Obama Weasels Ripped Glenn’s Flesh
Shorter InstaHick, Pee in My Jammies Media:
Why Obama Should Resign
- As a law professor, I can state with authority that activities designed to ridicule or harm Muslims cannot under any circumstances be deemed to be a violation of probation.
Poor InstaHick. After almost four years of biting his lip and refraining from saying anything bad about the Muslim Dictator in Chief in the White House, he has now been finally pushed over the edge and has no choice but to call for Obama’s resignation. Press reports indicate that the InstaHick post in question sent shock waves through the White House and that Obama is huddled with his closest advisors determining a possible time frame for his resignation. Reportedly, a “You Won’t Have Barry Obama to Kick Around Anymore” speech is in the works, which Obama is planning to deliver before a helicopter whisks him off the lawn of the White House and back to his real, and soon to be permanent, home in Kenya.
By sending — literally — brownshirted enforcers to engage in — literally — a midnight knock at the door of a man for the non-crime of embarrassing the President of the United States and his administration, President Obama violated [his] oath [of office].
Who knew that Obama — in addition to having all Muslims in the Middle East under his command — also is running the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department? And you might have wondered why Obama, instead of sending his FBI and Secret Service storm troopers and flying monkeys out to round up this guy, decided to use some county sheriffs instead. Well, Glenn tells you that too: because the sheriffs have brown uniforms! They’re brown shirts! Literally!! Apparently when someone suggested to Obama that he send some U.S Marshalls instead of L.A County Sheriffs, Obama became enraged, shouting “I want Brown Shirts,” before goose stepping down the hall while loudly singing the Horst-Wessel-Lied.
You can try to pretty this up (It’s just about possible probation violations! Sure.)
Sure. Don’t they know about the Muslim-bashing exception to probation violations? Don’t they know that this exception prohibits even asking questions about the violation? How can Obama flaunt the law so blatantly?
Of course, no Instahick post would be complete without a “Heh” moment:
And reader Paul Crabtree writes: “Although the midnight raid to punish free speech is beyond deplorable, I guess we should be relieved that the Nobel Prize winner didn’t order a drone strike on his house.” Heh. We probably don’t have to worry about those . . . in the first term.
The best thing that can come of this is that Perfesser InstaCracker will, fearing for his life, take to his roof with his rifle and spend the next four years shooting in the air at the unseen Obama drones coming to snuff him out. Heh.
I wonder if he’s going to go full-bore Orly Taitz and start filing lawsuits.
That picture is going to turn a lot of people off sex with weasels.
Bozo, I’m availlable next Thursday, but you’d better buy me dinner first.
That picture is going to turn a lot of people off sex with weasels.
Put your Viking helmut on
Funny, I don’t recall hearing a peep about the good ol’ constitution out of the perfesser back in day when they were opening up Camp X-ray.
Bozo, are you referring to Teh Perfesser or to Thread Bear?
Bozo has a Frist Complex.
Nice putz pic, Tintin.
Here’s what I’m guessing he’s dreaming about.
Not surprising that Glenn Reynolds turns a blind eye to the fact that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is (1) a documented alien on our soil, and (2) under probation for being involved in a credit card and banking fraud case, who would have been deported or imprisoned long ago had he not cooperated with the DOJ.
Double ditto what Thread Bear said.
Ow! Pesky weasels!
Heh, indeedy. Read the whole thing…
Makes me miss the malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds robot.
By writing–literally–this piece of shit column–literally–Glenn (literal guy) Reynolds proves–literally–that he sucks at–literally–everything.
Sheriff’s deputies in brown uniforms. LITERALLY brown shirts. LITERALLY relevant.
He REPEATS before he says it for the first time. You can’t do that!
There are related thoughts from Ann Althouse there. Awesome.
Sheriff’s deputies in brown uniforms. LITERALLY brown shirts. LITERALLY relevant.
The whole right wing has had LITERALLY brown pants for over 11 years.
so, i’m not really hep to the glenn reynolds thing…is this guy taken seriously by anybody besides althouse and his fans?
Those are FREEDOM™ Pants, N__B.
Kent from Real Genius is still a dick after all these years? God, get over it.
He gets lots of hits on his bloog, bbkf.
Sort of like the Atrios of the troglodytes.
Not without the help of a teleprompter.
He gets lots of hits on his bloog, bbkf.
hmmmf…i see his reading skills are even more egregious than his writing skills…also, where does this whole thing about obama being ’embarrassed’ by the film come from? is it just because they think he’s a muslim?
So is this:
What Glenn’s all bent out of shape about? Holy fucking fuck. What a maroon.
I own some brown shirts. A rich chocolate-brown shirt goes well with jeans, or khakis, or various slacks. They may complement my unpleasantly pink (not literally white) skin. Nazis’ shirt-reasoning was probably similar.
But more importantly: Nakoula’s martyrdom reminds me of that Zimmerman dirtbag. Both of them are made men now. If wingnuts were defending them out of principle, out of disinterested concern for legal rights even the worst among us should enjoy, why they’d be defending others as well — ideological enemies in a pickle, folks who did not shoot black kids or make anti-Islamic movies, etc. Selectivity matters. One can only defend on so many fronts, and it’s always interesting to see which battles the Right chooses. The Nakoula cause is not a stand-in for our civil rights — nobody should let that assertion go unmocked. It doesn’t pass the “logic test,” — better than Instapundit’s “smell test,” which speaks to his motivations, and carries negative weight.
Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies escorted Nakoula to an interview with federal probation officials. They did so in the dead of night and allowed Nakoula to cover his face.
What Glenn’s all bent out of shape about? Holy fucking fuck. What a maroon.
the article also states they waited until almost all the reporters and cameras left for the day…which kinda blows outhouse’s theory that d00d was trying to keep his anonymity…
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula for president!
When is ol’ Dr Mrs Dr Perfesser going to resign his post, because he clearly has no clue about the law?
PENIS, doggy-style.
he literally has no clue about the law. LITERALLY!
Congratulations law students in Reynolds’ classes, you have a “law professor” who thinks County police departments in America take orders from the President.
What level of gross incompetence is required to lose tenure anyway? “law professor who doesn’t understand federalism” anywhere near good enough?
Wow, he cites Ann Althouse and Eugene Volokh, two dipshits dippier than Instahick.
That convinces me [eyes rolling].
John Cole had the bestest on the brown shirts thing.
The fact is, Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is the greatest American hero, except he’s not American.
I want to hear more about sinful tourists in Cape Cod.
And of course, all county sheriffs report directly to Obama. Sheriff Joe out in Arizona told me that.
A tourist who went to Cape Cod
Fell in with a kinky-sex squad
He left with a ring
Through his big ding-a-ling
And an ass full of oversized scrod.
Bill Kristol starts writing the Romney postmortem.
How clever of you to use the past pluperfect.
Nakoula Basseley Nakoula for president! keynote speaker at next years Voters value Cocference
Thanks strikethrough I didn’t really want you to work anyway.
A rich chocolate-brown shirt goes well with jeans, or khakis, or various slacks.
funny you should say this…prior to hubbkf’s last jaunt out to vegas (whose sheriff’s department ALSO wears brown shirts btw) i purchased the same shirt you are describing above and for mostly those same reasons…i say mostly because he also looks hawt in it…
Hopefully there will be no monsters at the cocference.
just a cockatrice. Cockatiels, gamecocks and coxswains aren’t really monsters.
A visiting fornicator
Known as the Cape crusader
Would rut like a rooster
In the town of Brewster
Would always go down
Up in Provincetown
Couldn’t wait to go at ’em
Over in Chatham
He had lovers galore
All over the shore
But when he tried to hook up in Hyannis
He would invariably end up in Dennis
local dipshit editor may be approaching his own personal wingnutocaplyse…after last week’s drubbing via letters to the editor, he then re-printed ANOTHER chain email claiming that snopes.com is full of crap and they are just total demonrats who are funded by soros…i anxiously await next week’s edition to see if his wingnuttian loop comes full circle…
David Mikkelson was pretty much to the right of everyone when I was on the Snopes mailing list, except that he liked facts. Baffling!
David Mikkelson was pretty much to the right of everyone when I was on the Snopes mailing list, except that he liked facts. Baffling!
and she’s a canadian citizen, so…yeah…
Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing.Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing. Heh. Indeed. Obama should resign. Read the whole thing.
When your behavior puts you in danger of being arrested, the rule is to lay low, out of the public eye. Nakoula broke that rule into a billion pieces and fed them into an atom-smasher. He gave all kinds of people reason to look into his identity and background, after rendering himself vulnerable to legitimate legal action. Fucking brilliant …
Glenn Reynolds, Esq.: “given that the laws are so complex that [my client] is a felon, prosecutorial discretion rules, [your honor].”
Judge: “Then we are of one mind. Guilty as charged.”
Perhaps this was meant as fashion advice.
I don’t recall the literal Brownshirts literally knocking on doors at midnight. Knocking down, maybe.
just a cockatrice. And a cockatoo or three and certainly a few cockapoos.
A.K. you have to speel it out if you want
striketo not go on strike.~
Do PJ Media do retractions and corrections, or is that too much of an old-media thing?
I thought it was usually just after suppertime.
Do PJ Media do retractions and corrections, or is that too much of an old-media thing?
Retractions are for wimps. Real men stick to their guns, reality be damned!
Real men stick to their guns
HA HA fun with Superglue!
Brown Shirts were famous of course for their enforcement of hate speech laws against religious minorities.
You expect Glenn Reynolds, “The Instapundit” to start caring about the faithfulness and appropriateness of metaphors now? He’d have to learn some history first. Which means he’d have to read something besides robot porn. Which he has decided he will never do again.
I do not take my vague mistrust of the right wing and construct elaborate paranoid fantasies and publish them on line under a “clever” nom de plume using my stature as a dead-end-jobbed database programmer at a minor local manufacturer to lend my jeremiads the credibility they would not otherwise deserve. I don’t pretend that my professional and leisure accomplishments lend me an expertise in economics and politics unavailable to the professionals.
What I’m trying to say is that the term “instapundit” itself is an insult to the actual concept of expertise. If every field were instantly accessible to the well educated reasonably smart person, Republicans wouldn’t be elected to any position more responsible than dogcatcher, and even that would be a one-term rabies-shortened career. That freaking hack ought to be shoring up the concept of credentialism, as his law and education credentials are the only reason people listen to him in the first place. It’s not like he couldn’t defer to the so called expertise of equally deluded crypto-fascist hacks in other the fields he pretends to be informed enough to comment on.
Chewed to bits by giant turtles!!
It’s not like he couldn’t defer to the so called expertise of equally deluded crypto-fascist hacks in other the fields he pretends to be informed enough to comment on.
Agree, except about the “crypto” part.
Been distracted all day by Frank Rich’s lengthy stenographic description of his week on a Right Wing Media diet… and by a craving for popcorn induced by Shrum’s anticipation of the coming GOP civil war.
I’d have more snark to contribute otherwise. Well, more than this, anyway.
Chewed to bits by giant turtles!!
Granny starvers starved my granny!
Chewed to bits by giant turtles!!
It’s all good fun until someone gets chewed to bits by giant turtles.
And even then the giant turtles are having fun.
‘flout’: Openly disregard (a rule, law or convention): “these same companies still flout basic ethical practices”.
not this:
‘flaunt’: Display (something) ostentatiously, esp. in order to provoke envy or admiration or to show defiance.
“Flautist”: someone who plays a flute.
“Flauntist”: a semi-pro ecdysiast.
Flauta: A Mexican fried burrito.
Flatus: A common aftereffect of Flautas.
The whole right wing has had LITERALLY brown pants for over 11 years.
Bring me my brown pants!
Romney issues a sincere and heartfelt apology.
Bill Kristol starts writing the Romney postmortem.
First, loser, if you want me to read Bill Kristol, DON’T make me click through david Frum first. Even sadism should have limits, y’klnow.
Second, DON’T imply that Bill Kristol has claimed that Rmoney will lose. (Remember, If Bill Kristol declared the world was “round like a ball”, we’d all begin falling over the edge immediately thereafter.) Instead, cite comforting Kristol statements like, “It remains important for the country that Romney wins in November (unless he chooses to step down and we get the Ryan-Rubio ticket we deserve!).” Now THAT is the Billy Kristol we all know and, um, like (in a totally heterosexual way, of course).
All the more for the rest of us.
There’s only one way for a real man to deal with weasels.
Are those regular or garden weasels?
Is that a garden weasel in your pants, or are you bleeding profusely for some other reason?
Faded [do you think?!] Papyrus Refers to Jesus’ Wife
There’s an opportunity for a sitcom here.
My first take: “Married … with Disciples”
Dunno what to do with “Home Improvement,” but it could feature the show-within-a-show “Tool End-Time.”
Hee hee. I gotta try this new take on abusing the word literally.
Normally for cutting up small bits of food I use those dinky utility kitchen knives but yesterday evening and all of mine were in the dishwasher (uh, they’re stamped? wev, just roll with it for now). I had to pull the ten inch chefs and foot long carving. It was — literally — a night of long knives, just to prepare my — literally — last supper.
I like to think of myself as a pleasant and considerate individual, but since I have boned Insty’s mom so often I guess I am — literally — a motherfucker.
Four hours of canoeing against a headiwind in rolling swells leads to an awful lot of “are we there yet”. You tell the 47% of your boat’s paddling power whatever you must to keep up morale. Eventually the mosquito infested boggy campsite came into view, it was — literally — the promised land.
Arr! This be talk like a pirate day!
omg ewik ewiksen was on npr this morning. ruined my drive.
Last Talk Like A Pirate Day I told Insty’s mom “Well blow me down” and she did — literally.
I have boned Insty’s mom so often
Careful boning is important to make a good turducken.
Last Talk Like A Pirate Day I told Insty’s mom “Well blow me down” and she did — literally.
All that practice has made her really good at it too. She had me gasping and moaning at the same time — literally — shivering my timbre.
I wanted to get her Insty’s mom out on a boat to celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day, but she’s deathly afraid of water (which might explain why she bathes so infrequently) making her a — literally — land ho.
When you take her on a tour of that linguistic studies institute but don’t let her use the hoveround it would be making her literally walk the Planck.
So anyways, reaching that campsite after that gruelling canoeing ordeal, it was quite restful and peaceful. Really let me clear my mind, focus and think much more clearly, it was — literally — a concentration camp.
Cross posted at JAB(fLA):
Talk Like A Pirate Day
Instapudnit is just going easy on you libtard sheeplez. The lede that he buried is that this horrifying story then got even worse: the ObamaStaffel brownshirt thugs later followed direct orders from the bloodthirsty Kenyan & condemned Nakoula to deadly Muslin terror by releasing him — JUST LIKE HITLER WOULD’VE DONE,
If you dimed her out after having your way with her it would be, literally, a bunk her, bust her.
Last Talk Like A Pirate Day I told Insty’s mom “Well blow me down” and she did — literally.
Thar she blows!
What was last night’s dinner? A casserole that I unfortunately overcooked. Ruined it. Fortunately it wasn’t that big a casserole – roughly the size of a largish book. It was — literally — a disaster of biblical proportions.
I think I’m gonna duck out before DKW gets to the litteral End Times.
Tool End-Time. As carpenter, savior, and husband, Jesus is well-qualified to host a family/eschaton-themed home improvement show. On the other hand, his carpentry tools and techniques are archaic, he doesn’t give a flying fuck about your house in the suburbs, and he’s unusually busy.
I think I’m gonna duck out before DKW gets to the litteral End Times.
We didn’t eat much of that burnt casserole but I hate throwing food out so I cling-wrapped it and tossed it into the fridge. And small as it is, there’s probably enough for half a dozen more servings. Maybe more – I may end up peeling Saran off and — literally — breaking the seventh seal.
So, I had some German sausage for dinner and subsequently watched a history channel special on WWII, it was literally – wurst then Hitler.
When I came to work this morning, there were several bums (you know, those darn 47%ers) hanging out in front of the building. I tried to shoo them away but they just moved around to the side of the building. They were – literally – latterally loitering. I think I might sue and – literally – litigate latteral loitering.
This be talk like a pirate day!
Blast ye, I sincerely doubt my dear departed Great-great-great-great-great-great-Grampa on my Pa’s side would much at all approve of such scurvy deviltry!
In case you’re wondering – yes, I use AVAST!® Anti-Virus.
but do you drink Captain Morgan spiced rum?
I played touch football on the seashore and caught a sideways pass. It was a literal littoral lateral.
Remember Roseanne and the weird format change from slice of trailer-trash life to Nouveaux Riche Beverly Hillbillies style sit-com-ery? It was literally latterly lottery lol-ery[1].
[1] Minut the lols.
Argh – minus. I blame Obama.
I’m surprised you don’t blame Obama’s mom.
That’s what I get for sleeping in – BS literally beats me with a littoral literal.
OT, but I am still confused by this whole “47% of Americans don’t pay taxes” line. How do they get that statistic? Even when I was a grad student earning < 25K/year on a (taxable) fellowship, I had to pay (federal income) taxes. Are they counting kids in that 47% or something? Or are they counting joint filers funny — if Billy Bob and Peggy Sue file jointly, that means 50% of that household is paying taxes if they each have income but only file one return?
If 47% of income earning Americans are not paying income taxes, then there is something majorly wrong with our economy and "cutting a few regulations and lowering taxes on the super-wealthy" just ain't gonna make a difference?
I also like Mitt's shout-out to Road to Serfdom style reasoning in his recently publicized remarks. Increasing dependence on government will lead to totalitarianism? Do the Hayek regurgitators on the right even know what happens in actual, bona fide serfdom? The 1% control everything … and I mean everything. Wealth redistribution leads to serfdom? Well, that wealth doesn’t seem to be able to redistribute itself and when you have economic equilibria at Pareto distributions of wealth, well, you have serfdom, or something equivalent, dontcha?
Instapundit, just add bullshit! Literally.
BS – were you playing with lefties? That would make it a literal liberal littoral lateral.
they probably threw trash everywhere and didn’t clean up after themselves, which would make it a literal litterer liberal littoral lateral.
Also, aside from the on-the-face hilarity of the heh-indeed-robot using “literally” here, the sheer fact that he uses it to make an embellishment of a completely meaningless fact really shows the depth of his mental acumen. Holy shit people! They were literally wearing brown shirts! THAT’S TERRIFYING! As we all know, the concept of “brownshirts” is only worrying and frightening because of the color. (Someone call UPS and warn them already!)
Holy fucking shit, why would anybody pay this man for anything.
DAS: http://www.cbpp.org/cms/index.cfm?fa=view&id=3505
(Someone call UPS and warn them already!)
We call UPS the “Freight Nazis” for that very reason.
Carve that on a frieze at Angkor out of laterite.
I heard Der Loededhoesen on there yesterday. Bleahh.
“loves to talk during sex. She calls me from every motel in town.
Thank you. Tip the veal. Try your waitress.”
“Jesus said to them, ‘My wife …’ ”
Being the Son of God, I would think it would be rather creepy for him to be with a woman who is in the habit of crying out “oh God!, oh God!” during sex.
Thanks for the link.
BTW, I have even heard Democrats complaining about how entitled kids today feel. Do I feel entitled? Hell yes! I work hard for my money (although not as hard as someone doing actual physical labor and getting paid even less than me) and I expect to at least be able to have the same lifestyle and socioeconomic status that my parents did when they were my age.
And while I am happy for all the things that I have that didn’t even exist back then (desktop computers more powerful than an Apple IIE, the intertubez, access to decent produce rather than whatever pre-fab stuff they sell at supermarkets), the fact is that I couldn’t afford to buy the home I grew up in on my income (or a comparable home in the metro-area where I live now), etc. I do not have what I grew up with, I worked hard to try to achieve the ‘Murkin dream, I go to religious services regularly and other than the fact that I’m not one of them entrepreneurs (you can’t have a society where everyone works for themselves anyway — I know of societies where everyone has their own personal hustle and there is a name for them — third world countries), I am pretty much living the life that Republicans say Americans should live. And what do I get for it? So you betcha I feel entitled!
Well … it could be worse … if the Republicans were fully in charge, it would make things even worse for those of us who the Republicans are saying are doing everything right: the small businesswoman who cannot even afford to hire her husband because he can’t afford to pay for fringe benefits due to unregulated health care costs and someone has to have a job that comes with health insurance for the family, the teacher who gives his all to his students yet gets blamed when his hungry students can’t answer questions on a test that have nothing to do with what his students actually need to learn for either college, the workplace or even to be a good, educated citizen, the worker at a non-profit who strives to ensure that the needs of the poor are taken care of by private charity rather than government handouts — all of these people, who are doing everything the GOP claims to want Americans to do, will get further screwed by the GOP.
They had some prick on NPR yesterday rehashing that same Repig fucking crap about unemployment benefits causing people to not work. He cited an example, an unnamed trucking company that couldn’t find truck drivers because everyone was lavishing in their unemployment (read: welfare) riches. Yeah, like I’m so fucking sure! Ashbrook let him fucking get away with it! So I put on my Pink Floyd playlist and tried to calm the fuck down.
tsam – mooching off the music of others! Why don’t you learn to be self-sufficient and make your own music?
Or, you could just get Comfotably Numb.
tsam – mooching off the music of others! Why don’t you learn to be self-sufficient and make your own music?
the bootstrap band…
the bootstrappers?
strap my boots, bitch!
BTW, I have even heard Democrats complaining about how entitled kids today feel.
yeah…that’s all we hear about…i was talking with a guy a couple of years younger than me who is a national guard lifer…we have kids in the same grade and of course talked about them and their cohorts…we also talked about his tours in iraq and afghanistan…he told me that the national guard actually had to stop recruiting because they had waaaaay to many volunteers that had signed up…and they all wanted to be deployed…still not sure what to make of that…
tsam the tsham and the Farrows
Or, you could just get Comfotably Numb.
I actually DID make some of my own music. It didn’t even come close to comparing to much of anything Pink Floyd ever did.
It didn’t even come close to comparing to much of anything Pink Floyd ever did.
Don’t feel bad, I couldn’t even get close to spelling the name of their song properly.
he told me that the national guard actually had to stop recruiting because they had waaaaay to many volunteers that had signed up…and they all wanted to be deployed
The last time the National Guard tried to deploy me I left 10 fingernail marks down the hallway as they dragged me…..
I actually DID make some of my own music. It didn’t even come close to comparing to much of anything Pink Floyd ever did.
maybe so, but it had to better than this?
OK, so yesterday CSM was literally (heh) begging me to find out if I am More (or Less) Conservative than Mittens, and this morning the gnawing uncertainty drove me to take their little quiz:
No fucking shit.
Funny, 30 years ago I was considered a moderate.
BTW, I have even heard Democrats complaining about how entitled kids today feel.
Yeah, yeah, fucking yeah. WHATEVER. I heard the same shit when I was a kid, and I specifically remember hearing my dad tell me that older people said the same goddamn thing when he was a kid in the 50s. To say that kids are too “entitled” these days, when every single economic study shows that our kids WILL have a lower standard of living than we did, and that wages have been flat since 1980 and are projected to continue that trend line is nothing more than right wing horseshit. Any Democrat mouthing that crap should be swiftly pounded in the grill.
Again, all those fuckers who say that shit need to go live for about six months working 2 minimum wage jobs and see how shit works out for them. Entitled my fucking ass.
Also, my band name would be TSAM and the HELL BENT MOTHERFUCKERS.
More (or Less) Conservative than Mittens
Is that the current Mittens or is that the current Mittens after all the retro-actives adjustments have been made.
maybe so, but it had to better than this?
Yes, it was significantly better than that. It wasn’t particularly dynamic, but it was much better than most of the drippy, sappy bullshit they’re playing on the radio these days. Fucking Dave Matthews ruined pop music with his falsetto crap and talking about feelings and shit. PUKE.
For tsam and for nostalgia. The guitar player in the white shirt used to play in a band that I saw the very first time my undeage self snuck into a bar.
M.B. is sick of this pirate shit.
Nirvana and the grunge rock movement beat him to the punch by about ten years. The grunge rock “Moping noisily to unlistenable distortion” made me turn off my radio for about half a decade.
From weasels to Wolverines!
Can we start planning a Sadlies movie night now?
BTW, I have even heard Democrats complaining about how entitled kids today feel.
I have two stepdaughters, both age 32 (twins).
One has an MBA and the other is a CPA. While both are doing OK, neither one is where I would expect them to be with that level of education. They’re both still paying off student loans and neither one owns a home.
18 years ago, when I was that age I had no debt and was in the process of buying my first (and only) house.
Can we start planning a Sadlies movie night now?
I’ll be the mage!
Arrrrrr, ye be thinkin ya know what day it be, arrrr, n ye”d be right, arrr, but it wouldn’t be the big thing about the day, arrrr. It be National Cheeseburger Day ya scalliwag land lubbers!
the drippy, sappy bullshit they’re playing on the radio these days.
So I was talking with the lead singer in the band yesterday and he told me about a bar he used to frequent in the mid-’70s (yes we’re old GET OFFA MY LAWN!) in MD. One night they actually charged a cover for some new band. They almost didn’t go in because FIVE DOLLARS! but decided to just to see what the fuss was about.
Turned out to be The Sex Pistols. He says it was a real eye-opener. I bring it up because Punk was at least partly a reaction to the overproduced sappy crap that was being pushed by the record companies back then. I mean seriously, Bread? Some things never change.
Also, Seattle Sadlies, my band Naked Bacon will be playing in West Seattle at Poggie Tavern on Friday. Y’all should do an impromptu meet-up. I’ll certainly be there.
Sorry, pup, yer a day late and a double/double short.
I hope young Americans feel entitled to decent lives. I know I do.
The term “redistribution” bugs the hell out of me. Distribution is a social thing we do. It is the means by which we have rich and poor folks. There is no God-given or natural state of affairs to be disrupted re: distribution of goods, services, privileges, or rights. There is only social life, political economy, which is then subject to all manner of mystification by self-seeking and deluded people. All this is true whether you favor markets to any degree.
Conservatives are fighting for a neo-feudalistic world system. (Much could be said about how the roles of agriculture and land-holding have changed, and how aspects of feudalism could be seen in our industrial / information age, but I’ll hold back.) Conservatives’ constant talk about “dependency” focuses entirely on government, and our democratic government at that. However flawed, these are among the least troublesome forms of (merely partial) dependency yet devised. In their place, conservatives would revive or compel (quite thorough) dependency on authoritarian concentrations of private power, from the family on up to multinationals bigger than most nation-states. This is truly the road to modern-day serfdom.
Well fuck. I really need to pay more attention. What, this is 2012? Holy shit am I ever late for an appointment.
Sorry, pup, yer a day late and a double/double short.
FFS, yesterday was Jimi Hendrix Memorial Day. Get them dern cheeseburgers offa my guitar god’s lawn!!!
Still Raining, Still Dreaming
What, this is 2012? Holy shit am I ever late for an appointment.
I hear ya man.
Been doing some cheeseburger related research, looking at how this whole new hyper-aware gourmet burger thing is playing out, thinking that it might map onto the craft beer model with some great local options (say ShakeShack is like Deschutes Brewing, or Anderson Valley) giving cover for a whole bunch of expensive, regrettable craft burgers/beers. All it needs is for a Pugsley to develop a business model and go national.
You can’t be late until you show up.
I got the same results… No surprise there. What did surprise me was the selection of answers offered to certain questions. There were a number of them where I thought all the available responses sucked in the high 90s.
Nirvana and the grunge rock movement beat him to the punch by about ten years. The grunge rock “Moping noisily to unlistenable distortion” made me turn off my radio for about half a decade.
That’s not really fair–Nirvana was a post-punk thing, and still had a pretty punky sound with Nevermind. Soundgarden was anything BUT mopey, and Pearl Jam’s first album was a clinic on bluesy rock and roll music. Smashing Pumpkins–borderline. There’s some stuff from them (like the absolute masterpiece Bullet with Butterfly Wings) that I still love to hear to this day. There was a lot of heavy heavy distortion, but that was FAR preceded by Black Sabbath (who Soundgarden quoted as their biggest influence, sound-wise). Honestly, most of that grungy stuff was rehashed Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin stuff, which tsam like muchly!
There was a lot of drippy, depressing shit out then, too, but this shit on the radio (the uber-sensitive douchebag with fucking acoustic guitar and lots and lots to say on the subject of love and relationships) has all but chased me off of popular music.
You also have grunge to thank for showing Warrant and Winger and all those prissy hair metal bands the door in the 90s. I still love a ton of that stuff too, but it was getting pretty awful by the late 90s.
“Still Raining, Still Dreaming” is great, but I really, really like the long ones that follow, “1983” and “Moon …” Sublime.
I don’t find the “mopey depressing shit” any worse than the Sex Pistols’ angry depressing “life sucks let’s go out and break stuff”.
I never really “got” punk rock, especially the British stuff.
I can understand why it came about and even why it was necessary, but most of it seemed way too nihilistic for me.
i just thank pretty much every deity that my son’s obsession with ‘slipknot’ was relatively short lived…worst. band. ever.
I’m with you, Major. By the time I heard the Sex Pistols they just sounded quaint. The answer to a problem I didn’t have.
Punk was only necessary from a rock -centric perspective anyway. It was never the case that people had to be rescued from Bread, or prog rock, or sappy pop rock music. By the 70s there was lots to choose from besides mainstream rock. But to each his own.
Whale–What time are you playing? I’ll be in Seattle Friday night but have an early evening appointment.
Repeat after me: “Mika Brzezinski is a serious journalist.”
Repeat after me: “Mika Brzezinski is a serious journalist.”
while paging through my vanity fair this weekend, my first thought on seeing this picture was, ‘why does alec baldwin look so weird?’ then i read the blurb…and then went, ‘enh…pretty much spot on…’ then i was like, ‘what the hell woman?’
I will probably get kicked out of the hot tub for saying this, but I’ve never gotten the fuss over Pink Floyd. I’ve always chalked it up to the fact that I never did many drugs and possibly cuz I jus havent heard enough of their catalog.
What time are you playing?
Show starts at 9:00 (haha, or thereabouts)
I will probably get kicked out of the hot tub for saying this, but I’ve never gotten the fuss over Pink Floyd.
Just because you have lousy taste in music is no reason to kick you out of the hot tub.
I was kidding. You don’t all have to leave in a huff.
I actually DID make some of my own music. It didn’t even come close to comparing to much of anything Pink Floyd ever did – tsam
I can honestly say I am an award winning composer. As part of one Holocaust remembrance day when I was a kid, they had a contest for us kids for artwork and poetry related to the subject of Holocaust remembrance (with separate awards for poetry and artwork in each age range). I wrote a passable poem about going forward after such a tragedy and set it to music. Being the only kid who bothered writing an original musical composition, they gave me an award for it. So I can indeed honestly say I am an award winning composer, even if I had no real competition for said award.
Whoa, dude. Flashback.
well you didn’t poop the tub but pretty darned close.
but I’ve never gotten the fuss over Pink Floyd
omg…my older brother listened to them almost exclusively in the very earl 80s…could not stand them…working as a dj for a ‘classic’ rock station did nothing to change my feelings about them…however, i do really like the momentary lapse of reason album and it was one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to…
I never really “got” punk rock, especially the British stuff.
Yeah? You’re an idiot, remember.
In 1977 I had hair down to my shoulders, quiana shirts, puka shell necklace and even had a jump suit (though I throughly eschewed the funky high heel shoe/boots). One night a friend came over to the apartment raving about “you gotta hear this bootleg shit!” Next day I had a buzzcut and a gold safety pin pierced through my eyebrow (at a jaunty angle, natch). Threw out all that other shit. The Sex Pistols did that to me.
Catlick choich: “Hey if he’s 14 years old then molestation is not a serious crime against the church. Send that priest back to the parish!”
No, really. I’m not making this up.
Next day I had a buzzcut and a gold safety pin pierced through my eyebrow
Ah, so you looked just like all the other “nonconformists”?
Thread Bear said,
September 19, 2012 at 21:26
I was kidding. You don’t all have to leave in a huff.
It takes a lot more than a little disagreement about music to make me take a ride on my Huffy bike.
omg…my older brother listened to them almost exclusively in the very earl 80s…could not stand them…working as a dj for a ‘classic’ rock station did nothing to change my feelings about them…however, i do really like the momentary lapse of reason album and it was one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to…
Solidarity, sister!
I will probably get kicked out of the hot tub for saying this, but I’ve never gotten the fuss over Pink Floyd.
What to say about Pink Floyd?
Talented – certainly.
Unique – without a doubt. I don’t think anyone has ever so much as tried to sound like them.
That being said, I always found them kind of depressing. Maybe I wasn’t taking the right drugs back in the 70s.
I will probably get kicked out of the hot tub for saying this, but I’ve never gotten the fuss over Pink Floyd
A lot of people don’t. But for those of us who like it, we LOVE it as much as Republicans love stupid things and ideas. Yeah, THAT MUCH.
Being a guitar player and hearing 3 or 4 of the greatest guitar solos ever done helps a whole bunch as well. There is an element of pedantry and snobbery involved.
Time, Comfortably Numb, Echoes and Shine On You Crazy Diamond…
Also note that there are 2 Pink Floyds. The Syd Barrett era and what it left behind (Ummagumma), and the rest of their catalog. I have no use for the Syd shit.
Pink Floyd WERE depressing, from Dark Side of the Moon on. Dunno what happened after Waters left. Prior to then they were standard pointless trippy hippies. I enjoyed both of those iterations.
Ah, so you looked just like all the other “nonconformists”?
Yas. No. I looked like them before they looked like me by which time I had moved on to some other fabulous new image.
Re the Floyd, the drugs definitely helped in my case. That said, they weren’t necessary, I don’t think, to appreciate it.
Being the only kid who bothered writing an original musical composition, they gave me an award for it. So I can indeed honestly say I am an award winning composer, even if I had no real competition for said award.
That’s pretty fucking awesome, competition or not.
It takes a lot more than a little disagreement about music to make me take a ride on my Huffy bike.
That’s not a challenge, is it?
I didn’t find Pink Floyd any more depressing than watching the evening news.
I have no use for the Syd shit.
Careful with that axe, tsam.
I enjoyed both of those iterations.
I think you’re in a smallish minority. Seems like every fan I encounter hates everything past Syd or hates the Syd era. I don’t hate that stuff, but I don’t listen to it either. I do like a few of them, especially Lucifer Sam. That was a way awesome song.
I’ve got a bike, you can ride if you like
It’s got a basket, a bell that rings
And things to make it look good
I’d give it to you if I could
But I borrowed it
Mind you most of the stuff I listened to back in the 70s has me scratching my head and going “Huh? Must have seemed like a good idea at the time.”
though I throughly eschewed the funky high heel shoe/boots
HA! I totally wore those in the 80s when I went through my Wavo phase. My parents said they were Beatle Boots, with sort of horrified and pitying looks on their faces, as if remembering an embarassing fashion era they endured. I said “What’s wrong with The Beatles?”. They just walked away.
Run away! Run away!
I’m with Sub, as far as the Floyd goes that is.
I never really “got” punk rock, especially the British stuff.
Look up some lyrics for Dead Kennedys and you’ll see what drew me to punk. Unfortunately, not too many of the bands had that kind of awareness, creativity or social relevance, but it was all still fun as fuck.
Huh, lookit this. Teen-agers in black leather jackets menace the U.S. Damn punks.
M.B. is sick of this pirate shit.
They ruin everything. It’s as if they’re “against me.”
Mind you most of the stuff I listened to back in the 70s has me scratching my head and going “Huh? Must have seemed like a good idea at the time.”
I used to like Elton John. There, I said it.
zomg! the harvard business review folks want to send me magazines!!! what should i do?!?!?!
I have no use for the Syd shit.
180° wrong.
I own almost everything Pink Floyd ever did, but I rarely listen to much of the Syd stuff other than Umma Gumma (I prefer that live version of Astronomy Domine over the version on Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. “Piper” is also the album where the above silly “Bicycle” lyrics come from).
My all time favorite album of theirs is Animals though. And yeah, it’s depressing. I was a teenager in the Reagan years, what do you expect?
See also: tsam’s Dead Kennedys post above. Too.
Related (to the post, not Floyd)
It takes a lot more than a little disagreement about music to make me take a ride on my Huffy bike.
My first bike. It had one speed and weighed a bazillion pounds, but it could take all the punishment an elementary kid can dish out.
Like crashing into things.
What really got me was the relentless contempt of the Sex Pistols. That guy really sounded like he hated everything with a burning hot passion. Chart at the time of the album release.
I maintain that my favorite album of the ’70s which is to say the 8-track version of the “Sesame Street Sing Along”, stands the test of time.
I just found out Reince Priebus is of Greek descent.
Wasn’t Spiro Agnew enough embarrassment for one lifetime?
Huh, lookit this. Teen-agers in black leather jackets menace the U.S. Damn punks.
Between the weasels and the squirrels ripping your flesh – it was tough to be a man back then!
Unique – without a doubt. I don’t think anyone has ever so much as tried to sound like them.
Robin Trower came pretty close, at least I thought so.
Huh, lookit this.
Anyone who has not already forwarded that link to ZRM, should do so now.
I count seven Sesame Street items in the at-work library. Probably more at home.
I used to like Elton John. There, I said it. – Bitter Scribe
I used to like Olivia Newton John. There I said it.
As to Pink Floyd, the biggest Pink Floyd fans in my college days were some honest to goodness Jesus Freaks straight out of the 1960s/1970s (they must have been completely unaware that it was the 1990s outside): outside of classes it seemed that all they did was listen to Pink Floyd and have “Bible Study”(*). Well, I’m pretty sure they smoked pot too.
* which didn’t seem to involve so much actually studying the Bible as quoting verses here and there and talking about Jesus. This should have prepared me for my mother-in-law who, for all her spending time “studying the Bible”, doesn’t seem to know basic facts like how the Passover observance commemorates the exodus from Egypt. But it didn’t.
Worst ‘Aguirre the Wrath of God’ remake EVAH.
I maintain that my favorite album of the ’70s which is to say the 8-track version of the “Sesame Street Sing Along”, stands the test of time. – Helmut Monotreme
You know what would be cool (by which I mean what would cause us a decade or so later to say “what were we thinking? what were we smoking?!?”): a William Shatner spoken word version of Sesame Street Sing Along.
BTW, why doesn’t my spellcheck recognize Shatner? Shall I go all Mona Charon (it was her, wasn’t it?) and write a whole article about how my computer’s spell checker is anti-Star-Trek?
I used to like Elton John. There, I said it. – Bitter Scribe
hey now! i still like elton john…or as we like to call him out here in scandahoovian country: elton johnson…
I like some songs from both Floyd eras (Syd and post-Syd) but definitely not as much as the true fans like them. I never understood the appeal of taking acid and watching The Wall. Gilmour of course I like, I’m a guitarist.
Barret’s The Madcap Laughs album has some cool lyrics here and there. The English nonsense tradition and psychedelia obviously go hand-in-hand, and Syd can work that angle well, but it gets creepy and a bit sad.
By a strange coincidence my desktop background cycled to this image right as “Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun” started playing.
I assumed Reince Priebus was of German decent.
Er, I’m afraid Morgan had no known children.
I assumed Reince Priebus was of German automotive decent.
can’t help it…just sounds like a nice car to drive…
also, i just can’t help the tagfail!!!
Speaking of psychedelia, here’s an interesting “outsider” artist I’m learning about at work. The NYT called him a “dazzlingly weird, subsistence-level Renaissance man.” And here is a website with images — just some paintings, none of his many photos or sculptures.
What really got me was the relentless contempt of the Sex Pistols. That guy really sounded like he hated everything with a burning hot passion
He still does today. He’s a total asshole, actually.
joe soucheray having total meltdown over this… the aclu is going to cause him to stroke out one of these days…his use of the words ‘evil’ and ‘dark’ is astronomical…
My all time favorite album of theirs is Animals though. And yeah, it’s depressing. I was a teenager in the Reagan years, what do you expect?
I was too. There was always that looming specter of nuclear war, since Reagan was such an accomplished sabre rattler. There were lots of other things to be depressed about too. Womens’ fashion, the mullet, Levis that were way way way too tight (I didn’t have the endowment required to make those work they way they were intended)…
Musical snapshot of the 80s youth
OH yeah–Dark Side was my fav, Animals second.
OH yeah–Dark Side was my fav, Animals second.
Yep, me too.
Sorry, VS.
My opinion of Pink Floyd is unfairly tainted by the fact that they were totally overplayed by “Classic Rock” stations when I was a wee little sprat. For the record, I prefer the underrepresented Syd Barrett stuff. I found the left-of-the-dial punk/new wave station and never looked back.
As far as English psychedelia goes, I prefer these guys to Floyd. It’s weird to bring them up in a thread… I’ve been watching the shit out of their videos for the last couple of days.
Dark Side Is.
Musical snapshot of the 80s youth
My 80’s were cooler than your 80s.
I’m as snobby about music as the next person. It’s just a matter of personal taste.
I know next to nothing about music.
Uh, Gilbert and Sullivan is good.
As for modern-ish music, I love what I’ve heard of the Pogues, but I haven’t really gone deep into their stuff – only a few songs that I listen to a bunch. I have a weird relationship to music where I enjoy a song more if I’ve heard it a lot. That, coupled with the fact that the majority of music irritates me, seems to keep me from seeking out new things.
Spear, I’ve had this experience where the first time I hear a song, I’m like “meh,” and then that song ends up being one of my favorite songs by a particular artist.
Music affects everybody so weirdly.
Spear, I’ve had this experience where the first time I hear a song, I’m like “meh,” and then that song ends up being one of my favorite songs by a particular artist.
That happens to me all the time. I’m always so disappointed with myself for not connecting with it right away.
I was doing a quiz on Sporcle and discovered that my knowledge of music actually stopped in the 70s. After that, I knew nothing. I guess the Beatles breaking up was the End Of It All for me.
The only thing I can recall about Pink Floyd is Another Brick in the Wall which one could hardly avoid back then.
He’s a total asshole, actually.
The new Public Image album isn’t half bad, though I would probably give most of the credit for that to the amazing Lu Edmonds.
I’m as snobby about music as the next person. It’s just a matter of personal taste.
It’s more snobbishness about composition, strategy, dynamics, things us musicians wish we had the talent to come up with ourselves. Maybe it’s more jealousy than anything, mixed with celebration of just how cool this shit is.
Have you played Dark Side of the Moon for yourself lately? Have a couple of glasses of wine or beer and just sit and chill on it. You might change your mind. It should tap into your artistic side–that is unless it annoys the hell out of you, which could be the case.
I have a weird relationship to music where I enjoy a song more if I’ve heard it a lot.
Oh, so do I. So does most of the world, I think. Why do you think legacy bands play the same favorites for decades?
If you’re not familiar with West African guitar music, it might appeal to someone who’s looking for a vital yet non-irritating genre. The last non-classical concert I went to was this guy.
Musical snapshot of the 80s youth
80s got nothin on the 70s for OMG terrible clothing.
OMG terrible clothing. … plus awful musical stylings.
The 80s can totally hang with the 70s for awful fashion
Note the Cosby Sweater at the bottom of the page. That has inspired another um…thing…
As for modern-ish music, I love what I’ve heard of the Pogues, but I haven’t really gone deep into their stuff – only a few songs that I listen to a bunch.
Body of an American is one of my all-time favorite songs. The best thing about The Pogues is their weird combination of high and low culture- Shane can reference Dos Passos as well as street culture… there’s a lot of depth in their material.
I put in Welcome to the Machine last week, as I do every now and then. Two weeks back I spent an hour just lying back with my eyes closed listening to Animals. That always takes me back, Animals, to when I got the first copy at the record store, rushed home to the big ratty old house I shared with four or five other guys and got nicely buzzed with everyone then just stretching out on the floor with all the shades drawn and listening to Animals straight through. Good fucking times indamndeed.
Erm, I was in college at the time, you see. Don’t recall exactly where that came wrt going punk. TBH, I don’t have real clear memories for about the decade from 77 to 87.
If you’re not familiar with West African guitar music, it might appeal to someone who’s looking for a vital yet non-irritating genre. The last non-classical concert I went to was this guy.
That’s a nice clip. The only Taureg music I have right now is Tinariwen (there are YouTube links from your link). Nice to hear high-energy electric stuff tho (Bombino).
According to Wackypedia that would have been 1977.
My last was in response to Pup, because I’m a helper. Nice kickoff to a lost decade, dude. Coincides well with my own in fact.
So much of classic rock has been ruined for me by classic rock radio stations.
Every so often I’ll tune into the local classic rock station just to remind myself why I don’t listen to it anymore. It’s the same handful of songs by the same handful of artists they’ve probably been playing since 1977.
You would think that The Rolling Stones only recorded three songs in the 50 years that they’ve been around.
Cool. I just realized that the siteful of Von Bruenchenhein paintings I linked to earlier offers about 200 hi-res images for non-commercial use. Now all I need is a projector and some mushrooms.
Hey 4B, thanks for that link. I’d barely heard of the Pogues, and it was a revelation. I couldn’t understand a word they were singing, but good old YouTube had this link to a version of “Body of an American” with lyrics.
Hey 4B, thanks for that link. I’d barely heard of the Pogues, and it was a revelation. I couldn’t understand a word they were singing, but good old YouTube had this link to a version of “Body of an American” with lyrics.
I live to serve… it’s amazing how a bunch of amphetamine-wired drunkards could write such sophisticated lyrics. For example, the word “reds” in that song works equally well as a political or a drug reference, and “Spanish wine” could refer to overseas military aid in the “Troubles”.
It’s more snobbishness about composition, strategy, dynamics, things us musicians wish we had the talent to come up with ourselves. Maybe it’s more jealousy than anything, mixed with celebration of just how cool this shit is.
I think I definitely have an appreciation for that sort of stuff, which is why I like Gizzly Bear. I think their stuff is sort of intricate. Like music tapestry. Thinking deeply about music, enjoying its complexity? I definitely don’t think that’s just a musician thing.
I don’t know what channel it was on, nor how we managed to catch it – we hardly ever watch anything outside of a very small handful of channels – but I can recommend http://www.amazon.com/Pink-Floyd-Story-Wish-Were/dp/B007X6ZRMA/ref=tmm_dvd_title_0
Interviews with Waters, Mason, Gilmour, historical stuff with Wright, lots more. For a Floyd fan, especially a Wish You Were Here fan, it’s a must see.
Like music tapestry.
Mmm, taffy.
Like music tapestry.
Just call out my name
And you know whichever thread
I’m in, I’ll start reading.
I feel the earth move under my feet. In Portland, that’s not a good thing.
Apparently, the premier of Red Dawn 2.0 is Sept. 27. It’s showing at Fantastic Fest in Austin. It’s unclear to me if there’s distribution beyond that showing. We may be doomed to a Youtube clips party.
In the meantime, I had a nice time using the Citizen Alert poster generator on the Red Dawn site: http://www.reddawnmovienews.com/.
I always got a laugh out of the original Red Dawn. Forget securing major ports, bridges and transportation centers.
The Soviets were going to task an elite airborne unit to secure Podunkville Colorado, population 150, strategic value approximately 0.
Forget securing major ports, bridges and transportation centers.
I guess Red Dawn was invented for the people who invented/popularized the term “flyover states.” Folks who never take the painful step of wondering why coastal elites would just ignore you.
It’s somehow the same conceit. The invaders targeted Podunk, Colo. because their pre-invasion analyses determined that Real Americans lived there, in the Heartland. Washington, D.C. wouldn’t understand, conveniently, and so left the front door wide open (the backdoors I guess being your precious strategic targets).
Mitt Romney promises ‘final solution’ to Mexican problem.
A craving is the complex photoengraver of vice admirals.
A best friend is the xenophobic jay of potatos.
Adventure is not just producing white bimbos but also shrugging ogres.
Insects are the quiet mothers of gallons.
Fondnesses are the pregnant young minotaurs of controls.
It’s not who we undress that shows us up, it’s who we don’t undress.
It’s not who we clean that shows us up, it’s who we don’t clean.
Splashes are the exuberant realists of scoundrels.
Morons are the pregnant pearlfishes of metaphors.
It’s not who we retire that shows us up, it’s who we don’t retire.
It’s not who we copy that shows us up, it’s who we don’t copy.
It’s not who we grate that shows us up, it’s who we don’t grate.
It’s not who we tell that shows us up, it’s who we don’t tell.
Bob Dole can’t make you feel beany without your spree.
A husband can’t make you feel wasteful without your noodle.
He who is not a veteran to himself doesn’t know himself.
He who is not a coffin guardian to himself doesn’t know himself.
Officers are the alien maidens of sergeant first classes.
The lady is out there.
An infatuation is the cryptic Thomas Jefferson of twerps.
A gin is the personal grunion of yawns.
A seed is the cancerous mother of beats.
A burrito is the final merluccid hake of environments.
The soup is out there.
No rabbi can make you feel fantastic without your lady.
The bird called bustard flies away at the sight of a horse, and a hart runs away at the sight of a ram, as also of a viper.
An elephant trembles at the hearing of the grunting of a hog, so doth a lion at the sight of a cock; and panthers will not touch them that are anointed all over with the broth of a hen, especially if garlic hath been boiled in it.
There is also enmity betwixt foxes and swans, bulls and jackdaws.
Amongst birds, also, some are at perpetual strife one with another, as also with other animals, as jackdaws and owls, the kite and crows, the turtle and ring-tail, egepis and eagles, harts and dragons.
Also amongst water animals there is enmity, as betwixt dolphins and whirlpools, mullets and pikes, lampreys and congers.
Also the fish called pourcontrel makes the lobster so much afraid that the lobster, seeing the other but near him, is struck dead.
The lobster and conger tear one the other.
The civet cat is said to stand so in awe of the panther that he hath no power to resist him or touch his skin; and they say that if the skins of both of them be hanged up one against the other, the hairs of the panther’s skin fall off.
And Orus Apollo saith in his hieroglyphics, if any one be girt about with the skin of the civet cat that he may pass safely through the middle of his enemies and not at all be afraid.
Also the lamb is very much afraid of the wolf and flies from him. And they say that if the tail or skin or head of a wolf be hanged upon the sheep-coate the sheep are much troubled and cannot eat their meat for fear.
And Pliny makes mention of a bird, called marlin, that breaks crows’ eggs, whose young are so annoyed by the fox that she also will pinch and pull the fox’s whelps, and the fox herself also; which when the crows see, they help the fox against her, as against a common enemy.
The little bird called a linnet, living in thistles, hates asses, because they eat the flowers of thistles.
Also there is such a bitter enmity betwixt the little bird called esalon and the ass that their blood will not mix together, and that at the braying of the ass both the eggs and young of the esalon perish.
There is also such a disagreement betwixt the olive-tree and a wanton, that if she plant it, it will either be always unfruitful or altogether wither.
A lion fears nothing so much as fired torches, and will be tamed by nothing so much as by these; and the wolf fears neither sword nor spear, but a stone—by the throwing of which, a wound being made, worms breed in the wolf.
A horse fears a camel so that he cannot endure to see so much as his picture.
An elephant, when he rageth, is quieted by seeing of a cock.
A snake is afraid of a man that is naked, but pursues a man that is clothed.
A mad bull is tamed by being tied to a fig-tree.
Is the lady in the soup?
Riddled Time Machine + JanusNode = you’re in big trouble mister.
An elephant, when he rageth, is quieted by seeing of a cock.
A snake is afraid of a man that is naked
Is there nothing that PENIS can’t do?
Is there nothing that PENIS can’t do?
This edition of SASQ…
I knew no good could come from all this Pink Floyd nostalgia…………………………..
If I won’t read these JanusNode posts, who will?
Ok, I missed a big chunk of this thread and I’ve been enjoying several post softball game brews, but here goes:
My nickname is Moondog, usually just shortened to Dog. My best friend is a transplanted Iowa farmboy who endures every pig joke we can throw at him. The two of us would take a two week baseball roadtrip vacation every year back in the mid 80’s early 90’s. So, Pink Floyd’s Animals was, of course, required road trip listening. But, Wish You Were Here is my favorite. I also have a soft spot for Obscured by Clouds. They are rather depressing, but they can make depressing so upbeat. That said, my favorite album in the 70’s was Yessongs with Jethro Tull’s Minstrel in the Gallery a close second.
An elephant, when he rageth, is quieted by seeing of a cock.
The elephant just stands there, confused, wondering at how the guy can breathe through that thing.
An elephant, when he rageth, is quieted by seeing of a cock.
Well, who isn’t?
Cockmonsters. Which belong in the JanusNode creatures list I guess.
OK, ok, I’ll jump on the Floyd bandwagon.
I usually turn the station when they start playing Pink Floyd because it’s usually either DSOtM (which I don’t want to burn out on) or The Wall (which I burned out on by 1988), and it’s never the albums I could listen to over and over again (Animals, Momentary Lapse).
But Led Zeppelin, Robin Trower, Jimi Hendrix+Experience, and Deep Purple? Infinite replayability. Cranked to 11.
Uncle Duke massages the shoggoth.
The surfboard from Baghdad will go to you-know-where.
Jimmy Hoffa avoids the upgraded skillet.
The engine from the ocean will go to Moscow.
Your evil twin discovers the couch.
A phone from the Bastille strokes the chainsaw.
If it must be Pink, let it be Big Pink.
If it must be Floyd, let it be King Floyd.
If yez gotta be on my lawn, let it be Chicago Lawn.
(Sweet Home 67th & Lawndale.)
Man’s Life cover: “Can women justify their need for extra-marital relations?”
… seems like a leading question.
Leading to what?
The assumption that women need extra-marital relations
I was hoping it was leading to sexual relations.
You got me all hot FOR NOTHING.
Behold the powah of The Hyphen:
Extra-marital relations
Extra marital relations
“You got me all hot FOR NOTHING.”
Oh I dunno. Couldn’t you take to the streets, or whatever you do at times like these?
Mitt Romney promises ‘final solution’ to Mexican problem.
Interesting, considering he recently gave a speech talking about how he wishes he was actually Mexican (so he could get more votes, of course).
bughunter, Jimi is one of those revered acts I GET. Nobody needs to tell me why s/he likes him; his music is so awesome, it’s obvious.
“Can women justify their need for extra-marital relations?”
I WAS going to say “because once a $time_frame isn’t enough, honey bear” but DKW stole my thunder. STOLE IT.
Benjamin Franklin can’t make you feel embryonic without your pickle.
The original Red Dawn had Jennifer Grey totin’ an AK, I mean, fuckin’ hell, that’s a +100 spank bank memory all by it’s lonesome. And, of course, Paddie Swayze in stonewashed jeans, hooooo doggies that gave me serious woodies in ’84.