Hot Marie Jon’ Ack-Shun!!1!
Marie’s writing for the Christian Worldview Network now! And she’s got a new picture posted!
Cute as a button, and twice as crazy. Check it:
Now boarding: Air-Infidel Airlines
By Marie Jon’
As I was eating my breakfast this morning — usually an uneventful engagement with a bowl of corn flakes, I pulled my face up out of the bowl long enough to glance at the television.
I’m picturing Marie sitting with her head flat down on the table, with her face completely soaked with milk and chunks of corn flakes. Suddenly, the television does something interesting! Marie jumps up and says “BLUGH MUGH MEEFOOO!” as milk and cereal spew out of her mouth and nose.
Alongside the 189 channels of “nothing good on,” the commercials tend to be over-done, or just plain insipid. However, this one got my attention.
Really? I kinda like the commercials myself. I have a huge man-crush on that Dr. Z asshole you see in those Daimler-Chrysler ads:
Oooh Dr. Z, with your freaky mustache and hottt German accent, u can get with Bradrocket anytime.
The backbone of capitalism, an intuitive entrepreneur had boldly taken up the challenge so badly needed in today’s politically correct and non-offensive society, sensationally illustrated by the inability of the American political class to come to grips with the necessity of racial profiling.
If you gave a monkey a jackhammer and had him go to work on the Rosetta Stone, the resulting tablet would still make more sense than whatever Marie just wrote.
A big-voiced and obviously Caucasian man of American roots breaks into his pitch as planes roar by and fly overhead:
“This is Air-Infidel Airlines; the airline for the rest of us.”
As corn flakes sputtered out of my mouth while nearly falling out of my chair, he commandingly went on:
“At Air-Infidel, we know who to look for, even if your Government is afraid to.”
The decor of the planes was a pinkish-tan color. Cartoon-like flying pigs were painted on the wing tips of the airplanes. The look was laughably eye- catching, and thunderously unapologetic in its message:
“White Power?”
“Here at Air-Infidel Airlines, we profile Muslims and men of Middle Eastern descent to the point of not allowing any of them on the planes. How about that? Now Granny and just about everyone else that is NOT Muslim can rest a bit easier knowing that here at Air-Infidel Airlines, 99.9% of the terrorist never even get to purchase a ticket, much less board the plane.”
As I listened to the commercial come to a close, I wondered if all those blond-haired, blue-eyed, one-legged, vegetarian, oboe-playing, Lutheran Norwegians — who everybody knows were definitely candidates for the terrorist watch list, will feel now that they won’t be so unceremoniously singled out as they were before.
Heaven knows we white people can’t be inconvenienced.
Sure, I’m having a bit of fun here, and at the expense of Muslims, that is true. That said though, is the concept so ridiculous? When the facts shout themselves silly pointing out that nearly every terrorist plot is hatched, designed, and perpetrated by Muslims and Arabs, maybe we do need an airline for the rest of us.
I hear this type of system used to work great back in South Africa.
But barring that, we have all heard of El Al Israel Airlines. It is as close to perfectly safe as one gets while flying. El Al’s safety record is impeccable. It adheres to the most restrictive rules and it screens every passenger. However, “Air-Infidel Airline’s” concept was even better; just ban Muslims, period.
Though Air-Infidel Airlines is totally fictitious, the issue of airline security is not. We all want peace of mind, and we all want to feel safe.
And we’ll do anything to get it, won’t we, Marie? We’ll ban Muslims from airlines, yes? And maybe… put them in camps too??!!! Ooh, that’s a delightful idea! I’m shocked no one has suggested it yet!
But feeling safe is not enough of a concern for Washington these days. It’s the political class who do not have the stomach to put to rest this ridiculous practice of political correctness.
Note how she declines to mention which political party is currently running all three branches of the federal government.
We are at war, and terrorist want to kill us. Islamic terrorist.
Terrorist want kill whites. Whites no like. Terrorist bad.
The Islamic fascists are serious in their intent to kill Westerners, so why shouldn’t the West be serious in its fight? Flights are being turned back almost daily, because the passengers are doing their own profiling by focusing in on the obvious. Though it is not their job, Mr. and Mrs. Main Street, USA are doing the job that President Bush and Congress ought to be doing.
Holy crap, I think she just criticized Bush for something. Sure, it was for not being crazy enough, but it’s a start.
OK, it goes on for a while, so let’s skip to the end:
The tools employed against terrorism to date, like The Patriot Act, warrant-less wire tapping, and the financial tracking of terrorist’ funds, are sensible and important programs that not only provide the American people some safety, but show that when politics are shelved for the greater good of the country, the country and its people always stand to benefit.
Disallowing the use of racial profiling because some guy from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says its “racist” makes about as much sense as putting out a fire with gasoline.
It’s time to put the political concerns — and the politicians that make them — aside and embrace reality. If pigs really could fly, Air-Infidel Airlines would be filled with concerned passengers who have always known just who it is that is trying to kill them.
I think she just called white people pigs, but I could be wrong. It’s always very, very, very, very hard to discern exactly what Marie is trying to say.
So, not only do Marie Jon”s cornflakes sputter out of her mouth (which I certainly would do, were I to find myself being a cornflake in her mouth), but they also fall off her chair. Interesting.
If this is the standard of writing for which someone actually pays good money, I’m putting my cats to work. Now.
Oh, and her previous picture was better. She’s looking a little . . . oh, shall we say . . . brawny in the new one.
Disallowing the use of racial profiling because some guy from the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says its “racist� makes about as much sense as putting out a fire with gasoline.
luckily for us, we don’t allow racial profiling because (1) it doesn’t work, (2) it is immoral, and (3) even if it did work, which it doesn’t, the harm would outweigh any benefit.
Ahh, yes. Thank you, Marie Jon’, you hot bakery roll of racial hatred and insanity. I get it now. When America looks like some dystopian combination of the Kaiser’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union and Botha’s South Africa, the terrorists will be defeated, right? No slope, slippery or otherwise, will be entertained, and gawd knows that unlike other historical governments, we can totally TRUST this one. Hey, just look at dick cheney’s lips and tell me there’s anything to fear from them….
“Here at Air-Infidel Airlines, 99.9% of the terrorist never even get to purchase a ticket, much less board the plane.”
but Marie, less that 0.0001% of “the terrorists” are actually terrorists. So how safe are you now?
Er, the government, not the lips…
I think I saw Marie Jon’s’s”’ face in a tortilla yesterday.
My favorite line from her column was this:
We have all heard it said a number of times that: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” With few exceptions, this is the truth.
Um, Marie, sweetie… No we haven’t, and no it’s not. She really isn’t aware of much that she hasn’t read on WorldNetDaily or seen on Fox News, is she?
On the upside, I note that she’s described in her new biography as a nurse. All Marie Jon’ fantasies should be updated accordingly.
Darn those “politically correct” people, calling racial profiling “racist”! Why, it’s just treating a group of citizens like criminals because of their race–what’s racist about that?
And this…
The tools employed against terrorism to date, like The Patriot Act, warrant-less wire tapping, and the financial tracking of terrorist’ funds, are sensible and important programs that not only provide the American people some safety, but show that when politics are shelved for the greater good of the country, the country and its people always stand to benefit.
Warrant-less wiretapping is a “sensible and important” program that provides “some safety”? Geez, you’d think that a patently illegal, very likely unconstitutional program would have to provide a bit more than “some safety” before you could consider it “sensible” and “important.”
I wondered if all those blond-haired, blue-eyed, one-legged, vegetarian, oboe-playing, Lutheran Norwegians
The crazy ones may be hot, but they are single for a reason.
What a waste.
“On the upside, I note that she’s described in her new biography as a nurse. All Marie Jon’ fantasies should be updated accordingly.”
Roger that! Done and done.
Why are the pretty ones always insane?
From the bio:
Marie Jon’ is the official writer for the Modesto Blue and Gold Star Mothers and Families.
If that is Modesto, CA, I am so not surprised.
“Why are the pretty ones always insane?”
because they can get away with it
This sentence is just strange…
“It adheres to the most restrictive rules and it screens every passenger. However, “Air-Infidel Airline’sâ€? concept was even better; just ban Muslims, period.”
If Marie Jon’ grants that El Al’s strategy works, then why is it better to just ban Muslims than to screen EVERY passenger? Even if you believe 99.99999% of terrorists are Arab Muslims (a ridiculous claim), screening every passenger would theoretically allow for 100% security, which is…um….00001% better.
Then again, why use a totally effective solution when there’s a marginally effective but racist one available?
Remember immediately after Tim McVeigh blew up the Murrah building, and most people were like “it must have been a– Muslim”? That really helped the case, didn’t it?
In honor of Marie I have included a superfluous punctuation in this posting.
So hot yet so fucked in the head. Oh Marie Jon’ … I want to despise you, but I can’t.
She’s in Modesto! I’ve been stalking her in the wrong place. I’ll have to pack away my binocs, roll up the sleeping bag, clean up the Doritos and drive a few miles.
Why are the pretty ones always insane?
Because it makes the sex white-hot. Flirting with horrific, gut-wrenching death ALWAYS makes things more intense.
And Marie, I mean that in the most respectful way.
Worst. New Picture. Ever.
I’m not one to jump all over someone’s appearance (lord knows I have no grounds for that) but damn, crazy transvestite. “I’m a very, VERY pretty girl, don’t you agree!?!” *waves knife around*
hehe. Ma’rie ‘J’on….’ eating from a cereal trough. I vote yes.
BASIC FLAW OF AIR INFIDEL: (SNL sketch?) the TSA does security checks, not the airlines. Oops. Facts. Sorry.
Wow. “Of COURSE we need warrant-less police surveillance! There’s no POSSIBLE way to survey possible terrorists WITH warrants! Such talk is absurd! And crazy!” Then it’s back into the sensory deprivation chamber!
P.A.T. you FOOL. McVeigh wasn’t a terrorist! He was just a good ol’ boy, never meaning nobody no harm… Driving around in the General U-Haul, blowin’ up the law….
Way cute, yes, and way stoopid. Anyone who doesn’t close their em-dash side comments…well, in a healthy society…
Will someone pls. tell me what the ‘ means at the end of her name? It’s PROVOKING, I tell you.
Wait–she’s a nurse? I have a pain right…here…no, further down…
I believe the saying goes, “Crazy in the head, crazy in the bed.”
Alright, if she gets to ban muslims from her airline I get to ban babies, and really fat people who sit next to me and overflow into my seat space. What’s with the apostrophe anyway?
I think Dear’ Marie’ needs to partake in a nice, relaxing ocean swim, and, oh, look…there’s an adorable set of anvils she can use as water-wings! TTFN, racist beeyotch!
I’m with markg. No ragheads, no chest bursters, no Fat Bastards. And no whiney pussies with peanut allergies. I want my fucking honey roasted. Anyone trying to bring in an over-the-limit carryone is taken to the tarmac and shot in the head. Oh, people with those stupd travel size DVD players. Banned. Those things just piss me off.
Install orgasm sensors in the lavatories. Anytime anyone tries the join the “mile-high club”, and BANG, the thing fills with snakes.
Oh, and hire NFL linebackers to take out groups larger then three who INSIST on walking down the terminals in a horizontal line, like a fucking wall. That’ll learn ya! Tazers optional.
Suggestion for airports: take a cue form the Navy, and equip all runways and aircraft with catapults and tailhooks. You’ll save thousands on property taxes. Plus, it’ll be fun to watch 737s go from zero to 100 in five seconds. Wooosh!
hmmmm.. make that two seconds.
Also, that new photo is…. awful. It may be the lighting, but she appears to be forming a few new… chins. Just between you and me, Marie’, honey? Too much corn-flake trough, sweetie. But, mayhap the Buttertroll has his dream girl ib teh makin’, BLAAARRGGHH!!1
we don’t allow racial profiling because (1) it doesn’t work
You know, I sometimes wonder if these wingnuts have really watched The Battle of Algiers like they claim to. There’s this whole segment where they have Algerian girls dress and act like the French so that they are able to plant bombs without detection. Racial profiling doesn’t work–the terrorists find ways around it. It gives a false sense of security to racists, while actually creating even more danger.
Silly Mary! Teh terrorist would never think of dyeing their hair and wearing Western dress.
hey, Brad, did Marie actually stop by here the other day?
If she stops by again, can someone please remind her I’m still wondering how Noah got all those big dinosaurs on the ark?
Thanks so very much, in advance!
Apparently, the dinosaurs were used by Satan to attack Noah and the Ark. Thus they all drowned.
No. I’m not joking.
Really? I kinda like the commercials myself. I have a huge man-crush on that Dr. Z asshole you see in those Daimler-Chrysler ads:
I like the Geico commercial with Little Richard in it. Course, Little Richard goes well with damn near anything. He’s done duets with both Chuck D and Hank Williams Jr.
We have all heard it said a number of times that: “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.� With few exceptions, this is the truth.
Like, say, Eric Rudolph. Odd, isn’t it, he’s never described as a “terrorist”, just an “activist”. And I don’t care how hot Marie Jo-NUH is, I betchyou she’d make you leave the lights off, and that’s just no fun at all.
Is Marie’ getting all weak-at-the-knees and moist over Mr. Big-Voiced and Obviously Caucasian Man of American Roots, or what? You know what they say, ‘big-voiced, big-footed … for kickin’ Muslim Ass. What with his massive, pinkish-tan stretch airliner just for pink sugar herself, she could just imagine how wonderfully safe it would feel to take a ride. So taken aback was she, that a milky substance dribbled unnoticed from between her full lips as they drew ever so slightly into a smile.
Back in real life, Marie’ has to settle for her nice, safe Jewish airline and a house in the suburbs. Still a girl can dream of a rugged all-American airline who has the balls to tap phones and spy on bank records. “Oh Obviously Caucasian Man whose satire is so beyond my grasp, you can invade my privacy any day.”
Because white people don’t do terrorism. Except when they’re blowing up the Oklahoma federal building, setting off bombs at the Olympics in Atlanta, bombing abortion clinics, leading survivalist religious cults, burning crosses, or making death threats to, I dunno, every left-wing public figure this century and last.
“The Islamic fascists are serious in their intent to kill Westerners, so why shouldn’t the West be serious in its fight? Flights are being turned back almost daily, because the passengers are doing their own profiling by focusing in on the obvious.”
Using that logic–that the goal of terrorists is to kill westerners–it would make more sense to INSIST that every commercial airline carry at least a minimum percentage of Muslim passengers. You could charge non-Muslims a premium for flights where more than 60% of the passengers were Muslims.
So, what is the Muslim litmus test? A cheek swab administred to all passengers?
Will the TSA have a secret list of people who belong to mosques? Where will they get the membership lists of mosques? What if the terrorists didn’t join a mosque in the U.S. because it might lead to their exposure? Are we going to get a list of members of mosques in every country of the world?
How will the TSA know if a Muslim who is prepared to kill thousands to preserve his/her religious perspective on the
I think the first step in Marie’s plans would be Tattoo numbers on their forearms.
Um, aren’t we already profiling vegetarians? Along with the peace activists? And is Marie going on record as opposing that?
Let’s leave aside the moral issue, because in a nation where we find ourselves arguing racial profiling much less torture I think it’s safe to assume moral issues ain’t swaying the right unless it’s two dudes kissing, think about it this way: Most arsonists in the US are white men. From now on, any time there’s an arson, we will investigate only the white men in the area.
How long will it take before white men stop committing arson themselves and recruiting or paying non-white women and men to do it? And how much do you figure will go up in flames before we recheck the stats and re-adjust our profiling accordingly?
9/11 only needed to happen once. It’d take fewer than twenty ethnically Filipino American women* to do it again. Are you that sure you don’t want to look at everybody who’s acting weird, even the blonde Midwesterners? Really, really sure?
Bet your life?
*A Malkin poke? Me? Never. God knows she won’t get the point anyway.
I see Steve Gilliard
ripped you offlinked to you, accidently quoting the entire post again.Marie’, you; look– hot in your, new… picture. I know you’re reading, this so I’ “tried to punctuate like (you. Let’s go on, a coke “binge”; together.
As I was eating my breakfast this morning — usually an uneventful engagement with a bowl of corn flakes, I pulled my face up out of the bowl long enough to glance at the television. Alongside the 189 channels of “nothing good on,” the commercials tend to be over-done, or just plain insipid. However, this one got my attention.
Moistly, i reached for the remote.
The backbone of capitalism, an intuitive entrepreneur had boldly taken up the challenge so badly needed in today’s politically correct and non-offensive society, sensationally illustrated by the inability of the American political class to come to grips with the necessity of racial profiling.
Nothing there really, but i touched myself in moist anticipation….
A big-voiced and obviously Caucasian man of American roots breaks into his pitch as planes roar by and fly overhead:
Suddenly I was more than moist… damp. dripping, humid…squishey even…
“This is Air-Infidel Airlines; the airline for the rest of us.”
As corn flakes sputtered out of my mouth while nearly falling out of my chair,…
I touch myself.
…he commandingly went on:
Oh god command me! I bow to your mastery. Tie me down and fuck me like a monkey.
“At Air-Infidel, we know who to look for, even if your Government is afraid to.”
My pink ripe pundenda pouts!
The decor of the planes was a pinkish-tan color. Cartoon-like flying pigs were painted on the wing tips of the airplanes. The look was laughably eye- catching, and thunderously unapologetic in its message:
Oh, oh oh, flying pigs, pinkish tan, wing tips, thunderously…
“Here at Air-Infidel Airlines, we profile Muslims and men of Middle Eastern descent to the point of not allowing any of them on the planes. How about that? Now Granny and just about everyone else that is NOT Muslim can rest a bit easier knowing that here at Air-Infidel Airlines, 99.9% of the terrorist never even get to purchase a ticket, much less board the plane.”
Profile me baby, give it to me like you gave it to Granny!
As I listened to the commercial come to a close, I wondered if all those blond-haired, blue-eyed, one-legged, vegetarian, oboe-playing, Lutheran Norwegians — who everybody knows were definitely candidates for the terrorist watch list, will feel now that they won’t be so unceremoniously singled out as they were before.
Oh god ‘oboe’, oboe obeo.. oh… boe….
Sure, I’m having a bit of fun here, and at the expense of Muslims, that is true. That said though, is the concept so ridiculous? When the facts shout themselves silly pointing out that nearly every terrorist plot is hatched, designed, and perpetrated by Muslims and Arabs, maybe we do need an airline for the rest of us.
Arabs are hot. uoh mmm flying pigs…
But barring that, we have all heard of El Al Israel Airlines. It is as close to perfectly safe as one gets while flying. El Al’s safety record is impeccable. It adheres to the most restrictive rules and it screens every passenger. However, “Air-Infidel Airline’s” concept was even better; just ban Muslims, period.
Whew. Jews are sorta liike arabs, right? I mean, they got big purple engorged penises eh?
Though Air-Infidel Airlines is totally fictitious, the issue of airline security is not. We all want peace of mind, and we all want to feel safe.
But feeling safe is not enough of a concern for Washington these days.
Say, I’m hot, yeah? Seen my new picture?
I’m glad she has a cute picture to look at because I can’t get beyond the fourth paragraph of her drivel without wondering what the hell she’s talking about. Brad, I applaud you for having the courage to read and translate this into plain English.
“You know, I sometimes wonder if these wingnuts have really watched The Battle of Algiers like they claim to. There’s this whole segment where they have Algerian girls dress and act like the French so that they are able to plant bombs without detection. Racial profiling doesn’t work–the terrorists find ways around it. It gives a false sense of security to racists, while actually creating even more danger.”
Mary, I agree with you. I shaved off my goatee this morning and now I look Italian instead of Mexican. Trust me, anyone with an IQ of over 75 will attempt this to skirt racial profiling.
The tosspots over at LGF were banging on about this a couple of weeks back. The whole article reads like it was lifted from there, with some long words added, what a sad comment on your ‘jounalistic’ abilites.
As for the picture, she is hot in that frustrated Christain type of way (if you know what I mean).
Marie may be hot, but you just KNOW she is the worst lay of all time. Or, at least she will be the worst lay of all time when she finally gives her hymen to Ben Shapiro (for the four seconds it takes Ben to bust a nut) on her wedding night.
The apostrophe drives me insane. “Marie Jon’.” What the FUCK does that mean? Is there a missing letter?
What happened to us, Marie? We were like Romeo & Juliet but it ended in tragedy!
Was I not blond enough for you? Did my sense of rhythm (if not our sense of rhythm method) convince you that my blood was less than whitebread-pure? that I had, as it were, a few rye kernels in an otherwise very bleached dough?
I miss the love we shared, the abortions we had, the flags we burned. Then I remember the day I found your Prussian Blue tapes, hidden on the shelf behind my copy of The Eighteenth Brumaire. I still get a lump in my throat when I think that your conversion to leftism was a lie! Now, every day it rains, and I am a broken man. Alone.
Marie Jon”s new mug is teh hott. I’m sorry, it’s the truth. There’s just something about a girl who’s clinically insane — it’s like you know you’re walking the thin line between life and death every time you go out with her.
Cute as a button, and twice as crazy.
How crazy is a button? I always thought of buttons as pretty stable.
The Islamic fascists are serious in their intent to kill Westerners, so why shouldn’t the West be serious in its fight?
And this is the prime example of fundamental failure to understand the nature of terrorism. Terrorists’ goal is not to “kill westerners” it is to make them afraid. To make them compromise their values and their daily existence in ways large and small or until they’ve contorted their lives to such a degree to try to combat their everpresent fear that they can no longer do anything. In effect, to “Terrorize” them.
I cannot wait unil another white trash lunatic like Tim McVeigh strikes again. What will people like this say then?
Given that McVeigh and the unibomber were white guys (and Christians), I guess the only safe airline would be the all atheist black and native American Airline. I am pretty sure this is what she had in mind. But wait, Black Panthers, AIM, rats. I am afraid this airline cannot allow any people on board.
“If that is Modesto, CA, I am so not surprised.”
A couple of friends of mine once got pepper-sprayed in Modesto by some fellow queers… Because the guys didn’t like their style. Seriously, that town is like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, only with normal power generation and everybody being dressed from Miller’s Outpost and Wet Seal.
So, what is the Muslim litmus test?
You guys. So dumb. It’s obvious what the TSA will do to identify Muslims for screening:
1. Schedule all flights for times of day when Muslims must pray in the direction of Mecca. It’s pretty easy to spot them when they all drop down and kneel facing east.
2. Require all passengers to eat a BLT sandwich and drink a glass of wine when buying a ticket. The ones who refuse — screen ’em!
3. Brown people. Nuff said.
Goroboei said:
“And this is the prime example of fundamental failure to understand the nature of terrorism. Terrorists’ goal is not to “kill westernersâ€? it is to make them afraid. To make them compromise their values and their daily existence in ways large and small or until they’ve contorted their lives to such a degree to try to combat their everpresent fear that they can no longer do anything. In effect, to “Terrorizeâ€? them. ”
I would add that the Patriot Act, NSA wiretapping, attempts to undermine our civil rights, appeals for profiling, and general hysteria of the right are proof that terrorism does, in fact, work.
So remind me again, how many terrorist incidents involving ethnically identifiable “Muslims” have occured on airlines since 9/11?
Oh, that’s right. None.
Ironically, her pretend airline would probably be the first and the easiest target for terrorists.
The big underlying issue with racial profiling is implicit—it’s an expression of the proponents’ desire to categorize all evil as coming from Others. Before 1995 (and since, amazingly), average American Joe could not conceive of terrorism coming from “normal-looking” (ie, white) American Joe-types like McVeigh*. The banality of evil, and all that–nobody wants to admit that it can be so banal, so unexpected, so unnoticed by society at large until it’s upon you. (“he seemed like such a nice guy, he couldn’t possibly have–“)
This feeds into American exceptionalism. Since all us Americans seem all so normal to each other, we can’t possibly do depraved things (*cough* England and Grainer *cough*). Since it’s just normal, all-American, always-right-and-moral, have-a-beer-with-able plain folks runnin’ the goverment, nothing it does can possibly be depraved, QED. And therefore all evil must come from the abnormal, nonAmerican, nonwhite, non-Average-Joe types. Hence the Murrah goes boom and everyone blames Shiites. Hence “the Hispanics are taking over”. Hence “black faces on the street=bad neighborhood”. It’s not merely racism, it’s full-blown tribalist xenophobia of the isolationist school.
It shows us that far too many Americans live life in a lily-white bubble, never having to interact with any of the targets of the invective they constantly hear on TV and in church and on the local street. Fear of the unknown–but combined with a resolute willful ignorance to ever find out (and hence get over it and deal with the real issues). And their politicians are more than eager to capitalize on the ignorance and fear.
I don’t wonder why many ppl outside the US look at this country as a bunch of idiots being manipulated and conned by some seriously evil/amoral psychopaths. We sure act like it. The People may not be as stupid as all that, but in their willfully uninformed, fear-driven illogical state of political being, They function as if They were.
*A related tangent I won’t go off on: McVeigh and the militia nutbars are apparently motivated by what they themselves would label “patriotism,” which directly undercuts the I-wave-more-flags-than-you-hence-I’ll-keep-you-safer political calculus.
Sorry ’bout that. It’s a grrr sort of day. 🙂
What elemental said. Does she think there are no white or Asian Muslims? No Arab or Persian Christians?
Doug, you hit the nail on the head. I had that same feeling last night when I read this. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting that Shannen Doherty “I’m gong to go batshit insane” vibe.
Seriously, what is her deal? Is English her second language?
“GOING to go batshit insane”?
What’s up with th e future tense? She’s already turned the corner.
It’s the jumping about in public part that’s yet to come.
Hopefully while wearing that nurse’s uniform….
Having been exposed (no, not she, but her mind), in the course of her training, to a “creative writing� class, where, emphasizing adjectival descriptives to provide color, and immediacy, and syntactical gymnastics, the normal flow of a sentence to disrupt, in service to a stylistics and the establishment of a unique “voice, “ which, when properly done, constitutes the epitome of good writing, she, …
(no, that’s enough. I can’t take it any more.)
Her writing is kinda like, one of those, refrig-magnet-poetry,,, kits. You just move shit around and convince yourself you’re articulate, and, brilliant.
Till you sober up the next day.
, , , , , , , ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
What elemental said. Does she think there are no white or Asian Muslims? No Arab or Persian Christians?
It’s a dull fact, but anyway: most Arabs in the US are not Muslim, and most Muslims in the US are not Arab.
ahem, good point.
In her own words, Jon’ is French .
“all those blond-haired, blue-eyed, one-legged, vegetarian, oboe-playing, Lutheran Norwegians”
Except for the one-legged thing, Marie Jon“~ just described me. I must be the man of her crazy dreams.
Maybe Marie Jon’ heard about those secret prizes in cereal boxes and decided to go snorkeling for hers.
Bruce Schnier (security expert) has an interesting take on airport security
Sorry don’t remember how to hyperlink
In her own words, Jon’ is French .
Oh my God. I’d never… I’d never read that thread before. I hate Andrew Northrup more than ever! I’m …so…jealous.
So, Retardo, at last you Sadly Know?
Sorry, couldn’t resist…Marie set me up with
I did not know of Sadly No existence.
Please pause a moment,
reflect back and take the
following multiple choice test.
The events are real.
So are the answers highlighted in red
Do you remember?
1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by?
a. Superman?
b. Jay Leno?
c. H arry Potter?
d. a Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40?
2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by?
a. Olga Corbett?
b. Sitting Bull?
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40 ?
3. In 1979, the US embassy in Iran was taken over by:?
a. Lost Norwegians?
b. Elvis?
c. A tour bus full of 80-year-old women?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
4. During the 1980’s a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:?
a. John Dillinger?
b. The King of Sweden ?
c. The Boy Scouts?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
5. In 1983, the US Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:?
a. A pizza delivery boy?
b. Pee Wee Herman?
c. Geraldo Rivera?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
6. In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked and a 70 year old
American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard in his wheelchair by:?
a. The Smurfs?
b. Davey Jones?
c. The Little Mermaid?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
7. In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a US Navy diver
trying to rescue passengers was murdered by:?
a. Captain Kidd?
b. Charles Lindberg?
c. Mother Teresa?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
8. In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:?
a. Scooby Doo?
b. The Tooth Fairy and The Sundance Kid?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
9. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:?
a. Richard Simmons?
b. Grandma Moses?
c. Michael Jordan?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
10. In 1998, the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:?
a. Mr. Rogers?
b. Hillary Clinton, to distract attention from Wild Bill’s women problems?
c. The World Wrestling Federation?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
11. On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked; two were used as missiles
to take out the World Trade Centers and of the remaining two, one crashed into the US Pentagon and the other was diverted and crashed by the passengers. Thousands of people were killed by:?
a. Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck and Elmer Fudd?
b. The Supreme Court of Florida ?
c. Mr. Bean?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
12. In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:?
a. Enron?
b. The Lutheran Church ?
c. The NFL?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
13. In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:?
a. Bonnie and Clyde ?
b. Captain Kangaroo?
c. Billy Graham?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
Nope, I really don’t see a pattern here to justify profiling, do you?
So, to ensure we Americans never offend anyone, particularly fanatics intent on killing us, airport security screeners will no longer be allowed to profile certain people. They must conduct random searches of 80-year-old women, little kids, airline pilots with proper identification, secret agents who are members of the President’s security detail, 85-year old Congressmen with metal hips, and Medal of Honor winning and former Governor Joe Foss, but leave Muslim Males between the ages 17 and 40 alone lest they be guilty of profiling.
Let’s send this to as many people as we can so that the Gloria Aldreds and other dunder-headed attorneys along with Federal Justices that want to thwart common sense, get the message .
As the writer of the award winning story “Forrest Gump” so aptly put it, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Come on people wake up!!! Keep this going. Pass it on to everyone in your address book. Our Country and our troops need our support.
Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by a Palestinian Christian.
A lot of them have some reasons for hating us that have everything to do with our historical and recent mistakes in foriegn policy, and not their status as heathen sinners.
Learning OF our mistakes has to happen before you can learn FROM them
please click to see an example of what you should consider.
You know what they say about shaking hands with the devil. It can’t be undone.
Even by trying to take over hell, because there will always be hell to pay.
You really ought to be on our side in this fight.
1. 1968 Bobby Kennedy was shot and killed by?
a. Superman?
b. Jay Leno?
c. H arry Potter?
d. a Muslim male extremist between the ages of 17 and 40?
Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Christian.
2. In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by?
a. Olga Corbett?
b. Sitting Bull?
c. Arnold Schwarzenegger?
d. Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40?
The leader of the Operation Iqrit and Birim was the son of a Christian father and Jewish mother. Since Jewish descent is matrilineal, one could argue that he was as Jewish as the Israelis themselves.
Furthermore, a good many of the Israeli athletes probably died at the hands of the notoriously trigger-happy München police. I don’t think all of them were Muslim male extremists in that age range.
Besides, how do you profile for a religion, considering that Muslims are dispersed all across the globe? I suppose all flights might be safer if you strove to eliminate all potential Muslims from boarding planes. After you’ve eliminated the Arabs, the non-Arab Middle Easterners, the Blacks, the Latinos, the Asians, the Whites, etc., including the people on the crew, then you’ve gone and made a completely hijack-proof flight–by keeping all people, at all times, off the planes.
Lastly, don’t people who style themselves as writers have ethical guidelines about plagiarism? That isn’t the first time I’ve seen that list, and I doubt it was original with you.
Marie, you wicked tease, you! You know I have a weakness for copy and pasted wingnut chainmails, yet you persist! It’s like you want to convince me all over again to live forever with you and Jesus and I’m… being persuaded! You are the Wingnut Enchantress, baby.
But.. I am strong. I will retain my virtue. You’ll pry the bong and abortion utensils out of my cold, dead hands.
Red Army Faction, ETA, Army of God, (including anthrax threats), IRA, Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, Ted Kaczynski, Freedomites, KKK, blah blah blah, but there’s no need to profile anyone but Muslims(whom you can magically discern with a mere glance), white folks and Christians would never resort to terrorism.
Let me play! Let me play!
Between 1970 and 2005, 1775 people were killed in the UK and Ireland by:
1. the Lucky Charms leprechaun
2. stray bars of Irish Spring soap
3. Osama bin Laden
4. Catholic extremists of both sexes, mostly funded by Americans?
MJ! I want an option C for number 8. What gives?!?
They were all killed by question marks?
Really, “MJ,” buy a clue and a basic high-school-freshman-level English education while you’re at it. I am almost more offended by your appalling lack of basic sentence structure, adjective/adverb use, and paragraphing than I am by your simple-minded columns.
djangone said,
She’s in Modesto! I’ve been stalking her in the wrong place. I’ll have to pack away my binocs, roll up the sleeping bag, clean up the Doritos and drive a few miles.
My friend, Marie Jon’ is easy to track … just follow the trail of blueballed church deacons she leaves in her wake.
stupid on, apply directly to the forehead!
stupid on, apply directly to the forehead!
stupid on, apply directly to the forehead!
stupid on…available at aryan nation stores everywhere!
Whew. Thanks for that refresher course, Marie. You cannot imagine my relief upon finding that the Oklahoma City bombing, the Waco cult massacre, the Centennial Olympic Park bombing, and the Benjamin Smith killing spree never actually happened. White Christian people are teh r0xx0rz!!1!!1!!
Oh, they actually happened. Tim McVeigh, Eric Rudolph, the Unabomber, Benjamin Smith et al were just secretly recruited and bankrolled by Muslim male extremists between the ages of 17 and 40. The coverup is just the evil MSM’s attempt to cast aspersions on our good, salt-of-the-earth white menz at the expense of national security, because you know the Washington Post loves to see American troops dying.
And now you know the rest of the story.
Here’s a short test and you don’t need to take a moment to reflect
How will the world win the war on terrorism?
a. Kill all of the Muslim males between 17 and 40.
b. Invade each predominantly Muslim country in turn killing all the Muslim males between 17 and 40 who resist.
c. Exclude all Muslim males between 17 and 40 from all proximity to all potential instruments of terror, worldwide.
d. Invade one predominantly Muslim country and establish a friendly government which will really, really impress upon all of the other potential terrorists who are only going to be Muslims males between 17 and 40 that their efforts will be futile.
e. Invade two predominantly Muslims countrys, etc. etc.
f. Forward the hell out of anti-Muslim male extremist rhetoric.
Which of these options are we going to wake up to as the solution? Tell me again why it is “stupid” to search everyone getting on a plane?
btw Marie, you know the only reason I argue with you is because the make up sex is incredible.
<whisper>call me?</whisper>
After considering it over some time, I have decided that Marie Jon’s new picture is, indeed, hotter than the previous.
In a subtle, nurse-putting-on-the-dominatrix-uniform kind of way. When you know the subtext, see.
And Marie’s multiple choice argument works, you see, if you ignore all the white Christian initiated terror and mayhem during the same period, as Doug pointed out, and change the fourth answer in all the questions to “Brown people with accents”
Stay strong, Retardo. You’re just feeling vulnerable because of the constant exposure to Clownhall.
Stay Strong, brother. Remember Pasty!