting in Hamas controlling Gaza is being friendly to Israel so long as you can convince a couple of my fellow Red Sea Pedestrians, convinced that their religion makes them so clever that they are easy marks with more money than sense, that you are “pro-Israel”.
OTOH, point out the same things about AIPAC that neo-cons will brag about to you if you are a fellow Jew and suddenly you are a secret agent of Iran, North Korea and Saudi Arabia who wants to destroy Israel.
OTOH, point out the same things about AIPAC that neo-cons will brag about to you if you are a fellow Jew and suddenly you are a secret agent of Iran
Secret aaaaagent Jew…….
Sen. Cruz, as McCarthy might possibly have done (we can’t bring ourselves to come down too hard on St. Joe because he is our hero) did not allegedly use lies he pulled out of his ass to smear people who may or may not have deserved it.
Cruz pulled lies that other people pulled out of their asses. So there!
Ave Pupi
“You think that’s bad? My owner makes me run up and down Ave Pupi every night until I throw up!”
From here you just take a right on Ave Pupi and follow it to the Hershey Highway.
Yup. Hagel was a conservative republican. It does seem that obama’s choosing him and others similar might be an attempt at appeasement. Not that it was ever gonna work.
eddie–or very successful trolling
How will he ever get confirmed now that we know that Hagel took money from the horrible-no-good-and-totally-not-fake Friends Of Hamas. (ahem away if that’s been posted already, can’t be arsed, etc.)
It’s not like any of us even wants Hagel as DefSec, but at this point I think they’d find things to hate about Palin if Bronco had nominated her.
But Virgin Ben says Friends of Hamas TOTALLY ISREAL
Someone told me that Ben Shapiro is a hopeless fucking amateur whom I wouldn’t hire to write catalog product descriptions. That is a correct report of what someone told me. Whether it’s true or not I’m not sure.
The other day we were talking about the “Press 1 for English” holocaust.
At a Portland area DMV
WE’RE #1!
At a Portland area DMV
Be sure to wait an hour after eating before swimming or getting another abortion.
HTML Mencken gets an HTML Mention at C&L…
Welcome to Canada.
Yay, I’m Canadian now! How aboot that.
Canada is not a state.
Oh, sure, it’s a state but it’s not a state in the way that matters. Canada is just a suburb of Detroit, after all.
G’won, make a guess who wrote that. AND NO CHEATING!
Oregon is the best place to have sex? I prefer the bed myself, but the couch will do in a pinch.
Pupienus @ 21:10 Sadly Standard Time: Isn’t that Kirn’s now infamous column on being a member of the gun tribe with a few changes of wording to be that of a conservative talking about liberals rather than a gun-owner talking about urbane, effete hippies?
Nope DAS, though I can see why hyou woul;d say that.
Yup. Hagel was a conservative republican. It does seem that obama’s choosing him and others similar might be an attempt at appeasement. Not that it was ever gonna work. – eddie
11D chess wise, GOP opposition does make the GOP look completely bonkers. But then, if people haven’t noticed this about the GOP yet, they won’t notice it now, so I don’t know how good the 11D chess really is.
Someone around the left side of the intertubez (I forget who and at which site) linked to his blog in which he laid out a theory that this is all actually about base closings: Hagel, being a former enlisted man, has tons o’ “street cred” and has leverage to push for base closings needed to do anything about the debt. However, for example, OK doesn’t want its naval base closed, so it’s senators are opposing Hagel the best way they know how.
Our Robocops are way more polite.
Our Robocops are way more polite. – Substance McG
In French Canada, they have Robotcoups instead.
We’re FORCING it on him!
Yeah, that was all said by the guy who calls himself “gaypatriot” and who maintains a politics web site and who seems to have an awful lot of his identity tied up in politics.
Pup … I cheated, so I won’t say who it is, but it wasn’t who I would have thought. I would have thought it was a particular washed-up semi-famous (i.e. had 1-2 novels that sold well outside of wingnutistan) author whose name I cannot remember off hand.
Either that or I would have guessed Orson Scott Card.
I cheated, too, and was also wrong. I thought it was sandwich guy.
I was also gonna guess Orson Scott Card — he’d been in the news recently because somebody booked him to write an issue of some comic book or something.
I assumed it was Adam Yoshida.
Also too: leftover tuna casserole for lunch. Très chic!
Speaking of D-list wingnuts, has Don Surber or Whasisname Swank said anything particularly entertaining lately? I’d google them but I’d hate to give them page hits, or have them show up on my browser history at work.
Here is what I was vaguely remembering about Card.
I thought Surber had given up, but no:
Don Surber? Good God, there’s a blast from the past. Is he still around?
Hagel hilarity.
Obligatory Orson Scott Card Has Always Been an Asshat.
Perhaps this is because for those of a truly conservative disposition
“Conservative disposition” seems to be a shibboleth in some Republican circles, to establish one’s intellectual Oakeshott-reading above-the-fray credentials.
“Conservative Disposition”
That’s a tendency towards stunning levels of bigotry and hypocrisy, right?
It’s “Friends of Hummus” and not “Hamas”. It’s the Islamification of our foodstuffs. Next they will want to put it in ice cream, childrens ice cream. Think about it.
“Conservative Disposition”
Seems to be used as a shorthand for “I am not a doctrinaire slave to party politics, or in the thrall of some extremist demagogue” — so popular with people who do not want the stink of Romneyfail all over themselves. People who will unfailingly vote Republican but want to be seen holding their noses while they do so.
So I banged a colleague’s daughter and knocked her up 30 years ago while being married; the real problem are the liberal Democrats!
Kind of like – “I’m not a Republican, I’m an Independent (I just haven’t voted for a Democrat since sometime around 1980)”
A Conservative Disposition. That’s a short name for a big problem. A self centered focus on one’s own status, wealth and personal comfort. A willful blindness to the suffering of those people in the wrong group. A deliberate confusion of authority with morality. A level of yellow bellied toadying to superiors matched only by the haughty contempt of everyone not in a position to give them power or money. Refusal to recognize conflicts of interest. A convenient lack of curiosity about anything that might indicate that one’s current behavior is unsustainable, unethical or ill-advised.
Kind of like – “I’m not a Republican, I’m an Independent (I just haven’t voted for a Democrat since sometime around 1980)”
Stephanie Miller gets at least one caller like that on her show per day, and she takes great pleasure in calling them out.
Kind of like – “I’m not a Republican, I’m an Independent (I just haven’t voted for a Democrat since sometime around 1980)” – Major Kong
Oddly, my dad (and post-Reagan’s accent, his maternal grandparents in their final years) for a long time was the opposite: “I’m not a Democrat, I’m still a Republican (I just haven’t voted for a Republican since sometime around 1980)”
How come you hear a lot in our national discourse from people loudly proclaiming “I didn’t leave the Democratic party, it left me” (how? by not becoming an arm of the Likud? by becoming pro-civil rights?) but you so rarely hear the counter-story, which I suspect is almost as common. I mean, Paul Krugman does have a national platform, but he rarely belabors this point in his columns and blogs. And a lot of people who feel this way aren’t even given NY Times opinion columns.
Would hummus ice cream need a pita cone?
I can relate. Reagan’s accent drove me nuts too.
In his statement, Domenici refers to “the son Adam Laxalt.” If there were a contest for Most Strained Ways to Avoid the Possessive Pronoun, that would be a finalist.
Has anyone else heard that Ted Cruz is a card- carrying member of Club Al-Queda? My source prefers to stay anonymous, but —- for the record — I trust my source.
Has anyone else heard that Ted Cruz is a card- carrying member of Club Al-Queda?
As a matter of fact I JUST NOW read exactly the same thing!
I saw it on the Internet.
Has anyone else heard that Ted Cruz is a card- carrying member of Club Al-Queda?
It’s all over the internet. Cela doit être vrai!
Kittehs and a mirror:
Hagel was asked by a group of six senators, including Cruz, to disclose all compensation he has received in excess of $5,000 over the last five years, on the grounds that payments from foreign groups or ideological groups were relevant to Hagel’s nomination. Hagel refused. He was then asked in a letter by a group of 25 senators for similar information. Hagel replied that he was not legally obligated to turn over that information and thus would not do so. Cruz pointed out that while only two years of such disclosures were required by Senate rules, there was precedent for nominees’ being asked for, and volunteering, more extensive disclosures. Most recently, then-senator Hillary Clinton voluntarily disclosed every foreign donation to the Clinton Foundation as part of her nomination process for secretary of state.
Lamenting that Hagel’s unwillingness to offer a similar level of cooperation left the Senate in the dark about the sources of Hagel’s compensation, Cruz offered a stylized hypothetical. “He could not even say that the $200,000 he received [for speeches and appearances] did not come directly from a foreign government,” Cruz said. “It is at a minimum relevant to know if that $200,000 deposited in his bank account came directly from Saudi Arabia, came directly from North Korea.”
There’s something pretty hilarious about the people who’ve just spent months defending Ann Romney’s “we released what you needed to see, period” now whining that Democrats aren’t doing the same thing. And this isn’t quite the presidency he’s running for, either.
Also, I was worried for a moment that the National Review had lost their “McCarthy was RIGHT!” mojo by saying that it’s not fair to compare him to Cruz, but then at the end was that “as Senator McCarthy was reputed to have done” weasel word. Phew. I feel better.
Ya know, Bush was so far up Prince Bandar’s ass, he had to part a curtain of polyps in order to see out. Where was the outrage at that?
The list of people in Washington who’re owned by the Saudis would fill several books, but it’s especially strong among Republicans – oil industry ties being what they are, and all. Ironically, both clans rest on a support base of fundamentalist freaks who hold each other as the absolute Antichrist (or whatever the Muslim version is).
Obligatory Orson Scott Card Has Always Been an Asshat.
I love that post, never gets old. And fuck Orson Scott Card.
A Conservative Disposition. That’s a short name for a big problem. A self centered focus on one’s own status, wealth and personal comfort. A willful blindness to the suffering of those people in the wrong group. A deliberate confusion of authority with morality. A level of yellow bellied toadying to superiors matched only by the haughty contempt of everyone not in a position to give them power or money. Refusal to recognize conflicts of interest. A convenient lack of curiosity about anything that might indicate that one’s current behavior is unsustainable, unethical or ill-advised.
This is a keeper.
“I deeply regret this and am very sorry for my behavior,” Domenici, 80, said in the statement. “However,” Domenici didn’t continue, “I did have quite a good time banging Ms. Laxalt and still sometimes wish I could have done it more often.”
BTW, how much ya wanna bet the GOoPers are more upset about Cohen (single, IIRC) having a kid outside of marriage and not telling anyone than they are about Domenici?
Next they will want to put it in ice cream, childrens ice cream. Think about it.
Put WHAT in children’s ice cream? Islam?
Cookie-dough ‘n’ Islam has always been the best flavor! ‘Specially when the chunks of Islam are all nice and gooey.
It’s already pretty bad if you have ice-cream made from children.
It’s already pretty bad if you have ice-cream made from children.
But it’s better than ice cream with Cat Stevens in it.
Cat Ballou ice-cream would not be so bad…
Secret aaaaagent Jew…….
Secret AIPAC man!
Reassuring! Two top candidates for teh papacy burnish their credentials by “Blam[ing] Gay Priests for the Church’s Sexual Abuse Scandals”.
Cardinal Turkson is particularly creepy:
I think he means “we killed the queers”.
Any truth to the rumor floating around the internet that “Ted Cruz is a card- carrying member of Club Al-Queda?”
I think he means “we killed the queers”.
That is precisely what he means. He has spoken favorably of the “Kill the Gays” bill working its way though the Uganda parliament.
You know what else never gets old?
He has spoken favorably of the “Kill the Gays” bill working its way though the Uganda parliament.
The natural successor to the Papenfuehrer is someone who approves of the pink-triangle-armband approach.
WE’RE #1!
re: oregon is the best place to have sex
it’s called the beaver state…duh
I don’t know about the rest of you, but this Friends of Hamas story is providing me no end of giggles.
However, I would feel better if Sen. Cruz & Tweezers Shapiro would address the rumors that they engage in nightly goat raping forays.
Also, the Catholic Church… defending universal rights in the face of cultural relativism and Post-Modernism, except “Killing Gays is our tradition“.
“I deeply regret this and am very sorry for my behavior,” Domenici, 80, said in the statement. “I hope New Mexicans will view that my accomplishments for my beloved state outweight my personal transgression.” He asked that respect be shown to the mother and son, saying that only he “should bear the brunt of this matter.”
Michelle Laxalt attributed the pregnancy to “one night’s mistake”
nice…kid has to feel pretty good, eh?
also, too…who just couldn’t wait for me to get here to do my french model imitation?!?
also, too…who just couldn’t wait for me to get here to do my french model imitation?!?
Well… that would be me.
Guess whom?
So many questions, but we’re too busy wondering what sick fuck is taking advantage of a schizophrenic woman, to ask.
A Conservative Disposition.
i read this as conservative dipshition…
Well… that would be me.
bon jour, sir…i said bon jour!
Guess whom?
wow, she resembles pammycakes a bit…scary, that…
“So if you’re trying to set yourself apart the Qatari petro-dollars are backing this, you’re still developing in this area where the sleeper cells have been detected.”
Are they notably worse than the Saudi petro dollars invested in Fox?
also, too…who just couldn’t wait for me to get here to do my french model imitation?!?
C’est bon!
We can attest that we do not exist.
Republicans everywhere must be secretly disappointed with “One Night
StandMistake” Pete. I mean, their child is ipso facto proof that Mr. Family Values Guy once had extramarital sex with an adult female of our species.I mean, their child is ipso facto proof that Mr. Family Values Guy once had extramarital sex with an adult female of our species.
Pretty tame as Republican sex scandals go. No rent-boys, no airport bathroom, no farm animals, no wetsuits.
Lisa Daftari
Damn. You couldn’t credibly make this shit up.
Some names are just too easy…
Demonstrating he’s a true wingnut, witness the perfect execution of It’s Always Projection by the GOP’s newest Rock Star, the Republican Barack Obama (aka the Most Radical President Evar):
No. That’s a conservative tradition, Ted.
But please do go on, we’re making shadow puppets.
Spectacular Optical has what you want!
Hagel was a conservative Republican, it’s
weirdtotally fucking predictable that the ‘Baggers would be sowillinghell-bent to destroyhimanyone, everyone, anything and everything, including their own fool selves,evenjust to spite the Kenyan Usurper.Fluxed, fer grater teabaggery.
Gotta love all that hot dipshit-on-corpse Joe McCarthy lovin’ going on in the comments over there.
Trying to appear more sane: YOU ARE DOING IT AS WRONG AS IT CAN BE DONE.
Whoa … when I troll NRO, all my screeds of PURE LIBERAL EVIL now go straight into their threads with zero moderation-lag.
I rather doubt it’s due to my warmth or charming repartee.
Is America’s Shittiest Website losing its mojo?????
Say it ain’t so!
If they are scared of Al-Jazeera be sure to tell them about the evil Al-Gebra that has infiltrated the high schools.