Wanted: More Hitlers
Posted on August 30th, 2006 by Brad
Be sure to read this dissection of the Mad Dr. Krauthammer and his Army of Future Hitlers.
“Hey there, big boy… why doncha come over
here and appease us sometime?”
Be sure to read this dissection of the Mad Dr. Krauthammer and his Army of Future Hitlers.
“Hey there, big boy… why doncha come over
here and appease us sometime?”
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Krauthammer’s little chewed to death story sounds cribbed from an old Beyond The Fringe skit: “I got on the phone to Berlin to try to speak to Herr Hitler, who’d been so kind to us on our last visit to Germany. Unfortunately, the line was engaged, and there was nothing I could do to avert the carnage of the next six years.”
The sad part of that movie is that they removed the tapping sounds from the dance scenes in the DVD release. I was very bummed out.
Lord, Krauthammer’s a fucktard!
Ah, Krauthammer, barometer of the war-lovin’ right-wing – casting about feverishly like a scriptwriter for “24” with a deadline to meet. Who’s going to be the bad guy this time round? It was the Japanese in ’92, if memory serves…
Expect a chorus line of hooting morons linking to Krauthammer and “heh-indeed-ing” the night away. Just don’t expect them to factor the overwhelming military superiority of the western powers into the equation.
I’ve come to the realisation that the reason we hear so much about Munich is because some people’s grasp of history begins at the first battle of Bull Run, gets hazy just after the death of Lincoln, then flashes back into technicolour just in time for WWII.
Hitler and the Nazis – an unending source of hacktackular commentary. When all else fails, you can always make some half-baked analogy to WWII.
Krauthammer- the ludicrously named hack, ever-willing to send people on quixotic war missions, secure in the knowledge that he personally will never need to risk his little pathetic life.
He claims to be a psychologist, but seems, like so much of the right wing, to totally lack self awareness.
Overcompensate much, Krautzy?
Some Guy — The original soundtrack, with the tapping, is still there on the mono soundtrack (which sounds better than the fake surround remix anyway). Just click the audio-track button and you’ll get the mono track.
Hooray! Nazi’s need tap.
Don’cha see people? Hitler’s soul/brain is floating around the earth and only constant vigilance keeps his evil schemes of world domination at bay. Thankfully we have people like Rumsfeld and Krauthammer who keep a watchful eye out to ensure that Hitler can’t succeed. And before you tell me that if Hitler had been in charge of some tin pot dictatorship like say Iraq rather than a major world industrial and ecomonic power he couldn’t have done squat, let me just tell you that such misunderestimitation is/was what makes Hitler sooo dangerous. If Hitler took over the Republic of Palau today and we didn’t start a-bombing the crap out of them by 6 PM, Nazi soldiers would be goosestepping down Pennsylvania Ave by Tuesday.
I’ve come to the realisation that the reason we hear so much about Munich is because some people’s grasp of history begins at the first battle of Bull Run, gets hazy just after the death of Lincoln, then flashes back into technicolour just in time for WWII.
I do believe that just about sums it up…
Incidentally, I find it funny, if not perhaps “ha-ha” funny, that he continues flogging a quote by one of his own political antecedents — that is to say, someone who would have sided with fascists against communists any day.
i’m doing the remake of boys from brazil. back off, “kraut””hammer”.
thieving bastard.
“In the future, everyone will be Hitler for 15 minutes” Andy Warhol
I especially like how he keeps dragging Senator Borah into all these discussions without ever mentioning the teensy little annoying fact that Borah was an isolationist Republican Senator. And how no one ever calls him on it.
Is ve not der schupermen?
Super-duper supermen!
Not just Borah, but all the big time isolationists of the Thirties and early Forties were conservative Republicans, if not outright admirers of and apologists for Hitler.
Not just Borah, but all the big time isolationists of the Thirties and early Forties were conservative Republicans, if not outright admirers of and apologists for Hitler.
Not only that, the big time appeasers in Britain were conservatives. The right-wing historical revisionists have tried to portray Chamberlain as some sort of knee-jerk liberal pacifist when in fact he was the leader of the Tories. The policy of appeasement was almost universally approved among the British conservatives–with the notable exception of Winston Churchill who was marginalized by the rest of his party until the day Hitler marched into Poland.
The policy of appeasement was rooted in knee-jerk anti-Communism. The Tory know-it-alls thought that if they gave Hitler what he wanted, then Germany would attack the Soviet Union–which, of course, they did but only after conquering the western European continent and bombing a good portion of London to rubble.
This, by the way, is remarkably similar to the thinking of the neocons in the 1980’s when they armed the Islamic extremists in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets.
“Fair and Balanced” Dave said, August 31, 2006 at 18:29
Whoa. That is too perceptive for most people to understand, let alone pundits. Pearls before swine.
I have a simple formula for explaining it to the mouth breathers of the world; the only thing worse than a communist is an anti-communist. Non-communists are good, anti-communists are dangerous.
As they continue to stare, I simply ask them to come back when they get it.
Of course Hitler survived until his defeat in 1958…
…didn’t anyone watch Hellboy?