Bridging Cultural Divides
I think David Horowitz would approve of this:
Above: Preznit Ahmadinejad takes the Academic Bill of Rights to heart.
Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called Tuesday for a purge of liberal and secular teachers from the country’s universities, the official Islamic Republic News Agency reported in another step back to 1980s-style radicalism.
Y’hear that Bérubé? Consider your ass on notice! You either start supporting President Bush’s Freedom Agenda, or you’ll end up just like those liberal profs in Muslamonaziland!!!
“Today, students should shout at the president and ask why liberal and secular university lecturers are present in the universities,” the agency quoted Ahmadinejad as saying during a meeting with a group of students.
Ahmadinejad complained that changes in the country’s universities were difficult to accomplish and that the country’s educational system had been affected by secularism for the last 150 years, but said “such a change has begun.”
He and Ann Coulter would have so much to talk about if they ever got together.
Earlier this year, Iran retired dozens of liberal university professors and teachers. And last November, Ahmadinejad’s administration for the first time named a cleric to head the country’s oldest university in Tehran amid protests by students over the appointment.
The developments followed a campaign promise by Ahmadinejad for a more Islamic-oriented country. He took office last August.
Since then, Ahmadinejad also has been replacing pragmatic veterans in the government with former military commanders and inexperienced religious hard-liners.
Ah, I can see it now: “Al-Brownie, you did a heckuva job helpin’ folks after that earthquake.”
Ahmadinejad’s aim appears to be to install a new generation of rulers who will revive the fundamentalist goals pursued in the 1980s under the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, father of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran.
In the early 1980s, shortly after the revolution, Iran sacked hundreds of liberal and leftist university teachers and students.
So why do the wingnuts hate Iran again? Oh right, because it’s run by Muslim assholes.
Perhaps he and Ann will meet someday on Hannidate!
I approve this message.
Yeah, that was pretty much my response when I spotted this story last night, too. It’d be like a stomach-turning version of Romeo and Juliet, and we all remember how well that ended.
Let’s watch as Ahmadinejad’s university clerics use allah’s magic powers and the goodness of pure honey to develop nuclear weapons.
So does Ahmadenijad get the Medal O’ Freedom now?
War mongering, kicking out liberals, oppressing women and people of other religions – It’s only a mistake of geography that he’s not a Republican.
Let’s watch as Ahmadinejad’s university clerics use allah’s magic powers and the goodness of pure honey to develop nuclear weapons.
No, they are, like our own science-haters, hypocrites.. They’ll leave that field of study alone…
I think someone’s trying to pull a fast one on us here. That cannot be a picture of Ahmadinejad above. The hair, the beard, that strange hand gesture. Nope, I’m sure now, that’s circa 1970 Kung-Fu Grip GI Joe.
Ahmadinejad: “What’s this? A liberal professor! Ahh… Allah akhbar! Forgive any abuse by your earthbound ambassador, but my calling is very specific. I’m crushing your head! I’m crushing your head!”
The frightwingers bear an uncanny resemblence to muslofascists, don’t they? They all hate the exact same things.
Plus, eachother! That makes it pure comedy gold, baby!
Well, at least the right wingers will have a university to send their lil ones to that has no liberal bent. Imagine the wondrous things they will learn!!
I have already modified my own classes to meet this demand. I used to have “principles” about this sort of thing, but give me a break– I’ve got to put food on my family, you know. So from now on, it’s no more Dangeral Studies for me. It’s 1980s-style radicalism — with sunglasses at night!