File Under: Comedy, Unintentional Variety

Michelle Malkin continues her quest to thwart the Mexlamofascist plot to sap and impurify all of our precious alcoholic fluids:

I’m getting tons of reports from readers and bloggers who are receiving stock e-mail replies and blog comments posted by Miller Media Relations denying that they sponsored the Chicago illegal alien march this weekend and claiming that the company supports the full enforcement of immigration laws. I also received the boilerplate CYA statement. […]

The company is being flat-out disingenuous. As I pointed out yesterday, the suits at Miller went out of their way in the springtime to appease pro-illegal alien groups angered at the company PAC’s donation to GOP Rep. James Sensenbrenner, author of HR 4437, the true immigration law enforcement bill. […]

Debbie Schlussel points out that Anheuser-Busch supports pro-illegal alien policies, too.

So if you’re going to drink beer, make it yourself.

That sounds great, except that brewing beer takes a tremendous amount of time, effort and patience. Maybe I can hire some illegal immigrants to do it for me…


Comments: 79


Oh, come on. It doesn’t take that long to make a batch of beer.


Oh, come on. It doesn’t take that long to make a batch of beer.

How long does it take you?


So, Michelle (or can I call you batshit insane?), we are supposed to buy barley and hops now? Did you ever think who harvests these crops?

Karl the Grouchy Medievalist

I have some friends in Portland, Ore who grow hops in their backyard and make the ir own beer. But somehow I think their politics would make Michelle barf extra.


This is beyond stoopid. If you start boycotting every packaged goods company that owes at least some of it’s profitability to using illegal aliens somewhere in the value chain, you better be prepared to live amish. This is genuinely funnier than the boycott Disneyland ’cause they loves them teh gay…



Is Michelle going to open her own brewery then? Freedom Ale: Brewed by Americans for people we figure are Americans. Or is she just going to run shine across the county line to keep the Illegals from taking over the country? Has she even brewed beer herself?


So, Michelle (or can I call you batshit insane?), we are supposed to buy barley and hops now? Did you ever think who harvests these crops?

Barley? Hops? Michelle probably thinks that you brew beer by pouring rum into carbonated water.


I have the malkin thing pegged for Long Island Ice Teas…



mikey said,
September 6, 2006 at 1:49

I have the malkin thing pegged for Long Island Ice Teas…


I hate those women. They’ve ruined at least two good bars in my neighborhood.


So if you’re going to drink beer, make it yourself.

I think not.

My favorite beer is Negra Modelo. Seriously . . .


From the Schlussel link:

We also learned that while illegal aliens can’t qualify for federal grants and loans to finance higher education, the Senate Immigration Bill would change that and make them eligible for your tax-financed college loans, too. They calls this “The Dream Act.” But whose dream? Our budget is not unlimited. Helping their dream may take a U.S. citizen’s (a/k/a your child’s) dream away.

I always love how wingnuts think the Intertubes is “eyes only” for American citizens, or something …


You can do a decent batch of beer at 4% strength or so in about a week, maybe a little longer.


Oh, and it’s about an afternoon of work followed mostly by letting it sit somewhere that stays at roughly the right temperature. You also end up saving a lot of money. See How to Brew for the basics and feel free to ask me for more info; it’s a great hobby and to start out the only skills you really need are the abilities to boil water and to read a clock.

Of course, the Republican attitude that if it isn’t a huge international conglomerate, it isn’t really a company is not surprising: there are non-Budweiser/Miller/Coors breweries in every state, hundreds in total in the US alone, rangin in quality from the adequate to the superb.

One last note: If Ms. Schlussel (no relation…well, actually she’s probably a distant cousin) wants us to make our own beer, she has Jimmy Carter to thank for its legality.


tax-financed college loans

Loans? Don’t those usually have to be, you know, paid back? Unlike the federal grants she’s dishonestly trying to include. Might make a difference in that whole unlimited budget discussion, long term.


Me: “Hey bartender I’ll have a beer.”

Bartender: “Come back next week.”


I usually brew a batch in 6-7 hours. I could cut the time down if I wanted, but it’s a hobby. The whole point of a hobby is to waste time, hopefully doing something you enjoy.

Nothing wrong with Negro Modelo, either.


Anything that encourages the wingtards to sit at home while making themselves even dumber & less coherent is to be applauded, I say!

Come to think, the handful of home-brewers of my acquaintance are all libertarians, so having the Malkinites brew their own serves the dual purpose of getting them out of the public bars and irritating the libertarians (who are equally right-wing, but much smarter, or at least more coherent). A win-win for those of us in the Reality-Based Community…


So a shrieking harpy, a shrill harpy, and a screeching harpy walk into a bar.

Bartender says,

“Why the long face?”

(Come on, you know you would all be disappointed if that wasn’t the answer.)

P.S. For bonus points, what do they order?


Atlas Shrugs is clearly a tequila drinker. Ms. Malkin, I’m guessing either blush zinfandel or Jack & Coke. Alcohol has calories, so Ann Coulter goes straight to the crack pipe.


Interesting that she didn’t point out that you need a license from the government to brew beer…


Beer made by a company that’s jake with immigration? The horror!
Clothing, electronics, and toys made by third-world impoverished people in near-slave conditions? No problem!



Tastes Great, Less Filling


Isn’t home brewing technically illegal? And don’t the wingnuts usually claim that they’re not against immigration per se, but only illegal immigration, because it’s illegal?



The license thing may vary from state to state. In Texas, you don’t need a license to brew, but you do need a license to sell your brew.


It was technically illegal to homebrew beer until the aforementioned Jimmy Carter reference; beer was inadvertently left out of the act that legalized home winemaking after prohibition ended. It’s also essentially un-regulatable.

Selling homebrew is another issue, and does need a license, although as above noted it’s a state matter. The FTC does come down pretty hard on brewers, though; Dogfish Head, a superb brewery in Delaware, was recently told that they couldn’t call a beer “Golden Shower”.

Home distilling is still illegal, and you can get the revenooers after you for moonshining even if you don’t sell; this is why the ATF was organized under Treasury. Of course, I didn’t hear anyone complaining about the Dukes of Hazzard movie — well, not for that reason.


I drink liquefied Delerium Tremens in a bottle.

Seriously. It’s a Belgian beer.

OK, so I don’t drink it that often.


Edmund (excellent name, by the way), I believe the shrieking harpy is waving one mighty large glass of tequila in this screen cap.

In any case, it apparently hit the spot.


Just ’cause it’s in a martini glass these days doesn’t necessarily mean it’s got either gin or vermouth in it. Let’s face it, most people who drink Apple-Tinis or Kahlua-Tinis or whatever the hell they’re selling for $6 a glass at Tchotchke’s now are drinking it more for the glass than anything else.

And that coulda been a Margarita, no salt, anyway.

(Big grains of salt!)


Don’t make me click over there, I just took a shower. Is this *actually* an “illegal immigration march”, or is Michelle talking out of her ass again and it’s “immigration” full stop? Guess which one seems more likely to me.


You don’t need a license to brew beer in Pennsylvania–which is ironic, since our liquor laws are incredibly restrictive otherwise. I currently brew mead, since it’s the easiest alcohol to make and takes up the least amount of room in the apartment. However, my dream is to grow my own hops (don’t know about the barley, but it’s worth a shot) and brew my own lagers and stouts, once I have a house. The basement’s getting divided into two rooms–my (then) husband’s workshop, and my brewery.

Man, I can’t wait.


I’m betting Pammy is drinking this.

And if you’re looking outside the US for beer, may I recommend Aass. I just love the “Tastes like Aass” slogan that they could have run with here.


Mary: You can get hops at your friendly Local Home Brew Shop. And not only are US hops excellent, but many of them come from blue states like Oregon.


As to the legality of it all, I seem to recall some sort of five gallon limitation, for home consumption only. I think that was in New York, and I don’t live there anymore.


Oh, I know, Edmund–I have a nice brew shop up near my parents I use all the time. But I like the idea of growing things myself. Anyway, the growing-my-own-hops part is somewhat just me fantasizing, like when I dream of having a sheep farm in northern Vermont, and sheering them and making my own wool on my parents’ old spinning wheel.


Maybe I lived around Menonnites too long.


Why is Malkin so anti-capitalism? How can Miller making money be a bad thing? Is it not that what is good for the corportations is good for the populance? What a socialism bitch! Go back to Soviet Russia, COMRADE!

I’m wondering when we can expect O’Reilly to decree that Al Qaeda may, infact, atttack this county is Colorado? They obviously hate our military, so why sould we spend military resources to protect them?


Attack a red state man’s signature beer and you may as well be aiming a baseball bat at his testicles. Tens of thousands of red staters over the age of 50 are either Ford or Chevy, but not both. Miller or Coors or Bud but not the others. Keep up that attack up, Michelle. It’ll work wonders, babe. The only thing better would be if you discovered illegal aliens working the Smith & Wesson factory lines.


OK Fuck it. Ship all beer production outside the US. Who cares, we’lll fight them there vs. having to fight them here!

I’m so fucking tired of this talk. Once I figure out where I’m better, I’ll know whether to move to Mexico, China, India, South America, Canada or anywhere else but the US!

As long as I can get drunk, I’ll forget about it!


See, this is why I smoke weed instead of messing with the demon’s rum. If you’re gonna break the law, break the law.




“The only thing better would be if you discovered illegal aliens working the Smith & Wesson factory lines. ”

Hey, now there’s a creative idea……


Interesting that she didn’t point out that you need a license from the government to brew beer…

This is usually only enforced if you sell or distribute. Most states allow you to make a de minimus amount of beer or wine for personal use.


Shouldn’t it be “mexlamofagscists”? You can’t leave the gay armies out.


Willy has to clear up some of the errors flying around in the thread…You can homebrew 100 gal/yr legally, 200 gal/yr if you have two adults in the household.

It takes 3-8 hrs to make a batch of beer, most of that time is watching things boil or cool. Then it takes 3-7 days to ferment, not a lot of action for you as it just sits there. Bottling may take another hour.

Willy’s made a lot of homebrew over the years, and it might have been possible that Willy has exceeded the 200 gal limit in some years. ATF doesn’t care how much Willy makes & drinks. However, if Willy sells even one bottle they’ll take his house.

Willy wouldn’t drink Miller even if you fuckin’ paid him in Victory Brewing’s Old Horizontal. Same goes for Bud or Coors…BudMilloors is goddamn swill only good for slug bait and pansies.


I hope brewing beer at home is legal, one of my buddies who does just that is career ATF! (or whatever their named now)

and you all know why Coors is like making love in a canoe?


Yeah, it’s uncomfortable, unhygienic, and nausea-inducing. And may end in you waking up with a paddle up the arse.

Punkinsmom, as a general rule, one should always strive to stay away from Norwegian beer. Vodka, yes, beer, not so much. That being said, I’ve never tasted Aass (geddit?), so it may be an exception to the rule.

Gill is right, Delirium Tremens is a great beer, although the name is slightly misleading as, by Belgian standards, it really isn’t all that strong. But if you’re into Belgian beer, why not spoil yourself and go for a Westvleteren Abt or, since the beers from Saint Sixtus can be hard to come by, at least a Rochefort 10. Wonderful, wonderful brews.


Atlas Shrugs is clearly a tequila drinker. Ms. Malkin, I’m guessing either blush zinfandel or Jack & Coke. Alcohol has calories, so Ann Coulter goes straight to the crack pipe.

Coulter is probably also the coldest-tasting harpy of the three, being undead and all.


Shit, just wait till she finds out who picks all the produce people buy from ANYWHERE but a roadside stand. And even there, you can’t be sure just who picked it. She could invent a whole new diet-by-boycott.


Miller is owned by SAB now, isn’t it? Let’s just say that the South Africans have a certain understanding of what racial tension really is.


Because it’s fucking close to water!


Irish, Mexican, and the occasional Red Stripe for me.

My cousin has home-brewed for years, usually with excellent results. Once he used the wrong sugars, or something, and while lying in bed at night, he and his wife heard the unmistakable sound of bottle tops cracking and popping and beer hissing and foaming.

Not a good evening. 🙂

But heck, I’ll do anything for the righteous cause. Home brewing it is! Maybe I’ll learn to make mead too. Real true mead is hard to find.


brad, it doesn’t take that long and it’s tons of fun. there’s a great homebrew shop on mass ave in cambridge that will sell you everything you need to get started (

"Fair and Balanced" Dave

Selling homebrew is another issue, and does need a license, although as above noted it’s a state matter. The FTC does come down pretty hard on brewers, though; Dogfish Head, a superb brewery in Delaware, was recently told that they couldn’t call a beer “Golden Shower�.

What happened? Did Coors sue claiming they already brew beer with genuine golden shower taste?



I like how she goes totally off the rail every three days or so. It’s like the medical team can’t figure out the right mix of meds.

This batch apparently has her seeing little brown people in other people’s beers. She can’t even go to a baseball game anymore. Isn’t Coors gay-friendly?

Imagine what she’ll say if she ever sees the Underpants Gnomes.


Selling homebrew is another issue, and does need a license, although as above noted it’s a state matter. The FTC does come down pretty hard on brewers, though; Dogfish Head, a superb brewery in Delaware, was recently told that they couldn’t call a beer “Golden Shower�.

delirium tremens used to be imported under a different name for that reason.


Drink me, Alice.


Did Malkin really have her eyes crossed like that, or was that image Photoshopped? I’m curious just because she’s one of the few female wingnuts I would actually look twice at. (Kathleen Parker is another, and maybe Betsy Hart, although I’ve only seen thumbnail mugs of her.)


No one home brews anymore. Brewpubs and microbreweries killed that hobby off, except for the sort of people who would make their own duct tape, or something. Maybe the Amish. But, you might have noticed that Miller and many of the finer Anheiser-Busch products are rather cheap. I can guarantee that Beer Made By White People is going to be more expensive than these products. I would even bet that Coors uses a fair number of suspect agricultural laborers.

Besides, what are you gonna do about produce and pork products? If you want to assure yourself of not ingesting a product touched by Hispanic hands, you damn well better launch a subsistence farm. Unless you’re Hispanic. Then, you’re fucked.


So if you’re going to drink beer, make it yourself.

Yeah, ’cause god knows today’s beer drinker has no options other than A-B or Miller.

FWIW, it takes me about 2 weeks to brew a batch of beer.


Don’t worry, Malkin, I hate the taste of beer, so my soft liquor of choice is pulque

Hey, wait a minute….



If I didn’t already have my fridge stocked with California’s finest pale ales, I’d buy a 40-oz bottle of Old English on my way home from work.


I had a bottle of Sprecher Imperial Russian Stout last weekend.

It was dark brown, and rich, chocolatey tasting, with intense alcohol level. I think I’m still buzzed.

Obviously, though, it was Russian so I must be a commie.


BTW, I think Michelle does her makeup that way to make her eyes look bigger, so she always has this bug-eyed, cross-eyed look.

All the better to shriek with, I guess.


Debbie Schlussel points out that Anheuser-Busch supports pro-illegal alien policies, too.

Actually, like pretty much all corporations, they’re interested in profits, not people. They don’t employ illegal aliens because they are aliens, or even because they are illegal. They employ them because they are a CHEAP workforce. They would hire left-handed eskimos if they could exploit them and pay them a lower wage and fewer benefits. Americans and so-called “Assimilated Aliens” will not work for these sort of wages. Come on, Michelle, why do you think chinese-manufactured goods are so cheap? Somehow, the cost of goods is lower over there? Sorry, NO! The cost of labor is the dependent variable here, and the most exploitable people will always be the cheapest labor…



Mikey–Very true, plus work in food and beverage plants tends to be repetitious, tedious and often dangerous. Breweries aren’t so bad, but have you ever been in a slaughterhouse? You could not pay me enough money to stand there swinging a knife at a hunk of meat as big as I am.


Somewhat OT, I noticed that Michelle is criticizing the left for planning to counteract the lies of the ABC 9/11 movie as being a disgusting tribute to the memory of 9/11, yet a few posts down she talks about burning Osama bin Laden in effigy in front of a Mosque on the 10th in Los Angeles. ( Of course, no comment on how this jives with the ongoing belief that Osama is unimportant.

Plus, of course, there’s no better way to show we are superior to countries that burn our leaders in effigy than to burn an effigy in front of a holy site.



Just a note, the Amish shop at Wal-Mart and Aldi’s (at least the ones in my area do- every single Saturday by the van load). This, of course, makes the (Ohio) Amish anti-American terrorist sympathizers and something we should all fight.


Gratis, I’ve noticed the same thing here (NorCal) about Mennonites and Wal-Mart. Weird, no?


I don’t get it. I’ve gone to walmart like three times. All three times were failures. Once to get a vaccuum, I picked out the one I wanted, they were out of stock. Once to get some underpants and sox. Nothing but boxers and dress sox, neither are my choice. Once for a toaster oven, they only had crappy little ones. It’s like sears. I had a sears credit card for a while. I could never find anything there to buy, so I never used it and eventually they canceled it. Oh well, maybe if I were amish…



So a shrieking harpy, a shrill harpy, and a screeching harpy walk into a bar.

Bartender says,

“Why the long face?�

(Come on, you know you would all be disappointed if that wasn’t the answer.)

P.S. For bonus points, what do they order?

Hmm, perhaps a Fruit Lush, an Anchor Steam and a Man-Hattan?


well…at least she’s prettier than Ann Coulter. But then, a plate of sun-baked cow dung is prettier than A.C.


I, for one, look forward to drinking a nice cold bottle of Anchor Baby Microbrew… sometime after the 2006 elections, when it’s one of the few ways she’ll be able to make any money.


MM should have thought about the title to her book a little better…thinking through all the scenarios when it might be placed next to her crazy head. More of a description of the author than a title.


I prefer marijuana beer. You just don’t end up drinking that much! Otherwise, give me a Moretti La Rossa.


Wade into the river
Through the rippling shallow watter
Steal accross the thirsty border, Bracero
Come bring your hungry bodies
To the golden fields of plenty
From a peso to a penny, Bracero
Come labor for your mother
For your father and your brother
For your sisters and your lover, Bracero
Come pick the fruits of yellow
Break the flowers from the berries
Purple grapes will fill your belly, Bracero
And the sun will bite your body
As the dust will draw you thristy
While your muscles beg for mercy, Bracero
In the shade of your sombrero
Drop your sweat upon the soil
Like the fruit your youth can spoil, Bracero
When the weary night embraces
Sleep in shacks that could be cages
They will take it from your wages, Bracero
Come sing about tomorrow
With a jingle of the dollars
And forget your crooked collar, Bracero
And the local men are lazy
And they make too much of trouble
‘Sides we’d have to pay them double, Bracero
Ah, but if you feel you’re fallin’
If you find the pace is killing
There are others who are willing, Bracero

Welcome to California
Where the friendly farmers will take care of you


(comments are closed)