Spare Us, Mr. Potemra
ABOVE: Mike Potemra
Mike Potemra, who is the “Literary” Editor* at Ameria’s Shittiest Website™, has clutched his pearls and collaped on his chaise longue sobbing tears of faux-trage over our post where we mention that Charles Krauthammer is in a wheelchair. This was, apparently, simply beyond the pale.
Let’s begin by putting Mr. Potemra’s outrage in its proper context. Did we hear a peep from Mr. Potemra when his magazine printed a cover making fun of Asian people by drawing a Buddha with slanted eyes and buck teeth?** Er, nope, not a word.
Better yet, this is the same Mike Potemra who is against the Americans With Disabilities Act. (“I’m sorry, Mr. Krauthammer, that you can’t stay in any hotels because the bathroom doors are too small for your wheelchair, but I will make up for that by feigning indignation if anyone ever mentions that you are in a wheelchair. Now, that’s much better than a nice hotel room when you travel, isn’t it?”)
This is also the same Michael Potemra that thought that the joke about women putting aspirin between their knees for contraception was utterly hilarious.
So let’s get this straight. Racist caricatures of Asians? Hirarious! Sexist jokes about women? Can’t stop laughing!! Opposing ADA protections for the disabled? A sacred duty!!! Mentioning that Charles Krauthammer is in a wheel chair. The most vile and disgusting thing in the history of mankind since the forced integration of public schools!!!
But although Potemra can easily see the point of racist and sexist jokes, he completely missed my point, which wasn’t “Krauthammer’s in a chair! Hahaha! LOL!!!!!” My point was that if Krauthammer was hiring an intern, it wasn’t to help with his columns. Chuck doesn’t need some underpaid twenty-something to help him make stuff up since he seems perfectly capable of doing that without any help at all. A research assistant would be about as useful for helping Krauthammer make things up as Potemra would be for, say, a one-mile fun run. So we can only assume that the poor intern would simply be Krauthammer’s errand boy and personal factotum and thus might wind up helping Krauthammer get from place to place and picking up his shirts at the dry cleaners.
*I am somewhat baffled over what it means to be the “literary” editor over at America’s Shittiest Website, but judging from all the literature I can find there, I think it’s probably something like being a pork butcher in Iran or an attractive woman in the Vatican.
**This wasn’t NR’s first time at the racist Asian caricature rodeo.
Outraging the shitheels.
Oooh the comments are full of the greatest hits of false equivalency!
If I weren’t busy with data modeling I would totally troll the shit out of these half-wits.
Solitude, absolute and invincible, unlike anything most people experience in their entire lives. Like being alone in a diving bell gone so deep it takes three days to bleed off pressure so your body doesn’t evert; like a fuel leak on a command module discovered just soon enough you can aerobrake your mummy back to Earth; like Oates leaving Scott to die, pony-meat rotten in his frozen belly.
Good work if you can stand it.
This genius will mis-understand the Vatican joke to be an attack on the attractiveness of Catholic women. Good job, Tintin!
Heh. Little old us are being read by the NRO?
[waves hand]
Hi, motherfuckers!
I’d say those folks need brainchairs but that would make me WORSE THAN HITLER, so I’ll refrain because a philtrum mustache just makes me look silly. I’d totally rock a Stalin, though.
One wonders how much harsher the butthurt at NRO would RAEG if you’d pointed out that Chucky put himself in that wheelchair … by intentionally nose-diving into an empty swimming pool* on a dare.
Will Chucky deign to delight FOX viewers with a live re-enactment?
Sadly. no.
* If that’s not The Mother Of All Elegant Political Metaphors, I’ll help YOUR MOM pay for her next paternity test.
As lonely as a sun crazed castaway in an open boat gnawing on the last of his shipmates’ cracked bones for enough marrow to see him through till sunset?
As lonely as the last dodo squawking out a mating call that will forever go unanswered?
As lonely as a 17 year old engineering freshman at a 2nd tier midwestern state school?
No thanks, I’ll pass.
Damn, NRO sure has a load of shit it wants to load.
Make a Donation? SADLY, NO!
Mango harvested from an NRO thread entitled Way to Win Credibility, Guys
“This is red meat for the Democrat Party’s genocidal base, along with the Occupy Wall Street brownshirt violence, the calls for sexual violence against Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann, the fantasies about assassinating George W. Bush, and the demands that America be more like communist China.”–Mwalimu Daudi
Oh, Mwalimu. I’d advise you to acquire a liberal-hunting permit and get to work cleansing the infestation, but if your fellow travelers saw you with a gun, they’d kill you lots faster than you could say “wait I’m a conserv–“
Here’s a bag of salted rat dicks. I encourage NRO (authors, readers, wingnut welfare cheats, etc.) not to eat them. I offer it merely because they can’t resist.
How many veterans do you suppose are in wheelchairs today because of Krauthammer’s incessant warmongering?
I dunno, Major, but you just mentioned them all, and their chairs!
Your perfidy beggars description. There aren’t enough pearls in the world, or hands to clutch them.
But his stock portfolio looks great!
Not gonna lie, I’m hard as a rock right now.
This is also the same Michael Potemra that thought that the joke about women putting aspirin between their knees for contraception was utterly hilarious.
You have to admit, the real laugh was putting those slutty sluts in their place, because VAGINAS, amirite?
I am disappointed at what whiny little crybabies modern conservatives have become. This could have been considerably worse.
It could have been Larry Craig who ended up in a wheelchair, which would mean no more swaggering, manly “wide stance” while cruising airport bathroom stalls for companionship. Kraphammer will soldier through with some comely young assistants receiving wingnut welfare to care for him and keep his nether areas clean and hygienic.
Goebbels and his wife had the good old-fashioned fortitude to dose their 6 children and themselves w/ cyanide when the sacred dream of the Reich was dying. Reagan’s Bobby McFarlane runs to the bathroom and gobbles enough Valium to sleep for 14 hours and give himself a headache when caught lying to Congress. The Cons have no spine anymore and are a disgrace!
No wonder only the libs are worthy of a “genocidal base” now, and those Liberal Hunting Permits are no longer so freely available as back in Commander Bush’s glory days.
Salted!? LUXURY!
This calls for a Krauthammer/Dr. Strangelove photoshop- get on it guys!
I am disappointed at what whiny little crybabies modern conservatives have become.
You’re not kidding. Over a hundred thousand people die in an unnecessary war of aggression in Iraq, they celebrate. A slight on an obscure Internet website against one of their idols, and we’re in for a ten-paragraph homily on the deterioration of our political system, assuming they don’t faint on the spot. Apparently, they think overdosing on manners can make up for their deficit in the morals department.
A slight on an obscure Internet website…
Apparently, they think overdosing on manners can make up for their deficit in the morals department.
As has been said here often before, they’re A-OK with the killing of hundreds of thousands of brown skinned people, so long as everybody’s polite.
My point was that if Krauthammer was hiring an intern, it wasn’t to help with his columns. Chuck doesn’t need some underpaid twenty-something to help him make stuff up since he seems perfectly capable of doing that without any help at all.
WHAT? Fuck, I thought the point was to mock Wheels Kraphummer cause he’s in a wheelchair. When did this place go all highbrow and shit?
I don’t remember Krauthammer being such a… um, being so conservative in the old days. I used to like reading his stuff.
9/11 changed everything?
Well Jesus if no one’s gonna hit this big fat softball I’m-a gonna.
Here, lemme take a swing.
Shouldn’t that guy be more concerned about truly dangerous things like fugitive squirrels?
Charles: You wouldn’t be able to do these awful things to me if I weren’t still in this chair.
Tintin: But y’are, Charles! Y’are in that chair!
fugitive radioactive squirrels
I never needed a research assistant.
Salted rat dicks may sound unappealing, but try to eat just one. Next thing you know, you’ve finished the bag.
Whenever I think of one of these turds needing a “research assistant,” I think of those classic “George F. Will gets a quote boy” Doonesbury strips.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the Party; now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
You can just bet that Mr. La-Dee-Dah Thunder has salted Rattus Norvegicus dicks. Elitist!
Stephen Hawking is in a wheelchair too. My gawd the power!!!
What is it with Sadly and eternally returning to the same topics? First World War II, now being fucked by Norwegians.
They are our overlords
It was the solstice yesterday, all the Norwegians are hung over.
The fact is, you liberals are biased agains people in wheelchairs like Dr. Kraut Hammer, who is a fine spokesman for ou cause depsite his disibility. You see,you want speacl rights for them f they are l;iberals and gay, but not f they are patriotics and pro-USA.
OK, I give that a 6.5
OK, U’ll up that to 7 for disibility.
Hey, Potemra … I got your fainting-couch RIGHT HERE, fuckface.
“First World War II, now being fucked by Norwegians.”
Well you can relax, these are big rat dicks that you eat, heavily salted.
WHUT THE HAIL is goin’ AWN, here?
Such clarity of thought!
If this is a game, let’s play:
A. “If, you find yourself, a conservative, coming to NRO, four or five times a day, try to leave, NRO, a little, something.”
B. “If you, find yourself, a conservative, coming, to NRO, four or five, times, a day, try to leave NRO a little, something.”
C. “If you find, yourself, a conservative coming to NRO four or five times, a day, try to leave NRO a little something.”
1. Am I supposed to find these conservatives, OR am I supposed to BE one of these conservatives?
2. Leave NRO a little “something” — What?!? Empty cheetos bags? A clue? It’s obvious these worshipers of dead white men found no use for their copy of Strunk & White’s.
Michael Potemra = Each Armpit Mole
Potemra = Rat Poem
I thought the Fine Young Cannibals were an act of savagery.
I just did a bit of searching re. Krauthammer’s paralysis and there’s conflicting accounts of it being due to a DIVING accident or a DRIVING accident. Which is correct? (Serious question.)
He went diving while driving is what I heard.
I just did a bit of searching re. Krauthammer’s paralysis and there’s conflicting accounts of it being due to a DIVING accident or a DRIVING accident. Which is correct? (Serious question.)
IIRC, it was a dive into either an empty or shallow pool. How ironic.
A somewhat less boring work week in photos, extra FIREDness edition due to finger-prick accident which caused the corporate axis to shift, etc.
The captcha code for making comments at NRO was “finger licking good” – I wish I was kidding.
Wait, what?
Krauthammer is a creepy asshole, disabled or not.
News flash to the right-wing morons: you and your creepy ilk were AGAINST civil rights, ERA, the Americans With Disabilities Act, or any other law that protects minorities, disadvantaged, weak, or oppressed. You care about minorities, women, and the disabled about as much as I care about the last turd I dropped in a toilet.
Who the fuck are you morons trying to kid? It makes you seem even crazier that you are to not even remotely capable of recognizing the hugely inherent comedy of your hypocrisy.
Is this the projection?
Is this just fantasy?
Caught in a fauxtrage
Can’t escape Fox unreality
Don’t open your eyes
Believe all the lies and see
I’m just a rich boy, I need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come, easy come
A little high, got me some
Anyway the wind blows, doesn’t really matter to me, to me
Mama, just killed a black man
Put a gun against his head
Pulled my trigger, now he’s dead
Mama, life had just begun
But now I’ve gone and stood my ground
Mama, ooo
No need for you to you cry
I’ll be back again this time tomorrow
‘Cause I’m rich, ‘cause I’m white, nothing really matters
Too late, Obama’s time has come
Sends shivers down my spine
Body’s aching all the time
Goodbye sanity – It’s got to go
Gotta leave reality behind and make up new truth
Mama, ooo – (anyway the wind blows)
I want to believe a lie
I sometimes wish he’d never been born in Hawaii
I see a little Hannity of a man
Van Susteren, Van Susteren will you do the Fox tango
Cavuto and Megyn – very very frightening me
Bill O’Reilly, Bill O’Reilly,
Bill O’Reilly, Bill O’Reilly,
Bill O’Reilly, Roger Ailes- plum loco
But I’m just a rich boy and Congress loves me
He’s just a rich boy from a rich family
Spare him his taxes from this monstrosity
Easy come easy come – let my taxes go
Job creator! No – we will not tax you more – tax him more
Job creator! No – we will not tax you more – tax him more
Job creator! No – we will not tax you more – tax him more
We will not tax you more – tax him more (never)
Will not tax you more – tax him more
Never tax me more – ooo
No, no, no, no, no, no, no –
Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go
My lobbyists have Congress put aside for me
for me
for me
So you think you can regulate me and spit in my eye
So you think you can tax me and leave me to die
Oh baby – I’m a job creator baby
Just got a bail out – just got it all right outta you
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah
Nothing really matters
Anyone can see
Nothing really matters – nothing really matters to me
Anyway the wind blows…
Good news, Sadlies.
I gots the jerb! Drove down to Dallas (and back) yesterday…oh my god, the showroom was like the biggest collection of AWESOMENESS ever assembled under one roof! I have to go back for training either next week or the week after the 4th…after that, I will be proudly purveying rubber chicken masks, wind-up robots, remote-controlled zombies, light-up gyroscopes, sock monkeys, and so much more. My job is gonna be playing with toys every day! And selling them, of course…but every place I call on, I’ll get to show them all these cool toys. And play with them, of course.
Back on topic…Potemra’s too good for the salted rat dicks. Ever since Megan McArdle introduced him to Pink Himalyan rock-salted rat dicks, that downscale crap sprinkled with Morton’s just doesn’t cut it.
The captcha code for making comments at NRO was “finger licking good” – I wish I was kidding.
Obviously a reference to the salted rat dicks.
Congrats Jennifer, sounds like fun. But I’ll save you an extra trip, here’s all the training you’ll ever need.
Awesome, Jennifer! Congrats!
“News flash to the right-wing morons: you and your creepy ilk were AGAINST civil rights, ERA, the Americans With Disabilities Act, or any other law that protects minorities, disadvantaged, weak, or oppressed. You care about minorities, women, and the disabled about as much as I care about the last turd I dropped in a toilet.”
Reminds of how we we/are supposed to treat Limbaugh’s drug addiction. He has an illness, see, that came about by accident. We are to support him in his recovery. Legal problems would be a cruel injustice. Be nice to him.
Liberals fought for decades to drag this country a few steps toward humane and sensible treatment of drug users. Rush and his fans want the benefits for themselves. But generally they love their war on drugs for how it torments the people they hate without ever winning. Rush remains safe to get high as a kite and take to the air calling Jerry Garcia foul names the day of his death. As Atrios says, stay classy, Rusty.
My job is gonna be playing with toys every day!
Oh, not those kind of toys. Although the rubber chicken mask might have its uses….
Jennifer, Yay for you !
Major golf clap thread bear.
Here is the whole post so no need to give them traffic.
Way to Win Credibility, Guys
By Michael Potemra
There’s a website called Sadly, No! that is dedicated to making fun of the opinions and arguments of the conservative media, including NRO. As with any such efforts, it’s a mixed bag: It has some intelligent arguments, more dumb ones, and a lot of overheated rhetoric throughout. I read it because I enjoy reading what critics, internal and external, have to say about conservatism.
But they’ve now done a post that makes fun of Charles Krauthammer for being in a wheelchair. Here’s the link. I encourage readers not to click on it. I offer it merely for anyone who doubts that I’m telling the truth about the post.
I am the first to admit that there is creepy and ad hominem (also, in the case of some of the attacks on Hillary Clinton, ad feminam) stuff on the right. That stuff disgusts me personally, and it turns people who don’t already have conservative views away from even giving conservatism a hearing. So the folks at Sadly, No! are not just making themselves look puerile, stupid, and creepy — they’re hurting their political cause. Grow up, guys.
The NRO brain trust is dumber than a bag of Krauthammers!
Grow up, guys.
I really don’t think it’s possible to mature beyond POOP, penis and puns. That would be like a crime against nature.
Thread Bear, perhaps I can interest you in some “Maybe You Touched Your Genitals” hand sanitizer.
Thread Bear, perhaps I can interest you in some “Maybe You Touched Your Genitals” hand sanitizer.
Can I get that by the case? AFAF
Jennifer, are you still running your own business on the side? I hope so, it’s such a great idea.
My job is gonna be playing with toys every day! And selling them, of course…but every place I call on, I’ll get to show them all these cool toys. And play with them, of course.
Awesome, Jennifer!
P.S. That hand sanitizer ad still makes me laugh.
This is why I’m a Sadly, No!sian.
So, Jeffraham, did you get fired? from getting a cut on your finger?
So, Jeffraham, did you get fired? from getting a cut on your finger?
No; a bit of gallows humor. Some very wonderful, concerned people at Eschaton continue to urge me to say nothing about my job, fearing that I either lack the appropriate-to-share gene, or that the company for whom I work are Nazis.
So, Jeffraham, did you get fired? from getting a cut on your finger?
But the real answer, of course, is “not yet.”
THe sordid details, which included an alcohol and drug screen. ANd a tetanus shot, of course.
What is it with Sadly and eternally returning to the same topics?
we sadlies are a shopworn kind of people…
this thread has made me: snort, almost pee my pants, feel congratulatory joy and made me want to pound my head against the wall…
good job, sadlies! never grow up!
and, yes, jennifer…that congratulatory joy is for you, you lucky sonofagun!
Yes! HOOORAY for Jennifer!
Unemployment sux.
tigris – yes, I am. It’s a good idea that’s just not panning out, unfortunately. I’m going to continue working with established customers for at least the next several years, and pick up business where I can, but it’s just never going to grow fast enough to be my only gig. The biggest issue is that it’s almost impossible to get repeat business; most of the folks making decisions are PTA moms and whoever you work with this year won’t be around next year. Then there’s the thing of everyone loves the idea, but they’ve always done X and are afraid to try anything new. Or they love it, but someone on the committee says “I’d rather sell giftwrap” or whatever. And that’s only after you manage to find out who that PTA leader is and get in touch with them, which the schools do their level best to prevent ever happening. Yadda yadda yadda…so I’m going to cut out the 95% of my time that was going to try to track down and contact people for the school fundraisers and do this with that time. I have something like 20 – 30K worth of repeat business customers for fundraising that I can take care of in 5% of my time…it just makes sense to put the other 95% of it towards something that’s paying more reliable dividends.
by Michael Potemra
There’s a website called Sadly, No! that is dedicated to making fun of the opinions and arguments of the conservative media, including NRO. As with any such efforts, it’s a mixed bag: It has some intelligent arguments, more dumb ones, and a lot of overheated rhetoric throughout. I read it because I enjoy reading what critics, internal and external, have to say about conservatism.
Michael – From the bottom of my heart: fuck you, you useless sack of shit. You promote an ideology that values money over people, force over reason, blind stupidity over logic, and lies over reality. The world will be a better place on the day you look into a mirror, have a moment of self-knowledge, and put a shotgun in your mouth.
Jennifer: Congrats. Now you have to practice saying “Hey, little boy. Wanna play with my toys?”
n_b, did you take a handful of tsam pills this morning?
oh, and jennifer…i’m the advisor for our school’s key club…we are always looking for fundraising options…could you shoot me some literature? you won’t have the worry of having to locate a new advisor every year, because i am stuck with this group until i become too old and senile to do it, haha…no, i’m not kidding…
Oh, and Potemra: I may be puerile and creepy, but I’m not stupid.
And what N_B said.
Knowing that I’ve lost credibility with Michael Potemra fills me with shame and remorse.
Typical liberal eliminationist rhetoric.
Goddamnit, Snorg. Dd you have to be simultaneously more on target, funnier, AND shorter than me?
Typical liberal eliminationist rhetoric.
Untrue. I was merely suggesting an extreme form of self-deportation.
Knowing that I’ve lost credibility with Michael Potemra fills me with shame and remorse.
i think we’ve all died a little bit inside today…i’m going to go hang my head now…
gasp! this is what they are saying of us:
Mixed bag? Looks like nothing but juveniles.
bbkf – I’d be glad to send you some stuff, but I’m not really set up to do business outside of Arkansas. Don’t know how I’d get stuff to you all the way up there in the great white north!
Goddamnit, Snorg. Dd you have to be simultaneously more on target, funnier, AND shorter than me?
Well, the wonders of Sadly, No! Where else are you going to find guys bragging about who’s shorter?
Grow up, guys.
I tried being grown up once. It wasn’t much fun and I wasn’t very good at it.
so… the guy who safely flies multimillion dollar airplanes everyday through all kinds of weather, over cites full of expensive flammable things doesn’t feel grown up? I assumed only grownups would willingly choose that level of responsibility. Now I am confused.
Sadly, No! – The early years!
See if you can identify the SadlyNaughts that appeared in this commercial.
Also, The Ramones
While we’re on the subject of growing up, I’d just like to congratulate Tintin on one of the most mature photoshops in S,N! history.
bbkf – I’d be glad to send you some stuff, but I’m not really set up to do business outside of Arkansas. Don’t know how I’d get stuff to you all the way up there in the great white north!
um…we both know a guy?
Congrats Jennifer! I hate everybody so wouldn’t be any good at sales, but even I might actually enjoy selling that kind of stuff.
I hate everybody
heh…you sound like my son…teaching and health care careers were promptly banished from my mind when one day he announced, ‘i really hate most people, so why would i want to help them?’
then i thought maybe becoming a mortician/funeral director would be the perfect job for him what with his hatred of humanity and his love of wearing suits…but he despises that industry for ripping people off when they are at their most vulnerable…
then we discussed he and his girlfriend going into business together with him as a pet groomer/walker and she being the pet psychologist…
happily and inexplicably, he is likely applying to the firefighting program at hennepin tech…well, not so inexplicable…he likes the fact that they work approximately 10 days a month…
I am NOT gonna “grow up.” I have never harmed anyone. I’m a reasonably good employee, husband, son, and citizen. I guess it’s more important to be respectful and never vex my betters. A good conservative toady can be forgiven for almost anything. A pass on juvenility is extended to the least among them.
I forgot to mention: you can get a Major Kong view of NYC air my place.
Yes, I’m whoring by proxy. Got a problem with that?
Yes, I’m whoring by proxy. Got a problem with that?
As long as you don’t mind my pimping by proxy. Oh, and… I need the money up-front.
My standard reaction.
Someone: Grow up.
Me: Fuck off.
An evil, habitually lying asshole in a wheelchair is still an evil, habitually lying asshole.
Krauthammer is on a roll.
I wonder, what kind of person thinks alluding to a wheelchair is more insulting than slapping a propeller beanie and giant lolly into a photo?
Um, Mr. Potemra or whatever your name is, I really don’t care, congratulations on 1) completely failing basic reading comprehension or 2) brilliantly illustrating how to exercise using fake outrage through selective quotation (heck who am I kidding, could be both!)
The execrable Krauthammer was not being made fun of for being in a wheelchair, but instead for being a lying, warmongering hack that gleefully sends people to die for the good of his pocketbook. The fact that he’s a self-inflicted victim of paralysis is just icing on the cake.
Of course, if I were a conservative, at this point I’d be theorizing that he did that idiotic dive into an empty swimming pool purposefully to cripple himself, thus preventing him from the prospect of being forced to actually fight in the wars he’d cheerlead in the future. After all, it’d be irresponsible not to speculate!!
Krauthammer is screeching about Obama not deporting Latino kids today.
Same crap as every other wingnut.
I wouldn’t mind all of his ceaseless cheerleading for more and bigger wars quite so much if he participated in them. You know, like strapped to the front of a tank or something.
Krauthammer is on a roll.
He’s not going to stand for those types of comments.
Of course, if I were a conservative, at this point I’d be theorizing that he did that idiotic dive into an empty swimming pool purposefully to cripple himself, thus preventing him from the prospect of being forced to actually fight in the wars he’d cheerlead in the future. After all, it’d be irresponsible not to speculate!!
I bet the lifeguard was a liberal and he wanted to piss her off.
Krauthammer is on a roll.
Thank goodness I was sitting down when I read that.
Same crap as every other wingnut.
The seat of the problem.
Is it not odd that Kraphummer is looking to get pushed around?
Oh please.
Joe Amendola has always been an asshat.
Joe Amendola has always been an asshat.
It’s not a soap opera, it’s the trial of a goddamn serial child rapist. Disgusting.
“All my Children” might not have been the best title for the defense attorney to associate with the case.
He held back from Ball My Children.
“The Young and the Breastless”
“the not old and the beautiful’
Breaking News: It’s all projection! When conservatives mention wheelchairs it’s allus to denigrate the afflicted. Thus the Sadlies must have been acting the same way.
Yay for Jennifer!
N_B_ and Snorhagen have to share the intertube prize.
Genital Children’s Hospital.
After all, it’d be irresponsible not to speculate!!
Some people say…..
Lawyers have a terrible reputation. And they deserve it. For every pro bono idealist out there fighting to make the world better by insisting some corporation pay some kind of restitution for all of the pollutants they have spilled in the drinking water of the local town for the last century, for every hard fought victory in a civil rights case, there are ten or a hundred who make a fat living enabling the worst excesses of the wealthy and powerful.
The possibility exists that space aliens, working in concert with the Bavarian Illuminati brainwashed ten people into making false accusations of molestation towards a former assistant coach of the [formerly considered] great Joe Paterno in order to force him to retire in disgrace, thereby ruining Penn State’s chances of Rose Bowl victory in a year of conference re-alignment weakening the Big ten’s bargaining position in the ongoing inevitable creation of what looks to be a college football playoff and championship game, thereby funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to nefarious elements in society like the SEC* and ESPN.
And Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer should have a chance to argue that**
The problem is, Jerry Sandusky’s lawyer, with his constant tasteless soundbites comes across as an insult to the victims and families of these horrible crimes and a slap in the face of everyone decent enough to be horrified by these allegations.
I have a stuffed monkey made from a sock that gives better legal advice than this terrible excuse for a lawyer.
*South East Conferece football not the Securities Exchange Commission
**or any other hare brained but not technically impossible scenario that keeps his loathesome client out of jail
Guiding Lech
The Bold Pedo and the Beautiful Children.
“The Young and the Breastless”
“the not old and the beautiful’
Genital Children’s Hospital
Soap, dropped.
Desperate Coaches
For a comedy, no change needed:
Married… With Children
The series set in the gym showers: Dank Shadows
On career day I told the teacher “When I grow up, I want to be a pilot.”
The teacher said “Well, pick one or the other. You can’t do both.”
Well, at least Sandusky’s lawyer had enough brains to keep him off the stand. (Although he offered Sandusky up for that Bob Costas interview. Yeesh. WTF was he thinking?)
Barbarian!—racist caricature is a vital part of the Western Canon, they are merely standing athwart the tide of history and screaming “Ching chong ding dong!”
He’s still so terrible it’s mind-boggling. It seems like a plot to guarantee an appeal, but should you destroy your own career (and your client) in the service of that?
this is going to take a hit…
He’s still so terrible it’s mind-boggling.
Everybody thought Jose Baez was terrible, too, until he won an acquittal for Casey Anthony. I used to date a prosecutor and I got an earful on how goofy jurors can be. And when you think that something like half the jury has direct ties to Penn State…
Hey! That’s a musician joke, Major Kong! Along with “the difference between a musician and a large pizza? The pizza can feed a family of four.”
Just read this comment.
Mind reels.
Newt Gingrich will always be remembered for the civility and constraint with which he labelled every non-Republican as crazy and insane.
Soap talk? Dirty puns? I’ve died and gone to heaven.
BTW…the new “Dallas?” Pretty freakin’ great.
Nuts Landing.
Well, at least Sandusky’s lawyer had enough brains to keep him off the stand.
No doubt his lawyer was hoping to avoid:,28631/
“I’ve been forced to sit here and listen to my special memories of those nights in the showers be reduced to a series of wet rhythmic slapping sounds,” Sandusky said. “Nothing about the way the steam made it a little wonderland, the elemental mood lent by the running water, the way I trembled—nothing.”
Count your blessings.
Count your blessings.
Sunny beaches!
I think we’re going to have a new policy that includes a failed first inspection whenever there are plant hazards. They’ll probably not charge for that initial one, but probably will on subsequent visits where the condition has not been rectified.
Have you run into any large dogs with anger-management issues yet? I would think that would be a big hazard.
Have you run into any large dogs with anger-management issues yet? I would think that would be a big hazard.
I’m actually impressed with the residents of La Vergne. They don’t, by-and-large, let their dogs wander around loose. Most of them, if outside, are in a fenced-in backyard. We don’t enter fenced in areas. We’ll walk around a house as far as that, but no farther.
Wasps, other stinging insects and spiders are a big deal, too. A lot of the units we inspect are under “hot boxes,” which you’ll see out in front of many buildings as you drive through an industrial park (the shiny aluminum boxes or fiberglas enclosures near the curb, generally).
Also, keep in mind the season. Right now, pool inspections and residential backflow inspections are crowding our plates, ’cause the state wants this stuff done earlier in the season. We also do a lot of indoor inspections at local businesses and industrial sites.
We’ve spent just over a week inspecting one subdivision full of $300K+ homes (and that $300K gets ya a pretty nice home in La Vergne, btw). It hasn’t fully been both of us (supervisor and I) the whole time, ’cause we identified a database problem that has kept my supervisor at the plant about 70% of that time, and then on Wednesday, the F-150 broke a motor mount, so it’s down until next week, sometime.
Savor in the wind
The dog days of northern spring:
Every meal is rat cock
Today clouds bring rain
Tomorrow hot mountain wind
Yesterday, rat cock
Brief and warm the night
Every day is like Sunday
(Sunday’s rat cock day)
Earthly things are frail
And brief as the first green leaves;
Rat cock, eternal
and that $300K gets ya a pretty nice home in La Vergne, btw
Hey! It gets you a nice home in Manhattan. A studio apartment with an alcove!
Hey! It gets you a nice home in Manhattan. A studio apartment with an alcove!
In La Vergne, that’s 3-4000 square feet and a yard with an irrigation system, and maybe a pool, depending.
Rat cock, eternal
Internets being shipped, postpaid.
I indulge, of course, because we all know that “Potemra” is a sammelsurium of “Potemkin village” and “men’s rights advocacy” whose meaning should be obvious to anyone.
Well, faaak. Don’t all try to speek at once!
Come on down, and eat.
Do they have rat cock?
Lady Peggers Of Nooningtonshire is all about the meaning now.
It’s Cocktail Hour in Amerika!
My next entry for my food blog is gonna be about wings. I’m going to challenge readers to come up with a wing better than my buffalo wings. While I admit they’re great, hubby will not abide any other kind of wing. It’s sick I tell you–sick!
eyePhone, huh.
You kids stay offa my lawn!
Do they have rat cock?
22-hour pulled rat cock… the rats are very happy.
And now for something completely silly.
22-hour pulled rat cock… the rats are very happy.
Up to a point, mind you.
Before I even click GCMZ, I just want to note that it’s funny how this guy thinks that a theory which posits that the individuals with the most surviving descendents “succeed” will lead people to same-sex pairings.
Ken Ham is a maelstrom of moronity.
It’s a video and I didn’t listen to it. My speakers aren’t working. I assume it has something to do with gay dinosaurs and/or bananas with perhaps a little Hitler thrown in because hey, why not.
My cat has more sense than Ken Ham and I have a couple houseplants that might be in the running.
She’s back and would like to have a word with you about penetration.
Bachmann: It appears that there has been deep penetration in the halls of our United States government by the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood has been found to be an unindicted co-conspirator on terrorism cases and yet it appears that there are individuals who are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who have positions, very sensitive positions, in our Department of Justice, our Department of Homeland Security, potentially even in the National Intelligence Agency. I am calling upon the Justice Department and these various departments to investigate through the Inspector General to see who these people are and what access they have to our information.
I got Michele’s penetration, rightcheer.
Just don’t ram things down her throught unless it’s a corn dog.
“Moving forward, not looking back”?
You forgot Poland.
Also, Verdict: Guilty as Hell.
Also, Verdict: Guilty as Hell.
I find that I am comfortable with the concept of Sandusky dying of old age in prison.
I should add: Mrs__B would emasculate him with a cheese grater, if given the opportunity.
I personally feel betrayed. I was lead to believe that the Obama team was long, strong, and down to get the friction on; yet just over three years into their administration and already they’re outsourcing?
She’s back and would like to have a word with you about penetration.
M. Bouffant and Iggy Pop have this covered.
Why are so many American hospitals & schools closing down?
Fuckin’ magnets!
Interesting story about Romney: The French Years.
Also, who is Bishop Jean-Félix-Albert-Marie Vilnet?
M. Bouffant and Iggy Pop have this covered.
Dude, that mango was supposed to be mine. Just because he did a blog post about it before I was even aware of it, is no excuse!!!
Hoozah! Whitey has saved the constitution from the scary black Kenyan guy!!
Just because he did a blog post about it before I was even aware of it, is no excuse!!!
This is the first time I’ve beaten anyone to anything in some time.
So, Romney went to France, enjoyed eating coq a lot and supported the Arab cause there. How interesting.
Hoozah! Whitey has saved the constitution from the scary black Kenyan guy!!
A picture of a white guy with a lot of money who has wrested control of the US away from the black man. Yeah, that will sell extremely well in conservative circles. You gotta admit, this artist certainly knows his audience.
Shorter John Hinderaker:
Shorter Shorter John Hideraker:
Seriously, he just comes right out and says it:
“So I’ve been reconsidering my stance on gay marriage, and I’m thinking maybe a more nuanced position is appropriate: like, I’m in favor of gay marriage, but only for conservatives. At the moment, anyway, it strikes me as a principled distinction.”
Hoozah! Whitey has saved the constitution from the scary black Kenyan guy!!
So much fail in one painting. Jon McNaughton’s not big on subtlety, is he?
Art that will live forever!
Note that Dubya has become one of the liberals and John F. Kennedy has become one of the conservatives (assuming that the Robert Redford-looking guy peering over the Empowered Man’s shoulder is supposed to be JFK). Also note that FDR has been miraculously cured of polio (at least I think it’s supposed to be FDR).
Accurate portraiture is not McNaughton’s strong point. George Washington looks like Henny Youngman in a wig, Reagan looks like Dean Martin, and Lincoln looks like a happy Captain Ahab. Does anybody know who the praying guy in knee breeches who looks like a cross between Bernie Madoff and Newt Gingrich is supposed to be?
“Romney, who was preaching for a Church that at the time refused to ordain Blacks, also found out about Martin Luther King’s murder while living in France. “We wanted our Church to evolve. But when the French refused to open their door, accusing Americans of racism, we replied: ‘What are you doing with Arabs?” says McBride.”
Ah, the old “I know you are but what am I” gambit. Well played sir. Also, Romney supported the muslim infiltration of French society back in the 60’s man. Also too, Romney eats coq!
Say, that’s a pretty good painting! One thing though – I can’t see the strings on the empowered marionette nor can I find David Koch holding them.
I think the praying guy is David Koch in his teabagging costume. Also, twas Stephen Baldwin that saved the constitution?!l
I’m in favor of gay marriage, but only for conservatives. At the moment, anyway, it strikes me as a principled distinction.
It must have struck him hard, he’s even dumber than usual.
I’d pay to see zombie Henny Youngman as Geo. Washington.
I thought that pointing out that Cheney is a lesbien in a committed relationship made you a very bad man.
How is life in Piranhaville, today?
Y’know, I think the ten cents I sprung on Paper Camera was worth it.
Blog looks nice Jeff. Next you need some more content. I shall include you on the blogroll on my blog that I haven’t gotten around to updating in several months whenever I get around to it so at least you got that going for you.
gocart mozart did not have sex with that Hunter woman.*
*Although you might get more hits if you were on Edwards blogroll.
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck
More nymfail, I think that should have been John Edwards .
I think praying guy looks like Fat Tony in a powdered wig. At least that part’s accurate – he’s all in favor of the guy with a fistful of cash owning the constitution.
As for the partially-seen guy who maybe is supposed to be Jack Kennedy…it looks more like Dan Quayle.
good point
And you are lynching Negroes.
“As for the partially-seen guy who maybe is supposed to be Jack Kennedy…it looks more like Dan Quayle.”
I prefer to think that it is John Edwards lurking in the background waiting for the jury verdict to come in.
It was John Kerry whom Lynne Cheney called “not a good man” after he mentioned, in one of his debates with Bush, that the Cheneys have a gay daughter. It was especially funny/frustrating because (a) it was in the context of Kerry’s favorable position on gay rights, or at least tolerance, (b) it was common knowledge, and (c) John Edwards had already mentioned it in the VP candidates’ debate directly to Dick Cheney, who was sitting at the same table.
Really, though, it can’t be differentiated from the “omg Kerry ordered a Philly cheese steak with fancy Swiss cheese instead of Cheez-Wiz” controversy, where Republicans see a molehill (or make one up) and scream about mountains while Candy Crowley and Dana Millbank dutifully pretend that only DC insiders know that Mary Cheney is gay or that Swiss cheese is delicious.
Goddamn Right, preach it brother.
name check, testing . . .
Is it wrong of me to want to punch Lou Dobbs in the nuts soooo hard that his dentures achieve escape velocity?
If that’s wrong, then we live on Bizarro World.
Yeah Mark, I misremembered the details but you are correct. Twas Kerry who pointed out that an openly gay daughter who worked for a gay rights organization was indeed someone to be proud of. Such perfidity on his part. Lynn Cheney is “Not a good woman.” to say the least.
It is wrong not to want to punch Lou Dobbs.
Or kick in the nuts.
Off topic but fuck Mary Elizabeth Williams so hard.
1. “Youtube’s most evil bullying video?” Just discovering this Internet thing now, sweetie?
2. You know, fairly recently Salon published a series of interesting bullying articles which had people getting in touch with their school bullies and shooting the shit about it. Executive summary: school bullying’s weird, and school bullies are strictly amateur-hour, often (and justifiably) seeing their childhood selves as more bullied than bullying. Like a year later, “boo, bullies! evil!”
3. This is the kind of myopia being a gossip columnist gets you:
Were you homeschooled or something? “kids should pay for it” == “ugly and faggot looking bitches … commit suicide”. What, are the fucking cops going to levy a fucking fine? Is the county gonna garnish their allowance?
It is wrong not to want to punch Lou Dobbs.
Or kick in the nuts.
Nadly So!
“…..But when the French refused to open their door, accusing Americans of racism, we replied: ‘What are you doing with Arabs?” says McBride.”
– gocart mozart
Funny thing about that; most people in French cities live in apartments, and tracting is forbidden. A former Mormon missionary going by the handle “deadseer” had this to say at
I served a mission in France. 75% of its population lives in apartment buildings. Door-to-Door is FORBIDDEN in apartment buildings, however, that doesn’t stop the missionaries. Every building has a list of ringers and names of the people who live there. The missionaries ring several doorbells at once in order to confuse people into opening the lock on the apartment building door — I personally did this every single day for the first four months of my mission — then they enter the building and knock on every single door to find people to teach. Going door-to-door in these buildings is ILLEGAL, yet the church strongly encourages it — it is a fact of everday life for missionaries over there and they never think twice about it. If the french police wanted to, they could single-handedly stop the missionary work in france and throw all the missionaries in jail. Some missionaries spent every single day of their missions illegally proselyting in these apartment buildings. ”
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