So Apparently the Entire Right Wing Has Decided They’re the Neighborhood Watch From Hot Fuzz

The South will Whine Again!

Victor Davis Hanson, White Supremacist For Hire, America’s Shittiest Website:
Ten Things We’ve Learned from the Trayvon Martin Tragedy

I’m gonna be fully honest with you. I’ve been veering away from the full out wingnut explosion with regards to the brutal and unforgivable slaying of Trayvon Martin and the criminal actions by the Sanford Police Department.

Not because there isn’t fail to mine. Oh, believe me, there’s enough Fail to power a major city into the next millennium, even after the zombie hordes are created.

But, because despite my verbosity, I’m not nearly as powerful a humor-smith as Tintin and some subjects just elicit such raw blood-curdingly hate within me that I find it difficult to find the humor in the subject.

Similarly, I’ve shied away from tackling Our Favorite White Supremacist, because there’s just so much raw hate one can take before one needs to scour their skin with a wire brush just to feel clean again.

So why am I tackling both subjects at once? I’ll explain after the shorter.

  • Damnitt people! Can’t you see that boy was obviously a nigger and thus deserved to die?!?

I hope its clear now.

That’s right. I’ve apparently done something wrong and feel the need to publicly atone by causing myself pain. But no need to get into details… That family in Chicago… so much blood… Little Timmy’s screams all through the night… why were they so loud?

1) So far there has been very little new light shed on exactly what happened on the night of the shooting.

Yes, there has only been the evidence of the cold-blooded shooting, multiple witnesses, multiple 911 calls from victim, shooter, and witnesses, the admission of the killer before claiming self-defense by the “Stand Your Ground” rule, the video camera tape…

Yeah, if there was ever this much evidence of a black man shooting a white kid, he’d already be dancing on the electric chair.

It is likely that Mr. Zimmerman will be arrested on some sort of charge, local, state, or federal, and more likely that most will believe that such an arrest is as much a necessary price to soothe racial passions as it is likely to be based on careful review of existing evidence.

Well, of course, why would you bothering arresting someone after a minor peccadillo like stalking and shooting an unarmed teenage boy in the middle of the street in broad daylight?

Fuck, if you let those racial agitators get their way, that might even become illegal or something and then what man will feel safe hunting and shooting a kid in cold blood? Is that the type of America we want to live in, people? IS IT?!?

2) Identity in this ill society is everything — something to be put on and taken off as one sees advantage.

I quit.

It’s been fun, but… the little girl was so still… her little doll… fine, I’ll continue.

Civil-rights supporters prefer to wear hoodies in rallies and demonstrations in solidarity with the hooded Mr. Martin, but prefer the media to continue to show pictures of a young-looking victim in football attire that better offers a sympathetic portrait to the general public.

Mandatory Hot Fuzz reference.

But also… so…? If someone decided to kill you and people marched in your support, they’d probably show a picture of you poured drunkingly into a suit rather than the one of you naked and weeping upon the commode. Also, are hoodies against the law, do they possess some magnetic force I was unaware of that pulls the bullets from guns no matter how hard people try and pull them away?

Cause otherwise, you are saying that if someone at all looks anything less than a scrubbed-up person going to Church, you’re allowed to gun them down in cold blood in enforcement to the Dress Code that… America apparently has now.

Hey, idiots of the world, want to know why he was probably wearing a hoodie?

Because it was cold enough to wear one.

Hispanic and Democratic George Zimmerman, had he Hispanicized his name (something like a Jorge Zimmerman, or had he used his mother’s Latino maiden name), would have either found a supportive chorus from Latino activists, or the entire case of Latino-black crime would not have had commensurate resonance. If Mr. Zimmerman were applying for a civil-service job, no one would have created the new rubric “white Hispanic.”

You know, in the last couple of years, I’ve had occasion to fill out a metric shit-ton of applications, for government jobs as well as private sector, and each one that asked for racial information (for survey purposes) listed the category for whitey as: “White Non-Hispanic”.

This suggests that there is quite a well-known category of person as a “white identifying Hispanic” or “White Hispanic”. Now, you, having lived your life in the lifetime “tenure” of wingnut welfare, has never needed to devote any time, how they say, looking for real employment. But if you ever had to participate in the “All-Sainted Free Market, glory be its name” you might have known that and looked slightly less like an idiot here.

Just saying.

Even at this late date, if he were to use his mother’s maiden name as part of a hyphenated last name, he would earn more empathy.

… Is that how you think hyphenated names work? That people are just willfully adding or subtracting them just to confuse racists like you?

How paranoid would you have to be to think-

Ah, suddenly it makes perfect sense why the Zimmerman case would have such personal resonances for you.

Unfortunately, he found himself pigeonholed as a white conservative vigilante, not a Hispanic Democrat, and that has made all the difference in his media profile.

I think people are more upset at the you know, black kid gunned down in cold blood while the police let his obvious deranged killer walk free. Or possibly the bullying witnesses and inventing false evidence to defend the killer because of racial reasons thing.

Also, I think no one really was identifying him with white conservatives until white conservatives adopted Zimmerman as their Mumia Abu-Jamal.

3) The hysteria is not just over the death of a young African-American male, because hundreds are tragically killed to near silence every year, 94 percent of them by other African-American males.

This is the problem with having a disastrously different view of the purpose of institutions than most people and indeed your own arguments. See, for wingnuts, the purpose of law enforcement is to enforce hierarchies. Rich over poor, white over black, male over female, religious over non-religious. But they still need to do lip service that they are there to serve and protect.

But it leads to things like that statement, where they seem utterly baffled that people could be upset at a miscarriage of justice.

Why would people be mad? A nigger is dead at the hands of a social better and no one in power cares. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Fuck, this law was written entirely to make events like this legal thanks to selective enforcement. That people would find that unfair, unjust, and a travesty is just… unthinkable. Right?

Sadly, No, fuckwad.

Nor is the outrage over a supposed white war against black men

Why would that even be a considered reason, much less the only alternative reason? I mean, I know IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, but damnitt boy, you’re supposed to hide it a little.

, given that in incidents of interracial crime, the latter kill the former far more frequently.


Epic level reversal of reality in service to paranoid racist ideology. Ah, wingnuts are nothing if not predictable.

Nor is it just over the decision, so far, of the police not to arrest and indict George Zimmerman, because hundreds of black assailants of other blacks each year find themselves not charged for capital crimes, because of the proven difficulties of obtaining critical affidavits, and the reluctance of eye-witnesses to come forward in the inner-city. In general, there are no marches or demonstrations over what has become a case of sheer carnage of one particular racial and gender group in our cities, or the frequent inability to bring murder suspects to trial. Finally, if the deceased had been white, and there are numerous whites killed each year in self-defense cases, with the facts as we know them so far unchanged, there would be zero national interest.

Translation: I’m sorry, but I’ve already done 2 paragraphs without devolving into my usual shtick of ranting about them niggers getting all the getting and the upcoming race war and all the other paranoid KKK racist delusions that infest my every waking moment in disquietingly similar ways to Zimmerman. As such, allow me to go apeshit for a long paragraph before going back to pretend-reserved “reasons” for why dat dere nigger deserved to die.

4) There are no such things any more as overtly recognized racial smears

Is this the KKK version of the “I Have a Dream” speech?

I have a dream that mankind won’t recognize overt racism anymore and we can go back to ranting about the niggers.

at least not in the absolute sense. They now depend on perceptions of who says what and why, a relative condition. The country is obsessed with decoding a scratchy tape to ascertain whether Mr. Zimmerman said “cold, coons, goons, or punks,” with the idea that if the garbled word proves a racial slur then we have the magical key that will supposedly unlock the case

The scratchy tape being the 911 call in a long series of 911 calls wherein Mr. Zimmerman worked himself in to a feverish froth at the perfidy and innate criminality of every single black man he ever saw.

I also like that he thinks this is some debatable argument about Mr. Zimmerman’s racism. As if the matter wasn’t brutally settled and made obsolete by his cold-blooded murder of an unarmed black child because “black people are scary”, much less the obscene miscarriage of justice being perpetrated by the local cops.

Yes, Hanson, you’ll prove to your Klan buddies that Zimmerman wasn’t racist because of the kerning of the audio recording or James O’Keefe wearing a dress or some such shit.

And that will totally matter against the overt painful racism of the case. Ayup.

— even as the late Travyon Martin self-identified himself with the N-word on his Twitter account and used it of his friends. No one can explain why Mr. Martin felt a need to so self-identify; no one seems to care; and no one can provide rules of the conditions under which (who says it, and when, why, how) society must deplore the use of such an epithet.

Um, because it’s part of a long tradition of reclaiming hateful epithets so as to remind a minority group of the legacy of bigotry against them and a reclamation of their identity to resist? The same way that gay people will refer to themselves as gays, dykes, fags, or queers but that doesn’t mean that bigots wanting them to die are any less hated or hateful? Because you avoiding the word nigger in this post doesn’t any less remove the overwhelming stench of your aching desire to scream it out in its original context coming from every sentence of this acrid mess?

Nope, that’s silly. Obviously, if he ever called himself a nigger or sung along with a rap song, then he’s obviously a worthless mud person and we can stop worrying about who shot him in cold blood or who’s been rushing to trivialize the matter in gross and insensitive ways.

5) The country is unhinged and pays no attention to simple logic.

I know. I mean, logically, no matter one’s viewpoints on the races, one’s views of the roles of police, or one’s views of gun laws or specifically the “Stand Your Ground” law, this should be universally upsetting and painful in its injustice.

In fact, for bitter gun-nut racists, who think the police need to keep the black man down, they should be even more upset as such an obvious miscarriage and abuse of their favored tools just makes them personally look bad and thus anger them on an even deeper level.

But sadly, a distinct 27% of people are unhinged and so we have a surging tide of support not for a kid gunned down in the street, but rather his killer.

It’s enough to make you sick. And I’m proud that we can both agree about tha-

The mother of Trayvon Martin deplores society’s supposed media obsession over her son, even as she seeks to trademark her son’s name for traditional marketing purposes, after avowing her legal efforts are only to protect his legacy. We are to deplore the use of past information about Mr. Martin that might lend background information to the case (past suspensions, possible drug use, alleged possession of possible stolen items, etc.) that seems at odds with the narratives provided by the media, but simultaneously must be told that in the past Mr. Zimmerman was a vigilante, racist, had brushes with the law, was a bad credit risk, etc. In short, we are to accept that background information is a relative issue, and a necessary means only if it leads to proper ends.

Oh. You just mean that when you try and smear a kid who was just gunned down in cold blood as if a past parking ticket would deserve murder, that it’s a travesty that people note that you are hideous ghouls.

And when you force a mother to trademark her son to keep vultures from exploiting the dead, then that means that she’s a greedy Welfare Queen driving a Cadillac past Zimmerman’s house while she staples made up pasts to his door.

No, you fucking piece of trash, it doesn’t matter what Trayvon Martin did (not that you can even manage to find anything, though lord knows, you’ve been trying), because there is no, zero, nada, zip, zilch, NOT ONE DAMN justification for gunning down an innocent child in the middle of the fucking street as if laws ceased to fucking matter, you vile excuse for a human being!

I mean, yes, makes perfect sense. I now see that black people can do no right and “white” people can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise are the real racists.

6) There really is no law. The Martins have legitimate questions about the absence of an indictment

Oh, do they now? Cause it seems you wrote a ten-point post claiming quite the opposite.

, as do many in this country who are unhappy with the use of self-defense pleas. That said, no one believes the Black Panthers will be charged with a felony for posting an open-season bounty on Mr. Zimmerman; no one believes that Spike Lee’s deliberate attempt to incite a mob reaction at the Zimmerman residence will even be considered a misdemeanor; and no one believes that a crowd of protestors detouring into a pharmacy to loot it will face arrests for theft.

Go fuck yourself.

Hey, notice anything about those “evil” actions that seems a little off, besides the fact that police regularly do use things like “claimed lootings” to round up all legal protesters and arrest them overnight?

Yeah, none of them shot a kid in cold blood and then personally received a “yeah, just walk on home, you’re good” from the cops.

If someone decided to shoot a young child relative of Zimmerman’s, do you really think that person would even spend one minute outside the confines of a jail cell for the rest of their natural born lives?

Everyone believes that if he were to emulate any of the above behavior in a non-racially-charged case, he would most surely risk some sort of legal repercussions.

Except he wouldn’t. As demonstrated. Seeing as how it took a backlash at the naked and open racism to even get any attention for the gross miscarriage of justice.

I shouldn’t make fun. I mean, it’s a standard problem for wingnuts. Being time travelers from the late 1800s, they have difficulty with smaller increments of time and thus have difficulty sorting through the order of events with regards to anything that takes longer than 150 years. It’s really is a serious and tragic disability.


7) There can be no more presidential editorializing. In this case, the Gates matter, the Fluke incident, and the Giffords tragedy, the president weighed in only to find his commentary either unsupported by facts, premature, prejudicial, or abjectly partisan. Nor will the attorney general weigh in, given that he has lost credibility after nonsensically calling the nation “cowards” for not wishing for a dialogue on race on his terms, referring to African-Americans as “my people,” and alleging racism as the cause of congressional questioning of his handling of the Fast and Furious debacle.

How dare there be a black President!

Yeah, he knows it has no connection to Trayvon Martin either, but since as a dedicated white supremacist, he has been in physical pain since the Inauguration, things like this have to erupt at least once a post for dear old Vickie Boy.

8) Mr. Zimmerman indeed may be guilty of second-degree murder, some sort of manslaughter, criminal negligence, or innocent by reason of self-defense.

Skittles are a dangerously underlooked method of beheading a man in his sleep.

If Zimmerman hadn’t stalked the kid repeatedly and extensively, to the point that the kid had to call 911 on him, directly ignoring direct police orders to stop following the kid and gunned that voodoo man down, then Martin would have been able to slip bedroom to bedroom ending lives with casual abandon.

He really tried to stop, but truly carefully planned deliberate execution of an innocent was the the truest form of unplanned self-defense.

But we are at a point now where such considerations have become secondary to the larger agendas of activists. Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson, the Black Panther Party, the Black Caucus, Spike Lee, and others may feel their invective and shoot-from-the-hip allegations are necessary to ensure an indictment, given the history of racial bias in this country; but fairly or not that aim seems secondary to their larger interests in racial scapegoating and acrimony for careerist reasons. Of course, they are not worried about such criticism, but it nonetheless is widely shared, as the opportunism and lack of ethics of the current self-identified civil-rights establishment is becoming a national consensus.

Huh, I scanned that entire word salad of racial resentment and not once spotted the words “evidence of self-defense”, “proof that Trayvon Martin was the actual aggressor”, or “all of the appeared evidence is wrong because of this highly detailed list of highly documented and strongly supported evidence showing that Trayvon Martin used his voodoo body-switching powers to take over Zimmerman’s body and stalk and shoot his scared victim.”

Cause, otherwise, that first sentence would be some BS wishful thinking on the part of an obscene racist exploiting a grave miscarriage of justice to rant about how the niggers need to die and how mean it is that liberals refuse to stop calling racists racists.

9) Most who editorialize so passionately on this case, black and white, live in cities, but most likely as far away from those neighborhoods and inner-city schools where murder is an epidemic as they can.

So, they live in cities, but not inside of cities. And living in cities means you don’t understand how obvious miscarriages of justice really work… and we should listen instead to the viewpoints of rural and suburban whites like you, whose notion of what “inner-city” schools are like come from watching Fox News and reading Stormfront?

Uh huh. Are you sure “damn niggers are animals anyways, did a favor to gun em down before another one did em in” wouldn’t have been shorter and less obvious?

Also, do I still get counted if I note that not only do I live in a city and neighborhood filled with the “them” as it were, but a good 85% of my students are exactly the “inner-city” schools you’re selling poisonous lies about?

Cause, I rather like the Trayvon Martins in my classes. They got a good sense of humor and really react well to finally being treated with respect for once in their lives.

They are engaging in de facto profiling in every aspect of their and their childrens’ lives, based on general perceptions, personal experience, and statistical data. Profiling and stereotyping are for others; a “good” or “safe” area is for the more sensitive and educated.

… Wait.

Because whites living in cities aren’t profiling all black people as inherent criminals and all inner cities as crime-ridden hell holes filled with tyke monsters and all white suburban neighborhoods as glorious wonderlands filled with angel children who would never do anything wrong…

We’re the real profiling racists?

That doesn’t even begin to approximate sense.

Have you even forgotten how the “you’re the real racists” card is supposed to work in your desperate last ditch effort for white supremacy?

That’s just more sad than anything. Like when she looked at me with those tear filled eyes… and asked why, why was I doing this… I couldn’t even answer her… why couldn’t I answer her?

10) If an outsider were dispassionately to collate the public statements of the Black Caucus, the number of widely publicized racial controversies, and the charges of racism and counter-racism in the last three years, then one would conclude that racial relations, at least at the media and sensationalized level, from 2009–2012 were both far more emphasized and far worse, and the country far more polarized, than at any time in recent memory.


Oh sure, you know and I know that this has been rather dispassionately collated and monitored in actual actions and on multiple levels looking at the comments and actions of blacks, whites, and culture in general, but you know and I know that you’re not going to just let it stand.

So, let’s hear it. What’s your big BS counter to the rather glaring obvious reality of racism in America 2009-2012? A problem so grave that the Right literally can’t help itself, diving to the defense of a modern lyncher in their hatred of everything black-identified.

In short, we are entering a dangerous phase in which millions of Americans have resigned themselves to allowing elites to construct one sort of reality, while they disengage from it and privately live quite another.

There is no but.

Okay, sure there is an implied but. Like, hey, “millions of America” are obviously delusional about reality, must be those crazy black people who think that having their kids gunned down in the street while the police literally shrug their shoulders is a problem.

But see, you left it open to the obvious accurate reading without changing a word.

And as such, I must say I completely agree with this point. Millions of America have indeed completely detached themselves from reality, allowing their racial resentments to divorce them from even the most basic moralities.

Certainly that will be my excuse when the cops arrive. Well, that and I was just defending myself. I mean, that little girl’s teddy was clearly a threat to my life that I’d have to be a psycho to have ignored.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Wingnuts were right, laughter is the worst oppression. I’ll make them stop laughing at me. I’ll show them all! Mwahahahaha! We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 255


no one can provide rules of the conditions under which (who says it, and when, why, how) society must deplore the use of such an epithet.

Here’s a hint, jerkoff: Coming from YOU, it’s ALWAYS deplorable.


Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson, the Black Panther Party, the Black Caucus, Spike Lee, and others may feel their invective and shoot-from-the-hip allegations

Oh someone shot from the hip all right…….


i have a feeling that I should eat these open faced butterflied hot dog sammiches with cheddar, hot mustard, slightly sauteed cabbage (touch of oil and basalmic) before idelve into this post.

Little shepherd boy

Mary had a vegetable lamb
Stuck on a pole,
Everywhere that Mary went,
She fell in a hole


had he Hispanicized his name (something like a Jorge Zimmerman, or had he used his mother’s Latino maiden name), would have either found a supportive chorus from Latino activists

WTF has happened to VDH’s grammatical skills? Why is his sentence structure crumbling? Why is an integral part of the main sentence jumping inside the parentheses as the second clause, as if seeking shelter there despite the inappropriate company?

Worth noting here that VDH does not know the maiden name of Zimmerman’s Peruvian-born mother but he is taking it as an axiomatic certainty that it will be something instantly recognisable as Hispanic. Wog names all sound the same.


2) Identity in this ill society is everything — something to be put on and taken off as one sees advantage.

I wonder if Hanson would like to volunteer his skin to me so I can make a suit out of it to be put on when i do see the advantage in walking around as a white guy and taken off when I don’t. Actually just to be sure i have enough material for the Job, maybe Derbishire would volunteer his skin as well.

Look i’m just trying to take one of the stupidest things I have read in my life and give it a veneer of plausibility. I’m just he;pful that way.


Trayvon Martin’s murder was a HATE CRIME, and should be prosecuted as one.


2) Identity in this ill society is everything — something to be put on and taken off as one sees advantage.

That does seem to be the crux of VDH’s indictment of societal sickness. Black people are allowed to take off that identity and act like white people.


Civil-rights supporters prefer to wear hoodies in rallies and demonstrations in solidarity with the hooded Mr. Martin, but prefer the media to continue to show pictures of a young-looking victim in football attire that better offers a sympathetic portrait to the general public.

Two things:

1. Civil rights “supporters” fun the media now?!?!
2. Is he suggesting that they should just photoshop Trayvon’s head on pictures of 50 cent for less sympathy and more authenticity?



They are not even trying to hide it any more. The entire defense of of Zimmerman on the right seems to boil down to, “If we don’t have the right to shoot niggers on sight, what rights do we have?”


2. Is he suggesting that they should just photoshop Trayvon’s head onpictures of 50 cent for less sympathy and more authenticity?

Why yes, yes he is. Also onto pictures of blood thirsty savages and cannibals, because we all (actually ,just him and his fellow bigots) know that’s what they really are all alike, especially that uppity fellow squatting in the White House.


Even at this late date, if he were to use his mother’s maiden name as part of a hyphenated last name, he would earn more empathy.

From whom exactly would this wellspring of empathy erupt? Every person with a conscience has really only one other problem with this case (asides from the obvious cold blooded murder of an innocent child) that is, that the killer is walking free. he certainly would not gain anymore sympathy with your co-hort who have ramped up the wurlitzer to elevety-seven in support of his innocense.


I’m with you, Cerb: I am so full of rage about the Martin murder and the cops response. I can’t even make snark about it. This time I’ll be content with just the excellent Shorter, and not read the rest, lest my anger consume me altogether.

Last night I watched Mississippi Burning as a way to help flush the rage out of my mind. (A five-star film, for those who haven’t seen it.) It was therapeutic to watch Gene Hackman and Willem Dafoe as stand-ins for what I’ve been feeling.

Nope. Changed my mind while writing this. I will read everything you wrote. I want to go all Tsam-y on all these vicious assholes. And you wield words as well as he wields a knife. (Are you out there, Dennis?) So after this comment, I’m going to get some coffee and read everything you wrote.


enforce hierarchies. Rich over poor, black over white white over black, male over female, religious over non-religious.

((Fixxored for parallel construction.))


…then one would conclude that racial relations, at least at the media and sensationalized level, from 2009–2012 were both far more emphasized and far worse, and the country far more polarized, than at any time in recent memory.

God wonders why that should be the case….[strokes flowing white chin beard]….Nope, immataloss. Can not imagine any event in that timeframe that might be the cause of polarization or the cause of an uptick in racism

Clevon Little starred in this movie once as a sherrif, and it seems that the town folk weren’t really that happy to see him, nope that is not analogous in any way…..

And Smut Clyde, i too am fascinated by the way he feels the need to take grammer and the lexicon out to the woodshed to beat them into submission.


Everyone in the Liberal Media is trying to make you feel sorry for Trayvon Martin. But did you know that Trayvon Martin…was a nigger? Good luck finding that little factoid on the Lamestream Media!


Trayvon Martin’s murder was a HATE CRIME, and should be prosecuted as one.

Unfortunately according to VDH and pals, it cannot be prosecuted because the assailent is dead. And they just can’t stand that the victim of the crime will spend the rest of his life carrying a millstone around his neck and a scarlet B on his forehead.

i really wish i was Joking.


But did you know that Trayvon Martin…was a nigger? Good luck finding that little factoid on the Lamestream Media!

I have to admit that i chuckled at this one.

I don’t know why it is but i vacillate between bloodboiling rage and a sober and calm ability to make fun of this shit (the bigots and there nakedly transparent attemts to simultaneously make this about them, and not at all about them, its like watching the inner workings of a pretzle factory)

if nothing else this case has gone a long way to waking up some of my more liberal, yet still white friends of the extent that this shit permeates everything in society. In past years it has sometimes been difficult to explain because if you never experience it you just can’t believe that it could be that bad.

I’d like to tell you that this is just an anomoly, but it isn’t. Now one thing that has changed is the fact that after thirty years of repressed naked hatred, these folks feel that they can really let it fly with impunity, and i am not sure that is a good thing, whether the pressure released will cause the shit to subside, or whether it will serve toaccellerate a feedback loop.


Nor is the outrage over a supposed white war against black men, given that in incidents of interracial crime, the latter kill the former far more frequently.

Actually, this may not be bullshit. But only beacause so many police departments, like the Sanford Police Department, don’t consider the former killing the latter an actual crime.


Thanks Cerbs, but I just can’t take that shit. Your constituion is stronger than mine. I’ll try later maybe, after consumption of gin, quant. suff. I’m afraid I would break something otherwise.

I’ll go watch my demi-glace-to-be simmer.

PS – for those who haint seed it yet, I made a real post at my new blahog.


I read all of Prof. Hanson’s post. In it he has not one word of sympathy for Trevyon Martin—not even a single tiny fake tear.


PS – for those who haint seed it yet, I made a real post at my new blahog.

Seed, and ever-thang I esspected it t’be. Thanks for taking the plunge!


At this moment, I am ashamed that I live on Hanson Place.


To see anyone you don’t know walking around your neighborhood as “suspicious” is to be “paranoid”. Paranoia is a dangerous state of mind that should not be encouraged. A person who was not paranoid, but had concerns about a stranger in the neighborhood, might walk up to that person and introduce themselves; then ask the stranger if they are a friend or relative to someone in the neighborhood or otherwise engage in pleasant conversation in a non-accusatory manner.

If these “Stand Your Ground” laws have resulted in scores of women shooting men who accosted them on the street and followed them for blocks making sexually explicit remarks and/or gestures, I have not heard this. Anyone hear of this? Women gunning down men who behaved in a sexually threatening way in public and were indifferent or perversely encouraged by a woman’s request to be left alone?

It’s funny how small the boundaries or some citizens are and how big they are for others, huh? Self-proclaimed alpha males have personal boundaries that are territorial and contain entire neighborhoods. Women and minorities have no boundaries to speak of and should not consider themselves to be violated or threatened when they are accosted by someone who follows them and/or steps into their path to obstruct their movement.


You know, if Republicans really believed that Zimmerman was a “Hispanic and Democratic Hispanic Democrat Hispanic of the Democrat Party”, I’m guessing they wouldn’t be going balls-out to defend him.



Bobdamnitt, okay, it’s fixed now. Thanks for the head’s up.


You know, if Republicans really believed that Zimmerman was a “Hispanic and Democratic Hispanic Democrat Hispanic of the Democrat Party”, I’m guessing they wouldn’t be going balls-out to defend him.

Funny that innit.

Either they know that is a crock or they are defending white male privilege and reflexively the second ammendment.

When i first heard of the Hispanic democrat canard, i fully expected that by now we would have seen long form documentation of his voter registration status.

I read all of Prof. Hanson’s post. In it he has not one word of sympathy for Trevyon Martin—not even a single tiny fake tear.

Not even three-fifths of a single tiny fake tear?

solour me surprised!


Okay, let me break this down. The points in this long-ass VDH column, as I understand them:

1) If Zimmerman is arrested, it will be because of politics and not the facts.
2) Liberals are hypocritically obsessed with race.
3) Liberals are only interested in this case because of race.
4) Racial slurs don’t exist because blacks use the n-word.
5) The fact that we’re not smearing the dead teenager means we’re all unhinged.
6) Liberals ignore bad behavior when blacks do it.
7) Obama needs to shut up.
8) Black people in general need to shut up.
9) Hanson has never heard of gentrification.
10) I’m “colorblind.”

So, the synthesis points seem to be thus:

-Martin probably brought it on himself (#1, 4 and 5)

-Liberals love minorities, but only because we’re all secretly scared of them (#2, 3, 6 and 9)

-Black people are all biased in favor of their own and therefore not to be trusted on issues of race (#4, 7, 8 and 10)

-Society goes too easy on black people (#3 and 6) but is obsessed with race all the same (#2, 5 and 10)

It’s like a heavily sanitized version of Stormfront.

Lost in all of this is the fact that there is no real reason for this to be a partisan issue. It’s been pointed out elsewhere that while this story was elevated by liberals, it was never a particularly liberal issue. There was no good reason for conservatives to come out in opposition – either they’re doing it for the sake of picking a fight or they really believe the between-the-lines message of VDH’s brain spasm.


You know, if Republicans really believed that Zimmerman was a “Hispanic and Democratic Hispanic Democrat Hispanic of the Democrat Party”, I’m guessing they wouldn’t be going balls-out to defend him.



Even at this late date, if he were to use his mother’s maiden name as part of a hyphenated last name, he would earn more empathy.

Hanson probably really believes this.

Unfortunately, he found himself pigeonholed as a white conservative vigilante, not a Hispanic Democrat, and that has made all the difference in his media profile.

Aw, too bad, he seemed so much like a racist gun-toting cracker that you guys fucking tripped over yourselves to defend him, and now it turns out he’s not even in your tribe! Jesus Christ.

That said, no one believes the Black Panthers will be charged with a felony for posting an open-season bounty on Mr. Zimmerman;

The “bounty”, or what folks often call a “reward”, was for making a “legal citizen’s arrest”, and the Sanford police announced in response “Attempts by civilians to take any person into custody may result in criminal charges or unnecessary violence.” In fact offering a reward is not a felony, nor is making a common law arrest in Florida.

no one believes that Spike Lee’s deliberate attempt to incite a mob reaction at the Zimmerman residence will even be considered a misdemeanor;

Depends on the law in Florida I suppose, but his response once he found out he was mistaken was better than Zimmerman’s. FWIW Lee’s “crime” resulted in fewer dead people than Zimmerman’s, too.

and no one believes that a crowd of protestors detouring into a pharmacy to loot it will face arrests for theft.

Actually, just about everyone does, you lying racist asshole.


A suggestion to undermine the crap out of Stand Your Ground laws: Tourism and Conventions boycott. Maybe Florida’s biggest industry. The argument is self-evident to people of color and people of conscience.

And a boycott would be compelling to Asians and Europeans, where gun violence is rare (as they have rational ownership laws). The campaign could emphasize other beautiful and fun and NON-dangerous places to visit. Also conscience.

As to corporate and association conventions, remember what role they played in targeting Arizona’s refusal to recognize MLK birthday as a holiday. Convention sponsors can be pressured and shamed by public outrage (e.g. Rushbo).

I see boycott as a counterattack against these damn liscense-to-kill laws wherever they exist. Wherever tourism and conventions figure form a significant economic sector, boycotts can hit back. And hit back HARD. Junkpunch the fuckers where it hurts.

I hope some organizations–a COALITION of organizations–are exploring and working on something like this.


Pup: I always liked your imperial title; mos def keep using it. I predict your blog will be totes dee-lish !!!


Damn Mr Hansen, I told you to lay off the SKITTLES and cheetos when you watch “300”.
Also, bucket and mop time in the teevee room , dude. Eeeeew.


That said, no one believes the Black Panthers will be charged with a felony for posting an open-season bounty on Mr. Zimmerman;

The “bounty”, or what folks often call a “reward”, was for making a “legal citizen’s arrest”, and the Sanford police announced in response “Attempts by civilians to take any person into custody may result in criminal charges or unnecessary violence.” In fact offering a reward is not a felony, nor is making a common law arrest in Florida.

I cannot be arsed looking through the VDH oeuvre to see where he stood on past episodes when Republican politicians called for the shooting of their opponents, and progressives attempted to suppress free speech by condemning such rhetoric.


D. Johnson: Are you a surgeon? You surely know how to handle a scalpel !

I don’t recall seeing you in Sadlyville before. (But I’m a doddering older person and my memory is turning to mush…) I hope you join in regularly; that was a f-i-n-e comment !


wuups. Fergot the ‘t’ in your name.


There can be no more presidential editorializing. In this case, the Gates matter, the Fluke incident, and the Giffords tragedy, the president weighed in only to find his commentary either unsupported by facts, premature, prejudicial, or abjectly partisan

Despite the fact that everything VDH says is a crock of shit, I’m fascinated by the little detail that he includes the President’s words on Gabby Giffords’ shooting as “commentary either unsupported by facts.”

I must have missed this right wing meme. How exactly has the President supposed to have misspoke on Giffords?


So, VDH rips off his mask, and underneath we find…Steve Sailer.

I can’t say it surprised me.


How exactly has the President supposed to have misspoke on Giffords?
1) Didn’t say what Hansenonius would have said: “While it is bad that a lady got shot, lots of ladies get shot and no one says anything, so it’s the fault of liberals”
2) Didn’t mention Sparta.


The bare facts of this case are known to everybody, even rightwingers. I mean, who shot and killed whom is not in doubt.
From dedicated watching of Law and Order, I always thought it was the police who investigate the offence (check, they know who did it) and the DAs i.e. in court who prosecute the offenders. So, all this “We let him go because of the SYG law” is surely unconstitutional. That’s just not the cops’ call.
So, is the law different in Florida or will these cops be disciplined? Shouldn’t he be in jail awaiting trial?


funny, I first read that last line as a crypto call-to-arms


Han Zimmerman shot first!

Pupienus Maximus

Shouldn’t he be in jail awaiting trial?

In a sane world, yes. In a world that I envision, he’d be in a ditch, face down.

Pupienus Maximus

As if things weren’t bad enough, Teh Ho cued up Atlas Shrugged on fletnix. He thinks it is amusingly bad. Ugh. It’s just bad. Too bad to be good.


Cerebus, that was… therapeutic. And should be required reading.


<i.As if things weren’t bad enough, Teh Ho cued up Atlas Shrugged on fletnix.

Oh My!

I am soooooo soooooo very sorry about that. i mean i can appreciate a proper trainwreck, but please.

Have you ever thought about ex-laxing his portion before?
[walks away whistling a jaunty tune]



Shouldn’t he be in jail awaiting trial?

In a sane world, yes. In a world that I envision, he’d be in a ditch, face down.

I’d actually prefer Zimmerman in jail and VDH face down in the ditch. Preferably with the rest of his racist pundit cohorts.

Pupienus Maximus

I’d actually prefer Zimmerman in jail and VDH face down in the ditch. Preferably with the rest of his racist pundit cohorts.

I hesitate to engage in and promote such ELIMINATIONIST RHETORIC. That said, even better.


Garsh, looks like Disqus is borked (as usual), but I don’t think you guys will tolerate quite so much cats and scooters bullshit as Atrios’ gang will. So maybe I’m stuck playing Zynga Poker, tonight!


I’d actually prefer Zimmerman in jail and VDH face down in the ditch. Preferably with the rest of his racist pundit cohorts.

I’ll do you one better. Give em drugs that turn ’em black for a year. Drop them off in the woods adjacent to a sundown town making sure they don’t wake up until the sun has set.


Jeffraham has cats?!?!?!


Ok Buddy slide some of them pixels on over.

Sorry, I simply could not help myself.


I’ll do you one better. Give em drugs that turn ‘em black for a year.

That would be awesome, if possible.


Ok Buddy slide some of them pixels on over.

Here’s LarryElvis, from late this afternoon, after I got home from the scooter ride to Franklin and back.


Jeffraham, i still have my Pastafarian shrine in situ.

And this poker, you play in G+?


Jeffraham, i still have my Pastafarian shrine in situ.

Thanks, man. I need all the help in that department I can get, but I do feel like something good is happening.

And this poker, you play in G+?

Yep — Zynga Poker. It’s in their games section. Play money.


What did that guy use in Black Like Me, Provider? I may be one of these evil liberals, but I don’t think it’d be “cruel and unusual punishment” to make these guys actually have to deal with being a POC for a while.

Me, I’m whiter than mayo on Wonder bread in a snowstorm in Scandinavia, but I periodically crash into systemic discrimination because I’m visibly handicapped, and it isn’t pretty. The actual name for my medical condition is the worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK! So I can sortakinda dig the implications of what I’m suggesting, despite the astonishing lack of melanin in my pelt.

Good luck, Jeffraham. I’m rooting for you way up here in Soviet Canuckistan.


Good luck, Jeffraham. I’m rooting for you way up here in Soviet Canuckistan.

You’re a doll, and I am so glad to find one of you current haunts!


I think we’re all ignoring the real issue here: the threat posed by Skittles.

Skittles’ slogan is “Taste the Rainbow”. Rainbows are made of light. You know what else is made of light? Lasers.

Think about it.


Think about it.

I have thought about it, and now, all I have to ask is… may I subscribe to your newsletter?


What did that guy use in Black Like Me, Provider?

I can’t remember exactly, but a next generation version of that shit is exactly the ticket.

Great book, but I think it has been at least 25 years or more since I read it.

I can just see the sorry bastards trying to get out of a situation “But we’re white, really! Listen to our accents, do we sound black?”


You know what else is made of light? Lasers.

You know what they do with lasers? Strap them onto the heads of Great White Sharks, that’s what.

think about that!


think about that!

I am in full tongue-extension and noggin-scratching mode and it is not helping.


Yup, sharks with frickin’ laser beams.

VDH can eat a bag of salted dicks. What a load of BS that would get a D from my old philosophy prof.


I am in full tongue-extension and noggin-scratching mode and it is not helping.

Mini__B seems to do his best thinking when he’s upside down. You should try that.


Salted Dicks: FLYING off shelves near Beelzebublicans, everywhere!


And if I have never mentioned it before, that p-shop is absolutely perfect for him. I imagine he sees himself just like that.


“But we are at a point now where such considerations have become secondary to the larger agendas of activists. Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson, the Black Panther Party, the Black Caucus, Spike Lee, and others may feel their invective and shoot-from-the-hip allegations are necessary to ensure an indictment, given the history of racial bias in this country; but fairly or not that aim seems secondary to their larger interests in racial scapegoating and acrimony for careerist reasons. Of course, they are not worried about such criticism, but it nonetheless is widely shared, as the opportunism and lack of ethics of the current self-identified civil-rights establishment is becoming a national consensus.”–VDH

Now, this is total bullshit, but in classic winger style, VDH is blissfully unaware that he’s describing himself and his allies. Re: “racial scapegoating and acrimony for careerist reasons,” it is far more true that “… the opportunism and lack of ethics of the current self-identified” CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT “is becoming a national consensus.” At least among people in general; Real Americans(c) agree with VDH, of course.

Yes, I have found a wordy way to restate that it’s always projection.


Teh Ho cued up Atlas Shrugged on fletnix. He thinks it is amusingly bad.

I’ve been contemplating it. I have a perverse weakness for really awful films. Maybe it’s the MST3000 bot in me….

a sundown town

For younger Sadlies and overseas Sadlies who might have missed Provider’s reference: A ‘sundown town’ is a ‘community’ where them dirty nigras better not show themselves after dusk, if’n they knows whut’s good fer ’em.

Jeffraham: Nice portraiture! LE’s eyes are just a-m-a-z-i-n-g. But just because he’s a Cover Kitty, don’t forget to toss up some Curley photos.

Without knowing either of them, I prefer Curley: Previous bad experience with a Siamese who–for no reason than I can fathom–decided to turn rend my left arm into hamburger. I get along so well with critters that it shocked the hell out me. I’ve been suspicious of the breed ever since…

Still have my Lucky Things spread out on the desk in anticipation of the second interview. When is it? (I need to do the proper incantations….)

Mini__B seems to do his best thinking when he’s upside down.

Are laughing and giggling evidence of best thinking?


Mr. Sharpton, Mr. Jackson, the Black Panther Party, the Black Caucus, Spike Lee

Why didn’t Spike rate a ‘Mr. Lee’ in Hansen’s faux ‘civility’? My guess is he didn’t want to risk any possible confusion with Marse Robert [E. Lee].


Imma gonna do it ! Gonna watch ‘Atlas Shrugged’ and laugh my fool head off.

Now I’ll go change out of my white linen suit, don a wetsuit, and plunge from the safety of the lounge deck into the fetid swamp of awful film-making.


D Johnston said,
April 2, 2012 at 1:31

As Fenwick said above, this is a good analytical comment.

“It’s like a heavily sanitized version of Stormfront.”

VDH and The Cornerites really do get paid to make execrable ideas and feelings look respectable. Well, to some degree they’d do it for free, but the best of ’em are well-paid. (American Thinker can’t pay much, can it?)


Fenwick, the MST3000 angle is probably your only hope … snark away, even if you’re alone.


Jeffraham: Nice portraiture! LE’s eyes are just a-m-a-z-i-n-g. But just because he’s a Cover Kitty, don’t forget to toss up some Curley photos.

Without knowing either of them, I prefer Curley: Previous bad experience with a Siamese who–for no reason than I can fathom–decided to turn rend my left arm into hamburger. I get along so well with critters that it shocked the hell out me. I’ve been suspicious of the breed ever since…

Larry’s not a pure-bred; he’s an applehead mutt, with some tabby in his lineage. Still, he has a lot of the traits: Playful, vocal, very oral (he licks and nips at every occasion). Dumb as a bag of hammers. Acts more like a dog.

Curly is truly the sweetest cat I have even known. He’s the older of the two, and subservient in the pack, unfortunately. He avoids almost all controversy, but he’s just a big marshmallow who wants nothing more than a gentle stroke… for 30 minutes at a time. 🙂

Still have my Lucky Things spread out on the desk in anticipation of the second interview. When is it? (I need to do the proper incantations….)

I will likely hear tomorrow, if my spidey sense is worth a shit. No earlier than Tuesday morning, is my guess.


7) There can be no more presidential editorializing. In this case, the Gates matter, the Fluke incident, and the Giffords tragedy, the president weighed in only to find his commentary either unsupported by facts, premature, prejudicial, or abjectly partisan.

Shorter Honest-er Victorious Albinus Chlorus Whiteus Whiteus Whiteus Hansonian:

Silly Democrat nigger, the Bully Pulpit is reserved for well-spoken, well-informed Republicans whites, like George W. Bush.

In other wingnut news, the whining will continue so long as the President insists upon remaining black.


My review of Atlas Shrugged, Part 1

Wow! Bow wow! Bow-wow-wow-wow! Barking at the moon bow-wow. In other words, it was true to the book.

The best thing that can be said is that it provided some work for actors who would otherwise be doing really bad dinner theater.


Silly hoodies, everyone knows Stand Your Ground is redneck code for License to Kill.


I call fake VDH: No Colosseum reference,


Now, this is total bullshit, but in classic winger style, VDH is blissfully unaware that he’s describing himself and his allies. Re: “racial scapegoating and acrimony for careerist reasons,”

Hell, “careerist reasons” would be an improvement on most conservatives’ motivators.


I really hate to be serious on SadlyNo, but as I’m sure we all know, Hispanic is not a racial category. It’s an ethnic designation, and if you look at the census bureau’s website, there are quite a few documents which explain the distinction. One other thing you’d find out by reading the documents is that the most common race listed by people identified as Hispanic is white. Not only is white and Hispanic not a contradiction, it’s the most common category among people who are Hispanic.


The actual name for my medical condition is the worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK!

You’re a naff wanker?


What do all these incidents have in common besides a “stand your ground” law to help protect the shooters?


You’re a naff wanker?

Only on alternate Tuesdays. The word you’re looking for is “spastic,” which seems to have a remarkably colourful history in the UK. I live in Soviet Canuckistan, but I’ve actually — no word of a lie — run into people who had no idea that “spastic” was anything other than an insult. (I got an anecdote on the Language Log out of one such…)

There are a lot of bigots out there, and so many different flavours of bigotry to choose from! (A lot of folks seem to take the package deal.)


[…] – I think no one really was identifying him with white conservatives until white conservatives adopted… […]


TIL what in the UK it’s a nasty pejorative is a mostly inoffensive slang term in the US. According to teh wiki, anyway.


“Attempts by civilians to take any person into custody may result in criminal charges or unnecessary violence.” — Sanford PD
Unless, of course, the person you’re accosting is armed with deadly skittles, in which case no charges will be filed.

bughunter, delurking momentarily,

Like when she looked at me with those tear filled eyes… and asked why, why was I doing this… I couldn’t even answer her… why couldn’t I answer her?
Loved your post, Cerb. But if you really are a teacher, then you may want to avoid this particular turn of snark. No one intelligent and sane would ever believe it to mean anything other than snark, but stupid crazy vindictive people like Victor Hanson do inhabit school administrations…

Pupienus Maximus

Unless, of course, the person you’re accosting is armed with deadly skittles, in which case no charges will be filed.

Related. Warning: link is to HuffPo, sorry.

Pupienus Maximus

Unfortunately, he found himself pigeonholed as a white conservative vigilante, not a Hispanic Democrat,

VDHansen reveals about himself than he realizes. If “Spic Demonrat” is an appropriate pigeonhole, en “white conservative vigilante” must be equally appropriate.


I must have missed an episode. Did it somehow come out (in real life, not on PJMedia) that whatisface was, in fact, a Democrat, or are they pulling stuff out of their ass as usual?



It’s the wingnutosphere who turned this into an us vs. them, right vs. left thing. Normal people just saw this like “Hey. Something about this case stinks. Something strikes me as not quite right. Something strikes me as unfair.” And people want to be sure the justice system is a fair as it can be, because they may be the beneficiary of it some day. It’s as simple as that. And if you believe the justice system should work for everybody..then things like obnoxious twitter messages, hoodies (which, btw, I wear) and gangsta names don’t matter. I don’t care if Trayvon was a jerky little asshole or a saint. He didn’t deserve to be gunned down. And even if you think he did, his death deserved a proper going-through. He’s not a fucking statistic; he’s a kid.


I was always taught that “Hispanic” referred specifically to people of Spanish origin, thus the correct term to use was “Latino.” Am I wrong on this?

Anyway, I remember reading at Kos once that Latinos are the most mixed-race people in the world…which makes sense, because I think many Latinos of are mixture of European, Native (American–as in the continents) and African ancestry. Or have I got this all wrong?


Did it somehow come out (in real life, not on PJMedia) that whatisface was, in fact, a Democrat?

Hey, he owns copies of Mein Kampf and Decision Points, both written by notorious big government liberals. What other conclusion can we reach?


I don’t care if Trayvon was a jerky little asshole or a saint. He didn’t deserve to be gunned down.

Exactly. For all I know he may have been the jerkiest jerk who ever jerked – that still shouldn’t carry an instant death sentence.


Native (American–as in the continents)

I realize this looks pretty silly and redundant, but I just wanted to clarify I meant Native Americans of both North and South America.


Just a reminder – the outrage is about teh abuse of discretion by Sanford PD. By teh fact that when presented with a case where an unarmed black teenager was shot – no arrest was made and no charges were filed. And barring teh whole “manufactured outrage” they are accusing lefties of partaking of – that is how the story would have ended.

I suppose that in situations like that, it makes you look like a stupid fucking asshole to bring up the statistics on how many black d00ds have teh book thrown at them for violent offenses. I mean really, what we’re saying is that teh system is racist and often lets whites who commit violence on blacks go free. What do you think that’s going to do to the statistics?


Did it somehow come out (in real life, not on PJMedia) that whatisface was, in fact, a Democrat?

About a week ago, in a desperate attempt to put some distance between themselves and their initial defense of a cold-blooded murderer, someone (Hinderaker, I think) got the bright idea of checking Zimmerman’s voter registration.


Hispanic is not a racial category. It’s an ethnic designation

Absolutely. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, one can designate oneself a white or non-white Hispanic on the form.

Helmut Monotreme

I have read enough bad detective and spy fiction, that I can envision some super unlikely circumstances that would totally exonerate Mr. Zimmerman. However, I cannot envision any circumstances that should let him or his lawyer escape having to explain those same super unlikely circumstances to a jury of his peers.


Of course, by the logic of VDH, Obama is white.


But what’s funny is that they thought his voter ID would shut us up. Silly, wingnuts, quit projecting!


Cerberus delivers epic shredthrough of musty twunt …….. no film at 11:00 (thank Cthulhu).

TRUFAX = V.D. Hanson’s got me dead flat BUSTED on that fanatically maintaining focus on the whole “activist agenda” thing.

Trying to snooker humanity into not suiciding is the SIEG ALLAH AKBAR of ProgLib Fasc1slamism!

Truly, Soros is great, comrades!


Thank you, jim. No, no, you don’t need to wash my feet again, today. But, I think you’ll appreciate the little extra in this week’s paycheck.


The actual name for my medical condition is the worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK!
I didn’t think “Manchester United Supporter” technically qualified as a disability.


shooting Martin “in the middle of the street in broad daylight?”



echoing Smut Clyde @ 23:40, Sadly, No Daylight Time, what is this guy smoking grammar-wise and rhetoric-wise? I thought that one of the points of humanities education in general and humanities education in particular was learning rhetoric and how to clearly communicate your thoughts.

OTOH, VDH gives us this

The hysteria is not just over the death of a young African-American male, because hundreds are tragically killed to near silence every year, 94 percent of them by other African-American males.

It took me more than a few minutes of my life (which I will not get back) to figure out that VDH was not commenting on those African-American males who were killed to the point where they were “near[ly] silent” rather than being further killed to actually silence them or that they were killed only to the point of being “just kinda speaking in an inside voice”.

But what do I know? I’m just a scientemist. Had I submitted something like that to be published in the science-world, I’d get a nice letter from the editor in charge kindly informing me of low or no-cost services from the publisher to help non-native speakers write more comprehensible English prose.

Forget about the hugely offensive content of what VDH is saying (we liberals would take the side of Zimmermann if only we knew he’s a Democrat and Hispanic? Just because African-Americans have killed other African-Americans, that makes what Zimmermann did ok?). Just the logical and rhetorical fallacies of his “arguments” (*) and the lack of attention to grammar are outrageous when coming from a self-proclaimed “classicist” like VDH. Does VDH just think that “classicist” is a more polite way to say “classist”?

(*note, e.g., the petitio principii in his assumptions about how often crimes by African-Americans get prosecuted — after all part of why we are upset is the sheer hypocrisy of law enforcement, which goes out of its way to arrest and rail-road African-Americans through the criminal “justice” system, doesn’t even bother to arrest Zimmermann, yet VDH argues by assuming we don’t care that African-Americans are not arrested enough for violent crimes? without any stats to back that assertion up, this is straight up begging the question, ain’t it? you’d think a classicist would have at least heard of Aristotle …)


Mmmmmm, Soros toes … they taste just like borscht.


Of course, by the logic of VDH, Obama is white. – actor212

I think VDH would apply the one drop rule (and no, that is not a sub-rule of rule 34).

Like interrobang, I am “whiter than mayo on Wonder bread in a snowstorm in Scandinavia” (love that description, I’ll have to use it 😉 ), but my daughter (whose biological father is Afro-Hispanic and whose adoptive mother, my wife, is African-American) has somehow decided we are a “black family” (I guess because she is one of like 2 kids in her school with an African-American parent, although since her school has a large # of central Asians and middle easterners in it, she’s hardly the darkest person in her class). The one-drop rule lives on …


It took me more than a few minutes of my life (which I will not get back) to figure out that VDH was not commenting on those African-American males who were killed to the point where they were “near[ly] silent” rather than being further killed to actually silence them or that they were killed only to the point of being “just kinda speaking in an inside voice”.

i am still trying to figure out wtf vdh was thinking he was trying to say here…again, my head hurts…


Even at this late date, if he were to use his mother’s maiden name as part of a hyphenated last name, he would earn more empathy.

Sort of like the entire right wing jumping on the Defend-the-shooter-at-all-costs-smear-the-victim bandwagon. Liberals has taken one position so they had to take the opposite one. They will defend a guy who shot an unarmed teenager and smear said teenager just so they can be on the “other side” of liberals.

It’s pathological.


i am still trying to figure out wtf vdh was thinking he was trying to say here…again, my head hurts… – bbkf

I believe that I wouldn’t be the first to hypothesize that the denizens of the wingnutosphere are all evil incarnations of JanusNode?

Hey, Janus was a figure from classical mythology! Is that how come VDH claims to be a classicist?


Lots of typos. I blame my iPhone.


Lots of typos. I blame my iPhone. – That Girl

And yet you still manage to be more comprehensible than someone who co-authored a book-length treatment of the rant that “because we are not properly teaching the classics, our kidz are not being properly edumacated”. If VDH were a physician, I’d tell him to go heal himself. Instead maybe I’d tell him to go, well, never mind … he just might enjoy it.

Helmut Monotreme

The actual name for my medical condition is the worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK!
I didn’t think “Manchester United Supporter” technically qualified as a disability.
Sadly, no. He’s trying to say he’s French.

Helmut Monotreme

stupid tagfail.

Interrobang, the Spazz

I didn’t think “Manchester United Supporter” technically qualified as a disability

I think you’re thinking of Millwall. And no, I don’t support them; I didn’t go to Luton. 😉

I have to say, as a durn furriner, the American ethnopolitical landscape boggles my mind. I’m still trying to wrap my head around weirdness like Walter Francis White, who looked whiter than I am (I am not a blonde person, although I have blue eyes), and not unlike some sort of mild-mannered Minnesota accountant, but was, nevertheless a legal “Negro,” by virtue of having five (of 27, don’t know how that works) black great-great-great grandparents. I mean, maybe I just need to privilege-check bigtime, but I do find it rather baffling, ditto the persistent “one drop rule” artifacts still lying around everywhere.

The current rhetoric emanating from the right suggests unkindly that Without Sanctuary is their favourite pr0n site…


I have to say, as a durn furriner, the American ethnopolitical landscape boggles my mind

heck, i’m an american and it boggles me daily…


Boggling the Minnesotan.


Hispanic and Democratic George Zimmerman, had he Hispanicized his name (something like a Jorge Zimmerman, or had he used his mother’s Latino maiden name), would have either found a supportive chorus from Latino activists

Ah, yes, the Sociedad Para Matar a los Chicos would have rushed to his defense.

The right-wingers are making a big deal about Zimmerman being a Democrat (liberals are the real racists)- I demand to see the long form voter registration.


Boggling the Minnesotan.

If they’re from Minne. they’re probably not so tan.


I’m sure somebody has already addressed this, and if so, ignore this, but I haven’t tracked down a copy of the “Go ahead and shoot if you feel threatened” bill. Does it specifically list racial identity in there, because if I lived in Fla, and my son (or daughter, for that matter) was black, I sure would be thinking hard about doing the cartoon right-wing response to fear. Since it’s now explicit that white guys can kill black kids with impunity under the law, why not use that law to your advantage? If you’re a black kid, you now have to assume that your chances of getting shot are much, much higher even now, so if you can’t move out of state, maybe at least you can go down fighting. I realize that this is exactly what the GOP wants, but I think most people might reconsider the law when it became clear that it cuts a lot of different ways. Personally, I’ve never been comfortable around the kind of guys who make up most of the GOP anymore. Nowadays, they really make me feel threatened, since they seem to be largely advocating the murder of me, my family and my friends. It might be a good thing I don’t live in Florida, because although I’m basically too lazy and cowardly to try to shoot somebody, my outrage level is leaping almost every week and I’ve done really stupid things before.


Go ahead and shoot if you feel threatened

Excerpts with official link in text. I looked because I could not believe that teh onus is on teh prosecution to disprove self-defense. Shows what little I know about how gun-crazy Floridians are.


Also too, I have to say that I’m not surprised that Zimmerman is a registered Dem. He’s hispanic. I mean sure he loathes and despises all teh lazy slacking no-good moochers and criminals that are ruining society but at least those moochers and their elitist arugula eating prancing coastal enablers aren’t threatening to deport him.

Meaning that even someone as derangedly Tough On Crime as Vigilante Zimmerd00d, Shooter of teh Unarmed isn’t conservative enough to be a Republican.


Meaning that even someone as derangedly Tough On Crime as Vigilante Zimmerd00d, Shooter of teh Unarmed isn’t conservative enough to be a Republican.

Heh. That’s saying something, innit?


FWIW, Isn’t VDH also a Democrat, officially speaking?

Meanwhile on the other side of the great humanities/sciences divide, I am trying to decide which thermostat to use for some molecular dynamics calculations. Except they are all elitist French thermostats: which thermostat is more politically incorrect — the Nose-Hoover, the Berendsen or the Langevin?


The right-wingers are making a big deal about Zimmerman being a Democrat (liberals are the real racists)- I demand to see the long form voter registration.




In the unthinkable event that JP doesn’t get the job, I found something to keep him occupied.


Teh current long-form certificate voter registration card is being circulated by something called (and not which sounds a lot bettar). Skeptical of it? Sure I am, has as its editor-in-chief, one Matthew Continetti. Still, I am not teh least bit surprised that anyone Hispanic marks down “D” on their voter registration. Even if they fancy themselves teh Joe Arpaio of wev their little gated community is called. In part because of folks like Joe Arpaio.


The right-wingers are making a big deal about Zimmerman being a Democrat

The fact that we haven’t completely changed our tune to one of unquestioning support just proves we are the real hypocrites.


Sort of like the entire right wing jumping on the Defend-the-shooter-at-all-costs-smear-the-victim bandwagon. Liberals has taken one position so they had to take the opposite one. They will defend a guy who shot an unarmed teenager and smear said teenager just so they can be on the “other side” of liberals.

I don’t disagree that they are contrarians primarily interested in antagonizing liberals, but I am convinced that the real reason they are defending Zimmerman (and playing up the racial aspects of the crime) is that they want to deflect attention away from ALEC and the NRA. They see a need to defend crazy gun laws at all costs, even to the extent that they’re defending a guy who slew an unarmed teenager.


In the unthinkable event that JP doesn’t get the job, I found something to keep him occupied.

Haw! I joke that I run a fur farm. Gotta have the right tools for fur farmin’!


My Dad actually had the stones to say to me that he was upset that the “liberal media” (he actually said he thinks CNN, of all things, is the “liberal media”) keeps showing cute-little-harmless-teenager pics of Trayvon instead of something more “realistic” as he puts it. I have to say, I really went off on him – I said maybe they’re showing cute-little-harmless-teenager pics of him because he was, in fact, a cute little harmless teenager who got gunned down in cold blood by a paranoid psycho.

Yeah I guess my Dad is one of those guys who would prefer the Photoshopped pics of his head on 50 Cent’s badass body. I told him to get the hell out of my kitchen if he was going to keep talking like that.

Not gettin out of the boat for this one – like Cerb, my BP cannot take much of the likes of VDH. Rotten mangoes bigtime there. And I’m stuck with that crap in my own family. Maybe that’s why I don’t hang out with my parents much.


My Dad actually had the stones to say to me that he was upset that the “liberal media” (he actually said he thinks CNN, of all things, is the “liberal media”) keeps showing cute-little-harmless-teenager pics of Trayvon instead of something more “realistic” as he puts it.



keeps showing cute-little-harmless-teenager pics of Trayvon instead of something more “realistic” as he puts it.

i.e. the picture that turned out to be a totally different kid? My cousin pulled that bullshit on FB.


VS – exact-f’ing-lee

Like I said, don’t hang with the parental units much -try to keep things civil at family dinners and all, but it’s difficult. For the record, my Dad was whaling the crap out of me when I was seven years old (that’s 1959, so it’s been a long time) for calling him out on his racist bullshit even back then – he called it “having a smart mouth” I called it telling truth to power haha


And I’m stuck with that crap in my own family. Maybe that’s why I don’t hang out with my parents much.

i feel ya…my self-involved, hypochondriac, deluded and inappropriately dressed seventy-one year old mother is back from mesa, thereby voiding my 1,200 mile buffer zone…she and her ass-hat husband enjoy a steady diet of fox news along with the occasional ‘zomg! can you believe what obammy’s done now?!?!?!!?’ emails…our visits always include some strife…although i am learning (ever so slowly) to be a grown up and just ignore their pissing…

saturday’s obligatory welcome home visit which was mostly about how worried she is about hubbkf, devolved into a ‘why does the government think they can take care of people better than people can take care of people?’ this included ‘big insurance companies’ which i didn’t know were run by the government…i should have told her that if she really felt that way she could just cough up the cash an not covered visit to the mayo would cost…i could have, but oh, yeah…three houses, two new toyotas and the swag from her non-stop shopping binges (of which she is now so piously marking prices on for a rummage sale) means she ‘really has to watch her money…and now with this government and economy, she just doesn’t know what’s going to happen…’

somebody, please make my head stop hurting…


cute-little-harmless-teenager pics of Trayvon instead of something more “realistic” as he puts it

You could point out that Trayvon was 17. You could point out that although he was tall at 6’3″, he weighted 140 pounds – giving him a BMI roughly the same as Paris Hilton. You could point out that Zimmerman weighs 250.

And if that doesn’t change his mind, you could threaten him with a bag of Skittles.


Hey! If you were seven in 1959, you’re as old as me! My 60th is fast approaching. Now, get offa my lawn!


For the record, my Dad was whaling the crap out of me when I was seven years old (that’s 1959, so it’s been a long time) for calling him out on his racist bullshit even back then

you win…


Euphemizing the fornication.


And if that doesn’t change his mind, you could threaten him with a bag of Skittles.

i would back that up with an iced tea also…you just never know…


bbkf, my best wishes go out to you and hubbkf I know you’re dealing with some horrible stuff. Your Mom, like my Dad, apparently doesn’t believe govt is we the people. And him retired military and drawing an Air Force pension. But those guys never think of it that way.

Yup smedley, hittin the big 6-0 here in July. Haha, we can all get offa each other’s lawns. That phrase is my mantra these days. 🙂


So, I’ve always wondered: How do you people do it? You folks with wingnut relatives? I guess I’ve been lucky in that I’ve yet to encounter anyone seriously wingy in my circle of family/friends. There is one exception, but I do not talk politics with those folks–it just never comes up…so it’s kind of not there, ya know?

But anyway, HOW DO YOU DO IT? How do you hold your temper?


You could point out that Trayvon was 17. You could point out that although he was tall at 6’3?, he weighted 140 pounds – giving him a BMI roughly the same as Paris Hilton. You could point out that Zimmerman weighs 250.

You could also point out that Zimmerman got out of his vehicle and chased Trayvon down on foot. So, if (and that’s a big if) Trayvon did indeed break Zimmerman’s nose and bash his head on the pavement , it was Trayvon that was “standing his ground” and acting in self-defense.


A lot of times I don’t haha. My Mom’s next door neighbor once sent around this really hateful racist email about Obama, which I immediately did a “reply to all” and told her exactly what I thought of that. The neighbor at least had the good grace to tell my Mom she was “so ashamed”. My Mom, OTOH, called me up and said “I hope you’re satisfied, you’ve ruined my friendship with neighbor”. She hung up on me before I could yes, very satisfied, thanks.

And Ms Drama Queen Mom didn’t have her friendship ruined with neighbor. They are still best buds and my Mom joined her delusional holy-roller church. My Dad objects to that mainly because she gives too much money to the church. There’s some poetic justice in there lurking among the bad mangoes I think lol.


But anyway, HOW DO YOU DO IT? How do you hold your temper?

i do a lot of LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA-ing in my head…srsly…years of listening to my mom go on and on and on have perfected my blanking out at will…

And him retired military and drawing an Air Force pension. But those guys never think of it that way.

oh yeah…my dad was a rural mail carrier…she gets his s.s. and has worked a grand total of five years in her entire lifetime (yet refers to herself as ‘retired’), still gets his insurance and pension along with his military disability and medicare…but yup…govt bad!!!


You could point out that Zimmerman’s story has him turning his back to Trayvon so that he could return to his vehicle and then getting his nose broken by a sucker punch. Obv. Trayvon has some scary teleporting ninja fist skills or something.

You could point out that people are actually debating how intimidating the dead unarmed teenager must have been while the shooter is free to patrol other neighbourhoods with concealed carry license still intact.


So, I’ve always wondered: How do you people do it? You folks with wingnut relatives?

When I was a teenager, my brother who is two years oder than me had huge arguments with my staunchly Republican father. My dad would complain to my mom how those liberal teachers at the high school were turning his son into a communist. As we approached the 2004 election my dad shocked me by telling me that he just could not bring himself to vote for Bush again. He told me “I can’t think of one good thing this administration has done.” Meanwhile my brother has been taken in by the dark side. He is a libertarian now and he happily voted for W for a second term. Whenever my brother comes to visit, I try not to discuss politics, but I always hand him his drink in the Obama mug.


Yup – govt bad – military pension, disability, SS – but you know these guys won’t take that away from THEM, their base – they’ll just stiff us, the baby boomers those DFHs that they hate, and everybody younger down the line.

I dunno why, I just want to share this because it made me laugh out loud.


“I always hand him his drink in the Obama mug”.

I like it, Thread Bear. Good on you. Question. Does he drink it out of the Obama mug? The dissonance must be strong I bet.


Lol, thread bear. I knew I liked you for a reason.

Thanks for the stories, folks. I find this stuff fascinating.


I try not to discuss politics, but I always hand him his drink in the Obama mug.

the kind of passive aggressiveness i can and will practice!



bumper stickers seen on same vehicle in parking lot…

nra: is freedom!

abortion: the ultimate child abuse


I saw a car—tried to take a picture of–smothered by one variation or another “do ______ cuz it’ll annoy a liberal”. They really don’t have any principles beyond that.


nope they don’t do they? all about like rooting for your favorite sports teams.

Now deceased boyfriend patrick (who I loved so dearly and still miss every day) described it exactly that way to me one time. He was exactly on our same page with all this, but he was quite a bit younger than me and had that sorta younger generation cynicism about politics and voting. He never voted, said they were all crooks, and I had him talked out of that. I told him, look you and I are powerless, it doesn’t cost you anything to vote, at least go exercise the one last right you have left.

He smiled at me pretty tenderly, like you would a naive child, and he said, honey I’ll do it for you. Well, I would prefer he did it for himself, but WTH – I’ll take it any way I can get it.

Sigh. One less voter for our side. The bastards. He was bipolar and I know that’s what killed him, but ultimately the bastards ground him down. Not me though. Not as long as I have breath in my body.


vs…earlier today i got sucked in to reading the comments from vdh’s post…that pretty much sums them up…

Helmut Monotreme

I think a good bumper sticker would be:

Your prejudices are being used to control you.


actually there were a lot of people there with pro-trayvon comments which gives me a little hope. But yeah you’re right – plenty of the same ol same ol wingnut contingent.

Yuck. I feel lilke I need a shower after reading some of them. But even among Corner readers, there are still a few decent ones.


“do ______ cuz it’ll annoy a liberal”.

Give my brother the Obama mug cuz it’ll annoy a glibertarian!
And he does drink out of it but it’s traditional for him to make a face when I hand it to him.


Okay, LarryElvis. Tell me: WHY do you wait until it’s 86F in here to want to lay on my feet?


teh onus is on teh prosecution to disprove self-defense.

Worse than that: in some instances, the cops aren’t even allowed to arrest the shooter if he claims self-defense and a cursory examination of the scene backs him up.


<i.Yuck. I feel lilke I need a shower after reading some of them. But even among Corner readers, there are still a few decent ones

this is true…few and far between…


Okay, LarryElvis. Tell me: WHY do you wait until it’s 86F in here to want to lay on my feet?

since i missed out on it and was off celebrating the 27th anniversary of nuptials, how did the interview go?!?! i was looking back in the previous thred, but it really confused me in the here and now, so i gave up…so…spill it!


So Palin gets invited to guest host “The Today Show” and the commenters over at Fox News are beside themselves:


I linked to this upthread. There is a recording of a 911 call from an incident in Texas that happened after Texas passed it’s own version of the “stand your ground” law. The caller reports two people that he describes as black breaking in to his neighbor’s house. The police dispatcher tells him five different times not to go out and confront them, that officers are on the way. The man informs the dispatcher that because of the new law he can and will go out and shoot them. He racks his shotgun so the dispatcher can hear it and walks out the door and shoots the two people in the back. Now, to me, declaring that you are going to kill somebody and then going out and doing it is the definition of pre-meditated murder. To a Texas grand jury it is self-defense.


wingnut meltdown in 5…4…3…2…

FBI forensics has confirmed that the voice on the 911 call screaming for help was…Trayvon Martin.


LarryElvis you know I love that cat name.

My own screen nic comes from my own kitty. Her name is Rose which is the name she had when I got her – I call her Rosebuddear because – well – it’s like this – Rosebud dear, please don’t shred the carpet – Rosebud dear, please don’t throw up on the bed – Rosebud dear, please don’t insist on 24/7 head rubs (although I do supply those on demand)

LOLOL and Patrick loved her – every time he came over to see me he had a new cat toy for her. And she liked him back and trust me Rose was an attitudinal girl – she didn’t like too many people.

His own cat died when I knew him – he had two cats and the younger cat was really grieving for the older cat – he came over here and cried all night on me when the older cat died. Sorry. I just still am having a hard time getting over this.


We brought some carpet samples home the other day.

Looks like Pookie-cat already has a favorite:


Simon was the older cat’s name. Rocky was the younger cat’s name. As far as I know, Rocky is still alive. I hope his Mom doesn’t put Rocky down. I’d take Rocky in a heartbeat.

I didn’t even know I remembered that until today.


aw major that’s cute – well you know what carpet sample you have to pick out haha


what carpet sample you have to pick out
Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.


since i missed out on it and was off celebrating the 27th anniversary of nuptials, how did the interview go?!?! i was looking back in the previous thred, but it really confused me in the here and now, so i gave up…so…spill it!

They eliminated three candidates by Friday’s end, leaving one other guy, and me. Ivy says it’s leaning my way because of my interview (which she sat in on, and asked the majority of the questions; the boss thought I provided the more-thoughtful answers, and liked my easy-going personality, remarking to her that I’d probably be the best fit with the crew), and my madd IT skillz. The other guy has a mechanical background, though no one was very impressed with his demeanor. So… it’s likely we’ll both get a second interview RSN. No call today; maybe tomorrow.


Sorry. I just still am having a hard time getting over this.

It is to be expected, of course. No apologies needed.

Can you call to check up on Rocky?


C’mon, who doesn’t just willy-nilly choose hyphenated names?

Although, I don’t know anyone who chose a hyphenated name from their mom. That’s just weird. What if she had a hyphenated name? Would I be mom-dad-grandmother-grandfather-grandmother-grandfather? It’d get really confusing really quick.


Vacuumslayer:”So, I’ve always wondered: How do you people do it?”

It isn’t easy. Mostly I just pretend I didn’t hear anything. I’ve only lost my temper at it once, and it was right after the Supreme Court decided to halt the counting of votes in Florida and install their hand-picked candidate as the new ruler. My mother called to gloat, and I told her that it was a horrible thing and that she should be ashamed for not supporting democracy. But that was a bad day. Honestly, I never thought things were going to get better, but eventually they did.


worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK



worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK



Oh gosh, MarkB… I can’t imagine. My parents call ME to bitch about the ‘nutters.


Dealing with rightwing family members? Not fun.

My mom has passed away (RIP) and Dad has Alz (but is chipper). So no longer having to “deal” with them. An interesting thing, though, is that my Dad’s progress into Alzheimers was long and slow and often filled with lucidity. He got to a point, though, where he stopped listening to Rush & watching Fox, but was still fairly lucid. I felt like I got my Dad “back,” as in: he became the more thoughtful & less crazily nasty “conservative” that he had been. Actually started making more sense in the old-time Eisenhower Republican sense.

One sib is totally hopeless & deluded by a very steady diet of Rush, Glenn, Fox, etc. Froths at the mouth. Slavering devotee to this day of Snowbilly Snooki; hates Planned Parenthood because they “encorage teenagers to have sex all the time;” never worked a day in her life but has found 2 country club Repubs to support her in high style. HATES the poors for “getting something for nothing;” thinks Government = BAD…. but believes in WICK programs, which she used for her unmarried but pregnant daughter… you know: the whole nine yards. And yes, very racist, even though my parents definitely didn’t raise us to be that way. Said sib is, wait for it, good friends with Rick Santorum… shudder… and I get to hear all kinds of “good thing” about that crook grifter.

I don’t get the rightwing’s love affair with total creeps, who are out and out grifters, looting for graft and ripping off Seniors and other rightwing dumbfucks with their “charities” and PACs and such. Santorum’s another greed-headed bastard, who, for the life of me, appears to have never worked a day in his useless nasty life, but somehow is a multi-millionaire.

It’s really a creeping & creepy dis-ease in our society.

Churches that I attended in my youth pretty much taught the golden rule and the teachings of the prophet called Jesus, who said to love one another. When I go to my sibs (and earlier to my parents’) churches, it all seems to be about how to pray to “God” to make more money and how to look down on “others.”

My family members would recoil in horror is you said they are recists, but they are.

It definitely seems like the horrible story of Trayvon Martin has really ripped back the last frickin’ layer of unbridled greedy self-absorbed nasty selfish bigoted racism that’s been promoted – via the Southern Strategy – for the past 30 to 40 years by the piggy oinkers in the 1%.

I don’t know whether to be somewhat relieved that there’s not even a thin veneer of civility left for conservatives to hide behind, or to be in dread that it only gets worse from here. Dizgusting.

Sorry: rant off.


Pfft. White kids…


Heh–I had to tear a fool a new ass on Gawker the other day. He started in with all this “we don’t have all the facts yet” bullshit.

I told him we have one indisputable fact: Zimmerhead was ordered to stand down and failed to comply. He initiated the confrontation and a teenager is dead now.

I also told the dumbfuck that if he were following me and asking me what I’m doing walking down a public sidewalk I’d beat the Grizzly Adams SHIT out of him.


–I had to tear a fool a new ass on Gawker the other day.

tsam – Given how common assholes are all around me, I’ll mail you a free hole to install in that sentence.

Also, your man was right. We don’t know all the facts. What color socks was Zimmerman wearing? Were the Skittles in martin’s left or right hand? Did the cops shit their pants in solidarity with Zimmerman? How can we judge not knowing these things?


tsam – Given how common assholes are all around me, I’ll mail you a free hole to install in that sentence.

Excellent. I like holes!

Also, Skittles can be dangerous. Have you ever got one caught in your throat? I’d drill a dude for brandishing colorful candy at me too, I suppose.


worst pejorative you can hurl at someone in the UK

I used to watch The Young Ones during the Thatcher regime, and they hurled “THATCHER” at each other. Maybe? Yes?


My parents, God bless ’em, are volunteering to help with Tammy Duckworth’s campaign.


My parentals seem to leaning toward voting for Anthony C. Muse for Senate (MD) on the grounds that he voted against same-sex marriage. I told them if that’s the only issue you’re voting for, you might as well vote Republican, because odds are that’s the wedge issue they’ll use to split African-Americans (people tend to forget that a frickin’ KENNEDY lost here, not to mention how close Michael Steele got to being our Senator, with getting endorsed by the owner of most of the urban/hip-hop stations in the state and all). Of course, the other things to note is (1) Muse is a pastor, and I haven’t come across too many pro-gay black pastors, so his vote was almost a given; and (2) the vote was in the MD state legislature, not the US Senate were Cardin is.


somebody, please make my head stop hurting…

Honey, I feel your pain, and while I know that you will somehow manage to fake your way out of the situation, it will come at an enormous cost. hell you recently had to deal with the 220 party, so I can only imagine that your well of kindness is running dry.

deep breaths at least every ten minutes. I am sending vibes yer way., and figure that the multiverse me’s are in accord.


“…no one can provide rules of the conditions under which (who says it, and when, why, how) society must deplore the use of such an epithet.”

Gee, I thought W.E.B. Du Bois expressed it well: he called it “a word which no white man must use.”

(Mr. Hanson probably doesn’t have, you know, the collected works of W.E.B. Du Bois on the bedside table.)


provider…thank you…you are sweet as always…

jp…good luck dude…i think it’s going to go your way…

and i am profoundly grateful that my mother has not started on the trayvon martin thing…bob only knows which side of it she’ll come down on…prolly her mix of of ‘oh, the poor coloreds…but really, what was he thinking?’ and i may have to get all skittle-ish on her ass…tsam, you up for it?


There a large amount of undreamed of, by me, skittle related entries in the urban dictionary.


From DKW’s link:

A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony.

So, if Mr. Martin did attack Mr. Zimmerman, it was consonant with this law.

Any word on whether Ewik bin Ewik has teabagged his way to a conspiracy theory yet? Because between this and the Fluke business, there’s obviously a very successful move on by us libs to entrap rock-ribbed conservatives into looking like misogynistic, racist hacks.


Thanks for the link, Tabucao — it’s more reason Trayvon Martin was within the protection of the Stand Your Ground Law:

Last August, the homeowners association decided to create a neighborhood watch, and a Sanford police official came to the Retreat to explain the guidelines: volunteers do not possess police powers; they should not be armed; and they should be the eyes and ears for the police — but not vigilantes.

I hope the NRA will start a program to arm young black men in Florida.


Pryme !!! A third Maryland Sadly ? (along with me and acrannymint)? What county are you in?

Jeffraham: Thanx for the video. It shows much about the personalities of the cats (and of you and your love for them). I see what you mean about LarryElvis being more vocal … and also about his not being a purebred Siamese. Also, I rate for Curly even more than before.

How to deal with Fucked-Up relatives. Fortunately my immediate family is liberal. To the extent there is any stress at all, it mostly comes when Comrade Fenwick tries to recruit them into Guerilla Voters Cadre 18.

However, most of my other relatives–mainly in Indiana–are similar to the horror stories told by others. When I see them at family reunions, my strategy is to hang out with the young folks (the children of my cousins). Shoot pool, play cards, drink beer, play ping-pong. And I do my damndest to subvert their parents and grandparents, who are hopeless cases.

I work on the ‘generational’ wedges, resentments, and grievances that often occur in families…and transition that into politics and world-views. I’m a cunning bastard. I’m eccentric Uncle Fenwick, agent provocateur.

They all watch Stewart and Colbert. They think that Fox News sucks, (mainly because their parents watch it all the time). Laughter and mockery of Fox are great weapons to pry them loose.


no one can provide rules of the conditions under which (who says it, and when, why, how) society must deplore the use of such an epithet.

Chris Rock can.

I swear, it’s like he’s never seen a stand-up comedian in his life.


@ Fenwick,

PGC (although sometimes I feel like I’m the only one around here who likes being in this county). Going to go vote as soon as possible!


You could point that out but, sadly, no.

You’re right. Zimmerman probably does weigh in less than 250 – that was supposedly his weight in 2005 – based on a police report. But he’s not 170 either. That’s teh Sanford PD number. As is the 6 foot 1 and 150 account of Trayvon – and I have to say, I am suspicious of anything Sanford PD puts out at this time.

Still, even going by Sanford PD’s account of Trayvon’s bulked-up-ness, his BMI is still below 20 – so not teh same as Paris Hilton, closer to Debra Messing.


Actually, this mysterious fluctuating weight thing goes to teh whole point of it all.

Teh incident reports from Sanford PD report Zimmerman as being smaller than even his family thinks he is. They report Trayvon as being larger than even his family thinks he is. Kinda like there might be some sort of preconceived narrative teh investigators are shoe-horning Trayvon’s shooting death into. And even still – by those numbers Zimmerman still had twenty pounds (and probably closer to fifty, but I concede it’s definitely not 100) on his stalking and murder victim.


Still, even going by Sanford PD’s account of Trayvon’s bulked-up-ness, his BMI is still below 20 – so not teh same as Paris Hilton, closer to Debra Messing.

and still…zimmerman was told not to follow, but he did…i have a hard time believing that once he got close enough to martin that he felt that threatened …even if martin outweighed him by 100 pounds, i don’t think it would matter to zimmerman…he’s macho-man enough to be the neighborhood watch ‘captain’…and he was packing heat…and he wanted to be some kind of hero…i don’t think he was going to feel too threatened by a some punk ass kid…and holy shit, i listened to the 911 tape…really wish i wouldn’t have…that kid’s voice will haunt me…


Also too, remember that this isn’t really about Zimmerman. I mean, yeah guy is a total whackaloon nutjob who murdered a complete stranger because of a hoodie. This is about Sanford PD and how they’re treating teh shooting death of an unarmed black teenager as an inconvenience.

That NY Time article points out that

For example, the lawyers said that as of late last week, no investigator had interviewed Trayvon’s girlfriend.

That would be the girlfriend who was talking to him on teh phone at teh time of teh incident.

I will totally agree that Florida’s “Shoot First Ask Questions Later” is a stupid law. It is stupid poopy pants dumb dumb dumb dumb fuck you Florida. I will agree that it unnecessarily ties teh hands of teh police – and this me saying that. Generally speaking I am for anything that limits police powers – but teh “Stand Your Ground And Shoot Anyone Who Looks At You Funny” is dumbfuck-moranincally-cut-yourself-and-pour-Drano-on-teh-open-wound stupid. BUT even by the ridiculous “Teh Guy With Teh Gun Is Always Right” standard set in that horrible piece of shit legislation – Zimmerman should be arrested.

Trayvon’s autopsy shows no signs of this EPIC battle where Zimmerman feared for his own life. No signs of punching someone hard enough to break their nose. There is more than enough probable grounds to disbelieve Zimmerman’s OMG I wuz a skeert for mah life story. That aside – teh “Gun Is Good” law specifically addresses this type of situation and removes teh “no duty to retreat” protection under 776.041 Use of force by aggressor which clearly applies in this situation.


My dad, a retired cop, is a liberal. My mom is also a liberal. I don’t have any wingnut relatives. I do, however, have friends who are wingnuts, but I own them in arguments because they’re largely undereducated rednecks.


Jeffraham: Thanx for the video. It shows much about the personalities of the cats (and of you and your love for them). I see what you mean about LarryElvis being more vocal … and also about his not being a purebred Siamese. Also, I rate for Curly even more than before.

L.E. tends to monopolize me as much as he can, so unfortunately in the video, Curly isn’t that much of a factor, as he won’t compete with L.E. (who quickly became the “alpha”). But Curly is bar-none, the sweetest, most gentle cat I have ever known.

Larry’s faint tabby markings are easier to see in videos. As he’s aged, he’s also showing a nickel-sized dot of pure white fur right at his breastbone. In all but tropic locales, Siamese cats get progressively darker as they age; the fur on his front used to be so creamy that the white was not discernible.


and i am profoundly grateful that my mother has not started on the trayvon martin thing…bob only knows which side of it she’ll come down on…prolly her mix of of ‘oh, the poor coloreds…but really, what was he thinking?’ and i may have to get all skittle-ish on her ass…tsam, you up for it?

I’m a single, successful guy. I’m up for pretty much anything. Hand me a weapon and point me in the direction.


Whoa whoa whoa. If someone’s mother needs dealing with, I’m calling dibs.


D-K W, Motherdealer.


dealing with the mother…


Whoa whoa whoa. If someone’s mother needs dealing with, I’m calling dibs

actually, i would pay money to see this…unless you are thinking carnally…then ewwww!


…unless you are thinking carnally…then ewwww!

Right. Of course. I totally didn’t mean with teh bow-chikka-chikka. Totes. Uh, you might want to phone ahead before visiting. Not that I’d need much warning to find my pants because that is totally not what I meant. Totally.


YAY! Second interview Thursday, 2:00!

May brush my teeth, this time.

Dept. Of Redundancy Bureau

I do, however, have friends who are wingnuts, but I own them in arguments because they’re largely undereducated rednecks.

Stay off our turf, punk.


I’m a single, successful guy. I’m up for pretty much anything. Hand me a weapon and point me in the direction.

You need a weapon in addition to your enormous penis?


w00t JP. Knock their socks off.


May brush my teeth, this time.

Just remember: teeth first, hair second. That way the toothpaste saves you $ on Brylcreem.


jp…you are so in! good luck, tho…


My mother is basically the Glenn Close character from Hoodwinked!



Thanks, everyone. I’m really ready for this 45-month “retirement” to end.


Knock ’em dead. Well, since this is the municipal water supply we’re talking about, maybe dead isn’t such a good thing.

But you know what I mean.


I had a very strange conversation with my grandmother during our last encounter. She is a vegetarian (7th-day variety), racist, and obsessed with cleanliness. So we’re making a salad, and she explains that store-bought vegetables (the kind she eats) are unclean because they’re picked by Mexicans, who shit in the fields, because they are dirty people. Of course she’s very mild and nice about all this — the poors dears, as phrased above, don’t know any better, and so you’ve got to wash your vegetables carefully.

(My grandmother is not a wingnut, but some sort of fellow traveler. 80, hale, active, extremely religious. Deeply suspicious of any media not emanating from Seventh-Day Adventism. No knowledge of news or current affairs. Grade-school education. Does not vote, thank the Gods. Deeply, unshakably opinionated on all topics, with absolutely no idea what others might know, or how.)


You need a weapon in addition to your enormous penis?

This thing’s for luvin’, not fightin’, sweetheart!


Thanks, everyone. I’m really ready for this 45-month “retirement” to end.


You’ll be off the official wingnut “undesirables” list.


I’m a single, successful guy

5 Sadlybucks to the first person to identify this reference….





Deeply, unshakably opinionated on all topics, with absolutely no idea what others might know, or how.)

describes self-involved, hypochondriac, delusional and inappropriately dressed seventy one year old mother to a t…


Deeply, unshakably opinionated on all topics, with absolutely no idea what others might know, or how.)

In my defense, however, I am a decent dancer.


Personally, I think it says it all that even with more evidence than most cases could dream of having, showing the clear as day facts of the case, even we’re stuck having to debate how impossible it is that Trayvon Martin was some voodoo ninja master capable of dealing blows that leave no trace.

Like with most things, even if the right-wing were right, they’d still be wrong. And nothing anyone is saying is removing the fact that it should be Zimmerman and his lawyer having to prove these outlandish scenarios in court, as if we still had a legal process, not a Sanford Police Department and wingnut army working overtime.

Overall, though, the whole thing is sickening. It’s so demonstrably wrong and yet…


Good luck JP, knock em dead on Thursday!

I’m gonna spend today looking for a palette cleanser for everyone.


sadly, it’s from one of my least favorite movies…barely tolerable, actually…fast times at ridgemont high…


sadly, it’s from one of my least favorite movies

And here I thought I was the only person of my generation that didn’t like that movie.


In my defense, however, I am a decent dancer.

You know who ELSE was a decent dancer?


bbbbut Phoebe Cates!!@!@!@


I don’t know how good a dancer Phoebe Cates is.


And here I thought I was the only person of my generation that didn’t like that movie.

me, too! glad to know i’m not alone and good taste still has some place here…


I don’t know how good a dancer Phoebe Cates is.

based on her acting skills…


Someone please take these away from me.

you on you own sistah…they are one of my downfalls…


based on her acting skills…

You take that back!!!!


you on you own sistah…they are one of my downfalls…

but of course, hubbkf can snarf a whole fucking bag of them and still manage to lose five pounds…how? he doesn’t know…


you on you own sistah…they are one of my downfalls…

I have wrested them from own grasp. *whew*


You take that back!!!!

of course the question is: how does charles feel about her acting?


Someone please take these away from me.

Step 1 is don’t have them in the house. It they’re not in the house, I won’t be tempted to eat them.


I agree–that movie was a total piece of shit. FALSE ADVERTISING


You know who ELSE was a decent dancer?

I taught that sawed-off little fascist prick all those moves. HE dominates most of Europe, and I’m still waiting tables.


I don’t know how good a dancer Phoebe Cates is.

She can remove a bathing suit in a quite fetching fashion, I say.


me, too! glad to know i’m not alone and good taste still has some place here…

I think you posted this in the wrong forum.


I think you posted this in the wrong forum.

sketchy…i know…


I taught that sawed-off little fascist prick all those moves.

Man, you’re pretty harsh on your own Johnson.


Someone please take these away from me.


[ /livingablock&ahalfawayfromthese ]


re: donuts

Only four and a half more months until teh Ex.


So, just for fun I tried taking out the racist element of this column, and what we’re left with is “So what, a kid got murdered? Lots of people get murdered. What’s so important about trying to respond to that?”.


[…] Very quiet, very clean streets mean COMMMUNISM AND POVERTY! via Sadly, No! […]


Christ, I know I am late to this party, but I had to stop reading this at the point where he went off on people in cities who were basing their perceptions on racial stereotypes and were guilty of profiling.

I’m just going to go back and pour another drink and try to forget that morons like this exist. I swear, it seems so hopeless sometimes.

Here’s the shorter version of why we are so pissed off about the Trayvon Martin case: If he hadn’t been black, he wouldn’t be dead now. Period.


[…] who remember my trepidatious handling of the Trayvon Martin lynching when it occurred, know that this subject is one that just […]


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