Alternate Answer: Because Black People Inherently Scare Sheltered White Douchebags Regardless of What They Do
Remember when guys like this were the parody of Wall Street?
Maureen Farrell, CNN Money Money Money!:
Why Wall Street hates Obama
The post-election meltdown among wingnuts has been something to behold. Post after post of various true believers angrily trying to handle living in a world where they are so hated that not even cheating hardcore could save them. There’s a wealth of material there.
And frankly, Tintin has been fantastic harvesting a bunch of it. Heck, you all have been doing a fantastic job harvesting the many different flavors of juvenile temper tantrum.
And while there’s material galore there, believe me, and I could do entire posts over moments like this:
I mean, fuck, there’s so much to say about Fox News apologetically and sadly having to have their Stepford Bot wander down the halls because their con-dealer has been sampling the product and believed the bullshit meant for the rubes. From the willful disbelief in reality as it happens before them to the unfortunate moment where Fox News realizes they can’t get away with saying Romney won and is president now. It’s literally taking every ounce of my willpower to stop myself going on a 12000 word rant about that replete with elaborate new dick jokes.
But I leave all that behind and wish to rewind time a little to something published quietly and meekly on the night of the election.
Because what it covers is something we are guaranteed to hear nothing about in the coming months now that Barack Obama has won himself a second term.
Let me cut the innuendo and cut right to the turgid chorizo* of the matter:
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Rich people to Obama: “We tried to destroy you because we didn’t feel you showed the balls enough love during our non-consensual face-fuck on you and the rest of America”
You may think this is being harsh to the collection of rich old fucks who sank away half their fortunes in the desperate effort to do away with enough of the democratic process to install a known sociopath as their meat puppet.
I assure you I haven’t yet begun to get “harsh”.
Wall Street’s biggest gripe with President Obama is more about what he’s said than what he’s done.
See, it isn’t really about what he’s done, per se, seeing as how he let us get away with Grand Theft Planet with little more than a disappointed sigh and an urge to do a better job hiding the bodies next time.
But see, he didn’t worship these parasitic drains on our nation as the Lords and Masters of the Universe they imagine themselves to be, despite all they did to try and back him up, like bankrolling endless ads and surrogates to snipe every idea he ever tried to pass to fix the damage they created, trying to urge various lone wolf gunmen to get angry enough to take a shot at him, his wife, or his kids, and trying to straight up buy themselves the presidency in such a naked manner, they might as well have been teabagging him (and how).
And that’s like totally worse than the worst thing that has ever happened to them (the one time they ran over a Puerto Rican woman and the diseased sow had the temerity to bleed all over their brand new Mercedes).
“There’s been so much finger pointing. He’s made it seem bad to be successful and to be millionaires and billionaires,” said Karl Wellner, CEO of Papamarkou Wellner Asset Management, a fund with $3 billion under management.
Because it is.
It’s very bad to be “successful” “millionaires and billionaires”. You can be the most successful mafia don on the East Coast and it doesn’t change the fact that how you became “successful” was very very wrong indeed. You broke the planet’s economy and then followed it up by grinding your bootheel in the face of the 99% and asking for their pocket change.
If we all negotiated consent before hand, I’m sure there would have been at least 27% into that sort of thing, but in the real world, the only reason your heads weren’t repurposed and recycled as gate spike decorations was our willingness to let Barack Obama and his group of “meanie-heads” try and fix a few things first.
If you still haven’t got that 4 years later (especially after 4 years of you acting like cartoon villains fresh off the set of Wacky Races), then frankly bub, you’re damn lucky you lost this election.
But hey, why worry about all that, when these delicate wilting flowers can’t even bother to recall any actual instances of Barack X Guevara calling them out on their bullshit.
Outside of Obama calling bankers “fat cats,” most Wall Street professionals point to few specifics and basically say it’s more of a vibe they get from the president.
It’s not so much anything he’s done. And it’s not really anything he’s said. It’s more that we’re scared he might think about one day thinking about almost saying something and that he sometimes looks at us in something other than complete adulation. And frankly to get right down to it, sometimes we feel teeth and that just doesn’t make us feel like our sub respects us as his worshipful master.
Some may say this is because he and the American people didn’t consent to any scene play with our wrinkled ass albino dicks, but that’s just silly. They were born poor, therefore they are our consenting subs. That’s just how it works. And if more people realized that, maybe we wouldn’t have to pay our deluded true believers to rant about repealing the 15th and 19th Amendments just to be vaguely competitive in one more election.
Wellner, who emigrated from Sweden in the early 1980s, says his biggest concern is that the president appears to want to clamp down on the accumulation of wealth. It’s a sentiment echoed by many other top hedge fund managers and executives at financial firms.
Well, if you don’t like a President thinking about maybe one day slightly limiting the rate at which you can steal the entire GDP just so you can tell your frat buddies that you earned money slightly faster than them, maybe you should return back to Sweden, where-
What’s that? You don’t mind Barack Obama so much anymore? But are you sure that him thinking about maybe almost doing something to fix the glaring issues that-
No?!? You’re sure? All right.
“There’s the idea that if you’re successful you didn’t do that on your own,” said Sander Gerber, CEO of hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital Management. “Romney believes that individuals’ drive and willingness to work hard is what makes them successful.” And that’s a theme that resonates on Wall Street.
Obama recognizes that we are not actually better than regular people because we inherited a bunch of money and use it to steal money as professional gambling addicts and company raiders. The Smiler understands that soulless predators who casually destroy and impede actual human endeavor and progress are Legendary Super Men who own whatever they touch by virtue of having lots and lots of money.
People want to fuck without us personally approving? Ha ha, not with our money, which is the same as everyone’s money.
What’s that? The Smiler lost in a crushing display and all our hand-picked Senate candidates burned up like old-school vampires in the sunlight?
And it’s also a big reason why Wall Street has given the majority of its contributions to the Republican party during this election cycle.
In fact, Republican candidate Mitt Romney has received more than three times what Obama has generated from Wall Street professionals, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. That’s a sharp turnaround from 2008, when Obama generated nearly double the Wall Street contributions of his then rival John McCain.
Expect to hear not one damn peep about this ever again and lots and lots of rich assholes trying to take credit for electing Obama and demanding that Obama give them something back as a show of good faith.
After all, consequences are for people who don’t casually own news networks and entire think tanks full of hacks to muddy the waters for you.
See also the various “experts” warning of a “fiscal cliff” and urging the president to “reach across the aisle” after such a “narrow and bitterly contested fight”.
Beyond the rhetoric, several hedge fund managers also say that while health care and financial regulation were in need of reform, the president tackled them in a manner that put the government too deeply in the middle of both industries.
Yes, it is odd how criminal organizations don’t often like Police being too close to their businesses either.
For much the same exact reason.
Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Act on financial reform in 2010, but many of the rules still need to be written.
Romney has criticized the law and said he would take steps to change it, and even attempt to dismantle it. Yet, many on Wall Street are simply betting that Romney would appoint regulators who would make financial reform less onerous.
“Obama would give carte blanche to heavy-handed regulators and just say go for it,” said Wellner.
Oh no, regulation. Why then, companies that actually focus on making good products and serving their customers well will be financially rewarded. And companies just focused on scamming their customers, racing to the bottom with industry-threatening cuts to labor, safety, and quality control would be financially punished.
Like in a real way, rather than we lost an hour’s profit just because we killed 50 people and poisoned a couple million more.
Cause really, after we very nearly destroyed Western Capitalism by trying to run a short con indefinitely, what could be better than a complete lack of regulation?
All the lead-lined children’s toys, Salmonella-filled peanut butter, and completely destroyed Gulf ecosystem is such a small price to pay for saving almost entire pennies on overhead!
But hey, it’s not like the victims who suffer on the bottom really exist in the traditional sense…
Wall Street’s ire comes as many still criticize the president for not pushing back on Wall Street enough and see Dodd-Frank as largely toothless.
“There’s the idea that he wasn’t willing to hold Wall Street over a barrel when he had them over a barrel,” said Jeff Connaughton, former chief of staff to Democratic Sen. Ted Kaufman and the author of “The Payoff: Why Wall Street Always Wins.”
Ah. Yes. I see. Hmm, yeah, there is still that creepily patient simmering resentment among the 99% which is only barely being soothed by The President occasionally glancing our way and politely requesting we stop publicly making homeless people barbeques.
Meanwhile, Obama’s rival has made it clear that he is in favor of regulating banks. Romney’s main objection to Dodd-Frank is that it gives big banks the implicit guarantee of further bailouts. Wall Street executives seem to believe Romney would treat the industry in a more fair and balanced manner.
“Romney looks at things more analytically,” said Wellner. “He’s more of a consensus builder. The president is dogmatic, it’s his way or no way.”
It turns out that you really can underestimate the intelligence of the American people.
Well, isn’t that an unfortunate thing to find out as we finish blowing you all the raspberry over your silly little “democracy thing”? I don’t suppose you’d all be willing to believe in austerity measures or corporate ownership of employees still?
Well… fuck. Time to engage Operation Nuke the Bridge Behind Us.**
While Romney’s experience at private equity firm Bain Capital has caused the broader American public to question whether he has their best interests at heart, many on Wall Street see Romney’s business background as a big plus.
“Romney is a consultant and looks at what is efficient, so he’ll be reasonable,” said Wellner. “He understands how business works so he’ll put the rules and guidelines in place that make business work right.”
I’d make some snark about how they’re on their way to making business into as much of a swear word as “Family” or “Traditional”, but well…
This is actually kind of importantly honest. The Smiler’s campaign of genocide against otherwise healthy companies so he could rob them of their wealth and use it to enrich himself and his cronies really is what many of these Wall Street fucks mean when they talk about “businesses”.
When they talk about business interests, we often assume they must be speaking the same language as the rest of us. That they must be talking about workplaces that create products that they hope to sell to customers to make a profit off the exchange. That even if the notion of “customer” is a bit vague or things like hedge funds get included in the list, that at the end of the day, they still agree on what is a “business”.
And they really don’t. All those idiot saps who make shit are the suckers on the bottom of the rat pile with all the 99%ers and the trash. To the “Titans of Industry” and their various mouthpieces, “businesses” are the Casino players, the Parasitical firms, and the high-stakes thieves. Being a good businessman literally means to these people the same thing as being a good Bond villain. They couldn’t be more obvious if they were actually buying up Island Fortresses to live on, and oh wait.
And despite all the bullshit that’s going to be thrown at us on how anyone with melanin shouldn’t be allowed to vote or why women need to be kept in perfume boxes until they are breeding age, we need to keep this in mind and hold these bastards responsible.
Because if we let them get away with nearly tanking our democracy the same way they got away with nearly tanking the global economy, then they are going to keep coming back with the same shit again and again.
The rich fucks of America aren’t separate from the freakshow. They are the freakshow and as Karl Rove demonstrated above, there really aren’t any Republican-supporters left of any income-bracket who hasn’t been caught sampling the product.
*Must… stop… Rove… rant…
**Yeah, we’re going to receive a whole river of shit from the House in the next 2 years and get ready for a stupendous amount of absolute stalemate and delay as the Republicans continue to throw a temper tantrum on women and brown people being allowed to vote in “Their Elections” in “Their America”.
Fifth! No really, I’m drinking a fifth.
I have up hard liquor and my life is suckier for it.
And yet you’re still disoriented and sleepy…
I have up hard liquor
HA HA DrKN misspelled “heave”.
That’s my sickness.
I have up hard liquor and my life is suckier for it.
this is why i keep my blood alcohol content at a 50/50 mix…
Outside of Obama calling bankers “fat cats,” most Wall Street professionals point to few specifics and basically say it’s more of a vibe they get from the president.
also, too…i sent the email…i will keep you apprised of any and all replies…
Y’know, the depressing part is that DiBiase probably votes Republican.
“There’s been so much finger pointing. He’s made it seem bad to be successful and to be millionaires and billionaires”
No, they themselves made it seem bad by browbeating their employees about their votes, and shit like that.
My favorite online island site is Pen Island.
Check out the url. Huh-huh-huh
If you measure success with money, there is something fundamentally flawed in your character.
Also, who makes vibe-based decisions? Come on, you’re supposed to be masters of the universe, not pot-smoking hippies.
Christ, what assholes.
also, too…i sent the email…i will keep you apprised of any and all replies…
Good on you! You even kept it civil, which will make the inevitable meltdown seem even douchier. Did you cc everybody on the original list?
“There’s the idea that if you’re successful you didn’t do that on your own,” said Sander Gerber, CEO of hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital Management.
Nothing is quite so “did it on my own” as investing other people’s money in other people’s companies.
Remember when guys like this were the parody of Wall Street?
You mean guys like
Good on you! You even kept it civil, which will make the inevitable meltdown seem even douchier. Did you cc everybody on the original list?
yep, i did…my seester will giggle…hubbkf enjoyed reading it also, too…
Great. The election’s over and my state still has Scott “Could I interest you in a pro-life abortion” Desjarlais in its delegation. And since Gore departed the scene my senators have been a guy looked at a film of a brain-damaged woman and thought he recognized a kindred spirit, another who thought he was still on Law & Order, and a third who gave Jamie Dimon the best damn blowjob he ever had in his life — on television, no less. These days I live vicariously through Vermont.
Nothing is quite so “did it on my own” as investing other people’s money in other people’s companies.
whenever i hear the ‘did it on my own’ thing it makes me think of the biography colbert did on mittens: ‘while growing up, romney lived in public housing’ and then they show a picture of the governor’s mansion…
Should have read “brain-dead woman.” Even more so.
This whole “makes it seem bad to be rich” thing is the topper.
Even at this late date, after witnessing all the bad behavoir, I still don’t think it’s “bad” to be rich – necessarily. There are rich people who got that way through good ideas and building solid businesses that reward their employees for doing good work…and then there are the rest of them. The ones who got that way on the backs of their employees. For example, the Waltons of Wal-Mart fame, the six heirs of which not only “didn’t build that” but as 48% owners of the company, are now collectively worth more than the bottom 41% of Americans combined. And they very much owe their wealth to stealing the labor of their employees. Wal-Mart doesn’t keep prices low through mass buying power as much as they do by shitting on their employees. And why? Because the Waltons (and the other 52% owners) need more billions? How can anyone with over a billion dollars need MORE? To the extent that they’ll keep their employees on wages that qualify them for food stamps and Medicaid? Yet in this category we also find such luminaries as the Kochs, Sheldon Adelson, Donald Trump (who probably isn’t even a millionaire, he just plays one on TV) and on and on…people for whom NO number of billions would ever be enough. It doesn’t matter that they could never possibly spend it all, no matter how many dumbshit purchases of designer dogshit or whatever other stupid thing you can think of they make. It’s impossible to get rid of a billion in cash and have no assets to show for it, short of just giving it away, which we’re in no danger of seeing them do. It’s just important for them to HAVE it, so someone else won’t.
No, it’s not that I think it’s “bad” to be rich – it’s that I think we have a lot of rich people who are mentally ill, who are hoarders, only they hoard money instead of stuff they got out of dumpsters. It’s still the same illness – except unlike the other type of hoarders, their illness is making the entire economy sick.
Yet they’d have us believe that enabling their sickness is the most important, overarching goal that democratic government can aspire to. Well, fuck them. Just because they have a mental illness doesn’t mean we have an obligation to enable and indulge it.
I’ve never understood it Jennifer. What can you buy with $20 billion that $10 billion won’t get you?
When redistricting moved Dr. Scott from my district I sent Diane Black an email informing her that next year I would be represented by a fundamentalist hateful bigot. She has yet to reply.
I’ve never understood it Jennifer. What can you buy with $20 billion that $10 billion won’t get you?
Elections. Thankfully, the big one was thwarted because their grifter of choice was so inept.
What can you buy with $20 billion that $10 billion won’t get you?
Three more cups of coffee at Starbucks.
I’ve not had any hard liquor since those shots of Blanton’s the other day.
And those were pretty easy, really.
Had a couple of these the other day and it turns out there’s more alcohol in them than I thought. Here I thought I had reached my ideal weight.
Expect Obama to give it to them. And expect the usual Opologists to excuse same.
And expect the usual Opologists to excuse same.
What the fuck ever, Iris.
Had a couple of these the other day and it turns out there’s more alcohol in them than I thought.
Beer names ending ‘ator’ are always a “Whoop! Whoop! Pull up! Pull up!” signal (even if the beer is not a weizenbock).
The Doctor’s Orders brewery over in Sydders makes a very nice “Defibrillator”.
Haven’t read the post yet, but I just had to link this…
Thanks to The Rude One, I have tasted the freshest local wingnut tears available.
Well, of course the poor rich fears were upset. You proles simply can’t imagine how it feels when a dark-skinned fellow in a coat and tie approaches, without even a silver salver to justify his breathing *your* air. and fails to take your drink order! THE NERVE!!
Remember when guys like this were the parody of Wall Street?
No. Actually I might. The problem is I have no fucking idea who that is. I shall once again count the blessings of being pop ilculturate.
Cerb’s posts are so long, it takes me a while to be on-topic.
In the meantime, more failure analysis:
It’s almost as if the Romney team subconsciously knew that they were going to lose resoundingly, and abandoned everything but the reality-distortion forcefield bubble, on which they doubled down.
Transfer all warp power to shields! First Officer Ryan, multiply the mendacity matrix. Lt. Rove, fire all echo chambers! Make it so! Oh pleeeease make it so!
It’s almost as if the Romney team subconsciously knew that they were going to lose resoundingly
Maybe. Also, too, maybe, experience with both electioneering and governance matters more than business experience when it comes to elections.
You could put every one of those Wall Street jagoffs on a rusty old ocean liner, tow it to the middle of the Atlantic, sink it, and no one but their trophy wives would care. No one else would miss a dollar or a job.
In the meantime, more failure analysis:
As one might expect from a column called “Business Insider”, that report starts off with lies and spirals downwards.
As conservatives search for an explanation for Mitt Romney’s loss, much of the blame has been directed at the collapse of his campaign’s Election Day get out the vote efforts, a massive organizational failure that resulted in lower Republican turnout than even John McCain got in 2008.
“Much of the blame”? Citation needed. Possibly Romney’s GOTV organisation has been criticised by people who don’t like the “voters rejected Romney’s policies” or “Voters thought Romney was a lying douche” explanations.
But all the poll aggregators predicted a bad end for the Romney campaign, and they were not taking last minute software failures into account. You could at best describe ORCA as a Romney secret weapon that might have made a difference had it worked
You could at best describe ORCA as a Romney secret weapon that might have made a difference had it worked
But from what I understand, even if it hadn’t crashed, there was no way for it to “work,” because it wasn’t even a proper cell phone app. It was just a web site for smartphones to access.
I’m an old fart and I’m not up on all this Intertoobz stuff, but isn’t the whole point of most smartphone apps to make use of the phone’s GPS? And in the case of GOTV software, wouldn’t that mean something like, you know, pointing volunteers toward the homes of nearby supporters? I don’t know what they could put on a website that would be of much use to people in the field on Election Day.
noeveryonebutincluding their trophy wives wouldcarecelebrate.F’zd, for greater class-consciousness.
Maybe. Also, too, maybe, experience with both electioneering and governance matters more than business experience when it comes to elections.
Who knew that “community organizing” experience could have real-world benefits?
Who knew that “community organizing” experience could have real-world benefits?
Trotsky, according to my grandmother.
Meanwhile, have y’all heard the latest pronouncement from McConnell? According to Mitch logic, since the House is GOP and the Senate is “divided”, it’s up to Obama to take the lead and put forth something Republicans can support, because they are not going to compromise. Wow! Just when you thought McConnell couldn’t be more of an asshole …
Try not to be too hard on Ol’ Mitch. The guy spent a miserable career whoring for political cash, only to watch Rove and Mittens demonstrate what a total failure that can be.
Also, go easy on him because he’s a right-wing values-monger, and he wants you to ride him like the two-dollar whore he really is.
No. Actually I might. The problem is I have no fucking idea who that is.
GOOGLE IS HAERD (actually, it really could’ve been if the filename were more obfuscated). He’s an old WWF/E wrestler called The Million Dollar Man.
Buncha cunts. Run crying to their Romneys because bad black man said fat cats and hurted their wittle feewings!
You motherfuckes should hear what the rest of us call you!
Maybe Romney’s henchmen were under the mmistaken impression that they could cost to victory on the suppression efforts their fellow ghouls were deploying all over the country. Fuck GOTV! We’re good with getting the voters out.
Fucking fuck you iPhone. Goddamn pos trying to fix my shit and fucking it all up even worse
What you need is Schnapps and a webcam.
Schnapps, webcam……..PROFIT!
There’s something so preciously nauseating about listening to the billionaire CEO of Dumas and McPhail, LLC snivel over being used as a prop in presnit’s political theater. Somewhere, Marie Antoinette’s head is eating popcorn and waiting patiently for the third act climax.
I suppose my use of the word “problem” may have caused your confusion. I did not want to know, you see. Nor shall I bother to see what “WWF/E” actually is, I far prefer to supply my own idea. Try it yourself sometime, loads of fun!
How’s your stuttering problem, tsam?
Dear Mitchypoo,
I know it’s hard for someone with a tiny penis not to overcompensate but mang, choo gotta get it over it dewd! Those people who point at you and laugh whenever you make a statement? Naw, they’re not laughing at your tiny penis, they’re laughing because you’re a living joke. Has NOTHING to do with your beard of a wife, NOTHING to do with you being a pig bottom hungry for cock.
PS – that you apparently forgot that the congress makes the laws, not the president, is only worth a few chuckles, not the bellybusting roars you commonly elicit. Your tiny penis isn’t worth that much gaiety either.
“pig bottom”?
I might have to look that one up in the urban dictionary.
Somewhere, Marie Antoinette’s head is eating popcorn and waiting patiently for the third act climax.
This is why Tsam should be writing movie scripts.
Major, you probably don’t want to do that. I really suggest you don’t.
“D-KW’s dad.”
Well. I never knew.
Major, you probably don’t want to do that. I really suggest you don’t.
I’m worried enough just knowing that it’s actually a real term.
Okay, I’ve (sorta) identified the guy who was a parody of Wall Street. Not his name, but his ‘occupation’. He was a Tee-Vee Wrestler (as distinguished from the Olympic kind). You can see his ‘champship belt’ decorated with dollar signs hanging over his shoulder.
Probably taken at some ‘award presentation’ photo shoot: He doesn’t have his rasslin’ duds on, but instead a sorta cheapie tuxedo with $-dollar signs on the lapels.
Or perhaps he’s a portfolio manager at Bain Capital….
Pig bottom ≠ pork belly.
Mmy SSS ssstuttering is a re re re side effect of sexual ffrustration
@the Major: Try Japanese porntoons (whatever the ‘official’ name is) rather than the urban dict. They have anything you can imagine in there, and more! I mean, I can work out “pig bottom” from the context, and I’d bet you $10,000 that “pig bottom” is some sort of thriving subgenre of that, next to tentacle porn and whale bondage. BTW, did you know that pigs have corkscrew-shaped penii? Working in a Urology dept. confers all sorts of nifty esoteric info. We used to have a handy wall chart – “Penises of the Animal Kingdom”. It was featured one time by the Greaseman in DC; one of our proudest moments.
I looked up “pig bottom.” All is says is that it’s a person who likes anal sex a lot.
whale bondage
Please tell me this is bondage involving morbidly obese people.
“There’s the idea that if you’re successful you didn’t do that on your own,” said Sander Gerber, CEO of hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital Management.
Christ, the irony is strong with this one. Isn’t hedge fund and Capital management the epitome of using SOMEONE ELSE’S money to enrich yourself without risk?
Just a note, Ted DiBiase was a pretty decent wrassler for the time. The man’s mike work was exceptional and he could develop and maintain heat through the dullest matches and in the worst written storylines. His move set included some fairly technical holds and he would bump and job like a professional. While his work rate may have been pretty characteristic of what was to eventually become “WWE Main Event Style” he wasn’t the worst offender in this category. And even wrassling in this style, his matches were generally still well-paced and timed. Having The Million Dollar Man on the (under)card was a pretty good guarantee of seeing at least one decent bout. All without the need for crazy squash pushes too – that he became such an asset without having to bury other wrestlers is a testament to his own ability to connect with and work a crowd. The guy was a professional entertainer (and I guess since he’s a minister now – he still is) and was darned good at it too.
Whale chowder is going to be SO MAD when he sees where this thread is going.
Yesterday, I was looking at this hideous thing and someone posted a link to this. I tittered inwardly over “Known for: presidential chairs” all afternoon. It’s just an odd turn of phrase. I immediately thought “band name!” And then I thought, “No, there are are enough horrible, pretentious, silly band names out there.” But still…it should be a name for something.
And, of course, I was reminded of this
What really makes me want to punch these assclowns in the face is when they say “We work long hours–we don’t see our kids!” Well, first of all that you put profit over family is really indicative that you’re a horrible human being, but guess what: WE DO THAT TOO…we just do it for lot less money. So take your petty non-grievances and SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS.
Don’t listen to tensor, DAS. Be at least as hard as humanly possible on Mitch McConnell. We want to jack-stomp his alleged balls so thoroughly that he shouts “Mr. Wizard! I don’t wanna be a Senate Majority Leader no more!” and fucks off back to his home planet. At the very least, we want him to take off that ridiculous mask he’s always wearing. What a drop into the bottom of the uncanny valley that is. If that’s the state of disguise technology on his planet, their invasion fleet must be the equivalent of Saturn Vs, or whatever the Race in Worldwar had…
I can say as someone who’s majored in business (please; put the torches and pitchforks down) Cerb is right about that Wall Street and Main Street look at “business” differently. Wall Street, for the most part, still follows the Milton Friedman model (“the goal of a company is to make profits, period”). Business Ethics is still relatively new (the old argument being, “ethics” was an abstract philosophy, and therefore not really applicable in the Real World of Corporate America). About 95% of business projects fail and the best economists are the ones who are right 15% of the time; these are considered acceptable statistics.
I guess the simplest analogy is that they think they are the Greek gods. Some want to control us, some want to help us, others are indifferent. But deep down, a majority of them think they’re above us, and honestly think it’s our role in life to work everyday to keep them wealthy (whether by working for them directly or blindly buying their products/services).
screw all this I just wanna see someone bust a powder filled guitar over someone’s head.
Y’know, the depressing part is that DiBiase probably votes Republican.
He does. He did a signing here in Aberdeen (Scotland) a couple of months back, and was spouting the usual right-wing bullshit talking points. Made it a bit uncomfortable for the people who had brought him over when he started ranting about the evils of “socialised healthcare” in Britain.
I thought the unhinged rhetoric was the point of professional wrestling? Well that and giving dudes a thin excuse to watch muscular guys oil up and grope each other.
What did they expect from a professional wrestler? A discourse on the influence of the harpsichord on choral music in the 1600s?
You and I obviously watch professional wrestling for different reasons. GOOD DAY, SIR.
I can say as someone who owns an actual business that hedge funds and private equity firms are NOT businesses.
A business provides a product via manufacturing, distribution or retail sales. They also provide services like building, repairing and maintaining the products that another business manufactured, distributed and sold at the retail or wholesale level.
Lending your so called expertise to investors in what companies to invest in, then debt loading those companies and bailing out before it all comes crashing down is a giant, legal mob scheme. That’s not business, it’s a complicated shake down. They’re always on the hunt for that small business that is on the verge of becoming much larger. They target and destroy them, and ruin millions of lives and careers in the effort. Then they sit in an overstuffed chair at a Gentleman’s Club, drinking expensive cognac, smoking $50 cigars and crying like a children during a forced nap about the lack of appreciation we show them. They seem genuinely shocked that we don’t marvel at the scale of the scams they routinely run on multi-generational companies that provided the life blood of smaller towns and cities all over this nation. They want so desperately to call what they do “hard work” when it is, in fact, nothing more than white collar crime that used to be illegal, and will hopefully be again someday.
Those of us who actually do get up at 5:00 in the morning and work some weekends and sit at home watching economic indicators and worrying about where the business is going and what will become of our employees if we make stupid decisions are running a business. We provide a product or service that helps our community become something of which we can find pride, and we provide a livelihood for those we employ. That’s a cycle–a “circle of life” if you will. Private equity is the wrench that falls into the spinning wheels, sending the shattered pieces into the faces of those who spent their entire adult lives, loyally toiling away at a company to gain the things we all want–a home, the ability to send our kids to college, a dignified retirement some time before we die at our desks/workstations, and maybe a little something to leave behind for our children.
Post-racial America, Everybody!
What did they expect from a professional wrestler? A discourse on the influence of the harpsichord on choral music in the 1600s?
I’d say they expected him to sit nicely behind the table, make polite small talk and sell his merch and overpriced autographs. Roddy Piper managed it – and he’s the one with the repuatation of going off-script and being unhinged.
He was still a decent wrassler.
I’m still not looking up him or anything about “pro” “wrestling.” can’t make me nuh uh.
Thanks, Pryme, tsam, Jennifer. With all the snark flying fast and furious most of us don’t stop to appreciate posts that really make you stop and think.
They’ve come a long way.
In the clip of Mitchiepoo I heard on NPR this morning he sounded … desperate. It reminded me of Eric Cantor’s whiny way of saying things when he’s hoping hoping hoping oh god please let this work people will buy the bullshit he knows he is selling. I smiled.
This time I would like to know – Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson?
*I know of VJ only because of her political shit. I can’t even imagine her being funny – was she really on SNL?
When did Whill Wheaton become such an awesomely badass person? He makes me want to endure “Big Bang Theory.”
Yes, she was on SNL, and yes she was occasionally funny. Though I certainly would not put her in my pantheon of favorite SNL cast members.
whale bondage
How do you think you get whale chowder?
Nothing lie watching age and experience humiliate youth and stupidity:
“like”, too.
Pro wrestling is filled with all sorts of racist sexist homophobic claptrap. It’s brimming with reptile brain bullshit and I can totally appreciate how people would not want anything to do with it. Plus “fake” hur durr derp derp.
It is also filled with extremely talented entertainers who risk significant personal injury for the sake of entertainment. Usually under horrible working conditions, and with the vast majority receiving little to no recognition of their efforts. They are entertainers – working primarily live shows on brutal life-destroying and body-breaking schedules.
And they do entertain. A well executed match between two skilled wrestlers, with weeks if not months of build-up – it can be truly fantastic. Well at least form what I remember – I haven’t watched pro wrestling in years. That shit’s for kiddies.
How do you think you get whale chowder?
I just don’t want to see you have to resign in disgrace.
Yesterday, I was looking at this hideous thing and someone posted a link to this.
d00d was clearly a psychopath…and would have made a heck of a pro wrassler, also too…
For mighty warriors of commerce, these guys sure are delicate little snowflakes … one can only imagine how shrill they’d be in the face of real financial reform.
The Wall Street capos are being more than a little precious – based on the moves made since 2008, I’d say Wall Steet’s been getting a very pleasant “vibe” indeed from this administration. Obama spent the entire campaign reiterating his line that the Free Market is the greatest single invention EVAR, but I guess that doesn’t count because he didn’t personally tongue-swab their taints until they sparkled.
Record profits? Lowest taxes in our lifetimes? Regulatory wet dream come true? Epic prosecutorial mulligans? None of it matters, because the guys on the trading floor all say that your aura is projecting a totes harsh vibe, maaaaaaan!
Besides, never mind the pathetic butthurt – whatever happened to honour among thieves? They help Obama get the White House, he gives them a quid pro quo in the form of a huge stack of “Get Out Of Jail Free” cards & a gutless “reform” bill … & getting SuperPAC-ratfucked by his former backers in 2012 is the thanks he gets? WTF? Sure the hell doesn’t sound like anybody I’d want to have handling MY money, even if I was in on their scams.
Pro wrestling is filled with all sorts of racist sexist homophobic claptrap. It’s brimming with reptile brain bullshit and I can totally appreciate how people would not want anything to do with it. Plus “fake” hur durr derp derp.
which is why linda mcmahon is so desperate to get in office…she misses that shit…
For mighty warriors of commerce, these guys sure are delicate little snowflakes – jim
The dirty little secret of us parents is that, as much as we tell our kids otherwise, whining really does work: we have to be really tough as parents not to just give in to our kids simply to stop the damned whining.
The whole point of this “delicate little snowflakes” act is that by whining about even the smallest of reforms, it saps our will to do anything major.
He makes me want to endure “Big Bang Theory”
The show has it’s moments, but no one’s that badass.
which is why linda mcmahon is so desperate to get in office…she misses that shit… – bbkf
Wait a minute — did we manage to go over 17 hours in this thread without someone bringing up Linda McMahon? How did that happen? Are we slipping on the job?
DKW: You obviously know yer pro rasslin’. So do you recognise the $-Belt guy? (That isn’t diBiase, is it?)
How do you think you get whale chowder?
I thought it was either by 1) feeding you a ton of bad krill then tickling you or B) throwing you in a big pot with taters and milk usw.
How do you think you get whale chowder?
It’s pronounces “CHOW-DAH.”
Wait a minute — did we manage to go over 17 hours in this thread without someone bringing up Linda McMahon?
Also too, all that Presidential chairs talk without anyone saying Nope, Chuck Testa.
The show has it’s moments, but no one’s that badass.
Hey, I didn’t say I was gonna endure “Two and Half Men.”
I guess if I endured two and half men that would make me a pig bottom.
So do you recognise the $-Belt guy? (That isn’t diBiase, is it?)
Of course. Ted DiBiase, The Million Dollar Man. He holds The Million Dollar Belt of The Million Dollar Championship. He was one of Vince McMahon’s truly standout performers back in the day. Decent in the ring and great on the mic – with the ability to work an audience like an old school fire-and-brimstone Holy Holy Holy God Almighty preacher.
DKW: You obviously know yer pro rasslin’. So do you recognise the $-Belt guy? (That isn’t diBiase, is it?)
my charming son got kicked out of daycare when he was about 7’sh for telling another child to ‘suck it’ and making xpac or whatever the h his name was…
also, too…how come when i am randomly googling, and click on a page i want to go to, i get redirected to some nonsense page?
Shorter Dennis Prager:
Republicans shouldn’t moderate, minorities and women are stupid and should be molded into conservatives for their own good.
tsam at 17:56
Applause in Baltimore, bro.
also, too…how come when i am randomly googling, and click on a page i want to go to, i get redirected to some nonsense page?
Either your click-eye coordination is betraying you, or you have some malware. Clear your caches and internet history.
my charming son got kicked out of daycare when he was about 7?sh for telling another child to ‘suck it’ and making xpac or whatever the h his name was,,,
Not just Sean Waltman, it was all of DeGeneration-X that did that. “Suck It” was their catchphrase and the gesture was to stand with arms raised and legs spread to form the shape of an X and then explosively bringing both hands down to violently chop yourself in the groin. Repeatedly. Very macho it was.
Applause in Baltimore, bro.
Thanks, dude!
Not just Sean Waltman, it was all of DeGeneration-X that did that. “Suck It” was their catchphrase and the gesture was to stand with arms raised and legs spread to form the shape of an X and then explosively bringing both hands down to violently chop yourself in the groin. Repeatedly. Very macho it was.
yes, this was construed as sexual abuse…a bitter, bitter day in my family…this is where my disgust with missouri synod lutherans really took off…hubbkf and i were told we were ‘bad parents’ for letting our son watch wrestling…well, karma, baby! their child (who is the one who was ‘victimized’) is a major pothead and their youngest is quite violent…
also, too thanks, tsam…
Shorter Dennis Prager: Republicans shouldn’t moderate, minorities and women are stupid and should be molded into conservatives for their own good.
My favorite excerpt:
If I spent my entire life searching through America’s classical music concert halls, do you think I would find one teabagger?
“There’s the idea that if you’re successful you didn’t do that on your own,” said Sander Gerber, CEO of hedge fund Hudson Bay Capital Management. “Romney believes that individuals’ drive and willingness to work hard is what makes them successful.” And that’s a theme that resonates on Wall Street.
These guys are alot like old-world aristocrats in their dedication to myths and propaganda. People eventually figured out that letting a hereditary aristocracy run things is a losing strategy. But in the short run, Feudal elites and their toadies peddled reductionist claptrap much like the above quote.
There’s this idea that when the flower of French chivalry wins a battle, that a bunch of dung-encrusted clods somehow helped by growing food, etc. Lord Romney believes that knights’ valor and strength-of-arms are what make them successful, and that’s a theme that resonates at balls and tournaments.
Shorter Dennis Prager: Republicans shouldn’t moderate, minorities and women are stupid and should be molded into conservatives for their own good.
even shorter prager: you DO SO NEED US!!! WAH!!!
PeerBlock won’t let me go to Dennis Prager. SAD FACE.
heh…forgot to reset the ol’ nym after clearing my cache…
also, too…clearing my cache…
I think peerblock is just trying to protect you, Tigris.
A method of whingnut coping with the election I can support:
I call deep personal conflict.
Pup, thanks for that link. Apparently the guy was gay. I get Gay Patriot or whatever that fool calls himself as a self-hater, but this is just tragic.
Luckily, the comments aren’t. The first one, from “Floriduh”:
If I spent my entire life searching through America’s classical music concert halls, do you think I would find one teabagger?
If you did, he’d be bound in duct tape and crying like a 2 year old.
I can’t believe I speleeld D-Generation X rong. Also, Shawn Michaels finally retired? Man, about frigging time.
These guys are alot like old-world aristocrats in their dedication to myths and propaganda.
Also divine right/manifest destiny too.
A method of whingnut coping with the election I can support:
Whoa–that’s really tragic. I enjoy their pity party until people die or get crushed by cars. I can’t help but think these are the consequences of building an entire political philosophy around scaring the living fucking daylights out of people who aren’t capable of thinking for themselves. Like it or not, there are a whole shite_tonne of people like that all over the world.
After many years spent working the rubes into a rabid froth of RAEG, suddenly Erk Erksson is going for the Reverse Purity-Purge Gambit in an effort to appear sane & credible.
Let’s see if anyone in the Reality-Based Community notices the difference!
My husband has started plying Christmas music. He puts it on and then takes a nap, and I haven’t turned it off. STOCKHOLM SYNDROME. Dear God, the Mel Torme was OK now it’s Doris Day. That done it.
There’s a feller down the road, nice enough, pulled me out of a ditch once, who spent the past weekend making his yard an enormous xmas thing with inflatable things and lights in all the trees. I just don’t get it.
Actually, it looks more like, Shorter Dennis Prager:
Oh, you may think it’s all smart to acknowledge that demographics are changing and bigotry doesn’t sell anymore, but if you acknowledge that non-white non-rich non-male people exist, then who will replenish your ranks of condescending rich white asshole pseudoliberals who purchase totebags on NPR? QED bitches! Your only hope is to join us in pretending those people don’t exist so we can somehow make more rich white asshole men exist automagically and make the Southern Strategy viable again.
Economic stimulus.
I wonder what would happen if Obama called for a two trillion dollar Christmas-enhancing public works package.
Hee hee I read my comment to him and now we’re listening to Gang of Four.
Nothing lie watching age and experience humiliate youth and stupidity:
Thank goodness Nancy is keeping that corrupt M.I.C. tool, Steny Hoyer, out of the top job.
So…at the risk of becoming persona non grata around here, can we make a distinction between hedge funds and some other investment vehicles that I think do serve the larger society?
We invest in a couple of REITs that provide loans to businesses that banks won’t lend to in the current environment or buy “distressed” properties, and while I know REITs have their own issues, in this case the investments actually allow businesses to get out of debts they can’t sustain or keep their businesses growing while the banks fuck around and hoard their money.
This doesn’t make me a good person but what I’m trying to say is that like there are businesses that are actually tied to something concrete that provides a good or service, there are financial arrangements that do actually keep money moving and businesses going.
These millionaire / billionaire hedge fund vultures, though, are in a class by themselves, a class that should be airlifted to Somalia post-haste and dropped, from a great height.
I never heard the Gang of 4 christmas album but I imagine it sounded like all the other ones.
They’d do a good Little Drummer Boy.
I’d think that was understood. “Investment” in general can be very good. The parasitic vulture capital shit that Rmoney and his ilk basically invented is pure, unadulterated evil.
Best Petraeus tumblr:
Gang of Four’s Little Drummer Boy! Thanks. Can’t get that out of my head now.
Re: xmas music
W. T. F?
At what point does the current Thanksgiving holiday just become “Thanksgiving? Is that the old holiday between SexyDressupDay and GiveMeLotsOfElectronicsDay that we used to celebrate the day before SuperShoppingDay?”
Jeebus, that’s good.
There’s one thing I will say I really like about this Petraeus stuff — it’s bumped “the fiscal cliff” off the talking heads’ radar for a few minutes.
You guys have to peep this thing Subby found. It’s hilarious.
I got your whale bondage here!
You guys have to peep this thing Subby found. It’s hilarious.
Wow. That is one big ball of hostility.
If you made a list of everyone this guy doesn’t hate, it would certainly start with himself. And maybe end there too.
gah! clearing my cache did not work…i keep getting redirected to something called scour…grrrrrrrr…do not want to call i.t…
I love that it’s just–on a fundamental level–just really poorly-written. Plus it’s also based on a strawman argument: that we libs are just about “the cool.”
Shit, it’s so true. I’m all about that super-cool Nancy Pelosi and her awesome Etsy boutique, where she hawks vintage feminist buttons.
And then there’s awesomely-cool Bernie Sanders, with the rapping and such.
My husband has started plying Christmas music.
My deep dark secret is that I hate most Christmas music. Can’t stand it.
Mind you, I like Christmas as much as the next guy, but as far as I can tell only 5 or 6 Christmas songs have ever been written throughout all of history and they have to be played over and over and over and over from some time in mid September until January.
So we’ve got the Frank Sinatra rat-pack version of Jingle Bells, and the Garth Brooks country-and-western Jingle Bells, and the Mannheim Steamroller techno-electronic Jingle Bells, and the Sex Pistols punk Jingle Bells (made that one up) and the Rolling Stones classic-rock Jingle Bells and the Pavarotti operatic Jingle Bells……
Write some new songs already!
I never heard the Gang of 4 christmas album but I imagine it sounded like all the other ones.
Bet it would not sound like the Doris Day one.
Also, somebody quit playing that cruel prank on wingnuts where you tell them they’re funny. Come on. You’re better than that.
I prefer Christmas music that doesn’t sound like Christmas music, so my favorite albums are the Boston Camerata ones and the world music one, though it’s got a couple laughers. He likes that too, but he also really likes the old traditional stuff, and while I don’t mind it the doses must remain small. As in NOT STARTING IN EARLY NOVEMBER.
You guys have to peep this thing Subby found. It’s hilarious.
Because libertarians, Evangelicals, and Wall Street tycoons are all exactly the same.
A while back XKCD had a good explanation of why xmas music sucks so much.
(Spoiler: sorry boomers, as usual, it’s your fault.)
Also, somebody quit playing that cruel prank on wingnuts where you tell them they’re funny.
Not laughing at their not-funny impinges on their first amendment rights.
For those of you don’t click or are on foans and can’t see the alt text at the xkcd link:
Tax cuts=not-bribery.
I got your whale bondage here!
Also the source of the whale chowder!
What, no love for Vince Guaraldi?
I like “White Christmas,” but that one is by Irving Berlin.
I will play things like The Incredible Jimmy Smith doing “Greensleeves” at the organ.
I, too am a Xmas song hater, for much the same reasons as the Major. This is not a secret around our household and Mrs. Chowder is careful to keep the Xmas toons discreet and to a minimum while I’m around.
No “love” but it’s definitely one of the few acceptable options.
I have that album stored on the hard drive of the conference room computer just so I can prevent some stupid cow orker from playing a stupid fucking country xmas album during the office holiday party. There is not enough spiked eggnog in the world to make both an office party and country music tolerable.
Guaraldi supplies some of the few islands of decent music in the “Christmas Traditional” playlist.
Friends are calling YOOOOO HOOOO!
It’s like an aural goatse.
One of my more pleasant Christmas’ was spent on deployment to Pisa Italy. The Italians celebrate Christmas but they don’t beat you over the head with it like we do.
“He’s not being merry enough! You! Over there! Be merrier! I’m talking to you mister! Don’t make me ticket you for insufficient holiday spirit!”
♬Thesewunnerful things arethethings♫
♫We’llrememberall through our lives♬
Do they cry when they fuck the chickens?
so much fail:
For we know there is nothing cool about dependency. And there’s nothing cool about anti-exceptionalism, increased regulation, government control in all sectors, and a fractional country based on race and gender. What’s cool is building businesses, military supremacy (which keeps us free to be cool), unity over division (once called patriotism),
uhhhhh, secession would be the ultimate of division wud’nit?
and competition (which is the universal engine for self-improvement). All of this may sound dorky, but it’s as cool as James Dean.
okay, james dean…ultimate in cool!
We need to teach people how to love this country for the reasons that made this country what it is.
It shouldn’t be too hard to win converts, with a message like that. But we haven’t. Which is why last Tuesday was necessary.
The cool cats who claim victory last week cannot be too thrilled. For it is a wake up call for the rest of us, the uncool. It’s time for new blood. We have the message. We just need the messenger.
In the meantime, the cool kids have to try to govern. Which is kind of like James Dean trying to drive.
ohhhhhhh…james dean is failz at driving!!! not cool!!!
Unfortunately, we’re all in the passenger seat. But we’ve got two years to find another driver, folks. Ladies and Gentlemen: start your engines.
what. a. dumbass.
Guaraldi supplies some of the few islands of decent music in the “Christmas Traditional” playlist.
not in my book! the local station here which is affiliated with ‘real country’ a nationwide network begins playing christmas music 24/7 the day after thanksgiving…guaraldi plays at least several times a day…and while i am fond of the peanuts gang, this is just way, waaaaay too much…
bbkf–are you using a Mac?
unity over division (once called patriotism)
That sounds awfully like “collectivism”. I thought they were all about the rugged individualism? I is confused.
also too…running a microsoft safety scanner…1 infected file so far…grrrrrr…
What’s cool is building businesses, military supremacy (which keeps us free to be cool), unity over division (once called
Perhaps the author was inspired by Sontag’s essay on “Fascinating Fascism”, the coolness of totalitarian aesthetics.
bbkf–are you using a Mac?
nope…at work so i’m using an inferior hp product…
As Substance has pointed out, Gutfeld puts a lot of emphasis on “making the trains run on time”, so there’s your Mussolini dog-whistle.
History’s greatest monsters have nothing on S_McG.
Those rootkit thinghies are nasty, bbkf.
I got rid of one once, meself, at home. It did require booting up in safe mode and screwing around with the registry. Not something I’d do with a work pc (or a home one that wasn’t worth around $100 max, thanks to time decay).
If we’re going to be Fascist do I at least get the cool uniform and the arm band?
Hats with skulls
No no no. We’ve been over this before — here is our logo/crest/armband/whatever.
The way I understand it is collectivism is working together to do anything that takes more than one person to do (with the implied “if you were manlier you wouldn’t need more than one person to do this”). Patriotism is working together to make voices of dissent shut the hell up.
Greg Gutfield’s definition of patriotism is that everyone must feel about the country the way Greg Gutfield does.
You guys have to peep this thing Subby found. It’s hilarious.
I love that it’s just–on a fundamental level–just really poorly-written.
And to think Gutfield wrote a whole book like that. At first I thought “every notion is half-baked” but that’s too kind. Try unformed like a sick movement. It’s as if he took a powerful sub-mental laxative. He really cleared the pipes. Quality is “cool” but when you want a hot mess and lots of it, Greg’s your idea man. Editing, shmediting, you get the whole pile!
For we know there is nothing cool about dependency. And there’s nothing cool about anti-exceptionalism, increased regulation, government control in all sectors, and a fractional country based on race and gender. What’s cool is building businesses, military supremacy (which keeps us free to be cool), unity over division (once called patriotism), and competition (which is the universal engine for self-improvement). All of this may sound dorky, but it’s as cool as James Dean.
The cool cats who claim victory last week … the cool kids have to try to govern.
So these things are cool and the cool people won? Um, yay? Failing to see his problem here. Oh I see it now: he’s a shitty writer.
Hmm, something in this collage of images makes me think that Substance might like it. Can’t really put my finger on why…
Like I said before. They’re poor winners and even worse losers.
Not just a shitty writer, but a shitty writer writing about something he clearly doesn’t understand. His definition of cool is as accurate and informed as a creationist’s understanding of evolutionary biology.
Not only do nasty liberals pretend to hate you but they REALLY hate you too. You can’t win!
Here’s what’s not cool: Worrying endlessly about what’s cool.
The truly execrable Dylan xmas album provoked an excellent quip from some CBC reviewer who said it sounded like a frog with a Dylan caught in its throat.
The sex scandal(s) with Petraeus and that other general are the most boring thing ever. Lord a-mighty who gives a fuck from any angle.
It’s like an aural goatse.
Now everyone will be able to spread the magic*!
* Link is, believe it or not, SFW … but perhaps not so much SFYourBrowserHistory.
Hey can I get some help? I wrote an email with this sentence:
“Based on the work I’ve done I’m recommending the following formulations…”
and a coworker insists that there should be a comma after “done”.
I’ve got a feeling I’m wrong on this one.
kg, I would put the comma there as advised.
I’d leave the comma out.
We need to teach people how to love this country for the reasons that made this country what it is.
America: Love it for the right reasons or leave it!!
24366 signatures to go!
The email has already been sent. This one guy is always correcting other people’s punctuation and grammar and I often think he’s not only an annoying pedant but wrong. I’m just too lazy to look it up.
Commas, are, like, fun, little, breaks, for, your, mind, so, you, should, put, them, everywhere. That, way, your, readers, will, get, a, nice, rest, while, they’re, reading.
Police say they found Henry Hamilton’s body in his bedroom Nov. 8, along with a living will with handwritten words “Do not revive! (expletive) Obama!”
In one of his books, probably “School is Hell”, Matt Groening offer this bit of advice: Kid, don’t kill yourself, they will make jokes about you.
Based on the work I’ve doneI’m recommending the following formulations,,,There isn’t a rule, there’s what reads better. If there’s no reason to pause and no improvement to the sentence’s meaning don’t put one in.
24366 signatures to go!
zomg – consider what comes next! While I applaud his evolving position on teh gheys and their nuptials, I still have resentment about the Public Option.
Tell ’em it’s an invisible, camouflaged comma, adjusting its colour to the background; a comma chameleon.
Ha DKW I was thinking the same thing just a minute ago, it doesn’t really add much information, except to draw attention to ME.
There isn’t a rule, there’s what reads – better. If, there’s no – reason to, pause, and no – improvement, to the sentence’s – meaning, don’t put one in.
What if you learned English from William Shatner?
It’s the comma before, the storm.
Comma, me bro.
Of course they’ve been hacked; that’s what happens when people call you out on your online racism, right?
Wait for some of these tools in a few decades; I guarantee some will try an run for office.
Let me tell you about the use of the colon.
“The surprise was some of the turnout, some of the turnout especially in urban areas, which gave President Obama the big margin to win this race,” said Paul Ryan as he was taking his afternoon tea.
Oh, don’t worry it was ordinary tea. Earl Grey, hot….
…. but he had finger sandwiches with it. Made from REAL HUMAN FINGERS!
Enough about boring old commas. Have you heard about this?
This is where the Joe Walshes of the world would like to take us.
And now we enter a dark period. Filled with unctuous puns. Pun-ctuatious even.
Dependent clause, main clause. is the commonly ignored format, but I think for an email it’s even less worth making a fuss over.
Petition removed.
What was it?
It’s always darkest tilde dawn.
Enough about boring old commas.
Well fuck, now I’m not cool.
Let me tell you about the use of the colon.
Funny, Marcus Bachmann says the same thing.
Thread is no longer pun free. We broke the hyphen on it.
Split its infinitive.
Dangled a participle.
Download and run this
(It’s free)
What virus scanner are you running? What OS is it?
Got our grubby clause onnit. Followed out possessive imperative from a tense past to a future perfect.
Thread is no longer pun free. We broke the hyphen on it.
It has lost its virgule-ity.
Also, once you’re done with that one, run this one
The “quick scan” works fine. Follow the instructions carefully–it will require a restart to knock out the svchost files that this thing is likely using to hijack your proxy settings.
Petition removed.
What was it?
A request that President Obama put his left foot in and his left foot out and he shake it all about.
Of course they’ve been hacked; that’s what happens when people call you out on your online racism, right?
Love the “KEEP YOUR FUCKING TWEETS TO YOURSELF! I can voice my opinion if I want to!” Guess who else can voice their opinion of you, hon? That’s right, every-fuckin-body.
Of course they’ve been hacked; that’s what happens when people call you out on your online racism, right?
HA! I put the SMACKDOWN on one of the females on that Jezebel list.
She came back with the “difference between a n****r and a black person” bullshit
Tweet 2: Again, shut the fuck up you stupid bitch.
I’m keeping it CLASSY
About c|net…
A request that President Obama put his left foot in and his left foot out and he shake it all about.
It would be ABOUT time!
Let me tell you about the use of the colon.
About c|net…
I know–but the Mbam site redirects there and I don’t really want to send bbkf on a safari (lol) looking at mirror sites and other crazy shit. It’s a minefield at those places. Besides, all you have to do is deselect the option to make your homepage/search engine and it’s all good.
Blocked its quotes and quoted its blocks.
Reminder: tomorrow is Beaujolais Nouveau day. An excellent excuse to go drink some wine, as if one were needed.
The fact is, the Pres could undoubtedly deliver a perfectly competent hokey pokey and, I’m sure, an even better hully gully. He can sing, he can dance, perhaps the first presnident ever to be able to do so. Let alone sinking 3 pointers.
I’d have signed that.
Truman was a fair-to-middling piano player, although probably too uptight to do the hokey pokey.
Clinton played a mean sax and I’m willing to guess would do just about anything on a bet, and do it convincingly.
Dammit Bill, I told you — it’s not that kind of pokey!
This one?
and competition (which is the universal engine for self-improvement). All of this may sound dorky, but it’s as cool as James Dean.
Piss right the fuck off. James Dean can not be beaten in coolness.
Let me tell you about the use of the colon.
If gave half a shit, er, if I cared comma I’d find the not too long ago thread with the topic of someoneorother’s immensely vast and huge fundament, link to an apt comment and mention “puts the semi in the colon.” but I don’t.
Need I remind you of The Fonz?
also, too…clearing my cache…
Heh. Threads alway need moar double entendres for the wimmins.
Reading old threads reminds me, I still cannot believe teh guy’s name was Neal Horsley.
Based on the work I’ve done I’m recommending the following formulations,,,
Go with active voice: “I recommend”. (Part of my continuing jihad against passive voice.)
I still have resentment about the Public Option.
Tell ‘em it’s an invisible, camouflaged comma, adjusting its colour to the background; a comma chameleon.
I see what you do there, El Manq. *golf clap of appreciation*
James Dean can not be beaten in coolness.
Three words –
Connery, Sean Connery
That was his cousin, Borat Connery.
The show has it’s moments, but no one’s that badass.
Agreed. Kaley Cuoco has an extremely good ass.
tongue-swab their taints until they sparkled
Some taints are more suitable for tongue-swabbing than others… Op. cit.
“I’ll take The Rapists for 600, Alex.”
This image makes it appear as if Sean Connery has actually autographed a Zardoz poster.
Do you suppose he would? That would be cool of him.
I actually watched Zardoz once and all I could think was “What kind of drugs were they doing back then?”
I actually watched Zardoz once
Sober? That’s more impressive than flying a B52 at treetop altitude.
James Dean can not be beaten in coolness.
Three words —
Sator. Lana Sator.
Sator. Lana Sator.
NAFD – No Apparent Fear of Dying
Lana Sator is a BAFF but eeeew, she’s a girl! James Dean was dreamy. And cool.
Here be funny: John McCain-you remember that guy, right? The dildo who chose Sarah Failin’ to be his running mate? He says Susan Rice unqualified for a cabinet post.
ooooh…i effed it up really good…i ran the microsoft clean up software which didn’t work, microsoft then recommended restoring, which i did…afte backing up my donor database to a jump drive…now i am locked out of the system…guess i will have to fess up to i.t. tomorrow…
Been in the air all day, missed the news.
What’s the Rape Party up to today?
What’s the Rape Party up to today?
Making nice after the big loss, of course
You libs love to slice and dice the electorate into special interest groups and then pander to them with their favorite free cookies to secure their vote through bribery. You revolt me.
This has always been the GOP strategy, has it not? Slice and dice and set groups against each other (the Southern Strategy applied to everything); plus Tax Cut “cookies.”
Revolted because suddenly beaten at their own game?
Oh Georgia, y’all so CRAZY!
Speaking of Connery, I just watched Goldfinger.
It was good but…did James Bond save the world by sexually assaulting a woman? What the fuck, 60s?
And yes, I know it was even worse in the book.
OT Jesus’ General inspired me to start a Whitehouse petition about State secession. Yes, I know the grammar is off (damn you box wine). It’s probably one of many
Marvel at Amity Shlaes’ ability to get every fact wrong!
Hunting around the Interlattice, it is interesting how Paula Broadwell’s confession about her running speed (i.e. that she could not keep up with Gen. Petraeus on a 6-minute mile) has become an article of faith that she could run a mile in six minutes. So Shlaes relays the error in the first six words of her column, because, you know, serious researcher.
You libs love to slice and dice the electorate
Will it blend?
OT revised – because bad grammar (even under the influence of black box bugs me – here is the updated version still not defect free but fuck it
ooooh…i effed it up really good…i ran the microsoft clean up software which didn’t work, microsoft then recommended restoring, which i did…afte backing up my donor database to a jump drive…now i am locked out of the system…guess i will have to fess up to i.t. tomorrow…
Are you on a client/server network?
If you have a flash drive you can load a bootable Linux onto it and run ClamAV. I don’t think it does rootkits very well, but it’s something.
bbkf – weeding out rootkits is not a job for the timid, nor the inept. Not that you’re inept, I’m just sayin….
For some bizarre reason I am watching On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Roger Moore was bad but criminy, this Bond film will remain the only one I have seen only twice.
Maybe it’s the contrarian in me, but I liked Lazenby’s Bond and thought OHMSS was one of the better Bond Movies.
So Shlaes relays the error in the first six words of her column, because, you know, serious researcher.
She doesn’t need to research it, she is after all an expert on narcissism.
Seen Skyfall yet? Some problems but for the most part, a great Bond film. A decent film, period.
SPOILER ALERT: Bond survives.
I have a Ph.D student who’s spent four years studying narcissism and management, so it is a peeve to see Shlaes adding “Non-psychologist expert on narcissism” to her existing qualifications of “Non-economist expert on economics” and “Non-historian expert on history”.
The column is redolent with such fragrant phrases as “as noble as Petraeus” and “achieved as much as Petraeus”. It would be vulgar psychobabble to wonder whether Shlaes was imagining herself in Broadwell’s position when she wrote it. Fortunately, Shlaes approves of vulgar psychobabble.
I have a Ph.D student who’s spent four years studying narcissism and management
Are the webcams in your office hidden or visible?
“…from whence our ancestors fled.”???
Dick,…you crack a brutha up. You know?
Paul Ryan likes to slice and dice the electorate… literally!
Then he puts the pieces into a blender set on gooify and has one of his favorite drinks, PUREE OF ELECTORATE!
Holy shit!
Am I the last person on Earth to hear about this?
I believe this makes her one of the most high-profile transgendered people on the planet over night. Finally we have someone besides RuPaul and Chaz Bono to point to with our confused family members.
Though I must say, any movie with Diana Rigg has got something going for it.
approves ofis nothing more than vulgar (psycho)babbleEmended to meet committee approval.
the great email saga continues…this is what asshat sent me as a reply:
this is what i wanted to send as a reply:
I actually read the documents that are on the un website…don’t know how one could do much more research than that…also, glenn beck hired a company to create and film the ads as a promotional tool for the fictional book he is writing regarding agenda 21 which he admits to on his site, so they have no basis in fact…only on what’s running through his fevered mind…
furthermore, it makes me sick to hear people comparing our current administration and congress to hitler, stalin, communists, socialists. facists…it is ridiculous and it’s insulting to the people who actually suffered and died under those regimes…
because really? what do we have to whine about…oh, no! obama wants to open up health care for more people who will no longer get turned down because of pre-existing conditions! and the insurance companies maybe won’t be able to dictate your treatment…yes, that is truly horrible! everyone agrees the health care bill isn’t perfect, but at least SOMEONE is doing something to change the health care system in this country…it’s easy for the people who have really good insurance to complain about maybe not being able to go to the doctor every time they stub their toe…so, instead of freaking out about it, how about working to make it better? that would be a much better use of legislators’ time and tax payer money…
and oh, no! some people might have to pay more taxes…also ranks right up there with the gas chambers! if someone really thinks it’s okay for billionaires to pay a smaller percentage of taxes than people who likely physically work harder and earn less, that’s a person i don’t really want to know…and yes, i know, spending needs to be reigned in and there are things that could and need to be cut…and i don’t hate or envy the rich, but when they can’t even see their way to help out a bit to get us out of the disaster they created, then no…don’t like them much at all…
we really have it made in this country…the vast majority have enough food, water, shelter, electricity and the means to go where we like and do what we like any time we like…we don’t have bombs going off in our back yard, we can worship where and how we want to, we can even refer to our president as a ‘n’ word without fear of reprimand…we’re pretty freaking lucky…so to hear the whining about ‘oh, obama’s a socialistcommunistfacisthitlerstalinmussolinimuslim and all our freedoms are being taken away’ is pathetic…
you and i will never agree politically, and as long as you are under the delusion that obama and/or the federal government are like hitler, i don’t want to discuss politics with you, so please do not send me any more of this type of nonsense…the world and society change…we can’t go back to the 1700s no matter how much you wish it…even the founders embraced progress, or they wouldn’t have founded this country…they were the brilliant minds of that time and were not naïve about humanity…they knew they had no control over what the world or this country would look like hundreds of years after them which is why they put so much time and effort into those documents…progress can be good and is necessary as i’m sure you’ve learned from your own reading of history…agenda 21 is a totally non-binding resolution that was signed onto by the u.s. long ago…not much has been implemented and we aren’t legally bound to implement any of it…glenn beck and the leading lights over at ‘american thinker’ are just doing what they do best: spreading misinformation and fear and making some bucks off it…
to paraphrase e.b. white: democracy is the suspicion that more than half the people are right more than half of the time…it’s the way the system is meant to work…and it worked once again, no matter how much the minority doesn’t like it…
the reply i actually sent:
I actually read the documents that are on the un website…don’t know how one could do much more research than that…also, glenn beck hired a company to create and film those ads as a promotional tool for the fictional book he is writing regarding agenda 21 which he admits to on his own website, so they have no basis in fact…
furthermore, inferring our current administration and congress or what’s going on in our country (health care and taxes) being like hitler, stalin, communists, socialists. facists…is ridiculous and it’s insulting to the people who actually suffered and died under those regimes…
i don’t choose to foist my views onto anybody else and i would appreciate it if you did the same…you and i will never agree politically, so please don’t send me any more of these emails
as far as your closing quote…it seems glenn beck and fox news have learned that lesson well…
sorry for the length, but holy crap…he has to be read in his entirety to be believed…i’m not sure there’s any words that can quite describe him…
jeeze…i can’t even re-read that without wanting to punch that fucker right in his big smug face…
Not that you’re inept, I’m just sayin….
and um, yes…yes i am…as i’ve learned a wee bit too late…
Am I the last person on Earth to hear about this?
What, that we now have to call them the Wachovski siblings? Where you been gurl?
Only slightly related, on one of the final big motorpickle rides of the year a week or two back, we stopped for lunch in Silverton, OR where Stu has been a prominent figure, inclduing several terms as mayor.
I can’t watch the Jawjah film but I have to ask, is that Jabba il Hut making the presentation?
Or Jabba du hut or whatever the fuck.
Apparently off taking a break from reading Joe My God and other queer news feeds for way too damn long.
It seems I neglected to mention that Stu, who is sexually (biologically) male identifies as a hetero(?)sexual man who has had estrogen therapy and presents as a woman. More or less.
And sheesh, JoeMyGod is one of those sites one does well to frequent.
I actually watched Zardoz once and all I could think was “What kind of drugs were they doing back then?”
That was comical.
The earth just can not handle the shear number of people who live here
I like to think that an actual non-Beck-fabricated UN agenda for depopulation would aim for a slightly higher level of grammar and spelling.
Yeah, there are some media critics I like who swear by Lazenby. I’ve decided to start watching some of the pre-reboot Bonds and that one is one of the first on my list. I’ll give my opinion when I get to it.
About Lana Wachowski, there were rumours that she was trans for almost a decade. I remember hearing about it as a teenager (through puerile jokes, unfortunately), so I wasn’t surprised when she made that speech.
ooooh…i effed it up really good…
I feel your angst, remembering (not even a little fondly) the sundry & manifold ways I fecked up my old Acer back in the day. Despite their hype, both McAfee & Norton/Symantec are utter shite, in my experience; I may still have a screencap somewhere of Symantec detecting one threat … with ZERO files scanned. Now that’s some serious Jedi shit right there, amirite?
If you don’t have your box protected by the likes of Avast! AV & the slow-but-thorough Spybot Search & Destroy, I highly recommend them both. Also have heard nothing but good things over the years about Kapersky security warez.
Also, nothing protects your precious Internets machine quite like a good automatic quarantine: Sandboxie can segregate everything you interact with in a digital “sandbox” & keep it from buggering up your cyber-beast.
There seem to have been troubles in the past year with a Firefox extension named “XULRunner” so you if you run Firefox you might want to look for that. Keep in mind that a System Restore may not remove the vile plague if it was still present at your previous Restore point.
Thank Bob Almighty that after years of terror, I’m finally (pointless blogwhoring goes here) washed out of the Interwebs Virus-Roulette Klub.
BBKF, that’s an amazing exchange up there. Really interesting. The crazy is so insidious. It’s all based on conjecture and READ BETWEEN THE LINES and that sort of thing. I think you responded with equanimity. I’d have gone apeshit.
Nice thread you have here, Guvnor. Be a pity if something happened to it.
Zomg. Teh Greatest Spengler in The World!!
Here’s the reply I would have sent:
You fucking coward. Nevermind that you are just about 100% wrong on every fucking little thing, but if we take you at your word – that you honestly believe Obama and the UN have secret plans to kill babies and the elderly – holy shit. You believe that and the best you can do is this equivocating “read between the lines” bullshit. I can’t even begin to imagine how spineless and chickenshit you must be.
Grow a nutsack you prissy little git. You really believe that Obama has death camp plans, fucking say so. But if this is one of your stupid ass bullshit games to make yourself feel better about you stupid fucking tiny little life, fuck you. Do you have even an inkling if the pain you’ve caused? For fucks sake, I am hoping that you really are a worthless coward afraid of every paranoid fantasy that anyone whispers at him, because the alternative is so much worse.
You Spengler. You brought ‘er.
NPR did a story on McAfee (of antivirus fame) himself today — he’s on the lam for murder ‘n’ stuff.
This is the most in-depth story I saw, but here’s a quote from another:
Back in Silicon Valley, where he founded his anti-virus company in 1987, McAfee was known for hiring Wiccans at his company and his employees competed in an office “sex tournament,” wherein they received points for copulating on the premises and on the clock, the newspaper reported.
Anyway, NPR quoted him saying he just eluded police with a good trick if you live at the beach. He says he buried his body in the sand, then put a cardboard box over his head. The police didn’t think to look under the box.
copulating on the on the clock
Gives a whole new meaning to punching in and out……………………………
Lots of companies hire Wiccans and don’t know it; others don’t care. The sex tourney thing sounds a bit hard to pull off (ahem) as things stand in the U.S.
Apropos the thread topic, it’s cute how conservatives like to believe that success in business goes hand-in-hand with their notions of virtue and right-headedness. McAfee (who I know nothing about) looks like a complex counter-example. And of course success in Hollywood, or by being Soros, well not only do these things not count, they count against you. That Hustler dude: somehow not a capitalist, and so on. Everyone who isn’t part of the tribe is with Mammon, but nobody else is: not even Romney, or little Trump.
I actually watched Zardoz once and all I could think was “What kind of drugs were they doing back then?”
Cocaine. Lots of it.
Mind you, this film was prophetic, in presenting the GOP platform of the 2000s back in the 1970s: “THE GUN IS GOOD. THE PENIS IS EVIL.”
copulating on the on the clock
Hickery dickery dock.
I always thought Zardoz was more of a pot film.
Heaven’s Gate, now THAT one was supposedly swimming in coke…
it’s cute how conservatives like to believe that success in business goes hand-in-hand with their notions of virtue and right-headedness
I sometimes wonder if you couldn’t do more good with a time machine by killing Calvin than snuffing Hitler.
These days they call it Prosperity Gospel – & it gets you your own cable-access show.
Back in the day they were called Materialists – or worse – & that shit got you burned at the stake.
The lucky ones got strangled first.
When right-wingers lament for the Good Olde Days, they know not what they’re missing.
Well, I object to all this all this copulating on the clock.
I mean! I keep fallin’ off!
Thursday morning cute babby blogwhoring.
Good God, bbkf, I can’t believe he read your request for supporting documentation with the text for the fucking propaganda ads. As to “Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it” he does know Hitler never said that, right? If you mash simplified translations of several things said by him and Goebbels you can get there for the most part, but it’s a long, roundabout trip for something in quote marks. I suppose if you keep the quote short, keep it simple and keep repeating it, eventually they’ll believe it’s a real quote.
I suppose if you keep the quote short, keep it simple and keep repeating it, eventually they’ll believe it’s a real quote.
– Franklin D Roosevelt Jones.
bbkf, I tend to go for the more succinct:
(02:48:50 PM) D_____: Congressman Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech to Congress
(02:50:41 PM) S_____: Fuck Ron Paul, that phony
(02:50:48 PM) D_____: WOW!
(02:50:54 PM) D_____: you are such a hater!
(02:54:15 PM) S_____: Even if he wasn’t a phony (he is), everything he stands for is wrong.
This has cost me a friend or two but hey, omelet, eggs, etc.
he does know Hitler never said that, right?
i made him aware of it after i sent my final reply…imma check my mac mail now to see if asshat got the hint or if he’s going to continue to be a douche…
also, super dave from i.t. has fixed my ‘puter…yay! super dave has learned to not ask me questions…
super dave from i.t. has fixed my ‘puter…yay! super dave has learned to not ask me questions…
He stopped asking after he pulled the tuna sandwich from the CD drive, didn’t he.
gah! he doesn’t fucking LISTEN!!!
my reply:
it’s on his site ‘the blaze’…i’m not linking to it because coincidently after i was there and read the post about it, i got a malware virus…he admits the ads are promotion for a fictional book of his about agenda 21…
yes, i know all about what hitler, stalin, et. al. did. and again, i read the documents on the u.n.’s website…i read the actual document. there is nothing eugenic about it…it’s all about making sure the globe remains sustainable for the future and that’s all it is…as i said, they’ve placed a special emphasis on women, the poor, the elderly and disabled…that your thoughts immediately went the eugenics route is exactly what glenn beck wanted them to do…maybe you should read michael crichton’s ‘state of fear’…it seems to be how the right wing is operating…
do you realize that unicef is part of the u.n.? do you know what unicef does? why would the u.n. spend money on children in one program only to kill them with another?
i don’t know why the u.n. is suing glenn beck…perhaps they don’t sit around watching television and aren’t going online to watch wingnuts spreading their misinformation and fear…
but really, i’m done with this conversation…and i’m not responding to any more emails about it…you’re going to continue to believe the bullshit that glenn beck and fox news spreads and i’m not…
He stopped asking after he pulled the tuna sandwich from the CD drive, didn’t he.
it’s on his site ‘the blaze’
He admits it on, too.
it’s on his site ‘the blaze’
He admits it on, too.
what kind of person lives each day with the worst possible thoughts running through their heads 24/7? oh, wait…i know the answer…
what kind of person lives each day with the worst possible thoughts running through their heads 24/7?
Someone with an impressive record of insomnia…
bbkf, my condolences. Is there anything worse than someone who is condescendingly wrong?
The same sort that cites an ad as evidence that a document says something while ignoring the actual document itself?
Do LaRouche freaks still hang out at airports? Because you could mention to him that he is that.
It is devlish hard to penetrate their Fundadomes.
I’m a long time cognitive science dilettante (in the good sense of the word). Thats how i know that when you present delusionals with evidence contradicting their belief it frequently reinforces their beliefs. Especially when paranoia is present – the paranoid receives the evidence as confirming his delusions. You _can_ treat them but it’s difficult. Cognitive therapy can be effective but it’s tricky and takes a lot of work.
I delayed saying it because I wanted to you to hear it after you saw it for yourself. Now that you just experienced the truth of it, keep it in mind for future. Don’t beat yourself up, don’t get frustrated – there is NOTHING you can do to bring him or anyone else around to reality. Accept it, stop wasting your time and move on.
But make sure his shame is public!
PS – the “point and laugh method” is about the only effective tool in such cases. As Thomas Jefferson noted, ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions.
pup…thanks…i am now convinced that their is something flawed about him besides being a total douche…have i ever mentioned that his dad killed himself? and that his brother pulled a gun on him and my mom?
i will not reply to anything he sends me from here on in…in fact, i probably will delete it without reading it…but i do have a hard time with letting him think that he ‘won’ in whatever it is that he wants to be winning at…
i’ve done the point and laff method with him before…he does not like…but it doesn’t keep him from flapping his yap…and i swear, if he tells me he loves me one more time, i’m going to have to fly out to mesa and junk punch him when he answers the door…
Seriously though, he is opposed to the organization that took out smallpox and has polio on the ropes(except where idiots like this exhaust-huffer are scaring the gullible). What hope could any one man have of fighting the organization that even if started the next few major wars would still end up having saved more lives than it killed? How can any one human hope to prevail when the opponents are unafraid of the most horrible deaths on the menu and prove it daily by going into zones afflicted with Ebola and malaria and AIDS and doing their level best to kill it where it lives?
Hey, I have a question for all you wine/alcohol experts out there. Since I stopped drinking hard liquor, and drink wine almost exclusively, I’ve noticed I’ve occasionally begin getting pretty tough, throbbing, long-lasting headaches.
Now, I’m someone who can hold her liquor fairly well (though I usually don’t push 5 drinks in an evening). And I had 4 1/2 glasses of wine last night. Over a 4 hour time period. Got a pounding headache (that started after about the 3rd glass) and lasted all night. Is this an alcohol thing or a wine thing specifically? (Bearing in mind, I rarely if ever get headaches after cocktails or beer.)
are you drinking reds or whites?
I was drinking white exclusively, but mixed in a rose. Wonder if that was a mistake.
I have the headache problem with wine.
bbkf has it right – dollars to donuts your head problems come only after drinking reds.
Teh Ho has problems with red. Which sucks for him because his wine preference is heavily on the red side.
Fuck you, commenter formerly known as vs, you only said that to make me look stupid.
Shocking truth about Obama’s mad mind control skills.
Yeah, this makes me feel better. I get confused, ‘cuz when I do research it says sulfites causing headaches are a myth. However, some folks do concede that, yes, wine does seem to cause headaches in some.
Fuck you, commenter formerly known as vs, you only said that to make me look stupid.
i agree! usually the reds give me a headache, and like teh ho, they are what i prefer…my only other thought is that the sulfites in the wine are reacting to the medication you’re taking…
Yeah, Pup, I love reds. Can’t drink ’em. But I’m wondering if I can’t have any wine now, if I plan on having any more than two glasses.
also, a person who heard from an allergist that box wines will eff you up headache and sinus-wise…which goes far in explaining why ann outhouse is such a fecking betch…
I’m not taking that anti-depressant.
I think I’m just gonna give up wine. Not worth these horrible headaches.
Switch back to teh hard liquor or try beer.
Maybe you’d be more suited to crack?
Crack’s a little hardcore for me. I’m thinking beer and a little nip of the hard stuff may be more doable.
Just drink the whole bottle really fast. The headache will be the least of your problems.
But seriously, yes, lots of people get headaches from (certain) wines.
Thankfully the holy FSM gave us beer as an alternative.
Crack’s a little hardcore for me. I’m thinking beer and a little nip of the hard stuff may be more doable.
i rarely get a headache from martinis…pretty much why is stick to them…
Fucking hell! The GOP “base” is now populated with delusionals like bbkf’s freaky relative. How the fuck is a country supposed to survive when at least a quarter of it is completely fucking out of their minds. I mean “trickle down economics” is just stupid. This stuff is seriously fucking out-of-this world crazy. I mean “imma go invest in straightjackets and room padding” crazy. And it’s not just ten random Birchers meeting at an old Eagles club somewhere anymore.
Wow, just. Wow.
We’re doomed.
On a lighter note: Portland is dooooooomed!
Stay alert Pup, you never know what ebil lurks in those insidious food trucks. There could even be… [dun dun dun]… imported, processed foods!
Was it something I said?
what kind of person lives each day with the worst possible thoughts running through their heads 24/7?
I have learned that it is best not to tell people about the voices.
PS – the “point and laugh method” is about the only effective tool in such cases
OGM he still thinks the Agenda21 ads are real? Okay, here’s a link for you to give him. It’s Bleech hisself laughing at how stupid his viewership is.
you can still enjoy wine, just don’t take it orally. I’m sure there’s any number of fraternities that can get you started.
copulating on the on the clock
Hickery dickery dock.
The clock struck one,
and she did come
I think it’s tannins myself, in red wines especially. Not much you can do about it. Rhine Reisling has low tannin but is usually pretty bland. A good old RR from Australia is worth drinking, however.
Headaches is tricky business though and everyone is probably different. Helpful, that’s me!
sulfites causing headaches are a myth
There remain the histamine, tannin, prostaglandin and tyrosine theories.
Have you ruled out the possibility of bad typography on the wine label? I always keep my wine bottle concealed in a brown paper bag to avoid typography headaches.
The well-aged Reislings that smell kinda like diesel are pretty complex and are actually some of my favorite wines. Mmmm, diesel…
And yeah, tannins makes some sense. Tannins come mostly from the grape skins, whites don’t spend as much time on the skins (usually).
Dr. Ken should eat five pounds of red grapes and see if she gets a headache then too. Do it…For Science!
Helpful Kiwi is helpful.
Hickery dickery dock.
The clock struck one,
and she did come
You misspelled ‘hickory’.
The obvious explanation is THE FRENCH.
you can still enjoy wine, just don’t take it orally. I’m sure there’s any number of fraternities that can get you started.
i thought about suggesting this route, but i’m not sure that butthurt is any better than a headache…
You can always tell it’s a great bottle of wine if they use Papyrus on the label. Or Copperplate Gothic.
re: wine headaches
Have you tried moar wine?
what does it indicate when you can see the Prestone logo on the label?
I am not certain why I didn’t know that this is what they meant by “corporate relations” — in retrospect it seems obvious. And I will have to view all the business students around here differently — this actually improves my opinion of them.
Mr Bog is on it.
How are you gonna keep them down on the farm once they have been hyp-mo-tized by The Great and Mysterious Obamaton?
Well you’re not and Tea Party Genius Chip “Chip” Rogers has got the video that proves that you may have left Possum Squat, West Virginia to become an urban layabout sheeple via the Magic of the Delphi technique and now someday you will get a phone call from someone at the UN inviting you to play a game of solitaire and, next thing you know, you’ll wake up and find out that you have had an abortion or, even worse, worked as a community organizer which is communist.
Impending kidney failure and a slow, painful death.
Yeah, Pup, I love reds. Can’t drink ‘em. But I’m wondering if I can’t have any wine now, if I plan on having any more than two glasses.
Well if you can’t have more than two then what’s the fucking point? Have you tried consuming the wine in a manner that does not involve drinking it? IYKWIMAITYD
I get headaches from champagne and zinfandel, and apparently only those. I rarely have more than 2 glasses anyway, but it doesn’t matter how little I have with those 2.
Re copulating on the clock, someone needs to get their clock cleaned, I am willing to bet.
Thanks for the advice everyone. It is very much (sincerely) appreciated.
But I think we all know what’s to blame for my headaches: Agenda 21.
Good lord, this country is going to hell in a handbasket.
The clock struck one,
and she did come
I get the S&M concept, it’s the actual blow-by-blow culmination I don’t get.
I get headaches from champagne and zinfandel, and apparently only those.
i have discovered a reasonably priced chianti that does not give me a headache nor keep me awake which is another thing about reds that i’ve noticed…i know not it’s name, i just know it by label…
and i’ve never had fava beans so i wouldn’t know…
Wait. If drinking wine gives her a headache, wouldn’t changing the point of ingestion also change the location where she’ll feel the throbbing
PENISpain?<i.Wait. If drinking wine gives her a headache, wouldn’t changing the point of ingestion also change the location where she’ll feel the throbbing PENISpain?
Yeah, I don’t need a throbbing pain in my butt. I already have a toddler.
indignant tag-fail…
Damn you bbkf! In my defense, I managed to sneak in some anal sex,,, References. Anal sex references.
In my defense, I managed to sneak in some anal sex,,, References. Anal sex references.
i would expect nothing less…
the Magic of the Delphi technique
This is new. I was not previously aware that a Cold War US-Army-approved procedure for consulting a group of experts in a field is now being used as a label for a SCARY ALINKSYITE brainwashing technique (i.e. a group of people considering facts, talking about them, and reaching a consensus contrary to Republican policy).
Apparently this is MANIPULATION.
Return of an old meme, mildly amusing.
I should have said “trope,” I think.
Wait. What happened to the undulating priestesses huffing fumes whilst surrounded by phallic serpent imagery if not actual serpents themselves?
You sobered up?
The “change agent” or “facilitator” goes through the motions of acting as an organizer, getting each person in the target group to elicit expression of their concerns about a program, project, or policy in question.
Getting each person to elicit these concerns from whom? Anyway, the whole thing sounds more like corporate arbitration than PTA meetings.
I mean THEIR version of the Dephi method. The real thing sounds more like anonymous iterative brainstorming without the stupid no criticism of bad ideas rule, which might actually be useful at setting and achieving worthwhile goals. I can see why righties want to stop it.
You sobered up?
Agenda 21 stole my whiskey.
i am attending a webinar about year end receipts…the guy sounds like he’s saying ‘urine’…
I mean THEIR version of the Dephi method.
I like DKW’s better, plus the introduction of ethane to corporate brainstorming can only improve things.
I demand urine receipts for each jar I sell.
I demand urine receipts for each jar I sell.
Hard to write on is my guess.
That’s strange, this jar of beer smells like asparagus…
And when you sell enough jars, viola! Urine the money!
1. Pee in jar.
2. ???????
3. Profit !
Levels of histamine and other biogenic amines in high-quality red wines V. Konakovskya, M. Fockeb, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruberb, R. Schmidc, O. Scheinerb, P. Moserd, R. Jarischa & W. Hemmera*
Putrescine (putrid), cadaverine(cadavers) and spermidine (I don’t wanna know) Yikes!
Well, sure, Georgia’s crazy but I’m escaping for the night to Flo-da where I’m gonna see the incomparable guitarist Jim Hurst .
bbkf, bbkf, bbkf, bbkf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy fucking shit, I’m going to murder my husband. He stopped taping the last episode of AHS at the 55 minute mark. What the hell happened?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And when you sell enough jars, viola! Urine the money!
good one…
bbkf, bbkf, bbkf, bbkf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy fucking shit, I’m going to murder my husband. He stopped taping the last episode of AHS at the 55 minute mark. What the hell happened?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
d’oh! also, too…i wasn’t able to watch last night…crap!!!
SHe wakes up. It was all a dream.
I thought that she married Dr Frankenstein?
She finds him dead and stabs herself in the bewb.
And when you sell enough jars, viola! Urine the money!
I have a friend who’s a framer, and he did some work for a designer showhouse bathroom where the theme was “His & Heron,” which he amended to “Mine & Urine.”
Big Bollywood Musical finish.
I have to admit, I didn’t see any of that coming.
She wakes up in bed with Bob Newhart.
When Teh Ho explained why that ending was funny I laughed heartily because it’s very funny.
The funniest part is DrKN asking the SadlyNocracy as if a straight answer might be forthcoming.
The funniest part is DrKN asking the SadlyNocracy as if a straight answer might be forthcoming.
ehh…step off..she was asking me because she knew what she’d get from you bunch of yobs…
i now haz giant sadz that i missed it…
I never expect straight answers from you guys. I usually expect them to be pretty gay.
If his fail at recording the American Headache Society’s Scottsdale Headache Symposium is enough to spur you to murder, perhaps you need to look beyond wine as a source for your headaches.
Couldn’t find a place to watch it online, so I read the synopsis. Holy fuck
Oh great. Will this be my “reminder to vote” moment here at S,N?
I usually expect them to be pretty gay.
Oh well, she wakes up with Rupert Everett, then.
Couldn’t find a place to watch it online,
which sux big time…last year they were available online which was helpful to me since i NEVER get to watch an ENTIRE series of ANYTHING…
oh…holy fuck is right!
This is the worst thing I have ever seen:
It seems to be a map of the labyrinthine madness of the Right Wing mind. It seriously seems to include every complaint ever made about the president by every Right WIng source, no matter how bizarre or obscure,
I warn you, it angers up the blood!!!
McNaughten has some………ahem……….issues.
Here’s your Agenda-21 / Delphi Mindmeld:
Sometimes coolness can be confusing. Nobody smokes in LA. But they all do in movies.
I think smoking has gone way down in movies. I watch old movies all day and everyone smokes at a level not seen in modern movies.
Somehow smoking is cool, only if you’re already cool. When you see a truck driver or a postman smoking, the tolerant break out the phony cough. They’d never do that around Brad Pitt.
Does he follow Brad Pitt around to see if people do a “phony” cough when he smokes?
Typical smoker rationalization: people who cough at smoke are faking it in order to annoy you.
Holy shit I am in my kid’s school waiting for her to be dismissed and I’m picking up my home wireless network.
THAT is convenience.
McNaughten has some………ahem……….issues.
He has ongoing subscriptions.
McNaughten bitches about Obama’s golf playing! Something, something …beam in one’s own eye.
re: coolness
Connery, Dean, McQueen, O’Toole, wev. From the kids are alright file, NPH.
Here’s your Agenda-21 / Delphi Mindmeld:
AHEM sirrah.
Ha ha PeerBlock no likey. He certainly has issues, though, one of which is sucking. Subtlety, dude, LEARN IT.
AHEM sirrah.
I like a good sirrah but it gives me headaches.
McNaughten bitches about Obama’s golf playing!
Now watch this drive!
I’d love to see Obama buy a fake ranch and take up brush-clearing.
I guar-an-tee that if Obama suddenly took an interest in mountain biking it would instantly become an effete liberal sport that only gay liberal gay gheys have ever done. Evar.
Not like Drunk Sliding — that’s a real man’s sport.
I’d also be willing to bet Big O could ride a Segway without falling off.
Also, eat a pretzel.
Even I can eat a pretzel without falling off.
I guar-an-tee that if Obama suddenly took an interest in mountain biking
Yah. Dubs was a big-time mountain biker. Crawford isn’t even in the fucking Hill Country. Y’ever drive through Waco? Flat as a billiard table. Fucking poser.
Y’ever drive through Waco?
As fast as humanly possible.
McNaughton’s “Obamanation” is such a fine painting that to appreciate it you need not just the many mouseover text phrases he supplies, but the explanatory paragraphs that appear to the right. If you bought a print, you’d still need his webpage to understand it. “One painting that says it all” this is not.
The cock crowing on Obama’s podium represents Jeremiah Wright, who once said something about chickens coming home to roost. McNaughton is one of the shittiest iconographers to ever grip a brush.
Pretzeldentin’ is hard work.
Gripping the brush.
McNoughton is an iconographer who paints with a shitty brush, stuck up his ass, presumably.
I can vouch for this. But nothing tops Rhythmic TV Stand Gymnastics for macho thrills and spills.
I’ll just come out and say it: I love McNaughton. Ironically. I want to–hipster-like–wear one of his paintings on my chest, then stand around smirking. Come on, let’s all do it!!!
I’d like a tatt on me wanger of one of his. It’d be symbolic or somefing
So, John McCain skipped a briefing about Benghazi so he could hold a press conference demanding answers about Benghazi.
…the many mouseover text phrases…
McNaughton is not just a great painter, he’s a great writer!
… I challenge you… I DARE YOU… study the links of the various symbols and metaphors that you see. There are over 60 in the painting…
I cant get any of his links to work. They all bring up an error page. I was really hoping to learn, for example, more about Obama’s toilet humor. (Maybe McNaughton got confused about that. GWB showed a photo of Cheney peeing on the Oval office door at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner in 2002. Maybe that’s what he’s referring to.)
So, John McCain skipped a briefing about Benghazi so he could hold a press conference demanding answers about Benghazi.
Isn’t it a hoot?
So, John McCain skipped a briefing about Benghazi so he could hold a press conference demanding answers about Benghazi.
I remember slowing down somewhere near Waco to get a good look at some ostriches. Amazing what you see at some of them goofy Tejas ranches. I’m at Jim’s show and with 15 minutes to show time there’s 12 paying customers. Ouch.
I kept getting that message too, paperbagmarlys (Linda Barry yay!) but assumed it was because of being in the wrong country and therefore not allowed to see the secret stuff. It is a shame, I would like to see what he bases his Christmas tree, pants peeing on.
with 15 minutes to show time there’s 12 paying customers. Ouch.
That’s a pretty good crowd.
…for my dive bar band. Sux for Jim.
Best of all, when CNN asked him about it he had a hissy fit and stormed off. He’s been spending all too much time with Lindsey “Light in His Loafers” Graham.
Yet again we see the arrogance of Obama.
Three of eight R senators attended the briefing; seven of nine Ds. The Rs are not interested in governance.
Yup, Jeri Ryan is pretty spectacular.
Jeri Ryan is pretty spectacular.
She single-handedly gave us the Obama administration.
New post and I’m severely tempted to do one last slightly oldie before we continue to reap the current harvest of wingnut tears.
…………… & nothing of value was lost.
Subtlety, dude, LEARN IT.
But if he was capable of subtlety I think his stupider fans would have problems interpreting his art.
For some reason, I think he would need to be concerned about that.
assumed it was because of being in the wrong country and therefore not allowed to see the secret stuff.
You are missing out, he has the oil from the BP oil spill draining into a crack in the ground causing a green sprout to come up that he calls “hope.”
I think he must be a scientist.
I’ll just come out and say it: I love McNaughton. Ironically.
He’s like a new Jack Chick. Except Chick is a better artist.
Yo, Another Kiwi, if you go to 39:28 of the Cspan of the 2002 WH Correspondents Dinner, you’ll see GWB showing a photo of Cheney peeing on the Oval Office door. (Lynda Barry yay!.)
It is known that Dr.KennethNoisewater loves Jon McNaughton! Ironically.
I keep going back to that Maureen Farrell article and it keeps getting smaller.
So, I was looking at the results. Even in states that actually had campaigns and some discussion, the split is down to 49-51. I mention this to a friend, saying I’m a little disappointed. Asked him to explain this thing again, about how it is that 49% of the people who vote in the US apparently consists of bankers and millionaire mavericks. In spite of the consensus on wages and living standard tells a slightly different story. Even – even – if you account for the abysmal turnout.
American friend looks at me as if I’m the stupidest person on Earth, then says nothing.
Because, really, how do you explain it? Specially when voting democratic is marginally different in practice? Do you come up with some theory about how people vote for millionaires fucking over everyone out of idealism? That fucking people over without constraint of any sort – even legal ones – is an American right that shall not be taken away? Is it some sort of glorification of the system they’re voting for?
Since after all, clearly it’s not self-interest that motivates anyone here. In fact, the only self-interest I know of that is involved here will be millionaires who vote democratic to make their conscience seem a little less black. To pay some change for some sins, so the little people won’t rebel.
Seriously, though – this stuff just doesn’t make sense. Are people really voting for republicans just in case they one day will be Scrooge McDuck, or something like that?