But I Was Just Funnin’ Him! Really!!

ABOVE: K.T. McFarland, comedian and defense analyst

Roger Ailes is very, very mad at K.T. McFarland. So mad, in fact, that he ordered her into his office and dictated a column that she would have to write under her own name ‘splainin’ how that conversation she had for him with General Petraeus that was taped and leaked was just one big funny haha joke, just joshin’ around you know, and not to be taken seriously, even if K.T. did spend almost 13 minutes trying to convince Petraeus to run for President at Ailes’s behest. Of course, if you listen to the tape, and you’ve not been living somewhere on the rings of Saturn for most of your life, you will quickly realize how absurd it is for McFarland to claim that this was all just ribbin’ and joshin’ and funnin’ and none of it was meant seriously.

But to avoid your having to waste 15 minutes of your life listening to a sycophantic and obsequious K.T. plant big sloppy wet kisses all over Petraeus’s sagging face (there’s a brain bleach image for you!), here are the relevant parts of the transcript.

McFarland: I’ve got something to say to you, by the way, directly from Roger Ailes. … He says that if you’re offered chairman [of the Joint Chiefs of Staff], take it. If you’re offered anything else, don’t take it, resign in six months and run for president. Okay? And I know you’re not running for president. But at some point when you go to New York next, you may want to just chat with Roger. And Rupert Murdoch, for that matter.

Petraeus: Well … Well, Rupert’s after me, as well. …

Q: I’m only reporting this back to Roger. And that’s our deal. … So what do I tell Roger when he says …

Petraeus: Tell him I don’t… I mean, I don’t know what they’re going to offer me, anyway. I really don’t know.

Q: Okay. But there are only two. … So I can say something along the following lines …

Petraeus: Well, but don’t — that has to be off the record.

Q: There are potentially two jobs that you’d be interested in. His deal with me was that I was only supposed to talk to you.

Petraeus: Yeah, okay. …

Q. No, but can I just say that — can I just tell him what I’ve suggested, and that we’ve discussed …

Petraeus: Yeah, sure.

Q: … is that next time you go to New York you’re going to stop by and see him?

Petraeus: I’d be happy. I would love to see him. I haven’t seen him in a while, so …

Q: I think he would very much appreciate the conversation.

Petraeus: I would love to see. … Yeah. He’s a brilliant guy.

Q: He is simply brilliant. I don’t know if you’ve ever …

Petraeus: He is. Tell him if I ever ran [laughs] but I won’t …

Q: Okay, I know. I know.

Petraeus: But if I ever ran, I’d take him up on his offer.

Q: Okay. All right.

Petraeus: He said he would quit Fox.

Q: I know. Look, he’s not the only one.

Petraeus: And bankroll it.

Q: Bankroll it? [Laughs]

Petraeus: Or maybe I’m confusing that with Rupert.

K.T., if that is your idea of jes’ jokin’ around, don’t quit your day job, such as it is, to go into stand up. Because, frankly, that conversation is about as funny as watching kittens explode in a microwave. Of course, the absolutely most hilarious part is K.T. pressing Petraeus for an answer that she can take back to Ailes. If you actually listen to the transcript, you’ll hear them rolling on the floor and peeing in their pants at the humor of it all.

I realize conspiracy theorists have used this off-the-record interview to claim it was some plot to put Petraeus in the Oval Office. But it was little more than one defense analyst (me) trading some political gossip and laughs with one of the country’s most important military leaders (Petraeus).

No, K.T., sweet T., that’s not what anyone’s claiming. This interview is simply proof (as if more proof were needed) that Fox isn’t a real news organization. Nobody believes Roger Ailes or Rupert Murdoch could make anyone President. Their last effort certainly wasn’t what I’d call a roaring success.


Comments: 376


I really don’t understand why they keep bothering to pretend they’re a “news” organization. Does anybody believe that anymore?


And further, it’s pretty obvious that there are no consequences to them being the defacto media arm of the RNC. The public couldn’t care less, the rest of the media doesn’t seem to mind. Why keep up the facade?

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

ias funny as watching kittens explode in a microwave.


Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

peeing in their pants at the humor of it all.

I’d pay to see that.


I don’t understand why Ailes is so upset about this. Wouldn’t he welcome some proof that someone, somewhere, at some time, thought of him as a kingmaker?


little more than one defense analyst (me) trading some political gossip and laughs with one of the country’s most important military leaders (Petraeus). as we all have done. You know, joshing around with extremely powerful folks, giving them messages from other powerful folks about being the president. Goodtimes my friends.


GOOD NEWS! Google is selling Nexus 7s with HSPA – just bought one for Teh Ho. I suspect their stock was sitting just offshore last week.


I know what a Ho is, but the rest of that is gibberish.


“has turned into a firestorm of speculation and an attempt to denigrate Fox”

Is it actually possible to denigrate Fox? I think not.


But to avoid your having to waste 15 minutes of your life listening to a sycophantic and obsequious K.T. plant big sloppy wet kisses all over Petraeus’s sagging face (there’s a brain bleach image for you!),

THAT’S NOT HIS FACE!!!! Now, there’s a brain bleach image for you!


a firestorm of speculation
If your speculation melts glass and asphalt and creates updrafts strong enough to form a tornado, with a death toll in the tens of thousands, you are probably doing it wrong.


I know what a Ho is, but the rest of that is gibberish.
I speak fluent Gibberish, and I can tell you that Pupienus’ accent is terrible.


Perhaps those same conspiracy theorists should ask themselves some different questions: Why was an audiotape created of what was supposed to be an off-the-record interview with just four people in the room, which General Petraeus himself said several times was off the record? I certainly saw no recording device, nor did I give my permission for the interview to be taped. So who taped the interview? Why did they keep it hidden away for the past 18 months? Why was it released at this time to a Washington Post reporter? That is surely more interesting than two people, neither of them politicians, joking around about the presidential campaign. Indeed, this is why they call it the silly season.

oh, my…yes…it’s silly! it’s all so, so silly! anyhoo, no, k.t…not more interesting…not even a difficult question to answer: it would likely be the same covert ops you and d.p. were ‘joshing’ about! and we’re supposed to believe this woman is a credible anything?!?! good god…they really aren’t even trying anymore, are they?


From the last thread:

When’s Major Kong gonna include a URL in the nym?

I’m open to suggestions. I may be the last person on the planet without their own blog and I’m not sure I want unwanted guests on my facebook page.

Keep in mind that I work for a large, very conservative corporation and I don’t want them tracking down any labor-related statements I might make on the internet. I know for a fact that our management trolls airlinepilotcentral.


is it only me, or does anybody else find this exchange to be a bit off-putting?

Petraeus: My wife would divorce me.

Q: Right.

Petraeus: And I love my wife.

Q: Tell her it’s a beautiful house.

Petraeus: We have a beautiful house. [Laughter] With his-and-her’s bathrooms, believe it or not. I just want to live in it. I’ve never spent a night in it.

Q: I know, that’s the happiest marriage .?.?.

Petraeus: Keep your mitts off my dressing room.

Q: My husband and I have had a very long and happy relationship because we have completely separate bathrooms.

Petraeus: Isn’t that .?.?. I mean, that’s the ticket.

Q: It’s great.

you know, i read an article about petraeus quite a ways back in ye old vanity faire and was rather impressed with him as a person…what’s that saying about fool me once? yeah, i’m just going to not like any public personage again…and dammit, kate middleton is going to be hard for me to get over…


Keep in mind that I work for a large, very conservative corporation and I don’t want them tracking down any labor-related statements I might make on the internet. I know for a fact that our management trolls airlinepilotcentral.

cheers, major…you can always use the kt mcfarland defense: i was only joking! jeez…don’t get all up in my shiz about it! haha jklol!


I’m open to suggestions. I may be the last person on the planet without their own blog and I’m not sure I want unwanted guests on my facebook page.

What about your Kos diary page?


Major Kong,

B^4 stole my comment.


Petraeus couldn’t get a break on Iraq from the NYT. Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo.

He doesn’t appear to be all that bright. If he had spent more time earning a legacy than trying to get people to make one up for him perhaps he would have a better legacy than the mistress/the crazy lady/the shirtless FBI guy clown of a legacy.


Why was an audiotape created of what was supposed to be an off-the-record interview with just four people in the room, which General Petraeus himself said several times was off the record?

Back in the day we used to call this a “Party Tape.”


I may be the last person on the planet without their own blog

No. You’re not. At least not until I create one, and I’m a committed procrastinator.


little more than one defense analyst (me) trading some political gossip and laughs with one of the country’s most important military leaders (Petraeus).

Good thing McFarland specified who that military leader was in that sentence. For a second there, I thought she was talking about Cap’n Crunch.


No. You’re not. At least not until I create one, and I’m a committed procrastinator.

I’d read the hell out of your bug blog!


What about your Kos diary page?

Good idea. Thanks.


Airmen, hide your Ridgid Tools calendars!

Commanders and supervisors in all corners of the Air Force will conduct a widespread sweep of all work spaces and public areas starting today, looking for pictures, calendars and other materials that objectify women.



Airmen, hide your Ridgid Tools calendars!

There’s a joke in there somewhere about where seamen hide their rigid tools. Can’t be arsed to look for it.


Why was an audiotape created of what was supposed to be an off-the-record interview with just four people in the room, which General Petraeus himself said several times was off the record?

So now it requires a *conspiracy* for the Murdoch Media to violate journalistic ethics, and to tape off-the-record conversations to save any disclosures for leverage later?

Elsewhere, Ailes accepts that she *was* passing on a message from him, and notes the lack of frivolity in the conversation:

In a telephone interview Monday, the wily and sharp-tongued Ailes said he did indeed ask McFarland to make the pitch to Petraeus. “It was more of a joke, a wiseass way I have,” he said. “I thought the Republican field [in the primaries] needed to be shaken up and Petraeus might be a good candidate.”

Ailes added, “It sounds like she thought she was on a secret mission in the Reagan administration. .?.?. She was way out of line. .?.?. It’s someone’s fantasy to make me a kingmaker. It’s not my job.” He said that McFarland was not an employee of Fox but a contributor paid less than $75,000 a year.


Commanders and supervisors in all corners of the Air Force will conduct a widespread sweep of all work spaces and public areas starting today, looking for pictures, calendars and other materials that objectify women.

They can pry my Cofanifunebri calendar out of my hands when I’m moldering in my Cofanifunebri coffin!!!


They can pry my Cofanifunebri calendar out of my hands when I’m moldering in my Cofanifunebri coffin!!!

Something about stiffs.


a contributor paid less than $75,000 a year.
The poor thing, on the bones of her arse.


she thought she was on a secret mission in the Reagan administration

Amusing, though, how Ailes accepts that the Reagan administration is a subject for derision and the proper comparison if you want to accuse someone of self-delusive incompetence.


Airmen, hide your Ridgid Tools calendars!

We have to portray a wholesome family image while we’re bombing neighborhoods into rubble.


I would think there’d be lots of interest in a calendar of airmen’s rigid tools.


I really don’t understand why they keep bothering to pretend they’re a “news” organization. Does anybody believe that anymore? – OBS

Sadly, Yes! I know people who believe this: the same people who will espouse positions well to the left of anything Obama’s ever espoused, but who will then claim Obama is a “socialist anti-Zionist” or some such. IOW, people who are tribally Republican and won’t budge an inch based on any actual evidence or reasoning

I speak fluent Gibberish, and I can tell you that Pupienus’ accent is terrible. – Smut Clyde

When I was a kid, I couldn’t settle for just having an imaginary friend, so I made up a whole country (as did my brother — instead of having sibling fights, our nations were locked in a protracted cold war with other made up nations being satellites engaged in proxy-wars): my country was named Gibberland (with a hard G), so they spoke … Gibberish (again, with a hard G).

Gibberish is a Romance language (but unlike real Romance languages, it was derived from Julius Caesar era Latin) with heavy borrowings from the language of the Angles and a vaguely Altaic substratum. The accent kind of sounds vaguely Welsh.


Gee, it turns out that letting your wingnut CEO publicly spew willfully-misinformed vitriol is horrible for brand perception.

Especially when your product is a staple of stoners, students, single working parents, and in general, people who would most benefit from a strong universal healthcare program.

Quelle surprise!


I would think there’d be lots of interest in a calendar of airmen’s rigid tools.

Great, the USAF has another source of income to pay for the next bomber — not just cake stalls any more.


I had a childhood once…but between remakes and reboots and adaptations and creepy revelations, it’s just…gone.


cake stalls

Bake sales. Speak ingrish.


cake stalls

I expect they all stall. Cakes have terrible aerodynamic lift…


where seamen hide their rigid tools. Can’t be arsed to look for it.

ISWYDT. Do you?


Shorter McFartland: I meant to do that.


What about your Kos diary page?

I just assumed this was what Substance was referring to.


ISWYDT. Do you?

Yes, I was starting to worry that I was being too subtle though.


From bighunter’s link:
to a remarkably low score of 4 among adults who have eaten at causal dining restaurants during the past month.

They did not survey any Catholics?


I would think there’d be lots of interest in a calendar of airmen’s rigid tools.

Having grown up in a Navy air base town, I’m willing to state that most airmen are rigid tools.

Present Kongs excepted, of course.


I had a childhood once…but between remakes and reboots and adaptations and creepy revelations, it’s just…gone.

Good grief!


I’m willing to state that most airmen are rigid tools.

We certainly had more than our fair share of them.

We used to say that all the good ones got out because the tools were running the place, which just left more tools to run the place.


Fun quiz from Buzzfeed, on which I totally failed: Real Headline or The Onion Headline?

I need to read The Onion more often…


I passed, but barely, and a lot of the ones I got right were ones that I actually remembered.


I got a Gentleman’s C (14/20). The thing is you never know which section of a real publication the headline comes from: The Onion is not the only publication that is allowed to be kidding.


Q: My husband and I have had a very long and happy relationship because we have completely separate bathrooms.

Petraeus: Isn’t that .?.?. I mean, that’s the ticket.

Petraeus is one of these crack-o-dawn shit-shower-and-a-shave men, a “drop your cocks and grab your socks” type, so having a broad around ruins that barracks feel.


What standard are you using for “passed”? I got 12/20.


When I was a kid, I couldn’t settle for just having an imaginary friend, so I made up a whole country […] named Gibberland (with a hard G), so they spoke … Gibberish (again, with a hard G).

So far so good. Now describe for me the finest ladies of Gibberland. They are “brick houses,” no?


15/20 here. I’m guessing it’s hard to crack 16 in this crazy old world.


I got 13/20. I hope we’re grading on a curve.


I got 12/20.

Same. 50% is a pass where I come from. US and Canadian schools seem to have different grading systems.


I know for a fact that our management trolls airlinepilotcentral.

That’s a lie!


I mean, hello, my name is Mr. Bimmler. How today you are doing? Cardiff has historically been a part of the Hwwynnhhnynynhmfyn Region..


It sounds like she thought she was on a secret mission in the Reagan administration.

At times, so did Reagan.


I’m the King of Jingaling!

Hermie the Misfit Elf

Someday I’d like to be a dentist.


Petraeus is one of these crack-o-dawn shit-shower-and-a-shave men, a “drop your cocks and grab your socks” type, so having a broad around ruins that barracks feel.

If I may, I am a technician, and I noticed that needed fixing.


Thursday? Fuck a bunch of Thursday.


I’m cute, I’m cute! She said I’m cuuuute!





It’s fucked up at the North Pole. Mrs. Claus caught me fucking her sister, now I’m out on my ass.


Mrs Santa’s sister ain’t gonna shit right for a week.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Congress is now officially the world’s home for theater of the absurd. Mitch McConnell today filibustered himself.


When I filibuster myself in public, I always claim my keys got twisted in my pocket.


Congress is now officially the world’s home for theater of the absurd .

My favorite Yurtle the Turtle headline is from Raw Story:

Democrats Watch In Awe as McConnell Filibusters Himself


Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? Have you ever been in a Turkish prison?


Shorter Dana Perino: Battered wives are self-abusers.

Perhaps she thinks “battered women” are like corn dogs?


Crap. I’ll never learn.


When I filibuster myself in public, I always claim my keys got twisted in my pocket.

Does it take 60 people to make you stop?


Depends on the fantasy I’m blocking from a floor vote.


Crap. I’ll never learn.</i

It comes naturally to most of us. I suggest consulting a medical professional.


Fag tail. Or tag fail. Whatever makes your socks go up and down.


Ann Coulter talks sense. She started out in the wingnut zone, but somehow she slipped back into reality for a bit. The world really is coming to an end.


Gravity makes my socks go up and down. How does that work?


She started out in the wingnut zone, but somehow she slipped back into reality for a bit.

Blind pig, acorn, you know the drill.


Gravity makes my socks go up and down.

Can’t explain that.


“Petraeus is one of these crack-o-dawn shit-shower-and-a-shave men, a “drop your cocks and grab your socks” type, so having a broad around ruins that barracks feel.“–Paleotectonics

I’m not precisely sure what you’re saying, but I sense that your reverence for TMCP is negligible.


Thursday? Fuck a bunch of Thursday.

Since Thursday is my Monday: AMEN BROTHER! TESTIFY!

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Is Thursday HAWT? Is a bunch of Thursday HAWTER? Cos, I’d nail that.


“…trading some political gossip and laughs with one of the country’s most important military leaders.”

Joking around, was it? As I understand it, Bob Woodward has an audio recording of the conversation. Shouldn’t be hard to find all the ‘laughs’ on it, most especially McFarland’s. And most especially as she makes the pitch to Petraeus on behalf of Ailes/Murdoch. I’m expecting much giggling and hilarity on the recording. (Actually, it IS hilarious indeed….)


I went 10 / 10. I’m ashamed. I haven’t been as religious with Onion as I used to be. Must get back to the weekly check-in.


Okay, everybody is using a different format, so I went 10 of 20. I’m and baseball guy. Ten wins and ten losses is usually expressed as ’10-and-10′


I’m expecting much giggling and hilarity on the recording.

Theirs is a dry humor. Look for wry smiles on either end.


Here’s the problem: Fox News is like a serial killer, they keep plying their deadly trade until they get good and efficient at it…that is what is scary!


Gravity makes my socks go up and down. How does that work?

Gravity Falls!


oh, sweet tittyfucking jesus…i logged onto fb this morning to see a person i have always regarded as intelligent ‘liking’ the central mn tea party’s status:

Let me reword the post from Dec. 2. The UN backed Agenda 21 Nazi’s are coming to St. Cloud to take away your property rights under the guise of protecting the environment. You need to get angry, show up and cast your vote or more of your rights will disappear! Show up at the Stearns County Service Center- 3301 County Road 138, Waite Park at 5:30PM. This is the real deal folks. You need to be heard- Our founding fathers would roll over in the graves if they could see this. Pass the word and share this!

aaaargh…my status (which may or may not be as entertaining as the one relaying mine and hubbkf’s conversation about a holiday candle that smelled like pee) is now ‘what is it about non-binding u.n. resolutions that make people lose their shit?’

i will quietly await the shitstorm…


The poor thing, on the bones of her arse.

colbert made much humor out of the fact that she’s only $75 large…i swear, i probably would be as batshit crazy as a winger (except on the other side of the spectrum) if it weren’t for stewart and colbert…


In comments on the RawStory post linked by bughunter, one transformer1 said something I’ve been thinking for a while:

McConnell was heard to have said “help Mr. Wizard!”.

“I don’t wanna be a Senate Minority Leader no more! Mister Wizaaaaaard!


In her Facehuggerbook status, bbkf asks:

what is it about non-binding u.n. resolutions that make people lose their shit?

It’s the UN, which (as any fule kno) is at best the means by which the International Communist Conspiracy will establish their One-World Government and at worst the means by which the Antichrist will ditto. (Then again, to these particular fules, “International Communist Conspiracy” vs. “Antichrist” is a case of tomato vs. tomahto.)


yes, austin, i believe you have nailed it…i m hoping to see somebody actually admit it…


bbkf, you better friend me on Facebook.

Sweet christ, I just typed that sentence. I am contributing to the decline of civilization.


Our founding fathers would roll over in the graves if they could see this.

They’d also 1) wonder what this far-seeing glow box was in their coffin and 2) scream to be rescued.


Can’t you see Geo Washington’s FB page, with the sidebar ads for hatchets, cherry trees, false teeth, new hemp strains, pre-fab slave cabins and wigs?


bbkf, you better friend me on Facebook.

fo shizzle!


well, i’ll be dipped! geo washington DOES have a facebook page! lots of geo lovin’ over there…funniest thing i saw: pic of geo with a quote on it…first comment is: Out of all the fonts in the world, Comic Sans?!


It’s the UN, which (as any fule kno) is at best the means by which the International Communist Conspiracy will establish their One-World Government and at worst the means by which the Antichrist will ditto.

The Antichrist will surely make heavy, dire use of the expression “ditto.”


gross…today is hearing aid friday in my building, so i have a lot of olds wandering around and talking loudly…right now there’s an old dude who literally JUST peed…and is now wandering the hallway shouting that he better GO AGAIN BECAUSE TOO MUCH COFFEE…WAAAAAAY TOO MUCH COFFEE!


Friday? Now we’re talkin’. Payday, stuck at the plant. Working on the Xbox float.


Friday? Now we’re talkin’

right?! i don’t have to work this weekend…it’s snowing now with more on the way and i am looking forward to slapping on some lounge wear and not leaving my house until monday morning…

…unless there’s drinking involved…i could be persuaded to put on clothes and comb my hair if there are drinks on the other side of it…


bbkf is running naked through the thread Minnesota!

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

bbkf is running naked through the thread Minnesota pee!

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

The ever helpful Portland Police Bureau is helpful.


The ever helpful Portland Police Bureau is helpful.

‘if it goes high in the air, or gets you high, you should probably use it in the evergreen state.’ that’s awesome, right there…


bbkf is running naked through the thread Minnesota!

we obviously have different ideas of what constitutes ‘lounge wear’…


loungera, loungerie, loungera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha


I love to go a-loungering upon a comfy couch
and as I lounge I sing this song …la la la… word that rhymes with couch

loungera, loungerie, loungera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha


I love to go a-loungering upon a comfy couch
and as I lounge I sing this song …la la la… word that rhymes with couch

loungera, loungerie, loungera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha

images of dame edna…


I’m in Winnipeg, where the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra meets…….the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra.


Chaising the longue.


First Family To Attend Charity Concert With Performance By ‘Gangnam Style’ Rapper.

Jeeves, stock up on popcorn and set the TV to Faux.


I’m in Winnipeg, where the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra meets…….the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra.

good lord, you aren’t wearing your ass-less chaps are you?




Forgetful-ee, forgetful- ah
With Billo on his back


Poor Portage and Main, another victim of prairie urban planning. There’s no reason to be there.


Although in Winterpeg’s defense, bucking recent Canoodlian trends – they still have a mayor.


,,,they still have a mayor.

Geez, just looked it up. Apparently they still have a mayor for now.


No such thing.

The poor thing, on the bones of her arse.
colbert made much humor out of the fact that she’s only $75 large

When your witty badinage centres upon the right number of bathrooms for a two-person mansion, you do open yourself to the accusation of being ‘out-of-touch’.


Winterpeg: a. character in pron “Treasure Island”

or, 2. AI in Neuromancer slash-fic

or, III. condition resulting from wearing assless chaps in Alberta


good lord, you aren’t wearing your ass-less chaps are you?

Wouldn’t chaps be ass-less by definition? I mean, if they covered your ass, wouldn’t they be pants?


He kicks children in the face.

That was awesome. No one will call HIM a fat fuck*!

*Also because he’s skinny.


Wouldn’t chaps be ass-less by definition? I mean, if they covered your ass, wouldn’t they be pants?

quit being such a pants pedant!


This from the person who was running naked through Minnesota earlier today.


unlike men, wimmen can appreciate the ‘firming’ qualities brisk air can have on a body…


He kicks children in the face.

That was awesome. No one will call HIM a fat fuck*!

face kicking is sorely missing in american political ads…


He kicks children in the face.

I LOLed. Loudly and longly.


face kicking junkpunching is sorely missing in american political ads…


quit being such a pants pedant!

You can’t have pedants without pants and an editor.


I have decided that the Republican party is basically Drunk Uncle but not endearing or funny.

First person to say that SNL hasn’t been funny since 19__ dies.


First person to say that SNL hasn’t been funny since 19__ dies.

I wouldn’t know. I’m only up that late if I’m working. Haven’t watched it in many years.


This is the main legacy of DeMint’s eight-year Senate career. In the past two election cycles, DeMint’s fingerprints have been on some of the most significant and fateful GOP primary results. In some instances, like the 2010 Kentucky race that helped bring Rand Paul to the Senate, he succeeded in elevating a fellow traveler and bending the Senate that much closer to his far-right absolutism. But in others, his efforts backfired, producing fundamentally unelectable candidates (think Christine O’Donnell) who lost seats the GOP would otherwise have won.


I have decided that the Republican party is basically Drunk Uncle but not endearing or funny.

‘is that what you think, one direction?’


so…what did demin try and do?


‘is that what you think, one direction?’

Spotify me! Spotify me!


oooops…typo…what did deminT try and do?


Spotify me! Spotify me!

hey siri…why’d ya give my job to a chinaman?

Pearl-clutching Southern Belle Wingnut

Oh, mah vapors! That Mooslim Nigrah in the White Hay-owse is ah-tendin’ a concert by that yella fella with that indecent sawng about gaing culture that so many yaingkees an’ lib-rals love so much. And that chinamahn is an Ah-merican hatin’ soldier-killin’ commie who wrahts sawngs about killin’ our soldiers. It just proves that Obama haeets Ah-mericans and is a comminist. Ah know, ‘cuz ah rayed it on Twichey.


See, it’s funny because some of the most outwardly rancorous bigoteds I’ve ever met were prim and proper elderly southern women whose manner was sickly-sweet until their racist values were offended, at which times they’d shock you with their blind hatred and intolerance.


bigots, even.


That was my experience too bughunter.

1. Polite does not necessarily equal nice.

2. If you were an asshole when you were young, getting older doesn’t usually improve anything.


P.S. How long until somebody subtitles “Gangnam Style” with what he’s really saying?

uhhhh…they already have, jackass…


Here’s an older Twitchy thread where the premise is that Psy will perform at the White House. The comments are laden with as many mangoes as any American Stinker thread… but bite sized.

Like mango chutney. But made with stupidity and hate.


he main legacy of DeMint’s eight-year Senate career

I’m betting there are a lot of Senators who are overjoyed to see the son of a bitch leave, and not all of them are Democrats.


P.P.S. So far he’s made over $8 million from the song, about $3 million of it from the people he once wanted to kill.

Sadly, no. He never wanted to kill Americans, he just wrote a song about killing torturers, and the criminals who enabled them.

The vast majority of that $8M came from people who never tortured anyone, and I’d say more than half of them believe that torturers should be punished to some degree…

Even more, most of the red state Romney voters have at one time or another pretended to kill “Yankees,” who are Americans no matter how the word is defined. So let’s demonize them, as well.


he just wrote a song about killing torturers, and the criminals who enabled them.

Wasn’t even his song, he was singing along with the band whose song it is.linky


omg…teh all powerful gheys!!! (from the twitchy link):

Ellen has become blinded with her own wealth and the bubble of power she lives within.


Wow. This is the first time I’ve poked around Twitchy.

It’s stupid, projection, and IOKIYAR concentrated into the wingnut equivalent of neutronium.


<i.Wow. This is the first time I’ve poked around Twitchy.

It’s stupid, projection, and IOKIYAR concentrated into the wingnut equivalent of neutronium.

right? i’ve been sitting here pondering on how it’s a-okay for them to be all hateful about muslims and other furriners practicing their voodoo religion and taking our jobs…but when south koreans don’t want our military in their country, that’s heinous?

i do wish i were clever enough to leave an irrefutable comment to that effect over there, but alas, i am not and it would do no good…i just fucking HATE that twitchys and fox newses and daily callers can pull this kind of shit and not get called on it…they bitch about the lamestream media never getting whacked for anything…wtf…


that’s the tagfail of outrage right there, people…


i’ve been sitting here pondering on how it’s a-okay for them to be all hateful about muslims and other furriners practicing their voodoo religion and taking our jobs…but when south koreans don’t want our military in their country, that’s heinous?

It’s OK if you’re American?


More subconscious truth-telling, this time buried under a dogwhistle headline, from Morris the Dick:

The question: Why did fewer whites turn out for Romney in ’12 than for McCain in ’08?

The answer lies in the fundamental strategic mistake the Romney campaign and the super PACs made in June and July — of not answering Obama’s Bain Capital attacks.

These withering attacks undermined Romney’s standing among white voters and led directly to their diminished turnout.

Once you peel the onion, past the layers of “OMG Teh Blacks Voted!” and past “OMG Teh Media Worshipped teh NiggMuslim’s Hurricane Response,” and past “OMG Obama Attacked Romney’s Bain Record” it came down to this, and he knows it:

Romney’s a corporate sociopath. And people knew it. At least enough of them did. And since they didn’t have a candidate to vote for, they stayed home.

Or even shorter: You picked a shitty candidate.

But then, GOP voters had nothing but a field full of cowpatties to choose from in the primaries, so it’s no big surprise that they picked the least smelly, least slimy dried puddle of shit to fling for distance and no big surprise that when they stepped up to the line they were too grossed out to put enough effort into it to beat the team with the 170G disc golf driver.


There’s an unnecessary comma in daphne’s post. Tsk.


…they picked the least smelly, least slimy dried puddle of shit to fling for distance…

That would have been Huntsman who was actually at least sane. Which is why the Base dropped him like a hot potato(e).


GOP voters had nothing but a field full of cowpatties to choose from in the primaries

This is why they should let Roger Ailes appoint ex-generals as their candidate instead.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

You picked a shitty candidate.

I continue to be amused at the reichwhingers failure to understand why they got their collective (heh) ass kicked. Jim deMint was heard on NPR repeating the chorus of “we didn’t sell our ideas well enough.”

Dear conservatives, you’ve been trying to polish turds all along. You lost because a majority of people have realized that what you have been selling as gold, which you thought were polished turds, was in fact diarrhea all along. You can’t polish that. You can’t put icing on it.

I’m not complaining, mind you. I take it a a good sign, indicative of their continued blindness and inevitable swirl down the drain.


you have such a way with POOP, sirrah…


Twitchy is concentrated Malkintentism.


Can’t you see Geo Washington’s FB page, with the sidebar ads for hatchets, cherry trees, false teeth, new hemp strains, pre-fab slave cabins and wigs?

Not only wigs but wigs for wigs.


Not only wigs but wigs for wigs.

for no odd reason, that reminds me of this…


Hahaha, John Wayne’s Teeth rocks.


instead of POOP, here’s some PEE…


I made it through this week, spending far too many hours working on an Xbox parade float, I might add.

Which adds to my general irritability.


Gotta love Eed Asner! Why the extra E? funny you should ask!


Now, hold my beer and watch this!


Gotta love Eed Asner! Why the extra E? funny you should ask!

oh, well done, sir…well done…


I made it through this week, spending far too many hours working on an Xbox parade float, I might add.

why are you building an xbox parade float? did i miss something?


Hahaha, John Wayne’s Teeth rocks.

That whole movie was great- my favorite scene was the story about the fry bread.


Via a linkee inside DKW’s ‘Portland & Main’ link (far upthread). I found a Canadian Monopoly board.


That whole movie was great- my favorite scene was the story about the fry bread.

that movie is one of my all-timers…when i was a substitute teacher i had a little guy in one of my classes named victor…i was always amused by saying, ‘hey victor…’ he was less amused…probably mostly because he was a ‘victor’ in a crowd of ethans, skylers, jacobs and what have yous…

also, too…adam beach…i’ll be in my bunk…


We liberated South Korea as we liberated Iraq, through the services and sacrifices of our strong and heroic military members. — mango from the Comments at Twitchy.

[submitted without comment]


I’m so far behind this thread that I’ll never ketchup.


I’m in Winnipeg, where the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra meets…….the ass-biting cold of the Canadian tundra.

(harp) (fog)

Nostalgia of being circa 22 & doin’ the hardcore motherfucker Punk Machismo thang inna Saskatoon stylee: hangin’ with the Punker Posse for our sacred Saturday coffee ritual at ye olde Country Style cafe, & thus by necessity schlepping around downtown in a blizzard so bad that there was no way to tell if you were walking on the sidewalk or the street … & you couldn’t see car headlights until they were about three yards away. We poor pedestrians were bouncing from store to store like hypothermic ping-pong balls, causing little snowdrifts to form inside said stores around the front door. Pitch black in broad daylight …. & -44° Celsius with a -57° windchill.

Bad times, bad times.

(/fog) (/harp)


the tagfail of outrage

Should be initial caps, like a D&D spell


concentrated Malkintentism

In mild cases, Malkintentism produces nausea, migraines, hulluciantions, and thermonuclear bunions. In a severe case, such as we have here, the only prognosis is brain death.


The crazy uncle is the least venomous member of the GP.

But then, GOP voters had nothing but a field full of cowpatties to choose from in the primaries, so it’s no big surprise that they picked the least smelly, least slimy dried puddle of shit to fling for distance and no big surprise that when they stepped up to the line they were too grossed out to put enough effort into it to beat the team with the 170G disc golf driver.

Tell us how you really feel, Bug. Don’t hold back. This is totes therapeutic.


pedestrians were bouncing from store to store like hypothermic ping-pong balls

Spiffy writing, jim.

((Also for tsam: Hypothermic Ping Pong))


BBBB: Kudos and congratulations! I enjoyed reading it a second time.





Twitchy is concentrated Malkintentism. Mr. thunder is an unrecognised genie


Nice One BBBB, remember us when you get biiiig



you da man!



It’s, like, an impersonal lubricant.

Fur-lined teacup = condom or other accoutrement


hubbkf was kind enough to take better rock pics for me…they’s up on my blog…which will never be included in any sort of round up…


DKW, u been moonlighting as sanny claws?

must not have been…the mom didn’t say anything about getting her world rocked…



It’s, like, an impersonal lubricant. — CRA

He shoots, he scores.

(If I got yer gender wrong, substitute: ‘She shoots, she scores.’ Whatever. Anyway I laffed muchly!)


BBBB: Nicely done sir.


Oooh, a C&L linkie!

We can say we knew him back when…


Pretty quiet in here.

Dept. of Secret Ingredients; before grinding the toasted juniper berries and peppercorns for a guanciale cure I decided not to clean the spice grinder, last used for jerk and dusted with allspice, clove, cinnamon and nutmeg. Faint aromatics sometime in the future.


yeeeeeees…too quiet…


I think I need to post this, then.


It’s almost like the common taters all have other things to do on a Saturday or something. Weird.


I should eat. Wanngoweet?


I give up.

I’ll come back when I’m good ‘n’ drunk.


Genius, Jeffraham.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I need more popcorn. The feeding frenzy has barely begun.

According to Coulter, it is more important now, for PR purposes, to cave on this fundamental principle, lest the media blame Republicans for the pending fiscal cliff disaster.  She doesn’t seem concerned about the PR disaster that will ensue within the fractious Republican Party.  

From Breitbart so I won’t link. The comments are hilarious.


also for tsam: Manic Pixies.

Happy Curley Day, JP! Did you photoshop his eyes? They look impossibly green to me.


Happy Curley Day, JP! Did you photoshop his eyes? They look impossibly green to me.

No; through the pupils, what you are seeing is the light from the shitty flash on that point-n-shoot Canon I used back then (I now have a different point-n-shoot Canon) reflecting back off of his tapetum lucidum. Curly’s reflect back a green light; LarryElvis’ reflect red.

And today’s no particular milestone for Curly… I just didn’t have any new pixels, so I went and recycled some from exactly seven years ago. 🙂


Genius, Jeffraham.

Two words rarely in proximity of one another. 🙂 Yeah, I like cat pixels, too!




It seems clear to me why the commenting is thin today: It is Saturday … and Sadlies are out, using the day to conduct the War of Christmas.


Seven years ago, today… and he still looks the same.

I misunderstood. I read this as the seventh anniversary of Curley entering the Prestonian household. Didn’t see the ref might be to a 7-year-old photo.

The stuff about how the kittehs eyes reflect differently is nifty. Do you have any photos with them both in frame and reflecting? (I imagine that would rely completely on coincidence.)

I always rate for Curley.



The stuff about how the kittehs eyes reflect differently is nifty. Do you have any photos with them both in frame and reflecting? (I imagine that would rely completely on coincidence.)

I thought I did, but NO!

Easy to make. If they’re both on the bed right now…

Cranky Old Fenwick, professional curmudgeon

From Breitbart so I won’t link. The comments are hilarious.

Well that sorta sux, especially after teasing us with the second sentence. (Also I was looking forward to popcorn too.)

When I goggelized, I got fuckton of “Breitbart News: Whatever” categories. I didn’t feel like wading through ’em, just to find the comments page of an article with an unknown title written by an unknown author, unknown title and unknown author.


The Ann Coulter we’ve grown to admire over the years is a person

the what, now?


Here’s one of Larry’s tapetum lucidum.

Doesn’t take much to turn a Siamese into a red-eyed demon.


I remember reading a mystery in which one of the plot points depended on nobody realizing those red points were a blue-eyed cat’s eyes. I’m pretty sure it was a Lockridge Pam & Jerry North tale, written back when blue-eyed cats (almost always Siamese) were a true rarity in the US.


As for that “Common Core” link (“Wingnuts LURVE literature”), I was amused to see the poor (nonfiction) reading comprehension demonstrated by the teachers and administrators, who completely skipped over the part where nonfiction reading was to be spread throughout the curriculum, not dumped wholesale on the English teachers. Not new, of course. I remember a college physics prof in the 1970s telling the class that papers did not have to be well written (as we were all budding scientists!), and bitching about how poorly written the physics texts were becoming. I think that’s about when a friend and I started playing “Connect Four” in class just to piss him off.

Just spitballing, but I think a section examining a poorly written manual might be interesting: figuring out what they were trying to say, why it was so difficult to figure out, how it could be written more clearly, and perhaps some discussion on whether this was on purpose or not ( a cynical person such as myself might wonder if not being able to figure out what a product is supposed to be able to do might help disguise the fact that said product doesn’t do it well, if at all).


Oh. Well done JP.


DKW, u been moonlighting as sanny claws?

What can I say? It’s a great way to meet moms.


As long as we’re posting pics, here’s one I snapped last week. http://i.imgur.com/eTj2o.jpg


As for that “Common Core” link (“Wingnuts LURVE literature”), I was amused to see the poor (nonfiction) reading comprehension

i especially liked how one of the first commenters thought 1984 was a work of non-fiction…derp!

also, too…i have figured out how i am going to make my millions: wingnut neckbraces! i’m mean with all the extreme flip-flopping, dissonance and projection of late, the poor dears’ necks must be near the breaking point as their heads just whip back and forth at the newest outrage…

we can come up with some pithy wingnut ethos to emblazon them with, can we not?


we can come up with some pithy wingnut ethos to emblazon them with, can we not?



I got half the numbers right from last night’s MegaMillions drawing. That’s worth a whole $7!


I can do this all night, if need be.


Gratuitous cat picture:



That is one gratuitous cat!

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Best comments on that pic at reddit. ZZ Top? ZZ Bottom? ZZ Top and Bottom? ZZ Versatile!


Genius, Jeffraham … Two words rarely in proximity of one another.

You are in the presence of genius, Jeffraham.
You are certainly no genius, Jeffraham.
Gaze upon a genius, Jeffraham; this man is your intellectual better.
Your genius, Jeffraham, lies in scooterology, a domain of little import.

(Of course I mean no harm. Cheers!)


Your genius, Jeffraham, lies in scooterology, a domain of little import.

Now, THAT is what I’m talkin’ about!


Wow, this didn’t occur to me, but the scooters themselves are often little imports.


Wow, this didn’t occur to me, but the scooters themselves are often little imports.

In the U.S., always.


1966 was the last year that Cushman made a scooter in the U.S. AFAIK, that’s the last time a production scooter was made in the United States.


That’s astounding in the sense that, while I have never bought a scooter, and I don’t know anyone who has, this is America, the United States of Buying Stuff. And to some degree, manufacturing stuff, but 1966 sounds extreme.


That’s astounding in the sense that, while I have never bought a scooter, and I don’t know anyone who has, this is America, the United States of Buying Stuff. And to some degree, manufacturing stuff, but 1966 sounds extreme.

This is Automobile Land. Scooters are considered toys, or luxury goods in the U.S. — not transportation.


Just back from an office X-mas party. Let me state that I disapprove of this trend to serve dessert and coffee as essentially two separate courses. Ten minutes is too long to let Tartufo sit while you wait for your beverage.


Just back from an office X-mas party. Let me state that I disapprove of this trend to serve dessert and coffee as essentially two separate courses. Ten minutes is too long to let Tartufo sit while you wait for your beverage.

I think I would have gone all HULK SMASH if they pulled that B.S. on me. Ya need coffee to counteract the sweetness of dessert.


Most Xmas office parties I’ve been to involve passing around a bottle of Jim Beam and having the receptionist flash her tits.


(and that was in the Fortune 100, mind you)


It’s all the socialism. No one gets coffee until everyone has dessert. Makes me wanna go Galt.


On the plus side, did you know you can deep fry benchmark sauce? If you jam a few grains of rice innit you can call them “rice balls”.


Benchmark sauce sounds like something out of a dystopian sci-fi flick.


Stupid autocorrect. Bechamel.


Also, have to admit… I never knew rice had balls.


I don’t care if they were gonads. Effing delicious.


“rice balls”.

Owned by riders of Japanese sportbikes.


Just back from a Holiday party. Scooters are big in Hawai’i – something to do with lots of narrow twisty roads, sky high gas, and the fact that, everything’s pretty close (or over ocean).


Benchmark sauce is what I aspire to


Bench mark sauce is the inevitable outcome of using Christmas Ale in the recipe.


Scooters are big in Hawai’i – something to do with lots of narrow twisty roads, sky high gas, and the fact that, everything’s pretty close (or over ocean).

Makes big sense to me!


When I was in High School, one of the neighbors had a late 50s Triumph Tessy scooter – disassembled in a box. Nothing was labeled and the documentation was in German.

Needless to say we didn’t get very far trying to put it together. I’m not sure if all the pieces were even tehre.


I am fairly certain I need blueberry waffles.


I’m going to burn my passport, move to a fortified compound, and fight the eggnog fascists to my last breath..



Eggnog should be available without egg or nog. You’d think these feudalists would welcome the return of medieval rules governing what words like ‘bread’, ‘beer’ or ‘eggnog’ mean in the squalid reeking market but no because gestapo!

When he says he will now go set something on fire I suggest starting with his pants.


Major: That cat does indeed look dangerous. Pretty, but dangerous. This is the sort of cat I wouldn’t even try to approach, lest it rend my forearm into hamburger. (And remember, y’all, I lover critters.) No, I would be very still, let it take the first move toward me, and not move suddently. Seriously, sir, this is one Ominous Kitteh.


I am fairly certain I need blueberry waffles.

i am trying to talk hubbkf into making me some pancakes…so far, no luck…man, he’s a jerk…


welp, the commenters are all over williamson’s ass on this one…he did weigh in and call one of them the biggest sissy he’s ever seen…this holiday season, my fondest wish (besides seeing ‘les miserables’ on xmas day) is that kevin will purchase some real egg nog (raw eggs and all!) and die a lingering death from salmonella…

also, too…eggnog seems to me to be a really stupid petard to hoist being as RAW EGGS…eggnog is one product that srsly should have some strict guidelines for manufacture…

and then, here’s a great comment that i am going to remember for future ‘but, but the founders!’ arguments from my mom’s asshat husband who has such a boner for geo washington it is not even funneh:

It’s not that the Founding Fathers are pure evil scum, it’s that they weren’t virtuous enlightened saints whose every thought must be deified. And when you frame a question in that way, asking if this is what the Founding Fathers would have wanted, you beg the question: Why should we care? Afterall, the Fathers are all long dead, and we are alive. Isn’t what *we* want what is actually important? And if you’re going to suggest that what they, the Fathers, wanted for us is more important than what we want for ourselves, you’re pretty much asking for someone to point out that the Fathers were far from saints.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Kevin Williamson is outraged that GUBBLEMENT REGYOOLASHUNS prevent businesses selling processed egg flavored non-dairy nog product labeled as eggnog. It’s as unAmerican as American cheese food product.


Here’s what my cat’s eyes look like with the camera flash on.

Angles play into it.


I am fairly certain I need blueberry waffles.

also, i am fairly certain that evan williams, like the other men in my life…captain morgan, jack daniels, etc…while being a charmer to hang out with, is a gigantic a-hole the morning after…

this of course, is nothing that a fabulous brunch wouldn’t cure…sadly, it looks like i am going to have MAKE IT MYSELF…


Major: That cat does indeed look dangerous. Pretty, but dangerous

She’s a sweetheart, but she likes to play rough. I’ve got the scars to prove it.


My dad worked for the USDA for many years(mostly testing meat), and yes, there were all sorts of rules about percentages for how little meat had to be in something before you had to stop calling it “meat.” Reagan weakened a lot of them, so things that the founding fathers wouldn’t even have recognized as food could be sold to the American people. I bet at the same time Kevin complains that nutmeg and piss can’t be sold as eggnog he feels it’s a real tragedy that prime beef just isn’t as good as it used to be. Also, regulating eggnog dates to AT LEAST 1966, so GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY.


She’s a sweetheart, but she likes to play rough. I’ve got the scars to prove it.

the cat or mrs. major?


the cat or mrs. major?



Also, regulating eggnog dates to AT LEAST 1966, so GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY.

There are those who will not be able to connect the dots between eggnog regulation, and the cessation of scooter manufacturing in the U.S. by Cushman… but we Patriots are onto you loony libs!


Also, regulating eggnog dates to AT LEAST 1966, so GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY.

Isn’t that when they started fluoridating the water?


He who gives up regulation for egg nog deserves neither.


Also, regulating eggnog dates to AT LEAST 1966

Obama is has kidnapped Mr. Peabody, suborned him with Chicago thug tactics and is using the Wayback Machine to impose Kenyan socialistic gestapo eggnog standards.



well, hubbkf clearly does not care if he ever gets laid again…i have been forced to make my own pancakes…


I think I would have gone all HULK SMASH if they pulled that B.S. on me. Ya need coffee to counteract the sweetness of dessert.

Coffee’s for closers.


See your cats and raise you a bunny.

that is terrifying…


See your cats and raise you a bunny.

Looks more like a hare. Pretty cool, at any rate.


Looks more like a hare.

You can’t see its trigger from that angle.


possible redemption: hubbkf is baking bread and is planning on fried chicken for supper…


and is planning on fried chicken for supper…

I’m planning on that, too. Not sure who’s gonna prepare it for me, though.


You can’t see its trigger from that angle.

It’s doing its best to loom though.


It’s not the turkey that makes the greed: it’s the greed that makes the turkey.
Tropes are signs of Allah’s stability.
A rabbi is the competitive platyfish of pints.
Eternity merely postpones the inevitable.
Waving makes everything wild.
When you’re going for a simplistic metaphor everything is your responsibility.
If you think absurdism is expensive, try make-up.
It’s amazing how hard it is to create sexual practices.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Make yourselves some popcorn and go read http://www.humanevents.com/2012/12/04/patrick-j-buchanan-the-true-disciple-of-saul-alinsky/

The comments are hysterical – in every sense of hysterical.


there were all sorts of rules about percentages for how little meat had to be in something before you had to stop calling it “meat.”
A funny game that Mrs. Kiwi and I play in the Stupidmarket is to look at the frozen hamburger packets for the % of meat. Current Champion is 67% meat.
Gonna enter the mango pool at Humint Ayventz


Crikey, Pupienus, that is teh FEVAH SWAMP!!!
I like Altilla who says:
The bottom line, if we had a Speaker of the House like a George Patton personality. He would say—–Enough of this game, Parasites. This country is for the business owner and his employees, Social Security recipients and people that need direct critical help and nothing else.
No annimalz? Teh Kittehs?


We the business owners and their employees of the United States….

Just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


if we had a Speaker of the House like a George Patton personality. He would say—–Enough of this game, Parasites.

Does he mean the Patton who was a life long employee of the US government and graduate of government colleges?


So they want a military person to um, dictate, what everyone should do.

Kind of a dictate-er so to speak.


See your cats and raise you a bunny.
Looks more like a hare. Pretty cool, at any rate.

It alternates. It is a lagomorphic resonance.


So they want a military person to um, dictate, what everyone should do.

Be worth it to see Jonah and K-Lo out in the exercise yard every morning.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

New diary over at Kos

Well that’s neat and all but you still haven’t explained what Dr. Bomb-bay has to do with anything.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

i was going to present a mango of the usual obama’s a socialist dictator variety, but this one caught my eye:

Time to quit being nice. Time to quit trying to be logical about the economy. It is HIgh Time to call like we see it! ALL OF US!!! Tell the News Media to shove where the sun don’t shine. Write your senator! Write you congressman! GIVE THEM A PIECE OF YOUR MIND! Give Obama a PIECE IF YOUR MIND! All of Us tell them “how the cow eats the corn”. . . every month!

Yes we are extreme . . . extremely patriotic!
Yes we are old fashioned . . . It made this country Great!
Yes we have morality . . . it make us better people!
Yes we stand up for what is right . . . it make the world a better place to live in!

Tell it like it is! Be conservative and Crazy!!!

crikey, the spelling is atrocious over there!


Time to quit being nice. Time to quit trying to be logical about the economy.

Don’t you have to have started doing something in order to stop?


Time to quit being nice. Time to quit trying to be logical about the economy.



Write your senator! Write you congressman! GIVE THEM A PIECE OF YOUR MIND!

Some commenters continued the donations until nothing was left.


re: BUFF

dang it…i was close…i went with ‘big ugly fat fucker’


say what?

I don’t usually ever go against Patrick J. Buchanan but…it is our nation’s “gatherer’s”(women & blacks) that are destroying u.s. NOT Saul Alinsky! However, being the REAL “ISRAEL” by the seed of Joseph(Gen. 48:16 & proven by the “sun never sets upon the British Empire”), NOT Judah, ONLY promised Messiah(Gen. 49:10) & this is NOT OUT OF THE NEW COVENANT; WE HAVE PLACED OVER U.S.(OUR “WOMEN ALONE”) NOT ONLY THE “FORBIDDEN FOREIGNER” OF DEUTERONOMY 17:15, as well as, THE “RIGHT” ANTI-CHRIST” OVER U.S. OF REVELATION, CHAPTER 11; SO ALSO AS WRITTEN THE FIRST-BORN(CAIN) WILL BE LAST AND THE LAST-BORN(ABLE, MURDERED BY CAIN) WILL BE FIRST TO BECOME RESURRECTED, ALSO AS WRITTEN…Hey, that’s ONLY 72,000 anglo-saxon men & 72,000 anglo-saxon women LEFT ALIVE… That’s what’s REALLY WRITTEN & WILL BE DONE…

human even commenters are pretty funneh…


Crikey, Pupienus, that is teh FEVAH SWAMP!!!

I’m amazed at the level of vitriol directed at Boehner, who after all has yet to compromise on anything.


“FORBIDDEN FOREIGNER” Hey now, “I Want to Know What Love is” is NOT THAT BAD!!


it is our nation’s “gatherer’s”(women & blacks) that are destroying u.s.

Woohoo! Finally we get some credit!


We may need a real crisis (e.g. a massive depression)… and then a real leader. It may in fact be a Hitler type person that pulls us out of our current death spiral. Sad (I’m not looking forward to it)… but perhaps true.

It’s official: Obama is worse than Hitler.


I’m not looking forward to it

Oh sure, the erection he gets imagining the suffering of fellow Americans is from dread of their being saved from this hell of low taxes and center-right moderation.


dang it…i was close…i went with ‘big ugly fat fucker’

That’s actually correct.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

So “butt using fist fucker” wasn’t even close.


So “butt using fist fucker” wasn’t even close.

Well, after sitting in one for 12 hours everything below the waist was numb.


Well, after sitting in one for 12 hours everything below the waist was numb.

Pilot’s epidural, then.


That’s actually correct.

yay! the site i looked at said ‘fellow’…


Oh sure, the erection he gets imagining the suffering of fellow Americans is from dread of their being saved from this hell of low taxes and center-right moderation.

this keeps making me lol…


also, too…i have wasted an inordinate amount of time reading various comment threads at human events…once again proving that conservatives are a-holes of a projectile nature…



Awwww! What a kitteh!


change of dining plans…we had huge chocolatey malts…all in all this has been a spectacular snow day…


Nice diary Major Kong. Too short though, give up that day job, so that you can write more!



He’s the bee trucking cat.”

Lately he’s on a run of woods rats, the deer colored chipmunk size ones. He likes the way they squeak. He ate one the other night and then slept for 19 hours straight. Made me think about how those rats might taste. Course I’d have to eat 12 – 14 to get the dosage right.


He also kills and eats threads.


So, that is a bee truck, El?


i did not read that as ‘trucking’

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I made Meatish Sweatballs Medish Sweetballs Sweatish Meadballs oh fuck it, those damn Scandihoovian things that are the only reason to go to IKEA.


F-350 stake body, you can move all kinds of things with it.


F-350 stake body, you can move all kinds of things with it.

Well, I didn’t catch the bee reference. I’d hope an F-350 could haul a metric fucktonne of bees, though.


We use the tonners to move them from the 18 wheelers off into the woods to their yards. Hence, a bee truck is a truck with bees on it. The cat likes bee trucks because of the exotic smells.


I have a cat that eats wasps.


Did the men who fought at Lexington and Concord do so in order to set up a new regime that would manage their lives on this level?

Once again, the right-winger/libertarian demonstrates his idiocy- these labeling standards don’t impact individual consumers at all, they merely force companies to adhere to minimum standards. If a company wants to market a beverage with under 6% milkfat, they can do it, they just can’t foist it off as egg nog on unsuspecting consumers.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Holee flock! Arizona 0 Seattle 51 I know it’s only Arizona but still, tsam mist be orgasmic.


Hey Major – some guy stole your nym and is on top of the rec list at TGOS.


I have a cat that eats wasps.

Mine too. And I’m scared of wasps.


Nani would very much like to eat wasps, but they’re on the other side of the screen. She’s also a roacher.


my dog is afraid of flies…wasps would completely undo her…this blizzard we are experiencing has also caused her neuroses to make an appearance…poor, luci…eck, but now she has gas so no more snuggle time for her!


Somehow he knew I was boasting on him and brought in another big rat (neatoma floridana). I’ll spare y’all the photo.


Neotoma. Farking fone.


A former cat, back when she belonged to the folks, killed and ate at least one rodent daily, often rats. Pure bred Himalayan, had that ESAD look down cold.


A former cat

After a long regimen of hormones and reassignment surgery, she is now a demon and has fulfilled her evil destiny.


The deal is he has to bring birds to me alive, most of which I release (highlights; a drake wood duck, a screech owl), rodents he can do as he pleases with. Reptiles he can eat but not in the house.


My kitteh has a pattern – she removes the head of every other rodent she brings and deposits on the back porch. Never deviates – she leaves a headless one, then the next one is intact, then the one after is headless, and so on.

The speculation is, the ones that she does NOT behead are the ones she expects me to eat.


it is our nation’s “gatherer’s” (women & blacks) that are destroying u.s.

Whut? Gatherers? I cant keep up with their terminology. I thought we were all either makers or takers. Gatherers sounds good, but then you notice that they’re women and blacks, and they’re destroying us!!

I like women and blacks as much as the next white guy, but destroying us has gotta cancel out any goodwill. It’s time for hunting licenses, “gatherers, no bag limits.”


The speculation is, the ones that she does NOT behead are the ones she expects me to eat.


Do you?


she is now a demon and has fulfilled her evil destiny.

I can just see it – Spunky, the Demon Cat.

Back when I lived in NJ, the condo backed up onto a creek, and if I came home and there was a certain kind of disarray but the cats were just sitting around, I’d look for the body. If they were prowling about, I’d look for the terrified creature and hope it wasn’t too injured to survive release. They were usually just terrified, as far as I could tell.


I thought we were all either makers or takers.

Obviously, we’re gathering before taking.


“Obviously, we’re gathering before taking.”

Oooh that does sound efficient. Here’s a further refinement: how about some of us hunt while the others gather then take? The first group could even take what they hunt. Sure, take it back to town.

Is anybody writing this down besides me?


I have seen my cat eat mice. Whole. Head first. Chewing on it just as sort of an obligatory mastication. Of course, he’s a twenty-five pounder, so he could snort a mouse if he had the inclination.

And the selfish bastard never leaves any for me. All I get are grasshopper legs stuck in the carpet.


We may need a real crisis (e.g. a massive depression)… and then a real leader. It may in fact be a Hitler type person that pulls us out of our current death spiral. Sad (I’m not looking forward to it)… but perhaps true.

It’s official: Obama is worse than Hitler.

Yes; if by “worse” you mean “not as good as”.


Did the men who fought at Lexington and Concord do so in order to set up a new regime that would manage their lives on this level?

Did the men who fought at Lexington and Concord do so to protect the right of large corporations to lie to consumers about the products they are selling?

Did the men who fought at Lexington and Concord do so as the competitive platyfish of pints?


Pup: Thanx for both yer links to mango-laden Comments. The Coulson thread was indeed hilarious!

Major: Your B-52, Part One was a wonderful read. I learned a lot–and was able to more-easily imagine the B-52 as a real phyisical presence…so different from looking at video footage or photographs. I will never watch Strangelove

I particularly enjoyed the descriptive tour through the crew compartments. Also the way you structure, your deft transitions, and your style. It is a joy to read the Major Kong Diaries … and they read so smoothly and clearly.

Indeed, that seems to be the universal opinion of the many, many commenters over at The Great Orange Satan. (I learned from the



I totally blame WP!!! This was NOT the result of hitting key or clicking or whatever and thereby publishing my comment prematurely, before it was finished or edited, including a monster Tagfail such as might be expected from be a snow-bound Minnesotan.

Those flaws notwithstanding, it should be fairly clear where my Comment was headed. Terrific job, Major.


Major: Earlier, someone ((Jeffraham?)) suggested that the Major Kong Diaries at KOS could be a blog-like platform for you, for it wouldn’t require the same sort of maintainance as a regular blog might.

Totally makes sense to me. You can easily expand the Major Kong Diaries into a umbrella that covers any subject that interests you. I agree with Jeffraham: KOS might be an excellent blog-like platform for you.

Fenwick the Terrible, Dread Destroyer of Threads

My work is done. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!


You fiend!


I agree with Jeffraham: KOS might be an excellent blog-like platform for you.

Good idea, thanks.


*slips out of shadow on the edge of town*

Nope, nothin. Quiet as a grave.

*slips back into shadow again*


No new thread, either. So perhaps I’m the Only One Left, a survivor in a dystopian Sadlyburg where zombies shamble in search of braanz.

OMIGOD. The horror, oh the horror.


Pull yourself together, man.
I’m still here and may need your protection.
Remain calm and carry on, godammit.


okay…the weather channel continues to make a huge deal out of winter storm caeser…mike seidell is still stationed in minneapolis…really? big whoop…they still drew a crowd for the vikes game yesterday, so is it REALLY that bad?


I was driving back to Huntington WV. When I have a weekend layover in Huntington I rent a car and drive home.

It’s pretty much the only reason to bid Huntington for my monthly schedule.


I’m sure I’ve mentioned it, but much of my young life was spent barhopping in Huntington.


Were there enough bars in Huntington to support a proper hop?


Were there enough bars in Huntington to support a proper hop?

Maybe he meant bar hoping… he hoped another bar would open up soon.



One odd bit of fallout from the Rob Ford Existentialist Theatre is that civic engagement has been amped up. #TOpoli is active again today because of 2013 budget deputations. 209 people are on the agenda to speak on the budget (for no more than 3 minutes). This is for public deputations on a municipal budget document – 209 speakers. Final budget will come out in about a month – so you can imagine the depth of impact these deputations will have on the budget documents.

This is actually down from last year when 348 folks signed up and they had to stretch it over two days. Although last year’s numbers were bolstered by the cut-a-palooza orgy known as the “Core Services Review”.


they still drew a crowd for the vikes game yesterday, so is it REALLY that bad?

As a Bears fan, let me assure you that it was horrible.

Oh. You meant the weather.



The GOOD news is: The Leafs are still undefeated!

The BAD news is: Despite their unblemished record, they are tied for last place.


As a Bears fan, let me assure you that it was horrible.

i kept waiting for the vikings to screw it up and get trounced…sadly, no!

also, too…they still had the freaking holidazzle parade…grr….we actually had some actual inconveniences out here….but no! it’s all about the metro area…


You want mangoes? I got mangoes.


So, I was doing some wedding planning yesterday, and wanted to show my fiancee what I had accomplished, so I gave her my laptop to review. She not only read the plan I prepared, but also examined each browser tab that I had open. She calmly read each page in sequence until she got to the last tab, when she let out a WTF. I guess she wasn’t expecting to see the strange clown picture at the beginning of this thread. So, duly noted. No clowns at the wedding.


You want mangoes? I got mangoes.

holy crap…you weren’t just whistling dixie were you? the first comment out of the gate rises up and punches you in the face…

“It would be historic for an Indian American governor from the Deep
South to appoint an African American to the U.S. Senate,” the official

It would be truly historic if the GOP started standing up for its base (i.e., whites) instead of wasting time and resources on “reaching out” to blacks and Mestizos who would only dismiss a black GOP candidate as an Uncle Tom.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Warning – don an air mask before viewing those mangoes BS linked to. The air there is especially noxious, a very pale if not Pure white miasma.


i hope to hell this is a poe:

I mourn the South’s being inhabited by other races than Caucasians. I just put in his place a young white minister who preached a sermon I heard against the south re: slavery. He was a missionary’s son in Colombia, SA. I told him he should preach against his country’s violence and drug culture and leave the South alone. He was offended that I defended the South.

Can anyone give me the name of a book that refutes lies about the South? I’ll Take My Stand doesn’t count as Robert Pen Warren changed his stance on slavery.


I mourn the South’s being inhabited by other races than Caucasians.

Wow. That writer has no idea about history, does he (I’m assuming the writer’s a WASP male). Does it not occur to him that the rosy* past he envisions existed only because of the slave labor (literal, later figurative) of “other inhabitants?”

*I’ve noticed people who hearken back to some “ideal” past always assume they would be among the very small number of elites, not the far more numerous workers making the elites’ relative ease possible. Me, I know most if not all of my ancestors were peasants, so I’m happy to have been born when I was.


New post, slackers.


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