IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION has Never Tasted So Fascist

The first 10 results from a Google Image search for Timothy Birdnow. Reprinted without comment

Timothy Birdnow, American Ow-My-Brain-Hurts:
Obama’s Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps

There is much butthurt in the wingnut universe. Their God-King come to life in George the Second was much maligned in his time in office by mean-spirited liberals daring to notice that some of the boots being given to the security state were decidedly jackbooted. Furthermore they dared to note that maybe having a uniform executive unilaterally deciding that most of the first ten amendments ceased to apply to certain people and that torture was peachy keen was a little bit fascist flavored.

Now, there have been many celebrated attempts to deal with this. The most famous of course being the Lord Doughboy’s famed treatise: Liberal Fascism, subtitled “Nuh uh, it’s you who are the fascist poopyheads”.

But why shouldn’t a meth-crazed designer of some of those right-winged photoshops that are 99% projection, 1% something snortable be denied their attempt to give it a shot?

Writing back in 2007, Naomi Wolfe catalogued the steps to creating a dictatorship (which she sought to apply to George W. Bush). Interestingly enough, they apply far more to the man who replaced him.

Obviously Naomi Wolfe was trying to punish “their guy” and so now it was their turn to do the same. Historical awareness, concept of what terms mean? Nah! All we need is some determination to force the square block into the circle hole.

1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy

Isn’t that precisely what Occupy Wall Street has done with the banks and businesses? OWS has ties to Obama’s friends in ACORN, as well as to SEIU. Isn’t that what was done with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his attempts to save that state from bankruptcy? Isn’t that what the EPA is doing with its endangerment finding — claiming that carbon dioxide emitted by industry is going to cause catastrophic climate change? For that matter, isn’t that precisely what was done by the Department of Homeland Security, whereby pro-life citizens, returning military, gun-owners, Ron Paul supporters, Christians, and just about everybody in “Red State America” falls under the category of domestic terrorist?

Yes, OWS is just engaging in foreign and domestic victim blaming and enemy-creation by daring to notice exactly who it was who trashed the economy and has resisted any and all attempts to A) fix it or B) alleviate the pain in the meantime.

And gotta love the continued whining about having your most radical members briefly looked at (by Bush’s Justice Department). The left had librarians, environmental groups with no history of violence, and random civil rights groups looked at as “potential terrorist organizations” whose members were wiretapped. You had groups with known ties to violence checked and then went on a campaign of violence in this country and a number of others and as far as I know have yet to have your asses wiretapped or your library book records checked.

I don’t know, but I think if a person connected to Greenpeace had decided to shoot a congressman, I doubt there’d be an environmentalist outside of Guantanamo around to bitch about how they were briefly looked at 3 years ago. But IOKIYAR and all that.

2. Create a gulag

FEMA is doing something that bears a disquieting resemblance to concentration camps.

And Madam Wolf worried about Guantánamo Bay, yet Mr. Obama has not closed it.

QE-motherfucking-D liberals! We got you on…uh…hmm…well, there’s the paranoid delusion that has only existed in our heads…and…uh…OOH, of course, you haven’t yet fully closed down our gulag! Bam, got you there loony libs!

Also, good call there, Democratic congressmen, on not shutting it down. That really kept it from being used against you.

3. Develop a thug caste

At a town hall meeting in St. Louis held by Democrat Congressman Russ Carnahan, members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), representative of government employees, beat a black man who was there selling flag pins. A woman was beaten up by an Obama supporter in Minnesota. A man had his finger bitten off in an assault by an Obama supporter at an anti-health care rally.

And let’s not forget the entire Occupy movement of the 99-centers; they have been camps full of lawlessness, full of rapes and assaults. OWS was produced and organized by people close to the Obama administration.

So, your examples are and let me get this exactly correct.

A) A disabled man beaten up by an insane conservative who pulled down his attacker thus “savaging an innocent man”

B) Another person defending themselves against an attack by a conservative

C) A third person who defended himself from attack by biting the person pulling him to the ground.

Oh right and D) Hippies are moral scum because they want to acknowledge and work through issues of large encampments that allow anyone into them rather than hide them in the dark and pretend them away for the good of the movement.

I must admit I knew what I was going to get was massive projection, but I’ll admit I was hoping for better than recycled weak sauce projection. I mean, don’t we, the snarking centers of America deserve better from our wingnuts?

4. Set up an internal surveillance system

Obama has set up and is setting up a heavy internet surveillance.

DHS has special spy technology capable of seeing through walls and has vans cruising city streets, spying on Americans indiscriminately.

And don’t forget Obama’s “Truth Squad” in Missouri, where elected Democrats were cruising the internet looking for examples of “misrepresentations” and threatening to use legal means to suppress opponent’s “Lies.”

See! You could do it. Sure, it’s complete insane projection and paranoia that includes blaming him for not ending your internet spying program and freeper conspiracy theories, but at least it’s novel.

Too bad you’re nearly halfway through the list and have yet to find something you know, true. But hey, it’s the little things in life.

5. Harass citizens’ groups

What is the DHS domestic terrorist report but a tool to harass citizen’s groups? What is OWS but a way to harass businesses and citizens groups? What was the beating of Kenneth Gladney but harassment of the Tea Party?

Oh, poor babies, suffering such harassment. Why just because you were behind almost every domestic terrorism plot in American history, you had your most radical members briefly profiled and catalogued using legal non-harassing methods. And now you must suffer your political enemies being allowed free speech to protest their slow painful starvation and death at the hands of an uncaring economic system. And not to mention having your assault victims briefly defend themselves.

Truly you live in fear like no other minority group.

Sure I’m a member of the trans community which is murdered in the hundreds every year because of who we are and my parents were scared off being members of the fucking Sierra Club because our home phone was tapped soon after joining, but now I understand what true harassment looks like.

6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release

Obama just signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law, a bill granting him the power to detain for an unlimited time anyone he deems engaged in terrorism. Given the DHS definition of terrorism, that could be anybody. American citizens are not exempt, although Obama promises not to use these new powers against them. (Step right up, folks! Great new bridge for sale!)

Bam, liberals. He hasn’t ended one of our programs. Not ending the fascist apparatus of someone else is tout suite worse than installing it in the first place.

I’m sorry Timmy, my boy, but you can’t play Bush Who? when the whole purpose of your article is to “get back” at the mean libs for saying those rude uppity things about your God King in the first place.

7. Target key individuals

Shutting off the water to California’s largely Republican Imperial Valley, ruining his opponents. Refusing to send federal aid to fight the Texas wildfires because Texas is a lost state for Obama politically. Drowning some largely Republican Missouri farmland to save a staunchly Democratic town in Illinois during the 2011 floods. Ordering the DOJ to go after Wall Street execs for receiving bonuses. Firing the head of General Motors. Oh, and let’s not forget the letter sent out by the DOJ to three climate bloggers where the Climategate II e-mails were linked; the DOJ threatened them, and then British police seized the computers of one blogger.

Ah, back to the paranoia again. Let’s see, fictional overblowing, fictional overblowing, fictional overblowing, routine investigation of, you know, the criminal activities that went on, something the Republicans strongly supported and which wasn’t really “ordered by Obama” in any meaningful way, and um… yeah, about that Russian hacker smear job that didn’t find any actual evidence of wrong-doing but still tried to ruin the careers and lives of climate scientists.

It’s almost like the DOJ should be investigating you know, actual crimes instead of being gutted and made “ideologically pure” like it was under Bush. I know it is a change for you, but you can try and keep up.

8. Control the press

Obama is the press.

Ha ha! Liberal media. Obama brainwashes the truth. Only Fox News is brave enough, but Fox News doesn’t exist otherwise we couldn’t pretend that Obama is never criticized.

Conservatism, for when believing 20 contradictory things which are all wrong is just too damn easy to do.

9. Dissent equals treason

Just look at the “Missouri Truth Squad.” How about the accusations made against the Tea Party , claiming they were inciting violence? How about the claim that Gabrielle Giffords was shot because conservative criticisms of Obama have incited violence?

Yeah, we should be able to dissent by shooting or threatening to shoot as many congresspeople as we want!

What? That term actually has a specific meaning, more in line with how things like OWS or the Iraq War Protests are treated like unamerican displays of subhuman lowlife who the cops are fully justified in breaking up with violence than a catch all term for “people disapprove about how we keep trying to kill them”?

Get the fuck out!

Next you’ll be saying that treason has a real definition that is more in line with the various conservatives calling for succession or armed resistance against the United States rather than a catch all term meaning anyone who supports anything remotely liberal.

10. Suspend the rule of law

What did Obama do when he made recess appointments while Congress was still in session? What did he do with Fast and Furious? What did he do when he refused to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act in court, or when Eric Holder refused to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation because they are black, or when he sent money to Kenya to promote the new, pro-abortion constitution in violation of U.S. law that does not allow American aid to be spent for that?

Yes, damn him for barely using a legitimate legal tactic for getting around unprecedented abuse of formalities and loopholes by Republicans! That surely is on par with directly ignoring international law with regards to torture. And furthermore, he refused to waste billions of federal dollars on right-wing boondoggles that had no bearing on reality.

I mean, rule of law means that Republicans are allowed to do whatever they want and Democrats have to follow whatever wingnuts want right?

Oh, Timmy, my poor addle-minded Timmy…

Sadly, No!


Comments: 195


How does Timmy even function in this world? Oh yeah, IOKIYAR. Projection, projection, projection.


Righteous rant, Cerb! He really hits all the right wing boogeymen – it would be a coverall on the wingnut bingo card.


OK, not really a rant more of a slow evisceration by word. Whatever, it was righteous.


Yes, OWS is just engaging in foreign and domestic victim blaming and enemy-creation by daring to notice exactly who it was who trashed the economy and has resisted any and all attempts to A) fix it or B) alleviate the pain in the meantime.

And of course OWS is a government entity, or at least a paramilitary force directly under the control of Ayatollah Barack Husein Obama Stalin Hitler!


Where’s the bit about how Michelle Obama’s going to take our cookies away?


It’s like one of those babysitter horror movies, except the calls from the homicidal lunatic are coming from inside the same country.


Multiple citations needed.


Obama turned me into a Newt!


And I’ve heard the rat bastard sometimes leaves the seat up!


So we’re back to FEMA camps now? I guess that one never gets old.


Oooh, forgot about evil Michelle and the food SS taking your twinkies away (bankruptcy my ass!). Good catch, g.

We demand the right to feed our kids crap, like God intended!


I have several “must reads’, Instaputz, not the putz himself, Glenn Facist Reynolds, but a great site critiquing him and all GOP madmen and madwomen, Baloon Juice, and of course, the great, Nobel-Prize class Sadly, No.

However, the people you criticize are more evil than just writing can face down. we DO need a real progressive movement.

Thank you for refusing to die, and let’s hope some movement with charisma and an actual agenda, rather than OWS wait and see, is begotten. John Berryman the wondrous American Poet of The Dream Songs, 1916- 1970, dead by his own gesture waving on New Year’s as he jumped into the Mississippi River in cold Minneapolis, wrote, “The rats have won, mostly,/ and this is for real….”


I did not post twice on purpose, sorry everyone…

Quaker in a Basement

Goodness! That poor fellow is completely crackers!


Timmy’s meds are ALL mixed up.


Like I always say, bird now, or bird later.


Isn’t that precisely what Occupy Wall Street has done with the banks and businesses?

Will nobody speak up about the Hate Crimes committed against members of the beleaguered Banker community?!


Will nobody speak up about the Hate Crimes committed against members of the beleaguered Banker community?!

Peersonally, I would give a standing ovation who actually started a campaign of serious hate crimes against bankers. A few burnings at the stake and heads on pikes would likely have a salutary effect on the industry.


A few burnings at the stake and heads on pikes would likely have a salutary effect on the industry.

I like it. It’s got that old-school charm. Nothing says craftsmanship like a well presented head-on-a-pike.



Big Bad Bald Bastard

And Madam Wolf worried about Guantánamo Bay, yet Mr. Obama has not closed it.

He was for it before he was against it.

Refusing to send federal aid to fight the Texas wildfires because Texas is a lost state for Obama politically.

He should be happy- he’s against big government, isn’t he?


OK, not really a rant more of a slow evisceration by word. Whatever, it was righteous

Bird now is the word.


What Timmeh lacks in intelligence he makes up for with insanity.


The fact that he wrote these as questions really makes me want to answer him.

Isn’t that what was done with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his attempts to save that state from bankruptcy?

Um, no. Hitler didn’t rise to power by saying “The German government is basically functional, but we really need to get rid of the mayor of Dresdin. That guy’s a dick.”

What is OWS but a way to harass businesses and citizens groups?

Well, it’s a citizen’s group.

Firing the head of General Motors.

So, uh, what is he a key individual of? I mean, I gather he was important to General Motors, but which broader goals were advanced by firing him?

I think he just figures that if what’s good for General Motors is good for America, than obviously what’s bad for General Motors must be bad for America!

It’s watertight reasoning.

To sum up, the American left wing has political goals. You know who else had political goals? The Nazis.


That was some righteous evisceration, Cerb.


Yeah, that really is horrible, firing the GM CEO who oversaw rinning the company into the ground. Bush would have given him a bonus.


What Timmeh lacks in intelligence he makes up for with insanity.

With a healthy serving of seething white-hot hatred on the side.


He should be happy- he’s against big government, isn’t he?

Not really. He is only against big government that helps those (dusky, unworthy, shiftless) people.


Yeah, that really is horrible, firing the GM CEO who oversaw rinning the company into the ground. Bush would have given him a bonus.

Or at least a tax cut, because he is a “job creator.”

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Not really. He is only against big government that helps those (dusky, unworthy, shiftless) people.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?


Rinderrouladen, kartoffelkloesse, green beans. Some brie with apples and grapes as appy. Spatburgunder trocken. Oh yes I did make apfelstrudel!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Damn, Pup, I haven’t eaten a goddamn thing all day because some asshole on the 1 train got “unruly” and the conductor stopped the train until the NYPD could eject the schmuck, thereby making me unable to pick up anything before heading to work.


Hanoi style bun cha. Marinated, grilled pork tenderloin, glazed with juices/honey/sesame oil. Rice noodles, cooked and chilled, leaf lettuce salad with lots of cilantro and basil, nuoc cham dressing and crushed peanuts. Dua chua on the side.


American Chop Suey, a recipe mom used to make when I was a kid. I asked the Sainted Mrs. Chowder if we had the recipe the other day as it’s been years since I’ve eated it. She found it and is even now preparing the dish. I don’t remember everything in it but it’s mostly ground beef, celery, cream of something soup and those chop suey noodles. Perfect comfort food for a cold winter’s eve. Real Book jam at my place after, c’mon over!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Real Book jam at my place after, c’mon over!

I’ve never had book jam… how much pectin do you use to make it?


It is astounding to me that so few people put herbs in their salads. I mean, WTF?


Which herbs do you normally put in salads Pup?


I don’t really have anything very witty to say, but I’d just like to point out that if Obsama were planning to turn the U.S. into a Communist/sharia totalitarian state he would have made some actual concrete steps in that direction by now.

When he outlaws the Republican party and rewrites the Constitution to make himself Eternal President then you can call him a Fascist, not before.


I actually used to make salads comprised entirely of herbs. I’d throw in pretty much anything but sage and rosemary, dress it with a REALLY light vinaigrette and use it as a bed for a salmon fillet.


Parsley, thyme, basil and cilantro I frequenly have on hand so they are the most frequent additions. Dill can be good but don’t overdo it. Mint can lovely in a salad.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I don’t really have anything very witty to say, but I’d just like to point out that if Obsama were planning to turn the U.S. into a Communist/sharia totalitarian state he would have made some actual concrete steps in that direction by now.

The nutters would claim that he has, but that the “lamestream media” is covering it all up- this is “Alex Jones/Ron Paul Newsletter” stuff. The media is also covering up what the queers are doing to the soil!

Haven’t posted “Stuart” in a while.


Pookie-Cat likes to eat the thyme and lavender we have planted out front:


Hay u guise,

I just learned about a GOLD MINE of wingnut crazy.

Same person: Kidist Paulos Asrat. She’s a far-right fundie Ethiopian-Canadian, and she has this inexplicable fear and loathing of Asians. She’s getting a lot of attention for this post:


Bird now is the word

goddamn you!!!


i am making tangerine marmalade at the mo…for supper we had chicken and garlic cheese dumplings…in the morning i am making hubbkf some tangerine pistachio sticky buns…he is spoiled…


I just read about that chick at Pharyngula. Somebody sounds a little crazy and self-loathing to me…


I wanna start making my own “cream of” soups to use in casseroles and such. I refuse to use canned.


I wanna start making my own “cream of” soups to use in casseroles and such. I refuse to use canned.

it is super easy to do and super yummy…


Pookie-Cat likes to eat the thyme and lavender we have planted out front:

Aw, kitteh!

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I wanna start making my own “cream of” soups to use in casseroles and such. I refuse to use canned.

Add “Sum Yung Gai” joke…


Trying to wrap my brain around that Camera Lucida blog.

Her name is Kidist Paulos Asrat and she’s rather, ahem, dusky hued.

What makes her think that if she gets her way and they kick all the dusky hued immigrants out of Canada that she gets to stay?


Gais get mad when I try to use my immersion blender on them.


You people! It’s Saturday night!


You people! It’s Saturday night!

I’m sitting in a hotel room in Boise. What else would I be doing?


I’m sitting in a hotel room in Boise. What else would I be doing?



Not to interfere with any undercover racists or anything, but this Ethiopian is complaining about Koreans. Different ethnicities/pigmentation/whatev. So not so much self-loathing as outright in-your-face bigotry.


We flew in this morning. I’m here until Monday night and then we go back to Memphis via Casper. I’ll catch the early morning jumpseat home and should be in Columbus around 6:00 AM Tuesday.



As a Hammett fan, I prefer to think of it by its true name, Poisonville.


Not to interfere with any undercover racists or anything, but this Ethiopian is complaining about Koreans. Different ethnicities/pigmentation/whatev. So not so much self-loathing as outright in-your-face bigotry.

I would say some people just need a hobby. And many of them need a hobby that does not involve putting their thoughts down where others can read them.


I’d go skiing tomorrow but they haven’t had any snow out here.


Mmmm, herbs in salad – I prefer the California Romulan.


Her other artistic achievements include ballet training as a young girl, winning a regional prize, and more recently, as a performing member in several dance groups, including a modern dance ensemble. She has studied the piano starting at the age of six, and has given many public performances.

omg..she won a regional prize…is that anything like a major award?

also, too…hubbkf and i were out and about all night last night…do not have the energy to do anything tonight…except make marmalade…


Refusing to send federal aid to fight the Texas wildfires because Texas is a lost state for Obama politically.

Googling this, I find an article in MAY where the feds say it hasn’t been bad enough that Texas couldn’t cover it with regular funds – that’s the refusal to which our author referred. By November, multiple counties were declared disaster areas by FEMA(no camps, alas) and were eligible for federal funds. In fact, if you go to and search for 2011 Texas fire disaster declarations, you get 9 pages of results. In other words, the feds changed their response as the situation warranted and history doesn’t stand still at your little hand-picked moments no matter how hard you pretend.

And OWS? Holy fuck, dude, if you piss yourself like a nervous chihuahua at the thought of banks, that’s not their fault, and it sure as fuck isn’t Obama’s. Idiot.

The thing is, it would be possible, nay, EASY, to make a case that Obama has continued down a very bad path, as many on the left have. You’d think anyone with even half a brain* could have written a non-moronic article on it, with real facts and stuff instead transparent lying bullshit that name-checks OWS, FEMA camps, and HOLY SHIT, ACORN, which hasn’t even existed since April 2010.

*yes, I see the problem.


Don’t forget the most fascist, oppressive move by Obama: winning an election.


We flew in this morning. I’m here until Monday night and then we go back to Memphis via Casper. I’ll catch the early morning jumpseat home and should be in Columbus around 6:00 AM Tuesday.

whoa…i hate to say it, but your job sounds booooooRNG! i went in to work this morning and put together informational packets for my upcoming board meeting…i think we all know who has the more exciting job!!!


do not have the energy to do anything tonight…except make marmalade

So that’s what the kids are calling it these days?


we also shelled nuts…


whoa…i hate to say it, but your job sounds booooooRNG!

That’s the way I like it. Nice and boring.

“Interesting” tends to involve things like thunderstorms, ice, snow, windshear, malfunctions, turbulence and such.


we also shelled nuts…

Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!


The Ho has been known to tell people who recommend this recipe or that that Pupienus won’t even read a recipe that calls for a can of soup. Some years back the local PBS station had a pledge-time cooking show with the recipe books as premiums. I really should find the segments I was on, The Ho uploaded them to Fafeblook or something but I can’t be arsed. Anyway, one time I made huevos (not “hurtle”, FY autocorrect) rancheros the way I learned to make it in San Antonio. Freshly fried tortilla chips, lots of tips (1. The oil is ready when you dip the small end of a wooden spoon into the oil about an inch and bubbles come out. 2. Remove the chips when they stop bubbling – they don’t darken in the pot but will after you take them out. 3. The ribs and seeds of the jalapeños are where the heat is. 4. Et fucking cetera) a lovely sauce, just damn good stuff. In the cookbook, they had my recipe on a levo page with all the tips, taking up an entire page. on the recto page was someone <else's budgie rancheros recipe. It included a jar of salsa, a bag of chips, …. Funny.


Here’s a picture of me at work. This was taken early morning after flying all night (and we still had one leg to go) so I my usual vacant stare is a little extra vacant here:


LOVE the union branding.


And don’t forget Obama’s “Truth Squad” […] threatening to use legal means to suppress opponent’s “Lies.”

Dastardly! Using legal means, how DARE THEY!


I don’t know if you caught it t’udder day Major, I said anyoe flying Bffers at 300 feet should be called Major Cojones.


Here’s a picture of me at work.

ooooh! a man in uniform…


Thx Pup


…i’ll be in my bunk…brb…


…i’ll be in my bunk…brb…

Good for Major Kong. On a topic related only by uniforms, how do you feel about Gomer Pyle?


how do you feel about Gomer Pyle?

way to ruin the moment!!!


As if you’re the first woman I’ve deincentivized…


how do you feel about Gomer Pyle?

Funny story about that:

In POW training we were taught that when being interrogated it’s much better to emulate Gomer Pyle than John Wayne.

In other words, it’s better to play stupid because acting macho will just make them beat the crap out of you even worse.


As if you’re the first woman I’ve deincentivized…

if you had a nickel for each woman you’ve deincentivized?


In other words, it’s better to play stupid because acting macho will just make them beat the crap out of you even worse.

it’s good to know that my natural persona will keep be beat free…


LOVE the union branding.



if you had a nickel for each woman you’ve deincentivized?

I would have the money to moot the issue.

it’s better to play stupid because acting macho will just make them beat the crap out of you even worse.

Fuck, I learned that in 3rd grade.


poop! my marmalade is kinda bitter…do not know how to fix that…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m sitting in a hotel room in Boise. What else would I be doing?

Trying to prevent a randy Larry Craig from battering down your door?

Here’s a picture of me at work. This was taken early morning after flying all night (and we still had one leg to go) so I my usual vacant stare is a little extra vacant here:

You still look dapper! I don’t look so neat after working a stretch with insufficient sleep.


In Russia, woman deincentivizes you.

(Obviously not true for N_B, of course!)


Stop pooping marmalade and use jars.


poop! my marmalade is kinda bitter…do not know how to fix that…

Re-heat it and add more sugar?


Note the difference between the Major and myself: he offers useful, practical advice; I offer a POOP joke. I am, therefore, obviously more qualified for the presidency.


Re-heat it and add more sugar?

this is what i may have to do…i googled and some say to add a little salt…hmm…dunno about that…


Only because I can’t come up with a suitable POOP joke on short notice.


I have POOP on the brain. It’s why finding the right hat is so difficult.


I have POOP on the brain. It’s why finding the right hat is so difficult.

spear may have some advice for that…although i think a turban is your best bet…dashing AND practical…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

this is what i may have to do…i googled and some say to add a little salt…hmm…dunno about that…

Try both approaches, using small batches. If you can’t work out a solution, re-purpose what you’ve got as a base for a sauce/chutney/marinade.

Only because I can’t come up with a suitable POOP joke on short notice.

Too pooped?

I have POOP on the brain.

Having a young (I almost wrote “small”, but I know better) child in the house will do that.


ote the difference between the Major and myself: he offers useful, practical advice; I offer a POOP joke.

i would say things are pretty normal around here…


Having a young (I almost wrote “small”, but I know better) child in the house will do that.

We spent the entire day on Long Island buying a Prius…and forgot to bring an extra diaper. Our new car has that over-ripe baby smell.


I recommend this decorative toilet seat hat.

I lack the requisite prominent cheekbones.


Try both approaches, using small batches. If you can’t work out a solution, re-purpose what you’ve got as a base for a sauce/chutney/marinade.

i am re-heating…added more sugar, a dash of salt and a tish of vanilla…it should be fine for the sticky buns tomorrow, but you’re right, i may have to re-purpose…


sticky buns

I know you’re in the midwest, but wipe!


I can’t come up with a suitable POOP joke on short notice

Me either. Which really limits me as a commenter. In fact, in all the time I’ve been in Sadlyville, I can’t recall having written ‘poop’ until now.

POOP! Poopity-poop-poop. POOPY POOP. Poop-de-poop POOP!

There. I’ve gotten it out of my system. If you know what I mean. And I think you do.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

We spent the entire day on Long Island buying a Prius

Are you going to get yourself a driver’s license, or will the car be strictly for the missus?

i am re-heating…added more sugar, a dash of salt and a tish of vanilla

Vanilla… sounds kinky!


I know you’re in the midwest, but wipe!

ha, ha…thank you for making a sticky buns joke…when hubbkf told me he didn’t think he had ever had sticky buns before, i said, ‘i KNOW you’ve had sticky buns before…’ he did not get it…


Vanilla… sounds kinky!

tres kinky! and first sampling says it’s yummy!


Are you going to get yourself a driver’s license, or will the car be strictly for the missus?

This is specifically for the last 15 miles of her commute, west of Newark. We expect less than 8000 miles/year on the car.


When I read that Dipshit up there was comparing OWS with governmentally-deployed thuggery (I dunno, is there some kind of wingnut conspiracy theory that OWS was governmental or something? Eh, prolly, they think every other nutbar thing in the world…), I just kept having this song running through my head.

Infant wingnuts probably didn’t watch that eeevil liebrul Sesame Street, either…


i said, ‘i KNOW you’ve had sticky buns before…’ he did not get it

“Does he or doesn’t he? Only his launderer knows for sure.”


I just kept having this song running through my head.

manomanah! me too…also, i have a friend who says sesame street is communist…


Iris made tortillas tonight. She picked up some fresh cream this afternoon along with some fresh cheese. So that, some black beans cooked with garlic and spring onions, an avocado, banano caribe (the little pinkish ones), pineapple from La Concha, and fresco de melocoton made up our dinner. I also baked a small chocolate cake this evening, the one on the Hershey’s cocoa box. A glass of Ron Gran Reserva and a slice of chocolate cake make a perfect desert. Iris prefers cafe con leche.


godalmight my dog is disgusting…she’s in heat and cannot get enough of herself…eww…also, too…the marmalade is tasting pretty amazing…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

This is specifically for the last 15 miles of her commute, west of Newark.

How’s the move going?

Infant wingnuts probably didn’t watch that eeevil liebrul Sesame Street, either…

manomanah! me too…also, i have a friend who says sesame street is communist…

Elmo’s red!

A glass of Ron Gran Reserva and a slice of chocolate cake make a perfect desert. Iris prefers cafe con leche.

Why not combine the two? Does she make the cafe con leche with evaporated milk?


also, ‘from dusk till dawn’…wtf?


Now I’m hungry.


How’s the move going?

No one seems interested in buying.

BBKF: From Dusk Til Dawn is one of the best movies ever made for one simple reason: you get to watch Quentin Tarantino die horribly TWICE.


Now I’m hungry.

yr in boise? can’t you just reach outside and grab a tater? i watched how they make tatertots on teevee today…


Quentin Tarantino wrote a scene in that movie in which Salma Hayek stuck her foot in his mouth. The man’s a foot fetishist. For him, that would be the equivalent of her shoving her chest in his face.

I gotta salute him for that. He lived the dream.


you get to watch Quentin Tarantino die horribly TWICE.

dang! that will be good viewing!

also, salma hayek could make me ghey…


She is…memorable…in this flick.


Does she make the cafe con leche with evaporated milk?

No, she uses fresh cow’s milk. Several ganaderos have town homes in our neighborhood so fresh milk is pretty easy to come by. A man comes around on his horse drawn cart selling it out of big steel containers, but usually he’s too early for us. So Iris walks a couple of blocks with her little balde and buys two liters or so several times a week.

I still prefer to buy Parmalat, not because I’m scared of getting sick but because I like the taste of it better. We make potato soup with the fresh cow’s milk and we cook fish using it too. But I can’t drink it like she can. Of course she always boils it first. I don’t like the way it separates leaving that filmy stuff on top. But it’s good for cooking.


can’t you just reach outside and grab a tater?

Boise actually has some decent restaurants. There’s a Basque place that I usually eat lunch at.


Several ganaderos have town homes in our neighborhood so fresh milk is pretty easy to come by.

Where do you live?


i said, ‘i KNOW you’ve had sticky buns before…’ he did not get it

all roads lead to Santorum…

Big Bad Bald Bastard

There’s a Basque place that I usually eat lunch at.

Did you make into Boise in time for “Beef Tongue Saturday”?


Bitter orange marmalade is a wonderful thing. If you domt have any salt in already it needs a wee touch. Add some sugar and enjoy.


I live in Diriamba, Carazo, Nicaragua. It’s a small town, sit’s on a high plateau, about twenty miles or so from the Pacific.


Bitter orange marmalade is a wonderful thing. If you domt have any salt in already it needs a wee touch. Add some sugar and enjoy.

i have done both…and it is indeed lovely…


Did you make into Boise in time for “Beef Tongue Saturday”?

I had it when I was here last week. It was really good. They serve it in a spicy tomato sauce. It’s tender enough to cut with a fork.


i had some pringles today…they were pretty good…


Rodert, that sound lovely. The closest I have been to there is two field studies and one vacation in Costa RIca. Love it down there.



yep…she could make me ghey…also, quentin has died once…i am eagerly awaiting death #2…


Costa RIca

i really, really want to go there…





from the american stinker comments:

I watched a documentary last night called “Third Reich, the fall”. It was made up of actual film footage taken mostly by Germans during the war, from beginning to end. It showed the propaganda and how it affected the “Normal” Germans. It told how Hitler turned the majority of Germans against other groups within Germany for his own gains. (Sound familiar?). At the very end it showed film of the allied troops in Germany making the German civilians line up and walk through Auschwitz two by two and go into every part of the death camp. The bodies were still stacked like fire wood and the ovens were still burning. Many Germans were crying but the one common refrain from them was “We were lied to”. The American photographer said “No, you are all liars”. I know the parallels between Obama and Hitler have been made before and the racists outcry has been deafening but the similarities are staggering. He has taken control of the banks, the media, the justice department, one more appointment to SCOTUS and he will have control of it, he no longer respects Congress or its advice, he has taken control over several of the largest businesses in America and with his union support, both private and public, he has a “Brown Shirt” army awaiting his next command. Some may see my comments as inflammatory but I see them as a small cry of warning to the “We were lied to” crowd.

all i can say is, wow…the wingnuttery just keeps getting nuttier and nuttier…i would really like to meet some of these people…from behind a two way mirror…and only if their straitjackets are on…


I love it too. I’ve traveled the Isthmus and I think this is probably the nicest area.

The weather is just perfect here. And it’s very tropical too. Right now it’s the windy, dry season, but the rains will start on May 15th and go until November 15th. Just like that too.

We wanted to live at the ocean but just couldn’t take the heat. So Iris and I looked around and decided this was the best choice for us. We still get to go the beach whenever we want and still come back to the cool weather in Diriamba. Right now I’m wearing a light sweater and socks, but tomorrow I’ll put on a pair of shorts and a cotton shirt.


also, i have seen that program about four times now…and never once did i equate hitler and obama…or the possibility of something like this happening here…in this day and age…but the fact that some people really, really think that it could really makes me wonder about the average intelligence of joe q. public…how can people be this fearful and fucking stupid?


rodert rudis said,
January 15, 2012 at 7:00

you live a charmed life, my friend…


but the fact that some people really, really think that it could

I get the impression that they really, really want to think that it could.

I don’t know if they view themselves as some kind of heroic resistance or what, but there’s something very wrong with them.


get the impression that they really, really want to think that it could.

I don’t know if they view themselves as some kind of heroic resistance or what, but there’s something very wrong with them.

i get that impression as well…i guess it would really fit in with their victimization…and they will pretty much go through anything just to prove that obama is hitler…


Thank you, bbkf. It wouldn’t be so without my lovely Iris.


with his union support, both private and public, he has a “Brown Shirt” army awaiting his next command

Does this brown shirt make me look fat?


and another:

am sorry, but Obama looks very much like Mussolini. The jutting jaw,the confident smile, and even the colors ( the red and the orange) of the Obama posters are fascist. The next step is Obama pointing his finger at some unfortunate national enemy who he will call “not paying their fair share” (the blood suckers of the people to quote Lenin). You guessed it, they are the American rich. These people are the most productive risk takers in America like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who provide most of the new jobs. Obama needs an enemy and the rich are a good target. Hitler needed the Jews as scapegoats. The Democrats want to rob the wealthy to distribute their money to marxist students and service unions to increase the 47% who pay no taxes to 51% who pay nothing so that Democrats can win the next November election.

Mussolini was a gentleman in the end, because he tried to protect his young mistress with his body from the communist firing squad. Defiantly she yelled at her executioners, “I Am Clara Petaci And I Want To Die With Him”. However,Obama is not a gentleman. He has trashed our Constitution by bypassed Congress with his recess appointments of labor relation czars and he should be impeached. I never thought this could happen in America but it has, because Obama is behaving like an African Dictator.

i am beginning to think they should call it ‘american drinker’…holy shit!


bbkf I hope you’re wearing a hazmat suit when you wade into that cesspit.


Fenwick, you out there? I’ve been rereading some previous posts and noticed this: ” Fenwick News, I’ve decided–after twenty years in Baltimore–to move to Albuquerque in 2012.”

That is news, and a big change too.


last one…

I believe Rick Santorum “gets it.”

heh…i believe he ‘gets it’ also…


bbkf I hope you’re wearing a hazmat suit when you wade into that cesspit.

i do not think one would be enough…


Does this brown shirt make me look fat?

No, not fat exactly, it’s just that brown isn’t your color. Why don’t we try green, or even blue.


Why don’t we try green, or even blue.
but would that match the jackboots?


The jutting jaw,the confident smile, and even the colors ( the red and the orange) of the Obama posters are fascist.

Red and orange? Is there another Obama poster I’m not familiar with?


Why don’t we try green, or even blue.

Here’s a green one. I was still in the National Guard back then.


Shelling the nuts
Bittering the marmalade
POOPing the thread


Obama looks very much like Mussolini. The jutting jaw,the confident smile, and even the colors….

Yeah. the resemblance between a short, rotund, uniformed, pasty-faced European wearing jackboots and a tall, thin, blazer-and-tie clad man of African decent is just so bloody obvious! The lamestream MSM must be working overtime to prevent everyone from seeing it!!1!!1!

You know things are bad for our poor, oppressed Wingnut-Americans when even their once-reliable projector starts showing distorted photonegatives…


from behind a two way mirror
A window?


Shorter All Wingnuttistan:

Obama’s failure to reverse everything we totally supported when W did it makes Obama the real fascist.


You just can’t go wrong with the good ol’ Head on a Pike.

I mean, the classics, you know?


Not to interfere with any undercover racists or anything, but this Ethiopian is complaining about Koreans. Different ethnicities/pigmentation/whatev. So not so much self-loathing as outright in-your-face bigotry.

Yes, I know. But she’s complaining about orchestras not being majority-white. Seems kinda self-loathing to me.


It also sounds like the old “Hey, it’s great that I got to immigrate here! Now quick, shut the door so nobody else can get in!”


Keeping in mind that this person is from Ethiopia – on her blog she complains about seeing a black man walking out of a caribbean restaurant on Yonge Street!

The mind, it boggles!


Is it still self-loathing if a bunch of other people loath you too?

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Here’s a question. Any fascist movement isn’t going to get very far until it infiltrates the cops and military to use as their own personal thug squad against their political enemies. The cops are mostly beating the shit out of the OWS protestors.

So who’s the fascist thugs again?

Oh wait, I forgot, when the cops arrest the guys stockpiling chemical weapons and stacks of guns, that’s the fascism. When the cops beat up OWS, that’s a false-flag operation to confuse the Reptoids that are sending CIA signals through my back molars.


Obama looks very much like Mussolini. The jutting jaw,the confident smile, and even the colors…

…both photographed in 3/4 profile…

These people are the most productive risk takers in America like Steve Jobs

What’s he risking, again? Also, I guarantee he will not be pointed out as someone who’s not pulling his weight and have his taxes raised.

Mussolini was a gentleman in the end, because he tried to protect his young mistress with his body from the communist firing squad.

Actually, the story is the executioners offered her her freedom and she rejected it, preferring to die with him. There is absolutely no evidence he tried to shield her, and he surely wasn’t stupid enough to think it would actually save her.


When the cops beat up OWS, that’s a false-flag operation

I thought it was just right-wing fapping material?


Is it still self-loathing if a bunch of other people loath you too?

Possibly it’s clear-eyed self-recognition.


What is the sound of a right wing fapping?


What is the sound of a right wing fapping?

Very loud. It usually seems to involve explosions.


…and, of course, “the beating of Kenneth Gladney.”


What is the sound of a right wing fapping?

Very loud. It usually seems to involve explosions.

Plus the lonely, hollow weeping.


Mussolini was a gentleman in the end, because he tried to protect his young mistress with his body from the communist firing squad.

But! But! I’m confused!

Jonah says the Fascists were a bunch of leftists. Shouldn’t the Communists have welcomed him with open arms?


He was keeping them from the chick.


Mussolini was a gentleman in the end, because he tried to protect his young mistress with his body from the communist firing squad.

i’m glad y’all picked up on that line because it is my favorite…yes, even though mussolini was responsible for a gazillion deaths, was a dictator, had a mistress and who knows what all else, but by gum! he was a chap with fine manners…what ho! let’s give him a pass on all that other stuff…because he tried to protect his young mistress…W.T.F…


also, i’m willing to bet that she probably didn’t sign on for the job of being mussolini’s mistress…i bet she was ‘drafted’ for that position…


fyi: tangerine-pistachio sticky buns are fucking amazing…


fyi: tangerine-pistachio sticky buns are fucking amazing…

What did we say about not sharing with the class, bbkf?


But she’s complaining about orchestras not being majority-white.

Actually, it’s even funnier than that.

Her aunt bought her tickets to go see a concert at Lincoln Center. The concert was presented by a Korean-American cultural organization and promoted by Korean-American media, and featured a Korean-American choir and orchestra.

It’s like she went to the San Gennaro Feast and complained that all you could eat there was Italian food.


Obama’s Fascist America?

Not seeing the nativism … or the hatred of social progress … or the adoration of war for its own sake (he keeps pulling these military ops that rack up body-counts of zero – a pretty shitty job of making new martyrs for the regime if you ask me) … or the rabid xenophobia. Nor do I see an abundance of Sudetenlands being annexed on behalf of Teh Greater American Reich lately (which as a Canuck is very pleasant indeed).

So I take it the inherent eternal truth of “if you’re innocent, you have nothing to fear” is about three years past its best-before date now … ditto for “criticism of the POTUS in wartime = aiding terrorism.”

Poor, poor Timothy.

Do you honestly think Obama is menacing your (now) precious liberty? Do something about it beyond plaintively baaaaawing on a weblog: take your case to the ACLU – if you actually have the stones to put your money where your mouth is, that is.

Also, DUDE … you DO know that just about the only folks outside the US of A that are going to agree with you are Chavez & Ahmedinijad, right?


Derek Hunter looks and writes like someone who has a dead hooker of Eastern European descent in his basement.

Because, y’know?


Speaking of body-counts, here’s some pictures from my trip to Verdun last month:

There are 15,000 crosses in that cemetery and the remains of 130,000 (yes, that’s correct) unknown soldiers in the Douaumont Ossuary (the white structure).

Cheese-eating surrender monkeys my ass.


Cheese-eating surrender monkeys my ass.

You got that right!!!

Holy Crap, talk about a meat grinder and body parts stacked like chord wood.

Do you have any idea what the red dots on the crosses signify?


Do you have any idea what the red dots on the crosses signify?

I’m not sure. Each cross has a pink rosebush planted by it, and the red dots my be to give the same effect when the roses aren’t in bloom.


Here’s some shots of the trenches. I didn’t wander too far off the road because it was pretty muddy (go figure):


Major, those pix are really moving. Stop one in one’s self-absorbed tracks, they do.


BTW, even though it marks me as a phood philistine, the American Chop Suey was delish last night. The jam was also a bunch of fun although we could have used another piano player so that the guy who doubles piano and sax (and was clearly the best player there) could have played his sax more.

Best part: no one left with sticky buns.

Rodert rudis, is there a big expat community where you live? We’re considering living (at least part time) out of the country but I’m a little concerned about feeling isolated living somewhere where my language skills would be mediocre at best.


New post.


Heh. The screenshot of the top ten GIS results is now the top GIS result for timothy birdnow.

lol. meta.


I just came back for the trenches.


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