Lloyd Cries at the End (A Racist Rant Story)

John Bennett at a barbeque with friends.

John Bennett, American Shanker:
A Black Male Teacher for Every Student!

I don’t even need to start. Heck, I don’t even need to write this post. You know what you are in for with just the title line. The headline is literally a dogwhistle being held by a KKK Grand Wizard as he tries to rant through the whistle about how much he hates black people.

So let’s just skip to the shorter and get on with it.

  • Diversity! Pah, I will not rest until the negro children and wimminfolk are uneducable chattel and only the proud noble white man is allowed to be in a school as either teacher or student.

Oh goody, we’re in for a “treat”, aren’t we?

Our education secretary, Arne Duncan, offered the following bizarre claim: “I think all of our students benefit from having a black male in the classroom.”

When the first sentence of your racist rant is a bleary-eyed conspiracy theory relying on bizarre reading of everyday words, misplaced obsession, and a failure to even make the “scary bad thing” actually sound bad at all, you know you are in for some serious Klan firepit reading.

So, this is about Duncan’s remarkably uncontroversial call for black males to get education degrees and enter the teaching profession, because they are under-represented.

Not really a proposed legislation thing, not really a shift of resources, just an off-hand comment as part of some Black History Month duties.

Of course, seeing as how Duncan is part of Obama’s cabinet and the right-wing has been sustaining a national freakout over Michelle Obama just saying that kids should have access to food with actual food in it… Well, this is of course all the right-wing needs to hear to know of Obama’s impending plan to execute all white teachers off the face of the Earth.

Black males represent only one out of every 50 teachers, and that’s a major social problem, according to the federal government.

Well, to everyone who doesn’t believe that the “jungle races are uneducable”, yeah, pretty much. Lack of diversity in classrooms means that minority students end up viewing education as just another facet of dominant-group america’s animosity and power structure over them, dominant-group students end up having a severely limited education and exposure to ideas, worldviews, cultures, and experiences outside their own and thus end up unable to deal with a diverse global community as adults, and dominant-group teachers are more likely to tailor the education to bigoted or limiting education materials because they lack the immersion in diversity to see that their students may need something else to engage them.

Seeing as how the failure of this engagement is one of the main reason that we have a lot of minority kids deciding that school’s for suckers and going into crime early is a big social reason why we should…

Oh wait, for morons like this, the crime problem with minority students is the purpose not the consequences. As long as they are living in all-white suburban enclaves, the problems of inner city kids just allows them to justify their racism on “see, those kids just don’t want to learn!”

And no bets on whether or not he’ll break out that argument by the time we finish this rant.

The solution is de rigueur racial preferences and more government spending.

Careful there John, you nearly gave it away that the animosity to “more government spending” is a thinly veiled attempt to make minorities into slave-class citizens unable to participate or receive benefits from the system rather than a principled stand for fiscal responsibility…

As if the cheers for unlimited military budgets and giant tax cuts while only citing “financial concerns” whenever someone wanted to help someone not white or with lady bits wasn’t clue enough.

With that solution in mind, the federal government is now going to devote untold resources to a program called the TEACH Campaign.

Untold resources. $185 million for a program in total*, mostly to go to scholarships for education students in top tier programs (so very likely to be black, yup) as long as they teach in an inner city for a handful of years, with some going to education programs to improve their licensing and conduct evaluation programs.

Same thing.

Also, to put this in perspective. This program is $185 million. We dropped $12 billion in cash in Iraq and didn’t even bother to adequately guard it.

Damn are the Bush years’ memorable amount of idiocy inconvenient for the “fiscal responsability” culture warriors, aren’t they?

The goal of the program is to “increase the number, quality, and diversity of teachers in the classroom.”

Ah yes, I can also clearly see the “clone a race of malevolent giant robots to destroy all humanity” written over that quote in invisible ink.

Course that may be more attributable to the kilo of mescaline I just took.

The methods employed are described only in warm and fuzzy terms, such as “trying to recruit more African-American men to go into teaching straight out of college.”

Okay, out of character for a minute, it is the cutest fucking thing to see wingnuts present these basic things with a giant ta-dah completely unaware that we’re no longer Colonial Europe and pointing out the existence of non-white people is no longer a big shocker.

“But no, you see, they want black people to be teachers! Madness, what would they teach? How to be indolent unless given the Christian values to pick cotton? Balderdash and Horsefeathers! That would be a sight!”

The premise of the program is that black students, especially black males, would benefit from a black male role model in the classroom.

Yes, again, that lack of role models that demonstrate that “their people” have success through paths that include a high-level education.

While there may be some minimal short-term benefit to such an approach, the long-term implications are exceptionally troubling.

I’m sorry, what?

While there may

NO! Don’t read it again! I don’t even know where to go with this. I thought I was joking when I said that you thought that black teachers were going to take over and kill all white teachers.

Oh, deary me, we’re going ALL the way down the rabbit hole on this one, aren’t we?

The significance of this program is that one racial group is slowly gaining the right to choose to associate with members of its own racial group in the educational system.

Man, there sure are a lot of segregation-defenders who never really got why people were mad at them for it, weren’t there?

First off, bullshit. Second off, bullshit times a billion. Third off, what part of under-represented didn’t you get from the earlier parts? Fourth off, remember when you wrote your paranoid headline about Duncan wanting to put a black male in every teacher with your white daughters and everything, from before? So not really a “black kids only get black teachers” thing.

And fifth off, Fine.

You win, wingnuts.

Sure, it’s a terrible and unholy practice. And once you have done the decades of research showing school after school of majority white children without a single white teacher, whose educational materials and tests are entirely about the history and success of non-white people in predominantly non-white countries, whose tests are written entirely in white cultural idioms that no one but radicals dares point out, whose society regularly antagonizes as “problem students” who are uneducable, where white children lack nearly all adult role-models who found success in fields requiring high education, and where white children are still treated as undeserving and cheating when they break into high education because they couldn’t have “earned” it.

Then yes.

We can also give white kids a poorly funded project giving teachers a woefully inadequate scholarship to teach in the blighted suburbs.

So get cracking. I’m sure this will be just as meticulously cataloged as the reams of corroborating data on education and minority children.

Duncan has said, “We need more men of color in our schools.” The “of color” designation refers only to Hispanics and blacks, for the purposes of the TEACH program. Whites and Asians don’t count.

Hey, 1970 called and wanted its deliberate feigned ignorance of terms back. I mean, this shit was an unfunny racist joke in the 70s (hurr, hurr, what do white people not have color?). Still clinging to it these days… let’s just say it makes Abe Simpson look hip and down with the youngsters.

The federal government is not advocating racial matching of teachers and students for the benefit of whites and Asians. The mere suggestion would be treated as a racist absurdity.

Choices choices. Do I go with the profanity laden rant about how that would indeed be an issue if Duncan had actually called for teaching segregation and for black teachers to be the only teachers for black students or that black teachers should only be teaching black kids instead of being positive in every child’s life (for the same reason of reminding the illiterate offspring of fuckers like Bennett that blacks aren’t just cyphers for their sexual fears/fantasies)?

Or do I go with the profanity laden rant about how whites and asians don’t need it, because they already have it, because most schools in the country employ at least one white and usually one asian teacher?

What do you mean, I’m out of time to decide?

Only time will tell how many tax dollars and how much government power will be brought to bear to achieve this feat of social engineering. In the meantime, so much for a colorblind America, and so much for judging people by the content of their character.

Social engineering, misreading of Dr. King’s words as an attempt at racist shaming. What’s next? A claim of “racial favortism” on the part of Obama himself-

Racial favoritism is not surprising coming from the Obama administration, but it is certainly still disturbing on several levels. When it comes to programs like the TEACH Campaign, the underlying rationale is rarely questioned. One deeper problem, which is almost never mentioned, concerns the racial attitudes inherent in such policies.

Oh my fucking Bob!

Seriously, doesn’t really help your case that “blacks are the real racists” when you consistently, unfailingly, and repeatedly see every situation wherein there may be a remote possibility of a non-white person as the end of all whiteness everywhere.

Just fucking saying!

As Duncan made clear, the main beneficiaries of the program are supposed to be black male students. Black male teachers benefit “all of our students[,]” Duncan says, “[b]ut particularly our young black males.”

Now, your average ranting hobo on the street after repeating the words that disprove his freakout for the second fucking time, might, just might, pause a moment and shift to a new source of obsession.

But apparently, that’s because paranoid schizophrenics apparently have more connection to reality than the average American Thinker writer.

Good to know.

As one black teacher explained to CNN News, black male students with a black male teacher are “able to see what they’ll become one day, and if those images are positive, it raises their self identity to another level.”

What?!? If a black person sees an admirable black person who has accomplished something requiring an education, they may actually care about education and see it as a way to improve their lives rather than just tuning out and devoting all their resources to the only successful role models they see (rap stars, sports stars, and criminals)?

What insane moon logic is this?

Clearly this is just the first stage of Segregation 2.0 only this time it’s the white man in the back of the bus!

This can be called the race-based education theory — the notion that one learns better when instructed by a person with the same racial group identity.

Ha! Thought I was kidding, weren’t you?

But yes, it could be called that…

Or it may be about you know having them see someone, anyone as someone to aspire to be and thus care about school for.

But that would require being able to see black children as actual human beings rather than as space monkeys born out of raw hate for whitey and welfare program handouts.

Race-based education is a step far beyond the promising and often successful experiments in single-sex education.

A note to my readers. If ever your life devolves to the point where you find yourself writing a sentence like this without irony or snark, please do not hesitate to kill yourself.

Having a male teacher in the classroom is of some benefit to male students. Schools around the country, with diverse ethnic and ideological identities, are opting for single-sex education. Young men of all racial groups are more likely to defer and compose themselves in the presence of a male authority figure.

Yeah, no. Just no. Pretty much all the literature on this basically just shows that women do a little better in women-only groups because of social sexism that could be solved with good teaching practices encouraging teachers to work against cultural training and call on women more in the classes. Nothing about the he-man women-hater’s club aiding the all-male paradise that a disturbing number of wingnut men seem to fantasize about.

I mean, not to make insinuations, John T. Peckerwood, but these days, the only people I see fantasizing about single-sex education environments are gay people using it for a kink scene or masturbatory fantasy.

But Arne Duncan is not talking about young men in general benefiting from male authority figures per se. Instead, Duncan tells us that “a black male” teacher in particular will be of benefit to “all” students.

We’re now at the third quoting of the inconvenient fact that disproves his racist freakout and while he’s shared his dreams of a world where only white men would be allowed to teach and be students…

I’m not sure whether that level of tenacious delusion is admirable or whether I should call the men in white coats for his own good.

The evidence is mixed on whether race-based student-teacher pairings benefit members of the designated racial groups.

Evidence is a strange thing in wingnutopia. See single sex education has a dedicated lobby in Washington, has long been an obsession of the Catholic Church’s “education” arm, and is really archaic, so it might as well be gospel from Heaven. The literal reams of evidence for the no-duh assertion that kids without education-based role models who resemble them care more about completing education instead of writing it off as say “a white thing” goes against The Bell Curve and so might as well not exist.

On the other hand, there is no evidence that all students benefit from having a minority teacher.

And the evidence that all students are less likely to be racist toolbags writing for the American Thinker if they have a diverse environment in their fellow students and authority figures really goes against his self-preservation, and so is an unthinkable thought which must have zero evidence and is in fact proof that the person saying it is the anti-christ.

How dare you say that white people need to know the untermenschen. They know how to oppress them just fine from their segregated bubbles, thank you very much!

It is a major oversell for Duncan to claim as much. But Duncan had to say that “all” students benefit, because the only alternative was to make an honest statement about the one group of students who might actually stand to gain: black males.

Good job, Johnny Reb, on torpedoing your initial “segregation is bad when black people do it” pose, by failing to resist your need to remind us of your support for actual segregation.

So let’s see here, black males aren’t allowed to teach black kids, because “that’s racist and segregation, but not in a way that demeans actual segregation, which fuckers like me have been battling for decades, especially in the schools, with every dirty trick in the book”. And black males aren’t allowed to teach any other kids because, ew negro cooties.

So that leaves us with, um…

All hail our black female teacher overlords!

The grotesquely contorted logic of Duncan’s assertion is further highlighted by applying that logic to other racial groups.

Also the cutest thing ever? Wingnuts accusing anyone else of “contorted logic” while putting logic through the sort of torture dungeon that would make the Saw puppet go “hey now”.

There are just as few Hispanic male teachers as there are black male teachers. The TEACH program makes mention of Hispanics as well, but we have not yet been told by our federal government that all students would benefit from having a Hispanic male in the classroom. For that matter, all students could benefit from an Asian male, or a biracial male.

You listened to exactly one line in a rather specific speech to black teachers. Gosh, yes, Duncan was remarkably lax about mentioning other races in THAT ONE FUCKING SENTENCE! The one you chose to completely miss the point of because the very mention of black male teachers had you pulling your daughters out of school lest they come for you next.

Yeah, I imagine he probably would feel the same way sane people do about those groups, for likely the same exact reasons. It’s just black males are on the bottom of the list in representation, so they got the sound bite.

Perhaps all students could benefit from a Scotch-Irish WASP male as well. Once the government begins playing racial favorites, there is no principled end to the crass tribal favoritism that will ensue.

Coming from the idiot who was arguing that black male teachers have nothing to offer white students, you really don’t so much have ground to stand on, as a mushy pile of quicksand actively sucking around your kneecaps.

Also, they and everyone else DO have white teachers. 85% of ALL teachers are white. Hence the problem with education being viewed as a “white thing”. And that’s before you mix in problems like “world history” suspiciously only covering European history.

And you know what? It’d actually be a problem if there were no white teachers in inner city schools, as having at least one white person care whether they live or die probably also helps ensure that racial animosity is lessened.

Heck, it’s the view of the which funds ANYONE in a top tier education program who is willing to spend some years teaching inner city kids regardless of race (hint, it’s mostly going to be white dudes).

The need for black male teachers arises from the supposed interests of the black male students. Duncan should have simply left it at that.

You know, the more times you repeat this unsupported de facto statement that was created out of racism so deep Nathan Bedford Forrest would be going “Damn, boy”, the more it proves that you aren’t a racist little shit having a prolonged freakout about the White House being “soiled” by Obama’s “black filthy hands”.


Let us pretend that Secretary Duncan has cracked the code; assume that there would be some significant improvement in learning if there were more black male teachers for black male students. Let us also assume that the benefits of race-based education are worth the costs. Even assuming all of that, Duncan will still need to find black males willing to enter the teaching profession. Specifically, Duncan will have to find college-educated black men who will volunteer to teach the “disadvantaged,” by serving in classrooms in troubled communities. This may prove to be infeasible.

Gosh, almost like that was the original meaning of Duncan’s sentence, before you had your giant panic attack about Teacher Mandingo stretching out your teenage daughters and turning them into race traitor ghetto sluts.

Young black men, like many other students, often go to college to advance themselves and leave behind the neighborhoods that threatened to hold them back. In some schools, particularly those which perform worst, being verbally abused is the very least of a teacher’s fears. The prospect of attempting to teach such difficult young men (the group that Duncan said will “particularly” benefit from race-based education) is not a future that many will embrace. For instance, Philadelphia’s mayor, who is black, publicly referred to the teens responsible for a rash of racial mob violence and said of those teens, “[Y]ou’ve damaged your own race.”

Wow, did that start out as a nearly coherent acknowledgment that black people who work hard to escape the crippling poverty and social problems exasperated in the ghettos may feel conflicted about returning and trying to fix the neighborhoods rather than taking the easier and more respected path… and then end up as a “See, even black people say they are useless” rant?

Wow, stay classy Johnny Plantation Owner, stay classy.

In fact, it requires a combination of optimism and unfamiliarity — i.e., naiveté — to set foot into such troubled classrooms. Young whites possess those qualities in abundance, which explains why whites make up an incredible 73% of teachers in urban city schools, and 91% of teachers in urban schools outside cities, according to Leslie T. Fenwick, the Dean of Howard University’s School of Education.

If you find your ears ringing a little bit after that one, allow me to translate the dog whistle stuck on 11.

Whites only try and educate the jungle babies out of white guilt.

Also, and most delightfully, he carries the euphemism “urban” as code for black to the point where it fails to be a code word anymore.

Urban schools outside cities, you say, why whatever could you mean by that?

Huh, what are the percentages for say, rural mostly white schools? Hey, lookie 90%/ Go figure.

College-educated black men will be aware of what awaits in “disadvantaged” classrooms. They will be familiar with the slander, repeated by too many black students, that getting good grades is “acting white.” Given that mentality, the teacher is just someone who helps black kids “act white.”


You don’t say!

Why, if only they had say, some black male role model. Who say had a college education and was someone they respected and aspired to be. Especially if they could be a regular presence in their lives. Like a teacher or something!

Heck, if they were in education, that itself would attack the idea that “education” was a white thing on two levels.

Oh, wait, that would be Segregation 2.0 because of the rules the guy wearing a white sheet as he types this just made up.

Shame, that would be a real quick fix to that problem.

Black men, many of whom are directly familiar with the challenges that await teachers, will quite reasonably choose other careers. Or, rather, if they do become teachers, they will generally prefer not to teach in poorly performing schools where their racial identity would ostensibly be of greatest benefit.

As demonstrated by all the black males flocking to rural and suburban schools to teach. Why I remember my own schooling in the the blandest whitest hills of Outer Suburbia and remarking at how all of my teachers seemed to be shell-shocked black male survivors of the ghettos relating harrowing tales of nearly being cast as extras in the latest Ice Cube music video.

Gosh, I really hope that there is no area of study where people go and look at the actual racial composition of schools, cause that would have been really inconvenient**.

As dubious as race-based education is, many will argue that it is a necessary evil in response to a dire educational problem. Duncan points out:

… [W]e’re competing with the gangs, we’re competing with the drug dealers on the corner, and when students fall through the cracks, when young people don’t have that positive mentor, in a school setting, in the church or community, there’s always a guy on the street corner that can say come my way.

In other words, to counter the disastrous effects of ghetto culture, it may be necessary to engage in patently race-based social engineering.

Doesn’t Duncan understand that such issues are merely a result of their inferior black minds being unable to handle freedom with the respect and aplomb of white minds and thus finally abuse us of our silly liberal notion that freeing the slaves was anything other than misguided social engineering?

So this is what liberalism has come to: we’re meeting cultural decline with bad policy. Perhaps we can take some comfort in knowing that the students themselves haven’t advocated for race-based education. Rather, educational experts — many of whom are white and almost all of whom are liberal — have decided that young black men should be taught more often by black men. Aside from the blatant racial hypocrisy involved, race-based education is another desperate effort to alter a subculture that is actively refusing the clear path to opportunity, which is so clearly laid out by free K-12 public education.

Oh wait. That pretty much is his argument. Never mind.

John Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, MAPSS ’07) is a veteran, writer, and law student at Emory University living in Atlanta, GA.

He’s from the Deep South?!? I could hardly tell!


So, you know what’s the best part of this beast of a racist rant?

It came out the exact same day his fellow American Thinker writer and professional minstrel show Lloyd Marcus wrote this gem:

Shorter Lloyd Marcus, American Dreamer:
Republicans: Black America’s True Friend

  • The fact that I could find 1 exceptional black person outside the narrow avenues of success allowed black kids is proof that there is no such thing as racial discrimination and liberals are the real racists for believing in it.


So while sad little Lloyd was trying to fight back the demons in his head and trying to throw up a smokescreen about how his fellow conservatives have nothing but love for the black man, his employer’s motley collection of ex-Klansmen and wards of the state couldn’t even manage to go one day without fully demonstrating why he’ll always be one of the only black men in the country stupid enough to align themselves with that hive of scum and villainy.

It’s what made reading that disgusting batch of racist conspiracy theories worth it. For how sadly hilarious it made Lloyd Marcus’s plight.

The rule has always been “don’t get off the boat”, but just this once, if the above post has gotten you down, you should dip a toe out. For Lloyd’s sad life crashing down around him the same day he tries and justify his trainwreck of a life story, really does remind one that no matter how bad their life gets, how pathetic they may become, no matter how many Republican congressman dicks they’re sucking in a men’s bathroom for $10 a pop…

They’re not Lloyd Marcus trying to post a “conservatives love black people” the same day all of his fellow writers fantasize about a world without people like him in it.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ What five day gap?

*Source, the Department Education Fiscal Year 2012 Budgetary Request for the TEACH program. Hey, if I had to look up the pdf to answer this moron, I’m damn well including the paper trail I used to do it.

** Like say Page 13, Table 5 of “The Segregation of American Teachers” by Erica Frankenberg of the Civil Rights Project.

*** Not connected to anything, but for all the wingnuts using the deliberately segregated and underfunded inner city schools as a “proof” that non-white kids are uneducable and should be abandoned by the system, there seems to be some deliberate gliding over rural communities. Maybe because those mostly white communities with mostly white students have worse performance, worse teacher hiring standards, and worse teacher education backgrounds than even the “scare storiest” inner-city school. How convenient for the racists that the comparison is always between underfunded inner-cities versus overfunded suburban rather than any equal economic situation.


Comments: 216


Ooh, I’m glad I stayed up for this. Mr. Bennett and reality are not on speaking terms currently.


And an article from Lloyd Ruckus. It’s a miracle sent from the gods, it is.


Mr. Bennett and reality are not on speaking terms currently.

Reality has a restraining order against him on account of the stalking.


It’s morning on my end of the mudball!


This another example of the deaththrows of the governor on the wingnut id that will eventually erupt in chants of : Nigger! [oooh that felt good] Nigger! [that tickled a spot] NIGGER!

I’ll not speak for other colored’s, only myself, if calling me a nigger with impunity is what you desire, have at it. That is, if it will get your moran off of our backs. Of course in my case, the insult, as it always has, will fall like water from the backside of a duck (or should that be underside.) And that will be a problem, because you will not be able to revel in my shame; my dignity, undented by the insult, will piss you the fuck off.

You know what’s funny is the fact that colored’s like myself have developed senses* that detect your desire to shout nigger! when we come into contact with you, we know when you are thinking about it, can tell that you are using every bit of restraint to keep yourself from uttering the word and what it must cost you. That’s has gotta suck.

One might say that the hater is as much a hostage, as the one held in bondage by the hate and given a level playing field that might begin to hold.

So for you haters who just have to get thie fix and may have forgotten a few i present the lyrics to probably my favorite song from the Broadway Musical Hair, Colored Spade.
My parents owned the original broadway recording (Stole it when I got kicked out of the house, eventually losing it myself) and might be one of the reasons that racisim has only been an inconvenience in my life rather than an assault on my self esteem.

*These senses are also generally prevelent in women, gays, and the transgendered. Grow up as an “other” with a brain…do the math.

So Hater, feel free to call me anything on this list and if I feel that you really need it I might even feign that I have been wounded by you slight, that the dullest of weopns in your rhetorical handbasket has struck a mortal blow…

Colored spade lyrics from the braodway musical Hair.

“I’m a
Colored spade
A nigger
A black nigger
A jungle bunny
Jigaboo coon
Pickaninny mau mau

Uncle Tom
Aunt Jemima
Little Black Sambo

Cotton pickin’
Swamp guinea
Junk man
Shoeshine boy

Elevator operator
Table cleaner at Horn & Hardart
Slave voodoo
Ubangi lipped

Flat nose
Tap dancin’
Resident of Harlem

And president of
The United States of Love
President of
The United States of Love

(and if you ask him to dinner you’re going to feed him:)

Hominy grits
An’ shortnin’ bread
Alligator ribs
Some pig tails
Some black eyed peas
Some chitlins
Some collard greens

And if you don’t watch out
This boogie man will get you

Also too, Cerb, I love the way you write and your skillful deconstruction of wingnuttia, and thought the following was brilliant. I’ll admit that I stopped reading at this point because I knew that we were entering the nigger/otherverse which was the inspiration of my previous rant. Some days I’ll happily don the wetsuits and get off the boat, some days, I’ll happily lounge on the deck enjoying mint julips with Fenwick

You do a fantastic mango retrieval operation is all Imma saying.

Careful there John, you nearly gave it away that the animosity to “more government spending” is a thinly veiled attempt to make minorities into slave-class citizens unable to participate or receive benefits from the system rather than a principled stand for fiscal responsibility…


John Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, MAPSS ’07) is a veteran, writer, and law student at Emory University living in Atlanta, GA.

Ima gonna have to take issue with the ‘writer’ part there. Like calling Leatherface ‘an aspiring forensic pathologist and sous chef’.



Donning the wetsuit.


How lovely. That isn’t even a dog whistle, but much more of an air raid siren. They are not even trying to hide it any more. We are returning to the good old days of William F. Buckley’s New Republic.


Ima gonna have to take issue with the ‘writer’ part there. Like calling Leatherface ‘an aspiring forensic pathologist and sous chef’.:

I snortled harrumphically over this one (part of my continuous journey to find alternitives to :lol:.)


I went to an exhibit at the MN Science Museum last night, about The Pirates. No discussion of pirates can really proceed without a discussion of the slave trade, as teh slave ships carried gold and goods on the other legs of their ‘triangle’ routes, and so were generally armed to the teeth and often the fastest ships of their time. Also, freedmen made up a large proportion of the pirate population, including officers, quartermasters, skilled trades and armourers.

Displayed was a manifest of the slaves. I was already seriously, violently annoyed with humanity at that point, when an exhibit guide pointed out that while many of the names on the manifest were anglicized versions of these peoples real names, several were clearly dehumanizing mockery, such as one fellow called Prince (not making a joke), and other names that were common pet names.

It seemed to me there, that as a species, we are doomed.

Then I saw the Trayvon Martin case and Cerb’s beyond incisive fisking of this monster and felt that thought was confirmed. I need a drink.


We are returning to the good old days of William F. Buckley’s New Republic.

Sorry have to disagree on this point, Buckley’s New Republic was a bit more subtle given the timeframes under discussion. Otherwise, spot on!


If Duncan would have said “blah teacher” instead of “black teacher” we could have been spared from this whole klansman meltdown.


What about nuns?

The aspiring lesbians in this country need role models too, dammit. And Mr. Bennett, do not try to tell me you have anything against lesbians – I’ve seen your Netflix queue.


There must be a helluva lotta Irish teachers. Everyone I saw out last night was so proud to be Irish, green shirts with green vomit stains, I felt so envious!

I mean, that’s proof, right? Of something, I ummm…


Ah yes, I can also clearly see the “clone a race of malevolent giant robots to destroy all humanity” written over that quote in invisible ink.

Um, I was trying to keep that a secret actually. Hey Igor! Hand me a 9/16″ wrench will ya?


Based on this morning events, I have a new and unbeatable euphemism: amusing the baby.


The significance of this program is that one racial group is slowly gaining the right to choose to associate with members of its own racial group in the educational system.

Jesus, has he ever stepped into a lunchroom? Folks can associate with whomever they like, it’s in the fucking Constitution. Having the occasional black teacher as a role model won’t exacerbate that. And please, “colorblind” doesn’t mean all you see is white folks, it means everyone is treated fairly. Can’t see how recognizing the VERY PROBLEMS he mentions in hiring black men to teach isn’t fair, nor even how addressing and ameliorating those societal stressors that disproportionately impact black men wouldn’t be fair.


Sooooo he doesn’t want to hire black men as teachers but hey those lazy you-know-whats won’t get a job.


clone a race of malevolent giant robots to destroy all humanity

Either FYWP or Youwossname should be beaten severely with a jug of KY Jelly ducttaped to the end of my truck.


It seemed to me there, that as a species, we are doomed.

I think this at least once a day now.


We are returning to the good old days of William F. Buckley’s New Republic Palpatine’s Galactic Empire.

Fraksed it for you, call me if you have any further problems.


It seemed to me there, that as a species, we are doomed.

I think this at least once a day now.

Every day in every way we’re getting fuckider and fuckider.


Buckley’s New Republic was a bit more subtle given the timeframes under discussion.

“the central question that emerges… is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas where it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes – the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race.” – William F. Buckley, 1957

Not what I would call subtle.


Everyone I saw out last night was so proud to be Irish, green shirts with green vomit stains, I felt so envious!

Which is why I never go out on St. Paddy’s Day.

Audley Z. Darkheart

Let me see if I’ve got Johnny’s point.
Shorter: Encouraging more black men to become teachers = “reverse racism”. Arne Duncan is a reverse racist. Also, did I mention “reverse racism”?


For all his affected mannerisms, WFB was making a shopworn argument:

“the White community is so entitled because IT IS SO ENTITLED.


Um, I was trying to keep that a secret actually. Hey Igor! Hand me a 9/16? wrench will ya?

Ya sure thats not a 14 mm wrench? Oh wait, wingnuts don’t do metric.

Pupienus Maximus

wanting to put a black male in every teacher with your white daughters and everything.

That sounds very kinky. And quite difficult to do.


And Cracker please, “colorblind” doesn’t mean all you see is white folks,…

fuxxed, for just because, adn unfortunately for that crew “colorblind” means exactly that.


Sooooo he doesn’t want to hire black men as teachers but hey those lazy you-know-whats won’t get a job.

What you see here is a dude with two feet in his mouth, who figures that the easiest solution is to keep biting.


Sooooo he doesn’t want to hire black men as teachers but hey those lazy you-know-whats won’t get a job.

I wonder if some of these anti immagrent laws are just the first step in returning the negroes to the field.

“cause it seems that the whole wingnutheocracy is about returning everybody to their “proper place”.

What they fail to realize, is that the vast majority of them will be serfs under the “new” arrangement.


William F. Buckley, 1957

Timeframes…back then you could yell nigger at any nigger anywell damn time you pleased and face little in the form of opprobrium. Nowadays, or at least in the recent past, not so much. that was the idstinction i was, apparently inartfully, attempting to make.

Pupienus Maximus

I left the boat to hunt mangoes in Lloydland. These black politicians are rewarded by the Democrats for delivering black votes.

By “Democrats” he means teh ebil Demilluminati Trilateral ReidOsiBama commission, I think. I mean, aren’t those black pols rewarded for getting votes by being elected? I mean, WTF bizarre fantasy world does his self-loathing mentation unit inhabit?


FWIW I celebrated StP’s day by making gyoza (Japanese fried dumplings) with fresh nira (garlic chives) from the garden. Erin go braless!


Buckley would never yell “Nigger.” He’d have a poorly-paid underling yell for him.


making gyoza (Japanese fried dumplings) with fresh nira (garlic chives) from the garden

You are my newest bestest buddy – any leftovers?

Erin go braless?

Well, it would turn me back into a 12 year old, but if she insists…


(Why yes, I am an enormous nerd.)


(Why yes, I am an enormous nerd.)

you’ve got company, friend. I actually watched that show as well. I caught a number of episodes a couple of years ago and it was compelling for “other” reasons.


Cerebus —– fisking LIKE A B055.

Lloyd Cries Self-Pity-Faps At The End

Fix tit fer ye!


O ∫hit … who’s “Cerebus”?

Latent nominal aphasia much?

No, not neither burned the hell out from Le Graveyard, is me?


compelling for “other” reasons


Pupienus Maximus

I did nada for St.P’s. Forgot that we had a PGMC (PDX Gay Men’s Chorus) concert to attend. Got home elevenish and had champagne and fried egg sammiches on rye w/ Tillamook aged cheddar. And the F1 season opener! It was a good day.


) (
( )( )
!! !!
~ ~


Got home elevenish and had champagne and fried egg sammiches on rye w/ Tillamook aged cheddar. And the F1 season opener! It was a good day.

Sounds about perfect. have never tried fried egg smmiches on rye, might have to try it sometime.


. )(
. ) (
. ( )( )
. !! !!
. ~ ~



Pupienus Maximus

gocart: try enclosing it in <code> tag for the fixed width font. You may have to insert some &sp; or perhaps &nbsp; as well.

Pupienus Maximus

. )(
. ) (
. ( )( )
. !! !!
. ~ ~

Let’s see how that works out.


Timeframes…back then you could yell nigger at any nigger anywell damn time you pleased and face little in the form of opprobrium. Nowadays, or at least in the recent past, not so much. that was the idstinction i was, apparently inartfully, attempting to make.

That is, however, the timeframe I specified in my original post.


That is, however, the timeframe I specified in my original post.

Ok, you win.


Provider_UppityNegroEmbigulator_OwnerOfThreads™ –

Actually, the point of my original post is that we seem to be regressing back to that. The racist fuckwits have had to use dog whistles and indirection for decades, but now that there is a black man in the White House they have ripped off the mask of civility and donned their white robes once again.

FWIW, I grew up in Oklahoma in the 50s and 60s, attended segregated schools for the first few years, and probably heard the N-word pretty much everyday for the first 35 years of my life. NOT in my family (both grandfathers excepted), however, and my mama would have slapped me sideways into Sunday if she had heard me say that.


Egad. I could not read past this in the comments

Blacks do not have the inherent ability to compete successfully with whites in a white western civilization. As long as they remain citizens with equal rights in the USA they will be disadvantaged, a permanent underclass. There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.



And although it’s 79F out and I organized a scooter ride today, I am indoors, cowering in fear of being deported or possibly rendered. Damn, there goes a nice damn day!


So, I’m okay with the post until the end of Rant, Part the First, when Cerbie makes the assumption that JonBenet is southern because he currently resides in ‘Lanta.

He earned his MAPSS, which I have learned is a Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences, in Chi-town, before starting a program here. It is as likely that he came south from Chicago, based on one line from his Stinker bio.

BTW, the U of C website offers this little tidbit about that degree: “No other intensive, one-year Masters Degree program offers such unfettered access to the regular graduate courses and faculty of a great University.” Wow. He spent a whole, entire year learning to be so smart…

My point? I tire of the Deep South automatically being aligned with ultra-racist thinking. Yes, it’s here, and, yes, the idiots currently running the political machine love the most idiotic conspiracy theories and create the stoopidest dog-whistle laws, but there are MANY liberals here fighting the good fight.


Hey, I’m a fat, poor white guy in the south. I have a thick skin, knowing that we progressive types have our safe targets, too.


Blacks do not have the inherent ability to compete successfully with whites in a white western civilization. As long as they remain citizens with equal rights in the USA they will be disadvantaged, a permanent underclass. There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.

I wish like hell I had not read that.



And I think it’s awesome that you do. The Deep South needs its liberals dragging the rest of the area forward lurching step by lurching step.

The joke was certainly an easy one I put out there because of its connection with the well-publicized “loudest voices” coming from the region.

If I was to expand upon it with a serious hat on, there are people who come from the deep south and absorb its worst qualities becoming the stereotype unexamined, there are people who resist its worst qualities and show the type of strength that is worthy of praise though their accomplishments may seem small or nonexistant to them, and then there are the real villains.

The ones who share no real environment with those bad qualities, who live in much more forward-thinking lands with less reinforcement for the worst behaviors, but find themselves praising its name because they admire the worst qualities, the loudest voices (I’m thinking guys like Confederate Yankee). And the worst of the bunch, those who transplant down to the Deep South for the same reasons that liberal kids from small towns flee to cities like San Francisco. Because they think said area’s reputation will grant them allies for their hatefully racist worlds of thought. Often trying to outdo the stereotype to misguidingly show that they are “one” with the area.

I suppose it’s why people like you are so important, so that there isn’t one region that seems like safe haven for the scum of humanity.


There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.

Sure, we could put ’em next door to the Indians.

Helmut Monotreme

On the up side, I just got done with a nice easy ride through the countryside on my one functional Ducati, the other is sadly sidelined due to a crack in the fuel tank, which could cost me nothing to fix if it is covered under an extended warranty issue, or up to like $1200 if I have to get a whole new one. And it also needs a $600 gauge cluster cause it’s current one is borked.

Helmut Monotreme

Isn’t there enough room at the bottom of abandoned open pit mines, and other such like superfund sites to create an independant wingnut reservation? They can be free to live their lives with individual health care, and no EPA and the rest of us can start making some lasting progress. [ /end eliminationist rant. ]


On the up side, I just got done with a nice easy ride through the countryside on my one functional Ducati

Well, bully for you! I lost my tag, today, and living in no-tax Tennessee, the PO-lice are the revenuers, eh?

Fucking PERFECT riding weather, too.


Is it vehicular problem day? Clouds just put the battery Sears recharged in his car and replaced the IAC valve. His engine, he said, was “learning how to idle”. We’re happy to hear the car running, and tomorrow will take it for a spin. It would please us no end if his car did “learn how to idle” so that the engine will stop stalling at stop lights. Hopefully we’ll be going to the butcher shop and farmer’s market Monday. I miss them. I miss them terribly. There is no substitute and I’m afraid that MS is kicking my ass so badly that taking buses and hauling groceries is not an option. I be full of harumphs and goddamits(!).


Helmut — Tell me, Does this look like fun to you? ~57 miles… great for us bigger scooter kids, anyway.


Is it vehicular problem day?

Well, not so much for me, although I was having some “vacuum lock” issues — vapor lock’s cousin. Easily resolved… I just need to clear the tiny vent in the fuel cap, AGAIN. As it was, I just popped it open (it stays attached on a hinge), and rode on like a boss.


1200 fucking bucks for a fuel tank? Jesus you could get a MacBook for that.


And the license tag is an annoyance, but not insurmountable. It all started because of low-rent, asshat neighbors who have no conscience. That was the fourth time my scooter has been tagged, “anonymously,” in the parking lot of my complex.


1200 fucking bucks for a fuel tank?

It’s Italian. Virgins polish that fucker with their little dicks before the VAT and the duty and the Ferengi sheepherder tax is applied.


If I was going to spend 1200 bucks on things Italian it would be prosciutto and cheese.


If I was going to spend 1200 bucks on things Italian it would be prosciutto and cheese.

That’d turn into poop faster than even Piaggio parts!

Pupienus Maximus

That looks like fun JP but it’s way too short for us crotch-rocketeers. A weekend ride is usually 250+ miles for my group. Couple hundred miles of twisties, mind you.

Helmut, I will refrain from making snide comments about your Italian bitch. I mean, I really do like Ducs but man, I’d never buy a high dollar FIAT either.*

That time I came *this* close to buying that used Dino doesnt count. It wasn’t REALLY a FIAT anyway.

Pupienus Maximus

It’s suckass riding weather here. Fucking schizophrenic, it is, going from sunny to hail to sunny to rain to ….


That looks like fun JP but it’s way too short for us crotch-rocketeers.

Our “group average” scooter is 150cc, and the vast majority are 125cc (mine’s a 250), so the parts of that ride posted 50MPH are a struggle for some of them to maintain, when drunken rednecks in pickup trucks want to pass.


It’s been 80+F with clear blue skies here for days


I rode my bicycle 25 miles yesterday. Although the sight of me in spandex has caused bystanders to gouge their own eyes out.


Yes, it’s here, and, yes, the idiots currently running the political machine love the most idiotic conspiracy theories and create the stoopidest dog-whistle laws, but there are MANY liberals here fighting the good fight.

We know this in the main, at least I hope that we do, but I do not understand why you feel the need to take it personally! We are not referring to the good people in your states, simply the retrograde moron you seemingly send in abundance to the national government, hell I live in Indiana, the northernmost state south of the Mason Dixon line, and people slag on us constantly, for good reason, we have provided our electoral votes for a Democratic candidate only 3 times in the last 120 years Wilson in 1912, Roosevelt in 1932, and Obama in 2008. I live in a state filled with retrograde morons who vote, and agree generally with anyone who want’s to slag on my state of birth. I don’t take it personally as I know that I am surrounded by idiots and haters even if I am not one myself.

Not trying to jump your shit, appreciate your Statriotism, but come across this argument enough that I felt like saying something about it.



hell I live in Indiana, the northernmost state south of the Mason Dixon line

Once you get out of Indianapolis and Bloomington, Indiana is the kind of right-wing that makes Texans scratch their heads and go “Dayum! You people sure are conservative!”


As long as they remain citizens with equal rights in the USA they will be disadvantaged, a permanent underclass. There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.

This one just broke my logical fallacy alert meter, and is ultimately while I stopped reading the post at the point referred to in my lenghthy screed near the very top of the thread.

These MF’ers think that if Blacks gained anything resembling institutional power that we would enslave whitey. I can assure y’all that nothing is further from the truth. I am reminded of Andre Braugher’s speach to the Senators and congressmen in the Tuskegee Airmen:

“Are we only to be Americans
when the mood suits you?

A fair and impartial opportunity
is all we ask.

Nothing that you yourselves
wouldn’t demand.”

But that dog has long legs and comes sprinting when the whistle is sounded and 17 year old kids in Florada have their lives snuffed short because of this rediculous fear, a fear of the shadows on the walls of Plato’s cave…

Fuck that shit.


Although the sight of me in spandex has caused bystanders to gouge their own eyes out.

I, too, am cursed with such beauty.

B^4, three.


Once you get out of Indianapolis and Bloomington, Indiana is the kind of right-wing that makes Texans scratch their heads and go “Dayum! You people sure are conservative!”

Yup! Thankfully i was concieved, born, remain, in the Indiana version of Austin. Btw, you are giving Indy slightly too much credit (however….carrying the one, Richmond? skritchy scratch….cube root of three…) Yeah, as sad as it is to say, Indy is liberal compared to the rest of the state.

Thank god I live in the other place.


The actual clip from the movie Tuskeegee Airmen.

And yes too shifless and lazy to do due diligence with the html, as is our fashion.

Audley Z. Darkheart


There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.

A two-state solution??

Oh god, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


This is part one of the movie, which i feel like seeing right now, it’s chopped into just under ten minute segments, in case anyone is interested.


Small correct, Buckley edited National Review, not the New Republic. the latter was still liberal in the late 1950s…


There are ONLY two ways that this predicament can be solved: with the destruction of the USA through violence, or by the creation of a black nation with its own culture and self rule.

Wow, ONLY two, huh? I can think of several others, and in only a few of them does this person to die horribly. Too few, perhaps.


In the meantime, so much for a colorblind America, and so much for judging people by the content of their character.

Martin Luther King only ever said one thing.

Seriously, he only had the one opinion.


This is part one of the movie, which i feel like seeing right now, it’s chopped into just under ten minute segments, in case anyone is interested.

It was my great privilege to meet the surviving Tuskegee Airmen a few years back when they spoke at my Air National Guard unit.

They said that the Lawrence Fishburne character was a composite. Everything in the movie actually happened – but not to one guy.


Every wingnut who quotes that “content of their character” line should immediately have his skull cracked against that awful MLK memorial in D.C.

Martin Luther Wingnutte

Ask not what Dunning-Kruger Syndrome can do for you, but what you can do for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome.

Martin Luther Wingnutte

I have beeeeen to the trailer park!!!

Martin Luther Wingnutte

I regret that I have but one lie to live for RealAmerika™!


Of course, typophiles worry about the character of their content.

Martin Luther Wingnutte

Sans Serifs today, Sans Serifs tomorrow, Sans Serifs forever.


It was my great privilege to meet the surviving Tuskegee Airmen a few years back when they spoke at my Air National Guard unit.

You sir, are a lucky man!

I just finished watching the film again and I have a case of the sniffles, and tears for a number of reasons. But i live to fight another day.

If you ever find yourself in my town again, give me a heads up and I will attempt to show you a good time, and if I find myself in your neck of the woods I want to love on your cat, in the usual (love the feline) not santoralicious way.


Martin Luther King only ever said one thing.

Seriously, he only had the one opinion.

Spear, was wondering where you got off to, nice to see you back!

Martin Luther Wingnutte

My country is in peril from the liberal media … so I never go on any of its talkshows until AFTER the check clears.


Every day in every way we’re getting fuckider and fuckider.

Oh, I dunno. I won’t pretend we aren’t seriously pretty fucked but I’d say we’ve made some baby steps:

People with unusual physical deformities have life options other than the institution or the freakshow;

Watching animals put into situations where they are forced to rip other animals apart is no longer considered a perfectly acceptable entertainment;

When we do think someone has committed a crime so heinous that it warrants execution, it is no longer treated as a public event with picnics and souvenir sellers.


Wait, Red Tails was actually good? I avoided it because of the Rotten Tomatoes score. Now I feel guilty for not seeing it in theatres.

Spear, was wondering where you got off to, nice to see you back!

I’ve been a bit busy, and every new thread I saw had 300 comments already. I jumped at this one that was only 87 comments in.

Martin Luther Wingnutte

With the new social media becoming interconected online, it is becoming increasingly plain to see that we must now beware the rise of a Feminist-Humanitarian Complex in our government, for the threat to our gravy train from this recent ethics fad is one we will ignore or dismiss at our own risk.


Feminist-Humanitarian Complex

Oh I’ve been there. Nice hotogs and clean restrooms.

Helmut Monotreme

Helmut, I will refrain from making snide comments about your Italian bitch. I mean, I really do like Ducs but man, I’d never buy a high dollar FIAT either.

Neither of my bikes are bitches. They are jealous, high maintenance, beautiful, prima donnas. They get along by pretending the other does not exist.


So, this is about Duncan’s remarkably uncontroversial call for black males to get education degrees and enter the teaching profession, because they are under-represented.

Depending on where you are the entry-level teacher’s salary can be a sad thing. QUIT KEEPING THE BLACK MAN DOWN, ARNE DUNCAN!


So… much… racefail… He’s even ignorant about his beloved white people. Newsflash, Grand Dragon: there’s no such thing as a “Scotch-Irish WASP”. The Scots and the Irish are Celts, and you won’t make any friends by calling them “Anglo-Saxon”, especially on St Patrick’s weekend.


there’s no such thing as a “Scotch-Irish WASP”

OK, the Irish may not be Anglo-Saxon, but I’m sure he’s right about the Protestant part.


Wait, Red Tails was actually good?

Have no Idea, the movie we were talking about was the 1995 HBO production, not Lucas’ latest production.


All this talk of Tuskegee Airmen and Scotch-Irish Wasps puts me in mind of one of my favorite jokes. Whenever I happen across some good old boys that want to share “nigger” jokes with me I always jump right in with “what do you call a nigger flying an airplane?… a pilot you ignorant, racist assholes!!!”


Whenever I happen across some good old boys that want to share “nigger” jokes with me I always jump right in with “what do you call a nigger flying an airplane?… a pilot you ignorant, racist assholes!!!”

I tried to craft a boogeyman out of “Black Helicopter Pilots” around late September, early October 2008 when it was apparent that Obama was likely to win the election, knowing that the militia freaks were likely to go batshit and start up with all the nonsense that I remembered from the Clinton years. After realizing that only 2 out of the many i shared the gag with got it I realized that I had to change it to Black Black Helicopter pilots, which looses something in the Brevity is the sould of wit department.

I thought that the image of Richard Roundtree flying a Black Helicopter would serve to push any number of militia type buttons.

Anyhoo anytime you have to explain the gag=Fail.


Wait, Red Tails was actually good?

I didn’t see it, but the reviews were universally bad.


there’s no such thing as a “Scotch-Irish WASP

Another fail with this – “scotch” is something you drink. “Scots” are the ones doing the drinking.


Scotch-Irish WASP

Perhaps he doesn’t mean a White Gaelic Protestant. Maybe he’s talking about someone with pan-UK heritage. Blood mixed from all the various parts of Albion and teh Emerald Isle*, destined to lead teh Chosen Peoples out of teh Muslim-y darkness and into a bright White future.

*Fuck teh Welsh.


Yayyy! Tag fail on a Monday morning. I blame Obama.


Feminist-Humanitarian Complex

Oh I’ve been there. Nice hotogs and clean restrooms.




Ooooooooh, tofu pups, I hatez them so much.


Seen on St Patrick’s weekend

(Aside from all the epic FAIL), Saw a dude rolling around in a kilt, topped with a green t-shirt with a picture of a 4 leaf clover on it.

Wrong heritage, terrible shirt, and he was proudly wearing a dress. I’d guess he doesn’t much like drag queens. But then what the fuck do I know?


Oh good. My alma mater gets another black eye. Eat shit and die you pig.


Credit where credit is due department: Currently front-paged at Politifact, a certain pasty, Christian, has-been wingnut kitchy crooner has two, count ’em, two ratings of “Pants-on-Fire.”

Sometimes, I wish I believed in Hell.

Pupienus Maximus

I thought that the image of Richard Roundtree flying a Black Helicopter would serve to push any number of militia type buttons.

Anyhoo anytime you have to explain the gag=Fail.

Yeah, you kind of shafted yourself there.


Pup, you’re a mean mother-(shut your mouth)


Have no Idea, the movie we were talking about was the 1995 HBO production, not Lucas’ latest production.

Didn’t see either one, but I remember Cuba Gooding Jr., who was in both, saying he preferred the Lucas version because it spent less time on the racist obstacles the airmen faced.

Of course he said this during a publicity tour for the Lucas production, but still…


I remember Cuba Gooding Jr., who was in both, saying he preferred the Lucas version because it spent less time on the racist obstacles the airmen faced.

Mr. Gooding also preferred The Phantom Menace to the other movies because of its accurate portrayal of race relations in the old republic.


And the worst of the bunch, those who transplant down to the Deep South for the same reasons that liberal kids from small towns flee to cities like San Francisco. Because they think said area’s reputation will grant them allies for their hatefully racist worlds of thought. Often trying to outdo the stereotype to misguidingly show that they are “one” with the area.

Had a conversation on Balloon Juice a month or so ago about with a Southerner who stressed the difference between the “college-educated, petty bourgeois” South (which is the part those Yankees immigrate to) and the “true crackers.” I think we ended up agreeing that in our anecdotal evidence, the latter were far more tolerable than the former.


Yeah, you kind of shafted yourself there.

Nice one!


In my youth, I met a black master swordsman. Excited, I carted him around to black community centers because I wanted black kids to see that blacks could be successful in fields beyond entertainment and sports.

and then all the kids chased me down and beat my ass for being such a complete dork…

I am a Republican because the Republican Party respects my intelligence — no special concessions or lowered standards.



Breaking…………..Peyton Manning picks Denver…………….Christmas in March, or something………………..


AROO! Breaking news! Peyton Manning same-sex-marries Zombie John Denver! AROO!




Can he teach Tebow to throw?


Only SOCIALIST JEEBUS can do that.


There is no fucking way I’m getting out of this boat. I had to retire to the engine room so the diesel would cover the smell of rotten mangoes coming from shore.

That time I came *this* close to buying that used Dino doesnt count. It wasn’t REALLY a FIAT anyway.

I almost bought a vintage Fiat 128 race car a couple years ago. I still wish I had. It was a sweet little car, as reliable as my subie, and easier to work on with cheaper parts, believe it or not…


God will part Peyton Manning and Tim Tebow will lead his Broncos to the endzone.


Thanks, scrollee! I’m convinced. Obammy is a sneering socialest who I should not be voting for.


Thanks, scrollee! I’m convinced. Obammy is a sneering socialest who I should not be voting for.

Unfortunately, the wingnuts already convinced me years ago that we can’t let religious extremists take over the country so I can’t vote for any of the potential Republican nominees either.


scrollee doesn’t seem to understand(!) that Obama has to talk down to a dumbed-down America.




Oh NOW they care about facts.


also, too…here is what obama mcsneerpants said following those examples:

The point is, there will always be cynics and naysayers who just want to keep on doing things the same way that we’ve always done them. They want to double down on the same ideas that got us into some of the mess that we’ve been in. But that’s not who we are as Americans. See, America has always succeeded because we refuse to stand still. We put faith in the future. We are inventors. We are builders. We are makers of things. We are Thomas Edison. We are the Wright Brothers. We are Bill Gates. We are Steve Jobs. That’s who we are. (Applause.)

those, silly wingnuts…don’t they know cherry picking is for liberals?


oooh! now it’s a thunderstorm with sunshine…awesome! except i left some window open at home…


I am a Republican because the Republican Party respects my intelligence

I’m not seeing anything there about the party’s *policies* or its vision of the future. Giving someone your political allegiance because you feel flattered by them seems like asking a low price.


For those that need some sauce to go with their copypasta, or that got mangoes and need a gin-n-tonic to recover, here is an actual intelligent article about education in the US, specifically about the segregationist origins of charter schools and their continued influence as such.


I LOL’d at this one:

Rudyard Kipling. He was an Imperialist. GROUNDS: one of his poems speaks of the White Man’s Burden. He also calls the Huns and Germans a lesser race that knows not the law.

Just because Rudyard Kipling said other human beings were lesser races doesn’t make him a racist, silly libs!


“To Sir with Fear and Loathing”


Copying an entire article written by someone else and randomly posting it on a comedy blog is like going out of your way to contact a polling firm so that you can express “no opinion” on their latest survey: You insist on quoting someone else’s thoughts on a subject no one asked you about, and on which you don’t even have any original thoughts of your own to express.


In my youth, I met a black master swordsman. Excited, I carted him around to black community centers because I wanted black kids to see that blacks could be successful in fields beyond entertainment and sports.

Uh, fencing is a sport, last time I checked.


Breaking…………..Peyton Manning picks Denver…

Sigh of relief. I was absolutely convinced the Titans would get him, ’cause the Titans are always fucking up at the QB position.


Oops. Since getting this nifty Win7 netbook, I do not have Badger Shield. Could someone kindly post the link? I can never recall the damned name of it. Thanks.


Uh, fencing is a sport, last time I checked.

are you questioning lloyd’s intelligence? cuz the republicans aren’t…


Your source for fine badgers.

Bless Yore Heart, Sub.


In my youth, I met a black master swordsman and slew him to recieve 24,000 experience points and a megalixir.


The thread was brutally hacked to death by a black master swordsman.


First they came for the black master swordsmen, and I did not speak out because I was not a black master swordsman;
Then they came for the zombie turtles, and I did not speak out because I was not a zombie turtle;
Then they came for the corpse creatures, and I did not speak out because I was not a corpse creature;
Then they came for the advanced baboons, and I did not speak out because I was not an advanced baboon;
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me.


Because I am full of the milk of human kindness…

If you run Safari, install NinjaKit ( http://bit.ly/ninjakit ) per these instructions ( http://steeev.freehostia.com/wp/2010/07/19/new-extension-for-safari-5-called-ninjakit-lets-you-install-gm-scripts/ ) and you can install Greasemonkey scripts including the killfile ( http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/53593 )

My last tie to Firefox is now dead.


Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me.

I’m sure that Righteous Bubba fellow will put in a kind word.


“But no, you see, they want black people to be teachers! Madness, what would they teach? How to be indolent unless given the Christian values to pick cotton? Balderdash and Horsefeathers! That would be a sight!”

I propose to teach all types of smoking, and I’ve adapted a song:

I … can … smoke … anything!
take a toke, it’s in a smoke,
a smoking rainbow!


My last tie to Firefox is now dead.

You can run Greasemonkey scripts in Opera also and too…


The Greasemonkees major hit was “Last Tie to Firefox” but after that they ran out of steam.


You can run Greasemonkey scripts in Opera also and too…

Nothing against Opera, which I used to use, but I’m reasonably happy with Safari these days.


He’s a black master swordsman,
He’s a black master swordsman
He’s a black master swordsman,
Cut me so bad, that I hurt,
He’s a black master swordsman,
Gonna put me six feet in the dirt.


Firefox has Tab Mix Plus, which I am unwilling to give up. Is there anything else out there that has that much tab-management power?


I Got a Black Master Swordsman
I Got a Black Master swordsman
Yes, I Got a Black Master swordsman
he’s got me so blind I can’t see
he’s a Black Master swordsman
he’s tryin to make a devil out of me


As Thunder would say, the schaden freudes itself. Money quote in the comments:

Ron Paul is the real front runner and it is becoming more and more obvious he is being cheated.
Looks like we the people no longer have a voice…the GOP is dying fast…


“Ron Paul is the real front runner and it is becoming more and more obvious he is being cheated.”

Rose-colored glasses I get, but what the fuck good are Ron-colored ones?

Pupienus Maximus

Opera. Mouse gestures. Win.

I doan no nuffin bouts dat dere tabby mixer soze I looked it up. Opera has session management, and reopening closed tabs is easiest thing in the world. Shift click (or right vertical drag clack) to open links in a new window with focus. Ctl-shift click to open links in background tab. Opera also runs grease monkey stuff natively (since v. something or other)



It wouldn’t require Cerberus’ education knowledge to defeat this John Bennett clown, but boy does she add some icing to this cake.


What I like about Tab Mix Plus:
Single-window mode. Everything opens in a tab.
Tabs open right beside the tab that spawned them, in right-to-left or left-to-right order.
Tabs duplicate.
Tabs open from the history, from bookmarks, from the address bar, from the search. Focus on all of those can be set.
On closing tabs the focus of the tab to land on can be set.
Tabs maintain their position if you close them and then undo that.
Unread tabs are highlighted in red.
Tab closing buttons can be on either side of the tab.
Tab width can be static: no proportional resizing.
Context-menu customization on the tab and on the page.
Context-menu items like “open links in new tabs” and “close right tabs” and “duplicate tab”.

It’s a dream if you’re looking up lots of information, you’re not entirely sure of everything you’re gonna click on, and you want to maintain various research directions at once.

Other good things are NoScript, Flashblock, Adblock Plus, Web Developer, ABCTajpu, Googlebar Lite, Linky and Image Zoom.


“Shame on NBC for putting a 50+ year old woman named Madonna in such a provocative and obscene Illuminati halftime show complete with ancient Egyptian symbolism and a Baphomet head dress,” said another.

The Bavarian Illuminati may well be responsible for Bud Light.


AK –


Is it as bas as they say?

Have you been able to stave off cannibalism?


“Shame on NBC for putting a 50+ year old woman named Madonna in such a provocative and obscene Illuminati halftime show complete with ancient Egyptian symbolism and a Baphomet head dress,”

Had she been 20 years old…HOOOCHEMAMA!


That would be “bad.” Marmite is many things, but it is not bas.


“Shame on NBC for putting a 50+ year old woman named Madonna”

Let me guess, it’s THE Madonna?


N_B, they can’t get into their Christchurch buildings. So far there have been no riots but who knows how these people will react…
Note to self: Buy shotgun


“Obscene Illuminati half time show” Must have missed that bit, myself.


Oh, Sub, why did you have to link to that? Now I feel sorry for that asshole.


My entry for the next Bulwer-Lytton: “The crowd surged against the police barricades that imprisoned the Christchurch marmite cache like santorum on a summer’s day.”


Oh, Sub, why did you have to link to that? Now I feel sorry for that asshole.

You’re swell.


“Obscene Illuminati half time show” Must have missed that bit, myself.

Yeah, all I saw the was the meh parts.


“The crowd surged against the police barricades that imprisoned the Christchurch marmite cache like santorum on a summer’s day.

Work in some rain and you’ll be golden.


You’re swell.

Maybe, but he’ll never know.


“She was tall, tan and lovely as she slinked her way into my office with a motion like Enzies on a marmite cache. Feminine wiles poured from her like a civet in heat, or santorum on a summer’s day. I knew this one would be messy.”


Bitter, you’re a good person. Because the first thing I thought was “I may start believing in karma.”


Yikes, you should probably call your doctor if your feminine wiles leak for more than a few seconds.


Bitter, you’re a good person. Because the first thing I thought was “I may start believing in karma.”

Nah, karma would be if he got killed trying to rush a crazed gunman, like he sneered at the Va. Tech victims for not doing. No one deserves cancer. I guess I’m a little sensitive because my sister has it.


Lloyd Marcus, Herman Cain et al. (?) need to stop polishing their Trayvon Martin -related essays and hit publish. Speak now, refine later, as you have always done.

C’mon, guys, the nation needs your fearless leadership. Cut through the liberal bullshit. Black America needs its true (Republican) friends, I imagine.


“Didn’ta I tell ya that putting marmite on the Holy Eucharist was a bad idea? And now look what happenen’! Crikey!”


Rupert shuddered as he dipped the ladle into the marmite drum and Tompkins began to read the names of those who had won that morning’s lottery.


Is marmite like vegemite? I tried vegemite once and I’d say it’s definitely an acquired taste.


Is marmite like vegemite?

It’s made from marms instead of vegetables.


It’s made from marms instead of vegetables.

You think that’s funny, but my grandma called the skin that forms over a milk breakfast gravy (sausage, bacon, whathaveyou) a “marm.”


my grandma called the skin that forms over a milk breakfast gravy (sausage, bacon, whathaveyou) a “mark.”

You think that’s funny

Funny, tragic, it’s a fine line.


Is a marm related to a nauga?


You can hide marms, but you can’t hide naugas.


I’m pretty sure I saw a nauga hide once.


Connoisseurs say that there is a difference Major, but one usually does not leave it in one’s mouth long enough for the nuances to become apparent. However kiddies luvs it


Nauga (naga) makes me think of snakes.

Grandma, breakfast, snakes, skins, gravy-skins, outmoded econo-foods of a faded empire …

If y’all are trying to scare me away in a tragic psycho-funk then good job.


I’m more of a Nutella guy.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

the wingnuts already convinced me years ago that we can’t let religious extremists take over the country so I can’t vote for any of the potential Republican nominees either.

No worries. Vote for a candidate who belongs to neither wing of the Corporate Party. Or write in the name of any admirable person.

There is no reason to choose between Leprosy or Plague.


Pupienus Maximus

Pretty sure you can do most, if not all those things natively in Opera.

Marmite? Vegemite? (autocorrect suggests “marmots” and “vegetate” respectively)
That’s really nasty as food pron.

Finally got around to curing parts of that brisket and was left with a medium smallish bit – maybe 1 to 1 /2 pounds. And I feel lazy tonight. So, olive oyl into the PC (no, Pressure Cooker ya hosehead) and the brisket gets nicely browned ALL OVER IT’S FUCKING SELF. Buncha sliced onions, chopped tomate, some garlic cloves go in. Add some thyme leaves. Dump some fine homemade beefy brodo and that’s all it takes. Salt and pepper judiciously, of course. About 45 minutes at pressure should make for fine eatin. Really, it’s that simple – the high temp of PC cooking speeds up the Mailliard reaction for great flavor.

Throw some olivio oyl in a small cast iron skillet and bring to medium. Add baby Yukon golds and a bunch of sea salt. Cover and cook for, oh maybe 10 or 15 minutes. Then throw a shit load of fresh Rosemary leaves in there, mix dat shit up and toss the whole mess – sans top, natch – into a hot oven. cook until they’re slightly crispy but creamy inside.

A nice salad, some crufty bread and a youngish malbec complete the meal. I *might* crumble some biscotti on pistachio ice cream but maybe not, we’re not big on desserts.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

They want to double down on the same ideas that got us into some of the mess that we’ve been in.

Like the Secrecy State and the Surveillance State? The Obama administation has done nothing to roll-back Bush totalitarianism. It has cemented it into place. Indeed, it has expanded it. Not even Yoo, Bybee, and Addington at their worst ever asserted the executive could unilaterally execute Americans.

Double-down, indeed.



Concern troll is so very concerned.

Gibbering Mouther

“First they came for the black master swordsmen, and I did not speak out because I was not a black master swordsman;
Then they came for the zombie turtles, and I did not speak out because I was not a zombie turtle;
Then they came for the corpse creatures, and I did not speak out because I was not a corpse creature;
Then they came for the advanced baboons, and I did not speak out because I was not an advanced baboon;
Then they came for me – and there was no one left to speak out for me.”
–Substance McGravitas

What am I, chopped liver? Yes, with dozens of eyes and mouths, but my point stands. Hello? It’s like I’m not even here.


You can hide marms, but you can’t hide naugas.

You can also marm a duke, but you can’t tune a fish.




Oh, and since everyone’s left here for the twitbook, or wherever y’all get to when you leave me here alone, I shall pimp my happy news (update). I don’t know why you would visit my scooter blog (the catblog, I get), but StatCounter doesn’t lie…









A new post less than five days since the last one?!?

Madness, I say!


I prefer my marm à la De.


Marmite is one of the essential foods of one’s youth. Without it, us ex-colonials don’t grow up to be rugby players. Have eaten Vegemite, but reluctantly. Much prefer Bovril or Fray Bentos – allegedly, like Marmite itself, originally part of a cow.


allegedly, like Marmite itself, originally part of a cow.

I thought Marmite was vegetarian, a yeast residue, and just tasted beefy by happenstance?


When I was coming of age in the ’60s South, the racists were in the Democratic Party, because the Republican Party was practically non-existent. True to LBJ’s prediction, his signing of the 1964 Civil Rights Act lost the South for Democrats. The racists fled to the emerging GOP and there they reside to this day. Race will be a substantial issue in this campaign – especially with an incumbent African American President; it just won’t be as blatant as it was pre-1960’s. Republicans continue to play with fire, associating themselves with the most troubling aspects of the American experience. This time, there is a good chance they will get seriously burned – likely led by a presidential candidate who stands for nothing and surrounded by an assortment of whackjobs who appeal to what is most base in American politics and society.


(comments are closed)