But Chya Are, Charles, Ya Are.


Job posting: Charles Krauthammer is looking for someone willing to push him around in his chair for one to two years for minimum wage.

(Okay, this is just a filler post to start a new thread. I’ll try to post something more, er, substantive later tonight.)


Comments: 45


Job posting: Charles Krauthammer is looking for someone willing to push him around in his chair for one to two years for minimum wage.

Ugh, fucker probably wants sponge baths.



There’s a certain set of stairs in Georgetown…

(You may recall them from the movie “The Exorcist”.)


imma say in respect to the shortness of tintin’s post, the first two comments neatly sum up any and all reaction…


There’s a certain set of stairs in Georgetown…

(You may recall them from the movie “The Exorcist”.)

To tell the truth, an actual exorcism would be more effective.


(Okay, this is just a filler post to start a new thread. I’ll try to post something more, er, substantive later tonight.)

I knew it! Tintin = SMcG!


I think I may apply for that job. Perhaps with an illustrated resumé.

Pupienus Maximus

That Krauthammer wants anyone to do research is boggles my mind. He’s never bothered with facts before, why would he start now?


gotta love the sad, lone mango over there


gotta love the sad, lone mango over there

if only that sad, long mango dropper would have indicated where he will be ‘practicing’ and in what specialty he ‘practices’ so that i may not ever go there for any medical need…ever…


gotta love the sad, lone mango over there

That’s no mango, that’s Krauthammer.


wow…just found out that the donation page on our website was used for nefarious purposes…some fraudster ran a bunch of credit card numbers through the site hoping to hit paydirt…fuckers! i feel like i could barf after going through all the rigamarole with the credit card processors…



Bryan Preston seems to be confused. He (rightly) sees an infringement on national sovereignty through a proposed free trade agreement, but concludes that it is the fault of Obama’s (purported) desire to “introduc[e] international law into the United States” rather than the same old neo-liberal consensus that has been in place since Reagan.

I even did a blog post once about the Tea Party’s supposed “anti-globalism” and its general silence on sovereignty-smashing trade agreements:

So, only now right-wingers seem to be noticing that free trade treaties may have aspects they don’t like. Conveniently it is when Obama–a man they accuse of being a stealth socialist–is in office.


Conveniently it is when Obama–a man they accuse of being a stealth socialist–is in office.

yes it is truly interesting the amount of things that are now, ‘say, now! what’s all this…’


Yeah, okay, Both Sides Do It, but honestly, is this really something we want?


Yeah, okay, Both Sides Do It, but honestly, is this really something we want?

No, but, all “protests” aside, it’s something THEY do.


Don’t worry about it Tintin, I’ve got you covered.


No, but, all “protests” aside, it’s something THEY do.

The average teaper useful idiot might be personally hurt by free-trade dogmatism, but free trade is one of the things a True Believer is obligated to believe in.

I mean, I’ve been saying for years that the “theocratic / plutocratic” breakdown of the GOP is wrong, and represents a Democratic mindset applied to a Republican issue. The classic divide is between sinister Straussian liars and horrible Bircher true-believers; it’s a psychology, not an ideology, that separates them.

And that’s why the same people who plumped for Romney as the Last Hope of Capitalism in 2008 now skree hiss about him as insufficiently true-conservative, and don’t see the contradiction.

Pupienus Maximus

Okay, I shed a tear.


I thought his mobility problems had been sorted already.

(There is a better Photoshop out there but I can’t find it)


I did this one, but yuckola on the colour/texture job.


I mean, I’ve been saying for years that the “theocratic / plutocratic” breakdown of the GOP is wrong, and represents a Democratic mindset applied to a Republican issue. The classic divide is between sinister Straussian liars and horrible Bircher true-believers; it’s a psychology, not an ideology, that separates them.

The common denominator for both groups is authoritarianism. Of course, the ‘baggerproles see themselves as someday becoming rich somehow, and the rich just smile indulgently while throwing them under the armored car.


An hour turnaround between posts, what is this madness?!?

Also, new post.


The classic divide

I like this analysis, but I still believe there’s a large third group of theocrats, the folks for whom religion and religious issues are the main or even the only issues. Some of them may even be good people, at least by Repub standards. But don’t cross ’em on their home issues. Then the authoritarian common denominator kicks in.


OK, I just have to put his out there – could this hired peon sneak a few subversive bits into Krauthammers columns and sneak them past the editors? I could imagine a well placed “not” or “didn’t” could change the entire meaning of the column.


a well placed “not” or “didn’t”

Very “Magic Christian” of ya.


Okay, I shed a tear.

That is the sweetest damn thing. And who’s cutting onions in here?


<blockquote.I like this analysis, but I still believe there’s a large third group of theocrats, the folks for whom religion and religious issues are the main or even the only issues. Some of them may even be good people, at least by Repub standards. But don’t cross ‘em on their home issues. Then the authoritarian common denominator kicks in.

This is true; there is in fact a significant group of ‘pure’ theocrats. Evangelical (sensu stricto, not in the modern sense of ‘bugfuck’) culture tends to revolve around credistic issues: while the common idea is “I know an evangelical when I see one”, in practice it’s more common to accept someone as an evangelical (and thus tacitly One of Us, without being obligated to belong to your personal congregation) if they share specific common beliefs. In theory there should be theology behind those beliefs, but in practice they’re 99% culture and 1% theology, if that.

What this amounts to is a preexisting domain in which if you don’t share cultural issues X, Y, and Z, you aren’t One Of Us, and we don’t have to listen to you (and in fact should shun and avoid you). The heavy investment of Southern-born international entrepreneurs into the cultural technology of evangelicalism produced a sudden shift in gatekeeper traits from the prewar consensus; where before the Big Three were, in order, anti-scientism, anti-Catholicism, and Whiggish progressivism, twenty years later the Big Three were, in order, anti-scientism, anti-Communism, and social conservatism.

The Republican Party evolved to capture the interest of the same terrible old men whose orbit evangelical Christianity became stuck, and eventually pietism in the Church became pietism in the Party, and it’s now de rigeur in the more severely conservative congregations to prove your devotion to White Christ via Tea Party totemism, even where the conflict with Christian teachings would be obvious to a child or a dog or Richard Dawkins.

TL, DR: because of how evangelicalism works, attempts to assert a theocracy independent of true-believerism (i.e. “yes, fuck the gays, but why should we give a tax cut to the hundred richest men in America to do that”) are treated as a Trojan horse by the evil, corrupt liberals and rejected out of hand, and thus either made full apostates with abuse or beaten back into the literal party line.

There’s a reason that the most theocratic candidate to emerge since Buchanan (who went to ignominious defeat in what was probably the evangelicals’ best year) was by any objective measure a “plutocrat” with weird porn issues. Theocrats are basically by definition True Believers and if they fall far enough out of the True Believer ideological orbit they tend to become apolitical. And that’s why the occasionally mooted alliance between non-black churches and progressive economic organizations is inane – even look at a union in a friendly way and you’ll be dealing with an endless series of crude attempts at Lewis’s Trilemma for as long as you refuse to drop the Church or the wogs. Not quite as effective as threatening you with billion-year contracts, but nothing to sneeze at, either.


Hey Charley! American monkey butlers not good enough for you now? You gotta advertise with your snooty friends? What would Saint Rondald do, here? Yes, Charley he’d get monkey butlers, he was a real American.
(I love the quote from Victorianus Maximus Hansonius about cheerfulness at the Corner and how good it is for his “sanity”. Way to burn out the irony meter, dudes.)


Big Bad Bald Bastard at June 13, 2012 at 23:33:

I disagree: I doubt that many Teabaggers actually believe that they will become rich; instead, they have full-on bought into a moral system that says that it were wrong to impede the rich or to help the poor using the powers of the State, even though that power may have helped the rich become and stay rich (which they will never acknowledge).

Winston Thriller

Can’t Beep-beep (KJL) do it in her spare time?


This is utterly tasteless, without even having the redeeming quality of being funny.

Yeah, the guy is in a wheelchair! Ha ha!


Pretty sick stuff. Sometimes I think we deserve to lose in November. It might wake us up a bit, shake us up a bit. What’s wrong with treating disabled people decently?


Utterly disgusting and beneath contempt. All you smug cretins should consider that sometimes karma can be a bitch. Remember your laughter when you or a loved one ends up in a wheelchair.


This post is disgraceful as are many of the comments. Kudos to Krauthammer for not drawing attention to his disability. A gutsy and courageous man, virtues we can admire whether we share his politics or not.


I sense a link somewhere.


Harsh, too.

Sadlyno.com, an obscure kook left-wing website, reacts, ”Job posting: Charles Krauthammer is looking for someone willing to push him around in his chair for one to two years for minimum wage.”

Laurel Van Driest

Really. He is an admirable man. Sadly, you are no(t) admirable people.


You guys are the gift that keeps on giving. Disagree with Krauthammer fine….but a post ripping a guy who is paralyzed from the neck down is tasteless…and now this is out there your leftist dribble loses credibility with any person who may be persuaded in the arena of ideas.

So I say keep up the fine work. Stay classy! You guys are truly useful idiots. Oh and by the way Krauthammer is in inspiration as how one can make something out of life even when the cards are dealt against you…


Making fun of someone because he is in a wheelchair, TinTin, shows what kind of classless leftist lowlife you are. And to think you interrupted blowing your own dad on fathers Day to post it.


It took months before i realized he was in a wheelchair, he covers it well on TV.

You’re picking on his disability. Way to go. Find me a website that picks on a liberal’s family loss or disability. Not there.


[…] has clutched his pearls and collaped on his chaise longue sobbing tears of faux-trage over our post where we mention that Charles Krauthammer is in a wheelchair. This was, apparently, simply beyond […]


The conservative pearl clutchers who find this article distasteful might want to recall Charlie’s support of the WMD lies that led us into the bloody Iraq quagmire and the death of tens of thousands. For this alone I would be happy to wheel the guy right off a short pier.


(comments are closed)