A Cogent Defense of Empathy or Nuh Uh, You’re the Sociopaths!

Right: Mark Steyn; Left: Mark Steyn’s Soul

There has been a change in the seasons. A new year dawning brings momentary lucidity. And for the pallid flaks of modern conservatism, the early year reflection has brought only one phrase to mind:

“Holy Shit, are we assholes!”

I’m sure every brief sober morning brings that reflection to their mind before booze and projection do their dirty work of protecting their fledgling synapses from the horror, so this is nothing new to them. However, this year is an election year and one they look to be losing even before they’ve picked their sacrificial lamb for the slaughter.

As such, there is the quick straightening of ties and the frantic desperate increase in projection in only the way wingnuts know how desperate to make all their post-Obama-election insanity look the fault of some other bastards far far away.

And of all the publications to be scrambling, none are scrambling quite so desperately as that stalwart of “intellectual conservativism” known as National Review.

I have my wealth of options to pick from. All more IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION than the last.

There is:

Shorter Arthur Herman, National Erase:
America’s Disarmed Future

    • Ending useless Pentagon giveaways designed to face an enemy we never fought will totally lead to Sharia Law and the total disarmament of the US Military. P.S. The Debt Crisis horseshit we made up isn’t supposed to apply to the All-Sainted Military
  • Or maybe:

    Shorter Artur Davis, National Disgrace:
    Rosenthal’s Amnesia

    • There is no racism in the racist opposition to Obama because uh… uh… hippies are rude. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Also, Democrats were racist before the Civil Rights Act drove them all to the Republican Party. So there!
  • But no, we’ve gone with human scum magnet, Mark Steyn in his valliant attempt to turn the 2009 War on Empathy into yet another example of evil liberals.

    Mark Steyn, National Shitfaced:
    The Left’s So-Called Empathy

    Lest you doubt that we’re headed for the most vicious election year in memory, consider the determined effort, within ten minutes of his triumph in Iowa, to weirdify Rick Santorum. Discussing the surging senator on Fox News, Alan Colmes mused on some of the “crazy things” he’s said and done.

    You always know you are off to a strong start when a conservative starts trying to box with Alan Colmes as if he was anything other than a token punching bag employed by Fox News to play the role of straw-liberal that is beaten like a puppy in Mitt Romney’s care in the wake of the “ingenuousness” of right-wing arguments.

    Naturally of course, he fixates on Colmes “apologizing” for daring to slight the latest Not-Romney, our good friend Frothy Mixture Santorum himself.

    My National Review colleague Rich Lowry rightly slapped down Alan on air, and Colmes subsequently apologized, though not before Mrs. Santorum had been reduced to tears by his remarks. Undeterred, Eugene Robinson, the Pulitzer Prize–winning Washington Post columnist, doubled down on stupid and insisted that Deadbabygate demonstrated how Santorum is “not a little weird, he’s really weird.”

    Taking home a stillborn abortion (oh wait, we aren’t supposed to acknowledge that in wingnut world God is the world’s biggest abortionist) and sleeping and playing with the pre-formed corpse is not at all horror-movie creepy, especially when combined with Santorum’s other “peculiar” family stories fixated around his obsession with abortion and turning his family into his own cult-like breeding pit.

    The short life of Gabriel Santorum would seem a curious priority for political discourse at a time when the Brokest Nation in History is hurtling toward its rendezvous with destiny. But needs must, and victory by any means necessary. In 2008, the Left gleefully mocked Sarah Palin’s live baby. It was only a matter of time before they moved on to a dead one.

    Always the same from the right. Can’t focus on X because of Great Evil Y hurtling towards us. Can’t focus on the loss of civil rights and lying to get a war, Iraq might fly across the ocean with the smoking gun of a mushroom cloud. Can’t focus on why the economy fell into the crapper, The End of the All Holy Stock Market might be nigh. Can’t focus on fixing anything or the fact that a potential presidential nominee is a lunatic, the made-up debt crisis might be the mushroom cloud of a smoking gun of a Damn Will You People Just Shut Off Your Brains Already!

    In 1996, the Santorums were told during the pregnancy that their baby had a fatal birth defect and would not survive more than a few hours outside the womb. So Gabriel was born

    Yes, “born”. Strange, whenever a presumably non-white “slut” just “trying to mooch off welfare with her love of killing babies” and what not does the exact same thing, it’s always called, you know “an abortion”. But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of your whiny little screed about how liberals don’t have enough sympathy for an anti-abortion crusader’s tough choice for abortion.

    I was a callow pup in my early twenties, with no paternal instincts and no great empathetic capacity.

    And you stayed there forever.

    There is something telling about what Peter Wehner at Commentary rightly called the “casual cruelty” of Eugene Robinson. The Left endlessly trumpets its “empathy.” President Obama, for example, has said that what he looks for in his judges is “the depth and breadth of one’s empathy.” As he told his pro-abortion pals at Planned Parenthood, “we need somebody who’s got the heart — the empathy — to recognize what it’s like to be a young teenage mom.” Empathy, empathy, empathy: You barely heard the word outside clinical circles until the liberals decided it was one of those accessories no self-proclaimed caring progressive should be without.

    Oh, Mark Steyn, it’s moments like this that we here at Sadly, No live for. You just couldn’t resist could you? You had a simple task, defend the current Not Romney and make “the empathy problem” a failure of the left with a giant bag of projection, horseshit, and deliberate spin.

    But you just couldn’t do it, could ya?

    So many years trying to bottle up your hatreds at having to pretend to care about the suffering of other people, having those mean old liberals rub your nose in how little you cared about the suffering of those untermenschen who were not as privileged as you to prevent bad things happening to you.

    Damn it, why should the Great Mark Steyn, god’s gift to assholes have to pretend like a liberal to care about the suffering of others or empathy even if it’s just to smear the liberals. It’s not fair!

    You know, if the Right feels galled about being viewed as sociopaths, maybe they should employ fewer of them to write their transparent propaganda.

    The usual rap against the Right is that they’re hypocrites — they vote for the Defense of Marriage Act, and next thing you know they’re playing footsie across the stall divider with an undercover cop at the airport men’s room. But Rick Santorum lives his values, and that seems to bother the Left even more.

    Yeah, seeing hypocrisy as hypocrisy, will the perfidy of liberals know no bounds?

    Never mind the dead kid, he has six living kids. How crazy freaky weird is that?

    This crazy freaky weird: All those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39. So, if it helps make it easier to “empathize,” look on them as sacrificial virgins to hurl into the bottomless pit of Big Government debt.

    My god, Mark, it must suck to be you. I mean that seriously. I can’t imagine living a life trapped entirely inside the head of an asshole and only able to see the world through those frantic sociopathic eyes.

    The real wickedness of Big Government is that it debauches not merely a nation’s finances but ultimately its human capital — or, as he puts it, you cannot have a strong economy without strong families.

    Mark, wasn’t this originally a rant about how liberals don’t have empathy. You’ve gotten lost on your hobby-horse, you need to come back now.

    Santorum’s respect for all life, including even the smallest bleakest meanest two-hour life, speaks well for him, especially in comparison with his fellow Pennsylvanian, the accused mass murderer Kermit Gosnell, an industrial-scale abortionist at a Philadelphia charnel house who plunged scissors into the spinal cords of healthy delivered babies. Few of Gosnell’s employees seemed to find anything “weird” about that: Indeed, they helped him out by tossing their remains in jars and bags piled up in freezers and cupboards. Much less crazy than taking ’em home and holding a funeral, right?

    A) That would have been terrible if that had ever happened and wasn’t one of the many transparent lies you forced birthers trot out to try and justify your vile mean-spirited actions as somehow noble.

    B) Yes, damn those vile abortionists for “birthing” the Santorum’s “live, viable and totally not aborted ‘baby'” in order to save Mrs. Santorum and thus save Mr. Frothy Mixture to traipse around Iowa running for president instead of having to stay home and actually raise the 6 artifacts he created as a testament to his penis.

    How you wanna ride this one out Mark?

    Albeit less dramatically than “Doctor” Gosnell, much of the developed world has ruptured the compact between past, present, and future. A spendthrift life of self-gratification is one thing. A spendthrift life paid for by burdening insufficient numbers of children and grandchildren with crippling debt they can never pay off is utterly contemptible. And to too many of America’s politico-media establishment it’s not in the least bit “weird.”

    Yeah, trying to make sure people survive to see tomorrow by making sure they can eat, get medical treatment and find shelter in the middle of a depression you fuckers created while you faff about worrying about a made-up debt crisis which again, you created with ill-advised tax cuts and “off-the-record” war spending sure is the failure of empathy in play here.

    Oh Mark Steyn, you wouldn’t be the transparent sociopath we want to dunk into a tank of piss if you’d given us anything less.

    Brava and may the world show you all the empathy you showed us here in your stirring defense of human empathy.

    ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions. Shotgunning shorters like a drunken hillbilly is created by Cerberus.™


    Comments: 143




    Discussing the surging senator on Fox News,

    Santorum’s STILL Surging; It’s all over Fox News!!

    Seriously: Heh.


    I still think its pretty weird to take a dead infant home and introduce it to other siblings. Oddly, it seems more like a ‘cultural-of-death’ thing, something you might find in ancient Egypt. I dunno. Welcoming a dead baby into a family seems very strange to me.


    IF there are souls, we can be assured that Mr Steyn does not have one.

    IF Mr Steyn can be confirmed to be a human, his existence may be the proof that the notion of souls, in general, is simply a fiction.


    “callow pup”? Who the fuck talks like that?

    Also, don’ wanna hear testicles to sanatorium penis.


    Michael J. Nelson reads this guy for his insight. Just another reason why it is impossible for there to be a God.


    Strange, I feel little to no empathy for Mark Stain.

    “We are so used to empathy that we take it for granted, yet it is essential to human society as we know it. Our morality depends on it: How could anyone be expected to follow the golden rule without the capacity to mentally trade places with a fellow human being? It is logical to assume that this capacity came first, giving rise to the golden rule itself. The act of perspective-taking is summed up by one of the most enduring definitions of empathy that we have, formulated by Adam Smith as “changing places in fancy with the sufferer.”
    Even Smith, the father of economics, best known for emphasizing self-interest as the lifeblood of human economy, understood that the concepts of self-interest and empathy don’t conflict. Empathy makes us reach out to others, first just emotionally, but later in life also by understanding their situation.
    This capacity likely evolved because it served our ancestors’ survival in two ways. First, like every mammal, we need to be sensitive to the needs of our offspring. Second, our species depends on cooperation, which means that we do better if we are surrounded by healthy, capable group mates. Taking care of them is just a matter of enlightened self-interest.”

    Frans B. M. de Waal The Evolution of Empathy


    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    Oddly, it seems more like a ‘cultural-of-death’ thing, something you might find in ancient Egypt.

    This has been going on ever since there have been Christians—it really is a death-cult, That’s the main thing that made them so odious to their neighbors in the ancient world: For everyone else, a death was an occasion of ritual impurity that had to be propitiated by the appropriate ceremonies—after the corpse had been removed outside the city walls. The Christians, on the other hand, lived with their dead, buried them under their living-room floors, traded body parts of their saints and martyrs—it was thoroughly disgusting to the average Greek or Roman citizen, and a numinous danger to the body politic as well.


    On behalf of my entire country, I apologize for Mark Steyn. I bet you’re wishing we only exported bombastic pop divas now, aren’t you?

    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    You mean Bryan Adams?

    Chester A. Arthur.


    Effin idjit doesn’t realize that Colmes and Robinson did Republicans a favor by getting this info out before Santorum got the nomination.


    Effin idjit doesn’t realize that Colmes and Robinson did Republicans a favor by getting this info out before Santorum got the nomination…..if he ever had a chance.


    Speaking of bombastic pop divas, if Gingrich, Santorum or Perry really believed that Romney must be stopped, then 2 of them should drop out, thereby clearing the field for one “true conservative” to challenge Mittens. (Two of the three can do the math…………..)

    But, no. Their egos tell them that they must be the one. It is fun to watch, tho.

    The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

    Is it wrong for me to want the 2012 Republican convention to be a bizarro-world replay of the 1968 Democratic convention, with Santorum-suckers surging through the streets, pickled feti in jars, being beaned by the police on national TV? Prolly never happen, though—the police would join them in storming the convention hall. Either way, it would be a sight to behold.

    Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

    The rightards are forming a Greek chorus around Santorum demanding that nobody talk about his family’s choice because it is rude, cruel, shows lack of empathy etc. etc.

    They are doing this because this story Santorum proves, beyond all question, that he is a big fucking liar.

    Look, I am personally full of empathy for Rick and Karen Santorum having to make the difficult choice to terminate a pregnancy at 20 weeks.

    But— unlike the Santorums and the wingnut chorus— I am also full of empathy for ANYONE who has to make that difficult choice.

    So using Newt Gingrich’s empathy-less, heartless formula of tagging your political opponents with nasty labels, I propose that henceforth, this empathy-less hypocrite be tagged with a nasty label that shouts out his choice-for-me-but-not-for-thee hypocrisy to the skies.

    Rick “The Terminator” Santorum….?

    Rick “Pro-Choice” Santorum…?

    Rick “Twenty Weeks” Santorum…?

    ….well, I’m sure my fellow Sadlynaughts will come up with even better ones than these…

    … and rule must be to do exactly what the wingnuts do: once the designated negative soubriquet is chosen, it must be used relentlessly, without empathy, by every one who has reason to defile their lips by uttering this lying hypocrite’s name.


    Rick “fucked his wife seven times” Santorum.


    I don’t want to dehumanize these infernal god-bothering walking colostomy bags, not without a DNA test anyway. But seriously? Weapons grade stupidity right there.


    Dear Rev’d – As a Tampan (heh) I hope your prophecy comes to pass. I await with bated breath the kettling of raging Santorum lickers.


    I didn’t know there was such a thing as aural goatse.


    I love that he can nastily dismiss single-child, older parent families by the hundreds of thousands while bemoaning how uncivil liberals are for not tongue-bathing Santorum for his self-serving politicization of his own family choices. Also, blaming liberals for US debt while ignoring the cost of his own party’s and personal war-mongering is pretty rich. Whatever; he’s a mind-bendingly horrible person, but Prager says I’m meaner so it must be true.


    Shorter Mark Steyn: liberals aren’t really empathetic because abortion.


    I really don’t give a shit what Santorum and his family did with their little corpse. But for fuck’s sake, Steyn still has a butt-hurt over a couple guys saying it’s “a little weird?” over how many years ago?

    Meanwhile, he and his kind have filled the airwaves with calling Democrats a lot more than “a little weird.”


    I don’t understand that Steyn album. It’s actually him singing, only he can’t sing.


    All those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39.


    Is it possible for a bailer to stuff so many straw thoughts and men into that compact a place. “…designer kid at 39.”?

    Steyn’s got some stones (they don’t have the Phrase dumb as a rock for no reason), but if my stones had any Steyns, I’d want to join the castrati…


    If stupid liberals like Subby Mack had any empathy at all they would not post such links to torture us like that. Oh, wait, torture is what real empathetic folks like conservatives do.


    I keep looking for the “Kate Spade” label on my son and I still can’t find it.


    I keep looking for the “Kate Spade” label on my son and I still can’t find it.

    You have to wait till he’s 39.


    I think a previous poster suggested Rick “Smoshmortion” Santorum


    I bet you’re wishing we only exported bombastic pop divas now, aren’t you?

    Canada also exports excellent comedians.


    I found an interesting article: http://oursilverribbon.org/blog/?p=188

    Don’t know how true the intertubez are here — you can’t always trust them — but it does seem that the Santorums (Santora?) did NOT have an abortion: instead, in order to avoid having an abortion, Karen Santorum was subjected to a surgery that pretty much unavoidably triggered an infection that pretty much unavoidably triggered pre-mature labor.

    So, in other words, in order to avoid having an actual abortion, the Santorums allowed their fetus-child to die a horrific death from a massive infection and placed Karen Santorum in extreme risk as well.

    Do we liberals find the hypocrisy of the right off-putting? Yes, Mark Steyn, we do. But it isn’t that we are saying we dislike hypocrisy and then hypocritically saying that consistency is even worse. It’s that we acknowledge, unlike certain religious traditions celebrated on the right which hold hypocrisy to be the worstest sin ever, that hypocrisy is at least the tribute paid by vice to virtue.

    Pickle-jar fetus is weird, but maybe you are right, Mark Steyn — we should respect people’s choices. Funny, though, Santorum doesn’t seem to respect people’s choices or a culture of life. It’s worse than a pickle-jar: the Santorums were willing to cruelly sacrifice both mother and fetus to a nasty, painful infection rather than having an abortion out of principle. Ya know, if Muslims were doing this, the reactionary pseudo-intellectuals would be the first to complain about the Muslim embrace of death over life.

    But … well, what The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge said at 14:12, Sadly, No! Standard Time.


    Alternate Shorters for Artur Davis:

    Protestors against Democratic presidents aren’t racist: they hate all liberals.

    Some protestors compared George W. Bush to Hitler, therefore it is logically impossible for anybody who dislikes Obama to be a racist.

    St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

    Listen, Mark, I know we’ve had our differences in the past, but I just want to say that I really, desperately wish that we didn’t have to focus on Rick Santorum. But you guys just keep producing these people in your primaries that’ve been running longer than some network TV shows, people I honestly would prefer not despoiling my mind thinking about. Why do you do that? Ultimately, I think it’s because you’re cruel. Cruel to others and worse, cruel to yourself.

    You know the establishment is going to vote in the Mormon as the Republican candidate. You know no one in your base is going to vote for him, because, well, Mormon. You also know they wouldn’t bother voting for Santorum either because, well, Catholic. And you know that at the end of the year, we’re just going to re-elect Obama and give you guys another four years to eat your own young.

    Why can’t you just surrender to the inevitability, quit trying to defend Rick Santorum and let him go back to his home, flush with the money he’s grifted so far, back to his family that he so treasures, apparently, and let him stew in his own private hell like every other American? I’d be happier, you and him have never been happy, so we all win. Or at least I do by no longer having to think about Rick Santorum like I expected to when he stopped being an actual politician.


    the designated negative soubriquet

    I use Frothy Mixture as Santorum’s sobriquet. I’m pleased that Cerb uses it too.

    Jim-in-Tampa: Who is the Mayor of Tampa? Is he as wacked out as Mayor Daley? (Thinking of the Very Reverend’s ’68 convention wish.)


    Is he as wacked out as Mayor Daley?

    Should read: ‘he or she’. Baltimore has had two wimmins Mayors in a row.
    I really liked the first one! Best mayor since I moved to Baltimore 20 years ago.

    address my envelope, lips!

    But don’t you understand? He has to go full-on projection all the time, or else the bottomless void opens up and Cthulhu swallows his soul.

    Alas, I fear it is too late for Teh Frothy One. He has looked into the void too long, and it has looked back. He can be as butt-hurt as he likes about liberals pointing out his hypocrisy, and his wife can cry bitter, bitter tears over being subjected to scrutiny just like every other public figure (and you know what? No-one’s done any cartoons depicting them as members of the animal kingdom, so shut up), but he is Void. A non-viable candidate, if you will.


    “You barely heard the word [empathy] outside clinical circles until the liberals decided it was one of those accessories no self-proclaimed caring progressive should be without.”

    Conservatives have odd relationships to the past, for people who claim to be defenders of virtues derived from it. Steyn has a vague, untested notion that “we” didn’t hear about empathy much in our lifetimes. What he means is that he doesn’t recall hearing much about it while doing whatever twits do wherever they do it. And for Steyn, that clinches it: there’s been a cultural shift in the U.S. and it’s in the wrong direction. He feels that empathy is only good for pseudo-ironic (?–I’m never sure what these bumblers are attempting) snark about social programs that could use a bigger generation of taxpayers to fund ’em. Ask a liberal with a bachelor’s degree and you might hear that Western Civilization, ostensibly so beloved by our cons, has been thinking quite earnestly about empathy and related topics for many centuries. It’s just that in every era and setting, self-absorbed shits like Steyn have been too busy to notice or take part. Where I might wonder what Thomas Aquinas had to say about empathy, the Steyns wonder what Rush Limbaugh had to say, if they wonder at all. And if they wonder, it’s in annoyance at having been made to do so; stirred to cogitate, in this case, by attacks on poor Rick Santorum. It goes without saying that Steyn is more interested in jury-rigging an attack on liberals than defending Santorum. I mean come on. Rick and his wife are fine, they love being “persecuted.”


    The Christians, on the other hand, lived with their dead, buried them under their living-room floors, traded body parts of their saints and martyrs—it was thoroughly disgusting to the average Greek or Roman citizen

    It seriously freaked out the Mongols as well.


    Conservatives have odd relationships to the past, for people who claim to be defenders of virtues derived from it. – CRA

    A little sillygism is in order here to understand why reactionaries have such an odd relationship with the past:

    Major Premise: “Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it”
    Minor Premise: Reactionaries want to repeat the past

    Conclusion: Reactionaries forget the past (in order to repeat it)


    Freaking the Mongol.


    Totally Not Racist Steyn has a real bug up his butt about white people not having enough babies.


    Best Santorum sobriquet, courtesy Lizz Winstead:

    “…sweater-vested Puritan with breeding hips…”


    white people not having enough babies.

    I tried having more but a man can only eat so much.


    Totally Not Racist Steyn has a real bug up his butt about white people not having enough babies.

    If birth-rate was the key to prosperity Bangladesh would rule the world.


    Steyn thinks that there are moms out there that are not having enough babies? I bet if he were to be asked nicely, DK-W would be willing to help out.


    Seriously! Have these people, who claim to revere “capitalism” and “innovation” never heard of productivity? Do they just not know what it means?


    Damn! I almost spit out the lasagna I was eating for lunch from laughing at the side by side pictures.


    Who is the Mayor of Tampa?

    Apparently Tampa is under the control of one or more Islamic extremist. Wouldn’t it be great f they can get Shania law enacted prior to the convention. Imagine how disappointed all the delegates will be to find all the titty bars closed down.


    This crazy freaky weird: All those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39.

    Sadly, No! The SS Trust Fund is just the bag man for a hidden, regressive tax structure. Otherwise, it would be perfectly self-funding. And if his kids are anything like their Old Man they won’t be contributing to the system, they’ll eiherbe living off of the public trust while criticizing it or cashing in on their ability to sell access to it to others. That’s so not weird at all.


    A couple thoughts:
    1. @DAS: reactionaries don’t want to repeat the past. They want to repeat a fantasy of what the past was like before their Enemies ruined Everything.
    2. Go ahead and keep trying to argue Faith with Logic, but know this: It doesn’t work, and likely never will. When Faith knows that there are Higher Truths, mere facts are unimportant, and ‘hypocrisy’ is a meaningless noise. There are no Augustines any more, which is a terrible thing since politics absorbed religion on the right. Or vice-versa. Same in Christian as in Muslim lands, or for that matter, in Jewish lands. The Apocalyptists are working as hard as they can to bring the world to an end, and doing a pretty good job so far.


    Being lectured on empathy by Mark Steyn is like being lectured on sobriety by W.C. Fields … except that the latter wouldn’t make me feel quite so neck-stabby.

    EVERY SINGLE TIME I’ve ever heard a libtard bring up the Santorums’ squicky-as-fuck family fun-time with the almost-Santorum, they’ve made a point of adding a caveat to the effect of “Far be it from me to judge how another family deals with their grief, buuuuuuut …”

    Cue Ann Coulter telling Amerika that the “Jersey Girls” were getting off on all the attention they were getting from having their loved ones killed on 9/11. Or maybe Ann’s brah Rush Limbaugh vigorously clutching his pearls in defence of the helpless innocent torturer & child-rapist who heads the Lord’s Resistance Army. How about Bush giggling like a giddy schoolgirl & crooning “don’t kill me” when the subject of Karla Fae Tucker came up? A real fucking Empathy Ninja, that boy. Hell, I could even go with that lovely crowd of patriotic Republicans booing an active duty soldier, or yelling “let him die” regarding the prospect of a man dying needlessly for lack of health insurance.

    Would you like some Purple Heart band-aids for your little booboo, Mark?


    I seem to recall Steyn’s personal lack of empathy for Cindy Sheehan, who wasn’t even running for public office. At any rate, why not just admit what the Santorums did was weird, and just shrug your shoulders and say folks do weird stuff when their loved ones die. Jesus, I heard I have a however many greats uncle who was pickled after he died, and placed in a glass crypt so his wife could come see and talk with him every day, and I’m the first to say that’s nuts. Of course, she never wrote a book about how great she was for doing this while working to make sure no one else was allowed to pickle folks, so she had that going for her.


    This is like being told to stop doing cocaine by a junkie. I love it when that happens. (DON’T JUDGE ME)


    I don’t even think what the Santorums did was all that weird. Most people don’t realize what it feels like to have a stillborn baby, and I have no capacity for judgement here.

    The fact that the situation was essentially an abortion of a late term fetus made by a family who is more than happy to mandate that nobody else in the country is able to have such a procedure done is what makes Santorum look like bloody, syphillated santorum.

    bughunter, delurking for the first time since the 2011 NFL Playoffs

    Goddamn, if that wasn’t the best rundown of the 10kW Projection Lamp American Taliban since I saw Rambo 3 at the Drive-in. Bravo!

    /relurk to watch videos of naughty girls who look like Michelle Bachmann and Megyn Fox pretend to be lesbians


    Hah! You can’t tell me they’re pretending!


    Never mind the dead kid, he has six living kids. How crazy freaky weird is that?

    That is crazy freaky weird. This isn’t the frontier. Half your kids aren’t going to die before they become teenagers, you don’t need the extra farmhands. Just because your particular backward-ass cult insists that you have as many offspring as you can doesn’t mean it’s not weird to us normal folk.

    I’m sick of religions (in general, but bear with me) trying to breed their way to dominance. Clearly their “ideas” can’t recruit (sane) people and breeding is the only way to increase membership, but they need to stop trying to pretend it’s anything other than that.


    Kermit Gosnell, huh? You wouldn’t expect that to be a sufficient argument in favor of Steyn’s butthurt, considing that it implies the law can make a distinction between abortion and murder…


    “/relurk to watch videos of naughty girls who look like Michelle Bachmann and Megyn Fox pretend to be lesbians”

    Internet tradition normally would require that possibly a link might be provided………….


    I can’t bother to register to comment on yet another site, but from the Lizz Winstead link posted above, i just have to say this made my day:

    Rick Perry….This Dollar Store version of George Bush


    possibly a link might be provided………….

    Bachmann-lookalike lesbian porn?

    You’re sick smedley.


    Internet tradition normally would require that possibly a link might be provided………….

    Agh, you lie-bruls and your filthy sexy perversions! Michele Bachmann, really! Hope you watch that porn with the sound turned off.


    It’s OK because she keeps her crazy eyes closed.

    …uhhh, or so I’ve heard, anyway.


    It’s OK because she keeps her crazy eyes closed.

    bbbbbut thats the best part!!! how will I know if she’s enjoying herself?


    I bet it starts out with Michele and Marcus being interviewed by Megyn, but Marcus gets distracted by Hannity and leaves the scene……….


    Oh kayyyy….

    As an antidote to all that: take a gander at the world’s smallest vertebrate, an adorable tiny frog.


    the world’s smallest vertebrate

    Mark Steyn is in the post above.


    Not completely OT,


    From near the end:

    I’m reminded of a story told by Tim LaHaye, notorious author of the apocalyptic Left Behind series. LaHaye was ten years old when his father died, and obviously devastated by the loss. As LaHaye tells it, it was during a pastor’s eulogy for his father that he truly came to believe. The pastor explained how his father was now in heaven with Jesus, and the young LaHaye knew this to be true, felt it to be true. Indeed, he must have wished it to be true as well. Of course he did; what ten-year-old boy wouldn’t?

    That, not evolution or homosexuality or any other point of dogma, is the real issue for people like LaHaye, Santorum, and Chambers: the fundamental comfort that religion provides. If people evolved from apes, according to this logic, Timmy LaHaye’s father is not in heaven with Jesus and Rick Santorum’s son died for no reason.

    And this is why we cannot argue with people who subscribe to this framework: there is simply too much at stake for them. They have wedded their fundamental sense of okay-ness to the truthfulness of a set of doctrines. Not only is sociology not at issue for Rick Santorum, Romans isn’t either. What is at stake is his very sense that the world is a good place, that things are basically okay, and that he himself is okay as a result. That may be expressed in a theological framework, but it is a psychological reality. If I marry my partner, therefore, Rick Santorum is not okay.

    The rest is window dressing. The fake sociology, the religious doctrines of sin and salvation, all of it. Santorum and Chambers have had powerful religious experiences, and they avail themselves of such doctrines to articulate the inexpressible.

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Lest you doubt that we’re headed for the most vicious election year in memory, consider the determined effort, within ten minutes of his triumph in Iowa, to weirdify Rick Santorum.

    Steyn’s a little late to the party.


    take a gander at the world’s smallest vertebrate, an adorable tiny frog.

    Pfft. I took this two years ago and have found smaller ones since. The secret: they’re born as frogs without a tadpole stage.


    It really is odd that a Catholic would listen to something Catholic authorities said. Except for evolution of course.


    Er, that would be this.


    The beauty of Republicans coalescing around Romney and telling Newt and Perry and Santorum to quiet down is that they’re essentially acknowledging that (1) the Tea Party has no more power now and (2) those poor saps were pawns from the beginning.


    Mark Steyn is in the post above.

    Not enough backbone to qualify.


    those poor saps were pawns from the beginning

    Newt was no pawn. It was a money-making enterprise from the start, and suddenly he found he was seriously competing. THAT must have been annoying.


    All those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare

    Hah! The Santorum clan has enough money to stop paying taxes now.


    THAT must have been annoying.

    Yep. That’s why he decided to act out, reaching for more crazy, just to keep the cameras on him.


    Pfft. I took this two years ago and have found smaller ones since.

    Do you use dark or milk chocolate?

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Kermit Gosnell, huh? You wouldn’t expect that to be a sufficient argument in favor of Steyn’s butthurt, considing that it implies the law can make a distinction between abortion and murder…

    Of course, Steyn ignores the fact that, were Santorum’s policies ever enacted, there would be a whole lot of Kermit Gosnell’s running back-alley abortion mills.

    Santorum and Chambers have had powerful religious experiences, and they avail themselves of such doctrines to articulate the inexpressible.

    Talk of the “humble Christians” really annoys me- those people are the most self-centered, solipsistic people on the planet.


    Now I’m recalling Steyn’s apologias for genocide during the Bosnian war. He cannot be faulted for lacking empathy for the Serbian irredentists who found themselves obliged to round up Bosniac loyalists and slaughter them.


    What is at stake is [Santorum ‘s] very sense that the world is a good place, that things are basically okay, and that he himself is okay as a result.

    The “Best-of-all-possible-worlds” paradigm has the useful corollary that when bad things happen to other people, and it would be inconvenient or expensive to offer help, the fairness of the universe means that they must have deserved their misery in some way, so one can spit on them and move on.


    What is at stake is his very sense that the world is a good place, that things are basically okay, and that he himself is okay as a result. That may be expressed in a theological framework, but it is a psychological reality. If I marry my partner, therefore, Rick Santorum is not okay.

    It’s very handy that their sense of okayness takes precedence over anyone else’s, and that pointing that out is the meanest, butt-hurtingest thing ever.


    Not sure if its been mentioned here but yesterday Thom Harttmann was speculating that right wingers are calling out Mittens on Bain Capital now so that by the time the general election gets here the press will just let out a big yawn and say “Oh Bain Captial, that’s old news. We’ve covered that already” and ol’ magic underpants gets a pass.

    Feel free to ahem.


    Talk of the “humble Christians” really annoys me- those people are the most self-centered, solipsistic people on the planet.


    Aggravated for me because I’m an Xian. (For decades, I’ve beem hiding out in the hills because of denominations and dogmas and churches and suchlike.)

    Can’t stand the Tebows and Luke Scotts of the sports world, either.


    BBBB: extra points for ‘solipsistic’ !!


    Aggravated for me because I’m an Xian.

    Me too. I think we’re very narcissistic as a culture and it’s become just another thing to brag about.

    “God did this for ME. Let me tell you about MY personal relationship with God”

    It’s all “ME ME ME”.


    Ben Stein vs. The Free Market

    Free market? Anyone, anyone…?



    Yet more proof that “free market” for the wingnuts means “the game is supposed to be rigged in my favor always”.


    Yet more proof that “free market” for the wingnuts means “the game is supposed to be rigged in my favor always”.

    I’ve never been convinced that Ben is smart enough to get that you can compare Things I Want To Do and Things I Think Others Shouldn’t Do.


    I think teh Mittster has discovered a bold new defense for anyone being tried for cooking meth, selling child porn or distributing drugs to schoolchildren: “How dare you question the workings of the free market! Ladies and gentlemen of the Jury, the prosecutor is putting Capitalism itself on trial here!”


    Ben Stein vs. The Free Market.

    Jesus, the guy in the comments saying Stein is more a “real” economist than Robert Reich is a human toothache.


    The Official Ben Stein Home Page!


    (Unless, of course, you’re scared. In that case, you can just go away.)

    Would you like Ben Stein to speak at your gathering or host an event? Click here for more information!

    Now THAT is the home page of a REAL economist.


    […] are big meanie poo-poo heads, I thought I would offer up another anecdote for them to add to the one* they’re already gay-aborting the life out […]

    Turbine Yukon Palin

    So, if it helps make it easier to “empathize,” look on them as sacrificial virgins to hurl into the bottomless pit of Big Government debt.

    That’s not how empathy works. Unless you’re Mark Steyn.

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Not sure if its been mentioned here but yesterday Thom Harttmann was speculating that right wingers are calling out Mittens on Bain Capital now so that by the time the general election gets here the press will just let out a big yawn and say “Oh Bain Captial, that’s old news. We’ve covered that already” and ol’ magic underpants gets a pass.

    Yeah, I heard that too, but I think it’s a little too close to November to make that gambit safe to use (yeah, I know the typical American has the attention span of a mayfly, but still), and Mitt’s negatives in South Carolina (Mormon, Yankee, upper class twit of the “wrong” sort) are so glaring that it just might derail his campaign.


    Okay there are at least 2 Sadly naughts in the B’more area (looking at you Fenwick). I know there are some down near DC. I think this calls for some kind of get together. If anyone is interested contact me @ acrannymint(at)gmail.com


    The real wickedness of Big Government is that it debauches . . .
    If only, if only.


    There is something to the “innoculation” theory of letting a scandal run its course in the primaries so that the campaign has some immunity built up for the general.
    What’s interesting, though, is how gleefully Newt is willing to keep attacking even after the grownups have pulled him urgently to the side and given him the old “ix-nay” out of the corner of their mouths. No one likes Romney, but they understand that he is going to be the nominee, and they need him to make it through the primaries without too much arterial bleeding.
    The problem (for them) is that Newtie just doesn’t care. This is personal. Newt knows he’s comitting political career suicide (he didn’t have any real political career going in, anyways; this really was just supposed to be a glorified book tour for him originally), and he understands that he’s doing serious, perhaps mortal damage to the Republicans’ chances to reclaim the White House; he just. doesn’t. care.

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Corporate whore Ben Stein, who claims to be an economist but is really a commercial actor with an undergraduate degree in economics, has sued Japanese electronics firm Kyocera for violating his “freedom of religion” by not hiring him as a pitchman because he denies the reality of global warming

    Stein’s an Asstafarian.


    As an antidote to all that: take a gander at the world’s smallest vertebrate, an adorable tiny frog.

    I remember a news story from decades ago about a man who found his front lawn covered with umpteen tiny frogs. So he got out his lawnmower.

    I’d hate to have been the one to empty that bag.


    It’s very handy that their sense of okayness takes precedence over anyone else’s, and that pointing that out is the meanest, butt-hurtingest thing ever.

    That Tigris fella nailed it, says me.


    he understands that he’s doing serious, perhaps mortal damage to the Republicans’ chances to reclaim the White House; he just. doesn’t. care.

    Oh, if only. Now he’s going after Mittens for speaking French. He’s just making himself look like a bigger fool, meaning it’ll be easier to dismiss the vulture-capitalist stuff. Shit.


    (Unless, of course, you’re scared. In that case, you can just go away.)

    OK, what’s the deal with all these dimwitted hacks acting like every liberal is scared of them? I’ve seen things in my toilet scarier than Ben Stein (R.I.P., Timmy the Tapeworm).


    /relurk to watch videos of naughty girls who look like Michelle Bachmann and Megyn Fox pretend to be lesbians

    Ah. The silver cougar-and…

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Oh, if only. Now he’s going after Mittens for speaking French. He’s just making himself look like a bigger fool

    You kidding, the knuckle-dragging tea-bagging base will eat that merde up, Sarkozy being right of center notwithstanding.

    We’re not talking about smart people here.


    You kidding, the knuckle-dragging tea-bagging base will eat that merde up, Sarkozy being right of center notwithstanding.

    Of course they will, but I’m talking about the effect in the general election. If people start associating criticism of Bain with idiotic accusations like this one, it’ll just trivialize the whole issue of Romney’s vulture capitalism.


    Now he’s going after Mittens for speaking French.

    Keeps the cash coming in.


    (Unless, of course, you’re scared. In that case, you can just go away.)

    Oh I’m scared Ben. Actually I was thinking more along these lines:

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Of course they will, but I’m talking about the effect in the general election. If people start associating criticism of Bain with idiotic accusations like this one, it’ll just trivialize the whole issue of Romney’s vulture capitalism.

    Hopefully, it’ll get the real ‘bagger dead-enders to stay home take to the woods with weapons and canned food on election day.


    acrannymint: I’m up for a roadtrip to DC or Baltimore. (Used to commute from Charm City to Bladensburg.) I’d also like to meet Chris (DC Sadly) and VS (N. VA); haven’t seen Chris in Sadlyville recently. I’ll send you an e-mail to explore the idea.


    Santorum’s respect for all life, including even the smallest bleakest meanest two-hour life, speaks well for him…

    Wow, that does speak well of him! I have a deep respect for all life too! Maybe we’re not so different as I thought. I’ll go to his website, and-

    Any nuclear scientist proven to be working for Iran’s nuclear program would be treated as an enemy combatant.

    Huh. I didn’t know that all Iranian nuclear scientists were actually re-animated corpses stuck in a state of hideous un-life.


    Pah! You can have your pathetic little get together. NOTHING will ever come even close to the great and legendary Sadly,No! The Portlanding.


    Did it have a bar full of drunk babies? No? Then BROOKLYN WINS!

    Big Bad Bald Bastard

    Did it have a bar full of drunk babies? No? Then BROOKLYN WINS!

    Baby Biergarten is the best!


    “All those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39. So, if it helps make it easier to “empathize,” look on them as sacrificial virgins to hurl into the bottomless pit of Big Government debt.”

    This got me wondering: What’s the over-under on the age of the first Santorum kid to OD?


    Twenty weeks.


    Twenty weeks.

    Oh dear. Aaaand N__B goes boldly…

    Speaking of conservative empathy, did anyone happen to hear this on NPR today? What kind of person would be like that?



    Seriously though: What’s the over-under on the age of the first Santorum kid to OD come out of the closet?

    WAY better odds.


    Ah, Cerebus, takes me back to the good old days of the never cherished Steynwatch. Back in the day he was just a buffoon, but now I feel he is truly evil.

    His whole premise for his argument started off from Colmes, a 5th rate leftist even at the best of times saying that Sanatorium is a wierdo for bringing home the dead baby, a viewpoint shared, im sure by the vast majority of folk. By the end of his argument, its back to us that are the tossers for pointing this put.

    and by-the-fucken-way, what does “… ll those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39…”…. mean?

    As back to his basic argument, good blond, white aryan’s aint fucking enough….. wooooooo.. sharia law…….. europe is screwed… wooooo…. will that do?


    pointing this out….. god damn you, 5th cup of coffee this morning….


    “and by-the-fucken-way, what does “… lf those self-evidently ludicrous risible surplus members of the Santorum litter are going to be paying the Social Security and Medicare of all you normal well-adjusted Boomer yuppies who had one designer kid at 39…”…. mean?”

    Dangerous roughage deficiency?


    5th cup of coffee this morning

    I’m only on cup #2, but I have to fly Memphis -> Casper -> Boise in about 20 minutes.

    I’m guessing that’ll be good for at least 2 more cups.


    Gocart! What have you been up to? (I’ve muchly missed you, ZRM, and MB, btw.)


    NOTHING will ever come even close to the great and legendary Sadly,No! The Portlanding.

    The NYC Sadlies might dispute this….


    The NYC Sadlies might dispute this….

    Just wait till Tim Tebow kicks the NYC Sadlies with a last second Hail Mary praise Jesus.

    I’ve been fine Fen. Just entering the stage of alcahol soft middle age.


    It’s almost like you liberals forget all those times under which the Demoncrap Presidents slashed our military budgets and the Soviets marched in and occupied us and Western Europe, and then we only liberated ourselves when Good Patriot American Conservatives defeated the ACORN vote-stealers and changed the names of our fried potato snacks.


    As a conservative historian and an archaeologist I believe that it is important to learn history in order to repeat the virtues of our forebears and restore the traditional morality of our ancestors. Nothing pisses me off more than to hear my leftwing colleagues harp on about not wanting to repeat the supposed “mistakes” of the past. One of my archaeology professors back in undergraduate school actually wants to bring sociology and other postmodern drivel into archaeology in order to make the field more humanistic. He wants to allow the public in the day to day decision making of archaeological research. The sad truth is, the average person on the street doesn’t have the intelligence to make any contributions to the field whatsoever.

    Archaeology is simply the study of past society and civilizations through the excavation, research, and analysis of their sites, remains and artifacts. But of course liberals are trying to ruin the field of archaeology just as they have ruined everything else. It was the Great Expeditions of the early pioneers of archaeology such as Giovanni Battista Belzoni, William Matthew Flinders Petrie, and Howard Carter that first attracted me to the field. None of them employed these ridiculous methods of so called “New Archaeology.” My point being, modern leftist faux disciplines such as sociology and psychology have no place in archaeology or in historical research.


    and the Soviets marched in and occupied us



    Just wait till Tim Tebow kicks the NYC Sadlies with a last second Hail Mary praise Jesus.

    Why, are they big Pats fans?


    Baby Biergarten is the best!

    Those babies are cranky drunks.




    I’m aware that the plural of “Cyclops” is “Cyclopes”. Don’t bother pointing it out, you pedantic bastard. You know who you are.


    Tigris said

    “I love that he can nastily dismiss single-child, older parent families by the hundreds of thousands …”

    Big families. Mama was one of eleven, and grandaddy Clifford was one of twelve and his bride Pinky one of a dozen too. He was a sharecropper and needed all the free help he could get, but I figure the eleven he and Pinky produced had more to do with the lack of birth control than with any plan to create farm hands.

    Technology had a lot to do with family size too, didn’t it? I mean if you’re going on the assumption that big families were the result of needing bodies to work the land, then wouldn’t you have to admit that the tractor and the pill dovetailed just about right for making the possibility and the desire for a smaller family a reality?

    If you’re making a lot of babies now, then it’s just because you want to and you can afford to (excluding the possibility that you just don’t give a damn about dysfunctional poverty). If you’re going around telling fertile couples that they shouldn’t be using b.c. of any kind, then you’ve stepped into some real shit there because if you’re not using it yourself, some form of it, then you’re likely to make fifteen to twenty babies or kill your wife trying.

    So anytime a conserve says he or she’s againt any form of birth control, they need to explain why they aren’t using a twelve seat passenger van to haul their litter around.


    Blackhawks tied in the last minute of regulation with an empty net, then got stomped in OT. Another heartbreak.

    Listen up, I have an accent

    Youtube has some amazing material.


    Eeek! I read some of the comments on that Youtube link. I think I need a shower now.


    I don’t follow hockey. Nevertheless, I’m sorry yer team lost, Scribe.

    By the way, do the Leafs suck this season?


    robert rudis-

    To the conservatives, it’s about the illusion of morality.

    So, the conservatives rant about the evils of birth control (mainly because they are ranting about the evils of sex, especially acknowledgment of female sexuality) while taking it privately.

    That way they can point to their small family sizes created through regular birth control, secret abortions, and late night visits to the truck stop restrooms as “visible” proof that they don’t “give into their base natures” all that often because look! Only a few kids, that must mean they’ve only had sex that many times!

    In fact, that’s pretty much all conservative “morality”. Using hypocrisy against something they are publicly against to be able to better demonstrate that they meet the impossible illusionary standards they preach.


    Getcha New Post Here!


    Youtube has some amazing material.

    This is why I rarely click You Tube links without any description…It’s like being Rick Rolled or Goatsed…

    If I wanted to listen to a bunch of slobbering Goobers going on about Multiculteralism, I am almost certain that there would be a couple of 16 penny nails sticking out of my head…


    FU, Whale Chowder, that npr story seriously has me down. The little boy sending the other boy a Valentine was so cute and endearing, and then it’s followed by horrific threats and over a decade in the closet and a family broken apart. Auuurrrghhhhhhh.

    Stop the world, I want to get off.


    This is why I rarely click You Tube links without any description…It’s like being Rick Rolled or Goatsed…

    Check out Interclue if you use Firefox, when you hover on the link it gives you little pop-ups with the video so you can see the title and even play most without having to click over.

    Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs!

    Mr. Mark Steyn,

    How strange that you would choose beg us liberals for “empathy” instead of the more commonly-used word “compassion”.

    Why, it’s almost as if SOMEONE had taken that word, defiled it, and then left it out on the shit pile along with “WMD”, “Mission Accomplished”, and so many others!


    (comments are closed)