What a Novel and Compelling Argument

Protect me funny hat and bathroom walls, from the Beast of Consent! Lo, its time approaches and all will be consumed in its wake!

Selwyn Duke, American Tinkler:
How to Win the Marriage Debate

Somethings got the chumps still in the professional homophobe business steaming. What might that be?

The big news on the culture-war front is a federal court’s striking down of Proposition 8, California’s constitutional amendment protecting marriage.

Ah, right. It’s been a bad time for the homophobes. They used to be able to stand tall, their monomaniacal obsessions treated as serious contenders in the culture war and enjoying their majority power to beat down the fags whenever they so pleased.

But things changed. The court of public opinion swung around the other way and now it seems that being virulently anti-gay is going the way of being anti-catholic or pro-segregation. Something to be nurtured in dog whistles and desperate attempts to “return to the good old days” and to be complained about as “political correctness” taking away your rights.

And the overturn of Prop 8 is more painful than it seems like it ought to be, because it’s a reminder of a lot of things. The way the fellow cock obsessors have been trickling away and pretending they were never really invested in hating the gays what with the oh-so-important issue of whether women should be allowed to fuck, the 80 findings of fact in the original Prop 8 decision and the fact that they have no legal case, and of course the ticking time bomb before the first referendum passed legalization of gay marriage occurs and they officially run out of excuses.

As such, it’s left a few suckers still in the game a bit flustered and stuttering.

In a two-to-one ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit wrote, “The people may not employ the initiative power to single out a disfavored group for unequal treatment and strip them, without a legitimate justification, of a right as important as the right to marry.”

Now, sane people not engaged in a long-running series of bad faith arguments, might focus on the whole “legitimate justification” part, seeking to find the legitimate justification for their beliefs and present it as proof their views align with any reality.

We are of course not dealing with sane people. So, let’s see what they’ll obsess about. Hmm, could be a standard “activist courts”, could be “there is no such thing as a right to marry”. Maybe an “unequal treatment”? They have as much right to marry a member of the opposite sex as anyone…

Now, I’m not sure why the judges mention a “disfavored group,” as if singling out a “favored” one for unequal treatment would be okay. As far as I know, the 14th Amendment, on which the court based its ruling, doesn’t offer equal protection to only those the current fashions deem “disfavored.” Thus, I think this is an example of emotionalism influencing a ruling and its language, sort of as if a judge sentenced a defendant and, adding an adjective, announced him as “stupid” Mr. Smith. Calling a group “disfavored” is similarly a subjective judgment. This is not the only thing the judges were subjective about, however.

I’ll admit, that possibility hadn’t even crossed my mind.

Um, hmm…

Maybe, just maybe, they mention a “disfavored group” because, and just bear with me on this one, that’s an actual legal term with an actual legal definition, you inbred fuck.

But let’s just pretend that this occurred on a planet where that wasn’t the case and we were to take his issue as if it wasn’t the desperate grasping of a man desperate to keep around a squad of professional homophobes to continue to delay his eventual coming out.

Well, there’s the little fact that these rulings for “the disfavored” also apply to the “favored”. The “favored” can’t be barred out of a diner based on race, can’t have their sports programs unilaterally cut due to sex, and can’t have their marriages treated as a game of keepaway by vindictive fags.

And that’s before we get to the rest of the sentence that you are ignoring about unequal treatment without justification stripping them of an important right and all.

It’s almost like you are arguing in obvious bad faith or something.

Speaking to bias, some may point out here that the Ninth Circuit is the most overturned court in the nation and that the two judges who ruled against Prop. 8 were appointed by Democrats.

You know, every conservative and their mom loves to throw this quote around as if it was their love doll. Of course, looking deeper it tends to refer to yearly overturn numbers in the current court. Which a) the Supreme Court reviews like balls all cases per year, so most overturned isn’t exactly “this court is terrible”, b) most of the overturns has to do with a bitch fight between the Ninth Circuit and the Supreme Court on prisoner’s rights so is a deliberate action on both parties to call the other a bag of dicks, and c) this Supreme Court.

I mean, seriously, when you are trying to argue that a court sucks because it’s been overruled by the Court that passed Citizen’s United and was pretty much also the one that passed Bush v Gore, you are kinda hurting your case just a little.

Yet the reality is that they’re hardly alone: virtually everyone — including conservatives — misses the 800-pound gorilla with the pink tutu and rainbow flag in the middle of the marriage debate.

I didn’t know you marched in the Parade.

The court’s reasoning is that a state cannot deny homosexuals the right to “marry” if that right has already been established for others. This certainly seems to accord with the 14th Amendment, which reads, “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States … nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” So, by the judges’ lights, since Prop. 8 abridges for one group a privilege afforded everyone else, it is unconstitutional.

But what really is the central issue here? It isn’t whether marriage is a right or a privilege; it isn’t whether it is covered under the Constitution. It isn’t even whether or not homosexuals have a right to “marry.” The crux of the matter is this: what is this right or privilege?

I hesitate to say “go on”, but…

Go on.

If the court rules that there is a right to a certain thing, it must know what that thing is. Yet if the court accepted that the thing called “marriage” is the union between a man and woman, there would be no debate. The judges would simply state that, just like anyone else, homosexuals have a right to marry — to form that time-honored union between themselves and a member of the opposite sex.

Called it, woo! Everyone take a shot for “gays have just as much right to marry a member of the opposite sex”.

Ah. Shame that’s not the definition of marriage. Shame it is just a legal contract denoting kinship and a legal family as well as a cultural institution denoting an intention towards love, support, and commitment (however the couple may define that term).

And shame that the courts pissed so strong on that sort of definitional bullshit when you actually did make the legal definition “marriage is a union between two people of the same race”.

But how were you to know? You’re only 45 years behind the curve. In wingnut terms, that might as well be last week.

Now, some will say the court accepts that there has been a redefinition of marriage. If so, they had best tell us what it is.

Yeah! They should definitely tell us that marriage has been changed from a bill of sale from father to husband of unwanted chattel (the wife), or from a legal framework of harem creation as it was in biblical times, or a means of processing captured slaves after genocides as again it was in the Bible. Also that it was never defined as man on woman. Hmm, on second thought, maybe they should keep that shit to themselves.

Because, you see, our leftist marriage engineers have not redefined marriage.

They have undefined it.

Again, with the hesitancy. Alright, find my zen, ah…

Go on.

They have not said that marriage is the union between any two people.

Yes, instead they worship this demon God known only as Consent and argue that He and His mighty hatred for all that is good and pure trump over the Law of the Slippery Slope, thus denying us argument after argument of unmitigated bullshit. Cover ye virgins and weep for the heavens, lest this beast consume all of our bad faith arguments. Like when women are allowed to fuck. What?!? You don’t say! Then this battle is lost, sound the horn for retreat, the Beast is far too strong for mortal men to defeat alone!

Woe unto the douchebags, we have been lain low this day!

If they did, they’d render themselves just as “exclusionary” and “discriminatory” as those they decry and relinquish a hammer with which they bludgeon tradition. They have not offered any alternative parameters for marriage.

Not offered, we don’t listen. Same thing, no?

They’ve simply implied that the correct definition — the one accepted for millennia in Western civilization — is wrong.

Yet if these leftists cannot say what marriage is, how can they be so sure about what it isn’t? If they cannot offer a definition they’re certain is right, how can they be so confident that the right definition is wrong?

`Do you mean that you think you can find out the answer to it?’ said the March Hare.

`Exactly so,’ said Alice.

`Then you should say what you mean,’ the March Hare went on.

`I do,’ Alice hastily replied; `at least–at least I mean what I say–that’s the same thing, you know.’

`Not the same thing a bit!’ said the Hatter. `You might just as well say that “I see what I eat” is the same thing as “I eat what I see”!’

But the point is this: the court obviously doesn’t accept the definition of marriage embraced by most people worldwide today. If it did, it would have ruled as indicated earlier. Yet there also is no noted alternative definition by which to go. Thus, it seems that before the judges could rule on the right to this thing called marriage, they’d have to rule on what this thing is in the first place. So have they ruled that there is a right to they-know-not-what.

I’ve seen quite a number of sad pathetic things in my duties as monitor to the right-wing, but I gotta say this tops the list.

Nothing is quite as pathetic as someone trying to argue “takebacksies” with regards to a legal argument as if their tempermental toddler tantrum overruled legal decision.

Sorry, Selwyn, you lost. And you didn’t lose because you got screwed, you lost because you had no case, no legal argument for why “dem fags ain’t allowed to do that, no siree”. You’ll just have to deal with that.

I know it hurts, I imagine some days it almost feels as bad as having your dignity and right to form a legally-valid union with your chosen partner treated like a yo-yo for vindictive assholes.

That’s right, no one can understand what that feels like.

Of course, the judges certainly understand marriage to be some kind of legally sanctioned union between or among different parties. But this takes in a lot of territory. If this is all it is and everyone has a right to it, how can we deny it to polygamists (and their conception of marriage has infinitely more historical precedent than does faux marriage)?

You know what, assholes, fuck it. Yeah, eventually there will probably be poly marriages and you’ll have to suck that down about as well as you sucked this down. Choke on that.

Also, whoops on the giveaway there. Almost revealed that the real “traditional biblical marriage” you guys craw on about would actually be polygamous rape factories rather than the 1950s nuclear family model you like to allude to (you know, the monogamous rape factory).

This is where some roll their eyes and say that these things will never happen. But while such scoffing is rhetorically effective, it’s not very intellectual.

…You…You were trying to be…Sorry, let me begin again.

You were trying to be intellectual?

Oh, Selwyn! Oh, my poor poor dear. I…I just don’t know how to break it to you. Come here. I know, honey, I know you tried so hard and those other kids were so mean. It’s okay.

It’ll all be okay.

I’ll first point out that people in the 1950s would have likewise laughed off the notion that granting homosexuals the right to “marry” would be a major social and legal movement 50 years later. More significantly, however, ideas matter. The precedents we set matter. And when you undefine something, nothing is excluded. No boundaries means no limits.

Consent? What does that Foul Beast have to do with what I just said? That is the boundary? You would set a demon as boundary to such an important task? Are you liberals truly so vile as to do that?

Also, yeah, homosexuals, what do you think about the slow evolution of history and its curve towards justice…ah crap I did it again. You’re the stupid ones with the crap argument! Nyah!


This is why the left’s actions do, in fact, threaten marriage. To fail to respect the institution’s time-honored definition and also refuse to offer any alternative definition is to seek to destroy the edifice without a plan for what will take its place. It is to imply that marriage can mean anything. And if something can mean anything, it means nothing.

As for conservatives, they have been suckered again. Without even realizing it, they have allowed the left to frame the debate — as a matter of rights — when it is first and foremost a matter of definitions. To argue it as a matter of rights is to lose the debate; to control the definitions can render that debate irrelevant.

Argue on definitions! Of course! Why hasn’t the professional homophobe crowd thought of that, yet! I mean, it’s such an obvious and compelling argument that’s never been raised be-

What, you say? That was pretty much their attempted defense of Prop 8? And it got smacked down so hard that conservatives are only now starting to feel the sting on their cheeks?


Well, then why didn’t you liberals say anything?

What does “we wanted to laugh at your stupidity” mean? Is that code for worshipping Consent, the destroyer of tradition and life?

This is why, mind you, I would not have written Prop. 8 as its framers did: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Instead, it should have been, “Marriage is hereby legally defined as a union between a man and a woman.” The actual text gives the courts wiggle room to find in favor of currently invalid or unrecognized “marriages”; the suggested text makes it so that there is nothing else to find in favor of. (Of course, ambitious judges can find a way around anything, but they’d have to do a bit more creative constitutional trampling.)

Oh, I’m sorry Douchebag McGee, I thought you were arguing that that was the legal definition of marriage. That you were just trying to protect the “definition of marriage” from being “undefined” by the mean old homos who want to be able to form legal bonds of kinship with their significant others.

But please, do go on about how you would have redefined marriage as your bigoted horseshit to prevent it from the awful crime of being “redefined by homosexual activists”.

I’m sure if only you had been more blatant then there wouldn’t have been 80 findings of fact against your side and its arguments.

Because there would have been exponentially more.

Yet controlling the definitions starts with controlling the vocabulary.

Why yes, we only want to preserve the definition of marriage, because proper English totally outweighs human dignity. And to do that, all we need to do is redefine marriage and fuck around with most of the English language.

You know, when you make a bad faith argument that you are supposed to be consistent with what you are making a bad faith argument to, right?

For a definition won’t take hold in society unless the word it defines first does. This is why conservatives should never use the term “gay marriage,” as this is an explicit acknowledgement that such an institution exists. Nor should they use “heterosexual marriage,” for what is the other side of that coin?

What is most readily accepted is that which is assumed. From the get-go, conservatives should have insisted that marriage is marriage, a union between a man and woman and nothing else. This would have put odd alien fantasies about marriage, whatever they may be, in perspective. Because you cannot have a right to that which doesn’t exist.

Yes, conservatives, if only you had tried arguing that. Why it would have been so novel and not at all, the failed and obvious tactic of a couple of years ago, which was already falling apart before the Prop 8 decision ripped it a new breathing hole.

If only you had been that self-aware and forward-thinking (hey now), then no one would ever dream of alien fantasies of fucking that chick from Avatar…I mean, about being able to marry their chosen partner. Why gay people might not even exist, or at least not in numbers where we had to acknowledge that they exist and we could continue safely in ignorance and no one would be hurt by our bass-ackward desire to put our heads in the sand.

And the Beast Consent would not have laid waste to our home of Traditional Marriage, turning our house slaves into ravaging beasts demanding so called rights to work and rights to fuck, creating these fictional pairings of man and man, woman and woman, and triad and quad and so-on configurations that weren’t just abuse-driven modern harems we could easily scare-monger (what with being our own conservative “traditional” creation).

Our people would not have been driven into the snow, to weep for their arguments, rended to the bone in front of the children we always hide behind. Leaving us lost, scattered and scared.

If only we had listened and tried what we did and failed. It could have all been prevented.

But who would have listened?

Who would have heeded my post hoc prophecy?


Comments: 562



leftist marriage engineers


Why didn’t I know of this delightful career possibility?

Marion in Savannah

Why didn’t I know of this delightful career possibility?

Engineering is all full of teh maths and numbers and such and it’s hard… Which is why maybe all the marriage engineers are leftists?

[stumbles off to put a cool cloth on the forehead]


,,,that the two judges who ruled against Prop. 8,,,

Apparently no one has read the dissent. The dissent was with parts of the opinion but agreed on the fundamental question – that the prvious decision ruling Prop 8 unconstitutional should remain. Prop Hate was found unconstitutional by all three judges.


leftist marriage engineers

QUESTION: Do you have to be left-handed to qualify for this job? AFAL (I really am. I’m boringly right-handed.)


After I get my advanced degree in marriage engineering, I’m going to bring to market several new and delightfully complex marriages that the world really needs. I think I’ll first try to perfect the “Iranian nuclear scientist and AIPAC lobbyist” marriage.
If that’s successful I’ll proceed to the more difficult ones like “Selwyn Duke and any sentient mammal with more than two functioning brain cells” marriage although I imagine that will be more difficult to come up with outside of perfect cleanroom conditions.


If you’re a leftist marriage engineer all the screwing has to be reverse thread.

Lefty Thread Bear

Reversing the thread.


It is to imply that marriage can mean anything. And if something can mean anything, it means nothing.
Honestly this is a quote from my 12-year old class debate about the value of tradition. Even then we could see it was bullshit.
To argue it as a matter of rights is to lose the debate because the conservative position is such an obvious pile of shit. So they have to pretend it is something else.


I mean seriously. The first paragraph of the dissent reads as follows:

I agree with the majority’s analysis and decisions in parts III and VI of its opinion, determining that (1) the Proponents have standing to bring this appeal; and (2) the Motion to Vacate the Judgment should be denied

So even bigoted Randy Smith who is sympathetic to bullshit arguments like “promoting optimal parenting” and is of the opinion that judges should be wary of interfering with unconstitutional edicts – still thinks Prop Hate is unconstitutional.


controlling the definitions starts with controlling the vocabulary.

And here is the crux of the biscuit: thoughtcrime.


So many words to point out his prejudice and ignorance. Somebody take his shovel away, he might damage some underground wires or pipes. It’s sad to base one’s argument on an undefensible position. Well, not really, when it’s so entertaining to point that out to them.


For a definition won’t take hold in society unless the word it defines first does.



And if something can mean anything, it means nothing.

If something can mean nothing, than it’s anything.

If anything can mean nothing, then it’s something.

If anything can mean something, it’s nothing.

If nothing means anything, it’s something.

0 ≠ !0


Ouch. My head hurts. Looks like Selwyn not only didn’t read teh dissent, but he didn’t read teh decision either. Or even any summaries of teh decision. Or even the proposition itself. Or even Baby’s First Phonics Primer. His analysis is about as wrong and irrelevant as possible.

Item, his basic argument about defining and undefining words and whatnot? That was teh case. That was fucking Prop Hate in teh first fucking place. I mean, fffffffuck.


And here is the crux of the biscuit

i must work this phrase into my vocabulary…

N__B said,

February 15, 2012 at 21:34

ha, ha…this reminds me of a friends ancient granny who used to say ‘don’t say nuthin’… and don’t start somethin”…it’s humorous said with a scandihoovian accent…


Item, his basic argument about defining and undefining words and whatnot? That was teh case. That was fucking Prop Hate in teh first fucking place. I mean, fffffffuck.

Seriously. “Yet if the court accepted that the thing called “marriage” is the union between a man and woman, there would be no debate” NO SHIT. It is also undeniable that if they’d accepted prop 8 they wouldn’t have overturned prop 8.


Still waiting on these guys to call for a ban on all non-religious figures from preforming marriages. Their central argument is, after all, religion-based.

Of course, they don’t have the guts to do so. Just like they’ll never ban premarital sex. They know their base is full of hypocrites, false prophets and con-artists. They know to even go that far is risking political suicide.


And here is the crux of the biscuit

i must work this phrase into my vocabulary…

Related. (phrase occurs at approx. 4:22 into the song)


If you’re a leftist marriage engineer all the screwing has to be reverse thread.

We’re back to duck sex again, I see.

Also, too…


The crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe.

OBS gets there first.


How… I… Wha…

Dear Lord.


And here is the crux of the biscuit

Is he abusing apostrophes again?


Selwyn Duke: Beardist-Supremacist.


Dear Lord.

Silly, that’s MUD. Ass mud.


comment mango:

Older dictionary’s put a condition upon marriage: able to procreate. Our language has been molested by activists to accommodate their objective. Marriage is an institution older than the country; we should demand that the definition of marriage that was used when 14 amendment was added to the constitution is the only definition used in legal proceedings.


Silly, that’s MUD. Ass mud.

According to urban philosopher Dave Chappelle, the PC term is “mudbutt.”




I’m going to bring to market several new and delightfully complex marriages

I’m going to start bundling and selling Collateralized Conjugal Obligations.

[I’ll let somebody else make the obvious joke linking “Santorum” and “toxic waste”.]


favorite line from comment mangoes:

Gay marriage can not hurt heterosexual marriage any more than brits harm baptisms.

i did not know the english were anti-baptism…


leftist marriage engineers

OH, I HOPE I GET ONE OF THOSE COOL HATS. Gives new meaning to the term “train”, now doesn’t it?


Gay marriage can not hurt heterosexual marriage any more than brits harm baptisms.

BEST allegorical non-sequitur in HISTORY!


Also, let’s get some luvs for my beloved state of Washington, who has approved equal marriage via the legislature and governor’s signature.

That’s right, square state bastards, we rule, you drool.


With this guy advising the cultural conservatives how to defend their cause, how can they lose?

From Hogeye Grex’s link:
Santorum Makes Ad Showing Frothy Fecal Matter Ejaculated At Him

I believe that Substance McGravitas has some animations along those lines.

Older dictionary’s put a condition upon marriage: able to procreate.
[Looks up Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language]. Hmm, citation needed.


Deep down…inside

Ahem, I say.


Ouch. My head hurts. Looks like Selwyn not only didn’t read teh dissent, but he didn’t read teh decision either. Or even any summaries of teh decision. Or even the proposition itself. Or even Baby’s First Phonics Primer. His analysis is about as wrong and irrelevant as possible

I wish I could write for a bunch of morons who wouldn’t have the brains to challenge me when I write FAIL. Seems like a pretty good job.


Yet the reality is that they’re hardly alone: virtually everyone — including conservatives — misses the 800-pound gorilla with the pink tutu and rainbow flag in the middle of the marriage debate.



I fully agree that a legal definition for marriage should be established once and for all (as opposed to the religious/cultural definition, which changes constantly and is different, really, for everyone anyway). No one should be allowed to twist the definition of the word marriage in advance for his or her own narrow benefit. So pre-nuptial agreements should be declared illegal, and rendered null and void retroactively. All assets and liabilities owned by either party in a marriage must be deemed to be 100% equally owned/owed as of the date of marriage inception.


Older dictionary’s put a condition upon marriage: able to procreate.

Older grammar books say the apostrophe denotes possession. Newer ones too.


Pupienus Maximus said,
Is he abusing apostrophes again?

His’ commenter’s are:

bbkf said,

comment mango:

Older dictionary’s …

Also’s and too’s and such’as’


No one should be allowed to twist the definition of the word marriage in advance for his or her own narrow benefit. So pre-nuptial agreements should be declared illegal, and rendered null and void retroactively. All assets and liabilities owned by either party in a marriage must be deemed to be 100% equally owned/owed as of the date of marriage inception.

Funny how they all seem to ignore the “union” part of their “a union between a man and a woman definition, huh?


Funny how they all seem to ignore the “union” part of their “a union between a man and a woman definition, huh?

Don’t get them started, they hate unions!

Marion in Savannah

Gay marriage can not hurt heterosexual marriage any more than brits harm baptisms.

BEST allegorical non-sequitur in HISTORY!

My guess is that somebody was trying to think of what a bris is… I’d love to see them try to spell mohel…


Oh, no, it’s Selwyn Froggatt! I mean Duke.


This is why, mind you, I would not have written Prop. 8 as its framers did: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Instead, it should have been, “Marriage is hereby legally defined as a union between a man and a woman.”

Which would have told the denominations that perform same-sex marriages that their religion doesn’t count. Which is totally constitutional and small-government-conservative.

The Principal Contributt

Marriage should be defined as the onion between a man and a woman. It would solve all of this hullabaloo in one swollen foop.


Funny how they all seem to ignore the “union” part

Well, we already know what they think about unions.


Imma guess that Sowhat isn’t a lawyer or he’d recognize a term of art when it leaps off the printed page and kicks him in the nuts.


Don’t get them started, they hate unions!

Well, we already know what they think about unions.

Therefore/Ergo/Ipso-Facto Scott Walker is…anti-marriage! Dun-DUN-DUN!


Yet if these leftists cannot say what marriage is, how can they be so sure about what it isn’t? If they cannot offer a definition they’re certain is right, how can they be so confident that the right definition is wrong?

So then, like, say, obscenity?

You read it here first, folks: Sowhat Ducks supports kiddie pornography


Marriage should be defined as the onion between a man and a woman.

Enough spicy talk.


How… I… Wha…

Dear Lord.

My jaw has been agape for at least a minute…..Wowzers.

And the guy they got to play Romney kinda looks like him, also kinda looks like Perry, kinda looks like a cross betwixt them both.

Santorum sitching about Romney spending money on attack adds? Trinity Cracker, Please!


[looks at the word sitching, takes quick glance at keyboard] Yeah, I got nothing.. it should read Santorum bitching. But you guys and dolls knwo that already.


Older grammar books say the apostrophe denotes possession.

Older Gramarye books say the summonsing of a demon denotes possession.


Gay marriage can not hurt heterosexual marriage any more than brits harm baptisms.

The last baptism I was at, some Liverpudlian started bellowing “God Save the Queen” at the top of his voice. Totally ruined the whole thing.


The last baptism I was at, some Liverpudlian started bellowing “God Save the Queen” at the top of his voice

Johnny Lydon is from London, not Liverpool


Oh, no, it’s Selwyn Froggatt! I mean Duke. It’s a bag of nuts, Raymond.


My guess is that somebody was trying to think of what a bris is… I’d love to see them try to spell mohel…

Unintended or not, it works perfectly.


My guess is that somebody was trying to think of what a bris is… I’d love to see them try to spell mohel…

I went to see the rabbi, and he sent me to the mohel
But the mohel was a klutz, and he made me a goil


“brit” (or “breet”) is just what Sephardim call a “bris” (maybe because the Spanish didn’t like the British? 😉 ) — because in Israel people use the “Sephardic” (note the quotation marks) pronunciation of Hebrew, more and more people are using said pronunciation of Hebrew

“bris” is just what Ashkenazim call a “brit” (offer not valid in certain parts of Germany and the Netherlands)

“moyel” is what some Ashkenazim call a mohel.


This is a thing of great beauty.

And if something can mean anything, it means nothing.

If something can mean nothing, than it’s anything.

If anything can mean nothing, then it’s something.

If anything can mean something, it’s nothing.

If nothing means anything, it’s something.


To argue it as a matter of rights is to lose the debate

Well, there’s your problem right there!

Yet controlling the definitions starts with controlling the vocabulary.

Hmm… some English guy had something to say about this in the 40s…


Then there’s the one about the mohel who moonlighted in the fashion industry and picked up the unfortunate habit of cutting everything on the bias.


Durn, looks like tigris beat me to the punch.

That’s doubleplusungood!


My guess is that somebody was trying to think of what a bris is… I’d love to see them try to spell mohel

Sounds like someone’s trying to make a mountain out of a mohel.


Sounds like someone’s trying to make a mountain out of a mohel.

Now, now. Don’t criticize until you’ve walked a mohel in their shoes.


Marriage should be defined as the onion between a man and a woman.

An onion that shallot be broken.


Oh my. I’ve seen I’ve come to the pun thread by mistake— must be dashing along.


Oh my. I’ve seen I’ve come to the pun thread by mistake— must be dashing along.

Make sure you make your exit on the correct ramp.


Oh, B^4, you rapscallion.


Sorry, I had to take a leek.


Oh, and I still can’t believe that Santorum ad. Watching it, I have to think that the creative director of the advertising agency that made the ad is a big gay liberal atheist who is laughing his big, gay, god-hatin’ ass off right about now.


For a fresh look on marriage, read Roberta A. Heinlein (or if you know his later books, RobertA). The Moon is a Harsh Mistress features a “line marriage,” in which the group votes in new members to preserve its continuation from generation to generation; Friday (which incidentally depicts a North American continent divided into several nations that look fascinatingly like the current red-blue divide) gives us “group marriages,” where the members pool their resources (and their sex lives).
Of course, given that Heinlein could be called a neo-Randian (and some of his books are pretty randy), and that one of his sexual obsessions was to be a motherfucker (Time Enough for Love) and another was to transgender (I Will Fear No Evil), he had no sympathy for the religious right.


Santorum is nothin’ but a chive turkey.


Damn, I’m away all day and now I find a major story totally misunderstood. It’s not that rightwing politicians in the Virginia State House are misogynistic cretins. No! Every single gallant gentleman who voted for that bill just want each woman in the state to know that he’ll always be at her cervix, even if only by proxy.


Mmmmmmmm, chive turkey.


Are you a-suggestin’ “Bubba BBB that I’ma dashin’ with great fury Do you know what you said Them’s fightin’ words I’m pullin’ out all the stops


Are you a-suggestin’ “Bubba BBB that I’ma dashin’ with great fury Do you know what you said Them’s fightin’ words I’m pullin’ out all the stops

Nah, just an excuse to make an allium pun.


“Now, I’m not sure why the judges mention a “disfavored group,” as if singling out a “favored” one for unequal treatment would be okay. ”

Well, you know.. it’s quite possible .the people of Tennessee could pass a proposition that outlaws Southern Baptists from building anymore churches.


Ah. I get it Bubba BBB— while I’ma rooting in the dictionary, you’re cooking up yer next move.


Well, you know.. it’s quite possible .the people of Tennessee could pass a proposition that outlaws Southern Baptists from building anymore churches.

That would violate the separation of jerk and state!


Imma git me one o’ those traditional-type marriages. Imma buy my neighbor’s pre-teen daughter offa him. Then we’ll combine our lands and create a dynasty (we put the ‘nasty’ in dynasty!) until the next village over makes war on us.

It’ll be great!


Has she got huge tracts of land?


(we put the ‘nasty’ in dynasty!)

NUH UH, Joan Collins.


NUH UH, Joan Collins.

I still haven’t forgiven her for breaking Captain Kirk’s heart.


It is also undeniable that if they’d accepted prop 8 that voters have the right to decide what a minority’s civil rights should be they wouldn’t have overturned prop 8.


I still haven’t forgiven her for breaking Captain Kirk’s heart.

Not just his.


Hey these flowers are amazing!
The petals are slow-motion explosions of color.
And-wow!-look at the controls of various choke-points
in the teaching of the remains
of the sort that Douthat’s political friends spew,
the key reason why you have this whole
bureaucracy upon bureaucracy being built up
with all kinds of levels of people to support
women in the dishroom
The Pope is Christ’s representative on Earth.
The problem with anchor babies is finding a good idea?
However we are distracted by the mainstream liberal press.
Sadly, the fratricidal Republican Party
were foolish enough to smell teh ocean
with a machine that fills six at a time
when nearly 13 million Americans
are looking for Night at the word sitching,
it should read Santorum bitching.
But you guys and dolls knwo that already.
muzak Obligatory
joke about a playground right next to a sewer
Question Machine explodes in spectacular pyrotechnic display.
Raises hand excitedly: Einstein’s Brain?
shakes fist sidles in furtively throught door,
takes a village;
conservatives pretend that all it takes is John Wayne.’
Credibility? We don’ need no steenking credibility!
Did the pope’s penis rise again?
Divided panel my ass.
Whelan hasn’t read teh dissent either,
which starts with:
Does this walking colostomy bag even know what this is, right?
It’s a compliment, man. *
I know, that was wasted on the chain.
The Somali pirates are never around when you need them.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and France.
The U.S. realized this as well go buy a carton, because I will eventually fuck.
the oaf in the 1980s, wanting to help them catch,
if you’ve already ovulated, you’re actually more likely to get it up,
even with that Viagra that his health care is lower
when women have access to contraceptive services.
We lost and nobody likes us. WAHHHHH!
We take this very seriously and are generally annoying?


Is this that janus node thingy? Or a — uh— howdayousay—silacrum? Or somethin’? What?


That would violate the separation of jerk and state!

To quote Marty Feldman, “Too late.”

Unless, of course, you’re talking about some sort of interwebs porn ban.


Is this that janus node thingy?

Yes, last few threads chewed up and spat out. It was getting kind of poetic for a bit.

‘ll probably be embarrassed as shit
believes in and obeys t
moral code of his society and fits
in well as a clown and an even bigger majority
had no interest in putting British lives
at risk to
defend a
bunch of old f
s! As old as sin
and almost as high a priority as battling abortion. At the UN, the Holy
See announced that if they
don’t want to be well

socialized if he believes in and obeys the moral code of
his family to Catholicism. Dude is only 32
in an effort to stick to serving their own co-religionists rather than the kind of ethics or moral ity that sur vives in the shower, the kitchen, the garage,
every room in the shape of col lec tive ethos is no longer shared?–?indeed, pre
cisely because
Spanish didn’t like the catholic term
primates’ ‘I specified that what counted as rational, while a fideist Christian or a logical
positivist would be on
civilization because he couldn’t trade
them for
s baseb
card collection.


Oh, and I still can’t believe that Santorum ad. Watching it, I have to think that the creative director of the advertising agency that made the ad is a big gay liberal atheist who is laughing his big, gay, god-hatin’ ass off right about now.

Seriously. How the hell are we supposed to make fun of them when they do all the heavy lifting themselves?

It just feels like shoddy workmanship. There isn’t quite the same sense of satisfaction.

Eh. Fuck it. I’ll point and laugh anyway.


@Steerpike You know, I get the feeling that you don’t like the terms of your prenup.


Has she got huge tracts of land?

Not yet but by the time she does I’ll have ‘er all broke in and two or three heirs to boot.

What?! It’s tradition!


Sub ! I don’t read national review. That’s what Cerb is for.


I’m pretty sure liberals said marriage should be defined as two people, not regarding gender or race or protected class.

I’m also pretty sure the court said 3-0 that they decided prop 8 is unconstitutional because California already treats Domestic Partnerships as marriage in all but name. They pretty much called out Prop 8 as only being a majority vote for enshrining an insult into the state Constitution.


[…] in a nation, though as with many sound bites, it doesn’t give us a lot of information. Here, let Cerberus during Sadly, No! explain [a small bit of denunciation since it's S,N!]: You know, each regressive and their mom […]


Also, I think poly won’t be marriage for awhile.

First off, none of the bajillions of laws regarding marriages count ore than one spouse. Secondly, none of the laws have a solution for when spouse 1 disagrees with spouse 2 aside fro divorce. And thirdly, none of the laws have a way to decided between spouse 2 and 3 when spouse 1 kicks the bucket, or 2 and 3 want to marry 4 for 1 disagrees. Because that’s a crazy corporation, not marriage as laws would have it.

No laws which are constitutional care of a spouse’s gender. So restricting just the word and recognition to opposite-marriage is discrimination, the unconstitutional and illegal kind.


Feeding the Janus Node.


Is this that janus node thingy?

Yes, last few threads chewed up and spat out. It was getting kind of poetic for a bit.

I’m glad that is what you were doing, Sub. I so recognized the first two sentences as mine (from my attempt to describe tripping).

Hey these flowers are amazing!
The petals are slow-motion explosions of color.

Then when I saw the reference to the ‘Question Machine’–complete with capitals–I began scratching my head in earnest. Was I being totally mocked? (I remember being mocked about rap once upon a time, so I didn’t know how to react at all.) Wipes relief from brow.

Good name for a character: Janice Node.

bbfk: Thanks for Daughter-in-Love story! I’m a total fan of love stories.


In other news, leaked documents from the Heartland Institute describe the importance of “dissuading teachers from teaching science” and of pressuring AGW-denial media such as Forbes to maintain their bias and “to keep opposing voices out”.


Thanks, Smut! Sending the link to some scientist relatives.


Provider: I like yer slimmed-down nym!


Janice Node.
Sister to the better-known Hoocooda.


After I get my advanced degree in marriage engineering, I’m going to bring to market several new and delightfully complex marriages that the world really needs. I think I’ll first try to perfect the “Iranian nuclear scientist and AIPAC lobbyist” marriage.

Eh, that’s just another version of the May-I?-Decembrist combo.

If that’s successful I’ll proceed to the more difficult ones like “Selwyn Duke and any sentient mammal with more than two functioning brain cells” marriage although I imagine that will be more difficult to come up with outside of perfect cleanroom conditions.

Pffft. When I was leading the American Society of Marriage Engineers, we tried for “Family Values Republican and Adult Female”, with an eye toward creating the ultimate marriage bond: one which could keep Newt Gingrich monogamous. Needless to say, those outstripped the resources available to us at the time. (If only we’d gone nuclear…)


DAS, I found your explanation of Sephardic vs Ashkenazi pronunciation interesting, but I think I missed the punch line. Why did you need the scare quotes around Sephardic?


So at 6:30 this morning, as I’m lying there half asleep, all 14 pounds of pookie-cat leaps from the floor onto my back (Ow!) and then whines until I get up and turn the faucet on so she can drink out of the faucet.

Never mind the two water bowls with fresh water in them. Apparently water from the faucet is tastier.


Yet another in the “OMG! They’re redefining marriage!” crowd who conveniently ignores that we have a history of redefining marriage every 50 years or so.

About 50 years ago, marriage was the union of a man and a woman of the same race. Also, about 10 years before that, the “no-fault” divorce was introduced.

50 years before that, married women could not own property in their own name

50 years before that, slaves could not marry

I can’t think of anything that happened around 1800. Does anyone know when civil marriages were legalized?


Apparently water from the faucet is tastier.

Water from the toilet is tastier.

/teh dog


I don’t get it. I NEVER take part in pun threads…and the one time I do, the pun times end abruptly. No fair.

BTW, speaking of chive turkey, Lord Chubbington likes his chicken and apple food…so hubby said, “Chicken and apples sounds awesome.” So I made some. Last night I rubbed a chicken with a lemon, dill, rosemary compound butter and roasted it on a bed of apples, onions, potatoes and celery root.

I think it would be silly of me to have to tell you how incredibly delicious it was.


re: “Dynasty” upthread…I didn’t start watching soaps ’til I was in my mid to late teens, when nighttime soaps were one the downslope, plus for some reason I didn’t really pay attention to them. Now, as daytime soaps are quickly dying, I’d get in a fountain and take on both Linda Evans and Joan Collins with one bejeweled hand behind my back to get a good, juicy nighttime soap on the air.


That does sound good.

My last (so far only, really) food porn was figuring out how to make bread *right*– and even taking a certain risk (since my last bread loaf came out rather poorly) of using a recipe I hadn’t tried before and altering it anyway… (But now I have something very like Poulsbo bread. Hooray!)


I bake a lot of different types of bread Nym. Anything in particular you’re having trouble with?


VS, if you aren’t already watching Revenge, start now.


Yes, last few threads chewed up and spat out. It was getting kind of poetic for a bit.

Awesome Subtance, Like Brother Baltimore, I also recogtnise some of my work, and it is kinda poetic.

I like yer slimmed-down nym

Thanks, Fenwick, aka Brother Baltimore. I recently installed a new verson of the OS I am using and left the cookies on another partition. Unfortunately, I am sure that inspiration of some kind will cause it to lengthen to some degree or other. One of the nice things about this comment system being the facility with which one can change or modify names on a dime, in the service of a gag, or to drive home a point.

Enjoy it while it lasts.


Never mind the two water bowls with fresh water in them. Apparently water from the faucet is tastier.

First thing…LOL.
Second, your thumbs are home, or should that be, Her faucet manipulation tool is available and water from the faucet is tastier.
Thirdly, those two bowls of fresh water (which are not as tasty as the delicious stuff coming at a slow drip from the gardens of ambrosia) are the emergency water supply that is only to be used when her thumbs cannot be located.

14 pounds sounds about right for the pictures I have seen, and I have no doubt, that she knew exactly where to focus her wakeup jump to maximixe the utilty of her thumbs.

If it si not obvious, I too have had my fair share of Felinian overlords.


I don’t get it. I NEVER take part in pun threads…and the one time I do, the pun times end abruptly. No fair.

And B-Train (if I may), it was a thing of beauty. You should be proud, it put a chuckle on my face and I am not much a fan of puns, mostly due to the fact that I suck at them. But I saw what you did up there and it was good.


aside from the asinine atrocity in the piece subby linked to, this really caught my eye:

Santorumcare could involve — say — a federally mandated, five-day waiting period before women could have abortions. This parallels the original five-day interlude that potential firearms buyers faced under the Brady Law. How could the Left object to that?

has there ever been an abortion of passion?


FISCHER: If our national security is on the line, the defense of your children, your family, when that’s on the line, who do you want manning the Howitzers? Who do you want manning the M-16s. Who do you want manning the fighter planes? Do you want somebody who is characterized by sensitivity, warmth and apprehension? That is somebody who is sensitive, who is warm and who is easily spooked? Is that who you want defending your national security?

Or do you want somebody who is characterized by emotional stability, dominance, rule, consciousness and vigilance? Well if your answer is B, which I think any objective, logical, right thinking, clear-headed, non politically correct corrupted thinking person would think, clearly you have just said we ought to have men in combat. … Women are not wired, either by evolution or by God, whoever is responsible for this difference, they are not prepared by DNA and innate personality characteristics to be in those positions

wow, bry just TOTALLY negated the ‘grizzly mom’ movement!


I think it would be silly of me to have to tell you how incredibly delicious it was.

You certainly didn’t have to, but I am pleased that you did. Got a whole chicken waiting in the freezer.

Thanks for reminding me to pick up some rosemary when I get some kosher salt, basalmic vinegar, olive and sesame oils……mmmmmmmm.

Also too, If I am not talking about my smallish herb garden by early may, please to be smacking me in the nose with a rolled up paper.


and for the record, as far as manning the guns and flying the fighter planes? i want an pms enraged, overworked and overtired mom working those controls…some shit would definitely get done…

also: boudica


I think it would be silly of me to have to tell you how incredibly delicious it was.

You certainly didn’t have to, but I am pleased that you did. Got a whole chicken waiting in the freezer.

also, too…imma heading up to the hutterite colony one of these fine days and picking up a buttload of chix…vs’ recipe is the FIRST thing imma make when i get them home…



I agree, we won’t see that for a good while. I’d imagine, we probably won’t even see the debate in earnest until a) poly people united to a greater degree than now to argue on their own behalf and b) the creepy polygamous types everyone thinks of when they think poly and marriage have been more culturally smacked down.

And yeah, if it did occur, it would probably involve taking items from corporate law where one partner can separate from the still intact union or it can all be dissolved and so on.

Yeah, not expecting to even see it in my lifetime, but the more the insane right-wingers cling to it as their be-all end-all trump card to gay marriage, the more I want to point out that eventually their opposition to that (prolly in the year 2525 if mankind is still alive and all that) will be revealed to be bigoted drivel too.


My first job in the Air Force was flying advanced trainers (T-38) and part of that was deciding which students were or were not qualified to fly fighters.

At that time, women were not allowed to fly fighters but I certainly flew with some that were qualified to do so.

As for “easily spooked”, hell I sometimes had full-fledged panic attacks before combat missions. But I got in the damn plane and I did it anyway.


but the more the insane right-wingers cling to it as their be-all end-all trump card to gay marriage,

i thought their trump card was human/beast marriages?


Women are not wired, either by evolution or by God, whoever is responsible for this difference, they are not prepared by DNA and innate personality characteristics to be in those positions.

is bry questioning god’s hand in the creation of man and woman?


I can’t think of anything that happened around 1800. Does anyone know when civil marriages were legalized?

1800 was around the time when Western Civilization was finally throwing off the last vestiges of feudalism, monarchy and hidebound traditions. The American constitution was just over 10 years old, and marriage, like all human relationships, was being, yes, redefined. Before this, marriage was largely a business transaction between families. Even among the “lower classes” one’s marriage was likely to be arranged by, or at least subject to the approval of, one’s family. I think the case could be made that around this time would be when you could say that the modern concept of marriage as a partnership based on mutual love and consent began to take root.


emotional stability, dominance, rule, consciousness and vigilance

Lacking consciousness is going to make vigilance a tough one to ever achieve, but hell’s bell’s, man, you can’t get more emotionally stable than unconscious.


This parallels the original five-day interlude that potential firearms buyers faced under the Brady Law. How could the Left object to that?

Thanks bbkf for getting out of the boat, I was just about to bust out the skinsuits, but I really don’t have the heart for it right now..

Anyway I was explaining some of the erosion of womens rights over the last 30 years to my liberal roomie who’s primary focus is on climate change and the environment and he was rather clueless to the plight of poor women with respect to access to health care…anyhoo we started going through the math regarding the varied amounts of time a woman might have from the initial discovery of the pregnancy and reaching a decision to terminate. Maybe (as a hypothetical) you only find out (confirm) a week before the end of the first trimester…5 day waiting period….give the lady parts time to simmer down…lock the doors to the clock tower…

These Jamokes make me want to round up a posse and go on a JunkStomping expedition.


Provider, you’ll have let us know how your herb garden comes along. I RATE for fresh herbs. Once I started cooking with them, I was like “Where ya been all my life, baby?”

And thank you for the pun thumbs up…truth is I suck at them too. So when I make one I feel like the toddler pointing out his first poo in the potty.


Lurking, I will absolutely give that show a looksy.


when I make one I feel like the toddler pointing out his first poo in the potty

You should be flushed with pride because that one certainly rose to the occasion.


has there ever been an abortion of passion?

Ha, indeed. People have bought guns when angry, and the 5 days gives them a chance to become less angry. Nobody’s going to get less pregnant.


If our national security is on the line, the defense of your children, your family, when that’s on the line, who do you want manning the Howitzers? Who do you want manning the M-16s. Who do you want manning the fighter planes?

FuckSteak McCrappy pants, I gayronfuckingtee you that I know at least a dozen women that i would want in those positions, watching my back, before I would ever consider your mealy mouthed chickenhawk ass!

That is somebody who is sensitive, who is warm and who is easily spooked? Is that who you want defending your national security?

Narcissus, please! While you were admiring your image you got rolled by a twelve year old girl.


I have an herb garden except somebody likes to graze on it:



Apparently water from the faucet is tastier.

Mine follows me into the loo at every opportunity and sits on the sink staring at me until I fill the sink up with water.

And 14 pounds? Lightweight.


And 14 pounds? Lightweight.

My neighbor has a cat that weighs somewhere around 25 pounds. I call him “The Fridge”. He has the tiniest little squeaky voice, however.


My neighbor has a cat that weighs somewhere around 25 pounds.

I have a street legal cart-horse, myself.

Seriously, I should have expected a linebacker when I got him: five pounds, four of those paws. He’s big, maybe 22, 23 pounds, but the vet keeps saying he’s not obese.

Best I can figure, somewhere up the family tree is a Norwegian forest cat.


Oh. I don’t know what his voice sounds like. When he wants something, he just stares.

Just. Stares. And flicks his tail if I’m not fast enough.


Oh. I don’t know what his voice sounds like. When he wants something, he just stares.

Just. Stares. And flicks his tail if I’m not fast enough.

Didn’t know Stephen King ran a cat shelter on the side.


…except somebody likes to graze on it.

Ahhhh love that pic, and your alarm clock is tes chic!

I call him “The Fridge”. He has the tiniest little squeaky voice, however.

Reminds me exactly of Jack a 24 pounder with a baby kitten voice.

He’s a big sweet lug, a baby huey of baby kitten.


Must have closed that a tag with an i tag out of habit I guess.


While I agree with the court’s ruling and the sentiments expressed in this post, let’s not kid ourselves that Judge Smith agrees with us. I actually did go read the dissent.

He agreed with part III which said that there was standing to bring an appeal.
He agreed with part VI which said you can’t throw out the District Court ruling just because the judge was gay.

Pretty much everything else he disagrees with:

Because I do not agree with the majority’s analysis of other topics related to the constitutionality of Proposition 8, I have chosen to write separately. Ultimately, I am not convinced that Proposition 8 is not rationally related to a legitimate government interest.

He then goes on for pages stating why he thinks the majority is wrong to declare Prop 8 unconstitutional.

We would look like idiots if we continued to claim Judge Baker agreed with us in substance, but dissented on minor points. In fact, the exact opposite is true.



Norwegian forest cat.

I want on of those, or a Maine Coon Crossed with an Ocicat.
I am not convinced that Proposition 8 is not rationally related to a legitimate government interest.

And this guy who landed the double negative with aplomb, went ot law school?
The Dorothy Hamil school of Jurisprudence?

Brother Baltimore

I have indeed been ordained by the Powerhouse Church of the Presumptuous Assumption of the Blinding Light. An important part of our rite is swinging the censor, which is not filled with incense, but with sweet, sweet Burning Herb, a transubstantiation of Burning Bush.

All newly-ordained Brothers get to pick out their own vestments. (I’m thinking of a riff on a Napoleonic hussar.) I’m open to any suggestions from the many Sadly clotheshorses of impeccable taste. (Lordy, I remember a convo about the lapels of tuxedos.) Vestment suggestions welcome.

For anyone contemplating taking orders in the Powerhouse Church, you need to know beforehand be that our catechism is very funky. Also, celibacy is frowned on. Finally, the Powerhouse Church has some extremely weird dietary laws. Mostly we ignore them. [I happen to be observant.] Feast Days are whenever you’ve got a hankering for a feast.

By the way, Sadly wimmins might contemplate taking vows to become Sisters of Fun! One of their first rites is Shopping Togther to pick out to-die-for habits. (Totally Church-funded,btw)

Blessings upon you all.

*swinging the censor*


We’re not starting a fat kitteh discussion now, are we?


i thought their trump card was human/beast marriages?

You leave me and Mrs__B out of it.


I don’t know. You tell me which you prefer: A 14 to 25 pound cat jumping on you in the middle of the night; or my 6 pound Luna creeping onto the bed, unnoticed, and sticking her face millimeters from my face until I am awakened by her breath touching my whiskers.



omg! hertzberg totally gets me!!! other lingual pet peeves include: any sort of “scandal” automatically dubbed [something] gate and use of the verb ‘doing’ because you are too fucking lazy to come up with a more accurate and action-y verb.

on a coininkydink sort of note, just the other day hubbkf asked, completely out of the blue, ‘do you like to read the new yorker? i answered, ‘yes’ and that was the end of our conversation…wth?


An important part of our rite is swinging the censor, which is not filled with incense, but with sweet, sweet Burning Herb, a transubstantiation of Burning Bush.

I wanna piece of this action…I mean, how might one join or establish a parish if one is not a readily available for those that might hunger for the sanctimoniousless solace granted by inclusion into the warm and nurturing bosom that is the Powerhouse Church of the Presumptuous Assumption of the Blinding Light?

The Church of the sub Genius is sooo 20th Century.

I dare say Brother Baltimore, that when someone hands you a ball you most certainly know how to run with it. I am picturing Gayle Sayers in a funny hat and vestments leaving a trail of smoke and players in his wake.


You leave me and Mrs__B out of it.

well, there’s an image for you…i will now always think fondly of the n_bs when i hear the phrase, ‘making the two-backed beast’ which admittedly doesn’t happen very often…

Brother Baltimore

Actually, I’m thinking more of a French marshal’s uniform. Still lots of gold embroidery and glitter, and epaulettes, and sashs and medals. I like the colors and the headgear is GREAT. Also, I no longer have the physique needed for a hussar. Alas. Those uniforms were dazzling.


*swinging the censor*

Let the Bead-Squeezers have their nasty stinkin’ censers! We at the PC of the PS of the BL (oh, yeah, I’m in!) have Swingin’ Censors ™ who will prevent shows from being aired if they’re not ruanchy enough!

Brother Baltimore

The order of the Powerhouse Church was founded by the Blessed Brothers of the Firesign Theater.

Brother Baltimore

Bishops? We don’t need no stinking Bishops! Or Arch Bishops. We have some Vice Bishops, I think. (I’m a little hazy on the Powerhouse Church heirarchy; it was modeled upon the only theological treatise written by M.C. Escher.)

Marion in Savannah

Jack’s a beauty, Provider_Une. I love teh black kittehs. Our newest overlord is a 6 pound tailless little scrap of midnight black with a purr like a motorboat.


Those uniforms were dazzling.

Awesome!!! I have a couple of ideas. This, or a suit just like it. or this

Or maybe both, for different occasions, of course.

The Powerhouse Church of the Presumptuous Assumption of the Blinding Light would never limit its members in their expression of sartorial splendor!


our femail man keeps taking smoke breaks in our bathroom when she delivers the mail…most off-putting…


Jack’s a beauty, Provider_Une. I love teh black kittehs. Our newest overlord is a 6 pound tailless little scrap of midnight black with a purr like a motorboat.

Thanks Marion, but you should have seen his brother Ptolemy black like Jack, only about 20 pounds and three times prettier, I have yet so see a more graceful, curious, intelligent, and beautiful male cat walk the earth. They live with the ex and are in good and loving hands, though I do miss them dearly.

Sounds like you got a winner. The little ones can be just as crafty, manipulative and powerful as any others.


People, PLEASE! All mentions of that guy MUST be in the form “Bryan Fischer, spokesman for the SPLC certified hate group….” This is NOT a new rule. Thank you for your future compliance in this matter.


our femail man keeps taking smoke breaks in our bathroom when she delivers the mail…most off-putting…

Sounds like it is time for a “Sorry, but no smoking” sign.


“Bryan Fischer, spokesman for the SPLC certified hate group….”

I think “Hate group spokesperson Bryan Fischer” rolls off the tounge a little easier, plus the spokesperson appellation has got to rankle.

Can we take this up with the rules committee?

Marion in Savannah

For truly dazzling uniforms you can’t really beat the ones Nixon came up with. I don’t subscribe to Time, but if any of you do you can read the rest of the article that begins thusly:

As Britain’s Prime Minister Harold Wilson arrived at the south portico of the White House last week, he may have had a fleeting fancy that he had come to a banana republic or a Balkan kingdom. On hand to greet him were a squad of White House guards caparisoned in Graustarkian dress uniforms festooned with gold braid and nipped at the waist with black leather gunbelts. The black vinyl hats trimmed in gold suggested, by turns, a Ruritanian palace guard, a Belgian customs inspector, and Prince Danilo in The Merry Widow.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,876538,00.html#ixzz1mZLh35xB

I remember the entire world 707ing over these things.


How about “spokeshater”


Sorry, but no smoking” sign.

That would be okay with me. It’s the “this is a non-smoking building” signs that piss me off. I can SEE that the fucking building is not smoking, fer chrissake and glad of it. I likely wouldn’t go in if smoke was coming out of it.

OTOH, I am amused rather than angered whenever I see a “designated smoking area” sign.

Marion in Savannah

THEY’RE ALIVE!!! (Or at least they were in 1980.)


Fuck you you fat fucking fat fuck.

Good play on Gregoire’s part though.


Phrase it as you like, just be sure to include the SPLC info. Also applies to spokeshater Tony Perkins.


Sounds like it is time for a “Sorry, but no smoking” sign.

you would think in a hospital setting this would be obvious…but the impish side of me thinks this would be a swell sign to make and hang up this afternoon…


“Also applies to spokeshater Tony Perkins”

Tony (the hater, not the psycho) Perkins?

Marion in Savannah

you would think in a hospital setting this would be obvious…

Yeah, but… Some years back the hospital where I slave away was featured on one of those “ER Fer Realz” shows. My favorite takeaway image was of the chief of the trauma service at our Level 1 Trauma Center taking a smoke break directly under the “No Smoking” sign.


Never mind the two water bowls with fresh water in them. Apparently water from the faucet is tastier.

When I was a wee little Grex I had a cat that could turn on the kitchen faucet by himself. Not much for turning it off, though.


I think cats like flowing water better. I’ve seen it many times. Our current 25lb tabby will sit there at his bowl and try to flick the water into his mouth using his paw. Dumbass.


Our current 25lb tabby will sit there at his bowl and try to flick the water into his mouth using his paw. Dumbass.

You explain and explain and explain and DUHHHHHHHhhhhhh.

Marion in Savannah

kg, our little tailless scrap does the same thing. She’ll even stand in the birdbath and keep dipping her paw in and slurping the water off. Buffoon.


THEY’RE ALIVE!!! (Or at least they were in 1980.)

Thanks for the blast from the past, though I was unable to google up any images of the uniforms in question and wouldn’t subscribe to time unless someone was going to pay for it in my name and drop a dozen benjamins in my lap for my inconvenience.

The Lakeland paper running a Safire editorial titeled : Jimmy Carter’s Moral Blindness, is just too precious in light of what was to come.

Bonus, in light of the Safire column is the fact that Reagan had just six days earlier given his “states rights” post nomination speach in Philadelphia MS..

Who knew the world was about to turn on a dime, that negotiations were soon to begin with the Iranians, while someone was busy strapping rockets to the handbasket.


Here is a picture of a beautiful and, sadly, recently deceased dog to act as balance to all this feline… stuff.


You can blame kitties for why your brain doesn’t work correct.

That’s definitely it, it’s the cat, not a lifetime of booze, dope and debauchery.


Here is a picture of a beautiful and, sadly, recently deceased dog to act as balance to all this feline… stuff.

oooooohhhhhhh! she was so cute! and smart, too i bet…i wish i could post a pic of our recently deceased black lab…she was a sweetie…and i also regret not being able to post pics of the adorable dumbass springer lab that currently lives with us…


You can blame kitties for why your brain doesn’t work correct.

I like to blame them, generally.


she was so cute! and smart, too i bet…

Yeah he was cute, smart as hell, and the friendliest dog on the planet.


Going by the scientist’s picture, I may assume that his hairstylist owns several cats.


I so wish Alice Cooper would have got some of them.


What? Cats or hairstylists?


Going by the scientist’s picture, I may assume that his hairstylist owns several cats.

whoa…carrottop is NOT aging well…


I so wish Alice Cooper would have got some of them.

what? cat parasites or just parasites?

the only time i’ve ever even remotely enjoyed alice cooper was his cameo performance in wayne’s world…


I was talking about the Nixon uniforms from Marion’s link.


I was talking about the Nixon uniforms from Marion’s link.

ooohhh…gotcha…disregard my alice cooper comments then…


whoa…carrottop is NOT aging well…

Oh, I chuckled.


Hey, I wanna do an impromptu poll of my fellow Sadlies.

Question: When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?


Here is a picture of a beautiful and, sadly, recently deceased dog to act as balance to all this feline… stuff.

Awwwww! looks like a reql sweety there OBS. Jack had the same blue bone nametag.



good question, eh! i have mixed feelings ranging from creativity, narcissism and trollish/stalkerish…


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!


good question, eh! i have mixed feelings ranging from creativity, narcissism and trollish/stalkerish…

Well, that clears things right up!*

*I am, of course, funning you. Because I luv ya. And I only bother to tease people I luv.


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!

Tell them to add lots of really disgusting animated GIFs.


You can blame kitties for why your brain doesn’t work correct.

My brain was messed up long before I got the cat.


Razor Eddie said,

February 16, 2012 at 17:55 (kill)

While I agree with the court’s ruling and the sentiments expressed in this post, let’s not kid ourselves that Judge Smith agrees with us. I actually did go read the dissent.

He agreed with part III which said that there was standing to bring an appeal.
He agreed with part VI which said you can’t throw out the District Court ruling just because the judge was gay.

Pretty much everything else he disagrees with:

Pretty much everything he disagrees with involves the findings of fact. Those findings of fact, which are rarely reviewed on appeal, are devastatingly clear – there was no rational state interest put forth by the defendant intervenors.

Because I do not agree with the majority’s analysis of other topics related to the constitutionality of Proposition 8, I have chosen to write separately. Ultimately, I am not convinced that Proposition 8 is not rationally related to a legitimate government interest.

Note the very careful phrasing: He is saying that he disagrees with Judge Vaughn’s findings of fact

(1) the “optimal parenting” basis, whereby the proponents of prop 8 argued that opposite sex parenting was optimal and the state has a rational basis for encouraging that through marriage; and?(2) the “accidental parenting” theory, whereby opp sex couples can conceive accidentally, and same-sex couples can’t, so it’s supposedly rational to encourage accidental parenting within the bonds of marriage, and there’s no need to offer marriage to same-sex couples.”

Pretty damn weak, especially considering that the defendant intervenor’s OWN STAR WITNESS said under oath that the first of those wasn’t true and that the second was not affected in the least by allowing same sex couples to marry.

He then goes on for pages stating why he thinks the majority is wrong to declare Prop 8 unconstitutional.

He goes on groping for pages desperately trying to contradict the findings of fact without directly addressing them. He doesn’t address them directly because there is absolutely no evidence to support his claims. No one has yet presented evidence that hetero parents are better than fags and dykes. There have been a number of sttudies showing exactly the opposite. He ignored the actual facts and contradicts the findings of fact, which did include evidence that same sex parents are in no way less capable than hets. As stated clearly in Judge Vaughn’s original ruling.

Does the government restrict infertile couples from marrying? No. That rational is extremely over broad on its face.

Liz Newcomb: ”
We had hoped for more reason from Smith, instead we got more of the same tired and outdated rhetoric we often get from those who wish to keep marriage a right for those born into the privileged majority.

So what can we take away from Smith’s dissent? The short answer is there is never a good argument for taking a certain class of American’s rights away, ever.”

We would look like idiots if we continued to claim Judge Baker agreed with us in substance, but dissented on minor points. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

That would be true only if there was any substance to his dissent. Which there aint.

I must also point out that the dissenter on the Ninth Circuit panel was Judge Smith, not Baker. Baker was the 1971 MN case he wanted to rely on wherein the SCOTUS court ruled that the state could deny a marriage license to a same sex couple. Note the date – 1971, at which time sodomy was illegal and therefore the state could be justified in preventing what would presumably involve illegal activity. Lawrence v. Texas made sodomy laws unconstitutional so hanging one’s hat on that case is beyond weak, it’s irrelevant.


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!

Be sure to ask them if it’ll be compatible with that “new Web2.0” stuff you’ve heard so much about. You sure don’t want some stinky old Web1.0 piece of crap!


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!

And be sure to insist the new site be compatible with Internet Explorer 5.


Question: When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

It is actually a commie-librul plot to make it appear that there are more commenters at Sadly, No! than actually exist. After all, it would just look pathetic if all the posts simply said “Tintin Says:” at the top.


Question: When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

‘Sfine with me. Some of them make me chuckle, therefore: good.


Question: When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

For a few weeks I used only JanusNode-generated names (but kept my URL). It was sort of fun but it was hard figuring out what I’d said later. To those who didn’t figure it out it looked like an avalanche of snotty n00bs all sharing one opinion.

I’m okay with the name changes generally, particularly this one.


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!

Mandatory review: How a Website Design goes Straight to Hell


I should probably clarify I don’t mean temporary nym changes meant as a joke. I mean, I, myself do that all the time. I think everyone here has done it at some point or another. And most of us have blogs or sites so everybody knows who it is.

I mean, like, semi-permanent name changes. And also not like Pup who changed his name and KEPT his new name.

Oh, fuck it. I’m crabby.


When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

I’ve tried to change the New York Mets. Again and again I’ve tried.

Bitter Scribe, who has occasionally been known to append phrases to his nym, but not as much as the Goddamn Batman (and whatever happened to him?),

When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

It depends.


i am off to meet with web desginer for our new website!!!

You kids today with your fancy new websites. BAH! Back in my day we didn’t have no fancy schmancy designer websites. And we didn’t have no series of tubes niether. In my day all we had was a series of tin cans and string. And we LIKED it!. And we didn’t have any of these Iphone schmIphone thingamajigs either. In my day we had Tandy 1000s and we were glad to have em. RAM??? SCHMAM! My grandmother with alzheimers had more memory than the Tandy. And we didn’t have no high-falutin’ high speed connectin’ either. In my day we had to slogon with a 200 baud dial-up modem, up hill, through the snow, both ways!!! And we LIKED it.

Now all you kids! Get offa my PRON!!!


Substance McGravitas has made it all but impossibkle for me to comment at his place. The captcha renderings are not legible. And the sound is worse.


I hate the new w/v’s at Blogger.


I will cop to occasionally posting as my alter ego, but I refuse to divulge that assumed nym, in case I want to use it again…


In my day all we had was a series of tin cans and string.

Tin cans? Loooooooxury!


He then goes on for pages stating why he thinks the majority is wrong to declare Prop 8 unconstitutional.

As Pup already mentioned, he goes on for pages about the various findings of fact. Now, IANAL, but on my reading d00d doesn’t even actually disagree with the findings. He just says that the Proponents case falls apart if you look at it closely – but if you don’t look at it closely, and maybe if you give them all sorts of benefits of the doubt, then perhaps a case for some of their assertions might possibly be valid. And this next part is teh important one – but Judge Smith does NOT actually go out and say that the Proponents have valid points. Just that if you weight the playing field entirely in their favour, they might, maybe.

IOW, he wants to disagree with the assertion that Prop Hate is unconstitutional, but he doesn’t have teh balls to do it.


Substance McGravitas has made it all but impossibkle for me to comment at his place. The captcha renderings are not legible. And the sound is worse.

In theory the Blogger spam-catcher should be well-trained by now. Maybe I’ll see what happens if I turn verification off.


I’ve tried to change the New York Mets. Again and again I’ve tried.

Change them into Red Sox?


But anywho, you’re right in that it’s wrnog to paint Randy Smith as someone who agrees with teh idea that treating Teh Ghey with basic human dignity. But even though he yearns to support teh outdated, bigoted and offensive assertions of teh Proponents, he cannot bring himself to actually do it. He may not agree with us on the fundamental question, but d00d can see teh writing on teh wall and standing athwart history mumbling “you may want to perhaps consider slowing down a bit” is teh best he can bring himself to.


There are right-wingers and there are right wingers who find it hard to lie.

I don’t endorse Bartlett and he is of course WRONG WRONG WRONG about a bunch of things, but to the extent that he can apprehend reality he doesn’t like to bullshit.


I’ve tried to change the New York Mets. Again and again I’ve tried.

Change them into Red Sox?



Ya know, I just flailed around for something “sports-upsetting” to say. LOL!


After all, it would just look pathetic if all the posts simply said “Tintin Says:” at the top.

ALL.ONE.GUY. If that!

In theory the Blogger spam-catcher should be well-trained by now
Blogspot being Blogspot and therefore including “annoyance of users” as a central objective, they changed without warning to a radically different variety of word-check.


When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

I’m good with it. Anything if it will bring the Goddamn Batman What Has Been Missing Lo These Many Many Threads And We Really Miss Him A Lot back.


I don’t think the word-check’s so bad myself, but what the heck, let the experiment ensue.


I think people may be missing my point…but that’s ok. I was just venting passive-aggressively. And you know what they say about venting passive-aggressively–people tend to miss your point, dumbfuck. Next time just come right out and say what’s on your mind. That’s what they say.


And you know what they say about venting passive-aggressively

Maybe YOU know what they say, but I don’t.


Obviously there are people who switch names to get away with saying something dickish they wouldn’t say with their regular name. In those cases you can still respond to them as if they are dicks.


vs: Yeah, but then you don’t get the fun of being all butthurt when people miss your point.

You know what I mean, right? Well, you would know if you really cared about me.


Ann Althouse is a giant bag of pustule-covered dicks.

Yeah, I’ll stick with saying dickish things in my normal nym.


Yeah, plus I should point out that changing your name many times is a good way to get around people’s killfiles.


I think people may be missing my point…but that’s ok.

Lemme try again. Who says that borderline trolls can’t be creative? I imagine that hiding under a bridge that demarks a national boundary might cause one to sharpen their wits. I mean, these crossing are some of the most monitored places in teh world, and if you are going to be a mythical goat-eating monster not named Mickey Kaus that makes it your home, you gotta be pretty creative and adroit at dodging authority.


Yeah, I’ll stick with saying dickish things in my normal nym.

Exactly. I’m happy to put the ol’ “vacuumslayer approved’ stamp on all my idiotic ramblings.


Who says that borderline trolls can’t be creative?

LOL. Point taken, sir.

People warned me about Bronies. They said to me “Never trust a Sicilian, never start a land war in Asia, and never get into a battle of wits with a Brony.” I should have listened.


Penises are funny. Period. End o’ story.


Yeah, plus I should point out that changing your name many times is a good way to get around people’s killfiles.

Depends on how radical the name-change is. Djur’s handy RSS filter, for instance, will take an asterisk as a wild card, at least on trailing changes.I think one of the SN killfiles at userscripts will take wild cards, and you can run multiples scripts.


Multiples scripts is EVEN MORE PLURAL.


Multiples scripts is EVEN MORE PLURAL.


That’s even more laughy.


All this talk of dickish things coming out your mouths is … disturbing … and intriguing.


All this talk of dickish things coming out your mouths is … disturbing … and intriguing.

Subscribe to our newsletter–it’s entirely in Comic Sans!


Penises are funny. Period. End o’ story.

So, when you say you are looking for a man who can make you laugh, all you are really saying is you want to date a flasher.


Fiksing teh headline:

Globe writer Humourless* dildo argues penis jokes not funny

*It is in Canada, aint it?


Anything if it will bring the Goddamn Batman What Has Been Missing Lo These Many Many Threads And We Really Miss Him A Lot back.

I, also, too misses the Goddamn Batman. His name was half the joke. I wonder if he lurks in the guise of someone here. It took me a long time to start recognizing persons by their name—I just read for the funny for a long time, but the Goddamn Batman stood out because of his long, descriptive nyms.


Humourless dildo is actually a pretty good description of Johanna Schneller. I mostly skip her stuff because Globe&Mail film reviews? Really? Anyways, they occasionally let her out of teh Arts section of teh paper to write some of teh most bland and blah lifestyle pieces you’ll ever have the pleasure of snoring through. Her husband Ian Brown however is about as interesting a personality the Globe has on staff not named Russel Smith. i.e. not that interesting.

In her defense, I would much rather read Schneller than subject myself to Margaret Wente.


And also WTF? She’s bitching about US media? Hey bitch, no one that matters asked you. Fuck off, hoser.


“Older dictionary’s put a condition upon marriage: able to procreate.”

The OED online costs an individual subscriber just $29.95 per month.


OK, I thought this was hilarious: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2012/02/romney-straining-to-get-to-right-of-genghis-khan.html

Favorite quote:

After moderator Brian Williams questioned if his popular campaign promise to not only defeat President Obama but to enslave his family was racially insensitive, Genghis angrily replied that he enslaves the families of all his defeated rivals, regardless of race. Then, in a dramatic touch that reminded many Republicans of Ronald Reagan’s famous I-paid-for-this-microphone moment, he charged down from the stage on horseback, decapitated Williams, and displayed his head before the roaring crowd. At a post-debate focus group led by pollster Frank Luntz, numerous attendees praised Genghis for standing up to, as one attendee put it, “the politically correct media.”


In her defense, I would much rather read Schneller than subject myself to Margaret Wente.

Damn, that’s some faint praise.


…he charged down from the stage on horseback, decapitated Williams, and displayed his head before the roaring crowd.

I would actually watch the debates if this really happened.


I cn’t see the verification thin at BBBB’s place so I cain’t comment!!! WOlverines.
I hate Google and now I hate Blogger. Whilst WordPress has made me curse, at least I expected them to be that way


You can’t see the other 18 pounds of him, but here’s Curly from this morning.


thanx to all for the sage website advice…i have taken careful notes and will be sure developer lady works them in…

now i am off to ply whiskey (or whisky as our neighbors to the north prefer) to the unsuspecting…ttfn!


K-Lo says ladyparts=ham sandwiches:

For those of you who will lower yourself to listen to a man, never mind a bishop, speak on the HHS mandate, Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, offered a useful political parable this morning about a fictional law that requires all businesses to serve pork, including kosher delis.


To be fair, K-Lo’s ladyparts are kinda like a ham sammich. So she may just be going by her own ladyparts.


Wait, bacon, playdough and now ham? What the fuck is it with wingnuts, vaginas, and pork products? It’s almost as if they have some sort of fetish or something, but we know that couldn’t be possible.


I want to hear about the law that enables employers who are Seventh Day Adventists deny coverage that includes blood transplants. Or the Christian Scientists [sic] who are exempted from providing ANY health care coverage.

Fat Tony actually got it right when deciding that religious ritual doesnt trump law but unfortunately he didn’t identify the idea using the term we are today familiar with, Sharia Law.


Since there are so many hospitals in Spokane, all of which are owned by Catholic Charities, the pork in the kosher deli parable is perfect. I can just go find an athiest owned hospital on the next corner, right? Also, I’m sure all kosher delis receive state and federal money to help them serve the entire population. So, good job with the parable, bishop.


Since there are so many hospitals in Spokane, all of which are owned by Catholic Charities, the pork in the kosher deli parable is perfect.

Plus, no one on a pork-restricted diet can go anywhere serving pork and NOT have the pork, right?


Also: lookit the JEWS! They always get their way, why can’t we? BOO HOO!


To be fair, K-Lo’s ladyparts are kinda like a ham sammich

I’ll bet K-Lo finds a stray rotten ham sandwich in her folds occasionally.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I cn’t see the verification thin at BBBB’s place so I cain’t comment!!! WOlverines.

I just got rid of word verification. The new captcha sucks donkey dong!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

For those of you who will lower yourself to listen to a man, never mind a bishop, speak on the HHS mandate, Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut, offered a useful political parable this morning about a fictional law that requires all businesses to serve pork, including kosher delis.

A better parallel would be a fictional law allowing kosher delis to fire workers for eating pork on their days off.


Brain bleach – STAT!

Spengler Dampniche

Can we talk about Blatfart’s ‘rape list’ yet?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Can we talk about Blatfart’s ‘rape list’ yet?

God, I hope he limits his sexual depredations to small farm animals, and leaves humans alone.


Can we talk about Blatfart’s ‘rape list’ yet?

I have no idea what that means. I am certain i do not want to know. Please keep this in mind as you make your comments this evening.


Bishop William Lori* of Bridgeport, Connecticut, offered a useful political parable this morning about a fictional law that requires all businesses to serve pork, including kosher delis.

Bishop Lori is a fucking moron. The equivalent would be a law that requires all businesses to give their employees access to full-service restaurants for lunch near to their workplaces.

A better parallel would be a fictional law allowing kosher delis to fire workers for eating pork on their days off.

Religious exemption – I don’t think this is a parallel.

**Boy Named Sue complex?


Can we talk about Blatfart’s ‘rape list’ yet?

Only if it’s a list of power tools and various farm implements that Blatfart gets raped with.


Nothing says “I abhor sexual violence” like fabricating and distorting information about it to smear your political opponents, and in most cases, the victims.

Just when you think Breitbart can’t get any classier … OWS rape list.


Did we have a reason to believe Dimfart abhors sexual violence?



I tried behaving myself once. It wasn’t much fun and I wasn’t very good at it.


Be having one’s self.


I’ve never behaved myself, or anyone else, for that matter.


I bake a lot of different types of bread Nym. Anything in particular you’re having trouble with?

[Sorry for the lateness of the response. Platelet donation was unexpectedly tiring.]

What it came down to is that the “Poulsbo bread” recipe circulating around the Internet was for a bread machine (seriously, all the instructions boiled down to “Dump these in the bread machine”), and when I tried hand-making it (I don’t like the oversized cubic loaves my machine made) I got this good-smelling but ridiculously dense and underleavened stuff that was very disappointing.

This time I used a known recipe from Shirley Corriher’s Cookwise, subbing out some ingredients after research (the difference between honey and molasses as far as yeast bread is concerned is just the flavor, f’rex), and that loaf really came out good.

I’m going to see if some bread machine recipes– mostly simpler ones– can be better adapted. There’s one that’s just bread flour, yeast, margarine/butter, and a little soda pop that could be fun. (Presumably the soda provides both flavors and the sugars to feed the yeast. No diet soda!)


Is there a place in your church for a Formidable Bitch? I want to wear SUNO so better get cracking on that collection plate. Any outfit that goes with my black boots will suffice.



Hey, look out, libs – Breitbart’s really bringing his A-Game this time!

Teh Rape List Of DOOOOOOOOM is only about 96% pure genuine bullshit!


I’ll bet K-Lo finds a stray rotten ham sandwich in her folds occasionally.

i hate you…


They’ve simply implied that the correct definition — the one accepted for millennia in Western civilization — is wrong.

Ya hear that, China? You’ve been doing it wrong this whole time!


Nym –

I threw my bread machine out years ago. I got tired of the dense little bread pucks that came out of it.

I suspect that any bread machine recipe could be adapted to oven use. These are some general guidelines for making bread:

1. Remember that yeast is a living organism. Too hot will kill it, too cold and it won’t be active. You want to start with water around 115 degrees fahreneit, which will feel lukewarm to the touch.

2. Add your yeast and wait 5-10 minutes to see if it starts to foam and bubble. If it clumps up and nothing happens, you need to start over with a different batch of yeast.

3. Sometimes 1/2 teaspoon of sugar or honey will help feed the yeast.

4. After kneading the dough for a time – it should be smooth and elastic. Too sticky – add a little bit of flour. Too dry – add a little water.

5. Most bread doughs will rise until they roughly double in size. This can take one or more hours depending on the amount/quality of the yeast.

6. After shaping the dough, let it rise a second time for an hour or so before baking.

7. Turn the loaf 180 degrees halfway through baking. Ovens get hot and cold spots and this will help it to evenly bake. If baking on multiple shelves – swap top to bottom as well.

Keep in mind that the times listed in the recipes are guidelines. It’s ready when it’s ready.

Here’s a delightful Alton Brown video (with sock puppets) on bread making:


[…]the correct definition — the one accepted for millennia in Western civilization […]

Wrnog. And speaking of tradition, happy Giordano Bruno day.


Actually, considering that curiosity has never occurs to those of bearing an airport, then historical fencing … W.T.F.??!! Senators saying stuff as fancy as involving tradeoffs. Come to me about aircraft carrier groups. Absolutely true. Rod Is Kansas corny? DAMN YOU RALPH BAKSHI! I grow up … *whimper* … Four of pink has higher priorities than two beaches and figuratively a micro brew. Had the humanities are able to take human life is an action in an android phone. Sorry. I’m back up in music … as birth control. Needs moar Sea and he says it’s also directed them, really, to the unborn child. And yet another wife … karma! Ahahahahahahaha! The initials are big bigoted meanies? I am morally opposed to reveal the conservative Pope is strange his religion. I checked, God or arguments! Mormanism is Gingrich, because one can see, the kids are always been done that pompous and … . It’s a type of his health as battling abortion. At a description of pants. About a liberal about aircraft carrier groups.


Sweet IPU, Crazy Uncle Pat no longer has a seat at MSNBC’s dinner table. I guess writing a chapter defending White America’s racial purity was one bit of bigoted racist tripe too many.

Teh fun part will be to see who teh honchos at MSNBC figure will replace him as teh one uttering cringe-inducing hate-speech and other twaddle will be.


You want to start with water around 115 degrees fahreneit, which will feel lukewarm to the touch.

Hm. Not sure that “lukewarm” describes water that is five degrees below the bare minimum for “hot” in most boilers.


Olbermann’s been doing a nightly mashup of Breitbart’s rant juxtaposed aginst some of the great rants of movie history.

He led off, led off mind you, with Heston in Planet of the Apes.

I figure the last of thirty he’s promised to put up will be that infamous viral “Hitler” YouTube rant. That ought to be worth the popcorn.


happy Giordano Bruno day.

May all your stakes be burnt, Poops.


I think you’ve got the granularity set too fine there Subby.


One by one the old hateful evangelical leading blowhards are dying off and being escorted out. Clearly this a great opportunity for a young evangelical hate-spewer.


Oh my, 115 fahrenheits is most definitely hot. That’s ten degrees hotter than the max for most hot tubs. Too fucking hot for the little yeasties. Use water the same temp as you would make a baby’s bottle.


Oh my, 115 fahrenheits is most definitely hot. That’s ten degrees hotter than the max for most hot tubs. Too fucking hot for the little yeasties. Use water the same temp as you would make a baby’s bottle.

Disagree. The yeaster bunnies do just fine with that and if you’re mixing water into yeast-laden flour as some recipes call for, it isn’t even that warm.


I have seen recipes that call for 120 – 130.


I have seen recipes that call for 120 – 130.

Fresh yeast shouldn’t be used above lukewarm temps, like 70F

Dried yeast, however, can be safely used at high temps.


I use either dry yeast or a starter.


I usually just scrape the nearest vagina for whatever yeast I need.


*Recycled Comment Alert*

At Sadly, No! there are regular commenters who have so many millions of sockpuppets that it is a matter of pride with them never to use the same pseudonym twice in a lifetime.


Completely OT fun stuff: I visited turntable today. I went into the Panda Party room, but upon learning that not everyone gets to DJ, I, of course, immediately started my own room. Because I have the patience of a toddler and severe Veruca Salt complex when it comes to controlling music.

Do drop by and play DJ. So far it’s just me, but I’ll be inviting all my Intertrons friends, and feel free to invite your own. I’d like room to be mainly focused on alternative/electronica/hip-hop but honestly I’m up for pretty much anything. So visit and play DJ–it’ll be fun!


We’re very sorry, but while we would love to let you in and rock out with us, we need to currently restrict turntable access to only the United States due to licensing constraints.

A big FUCK YOU to turntable. Yeah yeah, proxy this Tor that.


Are you kidding me? Yeah, I’ll join you in that fuck you.

Wow, amazingly awful, turntable.


A big FUCK YOU to turntable. Yeah yeah, proxy this Tor that.

I didn’t want to hear what goatse sounded like anyway.


Yo! Come spin some tunes in:
Super Karate Monkey Death Stars

[sign in with Facebook] [sign in with Twitter]

Twitfaces only?

Now I haz a sad too.




Oh please please please! If only we were so lucky.

Oh, and PENIS also too.



But Ann Althouse isn’t.


Major Kong –

I can’t remember now if I had not warmed the water with the failed recipe, but following Corriher’s technique for a honey wheat bread I got a nice loaf. Basically, she put the warm water, yeast, most of the flour, and some scalded reconstituted dry milk together to be mixed with the paddle blade of a stand mixer (I am lucky enough to have inherited one) to make a sponge. Then the remaining flour, some more sweetener (honey originally, molasses in mine), salt, crushed ice and a small amount of vitamin C (the salt strengthens gluten, apparently; the ice keeps the dough from getting too warm and provides more liquid; the vitamin C enhances gluten formation) are mixed in with a dough hook. Finally, the coarse ingredients (wheat germ– I used 7-grain cereal and also added sunflower seeds) are mixed in by hand, not with the dough hook, so they don’t rip up forming strands of gluten by being abrasive.

With the failed recipe I didn’t use any enhancers (I might with the soda pop one) and didn’t know about the potential problems of mixing in coarse ingredients, having put them all in and letting the dough hook do its thing.

Prior to this the only yeast doughs I had made were pizza crusts and an onion rye dough for a different Shirley Corriher recipe, which was a Reuben loaf and constructed kind of like a multi-layer pizza (roll out a circle of bread, put on some sandwich fixin’s; roll out a smaller circle, put it on top of the previous layer, add more fixins; roll out an even smaller circle, repeat; then roll out a BIG circle and cover the whole schmgegge to look like a big round loaf of bread). The onion rye rose like it should and doesn’t need a second rise like a bread loaf, since it’s handled very differently.

Oh, and the reuben loaf makes a hell of a party dish.


Is that the only way they let you sign in? LAME.


Kneading the reuben loaf.


Next 20 at work:

Wind And The Mountain | Liz Phair
Dancing In The Street / My Enemy Is A Bad Man | Fred Frith
Que reste-t-il de nos amours | Charles Trenet
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious | Julie Andrews
Angel Band | The Stanley Brothers
Any Way You Want it | Journey
New Day Rising | Husker Du
Switch Blade (Alternate Take) | Duke Ellington
Perfect Way | Scritti Politti
Moments in the Snow | Comet Gain
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) | Genesis
I Could Say | Lily Allen
Change The Game | Jay-Z,Memphis Bleek,Beanie Sigel
Don't Stay Away (till Love Grows Cold) | Lefty Frizzell
Can't Get Enough | Bad Company
Jive Talkin' | Bee Gees
It's Time To Party | Andrew W. K.
The Fear | Lily Allen
Godless Brother In Love | Iron & Wine
Che Che Cole Makossa (Feat. Mayra Vega) | Antibalas ft. Mayra Vega


Oh please please please!



Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious | Julie Andrews



I try “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” out at the store and I still have to pay.


And here’s my next 20 “genius” playlist:

Repo Man |Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs
Winter Birds |Ray LaMontagne
Rox In The Box |The Decemberists
The Go Getter |The Black Keys
Don't You Remember |Adele
Never Had Nobody Like You (Featuring Zooey Deschanel) |M. Ward
Prison On Route 41 |Iron And Wine / Calexico
So Damn Lucky |Dave Matthews
Seven |Dave Matthews Band
Lay There & Hate Me (Live from the Montreal International Ja |Ben Harper And Relentless7
You Can Bring Me Flowers |Ray LaMontagne
God Willin' & The Creek Don't Rise |Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs
Things Ain't Like They Used to Be |The Black Keys
January Hymn |The Decemberists
Chinese Translation |M. Ward
Turning Tables |Adele
Rise |Eddie Vedder
The Way Young Lovers Do |Van Morrison
Red Dust |Iron And Wine / Calexico
Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame) |Ray LaMontagne


OT, sorry, but here’s a really good interview with Wendell Pierce about his efforts rebuilding New Orleans.



OT, sorry


What is this strange “OT” you speak of?


Wow, neat selection, Sub.


is that new black keys, obs? sorry–typing one-handed


OT, sorry, but here’s a really good interview with Wendell Pierce about his efforts rebuilding New Orleans.

Thanks for the link kg, that was a good read.


is that new black keys, obs? sorry–typing one-handed

No. The first song is off of “Brothers” which is from 2010, and the other is from “Attack & Release” which was 2008. Their latest album is “El Camino” from last year (I think).


yeah, i dont have el camino yet


Something about The Black Keys rubs me the wrong way. I like some songs – and listen to them at work – but the more I hear them the more fake I think they sound.


I bought “Rubber Factory” when it first came out and have been a fan ever since. I like pretty much any and all loud crunchy bluesy stuff though.


Who’s in there with me? Whoever you are, good taste.


Rubber FActory was the first album by them I bought. Then I got thickfreakness and it’s been kinda a la carte since then. But everything’s a a la carte nowadays.


Mind you I have those Lily Allen songs and her last album isn’t nearly as good as the one before it.


I had a couple of Lily Allen songs in my liberry.



Who’s in there with me? Whoever you are, good taste.

You’re not using a “wide stance” somewhere, are you?


No bacefook, no twat thing, no Google+, … I ‘m happy this way.


You’re not using a “wide stance” somewhere, are you?

I’m wide-stancing in turntable.


Looking through this playlist, if anybody didn’t know I was the whitest-white-dude-that-ever-whited, that would prove it. I should’ve seeded it with R.L. Burnside or Junior Kimbrough… Hmm, let’s see:

Walkin' Blues |R.L. Burnside
Most Things Haven't Worked Out |Junior Kimbrough
Drop Down Mama |North Mississippi Allstars
Give Me Back My Wig |Hound Dog Taylor
Bus Driver |Muddy Waters
Good Morning Little Schoolgirl |Mississippi Fred McDowell
Skinny Woman |R.L. Burnside
Stones In My Passway |Robert Johnson
Mojo Hand |Lightnin' Hopkins
Crack Head Joe |Little Freddie King
Lord Have Mercy |North Mississippi Allstars
Sittin' On Top Of The World |Howlin' Wolf
Candy Man |Mississippi John Hurt
Leave Her Alone |Junior Kimbrough
Hobo Blues |John Lee Hooker
Mean Ol' Wind Died Down |North Mississippi Allstars
Have You Ever Been Lonely? |R.L. Burnside
Little Girl |Muddy Waters
Po Black Maddie |North Mississippi Allstars
Hoodoo Man Blues |Junior Wells


No bacefook, no twat thing, no Google+, … I ‘m happy this way.

I was recently amazed to find out that there was something called TwitLonger. It made me long even less for twits.


I’m so tempted. See, I think of funny things to say, but they’re rarely 140 character sentiments.


No bacefook, no twat thing, no Google+, … I ‘m happy this way.

Ah, another social network Luddite like myself!

Yeah, thanks, but no. If I wanted to talk to the people I hated in high school, I would’ve stayed in touch with them.


See, I think of funny things to say, but they’re rarely 140 character sentiments.

You just replace some of the longer words with POOP. For example:

You just POOP some of the POOP POOP with POOP.


No bacefook, no twat thing, no Google+, … I ‘m happy this way.

my self involved seventy year old mother just got off of bacefook and now refuses to use google (even though she has never used a search engine in her life) because they *gather* information about their users…this from the woman whose farmville *friends* that she blabs with incessantly are named things like jorge, juan and rosario…she’s jonesing from not getting to play her *games* with her *friends* so i’m giving her maybe another week and she’ll be back on giving total strangers vital information about herself…


You just POOP some of the POOP POOP with POOP.

Yeah, I should start up a POOP Twitter account. Like I could be Sir POOP and I could say very hoity-toity things about poop. I’m just poopballing here…


because they *gather* information

And the New York Daily News? Made their site accessible via iPad ONLY through their app. Yeah, right, you’re forcing me install your app to read your browser friendly, HTML site WHY? I just can’t imagine what your app is doing deep down inside those ipads, really I can’t.



I just can’t imagine what your app is doing deep down inside those ipads

It’s watching you masturbate. SORRY.


Well, I know the guy in my turntable room is not Subby-Wubby…NOT ONE SLAYER SONG.

DJ Jazzy Thread Bear

Dog Eat Dog – Weird Al
Coyote – Joni Mitchell
Late in the Evening – Paul Simon
Drowning in a Sea of Love – Boz Scaggs
Almost Cut My Hair – Stephen Stills with the Black Crows
Drift Away – The Nylons
Morning Dew – Angus Mohr
Eli’s Coming – Laura Nyro
Atheists Ain’t Got No Song – Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers
Dead Flowers – The Rolling Stones
Complicated Potatoes – The Bears
A Simple Desultory Phillipic – Simon and Garfunkle
Help – Deep Purple
Castles Made of Sand/Little Wing – Tuck & Patti
The Gold it’s in the… – Pink Floyd
Planet Claire – B52s
Leave It – Yes
Calling Elvis – Dire Straits
Just Another Day – Oingo Boingo
Mr Soul – Buffalo Springfield


The next 20:

A Fine Spring Morning | Blossom Dearie
Cabezon | Red House Painters
(Would I Still Be) Her Big Man | The Brigands
It Ain't My Fault | Silk Tha Shocker feat Mystical
Oh What A Night | April wine
Down To The Wire | Neil Young
Lessons | Rush
Double Shot (Of My Baby's Love) | The Swingin' Medallions
Drop Dead Legs | Van Halen
Get on the Good Foot | James Brown
California And The Slipping Of The Sun | Gorillaz
Heroes | David Bowie
Ring My Bell | Anita Ward
Never Gonna Give You Up | The Black Keys
Bigger than Satan | Stormtroopers of Death
I'm Free | The Rolling Stones
Talk To Me Of Mendocino | Kate & Anna Mcgarrigle
Coeur De Parisienne | Rufus Wainwright
In The Colosseum | Tom Waits
Brothers Gonna Work It Out | Public Enemy

That Black Keys song faces deletion.


That Black Keys song faces deletion.

This is a better version anyway.


Someone else has heard of The Bears? Holy crap!

One of the happiest days of my life was when someone sent me ripped mp3s of their first vinyl (which I used to own long ago… and I saw the last show of that tour at Bogart’s, in Cincinnati — a homecoming of sorts).


Genius is kind of sucky. I keep getting bored and needing to re-seed them. Seeing Joni Mitchell in DJ Thread Bear’s list got me to try that, and it came up with a bit moar diverse list:

Court And Spark |Joni Mitchell
When You Dance You Can Really Love |Neil Young and Crazy Horse
There's A World |Neil Young
Persuasion |Richard Thompson
Ol' 55 |Tom Waits
Comfortably Numb |Dar Williams
Wondering Where The Lions Are |Bruce Cockburn
My City Was Gone |The Pretenders
I Am A Child |Neil Young
The Only Living Boy In New York |Simon & Garfunkel
She's Too Good For Me |Warren Zevon
Just Like This Train |Joni Mitchell
Golden |My Morning Jacket
Mr. Soul |Neil Young
Whispering Pines Feat. Steffan Lessard, Chris Botti, Cliff E |Dar Williams
Watermelon |Leo Kottke
Fall On Me |R.E.M.
I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You |Tom Waits
Concerning The UFO Sighting Near Highland, Illinois |Sufjan Stevens
Five Years |David Bowie

Yeah, I might be able to listen to this one all the way through.

I’ll stop now.


At Sadly, No! there are regular commenters who have so many millions of sockpuppets that it is a matter of pride with them never to use the same pseudonym twice in a lifetime.

Lawnguylander is unmasked as another pseudonym of Flann O’Brien.


Now if I could only get someone to do the same for the Lexington, KY band, Ten Foot Pole’s first CD… I have a hankerin’ to hear “Eight-Chambered Heart.”


eck…my mom just told me she has a hard time getting it up…i also had to explain the term ‘cougar’ to her…


my mom just told me she has a hard time getting it up

Extended steroid use can make it pretty big… sometimes floppy, too.


Extended steroid use can make it pretty big… sometimes floppy, too.

now you are on my list…i now have a permanent case of the willies…


Jeffraham of The Fat Felines is BANNED.


Now if I could only get someone to do the same for the Lexington, KY band, Ten Foot Pole’s first CD… I have a hankerin’ to hear “Eight-Chambered Heart.”

Can’t help you out there, but you might be interested in this. Also, the Bears first two albums are available on I tunes.


i now have a permanent case of the willies…

It just looks like a willy. Sort-of.


Can’t help you out there, but you might be interested in this. Also, the Bears first two albums are available on I tunes.

Well, I’m anti-Apple, so that’s out. 😉 I’ve never heard Rise & Shine.


Genius is kind of sucky.

I don’t use Genius, I just rate the songs. Higher rates come up more often in iTunes DJ, and shittier songs come up often enough to make me think about whether or not I want them.


It just looks like a willy. Sort-of.


i swear if i had your phone number i would give it to my mother! then YOU can spend 36:51 listening to her ramble about herself!!!


It just looks like a willy. Sort-of.

also, do you touch your cats with those hands?!?! i’m sure they would be appalled at the icky things you type…oh, wait…they do lick their own junk, don’t they…


Geez, mention a little physiological diversity, and you’re “icky,” allasudden!


I actually find Gemius eerily intuitive


Geez, mention a little physiological diversity, and you’re “icky,” allasudden!

no…just when it’s my mom’s physiology…


Geez, mention a little physiological diversity, and you’re “icky,” allasudden!

no…just when it’s my mom’s physiology…and i swear, if i have any sorts of dreams about it tonight i will jump straight out of bed and head to nashville…there may be junkpunching…


Well, I’m anti-Apple, so that’s out. 😉
Does this help?


my only hope is that turntable will take note of this gesture of goodwill and allow canuckis to use their service…


I don’t use Genius, I just rate the songs. Higher rates come up more often in iTunes DJ, and shittier songs come up often enough to make me think about whether or not I want them.

Hmm, I may have to actually try that. I have never rated a song in my library figuring “I own it, of course I like it.” If there’s a purpose to it though, that’s different.

I actually find Gemius eerily intuitive

Germius is just gross.


Jeffraham Prestonian said,

Well, I’m anti-Apple, so that’s out. 😉

But you’re a cat person, you’re required to like Apple. It’s somewhere in the contract, I’m sure.


Does this help?


I’d always heard it was somewhat weak compared to the eponymous debut, and honestly, I might pick up “Rabbit Manor” from that, but the rest… meh.

Cruiskeen Lawnguylander

As if I am the only commenter here who has engaged in flame wars with himself from time to time. But if I’m to be called to account for impersonating myself on this blog I shall point fingers back at my accuser. The opening paragraph of “The Plain People of Ireland.”

Several people have written to compliment me on my postings and to express astonishment at the variety of styles I can adopt. Particularly have I won golden opinions, not to say encomia, as a result of my frequent linking to the old time craft of the disturbing woodcut.

From memory so may not be 100% accurate but it is no lie I have told but the truth itself.


Giving bbkf the willies.


Hmm, I may have to actually try that. I have never rated a song in my library figuring “I own it, of course I like it.” If there’s a purpose to it though, that’s different.

Here is the ratings system. It functions well, being completely removed from what I “ought” to think about a song.


omg…”Diamonds and Pearls.” I used to have that.

Sometimes I wonder if I cull things too ruthlessly.


omg…”Diamonds and Pearls.” I used to have that.

Sometimes I wonder if I cull things too ruthlessly.

Yes. That’s a great song.


Here is the ratings system.

Ah, that makes sense.

More importantly, did mikey ever finish the Spoonman/prison bus story? I’d read that…


Giving bbkf the willies.



On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court issued two decisions that forced legalized abortion on all 50 states: Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. Together, they represented a serious defeat for the unalienable right to life, the constitutional system of federalism, and the principle of democracy. The court unleashed something deeply regressive.

There are many ironies in the movement for legalized abortion. Although it is backed most strongly by those with an affinity for the secular, objective values of modern science, it was science that led to the creation of state laws against abortion in the nineteenth century. Advances in medical technology and knowledge led physicians to understand that life begins at conception, not at the point at which the pregnant woman can feel the baby kick (usually 18-21 weeks gestation). The point of “quickening”—referring to life—was originally a religious theory that saw God infusing the fetus with a life-bearing soul. It was thought that the baby was not yet alive until the woman felt internal flutters or kicks. Biological knowledge corrected the theory and identified the existence of human life at the point of conception. For this reason, the American Medical Association began encouraging the protection of unborn babies from the very beginning of development. Sadly, by the 1960s, the AMA joined the ABA in rejecting science and embracing injustice.

Pro-choice advocates claim to speak especially on behalf of poor folks, people of color, and women, yet the movement was primarily founded and funded by rich white men. Historically, abortion in the United States has nothing to do with women’s rights or Democratic liberalism. Its roots were in the eugenics movement and the Playboy philosophy before it was adopted by feminists in the late 1960s (largely through the instrumentality of Betty Friedan of NARAL and NOW). Abortion was correctly seen by feminists in the nineteenth century as a symptom of patriarchal oppression and exploitation of women, not as a prerequisite for women’s equality. It was understood to be a sign of women’s inequality. From Mary Wollstonecraft to Alice Paul, the greatest feminists and suffragists from the late 1700s to the early 1900s all viewed abortion as the sad destruction of the woman’s own child. They were pro-life in the broadest sense of the term. The Revolution, a newspaper owned by Susan B. Anthony and edited by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, called abortion “shameful, revolting, unnatural” and “inhuman.”

In December 1965, Playboy became “the first national magazine to advocate legal abortion” (Catharine A. MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified, 261). The Playboy Foundation has been funding pro-abortion groups ever since. Pregnancy has always been an unsexy inconvenience for Hugh Hefner and other sexual objectifiers of women. Abortion was not universally legalized in 1973 as a result of demands by women. It was bestowed as a “gift” by seven men.

All seven men were unelected by the people. This befits the twentieth-century foundation of abortion in the elitist population control movement, with its inherent racism and classism. Given the views of Margaret Sanger and her male colleagues, there is a reason so many abortion clinics are located in the inner city and why the Black Power movement opposed abortion as genocidal. The social context also helps to explain why African Americans are the most pro-life ethnic group, why poor people are more pro-life than wealthy people, and why women are more likely to be pro-life than men. A movement dominated by rich white men has limited appeal beyond the confines of unelected judicial benches. Ironically, “Jane Roe” (Norma McCorvey) and “Mary Doe” (Sandra Cano), supposed plaintiffs in the original cases, are now pro-life activists.

The eugenicists were largely Republican in politics, including the Rockefeller family. Six of the seven justices who voted for Roe and Doe were Republicans. Half of the two Democrats on the court voted Nay (Byron White). Despite rhetoric to the contrary, the leadership of the Republican Party since Nixon has never done anything substantive to end or even limit legalized abortion. Roe v. Wade is still the law of the land, pro-choice justices have been appointed, funding for Planned Parenthood continues, and morally conservative Christians are exploited for electoral purposes. The GOP establishment either privately supports abortion or just doesn’t care. It would be a great political loss to the party if abortion is ever overturned because it would mean the loss of a convenient wedge issue that is cynically used against Democrats. In addition to Feminists for Life of America, one of my favorite pro-life organizations is Prolife Across America. Neither is religiously sectarian or politically compromised.

On the anniversary of the Moloch cult being blessed by our most undemocratic branch of government, the tragic personal cost of abortion is summed up by a perceptive piece at RedState.com. I have little faith in the Republican Party as a vehicle to reach the desired goal, but I join the authors in their desire to see Roe v. Wade join Scott v. Sandford as an aberrant footnote to our nation’s history. “On this day, we remember the nameless and the forgotten, and we lament our inability to even grasp the sorrow or the extent of their loss. Requiescat in pace.”


From Mary Wollstonecraft to Alice Paul, the greatest feminists and suffragists from the late 1700s to the early 1900s all viewed abortion as the sad destruction of the woman’s own child. They were pro-life in the broadest sense of the term.


Women becoming, consequently, weaker…than they ought to be…have not sufficient strength to discharge the first duty of a mother; and sacrificing to lasciviousness the parental affection…either destroy the embryo in the womb, or cast if off when born. Nature in every thing demands respect, and those who violate her laws seldom violate them with impunity.”

Feminist Mary Wollstonecraft, after decrying the sexual exploitation of women in A Vindication of the Rights of Women, around 1792



I wish pro-forced birthers cared as much about the born as the pre-born.


Also, if you stand by your copypasta, why the anonymity?


I wish pro-forced birthers cared as much about the born as the pre-born.

indeed…the wollstonecraft is usually used as evidence of her being pro-life…i’ve always argued that while she found abortion to be ‘negative’, she was also very real about parenting and felt that parents should equallyshare childrearing responsibilities…which was pretty effing radical thougth back then…

yes, abortion is not a *good* thing, but at times it’s necessary…and the motivating factor should be the well being of the child after it’s born


On the anniversary of the Moloch cult being blessed by our most undemocratic branch of government,

The Moloch entry over at wikipedia is varied and entertaining enough to be a Riddled post.


Hey who left the window open? That damn troll got in here again.


also, lots of the fems back then weren’t publicly pro-choice…but it doesn’t mean that they were necessarily pro-life…


Pro-choice advocates claim to speak especially on behalf of poor folks, people of color, and women, yet the movement was primarily founded and funded by rich white men.

ha…possibly the last nice thing they did for us…and also, doesn’t it make sense? since obviously, the poors, the colored peeples and the wimmens didn’t have the cashola to back the movement?


Next 20 plus Fun With Excel:

You Can Have It All |||||||||||||||||||||| Yo La Tengo
Engine Engine Number Nine ||||||||||||||| Roger Miller
Small Parts Isolated And Destroyed ||||||||| Nomeansno
Spellwork ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Austra
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen |||||||||||| Nat King Cole
You're My Drug ||||||||||||| The Dukes Of Stratosphear
Sycamore Feeling |||||||||||||||||||||||| Trentemøller
Your Time Now |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Fats Waller
Hawaiian War Chant | Spike Jones and his City Slickers
All Apologies [LP Version] ||||||||||||||||||| Nirvana
Ohh Wee ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Violator/CRU
Teenage Wildlife ||||||||||||||||||||||||| David Bowie
Psycho Killer |||||||||||||||||||||||||| Talking Heads
Is He Ill? ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| M.F. Doom
The Noble Art Of Self-Defense |||||||||||||| Killdozer
I'm So Bad (Baby I Don't Care) ||||||||||||| Motörhead
Ventilator Blues |||||||||||||||||| The Rolling Stones
I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) |||||||| Genesis
Magic Arrow |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Timber Timbre
The Revolutionary Spirit |||||||||||||| The Wild Swans


Hey who left the window open toilet seat up? That damn troll got in here again.


One more link for JP and I’ll stop promoting The Beas now. I’m not thier manager, but he is a friend of mine.


subs, you can put together a playlist like none other! wanna join my radio station when i get one?


subs, you can put together a playlist like none other!

It’s all about having no attention span.

I will join any place with money.


An all Slayer/Beiber station is clearly something that needs to happen.


One more link for JP and I’ll stop promoting The Beas now. I’m not thier manager, but he is a friend of mine.

What sucks is that Belew lives less than 30 minutes from me, by scooter, and I’ve seen him TWICE here in Nashville in 16 freakin’ years (once with the noisy, thrashy Crimson, and once w/The Bears).


An all Slayer/Beiber station is clearly something that needs to happen.

The Lovely Daughter received the Bieber Xmas CD over the holidays. BUSTA RHYMES is on it.

Ohhhhh Busta.


An all Slayer/Beiber station is clearly something that needs to happen.

this will be taken under advisement…or just thrown out there for a good laff…


Oooooooh, thanks for sharing, bbkf.


What sucks is that Belew lives less than 30 minutes from me, by scooter, and I’ve seen him TWICE here in Nashville in 16 freakin’ years (once with the noisy, thrashy Crimson, and once w/The Bears).

Wait, Belew? As in Adrian Belew? As in the guy that played with Zappa on the Sheik Yerbouti album?

I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and will now investigate this “The Bears” of which you speak.


(once with the noisy, thrashy Crimson, and once w/The Bears).

At least you haven’t had to endure one of his smug solo shows with cloying self regard sauce. Sideman syndrome: he’s got it. I really enjoyed his gigs with the Heads and Zappa and the first few years of the new Crimson but I do believe he’s lost his way.


Now I want to hear a Slayer/Beibs mash up.


Thanks to my patient efforts and complaining, Sadly, No! is no longer blocked by the content filter on Amtrak onboard wi-fi. You’re welcome.


My mystery DJ played a Zappa song. I dug it.


Belew’s singing and lyrics were the worst thing about that Crimson. Loved the screeching though.


OK, I’d like to retract my snotty previous comment about Sr. Belew. He is an interesting musician that I hope will entertain me again.

Just for the Talking Heads show, let alone the fantastic first new Crimson tour I should be grateful.


I’s the one who sent the Bears rips a few years back (hey, Jeffraham!), I didn’t have a digital copy of Rise and Shine at that point, though. I think I’ve downloaded it from Amazon since, but the first one was always a favorite.

Have lurked here for years, I seldom comment (real life issues having to do with necessary personal energy getting sapped by a job I just quit this week). Maybe while I’m between jobs that make me feel like death eating crackers, I’ll try to drop a comment now and then. It’s all I can do to keep up with the comments, by the time I think of something to post the joke’s already gone most of the time.

I was waiting for Jeffraham and Thread Bear to run into each other, knowing there was that Bears intersection. I know neither of you would probably be able to make the trip, but apparently two of the Bears are playing a gig in Cincinnati on March 3rd, Bob Nyswonger is in a band called Bucket, and Rob Fetters is going to open with a solo acoustic set. I’ve never seen the Bears, hence never seen Adrian live — tried twice and had some catastrophic crap come up and prevent it both times…


Just for the Talking Heads show, let alone the fantastic first new Crimson tour I should be grateful.

Tom Tom Club and Laurie Anderson too.


You want Musicians? Musicians I got.
Ginger Baker (Yes, THE..) lives about a mile down the road on his polo farm. In summer, he has polo-cum-jazz-jam at his joint.


There is a disturbing lack of Traffic tracks.


for our resident font-philes
This makes me happy.


There is a disturbing lack of Traffic tracks.

Hmmm…one Blind Faith track at work.


And Miles Davis. Also.



Sounds sticky.



Does the toast still land jam side down? AFAF.


Aside: are the wingnuts going to turn on Dick Cheney now?

Ha ha. My head is asploded I guess.


There is a disturbing lack of Traffic tracks.

It’s convenient that my previous playlist just finished up (I only have the one Traffic album though):

The Low Spark Of High-Heeled Boys |Traffic
Lucky Man |Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Yours Is No Disgrace |Yes
Dreams |The Allman Brothers Band
Spoonful |Cream
Going Mobile |The Who
Green Grass And High Tides |The Outlaws
Spill The Wine [Radio Edit] |The Animals
Let It Bleed |The Rolling Stones
Hello It's Me |Todd Rundgren
One More Saturday Night |Grateful Dead
Whipping Post |The Allman Brothers Band
I Don't Need No Doctor |Humble Pie
Light Up Or Leave Me Alone |Traffic
And You and I |Yes
The Real Me |The Who
Hide Away |John Mayall
Salt Of The Earth |The Rolling Stones
Politician |Cream
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place [Single Version] |The Animals
In My Time of Dying |Led Zeppelin


My current Genius playlists…first 20 tracks:

I Need a Dollar 4:04 Aloe Blacc Good Things R&B/Soul 80 14
Tighten Up 3:31 The Black Keys Brothers (Deluxe) Alternative 80 26
Two Weeks 4:03 Grizzly Bear Veckatimest Alternative 100 42
My Moon My Man 3:48 Feist The Reminder Alternative 80 58
The Greatest 3:23 Cat Power The Greatest Alternative 60 25
I Turn My Camera On 3:32 Spoon Gimme Fiction Alternative 100 54
Blue Orchid 2:38 The White Stripes Get Behind Me Satan Alternative 60 21
I Got Mine 3:59 The Black Keys Attack & Release Rock 60 14
Wicked Game 4:47 Chris Isaak Best of Chris Isaak (Remastered) Rock 40 10
Knife 5:14 Grizzly Bear Yellow House Alternative 60 32
Hysteria 3:47 Muse Absolution Alternative 80 42
Dancehall Queen 3:39 Robyn Body Talk, Pt. 1 Electronic 60 20
Galang 3:34 M.I.A. Arular Alternative 40 12
Ball and Biscuit 7:19 The White Stripes Elephant Alternative 60 13
I’m a Lady (feat. Trouble Andrew) 3:44 Santogold Santogold Alternative 60 24
No Hay Igual 3:36 Nelly Furtado Loose (iTunes Version) Pop 60 23
10 A.M. Automatic 2:59 The Black Keys Rubber Factory Alternative & Punk 80 32
All We Ask 5:22 Grizzly Bear Veckatimest Alternative 80 22
Death By Diamonds and Pearls 3:13 Band of Skulls Baby Darling Doll Face Honey Alternative 60 10
Huddle Formation 3:10 The Go! Team Thunder, Lightning, Strike (Bonus Track Version) Alternative 40 18


Jeez. Belew and Blind Faith in one thread. I love it here.
Now raise your hands………………..who else has seen both of them live??


Aside: are the wingnuts going to turn on Dick Cheney now?

Well, it would be hypocritical of them not to.

So, no.


10 A.M. Automatic 2:59 The Black Keys Rubber Factory Alternative & Punk 80 32

That seems like a weird description of Black Keys. I would consider them Blues/Alternative-Blues or something.


Aside: are the wingnuts going to turn on Dick Cheney now?

Well, it depends. Is Dick Cheney even a top?


It would literally take me years to rate all the songs in my library – hell I have stuff I uploaded from friend’s computers 3 or 4 gigs at a time so I still haven’t gone through it all and I am constantly finding stuff and going WTF is this doing here? I still keep most of it because I have a 2TB EHD so space is not a problem.


It would literally take me years to rate all the songs in my library

One of the things that rating accomplishes is letting you know when you’ve listened to something and paid attention to it, the other is letting you know what to take with you places (like my work library, which has a paltry 4500 songs). But yeah, I don’t expect to have the library taken care of before I die.


I tried to get by without rating my stuff but found I couldn’t make the kind of smart playlists I wanted without doing so.


S. cerevisiae said,

hell I have stuff I uploaded from friend’s computers 3 or 4 gigs at a time

The feds are on the way to your house S. c…


I tried to get by without rating my stuff but found I couldn’t make the kind of smart playlists I wanted without doing so.

Yeah: fill a flash drive with 4 and 5 star songs and you’re happy.


Yeah, I don’t have a huge library. Because I’m ruthless. Huge libraries don’t impress me.


OBS, I LOVE that last playlist! Classic rock rules!!!!!

Yeah I’m old. Too fucking bad. The seventies had an awesome mix of great and awful, the eighties had much more awful, the nineties got back some of the great and I don’t know enough about the ‘oughts but I have not heard a lot of memorable songs (admitting I don’t go out clubbing so I don’t know what’s current)


Huge libraries don’t impress me.

It’s not the size of the library, it’s how you stack your books…


Or spin your tunes.


I am old too.

Elenore |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Turtles
Tumbling Tumbleweeds |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Gene Autry
Hand in Mine ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Straitjacket Fits
Two Against Three (Bonus Track) |||||||||||||||||| Brian Eno & David Byrne
Total Peace |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sebadoh
Get it Together |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Go Team
Use My Third Arm ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Trans-Europe Express ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Kraftwerk
Don't Stay Away (till Love Grows Cold) |||||||||||||||||||| Lefty Frizzell
Tuff Gnarl ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sonic Youth
Izraeli Medley: Artza Alinu; Tzena, Tzena, Tzena, Tzena The Barry Sisters
Le récit de Marie |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Michael Nyman
Mexican Radio ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Wall of Voodoo
Beer Barrel Polka |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Hoosier Hot Shots
In My Life ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Beatles
Born slippy ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Underworld
Etude No.2 (from Etudes for Solo Piano, Vol.I, Nos.1-10) |||| Philip Glass
Armenia City in the Sky |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| The Who
Walking The Floor Over You ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Ernest Tubb
Thursday Afternoon (61 Minute Version) ||||||||||||||||||||||||| Brian Eno


I probably wouldn’t have any recent music if I didn’t start an eMusic subscription right after they launched. It’s easy to browse around and find interesting stuff you’ve never heard of, and it’s cheap enough to buy an entire album just to see if you liked it. It’s gotten more expensive recently, but my $15 subscription lets me forces me to get at least three or four albums a month or it goes to waste.


And yes, I’m old enough I still buy the whole album most of the time. I’ve never been able to adjust to buying individual tracks, although I’ll occasionally buy one because my wife wants it and eMusic is half the price of iTunes.


It’s convenient that my previous playlist just finished up (I only have the one Traffic album though):

Ahhh, music from my ..my mmy generation.


I was listening to Pantera a couple weeks back because I always figgered they’d be up my alley and couldn’t find anything that resonated.

OBS, iTunes Store genius feature has helped me discover a few treasures I never would have found otherwise, as I am old and uncool. ONE STEP AWAY FROM WEARING MOM JEANS.


Okay, Turtles … Zappa … Y U NO FLO & EDDIE?


I was listening to Pantera a couple weeks back because I always figgered they’d be up my alley and couldn’t find anything that resonated.

Pantera had a problem sticking with a riff that worked. Top hits in the at-work library’s opinion:

walk ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
5 minutes alone ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Slaughtered ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Mouth for War ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Fucking Hostile ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Yesterday Don't Mean Shit ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Message In Blood ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Strength Beyond Strength ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
I'm Broken ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Shedding Skin ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Goddamn Electric ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera
Killers ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pantera



You know you really want to wear them just to be like Obama.


Walking The Floor Over You

I always wanted to use this as the theme song for my movie of “The Tell-Tale Heart”.


I’ll check those out, Ann. Bearing in mind, I tend to like stuff that’s melodic. I find that with a lot of hard stuff–and I like hard stuff–melody goes out the window.

Brother Baltimore

I think cats like flowing water

I love critters.


Fenwick screwed up again!


I find that with a lot of hard stuff–and I like hard stuff–melody goes out the window.

Forget about those then.


In the above old guy playlist of mine, I would like to draw the youngster’s attention to this item (Humble Pie “I Don’t Need No Doctor”) in the list.

In my humble (heh) opinion it still holds up quite well. Not deep or meaningful or anything, just good ol’ hard drivin’ live rock-n-roll. Good Friday-almost-beer-thirty tunes…


I guess I should activate Genius and see what hilarity ensues.


philostopher — Wow, cool! Thanks again SO MUCH for those rips! I wasn’t exaggerating when I said that was one of the happiest days of my life, getting those. I had missed hearing those tunes for a decade.


The only recent tunes I’ve heard and went, “YES!” about: Japandroids, Post Nothing.


I will be using Zune Genius, TYVM.


Hard AND a melody?


Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones.


Wait, Belew? As in Adrian Belew? As in the guy that played with Zappa on the Sheik Yerbouti album?

Indeed. The guy has gotten around.

Here’s the opening track from the eponymous first album. Yes, the album cover? Mort Drucker, of Mad Magazing fame.


When someone constantly changes his or her nym…like, seriously, all the time…do you consider this just an exercise in creativity or borderline trollish?

I think it’s an exercise in creativity. Example: I like the changing tags that you and Spearhafoc and Provider add. Like the vastly enlarging size of your hordes of Twitter followers; Spear’s homages from stylish headgear to Kojak; Pupenieus’ rule as the emperor of food pr0n; Provider’s summoning of epic military figures.

Of course, I’m not in any position to judge anything about nym-changing or nym-modification … not after my insane and utterly out-of-control nym changes as a n00b: IceNine to Snidely Whiplash to The Variants. It was such a relief (to everyone, I am sure) when I finally stabilized my wildly-gyrating nym as Fenwick.

Now I sometimes add a flouish after ‘Fenwick’ if the mood happens to strike me. (Of course, everyone knows I am a dedicated comrade in Guerilla Voters Cadre 18.)

I will admit to having thrice tried my hand at Fake Trolling disguised with Famous-Troll nyms. I believe that nym masquerade for the purpose of Fake Trolling is a birthright of all Sadlies.


Hard AND a melody?


Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones, Rolling Stones.

I have nothing against The Rolling Stones, but I mean much, much harder than that.


I guess I should activate Genius and see what hilarity ensues.

I’m going to activate Evil Genius and TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!


I have nothing against The Rolling Stones, but I mean much, much harder than that.

I think Danzig vs. Shakira fits the bill!

Never fails to crack me up!


Harder than the Rolling Stones yet still melodic? Led Zeppelin. Marilyn Manson. Patti Smith. Hmmm. Have not listened to new music in a long, long, time. In fact, seldom listen to music now. I know not why.


Harder than the Rolling Stones yet still melodic?

The Tragically Hip


I guess I’m thinking of stuff more along the Metallica/SOAD/Dethklok line.


That’s getting a little too head-bangy for me. But I’m old.

I’ll meet you halfway and say The Offspring.


Clouds guesses Queensreich (sp?)


After all these years I still love that song. One of the few classic rock tunes I can still stomach.


Black Sabbath, not the other one.


Black Sabbath is definitely headed in the right direction.


Here’s some fucking Sabbath: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReuBms-qZQk


Melodic yet hard… I’m going to take the liberty to say that Smut Clyde would suggest Blue Öyster Cult.


Ha! Manowar is pretty cheesy…but definitely listenable. I got a kick out of the one picture of them where it looks like the one guy has breasts.


Jeffraham, who paid you to post that link?


Jeffraham, who paid you to post that link?

No one, dear. I love that shit, and I can’t explain it.


Hey, there’s always the rockin’ feel good music of Dr BLT!


Bless your heart, Jeffraham.


I don’t wanna feel good. I wanna feel ANGRAY.


Melodic yet hard
You misspelled ‘metabolic’.

A Journal of the Plague Year

Rasputina, people! It’s all about the Rasputina!

Mr. A Journal of the Plague Year keeps hoping I will tire of them; little does he know that he will be seeing them in concert! HA! Now, I just have to arrange some yarn hair and a corset and I think I’m good to go…


Rasputina, people! It’s all about the Rasputina!

Will be subscribing to newsletter.


No bacefook, no twat thing, no Google+, … I ‘m happy this way.

Amen … it sure is a pain in the yarbles when a site only lets you comment via Facebork, as more & more sites are doing now. Too antisocial to derive much benefit from Google+ … Twitter? If I want followers I’ll just go Full Hubbard & start my own religion, thanks.

Aside: are the wingnuts going to turn on Dick Cheney now?

His stand-of-convenience on SSM has been well-known for years, so not likely. Remember, this is the Home Of The Cognitive Dissonance Whopper we’re talking about here – where Dubya can morph into a liberal overnight, & where logic means you hate Amerika … Cheney can come out as a fucking transvestite tomorrow, & O’Reilly, Hannity et al will be shopping for a little black dress by lunchtime without so much as a blink, because CRYING EAGLE WTC FREEDUMB.

Anonymous said,

February 17, 2012 at 23:53

Comrade Stalin likes the cut of Anonymous’ jib.


the cut of Anonymous’ jib.

Don’t reawaken the FORESKIN CONTROVERSY!!


Ok, now I’m wondering if Manowar is not a modern day Spinal Tap.


I don’t wanna feel good. I wanna feel ANGRAY.

Then you’d be better off with Murp.


Thanks to my patient efforts and complaining, Sadly, No! is no longer blocked by the content filter on Amtrak onboard wi-fi. You’re welcome.

Thanks! The world has become a slightly better place.


Look at that album cover.

Them’s some nice BOOBS.

Oh wait…


Don’t brush my hair in Knots, B^4!

Sometimes….I really hate iPad. It won’t show half the videos on YouTube.


the angry birds theme song


sounds kind of rigid to me, but…


Teenage Muslim Ninja Women. And they were worried about nukes…


you’ll probably feel angry BEFORE he starts singing his angry song so that’s a real time-saver



OMG an awesome YouTube comment:

ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) PEOPLE

Y U NO GET TO CHOPPA!?!?!?!?!?!


Maybe I’m old, but a lot of this stuff just seems like macho posturing to me. And it’s kinda artless. Like…I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with it.


kitten is angry http://youtu.be/V9fc159J8Ro

there IS a lot of anger out there


Ha! The angry kitty song is great.


Hmmm…never tried out this Genius thing before. Not a bad mix.

Baby 3:25 Iggy Pop The Idiot
Penetration 3:42 The Stooges Raw Power
Outside My Door 4:12 CAN Monster Movie
The Kid With The Replaceable Head 2:21 Richard Hell & The Voidoids Spurts: The Richard Hell Story
Last Time Around 2:43 The Del-Vetts Nuggets: Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era, Vol. 2
Frankenstein 6:00 New York Dolls New York Dolls
Becalmed 3:57 Brian Eno Another Green World
I Wanna Be Loved 2:40 Johnny Thunders & The Heartbreakers L.A.M.F. The Lost ’77 Mixes
Cheree 3:42 Suicide First Album
It’s Not Enough 4:12 The Heartbreakers Jet Boy The Anthology
New Values 2:40 Iggy Pop New Values
Feel The Pain 3:39 The Damned Smash It Up: The Anthology 1976-1987
Under The Big Black Sun 3:28 X Under The Big Black Sun
Domino 3:08 The Cramps Psychedelic Jungle – Gravest Hits
T.V. Eye 4:18 The Stooges Fun House
Love Comes In Spurts 2:01 Richard Hell & The Voidoids No Thanks! The ’70’s Punk Rebellion
Out In The Streets 2:49 The Shangri-Las Lux and Ivy’s Favorites Volume Nine
No Man’s Land 3:03 Syd Barrett The Madcap Laughs
Sing Swan Song 4:48 CAN Ege Bamyasi
Sister Midnight 4:20 Iggy Pop The Idiot
A Salty Salute 1:29 Guided By Voices Alien Lanes
In Dark Trees 2:30 Brian Eno Another Green World
Rocket USA 4:17 Suicide First Album
I Don’t Care 1:41 The Ramones Hey! Ho! Let’s Go: The Anthology
Cool, Calm, & Collected 4:20 The Rolling Stones Between The Buttons


Oh. Pomplamoose covered the angry birds song. That oughta make you feel something.



That oughta make you feel something.

Other than nausea and dizziness?


The thing about Genius is it gets too specific. I want to be pushed to listen to broader things.

Boy, I really have to get hold of a Suicide album again though…


Bar the GBV, it’s like a mix tape I would have made in 1980.


all the anger I’ll ever need is in “oh, bondage (up yours)”



I want to be pushed to listen to broader things.

Mama Cass?


These guys are the current kings of concept metal but I don’t like harmonies in metal and they seem to really take it seriously. Kinda tedious live.


Also, half the songs I clicked, iTunes complains, “this is not in our store, therefore it does not exist”, or words to that effect.


Boy, I really have to get hold of a Suicide album again though…

Ever hear the post-9/11 one they did this century? It may be the weirdest, most twisted thing they ever made.


Mama Cass?

Mammoth was all fat guys. To emphasize it the drummer had seven kick drums at one point.


I think Marilyn Manson comes closer to the well-crafted raw, sexual energy that was Led Zeppelin in my youth than anything else I’ve heard since.



Mammoth: apparently all overgrown babies.


Mammoth appears to be a bunch of 12 year-old pink-lovin’ girls trapped in the bodies of fat men.


Ever hear the post-9/11 one they did this century?

Nope, sounds like I will have to find it so I can add it to the list of things I won’t rate before I’m dead. I still haven’t heard that Metallica/Lou Reed monstrosity yet.


Mammoth appears to be a bunch of 12 year-old pink-lovin’ girls trapped in the bodies of fat men.

[in unison] “Get in my belly!”


Wikipedia sez:

By this time, their drinking habits and hard living were beginning to catch up with them: the band weighed in at about 1,300 lb. collectively, and Pig Champion in particular was very fat, often having to play sitting down.


all the anger I’ll ever need is in “oh, bondage (up yours)”

Poly really was amazing- that whole album was one long prophecy of the way the world was headed. The Day the World Turned Day-Glo is one of my all-time favorite songs.


For anyone who conceivably cares*, part three of my current series on cute little bridges will be posted in about forty minutes.

*I’m somewhat passive-aggressive as a blog pimp.


For anyone who conceivably cares*, part three of my current series on cute little bridges

Vietnamese potbelly bridges?

A Journal of the Plague Year

Those are actually some cute bridges that N_B is showcasing on his blog. I especially like the B&O RR bridge.

Not as cute as some of Gustave Eiffel’s bridges, mind you, but there’s just something about all that pretty, pretty 19th century iron lacework that makes my special aesthetic bits tingly…


Okay, NOW I larf!

Noticed a referral to the scooter blog from wiley’s blog. Huh. Do I even pimp that blog, here?


Bless your heart, Jeffraham.

You don’t know the half of it.

I actually got national press for running an obscure jazz guitarist’s (at-first) unofficial web site back in the day. I ended up being invited to his birthday party out in Vista, CA, and gave me a prototype of his signature guitar that a California manufacturer makes to this day. I still have it, and it’s #3 on my list of shit to grab if there’s a fire (behind the kittehs).

So why I like this thrashy, trashy Japandroids shit, I REALLY cannot explain. But it taps into something, for me.


(of course, I got all that started when there were probably less than 10,000 web sites on the planet, seeing as how I had the first version up the day after Mosaic 0.9 was released, and it had been a LISTSERV list for years prior)



Not a headbanger. I rate for rock, blues, soul. Not partial to shouting masquerading as singing.

OBS: I’ve noted before we seem to have similar preferences in music. Like yer lists the bestest!

Wiley: Only link I listened all the way through was the Stones. Thanx. Like you, I rarely listen to music now, muchly slimmed down from gorging on it in the past. I listen mainly while driving; and never the radio anymore.

Currently I’ve got the Dead’s ‘Skull and Roses’ loaded in the car, primed for ‘Not Fade Away / Going Down the Road Feelin’ Bad.’ Next in my car queue: the Byrd’s ‘Untitled’ album: Got a hankering for the extended live version of ‘Eight Miles High’. The cut has two brilliant jams between McGuinn and Clarence White.

I scrupulously avoid all social media or even mobile media: No facebook, twitter, cell-phone, i-doohickies. (Now you kids get offa my lawn!)

Also, Jeffraham: I rate for Curly!


I pimped the suspension bridges yesterday.

I’ve driven across the Wheeling Bridge. It’s worth the short detour off I-70 to do it.


Here’s an interesting bridge we found in Provence.

We saw it from the roadway and at first it looked like a suspension bridge from waaay before suspension bridges should have existed.

On closer inspection, it’s actually a stone arch bridge from 12 BC that has decorative arches at each end. The decorative arches look a lot like the suspension towers of a modern bridge.




I rate for rock, blues, soul. Not partial to shouting masquerading as singing.

I don’t mean to pick on your musical tastes Fenwick. Lord knows, mine are pretty godawful. But it appears that you have a different definition of rock than I do.


Major: Provence roolz.

I didn’t get as far off the beaten track as you; relied totally on the train and my feet during my journey, so I was mostly in towns. Two foot trips across the Rhone: Beaucaire [ruined castle] across from Tarascon (castle where ‘Lion in Winter’ was filmed). Beaucaire is highly unusual: It has a rare triangular tower.

Also hoofed to Philip the Good’s Tower and Fort St. Andre opposite Avignon. Did I mention that I am a castle junkie? Also cathedrals, palaces, and art museums. Those were the four central themes of my journey.

[I traveled solo for six months in Western Europe after I separated from the service (overseas). I was 27; the journey was one of the most important chapters in my life: I kept an extensive journal … and decided to become a writer. Key watershed; my life flowed into a new channel.]

Also, Mrs. Kong looks hawt!


My KC-135 unit used to deploy to Istres during Bosnia/Kosovo, so I saw a lot of Provence even before I brought the lovely Mrs. Kong over.

Tarascon and Beaucaire are pretty amazing. The Roman aqueduct at Pont du Gard is also well worth the trip.


you have a different definition of rock than I do.

Prolly. Some Indices: Who, Stones, Cream, Dead, Airplane, Zep, Beatles, U2, Byrds, Kinks, Springsteen, Petty, Velvet Underground, Steve Miller, George Thorogood, Pink Floyd. If that’s not a list of rockers, then I guess we do define rock differently….

(Also listened to lotsa Dylan; have Dylan lyrics stuffed in my head. Lyrics matter deeply to me.)


The Roman aqueduct at Pont du Gard is also well worth the trip

Wished I could have seen it! (Ruins from antiquity were a sub-theme when I was near the Med.) I also missed Les Baux. I was limited throughout the journey by not driving a car. But I covered a shitload of ground in a dozen countries by relying on trains. I also taught myself photography and took 7,000 slides during the journey.

Except for the 20 years in Baltimore, I’ve been a rolling stone my entire life. Time to get moving again: The move to Albuquerque will do me good…even if I postpone it to 2013.


Not as cute as some of Gustave Eiffel’s bridges

Eiffel’s bridges are not “cute.” They are, literally, awesome.


then I guess we do define rock differently,,,

Those are definitely rockers. It’s teh “shouting masquerading as singing” part I have issues with. I mean, it’s not like you’re claiming Mick Jagger is a particularly technically skilled vocalist. Or why we’re on teh point of shouting vs. singing, it’s not like you’re claiming that Janis Joplin only masqueraded at making music.

Rock is moar about rock than it is about music.


uh, why while we’re on teh point,,,

You know. Anywho – grain of salt and all that. I still actually think Mmmbop is a good song so wev.


Awe shit we’re talking man-o-war? I saw them at the Thirsty Whale when I was about 12. Best (seemed like) 40 minute bass solo evar!


I still actually think Mmmbop is a good song so wev.

I own a four-version CD single of that.


I own a four-version CD single of that.

OMG. We have the same CD! I actually got mine from a Thrift Store for a dollar.


Got a hankering for the extended live version of ‘Eight Miles High’.

I rate for Golden Earring’s version.


New thread and all, I know, but

Major: Provence roolz.

Quoted for truth. That’s where the French part of my family’s from, and we still have a place down there in the Var.


Mosaic! I remember being confused because images were not clickable links, unlike in the CD Roms I was familiar with. I think maybe Netscape Navigator added that functionality?

Yes, I had a page open in NCSA Mosaic at YAHOO.com in 1994, and I couldn’t figure out how to navigate it.

Remember those text-based browsers that the library had? Sailor or something? I think every state library network had their own. Also CARL. No Lexis-Nexus but you could dig up some awesome shit.

A Journal of the Plague Year

Yes, N_B, you are right: I was being a little, um, “cute” when I called Monsieur Eiffel’s bridges cute. I’ve never had the privilege of seeing one in person, I will admit, but I did live close to the Tower for a few months–as in, walking by it every damn day. And every damn day I was struck by the–as you put it–literal awesomeness of the thing.

The Eiffel Tower has been so domesticated in the public imagination, it’s such a travel cliche, that it is gobsmacking to finally see it in person. However big you think it is, it is so much bigger in person. It is HUGE. It is HUGE and graceful and oh-so-beautiful–and we’re not even touching on the engineering genius of its design and construction.

Oh yeah, I heart hard for Gustave Eiffel!


[…] remark on Sadly, No! in response to a flippant remark by A Journal of the Plague Year; AJofPY responded and here’s my response (in which it’s painfully obvious that we agree) to the response […]


AJotPY – see here.


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