“Center-Right” Objects To “Moderates” In Clash Of Overton Abomination

Shorter Erich von Erich
Red State Championship Wretardling
“Thank God for American Crossroads and the Conservative Victory Project”
“Faulty Premises and Outlooks Formed”

  • If Karl Rove thinks he can push a bunch of pussyfied RINO candidates on us, he’s got another thing coming. The movement wants real Genghis Khan conservatives, not squishy centrists like Attila the Hun.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


The urge to point and laff is high with this one, and it will only get lulzier. Butthurt blarging and vows to fight by Anchor Baby and Virgin Ben are just the start. Yes, thank you, I would like some popcorn.

The tea bag thing was an astroturf rebranding operation started by the rulers of the Republican Party who also happen to be more or less the rulers of America, who are basically libertarian and only pretend to care about the culture war in order garner the votes of yokels they actually despise. Since Reagan, this strategy had worked well enough but then George W. Bush’s massive unpopularity and the country’s growing inequality and changing demographics killed it. Tea baggery was a moderately risky doubling-down action by the Rulers; the need for relabeling* wingnuttery necessitated it, but for it to work the social con crap had to be tightly controlled. Too little and not enough rubes will vote Republican; too much and too many decent people will be alienated to the point of voting against Republicans. It’s a Machiavellian bit of theater gone awry for the Rulers who personally don’t give a single solitary shit about Jesus, abortion, identity politics, racism, Islam, or anything else except money, lotsa lotsa money, how to make more of it or, better yet, how to steal it.

Most peons in the conservative movement worship business culture yet have proven to be total suckers for what amounts to be a marketing campaign, believing the hype and thinking the relatively small dollop of power cynically but at the time necessarily devolved to them by the Rulers is as grand and perpetual as all that. They will soon learn, though the fight will drag on with much entertainment value. I personally can’t wait for Rove or his replacement-level electoral bagman of the Wealthy Criminal Class to recast von Erich from movement fattyface babyface to heel. The rulers are wily, and unless they can come up with a national candidate gifted enough, like Reagan, for the rubes to form a cult of personality around (always a possibility for what is essentially a fascist movement) while simultaneously appealing to enough politically naive people, I think the social cons get less consideration in the future and are only allowed to speak when the Rulers need a loud achtung from the hinterlands but more often ball-gagged and told to STFU.

For all the whining among technocrat Villager types about polarization, I see consolidation in the future — at least at the top. No group has a more attuned sense of self-preservation than the Rulers, who will pay for the election of national candidates resembling Obama at his worst or Bloomberg and Andrew Cuomo at their most typical. The culture has moved and unlike social cons, the Rulers will adapt to that — are adapting. Wars will continue as long as they are profitable, the police state will grow, the poor and middle class robbed and bullied, the crown jewel of social security ripe for the picking. The Rulers got to be Rulers by using and discarding things and people as needed. Red State White Trash Blue Balled morons butthurt about sluts’ abortions and homo-marriage were once useful but are now increasingly a liability and will be treated like it, they just don’t know it yet.

*As described in Master Confucius’s (CEO of Son of Heaven Industries) bestseller, chapter four, “Rectify The Language”.


Comments: 72


…the rulers of the Republican Party who also happen to be more or less the rulers of America, who are basically libertarian and only pretend to care about the culture war in order garner the votes of yokels they actually despise.

One of the best links to make that point is this interview with Mike Lofgren, who was a GOP staffer in Congress for decades.

The primary purpose of the GOP these days is to provide tax breaks and other financial advantages (such as not regulating pollution and other socially costly externalities) to their wealthy donor base. All the rest of their platform, all the culture wars stuff, is simply rube bait.



Yes, yes, YES! Please please please, GOP listen to Erick. Your party isn’t pure enough. Purge and destroy every RINO. Make sure there are no “squishes” left to clutter up the general election ballot. Push your party ever farther to the right, because the American people need to hear more about “job creators” and “legitimate rape.”

And for God’s sake, pick a Santorum or a Bachmann as your next presidential candidate. Bring Sarah Palin back to Fox while you’re at it. In fact, give her and her whole family a reality show with an ironclad five-year contract.

Just double down on everything you’ve been doing, and the rest of the country will be both safe and amused.


Red State White Trash Blue Balled morons butthurt about sluts’ abortions and homo-marriage were once useful but are now increasingly a liability and will be treated like it, they just don’t know it yet.



…morons butthurt about sluts’ abortions and homo-marriage were once useful but are now increasingly a liability and will be treated like it…

What’s interesting is, will they let themselves be treated like it. I have a (delicious) feeling that they won’t let themselves be brushed off like that.


Dear me, a massive power struggle is a brewing. I hope there aren’t many very narsty, very public casualties on both sides.



What’s interesting is, will they let themselves be treated like it. I have a (delicious) feeling that they won’t let themselves be brushed off like that.

Of course not. They’ll re-write their history so that President Bush overturned DADT and St. Ron personally carried women too and from family planning clinics while stomping on liberal opponents of reproductive freedom.

It will give them more reasons to stand at the intersection of Victim & Butthurt whimpering about those mean ol’ liberals.


Shark tank.
Feeding frenzy.
Eating their own.



Let’s you and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…and him…fight.


Whoops. The Little Flower is, unfortunately, still dead.


oooooh…not only are they turning against karl, someone in the comments has dared suggest that the founders made a mistake:

I’m sure the Founding Fathers didn’t anticipate the concentration of power and wealth that lobbying has become today, so, while solving one problem they knew of in their day, they created a different, unexpected problem decades later — lobbyists calling the election.

this is literally the FIRST time i have ever seen the founders omnipotence remarked on in a negative fashion…


Red State White Trash Blue Balled morons butthurt about sluts’ abortions and homo-marriage were once useful but are now increasingly a liability and will be treated like it, they just don’t know it yet.

As Major Kong said, beautiful. But not accurate just yet. Right now, aside from the about 2% of Americans who actually benefit from GOP policies, the Red State White Trash Blue Balled morons are all they’ve got. They’ve got nowhere else to go, they outnumber the 2%, they are as riled up as the GOP has worked so hard to keep them for many years, and they’re going to fight like hell.

Churchill said something along the lines of “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. But the tigers are growing hungry.” That’s the approximate situation the rulers currently find themselves in with regard to their party. It will be interesting to see how they manage to break out of it, eventually. I don’t expect to see it happen anytime soon.


But the tigers are growing hungry.”

reminds me…’les mis’ was flipping good…a few problem areas, but wholly watchable for all that…but really only if you are into super-preachy idealogical melodramas in which nearly everyone dies…still remains my favorite production…aside from ‘the duchess of malfi’…hmmmm…i am a dark person, aren’t i…


But, hey, I’m just a petulant, teenage mutant website operator</strike

yes, meh melkin, yes you are…


Word nerdery – Riding the tiger is a proverb, but Churchill uses it appropriately.

That’s the approximate situation the rulers currently find themselves in with regard to their party.

That’s why you see this constant attempt to whip the base into a frenzy about something else, anything else.

It explains the histrionic nature of the Guns’ Rights campaign. The NRA isn’t just trying to maximize accessibility to guns (= more $$ for the industry) they’re trying to keep anger directed away from the guys with the cash.

Ditto the GOP’s immigration fap dance. On the one hand they really want to keep their cushy jobs and that means not being a dick about immigrants. On the other they nurtured their base’s hatred of The Outsider for decades. Question: How can you not be a dick and not upset the base? Answer: You can’t, but good luck trying! Blahahahaha!


and, i am spectacular at tagfailing!


“and St. Ron personally carried women too and from family planning clinics while stomping on liberal opponents of reproductive freedom.”

Gosh, I bumped into Pat Buchanan’s latest at anti-war. St Ronnie did a whole lot more than that! He was our greatest Democratic President. Obama can’t hold a candle to him.


Sahekzula, I left you a link to some glibertarian ridiculousness at the end of the previous thread that’s guaranteed to make you “get a strange throbbing behind one eye” times eleventy.


“Sahekzula” == “Shakezula” obviously.


St.Ronnie (or, more likely, his handlers) was the one who brought us the great conservative coalition of bigots and greedheads, united by their loathing of the federal government that stopped them from abusing minorities and dumping tons of shit into our air and water. Now they’re falling out. How beautiful.


From OBS’ link
We are born with the rights of life and liberty, and the U.S. Constitution throws in pursuit of happiness

He’s a right fine Consutooshnal skolar!


a link to some glibertarian ridiculousness

in fact, it is so awful that my computer would not even allow me to look at it…


Obama can’t hold a candle to him.

Why bother, what’s left would be too soggy to catch fire now anyway.


An analog to “never stick your dick in crazy” comes to mind:

Never let your Bullshit Golem wear a headband.


Tried to comment there saying, after quoting as I did above, “Had the author actually read the Constitution he would not have embarrassed himself so.”

Site’s fucked up.


in fact, it is so awful that my computer would not even allow me to look at it…

Yeah, the link is correct, their site just seems to be fucked up right now.

Just so’s you don’t miss out: here is Google’s cached copy.


We are born with the rights of life and liberty, and the U.S. Constitution throws in pursuit of happiness

And this after “Rights can’t be taken away from us, privileges can.” Death, slavery and imprisonment apparently never occur in his world.


Yeah, he’s a real gem, and this is just one in a continuing series of stupid. He’s gotta be destined for a wingnut welfare gig at The Heritage Foundation or the CATO institute or something, I just know it.

The Business School building is right next to mine, next time I run into the Dean out walking around I should ask him what he thinks about his star senior.


I say again. What the fuck did I just read?

If I demand someone work for me, I have taken his or her right to life and liberty. I can’t take those rights from them though, and neither can the government.

Life & Liberty are the Schrodinger’s Cat of rights. They both exist and do not exist until … you determine whether some wet-chinned NeoColonic has gotten a chain around your ankle.

Or something. Also, no man is free while the gubbermint restricts the amount of phosphorus in his laundry detergent liquid and hurt not the plastic bags lest they pursuit of happiness develop a flat tire.

Or something. And did you know that once upon a time a man and a woman could just decide they were married and bingo, they were married. And that was The Good Old Days.

The End.


Brent Bozo III: “These fake conservatives need to go away before they do more damage.”



“Churchill said something along the lines of “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. But the tigers are growing hungry.” That’s the approximate situation the rulers currently find themselves in with regard to their party.”

That’s it exactly. And for all the yucks to be had watching the nutters turn on their would-be masters, let’s not lose sight of the fact that this is still a rather dangerous situation for the rest of us…as all the victims of right wing violence from the past several years can attest.

So pass the popcorn while the lunatics act out of the plot of Frankenstien on the national level, but don’t forget: Their primary targets are still anyone who’s not them.

i.e. us.


FSM save me from smug glibratarian business majors. He should be tied down Clockwork Orange style and forced to listen to Paul Krugman lectures.


“Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. But the tigers are growing hungry.”

Whoa… He-Man was a dictator? Does this mean that Skeletor was a freedom fighter?

still remains my favorite production…aside from ‘the duchess of malfi’

John Webster was one of the best there was.


Way OT, engineer porn:

That was glorious! I love how Newey still uses an actual drafting table and then there’s all this other crazy high tech shit too.

I’m ditching cable TV (finally) — I’m gonna have to figure out how to watch the races online.


Dear me, a massive power struggle is a brewing. I hope there aren’t many very narsty, very public casualties on both sides.

Smithers, release the popcorn.


Churchill said something along the lines of “Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers, which they dare not dismount. But the tigers are growing hungry.” That’s the approximate situation the rulers currently find themselves in with regard to their party. It will be interesting to see how they manage to break out of it, eventually. I don’t expect to see it happen anytime soon.

I always thought that was pretty much the story of fascism. Traditional elites, no longer able to rule “just because,” stay afloat in the world of mass politics by blowing people full of hot air via racial and cultural prejudices, based on things they can easily tie their liberal and leftist competitors to. They develop a “base” of people who respond to that, which gets crazier and crazier as it’s fed on a steady diet of Southern Strategy-isms. Eventually, the elites find they’re no longer in control of the base, and that’s when you get fascism.

In essence, the tiger breaks its chain and its owner can pretty much just hang on and hope for the best.


Last year the way to go was to install the expat shield http://www.expatshield.com/ to watch the BBC coverage. Which was far, far, far better than SpudTV’s. But this year Sky and BBC are splitting coverage so I don’t know what the deal will be. Take a look at reddit – reddit.com/r/formula1 – next month to find a solution. First race is the Norstrilia, er, Australian GP March 16 at Melbun.


E.E. is in a weird position- if he continues his anti-establishment crusade, he is in jeopardy of losing his Fox gig. If he kowtows to RINOs, he could blow his Red State gig out of the water. Is he a true believer, or a grifter? Is he just enough smarter than the rubes that he can navigate this perilous strait? If Fox backs Rove, will the teahadis dump them for Glenn Beck TV?

I’m digging this.


Also, NBCsports has the US rights next year. David Hobbs anmd Steve Matchett will be there but not Varsha – Leigh Diffey will do the play-by-play. Nasally, of course. And give the man a fucking Valium, wouldja? No idea whether Will Buxton will be along.


This much I know is true: I have a throbbing behind both eyes and OBS is to blame.

I’ll have my revenge!


Thanks Pupienus. I tried to use expatshield to watch better coverage of the olympics, but it’s windows only. Don’t know if it’d work on a windows virtual machine or not, but I could try. There’s probably a way to do something similar on my mac but I couldn’t be arsed at the time. I wish I could just buy video from the damn F1 site directly, but no. Stupid.


This much I know is true: I have a throbbing behind both eyes and OBS is to blame.

I’ll have my revenge!

Hey, it’s not like I didn’t warn you!


Ditto the GOP’s immigration fap dance. On the one hand they really want to keep their cushy jobs and that means not being a dick about immigrants. On the other they nurtured their base’s hatred of The Outsider for decades. Question: How can you not be a dick and not upset the base? Answer: You can’t, but good luck trying! Blahahahaha!

Said it before, will say it again – immigration will be to them what civil rights was to us fifty years ago. And we’re only now beginning to recover from the pounding we took for that one.


Way OT, engineer porn: http://jalopnik.com/5981494/red-bulls-f1-manufacturing-video-is-pure-engineer-porn


Amazing stuff…to be used by rednecks driving in circles.


Also, NBCsports has the US rights next year.

I’d forgotten about that. Are there still the broadcast channels you can get with a special digital antenna? I wonder if they’ll be on regular NBC or one of their cable-only things.


Quoth The Humble Lubertarian

Today, the official conservative and libertarian movement portrays King as someone on our side who would be fighting Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if he were alive. Most all conservative publications and websites have articles around this time of the year praising King and discussing how today’s civil rights leaders are betraying his legacy. Jim Powell’s otherwise excellent The Triumph of Liberty rates King next to Ludwig von Mises and Albert J. Nock as a libertarian hero. Attend any IHS seminar, and you’ll read “A letter from a Birmingham Jail” as a great piece of anti-statist wisdom. The Heritage Foundation regularly has lectures and symposiums honoring his legacy. There are nearly a half dozen neocon and left-libertarian think tanks and legal foundations with names such as “The Center for Equal Opportunity” and the “American Civil Rights Institute” which claim to model themselves after King.


Amazing stuff…to be used by rednecks driving in circles.

Nonono! That is a real car, not stupid NASCAR bullshit. They race on real tracks, with turns and stuff. And even real streets (Monaco).

Bob From Colorado

Oregon Beer Snob: I tried to leave them a comment, but their crappily-designed webpage eated it.

So, I emailed it to them:

I attempted to post a comment on this steaming heap of commentary:
And got a blank page. So here’s my comment. Use it as you will.

“Drew Pells seems to be intent on writing every possible Libertarian cliche he can cram in one article – the Government can only take away rights, not give them, corporations only do what their customers want, property is the only thing that matters, blah blah woof woof. I’d like to ask him who he thinks ‘owns’ the oceans and the atmosphere, but I’m afraid he may already have drawn up the deeds.

He is entirely correct that British Petroleum and detergent manufacturers have no reason to ‘care’ if their industries ruin the environment (which is a Thing That Exists, and if he disagrees, he’s welcome to try holding his breath for the next ten minutes) without government regulations. This is because corporations are functionally psychopaths, and need to be forced to care. While blathering about phosphates, he also trots out the obviously-false notion of ‘Homo Economicus’ – the idea that all consumers are perfectly rational, perfectly-informed, and not as bad as actual human beings are at thinking long-term.

If this is what business majors are being taught, it’s no wonder the country is so screwed up. People may make fun of Liberal Arts majors, but they haven’t done as much damage to this country as MBAs have over the last four decades.

— Bob from Colorado”



I apologize. My ignorance led me astray.

I still don’t care, of course, but that’s a different issue.


Bob From Colorado

Nicely done Bob!


Today, the official conservative and libertarian movement portrays King as someone on our side who would be fighting Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if he were alive.

Forty years from now, President Obama will always have been a conservative, reality be damned.


We have always been at war with Blah-asia.


We have always been at war with aphasia.


Today, the official conservative and libertarian movement portrays King as someone on our side who would be fighting Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton if he were alive.



40 years? They know they don’t have that much time. A year after he’s out of office they’ll play connect the dots between his words and actions and Conservative Principles. If they care to, I’m sure they can find some liberal bloggers who have condemned Obama as being WORSE THAN BUSH.


The aphasias always smell so sweet in the…you know, when it gets warner…spring.


I’d forgotten about that. Are there still the broadcast channels you can get with a special digital antenna? I wonder if they’ll be on regular NBC or one of their cable-only things.

Yes, the broadcast channels are FOTA (free off the air). They even have multiple channels. OPB in Corvallis, for instance, has regular programming on 7.1 (high def, i think), OPB Plus on 7.2 and OPBRadio on 7.3. You most likely DO NOT need a “special digital antenna.” There is no such thing as a “digital TV antenna.” All you need is a digital tuner, which have been included in almost every TV for nigh onto ten years now. Even if your TV does not have a digital tuner, you can buy a converter at Radio Shack. Well, you used to – don’t know if they still make and stock them.

*Some* of the races will be on NBC, but only a handful.

/former director of business development for a “smart TV antenna” startup.



I apologize. My ignorance led me astray.

I still don’t care, of course, but that’s a different issue.

(I’m going to continue OT here, since there’s a new thread I don’t want to pollute)

I’m cool with nobody caring.

The cars as technology alone are cool even if you don’t like the racing. Lots of technology that eventually makes its way into passenger cars got started in F1. And the engines alone! This year they’re little (2.4 liter) normally aspirated V8s that spin upwards of 18,000 RPM (limited by rules, not by technology) and make 750HP. Next year they’re switching to a 1.6 liter V6 turbo formula which will see the same power level from a smaller and more efficient package.

Pretty neat stuff for car and/or tech and/or engineering geeks, regardless of the actual racing bit.


Yes, the broadcast channels are FOTA (free off the air). They even have multiple channels. OPB in Corvallis, for instance, has regular programming on 7.1 (high def, i think), OPB Plus on 7.2 and OPBRadio on 7.3. You most likely DO NOT need a “special digital antenna.” There is no such thing as a “digital TV antenna.” All you need is a digital tuner, which have been included in almost every TV for nigh onto ten years now. Even if your TV does not have a digital tuner, you can buy a converter at Radio Shack. Well, you used to – don’t know if they still make and stock them.

Cool. But if I don’t need an antenna, how does the signal get into my TV? Or do I just need a normal old rabbit-ears style antenna (or a UHF one) or something? The TV does have a digital tuner in it.


And I’m sure I can ask teh google all this crap, I’m just lazy.


Right, you don’t need a _special_ antenna. Any antenna sufficient to pull in the stations pre-digital (which happened 2008 or 2009?) will work suffice for the digital transmissions as well.



’les mis’ was flipping good…a few problem areas, but wholly watchable for all that…

Hugh Jackman can really sing, that was a surprise. Valjean is not an easy vocal score, and he rocked it.

Russell Crowe, on the other hand, cannot.

But Anne Hathaway stole the movie, with only 30 minutes of screen time.

but really only if you are into super-preachy idealogical melodramas in which nearly everyone dies…

It ain’t over ’til the dead lady sings…

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Way OT, engineer porn:


Now, now,…Let’s wait to see how we did.

[… me during tear-down]

I’ll be in my bunk.


Jackman was very good but he got to sing most of his songs full-throated, whereas Crowe and Hathaway had to sing theirs in almost a whisper. I don’t understand why that was done, well, Hathaway was supposed to be wounded. Anyone familiar with other performances?


’les mis’ was flipping good…a few problem areas, but wholly watchable for all that…

I don’t really want to watch a movie where everybody seems so… I dunno, miserable. That’s what real life’s for.

jim x / another jim

So well said.


We have always been at war with aphasia.

I can’t remember how long we’ve been at war with amnesia.


Lobbyists and deep-pocketed Republican funders should keep their hands off the glorious spontaneous Tea Party and stop trying to co-opt or suborn it.


Misread part of the shorter as “real Genghis Klan conservatives.” I still think it works better that way.


Actually Genghis Khan is too liberal for today’s Republicans. He sometimes offered his enemies a chance to surrender, encouraged literacy and religious toleration.


I, of course, read that second headline as:

“Faulty Penises and Outlooks Formed”

Which is probably more accurate than anything Eric, Son of Eric has ever scrawled.


I seen the premise and the outlook formed


(comments are closed)