Equal Rights Would Be Okay If Not Everyone Wanted To Be Equal
ABOVE: Adult toy (left); Right-wing dildo (right)
John Hinderaker, Powertools IV:
- I would be in favor of gay marriage if we could limit it to gay Republicans.
You have to wonder how Hinderaker continues to draw a salary from a law firm when he says inane shit like this in public and, apparently, spends most of his work day coming up with it. I mean, who would actually hire this dimwit to do substantive legal work for them? People who couldn’t afford Orly Taitz?
What prompted Hinderaker to come up with this was a news report that some gay activists had the utter temerity to flip off a portrait of St. Ronald “I Thought Aids Were Citrus Drinks” Reagan while visiting the White House. Now, of course, the idea of John Hinderaker, the author of this email, tut-tutting anyone over uncivil conduct is particularly choice. Should all wingnut bloggers have been penalized because of Hinderaker’s famous “you stupid left-wing shithead” email?
But I think Hinderaker thinks that restricting gay marriage to gay quislings has another advantage. Because most of them either don’t want to get married or, like Dan Blatt, have as much chance of getting married as Hinderaker has of finding a client in the Fortune 500, Hinderaker’s idea would result in about three gay marriages.
Of course, we’ve heard this nonsense about limiting equal rights to the nice ones before and I imagine if you asked Hinderaker, he would also believe that voting rights and other civil rights would be okay, but only for the polite darkies and not the ones who run around agitating and scaring hard-working, decent white folk.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
He’s throwing a shit-fit about some people flipping off a FUCKING PICTURE of St Ronnie? Is that really the best he can do? Really?
That photo is obscene. I will report you to the authorities post haste. Stop promoting the gay agenda!!
Whenever I start to say “To dumb to be a real attorney.” I think Oirly Taits and then I want to kill myself.
So he likes corndogs, lots of good christians like corn dogs. Michele Bachmann likes corn dogs. What’s your point?
People who couldn’t afford Orly Taitz?
Lawyer-dentistry isn’t cheap, Mr. Tintin (IF that is your real name!)
Also, real estate, because why not?
Oh, alcohol. Sweet, communistic Canadian grain alcohol.
They say the man who represents himself has a fool for a client; does that go double for dentists, or does it roll over (counterintuitively) into the best idea in the world?
One part Everclear, two or three parts Dr. Pepper: a Dr. Pepper DDS Esq.
One part Everclear, two or three parts Dr. Pepper: a Dr. Pepper DDS Esq.
Haaaa… NO.
And Aldi’s version of Red Bull, “Red Thunder!”
Ice. Shake. Strain. DRONK.,
I wasn’t suggesting, just declaring my love for a drink that has little or no alcohol taste but could power a car.
I wasn’t suggesting, just declaring my love for a drink that has little or no alcohol taste but could power a car.
I will file it, but as a young, young man, I had far too many obnoxious PGA drinks that ended with projectile vomiting. 🙂
That’s just Assrocket engaging in some good old-fashioned idol worship. Republicans get a kick out of that.
They’re spring-loaded to the throw-a-shit-fit position.
If it wasn’t Ronnie he’d have found something else to throw a shit fit over. It’s what they do.
Hooboy. Anyone care to take a guess as to which whinger wrote
So full of fail.
I wasn’t suggesting, just declaring my love for a drink that has little or no alcohol taste but could power a car.
Yeah, I started my serious drinking career w/ 151° rum & Dr Pepper. Goes down easily, comes back up easily.
Does ESPN on his shirt stand for “Eat Some Penis Now?”
> […] scaring hard-working, decent white folk.
Mr Hindraker asks why you needed to say ‘white’ once you said ‘decent’ and ‘hard-working’.
What’re we talkin’ ’bout?
What’re we talkin’ ’bout?
The usual.
Someone say “PENIS?”
Is the dick in that Photoshop salted?
It’s the attention to detail I appreciate.
I took it for some kind of glistening agent like Astroglide or Camille Glistens, or rhinestones or glitter, or an aura of inner sanctity commemorating its noble sacrifice.
Is the dick in that Photoshop salted?
Can’t say for sure but if so then going by appearance it should be kosher salt.
Is the dick in that Photoshop salted?
It’s MSG- Assrocket mainlines it because he thinks it pisses off liberals.
Am I the only person who experienced their exact moment getting off the trolley with your classic PJ O’Rourke / Dave Barry / Parker and Stone fake-crotchety libertarians this way? I mean, at twelve I could snicker about the idea of flushing twice to defy the sort of insufferable drip who thought they were saving the world by using a low-flow, but I could also sense even then that it would be a waste of my time (even literally worthless as it was at that age) and that there was something unseemly about a grown adult feeling that way.
I guess that’s the problem inherent in writing for Very Clever Little Boys – a solid plurality grow up.
We are having Pride today, this weekend, in Minnesota. — I am cautiously hopeful that Minn just might beat the odds and vote no on the gay marriage amendment. It would be worth it just to see AssRocket go all asplodey (sp?).
AssRocket go all asplodey
Does he have one of those escape-pods-with-a-parachute like the old Apollo capsules?
Also, nice to see you, noen.
I am hoping his escape plans match those of Meredith Vickers. Which was to crash your escape pod onto the surface of a lifeless planet where you can’t breathe to air and massively fail at running away from falling objects.
You’re raining on my sci-fi sexual fantasies.
I guess that’s the problem inherent in writing for Very Clever Little Boys – a solid plurality grow up.
Another sizable cohort graduates to actual cruelty- pinning the femme-y boy down and cutting his locks, or cutting WIC funds.
Oh, and I went to the Pride festival in Loring Park today. The Log Cabin Republicans had a booth and even a few warm bodies manning the place (no women, we have more sense then that). I truly truly cannot understand LG republicans, *especially* these days. How much more clear does the GOP have to be than, “We fucking hate your guts and will take ALL your rights away and put you back in your closet”.
“Taxes are theft”
“You’re in.”
@ N__B — She may have been a bot. A more lifelike version than David. The ship’s captain took her for a spin and didn’t seem to mind. So maybe she survived. There’s going to be a sequel I hear.
And that’s how you can distinguish snarkholes from people venal and psychotic and full of shit enough to be important.
I think part of it is a sort of misguided latter-day spoils-system thinking: realistically you’re never going to be President or even a congressman, but if you can keep your constituency as small as possible you receive the biggest possible gain from tokenism. Being a doughface works out very well for you and very poorly for your people, and really, isn’t that the bargain at the heart of being a Republican?
Or maybe she merely wanted to be a bot to please daddy. Apparently all the humans in the future are total fucking morons so who else would she emulate?
The movie would have been improved if David and slaughtered all the humans in their sleep, nuked the planet from orbit and taken off to explore on his own.
“or cutting WIC funds.”
Hell, they’re not stopping there. They want to cut food stamps and eliminate HUD so we have our hoards with torches and pitchforks and Dick Cheney’s head on a pike after all.
(Hello NSA, nice to meet you)
“Being a doughface works out very well for you and very poorly for your people, and really, isn’t that the bargain at the heart of being a Republican?”
The Renfield option. If your master is a blood sucking vampire stick to bugs and small mammals. Doesn’t work out so well in the end though.
She may have been a bot.
That wasn’t the rain. It was the conflation of Theron and Hindraker that troubles me.
WHY is Obama supposed to have anything to say about silly people flipping off a St. Jellybean portrait?
Should he also take care of those hooligans who ignore the “no skateboarding” signs?
It may help to know that Charlize Theron is filming Mad Max 4: Fury Road so you’ll have that to look forward to.
“WHY is Obama supposed to have anything to say about…… [fill in blank]”
Because shut up that’s why.
Charlize as a mad furry…mmmmmm…
Charlize Theron was on Colbert and Top Chef and was funny and charming. I like her.
“Young Adult” is the best movie I’ve seen in some time, basically because of her acting.
You know who else was great on Colbert? Olivia Wilde.
Yeah, she can act. She’s the whole package.
This gays-flipping-off-Reagan’s-portrait story must be all over the place. I was playing Diablo 3 earlier, and some dumbass was fuming about it in general chat. Now, there are some smart people playing that high-profile game, just as there are smart people at football games. But generally, in an online game with global/general chat, if somebody’s mouthing off politically it’s a wingnut of the droolingest variety. And they’re SO onto this story.
I also reheard that objecting to words like nigger is to give words power, something you ought not do. At that point I turned general chat off, again (Blizzard has it set to default every time you log on).
It may help to know that Charlize Theron is filming Mad Max 4: Fury Road so you’ll have that to look forward to.
The way things are going, I figure we’ll be living in Mad Max in a few years.
I’m stocking up on crossbows and hockey masks just in case.
and hockey masks just in case.
Oh please. We know what those are for. Sicko.
We know what those are for. Sicko.
It’s a sick world and I’m a happy man!
Flipping the bird at a portrait strikes me as an empty gesture BUT I can see why people might not be such a big fan of Whatizname if they were gay. And so if they flip the bird at St. Whatizname then well, meh.
Iffen it was Assrocket flipping the bird at a portrait of a Lefty I revere as much as he reveres Reagan I would hardly notice.
But then, there is no lefty that fills that space in my universe. Joe Hill used to get drunk and loved fighting, Woody Guthrie ran out on his women, Che was involved in some dodgy stuff etc. etc. This is, in my opinion, how adults behave because they know that we are all essentially flawed. Shit happens to us and we don’t always react in the best manner. There is no Saint Rondald on the left because it is not the person we admire but the principles, the equality of worth we give to people’s lives, some of whom are non-white and/or love other girly-men. So fuck hindrocket and his pearl clutching, trouser wetting droolers.
The idolatry is the best part, or perhaps that’s the belief that The Rubes worship Reagan as a god-emperor, among the same people who started laboring in futility to apotheosize him the moment primarying him stopped being a viable option. (My experience is that given what the rubes think of dykes, even if that angle were true it’d be a dog-bites-man story so who cares.)
For a while 9/10 of Glenn Beck’s act was finding new dead Presidents to fart violently on, to which the reaction of sane people was either “you’re late to the party” (Wilson) or “who cares what you say, you big dummy” (FDR). Never, as I recall, “denounce this vile symbolic act, wing nuts!!”
Because they were too busy not denouncing his actual bigotry, see.
Agh! Sniped, and by a fucking foreigner!
Sorry alec, I guess that there are only so many comments floating around at any one time and sometimes there’s a double up.
I missed the basic motive anyway – Reagan did in fact have a pretty noteworthily bad record with das ghey, and while we don’t have tapes of him muttering about hot pants (Jesus Christ!) it’s not like Nixon presided over AIDS in such a stupefyingly denialist way that the world half-suspected he was responsible for it.
I truly truly cannot understand LG republicans, *especially* these days.
There are no Lawful Good Republicans- the rank and file is Lawful Evil, and hope to ascend the hierarchy. The leadership is Neutral Evil, with some selected few, like Rand Paul and Paul Ryan, Chaotic Evil.
The idolatry is the best part, or perhaps that’s the belief that The Rubes worship Reagan as a god-emperor
The God-Emperor of Goons
I wouldn’t get too close to a Reagan portrait anyway. With that much blood on his hands, some of it’s bound to drip onto your shoes.
Incidentally, the Bohemian Grove bit is a little depressing for being a reminder of how much more intelligent the little bigoted weasel from Whittier was than any empty suit currently trying to take the White House. Can you even conceive of concepts like “the last six Roman emperors were fags” or “Sure, Aristotle was a homo. We all know that. So was Socrates” tumbling through Mitt Romney’s empty skull? And he’s the clever one of the bunch; Paul and Gingrich were like dogs wearing fake, dog-scale versions of tuxedoes and being greeted by serious people as aristocrats or musicians.
Go back to before Reagan and Ford (the 90s being a weird exception) and the last major candidate to be as Goddamn stupid as they grow ’em anymore is Harding.
Oh fuck Reagan to death. I have no patience with anyone who believes that rat bastard prick was anything but a menace to this country. He united the greedy and the bigoted under an anti-government banner in a poisonous alliance that has managed to fuck up this country’s politics in one way or another ever since.
“I’m stocking up on crossbows and hockey masks just in case.”
I got a boomerang. Here catch!
“There are no Lawful Good Republicans”
Oh crap! It took me this long to catch my mistake? I meant Log Cabin Republicans. I plead insanity. I was watching Nick Gillespie on Bill Maher with Rachel Maddow.
Nixon almost gave us universal health care. Whenever I think of that a little part of me dies.
Pick up All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace sometime. It makes a lot of hay out of the understanding that a large part of Reagan’s numbers came from his calculated appeal to strivers – “inner-directeds”, in marketroid jargon; it discusses the birth and horrible consequences of that category, a category that in substantial part emerged from the 60s radicals justifying their failure to instantly overthrow the corrupt social order (in significant part because of their rejection of politics as a method of change and their resistance to establishments no matter what kind of people inhabited them) by postulating defeat by a policeman in their own heads. Wags called this ‘socialism in one person’, and it’s deeply connected to such as Objectivism.
Steal it. Curtis loves that shit.
No, wait: I was thinking of The Century of the Self, which is available on Youtube directly. The relevant chapter is 3 out of 4.
A book that I finished reading recently is Chris Mooney’s The Republican Brain: The Science of Why They Deny Science–and Reality
It’s very good. The shorter for the book is: The GOP is fucking nuts and here is the science that proves it.
Nixon almost gave us universal health care. Whenever I think of that a little part of me dies.
Too bad Nixon didn’t give us universal health care because then you could have that part looked at.
The future has arrived!
Wonder how much of Assrocket’s softening (heh) on Ghey Weddings is actually a strategic response to this op-ed?
The rats can tell the ship they’re on is sinking fast.
Homophobia Inc. isn’t a very good investment any more – & the GOP shark-jumping from “CLOSE ABORTUARIES & SAVE TEH WOMB BABEHS” to “CONTRACEPTION: TOOL OF SATAN” looks like it’s doing the same for the Coat-Hanger Brigade … hard times for Family Values trolls.
More shit you just can’t make up:
Conservatives defend the status quo. When being gay and married in stable relationships becomes the norm they will defend it as if it was always the norm.
Theron’s acting in Prometheus was awful, btw. I know she can do better.
I suspect her best scenes were edited out.
Hence the Democrats institutionally and Obama lately being broadly but tepidly behind gay marriage. One of the worse issues with American politics is that we have a conservative party and a reactionary party and a two-party system; there is no one out there throwing a 1:1 mix of glitter and fresh pig blood on bishops until they learn.
Yesterday’s papers.
Somebody has to, might as well be me.
Guess who’s being discussed. Get your pearls out & have them ready to clutch.
About halfway down p. five of the comments here.
Whaddya mean, “almost”??
OH WOW ! I’m part of a gang of misfits.I always wanted to be in a gang but was too misanthropic to join one. My peeps! Group hug.
Oh, I’m one of the utterly depressed, horribly poor, not gay unfortunately subgroup.
We’re a gang of misfits? Are we going to be given secret orders to blow up a Nazi airfield?
His failure to calumniate medieval woodblocks or food pron is disturbing.
Why must people say such things? Yes, it’s true that I gain fulfillment from sexually disciplining latex-clad amphibians while listening to John Philip Sousa, but that’s no reason for mockery.
Ah. Always good to start Sunday morning with a laugh, especially since that guy who makes the cheap wine ain’t around.
Ah, Sadly,No! It’s such a bazaar place.
I feel cheated that I didn’t get mentioned in there anywhere.
If we’re the Misfits, can I be Nathan? Sure, he’s an asshole, but he’s the most entertaining one.
So we’re kind of like the Island of Misfit Toys?
I feel cheated that I didn’t get mentioned in there anywhere.
As long as you know the gang of misfits gang sign* you’re in.
*Make an O or a round hole with one hand, make a fist with the other. The flat square created between the knuckles and the finger joints representing the square peg. Then try to force the square peg into the round hole.
But with more poop.
What about Glenn?
Why can’t we be a Band of Gypsys instead?
Never before have I wanted to in a club that would have me.
“*Make an O or a round hole with one hand, make a fist with the other. The flat square created between the knuckles and the finger joints representing the square peg. Then try to force the square peg into the round hole.”
Fisting, you’re doing it wrong. (needs more lube)
Does anyone other than Spongebob have a square PENIS?
Does anyone other than Spongebob have a square PENIS?
I don’t even know her.
Check this out: back in 1967, CBS made a documentary (with Mike Wallace interviewing and reporting) called, for what one assumes was maximum shock value, The Homosexuals. It’s 45 minutes long and a bit of a slog, but it is in parts so over-the-top as to be campily hilarious. The thing that stands out the most, though, is the fact that the talking points on both sides haven’t changed really at all in almost 50 years. So it appears that in the long run, most people can be persuaded out of clinging to stupid ideas, because the anti-gay folks have been saying the same things for decades, and have been losing ground that entire time.
Maybe by the time I’m 80, the majority will have come around to the idea that no, setting up the rules to make sure the people who already have more than they can ever use get even more isn’t the best way to do things.
Severely manic depressives, people out of work for years with no hope of finding any meaningful work, people who obsess about penises and poop, people who ask for money, and people who spend their days reading and posting comments from random folks from other websites and then debating those comments for the rest of the day, people who make fun of people with disabilities, people who talk about screwing other people’s mom’s, gays who talk about giving guys handjobs, transvestites who talk about how depressing their lives are…..just for starters. You’re a regular there Kiwi. It’s like you almost have to be bizarre in some way to gain admission.
Most Americans fit one or more of these descriptions, esp. with minor tweaks (for transvestites, substitute people, et cetera).
I’ve got to remember a little thought-experiment, in which I come to Sadly, No! and react as if everyone’s totally serious. What does that feel like?
Who’s the transvestite?
So people who are bizarre are:
Gay people
Unemployed people
People who joke
People who discuss things on other websites
People who talk or joke about sex
Depressed people
I think that’s a bizarre way to think about things.
What does that feel like?
I’m pretty sure he’s referring to Cerberus. Shows the extent of his knowledge of, well…anything. Personally, I may have his description carved on my tombstone.
I’ve got to remember a little thought-experiment, in which I come to Sadly, No! and react as if everyone’s totally serious. What does that feel like?
Are you implying that everyone here is not totally serious?
Wow, I think I’m gonna have to go back and reread everything!
Yeah, my grasp on reality has just been permanently severed.
Severely manic depressives, people out of work for years with no hope of finding any meaningful work, people who obsess about penises and poop, people who ask for money, and people who spend their days reading and posting comments from random folks from other websites and then debating those comments for the rest of the day, people who make fun of people with disabilities, people who talk about screwing other people’s mom’s, gays who talk about giving guys handjobs, transvestites who talk about how depressing their lives are and the people who are obsessed with them.
As I said over at roy’s, if it’s sad and pathetic to be any or all of the above, it’s infinitely sadder and more pathetic to be a person who follows, catalogs, and cross-references the every online utterance of those described above in spite of an obvious dislike for those people.
Do we waste time here? Depends on your notion of “wasting time,” but if we accept that premise that yes, we’re wasting time doing something we enjoy, then how much more of a waste is it to be spending even MORE time following along and cataloging the every comment of people you don’t like? Is the information gleaned of sufficient use or import to elevate the effort put into tracking and dissecting it above being a “waste of time?” Somehow I kinda doubt it.
What we have to conclude, then, is that Sonnie Penn/Sally Rokowski/Dennis is also choosing to “waste his time” in a pursuit he enjoys, because otherwise, why do it? It follows, then, that Sonnie/Sally/Dennis derives pleasure from following people around the internet who he’s never met yet does not like, and obsessively cataloging their every expressed thought for that moment when it might pay off – he might be able to throw it out there as if it’s some kind of Pinewood Derby trophy, put it right under the nose of one of his hapless “victims”, and proudly point to it like a toddler playing with his own poop in the bathtub. The fact that he gets a merciless beatdown every time he pulls this parlor trick must also add to the pleasure in some incredibly kinky and fucked-up way, because otherwise he’d stop trying it.
So we’re left with the question: who is the most pitiful? Those souls with all-too-human problems, issues, and complaints that Sonnie/Sally/Dennis ridicules as being freaks? Or would it be Sonnie/Sally/Dennis himself, who finds obsessing over people he doesn’t like a pleasurable pursuit, and worse yet, enjoys the abuse he receives in response?
I see no mention of well dressed, large breast-obsessed redhead fetishists.
Hey…………what about “People who like to put on their underwear straight out of the dryer”? ‘Cause oooooh…………
Hey…………what about “People who like to put on their underwear straight out of the dryer”? ‘Cause oooooh…………
You should try putting it on crooked out of the dryer… double ooooh!
what about “People who like to put on their underwear straight out of the dryer”?
Yet another reason to wash your underwear, then put them on.
Speaking of which, I saw Jenica Bergere in a Bones rerun last night and thought about you. I still liked her best as Sharon the handywoman, that Drew Carey dated for a while, though.
I’m starting Weight Watchers today. Let’s assume I cannot spend daily points on booze. I get 49 weekly points (roughly an eighth day’s worth) to spend as I please. A bottle of red wine is 23 points. This means that in order to lose weight, I’ll have to cut back to two bottles a week. (I’m not even gonna try calculating a beer ration.) The only way to increase this allotment is to exercise, and that’s not an easy way to earn anything like 23 points.
Ah well, wish me luck. It worked well and quickly before, I’ll say that much, but I was off the sauce entirely at the time, and on antidepressants.
–Note my bizarre array of concerns, so uncharacteristic of mainstream Americans. And yet I hide them behind nothing more than a pseudonym.
Yet another reason to wash your underwear, then put them on.
Wait, wash? What?
People who couldn’t afford Orly Taitz?
At least with Orly, when she is doing her best to butcher any case you might have had, she can at least do a bit of dentistry and sell you some property on the side. Which is more than we can say for the hindrocket.
Beats finding you’re out of coffee filters, and using a pair of dirty underwear off the floor, like Rob Schneider in Men Behaving Badly.
I see that Jennifer has already addressed our fatal attraction. And since it has been a few days, I figured I should stop by and say howdy.
I was a bit surprised you didn’t get a nibble at Riddled, Provider.
I think we can officially tagline this blog “The World’s Premier Blog for Unemployable Cross-Dressers”, even though let’s be honest here, it’s 100% amateur hour.
Holla !
I’ll say. Never trust anyone who mostly thinks about food yet lacks the strength of character to be fat. This is an iron law that has served me well.
Sorta reminds me of that guy Zombietime who is now a big fish at PJM: spends all day taking pictures of hippie chicks where you can see both their inane placards and their nipples / pit hair, covers up for it by asking stuff like “DON’T THEY REALIZE WHERE THEIR DEATH CRAZED IDEOLOGY LEADS AND THAT EVERYONE CAN TOTALLY TELL IT’S RIGHT THERE FOR ALL TO SEE THEY TOTALLY WANT YOU TO SEE IT” and somehow nobody calls him out on the insistent background noise – like someone’s agitating a whole package of store-brand bologna.
It’s always shame boners.
The fact that he gets a merciless beatdown every time he pulls this parlor trick must also add to the pleasure in some incredibly kinky and fucked-up way, because otherwise he’d stop trying it.
I think it might be safe to say that most of us take pleasure in the process of taking a dump. Most of us don’t obsess ourselves with it however.
I will have to admit that i would like to get a gander at “Dennis’ flowchart of Gotcha™”. I also need to dig up that thread where I depicted what it must have been like to have been a european slave owned by the descendants of Africans that alighted on Plymouth Rock.
Winger whinging if taken seriously and at face value could only make sense if the White Man, had suffered subjugation under the tyranny of Wommenfolk, Brown people, and the LGBT community, times x*
*x being a number approaching but not reaching infinity.
A friend in a similar situation cut down on a lot of his caloric intake by switching to hard liquor, which appeals to me both as a relentless (ironically what one might describe as gimlet-eyed) efficiency drinker and as a fan of fighting one social sin with another.
I was a bit surprised you didn’t get a nibble at Riddled, Provider.
Thanks for reminding me, I had opened that tab, but have yet to check it.
Good Luck Golem!!!
I thought of switching to hard liquor, alec, but I seem to have more trouble controlling myself. I am predictable when drinking wine and beer.
Oh, and I forgot…being poor (albeit probably temporarily) and asking for money is “bizarre.” Now some people might find that sad. But no, to this sociopath it is merely bizarre.
What a strange, ugly, scary world it must be for the wingnut. No wonder they are so unpleasant all the time.
A pity one of the things that makes wine delicious is being so sugary. It tastes like fruit!
The fact is, debt and gas prices are a record highs, as well as loss of productivity, but voter fraud at all time high. Blame Obama, of course. The only way he will win is illegals and too many minorites voting for him, all to get free stuff, the liberal way.
What a strange, ugly, scary world it must be for the wingnut. No wonder they are so unpleasant all the time.
This is what I am really trying to tease out, become a profiler of sorts. it would seem that you have to swallow enormous amount of your own bullshit just to get started down the path.
Imagine a pathological lack of empathy combined with a preternatural need for attention.
No wonder they are so unpleasant all the time.
And “Along comes Gary”!
The fact is, in the past the bikkhus worshipped fire morning and evening; I will teach them that the twelve senses are burning.
I think the next SyFy Saturday night classic should be built around a monster called the “Project-opus”. Seven tentacles jealously embracing one of the seven deadly sins each with the last shoveling bullshit into its maw as quickly as it possibly can.
I mean in the world inhabited by the Project-opus, Rush Limbaugh is the living embodiment of John Gault.
Lawyer-dentistry isn’t cheap, Mr. Tintin (IF that is your real name!)
Also, real estate, because why not?
/shakes fist at ittdgy
I will teach them that the twelve senses are burning
That beats Bryan Ferry who only got as far as ‘Both Ends Burning’.
Ba-doodle-yah! All is burning, loony libs!!
Check this out: back in 1967, CBS made a documentary (with Mike Wallace interviewing and reporting) called, for what one assumes was maximum shock value, The Homosexuals. It’s 45 minutes long and a bit of a slog, but it is in parts so over-the-top as to be campily hilarious
I try to see it that way but then I recall seeing it back in the day, as a young man just beginning to figure some things out. I try to watch it ajd laugh but I can’t – I get angry and depressed.
Pup, yeah, didn’t mean to sound callous. But it’s just surreal to hear all this long-discredited tripe being solemnly peddled by Mike Wallace on what was, at least at the time, a fairly legitimate news network.
I’m glad we’re no longer back in the day.
“People who like to put on their underwear straight out of the dryer”?
No can do. Gayly direct out of the dryer for me.
I know, Jennifer.
The thing that stands out the most, though, is the fact that the talking points on both sides haven’t changed really at all in almost 50 years
THAT is one of the things that depresses me so much. And makes me fucking angry. Too.
I hear you and everything, but Buchanan was pretty openly both homosexual and queer and won an election (as a despicable doughface, and thus against the tide of political history) being called a nancy all day by the Republicans.
In part by calling Fremont (a bastard, a pioneer, and a pederast) a vegan feminist socialist free-love Catholic race-pimp. That was a weird time.
Point is, while now is probably the best time in living American history to be most kinds of queer, it’s not necessarily even the best time in our own brief history for it.
Also, by ‘queer’ I mean that unlike other guys who probably had sex with other men and weren’t especially cagey about it (Lincoln) he neither had nor wanted a family of healthy white boys on some socially acceptable lady.
Also he was a really, really bad President, but what can you do.
That Century of Self shit looks interesting alec. I’ll have to check it out when I gets home.
I tried to find the alicublog post in question but the link just took me to the front page and I’m not going to sift through 100 comments to find it.
The generally accepted term these days is transgender not cross-dresser or transvestite. Though it depends. It’s hard to keep track. The reference might be to me but I’m transsexual and transitioned 15 years ago and don’t give a flying fuck what people think.
And no I don’t spend all day obsessing about poop but this thread could probably use more poop jokes for sure.
Oh, and I loves me some brussles sprouts. Blanched then stir fried with garlic and butter. yummy.
Oh, and I loves me some brussles sprouts.
That’s just bizarre!
The Century of the Self is very good. So is The Power of Nightmares. I have both somewhere but they can probably be found on YouTube too. I’m not sure I buy the main argument of Century because I don’t think that Freudianism is good social psychology. But yeah, drape a blond over the hood of a car and it sells. Big whoop.
Yeah, i dig the Power of nightmares, and will be interested how this one pans out. Also too, I like your way with Brussels sprouts.
I wonder if Vacuumslayer has ever considered going 3d. Many illustrators and photographers are these days and it might open up some opportunities for ya.
I have an heirloom variety tomato on my countertop right now and I can’t decide whether to just slice it up with olive oil, pepper and mozzarella or toss it into a salad. Can’t make up my mind but ahhh is hungry.
I’d say it does lean a little towards the idea that Freudianism is good social psychology, but as a way of establishing that (a) second-generation Freudianism perverts it into deranged self-parody, yet (b) the psychology that consciously rejected Freud was not just worse but startlingly worse. If I had to sum up the argument it makes in a single biclausal sentence it would be “You wouldn’t think anyone could do worse than Anna Freud, but you’d be wrong”.
It’s lost in the relentless self-promotion of Bernays and his little followers, but there’s a genuinely revolutionary aspect to advertising psychology: the idea that advertising works most effectively not by unique selling propositions – rational “this is why our product is great, buy it” stuff – but by appealing to feelings beneath the rational which no one would consciously make purchasing decisions on the basis of.
To take the car example: hidden-persuader car people weren’t the first to sell cars to wealthy men by distracting them with sex. They were the first to figure out that the reason that works isn’t just distraction by sex – it’s because buying an expensive car is already a sexual act. However inane the thinking might be, the evidence has generally been that hidden-persuader thinking defeats USP thinking as advertisement. It’s easy to overstate how much this applies to real life, which is part of where both dime-store advertising critics and Curtis himself go into the weeds.
Also, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace is, like It Felt Like A Kiss, better as art than as documentary. Machines has more meat in it than Kiss, but is equally blessed with Curtis’s unique brand of crazy-man talk (from memory, “How the machines invented the idea of the ecosystem, and how it wasn’t even true”) and his dangerous tendency to tendentious overstretch. (The links are better than the reviews give them credit for, because the reviews are of the first episode and it’s in large part background material.)
If anyone’s interested and unable to find it elsewhere I might see about posting Machines on Youtube or something.
Quick query for VS: how do you deal with people stealing your work? It’s begun to become a problem here.
alec, does your wife put watermarks on all her stuff? She might want to start if she’s not.
My policy is that I don’t give a crap what people do with my stuff as long as they don’t say it’s their’s or sell it. It’s not a terribly professional attititude, but it’s all I can do for now, with my time and effort going to other things.
And, yes, people take my stuff all the time. There’s a desktop wallpaper site that is especially notorious for stealing from deviant artists.
That’s what the aggregator in question was. Not sure if it’s the same one, but they responded pretty quickly to a legal threat, although pretended it was their prerogative to do so (ha ha no).
Unfortunately, she does mostly digital/vector art, which makes watermarks fairly intrusive.
…which makes watermarks fairly intrusive.
Maybe I’m dumb, but isn’t the point of watermarks to be intrusive?
Is selling prints on Deviant Art really a going thing? I suppose like everything it varies. I dunno, ‘spose I’d just work with clients privately. If I were a pro, which I’m not, and let stuff on the web be self promotion or… something. Maybe do some calendars for Smashing Magazine, things like that. I guess.
The salad was great. 😉
Alec, you guys might be able to watermark the file itself, so that if it is downloaded, the digital identifier rides along with it. That would obviate the need to stick a visually-identifiable watermark into the image itself.
Alternatively, there are ways in which a website can identify when a file is downloaded and by whom, and can trace its path accordingly. I don’t know what that’s called, but a lot of content producers are now using little bots that e-mail the mothership when anything is passed along that shouldn’t oughta be.
The ideal watermark is hard to remove and has as little impact on the visual impact of the piece as possible. More intrusive watermarks tend to be more secure, but fit worse with the more spare and simple aesthetic of vector art.
re: digital watermarking – the thieves I’ve run into tend to adapt the files before passing them off as their own work. I don’t know if that’s something a digital watermark would stick to, I’m afraid.
Severely manic depressives, people out of work for years with no hope of finding any meaningful work, people who obsess about penises and poop, people who ask for money, and people who spend their days reading and posting comments from random folks from other websites and then debating those comments for the rest of the day, people who make fun of people with disabilities, people who talk about screwing other people’s mom’s, gays who talk about giving guys handjobs, transvestites who talk about how depressing their lives are and the people who are obsessed with them.
None of these freaks is obviously me. I need to start posting more so I can raise my profile among trolling wingnuts.
Or you could put on women’s clothing and hang around in bars.
Sorry, but can we get the teams posted again? I can’t remember whether I’m on manic depressives or obsessed by poop, this week. The rule booky was funkay smelling whatever I’m in
The good old days? These are them.
2100 AD = snap/crackle/pop.
Pretty sure I won’t look too hawt in a string bikini at 75, but it’s gonna be all teh rage by then. Also, streaking.
On the bright side, it looks like we’re about to put an end to that obesity epidemic once & for all. Yay?
I have an heirloom variety tomato on my countertop right now and I can’t decide whether to just slice it up with olive oil, pepper and mozzarella or toss it into a salad. Can’t make up my mind but ahhh is hungry.
My sweetie makes a salad with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, diced scallions, and cucumber, dressed with balsamic, olive oil, and a sort of italian seasoning. Had it with dinner tonight – yumminess ensued.
Sorry to say it, but you drew making fun of the disabled. Might I suggest congenital anosmia?
We ate the first tomato out of our garden tonight!
Wasn’t too big, but it was full of tomatoey yums!!
I did a series of drawings based on UFO conspiracy theories and such. I actually want those to get stolen and start appearing without credit on “true believer” sites. The series (and most of my other work) in about memes and how ideas are formed, shaped and changed in our shared culture, so nothing would make me happier that becoming part of that. Also, the art depicting various alien races on these sites is usually terrible. I wanted to throw the nutters a bone.
I haven’t seen it happen yet, even though the drawings are posted on various places on the Internet. I don’t want to force it, I’m just hoping.
“Spearhafoc, who has been watching too much Game of Thrones said….”
That can’t be right. You can’t watch too much of Game of Thrones.
I’d just mainlined the entire series in about three days (rewatching it in preparation for the season 2 finale) when I started using that nym.
I got lazy and didn’t bother to change it since.
What about True Blood? Can you watch too much True Blood?
Never saw it.
On the other hand, I’d say once was too much to watch True Lies.*
*Jamie Lee Curtis goes a long way toward changing this equation.
The fact issi tcaf ehT
A man, a plan, a canal- Panama!
Supreme Court upholds “Ausweis bitte!” law. Not an auspicious start to the day’s legal decisions.
Go hang a salami, I’m a lasagna hog!
The fact issi tcaf ehT
This scores high marks for a Garyism in that if I take off my glasses and squint just right it says “fascist”.
Gary Ruppert isn’t dead. Gary Ruppert is eternal. Whenever an ignoramus beats a dead horse, Gary Ruppert is alive. Whenever a reactionary takes a crap in his own punchbowl becaue liberals hate that, Gary Ruppert is alive and thirsty. Whenever a drunk Republican vice president shoots someone in the face with a shotgun, Gary Ruppert is alive and handing out shotgun shells. Whenever a televangelist snorts meth with a male prostitute, Gary Ruppert is alive, and turned on. Whenever some loudmouth declares his undying allegiance to an organization that has been systematically abusing the vulnerable for decades or centuries as if that was an unfortunate side effect instead of the entire purpose of that organization, Gary Ruppert speaks. Gary Ruppert isn’t dead, the spirit of Gary lives on in every basement dwelling, knuckle dragging, ignorance spewing mouth breather out there. Gary Ruppert is stronger than he ever was. Truly, the future belongs to Gary.
I also reheard that objecting to words like nigger is to give words power,
eck…i had this same thing the other day on facebook…young douchebag with whom i was debating just didn’t seem to get it that you should always take a stand against something heinous…i fear for our future…
Oh, I’m one of the utterly depressed, horribly poor, not gay unfortunately subgroup.
i think i may just be one of the ‘read and post comments all day’ subgroup…your subgroup sounds MUCH more exciting…
Helmut Monotreme said,
June 25, 2012 at 17:27
may i order a dozen of these emblazoned boldly on your finest tee-shirts?
Sadly, I do not sell t-shirts, but feel free to take my words and emblazon them on any article of clothing you please.
may i order a dozen of these emblazoned boldly on your finest tee-shirts?
You can get it embroidered on a bag of tits.
You can get it embroidered on a bag of tits.
i think gary would appreciate the sentiment…
although, actually gary prolly could not find his elbow in a bag of tits…
You can get it embroidered on a bag of tits.
Do those come in “extra large”?
In other USSC news, the Koch brothers are having a very good day.
I thought a t-shirt was a bag of tits? Mine is holding two RIGHT NOW.
Mine is holding two RIGHT NOW.
It’s the exceptional person who could make you feel that that was a full bag.
“In other USSC news, the Koch brothers are having a very good day.”
Scalia demands that Arizona be allowed its States Right to harass citizens, while refusing to hear about Montana’s States Right to run clean elections. I guess some states are more equal than others.
“If we don’t arrogate so much power to private corporations they rule over the citizenry with the contemptuous supremacy of a medieval baron, the freesoilers have won.”
I guess some states are more equal than others.
I understand Montana counts as 3/5ths of a state.
although, actually gary prolly could not find his elbow in a bag of tits…
Gary could fall into a barrel of tits and come out sucking his thumb.
That thumb being the one that had been jammed up his ass, of course.
Why not go whole hog and bring back colonization? Vote early, vote often, vote Libertarian.
James Bopp, lead attorney for the corporations
Fuck it, now I’m hearing “Jim Bopp”, as if sung by “Hanson”.
Fuck it, now I’m hearing “Jim Bopp”, as if sung by “Hanson”.
Great, now you have me thinking of “Baby Bop,” one of the most useless characters in the Barney series (a very high bar indeed) and Kidz Bop, one of the most horrible things to come from the ’90s. Even my kids hated it by age 6.
Yeah, go ahead and rip open the scabs. I don’t mind.
Great, now you have me thinking of “Baby Bop,” one of the most useless characters in the Barney series (a very high bar indeed) and Kidz Bop, one of the most horrible things to come from the ’90s. Even my kids hated it by age 6.
So, basically, you remember the 90’s as a dire decade, full of affronts to your sensibilities? There were bright spots, old chum… Alanna Ubach on Beekman’s World, for instance.
Lorem ip[sume dolar amert
Put some distance from potential earworms that I am avoiding
Now I’m hearing…
I want my corruption NOW NOW NOW!
Ugly but true: ich bin ein
HamburgerNewsvine-TrollBotgesellschaftsmensch!Click my texts, smell my loathing, feel my frisky frolicks of fuzzie-wuzzie fun!
Also: freeing the soil.
Love! A thousand times love!
Thanks, dude, that’s a nice memory!!!
So, basically, you remember the 90?s as a dire decade, full of affronts to your sensibilities?
Hey, I had two kids under 10 for that decade. So, yes.
I want my corruption NOW NOW NOW!
You misspelled “NOM”, old chum!
Love! A thousand times love!
Thanks, dude, that’s a nice memory!!!
Isn’t it- she’s criminally unappreciated, even though she steals just about every scene she’s ever been in. IBIMB.
Maybe Montana could try demanding papers of any suspected corporate donor, lock them up for the weekend if they don’t have any on their person, and otherwise harrass them until they self-deport.
Remotely relevant & possibly even stone cold nifty podcast?
Gladly, Yep!
The “State’s Rights”* scorecard
Immigration – It Depends
Marijuana policy – Fuck no
Gun Control – Yeah Right
Gay Marriage – God No!
Health Insurance Policy – Absolutely
Abortion Policy – We Hope
Civil Rights – Those were the days
*States don’t have rights, only people do.
The “State’s Rights”* scorecard
It boils down to, if the state is taking away minority rights, it’s okay, if the state is curtailing corporate power, it’s no-go.
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” — Benjamin Franklin
Fucking troll, leave Franklin out of your right-wing fantasy.
Thank you for fact is! “It will be a Teach” ha ha ha, lol!
I am news!!
Is the fact?
FYI: Thomas Friedman does another Mad Libs column; this time the problem seems to be technology. The solution? Truth!
I maintain that his “travels” is all about finding cheap drugs (both the medicinal and recreational kind).
It is a Snopes! “Snope” is please what? I am speaking English. I “solemnly swear” it is not Turk.
Help! Help!! It is Detroit!!!
Yes. It must be immigration that ruined Detroit.
It sure couldn’t have been the bungling incompetence and/or deliberate malfeasance of the big 3 who ran their companies into the rocks in order to get out from under their obligations to their employees. Lets not forget who invited all of those people you complain about to Detroit so they could take advantage of racial disharmony in order to break the unions. Lord knows they would never open up factories in Canada or Mexico or even Asia to build the cars they didn’t care to build with union labor. Lets also not forget the way the big 3 consistently ignore the market for anything other than gas guzzling road behemoths.
Nobody broke Detroit except the companies that built it. They decided it was too expensive to pay what they promised to their employees. They decided it was too expensive to pay for research and development. They decided being a world leader in manufacturing was too hard, that they’d rather coast on the memories of 1950s world domination, rather than look into the future and build cars and trucks that Americans want to buy, built with American labor. They decided it was too hard to build hybrids, too risky to build electric cars, and too scary to risk planning for a future where gas wasn’t cheaper than bottled water.
Maybe someday an internet billionaire or technology company will walk into Detroit and give it the shake up it needs. I don’t see it happening but its nice to dream that someone will show Detroit and the rest of the country that saving the city of Detroit is as simple as building cars that people want to buy, with labor paid well enough to afford to drive one.
“I watched graffiti explode on buildings”
That’d be a sight to see. In my experience it just sits there, more or less illegibly.
Wow. An honest Republican.
Except that he lies about it.
You will be amazed and aghast by the following, but I suggest that it is a necessary – eye opening read!
…too scary to risk planning for a future where gas wasn’t cheaper than bottled water.
Cheery thought for the day: given our coming water crisis, this day may never come.
It must be so frustrating nobody seems to care about all this evidence you’ve collected about the baboons, mustn’t it. You’d think the reaction would be “Duh no black people are nice” but that’s never the reaction you get. It’s like everyone already knows black inner cities are nasty places and you’re the only one who cares.
How’s that make you feel, friend? Scared for your country?
What a polite and considerate response! 🙂
Liberty is a
well-armed lamb contestingwell-funded corporation buying the vote. — Karl RoveNo, you are jew.
wanna hear something funneh? i consistently get hinderaker confused with hoft…also, i did not realize he is a minnesotan…on behalf of our state…sorry!
Is Anonymous a racist troll?
No need to answer that.
Hoft and Hindrocket are both from MN??? Ad one L and your state has been very generous with its wingnuttery.
Great, now you have me thinking of “Baby Bop,” one of the most useless characters in the Barney series (a very high bar indeed) and Kidz Bop, one of the most horrible things to come from the ’90s. Even my kids hated it by age 6.
I taught my niece to say “Baby Bop is Barney’s ho!” Of course it was a lot more garbled coming out of the mouth of a two-year-old. My sister was of course appalled, but it did get her to work to shift my niece’s attention to a less annoying child mascot, since she was terrified that my niece would walk around at daycare telling everyone that Baby Bop was Barney’s ho.
“The fact is that while Pennsylvania Democrats don’t like it to be talked about, there is election fraud,” Turzai spokesman Stephen Miskin told TPM.
gary ruppert is really stephen miskin?!?!?
Hoft and Hindrocket are both from MN???
is hoft from mn?!?!?
Pretty sure Lileks is also. Lot of corn-fed wingwongs in your cold-ass state.
Pretty sure Lileks is also.
he’s been here quite awhile, but i believe we inherited him from nodak…their willingness to live in a crappy state apparently only goes so far…
Lot of corn-fed wingwongs in your cold-ass state.
must be a variant of cabin fever…
is hoft from mn?!?!?
I think Hoft is from Missouri.
I think Hoft is from Missouri.
Well, he lives in St. Louis now, so not unlikely.
Hoft is the reason Missouri is changing its motto from “The Show-Me State” to “The DOH! Me State.”
Either way, what Minnesota has to be proud of is Michele Bachmann.
do not forget jesse ventura…
I once played a game of Victoria for the internet in which southern Minnesota wound up being the Verdun of a war between Texas/Canada and the US, partially because it had inexplicably become the most populous state in the Union and an industrial powerhouse. (I don’t know how or why the AI pulled that off.)
A very silly game, but I had fun at it.
I’m guessing that the fuckface who posted this doesn’t know how things like good nutrition and environment can affect IQ scores.
I’m guessing that the fuckface who posted this doesn’t know
I thought we were over this “Bell Curve” nonsense, I really did. I thought we were at a point where we acknowledged that areas with a heavy ethnic minority population tend to receive less funding for schools and opportunities for jobs, leaving them with the choice of athletics, crime or praying for some specialized government assistance to change the course of their fate. I thought we were finally able to admit that some of this was by design, because, hey, we can’t have everyone be successful, right?
It’s amazing how fear and hate can lead people to such simple logic as, “Detroit’s a crummy city because there’s two many blacks” but here we are.
And you could point to things, like how a black person created the first stop light, or performed the first opened-heart surgery, or found a ridiculous amount of uses for the peanut. You could mention that serial killers and domestic terrorists tend to be white males. You can talk about how most historians agree that civilization started in Egypt, which is in (wait for it) the continent of Africa. But nooo…to them, it’s always brown people = problems.
For those who think this will die out with the passing of the Boomer Generation (not saying they’re all bigots/racists, but this generation seems to be the consensus when people talk about the shifting attitudes toward race), forgive me for not being so confident.New bigots/racists are being raised everyday, and as long as a minority can be made a scapegoat for a problem in this country they will have a voice and an audience.
do not forget jesse ventura…
Awe, c’mon, bbkf, Jesse was/is at least fun, and completely whackadoodle. Most of our state hangover is from Timmeh pouting and running behind the wingnuts yelling “Me too, guys, me too!!! Wait up, I can be
presidentvice-presidentSecretary of Agriculturehanger-on at Crossroads GPS!”Can we have the scapegoat-statuses transferred to fictional minorities like Mutants, Geico Cavemen and Vampires? That way nobody real gets hurt.
The IQ differences remain even after adjusting for economic and family background.
Obama got where he is because he’s a mulatto, and while mulattos often lack mathematical and spatial intelligence, they often have at least white-level verbal intelligence (BO’s verbal intelligence is probably higher than even the white average).
South Korea and black African countries had roughly the same GDPs in 1950. Now South Korea is a developed country. Where’s black African? They’re still trading water.
What could account for that?
For those who think this will die out with the passing of the Boomer Generation
Hold on there, skippy. Not saying there aren’t plenty of racists among the Boomers (of which I am barely one) but I can promise you our parents’ generation was an order of magnitude worse. It’s something that is fading, slowly, generation by generation.
anonymous seems to be a fine product of the u of kkk’s skool of anthropology…
That’s right, just shout me down, don’t answer the question about Africa vs. South Korea since 1950 that I posed.
You’re kidding on the South Korea question, right?
Want to dispute any of the facts I gave?
Obama got where he is because he’s a mulatto
… & absolutely 110% DEFINITELY not because he’s just as good at being a compliant Wall Street marionette as the last guy!
Why, just look at all the OTHER mulattos who already, er, who, that.
Funny/peculiar how all that long-ago-debunked “Bell Curve” horseshit just keeps respawning, is it not? Oh a hale hearty zombie indeed, at least for as long as the rubes in the market for such offal will bear it.
Subordinating science to profit – WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRGNO$,$?
Just do a little thinkumicating about your question. But do it really hard, like with your tongue out and everything.
anonymous also has ‘ignoring’ confused with ‘shouting’…
also, son has gotten me to watch ‘duck dynasty’…i am simultaneously appalled, annoyed and bored…can anyone tell me why this show is on the air?
How come South Korea became a developed, wealthy, technologically advanced country in 50 years (coming from dirt-poor poverty) while not a SINGLE African country, except South Africa under white rule, was able to do the same?
Shorter Anon:
We always clutch pearls.
We never think straight.
Humour us.
How come South Korea became a developed, wealthy, technologically advanced country in 50 years (coming from dirt-poor poverty) while not a SINGLE African country, except South Africa under white rule, was able to do the same?
Did European nations invade South Korea, kidnap it’s people, and force them into slave labor about 200 years before? Does anyone know what may happen to a culture that’s raped and pillaged for almost two centuries, only to have the survivors treated as second-class citizens in their own homeland?
Bueller? Bueller?
South Korea is currently in something of a growth gump because of the usual runaway “tiger economy” effect: international investors flood in with fast money, flood out in droves after a bubble pops. If you look at South Korea 1987-1996 or Ghana 1957-1966 you wind up with almost equally glowing stories of success and prosperity, and then if you look next year things have completely imploded.
Most sub-saharan African economies are currently in terrible shape because of the Congolese war and the expansion of the Sahel, but where no threats exist to scare off international investors the results have actually been fairly positive. Kenya especially has experienced substantial growth in recent years.
Less prominent but still significant examples include Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius, and Seychelles.
While you’re learning things, maybe stow away “Are you jew?” as a thing not to say when you want people to take you seriously.
Loch Ness Monster teaches your child an important lesson.
It’s something that is fading, slowly, generation by generation.
I really want to believe that, but everything I’ve observed leads me to believe that they only became more sophisticated. Sure, some knuckle-draggers are still out there with “Go Back To Africa” signs, but the majority has just decided to fight a more socio-economical/political battle.
I mean, you have a political party that’s ecstatic over a 14-year-old for sounding like Rush Limbaugh (he said Obama is turning young men gay). Most 14-year-old males I’ve encountered aren’t espousing opinion regarding elected officials and their policies; it’s more like “sports, video games and boobs.” That shit isn’t just picked up out of curiosity or boredom; it’s taught.
Botswana GDP PPP per capita: 16,000. Thailand GDP PPP per capita: 10,000. Latvia GDP PPP per capita: 16,000.
Transparency International corruption index for US: 7.1. TICI for South Korea: 5.4. TICI for South Africa: 4.1. TICI for Botswana: 6.1.
We always clutch pearls.
We never think straight.
Humour us.
Did anyone else read that with the “Children of the Corn” chorus voice?
Don’t tell me I was the only one.
I mean, you have a political party that’s ecstatic over a 14-year-old for sounding like Rush Limbaugh (he said Obama is turning young men gay).
That boy’s gonna be a hit at CPAC with his supple young tongue. Even better if he brings his own kneepads and mouthwash.
New troll, same as the old troll.
How many Bostwanan TVs have you bought lately, Alec? How many Bostwanan cars and cell phones?
Bostwana has nothing but mineral wealth. Just like how the Arabs can be rich despite the fact the average Arab IQ is 90.
BTW, I knew you were a Jew boy. I can smell Jews from 100 miles away.
…and now new troll has shown it is beneath human contempt…
Are you safe Miss Gradenko?
Miss Gradenko are you safe?
Are you safe Miss Gradenko?
Miss Gradenko are you safe?
Enter a username and password for tracking.sitemeter.com? NO, I THINK NOT!
I don’t usually agree with Leftists but you’re onto something when it comes to AIPAC and the Zionist Jew lobby.
Wow, Nonny is more transparently racist and horrible than the usual brand of troll. That explains the righteous stench all up in here.
Hey Hitler-boy, what’s your problem? Afraid that the blacks and jews have penises twice or thrice your size? ‘Sokay, not all of ’em do. Probably the toddlers are smaller than you.
How many Bostwanan TVs have you bought lately, Alec? How many Bostwanan cars and cell phones?
When they’re in Libertarian Mode, they’re all about GOLD!!!!
When they’re in Racist Mode, it’s about cars and cell phones.
Loch Ness Monster teaches your child an important lesson.
wha? i glanced at the headline for this article earlier today, but skipped reading it because…boring! but, i have to say, it was a super read–chock full of wingnuttery…
Probably the toddlers are smaller than you.
Let’s not jump to conclusions.
As Steve Sailer says, you can have a big penis, or a big brain, but you can’t have both.
but wow, it’s estimated that in the good ol’ usa, there are about 200,000 kids being exposed to this shit? and who knows how many home-schoolers? yipes…makes me think pryme’s skepticism is warranted…
As Steve Sailer says, you can have a big penis, or a big brain, but you can’t have both.
but you can also have neither…
Remember your little IQ chart? I’d watch my tone, peasant.
How many Latvian cell phones or cars or TVs have you bought lately? This just goes to prove the Latvians are natural slaves and if they take over civilized infrastructure it’ll be overrun by mob violence in no time. Fucking litvaks, man.
Botswana has substantial non-mineral sectors, and for that matter Congo (inhabited by South Bantu people as well) has immense amounts of mineral wealth but a GDP/PPP per capita of 4500.
Also, Google’s first page offers up the following numbers for the average Arab IQ: 85, 88. So like two seconds of – not even research, but what is to research as diapers are to potty training – would have made your case for you better.
Maybe that’s why you can’t keep up with jew.
Actually, penis and testicle size is inversely correlated with brain size.
Actually, penis and testicle size is inversely correlated with brain size.
wow, you really are something else…were you homeschooled?
Oy gevalt with the shvartzers schtupping the soup etc
Yeah, but Jews don’t use their intelligence creatively or for the greater good, you use it to control, manipulate, and dumb down other races, whether through financial capital, the mass media, or the Zionist AIPAC lobby.
[no mushroom]
Yeah, I haven’t made up a single number yet. I guess there’s no keeping up with the white man there.
“And that’s why I vote Republican!”
I don’t usually agree with Leftists but you’re onto something when it comes to AIPAC and the Zionist Jew lobby.
Remember Latvia was under Jewish Bolshevism for decades.
I can’t vote Republican, because I’m not American.
So contingency of history, resources, and leadership is relevant if and only if it provides evidence for a Great Chain of Being where at the bottom we find blacks and at the top we find perfidious Jews.
Have you heard of the phrase “circular argument”? A white man came up with it, so it’s OK for you to read up on.
Ah, so that’s why there are no Jews in the arts and entertainment industries!
What a blow for you.
Their “art” and entertainment is low-brow trash designed as a narcotic for the goyim.
Compare modern popular music, dominated by Jew producers and marketers, to Wagner and Mozart and Bach.
Gooble gobble gooble gobble oy gevalt oy gevalt!
sounded better in the original German
I wonder what great achievements in art, science and literature our dear friend here has achieved. Being white, he’s obviously naturally adept at it.
Yeah, damn Jews give us nothing like Mahler.
Certainly he’s no natural at even the degenerate intellectualism of music criticism; he basically pulled three musicians he’s heard people talk about as Important White People Music. Orchestral music is way bigger and more important than that.
Purcell? Mahler? Tchaikovsky? Chopin? Liszt? Holst? Cole? Adams? Verdi? Beethoven? Meyerbeer? Offenbach? Sullivan? Dvorak? Hell, I’d take David Rose over Bach, and most of the first 14 guys I could think of make Wagner look like a piker for everything but pure effort.
sammy davis junior…
I think he’s trying to say Jewish Kunst is a little too Entartete for his taste.
Aw, I was busy and I missed the arrival of the Ubermensch.
I wonder what great achievements in art, science and literature our dear friend here has achieved.
If I remember the news reports correctly, didn’t he go on a shooting spree in Norway, killing over 70 people? Maybe it’s “cinéma vérité?”
“cinéma vérité”
That doesn’t sound white to me.
I just realised I used the words “achievements” and “achieved” in the same sentence. Me, a bad writer? But I’m white! Clearly that can’t be so!
So I was supposed to have my adorable little ManToy™ delivered unto my eager clammy tentacles today.
The intrepid bearer of this utility-fetish got my directions to drop it off at the back door just fine, but “couldn’t get in and don’t know where is your back door” … despite there being a wide open driveway that takes you there before you can say Foxtrot Uniform Bravo Alpha Romeo.
Also, I prepared for my upcoming trip to Paris by watching Ratatouille.
What a neat little app.
Whoa, jim, that’s a freaking Transformer! Make sure it doesn’t have any AI; I don’t want to hear about you in a CNN odd stories blurb.
The US imports literally all of its sheep and goat fats from Canada. You canuck bastards! I knew you were up to something all this time!
Also, I made you a nice sprkly new meme thing.
So I was supposed to have my adorable little ManToy™ delivered unto my eager clammy tentacles today.
I don’t see where you’re supposed to put your PENIS.
Also, I made you a nice sprkly new meme thing.
She’s so pretty. I saw her video. I once dated a gal that looked VERY much like her.
Yes, she actually was a psycho. That’s my lot in life.
Ha ha. You guys STILL haven’t figured out what we’ve done with the sheep.
Ha ha. You guys STILL haven’t figured out what we’ve done with the sheep.
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
We all know what you’ve done with the sheep.
Awww, I was hoping for Mighty Whitey’s answer to the “art, science, literature” question. Looks like he’s taken off.
Enjoy THIS!
Remember my
fingered prickpricked finger? At $13/hour, I was the lowest-paid person on a six-person conference call that lasted an hour talking about that.I love my job, though. Really!
Ha ha. You guys STILL haven’t figured out what we’ve done with the sheep.
And the sheep refuse to talk about it, even under hypnosis.
And the sheep refuse to talk about it, even under hypnosis.
Sheep are notorious liars. Don’t believe them!
Teh goofy little buggers are like a bag of bloody chips, y’know.
Sheep are notorious liars. Don’t believe them!
OMG it was EWE!
Sheep are notorious liars. Don’t believe them!
They’ll pull the wool over your eyes.
But ewe are, Blanche, ewe are!
Wake up, sheeple!
I am not following the herd on this one.
Unfortunately we have far, far to go before we see the worst of the social catastrophe that mainstream heterosexual humanity gets to embrace, accept, gaydom in all its sinister, diabolical forms gets to conquer.
Ummm, what?
6 posted on June 25, 2012 5:30:11 PM PDT by lbryce (BHO-“Now, I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds” by way of Oppenheimer at Trinity, NM)
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To: moonshot925
Back in the 60s, faggots were drummed out on a general discharge just to help save platoon morale. Now they’re celebrated, and all the normal soldiers have to stand aside and let them destroy our military.
The all-female navy vessel was embarassing, and now this. Do they expect normal people to enlist and have to bunk with these perverted faggots (or is that redundant?)?
The military police should be able to arrest anyone in this photo and should have them imprisoned for their gross disrespect to our flag. What a horrible dishonor to all soldiers who went before them.
I recommend Iranian troops because really, they’re a pretty good-looking bunch.
Disgusting. Some warriors these Pentagon types are. They’re afraid of a bunch of fairies. No wonder the Muslims think they can beat us.
There’s nothing manlier than a bloke who fucks blokes!
No doubt about it. Neither one of my kids are going to join now because of the pink battle ships and raging faggots in the barracks. Hell, most people wouldn’t even go into a bar if they knew that homos were in there . . . much less young people going to help our country.
How much more disgusting can this get . . . and does Romney have the nuts to stop this once and for all when he wins and becomes our commander-in-chief?
Awshit. The blokes who fuck blokes line was supposed to include a link to the Aussie comedian who said it. Google is your friend. Your very close, intimate, best friend ever.
how do these people survive a day passing amongst dozens, or hundreds, nay! thousands of evil faggoty faggots and NOT KNOWING WHO THEY MIGHT BE?!?!? how do they know they haven’t been tainted? or leered at?
no wonder they are high strung…
every parent that has a kid wanting to join ANY of the armed forces should delay this 6-9 months and TELL the recruiter why. That you’re concerned about homosexual rape by officer and senior NCOs. That you are concerned that sexual harassment among faggot officers and faggot senior NCOs to your son is going to be a problem and how are they going to address your concerns.
Real simple, real straight not hostile but just DELAY recruitment and SPREAD THE WORD AMONG ALL CONSERVATIVES who can somehow contact recruits. I want to CRATER recruiting drives. Make all the recruiters miss their marks and eat sh#t, cause they’re officers in the Pentagon are a bunch of meat puffers.
Someone has issues.
There’s nothing manlier than a bloke who fucks blokes!
How about a bloke who lets blokes fuck HIM?
Deer hunting, mountain-biking & woodworking look like some seriously pussy-o-rama tame as fuck girly-sleepover action next to Ye Oulde Buggerie.
Or so some might argue.
American troops are trained to resist wienerboarding. Or encourage it. I forget which.
“Aw, for fuck’s sake! How am I supposed to get off to this!?”
(Camouflage is only supposed to come in butch colors, like green and red and gold. “Pink Spitfires”? What? Fag!)
Okay, this is the absolutely final another one!
“meat puffer”
“homosexual rape”
But print “shit” out in full and the baby Jesus cries.
Lord Mountbatten was a fag.
The hell he was!
The irony! It’s so ,,, so beautiful.
I understand Montana counts as 3/5ths of a state.
It’s 28/5 of a state, except when it’s not. “State’s Rights” arguments mean little to the personal sovereignty cnuts.
This OBAMA RULING really chafes Montana’s rwnj’s, but whaddaya expect when the Sherf’s a NI
*connection lost*
Man, can’t we find a funnier chew toy?
Man, can’t we find a funnier chew toy?
We gnaw on the chew toy we have; not the chew toy we wish we had.
Man, can’t we find a funnier chew toy?
Maybe Buttrocket will share his with you.
As Steve Sailer says, you can have a big penis, or a big brain, but you can’t have both.
I never did understand why the development of a small amount of vascular tissue should demand so many resources as to impede the expansion of one’s neocortex, but this theory does have the advantage of explaining the superiority of women.
Camouflage is only supposed to come in butch colors, like green and red and gold.
Searching for “Return of the Pink Panzer” provides some entertaining images.
Then our socialist government will ask foreign troops to inhabit U.S. soil
I, for one, would volunteer to be a foreign overlord. I would need to see what the exact “inhabit the soil” bit means, but I’m assuming it’s some sort of gardening thing.
I would need to see what the exact “inhabit the soil” bit means
“Six feet of English soil” is the traditional offer.
In a shared world that wound up basically being an elaborate burlesque of the alt-hist genre, a friend and I devised a world in which the US was a free port in a cold war between the Axis and Allies – all as backdrop to the sort of sleazy pulp that would exist in this universe, stuff with titles like “Lusts of the Moon Masters” and so on. The OSS and CIA both existed with respective anti-Axis and anti-Soviet competences (and basically at cold war with each other) and the OSS secretly produced one of these blue magazines to smuggle into Nazi Germany disguised as dry periodicals about classical Greece and so on.
This magazine (which I had no intention of actually writing copy for, because nothing I could do would do the idea justice) was government-funded gay smut mixed with surprisingly accurate palace gossip from Rohm’s Berlin, and was – at least in America – simply entitled Faggot Führer.
Actually, Mountbatten was known to swing that way.
Perfect Dark is better than Goldeneye? Bullshit. Perfect Dark looks like shit. The control is shit, too. It’s quite obvious that Goldeneye is, and always has been, the better game. No questions. I mean, play through Facility or the other awesome levels then play one of the nondescript, shitty graphic-ed PD maps and tell me Perfect Dark is “Goldeneye improved.” I’ll fight anyone.
bbfk & minnesotans: The Twins have climbed out of the American League cellar! Seattle slips into the basement instead.
Also Twins have even escaped the World Sewers, an imaginary Fenwickian post-season for the four teams with the worst MLB records. (Indeed the current standings are a rarity–all four are NL teams: Usually, the AL has one or two stinkeroos in the World Sewers.)
.411 Houston
.389 Colorado
.365 San Diego
.342 Chi Cubs
So there is some balm for suffering Twins fans.
ho, ho…i heard they were ahead but didn’t dare believe it!
Man, I gotta cut my Xanax in half. Current dose makes me zombie-like sleepy.
Dammit, I’m trying to run a campaign here!
You have to wonder how Hinderaker continues to draw a salary from a law firm when he says inane shit like this in public and, apparently, spends most of his work day coming up with it.
He’s a rainmaker, of the golden kind.
For some reason I decided to venture off the boat. I’m not too amazed the shorter is actually almost a verbatim quote, but heck, that’s just a conservative trying to be funny, so this just makes me pity Hinderaker more than anything — poor conservatives, they just don’t quite know from funny. Unlike say Richard Cohen.
What really got me were his comments about Mary Cheney:
As Steve Sailer says, you can have a big penis, or a big brain, but you can’t have both.
Kids in school hated me because I fucked their girlfriends and broke the grading curve.
Sailer’s obviously got neither.
As Steve Sailer says, you can have a big penis, or a big brain, but you can’t have both.
If you are a grower but not a shower can you have a big brain?
Anyway, it’s not the size that matters, but how you use it. I’m now talking about brains. What were you thinking?
mainstream heterosexual humanity gets to embrace, accept, gaydom in all its sinister, diabolical forms gets to conquer.
If you are a grower but not a shower can you have a big brain?
Would your brain then be a shrinker not a thinker?
Where did the rotten comment mangos posted above about the fagification of our military forces come from? Because I’d love to add this, from Ignatius J. Reilly:
Sheesh. These motards can’t even be creative in their phobias. Reilly got there over 40 years ago.
you know, i think ‘confederacy’ is my most favorite book ever…
every parent that has a kid wanting to join ANY of the armed forces should delay this 6-9 months and TELL the recruiter why. That you’re concerned about homosexual rape by officer and senior NCOs. That you are concerned that sexual harassment among faggot officers and faggot senior NCOs to your son is going to be a problem and how are they going to address your concerns.
So what about the young women who were concerned about being raped and assaulted? Because, you know, it actually happens (teh Google says, “Look up ‘Invisible War’.”)
Oh, I forgot: it’s only rape if it involves two men.
Oh, I forgot: it’s only rape if it involves two men.
Oh no, it’s rape, but when a het male soldier rapes a woman, it proves women shouldn’t be in the military, while when a gay male soldier rapes a man it proves gays shouldn’t be in the military. Het males being the default setting, there’s nothing that could prove they shouldn’t be in the military.
I can’t vote Republican, because I’m not American.
How’d Breivik get a computer in prison? Fuckin’ Norwegians!
how do these people survive a day passing amongst dozens, or hundreds, nay! thousands of evil faggoty faggots and NOT KNOWING WHO THEY MIGHT BE?!?!? how do they know they haven’t been tainted?
Because they haven’t felt an unusual sensation betwixt their bungholes and their ballsacks?
Het males being the default setting, there’s nothing that could prove they shouldn’t be in the military.
Straight white male privilege, the invisible privilege.
alrighty then…just waiting for my son to get here so he can haul my old desk out of my office and my new (to me) one in…getting bored…
“nobody’s laughing, now…”
When it comes to women and IQ, on average they have a slightly higher IQ than men, but a narrower standard deviation from the mean. So there are few women who are outright retards, but also few women geniuses. They make great middle managers and a beaurocrats, but not much beyond that.
Oh and with women of course its not penis size that is inversely correlated with brain size, but the size of their breasts and buttocks that are inversely correlated with brain size and IQ. Big boobs and big ass means a tiny brain.
Jennifer – the mangoes came from freeperville. Teh Ho, who subscribes to the “know you enemy” school of war, had left the page open and I just had to pass along some of those.
In one sense, iQ does correlate to breast size: many men act like morons near women with large breasts.
This just in: reports of conservatives ‘gasmimg simultaneously.
Actually, Mountbatten was known to swing that way.
Known to his friends as “Mountbottom”. NMTU.
Fuck, this “I.Q. Test” bullshit needs to die in a fire. Intelligence is a tricky thing to pin down- the very word is inadequate. If I were forced to define intelligence, I’d describe it as “the ability to interact with one’s surroundings”. Different cognitive functions are needed in different environments, and no single test is adequate to determine an individual’s ability to function in a broad spectrum of circumstances.
This just in: reports of conservatives ‘gasmimg simultaneously.
Between this and Holder’s bullshit contempt of congress hearing, will the administration finally be convinced that they need to fight back hard?
“Where’s black African? They’re still trading water.”
There’s alot of money to be made in bottled water. But Fiji is better branding than Mogadishu.
Intelligence is a tricky thing to pin down- the very word is inadequate. If I were forced to define intelligence, I’d describe it as “the ability to interact with one’s surroundings”. Different cognitive functions are needed in different environments, and no single test is adequate to determine an individual’s ability to function in a broad spectrum of circumstances.
Most people are debating “emotional intelligence” anyway. IQ data/discussions is like boxing: stale and easily corruptible. I guess that’s the point, though: once you’re able to manipulate the “science” to support your belief system, then you find it credible. That’s one reason I don’t see conservatives backing green initiatives or clean energy: they haven’t figured out to corner the market and profit off of it yet. When they can patent the sun, we’re sure to get things moving!
Between this and Holder’s bullshit contempt of congress hearing, will the administration finally be convinced that they need to fight back hard?
As I hinted in the last thread, what got me upset was Pelosi’s “Hey, we had a deal: I did move to impeach Bush and you guys leave Obama alone! What gives?” reaction to the Holder contempt vote. Seriously, Nancy? you actually thought that these power-hungry sickos would just let the elections happen without trying something tricky? If they could impeach Obama for jaywalking they would (especially if it was on Constitution Avenue).
I thought I told ya that we won’t stop; I thought I told ya that we won’t stop.
P.S.: dude draws hands like Rob Leifeld draws feet.
Speaking for the awesomely-endowed-as-is women, I’d say it’s easy to have that effect on men even without large breasts.
Speaking as a barely literate, easily distracted, panty sniffing, tedious moralizing, hypocritical, mouth breather, I’d say please stop using your sexy sexy powers for evil.
AssRocket has to be the most obnoxious, vile, superlatively stupid wingnut nobody has ever heard of. This is a man who voiced the opinion that Obama needed to take some oratorical pointers from W. Bush. If this is one of the shining lights of the right, why can’t we beat them?
Old thread but just want to say:
Benjamin Banneker was said to be a mullatto* and he made a clock after seeing a pocket watch.
* checked him on wikipedia and they said there is some doubt to this. If he is all black that just strengthens the argument that blacks can be very intelligent.