The War on Christmas is Coming Early This Year!
Isn’t it still August? Yes? Then why are we already getting dispatches from the War on Christmas?
It appears the battle against what some call the politically correct title for Christmas has already begun. A pro-family group is highlighting ad on page 69 in the Sam’s Club in-house magazine, Source, that promotes “holiday” cards, ribbons and gift bags, despite all the products obviously being designed for Christmas.
If Jesus were alive today, He’d shoot any motherfucker who dared call His birthday a “holiday.” It says so in the FOX News Annotated Bible.
Randy Sharp, special projects director for the American Family Association, says it looks like Sam’s Club parent company Wal-Mart is adhering to the same “holiday” policy in the 2006 season as it followed in 2005. “Last year,” he says, “Wal-Mart refused to use the word Christmas in their advertising, and they were inundated by angry customers. And already this year they’re showing their true colors by again refusing to acknowledge Christmas.”
I love how people like Sharp will defend Wal-Mart for paying people crappy wages and giving them shitty health insurance by rationalizing that Wal-Mart workers are probably just lazy anyway. But if Wal-Mart decides to wish people “Happy Holidays?” Well, then the gloves come right off, assholes.
This past June, Sharp notes, AFA sent Wal-Mart a copy of a letter and more than 200,000 petition signatures that went to most major retailers in America, asking them not to ban the word Christmas from their advertising and promotions.
Wow. That’s 200,000 people who somehow escaped natural selection. I guess Darwin was wrong after all.
He says there was no answer until the advertisement in Source came out.
“Last week the first Christmas ad came out, and that was for Sam’s Club, owned by the Wal-Mart Stores Corporation,” the AFA spokesman explains. “The ad is clearly meant to promote Christmas decorations and Christmas tree items,” he says, “but Sam’s Club refuses to refer to Christmas as Christmas. They simply use the generic term holiday.”
Could you imagine what’d happen if these people devoted all this energy to doing something useful? They probably woulda solved world hunger by now.
“I love how people like Sharp will defend Wal-Mart for paying people crappy wages and giving them shitty health insurance by rationalizing that Wal-Mart workers are probably just lazy anyway. But if Wal-Mart decides to wish people “Happy Holidays?â€? Well, then the gloves come right off, assholes.”
Even as a kid I hated the intense over-commericalization of Christmas, found it distasteful.
But these wack-jobs WANT Christ’s name all over crappy merchandise, in ads and fliers. They WANT profit-based corporations to exploit Christ’s name for money.
I for one would be quite happy if Wal-Mart et al kept Christ’s name out of their filthy mouths.
Ah, the favorite season for the Poor Victimized Chistian.
It’s fall already? How the time flies!
If intellectual conssitency mattered at all to these gasbags, wouldn’t they realize that inclusive terms like ‘Holidays’ are marketplace-driven, and retailers are just responding to their customers. So they’re asking for, what, government interference in the marketplace?
In reality, it’s just an annual temper tantrum because it implies that they might not be the most specialist persons ever and God’s number one favorite, real for-sure religion!
And after the commercial break, these are the people who come back and tell us we’re not ‘serious’ about fighting terrorists. Pshaw!
[…] Original post by Brad R. and software by Elliott Back […]
Okay, and here I thought that stores dragging out the Christmas stuff at Halloween was bad enough, these assholes go one futher and start the Christmas crap NOW! Pretty soon stores will be carrying Christmas crap in large, ugly displays in the middle of September because of these unhinged rantings! Don’t they know what they’re doing by rolling this out early, before Thanksgiving??? But that’s pretty much par for the course for the Asshole Brigade. There’s never an opportunity that they can’t take. Unless, of course, they’re just setting up the GOP for winning in Novemeber…”I’m for the war in Iraq! No abortions! No gay marriages! Oh, and I say, ‘Merry Christmas!'”
Can’t we please, please go back to the time when these people complained about the commercialization of Christmas? They used to complain that there was too much Christmas in the marketplace and now they complain that there’s not enough. It seems to me that the old position, which was concerned about Christmas staying in church, was much more sensible.
Clif, just think about what you’re saying!
Rightwingers and “Sensible” haven’t been in the same time zone since 1994.
C’mon, Clif! It’s not about ‘sensible’! It’s about whining!
The funniest thing is that most of “christmas”, especially the Tree, is of Pagan origin. I’m happy they are so entusiastic about celebrating Wotan. I wish more people were.
True dat, r4d20 — I want my Pagan Solstice tree back, and I don’t want any of that tacky Wal-Mart crap draped over it, thankyouveramuch.
Seriously, this annual kerfuffle just sums up everything The Opposition is about, doesn’t it? They don’t care about facts, they don’t care about meaning, they don’t care about intent… all they have, all they want, is that everybody should mouth the Correct Words. If we all mouth the Words, ideally in chorus, all will magically become right with the universe. And here I thought good Xtians didn’t believe in magic, except when performed by duly licensed practitioners!
Remember the good ole days when the war on Christmas started the day after Thanksgiving?
You know, I’m outraged that the Washington’s Birthday holiday is incorrectly called “President’s Day” by socialists who want to give equal shares of cake to all the presidents.
It’s time to reclaim Washington’s Birthday!
Could you imagine what’d happen if these people devoted all this energy to doing something useful? They probably woulda solved world hunger by now.
No, they would still be trying to figure out how to tie their shoes.
It’s time for a boycott. Why don’t all the poor victimized Christians simply not buy from merchants who don’t use the “right” terminology in regard to December 25? They can make their own Christmas gifts. The raw materials can be sold under a banner of neutrality at a fabric store, grocery store, a handyman store, etc. Why isn’t blindingly obvious to them that they’re expecting the market to provide piety to them?
[rolls eyes back in head–hard ]
Ooh–is that my brain? Pretty…
Oofa. Wot th’?!?
Aargh! Eyes… stuck… can’t… see what I’m doing… GAAHH!!1!
” Why isn’t blindingly obvious to them that they’re expecting the market to provide piety to them?”–Cowalker
We’re talking about the same people who decided that the highest and best use for the newly-invented printing press was the mass production of indulgences.
African-Americans have been cheesed-off for years that National Soup Month (January) has 31 days, while Black History Month (February) only has 28 days. If we moved Black History Month to December, it would give the NAACP their 31 days of media bliss–and the pundits on “Faux News” would have something else to whine about for 31 days besides the War on Xmas.
Only 119 shopping days left!
Let me get this straight, because the logic isn’t really clear to me. The fact that Sam’s Club is advertising Christmas merchandise in August is proof of a liberal atheist conspiracy against Christmas? Huh. You could have fooled me.
We’re talking about the same people who decided that the highest and best use for the newly-invented printing press was the mass production of indulgences.
Surely these people are mostly the ones who got pissed off about the Indulgences? Why confuse Catholics and Protestant fundamentalists. The American Family Association is the one behind this, and what with being founded in Mississippi, I doubt they’re big on the Renaissance Papacy. While some American Catholics (I’m looking in Bill O’Reilly’s general direction here) have gotten onboard with the stupid “War on Christmas” business, I find it hard to view this as a particular Catholic obsession – at any rate, the right wing of American Catholics has made a bizarre alliance with fundamentalist protestants who think the Pope is Antichrist, and probably shouldn’t be considered as particularly representative of the Catholic faith.
It’s not like the Pope’s been complaining about this or publishing encyclicals called De Bello Christmasicum.
Say Christmas. Say it,motherfucker! Say it or die, islamobag! You think I’m kidding?
Oh, the poor, poor persecuted Christians!
It’s not like the Pope’s been complaining about this or publishing encyclicals called De Bello Christmasicum.
Is that the one where he makes war on the Hugenots?
(uh… maybe that’s a really obscure joke. never mind)
“Could you imagine what’d happen if these people devoted all this energy to doing something useful? They probably woulda solved world hunger by now.”
I just keep imagining… “Soyent Green is People!!!!”. Maybe we are better off if they stick to things with less disasterous repercussions.
the wal-martization of x-mas
Went to COSTCO Saturday afternoon…they have the phucking Christmasbirthdaystuff on display already.
That’s because Costco is evil… and liberal.
now who is it that is politically correct???
“…AFA sent Wal-Mart a copy of a letter and more than 200,000 petition signatures…�
Didn’t Ralph Reed used to do shit like this—aim the “moralâ€? Christian Right at businesses–while personally collecting payoffs from the victim’s competitors?
smells like yet another RW shake-down, a la Proctor & Gamble, to me.