Pass the Popcorn, Por Favor

File under OMGROFLMFAO!!!1!:

Shock and dismay — that’s how pro-family groups in California are reacting to news this morning that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a bill that gives homosexuals new and far-reaching powers.

Arnold gave the gays reach-around powers? Yikes! I can see why the pro-family nuts are so upset!

Governor Schwarzenegger:
Selling out his conservative base
for a bunch of girly men.

The bill, SB 1441, adds sexual orientation to already existing provisions in the state’s law that prohibit discrimination on the basis of, among other things, race, national origin, ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, color, or disability. The measure was promoted by a lesbian member of the California legislature and is now the law in that state, a fact that has filled many family advocates with outrage.

“We’re already barred from discriminating against the blacks, the Meskins and the crippled… and now we have to respect the gays too?!!!”

This legislation, a CRI press release points out, could potentially prevent parochial schools such as private, Christian, Catholic, Mormon, or other faith-based educational institutions from receiving student financial assistance if they also maintain a code of conduct that prohibits homosexual behavior as immoral based on their religious beliefs.

It is CRI’s position that forcing acceptance of students engaged in behavior offensive to a religious school’s moral code is a serious infringement of the institution’s constitutional rights to freedom of assembly and free speech. Meredith Turney, legislative liaison for CRI, feels it is bad public policy to add sexual behavior to the state code’s list of protected classes. As a California citizen and a person of faith, she says, “I am terribly disappointed in Governor Schwarzenegger.”

As some pro-family opponents are interpreting the newly signed legislation, it requires any program or activity that receives any financial assistance from the state to support homosexuality, bisexuality, and trans-sexuality in effect or else lose that funding. The law allows no exemptions for faith-based colleges, university, or child-care centers that receive any amount of state money.

I thought conservatives were against sucking off the public teet anyway. I hope y’all take this as an opportunity to learn the wonders of the free market.

California activist Randy Thomasson, head of the group Campaign for Children and Families (CCF), charges Arnold Schwarzenegger with betraying the state’s pro-family citizens.

In signing SB 1441 into law, the governor has “trampled religious freedom to satisfy hyperactive sexual activists,” Thomasson contends.

A couple questions:

1.) What is a “hyperactive sexual activist?”

2.) How do I become one?


Comments: 83


Off topic:

ALERT: New picture of Marie Jon @ Christian Wordview Website!

(a big thanks to Steve Gilliard)


Just noticed that it was Brad that posted the picture at Gilliard’s. Sorry; I was so excited.


Love makes a family.


Yeah I’m not so sure “agape” means what these guys seem to think it means…


“…a bill that gives homosexuals new and far-reaching powers.”

Like Straight/Gay vision and RemoteGrope(tm)?



1.) What is a “hyperactive sexual activist?�
A sex worker with ADHD.

2.) How do I become one?
Quit taking your meds.


But I thought gays already had super powers……doesn’t gay sex cause earthquakes and hurricanes?

How many super powers do the gays need?!? I don’t even have X-ray vision yet! I’m going to have to switch teams – this is totally unfair.


“Hyperactive sexual activist” seems redundant, no?
Maybe, “sexual hyperactivist”?


Maybe “hyperactive sexualist”.


I thought conservatives were against sucking off the public teet anyway. I hope y’all take this as an opportunity to learn the wonders of the free market.

And I thought faith-based organizations were all about doing good works for the purpose of laying up treasure in Heaven, “where no thief can come nor moth consume,” rather than here on Earth. Huh.


Now that Der Gropenfuhrer is making the lurch toward social liberalism necessary to remain in power in California, the wingtards are screeching like pod people.

Goes to show that Arnold has always been playing a part- he really doesn’t have any wingnut beliefs (or not many) he’ll say whatever is in the script….

But the crazies always end up eating their own, like ostriches, rage-maddened by their inability to fly, eating their own eggs and pecking the weakest, slowest members of the herd to death….


“…measure was promoted by a lesbian member of the California legislature and is now the law in that state…”

and that was just ONE power dyke’s doing.

god help us, just imagine what they might do if they get organized.

Us god-fearin’ “family advocate” types better keep our jackboots fimly planted on their throats, and them in their place.

cause them’s REAL family values.


Yeah! You fundies out in Bakersfield and Fresneck might as well just stay home and not vote now because Arnold is a big ol’ LIBERAL! BWAHAHAHA! Or if you do have to vote, I’m sure there’s some Libertardian candidate you can throw your vote away on.


Arnold gave the gays reach-around powers? Yikes! I can see why the pro-family nuts are so upset!

They’re feeling the squeeze.


As a lifelong resident of California (mostly) can I just say BWA-HA-HA-HA!!! Getcher god and yer cigarettes to hell outta my state!!



Oh, and get off my lawn!!



“trampled religious freedom to satisfy hyperactive sexual activists,�

She’s just jealous that someone sexual was at in any way, shape, or form satisfied.


strike the ‘at’

stupid fingers…..


WHAT?? You mean to tell me that a Republican has turned out to be nothing more than a cynical opportunist, pandering for votes among social reactionaries and then turning his back on them when he felt it necessary? My God, has this ever happened before???


“… hyperactive sexual activistsâ€?

I just LOVE how they’re always so into the details of (other people’s) sex.

I can just see it: each of these pathetic religious fanatics sitting there, staring at their own naked genitalia, like their penises or vaginas are from another planet, shrieking at them,




active hypersexualist? What teh ever, if I were called Randy Thomasson, I wouldn’t go on and on about boinking like that.

MJ”s in the “tee hee” thread, btw. Am I the only one who expected to be some kind of Ripley’s Believe It or Not, and found that it was, only without the Not? Cobag’s Believe It or Else… or sumtin’

LA Confidential Pantload

Homos Hyperactive Global! Where is the Swanksta when we need him? …and I’ll bet that dude changed his name from Randy Johnson.


Sweet fucking jehosphet, the right blogosphere, having found the ecstatic highs of exposing “Slightly More Smoke-gate” has been reduced to trying to ferry out evidence of photo-shop work on a publicity shot of Katie Couric in their increasngly sad efforts to recapture that initial high.


> In signing SB 1441 into law, the governor has “trampled religious freedom to satisfy hyperactive sexual activists,� Thomasson contends.

Feh. Hardly surprising.

I hear Arnold has satisfied many a hyperactive homo in his day.

“Can you believe how much I am in heaven?”


hyperactive sexual activists,� Thomasson contends

I’ve not had sex in 7 years and I’m still a big ol’ fag, Thomasson. Just because I don’t go to a sex club tonight and blow 10 guys, it doesn’t nake me even .00000000001% less of a homosexual. So, go blow goat balls you stupid fuck, it’s still wrong to discriminate against me because of something I was born with and had no say in. [note to those, like Gary Ruppert, who might be tempted to type something like: “You could change if you wanted to” or “You just needed to find the right girl”, go stick your head in a full toilet]

I’m sure that he’s just bitter that, because of social constructs and religion being used as a cudgel over millenia, women won’t put out like men do. I’ve had loving, hyper-romantic relationships with a man I was madly in love with (*sigh* Gregg…) *and* I’ve been in orgies of guys where not one word beyond stuff like “Faster, faster, yeah, like that, oh GAAAAAWWWWWDDDDD” was exchanged. I’ve had access to the full gamut of possibilities and I’m really glad about that.


Arnie may be a pouser on the whacked out social conservative stuff, but he’s a true believer in money, money, money (for rich people, that is)


As some pro-family opponents are interpreting the newly signed legislation…

They just can’t quite bring themselves to call the rest of us “anti-family” is that it?. lolz, okay.


She’s just jealous that someone sexual was in any way, shape, or form satisfied.

I’m beginning to believe the old wives’ tale that some people can only achieve sexual satisfaction when they think nobody else is able to have any sex.


1.) What is a “hyperactive sexual activist?�
Someone who took their Viagra but forgot to take their Ritalin.


potentially prevent parochial schools such as private, Christian, Catholic, Mormon, or other faith-based educational institutions from receiving student financial assistance

“Christian, Catholic, and Mormon”

Maybe someone should tell the latter two the news?


A couple questions:

1.) What is a “hyperactive sexual activist?�

2.) How do I become one?

I can answer both of those questions in just a couple of sessions for you, Brad.

You might want to discuss it with your wife first, though.


Completely OT: The link to the Couric thing is hilarious. Do they think that this isn’t done to news anchors on Fox? (Fox may be more subtle about it, as I imagine they have a bigger budget for that sort of thing.)

Here’s an example of how a typical women’s magazine cover shot might be retouched a la Katie Couric (sorry, it’s flash):


Hey, American douche-bags. While you’re sniggering about some lame-brain crap-sack, 450 million extra dollars is heading towards the Whitehouse. That respresents half of the one billion dollars the Americans are going to keep for disobeying NAFTA in the software lumber dispute with Canada.

You can shove each one of those one billion dollars up your arses but…and pay attention, dumb Americans…450 million is going directly to the Whitehouse.

450 million dollars more for the Republican party. This is no joke, dumbos….

American liberals abandoned Canada on the NAFTA abjudications, so most of us think you’re all responsible for stealing 1 billion dollars from us. We’re just warning you that half of that is going to Bush…


“… pro-family opponents”

Ohhhhh, mah head hurts…


It’s worse than you even postulate, little canadian person. We in america are here to take your penguins and your tar sands and your women and your beer. Err, never mind about the beer. But you are right, tiny no military quaking liberal candian person with no sex. We will crush your regime change and take you to g-bay in cuba and have sex with you. Gonzales said we could. As long as we drown you too. Canadian sillyass little man. You drink the pissy-beer of freedom, you think you know shit. You are more than silly, you are CANADIAN. Bwah hah ha ha…



OK, you gotta say it right or it’s not funny….



Okay, American friends. When that genius “Mal de mer” up there says “most of us” he means “me and my friends in my Mom’s basement”. When he lamely tries to comment on the softwood lumber dispute, he is completely missing the point of Canada’s fight with the USA on that issue. The whole damn fight is with Wonder Bush and his friends, for godsakes, not average Americans.

Peace, America. Ignore the idiot.

Sane Canadian

P.S. Mikey: Don’t call all of us Canadians “silly”. One fool doesn’t make a country, as you all have discovered since November 2000. And besides, our beers rocks! 🙂


he is completely missing the point of Canada’s fight with the USA

Oh..sweetie, no. I’m not missing anything. I’m just pointing out that 450 million dollars is going to the Bush Whitehouse. Odd Girl, are you paying attention to our country’s politics and current affairs?

Frankly, I only brought it up because the fucktarded US media doesn’t report anything important.

I repeat…450 million dollars to the Bush Whitehouse

Do you I have to draw all you clay-eating half-wits a picture?


Okay, American friends. When that genius “Mal de mer� up there says “most of us� he means “me and my friends in my Mom’s basement�. When he lamely tries to comment on the softwood lumber dispute, he is completely missing the point of Canada’s fight with the USA on that issue. The whole damn fight is with Wonder Bush and his friends, for godsakes, not average Americans.

You’re a fucking twit aren’t you? Are you from Alberta?


It’s worse than you even postulate, little canadian person. We in america are here to take your penguins and your tar sands and your women and your beer. Err, never mind about the beer. But you are right, tiny no military quaking liberal candian person with no sex. We will crush your regime change and take you to g-bay in cuba and have sex with you. Gonzales said we could. As long as we drown you too. Canadian sillyass little man. You drink the pissy-beer of freedom, you think you know shit. You are more than silly, you are CANADIAN. Bwah hah ha ha…

Wow. A little insult, and Mikey here calls for genocide.

You think that’s funny? You think three million Vietnamese dead is hilarious? You think 100,000 dead Iraqis is hilarious? You think 1000 dead Lebanese is hilarious?

I used to like you. Now I think you’re a brain-dead moron. I know for a fact that if I ever met you, my foot would be two feet up your arse by now…Mikey.


Frankly, Mal; tip of the iceberg. There are things that concern me more then Bushco fucking over NAFTA.
Explain how Bush, personally, gets $450 million.


mmmm, clay….


I used to like you. Now I think you’re a brain-dead moron. I know for a fact that if I ever met you, my foot would be two feet up your arse by now…Mikey.

Frankly, Pal, I don’t think you got the sand. But it’s a funny thing, asshat. Lots of right wingers have said the same thing. They don’t have my history. So know what, little fellah? I don’t lose any sleep. You get to my neighborhood, I’ll have a TINY little bit of respect. Meantime? You don’t scare any two legged creatures. So pull it in, suck it up, and live in the world. You ain’t selling anything of value, and you don’t have the legs to play in the big boys playground…



You think that’s funny? You think three million Vietnamese dead is hilarious? You think 100,000 dead Iraqis is hilarious? You think 1000 dead Lebanese is hilarious?

Oooppss. Almost missed this one. What’s your standing in this discussion? How many you kill? On either side? Sorry, fuck head, you think you wanna tell ME about the cambodian incursion, when you didn’t take the rounds and lose the sleep and carry the bugs and do the fucking HAND TO HAND COMBAT you fucking pussy, you are cordially invited to shut your fucking trap, kitty cat…



Umm. Sorry. I need a drink…



You go, mikey. He’s making me seasick too.
Software lumber? WTF If you’re gonna go on a pet rant, get your terms right, guy.


Mal de Mer: and pay attention, dumb Americans…450 million is going directly to the Whitehouse.

Pay attention ol’ Sea Sick: It’s: “The White House.”


Mikey, my beverage of choice tonight is rum and some white cranberry. If it sounds good to you, I’ll pour you one, too.


punkinsmom ~ he’s getting Microsoft confused with Weyerhauser.


I think you’re giving him too much credit.

And rum and cranberry? I’m making a mental note. (Will it work with red cranberry too?)


Absolutely!! Also — if you visit the organic section of your local grocery store, the juice section probably has cran-blueberry. This is GREAT mixed with white rum. Too bad you can only find it in the organic section. One more: if you like tequila, mixing with ruby red grapefruit juice is yummy too.

Disclaimer: My buddies have nicknamed me their private bartender. They say it’s because I have cheekbones. Yeah, that must be it….


so most of us think you’re all responsible for stealing 1 billion dollars from us

Canadian dollars or US dollars? I need to know so I can adjust my outrage accordingly to suit you.

As Atrios says whenever someone pesters him for not writing about biofuels or their pet cause “STFU and get your own blog and blogwhore it here if it’s so important to you”. I mean, because that insulting people tactic worked so well and all.

a different brad

Wow. A whole billion dollars? That’s a few days worth of watching iraqis kill each other and us money. We might have to pull out in the first half of april 2047, instead of the second half.
Maybe we’re not sharing your outrage because down south we play in the big leagues, son. The only way to get people to care about that much money down here is if poor and/or brown people had a chance of getting some of it. Americans have to swallow hundreds of billions, if not literally trillions of dollars more or less stolen from the federal treasury in countless ways.
Also, yeah, how exactly is that 450 million going to “the White House”, and what do you mean by that noun?


A hyoeractive sexual activist:

Sex is a completely private matter. MY privates matter. I’d like to get some matter on my privates if you know what I mean. Private Parts. Private Benjamin. Shaving Ryan’s Privates. Does that make me gay? Nobody’s business if I am. I am Sam. Robin Wright Penn. Hot. H.O.T.S. 70s bush. Bush sucks. Conservative. Hate blacks. Black Eyed Peas. Fergie. My Humps. Humping. I wanna be humping. Humping Fergie. Sarah Ferguson. Princess Diana. Prince Charles. I want to be your tampon. Ooh a nickel. All mine. My privates.

And so forth.


hmm, this thread took a turn for the worse.

Hope you found an enjoyable drink MIkey. I have a pre-hangover from the Coronas I drank at the Colesium tonight.


*sorry Brad.


“We’re already barred from discriminating against the blacks, the Meskins and the crippled… and now we have to respect the gays too?!!!�

Damn straight! And if you don’t like it, move to Utah!


mal de mer, dude take your fucking meds. this is hardly the place for you to bitch and moan is it?


You know, in the bad old days there was a male of my acquaintence. And periodically a woman friend of mine and I would find ourselves sitting in the ER with an icepack or two waiting on, say, X-rays. And the conversation would generally go about like this:

“Why don’t you move out? It’s stupid to stay there.”
“I have nowhere to go yet.”
“We all think you’re stupid to stay with him. You know, we can’t respect you when you stay with him.”
“I don’t suppose any of you would have any more respect for me if I were living in a cardboard box.”
“Then kill him. You should kill him. Because one of these days he’s going to kill you, if you don’t.”
“I don’t kill people.”
And here’s where the whole thing would start to go wiggy:
“And anyway, he’s not that bad. I don’t think he’ll ever kill me.”
“He’s going to kill you, you know it. And if you don’t do something about this, he’s going to move on to some other woman and kill her, too, because nobody has made him understand he can’t.”
“He’s not like that. Really.”

And as much as I fucking hated him, I hated even more that I was defending him, that I felt like I was being forced into defending him, or downplaying what he had done to me, simply because the initially well-intentioned “You have to do something” was now “What the fuck is *wrong* with you, are you crazy, you’re enabling a psychopath, if you don’t stop him, he will hurt other people and it will be your fault.”

And I would propose here, years later, that suggesting the absolute responsibility for removing a sociopath from the world should lie with any of his victims is irrational, cruel, and self-defeating.

I’m not a patriotic woman, Mal de Mer. I would cheerfully move to your country if they’d let me, which they won’t, because I’m severely mentally ill and absolutely nonfunctional. To be honest, if the Dominionists ever get a chance to start tossing rocks, I expect to be one of the first group against the wall. But every time you start doing this “All of you Americans are just as guilty as the pricks who voted for and continue to support your sociopath of a president and how dare you have any sort of moment ever where you take off your hairshirt” routine, I find myself wanting to defend my country, and God help me, my president, or at least my fellow countrymen who probably didn’t know what the hell they were getting into when they voted for him the first time.

It. Is. Not. Helping.

Knock it off, okay? You want to vent that he’s abusing you and the rest of the world, no shit. We know that. Believe me, we fucking know that. Go talk to the assholes who voted for him, okay? I can provide you a list of websites full of them. Go scream at them.

Oh, but that wouldn’t be as much fun, would it. They’re not liberals, they wouldn’t twitch with guilt every time you say it’s their fault. They’d laugh at you and tell you to fuck off. Nowhere near as much fun as doing this shit here and watching us all scramble between defensive and agreeing with you that you’re right and he’s bad and we’re responsible.

But you’re still not fucking helping. All you’re doing is lashing out at people who don’t really deserve it. When the city’s burning down around you, what kind of an asshole do you have to be to walk past the arsonists and looters to scream at the litterers?

You’re not helping. You are *hurting* your cause. If it’s worth it to you so that you can have people to scream at and make feel bad, fine. But I don’t know that that makes you any less guilty of not doing everything you can to stop what’s going on than the rest of it makes us.

And now, now I’m going to ignore you. Because I’ve had a seriously bad fucking day and I didn’t need this. I won’t need it the next time I’ve had a seriously bad day, either.


Heh…This Canadian versus USA battle makes great viewing from here in Australia.

Hey, Canada! Why not do what Australia did? Brainwash Mel Gibson and send him over to wreak Godzilla-like havoc…there’s your revenge right there


Canada has done worse, what with William Shatner and all.

They are experts at that sort of thing.

Contented Canadian

I will gladly let you keep the Billion If you Keep Celine Dion south of 49.

Contented Canadian

Oh, and keep David Frum too!


And to think a little over a month ago I was the prick for noticing that Mel de Mer is irredeemably bitchcakes.

Good times. Good times.


Don’t blame us, Mel.

Blame der juden!

(I hate when my favorite acts don’t play the hits in concert.)


A billion dollars to keep Celine Dion? Nope, not enough.


Damn, D. Sidhe, why don’t you have a blog? You write well–any time I see you comment, it’s honestly compelling. You really should have your own blog.


We’ll keep Celine (but she’s gotta stay in Vegas), and Bryan Adams, too, if you send Rush and keep Adam Yoshida.

And a case of Molsen. The real stuff, not the crap you normally send down.

D. Sidhe. Compelling story, Nicely written. If Mal has a compassionate nerve in his brain, he feels about three inches tall.


For an encore Mel will barge into a Buddhist temple to blame the occupants for the Spanish Inquisition.


[…] The comment:  Yeah I’m not so sure “agape” means what these guys seem to think it means… […]

Contented Canadian

Please, keep all the Molson you like… Coors co-owns it now. Vile Mega swill. In Fact You can have Labbatt’s and Moosehead too.

Rush is a deal breaker though… We couldn’t let that go for anything less than the Stanley Cup.

We’ll Keep Yoshida but If Mark Steyn comes within 100 Kilometres of our border ( that’s 62 miles) Yoshida gets deported.


Agreed, Mark Steyn goes to Afghanistan on waivers.

The coors thing is a deal-breaker, though. What kind of Canuck live bait-and-switch are you trying to pull?

It’s like if you promised to deliver Rush and sent Triumph instead.


Canadians get to keep all their musicians. We get to keep the comedians.

And Neil Young is ours now.


Helix was a wicked concert. Fuck, I sold a lot of dope at that concert. I mean, they had good lyrics like, “Gimme an R-O-C-K”, and the crowd yells ROCK really loud. Now that’s a fucking concert. Rush just don’t do stuff like that. They got these lyrics about how trees are talking to each other and how different sides of your brain work and outerspace bullshit.

Contented Canadian

Sorry. deals off. Alex Lifeson is on the “No Fly List”.

Corey, Trevor…Smokes, let’s go.


Wow, I guess I’ve been out of touch. When did Mal de mer start hating us?

I mean, I get that he’s outraged about members of his family being slaughtered in the recent unpleasantness; but when did he decide to throw away years of comity and friendly communication?

And when you get right down to it, what D. Sidhe said.


When did Mal de mer start hating us?

Near as I can discern right about here.


It got successively worse when it became clear that we weren’t going to stop laughing STOP LAUGHING as commanded.


You know, just because you’re well-acquainted with lumber doesn’t mean you have to have a stick up your ass.


“Do you I have to draw all you clay-eating half-wits a picture? ”

Sadly, yes…


When did this thread devolve from the ass-sex to clay-eating border wars?

I forgot about Lifeson’s Hotel Happy Hour Cutups. I’ll drive up and we’ll bar-hop back down.


Everything D. Sidhe said – and I’m Canadian.


If I had a blog, there would be no way to keep me from creeping people out with TMI on a daily basis.

And MdM was at least a year ago hanging out on Tbogg, as I recall, doing the “Will no one rid me of this meddlesome president” act.

No. None of us will. Not even those few who voted for him but now feel a need to atone.

If I’ve got that wrong and have been annoyed with MdM for comments made there by someone else, I apologize. But I’m still plenty annoyed by what’s been said here.

There’s a powerful streak of contrariness in the American politic, and I suspect other countries as well. Persuading can help. Screaming at never will. Some of us come here and bitch and moan and then go offline and talk more sedately with our wingnut friends and family members. It’s even been known to help swing votes.

We’re doing what we can, really. Our president is a sociopath, and we know that. We regret this, and really are trying to do something about it.


(comments are closed)