An LGF Tale (a Drama in One Act)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Holy Warriors Using BlogspotThe mujahideen have apparently realized how simple, quick, and private it is to set up a blog on the Google-owned Blogspot. Here are three Blogspot sites being used to distribute jihad announcements and videos:
“Hey guys i am invetsigating teh ISLAMONAZI TERROR sights1!! –Freedom Eagle”
“booyah freedom eagle get those towl heads ha ha –”
UPDATE at 8/23/06 7:05:02 pm:
Clicking through to any of these sites is safe, because Blogspot doesn’t allow users much control. But be very careful about clicking any links contained within these sites.
06:31 PM PDT
[loud explosion, rain of flaming Regnery paperbacks, Funyuns, and Magic: The Gathering cards]
“oh shit oh shit he did’nt see the update –DixieConfedFan”
“HEPL!!!! MAN DOWN!1!!! –”
“Freedom Eagle U clicked a terror link1!! –Luke_Nebanon
“if only the persident was allowed to WIRETAP –CourageousWarrior23”
“hey look everoen a new malken video is up” –DeathCampForHadji”
“Egal we will never foget U!!!!” –”
Remember, some gave all. And what a lot of all it was. I’m not even going to mention the collateral Cheeto damage.
Yes. Google is providing an outlet for radical Islamists.
Which are then read by the FBI and CIA and other law enforcements.
Goddamn. Are these people really this retarded?
DeathCampForHadji. Brilliant.
By the way, I haven’t noticed Seb post in quite a while. What gives?
uh, yeah.
Because the Internets Tubes are so private and secure.
You know, like nobody would ever be able to track your IP or find out your name if you use a pseudonym or….
Of course, the Short Bus Riders at LGF are able to figure this out before the NSA, CIA, Interpol, or anybody else.
I love the smell of cheetos and hand lotion in the morning.
Are these people really this retarded?
Is that a serious question? Because clearly the answer is yes.
That isn’t even true. Blogspot allows you to put whatever the hell code you want in your template.
Hence the exploding computers.
Hey, if Blogspot lets us put malicious code into the template, can we blow up Gary’s computer?
Or at least make him cluck like a chicken?
an instant classic.
now we just need an Instapundit link warning his readers “warning, if true [link]”
Aw, man. He was a good warrior. I can’t…I can’t talk about this right now.
Turn the tape recorder off, please.
c’mon people, you’re endangering the program simply by talking about it! didn’t the folks at LGF realize that now the islamofascimuslibrownskinbollahtrotskyites will take their blogs and move them even further underground? maybe they’ll even start using the evil Scoop technology of the Grand Kos of the Librul Blogoverse
keep an eye on myspace…
freedom eagle. a casualty of blogofacism.
Or at least make him cluck like a chicken?
I would so pay to see that.
President Bush sends his regrets, but his schedule does not permit him to attend the funeral.
Some Guy said,
August 24, 2006 at 22:26
Yes. Google is providing an outlet for radical Islamists.
Which are then read by the FBI and CIA and other law enforcements.
Or: The FBI and the CIA are reading their own sites, hoping to entrap
a few other pathetic losers into serving as ‘terrorists” in the show-arrests
we will be getting from now until November.
Gavin has been a busy boy these last few days…
And heaven knows, the terrorists, being small brown haji macacas, could NEVER figure out how to set up their own site. Dammit, google, if it wasn’t for you and MySpace and your evil blogging sites, these guys would still be using FAXES, fer crissakes…
What kind of idiot would try to contact muslamonazis on the web, anyway? Everyone knows that haji don’t surf….
The ability to make websites for free has been around for a long time, going back even before Blogger to services like Geocities. Have the LGF folks just noticed this?
“… small brown haji macaca …”
Make a note of it.
(A tip of the tin-foil helmet to Mikey. Very nice, indeed.)
Hey, I don’t see why Magic: the Gathering needs to be dragged into this.
(Yes, I currently play Magic. And by that I mean I am currently, at this moment, playing a game of Magic in another window. Whoops. Fireball. Gotta go.)
OMG OMG col col rotfcmeo….
*pat pat* Evan, it’s okay.
I’ve got my own MTG deck, too. More to the point, my partner works for the company. Pokemon the CGC bought our car and MTG put a down payment on our condo. I thank you for the indirect support, as do my freeloading housemates.
I still get my ass trounced any time I try to play any of them, though. I think I won INWO once or twice. Red letter day in my home.
Also, MTG cards don’t burn. Believe me, I’ve tried.
Just ignore it, Evan. I like Tab, too, but aside from Stephen Colbert and Harvey Birdman the Tab-drinking masses are easy to stereotype and embarrassing to be associated with.
In the immortal words of Leo The Lop, Normal is what you are!, and the boys are just funnin’.
At the count of three everybody say “Evan’s a dork”.
That’s impossible.
both MTG and Tab were used in the same sentence
in my kitchen
not 5 minutes ago
get out of my head.
Evan’s a dork….just kidding, bro. I don’t play Magic:The Gathering but I’ve been known to play NHL ’06 and GT4 quite a bit during my down time.
And by that I mean I am currently, at this moment, playing a game of Magic in another window. Whoops. Fireball. Gotta go.
um. LMAO. seriously.
What’s the current over/under on number of days until these paranoid freaks start babbling about being able to listen to their radio from 9:30-10:30 at a reasonable volume? Regardless, I’ll take the under (And note to self: I need to add more Kimberly-Clark (manufacturers of Depends) stock to my portfolio.)
Aw, man. He was a good warrior. I can’t…I can’t talk about this right now.
Turn the tape recorder off, please.
At the risk of appearing a blogwhore, I produced a podcast last year with a Col. Major Commander Jonah Goldberg interview – OYE podcast
Also, here’s the Google result for “islamofascists want to kill my computer”
Now, then – who’s up for skinny dipping and elitist Chardonnay?
“Clicking through to any of these sites is safe, because Blogspot doesn’t allow users much control.”
I don’t get it. Either they think that the Islamofascist websites will somehow harm them in themselves, which would make them rather crap as recruiting tools for Islamofascism and in any case the firewalls they use for one-handed websurfing should protect them, or they mean they’re worried about being on by the FBI/NSA for visiting the sites. Which you would think would give them a hint as to why warrantless wiretapping might not be a good idea. Either way it doesn’t compute.
Now, then – who’s up for skinny dipping and elitist Chardonnay?
Since we’re parading our geek backgrounds here, I’ll steal a line from Robert Silverberg, con-goer:
“The problem with skinny-dipping is that most bloggers see better with their glasses on, and look better with their clothes on.”
I suppose that’s what the Chardonnay’s for…
Is that what they mean by blogroll?
LOVE the screen names. Brilliant.
Myself, I am currently playing World of Warcraft. Well, I was, but I took a break 🙂
You’re getting quite skilled with the Photoshopping there, Gav… quite skilled.
get out of my head.
They said it wouldn’t work! Bwahahaaaa!
Oh, sorry. Pardon me while I go work on my demented cackle. I don’t think I can make Supervillain with this one.
Wingnuts would subscribe to services like AOL and WebTV.
Foolish liberal. Didn’t you know that the Dhimminazis have supercomputers that can read minds? If you were to look at their recruiting page, it would be all flowers and candy. But if a loyal American went there, it would upload the ILOVEYOU worm onto their computer! No firewall would be enough. You know the real reason Muslims don’t worry about blowing themselves up? Because their evil geniuses have already worked out a way to upload their consciousnesses into machines!
No, but they do taste good, though. I mean, um, so I’m told. There’s a couple guys at the, um, weekly game night I go to that make a habit of eating or at least licking any foil rares they can spare. Um.