“Path to 9/11” Comes Under Fire from the Right

Staunch conservative Jon Swift decries ABC’s various inaccuracies:

Apparently the director didn’t bother filming the scene where President Bush learns of the attacks while reading My Pet Goat to schoolchildren. How could they leave out one of the Bush’s greatest moments as President, the seven minutes when he sat there motionless and plotted out his entire strategy for the War on Terror in his head? Perhaps it wouldn’t have been very dramatic to film the President just sitting there for seven minutes but the filmmakers could have telescoped time a bit, as they claim to do in other scenes, and showed him sitting there for, say, four minutes. And I have not heard any mention of a scene showing Saddam Hussein planning the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center. Leaving out an important scene like that seems to me to be a big dramatic oversight, basically confusing the viewer by making the invasion of Iraq appear to be completely pointless.

Read the whole thing.



Comments: 50



Anyway, its unfair to criticize Bush for sitting there. His handlers dropped the ball. Granted, they may have been waiting for him to act presidential, but they should have known better after 8 months of telling him where to be, what to say, and just generally being there in case he needed to clean his glasses on someone’s shirt.


Perhaps it’s better they let him sit there. He certainly couldn’t have done anything to improve the situaiton.

I love the photo on Jon Swift’s blog. Cracked me up. Feh?


I’m really angry that they didn’t show the whole scene from Airforce 1 that day, when he acted out the entirety of King Lear, doing all the parts.


Or that day when he proved himself the hero that he is.


What about the time Bush cock-slapped Saddam? Remember how the liberal media refused to air that awesome take down? Bush’s piece was like, 10 inches, if I remember correctly. I read about it on Powerline I think.

David Horowitz told me that the liberal media isn’t working hard enough to hide all the evidence of the New Right’s stupidity. Some people are actually able to track down evidence of the right’s lies on the internet. It’s not fair!


I hear they capture the essence of the Crawford morning when our hero, President Bush, received that fateful presidential daily briefing entitled Bin Laden determined to strike in US.

Bush smacks his fist in his open hand, snarls like a dog and says, “I pitty the fool that strikes the USA!�

Then Laura rings the giant triangle chime on the front porch and tells George to stop playing with his friends for a minute and come eat his Eggos.

Running to the house, Bush looks back over his shoulder to Condi and shouts, “Eggos, woo-hoo! I love it when I plan comes together!�


Ah, those seven minutes. Y’ know, you could be just a little more generous in spirit toward our Dear Leader. Hooked On Phonics was not around when he was learning to read, so this was a tough assignment. Then, to really complicate matters, someone told him we were under attack. Well, what is a president to do? Can’t gt the phonetics right, and someone else is breaking his toys!! Shit! In that seven minutes all this was going on ….so…..What would Jesus Do?? Yes, what would Jesus do if the twin towers of Jerusalem were in flames? Of course, this is another facet of George W Bush’s high level thought process within that seven minutes…..

All of this and more is thoroughly explored in “The Path to 9/11″…. oh, you mean My Pet Goat and the classroom video is not made available for public consumption? We don’t get to see GWB’s mental motors whirrling???


I really like that scene in F911 where Bush gets the vacant look on his face because if you stare deep into his eyes there’s a brief moment when you can see the hole where his soul would be attached if he had one.


did they leave out the scene where someone reads Bush a Presidential Daily Briefing entitled Bin Laden determined to strike US, and Bush says alright now you’ve covered your ass?

or when Bush said he doesn’t think about Bin Laden that much?

let’s not leave out the part where we lost all of those civil liberties that Americans treasure, for this illusion of security…


I really like that scene in F911 where Bush gets the vacant look on his face because if you stare deep into his eyes there’s a brief moment when you can see the hole where his soul would be attached if he had one.

That made me laugh until I cried. Or cry until I laughed. Either way.


I really like that scene in F911 where Bush gets the vacant look on his face because if you stare deep into his eyes there’s a brief moment when you can see the hole where his soul would be attached if he had one.

I spewed Diet Coke from my nose and tears from my eyes. It wouldn’t be so funny if it weren’t so true…


A wee bit OT, but our ol’ “pal”, Dr. BLT, has already cranked out a tribute song for the late Steve “Crocodile Hunter” Irwin. I’m just boggled at the speed.


Recently whilst surfing the net, I stumbled across some sites ran by a religious Fundamentalist group {namely, ‘The Westboro Baptist Church’}.

‘Thank the lord for 9/11’ was one the tags.It’s pretty shocking stuff, but well worth a look due to the fact that it offers some insight into the mind-set of such Fanatics;



You know, if I actually wore pants I would have pissed them because of this
What about the time Bush cock-slapped Saddam? and I really like that scene in F911 where Bush gets the vacant look on his face because if you stare deep into his eyes there’s a brief moment when you can see the hole where his soul would be attached if he had one.

Thank you so much for that.


Um, yeah, those are two different quotes. Sorry ’bout that.


To put none to fine a point on it…this is a great site for all those with a pathological hatred for George Bush ; http://www.christiangallery.com


Does the movie include several weeks of drinki…. er…. clearing brush, compressed into a single week?


So, Tom-Tom, you think Bush=Tiger Woods? Now watch this swing.


Marq, I’m appalled. I think I’ll pretend you didn’t tell me that.


Marq, the less I hear from or about that talentless clown, the better.


Hysterical Woman said,

September 9, 2006 at 17:44

So, Tom-Tom, you think Bush=Tiger Woods? Now watch this swing :

The links lead to some excellent anti-Bush material.I should of made that clearer {My apologies} .


Sure, laugh all you want, but not since the PNAC Strategy Document has there been a more clear cut vision for dealing with terrorists. According to the WSJ:

“The Pet Goat” was designed to teach words ending in the letter E. The story involves a girl whose parents insist she get rid of her pet goat when it eats everything in sight. Then a burglar enters the house. The goat butts him, and the grateful parents let the goat stay. Everyone smiles but the burglar, who says he is sore (note the “e” ending).

We don’t need an Andrew Sullivan to tell us who’s the burglar and who’s the goat here, do we? And some of the most important words in the war against islamofacism end in the letter E—like GSAVE (we do remember that’s what it’s called now, right?), “Bush Doctrine,” torture, testosterone, and Powerline. (And no, peace isn’t one of them. Please.)


Hey speaking of, check out this:

“The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. ”

That’s an excerpt from a letter in which Senators. Reid, Durbin, Stabenow, Schumer, and Dorgan are making a not so veiled threat to remove ABC’s broadcast licence.

I hope they get it censored. It will be another delightful political miscalculation that will insure they remain out of power for another too years, and insure the continuing unelectability of this Nation’s left.



Narc, if that really is your name. You obviously went to a private Christian school, because you don’t know the usage of the word “too”. I speak for the rest of the Sadly, No! forum when I say “HOPE YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR FASCIST CHRISTIAN FAMILY FRIENDS DIE IN THE GAS CHAMBERS”. If you thought it was bad when Nero ruled rome WAIT TILL NOVEMBER you fricking uneducated hick, waste of life.


Narc, if that really is your name. You obviously went to a private Christian school, because you don’t know the usage of the word “too”. I speak for the rest of the Sadly, No! forum when I say “HOPE YOU AND THE REST OF YOUR FASCIST CHRISTIAN FAMILY FRIENDS DIE IN THE GAS CHAMBERS”. If you thought it was bad when Nero ruled rome WAIT TILL NOVEMBER you fricking uneducated hick, waste of life.


Woah, steady there, mp. You don’t speak for anybody but yourself. Making death threats on the behalf of others is bad form.


What exactly are the policies of the Democrates ? …From what I’v seen {And I speak as an Englishman and therefore an impartial observer},they consist of the following;

1.The latinization of the states by Mexican aliens.
2.The total erosion of ethical government.
3.The dissipation of American Tax dollars through madcap thirdworld initiatives ,namely AIDS prevention…{When will people realize that the AIDS epidemic is a gift from God to punish Homosexuals,drug users and the promiscuous, and therefore any effort to ‘cure’ or ‘sterm’ it’s spread is destined to fail ?}.
4.Inept defence strategy along with the very real possibility that they would even attempt dialogue with Bin Laden and his ‘little Hitlers’

Maybe I’m mistaken,but this is the impression projected to the wider world..


*stem , I can’t type {Chubby English fingers}


I’m studying American politics in my history class at highschool, could any of you please recommend some really good books for me ? {sorry to go digress}.


Oh, wow, an infestation of trolls. Better give Ork1n a call, Brad.


Oh, and Nephi? This book’s for *you*! Glad to be of help.


Marq ;

Perhaps you should find yourself some links for etiquette…ya dim witted crack-whore 😉


Oooo, an “English” troll who goes to “high school” and takes the “elevator” and eats “cookies” and talks about “etiquette” after “insulting” “us” “and” “I” “can’t” “stop” “quoting””.”


How does being an Englishmen make you ‘therefore’ an impartial observer, nephi?

Bush’s destruction of Blair’s career would seem to make it obvious that an Englishman might actually be a bit LESS than impartial.

Go back to England, send better trolls.


OK, nephi, no more rude book suggestions. Wouldn’t want to disturb the delicate mental processes of a highschool student whose accumulated life-experiences outweigh mine by far, I’m sure. So picture me (a fairly generic WASPy male) smiling politely and wearing this lovely tee-shirt. And pants. Pants are important. See, it’s the thought that counts.


Nephi said,

I’m studying American politics in my history class at highschool, could any of you please recommend some really good books for me ? {sorry to go digress}.

Try “Hodges’ Harbrace College Handbook” (7th ed. or later).


Marq, your obviously the type of ‘fairly generic WASPy male’ that is over abundant in spare-time and under endowed in the old communicative skills department if your having to look at sites such as that.A word to you, oh wise sage !…Life doesn’t start and end at a game of ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and a wank over a princess leia figurine.YOU NEED TO GET OUT MORE .I’m gonna take a wild guess here and assume you live in your mums basement. I
t’s a sorry state of affairs when a 16 year old exhibits an higher level of maturity than an ‘adult’ .

oh and as for the ‘Highschool’ term, I was keeping it simple for ”All Y’all inbred American Hicks”.Secondary school would have sounded far to regal…Smacks of the colonial master 😉


Shield and Standard
The Aryan Nations Shield
Its Very Meaning Is What the Jews Hate!

1. THE CROWN: The symbol of our Father’s complete and Immutable sovereignty over all things, the one and only God. whose name is YAHWEH.

2. THE THREE JEWELS: Of the Crown symbolize the Divine and complete perfection of the Triune absolute of our Father the Everliving God. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit.

3. THE SHIELD: A symbol of our Christian Faith and trust in His perfect Law and Covenants He made to them that keep the faith.

4. THE TWO-EDGED SWORD: A symbol of truth and proceeds forth solely from Him and shall by His Divine sovereign will, be the instrument of His vengeance upon all that hate Him.

5. THE REVOLVING RESURRECTION CROSS: Centered on the Sword of Truth, symbolizing the returning to righteousness of our Race, who yet one day will be placed on the right hand of Christ in faith of the sure promise of resurrection.

6. THE CROSS of JACOB: Symbolizing the blessings to Israel centers on the Sword of Truth and Resurrection Cross. The Three bars on each of the four corners symbolize the Twelve Tribes of His Racial Nations; inheritance in His Kingdom.

7. THE SQUARE: Outline symbolizes the Divinely appointed four-square formation and order commanded by YAHWEH of Hosts for the armies of the tribes of Israel in the beginning as His Nation and the symbol of the four-square city of His new Jerusalem with twelve gates for the tribes of Israel, the Adamic Aryan Race of God.

http://www.aryannationsrecords.com http://www.aryan-nations.org/holyorder/ http://www.aryanyouth.com


Good luck with that whole Aryan thing in . . . cough . . . Serbia. Sounds like you guys have a little whitey utopia going over there.


Thank God for English.


Jeebus. Did someone forget to lock the door before turning in last night?


Oh, heavens…..

Is Serbia starting trouble again?

It’s always some damn silly thing in the Balkans, isn’t it?


What is Kinism and Why Does it Matter?
In the attempt to create a One World, Babylonian government, a relentless campaign is now underway throughout the world to eradicate racial and ethnic distinctions. White Christians are the foremost targets of this campaign.
Kinism is the belief that the ordained social order for man is tribal and ethnic rather than imperial and universal. Mankind was designed by God to live in extended family groups. The Jacobin doctrine of Equality is destructive, is antithetical to liberty, and is ultimately unachievable. Blood ties are the only natural and workable basis for a healthy society not subject to the ideologies of fallen man. We believe this is the normative system for our people.
We at the Kinist Institute believe that our White people have a God-given right and duty to seek their own prosperity and existence as a distinct nation. This is primarily to be achieved by converting our people to the religion of our only Savior, Yah’shua Ha Mashiach{Jesus Christ}. Therefore, we denounce the sin of miscegenation as a violation of God’s created order which has permanent consequences for every heritable trait. We appeal to God’s creation mandate of kind after kind. It is the obligation of both church and state to forbid mixed unions according to biblical laws prohibiting unequal yoking.
We advocate a natural, chivalric, hierarchical social order. We honor and celebrate the shared history and distinctives of our people, and we stand or fall with no other.
We believe in treating all men with decency and justice. In life and in death, we oppose all enemies of Yah’shua Ha Mashiach{Jesus Christ} and all who seek our collective
displacement, dispossession, or subjugation.




Hey Retardo –

I figured out who murdered the Irish — this guy Nephi here did it.

And he brought some friends along, too!


Nephi, it’s evident that you don’t know the difference between “to,” “two,” and “too.” As for your “critique” of me, project much? Say, maybe you can help liberate Serbia for those poor, oppressed aryans. I’m sure they can use the help.

Famous Soviet Athlete

Mankind was designed by God to live in extended family groups.

I think what he’s saying here is that he wants to marry his cousin.

Grand Poobah Jinky


Shorter Racist Looney: “IT’S DA JEWS AND DARKYS!!1!”


[…]I was keeping it simple for ‘’All Y’all inbred American Hicks’’.

…says the resident of an island. Gol-leeeee, Jeeves, I shore aym glad y’all cud cleer thet up fer me! Pratt.


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