The Lunatic Is In His Head
What trans people look like to conservatives.
Robert Harkins, American Lunatic:
A Guy Named Jennifer
I’m sure there’s no reason whatsoever to worry about that title.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Ew, trannies!
Or not.
The Senate, in an act of cynical self-interest, just voted to strike the word “lunatic” from a federal law defining mental illness.
Because there is no reason other than Machiavellian manipulation to try and remove a medieval word that thought that mental illness was caused by the phases of the moon unbalancing the humors from one’s official legal definition of mental illness.
Also, why do you give a shit about this? This is like finding someone who really really cares about the widths of the ridges on the new fixed rate stamps. Actually, more like a version of that person who is only upset because they don’t think it contains enough White Power connotations.
The Senate errs dangerously. While U.S. Code Title 1, Chapter 1 does describe the mentally ill in pejorative terms, its language regarding idiots and lunatics fits too well in many cases. Take for example the university professor who inculcates his students with disdain for Western civilization; an Occupy Wall Streeter (public defecator, street corner “masturbationist,” rapist, and political imbecile); or a university bureaucrat, Justice Department lawyer, or congressman.
Ah, teabaggers. Despite getting over a year of endless coverage of their 5 person White Power rallies, they still can’t stomach that an actual grassroots political movement managed to break through the media blackout before they were literally beaten away by illegal police actions.
To be fair, if I received that stark of a demonstration on how much of a joke my political movement was, I’d probably be yowling in pain too.
In short, the word is too critically important to be repealed. Lunatics must be identified, restrained, and promptly sedated.
If that’s the case, then sure sucks for you that Saint Ronnie dumped the mentally ill onto the streets and slashed public resources to a trickle, doesn’t it?
Well… let’s be honest, not really. Cause if we’re talking about what group of lunatics needs some anti-psychotics, I don’t think it’s going to be the group that acknowledges that sometimes “Western Civilization” does things like the Children’s Crusade or that understands that not using a word in official definitions doesn’t ban its use by assholes.
Finally, the lunatic may be found in a subculture dedicated to the chemical/surgical invention of new and fantastic genders.
Indeed! My favorite new gender?
It’s like a female male shlink but with extra intersex tinsly and a third extended glort.
This lunatic intends to force multi-gender acceptance upon a society at once rational, traditional, and religious.
One of these words is not like the others! One of these words just doesn’t belong!
That the Code’s drafters intended to prohibit such lunacy in all its anti-social and political manifestations is self-evident in their unmistakably brutal language.
[T]he words “insane” and “insane person” and “lunatic” shall include every idiot, lunatic, insane person, and person non compos mentis.
I rest my case.
Nothing is more brutal than circular reasoning and a definition either so vague it could include anyone or so devoid of actual definition it includes no one.
Lemme guess, the first draft was introduced by one of the Mouth Breathers who jumped on the Teabagger ticket in 2010?
Hey, didn’t the shorter have something to do with trans people instead of whining about how government finds poorly-thought out tautologies terrible policy?
Enter now of all spontaneous creations a fabulous guy named “Jennifer.” I shall refer to him as “Guy Jennifer.” He is a man through and through, and the biological father of children. One day he appeared at the University of Arkansas wearing a dress, sporting makeup, swishing about like a teenage cutie-pie, and in all manner of charming and coquettish ways pretending to be a woman.
Time for backstory.
So Quotation Marks Jennifer is in reference to actual woman Jennifer Braly, a psychology major at University of Arkansas at Fort Smith.
Jennifer Braly had been regularly giving well received guest lectures in psychology and sociology classes on gender identity disorder and trans issues in general. Very well received guest lectures that had received very positive marks from students. She was very highly sought out by professors at the university and had completed 20 guest lectures.
Then after probably years of trying to bring up the issue internally, Jennifer got a bit sick of having to traipse all the way across campus to the one handicapped/gender neutral toilet she was allowed to pee in whenever she had to go and so ended up needing to sue to try and change policy.
So University of Arkansas in their infinite wisdom decided the best way to defend against the lawsuit about discrimination would be to discriminate without probable cause.
So they decided to cancel her teaching engagements without providing a good reason for it and despite the lectures being well received, and when the teachers still tried to get her in to teach, the administrators personally intervened to try and stop them, leading her to start doing informal classes at the student center with the teacher staying away to try and protect them from administration crackdown.
So, yeah, turns out that responding to discrimination suits by actively discriminating actually hurts your case rather than help it. Who could have known?
And so, the DOJ looking at the no duh pretty much had to decide in favor of Braly and order the University of Arkansas to stop being dicks and and let her and other trans students use their appropriate gender’s bathrooms to pee. There is little word on whether they’ll try and discourage more groups from asking for their rights by continuing to block her teaching engagements next year, but I suspect that’ll be cited in next year’s anti-discrimination suit titled simply “Let’s Cluebat these Assholes”.
Now that context is out of the way, let’s get back to the totally not crazy person ranting crazily about how people are crazy.
Politically correct bureaucrats occupying the university, shamefully surrendering to threats leveled by what should be only euphemistically known as the Justice Department, ordered that “Jennifer” have access to all women’s bathrooms and gym showers.
Following legal orders is “surrendering to threats” now?
Well… that would thoroughly explain conservative relationship to the law since at least Nixon. It’s almost like they don’t believe that the law can legally apply to them and is only there to keep the darkies down.
The university apparatchiks were not at all reluctant to command the extinction of privacy for all campus women.
Wow, the dorm rooms at U of Ark are all clear glass houses? That’s hardcore!
Nor did they give a fig that they were exposing vulnerable women or their children to the risk of assault, embarrassment, anger, and mortification.
It is rather amazing that so many places include rape and peeping rooms for everyone’s use. What’s more bizarre is the number of people who make regular use of these restrooms for these activities in public even informing each other loudly of their intention to use them within earshot of children.
At least I’d have to assume that’s what they are for given the right-wing response to the restroom issue. After all, it’s not like anyone ever needs to pee or shit. That’d be the real crazy talk.
No, they extinguished with enthusiasm a woman’s right to dignity and privacy, the better to attest to their masters a trembling, faithful, and witless political correctness.
Yeah, they just resisted all under-the-radar attempts to resolve the issue, escalated the problem to the point they got sued, and then tried to make an example of the “troublesome student” who dared complain.
Pfft, complete pussying out of the University heads. Real Americans TM would have skinned her alive and worn her as a cape as they violated her corpse on top of an American flag while they consumed a barbequed bald eagle. At least, that’s what they would do if they could escape their basements without being attacked by the growing hordes of black people they assume are roaming the streets looking for whities to kill.
Like Shakespeare’s Ariel in The Tempest, they were eager to indulge Guy Jennifer’s best pleasure; be it to fly, to swim, to dive into the fire, to ride on the curled clouds, to his strong bidding task — and to bid thee Woman, “Surrender to the ways and wiles of Guy Jennifer. Share with him thy campus bath rooms; step together naked into the tempestuous shower.
Is there anything you’d like to tell us Robert Harkins? It’s okay, we know all about your Trannies Gone Wild DVD collection. You don’t have to front anymore.
The Justice Department and university apparatchiks were dictatorial and ruthless in their demand that all campus women surrender their privacy and safety to an aging male decked out in drag — or following his conquest of the University of Arkansas, his fellow male gals. They could not have been more overt in their contempt for women.
Oh sure, we could point out that there has not been a single instance of a transperson assaulting a woman in a bathroom, but at least a dozen cases of male-dressed anti-trans Christian warriors caught peeping or assaulting women in bathrooms, but why bother? There’s so much more to mine.
I mean, there’s him calling a 37 year old “aging” as if going on 40 means you’re one foot in the grave, the idea of a dictatoral style surrender, the image of an army of transsexuals “taking over things” like fabulous goose-stepping gals in jeans, or a member of Team FUCK YOU WOMEN trying to pretend like letting a chick pee is the worse onslaught against them.
There’s so much, I’m just going to let you decide on your favorite part and skip to the next wonderful scoop of deranged hate poisoning.
Because Guy Jennifer has simply decided to refer to himself as a woman, a perverse lunacy mandates that all American citizens must now actually believe that he is a woman or forever keep their silence — that is, if they know what’s good for them.
Well, duh. Legally accepting reality in the official treatment of trans people means that every single American citizen is sent to re-education camps where they are forever forced to stop being bigots.
Well, if you equate being mildly criticized for being an asshole with “censorship”, then I guess every day of your life really would feel like a dystopian sci-fi novel.
Although Jennifer is a man — a fact confirmable merely by the lifting of his dress
So, if Jennifer Braly gets the SRS surgery. You know, the one she is currently trying to raise money for, then you’ll completely turn around on the gender pronoun?
Cause based on the mouth breathing comments left on said WePay site, I’m suspecting that you’d suddenly be revising your “genitals are destiny” policy.
— the lunatic has held that all male pronouns — when referring to trans-gendered males — are hereby and forever repealed. All and everyone therefore must refer to Jennifer as a “she” or a “her” or face unpleasant consequences.
The unpleasant consequences of…?
Being called a douchebag?
Cause yesterday I was called a faggot and spat on after doing a gauntlet of nasty stares. Jennifer Braly had to sacrifice her well-established teaching run and probably delayed resolving her gender dissonance to win the right to pee without having to do a 15-20 minute trek across campus every time. Not to mention the fact that she was being regularly interrupted in teaching by trolls screaming all manner of hate at her, not to mention all the death threats she is now receiving right now.
I note this not to argue that this is the worst trans people face (that would be the regular hate-crime murders that occur at a larger rate than against any other minority class except maybe homeless people or prostitutes or maybe the massively increased rate of suicide thanks to the prevalence of transphobia and the lack of available resources to support trans people), but because I’m not sure conservatives can continue their “manly man badass” label if they continue to shrink like violets at the slightest whiff of pushback from their victims.
“You godless (bleepity bleep bleep hate speech). I’m going to hate fuck you to death for being an abomination!”
“Well, you’re a dick!”
“Noooooooo! How could such unpleasant consequence have happened to me! Reverse discrimination! Political correctness run wild! Someone save me from the meanie poopie head!”
For those with the temerity to suggest that Jennifer is still a man, the lunatic has created yet another epithet calculated to defame the reputation of the dissenting man or woman, to characterize him or her as a knuckle-dragging, heartless beast barely risen from the primordial ooze. The epithet is “transphobe.”
Uh yes, in an age where Google is ubiquitous and genuine knowledge would take anyone about 7 seconds to acquire, refusing to learn the slightest thing about transsexuality and then demanding that the transsexual herself ignore their own reality and conform to the moron’s inaccurate defintion is going to get pushback.
And well hating on trans people for being trans people makes you a transphobe, just like hating on gay people for being gay makes you a homophobe, hating on women for having those female parts you can’t force yourself to be attracted to makes you sexist, and hating on racial minorities for having such hotter men makes you a self-hating homosexual… I mean racist.
If you have an issue with that, I’d ask you to bring up the complaint to English. You should be on good terms seeing as how your current anti-queer strategy is to argue that you’re just fighting for the sanctity of dictionary definitions.
The lunatic’s invention of such epithets is of course a vile political instrument crafted to intimidate, to silence rational debate, to mandate fanatical dogmas, to stop dissent — in short, to banish reason in a celebration of the irrational and insane.
It’s true. I once called someone a transphobe and they actually literally lit on fire. Another time I called someone a bigot and it wiped out three generations of her family.
These words have dark dark powers that put to shame any paltry action like using legislative and cultural authority to deny people equal rights, bully, intimidate, harass and murder people who are diffent, or actively making people’s lives harder in the hopes that they’ll kill themselves off and prevent you having to adapt to their existence.
True story.
Jennifer, of course, sued the University of Arkansas, demanding that it coerce its female population into the acceptance of his decision to allege that he is a woman. Guy Jennifer might have used the gender-neutral bathrooms provided by a kowtowing coven of university bureaucrats, but to do so would have been too terribly demeaning — and doubtless as well a corruption of Guy Jennifer’s constitutional right to privacy.
Which is why she was using them up until the resolution of her lawsuit.
Also… the right to privacy doesn’t work like that. I’m not sure you even know what you think you mean there. And I’m damn well sure you have no fucking clue what a right to privacy is.
But hey, I’ll give you bonus points for calling it a constitutional right. Guess someone’s gonna have to accept the equally constitutional right to an abortion, eh?
The university’s repeal of a woman’s right to the most personal privacy is based upon the theory that gender for the past four thousand years or so has been and continues to be a calculated, transparent, and false “social construct.” That men and women, in all ages and places — in ancient Babylon and Egypt, in modern Paris and New York City — have consecrated their lives to one another and to the loving conception, birthing, and raising of the next generation of children simply proves the perniciousness of a social construct that ignorant commoners over the eons have had the audacity to revere as family. In fact, Guy Jennifer is the new social construct.
It’s cute when wingnuts stumble upon things for the first time that the rest of the world encountered and processed like 50 years ago. For instance, here, with the whole “gender is a social construct” thing. He knows he hates it because it’s covered in feminist cooties and allows for the possibility that there exists a woman who’s more manly than him. Ha, silly Bobbie, every woman is more manly than you.
But hey, if you’re going to hate on a group of people and refuse to accept them as their real sex, why bother learning even the most basic things about who they are. It’s not like they are real people like straight white christian male conservatives or something!
So who cares if that principle a) has nothing to do with transsexuality, b)is actually a little countered (kind of) by the existence of transsexuals, because being male or female at least is something hard coded in the brain and cause massive stresses if the body doesn’t fit, or c)… I’m going to throw “social construct” on the pyre of things Robert Harkins doesn’t know anything about (I’m not going to reveal what’s on this pyre, but it starts with an e and ends with a verything).
Still, the lunatic wonders: why can only biological men and women conceive, birth, and raise children?
So… Jennifer and other transsexuals are supposed to be the ones wondering that? Cause, uh, all the other trans people I’ve met seem to have been exposed to intro biology.
Did… did you forget your narrative again? We’ve been meaning to talk to you about this Robbie, but you need to take your medicine. I know Beppo the Invisible Super Monkey seems like a great writing tutor, but he’s just been murder on your consistency.
Why not let somebody else do it — say, Guy Jennifer and another female guy just like him? Indeed, for the lunatic, the very notion that conception and birth, the sacred creation of life itself, must be restricted to a biological man and woman smacks of elitism, inequality, and discrimination. That only men and women should be allowed to conceive and raise children is a view so narrow, provincial, and discriminatory that their cohabitation should be immediately and forever prohibited. Four thousand years is enough. Discrimination must end. Our country must have equality über alles.
This is about Jennifer’s little known second suit where she attempted to sue Nature for the way biology works. Luckily they settled out of court when nature politely explained to her that there’s such a thing as IVF and she should really stop reading Robert Harkins.
However fantastic this pseudo-scientific collage of perverse chicanery is, the lunatic intends to force Americans to believe that the historic and prehistoric man-woman social construct is readily impeached merely by injecting into healthy males massive doses of female hormones, by wishful thinking, and by genital redecoration.
The existence of trans men and women throughout history only strengthens his point!
In fact, however, at the University of Arkansas, the definition of “transsexual” does not even require that a man submit to injections or surgical excision. The Arkansas test is simply whether the male really, really and truly believes that somewhere inside his hirsute geography is a woman, doubtless beautiful and pining to be set free.
Hirsute? A) Her pictures show her as artificially hairless as any other woman in American culture and B) Women are naturally hairy or “hirsute”. You just don’t notice, because we have a culture where women are pressured into shaving off all their hair, because “women aren’t hairy”.
And about the definition…
Actually it’s based on the psychologically recognized biological phenomenon of a mental sex. I.e. what sex your brain is hard-wired to see itself as. For most people it doesn’t come up because it matches their biological physical shape and so doesn’t get noticed. Occasionally it isn’t the case and said people end up needing to go through a complex process to make their outsides match their insides which can include hormones and surgery or perhaps just identifying as and following cultural markers of masculinity or femininity. Said hormones are very powerful, because our bodies start as nearly exactly the same between the sexes and it is the proportion of various sex hormones that results in the three main biological sex categories for bodies (male, female, and intersex). Thus affecting those proportions literally is the difference between a male and female body “biologically speaking”.
But really, there’s a lady who teaches closer to your area who’s much better at this and has some meticulously researched lectures on the subject. I think her name was Jen something. Like Jenny Penny or Gem. I can’t quite remember right now, you’ll have to look her up.
Furthermore, “[a]t the University of Arizona, all students are allowed to use whichever restroom, male or female, that they choose, putting heterosexual students at risk for assault and violation of privacy” — and doubtless sparking many a metaphysical man/woman debate at the men’s urinal or the gym shower.
The linked quote goes to Clownhall.
Any joke I could add couldn’t be more devastating than that.
All this gives a new and deeper meaning to lunacy, does it not? But how wonderful for lunatics. Henceforth, Guy Jennifer may go where he will, or shower where he will — and damn to perdition those women, and their friends, husbands, children, and family, who object to his violation of their personal privacy and dignity simply because he is a man addled by the notion that he is a woman.
So… let me follow along here. If we allow Jennifer to shower, piss, or travel freely like we do everyone else, then that somehow violates the personal privacy of women and their owners because… osmosis? Trans cooties? Obama Stormtroopers patrolling restrooms looking for cisgendered people to harass?
Well, to be fair, I guess I’m forgetting that Restrooms are there to harass and molest people rather than for peeing, so not being able to harass trans people away from the lesbian rape orgy might as well be a violation of their constitutional rights in how much of a buzzkill it is.
Personal privacy and rational inquiry, freedom and dignity, rights ancient, natural and constitutional
are just some of the things I know literally nothing about!
are close to extinction in this land of the free and home of the brave. Still, Guy Jennifer has raised an existential question for those who treasure a society whose heritage is the splendid religious, literary, and philosophical wisdom of Western civilization.
Maybe “Because I say so” is a stupid definition of men and women?
Just think about it.
Robert! I keep telling you this, but I’m not actually one of the mind-reading aliens you think are trying to steal your filings. You have to actually tell me your existential question for me to think about it!
If the lunatic is imbued with the power to compel the acceptance of Guy Jennifer and his outrage against privacy, then tell me: what idea, however outrageous, obscene, nihilistic and absurd may not be imposed upon an American people?
If a strawman that’s demonstrably not true as shown with the existence of this post, then tell me: what idea may not be imposed upon a poor use of grammar?
I dunno IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION-man, I guess if we started believing in actual science on gender, sex, and gender identity, then we open the door to people believing that infinite growth can be created by giving all the money to rich people, that Jesus will come back and save only middle class white Suburbans, but only if they pollute the planet and cause enough war and suffering, or that science and reality can be ignored on every topic if it counters what a narrow group of morons and crazy people really want to believe is true.
And then where would we be?
Robert Harkins is the author of Renegades: Their Betrayal of America, Her Revolution & Renaissance. His new book is available at in hardcover and kindle editions. Type in “Renegades” and “Robert Harkins.”
Awww, isn’t that cute? He thinks there’s still such a thing as the Tea Party to try and belatedly fleece as if the 1% hadn’t long since abandoned their little puppet show in favor of just buying governments wholesale. I mean, why bother trying to fool the idiots who’ll vote for you because “fuck hippies” when you can just openly buy a governor and have him ignore court orders while shoveling all the state’s money and services to you?
If you ever want to hate humanity for all eternity, read the comments on her WePay page. And then remember that these are the posts by people fully willing to lend their real fucking names to that shit.
Thanks, but I already do hate humanity for all eterntiy.
And even eternity.
While U.S. Code Title 1, Chapter 1 does describe the mentally ill in pejorative terms, its language regarding idiots and lunatics fits too well in many cases. Take for example the university professor who inculcates his students with disdain for Western civilization; an Occupy Wall Streeter (public defecator, street corner “masturbationist,” rapist, and political imbecile); or a university bureaucrat, Justice Department lawyer, or congressman.
It Takes a Nation of Millions of Crazy Strawmen to Hold Us Back
Every time I read a story like this I have the same two reactions. First, disgust that it’s so difficult to get our society to treat everyone equally, that the bigots are so thoroughly entrenched.
Second, that while I can understand blind, unreasoning hatred* I can’t be arsed to spend one second worrying about the sex life of anyone I don’t share a bed with. These bigots apparently have a bottomless well of time and concern, and are capable of worrying about** the lives of everyone in the country.
*I am a Metz fan. Nuff said.
**And trying to control.
PS: Cerb’s style seems to be contagious. I’VE GOT COOTIES!
Like Shakespeare’s Ariel in The Tempest, they were eager to indulge Guy Jennifer’s best pleasure
Wow, I missed that bit of the play.
Maybe he auditioned as Caliban and was judged too grotesque.
Wow, I missed that bit of the play.
Too busy thinking about Caliban?
The lunatic’s invention of such epithets is of course a vile political instrument crafted to intimidate, to silence rational debate, to mandate fanatical dogmas, to stop dissent — in short, to banish reason in a celebration of the irrational and insane.
Says the guy publishing an article on how anyone who disagrees with him should be labelled a “lunatic” BY LAW, should be “identified, restrained, and promptly sedated” and that government should “prohibit such lunacy in all its anti-social and political manifestations.” I hope he gets a heaping helping of what he deserves.
Smut delivers a nice package!
Hooray! An easy-to-qualify-for source of free sedation!
dang…i would really like to weigh in here, but i am off to go to the daughter’s prom…her date for tonight asked her today if she would be his girlfriend! my daughter is apparently quite the vixen…anyhoo, should be a fun evening…some of these people have been going to this prom for nearly 20 years…and it’s still brand new and exciting…i would much rather hang out with this group than the twatwaffle above…
Wuzza-wuzzup, loony libs? The funky fact of the matter is, the Walkman kicked your silly socialist patooties all over Wisconsin!
I personally thought Trannies Gone Wild 7 was more tightly plotted than and thematically superior to each of its predecessors.
I can’t believe that this guy is so torqued about such antiquated terminology. What a lunatic!
I imagine he’s pissed about the NIH removing references to “the vapors”, “the staggers”, “St. Vitus’ Dance”, and “Female Hysteria” from the books as well.
I like “the King’s Evil” myself.
Also – sedation:
Christ, what an asshole.
Wow, talk about your coincidences. I’m Jennifer and I attended U of A and just this morning had posted a comment over at TBogg’s about how I regularly used the men’s restroom when I was in architecture school, due to the fact of the only women’s restroom being located deep in the building’s basement where no one worked at night and all the lights were turned out – in a building that remained unlocked at all hours because, duh! architecture students! I decided right quick that I wasn’t going to trek all the way down to a deserted, dark floor of the building at 2, 3, 4 am every time I had to pee, and started using the men’s room on the ground floor which WAS habited at all hours. A few of the guys got testy about it, but I just said, hey, it’s not like I WANT to use your bathroom since you guys have been peeing all over the place in there since the 1930’s and it smells like a NY subway…but better that than
getting attacked by a creep in a dark basement.
They got over it so the lawsuit route was never necessary.
Just goes to show, whether you’re born a woman or identify as one, peeing is no easy business at the University of Arkansas.
No matter how much this loser rants about people who he claims are a threat because they are different from him, he will still be himself. Jennifer is easily twice the human being of that this guy is. This guy surrounds himself on the web with like minded lowlifes* and rants about one person courageous enough to fight to live life with even a modicum of dignity, and this guy explodes with wrath. It’s pretty freaking brave to go to work every day in the face of death threats. It’s pretty freaking cowardly to send or encourage those threats from behind the comfortable remove of a computer screen.
Whether that outrage he spews on his little internet soapbox comes from genuine original stupidity, free form malevolence, learned hatred or the repressed memory of childhood abuse, there is no excuse for a grown man to vent that kind of shit to anyone but a licensed (and hopefully very patient) therapist.
How inadequate do you have to be to go looking for the most preyed upon minority in America to single out for abuse? Look up the suicide rate for trans people. It’s horrifying.
IWow, I missed that bit of the play.
It was performed at a girls’ school, the same one whose production of A Midsummer NIght’s Dream led the local rector to declare that it was the first time he had ever seen a female Bottom.
Also too: I fail to see the issue with allowing a guy to use a women’s restroom. There are no urinals in women’s restrooms – the display of naughty bits only takes place behind the closed stall doors, despite all those Lesbian Public Toilet Sluts videos dude has been watching all these years. I only once ever saw another woman’s hoo-haa in a public restroom and was a lot more disturbed by it than she was (this is another story entirely, one that put me off Chick-fil-A for all time) and that was only because she was at the sink with her pants down pawing at her crotch with some paper towels. I don’t know if she had shit herself or what and I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW either; let’s just say I was scarred, deeply scarred.
But getting back on topic…honestly, my use of the men’s room in college was much more problematic than if they had been forced to use a women’s restroom, simply because you walk into the men’s room and HELLO! there are the urinals right out in the open. I always cracked the door open and yelled in before opening the door; if someone came in while I was in one of the stalls, I would yell “zip ’em up guys, I’m coming out!” But even then…not really an insurmountable issue that should ever end up in a lawsuit, unless someone is just insisting on being an unreasonable dick.
How curious. Ariel in the text is decidedly male. While originally played by boys, the role during the restoration was usually played by a woman. Right up until 1930 (Thanks interwebz!) it was played by a woman. Ariel was trans.
Just goes to show, whether you’re born a woman or identify as one, peeing is no easy business at the University of Arkansas.
‘Scuse mah FIN-GAHS!
I only once ever saw another woman’s hoo-haa in a public restroom and was a lot more disturbed by it than she was (this is another story entirely, one that put me off Chick-fil-A for all time)
Dinner and a show!
I (a cis woman) have personally used a public restroom at the same time as at least one trans woman that I know of.
It was SHOCKING. We each went into separate stalls. And then … then … we peed. To make it worse, then we flushed.
The final indignity? We WASHED OUR HANDS.
It was such a terrible privacy-invading experience. I don’t think I’ll ever recover.
Also, too?
I lived in a college dorm with shared bathrooms. I hate to rain on this guy’s fantasy of steam-filled Sapphic orgies in the women’s dorms, but there are generally separate shower stalls in such bathrooms. I was not in the habit of stepping together naked into the tempestuous shower with anyone in my college dorm, cis, trans, man, woman, or otherwise. (I admit it was tempestuous though. Never lived anywhere with better water pressure.)
Same hair revolution, same build evolution- tomorrow who’s gonna fuss?
I don’t feel threatened by men who identify as women. Or most men. So, what’s this lunatic going on about.
Jennifer, I love your Fayetteville stories. My dad taught at UofA.
Shit, now I wonder if we ever run into each other when I lived there….
The only thing that bothers me in the bathroom is people talking on the phone. I’m not going to not flush because you insist on pooping for your friends.
R u kidding? If someone is on a phone I flush immediately and often.
Wait a minnit … Robert Harkins?
Yeah, that guy. The PoS was a fucking Texas judge no less, go figure. He’s so very afraid.
Also “Hyosuk?” really?
Also “Hyosuk?” really?
I imagine she’s Korean.
whom Harkins calls the renegade liberal—as did George Orwell in his unpublished preface to Animal Farm.
Orwell, huh? This is the sort of person who thinks “Love Me I’m A Liberal” is a conservative anthem.
Orwell, huh? This is the sort of person who thinks “Love Me I’m A Liberal” is a conservative anthem.
You refer not to the Orwell you have, but the Orwell you wish to have.
We have always been at peace with Eurasia because of the damn hippies.
American’s ancient roots? Either a return to mound building or more effective blue rinses.
American’s ancient roots? Either a return to mound building or more effective blue rinses.
Yeah, right… and he’d probably be the first to cry foul if someone mentioned Aztlán.
as did George Orwell in his unpublished preface to Animal Farm
I find it more useful in winning arguments to cite Orwell’s unwritten essays.
Or the kerning on official documents of live birth, or the fringes on the flags in the small claims court, to choose two hilariously arbitrary examples.
Also, my performance in the past thread aside, I’m not sure I want to know what the guy means putting “masturbationist” in quotes. Has he not read his Twain?
“Hey, no fair calling me on my hackneyed metaphors! This is about those bastards over there!”
Also, while as a descriptivist I try to break myself of such pet peeves:
It’s “care a fig”, you fucking nitwit! It’s not a minced fuckin’ oath, it’s an ancient and well-trod figure of fuckin’ speech signifying you don’t care about something enough to expend the value of a fig on it! If you want to say “nor did they give a fuck”, grow a pair and fuckin’ say it! Or just say “couldn’t care less”! Or literally anything else!
Jesus Christ, being a backwards lemonsnatch who precludes his dumb-fuck article with sneering, petulant baby-school anecdata about the word “lunatic” doesn’t preempt you writing a single competent sentence! How can you take your money in good conscience, you fuck? You lay down with your head on those thieving fuckin’ hands of yours? You kiss your mother with that fraud’s mouth?
Learn to write or fuck off! And then fuck off again!
I find it more amazing someone is willing to go into radio with a last name like, “Crank”. Were Arthur D. Crackpot and Ernest P. Headcase also on the advocacy?
“Precedes”, although I do so wish “precludes” had been the case.
Still, the lunatic wonders: why can only biological men and women conceive, birth, and raise children?
Oddly enough, I don’t know many men who’ve conceived and born children. Mebbes someone should tell Captain Doofus that you can’t do that without icky ladyparts.
vs – what did your dad teach at Fayetteville?
I lived in this old decrepit circa 1900 house that probably was originally a farmhouse before Fayetteville filled in around it, on the corner across from the NW corner of campus – the old part of campus, the lawn in front of Old Main. Corner of Whitham and Maple. Our old house got eminent domained by the university several years ago and they tore it down.
I don’t know many men who’ve conceived and born children
Silly Alison. It is the manly sperm that does all the work of conception and therefore deserves credit for it. The woman merely provides the fertile soil in which the seed can grow.
What are they teaching you kids these days?
In conclusion, funny how Robert Harkins is way more au fait with trans technology and terminology than the Silent Majority he purports to represent, right? I guess he’s just a really well-learned guy, to casually know so much about a phenomenon about which he takes pains to appear ignorant and conflicted.
In conclusion, taking bets he wrote this article after an escort recognized him by face and asked him how the kids were doing.
(If I had to be specific, I’d guess his type has a few pounds and a third of a head on him and is creepily into black guys.)
Umm, duh? I was expressing amazement that he would marry a non-white person.
vs – what did your dad teach at Fayetteville?
Given her vast knowledge of the subject, I’m guessing film.
The number of times the American Genius’s post used the following words:
Shower: 4
Bathroom: 2
Urinal: 1
Teaching: 0
Lecture: 0
Education: 0
vs – what did your dad teach at Fayetteville?
Oh geez…I wanna say English or Spanish. I was pretty young. I’ll have to email him to double check.
Umm, duh? I was expressing amazement that he would marry a non-white person.
Pup, a lot of right-wing patriarch wannabees have it in their heads that white American ladies are problematic.
Yeah, around men’s-rights types the bigger question is whether misogyny overcomes race hatred or vice-versa. (They have heard Asian women are delightfully submissive and unassuming, and in fairness if you’re going to marry an American man for money you’re probably into the “marriage as prostitution” angle deep enough to fulfill that stereotype… until the AfP checks run dry.)
So the shorter should be “Dude, what the fuck? I totally got my dick wet in some pussy in Bangkok! Don’t be a fag, bro!” (At least now we know what he spends the Kochs’ money on.)
disdain for Western civilization
Ah, yes, that horrible and most dangerous crime, “disdain”
I’m still wondering what that piece of excess human baggage thinks the inside of a ladies restroom is like. Sure seems like he has some very thoroughly imagined phant’sies. How much time has he spent obsessing over what his febrile (no, autocorrect, “gentile” is not what I meant) lil haid comes up with.
Also, it has been said on the internetz that he has been spotted in the ladyboy clubs in Bangkok. Can he prove he doesn’t frequent the Bangkok ladyboy clubs?
Yes, and why are we so politically correct as to use the words “motor vehicle” when “horseless carriage” is still a perfectly serviceable term?
heh. I totally did not see alec’s comment until after I made mine.
Indeed, for the lunatic, the very notion that conception and birth, the sacred creation of life itself, must be restricted to a biological man and woman smacks of elitism, inequality, and discrimination.
Since when did birth become sacred? I thought fertility gods went out of fashion a couple of thousand years ago.
That only men and women should be allowed to conceive and raise children is a view so narrow, provincial, and discriminatory that their cohabitation should be immediately and forever prohibited.
And what does conception/birth have to do with raising? Anyone with a uterus can conceive and bear children, doesn’t mean they’re the only ones who can raise ’em.
Four thousand years is enough. Discrimination must end. Our country must have equality über alles.
And why does he keep saying four thousand years? Does he think humans just popped into existence then, or what?
Wingnuts worship Mars Pater, god of war and also semen. They are less enthusiastic about Mars Quirinus, god of citizens and queer anus and also semen.
(You know gaydar? Well, let’s not kid ourselves about the Roman people or Ares.)
Henceforth, Guy Jennifer may go where he will, or shower where he will — and damn to perdition those women, and their friends, husbands, children, and family, who object to his violation of their personal privacy and dignity simply because he is a man addled by the notion that he is a woman.
I know: I’ve used my trans friend’s bathroom, and I felt personally violated and damned to perdition afterwards.
Hahahaha. Media is a twit, er, atwitter over Obama’s non-joke. Some Britefart lackey calls out the media – amazingly*. Freepers send death threats to said lackey or something.
*Won’t be arsed to link it, lambastes media for manufactured outrage but says if media had vetted him properly in first place he wouldn’t have been Preznit. Or something like that.
tigris said,
June 7, 2012 at 22:47
What tigris said. And what she said next after that. Phwoooarrr.
Since when did birth become sacred?
Oh puH-Leaze!
I mean 1983.
Since when did birth become sacred?
I was cool with the whole process, as an observer, until the doctor stepped out of the room and came back wearing hip waders. It had been a while since I said “holy fuck” out loud, but that did it.
And why does he keep saying four thousand years? Does he think humans just popped into existence then, or what?
Maybe that’s when the first bathrooms were built.
And why does he keep saying four thousand years? Does he think humans just popped into existence then, or what?
Google “young-earth creationism” and prepare to weep.
There was no time for hip waders at LC’s birth. Just hours or pain and worry and lost heartbeats…then I popped him out in a manner of minutes.
And why does he keep saying four thousand years? Does he think humans just popped into existence then, or what?
Before that we were all hermaphrodites. Ann-dam and St-Eve.
Google “young-earth creationism” and prepare to weep.
Fuck it, that’s nothing. Just read anything about climate change at the WSJ. You’ll shit your pants with sorrow.
You’ll shit your pants with sorrow.
You, ma’am, have confused me with Mini__B.
“[A person]’s invention of such epithets is of course a vile political instrument crafted to intimidate, to silence rational debate, to mandate fanatical dogmas, to stop dissent — in short, to banish reason in a celebration of the irrational and insane.”
Actually, this is a pretty good description of hate speech.
OT: Am I the only one who thinks the devil graphic up top is hot?
If it’s a young-earth creationist thing, it’s all the funnier: Primate Ussher would respond “try 6015 lol” and we’d all have a good laugh before garotting him in an auto-da-fé.
Silly Alison. It is the manly sperm that does all the work of conception and therefore deserves credit for it. The woman merely provides the fertile soil in which the seed can grow.
What are they teaching you kids these days?
Sorry, Smut, I guess my icky feminazi ladyparts just got the better of me. Probably because I’ve never used them for breeding like I ought – what a traitor to womanhood am I!
we’d all have a good laugh before garotting him in an auto-da-fé.
It’s like you can read my todo list.
I feel safe in assuming N_B is also the sort of person who enjoys a nice Bugs Bunny in drag cartoon.
Phooey. I’d much rather share a bathroom with Jennifer, Cerberus, or any trans-person than use the bathroom anywhere near the bathroom this white cis-supremacist uses. And echoing commenters above, I don’t think 236 or so years of US history counts as “ancient”.
Fucking right-wingers. All mouth, no cerebrum.
If it’s a young-earth creationist thing, it’s all the funnier: Primate Ussher would respond “try 6015 lol” and we’d all have a good laugh before garotting him in an auto-da-fé.
The 6000 range at least has the benefit of not being less than the number of rings actually counted on an actual tree.
Bugs Bunny in drag
Compare and contrast
“Finally, the lunatic may be found in a subculture dedicated to the chemical/surgical invention of new and fantastic genders.”–Harkins
“Indeed! My favorite new gender? Flubert. It’s like a female male shlink but with extra intersex tinsly and a third extended glort.”–Cerberus
Taken together these lines just underscore how (1) not new and (2) not fantastic the gender spectrum is. The chemicals are hormones. Having them or lacking them does have profound effects.
Reassignment surgery is radical, but the outcome is as close to male or female as can currently be managed. The few people who choose an in-between set of equipment just end up similar to the small number of people who are born intersex. And of course intersex people have been around as long as people, and aren’t terribly varied or mind-blowing anyhow. (As opposed, say, to Cerberus’ hypothetical Flubert — nobody’s getting that operation, or born that way.)
Once you get over the shock of the unknown, there isn’t much to talk about. The situation is kinda quaint, really. Most people want to be men or women, which should be comforting to those who are vexed by ambiguity. But they shouldn’t be so vexed. In every facet of life there are ontological confusions. So what. We can strive, like pragmatic adults, for descriptive/ representational adequacy, and if we treat intersex people (for ex.) right in so doing, the pronouns and toilet rules may just work themselves out.
My guess is either masturbation or excessive use of bongos.
My guess is either masturbation or excessive use of bongos.
Or? With!
I’m a little befuddled about this bathroom thing. Most of us start using the bathroom in our own homes, which, unless my family is more unusual than I realized, are “unisex” bathrooms. I leaned how to pee into a toilet in the same room my dad peed in; my little brothers learned how to pee and poop in the same toilet their big sister peed and pooped in, and their mom.
And unless one is terribly cosmopolitian, one doesn’t get used to the concept of boys rooms and girls rooms until one goes to those government institutions called school.
So how is it that wing-nuts – who are even more likely to be homeschooled, and less likely to attend godless public activities like popular movies and fine restaurants – are somehow freaked out by the idea of bathrooms shared by people of other genders?
And why does Harkins, a man I presume, put himself forward as an authority about how women feel about their bathrooms?
/ Legend of Zelda
From the comments:
I have a simple standard that I test such madness against: “What would happen on the Serengeti?”
Polygamy and polyandry, actually!!
“The Maasai are traditionally polygamous; this is thought to be a long standing and practical adaptation to high infant and warrior mortality rates. Polyandry is also practiced. A woman marries not just her husband, but the entire age group. Men are expected to give up their bed to a visiting age-mate guest. The woman decides strictly on her own if she will join the visiting male. Any child which may result is the husband’s child and his descendant in the patrilineal order of Maasai society. “Kitala”, a kind of divorce or refuge, is possible in the house of a wife’s father, usually for gross mistreatment of the wife. Repayment of the bride price, custody of children, etc., are mutually agreed upon.”
And why does Harkins, a man I presume, put himself forward as an authority about how women feel about their bathrooms?
He thinks about it ALL THE TIME. He’s the Karl Popper of the gals’ pooper, the Lao Tzu of the ladies’ loo, the Bacon AND the Plato of, well, you get where I’m going here.
mmmmm….bacon POOP….
‘Cuz they learn to freak out in homeschool when aroused, on account of if you do that it stops being a sin.
Well, someone has to have an opinion about it, and women aren’t allowed to have their own opinions owing to their irrational lady brains. You know, science demonstrates lady brains and dude brains is different, except when it’s suggesting queers are biologically distinct, in which case grant money!! Eggheads!!! Out of touch!!! Dehumanizing!!!
I think they’re imagining lions devouring oiled, naked, nubile women with indeterminate and confusing genitals, because it’s the American Thinker and it’s Thursday.
No, wait: they’re thinking about hyenas. Definitely hyenas.
You know, if you’ve ever been on an airliner, you’ve used a (gasp!) co-ed* bathroom!
*I use the preferred right-wing term deliberately here.
Or in a home.
I’ve pissed in plenty of airplanes and I never saw any co-eds when I did.
A pity, because that’s the only way to join the Mile Pee Club unless you can find a way to launch that piss a full nautical mile unassisted.
I’ve pissed in plenty of airplanes and I never saw any co-eds when I did.
The urinal on a B-52 was a waist-high metal can with a lid on it. It was in the lower compartment, tucked under a rack of electronics.
Unless you were hung like John Holmes, you had to do a limbo dance to even get at the thing.
And pooping? Forget about it. In an emergency there were plastic bags you could use. And everybody on the crew would hate you for the rest of the mission.
Perhaps a more timely question might be, “What would happen in The Veldt?”
In my day, we had “lunatics” and “coloreds” and we liked it that way, well except for the coloreds.
My guess is either masturbation or excessive use of bongos.
You need to read Jared Diamond’s “Guns, Bongos and Steel”
An assclown & his folly are soon parted … NOT.
What really rustles my jimmies is the way he keeps returning to reason as a strong point for his case. Why those on the other side would “silence” rational inquiry or debate is a mystery, since “rational inquiry” & “rational debate” would show his position to be the pernicious horseshit it is in three minutes flat. No doubt any & all research in gender studies is these dickheads’ worst nightmare come true: “Sorry, fellas, the numbers don’t lie – looks like you’ve bought yet another ticket to the Crow Pie Buffet. Dig in!”
The overall subtext of his argument is: DIFFERENT=EVIL, “My Imaginary Playmate says it’s wrong” & “I don’t like it, ergo it is illegitimate.” If there’s anything beyond that I missed it. As regards this particular steaming pile of FAIL, one wonders which branch of “rational debate” includes heaping helpings of ad hominem, hyperbole, arguing from authority, & damn near every logical fallacy in the book.
Sadly for bigots, overt judicial tolerance of GLBT folks has already gone on for quite some time in a lot of countries without destroying marriage or spawning (heh) any sudden flash-pandemics of “perversion,” so that angle is demonstrably pure bunk.
Citing hoity-toity (& irrelevant) things like The Tempest or pointlessly using big words not only doesn’t do a thing to strengthen your case – it’s actually like a big neon sign flashing YEAH, I GOT NOTHING HERE to the world.
His work on bad denture BJs, masturbating to extinction, and handjobs: Gums, Sperms, and Feel
And tigris kicks my ass with a better joke. God I love this place, it has kept me reasonably sane since 2004.
masturbating to extinction
Dodo? Do! Do!
Dude, I just stole your joke and scratched off the VIN so I could resell it.
It’s all good, friend. I love you all.
P.S. – If a person wanted to disappear from the grid – any advice?
If a person wanted to disappear from the grid – any advice?
First, remove the NSA chip in the nape of your neck.
I really have to wonder how crazy he’d think people like me are. I mean, if he thinks people who want to be the other gender are “lunatics,” I hate to think what he’d call me, considering that I want gender to die in a fire. Please don’t tell me how I should dress, how I should speak, what I should (and should not) eat, how I have to act, what kinds of careers I should want, what weird things I need to do to my body and all that, just based on what genitalia I have. If you think about it, that is actually some crazy shit. I have boobs, therefore I’m supposed to not like steak, science, and heavy machinery? Weeee-ird.
As far as I’m concerned, you want to wear a dress and you have a penis? Or wear big boots and baggy pants and you have a vagina? Fine with me, but it shouldn’t really say anything about your role in society, which shouldn’t be dictated by your gonads anyway. And that’s the part that, to me, they get totally and utterly wrong. They’re so wedded to the idea that biology is destiny, they think it should apply to absolutely everything about life.
In Renegades: Their Betrayal of America, Her Rebellion and Response, author Robert Harkins outlines the reasons for a new revolution. It’s not the British we must defy but the intellectual elite, whom Harkins calls the renegade liberal
Okay, I think it’s fair at this point to put “liberal elite” down as the “Judeo-Masonic Conspiracy” of our day – the Elite Cabal controlling society and plotting against the Common People which doesn’t actually exist but is firmly believed in by enough people to fuel periodic mass hysteria and derail the nation’s politics that way (while playing right into the hands of the people who actually do have the power by providing the rubes with a red herring to blame for all their problems).
All I know is that I will never be able to pay off all my debt unless I start earning six figures next year, and that ain’t gonna happen. I figure it would be better to live on the street again then being a fucking wage slave forever. Either that or just take the high dive.
I’m sorry – I didn’t mean to make light of a serious situation. There are reputable (non-bank-affiliated) debt counselors who might, just might, have some useful advice.
Y’know, that looks like real weed on Jon Stewart’s desk during this bit. If it is, I’ll bet the crew steals it.
It’s not the British we must defy but the intellectual elite, whom Harkins calls the renegade liberal
Now that’s
genocidechange we can believe in, my comrades!By the way … does this Harkins fellow by any chance wear glasses?
It’s all good, N_B. I’m a little stoned right now so I can think rationally about fake wacking myself. Right now it won’t work and it is much harder to rebuild an personage legally so I will have to wait. I have failed and I can’t face my family and my Rez, they expect so much from me and I have lost any mojo. I have no appetite and need to make myself even est soup. This world sucks.
Googling “Protocols Of The Elders Of Soros” yields virtually sweet bugger all.
*vows to perform even MOAR gay abortions*
“Protocols Of The Elders Of Soros”
And I thought IP6 was a pain in the ass…
While I do hear you, it’s a hard thing to accept that they actually believe on account of they seem very, very cross when a black man lays with a white woman and a brown child is born, especially when that brown child grows up to be a mediocre President.
What N__B said about debt counselors, plus this: the worst thing bankruptcy can do to you is something your debt is going to do either way, i.e. fuck up your credit. And life with destroyed credit blows ass but is far from unlivable, and as far as I’ve been able to tell from family friends who have done one or the other or both living “off the grid” sucks way, way worse than living in the cash-and-carry ghetto.
I mean, there are circumstances under which you want to avoid bankruptcy – don’t plan on ever getting a security clearance and plan on it taking you at least twice as long to get an apartment or a job for the next few years – but to my mind a worse-case scenario is being dead or having to sustain a life without culture on jerked meat and rainwater.
Long term, bankruptcy or no, there are also agencies who for relatively little money (my parents are paying, uh, around $60 a month?) will professionally harangue the credit agencies to improve your records in the manner generally reserved for people with accountants and lawyers. (Because, you know, classless society.)
Even if I declare bankruptcy it won’t affect the sixty grand in student loans. Although thanks to President Obama if I got a job with a qualified public service (my old job with the Rez would have qualified) I could work for ten years, make all the payments and the rest of the loan would be forgiven. Hell of a deal.
Great post Cerebus. The comments at the Ark Times link are surprisingly tolerant, well except for one lunatic.
Small nit pik.
“So University of Arkansas in their infinite wisdom decided the best way to defend against the lawsuit about discrimination would be to discriminate without probable cause.”
“Descriminate without probable cause” is the wrong phrase. I think you mean “illegally descriminate.”
Small nit pik, the above wasn’t from “granpa”.
I’m a fucking idiot. I am no longer steering the car. Why does part of me actively want me to fail? Sorry people I have nobody and I can’t talk with family about this. I am the stable, smart one who is supposed to figure out everyone elses problems while never showing my own, now I have nobody. I can’t burden anyone with my shit, they have so much more than me on their plate.
Again, sorry for airing my shit but I don’t know where else to turn.
Alright, I’m going out for a Mirror Pond and sing a song, that usually helps.
I love you all.
This is true, and part of why my parents haven’t declared bankruptcy themselves – my dad had to go through two bachelor’s programs and med school, and the short version is that that isn’t working out great (stupid, hateful private bureaucracy reasons). It’s probably worth working out whatever relief is possible through people who make a living doing that effectively.
The fundamental problem with going “off the grid” is that the main reason for doing that is being screwed by the grid, either via honest mistake (solid career move, economy broken up for scrap, told to yank self up by boostraps) or by fraud (think, as a relatively successful dentist, you should pocket 100% of the money your patients bring to you by roads of mysterious provenance). It’s way harder to escape the grid than it is to be beneath its notice.
Good luck. Like the man said, debt counseling, and steer the fuck clear of anyone working for a bank, especially yours.
From alec’s link @3:54
“Although the genitalia of the male spotted hyena is not unusual, that of the female closely resembles that of the male; the clitoris is shaped and positioned like a penis, and is capable of erection. The female also possesses no external vagina, as the labia are fused to form a pseudo-scrotum.”
OMG! The liberal elites have already subverted the hyenas. Where will it stop!
Be wary of “debt counselors” also. There are many scammers. I suggest getting a referal from someone you trust or perhaps a bancruptcy attorney.
Off topic: three cheers for Weedlord Bonerhitler, American hero!
S. cerevisiae said,
June 8, 2012 at 5:54
I’m a fucking idiot. I am no longer steering the car. Why does part of me actively want me to fail? Sorry people I have nobody and I can’t talk with family about this. I am the stable, smart one who is supposed to figure out everyone elses problems while never showing my own, now I have nobody. I can’t burden anyone with my shit, they have so much more than me on their plate.
Again, sorry for airing my shit but I don’t know where else to turn.
Please, there’s no need to apologise. I’ve been in a situation like yours, by the sounds of it, and I’ve survived. It’s hard, but it’s do-able. As everyone else suggests, a good debt counsellor: some of them can negotiate new terms for debt repayment (at least here in Oz). And look at how you live, what’s vital and what’s not – sometimes you can make small changes there that help. If your family are understanding types, talk to them, because they might have useful suggestions. Hell, find some shit to sell on ebay – we’ve all got too much Stuff, and every little bit helps.
And above all, don’t feel guilty – it’s not your fault that you’re in this position, and it’s not your responsibility to keep a stiff upper lip and shoulder everyone else’s problems while solving your own without a word. If all else fails, we’re here and we’re happy to listen to you when you need to vent, or whatever else helps you even the tiniest bit.
A lot of men might want privacy in restrooms. The urinal thing may seem cruel to some.
Evidently this man thinks that women are the only victims of rape. He shows absolutely no concern for the safety of men in restrooms.
Indeed, some men even want a guarantee of their Constitutional right that only other men ever see their penis exposed in the washroom, and in fact that if – and this is a wild hypothetical, just spitballing here – if their bare hand should brush against that penis, and perhaps grasp it firmly and stroke it to orgasm, where anyone could just walk in and see, that that hand should not be a woman’s, as that would be indecent.
S.cerevisiae, not much to say except, hang in there. Life has the ability to suck in small episodes that don’t appear so bad a year later. Find someone to talk to about it. And I also recommend debt counsellors.
You don’t have to be sorry about talking about it here, not one bit.
“However fantastic this pseudo-scientific collage of perverse chicanery is, the lunatic intends to force Americans to believe that the historic and prehistoric man-woman social construct is readily impeached merely by injecting into healthy males massive doses of female hormones, by wishful thinking, and by genital redecoration.”
I have been thinking about getting my pubic hairs permed. Does anyone know a good stylist, classy yet not to expensive, in the tri-state area?
Off topic: three cheers for Weedlord Bonerhitler, American hero!
Heh, before I clicked the link, I assumed it was about Romney. Why is that?
Because Weedlord Bonerhitler is like the best Romney name evar.
S.cerevisiae, I relate. Really. If I had better advice, I would take it. It’s difficult to change the past so try not to dwell on it. I find that helps.
You can’t go wrong with Plucky Plucky Five Dollar. Five dollars nice, five dollars price.
“masturbating to extinction”
Oh yeah, then why are there still monkeys around? Explain THAT Darwin boy.
If education isreal than why are there still morons?!
It says in thebibble, the morons are always with us.
American’s ancient roots? Either a return to mound building or more effective blue rinses
I larfed at El Manq’s wit.
“masturbating to extinction”
I’m still here, so I’d say that’s pretty much disproved.
Sure, there are people who’ve done it more than me, but they’re older than me.
Why are you masturbsting to extinction when there are Sears catalogs lying around?
if I got a job with a qualified public service (my old job with the Rez would have qualified) I could work for ten years, make all the payments and the rest of the loan would be forgiven.
Is this doable? Sounds way easier than faking your own death, which of course wouldn’t work because you couldn’t quit us. And don’t apologize for needing a listening ear(or reading eye), it’s all puns and sympathy here.
Extinction: NOT HOT.
Thanks to you all. I feel better this morning after a few beers and ripping out “Comfortably Numb”. Life still sucks but I feel better, again thanks.
For all their blather about “Western Culture,” rightards seem to know precious little about it, apart from misreadings of Shakespeare.
they were eager to indulge Guy Jennifer’s best pleasure;
i know it’s sometimes a great relief to um, relieve the old bladder or bark one off, but ‘best pleasure’? i would assume that jennifer has other things in her life that are much more pleasurable than relieving herself in a public restroom…
wow, what are these women doing when they are in the bathroom? i dunno about the rest of you, but when i go in a public restroom, 99.9% of the time i go in and pee, wash my hands and then leave…but these ladies sound like they are…i don’t know…masturbating? running around naked? comparing lady parts? what? you go in, do your business behind a closed door and bob’s your uncle! you’re bathroom experience is pretty much over!
Although thanks to President Obama if I got a job with a qualified public service (my old job with the Rez would have qualified) I could work for ten years, make all the payments and the rest of the loan would be forgiven. Hell of a deal.
so, sc, what all do you know about this program? i’ve looked into it a bit because i plan on using it…2017, baby!
okay, just because my first post of the day is majorly ‘ahem’ worthy, doesn’t mean everyone has to run away…
wow, what are these women doing when they are in the bathroom
Sure, they’re pinching off a loaf but in a DIGNIFIED way. Also letting transsexuals in means the doors had to come off. It’s in the Bible somewhere.
LC is comically undignified while taking a dump. He always makes grunting noises and his face gets red.
It’s in the Bible somewhere.
i believe it’s in the book of toileticus…Chapt. 1, verse 2
He always makes grunting noises and his face gets red.
tell l.c. to quit copying me!
Or Numbers 2…
I’ve got a long weekend ahead and want to try out that isosceles lock. Any tips?
Or Numbers 2…
i’ve always wondered: if pee is #1 and poop is #2, does that make diarhhea #3?
> […] consecrated their lives to one another and to the
> loving conception, birthing, and raising of the next
> generation of children [….]
Very neat rhetorical tricks, slipping the word ‘consecrated’ in there to imply that a religion should make these decisions, slipping in ‘loving’ to imply that this were universally the case as things were, and conflating raising with conceiving and birthing (as others have pointed-out first).
And, anyway, ever since the days of the People’s Front of Judea we have stood firm on the principle that someone without a womb is unable to bear children, but definitely has a right to do so….
i also like that he firmly believes that people with gender conlfliction are a very recent development…i suppose they are also the evil results of the obama presidency…
“ an auto-da-fé.”
1. Is that some sort of drive-thru for flagrantry Southern individuals?
2. “Auto-da-fe? What’s an auto-da-fe?”
Also, for what it’s worth, S.c., back in my day there was an outfit called the Consumer Credit Counselling Service that was found in at least a few states in the East. I don’t know if it still exists, or if it’s found out your way, but it was a non-profit (ie, not an opportunistic lawyer looking to suck the remaining marrow from your bones). They bailed me out when I got deeply into a debthole. Of course, that was back before the bankers got the law changed to keep people from declaring bankruptcy; I suspect there’s less incentive for now for banks to work with desperate people, as we still see with the foreclosure mess. Still, hang in there – if it helps, get mad, get stubborn, put your head down and start pushing: don’t let the bastards roll you easily. Make them work for it. One step at a time is better than quitting.
Oh, also, before I forget – I love it when guys haul out their phones in the next stall. It lets me join in the conversation with impunity, and also with nasty noises as appropriate. But then I also do that on elevators.
Of course they are. (Well, maybe there were one or two during the reign of the Clenis…)
why oh why do i do it?!?!?
so, rush really meant it when he called sandra fluke a slut and a prostitute? or was he just trying to reclaim those words to make them more acceptable? i haz a confooze…
but this commentor just sums up the whole sitch quite nicely:
My Christian family and I don’t approve, will never approve, and no one can make us approve.
Oh boo hoo, Christian, nobody gives a shit about your personal approval except to work to be damn sure it doesn’t acquire the force of law.
Oh boo hoo, Christian, nobody gives a shit about your personal approval except to work to be damn sure it doesn’t acquire the force of law.
oh, tigris! that really will hurt their feelings! just look at how put upon they are already:
I’m dialing the WAHmbulance right now!
Also, I think trying to get it on with god and your country is pretty sick and kinky. I don’t approve and you can’t make me approve.
Also, I think trying to get it on with god and your country is pretty sick and kinky. I don’t approve and you can’t make me approve. = gold!
I had a vanity plate once that read “da fe” and very few got the ‘joke’. That auto did catch fire once.
So I’ve only read about 3/4 of the comments here but I have to wonder: what is this guy’s concern here? Is it that some dude could fake being trans in order to see uncovered girl-parts?
Because I can think of a lot of easier methods to see girl-parts (thanks, Internet!) than pretending to be a member of one of the most hated subcultures in society. Seems like just the level of commitment required to convince others that you really thought you were female inside would be somewhat off-putting to the average perv.
If I’ve stolen someone else’s thoughts please forgive me.
So two years ago, I traded my other road bike (2002 Trek 5500 with 9 speed Shimano dura ace components and carbon wheels) for a hang glider of roughly the same age. I planned to learn how to fly it last year, but expenses kept popping up all year long. Doesn’t look like I will be able to afford it this year …or next year either. Today is a gorgeous June day with 5-10 mph breezes and the kind of fluffy white clouds that form at the top of nice thermals. Sigh. I have a case of the ‘first world problems’ this afternoon. If I can’t be out soaring from thermal to thermal, could I at least have the afternoon off? I’ve been good-ish.
That’s “Him” from The Powerpuff Girls — the description on the official characters page is on topic for the thread:
I never liked him, especially when Mojo Jojo was available.
Everything is considered acceptable by the leftists in this country except to be a heterosexual, God and country loving conservative. We are the only ones whose feelings do not seem to matter.
They so funny! At the same time they OH SO LOUDLY announce that they! don’t! approve! and won’t ever!, they are soooo sensitive to the slightest of raised eyebrows earned by their loud dickishness. They demand tolerance for their intolerance, approval of their disapproval, and cheers for their jeers. They are bullies traumatically victimized by our failure to adore them and “thank you, sir, may I have another,” anything else tramples on their Constitutional right to shout everyone else down.
Oh boo hoo, Christian, nobody gives a shit about your personal approval except to work to be damn sure it doesn’t acquire the force of law.
Yet another example of Christian persecution!
I know I’m late, but here (warning, PDF) is a document from the Extension department that has a little information about dealing with financial trouble, and also some other agencies to contact. One other thing: is it possible to just stay in school, at least enough to keep the loan deferral option going, until your situation improves? For example, I know lots of people that are going back for additional grad degrees just because they can’t find work when they graduate. I know that “stop digging” is a good plan in general, but almost anything is better than trying to create a fake identity.
That bankruptcy doesn’t affect student loans is a huge fucking deal — tuition is rising at ridiculous rates, there aren’t any jobs, and pay in “real” dollars is going down. But sure, having an ever-increasing pile of (mostly) young people without jobs, in massive debt, with no hope of a future has never caused any problems for any previous societies, right? I’m sure everything will turn out just fine. Yep.
Everything is considered acceptable by the leftists in this country except to be a heterosexual, God and country loving conservative. We are the only ones whose feelings do not seem to matter.
So how does it feel asshole? To be treated
the way1/10th as badly as you’ve treated everybody else for as long as anyone can remember?In case you were wondering just how hilariously far CNN has dropped in the serious news source scale, guess what highly important interview they were having just now during my work break? (where I am forced to watch it in the cafeteria, I wouldn’t touch CNN with a ten foot pole voluntarily, but I digress)
Erick E. Erickson himself being interviewed, above the headline “Conservative bloggers decry ‘swatting'”, where as you’d expect, his fat face was bleating about what a horrible terrible no-good rampant conspiracy this was against him and his pure wholesome ilk.
An isolated incident turned into the next conservo-holocaust by perpetually victimized overpaid bloggers? BIG DAMN NEWS, GET OUT THE DRUDGE SIRENS.
I’m sure the elevation of this ridiculous bloated non-story had absolutely nothing to do with Eric E Erickerickson being on payroll over there at ShitNN. Nosiree.
So, why didn’t Erik get all ‘castle doctrine’ and ‘stand your ground’ with the SWAT team?
So I’ve only read about 3/4 of the comments here but I have to wonder: what is this guy’s concern here? Is it that some dude could fake being trans in order to see uncovered girl-parts?
Because I can think of a lot of easier methods to see girl-parts (thanks, Internet!) than pretending to be a member of one of the most hated subcultures in society. Seems like just the level of commitment required to convince others that you really thought you were female inside would be somewhat off-putting to the average perv.
If I’ve stolen someone else’s thoughts please forgive me.
again, we’ll the the stinker’s commenters speak for themselves:
we have some good-natured humor:
but then things get ‘scary:’
but she goes on to solve the problem:
but is not to be outdone by a person named terryharryett (?)
i might start drinking as soon as i get to work tonight…
Oh and if you’re wondering why I’m completely off topic, it’s because I’m avoiding paying attention to the discussion on the comments on the source because said comments give me some major sadz.
Why wait? you’re behind already. You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
You can’t drink all day if you don’t start in the morning.
i use this phrase quite often…in fact it may become my third motto! the first two being: ‘safety first!’ and ‘everything in moderation!’ people who know me find this hilarious…
Hmm, I missed the morning, but may start. There’s a 750ml bottle of Rodenbach Grand Cru in my fridge that I brought to work to take with me to a party afterwards. I may just have to drink it myself if the day gets much shittier. And I’m certainly not going to share once I get to the party unless there’s something equally good to drink. Unlikely.
Helmut, I feel your pain.
My alleged car (well, it’s a 1990 Nissan) has been with the satanic mechanic for over a year now and I can just never get ahead enough to rescue it and send it to a real garage. It needs about R4000 work to the engine to make it go again but every time I get some moola together, there’s a vet’s bill or emergency plumbing or I must get a new heater etc etc. So, this First World problem is very familiar.
Also, too, I am still pissed that I couldn’t afford any strawberries and cream this summer.
bbkf, I don’t know how you do it. I always want to kill myself when I read wingnut comments.
Also, too, I am still pissed that I couldn’t afford any strawberries and cream this summer.
this is not a bag of tits…in fact, it’s a tittyfucking shame…
I haz a sad, because Subby’s Breitbart goatse gif didn’t make the cut in TBogg’s Olde Photoshoppe Contest. On the other hand, I kinda wondered if it would…TBogg writes about Breitbart-related things quite a bit, and it had occured to me that he might not want goatse on his front page all the time. I still think it’s hilarious – Subby did an awesome job and has my thanks for bringing one of my sick ideas to life. We may just have to share it around via different channels.
The finalists are funny, though – I liked #8, which depicts Breitbart as a Boschian Hellmouth.
bbkf, I don’t know how you do it. I always want to kill myself when I read wingnut comments.
have i ever mentioned that i take drugs?
and it had occured to me that he might not want goatse on his front page all the time.
but the goatse was so tastefully implemented!? call 911…you guys got robbed!
You kinda have to.
Jennifer, I was pulling for Sub too. I’ll have to go check out everybody else’s.
Doing what I do for a “living” I’m kinda sad I didn’t call manipulation first. I mean, I thought it looked like one, but I wasn’t sure.
I think the proportion issues through me off.
threw, also too
Suez- summer is just starting in the right-side-up part of the planet. Come and get some streebleberries.
Jennifer, omg #6.
But it’s the existence of trans people which are the real assault and intimidation tactic against people just trying to pee!
That was really good.
I shall write a sternly worded letter to tbogg apprising him of our extreme displeasure at the vicious snub.
Pup : Please use “egregious” – it’s such a splendid word.
I don’t normally go lower than 60% blue book. What, is this Fay a friend of yours?
In fairness to CNN, it’s hardly like Erick “Erick” Ericckkssohnn-Ericckkccssohhnn is a huge step down these days. Their titan of the newsroom is Wolf Blitzer, mostly on the force of that being his real name – and that’s a level of stupid it wasn’t conventionally thought was compatible with breathing. He literally has handlers so he doesn’t drown in sudden fogs, or go #2 for so long he starves to death.
True story: a friend and I actually batted around a fake Twitter account for Wolf Blitzer, posting stuff like “How does Easter work for Jews? Can they eat ham? #jews #easter #ham” but then we came to realize it was one of those cases where reality would defeat satire every time.
trying to get it on with god
Jehovah cosplay, anyone?
That doesn’t answer my question.
Well, Mrs. Rich Person, as a matter of fact, I do not mind a bit testing your neighbor’s irrigation backflow, first. It is also due.
Oh, look. Your neighbor’s passed. It’s newer, and a better brand than the shitty one you cheaped out on and bought at Big Box Retail. Remember when we recommended the brand your neighbor bought? Well, heh… there’s a reason for that. See, yours has now failed two years in a row, and you thought that was SO smart to save $75 on a $300 piece of equipment that now costs you $400 annually to fix, huh? Well, joke’s on you! Maybe the blue collar guy really isn’t trying to bilk you out of paying $75 for nothing. See you in 15 days!
Come and get some streebleberries.
Don’t do it suezboo them upsidedownies will be tricking you somehow.
Sounds like Jeffraham is having fun at work!
Sounds like Jeffraham is having fun at work!
Oh, a shitton, for sure. But I’m not really so cold in real life. I obviously explain that we make the recommendations we do NOT because we get kickbacks, but because we have very measurable results with certain brands and certain plumbers, etc. It’s the old “pay a bit more up front, and not have to pay and pay and pay for years” thang, but so many people are just too smart to fall for that.
Oh… and Mrs. Rich Person… PLEASE remember to call the plumber, ’cause in 15 days, you’re really going to hate me for making you shower at work or the gym instead of at home when your backflow preventer is still AFU. Thanks.
Oh the commenters. One of them naturally had to venture into “If only civilization didn’t protect people like this” territory.
‘I have a simple standard that I test such madness against: “What would happen on the Serengeti?”‘
So I responded.
Oooh I know. 99% of the people who think all of life should be some “survival of the fittest” (according to their definition of “fittest”, naturally) social Darwinist dystopia would be either dead, weeping for the cushy lives they used to have or be following slavishly behind whatever brutal thug they could throw in with.
I love it when you guys start talking all what-if-civilization-wasn’t-here-to-protect-you-unfit-freaks. It makes me laugh. You have no idea how cruel that world would be nor do you seem to understand how little it would care that you championed its coming.
MertvayaRuka said,
June 9, 2012 at 3:24
The ones who do not realize they aren’t always at the top of the food chain are the first to get eaten.
Hey, I’m gonna call that Pupienus’ law!
Oooh I know. 99% of the people who think all of life should be some “survival of the fittest” (according to their definition of “fittest”, naturally) social Darwinist dystopia would be either dead, weeping for the cushy lives they used to have or be following slavishly behind whatever brutal thug they could throw in with.
I love it when you guys start talking all what-if-civilization-wasn’t-here-to-protect-you-unfit-freaks. It makes me laugh. You have no idea how cruel that world would be nor do you seem to understand how little it would care that you championed its coming.
A kajillion times this.
Also, too, I am still pissed that I couldn’t afford any strawberries and cream this summer.
How much are strawberries and cream?
I second vs. In fact, there’s a Far Side cartoon that serves as an effective “shorter” for what life would be like in Galt’s Gulch. The Galtians, of course, being those in the foreground.
How much is that doggy in the window?
Better, the law of Pupienus. Yeah, that’s it.
Oh… and Mrs. Rich Person… PLEASE remember to call the plumber, ’cause in 15 days, you’re really going to hate me for making you shower at work or the gym instead of at home when your backflow preventer is still AFU.
JP – I don’t recall anyone ever coming by the condo to inspect the backflow preventer? Would I even have one in my condo or is there maybe one for the whole building?
JP – I don’t recall anyone ever coming by the condo to inspect the backflow preventer? Would I even have one in my condo or is there maybe one for the whole building?
Almost certainly a really big one for the entire complex, or perhaps one per building. It depends on local codes. Rarely is it required per-residence, unless it’s a special case (like a single-family dwelling with a hard-lined pool or irrigation or water treatment system). At most, you’d notice air in your water lines once a year, from where it got shut off for a the few minutes it takes to run through the several tests.
Our complex has one 8″ backflow at the street, and a 2″ backflow in each building’s crawlspace. This would not meet code in the town I work in, as backflow preventers cannot be mounted in crawlspaces, or generally-inaccessible areas. Specifically, they have to be mounted at least `12″ + diameter of the pipe, and no more than 60″ above the floor surface.
Also. really smart people have their municipality install a separate meter for their irrigation (or hard-lined pool). It costs more to start, of course (my town charges ~$550/meter, one-time charge), but if your potentially-troublesome water issue is on a separate meter, and you can’t possible fix it in the 15 days the state allows, at least your HOME will still have water, if not your lawn.
JP, my dad always phrased it as “buy cheap and pay dear”.
JP, my dad always phrased it as “buy cheap and pay dear”.
It boggles my mind the number of people making $250K+/year who seem completely unacquainted with that concept, though.
The fact is, I tire of liberals trying unsucksexfully to shove there lifestyle down my throte. They should give up and stay away from real Americans with ther gay, sex perverts, socialists.
C’mon Gary, no mention of the “illeagle brown hoard comin to take our jobs”
I tire of liberals trying unsucksexfully to shove there lifestyle down my throte.
Sounds to me like you need a backflow preventer.
Sounds to me like you need a backflow preventer.
Or a backflow ensurer.
Or a backflow ensurer.
I doubt Gary gets enough roughage.
Extra points though for “unsucksexfully”. That needs to go in the Urban Dictionary.
I doubt Gary gets enough roughage.
Rusty chainsaws are pretty fucking rough, now.
Hey, I’m gonna call that Pupienus’ law!
It should include something about them getting “wiped” out.
Haz needy cat. Must attend.
There once was a Ruppert called Gary
Whose balls were abnormally hairy
He’d comb it and pile it
And braid it and style it
But the fact is the girls found it scary.
I’m the president of my condo building and I never even heard of a backflow preventer before. Yes, I am unqualified, thanks for asking.
I’m the president of my condo building and I never even heard of a backflow preventer before.
Think “dental dam” on an industrial scale.
Pup, your mangled names for foodstuffs crack me up. I’ll have you know that thanks to you, I now habitually think of asparagus as “spargles.” Between stuff like that and how my vocabulary is continually being overrun with foreignisms, pretty soon there are only going to be three people on the entire planet who understand me…most of the time.
Thanks, haters! A song for internet trolls. (nsfw)
I now habitually think of asparagus as “spargles.”
It’s spreading!
Oh my …
Victoria Grant is more on the ball than every “both sides do it” overpaid pundit on the Boob Tube put together – & she’s TWELVE.
As the Finns say, “the poor can’t afford to buy cheap“. Or maybe it’s “even a pigeon has a pussy“; I can’t keep my Finnish sayings straight.
Teh Lunatic Republic!
Note Pupienus right at the front of the parade.
It’s interesting that the wankers use the phrase “political correctness” in the pejorative sense. The original goal of political correctness was to replace an antiquated language with an updated language that included concepts learned over the past century and to discard the use of words that were chauvinist, racist or no longer relevant. Immediately, the radical right went bananas and has not stopped ridiculing and satirizing political correctness so they will not have to give up on its dearly held prejudices, superstitions and manipulative sentimentality.
Major, you know when your grocery bill for the week cannot and must not exceed R200, that’s when strawberries and cream become an “unnecessary luxury”. Sigh.
The original goal of political correctness was to replace an antiquated language with an updated language that included concepts learned over the past century and to discard the use of words that were chauvinist, racist or no longer relevant. Immediately, the radical right went bananas and has not stopped ridiculing and satirizing political correctness so they will not have to give up on its dearly held prejudices, superstitions and manipulative sentimentality.
The thing that gets me is their constant complaining about how rappers can use the “N-word” with impunity, but they can’t. I have greater ambitions than to scream racial epithets in public.
Major, you know when your grocery bill for the week cannot and must not exceed R200, that’s when strawberries and cream become an “unnecessary luxury”. Sigh.
Every once in a while, I look at a leg of lamb in the supermarket and sigh when I realize the damn thing costs more than $50 U.S. I did, though, find a major “score”- lamb chuck stew for $1.99/lb. You can bet your bippy that I bought as much of it as I could carry.
Currently, the mulberries are beginning to ripen, and I have the good fortune of living near a failed silk startup dating to the early 20th Century (the northern Bronx has mulberry trees up the wazoo). The wild raspberries will be ripening in a few weeks.
gocart, Imma kill you! I was gonna link to that!
You’ll never get a job writing for v-dare with an attitude like that.
Major, you know when your grocery bill for the week cannot and must not exceed R200, that’s when strawberries and cream become an “unnecessary luxury”. Sigh.
I was going to offer to send you a donation for strawberries & cream. Do you have a paypal account?
Aw, Major, you old sweetheart. Nah, I’ll be fine. Next summer, I promise myself strawberries and watermelon too.
Aw, Major, you old sweetheart. Nah, I’ll be fine. Next summer, I promise myself strawberries and watermelon too.
Suezboo, do you have enough of a yard so that you can put in some strawberries? I’m lucky enough to have wild mulberries and raspberries aplenty, both on the grounds of my workplace and the neighborhood in which I live. Also, there are a lot of wild grapevines so I’ll be making plenty of dolmades in the near future.
Also, there are a lot of wild grapevines so I’ll be making plenty of dolmades in the near future.
Next time you grill something, throw a few grapevine cuttings on the fire.
Next time you grill something, throw a few grapevine cuttings on the fire
I think I shall- I have a bunch of shoulder lamb chops, which should be tailor made for this treatment.
From the Department of Ironic Accidents</a…
From the Department of Ironic Accidents</a…
That sounds like a…………..sticky situation.
(takes off sunglasses)
From the Department of Ironic Accidents
Life imitates
artTwo Ronnies skits.Hey, when did David Caruso get here?
As soon as we eliminated the minmum acting skill requirement.
You mean every police department doesn’t have a billion dollar machine just to analyze the tread patterns from snow tires – in Miami no less?
With DHS grants, they probably do.
Kosher wine?
Happy Feet!
The thing that gets me is their constant complaining about how rappers can use the “N-word” with impunity, but they can’t.
Except they can. The dirty little secret of political correctness is that it has never really existed in the sense that the whiners want it to. It’s not like some mean mommy went around and banned all the taboo words from anyone’s vocabulary. Anyone is free to use the “N-word” or any other blunt slur term about a minority group. Anyone is free to let their hate fly free on any minority group, even one with a large group of public acceptance. Anyone is free to rant about blacks, women, queers, disabled people, or even the fucking Irish if they want to.
What’s changed is simply that now they don’t have a captive audience. Even when they are talking to just other white people, they might encounter people who exercise their free speech rights to call them assholes or think less of them.
So, political correctness hasn’t even eliminated their ability to be assholes in public. It hasn’t even stopped other assholes from cheering their assholitude and claiming it as some sort of brave stand against the nigger fags or some shit. It’s only meant that culture has changed enough that they aren’t universally cheered for being assholes anymore because a lot of white people are starting to realize it’s not a good thing to be associated with the type of assholes who’s biggest problem in life is that they want to be cheered for saying nigger.
And it’s what makes the “stance against political correctness” one of the saddest, most pathetic things ever to be sold as brave.
“I want to be able to do the same tired, lazy, unfunny rehashing of stereotypes I always did, but have everyone ignore the last 50 years of social evolution on the topic! And if anyone sees that as stupid or lazy, then I’m being oppressed by political correctness!”
But it’s the existence of trans people which are the real assault and intimidation tactic against people just trying to pee!
oh! so that’s the funny feeling i get when i try to take a leak!
New post.
This one is Blatt shaped, because if you’re going to steal Tintin’s shticks, might as well, take em all.
From the Department of Ironic Accidents
“A semi-trailer on its way from a wig warehouse has overturned on the motorway. Police are combing the area”.
“And we’ve just heard that a juggernaut of onions has shed its load all over the M-1. Motorists are advised to find a hard shoulder to cry on.”
“And we’ve just heard that in the English Channel, a ship carrying red paint has collided with a ship carrying purple paint. It is believed that both crews have been marooned.”
I could go on.
Honestly, Cerb, reading the way this guy writes, it sounds like he has a case of nostalgia for 60’s radicalism that just won’t let go. Maybe he thinks it’s a strawman, but he’s lost his ironic distance (which, for wingnuts, is usually as clunky as hell).