All We’re Saying is That We’d Have Supported Stalin if He Was More Like Franco.
His warm mustache and extermination of dissenters just makes us feel so loved and safe. He’s just the superior president to have a beer with.
Mitch Smith, American Tankmando:
The Grim Logic of ‘Fairness’
Ah, just go straight to the shorter.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Fuck pretending. Yes, we’re against fairness now too and we heartily support a dictatorship in service to funneling all the money to the wealthy. But we’re still going to call you the real fascists, because IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION.
Yeah, I don’t know what’s gotten into conservative’s water lately (cough, incredibly low poll numbers and turnout for conservative candidates despite having an infinite money pipe), but they’ve been souring on even the illusion of supporting democracy faster than Ireen Wüst wins a gold medal for her girlfriend.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before they had to.
They may have bought a decade or two of time on the Southern Strategy by deliberately limiting the urban and youth vote, committing open fraud, and making all the Churches bow towards Reagan’s tomb 5 times per day. But if them souring every word they come into contact with and tanking the country several times didn’t fuck them over, then the shifting demographics were going to.
And so, the latest meme to come down the pipeline for all the good little boys to pimp is “What’s so bad about an autocratic bootheel grinding our face into the dust for all eternity?”
And like so often before, the American Thinker is left to try and shovel the sloppy seconds of Professional Serious Person Brooks to try and explain why the crazies should support it.
My guess is word salad about communism, Occupy protestors, and Obama, but then what isn’t these days?
There are many who insist that one particular form of societal organization is “more fair” than others.
They may produce studies that depict this mathematically. They may show you evidence of how a lack of fairness produces a decrease in innovation, a tendency to be exploited by countries with fairer economies, or a tendency to produce violent populist revolutions. They may even note that rich people get richer when they actually allow their customers enough of a wage to buy their products.
That’s the apparent underlying theme of the “Occupy” movement that has been making headlines the past year.
And then, BAM, bongo solo to the left eardrum!
And that’s why Fairness must be stopped, if we have any chance to make it out alive!
Also, way to make your opponents look bad.
Yes, yes, our opponents believe in common sense and those faggy things we’re supposed to believe in, while we believe in a life of quiet desperation and lonesome masturbatory sessions to Army vehicles… uh… hippies are dirty?
Yet when one looks around the world and back in history, it is difficult to find a society that was not stratified, with a few having more and most having less.
Well, yes, if you go back in history, you do see stratified societies. In fact, you generally see populations where the rich posed as Gods or advisors to Gods in order to hoard all the money while the people starved. And after century after century of that shit, people decided they had enough and started violently overthrowing their God-Kings, sometimes fatally, and made an equal democracy something to strive for in all nations.
There’s been one nation in particular who was very instrumental in ending the Age of Kings, I think they were called Jamerica or something. You probably wouldn’t have heard of it. They were kind of a nothing colony back then.
Even tribal societies exhibit this trait. There may not have been a lot of “more” to possess, but to the extent it existed, more was concentrated in the hands of the tribal elders and leaders.
….uh…not… really. I mean, sure, in the most popular depictions with “me chief, he witch doctor, we run things”, but actual tribal life is and was rather more varied than that. Certainly there were hierarchal tribes, but there also were and are tribes that operate with constant mutalism because you really can’t afford parasitical douchebags when a single bad winter could fuck you. Heck, there’s more than a few tribes that operate by the “everyone shares in the work, everyone shares in the spoils” view of communism that never really existed.
Oh, sorry, here I go trying to introduce actual Anthropology into a wingnut essay. Sorry, go on about how mighty mammoth eating men shouldn’t have had their hunt taken from them and distributed to the people by mean lazy women sitting on their asses back in the caves.
Be it ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Minoan, or other old cultures, or the states of the 21st century, we simply don’t have any examples that have distributed a society’s wealth equally among its citizens.
Anarchist co-ops, employee-owned factories, hippie communes, a not insubstantial number of non-profits.
Ohhhhh! You meant countries! Silly me.
Well, if we’re going to get technical, I’m going to have to nitpick that Marx and his followers never argued that everyone should get exactly the same amount of money and goods, but rather “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need”. So yeah, when you need a straw-man to argue communism never quite worked out, you’ve reached a new pinnacle of sad unnecessary straw-battery.
Fuck, seeing as how this whole communism tangent is one more in a long series of dogwhistle strawmen for any criticism of predatory capitalism, we’re entering a fucking Inception of Strawmen.
How many layers until we hit Leonardo DiCaprio’s wife quoting Rush Limbaugh all creepy like?
The main difference among the various options for government seems to be the basis on which the unequal distribution is made.
In tribal societies, authority was held by either the elders, where status was often passed by lineage, or by outright acquisition of power through force. As societies grew, there was a natural transition to monarchies. (Though they still exist today, they are largely now ceremonial or exercise whatever authority they still have though another form of government.)
I call these the “good ol’ days”.
Mainly because I imagine I’d be dining in the Castle with the other nobles and not mucking the shit out of my living room because the only way to stay warm in the winter is to bring the farm animals inside.
In a pure communistic system, the government is the sole arbiter of who gets what.
As opposed to those monarchies and Hollywood tribe cultures I was describing a second ago.
I guess in wingnut land, government only exists in terms of communism and automagically ceases to be whenever anyone whiter and richer takes the reigns (yeah, already docked myself for the terrible pun, bad Cerberus, no biscuits).
Inevitably, whatever power and wealth exists in the society resides in the hands of those who have risen through the ranks of the monopolistic political structure. They typically either are unelected or “win” one-party elections.
That would be the main reason that communism lent itself nearly immediately to capitalistic dictatorship within seconds whenever it was tried. No matter how noble the intentions, it always ran into the same problem. Sure, everyone’s trying to do right for each other, but what about that percentage of assholes who’ll try for the “Parasite” option in the Prisoner’s Dilemma? Or those other organizations out there who’d like to invade your ass and make you all the lowest rung of their hierarchy? Not to mention getting those goods such a long distance so no one is left out. So you end up creating a central authority just to keep things in check, but now you’ve got a beacon for corruption going out to every boot-licking asshole within a thousand mile radius. A few stabbings or a few paranoia sessions later, you’ve got a bunch of corrupt plutocrats riding high on everyone else’s work and those who were propping up the system start going “I’ve got mine, fuck you” so that they won’t be the “Suckers”.
This would be a very poignant observation if you happened to be a 19th century philosopher debunking Marx’s utopic thought-experiment.
But seeing as how it’s the year 2012 and the Cold War has been over for over 20 years, it just makes you look like a dim prat endlessly fretting the day you bring up communism and everyone goes “what the hell was that?”
And yeah, doesn’t really serve as much of a distraction for people whose brains aren’t immediately re-routed to how scared they were to get nuked, and thus have enough coherence to note that countries with mixed economies balancing the flaws of both communism and capitalism are currently kicking everyone’s asses so hard that I’m honestly expecting to hear Sweden called a Global Superpower within 20 years.
And frankly, I don’t have enough words to describe how hilariously sad that would be.
Even if their personal income appears modest, their lifestyle is supported by the government. They have the best, and often multiple homes; access to exclusive shops and services unavailable to the public; and easy access to transportation, vacations, aides, and assistants along with a host of other advantages unknown to the “99%” in that society.
Whereas we have the same thing, but it’s not provided by the government. Advantage? U-S-A! U-S-A!
Actually… he makes this exact argument later.
Socialist societies offer similar advantages to the powerful, but typically through a mix of government-business partnerships. Deals are made, inevitably in favor of those businesses that directly or indirectly support the government, and the anointed ones live in high style.
Totally unlike what’s happening today where said corporations are buying out the government and using it to destroy competition, do end-runs around consumers, or just openly steal from the people’s money because “hey, it’s not stealing if I take it from the evil government, right?”
And again, you better be using the past tense here, Mitch, or somebody might have to point out that the current “socialist” countries are basically the only countries where that is NOT happening.
Other than including the business element, the main difference between communist and socialist forms of government is that the latter have multiple political parties. The party in power can and does change over time, but the method of allocating unequal portions of wealth in a society to a relative few still heavily resides with the government.
Well, what with the indirect reference to Europe there, I’m afraid I’m going to have to dock you two Denmarks and a Norway.
Better get used to learning at least a dozen new vowels, Mitchy my boy, because if the Austerity Warriors don’t let off, vi vil alt tale danske.
On the other side of the equation is capitalism, though no country in the world has such an economic system in its pure form.
So all those repeated failures of the system to produce the Libertarian Fantasy Land we wanted it to are totally NOT our fault. Especially the countries that did everything we told them and definitely not that unfortunately real country Somalia that doesn’t have a government to blame its woes on.
Any similarity this excuse has to Stalinist and Trotskyist communists back in the 50s and 60s is entirely coincidental.
They at least had the excuse of wanting things to improve and had the good sense to shut up and let others take the movement from them and change it to something that actually had a prayer of working.
So yeah, when you make the sad deluded communists of the mid 20th century look like the ones who moved along with the times and accepted new ideas rather than whining about dogma, something has gone terribly terribly wrong…
For you, at least. I imagine the rich people exploiting you find the system working exactly as intended.
Here, winners and losers are decided by “the market.”
Hallowed be its name.
Bill Gates became fantastically rich by starting a company that brought the personal computer to the masses. Henry Ford created his wealth by introducing mass production of automobiles. People in Hollywood came to their good fortune by making movies and TV shows the public enjoys watching. In short, wealth is often made by offering an affordable product or service that is appreciated by the public on a wide scale.
Or by stealing it. Or by enslaving people. Or by exploiting people with little military or political power to resist it. Or by underpaying labor its value. Fuck that last one is pretty much the only way to make profit and if it isn’t, it’s certainly the only way to sustain it the way the all-sainted Market wants (praise be to its meaningless stock fluctuations).
Fuck, we’re pretty lax in this country. I imagine we wouldn’t be half so pissed if the only people with any wealth were legitimately hard workers who created great products people enjoyed buying instead of a bunch of over-entitled whiny fucks shuffling money around who demand that everyone bail them out when their house of cards keeps collapsing in on itself.
Maybe our capitalists should try sucking less.
The primary problem with the capitalist system is that the currently powerful can use their money and influence to stifle new competition.
Nooooooooo? Really?
Tell me more Nostradamus!
A big company can sell its product at a loss for longer than the upstart can hold out. Or they can swamp a young company with a massive advertising campaign or endless and expensive litigation. Existing companies can even enlist the help of government agencies. Here’s just one example: in the U.S. in the 1930s, the introduction of commercial television was delayed by the Federal Communications Commission for almost 20 years at the behest of the radio industry (see “The Master Switch” by Tim Wu). Such distortions of the market are typically painted in terms of the government protecting ordinary citizens.
Well, slap my ass cheeks and call me Mister Ruff Play, it’s almost like there needs to be some sort of government! Perhaps one fully beholden to people who are engaged enough to punish corruption. One that could, say, intervene on behalf of those small companies and block against monopolies.
OOH, they could even have like anti-trust laws that could be employed to keep a company from getting so big that the government feels obligated to save them less they doom an entire industry or millions of workers. Heck, you could even scale up taxation with income, so that there wasn’t a direct incentive to making the largest, short-sightedest company you possibly could, but instead rewarded long-term investments and paying one’s employees a living wage.
Fuck, you could even remove some of the coercive power of said businesses by offering full public welfare, unemployment, and health insurance to the populace at large so that employees could actually participate in these “market forces” by punishing businesses seen as poor employers and rewarding businesses that treat their employees with respect.
Man, Mitch, sorry I was hating on you earlier, you are fucking FULL of great ideas.
It can be difficult to design a legal system that gives a truly level playing field that protects the legitimate rights of existing businesses without cheating new ones of their opportunity.
Yeah, especially when you want to do without the government that would be in charge of creating and enforcing said laws.
What was that? You didn’t realize that words had meanings and weren’t just bullshit dog-whistles to frighten the rubes?
Ah, I’m so sorry pookie. And you were so looking forward to waiting till November to reveal that your end game was basically Soviet-era corruption.
It is not particularly odd that the most visible vocal proponents of a more equitable distribution of a society’s wealth typically already have more than most. Their social and political leanings are in sympathy with the powers that will be deciding who gets what, so there is little concern that any future actions will be to their disadvantage. With their own security comfortably stowed, they can bask in self-congratulation that they are doing the right thing for the common folk.
That was a rather sober and revealing self-analysis you just did of yourself. So next do we-
Imagine that a truly equal society can be created.
Go to hippie-land?
Yeah, you’re just going to leave that last paragraph there like an extended cry for help, aren’t you?
Unless one is a true anarchist, it will still need a government, and a government requires people to administer its functions.
Yes, no shit Sherlock.
How long will it be before it is decided that some functions are more critical than others, that some buildings need to be bigger or fancier than others, that certain groups need different things or more supplies, and that certain equipment is more important here than there? This “mission creep” is inevitable and inexorable. Over time, it will lead to the same dramatic differences in distribution that societies have always seen.
So, we should stop listening to you and actually do what works to punish over-reach and block corruption?
In short, the idea that a model exists somewhere for a truly equal society is folly. North Korea is the most tightly regimented, self-described communist country in the world (though it is arguably a dictatorial monarchy). Hong Kong may be the most free-wheeling capitalist state in existence. Yet both have a small group of people who live like kings and many more who don’t (though there is little question which one most ordinary people would pick if given the choice).
Okay, yes, I think you’ve done enough to demonstrate that Libertarian Capitalism has turned out exactly the same as Soviet-era Communism, without all the pretense to care about the common man, legitimate improvement in day-to-day life, and actual movement on social ills…
You are making a disturbingly compelling case for ditching your paymasters and all you bootlicking fucknozzles into the nearest active volcano and giving communism a go.
I’m not sure how I feel about that.
The only real question is who, or what process, chooses the “haves”?
Oh, right, that whole “hurray for feudalism” thing from earlier. I guess I got so caught up in your communism own goal that I completely forgot that your whole post is about trying to have all the Libertarians complete the move from pretending to care about Liberty to openly fetishizing a God-King.
Well, good on you Mitchy.
But given the rumblings, I don’t think you can keep shoveling money to same “haves” we currently have without a repeat of the French Revolution.
Do wealth and position come from learning to manipulate the levers of authority and force on the government side? Or do these advantages come from the freedom to pursue our personal creative ideas and dreams?
Um, no, you just spent paragraphs listing the many ways capitalism maintains power through the same manipulations of levers and using “market forces” bullshit to shitcan any small business that tries to compete legitimately.
Sorry, Mitch, but YOU LOSE. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 and definitely don’t keep rolling the dice. You can’t write an entire essay going “yeah, libertarian bullshit about market forces isn’t keeping the proles in line like it used to and people are realizing our end goal is the same as the communism we keep telling everyone to be afraid of” and then slap in a lazy “yay capitalism” at the very end.
Now, good day, sir!
I need to spend the rest of the day brushing up on my svenska for my future Scandanavian overlords.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Apparently they just don’t care anymore, so why should I? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Nonnies don’t count!!!
Cerberus sunk the battleship before Little Mitch could even get all the other pieces in place. Mad skills.
“Hong Kong may be the most free-wheeling capitalist state in existence run by Communists.”
It’s always the better when Grampa was the robber baron, then Grandson can be the noble philanthropist (or leach sucking parasite, as the case may be). Unfortunately, my grandparents were potato farmers in Ireland.
Hey! Fifth! That’s as close to the top I have ever gotten. We’ed have won state championship, if only Coach had put me in 4th quarter!
Don’t you love it when a wingnut argues against their own position? Another great one Cerb.
You know Cerb, some of us just ate. This borders on sadism.
As societies grew, there was a natural transition to monarchies
Thus explaining the “Greek” demo… demo … what’s that word again?
Thus explaining the “Greek” demo… demo … what’s that word again?
Demonstration. Watch the news.
Henry Ford created his wealth by introducing mass production of automobiles.
He also paid very good wages, recognizing that when workers can afford to buy the products they make everyone wins. There a whole minor economic theory called, ahem, “Fordism.” Ever hear of it Mitch?
Good thing I brought a big bowl of straw-berries.
I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped.
Yep, I said that.
Oh and that shithead knows nothing about tribes (or feudalism or economics or communism or history…)
That’s it? Those are the only options? Well that’s easy then – it comes fom shoving things down your throat. If 25 cents a pop is “wealth” that is.
“Your” meaning Mitch’s throat.
Obviously. Mitt is far too old for Sandusky.
It is astonishing to me, the immense obtuseness of Whingnuttians. Jonah Loadpants really and truly considers Liberal Fascism to be a clever scholastic serious book. This guy and the one the other day and every other Merkin Stinker likely pat themselves on the back for papers that would have earned me a D or worse in tenth fucking grade rhetoric class.
I haz a sad for our country.
what pup just said…
The only real question is who, or what process, chooses the “haves”?
DUH! jesus does!
which reminds me…isn’t merika a christian country? founded on christian ideals? where merkins try to model jesus’ behaviors?
soooooo…shouldn’t that be what keeps everybody honest? and not greedy? and not power-hungry? wouldn’t making jesus happy make everybody happy?
Is this projection, or just a simple case of not paying attention?
It’s a really weird article, because Smith flat out admits that his arguments don’t apply to anarchists, and he also fully agrees that there are numerous forms of capitalism, some of which are more “fair” than others. Mainly he seems to be arguing against, I guess, some kind of utopian communism?
Anyway, I wonder if there’s any reason to believe that the commies are a bigger force in Occupy than the “let’s tinker with capitalism a little bit!” folks, or even the flat-out anarchists.
A lot of conservative analysis of Occupy seems to involve sort of sitting around at home and trying to imagine what a bunch of hippy protesters would probably believe, rather than you know, actually listening to actual protesters.
isn’t merika a christian country? founded on christian ideals? where merkins try to model jesus’ behaviors?
Acts 4:32 – All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.
Matthew 19:21 – Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
Just a report, and not a cat pimp: I got an owie on the job, today, and then all manner of wondrous stuff had to happen!
In a pure communistic system, the government is the sole arbiter of who gets what. […] Socialist societies offer similar advantages to the powerful, but typically through a mix of government-business partnerships. Deals are made, inevitably in favor of those businesses that directly or indirectly support the government, and the anointed ones live in high style. […] On the other side of the equation is capitalism, though no country in the world has such an economic system in its pure form. Here, winners and losers are decided by “the market.”
I’m confused. Where’s the line between socialism and capitalism, then, in the real world. He openly admits that no country in the world has pure capitalism, and that socialist societies aren’t simply about government but about government-business partnerships. Where’s the line, then? He seems to consider us “capitalists.” Okay, who’s socialist, then? France? Why, because the government’s involved in a few more things over there than it is over here? It’s still basically a public/private mix, the only difference is one of degree.
The primary problem with the capitalist system is that the currently powerful can use their money and influence to stifle new competition. A big company can sell its product at a loss for longer than the upstart can hold out. Or they can swamp a young company with a massive advertising campaign or endless and expensive litigation. Existing companies can even enlist the help of government agencies. Here’s just one example: in the U.S. in the 1930s, the introduction of commercial television was delayed by the Federal Communications Commission for almost 20 years at the behest of the radio industry (see “The Master Switch” by Tim Wu). Such distortions of the market are typically painted in terms of the government protecting ordinary citizens.
Yes, the things large corporations can do to their competitors are one problem. Another problem, at least as big, is what they can do to their employees. And another problem, also non-trivial, is what they can do to their customers.
Oh, almost forgot,
In a pure communistic system, the government is the sole arbiter of who gets what.
Well no, actually, in a pure communistic system, there wouldn’t be a government to arbitrate anything, no government would be necessary… see, Marxists have a rather odd vision of the future in which the government eventually just fades away and leaves behind a happy, self-regulating utopia. They’re a lot like libertarians that way, in fact. And like libertarians, no one has any idea how the fuck that’s supposed to happen in the real world.
Sorry, Mitch, but YOU LOSE. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 and definitely don’t keep rolling the dice. You can’t write an entire essay going “yeah, libertarian bullshit about market forces isn’t keeping the proles in line like it used to and people are realizing our end goal is the same as the communism we keep telling everyone to be afraid of” and then slap in a lazy “yay capitalism” at the very end.
Blogwhore: I’ve got the New York Times stripped bare.
You are making a disturbingly compelling case for ditching your paymasters and all you bootlicking fucknozzles into the nearest active volcano and giving communism a go.
Not a lot of people know that the original writer of Joe vs. The Volcano was Grigori Kozintsev.
Yeah. A lot of conservative analysis seems to involve trying to argue away reality.
In the sense that a lot of porn seems to involve fucking and/or nudity.
… actually listening to actual protesters.
Teabaggers have said it many times: no more welfare for the darkies, no more darky “President”, and no more losing endless games of Tic-Tac-Toe to that evil genius mastermind, Hammerbag McSockyrox.
I’ve been working on a theory that modern Conservatives are the new Marxists, only they’re they’ve turned socialist ideas upside-down and are advocating for the factory owners instead of the workers. This article makes my theory seem that much more plausible. Thanks American Thinker!
“And like libertarians, no one has any idea how the fuck that’s supposed to happen in the real world.”–Chris. The communist end-state comes about in stages! Marx is accused of determinism in this regard. But Chris knows that … “As societies grew, there was a natural transition to monarchies”–[wingnut].
Natural, mind you. But I don’t hafta nit-pick to point out that our “conservatives” are very very deterministic or mechanistic or something. Markets are to be understood as lacking the shortcomings of other social arrangements. So too, the chosen religion, and a grab-bag of social institutions tied to whatever clique the conservative favors.
We are to enjoy definite stages toward some ill-defined right-wing utopia. All very naturally, which is to say the powers will make us push as hard as any people have been made to push, and it’ll be called an undirected psuedo-evolution. Certainly not social.
Say what you will about Marx, but his description of the transition from the “dictatorship of the proletariat” to a stateless communist goal was described better than you’ll get from right-wing utopians. The latter can scarcely bring themselves to credit people at any juncture. That’d soil the story, as would democracy, bringing us back to Cerb’s topic.
Thomas Frank once wrote a review of right wing books wherein, deep into it, he posited that Fox News-style conservatives need to believe in some sort of “liberal conspiracy” to explain how the world worked because they rejected sociology, psychology, and history (beyond the “great men” theory.) Mitch Smith is the perfect example of what Frank was writing about.
The whole thing poses a question: how much longer can the conservatives move away from reality? At a certain point people called Joe McCarthy’s bluff, stopped listening to the John Birch Society because they were ranting nonsense. When will that happen to the right bloggerati?
Great post as always, and really nothing to add more than I believe it should be “kommer vi alle tale danske”.
Spoken as one of dem dirty Swedes across the water from the Denmark.
Poor Jonah’s been trying to be two, mutually antagonistic things at the same time, ever since before he was accepted to that Women’s College. I mean, you can’t be young and hip, tied into the latest and greatest generational pastimes and diversions, and at the same time be a “conservative intellect/philosopher”.
Especially when your “greatest tome” depends on you purposefully and intentionally misunderstanding the simple meanings of simple words.
And essentially ending your thesis with “because I said so!”
NOT the hallmark of deep thinking.
The sad part, Jonah’s the best thing the conservatives have to a deep thinker, ever since PJ O’Rourke decided to go all ‘crazy old man yelling at clouds’ on us.
I though George Willwas the great conservative deep thinker. I mean, he wears a bow tie!
Thought, too.
a lack of fairness produces … a tendency to be exploited by countries with fairer economies
A good point, but shouldn’t that be “countries with internally fairer economies”, pretty much by definition?
“Man, I wish our country was as fair as the country that’s exploiting us!”
I think they were called Jamerica
You must be thinking of Jamaica. And no, before you ask, she went of her own accord.
Demolition. Watch the future.
When did St. Ronald of the Massive Deficit grow a bitchin’ ‘stache?
Soylent purple is sweeter than maple surple. That’s all they’re saying.
The only real question is who, or what process, chooses the “haves”?
It should surely be stateless, amoral corporations rather than law and a majority of citizens.
a lack of fairness produces … a tendency to be exploited by countries with fairer economies
I for one welcome our Scandihoovian overlords.
How many layers until we hit Leonardo DiCaprio’s wife quoting Rush Limbaugh all creepy like?
Let me get my spinning top first; yeesh.
Wingnuts: a group of people who reject Darwinian evolution for humans and other living things but who embrace it as an explanation for why purely man-made systems create massive inequalities.
Say what you will about Marx, but his description of the transition from the “dictatorship of the proletariat” to a stateless communist goal was described better than you’ll get from right-wing utopians.
Objection sustained.
The whole thing poses a question: how much longer can the conservatives move away from reality? At a certain point people called Joe McCarthy’s bluff, stopped listening to the John Birch Society because they were ranting nonsense. When will that happen to the right bloggerati?
As I recall, a big reason for McCarthy’s fall is that he went off the rails and started accusing not just faggy liberals in Hollywood and the State Department, but also respectable conservative institutions like the Protestant clergy, the Defense Department and the Eisenhower administration, which is why the rest of the party was more or less happy to throw him under the bus. So if McCarthy’s your analogy, “when they start pissing off the wrong people in their own party” seems to be the answer.
As much as I have fallen prey to it myself in the past, I think the world might be a better place if we outlawed (or at least pointed and laughed at) the slippery slope argument.
Saying that I think it is not good to have wealth inequality on a greater scale than Ancien Regime France is simply not equivalent to saying I want to live in some imagined communist utopia where everybody wears an identical grey jumpsuit, people have numbers instead of names and the use of the words “I want” will get you stoned in the public square. It just isn’t and it’s a bullshit rhetorical trick to pretend it is.
Not all functions are monotonic. People should not be allowed to pretend they are.
At a certain point people … stopped listening to the John Birch Society because they were ranting nonsense. When will that happen to the right bloggerati?
The right bloggers are the rightful inheritors of the Birchers. When people forget how fucking insane the Birchers were, they come back like that stubborn mold in the corner of your shower. Time to get out the bleach again.
Be it ancient Egyptian, Mayan, Minoan, or other old cultures, or the states of the 21st century, we simply don’t have any examples that have distributed a society’s wealth equally among its citizens.
I thought the right wanted us to return to the days of pre-Norman England, before those pesky Norman kings started telling all the Barons what they could or couldn’t do. But it seems the right actually wants us to return to the days of ancient Egypt? They really want to have a Pharaoh?
No. They want to return to the Gilded Age, where the kings were named Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan.
They want to return to the Gilded Age
I must say again: the dastards!
As much as I have fallen prey to it myself in the past, I think the world might be a better place if we outlawed (or at least pointed and laughed at) the slippery slope argument
i think a well-timed ‘nelson muntz’ or a ‘there you go again’ ala st. ronnie would do the trick…
we simply don’t have any examples that have distributed a society’s wealth equally among its citizens.
Good thing ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is calling for that then, eh?
Good thing ABSOLUTELY NO ONE is calling for that then, eh?
oh, grow UP tigris! we all know–especially the wingnutteers–that this is obama’s secret desire! i mean, gosh! haven’t you heard him speak?!?!? or even looked at things other people have posted for him on the web or facebook?!?!? open your eyes sheeple!
and then bookmark it!!!
Just heard from a former neighbor who still lives near Jerry Sandusky’s house in Lemont. All of Jerry’s immediate neighbors have “stop child sex abuse” signs in their yards.
I must disagree with you. If they wanted merely to return to the Gilded Age of Andrew “my heirs will get nothing, it’s all going to charity” Carnegie, they wouldn’t be so against the inheretance tax.
Wingnuts: a group of people who reject Darwinian evolution for humans and other living things but who embrace it as an explanation for why purely man-made systems create massive inequalities. – Jennifer
And they want to be sure that no-one really understands Darwinian evolution so that no-one catches the disconnect here.
And they want to be sure that no-one really understands Darwinian evolution so that no-one catches the disconnect here.
That would imply that they themselves understand it which they clearly do not. In my battles with creationists they always ask if I believe in evolution. For that type of mind belief is all that matters, contrary facts are ignored or dismissed. The funny thing is that always demand that we seculars provide proof of evolution, which proofs they do not recognize but that’s not the point. The reverse is not allowed – “show me proof of creationism” is apparently words in a foreign language.
*I ask them if they understand evolution. Hilarity ensues.
So Tucker Carlson doesn’t qualify? He’s deeply shallow…
That is awesome. I wish that douchebag head coach was still alive to get the same treatment, and more.
Edumakation iz 4 loozurs; just mayk moni.
I thought it was something to do with people not being guaranteed food and shelter but I am just silly.
The primary problem with the capitalist system is that the currently powerful can use their money and influence to stifle new competition.
I thought it was something to do with people not being guaranteed food and shelter but I am just silly.
To steal a comment seen online, the primary problem with capitalism is that while all economic systems are corruptible, capitalism has the corruption built in.
I thought it was something to do with people not being guaranteed food and shelter but I am just silly.
What are you, some kinda Commnist?!
While I’ll agree with Loomis about the UVA thing, he had a bit of a different opinion about a pro-big-business (major ties to Nike) university prez being fired when it was his school. He also shows a very “fuck you I’ve got mine” attitude about that school in the comments on that thread. I haven’t bothered to comment over there because he annoys me too much and I know I’ll just get in a pissing match with him about it.
Sorry, that comment was in response to:
That would imply that they themselves understand it which they clearly do not. – Pupienus
I did not actually mean to imply that your garden variety wingnut himself or herself understands evolution: in fact, I made sure to use as categorical of a word as possible, “no-one” (and that includes the wingnuts themselves). OTOH, thanks to the convergent influences of the neo-cons’ gloss on Strauss’ gloss on Plato, Rand’s version of Nietzsche’s idea of the “superman” and the Gnostic influence on what passes for Evangelical Christianity today, there is, within our political right, a strong tradition of a leadership of “philosophers” who have special knowledge that the rubes are not supposed to have.
While I would agree that the “Creationist on the street” doesn’t know a whit about evolution, I’m sure many in the GOP leadership are “Darwinists” even if they themselves don’t fully understand what evolution really says about biology or anything for that matter.
Pretty great mistake at the start of that post:
The cool thing about America is that everybody has the opportunity to open 4000 stores and compete with Wal-Mart.
He also shows a very “fuck you I’ve got mine” attitude about that school in the comments on that thread.
In contrast, most diehards are willing to sacrifice a portion of their own well-being for their cause; the issue is more important then what/how the advocates may personally gain. It’s what makes them simultaneously admirable and dangerous.
Again with the bow tie hate. Bow ties are cool, people!
That’s why Pee Wee wore them. Same goes for high pants.
In other “nobody is surprised” news, William “I lurvs me some war!” Kristol continues to be a total douchebag.
Bow ties are cool, people!
Two words: Tucker Carlson.
All of Jerry’s immediate neighbors have “stop child sex abuse” signs in their yards.
That’s probably a good thing, although the cynic in me wonders if part of the motivation is to not have, by mistake, pesky reporters on your doorstep and/or bricks through your windows.
In other “nobody is surprised” news, William “I lurvs me some war!” Kristol continues to be a total douchebag.
To say I hate Bill Kristol with the heat of a thousand white-hot suns would be a huge understatement.
Two words : Paul Simon
Hey, Jerry Sandusky wears pants. That doesn’t make anybody wearing pants a (n alleged) pedophile.
To steal a comment seen online, the primary problem with capitalism is that while all economic systems are corruptible, capitalism has the corruption built in.
To steal another comment seen on-line:
Communism doesn’t work because it assumes people would rather share than win.
Capitalism doesn’t work because it assumes people would rather lose than cheat.
Also: George Will
As an example of what?
Senator Paul Simon, not that singer fella.
Senator Paul Simon as an example of what?
Have I mentioned that I really really really hate Bill Kristol?
A constant wearer of bow ties. And being a Democrat into the bargain.
Senator Paul Simon as an example of what?
Uncoolness. I guess.
As an Illinois resident, I always found him cool enough, although that’s pretty low on my list of priorities for elective office.
Senator Paul Simon, not that singer fella.
Anyone else remember that cameo the two of them did on “Saturday Night Live”? That was pretty cool.
Tucker Carlson
George Will
Paul Simon
orville redenbacher…
I’m not sexually attracted to boys, they’re just so easy to catch.
Huckleberry Hound
mr. peabody
and i will raise you a bill nye the science guy…
Fred Astaire
Frank Sinatra
Donald Duck
Winston Churchill
Raise to where?
Raise to where?
until he is 18…also, too…karl marx…
and i will raise you a bill nye the science guy…
I ran into him once (my company and his production outfit shared a building). He was kind of a dick.
Soda jerks
He was kind of a dick.
well, he DOES wear a bowtie…
if he had a little towel over his arm, he would look just like a maitre de flagging down a busboy…
“if he had a little towel over his arm, he would look just like a maitre de flagging down a busboy…”
“Ve must get rid of the vermin in here!”
Ernst Röhm begs you from the grave.
Well, monocles, dueling scars and Prussian accents are a dead giveaway aren’t they?
But, but…how will I accidentally get superpowers?
Are those goddamn hipsters at it again?
Can we convince them that jousting on pennyfarthing bicycles with no safety gear is the new hipster sport, and riding a fixie is last year’s news?
* I would watch hipsters joust on pennyfarthing bicycles even if they did use safety gear. To me it seems like a televised sport whose time has come. Can we get red bull on this? They promote every weird sport under the sun.
I say, Ahem.
It would be wrong of me to turn Hitler into a Nazi-fairy, would it?
Wrong, but oh so funny.
I say, Ahem.
That dude? He was badass. He has all the permission he needs to wear a bow tie.
Yes. Turning Hitler into a Nazi-fairy on a pennyfarthing jousting a hipster? That would be awesome.
But redundant: he was a socialist until they sold out / was into genocide before it got cool / etc. The Nazis even had a whole Special Boys Club for people who became Nazis before they were cool.
As I‘ve said before and previously had no reason to believe I’d have cause to say again, there’s a reason “hipster” (almost) rhymes with “Hitler”.
“Fixie” almost rhymes with “Fascist” too. Also.
Rhyming the fascist.
Jousting the pennyfarthing
Having a Special Boys Club.
That’s what we’re calling circle jerks these days?
Circling a jerk.
Chances are good any clause from Nietzsche will be a useful euphemism. Here’s a literally random one: “kommen aus den Eingeweiden”.
Speaking of jerks, I hope this finally answers the question as to how this kook defines “libertarian.”
Excerpting the Nietzsche.
The hilarious thing to my mind is Paul opposing the post office – not only is it self-funding through sale of services (i.e. doesn’t require a red cent in taaxes) but it’s literally mandated in the Constitution.
So: regulating certain types of interstate commerce chosen apparently at random = unconstitutional. Refusing to operate an office the Constitution obligates the government to operate = constitutional.
Because the Constitution must be honored, see.
Invoking the superman.
Turning Hitler into a Nazi-fairy on a
pennypanzerfarthing jousting a hipster? That would be awesome.Even more awesome.
H. R. Hupfpfenstupfpf
Here is the recipe for Helmut’s original curry peanut chili that I have just made up (by mashing together recipes I found on line for curry peanut sauce, peanut stew and chili):
1lb lean ground beef
2.5 cups celery
1.25 cups peanut butter
3 cloves garlic
2 onions
3/75 tbs honey
.5 tsp salt
3 tbs peanut oil
.33 cup soy sauce
1 tbsp ginger
2 tbsp thai red curry paste
1 cup coconut milk
1 bullion cube
.5 tsp black pepper
2 tbsp lime juice
2.5 carrots shredded
Place ground beef in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium-high heat until evenly brown. Drain, and crumble.
Sauce: Combine everything in pot Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours. (Note: If using a slow cooker, set
on low, add ingredients, and cook for 8 to 10 hours.)
I will let you know how it turns out
well, it sounds pretty awesome…i made the ever exciting hamburger gravy and boiled potatoes this evening…for some reason hubbkf really likes it and i hardly ever make it, cuz, ew! my mom made it ALOT…
Better get used to learning at least a dozen new vowels
Danish does not have vowels, just 5 subtle variants on the glottal stop.
And cherry filling.
Filling the Danish…
Remind me never to eat pastry with you.
You don’t want any freshly-made cream puffs?
Poultry for breakfast, two days in a row.
Filling the Danish…
Memo to self: Avoid company of B^4.
Memo to self: Avoid company of B^4.
You’re only half Danish, no?
Poultry for breakfast, two days in a row.
Train him to only take starlings and English sparrows, please!
He’s referring to a different sort of “threat”, old chum… though you can’t spell “threat” without “treat”.
Smut is a pastry? Why didn’t I know this?
How did you NOT know?
My head is hung in shame.
Hanging the head.
Ich bin ein Berliner.
iching the berliner…
if you keep scratching it, it will never heal.
Divining the doughnut.
haha…i was just reading a story about ann curry getting the heave-ho from the today show…here’s my favorite comment:
and all the reality show idiots they have on, so sick of hearing about the family who has 19 kids, hello birth control, stop breeding, kardishes well they think they are, hello they have no talent and I could careless they are a joke and such weirdos, kardishes of SH$T… palins, go away. I stopped watching it, can’t stand matt lauder, misspelling on purpose… so self centered and is rude, he always has to be talking and I heard he a lot to do with her going. You can’t hold a candle to Ann, matty boy, over paid idiot… I think he is the reason Merdith left…. and Couric….
i bet this commenter thinks they are the smartest person in the room…
oh, bobdammit! now i have to have a bit of grudging respect for harrie underwear
I’ve never wanted to be Danish, until now, but I have wished life could be SwedishMagazines.
…and just in case you needed a reminder of how hideous rush and his dittoheads are…
I’ve never wanted to be Danish, until now
well, i want a danish RIGHT NOW…the other day it was a jamocha shake after somebody thoughtlessly mentioned ‘jamerica’…will you people stop doing this to me?!?!
i was just reading a story about ann curry getting the heave-ho from the today show
If you believe the commenters on Gawker, Lauder’s been running a virtual harem and Curry got caught up in it.
I don’t buy it, though; there’s no way that guy has that much pull (lord knows he has zero charm). And the Today Show always seemed to be too fluffy for Curry’s comfort zone (but who’s gonna say “no” to that paycheck?)
Re: Carrie Underwood
She’s in country music; she had to know how the fanbase would react.
She’s in country music; she had to know how the fanbase would react.
she’s not the brightest, is she…
she’s not the brightest, is she…
My guess is her personal fanbase is a little more tolerant.
she’s not the brightest, is she…
Or maybe she just doesn’t see the need to stifle herself on this issue. More power to her.
Can’t say I’m a fan. Most country music today sounds like bad 80s pop with the addition of cowboy hats.
That being said – good on her. That took some guts.
Helmut, how did the chili turn out? If it was a success, I am SO trying it.
It’s rough, but you’ll just have to bearclaw it. Donut you know you shouldn’t listen to us anyway? Just ham scramble on out of here.
I’m actually making it tomorrow night, so I’ll let you know on Saturday.
My guess is her personal fanbase is a little more tolerant.
i would guess so, also…otherwise i don’t think she would risk her career…i’m not a fan of her at all, but like i said earlier, i gotta give her some respect for speaking out…
Need to do some simple math? Build a LEGO Turing machine.
Hmmmmm. I could easily see Heering Cherry Liqueur in pastry cream but what about Akvavit?
Lego touring machines are fine in the city but out in the countryside you throw a yellow hinge piece and where you gonna get parts?
Still better than a fixie.
Way OT, but this has been bugging me for a long time:
WTF happened to Slate magazine? When did it turn so lame?
Some of today’s headlines:
Does Obama’s Teleprompter Call the Shots?
The Other Reason Spammers Claim They’re Nigerian: They Are Nigerian
Swine and Punishment: What Happens to Jews Who Don’t Keep Kosher?
Will the Internet Always Be Run By Unelected Technocrats?
Photoshopping a Fetus Onto Your Pregnant Belly Isn’t Just Tacky, It’s Bad for Women
Where Do I Start With Justin Bieber?
Plus they give William “I’m pro-choice but abortion is just so icky” Saletan a job. They used to have some chops over there. What happened to them?
Yeah. I also remember when Salon was worth reading… (Yes, I am a week older than dirt. Why do you ask?)
WTF happened to Slate magazine? When did it turn so lame?
Remember, it’s owned by the Wash Post…this was inevitable.
WTF happened to Slate magazine? When did it turn so lame?
Photoshopping a Fetus Onto Your Pregnant Belly Isn’t Just Tacky, It’s Bad for Women
get. out! i literally just finished reading the above *article* and wanted to weep…the author screws herself right from the get-go when she refers to embryos as being non-human…
I also remember when Salon was worth reading
If only there was a “jump the shark” site for once-great webpages/blogs.
When was the last time anyone could look at HuffPo without gagging?
And if anyone is interested in the fine art of purity trolling check out what La Hamsher had to say at FDL yesterday. Apparently she’s WAAAY to high-minded to endorse a presidential candidate. [spit]
Danish does not have vowels, just 5 subtle variants on the glottal stop.
It doesn’t feel like subtle variants when you’re trying to re-engineer your own throat to replicate those noises while a bunch of Danish people look at you in complete pity.
Also, “øj” was invented by a sadist, vowel or not.
I was just at a meeting on a rooftop and the temperature is 97F. Let me state the wisdom of the ages: the calves are the only body parts of old men that need more hair.
<blockquote.WTF happened to Slate magazine? When did it turn so lame?
Hasn’t Slate always been the worst? I mean, waay back in the day when it wasn’t an incrementally more highbrow version of The Politico it still trafficked pretty heavily in classic fake libertarian contrarianism. The current lineup just represents Slate finding its level.
By contrast, Salon went hideously and permanently downhill when they dropped their comics, and Alex Pareene has literally been the only readable/tolerable writer there since he washed out of the Wonket. (Readable but not tolerable: O’Hehir, who has Ebert’s problem of not especially understanding anything but movies without Ebert’s good taste; Mary Elizabeth Williams, despicable gossip columnist. Tolerable but not readable: Glenn Greenwald, who is like if freshman poli-sci essays by earnest young liberals could become a person.)
By additional contrast, that’s like asking when it would have been acceptable to vote for Nixon.
Classically ‘purity trolling’ refers to insincerity (e.g. the fun game of pretending to like Ron Paul because he represents a return to classical liberal values, which nobody actually likes). I have no problem believing Hamsher would prefer her neoliberal despotism taken pure.
We went to the Pentagon yesterday. It was 98%. Just walking into the place, I felt like I was melting. I pretty much would start sweating every time I moved…even after I got in the ACed environment. It was just OPPRESSIVELY, melt-your-face-off hot.
This summer, why not ‘beat the heat’ by learning a North Germanic language? All those heinously complex vowels will have you panting like a dog with every other word, and even their words for hot things are kept ice-cold by their long winters. Skål!
Yeah. I don’t know why they don’t understand that “level playing field” =/= “everybody gets a trophy”, but they don’t.
Oh. Yeah I do. They’re fucking stupid.
“I need to spend the rest of the day brushing up on my svenska for my future Scandanavian overlords.”
It will be a terrible blow to be forced to eat “kaka” all day. And of course the Eurosong tournament will be held in Stockholm every year. That’s going to be difficult. But Ford save us from the Swedish off-hand leadership style, the endless stream of Midsummer-holydays and vacations. And independent and self-reliant and beautiful blonde amazonettes.
The day of our ultimate defeat as the stalwarth holders of western civilisation is indeed near. And I weep – weep openly – for all our sakes as I stuff my face with sugared and creamed jelly-filled bakery product. Oh, I cannot bear it.
Give me a fucking break, Nancy. You had your shot and you blew it. We all knew what the GOP were gonna do if they were in your shoes, and this last minute Eureka bullshit is an insult to people who’ve actually been paying attention.
Bull. Shit. I think in a more just society I would probably have less wealth and much less fear of penury than I do now. His assumption that people only ever care about self-interest, and that only in the most blinkered and stupid way, is telling.
The rest of his piece boils down to, ‘We will never achieve Heaven, so let’s opt for a fresh Hell of which I approve.’