Don’t You Wish Your Girlfriend Was Hot Not Like Me…

Doin’ what moonbats do, yo.


Seriously though, isn’t 7.2 a little high for our fave shrieking harpy?

Update: It’s Derby Day! Constantly updated results (and links to rating pages) via this special gizmo:

L-R: Pam, Marie, Jackie Maisley Passy Mackie


Comments: 32


So if Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey is hotter than 83% of the women on the site and that picture of Pamelot is hotter than 69% of the women on the site, that pretty well blows away the theory that 83% puts JMPP in the top echelon of attractiveness doesn’t it?


I believe the correct response to the shrieking harpy‘s picture is Flag this picture as: INAPPROPRIATE.


Sheer unadulterated brilliance.


I suppose it makes sense that there’s some segment of the population that finds that “Michael Jackson-as-zombie” pic hot. I just wouldn’t have guessed that they were all engaged in rating pictures on Hot or Not last night. Strange.


She last checked her score:
41 minutes ago


Holy hell. I know it’s a cliche, but you owe me a new keyboard, mine’s drenched in coffee.

I mean Christ, she looks like something out of the Living Dead series (the track-star zombies from the recent movies, not the shuffling undead from the original).


A couple of nights ago I put up my picture on Hot or Not to see if I have any chance of winning Jacqueline Mackie Paisley Passey’s heart. The last time I checked, I was hotter than 23% of the men on the site. I say those are good odds for a positive expectation gambler like Jacqueline.

I still think Atlas Pam looks like Fu Manchu.


Gavin, the phonetically correct spelling is Hawt, is it not? I hope Sadly, No! is going to remain p.c. on these matters…


Is that top photo the rejected Promo Pic for the Snakes on a Plane advertising campaign? (It appears to be inside a plane, yes?). Waaaaayyy too scary. No wonder it got nixed!


Wow, I went to vote for my love Marie Jon and then they forced me to vote on this guy:

I gave him a ten.


The fact is Pam mainly looks like this and thus ultimately this.


Uh, Gavin, what would make you think that I — of all people — would have posted a picture of Jacquie on Hot or Not? I absolutely deny even having thought of doing such a thing. If I had thought such a thing, I still wouldn’t have done it. And even if I did it, I certainly wouldn’t admit to it.


I think it might be the eye-rolling that contributes to the distinct Day Of The Dead Extra feel to that pic. My advice to her would be to not do it on camera anymore.


I’d vote, but there are no minus number options.


Uh, Gavin, what would make you think that I — of all people — would have posted a picture of Jacquie on Hot or Not? I absolutely deny even having thought of doing such a thing. If I had thought such a thing, I still wouldn’t have done it. And even if I did it, I certainly wouldn’t admit to it.

Oh. Well, someone posing as an Outside The Tent person did this thing that you refer to. I have to admit I know nothing of his identity besides the link to Outside The Tent, which is clearly spurious.


I had no choice in the matter….after seeing those scores I had to give Marie Jon’ a 10.


What is up with the new “nice” Hot or Not? Jabba the Hutt got a 6.8!


Someone’s got to warn Marie not to accept any suspiciously good-looking apples from crones knocking at the door.


Holy freakin’ Medusa on a stick.


It’s a miracle! 7 & 8 are made out of the World Trade Centre, in its former glory.

(Incidentally, is there anything more fun than a Pam’allah VLOG and a pause button? *cough* harpy *cough*


I don’t recall seeing wingnut as a sorting preference.


BarretBrown, I believe that is my ex-husband in his salad days. Trust me, he’s not a 10. Then or now.

Notorious P.A.T.

You have to admit: Pam’s score is pretty impressive considering that her picture, being of the neck up, leaves out her best features.


Oh wait, kids, remember the TSA’s “no liquids” rule — that means she’s got shakes on a plane


dave128, re: your use of “Pam’allah” — brilliant


I’m going to go to liberal hell for saying this, but apart from the whole shrieking harpy thing, I reckon Pamela is quite hot. She only looks so hideous in that photo because she’s doing the shrieking harpy thing.


My wife was watching the carcrash that is The Janice Dickinson Modelling Agency yesterday, and I couldn’t help but think of the shrieking harpy.

Karatist Preacher

Jackie Mackie P. Passey is down to 6.5.


I’m going to go to liberal hell for saying this, but apart from the whole I’m going to go to liberal hell for saying this, but apart from the whole shrieking harpy thing, I reckon Pamela is quite hot. She only looks so hideous in that photo because she’s doing the shrieking harpy thing.

Never mind the shrieking harpy thing – that photo looks like a still of Regan from “The Exorcist”. It looks like any minute she’ll be pulling out a crucifix and inserting it in her…

Alas for JMPP and the shrieking harpy, Marie Jon’ is far hotter than either of them, albeit in a stern, schoolmarm sort of way. JMPP does have a slight advantage, however, in the number of typos on her site, which are slightly less than those of Marie Jon’. I’m afraid to count typos on the shrieking harpy‘s site.


Salt Vampire Alert!

Skanks on a Plane!


If one could post a VLog of teh shrieking harpy rather than a still, I’m sure that teh shrieking harpy‘s rating would plunge to sub-1 levels.


Put your own pictures up and lets all have a laugh. You need not criticize people’s look unless you are a “perfect ten.” Even then it’s so sad that you mock others. I do not think any you make fun of come here to look. I take a look at “Sadly No” every once in a while. I dig Gavin’s liberal humor. He and Brad are just totally imaginative and clever.
Hello Gavin and Brad A Kiss

Marie Jon’


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