Would You Say This Loss Feels Like Having Something Shoved Down And/Or In Something?

The question is purely academic in interest, I assure you.

Ed Whelan, National Review Online:
Ninth Circuit Panel Affirms Anti-Prop 8 Ruling

So as you may have noticed from the hordes of QUILTBAG people fucking outside of your home (all of your homes and every home, multiple of your homes if you are John McCain), Prop 8 was just struck down as unconstitutional today…again, but this time at the 9th Circuit of Appeals level. The proponents of Prop 8’s long delay tactic principled stand for direct democracy truly tried its best to win the day for bigotry, but was sadly hamstrung by things like “not having a leg to stand on when asked to argue their case secularly” and “not having someone to argue their case who wasn’t also criminally insane”.

And despite barely winning the battle for being allowed to defend their own case, it turned out that ranting for hours about how the fags are evil and should be punished and that its unfair that anyone other than conservative straight men (who aren’t closet queens) judge any case ever just couldn’t trump the fucking law.

But it was a long investment for the professional Anti-Gay movement. Despite suspecting for awhile that lacking a single competent lawyer might come back to bite them in the ass, they’ve long prepared for the bitter concession speech, some more bitter than others. And that’s where our old friend Martin Edward Whelan III of the National Review comes in. As a conservative lawyer…or rather a hack who interned with Scalia a bit and know makes his living off wingnut welfare, this decision hits him very close to home. Not close enough to help the sinking ship of the Prop 8 defense legally of course, but let’s let him explain.

As I expected, a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit has affirmed former judge Vaughn Walker’s outlandish ruling that California’s Proposition 8 violates the federal Constitution. Arch-liberals Judge Stephen Reinhardt and Judge Michael Hawkins were in the majority, with Hawkins joining Reinhardt’s opinion. Judge Randy Smith dissented.

You can just feel the butthurt radiating off the page. And with the raw hatred of the idea of anyone more liberal than Scalia being allowed to do anything related to Justice, we can see why he was brought in to help purge the Justice Department during the Bush Administration and fill it with loyal hacks.

From a quick skim of the introduction,

You are “employed” at the National Review as a legal analyst. Your job is literally nothing other than reading over big legal cases like that and translating it to paranoid delusion for your mouth-breather audience.

Man, I really wish I could plink down a 6-7 figure income by “skimming” the only thing its my job to read.
I see that the majority opinion purports to be narrow. It doesn’t opine on the general question “[w]hether under the Constitution same-sex couples may ever be denied the right to marry.” [Emphasis in original.] Instead, it maintains that the particular context in California—in which same-sex couples under California’s domestic-partnership law had all the rights of opposite-sex couples and in which Proposition 8 restored the definition of marriage that the state supreme court had invalidated—means that there was no “legitimate reason” for Proposition 8.

That is true.

Hey, gotta give them their props when they manage the task of accurately describing reality. That’s because with wingnuts the bar is really that low. If a wingnut wrote in a post “the sky appears blue to our eyes”, I’d give them a fucking medal and a key to the city. Power of low expectations here people.

In the grand scheme of things, there is nothing enduringly significant about today’s ruling. The Ninth Circuit was just a way-station on the path to the Supreme Court, and the composition of the Ninth Circuit panel meant that there was no prospect for a reversal of Walker’s ruling. What would have been most troubling would have been a ruling that Prop 8 proponents didn’t have standing on appeal, as that might have complicated the prospects for Supreme Court review. But the case now has a seemingly clear path to the Supreme Court.

I wonder if wingnuts of the era were as hanging hope on a bigoted Supreme Court to pass a bad law that would eventually be overturned in the run-up to Dred Scott vs Sandford. Were there a bunch of people going “yeah, sure, he’s free now, but our owned buddies in the Supreme Court will be selling him down the river soon enough”?

Or did I just verbatim describe a ye olde newsletter from Martin Edward Whelan the First?

It’s still possible, of course, that the Ninth Circuit might take the case en banc, either on its own initiative or on a request from Prop 8 proponents. My own guess is that it won’t do so—and that the Court will grant review of the Ninth Circuit’s ruling before the November elections (and perhaps even hear oral argument in October or November).

Yeah, it’s possible, but I don’t think wingnuts would be looking forward to it, because the more justices involved, the harder it is to argue you are being screwed by that “one man” who’s “probably a liberal anyways” and thus not nearly as constitutionamifcationally-minded.

Now what’s the legalese for “get off my lawn”?

I will provide further commentary after I have read the ruling more carefully.

This is the National Review Online, home of Jonah Goldberg and the fine work ethic he has established.

What do you think the over/under is on this “further commentary” occurring before Judgment Day?

I’m going to go with the same likelihood the Prop 8 defense actually busts out a legitimate secular defense of the bill.

In the meantime, let’s let Lord Fauntelroy the Edward of Whelan stew in his juices and celebrate with all the sodomy and gay abortions this occasion demands!

(Look out window) Ah, brings a tear to my eye…probably because some lube just flew into it.


Comments: 432


I is first mutherfukers!!
I have been working on my new website “Ayn Rand wants too fuck Jesus in the ass” or some such. Check it out its updated with fancy new links and videos. Don’t make adolescent Jesus mope! Click my name for the link or this http://aynrandhatedjesus.blogspot.com/


I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself.


I do love it when the rubes of the right look up and realize that they have been truly, righteously fucked by the system.


From a quick skim of the introduction,

This seems clear CYA to me. If he ends being at all challenged for this, he can say “Oh, it was only on my quick skim that I thought all white homeowners now have to eat a gay wedding souffle of burnt flag wrapped in foetus.”


“You know what this is, right? It’s a pander to the open borders segment of the Hispanic community, but it’s also something else. It’s a deliberate finger in the eye of anyone who wants our immigration laws enforced. It’s a deliberate attempt to stir the pot, and generate some heated rhetoric, which the Democrats will then point at to try to convince Hispanic voters that the Republicans are a bunch of racists. It’s a deliberate attempt to make people angry enough to pop off our mouths. That’s what this is.”



I do love it when the rubes of the right look up

The hungry sheep look up, and are not fed,
But swollen with wind and the rank mist they draw,
Rot inwardly, and foul contagion spread

Huh. No editing required.


Sadly No is Eschaton now?

Oh well.


GOP madlibs!

“You know what this is, right? It’s a pander to the open marriage segment of the gay community, but it’s also something else. It’s a deliberate finger in the eye of anyone who wants our marriage laws enforced. It’s a deliberate attempt to stir the pot, and generate some heated rhetoric, which the Democrats will then point at to try to convince gay voters that the Republicans are a bunch of homophobes. It’s a deliberate attempt to make people angry enough to pop off our mouths. That’s what this is.”

It’s so damn easy.


It’s a deliberate attempt to stir the pot, and generate some heated rhetoric, which the Democrats will then point at to try to convince Hispanic voters that the Republicans are a bunch of racists.

Republicans have never needed our help to generate heated rhetoric, any more than Hispanic voters have needed our help to be persuaded that Republicans are a bunch of racists.


Just look at this villiany from the so-called “White” House:

Today, I am honored to be named U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)’s first-ever public advocate. As ICE continues to implement detention reforms and other enforcement-related initiatives, my staff and I will serve as a point of contact for individuals, including those in immigration proceedings, NGOs, and other community and advocacy groups, who have concerns, questions, recommendations or important issues they would like to raise.

While this new role will be challenging, I believe it will reap significant rewards for ICE as well as for stakeholders. As we work to enact significant policy changes to focus the agency’s immigration enforcement resources on sensible priorities, implement policies and processes that prioritize the health and safety of detainees in our custody while increasing federal oversight, and improve the conditions of confinement within the detention system, I will strive to expand and enhance our dialogue with the stakeholder community.

Because wanting to do something about a system in which Hispanic people were being handcuffed and left on concrete floors in a secret location where no one the Hispanic person knew would think to go to find that person…


Because wanting to do something about a system in which Hispanic people were being handcuffed and left on concrete floors in a secret location where no one the Hispanic person knew would think to go to find that person…

Walmart overnight shift?


I will strive to expand and enhance our dialogue with the stakeholder community.

Sounds like Dracula.


I’ve been thinking about this for awhile. You can’t convince the Christian Teahadist to “love the poor” like Jesus would. Their Jesus is supply side Jesus and they think the beatitudes were all about capital gains tax cuts and union busting. I say, kick them where it hurts. Ayn Rand was an athiest who was pro abortion, pro contraception, pro suicide, pro drug legalization and hated God, Jesus and all religion (and those are just her good points) As I say in my new blog

Whose side are you on G.O.P.
Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ?
You must choose.


(the weather chart still live and has cut, smart doggies now)


Moats rulings like this just mean more wingnut tears for me. Mmmmmmmmm. Sweet, salty, delicious wingnut tears. A delicacy in some countries. Not this one.


I prefer my moats unruled. It keeps the crocodiles guessing.


Gocart, have you had any butthurt Libertarians show up? If you want more traffic, start posting about Ron Paul.

I occasionally do Ayn Rand piss-takes.



More. Moar! Fuck you, auto correct! Think you’re so smart….*mumble gumble*


More. Moar! Fuck you

Who am I to say no to a lady?


I prefer my moats unruled. It keeps the crocodiles guessing.

Also, ruled moats can’t be shitmoats, because the king ain’t got shit on ‘im.


Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ?
You must choose.

Is “neither of the above” an option?


Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ?
You must choose.

Is “neither of the above” an option?

What about Rand Christ, Jesus’s half-wit son?


Relevent http://t.co/tY35unsP

I once owned an unruly stoat, what a headache.


Who am I to say no to a lady?

I, sir, am no lady.


I, sir, am no lady.

Is that a penis and testicles in your pants or are you just glad to see me?


outlandish ruling that California’s Proposition 8 violates the federal Constitution

“In his Aug. 4, 2010, decision, which the 9th Circuit upheld today, District Court Judge Vaughn Walker struck down Prop 8 as unconstitutional under both the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment. In his opinion, Judge Walker presented 80 findings of fact regarding same-sex marriage, which included discussions about the immutability of sexual orientation, the ability of same-sex couples to be good parents, and the inequality of providing LGBT couples with civil unions as opposed to full marriages.”

Huh, “outlandish” apparently means “perfectly sensible and supportable via law, reason, and fact, I just don’t like it because I am a bigoted asshole.”


Ok, I can’t spell. *backs out in shame*


There is good reason to think that the Supremes will decline to hear the case. Their decision is so narrowly based, so tied up with CA state law, that there really is no reason for the SCOTUS to get involved. (STFU, Bush v. Gore has NOTHING to do with it!) it’s a great decision for CA but has almost no value anywhere else. The only impact that decision could possibly have is on WA, and then only if they start granting marriages then stop.

It is both disappointing and relieving that such is the case.

Hmmm, I better refresh myself on how the SC grants certiorari.

Among the more interesting aspects of the panel’s decision is that they (in accord with custom) did absolutely nothing to call into question Judge Walker’s findings of fact. Which findings, as anyone not a phobe who followed the case knows, are devastating to the Prop 8 proponents rationale.

And since I have no way to work it in in context, let me just say “rank and vile voters” and let it ride.


Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ?
You must choose.

Sure it can: Crucify! Crucify!


What would have been most troubling would have been a ruling that Prop 8 proponents didn’t have standing on appeal, as that might have complicated the prospects for Supreme Court review. But the case now has a seemingly clear path to the Supreme Court.

Ed you stupid fucknut. Let me guess – your law degree came from either Liberty or a Crackerjack box. Had the panel denied standing THAT would have been a sure routte to Scalia and Thomas’ love nest. Had you read the fucking decision (instead of behaving like a Xian supremacist and blathering off about things with which you have no clue, as in they never read their fucking bibble) you would have seen the multipage explanation of why the CA SC was asked to determine whether the defendant intervenors had standing, and why the Federal panel HAD TO rely on the state SC determination, then you might not have written such a st00pid™ thing. Aw, who am I kidding – you’re such a dipshit idjit you would have still written it.


Fred “Slacktivist” Clark put it very nicely:

This is a good decision from the 9th Circuit Court. It’s very good news for California.

It’s even good news for Prop 8 supporters, who are fuming and raving in response to the decision. But don’t worry too much about them — they enjoy fuming and raving. It’s kind of their hobby. This ruling neither picks their pocket nor breaks their leg. It doesn’t harm or inconvenience them in the least. But today’s ruling provides them another excuse to pretend they’re put-upon and persecuted, so right now they’re as close to being happy as they’re still capable of being.


Did Pupienus say Rank & vile?


“Divided panel” my ass. Whelan hasn’t read teh dissent either, which starts with:

I agree with the majority’s analysis and decisions in part III and VI of its opinion, determining that (1) the Proponents have standing to bring this appeal; and (2) the Motion to Vacate the Judgment should be denied.


Another brilliant smackdown by Cerberus.


“Arch-liberals Judge Stephen Reinhardt and Judge Michael Hawkins were in the majority, with Hawkins joining Reinhardt’s opinion.”

Judge Reinhardt should have recused himself. The nation will never forget how liberally he masturbated while spying on Phoebe Cates.


Judge Reinhardt should have recused himself. The nation will never forget how liberally he masturbated while spying on Phoebe Cates.


I think I wore out the VHS at that point. And several layers of penis.


Try clicking Ed’s “Initial Assessment of …” link for more butthurt, as well as enough faith-leaping, question-begging & McLawyerin’ to make Lionel Hutz blush.


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal? This sounds pleasing to me as I am inclined toward the darker side; what with wishing to be more sinister, reveling in the torment of others, etc.

All advice welcome.

The Tragically Flip

Kennedy has already proven he doesn’t understand equal protection. I’m not that optimistic this goes the right way in SCOTUS.

The Tragically Flip

How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

1. Be a liberal not obviously a movement conservative
2. Have any power whatsoever to effect not-conservative outcomes in policy or law


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

You need a mannered, rather fey tone of voice, in which to declaim one Noel Coward witticism after another. It helps to hold your tea-cup with your little finger pointing out.


Ooh, I wanna be an Arch-Liberal too!

Do I have to wear a cape?


Well, can I wear one anyway?

The Tragically Flip

Less than 3 degrees of separation from George Soros is probably required.


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

Place your feet firmly on the floor. Bend backwards until you can place both palms flat on the floor. Have a triumphal parade walk underneath you.


Aaaand N__B poops on my joke before I hit enter.


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

A white persian cat and a monocle.


Smashed on vicodin, but at least not in pain (no tolerance for the stuff.)

Whelan’s verbal pukeage still not making sense.

Jim X comment at some damn time in german about fetus fajitas or whatever – I want to lay down with that comment in a bed of roses.


Definitely baked – I am hallucinitating that Frothy won MN caucus.


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

Easy. Support things like universal health care, progressive taxation, strong government social programs, and civil rights, but with a playfully sarcastic, teasing demeanor.


A white persian cat and a monocle.

Best Dennis Miller joke EVAR. Too bad he was talking about Bill Gates rather than David Koch.


A white persian cat and a monocle.

I’d never seen a white persian cat wearing a monocle before.


I’d never seen a white persian cat wearing a monocle before.

Oh, you had not LIVED, then, my son!


OT, but Georgia says ‘Fuck you, very much!’ To Oily Titz & BirtherFriends. Verdict finding simply said: DENIED.

Looks like Obama is on the GA primary ballot, after all.
Ducked that bullet, oh yeah.

Sorry, unable to link. Can’t remember zackly where I saw it.


the weather chart still live and has cut, smart doggies now

My gast is flabbered. I had no idea there were moils for dogs.


That cat is a relative of these guys


and they have been known to kill people, almost at random.


Tomorrow’s headline: “Santorum leaves everyone else behind”


May need new headline: “Santorum comes in number 2 in Colorado”


“Santorum comes in number 2 in Colorado”

This headline works, except that Frothy Mixture won Colorado.

“Santorum leaves everyone else behind”

Mos def works, s.cerev.

“Santorum pleased with outcome” ?

“GOP voters back Santorum” ?


Santorum squeezes out.


Colorado goes for Santorum.


CO, MN and MO show love for Santorum.


Santorum IN YOUR FACE!


Rmoney has big Santorum issue.


I have to credit The Ho for the “in your face.” He’s clever that way.


Here is the whole of the “further commentary” thus far:

I see that Eugene Volokh’s initial assessment is similar to mine. He’s unpersuaded by Reinhardt’s argument that Prop 8 doesn’t advance an interest in proceeding cautiously (his point 5, my point 4), and he doesn’t think that Reinhardt’s reasoning can be limited to situations like California’s (his point 3, my point 5).

Volokh and I also agree that Reinhardt’s dismissal of California’s interest in procreation and childrearing is erroneous, though his argument (his point 4) has only some overlap with mine (my point 3).

We also agree that this is a ruling the Supreme Court will see fit to review.

This other guy agrees with the stuff I wrote after I skimmed.



DICK TOUCHER updated with talking lamb for your convenience/disgust.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

all white homeowners now have to eat a gay wedding souffle of burnt flag wrapped in foetus.”


Except I love MY foetus souffle wrapped in burnt flag.


A white persian cat and a monocle.

Wouldn’t the cat make it hard to see?


Santorum Not Wiped Out Yet!!


Rmoney has big Santorum issue

Winz. Let’s have a hardy round of applause for alll the contestants!


Is QUILTBAG a tasteful cobag?


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

NYU attendees have a head start


“Ayn Rand or Jesus Christ?
You must choose.

Sure it can: Crucify! Crucify!”

Here’s a fun party game:

Ask a glassy-eyed Jeebus lover “if you had a time machine, would you go back and save Jesus from persecution and execution?”

Kind of a “chicken and egg” thing for religious types, and might keep ’em busy for minutes struggling to use their noggin.

(note: I personally find it funny because they would find that there was no such person, and yet the joke would be on civilization because he would have been invented anyway and we’d still be saddled with these people.)


I posted in the wrong post. Need coffee, possibly.


Yesterday morning, CNN actually had the headline: Santorum Surging in Primary States.

That just had to be intentional


I think it is intentionally stubborn…in the same way the teabaggers insisted on using the term llooonnnngggg after they had been advised as to its widespread cultural reference.

Just as the teabaggers were eventually convinced to change their group’s name and, in a Stalinesque move, expunge the existence of the former from the(ir) history books, they will soon relent here, too, and start calling Santorum something else….like Oozyfuckjuice.


That’s not lube, that’s…SANTORUM!


Santorum? You’re soaking in it!

The Tragically Flip

His actual legal name is Richard…aka “Dick”

Now there must be a way to have some fun with “Dick Santorum”


Santorum on top of all GOP candidates.


When the ooze hits your eye
Like a big fecal pie,
That’s Santorum


Judge Reinhardt should have recused himself. The nation will never forget how liberally he masturbated while spying on Phoebe Cates.

CRA can have all of my internets.


note: I personally find it funny because they would find that there was no such person

Really? So Suetonius and Tacitus were wrong?


Place your feet firmly on the floor. Bend backwards until you can place both palms flat on the floor.

Interested in newsletter, and/or dating.


Except I love MY foetus souffle wrapped in burnt flag.

Then it is foetus flambe.


How would one go about becoming an “arch” liberal?

Be a liberal, move to St. Louis or Pay-ree!


Volokh and I also agree that Reinhardt’s dismissal of California’s interest in procreation and childrearing is erroneous

Of course it is, which is why California requires a fertility test before all marriages and annuls the marriages of the childless. Also, how handy to claim child-rearing is a required element at the same time you’re working to prevent gay couples from adopting.


Santorum comes from behind.
In the end, its Santorum.
In FLA it was Santorum coming in the rear.


Then it is foetus flambe.

Or fetus-in-a-jacket


I see that Paul Ryan is about to double-down on ending Medicare. To our Oregon friends: Has Senator Wyden been sufficiently schooled by his constituents to recognize that he is being given a second chance to walk away from this stinking pile of shit?


+3 for CRA re Judge Reinhardt and Phoebe Cates. IMDb lists no titles for Phoebe since 2001. I haz a sad.

Whale Chowder from his phone

Except I love MY foetus souffle wrapped in burnt flag.

Then it is foetus flambe.

I thought that was a flagjita.*

*This comment is ridiculously hard to make on an android phone.


The compelling question of the day is: Where will Santorum go from here? It can only go downhill. GRAVITY CANNOT BE DENIED!


IMDb lists no titles for Phoebe since 2001. I haz a sad.

She’s still raising Kevin Kline’s kids and owns a boutique here in NYC.


Where will Santorum go from here? It can only go downhill. GRAVITY CANNOT BE DENIED!

It could conceivably get a pop and spout upwards like a fountain. But that would require Newt to withdraw his entry.


Really? So Suetonius and Tacitus were wrong?

In a word, yes.


In a word, yes.

Yea, except they weren’t.


Gawd, you people doan no nuffin bouts da kweezine.

Bebe en croute.


I suppose the flag isn’t eaten so that would make it bebe en papillote.


re: Prop h8 unconstitutionality decision

While it is absolutely true that it’s a limited ruling (a fact that teh ruling itself takes great pains to remind us of) – it reads to me (bear in mind that IANAL) that it would be applicable anytime anyone tried to overturn gay marriage. IOW, once you go legal rainbow nuptials, there’s no going back.


OK, Tacitus wasn’t wrong. He wrote down the (urban) legend as he understood the story many years after it allegedly happened, which was when he was 8 years old. He wasn’t wrong about the story being out there but is authentic only in documenting that the urban legend had reached Rome by that time.


How long before the Mitt attack machine puts Santorum in its sights?


Richard Carrier also notes that there are only two surviving copies of the Annals. While neither is complete it is interesting to note the complete lack of years 29-31. Carrier posits that they were excised by the monks due to the embarrassing lack of references to gospel events.


Suetonius was similarly “not wrong.” though he said precious little, making one _possible_ reference he was likewise only recording the oral history.

Josephus? Yeah, an obvious forgery inserted by Christians in a lame attempt to give their bullshit some credibility.


While it is absolutely true that it’s a limited ruling (a fact that teh ruling itself takes great pains to remind us of) – it reads to me (bear in mind that IANAL) that it would be applicable anytime anyone tried to overturn gay marriage. IOW, once you go legal rainbow nuptials, there’s no going back.

I’ve highlighted the key there. You are correct (if the due process and equal protection portions stand) but the only places that have gone rainbow nups aren’t in great danger of going back. If anything, it might make other places where marriage equality was being considered even more leery to move it forward.


OT – our right-wing mayor is having his transit schemes scuttled by City Council right now. LEAFS SUCK may just tell Rob Ford to go stuff himself today. We’ll see how teh vote goes.



I agree with your interpretation, but teh thing is that down teh line, if there’s any sort of bigoted homophobic backlash – well they’ll have this decision to try and get around. That’s a plus.


hubbkf is such a stud…he gave the first round of nerve testing a four on the frowny face painometer…I miss randy the emg tech…he was funny…today we have serious young lady with a sniffle…


DKW — That’s the best news I’ve heard all week so far. Then again, I was never quite sure how Leafs Suck the Good (BAND NAME!) managed to elect Archie Bunker as its mayor in the first place. Even the gratingly annoying furniture guy wasn’t that bad.


I enjoy this blog, but the word ‘butthurt’ is used much too often. It’s really not all that funny. But, at the end of the day, it is what it is, I suppose.


arms check out a-okay!!!


The use of “butthurt” causes butthurt ti random drive-by tone-troll. Anything else we can do to adapt the blog to suit your odd preferences, stranger?


our right-wing mayor is having his transit schemes scuttled by City Council right now.

What’s his transit scheme? Pack even more cars onto the QEW at rush hour?


teetop – it’s been discussed before



Poops, Imma let the discussion sit there, because your slip is showing.


but doc is sending us to mayo…feck…


Great Legal Minds at GayPutzRiot: ‘

Ok, just realized something. The argument was that the state can’t change to restrict something that (they felt) was previously granted. Does this mean that the Federal government couldn’t outlaw polygamy? Or that if State A allowed slavery then State B couldn’t restrict the person’s previously granted ‘right’ to own a person? Hmm, the 9th is beginning to sound like Dred Scott to me/

Comment by The Livewire — February 7, 2012 @ 2:17 pm – February 7, 2012

If I didn’t know better I’d suspect a troll.


bbkf – having had the myelogram thing done to me (while in considerable pain to start with) I have great sympathy for hubbkf. Here’s hoping things work out well for you both.


She’s still raising Kevin Kline’s kids and owns a boutique here in NYC.

Is it me, or was being an 80’s It Girl like being on the cover of a Madden game?


“The argument was that the state can’t change to restrict something that (they felt) was previously granted. Does this mean that the Federal government couldn’t outlaw polygamy?”

So…………polygamy was previously granted. OK.

Perhaps this person could consult Perfesser Gingrich as to the application for statehood by Utah………..


Anything else we can do to adapt the blog to suit your odd preferences, stranger?

Inner-tubes beer delivery would be good.

but doc is sending us to mayo

How many times does this have to be explained to you midwesterners? Use mustard on sandwiches!


You know, the more they bring up polygamy the more people are going to start thinking it wouldn’t be a big deal either. I already don’t care if it were to get legalized: there’s your slippery slope for you, THEIR logic that “it’s no different!” convinced me it wouldn’t be bad either!


I already don’t care if it were to get legalized: there’s your slippery slope for you, THEIR logic that “it’s no different!” convinced me it wouldn’t be bad either!

MORE people being RIGHT in some legal relationship with me? NO THANK YOU.


I already don’t care if it were to get legalized: there’s your slippery slope for you

The part of me that rubbernecks at car crashes is looking forward to the first celebrity-sixsome divorce.


Well, tigris, it might depend upon where you end up on the totem pole with your sister-wives………..


But, seriously. I think the citizens of Utah and The United States of America realized that the Civil War had actually settled some things.


I see that Paul Ryan is about to double-down on ending Medicare. To our Oregon friends: Has Senator Wyden been sufficiently schooled by his constituents to recognize that he is being given a second chance to walk away from this stinking pile of shit?

I posted about it when I first heard he was being an idiot. For some reason Wyden doesn’t comment at my blog though, so I’m not sure where he’s standing now.

Oh and:

After deluge of Santorum Gingrich left barely afloat.


MORE people being RIGHT in some legal relationship with me? NO THANK YOU.

That made me laugh.

tigris, you make a really excellent point: More and more I’ve been wondering if I need to reevaluate my thoughts on polyamory/polygamy.

Way to screech your way to making me still more liberal, bigots.


I think there should be another comma somewhere in my comment. Or maybe just an existing one moved around or something.


I have asked Wyden several times about it – crickets.


After deluge of Santorum Gingrich left barely afloat.

Alternate: Gingrich In It Up To His Eyeballs With Santorum


tigris, you make a really excellent point: More and more I’ve been wondering if I need to reevaluate my thoughts on polyamory/polygamy.

Didn’t we have a polygamous commenter drop in a while back?

My wife and I have often joked that we need another wife that actually likes to clean. I’ll still do the cooking. In reality I can often barely stand my own company, and have a hard time imagining yet another person around the house. But hey, whatevs, to each their own.

I’d probably not care one way or another about this except for the mormons and their execrable history of using polygamy as an excuse for enslaving and raping young girls. That pushes me toward the “probably not a good idea” camp.

Harry Bellerophonte

…judge Vaughn Walker’s outlandish ruling…

Well, looks like somebody was looking up synonyms for “flamboyant” in the thesaurus.


…joked that we need another wife…

wife or husband — fixxed to clarify that we aren’t all sexist and shit about gender roles around the house and such as and also too.


…judge Vaughn Walker’s outlandish ruling…

Well, looks like somebody was looking up synonyms for “flamboyant” in the thesaurus.

“Garish” or “ostentatious” would’ve been fabulous choices too.


Well, tigris, it might depend upon where you end up on the totem pole with your sister-wives

Polygamy ! necessarily = polygyny, but if there are more gals than me we’ll take turns on top of the poles, or wherever else preference or whim leads.


Didn’t we have a polygamous commenter drop in a while back?

That was Rhino.

I’m not sure how to keep the element of abuse out of it. It’s cool that adults do what they like – they’re gonna do it anyway – but I kind of lean towards keeping it hard to do, meaning burdensome legal arrangements on the side to accomodate the third partner somehow. If you’re serious, maybe there should be a real hoop to jump through instead of running off to Vegas.



Well, looks like somebody was looking up synonyms for “flamboyant” in the thesaurus.

“Garish” or “ostentatious” would’ve been fabulous choices too.

Are you accusing him of mincing words?


Are you accusing him of mincing words?

No! I’m insulted, now I’m gonna flounce on outta here.


Just like tigris to sashay in and drop a bomb.


Yeah, I think the legal hurdles would be huge, and I don’t actually think it’s further down the slippery slope in that I think it’s a difference in kind rather than just degree. Of course, corporate law has tons of experience with sole proprietorships vs partnerships vs corporations, which are all very different in regards to rights and responsibilities, maybe something could be worked out along those lines. I didn’t mean to get serious about it, mostly I just want to goose the traditional marriage folks who shriek about polygamy as if it weren’t what the most traditional form of marriage in their holy writ.


Just like tigris to sashay in and drop a bomb.

Yeah, she beat the prance off of us.


I don’t like the idea of it because the idea of people having harems is just offensive on its face for me. But there’s a lot about polyamory I don’t know. Apparently a lot of these folks have open relationships all the way around…so it’s not some kind of abusive situation. But I think I’m mixing up polygamy and polyamory here…

I get confused.

I do know that whenever I hear about a man having more than one wife, I kind of develop a tic. Which is why when Rhino was commenting I kept my fucking mouth shut.


On polygamy/polyamory:

Well, I’m in a polyamorous relationship for one (long story, but stems from me being asexual and my partner being bi, and me not being inclined towards jealousy).

I think the main problem, as many point out are the creepy as fuck polygamous people. The FLDS types and whatnot.

Of course, that’s not really a problem related to culturally looking down on or blocking legal family creation rights to polygamous or polyamorous families. Creepy “wife collector” fucks will collect and abuse regardless of legal status. What we’d need would be to actually give a shit about women’s lives as a society and be willing to intervene in abusive situations and regulate that.

Of course, since we don’t want to do that, any attempt to grant polyamorous family units (such as live-in triads and the like) legal protections will carry the stigma of the creepy fuckwits.

Hence the dilemma even in the polyamorous community on whether that fight for legal protections should even occur in our current society.


My wife and I have often joked that we need another wife that actually likes to clean.

It’s not a terrifically appealing idea to me because it intrudes on that intimacy that only 2 people can have. And, you know, because I am disgustingly romantic.

But I was watching a show about these very nice folks in a polyamorous relationship and everybody seemed to be doing just fine. So it’s one of those things where I have to remind myself that what’s right for me is not right for everyone.


I don’t know who I’m quoting here but:

Polyamory is wrong.
It is incorrect to mix Greek and Latin roots. It should be Polyphilia or Multiamory.


Going back :

Arch liberal : Desmond Tutu


Polyamory is wrong.

But…but… I really love my parrot!



Gatos and chien living together! Mass hysteria!

Yeah, that always annoyed me about the name too, but the mixing of the two has happened so often by now, I’m numb to it.


Thread Bear, I can ban you here, too. And take back your tote bag!


Ending up on the totem pole.

It’s not a terrifically appealing idea to me because it intrudes on that intimacy that only 2 people can have.
VS takes washing & cleaning up SERIOUSLY.


VS takes washing & cleaning up SERIOUSLY.

I have no idea why this made me chuckle so much. BUT IT DID.


Can we all agree that Paulyamory is sick and wrong? MTV veejays make me cringe.


We’ve had several pilots who had “second families” down in Brazil. Some guys would bid the South America routes purely for the extracurricular activities.

It usually doesn’t end well.


MTV veejays make me cringe.

So you don’t wanna go Downtown on Julie Brown?


I don’t know if Cornerites or freepers come over here looking for mangoes, but if they did, I can see them returning to their mothership with this thread in hand and proclaiming: “See? Them hippies is pinin’ fer plural marryin’ an’ this one dude, Thread Bear, likes humpin’ his parrot. Santorum was right!!!11!!




I don’t know if Cornerites or freepers come over here looking for mangoes, but if they did, I can see them returning to their mothership with this thread in hand and proclaiming: “See? Them hippies is pinin’ fer plural marryin’ an’ this one dude, Thread Bear, likes humpin’ his parrot. Santorum was right!!!11!!

Plus we’re TOO GOOD for MTV VJ’s. Fuckin’ elitists, the bunch of us.


So you don’t wanna go Downtown on Julie Brown?

Julie Brown likes ’emBig and Stupid



Fixxored. They haven’t even had VJs in ages.


In practice, polygamy hasn’t worked out well. They tend to end up with huge numbers of children that they can’t support.

Granted, these are the weirder-than-regular-mormon Mormon sects out in rural Utah and Nevada. They tend to be rather cult-like and extremely patriarchal.


Granted, these are the weirder-than-regular-mormon Mormon sects out in rural Utah and Nevada. They tend to be rather cult-like and extremely patriarchal.

And Mexico, where Rmoney’s family fled to so they could have elventy wives. I hope somebody asks him about that next time he talks about being good for immigrants because his dad was born in Mexico.


We’ve had several pilots who had “second families” down in Brazil. Some guys would bid the South America routes purely for the extracurricular activities.

It usually doesn’t end well.

Might make for a great movie, though


gocart – WTF is wrong with your aynrand site? Unable to comment. At all.


Might make for a great movie, though

Say it aint so, Obi Wan!


Fixxored. They haven’t even had VJs in ages.

Oh dear.


“In practice, polygamy hasn’t worked out well. They tend to end up with huge numbers of children that they can’t support.”

I have it on good authority that the highest per-capita payouts of the Federal Earned Income Tax Credit go to families in Utah and the region of Arizona north of the Grand Canyon that is sometimes known as “Might as well be Utah.”


“Might make for a great movie, though”

Hey! Mr. French was in that movie! Yes. Yes I am that old….


And Mexico, where Rmoney’s family fled to so they could have elventy wives.

Shouldn’t they have gone to Mirkwood then?


Hey! Mr. French was in that movie!




I think its pretty well known that supposed small govt types in red states love them some sweet federal moolah. Hell, the above link is from a conservative think-tank.


Not that Julie Brown, silly Thread Bear. Though I do love that Julie Brown.


I once had a buddy whose dad had a mirror family. Everytime he bought something, like a fridge or a sofa, he’d buy two and send one to the mirror house where his mistress lived with no kids. My buddy got suspicious when he was 15, did some detective work and broke into the place, only to be confronted by a remarkably similar house to the one he’d been living in. It really weirded him out, with unfortunate long term effects. Soon as the kids were out of high school dad switched out the wife for the mistress, with whom he lived till he died.


Yes. I was sweet on the British Julie Brown (you know, the one downtown). The other? Meh.


Shouldn’t they have gone to Mirkwood then?

While you may think that “elventy” is something elvish, you’d be wrong. It’s actually the square-route of two more than the much more well-known eleventy. There was considerable controversy at the numberologicamal society’s convention at the time whether it should be called the longer-winded “thirtnomuxitrenty” or the shorter, but easily confused, elventy.

It won out in the end after a back room deal between the Vatican, the Illuminati, and the Glagotroc delegation from Betelgeuse. Stories of this deal continue to be used to try to dispel rumors that those three organizations are all one and the same.


Is it me, or was being an 80?s It Girl like being on the cover of a Madden game?

Madonna says it’s you.


The problem with plural marriage, is that it’s usually set up on the patriarchal, OT model, so that the man, “A” is married to wife 1 (B) and also to wife 2 (C), etc. and the relationship between B and C is referred to as something like “sister-wife”. Ideally, plural marriage could be established, but in the above example, A is married to B, A is married to B, and B is also married to C. Three legal relationships. Add a fourth person, and now you’ve got six marriages: A~B, A~C, A~D, B~C, B~Dand C~D. Now, suppose A wants to take another spouse, and B and C are game, but D can’t agree. Or B wants to divorce A, but remain married to C and D. It doesn’t take very long before the family tree starts looking like a wiring diagram for a pinball machine.


I want to hear more about those elventy wives………..


I suppose I should go on record here as being firmly pro-polyandry. I mean just in principle, you know, it’s not like we’ve ever DONE anything like that. Never.
One nighters don’t count.




Anything less than several months doesn’t really count either.

We have NEVER done anything like that.


The NYT joins in on the Santorum jokes.


Sad jim is sad … I wanted to comment over yonder, but I see the “Bench Memos” section retains the oldschool NRO “Comments = Bolshevism” format.

… so I’m just going sniping elsewhere on the site instead.



I suppose I should go on record here as being firmly pro-polyandry. I mean just in principle, you know, it’s not like we’ve ever DONE anything like that. Never. One nighters don’t count. Anything less than several months doesn’t really count either.

I gather the firmness is a practical consideration.


Volokh and I also agree that Reinhardt’s dismissal of California’s interest in procreation and childrearing is erroneous, though his argument (his point 4) has only some overlap with mine (my point 3).

Before I go see what his brilliant legolistic argument is, I’ll just review the decision…

In order to be rationally related to the purpose of funeling more childrearing into families led by two biological parents, Proposition 8 would have had to modify these laws in some way. It did not do so.


In order to explain how rescinding access to the designation of ‘marriage’ is rationally related to the State’s interest in responsible procreation, Proponents would have had to argue that opposite-sex couples were more likely to procreate accidentally or irresponsibly when same-sex couples were allowed access to the designation of ‘marriage.’ We are aware of no basis on which this argument would be even conceivably plausible.

OK, I’m off. Wish me luck and stock up on antibiotics should I make it back.


I know it’s a few days late, but I think this passage from Murray’s latest bowel movement deserves more mocking:

“Try to think of any new data that would change your position on abortion, the death penalty, legalization of marijuana, same-sex marriage or the inheritance tax. If you cannot, you are not necessarily being unreasonable.”


“Try to think of any new data that would change your position on abortion, the death penalty, legalization of marijuana, same-sex marriage or the inheritance tax. If you cannot, you are not necessarily being unreasonable.”

“Marijuana kills its hippie users with deadly efficiency.”


If you experience Polyandry lasting longer than 3 months, see a physician immediately. Polyandry is not for everyone. Do not try Polyandry if you are taking medications for dry scalp, ennui, or weltschmerz. Polyandry can cause discoloration of the toenails, elevated pulse or increased electrical conductivity. If you experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use immediately. Ask your doctor if Polyandry is right for you.

Polyandry is a registered trademark of Monsanto and Bristol Meyers Squibb. All rights reserved.

Pupienus Maximus' Husband

Since some of us actually have to do stuff, is it too late for me to suggest: Santorum cleanup in three states?


“Try to think of any new data that would change your position on abortion, the death penalty, legalization of marijuana, same-sex marriage or the inheritance tax.

Research reveals that there are no same-sex couples who wish to marry.


Do not try Polyandry if you are taking medications for dry scalp, ennui, or weltschmerz.

Well crap.


I tried Pollyandy once, but they asked me to stop.


Actual, new DNA evidence has shown many on death-row to be innocent, but these cretins still think they should be put to death.


If you cannot, you are not necessarily being unreasonable.

No, you might just be totally unimaginative and dumb as a post!


Actual, new DNA evidence has shown many on death-row to be innocent, but these cretins still think they should be put to death.

“Thanks to gay black liberal judges the death penalty disproportionately affects white upper-middle class males.”


“You are pregnant, sir”


Ths guy’s been admitted to a bar other than Sloppy Joe’s on W 24th?

Reinhardt first undertakes to address the argument that “children are better off when raised by two biological parents and that society can increase the likelihood of that family structure by allowing only potential biological parents—one man and one woman—to marry.” But he somehow finds it dispositive that Prop 8 “had absolutely no effect on the ability of same-sex couples to become parents or the manner in which children are raised in California.” What he utterly ignores is that it is eminently reasonable to believe that the less marriage is centered around the concerns of responsible procreation and child-raising, the less well marriage will serve those goals.
That’s an elementary lesson about mission confusion.

BWAHAHAHA Aside from the utterly silly notion that marriage is now centered around such. How does he know that fags and dykes getting hitched would move that center? Because he knows! It is eminently believable that the more marriage is centered around encouraging committed, caring couples, the more likely monkeys will fly out of his butt.

That’s an elementary lesson in fearmongering.


you might just be totally unimaginative and dumb as a post!

This may be so but I can’t think of any data that would change my opinion on any of those matters. Money, in sufficient quantities perhaps, but not data.


Propolyandry doesn’t have the same texture as natural moral fibre.


BWAHAHAHAHA I LOVE being America’s worst enemy!



Money, in sufficient quantities perhaps, but not data.

Money is data too, my friend!!


BWAHAHAHAHA I LOVE being America’s worst enemy!



I bet you could, El, I just think the scenarios you’d have to come up with would be highly unlikely. Like my opinion on abortion(at least on the methods) would change if it were scientifically proven that a fetus can feel pain before it develops a brain or nerves. The “new data” might have to be pretty fanciful and would have to overturn a lot of what we know, but that doesn’t mean we can’t imagine it.



So anyways, this Special Council Meeting was convened to either endorse the previous transit plan (Transit City) or can it in favour of Rob Ford’s all-subways scheme. Ford wants subways because the idea of losing a car lane for a transit dedicated right-of-way is OMG Teh Horrors!

He moved to postpone the vote by amonth. That motion went down 24-19. The Return to Transit City vote still hasn’t happened yet, but it’s not looking good for Mayor Rob.



Are you going to be even later tonight than you earlier said? Because you’re stalking me on S,N!?

Just wait to see what you get for dinner tonight – dirt and sticks probably!


BWAHAHAHAHA I LOVE being America’s worst enemy!

Wow, worse than Roe v. Wade?!! Major props!


Hey now–what about me?!


I bet you could, El

The whole point of new data, I guess, is that one never does expect it. Sin embargo Nevertheless, I am still able to adapt to new data if it rears its ugly head. Been called dumb as a post, rock, bag o’hammers, hake, etc. within memory but “unimaginative”, no ma’am.


On polygamy, I once read an article about a polygamous society in Northern Africa. The women had it pretty good. Not only did they have lots of help around the house and had no problems finding babysitters, but women were the BANK in that town. Anyone wanted a loan, they had to convince a bunch of women that they were good for it. Also, women ganged up on their husbands so abuse was uncommon.

At some point, for some reason, part of the tribe relocated and became monogamous. In no time, the women were left powerless, without money, beaten, isolated, and hated by their husbands’ families.

If you ask me, the image of a husband in a polygamous relationship having absolute power over all the women he’s married to is just the bullshit projection/wetdream of American/Western men.


Art news:

Provo, Utah (CBS Las Vegas) — Sales soared for a painting depicting Obama trampling on the Constitution after a story CBS Las Vegas produced last weekend went viral.

John McNaughton’s “The Forgotten Man” sold in one day “what we would sell in three months.”

The amount of traffic the story generated even crashed his website.

“I hate to think of the sales I lost with the site being down, but I’m pleased that the message got out,” he told CBS Las Vegas.


If you ask me, the image of a husband in a polygamous relationship having absolute power over all the women he’s married to is just the bullshit projection/wetdream of American/Western men.

Time to pump Debt again! Part of Graeber’s argument involves the institution of currency being a method of conquest, and one fairly common unit of currency all over the world prior to things like coins was women. It’s a longstanding tradition to beat women down. There are exceptions everywhere, but the wet-dream generally had its way through most of recorded history.

In my area the most prominent collectors of multiple spouses come from “Bountiful”.


Substance McGravitas said,

February 9, 2012 at 0:55 (kill)

Art news:

Wow. He is such a… talent. I love the zoom-in feature that lets you see him try to explain his tortured “logic” in full, glorious, detail.

And of course it’s the same guy that did the classic One Nation Under God.


the institution of currency being a method of conquest

Damn, still haven’t gotten to Debt but that won’t stop me. One history I read recently said that in the Roman Empire the currency was more of a carrot than a stick. By being in the empire, sure, there were crushing taxes, but a reliable currency allowed a level of economic advancement that was orders of magnitude more than previous chaotic, Celtic, Brythonic, Frankish and Visigothian models. As the Empire contracted and the monetary system reverted to chaos trade, and arguably, culture also reverted to archaic levels.


Hey! Mr. French was in that movie!




And of course it’s the same guy that did the classic One Nation Under God.

Needs more madness inducing horror


the currency was more of a carrot than a stick

Now I want to know about the exchange rate.


One history I read recently said that in the Roman Empire the currency was more of a carrot than a stick. By being in the empire, sure, there were crushing taxes, but a reliable currency allowed a level of economic advancement that was orders of magnitude more than previous chaotic, Celtic, Brythonic, Frankish and Visigothian models. As the Empire contracted and the monetary system reverted to chaos trade, and arguably, culture also reverted to archaic levels.

The thesis regarding currency thus far is that coinage is especially helpful when you want to have an empire because armies are rootless guys and paying them with a cow doesn’t work so well when you want them to march a hundred miles. It’s easier to distribute bits of stuff. Absent guys who want an empire there aren’t really markets and there isn’t really barter in any meaningful sense; if you define “progress” as having another way to enslave people – Romans set the foundation for property law and were not nice about it – coinage was a good tool at that time. It’s a way of institutionalizing “stranger relations” with EVERYONE. So uncle Joe now has a fixed quantity of stuff to owe you instead of some ceremonial debt of honor, and by hook or by crook he has to get those coins or you get to enslave him and sodomize him if such is your wont.

So what you write is kind of true: the elites got what they wanted in terms of organization and heirarchy and empire and I get to read Suetonius and giggle; is that worth the blood that empire is built on? And of course most societies that had some sort of debt eventually got into a debt crisis and there was either revolution or debt forgiveness as with the Jubilee law…

That kind of makes you wonder how to organize large groups of strangers to get things done – it’s pretty easy to cooperate and share in a small village while making a whole bunch of strangers behave well is different – but coinage came along after some pretty interesting culture.

I may be mangling the argument somewhat; allow for my own projections and prejudices.


The vote to unbury the eastern leg of the Eglinton Crosstown had to be taken three times, after councillors said they pushed the wrong button (the first vote was 26-17, then a second tally was 27-16). The final and thrid vote passed the motion, 25-18.

Now THOSE are some councillors. I use that “wrong button” excuse all the time.


In our defense, those are elected officials.


I use that “wrong button” excuse all the time.

Me too but my wife STILL gets mad.


RedState comment hilarity:

wonder if conservatives on this site realize what an icon for religious intolerance the media has made him. You know about the word they made out of him?

Yeah, the “media” coined the frothy mix neologism!


Even funnier:

Let them bring the fight. To say that Rick Santorum can’t win because he’s too socially conservative says the core of our beliefs is unacceptable to a majority of voters. I have a hard time believing that to be true.

When their candidate loses badly, they’ll decide that they have to tack even further to the right.


Is it Suetonius who wrote about ambivalence and the problems he was having being of one mind? I so related to that, whoever wrote it.

But Substance, you go right ahead and fill us in on this reading of “Debt” experience. I’m currently reading “The Command and Control of Nuclear Forces” by Bracken, published in 1984; and will follow that up by buying and reading “Command and Control” by Bruce Blair which is quite new. If you’re thinkin’ ‘ NO! Wiley! TRIGGER’, worry not. It centers me to read what I know in my bones being articulated by a civilian who studied it. I have a lot of FOIA requests to file, as well, so knowing that that’s how such books get written is also a comfort to me.

While reading one of those, I’ll start in on “Post-traumatic Culture: Injury and Interpretation in the Nineties”.

I’ll also be starting my indoor greenhouse next week and will be doing all the stuff I normally do. Hopefully this remission will last long time. Though I still feel pain and have many MS problems, being able to walk normally (after I’ve warmed up for a couple of hours) is quite awesome. Have also been sleeping pretty well now that my mind is more resolved and the stressors that were stressing me have passed.

So, fill us in, or better yet— how about writing a series on the book and publishing it on your website?


Let them bring the fight.

To say that Rick Santorum can’t win because he’s too socially conservative says the core of our beliefs is unacceptable to a majority of voters.

Yes, that is what it says, because it’s true.

I have a hard time believing that to be true.

That’s nothing. Try believing that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

When their candidate loses badly, they’ll decide that they have to tack even further to the right.

That’s what I love about this. The longer the GOP primary drags out, the harder it will be for Rmoney (of course it will be him; it has always been him. He is still absolutely inevitable, they just haven’t managed to convince everyone else of that yet. They will) to pull a screeching 180-degree bootleg turn and go back to being the bland “moderate” he needs to be to win the general.

Game on!


That’s what I love about this. The longer the GOP primary drags out, the harder it will be for Rmoney (of course it will be him; it has always been him. He is still absolutely inevitable, they just haven’t managed to convince everyone else of that yet. They will) to pull a screeching 180-degree bootleg turn and go back to being the bland “moderate” he needs to be to win the general.

It’s funny, because his conservatism seems insincere, and his sudden tack to the center will cause him to look even more opportunistic and valueless.


So, fill us in, or better yet— how about writing a series on the book and publishing it on your website?

Watch me beg for a discussion on Crooked Timber and then get my way. Pure goatse power.

I like yammering about the book, but I am not a historian or an anthropologist or an economist or a policy-maker; I can’t do it justice and I’m too lazy besides. I’m not on sure ground if I try to pick it apart either. The posts and comment threads at Crooked Timber should be very satisfying one way or the other. It should be something of a tell that it reads like one of the greatest pieces of conspiracy literature ever written. I’m 2/3 through.


Substance, interesting thread. This comment by Antonio grabbed me

Some of the impetus toward the claim of purity and value-freedom came from nuclear scientists who were trying to obscure the actual aim of their research, which was oriented toward killing as many people as possible as quickly and efficiently as possible. Some came from technocrats who were trying to marginalize politics. Some came from rightwingers who wanted to obscure their designs. Some of it was a resurgence of the age-old distinction between the sublunar and corrupt and the superlunar and pure, as manifest here on earth in the distinction between clergy and laity.

I’m quite convinced that much of our Zeitgeist is under the umbrella of Cold War mythology. The fact that so many people accepted MAD doctrine is a testament to how much pathology a people can internalize. Next to MAD, allowing ourselves to be destroyed by namby-pamby “arguments” over whether or not climate change is real is just child’s play.


If you want to smile, go read comments at redstate on a Romney post. One of my favorites:

“Personally, I think Santorum would do the best against Obama and some national polls have shown that. He attracts all the Republicans and many independents and Democrats. But if he cannot get the nomination, I could live with Romney. The one person that I think would lose in a landslide to Obama is Gingrich, because he has very high negatives and I actually think people like him less the more they see him. With Santorum, people like him more the more they see him.”


I just reached 300 total hits on my new Jesus vs Ayn Rand blog http://aynrandhatedjesus.blogspot.com/
93 from SadlyNo! Thanks guys. And remember folks, if you like Ayn Rand, you make the baby Jesus cry.


This comment by Antonio grabbed me

Antonio is, I believe, John Emerson, whose former stomping grounds were here:


Next to MAD, allowing ourselves to be destroyed by namby-pamby “arguments” over whether or not climate change is real is just child’s play.

Yeah, I spent a lot of time when I was a kid worrying – awake and asleep – that the world was going to blow up in a surprise attack (and I think I’ve mentioned believing a nuclear war was starting when I heard my first tornado siren at school in Iowa – hilarity!). Now I get to worry that we’ll slowly choke the place to death. Mind you Vancouver may finally get creditable beaches out of it even if the water levels rise.


I find it oddly comforting that there is another threat to rival the threat of nuclear war. It’s still dying by our own hand, but more like smoking than killing everyone on the block before committing suicide.

The drills in which we all sat in the hall and put our heads between our legs struck me as being moronic when I was in grade school. The wishful thinking and denial of adults has always seemed weird to me.


When their candidate loses badly, they’ll decide that they have to tack even further to the right.

Reality needs to be taught a lesson it won’t soon forget.


Gocart, that site has been my favorite comedy site lately. I really wonder what reality they are living in.


Next to MAD, allowing ourselves to be destroyed by namby-pamby “arguments” over whether or not climate change is real is just child’s play.

We’re not going to be destroyed – we’re going to get to live for a very long time with the results of our collective stupidity. Silver Lining: eventually I think the hardcore remnant of the First Church Of Denialism is going to have its very own low-budget Jonestown.

Thing is, the scientists keep revising their worst-case scenarios upward, then finding results in the field that leave them behind. I’m hoping that I live long enough to see this trend come to a complete stop – preferably before the “Deep-Fried To A Crisp In Our Own Juices” point is reached.

I wonder if popular opinion could be better mobilized if the name we used was “Anthropogenic Oceanic Acidification” … yeah, probably not, huh?



Should we expect more of this in future political campaigns?

Gingrich Spokesman Defends Wikipedia Edits


Hm. WordPress ate my post about Newt Gingrich and Wikipedia. Maybe someone else should post the link.


I grew up in the sixties/seventies and hell yeah I thought about the fucking bombs-a-flyin’. The moment in The Day After where the missiles are flying out and everyone knows the reverse is true, that was the scariest moment in that film for me. That’s why I’ll never fucking get worried about a few damn terrorists. They can’t scare me worse then two sides of ideologues with 30,000 nukes.


I tried not to think about it too much when I was in SAC. If we had ever been launched on alert for real, I figure we’d have been halfway there before we even realized what we were doing.


The orgy of down-throat-thrusting continueth on apace.


When their candidate loses badly, they’ll decide that they have to tack even further to the right.

And so will ours, when he wins!

Just watch.


Dressing the gambian pouched rat.
Bringing the staghorn sculpin.
Spinning the emerald wyrm.
Nesting the limning.
Calling the metaphor.
Nesting the lover.
Resting the anecdote.
Chasing the stud.
Forgetting the aquatic dwarf.
Promising the power.
Announcing the endorsement.
Freezing the reality mutator.
Assessing the soul eater.
Digesting the protocol.
Dripping the turkey.
Picking the foundation.
Confessing the pikeperch.
Stinging the mole.
Infesting the monarch butterfly.
Swinging the leopard seal.
Twinning the being of light.
Beginning the love.
Obsessing the songbird.
Beginning the snail.
Pressing the healer.
Possessing the loved one.
Investing the old soul.
Grinning the reverberation.
Swinging the superior being.
Communicating the Daddy.
Compressing the machine life form.


I grew up in the sixties/seventies and hell yeah I thought about the fucking bombs-a-flyin’. The moment in The Day After where the missiles are flying out and everyone knows the reverse is true, that was the scariest moment in that film for me. That’s why I’ll never fucking get worried about a few damn terrorists. They can’t scare me worse then two sides of ideologues with 30,000 nukes.

The best part of that, to me (full disclosure: I was born two years before Reagan’s definitive welch on his campaign promise to blow up the world) is the Discovery Channel show about dumb-ass survivalists, one of whose doomsday scenario is Terrars blowing up a megaton-range nuke in Omaha, NE and thus making his current life in Salt Lake City unlivable.

He learned about Omaha as a target because it would have been literally saturated with nuclear fire in a war and the fallout would have sterilized Utah, and developed this complex, ideologically driven reaction based on it… but either never learned exactly why he was supposed to Be Very Afraid or just stopped bothering to rationalize it long before the USSR actually fell.

So now he thinks Al Qaeda, after developing nuclear weapons (which, he is told, they are hard at work on – thanks, Obama), are going to nuke Omaha and therefore gouge out Real America like a melon baller, and on that basis he stockpiles a million dollars worth of bullshit in a hole in the ground in his dumb-ass exurban ranch.

Dressing the gambian pouched rat.
Bringing the staghorn sculpin.
Spinning the emerald wyrm.
Nesting the limning.
Calling the metaphor.
Nesting the lover.
Resting the anecdote.
Chasing the stud.
Forgetting the aquatic dwarf.
Promising the power.
Announcing the endorsement.
Freezing the reality mutator.
Assessing the soul eater.
Digesting the protocol.
Dripping the turkey.
Picking the foundation.
Confessing the pikeperch.
Stinging the mole.
Infesting the monarch butterfly.
Swinging the leopard seal.
Twinning the being of light.
Beginning the love.
Obsessing the songbird.
Beginning the snail.
Pressing the healer.
Possessing the loved one.
Investing the old soul.
Grinning the reverberation.
Swinging the superior being.
Communicating the Daddy.
Compressing the machine life form.

You forgot ‘The Prestige’.


The drills in which we all sat in the hall and put our heads between our legs struck me as being moronic when I was in grade school. The wishful thinking and denial of adults has always seemed weird to me.

See, kids are inconsiderate – would you rather harvest the bodies of children in a nice orderly matrix or in a great smashed-up pile? Will no one think of the adults?


“Some guys would bid the South America routes purely for the extracurricular activities.”

Hiking the trail…


He learned about Omaha as a target because it would have been literally saturated with nuclear fire in a war and the fallout would have sterilized Utah

Prevailing winds are west to east. A full scale nuclear strike on Omaha would sterilize Iowa.


We’ve had several pilots who had “second families” down in Brazil.

You know WHO ELSE had babies in South America?


As a wee babby in teh 60’s I apparently heard the adults talking about stuff because I used to have vivid dreams, which I can still remember, about bombs falling from the sky and trying to run away over the heaving ground.

Apparently I’m not the only one.


Ooops. Mr. Mittens, c’est moi.


If we had really gone at it all-out with the Soviets, it would have been much, much worse than you probably imagined.

Nothing east of the Mississippi would have survived and very little west of it.

My missions would have had me putting the third or fourth weapon on any given target and I’m sure they had similar levels of overkill factored into their plans.


He learned about Omaha as a target because it would have been literally saturated with nuclear fire in a war and the fallout would have sterilized Utah

Prevailing winds are west to east. A full scale nuclear strike on Omaha would sterilize Iowa.

Huh, I suspect you’re right. So his concern about Omaha was just completely fucking absurd. (Seriously, Salt Lake is way higher on the list of priorities for anyone who can’t aspire to paralyze the US nuclear response capacity.)

But then: at least in the Cold War the fantasy of nuclear death made sense, and was for us. No one would be spared; no civilization would survive. I think they must be aware in Des Moines or Missoula or Eau Claire how ridiculous it is to imagine a jetliner crashing into their tallest building – besides the WFQK mast – and forming a complex fear reaction based on that.

Of course, even in those bad old days there were more and less credible threats: compare The Day After to Red Dawn to Amerika to If Footmen Tire You; honest God-fearing jack-a-napes have found ways to earnestly pretend to fear of a marauding Cuban army for generations, so who are we to gainsay this beautiful American tradition of piss-drawers cowardice.

As a wee babby in teh 60?s I apparently heard the adults talking about stuff because I used to have vivid dreams, which I can still remember, about bombs falling from the sky and trying to run away over the heaving ground.

As a precocious little shit tormented by perennial nightmares of fiery radioactive death I was ill at ease with the usual third-grade shenanigan version of nukes (awesome), which the generally fantastic China In Ten Words informs me is pretty much a universal reaction of youths and boys especially to the idea of nuclear weaponry.


Huh, I suspect you’re right.

Trust me. I’ve seen the charts.

To certify as an aircraft commander I had to spend a week in “the vault” studying all this crap and then spend 3 hours getting grilled by a bunch of Colonels.


I grew up downwind of Minot and the rest of ND. We’d of been glowing like an Idiglo watch.


If we had really gone at it all-out with the Soviets, it would have been much, much worse than you probably imagined.

Nothing east of the Mississippi would have survived and very little west of it.

My missions would have had me putting the third or fourth weapon on any given target and I’m sure they had similar levels of overkill factored into their plans.

I seem to remember as a general rule they had twice as many weapons to divide amongst twice as many targets – the USSR being big but NATO being bigger – and we each had enough firepower to destroy all life on Earth 3-5 times over, in case the first 1-4 didn’t stick.

Horribly, if the Poles can be trusted – and God knows they should not – it seems pretty likely that Soviet war plans for if a ‘smaller’ war broke out were basically to saturation-bomb Europe from the Vistula to the Rhine, hoping that national interest would hold out over ideology or alliance obligations in Airstrip One and France.

The popular picture is of the US stubbornly escalating into a shooting war and the dastardly Soviets turning a tactical war strategic, but it seems like with the benefit of hindsight the ‘buffer theory’ people were right – Soviet planners mainly valued Eastern Europe as a geographical buffer and if NATO tried to violate it their plan was to decapitate NATO and produce a new, larger buffer of radioactive slag.

(Although, again, knowing PiJ it kind of feels unfair to take that at face value – they would want us to believe that, wouldn’t they? Poor innocent Poland, which nasty Russia only wanted for her body, &c.)


Oh, duh. Didn’t notice who it was said that.

It’s mostly that I was hoping he was not expecting Terrorists to destroy Salt Lake City via EMP or something – too dumb even for Tom Clancy – but now you see where my charitable nature leaves me.


As the saying goes – no war plan ever survives the first shot being fired.

We always assumed that a European scenario would escalate to strategic levels on day 3 or so.


I will never forgive Tom Clancy for nuking the Super Bowl just as the Vikings were wining. Although that or the meteor would likely have happened.


I will admit to once upon a time enjoying Tom Clancy novels. Now I mostly think he’s a geek.

Oh well, I’m off to Edmonton. 4 hours of (hopefully) mind-numbing boredom.


Oh well, I’m off to Edmonton.

God have mercy on your soul.


That’s why Red Storm Rising was so funny (in a sick fucking sort of way) – there is no fucking way the missiles would have stayed in the barn.


*rubs eyes*

Am I in the right thread this morning?


It depends. Were you looking for humor or A Canticle For Liebowitz?


A Canticle for Liebowitz, you could read it On The Beach.


This Is Not a Test


Alas Babylon


…and then spend 3 hours getting grilled by a bunch of Colonels.

Big whoop, say the chickens.


I thought the best post-nuke scenario was in “War Day” (1984) by James Kuntka and Whitley Strieber (before he went UFO-cickoo). It described life 5 years after a “limited” nuclear exchange. (‘cuz, y’know, there wouldn’t be any life after a full-blown, empty-the-silos, spin-dry nuke-fest, At least, not the kind of life that could write about it)


jim’s link at 5:23
“Successful troll is successful.”

Actual real ammendment to Oklahoma Personhood Bill
“However, any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina shall be interpreted and construed as an action against an unborn child.”

Snark is a powerful weapon. I think Alinsky said that.


If the statue is removed, then technically there will be an invisible statue to atheism standing in its place. Why should atheism get special treatment?

Technically the only “special treatment” atheists would get from an invisible statue would be in having yet another not real thing to not believe in. Also: “technically?” Um, no. Not even the other favorite of near-morons, “literally!”


Oh well, I’m off to Edmonton.



Just got to Edmonton, where it’s a balmy -13C. Other than fighting to stay awake it was uneventful.


I recommend…um…let me think…


Oy vey!


The drills in which we all sat in the hall and put our heads between our legs struck me as being moronic when I was in grade school. The wishful thinking and denial of adults has always seemed weird to me.

Duck and Cover


I lived in Edmonton for twenty-five years. There is no better city in North America for the experience of mind-numbing boredom.

Will you be flying into YEG, Major? I always thought that airport might as well have a sign saying “End Of The Line — Civilization Ends Here — No Passage North Save By Dog-Sled”. You get the idea that, yes, you’re still in the civilized world, but only just.


Second try: FYWP

Duck and Cover


I went to Edmonton once on business. In the middle of the winter. It sucked. I’m certain that it sucks majorly to be there now.

Also too, http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/02/09/421882/santorum-obama-has-put-america-on-the-path-of-executing-religious-people-by-decapitation/


As much as I enjoy the trouble that Santorum is causing Romney, I am gonna be so glad when Rick goes back to burgling turds or whatever he does for a living.

I had a Santorum quote in mind when I started typing, but there’s no point in discussing it.


Also, speaking of nuclear annihilation, the civic fathers of Edmonton chose to site the airport twenty miles out of town, just so the Soviets would have to use an extra nuke on us. I think this must have been the same gang that set up enormous air-raid sirens all over town that were never discussed or referred to by the civic authorities (but would go off by accident every now and again). Point being, if you are in Edmonton and (sensibly) wish to leave by the fastest available means, prepare to spend $35 in cab fare just to get as far as the airport.


Will you be flying into YEG, Major?

Yep. It’s a pretty small airport. On the 757 we go to a lot of the “second tier” cities like Winnipeg, Grand Forks, Great Falls. Pretty much any place that has “Great” or “Grand” in the name.

It was a long ride from the airport to downtown. Took almost 40 minutes.


This had good stuff last time I was there:


Really icky building though.


Took almost 40 minutes.

But you appreciated the fact that it would take the Russkis two nukes to wipe it out, rather than the zero they probably planned on, right?


the civic fathers of Edmonton chose to site the airport twenty miles out of town, just so the Soviets would have to use an extra nuke on us.

Or maybe they were overly optimistic about Edmonton’s chances as a gold rush town.

Or they were really prescient and anticipated that, with climate change, Edmonton would become a destination beach resort.


I hope they find the people responsible for sabotaging that art museum.


Or maybe they thought residents would appreciate not living near an airport?


Or maybe they thought residents would appreciate not living near an airport?

Politicians think about constituents?


Oh, wait…Canada…


actor, I’ll buy you a copy of this book if you like. Note that this particular book does NOT address the historicity of Jesus (that will come in his next book), only questions the present scholarly consensus on the methodology to use in ANY such endeavor. I’m fairly certain that he will cast some serious doubt on the “conventional wisdom” of historians and biblical scholars, probably addressing Tacitus and Suetonius. You might find it interesting. No, I don’t expect to deconvert you, just trying to get the discussion onto solid turf.


Regarding the post title, I think you’re missing a possible preposition: “up”


I will never forgive Tom Clancy for nuking the Super Bowl just as the Vikings were wining. Although that or the meteor would likely have happened.

and then monkeys would have flown out of our butts…


Ah, Deadmonton.

Anecdote-That-Is-Also-A-Metaphor time: As a wee brat, I recall seeing (& smelling) the edifying spectacle of a large pile of horseshit in one of the restroom stalls at the bus depot. Yes, some yokel had his horse take a crap in the loo … or perhaps it was a VERY dissatisfied bus passenger.


That actually kind of surprises me (horseshit in the Edmonton bus depot). Greyhound Canada busses are so much nicer than their American equivalent that I suffered an extremely rude awakening when I moved to the United States. Visiting Canadian friends have occasionally made the same mistake and refused to listen to my advice. (“No, really, I don’t care if it does cost $500 more to fly; you simply do not want to take a Greyhound bus from New York City to Florida!“)

Anyway, I have been to the bus depot in Edmonton any number of times, and no horse crap. Some guy did try to sell me hashish of questionable provenance once. I think you just came on an off-day.


I think that we’re starting to get some clues as to the provenance of that hash…


hashish of questionable provenance

Band name!


Anyway, I have been to the bus depot in Edmonton any number of times, and no horse crap. Some guy did try to sell me hashish of questionable provenance once.

If a blowjob wasn’t part of the deal you were right to be suspicious. Bus depot etiquette!


I thought the best post-nuke scenario was in “War Day” (1984) by James Kuntka and Whitley Strieber (before he went UFO-cickoo).

It’s much farther post-nuke, but I’d vote for Riddley Walker


The Postman was a good story until Kevin Costner got his hands on it.


Major, a solicitation to current Edmontonians for suggestions on ways to occupy yourself during your stay yielded a recommendation for the local art-house theatre the Metro where they’re apparently showing smutty art films. Also a restaurant called Dadeo’s. The theatre was called the Garneau in my day but (for Edmonton) is a decent place; the restaurant was long after my time of course.

I also tried to arrange for a voluptuous and devastatingly intelligent redhead to be your tour guide, but she has to work today. Just thought I should let you know I tried.


Also a restaurant called Dadeo’s.

I believe that’s a chain. One opened in my neighbourhood a year or two ago and closed quickly. Replaced by the Belgian beer place.


The Postman was a good story until Kevin Costner got his hands on it.

Agreed, although I always thought the ending was kinda wacky. I also liked it because it’s set in very familiar locations for me, with a big chunk of it taking place here in Corvallis.


I also tried to arrange for a voluptuous and devastatingly intelligent redhead to be your tour guide, but she has to work today.

Somebody is going to demand photographic proof of this…


Replaced by the Belgian beer place.

That is one of the best sentences, evar. I never tire of hearing it.


I also tried to arrange for a voluptuous and devastatingly intelligent redhead to be your tour guide, but she has to work today.

Somebody is going to demand photographic proof of this…

I suppose I could send you a picture of her doctoral dissertation. But wouldn’t you rather have it in text format so you could read it?

You are talking about proof of her intelligence, right?


That is one of the best sentences, evar.
Certainly one of the most beautiful sentences.

A sad day in 2009.


You are talking about proof of her intelligence, right?

No, proof she’s working, silly.


No, I don’t expect to deconvert you, just trying to get the discussion onto solid turf.

You and Philo may be the only two people in history who wish Josephus wasn’t real. 🙂


New JanusNode: http://janusnode.com/

You and Philo may be the only two people in history who wish Josephus wasn’t real. 🙂

Josephus was real – and an excellent read! The Jesus stuff is later interpolation.


I have no doubts about Josephus having been a real person. I have very serious doubts about the authenticity of the Testimonium*. I also have no doubt about the fact that Josephus wrote whatever he really did write many years after the events are alleged to have occurred.

*As in, the Juses references are obvious forgery.


I don’t, though, doubt that Jesus was a guy who ran around doing stuff…that poor pig.


the Juses references are obvious forgery.

But it threw Scotland Yard completely off Jack’s trail: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goulston_Street_graffito


The drills in which we all sat in the hall and put our heads between our legs struck me as being moronic when I was in grade school.

My 8th grade teacher told us about those drills and said that the only drill we needed was to put our heads between our legs and kiss our asses goodbye.


Am I a bad person for enjoying this?

Yes. So am I.


I also tried to arrange for a voluptuous and devastatingly intelligent redhead to be your tour guide, but she has to work today. Just thought I should let you know I tried.

It’s not a large city, he’ll probably run into her.


<i.Yes. So am I.

so are i…that’s pretty awesome…especially since i saw a news clip this morning of the reverse happinging in atlanta or someplace…


i am also bad with tags…just so you know…


I also tried to arrange for a voluptuous and devastatingly intelligent redhead to be your tour guide, but she has to work today. Just thought I should let you know I tried.

I appreciate the thought.

(I was busy getting my 4 hours of sleep for the day)


Lions? tigris is bored. Oh, my.

Marion in Savannah

Charles Pierce of Esquire is at CPAC. And blogging about it… Apparently the battle for freedom in America will be won or lost in Steve King’s bathroom…

In a rush, no no fancy HTML stuff:



Maybe if Steve King weren’t so full of shit he wouldn’t have to flush 80 times?


In my email:

Dear Substance,

I haven’t heard back from you regarding my email below. I need to know that you stand with me in my run for re-election to Congress.

If you still believe we need a strong constitutionalist in Congress then I need to hear from you today. Substance, I hope I can still count on your support. Please click here and send your very best gift of $25, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford today.

President Obama and Nancy Pelosi will certainly do everything they can to defeat me and I must rely on supporters like you to ensure we have a strong constitutional conservative to lead the charge in Congress and ensure victory this fall. I need your financial support now more than ever.


Sent from my iPhone


Charles Pierce of Esquire is at CPAC. And blogging about it

hehe…kirk cameron said ‘movement’ and ‘push it out’…also, who is he looking at over there?


In my email:

hmmmm…we are apparently in different financial stratospheres…i get the emails asking for $3…


Steve “Oink Oink Oink” King is right!
Those algore shower-heads & toilets are EXACTLY like the former East German Stasi!

But DHS snooping through your e-mail? Nah, that’s PROTECTING LIBERTY, you dirty Commies.



Who has to “dig” the shower head out of the wall? Damn things screw on the end of the arm.


Apparently the battle for freedom in America will be won or lost in Steve King’s bathroom…

Websense won’t let me into Esquire. Does Pierce talk about the light bulbs? There’s a juice line in there.

Errrr, no pun intended. Too much.


Apparently the battle for freedom in America will be won or lost in Steve King’s bathroom…

Listen, when you’ve climbed a ladder and accidentally backed into a shower head as often as King has, they get impacted you see.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Who has to “dig” the shower head out of the wall? Damn things screw on the end of the arm.

He’s been studying at the Wurzelbacher Trade and Technical Institute.


If you still believe we need a strong constitutionalist in Congress then I need to hear from you today.

She must mean the version of the Constitution where government is supposed to promote evangelical Christianity and regulate everybody’s sex life.


She must mean the version of the Constitution where government is supposed to promote evangelical Christianity and regulate everybody’s sex life.



Thanks for the link, Pupienus Maximus–it’s bugged me before in my short time following this blog, it just stands out as particularly juvenile and homophobic in this context, whereas in other posts it just seems lazy.

Big Bad Bald Bastard


Yeah, Ben Franklin was a strait-laced puritanical sort!


Yeah, Ben Franklin was a strait-laced puritanical sort!

he certainly was no tea-bagger…at least that i know of…the history channel hasn’t come up with that one yet…i bet he would have been game for it, though…


But you appreciated the fact that it would take the Russkis two nukes to wipe it out, rather than the zero they probably planned on, right?

I submit that one 20 megaton nuke would take care of Edmonton and then some.

Plus, I wouldn’t take anything that’s said about the Soviet Union and their “intentions” from an American source. The Bush administration was packed to the gills with Team B members who would look at a satellite image of a small radar mounted on a truck and see a lazer weapon. They always assumed the worst of Soviet leaders, and were quite giddy themselves about using nuclear weapons and often thought that we could circumnavigate MAD by striking first and completely destroying the Soviet Union. They are responsible for the biggest build of the most destructive weaponry in human history.

When on scope in missile warning, I felt more commonality with our Soviet counterparts than I did with my fellow citizens. At one point, I went to a communist meeting over the weekend. The next shift I had a conversation with my favorite scope partner that went like this

me: I went to a communist meeting this weekend.
danny: brightens, looks curious “What was that like?”
me: “They weren’t frothing at the mouth or anything. They talked about how the Army was leaving unexploded ordinance on islands where they were doing exercises, and the locals were stepping on land mines and shit and getting killed.”
danny: “No doubt”. (We don’t have to say that it was ARMY—waddya expect?
me: I’m not signing up or anything, I just wanted to see what it was about.
danny: “Yeah. Cool.”

Then we started talking about other things as usual and managed to stay awake, as usual, with coffee, cigarettes, conversation and the sure knowledge that someone in the Soviet Union was doing exactly what we were doing the whole time.


If you think of “target number 2” as a huge volley of missiles then it makes about as much sense as MAD can make. I’ve seen the earth destroyed in four rounds countless times. When it looks like a Chinese New Year’s celebration on the scope it’s time to give up and go to lunch.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Then we started talking about other things as usual and managed to stay awake, as usual, with coffee, cigarettes, conversation and the sure knowledge that someone in the Soviet Union was doing exactly what we were doing the whole time.

Maybe I wanna see the wheatfields
Over Kiev and down to the sea

All the young people down the ages
They gladly marched off to die
Proud city fathers used to watch them
Tears in their eyes”


Not really blogwhoring, I just need to remember to get the address of the petition before I sign it.


You can find it at Think Progress also. The President told the insurance companies to give us affordable contraceptives without a copay and the Republicans are focusing their collective tantrum on this now.

Push back. A silent liberal might as well be a wing nut; because the default is white, male, heterosexual christian.


Cool song, BBB, thnx. Still, it was all in All Is Quiet on the Western Front. Me thinks after every war every human being fought was the realization that it was all stupid delusion. There is one war that we’re not likely to learn much from. It would leave the few unfortunate survivors too meager and hand-to-mouth to learn and pass on much of a culture. Maybe we’re learning and a particular superpower is only experiencing the dragging of 27% of its feet, while the President is committed to nuclear arms reductions and non-proliferation.

Not much that can be done with that 27% but to not let get it elected, make fun of it, and tell it to STFU on occasion.


Americans: Was your town a [rumored] Cold War missile target?

In general, targets were:

1. Military bases
2. Command/Control centers
3. Centers of government
4. Oil refineries


Edmonton qualified as ground zero on point #4. Hence the cheesy air-raid siren, etc. I had a map of the city on the wall of my room as a child, with nested concentric circles in colored pencil designating various zones of effect centered on the heart of the refinery district, based on a one-megaton airburst. Colored pins represented my house and school and other places I often spent time.

Other fun Edmonton-related civil defense fact: The Canadian National Railway runs through Edmonton rather than Calgary to make it more defensible against an invasion from the United States.


The Canadian National Railway runs through Edmonton rather than Calgary to make it more defensible against an invasion from the United States.

Invading Canada didn’t work too well the last couple times we tried it.


The Canadian National Railway runs through Edmonton rather than Calgary to make it more defensible against an invasion from the United States.



Nobody wants to go 200 miles north to invade what’s pretty much the same city.


…as Calgary I meant to say. Battle of the Jubilee Auditoria!


Invading Canada didn’t work too well the last couple times we tried it.

Admittedly, you’ve gotten rather better at invading since then. And I’m not sure that Canadians, as a group, possess the bloodthirstiness to become an effective counter-invasion insurgency. OTOH, General Winter.


Unlike the Canadian invasion of the U.S. which has been too damn successful. Bastards sent Shatner down here for fuck sake. And Lorne Green!


In the words of a former Commander of Nuclear Forces— General Lee Butler (r.i.p.)

Over time, that shimmering wave was, to a judgment which has now become a deeply held conviction that a world free of the threat or nuclear weapons is necessarily a world devoid of nuclear weapons. Permit me, if you will, to elaborate briefly an the concerns which compel this conviction.

First, a growing alarm that despite all of the evidence, we have yet to fully grasp the monstrous effects of these weapons, that the consequences of their use defy reason, transcending time and space, poisoning the earth and deforming its inhabitants.

Second, a deepening dismay at the prolongation of Cold War policies and practices in a world where our security interests have ben utterly transformed.

Third, that foremost among these policies, deterrence reigns unchallenged, with its embedded assumption of hostility and associated preference for forms on high states of alert.

Fourth, an acute unease over renewed assertions of the utility of nuclear weapons, especially as regards response to chemical or biological attack.

Fifth, grave doubt that the present highly discriminatory regime of nuclear and non-nuclear states can long endure absent an credible commitment by the nuclear powers to eliminate their arsenals.

And finally, the horrific prospect of a world seething with enmities, armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons, end hostage to maniacal leaders strongly disposed toward their use.

That being said. let me hasten to add that I am keenly aware of the opposing arguments. Many strategists hold to the belief that the Cold War world was well served by nuclear weapons, and that the fractious world emerging in its aftermath dictates that they will be retained … either as fearsome weapons of last resort or simply because their elimination is still a Utopian dream.

I offer in reply that for me the Utopian dream was ending the Cold War. Standing down nuclear arsenals requires only a fraction of the ingenuity and resources as were devoted to their creation. As to those who believe nuclear weapons desirable or inevitable, I would say these devices exact a terrible price even if never used. Accepting nuclear weapons as the ultimate arbiter of conflict condemns the world to live under a dark cloud of perpetual anxiety. Worse, it codifies mankind’s most murderous instincts as an acceptable resort when other options for resolving conflict fail.

Others argue that nuclear weapons are still the essential trappings of superpower status; that they are a vital hedge against a resurgence of virulent, Soviet communism; that they will defer attack by weapons of mass destruction; or that they are the most appropriate choice far response to such attack.

To them I reply that proliferation cannot be contained in a world where a handful of self-appointed nations both arrogate to themselves the privilege of owning nuclear weapon; and extol the ultimate security assurances they assert such weapons convey. That overt hedging against born-again, Soviet- style hardliners is as likely to engender as to discourage their resurrection.

That elegant theories of deterrence wilt in the crucible of impending nuclear war. And, finally, that the political and human consequences of the employment of a nuclear weapon by the United States in the post-Cold War world, no matter the provocation, would irretrievably diminish our stature. We simply cannot resort to the very type of act we rightly abhor.

Is it possible to forge a global consensus on the propositions that nuclear weapons have no defensible role; that the broader consequences of their employment transcend any asserted military utility; and that as the weapons of mass destruction, the case for their elimination is a thousand-fold stronger and more urgent than for deadly chemicals and viruses already widely declared immoral, illegitimate, subject to destruction and prohibited from any future production?

I am persuaded that such a consensus is not only possible, it is imperative. Notwithstanding the uncertainties of transition in Russia, bitter enmities in the Middle East, or the delicate balance of power in South and East Asia, I believe that a swelling global refrain will eventually bring the broader interests of mankind to bear on the decisions of governments to retain nuclear weapons. The terror-induced anesthesia which suspended rational thought, made nuclear war thinkable and grossly excessive arsenals possible during the Cold War is gradually wearing off. A renewed appreciation for the obscene power of a single nuclear weapon is coming back into focus as we confront to dismal prospect of nuclear terror at the micro level.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Unlike the Canadian invasion of the U.S. which has been too damn successful. Bastards sent Shatner down here for fuck sake. And Lorne Green!

And Tim Horton!


Dead or Canadian? has always struck me as a most curious question.



Still discussing the annihilation of mankind, I see.


You know who else wants to annihilate mankind?

Space Nazis!


You know who else wants to annihilate mankind?

Space Nazis!

Ah, hopefully some more stock from which to produce Downfall-like parody videos.


Space Nazis!

I hate those guys!


The Surf Nazis caught some really big waves?


I think it looks really good – in an MST3K so bad it’s good kind of way.


Don’t you hate it when it’s cold as brass monkey balls, you bundle up, hop on the scooter, get to the store three miles away… and realize you forgot your fuckin’ wallet?


I am objectively pro soace-Nazi.


Space-Nazi too. BOTH KINDS OF NAZI.


I am objectively pro soace-Nazi.



Oh, I thought you meant solace Nazis. They’re always all “YOU WILL FEEL BETTER!” Jerks.


ZOMG!!! SPACE NAZIS! So much to steal, so little time!

It’s a sad and beautiful world, and I should pimp Wonkette more often, that’s a well-built ho.


Back when the History Hitler Channel still occasionally had history I used to actually joke about it turning into “Nazi Astronauts on Mars”.

Which would still be better than their current 24 hours of Pawn Stars every day.


The fact is, Obama is buyinmg the votes of homsexuals and lazy shiftless urban types withe redistribution of money extorted from producers.


The fact is, Obama is always trying to make whiet people look bad by currying minorites.



But it was just sitting there with its fireplace garbage disposal electric socket sewer clean-out begging for my man-meat!


currying minorites

Great, now I’m hungry.


Speaking of going batshit with teh cuntpaste … hey, kids take a look at what I found in my inbox today!

Dear ,

I am delighted to announce the conservative event of the year: the National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise.


Featuring over dozens of confirmed all-star conservative speakers (with many more expected to follow), this affordable trip—prices start at only $1,999 a person—will take place November 11–18, 2012, aboard Holland America Line’s beautiful MS Nieuw Amsterdam. (You’ll find complete information at http://www.nrcruise.com).

From politics and domestic policy to economics and foreign affairs—and of course the consequences of the 2012 elections—there’s so much to discuss, and that’s precisely what our array of premier conservative speakers, writers, and experts will do on the Nieuw Amsterdam, your floating luxury getaway for scintillating discussion of major current events and trends, and what a new (or same?!) occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue will mean for America’s future.

You could spend the week of November 11th raking leaves and cleaning gutters while you Monday morning quarterback the election results. Or, if you took the wiser course, you’ll be spending that week enjoying seven sunny days and cool nights sailing the balmy tropics, mixing and mingling with the crew of exemplary speakers we’ve assembled to make sense of politics and the day’s top issues.


Our tremendous line-up of confirmed speakers will include:

Web sensation Andrew Breitbart,
Islam scholar Bernard Lewis,
historian Victor Davis Hanson,
columnists Cal Thomas, Mona Charen, and James Lileks,
terrorism and legal experts Andrew McCarthy, John Yoo, and Ed Whelan,
political guru Ralph Reed,
pollster extraordinaire Scott Rasmussen,
military expert Bing West,
best-selling conservative author Michael Walsh,
ace economists and fiscal analysts James Pethokoukis, Alan Reynolds, and Andrew Stuttaford ,
City Journal editor Brian Anderson,
The New Criterion editor Roger Kimball,
immigration expert Mark Krikorian,

and, from NR,

editor Rich Lowry,
national affairs reporter John Fund,
Liberal Fascism author Jonah Goldberg,
columnist Rob Long
NRO editor-at-large Kathryn Lopez,
senior editors Jay Nordlinger and Ramesh Ponnuru,
“Campaign Spot” blogger Jim Geraghty,
“Exchequer” blogger Kevin D. Williamson,
NRO contributor John Derbyshire,
national correspondent John J. Miller,
former NR editor John O’Sullivan, and
ace political reporter Bob Costa.


You know it’s true, so, don’t put it off any longer. We’re absolutely confident that you will have a fantastic time.

Why are we so sure? Because the “typical” NR cruise alumnus (there are thousands) has gone on five of our voyages (NR has been sponsoring cruises since 1994), and knows NR trips are marked by riveting political shoptalk, wonderful socializing, intimate dining with our editors and speakers, making new friends, rekindling old friendships, and grand cruising.

That and so much more are in store for you on the National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise.


There are many reasons to come, but none better than the luminaries who will be aboard. This extraordinary gathering is one of the best ensembles we’ve ever had on an NR cruise. We guarantee fascinating and informative seminar sessions.

Some of our primo prior cruise experiences have been the informed interchanges between Bernard Lewis and Victor Davis Hanson on the brutal revival of the age-old struggle between Islam and the West.

Watch, Andrew Breitbart, Brian Anderson, and Roger Kimball discuss just how deep the media is in the liberal tank.

Legal experts Andy McCarthy and John Yoo, will provide their razor-sharp insights on America’s dealings in the Middle East and the Muslim world, and will join Ed Whelan to give unvarnished analyses of recent judicial decisions, and the skinny on the Obama Administration’s assaults on the Constitution.

Try to keep your sides from aching at our hilarious and informative post-dinner “Night Owl,” where Jonah Goldberg, James Lileks, Michael Walsh, and Ron Long vent, ruminate, expand, expound, josh, and maybe even croon about the things which tickle their fancies, yank their chains, and everything in between.

Learn from acclaimed pollster Scott Rasmussen as he analyzes the numbers and explains why this candidate won and that candidate lost.

Ralph Reed, Mona Charen, Cal Thomas, Brian Anderson, and Roger Kimball provide expert analyses of the conservative movement, the GOP, and the day’s top issues.

Picture John O’Sullivan and military expert Bing West discussing the US military’s impact on foreign affairs, and Mark Krikorian giving you his expert take on illegal immigration’s impact on the economy and the culture.

Get your masters in economics as Alan Reynolds, James Pethokoukis, Andrew Stuttaford, and NRO “Exchequer” Kevin D. Williamson walk through America’s dilapidated fiscal house.


The Nieuw Amsterdam offers spacious, beautifully appointed staterooms, fine dining, excellent entertainment, world-class service, and countless amenities. Holland America Line has won numerous honors (for 17 straight years Ocean and Cruise News has given HAL its prestigious Best Overall Cruise Value award) and deservedly. An HAL voyage is a fantastic experience. And it’s affordable: Prices for the National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise start as low as $1,999 a person. No matter what cabin meets your individual tastes and circumstances (from inside staterooms to luxury suites), you can be assured the Nieuw Amsterdam and its stellar staff will offer you unsurpassed service, sumptuous cuisine, roomy accommodations, and luxury.


And don’t forget the fantastic itinerary: St. Thomas, Grand Turk, San Juan, and Holland America’s private island, Half Moon Cay (with a must-see-it-to-believe-it blue lagoon!) are our destinations.


The National Review 2011 Caribbean Cruise will be remarkable — but then every NR sojourn is.

Over the course of 31 cruises, we’ve developed and perfected a winning program. Here’s what will be in store:

Nine scintillating seminars (each over two hours long and allowing for your Q & A),
Two “Night Owl” sessions (phenomenal post-dinners affairs where our more humorous guest speakers take a lighter look at liberalism)
Three revelrous cocktail parties (they’re great opportunities to chat and have photos taken with your favorite conservatives),
One absolutely fantastic late-night poolside smoker (featuring complimentary world-class H. Upmann cigars and cognac), and
Two nights of intimate dining with our editors and speakers (you will dine twice at a table for eight with our all-star guests).

Okay, just for starters? I kind of suspect that by now one or three of these people will want me keelhauled once they figure out who I am on NRO.

Watching Breitbart bloviate as to how far the media that keeps giving him facetime is in the liberal tank isn’t really what I had in mind … I’m afraid what would quickly ensue is an “enthusiastic exchange of viewpoints” between my steel-toed boot & his childlike scrotum. Also, you call John “Fifty Dolla, Me Pervert Law For You Long Time” Yoo a legal expert = your credibility is gone like Clinton’s surplus.

Yes, I’m quite sure my sides WILL ache as Jonah croons about what tickles his fancy &/or yanks his chain – because disembowelling myself with a katana will do that; I only hope that my valet can decapitate me before I lose face by screaming or he gets to his “punchline,” whichever comes first.

Now I have to admit, the chance to ask Teh Mighty Rasmussen exactly how much he charges for an electoral blumpkin IS tempting. Soooooo, that’s one out of circa 25 so far.

Holy mother of fuck: Mona Charen? Cal Thomas? Ralph Reed? What, were Alan Keyes & Joe The Plumber busy? Yep, that’s some serious fuckin’ STAR(-SEARCH) POWER right there alrighty.

Gotta love that personal touch – yeah, just call me “,” … FYI, my nickname is “;” but that’s only once you truly get to know me really well.

Two grand? Not nearly enough. Offer me fifteen & THEN we’ll talk.


currying minorities

Is this about sauce Nazis again?


The fact is, Obama is buyinmg the votes of homsexuals and lazy shiftless urban types withe redistribution of money extorted from producers.

But Obama will find that the Space Nazi vote is not for sale.


But Obama will find that the Space Nazi vote is not for sale.

Not even for quatloos AND gold-pressed latinum?


National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise

The Somali pirates are never around when you need them.



Only if people get glitter-bombed constantly while speaking.


Jonah Goldberg, James Lileks, Michael Walsh, and Ron Long vent, ruminate, expand, expound, josh, and maybe even croon about the things which tickle their fancies, yank their chains, and everything in between.


Where is an iceberg when you need one. Or maybe the Bermuda Triangle vortex.


Glitter-bombing the conservatives.


National Review 2012 Post-Election Cruise


Wat? Oh. Never mind.


You know WHO ELSE cruises?

Katie and Siri?


Well, I guess everyone needs a hobby. Or medication. Maybe both.


Medication is its own hobby.


how they can be so frightened of things that pose no threat, and so nonchalant about things that do

The projection, it projects.


“The Somali pirates are never around when you need them.”

Haha, nice. But I think they’re after ransoms.


Eric Holder will not use the terms ‘Islamic Extremism’ to refer to whoever it is we happen to be fighting

The ones that run are Islamic Extremists. The ones that don’t run are well-disciplined Islamic Extremists.


I got a call once from a group supporting a tea party candidate. According to them, I’ve supported Republican causes in the past. I said, rather calmly

I would cut my throat before I voted for a tea party candidate.

If I’m not mistaken, I’ve been removed from their list, because I haven’t gotten any more calls from Republicans.


Anonymous said,
February 10, 2012 at 6:04

Well this is certainly closely-reasoned and not overly rhetorical.


So is 400 the magic comment count that calls forth the hideous anonybeast from its lair, or is it some other trigger?


Eric Holder will not use the terms ‘Islamic Extremism’ to refer to whoever it is we happen to be fighting, assuming we happen to be fighting someone.

I LOL’d.

Maybe you should ask the corpse of Osama Bin Laden whether or not we “happen to be fighting someone,” either him or the not inconsiderable quantities of al-Qaeda members who’ve been killed or captured in the three years since Obama settled into the White House.

Oh, but if we’re not screaming “MUSLIM MUSLIM MUSLIM!!!” while we fight them, then none of that counts, and we’re not technically really fighting them, because what this war is all about isn’t about protecting the homeland or fighting its enemies, but providing Anonymous and his gaggle of dipshits with emotional gratification in the form of shitty rhetoric.

Obama killed Osama Bin Laden; Bush did a photo op on a carrier. As far as Anon’s concerned, the latter action and not the former is what the war was all about.


The copypasta pyschobabble originally comes from a born-again Catholic wingnut scifi writer.


Just as I’m giving the guy credit for at least knowing what “begging the question” means, he comes up with this:




“The copypasta pyschobabble originally comes from a born-again Catholic wingnut scifi writer.”

At his blog, I found this semi-precious stone of a comment:

“While I was wondering around the ‘net, I stumbled on a description of a GURPS [Generic Universal Role-Playing System] campaign set in the world of Atlas Shrugged. At one point the objectivist author says:

‘I specified that what counted as a rational philosophy was any system of beliefs that included an objective reality independent of the human mind; thus, a Thomist Catholic, a Lockean, or a adherent of the scientific method could be counted as rational, while a fideist Christian or a logical positivist would be irrational. To add nuances, I allowed a basically rational character to have a False Premise, such as belief in God or duty to one’s family.’

It reminded me why I miss Ayn Rand, even though she died before I was born. No New Atheist talks like that.”


Just to be clear — I think “Hideous Anonybeast” is an excellent band name, regardless of their drummer’s ridiculous comments.


Although “Christian and the New Atheists” has a certain delightful contradictory feel slalom and too.


Slalom? WTF phone. “also”. Although I am a bit drunk so maybe I meant slalom.


Yeah, based on my current walking skills I meant “slalom”.


ideologopathology expi alla docious..,

Nah. Not feeling it.


I imagine an earnest young fellow, his mood brightening on having the perfect idea to draw more players to his languishing GURPS campaign. Off he goes to make notes on the gritty, realistic Atlas Shrugged setting, the philosophical parameters he’ll introduce to the influx of new players, etc.


It reminded me why I miss Ayn Rand, even though she died before I was born. No New Atheist talks like that.

I can’t pretend I’m fond of New Atheism, if that means what I think it means, but Ayn Rand doesn’t have the “rationality” chops to lick Sam Harris’ boots. And any priest worth his salt would’ve proclaimed her “demonically possessed” out of sheer charity, just to be able to feel sorry for her rather than face the fact that human beings really can be that fucked in the head without any outside help.


Right, Chris. Rationality is just a crude fetish for “Objectivists.” They invoke it constantly, like people sticking pins in voodoo dolls.


Anyone who thinks that there is such a thing as “pure reason” that serves humanity— something devoid of emotional judgment and human feeling— is lobbying for sociopathy or is simply blind to the value judgments that they are in the habit of making. People who have successfully bonded with the human race and who feel empathy do not fantasize about a lot of “losers” being killed in a trainwreck because mere working people are “looting” from the “producers” who have BIG IDEAS (that were ostensibly sprung fully grown from the head of Zeuss) are at best deluded. The bitch describes rape as just and mete and what she describes as “reason” is the passionless mind of a predator who thinks their thoughts are more valuable than the lives of individuals. Monomaniacal. Narcissistic. Predatory. Pathologically selfish. The list goes on.

Any “rationality” that claims the right to intrude upon and to devalue others in the name of itself is just another crude justification for having power of others while being exempt from the judgment of its victims.

It can go fuck itself, no matter how “rational” it imagines itself to be.


I believe in only ideologopathology and truck nuts.


Describing us as rational beings is too much. We have some potential. Reasoning describes some part of what we do, but it’s never quite clear what parts, or to what degrees. Thoroughgoing assessment cannot precede decision-making, so we are left to rationalize as the dust settles, or rather as more marginally-rational actions are taken and things said.

All we can do is try to exercise our individual capacities in good faith, and moreover, socialize in certain ways that have been shown to favor and preserve (however imperfectly) humane coexistence and a bit of rationality as we then see it.

And again, Rick Santorum is a turd burglar.

Spengler Dampniche

I am very proud to be a part of this thread.


a GURPS [Generic Universal Role-Playing System] campaign set in the world of Atlas Shrugged.

“It reminded me why I miss Ayn Rand, even though she died before I was born. No New Atheist talks like that.”
Ah. The Catholic wingnut sci-fi author misses Ayn Rand because one of her disciples betrayed her intellectual heritage by writing a philosophically-incoherent screed in which Thomist Catholics are rational (wha??) and distinct from fideists, while logical positivists are not rational (double wha??).
That makes perfect sense.


ME not believe in atheist bullshit like global warming! evolution! contraception! social security!

Jesus be real proud of ME.


I am very proud to be a part of this thread.

As am I, Spengler. (*)

Best Thread of 2012, in my opinion. Wiley is totally smokin’…. comments, links, the wonderful Cruise copypasta, everything.

So many fine links and comments from so many people. (I’m late to the party because I lingered on so many Sadly-links.) Top-notch. [BBBB: Add my thanks to Wiley’s for The Clash link.]

Wiley & the Major: Thanks for explaining more about the nature of ICBM and SAC targeting and target priorities. I wish I had been in convo: I would have turned on the Fenwick Question Machine way up!

[You were both in the strategic air-and-ICBM environment; I was in a ground-forces theater environment, primarily concerned with mobile SSMs capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons. (I’d better pack it up now, before getting into Soviet ground forces tactical nuclear weapons doctrine. Anyway, that’s too depressing for peeples waking up and starting their day.)

I had an amusing incident in the Watch Office, similar to Wiley’s ‘communist’ dialogue with her position colleague. It requires some scene-and-setup.; maybe later. Anyway, I think I’ve told it once on SN already.

Anonymous said,
February 10, 2012 at 6:04

Well this is certainly closely-reasoned and not overly rhetorical.

Totes agree with CRA. I enjoyed reading this articulate post. I hope Anonymous the Visitor returns for more conversation on atheism, always a topic of interest–sometimes of intense interest–in Sadlytown.

This thread also had multiple clumsy and projection-injected comments from Anonymous the Troll. Another mark of a superior thread is the qualtiy of the trolling. Anonymous the Troll was first-class st00pit.

[Suggestion for Sadlyville’s Anonymous: Perhaps use a variant nym? I am easily confoozed keeping track of multiple Anonymouses. (Anonymice? Plurals, how do they work?) How about ‘Anonymous of Sadlyville’. It has an aristocratic, knightly ring to it, does it not? Perfect for a Liberal Elitest like yourself.]

Classic thread, peeples!

(*) I miss your commentary and banjolele links, Spengler. Hope all is going well with the sequel. (Btw, I periodically visit Last Blog Name.)


From Wiley’s ‘Cruise’ copypaste:

NRO editor-at-large Kathryn Lopez,

Oh noes! She has escaped! I want priority searches of every doughnut shop and fast-food joint. And be safe out there! Lopez isn’t armed, but she IS loaded!


Those of you wondering what to get your long suffering tsam for Christmas this year, look no further


Now, this has nothing to do with atheism. Atheist properly so called is a philosophy, or, at least, a philosophical conclusion about a philosophical question. Progressivism is not a philosophy, it is an anti-philosophy, a series of belief-acts one believes (or pretends to believe) in order to elude the danger and tedium of thought: it is a set of rhetorical strategies or psychological tricks, used only when needed and otherwise set aside.


The Progressives are “atheist” only because they are zealous members of a psychotic, sociopathic, and psychopathic anti-Christian religion. We must coin a new term for this spiritual form of insanity: ideologopathology.


Bonus points if you can muster up a proof that gay men have abortions all the time because PROGRESSIVES PSYCHO ISLAM FASCIST


Oooooooooo. I wants one of them too, tsam.

bbfk: From way upthread. hubbfk must indeed be studly, stoic, manly-man sort of guy … especially in light of the discomfort and pain he’s experienced over the last year. His arms are okay, and that’s great! Now the docs can narrow their focus. I’m confident they will nail it down eventually…and the sooner the better, I sez!

When do you travel to the Mayo Clinic? Also, is there some medication or home therapy to help relieve his discomfort and pain? Soaking a tub? Massage?

*turns off Question Machine before it overheats*


And from way, way upthread….

paleotectonics: Hope whatever ails you stops ailing you…and the sooner the better, I sez agin! Until then, enjoy the fantastic cartoons on the ceillings and walls….


Wiley & the Major: Thanks for explaining more about the nature of ICBM and SAC targeting and target priorities.

Here’s something for you Fenwick:

B52G Cockpit


New post, sorry it’s a shorter, but I’m going to be working all day and won’t have time to start writing longer posts again until Saturday evening.


NRO editor-at-large Kathryn Lopez,

Oh noes! She has escaped!

I think it’s safe to say she’s not at-small….


New post, sorry it’s a shorter, but I’m going to be working all day and won’t have time to start writing longer posts again until Saturday evening.

No apologies necessary, ever.



You’re soaking in it!


That makes perfect sense.

You’re just too st00pid to understand it.


Fenwick, I was being ironic when I wrote that that Anonymous post (February 10, 2012 at 6:04) was “closely reasoned and not overly rhetorical.” Sorry to confuse. I was too lazy to argue my points. I can see how it was interesting to read, and articulate in its way. But too many undefended (and indefensible) claims are made, one after the other. This person just wants to vent, and isn’t trying hard enough to merit close engagement.

Note that I am not a “new” atheist. I’m probably a bit of a mystic, to be honest, and I am happy to see a full range of views on religion and atheism, including untenable ones, for the stimulation they can offer.


(comments are closed)