The Dingleberry of Truth
Shorter Emperor Bill Kristaltine, The Weekly Slander
The Cultural Divide on Marriage
- In general people who want to take away the rights of a minority are nicer people than the minority whose rights are being taken away.
The best part of Kristol’s putrid regurgitation masquerading as thought is the evidence he proffers for his startling conclusion that bigots are nicer people than their victims. (Ja, that Reinhard Heydrich was a real mensch, completely unlike those mean and nasty Jews that he had to, er, deal with in Prague.) The evidence? It was of the “I can’t resist adding the thought” variety, i.e., of the “I pulled it out of my ass and am waving it around like a black truffle” variety.
Oh, and guess who cited Kristol’s post and added a school-girl mash note to Kristol to it? Hint: if he were a turkey, his favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
People fighting for rights are never nice. If they were nice the status quo would never change.
Billy Kristolnacht, another voice for bigotry.
my head…it is spinning…
But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance in Alamance, Person and Granville for those who are proponents of gay marriage than there is at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the opponents.
o.m.f.g…really? oh, hahaha…the people who have the ‘rights’ are much more tolerant of those who don’t have the ‘rights!’ like he’s just a fucking genius for pulling this one out of his ass?!?!?
people fighting for rights are never nice. If they were nice the status quo would never change.
Fer sure! Who could ever forget this jerk!
Gotta retake the practical next Friday morning.
I fucked the chicken on the stupid double-check assembly! Made the same mistake after starting over (forgot to open high side valve), and the same mistake twice means FAIL. 🙁
Fer sure! Who could ever forget this jerk!
He wasn’t a jerk, but I don’t know that his actions were particularly nice. He repeatedly thwarted and embarrassed those in power as well as, if we’re honest, insulting them.
He wasn’t a jerk, but I don’t know that his actions were particularly nice. He repeatedly thwarted and embarrassed those in power as well as, if we’re honest, insulting them.
But I would still maintain that he was nicer to those in power than they were to the oppressed people he represented.
People fighting for rights are never nice
I think that’s why it’s called, you know, fighting.
The Madisonian republic lives.
Hey, I’m glad you invoked Madison there, Billy. Here’s why:
Not only did he insist on including a bill of rights in the constitution, not only did he write said bill of rights, but he also expanded on his thinking that went into all of it in the Federalist Papers. You guys are big on “the founders’ intent,” right? I mean, you’re always running around telling the rest of us what the founders really had in mind was setting up a “Christian nation,” despite all evidence to the contrary and whatnot.
So hold on – you’re gonna LOVE this! Madison specifically addressed something he called “the tyranny of the majority” in one of the earlier papers, and it was a theme he returned to over and over again in later papers. Specifically, he makes clear that a large part of the necessity for both a constitution and a bill of rights is to prevent a majority from denying rights to any minority group or individual simply by force of majority. In other words, the intent there is that matters of individual rights and equality under the law were not to be determined by referendum.
Which is, of course, what just happened in North Carolina, the result of which you heartily applaud and support.
Why do you hate the founding fathers, you unpatriotic bastard?
The War Criminal Post enjoys publishing this maroon, as well.
Kristol should test the theory by sucking cock all over the state.
But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance,,,
I will take that bet. Gay marriage was already illegal in North Carolina. Amending their constitution to further and more comprehensively ban something that was already illegal? That doesn’t sound like tolerance to me.
That doesn’t sound like tolerance to me.
this annoys me the most…and the derps over at gayputzriot are almost literally making me sick…yes, i was dumb enough to go read some…they don’t seem to understand the whole concept of tolerance…eck…i can’t contemplate it any more or my head will splode…
I’ll fucking take that bet too.
Is this assclown REALLY suggesting that the booger eating hillbillies that would actually vote to oppress other people are somehow NICER than the people they oppress?
Whatever, Kristol. Go fuck yourself and then kill yourself. And take all the other conservative pricks with you. How’s THAT for nice, scumbag?
But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance in Alamance, Person and Granville for those who are proponents of gay marriage than there is at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the opponents.
Yep. I am sure. The fine folks in Alamance, Person and Granville will happily tolerate those who support people having, you know, rights, “bless their poor souls, they are just too naive to realize that you shouldn’t mess with a Gawd-ordained institution like marriage”. Actually let me fix this for you, Mr. K —
Still don’t get it … well, I’ll fix it again —
Anyway, there is a really interesting mango in the bunch:
The Madisonian republic lives.
Um, no it doesn’t. One of the chief principles of the Madisonian republic was “ambition must be made to counteract ambition”. In our modern political discourse, OTOH, you don’t get rewarded politically for counter-acting ambition. You get told by the DC Village “to shut up and get along and to stop playing politics because politics is icky”. The Madisonian republic is dead and the DC Villagers have destroyed it.
But I would still maintain that he was nicer to those in power than they were to the oppressed people he represented.
Sure. That doesn’t conflict with what I first said.
jennifer…i will buy like, 50 calendars from you if you post your righteous comment over at gayputzriot…
Sure. That doesn’t conflict with what I first said.
were you saying that gandhi was a bit of a tool? he is the only person in history of which i have never heard anything mean or critical (except his opposition) written or said…
Kristol should test the theory by sucking cock all over the state. – Substance McGravitas
There are oh so many directions one could go with this statement …
If Wee Willy Kristol had been (gods forbid) a Founding Father, we would have a Bill of Denied Rights.
On the Weekly Standard website, that sentence is immediately followed by a Goldline ad (what else) and some other page elements. I scrolled down, thinking they must have plopped that stuff in the middle of Kristol’s article.
But no. That’s it. That’s the whole thing. He writes “I’ll bet there’s…”, pulls something completely out of his ass, and his task is done.
I’ll bet there’s a special place in hell reserved for dickheads who are paid to make (invariably wrong) stuff up while actual journalists get laid off.
So the second definition for tyrant is “Mr. nice guy?”
were you saying that gandhi was a bit of a tool?
I’m saying his actions were not “nice.” They were morally on target, and designed to minimize harm, but not “nice.”
I’m saying his actions were not “nice.” They were morally on target, and designed to minimize harm, but not “nice.”
you have a point there…but…
But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance in Alamance, Person and Granville for those who are proponents of gay marriage than there is at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the opponents.
Yeah, Alamance has a history of tolerating those which which the majority disagrees: “Alamance County briefly became a center of national attention when, in 1870, Wyatt Outlaw, Town Commissioner in Graham, was lynched by the “White Brotherhood,” the Ku Klux Klan. He was president of the Alamance County Union League of America (an anti Ku Klux Klan group), helped to establish the Republican party in North Carolina and advocated establishing a school for African Americans. His offense was that Gov. Holden had appointed him a Justice of the Peace, and he had accepted the appointment. Outlaw’s body was found hanging thirty yards from the courthouse, a note pinned to his chest read: “Beware! You guilty parties – both white and black.” Outlaw was the central figure in the political cooperation between blacks and whites in the county.” [wikipedia]
Hey look, Granville too!
I normally can’t stand Tweety, but his grilling of Tony Perkins (with Barney Frank) regarding gay marriage was actually pretty damn good. By the end Perkins looks visibly annoyed that they aren’t just taking his lies at face value like everybody else in the press does.
Oh, and while Tintin’s shorter is excellent as usual, I can’t resist adding this alternate:
“Intolerant people are more tolerant than the tolerant people they won’t tolerate.”
This column is just the distilled essence of that bizarre wingnut ability to believe two completely opposite ideas and somehow not have their heads explode.
I think the communications problem I’m having here stems from this: I don’t assume that niceness is worth a damn.
Gay marriage was already illegal in North Carolina. Amending their constitution to further and more comprehensively ban something that was already illegal? That doesn’t sound like tolerance to me.
The sole purpose of the amendment is to say “fuck you fucking fags.”
Is that the assembly that’s only used in sprinkler systems that you’ll never actually need to test in this job? If so, that really sucks! But you’ll get it next time…
I understood what you meant N__B and I really don’t disagree. I was just feeling argumentive today. The great thing about the intertrons is that I don’t have to spend the ten bob down at the argument clinic anymore.
I was just feeling argumentive today.
No, you weren’t.
The sole purpose of the amendment is to say “fuck you fucking fags.”
Passing constitutional ammendments that deny rights is a completely disgusting thing and the farthest thing from original intent as you can get.
Why do you hate the founding fathers, you unpatriotic bastard?
See…what I want to know is why NOBODY EVER ASKS THESE FUCKERS THIS SORT OF QUESTION IN PUBLIC, so we can directly address their mendacity and anti-social behavior?
(repost due to fat, angry fingers)
I come here for abuse!
I thought Bill Kristol was dead. Turns out he was just irrelevant.
See: Properly functioning free press, lack of.
See also: Fascism, looming.
I was just feeling argumentive today.
No, you weren’t
no, you werent’…i’m just especially dense today…
OBS–I was afraid that was it.
bbkf – your wish is my command – comment posted at Putzriot’s.
Also, too, I really wanna sell calendars!
For bbkf…
Wow. No signs of violence in the Madison Republic, yet the people who voted for an amendment to ban same-sex marriage are already imaginary victims.
May 11, 2012 at 19:47
Imaginary victims are the Jews of liberal faggism.
bbkf – your wish is my command – comment posted at Putzriot’s.
Which thread? I don’t see it. For all his other faults Auntie BruceDan usually doesn’t delete comments. I say _usually_.
While we’re sort of on that topic, Teh Ho and I were discussing the Kapo thing and so on, over martinis on the balcony. He feels they are worse than Kapos because they don’t actually gain any benefit, immediately or otherwise. Someone asked in the last thread how people become like Dan. Our thinking is that they never made it to the developmental stage where what other people think of you becomes less important than what you think of you. They’re stuck with seeing themselves through other people.s eyes and desperateley need approval.
Armchair psychology courtesy of New Amsterdam gin.
bbkf – your wish is my command – comment posted at Putzriot’s.
Which thread? I don’t see it. For all his other faults Auntie BruceDan usually doesn’t delete comments. I say _usually_.
me no see either…
For bbkf…
i love that bit…but i have to admit, my hopes were dashed when i realized it was not the painter of light casket i have been promised…
Seriously, that is basically the right-wing argument against same-sex marriage: liberals are the real haters. Not the homosexual haters, nosiree, they are “good” Christians.
Liberals, on the other hand, are haters because we’re mean to the fascists and call them bad names, like…fascist. Or redneck Jesus freaks. Or irrational morons. Or homophobic, bigoted assholes.
The fact the fascist homosexual haters are denying others their fundamental Constitutional rights? That’s ok, ‘cos Christians are such good, nice people who don’t curse or drink or fornicate like we decadent liberal faggity fag faggots. Plus liberals are the real haters because we’re anti-Christian.
Holy fucking shit, these people live in an alternate universe.
Hey Pup, I hope you don’t mind…I don’t usually ask personal questions, but sometimes curiosity wins out…
Why do you call your husband, SO, or whatever he is, The Ho? It must be some tender private joke, but to an outsider it just seems a little…unromantic.
And you’ll be even more disappointed when I finish what I am doing for that instead… I live to disappoint people, it’s a gift.
I live to disappoint people, it’s a gift.
“Good God, this isn’t beer, it’s just bitter soda!”
This idea that homosexuals don’t appreciate being denied marriage equality is, frankly, a kind of pop sociology in America that, you know, somehow the gays can’t get along without marrying, or that those frisky butt pirates aren’t too busy having orgies to enter into committed relationships. There’s almost no evidence of that at all. Gays have always been very anti-marriage.
I live to disappoint people, it’s a gift.
this made me laff and then think of jim gaffigan…double laff!
I thought Bill Kristol was dead.
I’d settle for spending the rest of his miserable life changing bedpans in a VA hospital.
Haven’t our veterans suffered enough?
only if that military hospital was attached to the Fort Leavenworth prison. I assume he would be just as dedicated to doing a good job in his new career as he is in his current one. Our veterans deserve better.
I’d rather seem him cleaning up body parts after suicide bombings and drone strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then we’ll see how well he rationalizes that gosh-darned unfortunate collateral damage.
…they don’t seem to understand the whole concept of tolerance…eck…i can’t contemplate it any more or my head will splode…
Rather, they twist and “enlarge” the concept into the belief that victims should be “tolerant” of their oppressors, and meekly accept the conservative-oppressor’s behavior: otherwise they’re just as “intolerant”.
By that rule, a woman, gay, dark-skinned person, etc. is being a bigoted bully when s/he demand equal rights. The nerve!
Why do you call your husband, SO, or whatever he is, The Ho? It must be some tender private joke, but to an outsider it just seems a little…unromantic.
I honestly don’t recall how it got started. I appreciate that it seems less than tender but I assure you, we are still in love after twenty three or so years. 🙂
BTW, he calls me his husband mostly. I sometimes refer to him as same but more often in conversation he’s “my partner.” On teh Intertronz he’s usually “my not-husband.”
I still think that the ultimate solution will be for government to get out of the marriage business entirely. Marriage is seen by most religions as a religious rite. The government has no business getting into religious rites and religious rites have no business getting into government. Remove the term marriage from the law books and give it to the religious folks to do with as they wish. Find a new term for the legal union of two people and bestow upon them the same rights that are currently bestowed to legally married couples.
See…what I want to know is why NOBODY EVER ASKS THESE FUCKERS THIS SORT OF QUESTION IN PUBLIC, so we can directly address their mendacity and anti-social behavior?
This is corporate owned media. They’re asking the goddamn questions around here. This is what you get when you “incentivize” things like the press, energy, food production, transportation, etc…
It has the reverse Midas touch. Everything they touch turns instantly to shit.
My comment is on the Putzriot thread linked in Tintin’s piece above. In which Blatt approvingly cites Kristol. That seemed to be where it most belonged.
So if I come down there this year and meet you, you’ll introduce yourself and I’ll look at him and say “You must be Teh Ho”. Wait, is he a fighter?
Rather, they twist and “enlarge” the concept into the belief that victims should be “tolerant” of their oppressors, and meekly accept the conservative-oppressor’s behavior: otherwise they’re just as “intolerant”.
See also, “Christians, persecution of in modern America.” They conflate loss of hegemony with oppression. Not getting their way, not having things be like they always were when they got their way about everything, is HITLER ^GOOGLEPLEX.
Pup, as long as you’re here, what’s the secret to making a
goodsuccessful Bernaise sauce? My previous attempts have been hit or miss.Bill Kristol has several dead hooker parts in the crawlspace of his home. I read that on the internet.
what’s the secret to making a successful Bernaise sauce?
Use only the highest quality Bernards.
Use only the highest quality Bernards.
Plus you get to drink the booze they carry in that little barrel on their collar.
Well, even Superman and Captain America have snapped a few necks in their long history, so maybe he has a p-
Wait, he’s talking about real life and not comic book characters, isn’t he?
If’n any of y’all want to blow off some steam, there is now a convenient way to shoot nazis from the comfort of your browser. Not quite as satisfying as junkpunching Kristol, but sometimes you take what you can get.
GAWD help me I’m engaging them at GayPutzRiot. WHY OH WHY do I do it?
It’s not worth it. They howl really loud when you start feeding them into the blender.
If boxing could be transmuted into poetry:
Brava, Jennifer. Your comments at GP got North Dallas -40 all spinning around and saying idiotic things. And he keeps talking about “gay sex liberals.” What exactly is that? And only at GP would gay sex be a bad thing. These people sometimes are really more tragic than they are funy.
I got out of the boat. They really are not a very bright bunch over there are they? Everything is “you only say that ’cause you believe anything Obama tells you” and “I hope you don’t have a dog ’cause Obama’s gonna eat it.” I respect your attempt to edumacate them, but I don’t think it’s going to work.
RIP: Caroll Shelby
(car freaks like me will care, not so much anybody else)
RIP: Caroll Shelby
Didn’t he have health problems for quite some time?
Aaand while I’m away bashing my head against a wall, I lose the chance to beat N__B to the punch. Bastard.
Bearnaise. I likes me a KICKASS Bearnaise. I generally follow the Julia Child method … let’s see what I can find. Aah, here we go.
1/4 cup white wine vinegar
1/4 cup or more, up to about 1/2 cup dry white wine (I use dry French Vermouth which I ALWAYS have on hand )
1 heaping tablespoon minced shallot
1 tablespoon dried tarragon
Salt and pepperThree or four whole black peppercorns3 egg yolks
2 sticks unsalted butter,
melted in saucepandivided, one stick in melted in saucepan2 tablespoons minced fresh tarragon
In a small saucepan combine vinegar, wine, shallots, and dried tarragon and a couple whole black peppercornsand simmer over moderate heat until reduced to syrupy, about 2 tablespoons of liquid. Cool and strain through a fine sieve.
In the top of double boiler or a heat-proof bowl or just a small saucepan once you have some practice whisk the egg yolks until they become thick and sticky. Whisk in the reduced vinegar mixture and pepper. Place the pan or bowl over a saucepan of simmering, not boiling, water or on a very low burner, once you’ve developed the knack. Whisk until mixture is warm, about 2 minutes. (If mixture appears to become lumpy, dip pan immediately in a bowl of ice water to cool, whisk until smooth and then continue recipe.) The yolk mixture has thickened enough when you can see the bottom of the pan between strokes and mixture forms a light cream on the wires of the whip.
[I need to breakl this out into two different sections. Here’s the original first:]
While whisking the yolk mixture gradually pour in the melted butter, a tablespoon or so at a time whisking thoroughly to incorporate before adding more butter. As the mixture begins to thicken and become creamy, the butter can be added more rapidly. Do not add the milk solids at the bottom of the melted butter.
I use a small saucepan on a low burner. I don’t melt any butter beforehand. Just when you are ready to make the sauce, remove the two sticks of butter from the fridge and cut into chunks of maybe 1/4 to 1/2 Tbsp each. When you put the saucepan with the eggs on the very low burner alsso toss in a couple chunksof the cold butter. Whisk slowly and when the first chunks are nearly melted add a couple more. Rinse and repeat. The cold butter helps keep the sauce from getting curdlingly hot. Keep going until all the butter is incorporated.
Season the sauce, to taste, with chopped tarragon, salt
and pepper. To keep the sauce warm, set the pan or bowl in lukewarm water or in a thermos. If you’re going to hold it for any time, float some melted butter on the top or press plastic wrap gently to cover.Yeah, from the article:
Thanks Pup. I’ll give that a try tonight.
If I’m going to serve this with steaks, will the sauce keep long enough for me to cook the steaks?
I have to admit, every time I heard about Caroll Shelby and what he was up to these days, I kept thinking to myself, waitaminute, isn’t he dead? Anyways this is one of his company’s most recent projects:
It is equal parts badass, awesome, insane and deadly.
To be fair, it’s no great accomplishment to get ND-40 spinning around and saying idiotic things. That’s his default setting.
I keep meaning to steal your instructions for the JanusNode but that recipe module is complicated. Maybe I’ll rewrite it.
I have a very old Bill Cosby record called “200 mph” where Caroll Shelby built him a Cobra capable of 200 mph.
“And the speedometer went up to 200 mph, and under 200 there was still more room and the words OH WOW”
More tolerance yet they voted for intolerance. Plus they have as normal lives as anyone.
Ole Bill Kristol is, like, MILKING the welfare, man.
“But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance in Alamance, Person and Granville for those who are proponents of gay marriage than there is at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the opponents.”
I’m not impressed when people take a half-hearted stab at decency while methodically fucking someone over. I suppose you could buy a boy ice cream after molesting him: I bet that’s happened plenty of times. How nice. Consider the bigot who speaks poison in a gentle tone while smiling. The even-tempered concentration camp capo who insists on treating everyone equally. Et cetera. All these types feel better about themselves and invite you to feel the same.
In my experience abusers often make mutable one-sided deals with themselves. As long as they sorta hold up their end of the deal as they currently define it, they’re blameless. Victims and other concerned parties are not part of the deal-making framework, which they’re expected to honor. Within these frameworks Kristol sees vestiges of niceness and tolerance that he admires.
In a similar vein, I have seen the tachometer for a supercharged motorcycle that indicated up to 14000 RPM, after 14000, was written the word, BANG!.
boxingshooting fish in a barrel could be transmuted into poetry:[s some funny shit there, that is. And there’s a link to S,N!
I thought he preferred staying in DC for that.
Homemade bearnaise? I’m askeert.
Btw, AC wanted bearnaise to be “bear aisle.” “Bears are in the Bear Aisle, Sir.”
My comment is on the Putzriot thread linked in Tintin’s piece above. In which Blatt approvingly cites Kristol. That seemed to be where it most belonged.
it must have been in moderation when i first checked…and now, eck! i’m sorry i talked you into doing that…damn those people are mean AND dumb…
Major, it should hold. I make the acid syrup and whisk it into the eggs as prep work. Grill steaks. While the steaks rest (THEY MUST REST!) I finish the Bearnaise. If you use the double boiler type method, prep everything and have the water simmering when you head to the patio. Finish the sauce while the meat rests.
From Pareene:
A comment from Ben got us to this.
Is that the assembly that’s only used in sprinkler systems that you’ll never actually need to test in this job? If so, that really sucks!
Guess what? It really sucks, then. Yeah! 😆
But you’ll get it next time…
Damn right I will. A week from today. BE THERE.
Good ol’ Bill.
That Salon piece on teh Doughy Pantload is excellent, a sample I found funny:
Wow, that is creepy as hell!
Still not as creepy as Kristol, but getting there. Maybe if it had sound?
The pig.
Hmm, the context of the full video really doesn’t help anything. And I’m thankful that the sound is just happy silent-movie piano and not some horrid pig noises.
Bill Cosby record called “200 mph”
Ah, the big-block Shelby Cobra. A beautiful machine.
“five hundred horsepower, and faster than anything Steve McQueen owns”
Good ol’ Bill.
The pig.
i will be calling both of you upon awaking from nightmares, thankyouverramuch…
Major, I remember that Cosby bit – he said it was “guaranteed to be faster than anything Steve McQueen has”
I have a book of chili recipes that my sister gave me that has Shelby’s recipe, looks quite a bit hotter than the kit stuff he sells.
Damn, beaten by joel. I guess there are a few old farts around here.
BTW, the chipmunk dragged the snake corpse out from his lair and back up onto the porch and is continuing to munch away on it today. The chipmunk is about 3″ tall sitting up; the snake was about 6″ long. No way he’s gonna be able to eat it all.
BTW, the chipmunk dragged the snake corpse out from his lair and back up onto the porch and is continuing to munch away on it today
still more pleasant than gayputzriot mangoes…
Pfff, some Euro / gay you are. (Semi-alternative punchline: Guido Westerwelle.)
I bet you could effectively troll them by just posting PG descriptions of physical acts of love. Like, they’d have to say a dozen Hail Marys and flagellate themselves every time they heard tell of boys kissing on the Internet.
Goldberg told on Tuesday that he didn’t recall any of this. “In all honesty, I don’t recall ever being ‘called’ on this.”
Willard doesn’t recall running down and tackling a faggot then shearing his hair while he cried in terror. So I totally believe him.
I was thinking about it earlier as I was walking Bagoas. I was wondering how things might have gone had Mittens said something like “That is the most shameful thing I have ever done. I did some nastY things in high school, all of which I now regret but that has haunted me for many years. As I grew into adulthood I grew ashamed and hid my shame. I am truly sorry for what I did. That I did those things in my youth is no excuse but I can say that I have grown much since then.”
Now, I wonder if he could convincingly say he was ashamed, that he regretted it severely. I don’t think he regrets it at all except for the inconvenience but that’s neither here nor there. Had he made such a firm, principled confession, had he been a leader in telling his party that bullying is wrong, how it would be taken.
a chimp wearing a top hat and a monocle
Well now I am actually interested in Pantload’s book.
My mad grammer skilz have fled. Please formulate that last sentence as a question, wouldja? Thank you very much.
Major, I had that Cosby album (hell, I had ALL the Cosby albums)- if I remember the bit, he asked Shelby to build him a car that would go “200 MPH…………………… second gear”.
I useta memorize all those records and do ’em for the kids in school. Wanted to be a comedian until I got sidetracked by the music thang.
Said school, BTW, was out in the Niles /Des Plaines area, where I lived until I got out of high school and moved into the city. We kids useta like to get high and hang around Woodfield when it first opened……………so that’s what I know about Schaumburg. Nice out there though.
I’ll whisk a hollandaise if I have an audience but usually I use an immersion blender. Lots faster and it makes a fine sauce. I also use lime juice instead of vinegar if I have good limes, half of each otherwise. Them old Frenchies would use lemon for hollandaise and vinegar, frequently herbed, for béarnaise.
With the yolks, acids, salt and tarragon (for béarnaise, fresh chervil too if you can find it) in your non-metallic vessel, start the whizzer and add the hot melted butter in a thin stream, as if making mayonnaise. Thin, if necessary, with vermouth and hot water, mixed. If you have to hold it try a very warm water bath or an unlit gas oven with a pilot.
Put a good char on your steak, there’s something superb about fire grilled fancy beef with béarnaise.
Sort of on topic, danblatt’s buddy “cinesnatch” dropped by at the end of the previous thread to complain that the watermelon picture is libelous. I find this amusing, one, because, what the fuck? B) why does this friend drop by only once a thread is dead to complain? There is a current thread, even mentioning danblatt, that the friend could complain on, but they don’t. I’m sure there is some deep, meaningful psychological insight to be gained from this, if we analyze this behavior a bit furth- LOOK A SQUIRREL!
I like hollandaise on a spoon.
As with blender mayo, I the immersion blender just doesn’t give me the texture I like. Not without lots of futsing anyway.
Good catch on the chervil, I spaced it completely cuntpasting that recipe.
And yes, steak with a dark crispy char draped with Bearnaise is sublime.
There’s no place like home for the hollandaise.
The basic rule of any philosophy is that, if it leads one to absurd and impossible conclusion, something in the premise must be wrong, or an error made in the line of reasoning.
It seems some anti-homosexual posters were found in Shoreditch, Stoke Newington and broader East London, and the local LGBTQ activists wanted to organize a gay pride parade to show they are not intimidated by the hateful posters. Out There is a homosexual activist group, but opposes the parade, worried that the far right would use the pro-gay parade as an opportunity to stir up hatred against the Mohammedans.
Here is the link to the Open Letter by Out East:
Jessica Geen writing in the same newspaper, presents the opposing point of view, and argues that the parade should not be canceled:
I heard about this news from Big Hollywood website, a somewhat sneering article by Greg Gutfield:
Let me quote two paragraphs from the Open Letter by Out East:
My comment: The catastrophic inadequacy of modern education has left many a man people unaware of who, or when, or why, the ideas that form his bedrock assumptions were first invented. Most people who parrot Marxist axioms and assumptions have never read Marx, and would be offended to hear who their mentor is.
The axiom of the Marxist philosophy is that all ills of man are caused, not by the fall of man, but by the mechanics of historical forces, predominantly political and economic. Even such things as private hatred of one man for neighbor, stranger, and sojourner are ultimately caused by a failure of proper political institutions.
That seems to be the stance of Open East in the paragraph above. They name cut in funding to public services as the cause of enmity between Muslims and Homosexuals, rather than, for example, a personal decision, or the consensus of a community, or the teaching of a religion.
From this axiom, however, they reach the conclusion that it is tactically unwise to parade their cause in London, because the politics (in the broadest sense) of the situation means that this would offend or oppress the Mohammedans.
This is also Marxist, where “oppression” does not mean the use of the force of law to harass, rob and kill people, it means using the free speech of a public forum to express an opinion not flattering to the most sensitive and easily offended minority in the forum.
Meanwhile, the Mohammedan world view takes a somewhat more “Levitican” approach to gay-Muslim relations. Shariah law dictates cruel and Draconian penalties for homosexual acts, including flogging or death.
Obviously Shariah law is not yet firmly rooted in England (except, possibly, for certain financial laws, and some private binding arbitration): but the Muslims, or some of them, believe and say that the triumph of Shariah in England is only a matter of time.
One would suppose that any sign of cravenness in the face of an implacable enemy would serve only to encourage that enemy.
If that supposition is correct, the caution of Out East acts exactly contrary to their own notions of their cause and their self-interest.
Their logic has led them to an absurdity (1) They say Islamophobia is the same as Homophobia (2) they must oppose Islamophobia, and therefore support Islam (2) Islam is homophobic, therefore: they must support homophobia in the name of fighting homophobia.
No one can actually believe this.
My own theory (and I am a thoroughgoing supernaturalist) is that the Prince of the World controls the ways of this world. Hence, the world regards the Christian religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular as its main enemy: and when homosexuality is no longer a useful weapon to use to batter the Church and her sacrament of marriage into near-non-existence, the world uses a more violent and more clearly anti-christian weapon, Mohammedanism. And the first weapon, no longer useful, is dropped.
We have already seen in the last decade the speed with which feminism has been dropped when it clashes with Mohammedanism. Feminists fret about fictional income gaps with men, but ignore women being beaten, murdered or mutilated in their genitalia by their families, or forced into arranged marriages.
If this is how the world treats the cause of woman’s rights, when women represent more than half the race (and, in my opinion, the better half) how loyal with the world be to the few sexually abnormal persons who form a much smaller and less admired minority?
The world is not your friend. It will not serve your interests nor seek your happiness in this life or the next. The world will flatter you, exploit you, grind you between its teeth like a rind until you are dry, and then it will spit you out.
The Church is your friend and your mother. She loves you but will not flatter you. Hers is the voice of sanity, and will fill you up until your cup runs over.
I saw a preview once for a documentary about a film crew who went into the wilds of Canada in search of what they call a ‘spirit bear’, which was a light colored grizzzly bear. It was blonde, not albino. In a similar vein, near my fiancee’s old apartment on Speight Street lived a blonde, or as I now prefer to call ‘spirit squirrel’.
Aaaaand now I’m gonna have to go to the store. Even the Kroger (Fred Meyer) around here has grass fed, natural, dry aged beef. I love this town.
I’m not keen upon a béarn unless it’s a chili chili béarn.
For breakfast it is macerated gargoyle moss; wine: buttered vodka.
Time to move to my desktop, I see. No badgers on the ippadee.
Yeah that copypasta lulled me in with an almost coherent beginning, but then I got to to the use of “Mohammedans” and a link to
Big HollywoodBreitbart’s Rotting Corpse and knew I’d been duped. Badgers engaged!I know what you mean about the texture Pup but I’ve found a tbsp or two of hot tap water is just the thing to make machine hollandaise work.
I’ve tried lots of different citrus for it too, grapefruit, murcotts, pomelo, Meyer lemon. For asparagus on toast w/poached egg and hollandaise I like to put in two or three raw oysters before whizzing the sauce.
I am a thoroughgoing supernaturalist
Is that highfalutin talk for “pretentious douchebag”?
Hey copypasta fuckface, at least have the decency to make up your own shitty lame nym. Quit nymjacking the regulars.
were you saying that gandhi was a bit of a tool? he is the only person in history of which i have never heard anything mean or critical (except his opposition) written or said…
Perhaps you have not encountered Koestler’s biographical essay on Gandhi, which resulted in India becoming another country that banned Koestler’s writings.
“Mohammedans” is Internet nerd for “I think I am Herbert Spencer” and “Moslems” is Internet nerd for “I think I am Zeev Jabotinsky”. This has been your Internet nerd fact for today.
Congrats to OBS on teh nymsteal!
I’d like a liberal to explain to me in a single post why, if we’re going to change the definition of marriage to include same sex couples, why we can’t also change it to include polygamy?
Do try to do so without the personal insults and childish taunts so common on the left.
Whatever, fag!
You’re a big baby with poop in his pants, an’ your momma dresses you funny.
No wait. Gone now. Looks like teh filter is kicking in. Either that or it’s teh meds.
So why no polygamy? Are you polygaphobes?
I’m game. We totes could change teh definition of marriage to include polygamy. Or marrying a box turtle. Or maybe something do crazy as letting white women marry black guys!
So you favor polygamy?
How about pedophile marriage?
I’d like a liberal to explain to me in a single post why, if we’re going to change the definition of marriage to include same sex couples, why we can’t also change it to include polygamy?
Before we explain it to you, we’d like you to elaborate on why you equate plural marriage with same-sex marriage, and what the one has to do with the other.
Honest Questions:
Now fuck off.
Too, there’s something satisfying about quickly whipping up a butter sauce. Also.
So crazy. Stupid virtual keyboard.
Also, we could totes teh traditional definition of marriage to exclude droit de seigneur. And maybe even disallow incest.
Fortunately teh traditional definition of marriage has nevar been changed and will forever mean teh union of one man and whomever teh ruling power wishes to assign him as property.
I don’t think he regrets it at all except for the inconvenience but that’s neither here nor there.
Esquire doesn’t think he regrets any of it at all.
Gandhi certainly had his problems (among them literally but not figuratively sleeping with teenaged girls as some kind of sexual self-control exercise), and he tended to try and solve the problems of the new India by appealing to everyone’s better nature as opposed to their self-interest; he wouldn’t have done the world appreciably more good if he hadn’t run afoul of Godse. But it’s hard to find a nicer and more effective revolutionary leader – some would say impossible – and while one of the reasons nobody has anything negative to say about Gandhi is his effective canonization by Indian society, another is that there is very little negative to say about Gandhi that stands up to serious scrutiny.
Indian society tends to take his politics as granted, because India is cooler than we are. The people who don’t take his politics as granted (BJP, Shiv Sena, etc) still revere him as some kind of demigod.
A delicious trap expertly sprung!! No gay marriage ever!!!
I’ll give it another try El M., putsing around with the hot water but I don’t mind at all doing it the traditional way. I used blood orange in a Hollandiase once. The color was … Interesting.
Homo nups never!!! Christus Rex forever!!! Hep-hep hep-hep hep-hep!!!
My standard response to “why should we change the definition of marriage*” is “why _shouldn’t_ we?” It’s like throwing a speed bump in front of a speeding clattletrapmobile.
*The definition of marriage, as GOD HIS OWN SEF laid out in the bible includes polygamy. The question for the troll is “why did we change the definition to exclude polygamy?”
Why not gay polygamous pedophile marriages? With turtles?
If we allow marriage to be between any old man and any old woman, why can’t a grown man marry a 15-year-old girl, or indeed an army of girl-babies? Ergo marriage must be restricted to a man and a woman. I’ll be taking my child brides now.
Nothing makes you feel like a real cook like vigorous whisking. Except sneaking blow and making out in the walk-in.
Whoops that wasn’t one post. Oh well.
Anti-miscegenation laws were still around in teh sixties. Forty years later and anti-gay fucktard assholes are still asking why allowing Ghey marriage won’t open teh floodgates to polygamy. Fifty fucking years later. After a state that already bans gay marriage moves to constitutionally ban it some moar.
Here is teh reason Mr Honest Question, because you are a stupid fucking hateful piece of shit. And no, that’s not an insult. It is actually a very generous description of you.
What I want to know is why the traditional, Biblical marriage sorts are anti-polygamy, seems more their purview than that of pro-homo-nuppers.
Or is it sixty years later? Wev. Imma stop posting from teh phone.
Oh fuck you, Pupi.
Guido Westerwelle
“Guido Hamsterwheel?”
“Westerwelle!, Westerwelle!”
Except sneaking blow and making out in the walk-in.
You can’t prove anything! Besides, it was so long ago… Er, um…
Aww dammit, I missed it!
Christianity lacks a sturdy concept of marriage and the modern idea of sacralized marriage was introduced in the high middle ages to increase the role of the ceremonial Church in what had been a civil affair. (The Church, when it took over the Empire, felt it fit to leave the ceremony of marriage – which after all determined the disposition of worldly property and the worldly legitimacy of offspring – to Caesar.) Even if American law were based in canon law, which it is not, the concept of “Biblical marriage” is a risible novelty. It’s like insisting that the Bible literally says Satan was the snake who tempted Eve.
So, friend, the genuine answer to your question is that marriage is a ceremony given worldly meaning by worldly law and it has not been considered in the interests of the commonwealth that men should marry children. There is no special reason the law could not ceremonialize a “marriage” between two dogs or a man and General Mills, but it does not and there is no reason to believe anyone wants it to.
Or, what, are we supposed to believe that if Congress passed such a bill right now and the President signed it right now God would veto it before it took the force of law?
Self-loathing Bruce Carroll:
Remember when Liberace used to strum his piano? Six oiled, hairless, muscular guys in slave costumes would come out & turn the piano on its side, & then he’d pull out his pecker & strum all over the soundboard. Sounded kind of like a harp through a fuzz pedal.
Oh, how polite! You’re fucking welcome!
TL, DR: You can either live your whole life in fear of slippery slopes or you can find a comfortable pair of cleats.
another is that there is very little negative to say about Gandhi that stands up to serious scrutiny.
His campaigns to rid India of the scourges of education, a health system, machine-woven fabrics and trains? His destruction of his sons when they failed to turn into mini-mes?
And I’m sure the fact that Republicans are structurally homophobic has nothing to do with why it might mean more coming from a Democrat.
Does this fuckface really not get how the President coming out–heh–in favor of gay marriage because he is genuinely in favor of it might differ from Dick Cheney only caring because his daughter is gay?
Not sure if this has been posted here yet, but…
I’m sure it has nothing to do with Cheney being a Republican and Obama being a Democrat.
Cheney served as vice-president for an administration that advocated a constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage, and only managed to voice his support after he left office. “Ex-vice-president who served an administration that wanted to change the constitution to enshrine inequality for some citizens now says he personally supports legalization of gay marriage” somehow seems to lack the immediacy and, well, oomph of a sitting president running for re-election who says “I personally support legalizing same-sex marriage.”
Maybe it has less to do with Cheney being a Republican as it has to do with Cheney being a political coward by avoiding saying or doing anything that might have furthered the cause of equality while he was in power and had an opportunity to change things for the better. Cheney voicing his support after leaving office amounts to nothing more than an attempt to burnish his horrible legacy with an example of just one issue on which he’s not personally a wretched excuse for a human being. Given that this opinion was voiced in order to serve Cheney’s interests rather than those of gay Americans who Cheney declined to address when he had the chance, you’ll have to excuse me for not rushing to drape Cheney with laurels and garlands for his belated bid to earn the title of “human being.”
Vice President Dick Cheney became the first major national political figure to announce his support of gay marriage back in 2009.
IIRC, Dick Cheney wasn’t so much Vice President in 2009, or indeed in any official position of power at all, but rather more of a disgraced, universally loathed asshole.
So maybe that’s the difference.
Each represented a link tying the apolitical bourgeois who would become the core of the Indian nation-state to London, and it’s not as though (with the possible exception of the rail network) the campaign against them resulted in India being denuded of them long-term.
You can’t found a political dynasty without cracking a few eggs, I guess. Undeniably bad, but is it really that important to anything but a biographical understanding of Gandhi in history?
alec said,
May 12, 2012 at 0:12
Christianity lacks a sturdy concept of marriage and the modern idea of sacralized marriage …
I wasn’t asking YOU. Sheesh.
I don’t recall the same amount of joy coming from the gay leftist ideologues when Vice President Dick Cheney became the first major national political figure to announce his support of gay marriage back in 2009.
I don’t remember president Cheney getting any coverage AT ALL.
Herr Gex,
May I assume that links to John Boswell’s work? No, the John Boswell that was a Yale (Princeton? Harvard?) scholar. Oh my how he got attacked for that. I read his “popular” books which were quite a bit more scholarly than the vast majority of such things. I just had to take his word for it mostly.
Jennifer is fast, but I’m scatologicaller.. surely that must count for something.
Yep, Yale. Head of the history department. A real nobody.
Yes indeedy.
Damned academics digging up those awful “facts” and whatnot. Yeah, I’d bet there were more than a few what would want to burn him at the stake for such heresies.
Yeah, why would anybody pay any attention to scholarly work coming from such an unknown shithole? We really need to be reading the serious works coming out of esteemed places like Liberty Universty and such as.
Well there’s your problem right there: “well researched and documented” are strictly disallowed in the “discussion” of gay marriage.
Also: TIL people still use Livejournal. I haz a surprised.
Billy Kristolnacht omfg haha. Creature, with your permission, I am so stealing that.
This Gay Patriot guy can’t be a real gay guy, can he possibly? How could anybody be that self-loathing?
Rhetorical question, I know.
Good evening, Sadlies. Blessings and salutations.
Good evening rosebuddear. Greenings and salivations.
G’devening! Drinking and sustenancations!
(yes, it is a word, I just invented it!)
Hey rosebud and ereebodee. I am happy to be drinking.
I am happy to be drinking.
OMG I forgot to go to the gin store today! I’ll catch up with y’all shortly.
obs – haha that’s great. Which word? devening or sustenancations?
Devening I think is actually close to being a real word. (Davening?)
And G’devening? Hell that’s perilously close to some Cthulhu shit there. haha.
Good stuff.
We are all happy to be drinking, VS.
It’s how we get thru the night.
Sober now (but crazy)!! Several brews last evening on the Wonkette dime, however.
Hmm, ok I’m evidently just inventing words all nillywilly. (see, I did it again!)
“G’devening” is just really fast “good evening” — sustenencations (pronunciation: sus tuh nans ay shuns) is the act of consuming delicious food items for purposes of sustenance. Or something.
They’re all defined quite clearly (with illustrations!) in my special dictionary. No, nobody else can have a copy.
“sustenancations” — I can’t even spell my own words correctly! Need
moarsome beer.I am happy to be drinking.
You can ttttthay that again, tttthister!
For my sins, and out of morbid curiosity because something about the badgers’ writing style sounded familiar, I googled the line about how “the world regards the Christian religion in general and the Catholic Church in particular as its main enemy”, and it turns out that crap was originally spewed by John C. Wright, the transhumanist SF writer turned flabbergastingly florid zombo-papist who had to delete a post from his LJ after commenters started calling him all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names in loud voices. Am I the only one here who remembers that incident?
(Link goes to an archived version; you have to get out of the boat for the full impact, but you do so at your own risk. The mangoes are… think Orson Scott Card without the moral depth.)
In other news, ND-40 is still smearing himself with poop over at the Putzriot’s.
Yeah, OBS outed him a few days ago after morbid curiosity got the better of me. What a freak.
I did a little google-sleuthery the last time around myself, and thus my wholly hypocritical comment “nice beard, fag” about ten posts back, during one of his badgerings.
I am thankful enough to say I’m wholly unfamiliar with his oeuvre because if it’s not Greg Egan I’d rather pound a nail through my balls (yes, both, in sequence) with my dick than read some beardo’s idea of “hard SF”. That some published author (or his #1 fan) is reduced to hanging around a snark blog past its salad days pretending not to understand the slippery slope fallacy neatly confirms my preexisting prejudices about modern SF – the best kind of confirmation for the best kind of prejudices.
From your lips to God’s ears, central to my point, hennnngh.
I remember when a boy and a girl living together, un-married, was a terrible crime. In fact, I remember Jan’s mother yelling at us when she found out, “You’re worse than a couple of queers! At least no one ever says they’re shacking up! You’re shacking up for god’s sakes!”
We were living together in a small apartment behind the Navy school on Hancock St in Athens, walking distance from Prince’s. Jan had her apartment, which she shared with her roommate who lived with her boyfriend, and I had mine, which I shared with Steve, who was also living with his girlfriend whose roommate was living with her boyfriend and so on and so forth. Everybody was doing it. But this revelation bonked Jan’s mother square on the head and she went ballistic. She came to Athens for an unannounced visit and caught us gathering our laundry for a trip to the washateria. Funny stuff today but it wasn’t then.
sorry, I forgot to put my name in the name box. Also, should be “walking distance from Allen’s on Prince.” The names Jan and Steve have not been changed to protect the innocent.
Two separate generations of men left home teenaged boys and came back teenaged boys who had seen human beings killed, and then they married young and had lots of kids and lived out a romantic teenager’s idea of adult life until they crashed and burned – and when you’re young and believe you’re in True Love the whole world gotta be in True Love or heads are gonna roll.
And now one of the major parties is run by people who want to stuff their fingers in their ears and hum very loud and make believe that’s how life is – teens raising teens, forever and ever, world without end.
Thanks for the advice Pup. My bearnaise sauce rocked.
I don’t recall the same amount of joy coming from the gay leftist ideologues when Vice President Dick Cheney became the first major national political figure to announce his support of gay marriage back in 2009.
Broken clock, twice a day etc. etc.
He apparently maintains a file of links to my comments here – he pulls them out all the time. Does that count as stalking? Cause, I’ve never had a stalker. actor has one, Jennifer (i think) has one, EVERYBODY has one! I WANT MY GODDAMN INTERNET STALKER!
Good Lord, Rodert Rudis, when were you in Athens?
Well, obviously, because bitter statements from people whose rights have just been removed by a hateful majority are the worst things ever to happen to anyone.
I love* how to the right-wing, words matter infinitely more than actions. All that matters is that the left uses uncouth words and lets their rage at injustice hang out and that the right couches their hatred in “love the sinner, hate the sin” bullshit and flowery words devoid of humanity.
Cause that’s the only way that final sentence by him makes any damn sense. Ooh, those mean ol’ tempermental lefties might cuss out a hater which is infinitely worse than stripping a group of their rights, throwing them out of their homes, killing them on the streets and arguing against the investigation of said deaths, and overall treating a group as something less than human, needing nothing but scorn.
But hey, gay marriage supporters recognize hate, so that makes them the real haters, donchaknow. I’d repeat IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, but I don’t fucking need to.
*For a given value of love that mostly consists of hate
Sorry to send you to *that* site but this is not to be missed.
1972-1973, 1974ish. Moved out to a farm in Watkinsville for a while. Allen’s is gone I hear. Woof Woof.
So you must have been there too. When?
1974-1995. Never went to Allen’s in all that time, though.
Puppy-Boy (I can only assume you wish to be called this): It’s one of those “is it live or is it Memorex” moments, only instead “is she so bigoted she’s lost touch with reality or is there something literally wrong with her brain”. I’m betting the latter, which makes the amusing part who exactly invited her to give this strange, unhinged testimony.
“Do gays become sadistic? Yes! They cuss after coupling, don’t like the land they lay on, and 80% of those who did treason by the year 2000 were gays.”
He apparently maintains a file of links to my comments here – he pulls them out all the time.
It must be the recipes.
I got the Troll of Sorrow so NYAAAAH.
I just finished pan frying a couple of ginormous chicken breasts with a side of rice and some fritters made with the remainder of my egg and sour cream mixed with the remainder of theseasoned flower mix.
I went to join my roommate in the living room where he was watching a pbs special about the Clintons. I have since decamped to my room, because if found it difficult if not impossible to enjoy my meal what with me screaming at the TV every minute.
Seeing David Gergens mug was the last straw.
/serenity now,serenity now.
Puppy-Boy (I can only assume you wish to be called this):
You need to bone up (heh) on yer Latin pronounceiationisms. “Poopy anus” is the way it’s said. “pup” would therefore be said “poop.”‘
Holy Fucknutz. I’d call her batshit, but I don’t want to offend guano.
“Anus licking causes sepsis. If not given anti-biotics within a half an hour, they will perish.”
Um. Honey? Imma let you in on a li’l secret…
Not seeing how this conflicts with the image of a puppy.
I spent my last few bucks on a six of Full Sail IPA that was on sale at Safeway. I know I could have bought a lot of Thunderbird for that seven bucks, but quality over quantity.
quality over quantity.
Pass the Purell! is what I’m saying.
Ya know, when I ordered Pink Frosted Animal Cookie body wash I did not have high hopes it would smell like its name but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t.yum!
when I ordered Pink Frosted Animal Cookie body wash
I did not know such a thing even existed. I lead a boring life.
I do it because it can be amusing.
Ita not that exciting. Readily available to every Tom, Dick and Hairy.
I spent my last few bucks on a six of Full Sail IPA that was on sale at Safeway. I know I could have bought a lot of Thunderbird for that seven bucks, but quality over quantity.
No apology required. Looking forward to stopping in Hood River tomorrow after ~70% of the ride to have some late lunch and a beer. Or two. I’d go for three but it’s still 60 miles to home with some interesting twisties on the way.
Hood River has good beer. Double Mountain also has good pizza. If you ever get across the river to Stvenson, WA there is a brewery there called Walking Man that is pretty good as well.
One must ask: what does Dan Blatt have to say about his life as an orgier and a treasoner?
If you ever get across the river to Stvenson, WA there is a brewery there called Walking Man that is pretty good as well.
Hah! A regular stop on our rides. Lots of folks plan their motorpickle rides around a stop at Walking Man.
One must ask: what does Dan Blatt have to say about his life as an orgier and a treasoner?
The conventional wisdom holds that Bruce Dan Blatt is not, in fact, a practicing Homosexual. Mostly because he can’t get laid. Has Bruce Dan Blatt ever sucked a cock? Why won’t he say? What is he trying to hide? I read on the internetz that Bruce Dan Blatt is only playing at being a homosexualist. ITS TRUE! I READ IT ON TEH INTERNETZES!
Please forgive me that bbkf moment. I blame the gin.
Has Charles Pierce unearthed peak wingnut?
That would explain his business cards.
Ooops, pup got there first
a practicing Homosexual
They say practice makes perfect.
I did not even know you were supposed to wash your Pink Frosted Animal Cookies’ bodies. Seems to me they’d get soggy or dissolve away. Must be what the special wash is for, huh?
Practice practice practice! S’always been my motto. Along with try everything twice. If you didn’t like it the first time, maybe you did somethig wrong.
Pink Frosted Animal Cookies, like all members of the Gustulus clade, lacks a functioning spine or bones or muscles. You may know, if you’ve owned a dog or a cat or a ferret, that they can lick their genitals clean and indeed sometimes seem to do nothing else; Gustulus rosacis by contrast cannot lick itself anywhere, let alone its recessed cookie genitals.
Unless it is washed regularly, this leads to a sickly “frostingy” odor “down there”, which while harmless to the animal (as indeed it is not alive at all) is considered the chief mark of poor breeding by the American Cookie Kennel Club.
That thread is so … so BEAUTIFUL … oh you meddling kids!
Couldn’t resist the urge to join in … because sometimes you just HAVE to get in the ring with that quadrapalegic.
Hey Pup, if you want to take a really scenic loop off of WA 14 take the Cook-Underwood road near Bingen. It winds up through vineyards to the top of the gorge and has magnificent views of Mt. Hood then it twists its way back down to 14 at Cook. I worked up at the lab/hatchery there last summer so I got to know the road well, it’s about 12 miles altogether.
I recognized John C. Wright’s style right away (Anonymous May 11, 2012 at 23:23). He needs to slow down. Really mull things over, one clause at a time. Pay careful attention to others’ ideas. That’s enough said about him directly.
There’s virtually no support for polygamy in this country. Even if women were denied the vote, that’d be true. Same-sex marriage, however, has broad and rapidly-growing support. I am confident that we can expand the legal definition of marriage in a particular way, without slope-sliding in other directions that have no proponents to speak of.
On what authority do we change the definition of marriage? No one authority, and this is a STRENGTH. Support for same-sex marriage is increasingly heterogeneous. So is opposition to polygamy. It would be petty to insist that “you should oppose cannibalism on the basis of MY god/philosophy.” It is not just acceptable but BETTER that we can reach moral agreement after traveling a multitude of routes. That’s a sign of a sturdy belief, one that merits the consideration of democratic lawmakers.
jim, you’ve got ND-40 worked up into a fine fettle. He among other things accuses you of spreading AIDS to kids via barebacking.
Because making up nasty insults is, of course, much easier than formulating a persuasive argument – particularly when you’re wrong.
Ha ha ha, oh my god, they’ve adopted the Nebraska Crazy Lady position?? Really?? Oh god.
the Nebraska Crazy Lady position
Is this a version of Reverse Cowgirl?
You sick bastard. If you so much as try to touch me, you can say goodbye to that hand.
But I can’t resist adding the thought that I’ll bet there’s more tolerance in Alamance, Person and Granville for those who are proponents of gay marriage than there is at Duke or UNC-Chapel Hill for the opponents.
He’s quick to say this because he knows that he’ll never be near any of those places.
Each represented a link tying the apolitical bourgeois who would become the core of the Indian nation-state to London, and it’s not as though (with the possible exception of the rail network) the campaign against them resulted in India being denuded of them long-term.
Hmm. The attempt to look at the negative parts of Gandhi’s legacy are definitely harder if it is stipulated that his personal life does not count, and nor do any of his stupid / evil policies if they were eventually reversed by his successors.
His suggestions during WW2 on how to deal with German armies and antisemitism — that confronted with non-violence and voluntary suicides, “Herr Hitler will bow before the courage which he will own is infinitely superior to that shown by his best stormtroopers” — that was not Gandhi’s finest hour.
More like Twisted and Severely Damaged Cowgirl.
And not in the good way.
On the Ghandi issue, he’s not too popular with the Dalit castes of India.
I remember attending a commemoration of Ghandi’s legacy while at college and a Dalit friend of mine interrupted what should have been a real love-fest with a blistering criticism of the man.
Good times, good times.
I’m not sure why this tickled me the way it did, but I chuckled audibly.
Someone did a transcript of Nebraska Crazy Lady in the comments at Pierce’s joint. You will never find a more wretched hive of Dadaism and Cuckoo For Cocoa-Puffedness.
Winter Wipeout TV show had broken bones and manslaughter every minute.
Winter Wipeout, show, is produced in Holland by gays, bi’s and orgiers.
Why do gays like to see people perishing?
P.E.N.I.S. goes into the anus to rupture intestines.
More a man does this, more likely he’ll be a fatality or a homicider.
Getting pleasure while the other man passes away reverberates another homicide later.
UNESCO or United Nations has gender and bioethics conferences combined.
Only gays go to Gender Studies.
Gays are the bioethic genociders in hospitals.
Children can be eliminated.
The FED stated in this December 11 article, The Lincoln Journal Star, page six, “gays should not be employed in hospitals or any health occupation.”.
Whitney Houston was found without clothes in a bathtub.
Every corpse found without clothes has a partner that did away with them.
Lesbians and gays rarely live past 40 years old because it is common for a partner to do away with them or they self-inflict.
We want everyone to live as long as possible. To be 80 years old instead of 40 years old.
Don’t go Gay! It’s not healthy.
Anus licking causes sepsis.
If not given antibiotics within half and hour they perish!
Have no Gays in education.
A high percent of gay men in school grounds molest boys. Partly because they don’t have AIDS yet.
Be on the side of the innocent boy who gets F and D’s a year after being molested. Don’t allow hundreds of molestations a year! With this equality! Ordinance!
Where are our school teachers that should be speaking about this today?
Hilary Clinton’s roommate, four years in college, was Eleanor or Eddie Acheson, a gay woman, daughter of Dean Acheson.
To avoid going gay like Hilary Clinton did, college students need single rooms in single gender dorms.
Going Lesbian is not normal.
A college woman is seduced with illegal rohypnol to go Gay. Otherwise they think it’s abhorrent.
Lesbian College professors state, quote, “Wives are enslaved by their husbands.” Unquote.
All you married Councilmen know this. is. not. true!
And this is de-ranged thinking.
Have no Gays in education.
Canadian Gaetan Dugas was the first person to get AIDS in 1980.
He depressed his immune system with Pot.
He ruptured intestines as his partner became a corpse!
Candida fungus grows hugely on a corpse!
AIDS is a Candida fungus disease.
Roman Senators went to Roman Baths to be promiscuous gay, bi’s and orgiers then went to the Coliseum to watch Christians get mauled and perish!
Do Gays become sadistic? Yes!
They cuss after coupling. Don’t like the land they lay on. And 80% of those who did treason by the year 2000 were gays.
Don’t employ gays in militaryeducationhealthorpsychology.
They are the genociders, molesters, treasonous, deranged.
Gay is not a behavior by the way.
A Gay is a behavior it’s not an identity.
Shoplifters don’t make good salespersons.
Gays behaviors aren’t needed for militaryeducationhealthorpsychology.
Don’t encourage Gays.
Do not harm Gays.
Gays can transform to be celibate. To live to be 80 years old.
Gay Persons want to adopt children. California Board of Education said last year, children in San Francisco have the worst scholastics, spelling, all subjects, all grade levels.
They cry all day and rape each other, hetero, without being told not to.
Give us your molested children, deranged by seeing only Gays kissing.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell what you do in your bedroom and you will be respected for your work.
Read the book, Najinsky, to understand that bisexuals always become insane.
A wedding dress is for a woman not for a man.
Jesus was kissed by Judas, a homo, who tried to sabotage Jesus’ kind ideas.
Do you accuse Jesus, a celibate, or Judas, a homo?
You have to choose.
This is the result of a ten year study, by over 700 psychologists, PhD’s.
Read, Crisis of Generational Pursuits.
At any Lincoln. City. School.
What if I want to live past 80? Or is her nongay utopia modeled on Logan’s Run?
Can you imagine what it would be like to hear a discussion between Nebraska Crazy Lady and Rev. Swank?
No, of course you can’t. No one can and be sane enough to speak of it later. “Eldritch Horror” doesn’t come close.
I’m torn between the desire to write up a research grant to find out and the fear that I’d create the Stupidium Singularity and end destroy reality itself.
Probably not a winning strategy in that particular case.
Apple juice for gays?
I barely knew ‘er!
What site are you guys talking about here? Not sure I’m brave enough to sample it firsthand.
Along came a spider
Who homocider
What site are you guys talking about here? Not sure I’m brave enough to sample it firsthand.
You mean Crazy Nebraska Lady? TPM put it in wide circulation as best I can tell. I saw it over at Charlie Pierce’s joint over at Esquire.
She was speaking at a public hearing for an LGBT equality ordinance in Lincoln, Nebraska. She had five minutes and used every second.
The video is somewhat redeeming in that a guy sitting behind her cracks up, facepalms, sotto voce “WTF?!”s, and generally provides welcome views of sanity throughout the whole horrible thing.
Thanks. I’ll be sure to watch that tonight after I’m sufficiently self-medicated.
After all, why do you think they call it homo- cide? Get a clew, morans.
How fares the republic?
My first paycheck got credited to my account early this morning, and as I was up early, the first thang I did was shoot half of it to my landlord via PayPal. I’m sure he will appreciate that. He’s a saint, truly.
Then, I went hog wild, and spent $34 to max out the RAM on this netbook. 🙂
I may have breakfast at McDonald’s, and later buy a six-pack of Sweetwater 420 (or other, suggested hoppy potable from the peanut gallery, depending on availability in the 37209).
.Someone did a transcript of Nebraska Crazy Lady in the comments at Pierce’s joint
That is impressive work. When I first saw that vid over a pierce’s I clicked on it and literaly shut her down after the first 10-15 seconds. There are days when one needs to parcel out the exposure to …. I mean when the most deranged of shithouse rats are sniggering behind your back you’ve just gone completely round the bend, trhoguh the looking glass, accellerating all the time to explore unheretofor seen levels of insanity.
I made it only halfway throught the transcript, as it is a bit easier to take without hearing the seriousnesss and sincerity with which this person believes this shit. But even then I felt like parts of my brains where liquifying and had to give it up.
This old coot would probably tell you that water is red (i.e wet). And thinki that people like this actually live among us.
Ive done transcripts before of some of the sunday chatfests, and it takes time to make sure you get everything correctly, whoever made this one deserves the transcription equivalent of a silver star.
Congrats JP!
Sub should run that through his magic JanusNode machine.
I think that would be redundant, S.
Rmoney is speaking at Liberty University now. Panda panda panda.
Crazy bigot lady is North Dallas Thirty’s mom, I’m willing to bet.
S. – We’re going that way today! WA 14 is fairly well lacking in interest out through there so we’ll take that on our way up to Klickitat. Probably stop at Walking Man or maybe in Hood River for refreshment on the way home.
heh, St. jim bitch slapped the hateful dumbfucks at GayPutzRiot. My stalker there is fucking insane.
Looks like y’all have a great day for a ride. I worked with some of the Yakima out at Klickitat last summer tracking salmon and doing habitat surveys.
Coming from the west watch for the sign for Willard (heh) – that will be the Cook-Underwood road. The best views are when you get closer to White Salmon, there is a pull-off where you have the whole gorge – Hood River, White Salmon and usually a shitload of kiteboarders far below. Makes for some great pictures.
St. jim bitch slapped the hateful dumbfucks
Wow, I sure lit up someone’s switchboard, alright.
You can actually SEE the spittle flying!
One more shot for cheap thrills & I’m outta there … I nearly always troll oldschool (more than one comment = U LOSE) but upon being informed that I’m actually a gay barebacking pedo with HIV, I suddenly got a touch of fond nostalgia for the poor butthurt mook who told me all about how I beat my wife a few years back.
Good times, good times.
I think that would be redundant, S.
I thought it was a rcitation of Janus Node.
I sort of feel that unless you can tie it into their political life, the private life of a political figure is trivia. And in this case, there is a thematic link: his sons rejected the asceticism and nativism he adopted late in life, and he didn’t handle that well. On the one hand, it was cruel and unfatherly; on the other hand, the life they sought to follow him into was that of a comfortable imperial subaltern. If anything, doing other than he did would make him a hypocrite.
My position was that the policies weren’t stupid or evil, and generally served the purpose of Indian independence; and it was less that his successors did reverse them and more that they could. His anti-modern choices served the instrumental purpose of securing full Indian independence without significantly warping the course of Indian history. There’s a slight absurdity to arguing that the figurehead of the Indian liberation movement should have been less anti-Western and less nativist, and even if such a leadership could have effectively broken from British legal dominance, Southeast Asia is lousy with examples of imperial dominions whose less radical leadership spent the next two decades inviting British officers into the country to bombard and shotgun Communists in the service of Anglo-American businessmen.
I don’t see a way for Indian nationalism without Gandhi, and while I’m not generally in favor of nationalism it largely suppressed the uglier alternatives – either Shiv Sena-style mini-nationalisms throughout the Subcontinent, or another half-century of empire under a new name.
In the short run no, and as stated no. On the other hand, I have always felt the outrage over the ridiculousness of Gandhi’s appeal flies in the face of, you know, history – Jewish resistance was effectively futile and is more or less ignored in pop culture and the public image of the Holocaust is of innocent victims being destroyed, and as a consequence Hitler and anti-Semitism are considered permanently discredited, while to some large degree the simple fact of the Holocaust was a blank check for Zionism (and a lot of the problems of Israel are evidence that absolute sympathy corrupts absolutely).
Of course, the flip side of that is that it casts light on Gandhi’s own story – the irrelevance of the degree or completeness of injustice compared to its PR.
For example.
(I think ‘nice’ was definitely the wrong word and I apologize for it. I don’t think humanity would have been better off if he had never lived, and I think this about so few important people I have to cling tenaciously to them.)
First they came for the Nice Homo-Haters.
And I said: “Hey! Us Homo-Haters are Nice!”
I sort of feel that unless you can tie it into their political life, the private life of a political figure is trivia.
The trouble is that with Gandhi, his private life *was* his political life. His reputation for personal sanctity is basically all there is… without that, he would have been one member of many in the Indian nationalist movement, one with fringe Pol-Pot-like ideas about winding back industrialism and returning India to a sort of Hindu version of Asoka’s empire, redeemed by his talent for Agitprop stunts.
There is a reason why Attenborough didn’t make a movie about Nehru or Bose, i.e. their uninteresting private lives.
I am starting here from bbkf’s report that Gandhi “is the only person in history of which i have never heard anything mean or critical (except his opposition) written or said…” My point is that mean and critical things have been said about him.
You yourself mentioned his predilection for sleeping with nubile girls of his family, in order to expose him to the temptations of lust, so he could earn merit by overcoming it. Their own preferences in the matter, and the possible effects on them, do not seem to have crossed his mind.
I sort of feel that unless you can tie it into their political life, the private life of a political figure is trivia.
That’s a bold claim. India is, if nothing else, packed to the brim with men (always, for some reason, men) who use real or inflated claims of personal purity for self-destructive propaganda of the deed – in fact, this exact phenomenon is attested in one of the earlier Western records of Indians abroad (Zarmanochegas’s immolation and monument). If all Gandhi brought to the table was the classic ascetic’s self-aggrandizement, it would be startling that history took note of him at all.
Fundamentally it’s unfair to completely pin Gandhi’s historical profile on his charisma alone or on his fusion of revolutionary agitprop and Indian religious/ascetic expression alone. If he tripped and fell into martyrdom, why him and not the dozens of men like him from the 1890s on?
This, I think, is where we’re at fundamental variance. I don’t think the example of Pol Pot (who in the first place was far deeper in the Maoist/primitivist woods than the comparison suggests, and in the second place was a Fanonist self-liberation-thru-violence type) discredits anti-Western revolutionaries. There’s no guarantee the lives lost due to the success of the swaraj movement wouldn’t have been more than equalled by the lives lost due to its failure.
I mean, they say “you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette” about Stalin and Pol Pot, but Stalin mostly and Pol Pot purely broke eggs for the sake of breaking eggs.
Nehru sure; Bose is a different story. And I’ve always felt pretty weird about Gandhi for its historical place – one of a raft of big-thinky British intellekshual movies about the Last Days of Empire roughly coinciding with the birth under Thatcher of the new style of British power.
And my point is that unlike most figures about whom this is true (say the Dalai Lama) it’s more because he’s an exceptionally benevolent member of the class of men who involve themselves in the vainglorious, Sisyphean task of nation-building. An exceptionally benevolent man is an overstatement and I regret having made it, but I stand by my assessment of him as a revolutionary. (Most revolutionaries are big-time, major-league assholes.)
Yeah, merit’s creepy, and it makes people who buy into it do creepy shit. It’s one of those ideas that only looks good from far away.
Listen, guy, you wanna follow me from thread to thread hucking anonymous abuse at me for being overly glib on a Goddamn comedy blog that’s your prerogative.
Not sure to what degree anything I said about Orwell wasn’t germane to his historical function (leftish purity trolling, high-school curriculum item) in the fashion that e.g. Gandhi’s weird sexual merit stunts were minimally germane to his function as a leader of the swaraj movement. Disingenuous, but good to see there’s someone out there looking out for George Orwell’s reputation in this, the eclipse of his honor and influence. And on the Internet, if you could imagine such a thing.
Incidentally, if you don’t read it, Adam Curtis’s blog is fantastic; the linked item is of peripheral relevance and a great deal of interest, and as usual tells a strange, elliptical tale of the places British power spent the last century going.
Adam Curtis is who I want to be when I grow up.
That’s a bold claim.
Fortunately this is a comedy blog where it is OK to be overly glib.
No, I am
SpartacusEric Blair!