An Angry, Naked Flasher Dashes Through the Room


Damn, what was that?

Oh, it’s Confererate Yankee again.

Above: Confederate Yankee wearing at least
a shirt and possibly trousers

Joe Lieberman, who has a solid liberal voting record going back to when he was first elected to the Senate in 1989, who was nominated as the Vice Presidential candidate for the Democratic party in 2000,

And that’s why ultra-right-wing bloggers such as Confederate Yankee like Lieberman so much — because he’s a solid liberal Democrat.

isn’t “Democrat enough” for the Peace Democrats (otherwise known as Copperheads as they struggled against Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, calling him Abraham Africanus as modern liberals call the current Republican President the Chimperor without any registration of the implicit racial overtones spanning three centuries, but I digress). If Lieberman’s resume is the standard which we discard Democratic candidates, Republicans would run nearly unopposed.


Wait a second.

…Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, calling him Abraham Africanus as modern liberals call the current Republican President the Chimperor without any registration of the implicit racial overtones spanning three centuries, but I digress

People call him that because he’s…? Hold on a second.

…Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, calling him Abraham Africanus as modern liberals call the current Republican President the Chimperor without any registration of the implicit racial overtones spanning three centuries, but I digress

[sound of dialtone, mooing of livestock]

…Abraham Lincoln in the 1860s, calling him Abraham Africanus as modern liberals call the current Republican President the Chimperor without any registration of the implicit racial overtones spanning three centuries, but I digress

[rump-diddly-aah-dah fanfare, chickens squawking, slide whistle, diaphragmous belching]

No, he really said that. He really invoked some kind of bizarre personal racial association involving chimpanzees to defend the white George W. Bush, a wealthy white Yale and Harvard graduate, privileged from birth, the son of a white president and grandson of a white senator. Chimpanzees. Good Lord. Like, they’re supposed to be objectively reminiscent of black people? Could this possibly be what…

Connecticut’s liberals are playing a dangerous game, trying an overt attempt to throw out the seasoned incumbent frontrunner, forcefully limiting the choices of the voter, based upon the most inane of arguments and the most brazenly partisan of reasons.

Um, chimpanzees. Wait. Hold on; it’s called a ‘primary.’ And he said ‘Lincoln.’ What about Lincoln Chafee, if we’re talking about primary challenges to incumbent Sentors? (Chimpanzees!?)

I wrote just two weeks ago that I hoped Ned Lamont would win the primary, and when he won, I was thrilled that the Democratic Party would be committing Lamonticide. But I had no idea that the self-administered poison would so quickly take effect.

Connecticut Liberals are trying every trick in the book to keep Connecticut voters from have Joe Lieberman on the ballot.

It appears they aren’t “Pro-Choice” after all.


Once in awhile, something just leaves you speechless.


Comments: 67


Love how “Confederate” Yankee is so sensitive to racial overtones…


Umm, he does know bush is white, right? I mean, how does a racial slur apply to a white guy?



implicit racial overtones spanning three centuries

So you could get away with calling a rich, privileged, oafish, farting white man with a remarkably simian physiognomy a chimp until 1706 without it being considered racist? What happened that year?


Genetically, aren’t we all 98-99% chimp anyhow?

And what does this all mean for those who use the venerable and related insult, “troglodyte”?


Spanning three centuries, that would be 1860-> 1960, that’s one, then, um.

No wait, he meant 1800’s then 1900’s then, um.

No, I got it, did he misspell sentries?


Maybe it’s because shaved chimps have whitish skin.


If anyone knows what words have coded racial insults, I believe it would be someone like “Confederate Yankee”.

He also knows that a great way to try and change the subject is to get lefties to navel gaze about deconstructing language. That’s so 1993, CY. Meet the new kids in town. We say you are full of shit and move on.

Considering how important it is to conservative Lieberman supporters that L. was the 2000 Dem VP candidate, I wonder how many favorable posts CY has made in favor of Dan Quayle? Did CY support Dan Quayle for Prez in 1996? how could he not, Dan Quayle was ELECTED the GOP VP. Clearly that means that everyone in his party must support him from thereafter, and never criticize Dan again.


Joe Lieberman, whoIraq has a solid liberal voting record wargoing back to when he was first electedquagmire to the Senate in 1989no exit strategy, who was nominated as the Vice Presidentialno WMDs candidate for the Democratic party in 2000has sucked W’s dick for the past 6 years, isn’t “Democrat enough” for the Peace Democrats


Just the other day some right-wing shmo was telling me that Senator Allen’s singling out that guy and calling him a “macaca” is no worse than noting Dumbya’s chimp-like qualities.


Sorry bout that


“Connecticut Liberals are trying every trick in the book to keep Connecticut voters from have Joe Lieberman on the ballot.”

this sentence tells me he graduated cum laude from the Kaye Grogan/Pastor Swank school of journalims


Maybe Confederate Yankee is upset about us insulting chimps?

He might be one of the stupidest people I’ve read.


Have you guys seen this?

Mikey’s famous!

I’m ashamed to admit that I found this on Instadipshit.


I think CY is trying to top the stupidity of Pasty with posts like this and the previous one.

And how does one keep the faux-indignation level so high? He must be pissing in his own cheerios.


Of course, I don’t see why we didn’t notice before. All the criticism of Bush comes from liberals’ inborn hatred of all Primate-Americans. Good thing CY is there to point that out.

As for me, some of my best friends are chimps.


Above: Confederate Yankee pictured wearing at least
a shirt and possibly trousers

Two shirts!


Holy crap, CY looks just like my wife’s cousin, Lawrence! With my hair. Sorta.

Besides, we all know that white people are much closer to chimpanzees on the evolutionary scale than other races. The physical resemblance is striking and you can easily spot the behavioral similarities. It’s scientific, I read it in that book, “The White Bell Curve.”


Back in February or March of this year, a week or two following the publication of the notorious “Blog rage” editorial by the WaPo‘s online editor, Jim Brady, Brady actually put this tool Confederate Yankee’s blog up on the WaPo‘s opinion page for a couple of weeks. CY deleted a couple of fair but tough comments I left him on his ridiculous, reactionary posts there, and then he proceeded to email me and gloat about how it was his blog, his rules. Utter jackass. He’ll show up here today, with a posse of trolls, no doubt. His ego requires it.


This clown does know that anti-Lincoln folks called ol’ Abe that name not because of his looks, right? I mean, Lincoln was as ugly as an old mud-rail fence*, but he got that nickname because political opponents wanted folks to think he was fighting the Civil War out of love for the slaves, which isn’t true. There were very, very few white people back in them days that actually liked black people (hell, most folks didn’t care for folks who weren’t exactly like them), and as the Civil War drug on, more and more people got a loathe on for Lincoln. If I recall correctly, he won his second election because the vote was split four ways. This guy’s a moron.

And I still wanna know what “Confederate Yankee” means. Is he a Southerner that moved North and thinks he’s special somehow? Like there wasn’t a massive exodus of Southerners headed north, from around World War II on, and he’s the first one that thought of it? Or is he a Northerner that moved South and isn’t aware that no matter how many Klan flags he flies, he’ll never be anything but a “damn yankee”? His grandkids will be “that damn yankee’s grandkids”. What is the deal?

*One of my favorite stories of Lincoln is, when responding to a lady that claimed he was dishonest, he said “Madame, if I were two-faced, would I wear this one?” Gotta appreciate a president that can laugh at himself.


primary … primate … chimpanzees?


Frankly I’d never connected the Shrub’s Chimply nickname with a racial epithet. The fact that CY has, tells me what his sensibilities are.


Chimpanzees…black people….c’mon libs…it’s so OBVIOUS what you REALLY mean.


after that post, I had written [/projection], but obviously tags don’t show up as regular text. Geez, apparently, I can’t even snark right…


Yeah. I remember election day, with Commisair Kos and his koSSacks, standing guard at election places, fully armed with assault rifles, ensuring that only Lamont ballots got cast and that, somehow, Lieberman voters got… “lost”.



Yeah. That never happened. So stop whining abotu how Lieberman was “forced” out of the primary. Jesus.

Hehe. Confederate Yankee. He’s either a George Felix Allen redneck, or he’s ignorantly trying to be clever. Since confederancies have enjoyed the same real-world success rate as, say, communism, he may wish to consider a name change to Anti-Federalist Yankee?

Oh, and Matt T? Buffalo, NY is whitetrash HAVEN. Seriously.


Macaques, on the other hand, have no racial connotation whatsoever.


Some Guy,
Oh, I know there’s white trash and rednecks all across this great land of ours. Some of ’em, us Southerners are not even responsible for. But “Confederate” means a very specific thing, a deep love of the old socio-political make-up of the Old South. I mean, I knew plenty of rednecks growing up who didn’t give a tinker’s cuss about the Lost Cause apart from yowling “The South will rise again!” whilst drunk and listening to Hank Williams Jr.

I’m a country boy, born and bred in the heart of rural Mississippi, but you’d never hear me refer to myself as a “Confederate”, no sir.


This is cherce. It’s Marie Jon’ lite. Note, among other gems:

“…without any registration of the implicit racial overtones…”

(Registration, yeah, but if they’re overtones, they’re not implicit. That’s why they’re overtones.)

“…a dangerous game…”

(He copped this from really good writers.)

“…trying an overt attempt….”

Okay, trying is bad enough. But to try an attempt? Only Democrats would be so…so something.

“…the seasoned incumbent frontrunner…”

(In a Mild Ancho Sauce With Orzo “Risotto” and Baby Carrots)


(That means “killing one’s Lamont.” And yet he obviously means something else!)

“…not Pro-Choice.”

(Because they, um, chose someone else.)

Seriously. Whatever Gavin, Brad, Retardo, etc. are paying this clown, I’ll
write this bad for half.


Yeah, the CT Voters CHOSE Lamont over Lieberwhore. He LOST. Get over it, ass.


Damn. I thought we called him a chimp because chimps are cute.

Oh, and frequently beligerent and aggressive.

Oh, and really lousy at foreign policy.


Connecticut’s liberals are playing a dangerous game, trying an overt attempt to throw out the seasoned incumbent frontrunner, forcefully limiting the choices of the voter, based upon the most inane of arguments and the most brazenly partisan of reasons.

Um. I believe that is called VOTING, asshole.


Did this work?


damn it.

closed the italics.


I left a comment defending the reading comprehension of us libs, but I see our geographically confused friend is one of those sissy, rampant comment-deleters. Real mature, CY.

I’d say I thought he was better than that, but what would make me think that?


And I still wanna know what “Confederate Yankee� means

“About CY” Over on the right side of his blog:

Every once in a while people ask me why I use the name “Confederate Yankee” for my site.

Here you go:

“Confederate Yankee” refers to a couple of things, on a couple of different levels.

On the surface, I began blogging as a Southerner relocated to New York state, where because of my accent, I got my fair share of ribbing about being on the losing end of the War of Northern Aggression. I used to joke with my northern friends that I didn’t move to New York, instead, I “infiltrated.” It has been a running joke in my family and perhaps in southern culture in general that we hadn’t really lost the war, we were just on hiatus to lull Yankees into a false sense of security.

On another level, I am also a North Carolina native with a New York-bred wife and in-laws. Our home and values are the convergence of two very different cultures.

Last but not least, I’ve always been a fan of Mark Twain, and there is a distinct possibility that “Confederate Yankee” is a subconscious nod to one of my favorite Twain stories, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court.

Just Sayin.


War of Northern Aggression

Fort Sumter, anyone?


Chimpanzees…black people….c’mon libs…it’s so OBVIOUS what you REALLY mean.

Yes, because when I look at President Bush, the first thing I think of is Big Jim Slade. No joke.


“War of Northern Aggression”. Oy. It’s been 141 years, asshole, get over it. The South lost and that was a good thing, relatively speaking. You didn’t even fight in the damn thing. Ya know, that may be why your friends and family are making fun of your Southerners: you’re holding on to an ugly lost cause, wrong then and wrong now, and, in doing so, totally ignoring all the things, good and bad, accomplished by folks in the South sense then. Thanks for fucking it up more for those of us who don’t care to look like the world’s worst sore losers.

And “two very different cultures”, my ass. What, am I supposed to believe this dingbat crawled out of the hills of North Carolina, barfooted and with a big ol’ chaw in his mouth, and made his way to “edjicate” those foolish yankees with their cee-ment ponds, indoor plumbing and shocking lack of incest? Bullshit. This guy had cable and Nintendo, I’d bet my Hank Williams Jr. collection on it.


“Is it because I is black?”–George W. Bush


Christ there is so much stupid in that post it’s hard to know where to begin. Since nobody else has, I’ll point this incredible non-sequitur out: “Connecticut’s liberals are playing a dangerous game, trying an overt attempt to throw out the seasoned incumbent frontrunner, forcefully limiting the choices of the voter…”

Hmmm. Possibe winners of Joe Lieberman’s seat before Ned Lamont’s run and primary victory: Joe Lieberman. Possible winners of Joe Lieberman’s seat after Ned Lamont’s run and primary victory: Joe Lieberman and Ned Lamont. According to CY, two is fewer than one.


“this sentence tells me he graduated cum laude from the Kaye Grogan/Pastor Swank school of journalims”

Or Marlene’s School of Hair.

“Would you like some French Tips to go with that there Per-ma-nent?”


> Once in awhile, something just leaves you spechless.

[ *spech… specchhh* ]


Ach! Fixed now. Thanks!


Steve Bell:

In April 2001 there was an international crisis when an American spy plane was forced down over China. Having grabbed pictures off the TV news, I picked up on a three-frame sequence of Bush approaching a podium. There was something about the way he held his arms as he walked up; then, as he faced the cameras, his mouth formed into a distinct pout. He moved like a chimp, walked like a chimp and even talked like a chimp. This was no play acting; George Bush actually was a chimp.


He moved like a chimp, walked like a chimp and even talked like a chimp. This was no play acting; George Bush actually was a chimp.

Whereas Confederate Yankee just moves, walks and talks like a fucking moron.


>He moved like a chimp, walked like a chimp and even talked like a chimp.

Whereas Confederate Yankee somewhat resembles the Western Grebe.

From Wikipedia:

Grebes are small to medium-large in size, have lobed toes, and are excellent swimmers and divers. However, they have their feet placed far back on the body, making them quite ungainly on land. They leave the water only to nest, walking very short distances upright like penguins. They can run for a short distance, but often fall over.

Grebes have narrow wings, and some species are reluctant to fly; indeed, two South American species are completely flightless. They respond to danger by diving rather than flying, and are in any case much less wary than ducks.

That sounds kinda metaphorically appropriate.


For the record, the monkey is a part of the `savage’ stereotype of African-Americans.

I don’t call him the Chimperator because I think that he’s anything like a chimpanzee except for one thing: He can’t control his lips.


NobodySpecial, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Big Jim Slade.

Heh. Indeed.

LA Confidential Pantload

What did Claude Rains say at the end of “The Bridge at Toko-Ri (do I remember this right?)” “Where do we get such men?” What a dumb fucking wanker, if I may mix metaphors, parts of speech, etc.


Oh, “War of Northern Agression” really chaps my hide. Racist revisionist bullshit some loser Southerners have been peddling for years to make themselves feel better about their moral bankruptcy.

CY has the balls to call racism on me because I think Bush looks (and acts) like a chimp but keeping human beings as property is okay fine?

Fuck you and your Dear Leader you racist prick.

Notorious P.A.T.

This is as good a time as any to recommend a terrific movie I just saw called “C.S.A.”


There are indeed broad swathes of upstate New York where the appleknockers and cow-swivers have been marrying their cousins for sufficient generations to make a self-professed ‘Confederate’ happy in his choice of a new home. (These are the people who elected Pataki, not to mention an endless range of earlier bad political choices.) But trying to link the current world consensus on George the Lesser with the abuse leveled at Abraham Lincoln… this is what happens when the proudly unedjumacated tries to ape the linguistic filigrees of his over-educated-for-their-intelligence fellow travellers like Max Boot. It’s as though CY tried ice-dancing in hockey skates — even if you prefer hockey to ice-dancing, you can only wince and look away when he falls and breaks his hip, not to mention ruining his spangled Daisy Dukes.


These are the people who elected Pataki, not to mention an endless range of earlier bad political choices.

I live in New York, so I’m somewhat qualified to discuss this.

That’s not exactly true. It’s not an issue of red vs blue voters, but voters who vote blue for federal elections and red for state.

It makes perfect sense. Republicans want strong state government and weak federal government. Democrats want strong federal government and weak state government.

Elect a Democrat to the White House and a Republican to the Governor’s mansion, and you get a strong federal government and a strong state government.


Finally, somebody says what had to be said: The left hates Bush on account he’s such a huge n*gger-lover.

Someone alert Julian Bond. We’s been had!


i just want the damn italics to stop.


but they won’t stop.will they?


So you could get away with calling a rich, privileged, oafish, farting white man with a remarkably simian physiognomy a chimp until 1706 without it being considered racist? What happened that year?

The War of the Spanish Succession made all of Europe very sensitive. That’s probably why Britain gained monopoly rights over the slave trade in the Treaty of Utrecht.


Once a tag is stuck on, we peons can’t do a durned thing about it in WordPress, damn its eyes. So, nobody bold!

Aaaah, *lugnutz*!

Well, at least strikethru isn’t on.

Shit shit shit!!


So, now that “chimp” is a racial epithet, are we still allowed to use “Pretzeldent”?
What about “Shrub”?

Um, “Commander Coo-Coo Bananas”?


enough of that…


“Is he a Southerner that moved North and thinks he’s special somehow? Like there wasn’t a massive exodus of Southerners headed north, from around World War II on, and he’s the first one that thought of it? Or is he a Northerner that moved South and isn’t aware that no matter how many Klan flags he flies, he’ll never be anything but a “damn yankeeâ€?? “–Matt

My guess? Just another manly guy with duck magnets on his refrigerator, brass pineapple bookends holding up his cookbook collection, and country curtains throughout his beach house.


It’s funny to me that the assholes who were laughing about “Sore Loserman” in 2000 are the first to defend him in 2006.


It has been a running joke in my family and perhaps in southern culture in general that we hadn’t really lost the war, we were just on hiatus to lull Yankees into a false sense of security.

Oh, yeah, I read about that somewhere


It looks as if CY and Pasty go to the same Transylvanian barber shop.


I demand CY’s resemblance to the Grebe be acknowledged.


Dan you nailed it – he’s a dead ringer to the Grebe.

Hate Encrusted Eyes

War of Northern Aggression
Reading stuff like this makes me wish that Sherman and Grant had kept killing thought the 1866 and resettled the entire Confederacy with fresh new immigrants. We’d be a better country for it. We killed the beast but we forgot to put a stake through its heart and now it walks among us as the living dead a plague to the Nation.

Looking at Mr. CYs beanie little head I must say he doth have a small cranium, it corresponds so well with his thoughts.


Actually, he looks like what would happen if you took an apple and carved it to slightly resemble Bill Mahr, and then set it out to dry up and shrivel into a “shrunken head.” Except, it got moldy.


(comments are closed)