That’s Our Story And We’re Sticking To It
Posted on January 6th, 2012 by Tintin
ABOVE: Shannen Coffin (left) and Shannen Coffin (right)
Shorter Shannen Coffin, America’s Shittiest Website™:
Lies, Damned Lies, and NPR
- At least 100 times a day, like Rick Santorum, I have a slip of the tongue and I say “black” when I mean to say “people.”
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
and kittehs.
That was worthwhile.
Obviously anyone who points out when Republicans make racist Freudian slips is The Real Racist(tm)
This is the most reasonable mango from the comments:
Even just reporting Santorum verbatim is “race baiting from the left.” Sure, he sounds like a bigot, but the real racists are the people quoting him.
yes, somebody had to do it, and commentor gregory of yardale is not afraid to be that somebody:
perhaps gregory of yardale should remember that the reason the left cannot win an argument with the right on ideas, is because the right has no idea…
Damn, can’t a black man be fustest around here…
…and nobody expects THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!!
Just watched the video and it’s pretty clear he said (and meant) “black.” And all the dutiful little trolls around him applauded. In Iowa. Nope, no racists there.
Oooh, this is one evil SOB. From his Wiki: “until early November 2007[1] served as general counsel to American Vice President Dick Cheney.” Judging from the photographs I’ve found he looks much more like the guy on the right — same gnawing little front teeth.
You libtards are all the same. Santorum was quoting Count Blah from Greg the Bunny. Is that “raaaaaaaacist”???
I particularly love how Santorum then went on to use the word “black” to denote “African American” twice in the next 20 seconds.
Unless there are a lot of “Bluh” colleges out there I am unaware of.
Your hearing is clearly wrongthinkful if you hear “black.”
after listening repeatedly, i’m pretty sure he meant to say ‘bling’ people…these are even shinier but not necessarily happier than your basic shiny, happy people…
or if you’re scottish, you may perhaps prefer ‘shinny, hoppy pepple’…
Your hearing is clearly wrongthinkful if you hear “black.”
‘damn my ears,’ tom said sheepishly…
If it were a verbal stumble, wouldn’t there be a pause, stutter, back up and rephrase, anything other than a smooth carrying on with what was obvious one statement? It’s not some unknown word beginning with “bli…” changed to “people,” but “black people” as one unit. And “even if he had said black, the statement en toto is pretty unobjectionable” is pretty funny, in the “he didn’t say it but if he did it’s not bad” vein. Yes, it is fucking objectionable, but you keep trying to paint folks saying that as the bad guys because some unknown, unlinked but totally real and important “online commentators” have remarked on a public, videotaped statement by a candidate for president.
On a previous thread, we already determined that Iowa is 91% white. So Medicare money being disbursed in Iowa is more likely to be going to white people. So for TheFrothyMixture to say that in Iowa of all places is really, really stoopid.
I bet I’d like hoppy pepples.
I bet I’d like hoppy pepples.
I beleive you fall firmly into that category.
Santorum seems to put his foot in his mouth so regularly that he must use Dubbin instead of toothpaste.
Yeah, true.
Last night my hands were literally covered in hops as I gleefully stuffed them into the secondary fermenter for my Pliny The Elder clone. Yum.
Shit, full of it you are Pud-one…
Santorum seems to put his
foot in his mouthhead up his ass so regularly that he must useDubbinsantorum instead of toothpaste.Fixxxor’d for topic relevance.
needs moar TM
Last night my hands were literally covered in hops as I gleefully stuffed them into the secondary fermenter for my Pliny The Elder clone. Yum.
my son is anxiously awaiting the moment he can begin to start home brewing…he has most of the supplies necessary…he’s in the market for a giant pot in which to cook the ingredients…and i believe he also needs ingredients…any advice? he likes ultra hoppy brews…and he’s only 22…*sniff*…i’m so damn proud…
The comments are funny. NRO comments are usually interesting, because they’re usually more intelligent and more coherent than on most wingnut sites. Occasionally you’ll even read a comment that borders on not-entirely-unreasonable. But there’s always always always blatantly racist comments in nearly every thread…while they decry liberals for playing the race card. It’s kind of adorable.
Anyway, I can sum up the comment thread for everyone ‘cuz I had a chance to scroll through most of it while Lord Chubbington was napping on me: “He did not say “black, ok, he did say black, but even if he said black who cares, he’s right.”
Also, liberals sole reason for wanting a social safety net is so that gullible voters will get a taste of that sweet, sweet food-stamp and welfare life and vote for democrats so…profit…? I dunno. I’m pretty sure the underwear gnomes were in there somewhere…
Ah, but I love the projection in the way wingnuts always ascribe nefarious motives to everything liberals do. Liberals don’t want a safety net so that people don’t starve or get bankrupted by a health crisis, we only want it so that we/government can enslave everyone. Why we want to enslave everyone is not explained. See? Because they always have shitty motives, we libs must always have shitty motives too. *sigh*
will get a taste of that sweet, sweet food-stamp and welfare life and vote for democrats
i know i was pretty bummed out when i got kicked off that gravy train…what with the small, small checks, the endless paperwork, endlessly providing proof of poverty, the shame at the grocery store…gosh, i get choked up just thinking about those halcyon days…sigh…if only i would have appreciated it more and improved my life less!
while Lord Chubbington was napping on me
also, these are the best kinds of babby naps…unless of course, the babby has fallen asleep while you are in an uncomfortable or unwiedly position…or you have to pee…
1) Enslave everyone
2) Have gay abortions
3) Profit!!!
Girlfriend, SING IT! I know that when I was a kid and we had to use food stamps, I was all like, “Oh fuck yeah, people in line, check us out! We are GAMING THE SYSTEM, YA’LL!”
So, even assuming arguendo that Santorum was talking about Bligh people or pli-people or whatever the hell bullshit thing they’re saying now, he’s claiming that the point of signing people up for Medicaid is to “make them dependent”. Not to, you know, help them not have to suffer from treatable diseases because they can’t pay, but to somehow make them vote Democratic. And the very first mango in that forest finds the entire statement unobjectionable. Because obviously getting people off Medicare is going to create manufacturing jobs, through the, uh, look-over-there principle, or possibly the shut-up-that’s-why effect, and then your typical Medicare recipient, who is a-near, will get a job and be able to pay to go to the doctor, hooray!
Any large (5 gallon or more) non-aluminum pot will work. I used an old 8-gallon enamel canning pot for years before I splurged on a huge stainless pot. Lots of folks convert old beer kegs for nice pots too.
He can order large quantities of high-quality whole hops from this place.
I’ll leave a comment at your new place so you’ll have an e-mail address you can reach me at for more info so as to not further clutter this place up with hops.
Also too, maybe if people barely scraping by with government assistance are voting (D) it’s because they’ve lived through (R) administrations? So in a way Santorum’s right, like someone who says “you REALLY only want me to turn off the engine because we’re parked in the garage and you don’t want us to die from the carbon monoxide”.
I am interested in your home business plan. Will you be holding a seminar at any of my local Holiday Inns?
Is it just me, or does it seem that your average rightard really has nothing but total “nuh uh, that’s totally YOU!” projection left in a world where reality keeps becoming increasingly “biased” to irrefutable proof that conservatism is a train wreck in pretty much every measurable way?
It’s like 98% of the mangos I’ve seen for months now have hypocritical, entirely non-self-aware projection slathered all over them.
Honestly it’s getting a touch boring, guys. Rant about how our president uses teleprompters or how the secret evil ACORN stole the election with magic powers or how he’s really not american and only you have the secret double-reverse mega proof given to you by aliens hidden under your bed some more. Jeez.
How…did you…know…about Klaus? is great, lots of recipes and really helpful people.
How…did you…know…about Klaus?
Klaus is the fish — Roger’s the alien.
I wasn’t making an American Dad reference. I was just searching for a funny name for my funny (?) joke.
But, but, but….what about alien fish? Huh, smarty-pants? What if I have one of those?
But, but, but….what about alien fish? Huh, smarty-pants? What if I have one of those?
It would likely swim right up your urethra.
bbkf brought this Santorum-covered bobo mango back to the last thread:
The story is deeply creepy to all even slightly rational people. The only way it could get creepier is if they dressed the body up in a cute little jumper and propped it in the corner for a week. Oh man, now I’m actually curious — I wonder if he took the additional tax deduction too?
The GOP trolls always talk about being the party of ideas but they really only have one, no two, ideas: Tax cuts for the rich and turn the Federal Government into a Police State. These “ideas” are the same ones they have promoted literally for decades. The only variation on their ideas has been how many foreign wars they want to justify for “national security” (read oil supply security) and how much “social/privacy” distractions they want to include into their platforms.
These are not ideas that address the requirements of a huge, mulch-cultural society and global economy. These are the ideas of the Kingdom of Hillbillyism.
We either do better or get left behind. That’s called evolutionary political-economy.
Oregon Beer Snob said,
January 6, 2012 at 20:55
Go Santorum! If he wins in NH I’m going to do a happy jig. All three parts of it.
How…did you…know…about Klaus?
Klaus is the fish — Roger’s the alien.
Blah is the new black
It’s like 98% of the mangos I’ve seen for months now have hypocritical, entirely non-self-aware projection slathered all over them.
so, you’re saying they have a santorum-like candy shell?
The story is deeply creepy to all even slightly rational people.
Yeah. And you know what’s even worse? I was reading somewhere just recently where that story came up, and more than one person — ostensibly of the liberalish persuasion — said “Don’t judge them! They were grieving! It’s not fair to judge people for doing what they need to do to get through grief!”
I’m sorry, but fuck you, pretty much every human being in every culture everywhere since the beginning of humanity (except for maybe the death-obsessed ancient Egyptians) would think that sleeping with a corpse is creepy. (And probably for very good reasons, like that before we had, you know, hygiene and medicine and stuff — which is to say for most of human history everywhere — that kind of behaviour could get you sick and then dead.)
If that’s judgemental, well, then, just call me Judgey Judgersdottir. And fuck your hippy-dippy wooey kumbayaism; I don’t waste sympathy on people who think I’m subhuman.
It would likely swim right up your urethra
my urethra lol’d at this…
This blogger addressed the issue.
“George Bush doesn’t care about Blah people”
Klaus is the fish — Roger’s the alien.
nuh uh
The story is deeply creepy to all even slightly rational people
Yeah. And you know what’s even worse? I was reading somewhere just recently where that story came up, and more than one person — ostensibly of the liberalish persuasion — said “Don’t judge them! They were grieving! It’s not fair to judge people for doing what they need to do to get through grief!”
and, i completely sympathize with parents who have lost a child…even an early term miscarriage…but holy cats, people! yeah it would suck and be an awful thing to go through, but it seems they are more attached to fetuses and stillborn infants than to babbies who are older…such as the children they have…
oh wait…yeah…i see it now…carry on! is great, lots of recipes and really helpful people.
thanks, tig…i’ll pass that on to him…
Don’t judge them!
Yeah, what Thers said at kg’s link. Santorum WANTS to be judged on it or he wouldn’t have made it known, he just wants to be judged only on his terms and you know, fuck that, nobody has that right.
pretty much every human being in every culture everywhere since the beginning of humanity (except for maybe the death-obsessed ancient Egyptians) would think that sleeping with a corpse is creepy.
Again, I find myself in the minority
he’s claiming that the point of signing people up for Medicaid is to “make them dependent”.
this is their go-to argument for anything that ostensibly helps the masses or the environment…my personal fave being that public transportation is just a way to limit personal freedom (which amendment addresses the right to drive humvees to the grocery store? i forget…) and to put people in a cattle-car mindset…to make them more dependent…so they’ll vote demo…
because it’s not about reducing carbon emissions, or easing gridlock or anything other than making people dependent on some scary, evil, all-consuming gubbmint entity…
If we judge him too hard we’ll get Santorum all over us. Ick.
Well, sorry, Actor, I forgot to say “pretty much every human being in every culture everywhere since the beginning of humanity would think that sleeping with a corpse is creepy, unless the corpse is D-K W’s mom.”
Sorry, D-K. I like your mom, but man, she gets around.
unless the corpse is D-K W’s mom.”
Even dead, she’s better than most live women
I mean, easier.
If we judge him too hard we’ll get Santorum all over us. Ick.
And then we’ll all look very blah.
The only way it could get creepier is if they dressed the body up in a cute little jumper and propped it in the corner for a week. Oh man, now I’m actually curious — I wonder if he took the additional tax deduction too?
OBS reminds me of a bit of history familiar to Pennyslavians, one which I hope will soon be familiar to most the country. He did not live in Pennsylvania when (unsuccessfully) running for reelection to teh Senate. But wait, there’s more!
oh, for feck’s sake! all bets are off now, people! i just read the whiskeyfire link and fuck, me! a 20 week old fetus?!?!? gah!!! they made the kids look at that? good god, our daughter was 10 weeks early and even at that late gestation, she was pretty funky looking…and she was you know, fully formed…just really teeny…
between his ghey hating, religious fervor, shameless pity-pandering and outright deception (pup’s link), i can’t wait to see him get his frothy ass handed to him in n.h…
Say, now that we’ve arbitrarily decided that D-K W’s mom is dead, shouldn’t we be getting ZRM’s side of the story?
Completely aside from that, has anybody else noticed that a lot of the Republicans have these really damn weird, Dickensian names? “Santorum” even sounds like it should have been something nasty even before Dan Savaged it, like some kind of Industrial Revolution evil, or something. (I keep thinking of Mr. Gradgrind from Hard Times.) Dickens would probably have Santorum as the proprietor of the Chokemblack Mills or something. I’m surprised Santorum himself is flustered about this, because I would have thought he’d been dealing with it since grade school It’s hardly prime rotten-mango stuff; it’s more like the lowest of the low-hanging fruit.
(5 gets you 10 that Santorum is actually a low-hanging fruit…)
gah!!! they made the kids look at that?
It couldn’t have been worse than looking at dad in a wife-beater T shirt.
Say, now that we’ve arbitrarily decided that D-K W’s mom is dead, shouldn’t we be getting ZRM’s side of the story?
He does like eating the dead…
Yeah, 20-week-old fetuses are pretty heinous-looking. I think it’s sick they traumatized their kids like that.
It couldn’t have been worse than looking at dad in a wife-beater T shirt.
now you’re just being disgusting…
Who knows, VS, maybe the Santorums had brainwashed their kids so badly that they weren’t traumatized? That’s even sicker, as far as I’m concerned.
Try all-new Santorum brand brainwashing detergent! Now in fresh lemon-hypocrisy aromatherapy scent!
we called em “dago tees” in my day.
no offense.
we called em “dago tees” in my day.
From the Dago Blah system
We call ’em “strappy undershirts” or “tank tops” around here, which somehow manages not to be racist or sexist.
Zombie bees!
Klaus is the fish — Roger’s the alien.
Howard’s the fish, but he’s being eaten.
Santorum has Odor-Eater-breath? SHOCKING!
“Calling us out on our nasty shit” = “name-calling.”
“Taking our false premises as givens, while letting us devalue & demonize yours, no matter how often they’re proven right by history” = “a real debate based on ideas.”
Poor fragile little things, they’ve gotten away with playing so much Calvinball with the public record, logic & reality itself since 1980 that now they think it’s the default setting for debate? Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, but judging from all those crowds of extremely pissed-off citizens camping without benefit of forests since last fall it sure looks like that mean old pendulum might not like being nailed at one end of its arc so much after all … hell, it might even start to swing away from Crazytown at any moment. Yeah, cry me a river & watch me portage my way up it, motherfuckers. Your track-record is a smoking mound of POOP. Too many bankruptcies & too many cluster-bombs. Sorry – nobody can afford that shit any more (as if anyone really ever could).
Little wonder conservatives are going batshit-crazy more & more. Progress keeps speeding up, to the point where they can’t even make a nice clean joke about killing queers or raping hippy-chicks any more without some PC party-pooper ruining their good old-fashioned fun … & now they even have to pay lip-service to icky stuff like civil rights that everyone knows they hate, just to be taken seriously.
Hate-pimpin’ ain’t easy, peeps.
It couldn’t have been worse than looking at dad in a wife-beater T shirt.
Please. Enough of the Italian-American stereotyping.
Well I like Donald’s Pizza Heaven ‘cuz there’s never any Blah people there. Yeaaaahhhhhhhh . . . .
Uh. I mean I like Donald’s Pizza Heaven for their choose-your-own-topping pizza creations?
It couldn’t have been worse than looking at dad in a wife-beater T shirt.
Please. Enough of the Italian-American stereotyping.
Hey, I wasn’t the one going all “dago” here. I’ve seen plenty of non-Italians on “COPS” getting carted away in them with ex-wife Muriel screaming from the trailer….
The Principal Contributt said
I’d just like to say that even after a couple of months, this nym still cracks me up every time.
ok, to be fair I was only slightly aware of the racist nature of the term “dago tee” when I was 16.
I swear, some of my best friends are Italians.
Yeah, sorry, I heard “bli”. I didn’t hear “black”, especially when he says “lives” a bunch in the same clip. I despise Santorum, but I can’t kill him on this one. And, for the record, I can perfectly understand all the lyrics to the Kingsmen’s version of “Louie Louie” so it isn’t my ears…
I’d just like to say that even after a couple of months, this nym still cracks me up every time.
Yeah, sorry, I heard “bli”. I didn’t hear “black”, especially when he says “lives” a bunch in the same clip
“But that’s not what he said—he distinctly said “To blave” and as we all know, to blave means to bluff, heh? So you were probably playing cards, and he cheated–“
Who knows, VS, maybe the Santorums had brainwashed their kids so badly that they weren’t traumatized? That’s even sicker, as far as I’m concerned.
and you know what really makes me sad? while reading the whiskeyfire link, i of course clicked on another link, which led to peter wehner…and on that post, was a pic of an iraqi father grieving over the body of his freshly mortally wounded child…it’s a picture that rips your guts out…i will bet anything that people like santorum and the rest of the wingnuts look at those kinds of pictures and go, ‘huh…swarthy muslim guy…what’s he crying for? he should be THANKING us!’ the fact that most iraqi fathers love their children just as much as white fathers do wouldn’t even register…and that’s if they even NOTICED a child’s corpse in the photo…
p.o.s’…every one of ’em…
2 blah 2 strong.
what’s he crying for?
Well yeah, that’s a post-birth kid, so it doesn’t count.
Yo, Sal, how come you don’t have any blah people up on the wall?
bbkf, I’ve seen that picture, and it rips my guts out, too.
On the other hand, it doesn’t show an Iraqi father grieving over his 20-week aborted fetus, and that Iraqi guy never made political hay out of trying to criminalize abortion, so what’s the big deal, amirite? IAllOKIYAR, after all.
Hell, I’m one of these secular heathens who thinks a fetus shouldn’t even be a legal person, and that
womenlife support systems for uteruses should, so what do I know?Yeah, I know this is hardly an original thought, but these prolifers seem pretty pro-death in so many non-fetus-related ways.
Yo, Sal, how come you don’t have any blah people up on the wall?
i don’t have a wall!
On the other hand, it doesn’t show an Iraqi father grieving over his 20-week aborted fetus, and that Iraqi guy never made political hay out of trying to criminalize abortion, so what’s the big deal, amirite? IAllOKIYAR, after all.
aha…i see the error of my thinking
Yeah, I know this is hardly an original thought, but these prolifers seem pretty pro-death in so many non-fetus-related ways.
but it’s dead on…pardon the pun…and i’m going to use it, verbatim from now on…
Did Mark Furman become Rick’s campaign manager during the primary and we just didn’t pick up on it?
The Principal Contributt said
I’d just like to say that even after a couple of months, this nym still cracks me up every time.
You are very welcome. When I saw it, I knew what I had to do. Even if it was L’il Denny who originally “said” it, if you call premature, half-cocked, involuntary submission of a half-written sentence “saying”.
And yes, I still have no idea what he was trying to say, not that it matters.
Yeah, I know this is hardly an original thought, but these prolifers seem pretty pro-death in so many non-fetus-related ways.
I absolutely refuse to use the term pro-life for the anti-abortionists. If and when somebody shows by their actions that they truly are pro-life then I will gladly apply the term to that person.
Back to beer, I was just washing out some bottles and it reminded me of some info I’ve found useful: to remove stubborn labels from purchased beer, soak in warm water with some baking soda dissolved in, the labels will come off much more easily but may still need a little scrubbing(I use an old Swix wax scraper). Wash bottles right after pouring out, don’t let the crud sit. When applying your own labels, use a plain old glue stick, they’ll hold well but wash off easily.
(I use an old Swix wax scraper).
to remove stubborn labels from purchased beer, soak in warm water with some baking soda dissolved in
I find if you just give them to a bored chick in a bar with big hair and long nails, the labels come off in no time
It’s a flat piece of hard plastic used to scrape after waxing your skis.
The left cannot win a debate with the right on ideas, so they have to scream “Racism” at every opportunity
As opposed to the right, whose inability to win a debate with the left on ideas leads them to scream “nigger” at every opportunity.
It’s a flat piece of hard plastic used to scrape after waxing your skis.
oh…just wondering…it’s hearing aid-lady day in the office across the hall from me so i’ve heard the term ‘wax-build up’ quite a bit today…i’m just thankful the two are not related cuz a swix wax scraper in the ear sounds kinda painful…
also, you are a skier as well as a homebrewer and bon vivant? interesting!
tigris said,
January 6, 2012 at 23:01
When applying your own labels
use amusing stereotypes.
Oh, and apropos of nothing, I’d like to say that I hope the new and very fitting definition of “santorum” lives on forever, because I can’t think of a more deserving human-shaped sack of bigoted, god-humping, hypocritical and exploitative excrement more deserving of such a legacy than Ricky.
That is all.
When applying your own labels
use amusing stereotypes.
NICEly played, sir!
*polite golf clap*
also, you are a skier as well as a homebrewer and bon vivant? interesting!
Cross country, not downhill, because gravity is skeery.
use amusing stereotypes.
I named my Massachusetts-made IPA “Codfish Head,” does that count?
ThreadBear, I use the term “anti-choicer” normally and “forced-birther” too.
I draw the line at giving a codfish head.
I’ve seen plenty of non-Italians on “COPS” getting carted away in them with ex-wife Muriel screaming from the trailer….
I was also joking, btw. 😉
(more a ref to Santorum’s mysteriously Italian heritage than anything)
I draw the line at giving a codfish head.
How many have you drawn so far?
I had a pair of kings…
Santorum and Gingrich draw spades.
At thirty paces?
Santorum and Gingrich draw spades.
and flies…
Loooong pencils. IYKWIM. Also, 9B.
I had a pair of kings…
All I got’s a Walleye Jack.
Santorum and Gingrich draw spades.
and flies…
Chuckin’ the spades
Soundgarden lyrics:
Sitting here like uninvited company
Wallowing in my own obscenity
I share a cigarette with negativity
Sitting here like wet ashes
With Xs in my eyes and
Drawing flies….
Seems appropriate for these Gingrich and his Santorum.
Somehow, I don’t picture them with long pencils.
So, short paces?
Well, short is the present tense of a shart, which I suspect both do on a regular basis, so yes, short paces.
How long is a short pace? One or two furlongs? And what kind of odds can I get on a trifecta?
so, i’m reading an article about newt’s black attack and i see this:
is newt really GARY?!?!?!
Ahem, I say! Ahem!
The proper term is Zombees.
Well, short is the present tense of a shart,
i never knew this…and to think, i paid over $40k to the u of m for an english degree…stoopid liberal arts colleges!
also, this made me laff really hard because i didn’t see *shart* coming…which is generally true, i suppose…
i didn’t see *shart* coming
No, you typically feel it going.
More people are on food stamps today because of Obama’s policies than ever in history
My understanding is the biggest jumps have been in the south, among his fellow fat-ass, conservative, redneck brethren. I’ll post a citation as soon as he does.
Um…yeah; you really shouldn’t.
Short shirt
Shan’t shart sheet
Shaft shunt
Fixxored for teh 21st century.
*pictures Newt in a wife-beater, eating cheetos, masturbating to pictures of Sarah Palin, throws up*
Wow, yeah, Good thing we have that article to tell us that ’cause it’s totally not obvious.
Cross country snowboarding is still just a dream. A sick, sick dream.
Um…yeah; you really shouldn’t.
ha,ha, here’s my favorite exchange from the commentors after one of the commentors referred to the niece as ‘it’
roman hands shoots back with:
Holy crap: snowboard biathlon.
Needs a generous ladle of Santorum to up the gag factor.
Upping the gag factor.
If my experience with backcountry x-country skiing is any indicator, just strapping yourself to a snowboard and having somebody repeatedly knock you over into a pile of snow and/or tree and/or rock would simulate it quite well.
Try skate skiing. It’s super fun and will make your ass look FABULOUS. -er.
*pictures Newt in a wife-beater, eating cheetos, masturbating to pictures of Sarah Palin, throws up*
Santorum on a Cracker, stop that! It’s bad enough that every time I look at my cute little Adipose I see it all grown up and looking exactly like a Gingrich clone, but now this?!
<iThe GOP trolls always talk about being the party of ideas but they really only have one, no two, ideas: Tax cuts for the rich and turn the Federal Government into a Police State. These “ideas” are the same ones they have promoted literally for decades. The only variation on their ideas has been how many foreign wars they want to justify for “national security” (read oil supply security) and how much “social/privacy” distractions they want to include into their platforms.
And protecting those poor little adorable fetuses, they’re all about that…
Well, yeah, admittedly, they forgot about that during the six years when they controlled all three branches of govt; 2000-2006.
But other than that, they’re totally about protecting those poor little fetuses.
But other than that, they’re totally about protecting those poor little fetuses.
How else will they get their cannonfodder to combat the growing hordes of Islamofascists?!
It’s not like any of them are willing to die in the wars they so lovingly start.
Getting the skates to balance on the skis is just too damn hard.
Skate skiing is fun unless the water is too choppy.
You’ll figure it out, just like you finally caught those hoppy beers before they could get away.
It’s a flat piece of hard plastic used to scrape after waxing your snowboard.
They wouldn’t sell me a snowboard. I didn’t meet the “Minimum number of tattoos and piercings” requirement.
Utterly OT: I really don’t know anything about synthesizers, but this:
Makes me want one.
Does it go to 11?
Re: Fetusgate–I skimmed, but I don’t think that anyone mentioned the fact that Mrs. Sanatorum (that’s somehow grosser than regular Sanatorum) was having health complications during her pregnancy and was given antibiotics that caused her to go into labor. The doctors then gave her drugs to induce labor further. The fetus was still alive and not viable outside the womb when labor was induced.
I think “pro-lifers” have a name for this type of procedure, but for the life of me, I can’t think of what it is.
i didn’t see *shart* coming
Meaning you didn’t have time to duck. NOOOOOOOO!
I think the word rhymes with “smasmorshun” but I can’t ‘member.
T&U, I was just getting ready to ask where the hell you’ve been.
Yeah, I saw that mentioned in comments at roy’s, then spread it myself over at TBogg’s. I think they’ve convinced themselves that it wasn’t an abortion because they really really wanted the baby to live. While we all know that all those lazy bitches who wait until the last minute to abort their babies with brains outside of their skulls and suchlike were really amped to kill their babies. So it’s like totally different.
I think “pro-lifers” have a name for this type of procedure, but for the life of me, I can’t think of what it is.
Did I win?
While we all know that all those lazy bitches who wait until the last minute to abort their babies with brains outside of their skulls and suchlike were really amped to kill their babies. So it’s like totally different.
White, rich, Christian Republicans people are Special.
“Republicans people”? I don’t even know what that is.
$675 for that is kind of nutty.
Utterly OT: I really don’t know anything about synthesizers, but this:
“speaker damage, structural damage to buildings and personal injury are all possible”
Structural damage? No. Try again. Wrong frequencies to achieve meaningful resonance.
Substance and N_B are buzzkills.
I, sir, am a resonancekill.
This album was mixed to be played at the highest possible volume and not to be listened to with headphones until after at least three times through the speakers.
Trying to put OT back on topic–
There must be some way to connect Sin the Sizer and Santorum. Won’t someone do the dirty work for me?
You, sir, will be needing some square waves.
“speaker damage, structural damage to buildings and personal injury are all possible”
Structural damage? No. Try again. Wrong frequencies to achieve meaningful resonance.
The speaker damage causes people to go insane and pull down the building on themselves like Samson.
Also just testing some unicode for no reason at all. But the link is pretty good…
Homer Samson?
Samson and Son?
Sam I Am Son?
Yes, that’s buttholier. Let me recommend ✹ to you all.
If you’ve ever seen Ru Paul’s Drag Race, it’s hard not to become a fan. He really does seem like just a lovely sweetie-pie.
Blogwhoring here. Have you met Riley? You should–she’s ADORBS!
Wrong frequencies to achieve meaningful resonance.
My daughter took upright bass lessons for a bit. Turns out we discovered the resonant frequency of the house is Bb; she could get the whole place to vibrate when she bowed a low Bb.
Pump that through big enough speakers and …. well, probably not much but the whole damn neighborhood would notice.
I had to because the hover text is not visible on the iPpadee.
My daughter took upright bass lessons for a bit. Turns out we discovered the resonant frequency of the house is Bb; she could get the whole place to vibrate when she bowed a low Bb.
Pump that through big enough speakers and …. well, probably not much but the whole damn neighborhood would notice.
You were resonating your gyp board, windows, or something similarly small. Whole-building resonance is in the 1 to 0.1Hz range, most individual structural members (e.g., a wood joist) are around 1 to 10 Hz. You’ll feel 10 Hz but you won’t hear it. And hitting resonance with a joist or panel of gyp board or a window with the power in a musical amp won’t cause structural damage.
You were resonating your gyp board, windows, or something similarly small.
Oh sure, spoil my fantasy.
OK, re: wife-beaters.
It’s only recently I’ve learned this term—I’d never called them anything other than “undershirts”, as opposed to “t-shirts”. My Dad was born in 1913, and he was too young to ever wear anything but t-shirts—where would you even get an undershirt in this day and age…or any time since WWII? I’m seriously asking.
It continuously amazes me the number of people who think jumping out of an airplane with a professionally-packed parachute is just the craziest thing ever, while they think nothing of strapping sticks to their feet and sliding down a tree-covered, icy 45º slope. People are nuts—film at 11!
What I’d like to know is who put up all these damned signs about Eastasia when everybody knows we have always been at war with Eurasia?
I think “pro-lifers” have a name for this type of procedure, but for the life of me, I can’t think of what it is.
Rhymes with “spartial sbirth sabortion”. They claim that even though she was halfway through the procedure, she went into labour “spontaneously” and therefore it wasn’t that bad thing, no siree, no way.
White Christians Republican “Pro-lifers”* are special and don’t have to play by the rules they set – for the rest of us.
*For “Pro-lifers”, read “people who think the wages of sin are a baby, and if you didn’t want one, you should have kept your legs together, missy”. The ability of the forced-birthers to simply erase women who are coerced, date-raped, have birth-control failures, abused, and oh, maybe really wanted that baby, but it’s dead, and is going to kill her, so needs to be removed is astounding. According to them, it’s all whorish teenagers and feminazis going “whoops, it’s nine months, and I forgot to abort the baby; let’s call the clinic right now!”, and it’s never a life-saving procedure.
I got fixed years ago so the only wages of my sin are a headache in the morning and a tendency to walk funny after a big night, but these assholes really piss me off.
Pup, I’ve been meaning to ask you…Is Portland really like this?
And since vs has deftly changed the subject to the Pacific Northwest, do any Sadlies know anything about Spokane, and/or Gonzaga University?
Sorry! My outrage gets away from me, sometimes.
Please accept this baby bunny as an apology.
Oh, mothereffing linkfail!
Baby bunny
No apologies necessary, address. Righteous rant. I approve.
LC, I think tsam is the resident expert on Spokane.
No apologies necessary, address.
You’re very kind. I’ve been spending all day reading politics, and it’s leaching my precious funny away.
Outrage warranted and not out of OH MY GOD ICKLE BUNNY SQUEE!!!
I bring the outrage *and* teh snugglz.
Epic troll is EPIC (not to mention hella cute)!
THAT is what REAL hardcore trolling looks like.
I’m guessing there’ll be an Interwebs-based Lana Sator Fan Club in a few microseconds of Death Star proportions … & poor Vlad must be shitting his drawers.
I come here looking for snark, puns, obscene food pr0n, maybe a really dumb troll or two, and what do I get? A BABY BUNNY. A SLEEPY baby bunny.
You guys have changed.
Might as well go to I Can Haz Cheezburger.
do any Sadlies know anything about Spokane
I haven’t been there in a while but I used to lay over in Spokane a lot. Not a bad place.
Unbelievable. I’m away for 12 hours, and there’s a new thread with 185 comments. You peeples comment like bunnies in heat.
And when you’re asleep you’re adorable. (Thanx muchly, Address. Ima gonna send the sleeping bunny link to relatives and friends.)
VS: Riley is truly wonderful!
Hiya, Major! From the last thread, I learned you were awarded the DFC. As I understand, the AF doesn’t hand out hose medals like aspirin. Well done, sir, well done!
*sharpest parade-ground salute*
Earlier in the thread, there was a strand about bottles for home-brewers…cleaning, applying labels, and so forth.
So what sort of names do Sadly-brewers use? What are nifty names of brews you have encountered. Anyone care to propose some good names for home brewers?
I like using Frothy Mixture as a shorthand* for Santorum.
*make your own jokes
From the last thread, I learned you were awarded the DFC
1991 Gulf War. 1st Night. Low-level attack against an Iraqi airfield.
I just remember thinking “I’m going to get shot down. I’m going to be a POW. They’re going to beat the crap out of me. This sucks.”
My work here is done.
In what sort of aircraft? Were you piloting? In a crew position? Which airfield were you striking? Where were you based?
I just remember thinking “I’m going to get shot down.
Did you take fire? What type?
I haz many questions because I’m muchly interested!
Major: Your are a modest man. Nevetheless, I’m going to put you on the spot.
On behalf of the Citizens of Sadlyville, you are required to post here the complete citation of your Distinguished Flying Cross.
one of your Sadlyville friends
make that ‘one of your many, many Sadlyville friends.’
You have no choice in the matter, sir.
I was a B-52G Aircraft Commander, deployed to Diego Garcia.
We went in at around 300 feet, at night. We split the (3-ship) formation up and came across the airfield from 3 different directions at 45 second intervals.
I saw a lot of stuff getting shot into the air but most of it didn’t seemed to be aimed. They were pretty much just putting bullets in the air and hoping someone flew threw them.
I went into a defense gun-jink maneuver after we came off target. Probably not the smartest thing to be doing 300′ off the ground at night.
I also hit 430 indicated on the egress. Vmax for that aircraft was 390, by the way. If they’d asked me why I’d have said “Because it wouldn’t go any fucking faster!”
Gotta go. Have to fly to Boise.
Major Kong, I’ll give you more respect. Actually no I won’t but that’s a pretty damned brave thing you did.
I had no idea that B-52s were used that way. I always understood them to be high-altitude bombers. Hmph, you learn something new every day.
Flying to Boise…
We went in at around 300 feet, at night.
Holy catfish, you’ve got nerves of steel!
I saw a lot of stuff getting shot into the air but most of it didn’t seemed to be aimed.
With planes at 300 feet, aim doesn’t seem to be necessary!
Gotta go. Have to fly to Boise.
Well, when you eventually get home, dig out the full citation for us, bub! In the meantime, what is a ‘gun-jink maneuver’? It sounds like an abrupt evasive action.
I had no idea that B-52s were used that way. I always understood them to be high-altitude bombers.
Ditto. Using them in such a manner on the 1st Night attack must have been completely unsuspected. Have B-52’s EVER been employed before at such a low altitude (in a hostile environment)?
B-52’s carry a tremendous payload of many types of munitions (and mixtures of them). Can you tell us more about the ordnance you used against the airfield and what your force was targeting? Cratering runways? Busting aircraft bunkers? Radar & facilites?
(I ask a lot of questions, huh? I used to do that when I was in the armed forces.)
Anyway, Major, here’s my sharpest parade-ground salute, rendered in full dress,
came across the airfield from 3 different directions at 45 second intervals.
I’ll wager you were piloting the third plane … against the fully-alerted ground defenses. Amirite?came across the airfield from 3 different directions at 45 second intervals.
Oh noes! The sun is up! I must flee into to shadows or be turned to stone!
Caveat: I haven’t watched much Portlandia. From what I have seen the answer to your query is yes. And no. The show is like Portland but only as caricatures are like the original.
Have B-52?s EVER been employed before at such a low altitude (in a hostile environment)?
No. That was the first time. That’s why they were handing out DFCs afterwards. We trained low-level all the time, but nobody had ever done it for real.
BUFFs flew low-level strikes the first 3 nights of the Gulf War and then switched back to high altitude operations.
I actually was the first one across the target because my aircraft was carrying cluster munitions. Those weapons required a pop-up to 1000 feet so they figured we’d have the best chance of survival if we went first.
The other two planes had what we called UK-1000s, which was a British runway-cratering bomb. It would dig a hole in the runway and then sit there and tick for a while before going off.
Each plane had 51 weapons, so that’s a total of 51 cluster bombs and 102 thousand-pounders on the target.
A “gun jink” was violently maneuvering the plane (well, as much as you could a 500,000 pound aircraft) up-down-left-right in random directions. The idea was if a gun was tracking you – you hopefully wouldn’t be where it was aiming when the bullets got there.
The only thing I remember about Portlandia is the feminist bookstore that refuses to sell any books, because no one who comes in is worthy of reading them.
Just kittehs, again.
Bring a towel.
I know stuff about spokane and gu. Fire away
Jennifer, I love that sketch. And everything is a rapey phallus to the one chick. Lol!
As I lay in bed last night trying t scrub the images of the repuke nomination process from my poor, distressed mind, I caught on the image of seeing gingrich lose his shit and take a swing at romney on national television. How utterly awesome would that be?
Pretty awesome. Hubby now wants to watch the debates to watch Evil Elf lose his shit.
Tsam, would you mind emailing? lurkingcanadian at gmail.
I’d just as soon not clutter up the site, if we can avoid it.
And I agree. I am now praying for a brawl at the next debate. The more I think of it, the more it seems to be the reason YouTube exists.
Oh, they meant “slack” people. You know, all these slack people you see hanging around without jobs, that slack guy that just pulled out in front of you, that if too many slack people move into your neighborhood, you’ll have to move.
Now, don’t get me wrong — some of my best friends in school were slack, I just don’t happen to have a lot of opportunities to interact with slack people right now, as I don’t have any slack coworkers — maybe until the liberals force us into affirmative action programs for less-qualified slack applicants.
There’s a big difference between a slack person and a bigger. I know lots of flight biggers. I am NOT a racist.
I’m pretty sure Gingrich has it in him to go all agro on Mittens. He’s a rogue, you know.
Coin-ky-dink – I just became aware of Portlandia for the first time last night. Funny.
How in the HELL do you fly at 300 feet of altitude in a plane that cannot react to elevation changes inside of your line of sight? Or can it?
re: Portlandia…for some reason every line the old woman had in the adult hide and seek sketch had me literally loling. Must-watch.
I am now praying for a brawl at the next debate
Oh…better link. WATCH.
I watched. It is good.
Just went over thither whereupon I waggled my pinkies up & down a lot such that I commented thus:
For many & many more long dark winter days the magical barbed blade Lulznir long thirsted – now long too must it DRINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Food allergy pride parade!
Did anybody listen to the Fred Armisen/Carrie Brownstein interview on Fresh Air on Thursday? It was pretty good.
I apologize for the lengthy war stories to those not interested in the finer points of early 1990s airfield-denial tactics.
I now return you to your normally scheduled dick jokes and snark.
Good god, don’t apologize. My joke of a dick enjoys war stories, Kong!
I don’t listen to NPR and I should.
And, Major Kong, I think everyone here is down with a discussion of anything but hot sweaty sex with K-Lo and Jonah.
… hot sweaty sex with K-Lo and Jonah.
Two brillo pads fighting over a hot dog. And not just fighting, but fighting to the death.
“I actually was the first one across the target because my aircraft was carrying cluster munitions.Those weapons required a pop-up…”
… hot sweaty sex with K-Lo and Jonah.
The martial metaphor makes Jonah’s tale a bit weird, but he’s Jonah, after all…
Hmph, YOU’RE no angel.
I’m bummed, y’all. I promised I ‘d make wings tonight, so I went out yesterday to buy hot sauce and forgot to take into account all the hot sauces you all recommended. Just went straight back to Frank’s. *sigh*
Do any of you make Buffalo wings? What hot sauce do you use?
Back when I made them I used Frank’s, actually.
Well, it is good shtuff.
Is “Portlandia” really that good? Comcast apparently doesn’t think the $75 a month I pay for cable entitles me to IFC, so I can’t watch it. But from every description I’ve read plus the YouTube snippets at the link, it seems pretty much like a one-joke show.
I mean, the whole show seems to be about lovingly poking fun at people who haven’t quite grown up yet. I find it funny, and at times hilarious.
I think I’ve only named a few of my beers, it’s usually just “stout” or “ipa” etc. Two I can recall were Armageddon Amber (brewed for new years eve for Y2K and complete with mushroom cloud label), and “Blue Ribbon Brown” named for, well, duh.
As for good names I’ve run into: I always thought “Polygamy Porter” (tagline “why have just one“) being brewed in Utah was a bit clever.
Mostly I think the beer should speak for itself.
And Major Kong — I’m normally not one for teh war pron, but dear FSM, you have stones! Respek.
Hubby is beating me like a rented mule at WWF and being just incredibly insufferable about it. I’m gonna chuck this phone at his head.
Some of the skits are hilarious, others, meh. I’ve only watched a few episodes, other than the aforementioned bookstore sketch, here are two that I found funny:
Duece Hotel where at the sign in desk every guest gets a complimentary turntable. Bonus: several members of The Decemberists star in this episode.
The Gilt Club where they wonder if the chicken is local.
You guys play “World Wildlife Fund”? Kinky!
Bonus: several members of The Decemberists star in this episode.
I’ve taken a real liking to The Decemberists lately.
I’m gonna chuck this phone at his head.
I hope it’s not an expensive phone.
I never comment on this site, but I feel compelled to share that this one made me laugh particularly hard for some reason. Like, I’m still laughing out loud, very hard, upsetting my poor grandmother. Maybe I’m unstable.
Yeah, I don’t name my beers anything special for the most part, but I enjoy doing labels in GIMP: Rauchbier Dogfish Head clone Saison
WWF? OBS beat me to World Wildlife Fund so it must be World Wrestling Federation.
Seriously, me and the wife play WWF (the one I think you mean) all the time. One of the things that atrracted me to her is that she could beat me at Scrabble (sometimes!)
Beer names – I once called one “Breakup Brown Ale” because I split with my then girlfriend in the middle of the batch.
Way OT: I am writing this from 37,944 feet on a Southwest flight into PDX after spending the holidays with family in Florida. It was only five bucks for the Wi-Fi and I am getting such a kick out of reading S,N on a plane.
Also: Salute to Major Kong – that is hardcore!
It is Words with Friends. And he should have this after I decimated his ass at Trivia Wars.
I thought it was a pro wrestling video game. Apparently, I’m a dork
A commercial just told me not to wake up in a roadside ditch. This world is full of squares.
Re: beer names:
I don’t do the home-brewing thing myself, but one funny one I’ve run into: The Big Time Ale House and Brewery is a micro- (nano-? pico-?) brewery inside a restaurant in the U District in Seattle. Seasonally, they would have “The Bhagwan’s Own India Pale Ale”.
The rest of their varieties are pretty good, but TBOIPA tastes like grapefruit juice, so I’ve only ordered it once—but I figured the name was worth drinking one pint, anyway.
I believe we have discussed the Smuttynose Homunculus before.
A commercial just told me not to wake up in a roadside ditch. This world is full of squares.
Unless you sleepwalk, it seems to me they should be discussing where you go to sleep.
What “sauce” for hot wings? In buffalo they insist on Frank’s. My hot wings, as you might expect, have never seen a bottle anywhere near them.
What “sauce” for hot wings?
Is sauce for the pander.
How do you make your wings, Pup?
BTW, the wings were amazeballs. Cuz I don’t follow a recipe for it it’s a little different each time and–whew–this was a good batch.
Also hubby insisted on cheese fries, and since I refuse to use velveeta-type stuff, I had to make a cheese sauce from scratch, starting with a roux. Man, it was a salty, trashy meal. Man, it was good.
I’ve never seen any of Portlandia the TV series, but that video was actually quite a bit like Portland, but only if the weirdest parts were gathered together. Moreover, it’s been like that for a long time (I grew up there. A very long time ago.)
I really miss living in Portland, but I couldn’t possibly afford it now, also, the air pollution is fierce. When I first moved — here — I was amazed at how many of my health problems cleared right up. I’m now living in a smaller city which is, surprisingly, a lot like Portland, only smaller. Yes, it’s in Oregon. Envy us, all you folks who have to live somewhere else.
“Rick” “Santorum”: I listened to the tape. I heard exactly what you said. I’m sure that you didn’t intend to say “black people” out loud, but as Barney Frank said in a similar situation, it wouldn’t have slipped out if it hadn’t been in there.
Major Kong: I was reading your comments, thinking, “Ah, he’s a pilot who’s seen combat, no wonder he calls himself ‘Major Kong’…ah, he flew a B-52, so it’s really apt…ah, at 300 feet, so it’s almost right on the nose”. Just glad you didn’t actually do the bomb release thing…. Would you be interested in joining my group devoted to the comic book aviator Airboy and to the exotic fringes of aviation in general?
I had a friend who lived in Portland in the ’90s. A contrarian by nature, he used to go around with a “Grateful Dead Sucks” bumper sticker on his car to piss people off.
He got his comeuppance one day when he broke down and NOBODY WOULD HELP HIM PUSH HIS CAR once they got behind it.
He got his comeuppance one day when he broke down and NOBODY WOULD HELP HIM PUSH HIS CAR once they got behind it.
Hey, it’s not like Limbaugh would have helped him anyway.
Yeah. I can just see Rushbo trying to push a car.
Yeah. I can just see Rushbo in Portland, yet.
Ew. Now my brain is mad at me.
Yeah. I can just see Rushbo trying to push a car.
That being said, I’m sure he’s in contact with a lot of pushers.
dire entropy is now being courageously opposed in Washington DC by … by … anyone? Anyone anywhere?
We are. Also comrades in other cadres nationwide.
Would you be interested in joining my group devoted to the comic book aviator Airboy and to the exotic fringes of aviation in general?
Sure. Looks fun.
Edgar AA Poe: Jump in! I was a lurker for years before I came out of the shadows. Same invitation for other folks out there, too.
You’ll feel right at home here!
Okay, I’ll throw out a name for an imaginery home brew. It needs to be a very dark beer, as close to opaque brown as possible. It should taste like shit, too, or as close as possible. At the very least, it must be bitter, bitter, bitter….
Frothy Santorum
Always gives you a frothy head!Maybe I’m unstable.
Wuups! Copy-paste fail!
Wait. ‘Perhaps I’m unstable’ belongs on the label.
Thread needs moar blog-whoring.
N_B has a gorgeous photo up at his blog.
Wait. ‘Perhaps I’m unstable’ belongs on the label.
If it says “unstable, unstable, unstable” on the label, label, label…
See, it’s simple:
– We don’t want to make black people’s lives better, by giving them somebody else’s money.
– We do want to make corporations’ lives better, by letting somebody else’s money pay their taxes.
Sorry, black people, it’s just the American Way.
i can’t for the life of me remember what I was going to say. Eh. it’ll come to back to me
or not
oh yeah— you sadlynaughts make we so wonderful.
a lot
i mean it
i’m not kidding
Oh DAMNIT!11 alright i’ll say it!!!
i luv all of you who know who you are
there have been rumors abound about a whole lot of typos. Those rumors are now confirmed, and guess who gets to clean up that little mess?
Jesus Rodrigo Christ– a pretty nice guy, not to be confused with the prince of peaceyY. Jesus was as nice as a guy could be, and he hung around with some pretty nice people — except that one guy. But word up, if you think you’ve never been bitten by a sociopath then you just don’t know what it looks like. The “our lord” Jesus wasn’t a name he walked around with, I think it was 400 years before the Rome got the brilliant idea of, instead of talking about something like reparations, or making an apology of whatever
see: sociopath
They co-opted the messages, and hired anyone who was willing to do the work for the price of having their dick sucked by anyone , anywhere, at anytime—or something that
that would encourage a person without an ounce of integrity to leave enough words that A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE HAD SEEN — to many for the romans to have a popular grass movement
well. i’ve said enough
what I really wanted to say is that
He got his comeuppance one day when he broke down and NOBODY WOULD HELP HIM PUSH HIS CAR once they got behind it.
There is a methodist church in Atlanta, Georgia that has as it’s legacy, pretty much the entire civil rights movement of which martin luther king was the public face, and vice, and all that great man be. But he wasn’t alone. they had a network of methodists, quakers, and any church that wanted to join all over the country where they could be welcomed. you know— have a place to sleep, meet someone who talk to you for a while alone or with others, then invite you into their homes for dinner …
Just how much is the “jesus is your opiate— let’s just smoke the shit and be done with it worth to you.
the “god hates fags” people are not christian in any way shape or form they are lawyers and mammon and pharisees and everything jesus made his name for whipping up money changers like we ALL want to whip them
well he showed more restraint than i can muster now
i started meditating again, and realized that in the late eighties I decided that I would call myself christian when i could live the way the red letter text guy (with what i think is a roman cheat now and there. so if it’s dissonant with the whole theme,
i wouldn’t give one of those romans the benefit of a doubt anymore than i would thank bill gates in person for the beautiful thing he has given us in that is so great that I cannot believe and will not believe and have no reason to believe that he can never give away enough money to “love bill gates because he gave me a glass of clean water charities”
he could never give away as much money as the fuckl-buggery piece of shit he “gave” us (“gave us’
Yeah. like a venereal disease “gave us”
what was i saying?
oh yeah.
i love jesus as much as i love. the more i love you, sadly naughts
now i’m blushing
bye bye
shit. i just don’t have time for any more typos right now.
all typos, as far as i am concerned, can go take a flying fucking leap at the moon because right now, fixing them is a just a waste of my mother fucking time.
uh huh. yeah i know you heard me, but i think we know the answer to the little question, don’t we? TYPOS.
Goooooooooooooooooood morning!
Anyone else here ever been told that your grasp of scienc was so weak, that you’re just the kind of useless piece of shit that they can’t have a conversation about pregnancy, plan B, and
white house,gov
then you decide.
because that 27% crazification?
half of it calls itself by the name “progressive”
like neural disorders can be “progressive”
just sayin.
Freud? Freud who?
Oh THAT freud. yeah. the one i used to imagine pistol whipping until i perished the thought of seeing one more state funded psychiatrists.
They’re insane and worse than ARMY DOCTORS if you can believe THAT!
But then the all the SMART psychiatrists starting pistol whipping him, and it wasn’t fun any more.
all you boomer haters? we finally fucking buried that piss of shit, and if you don’t know what I’m talking abut EXACTLY
What’s up, Wiley? Got a link?
Hi Wiley. What’s with all the “message traffic”?
Wow. Someone left the psych ward’s rec room unlocked, again.
I like Wiley and her contributions. Assume there’s a little background and cut some slack.
What Subby siad.
Said, too.
I like Wiley and her contributions
Likewise. Just curious.
Wiley, can you give us a link to the LGM stuff that upset you when you get a chance?
vacuumslayer said,
January 8, 2012 at 0:50
hmmmm…yesterday was my first ever trip to buffalo wild wings…it was interesting…and loud…really fucking loud…
tonight hubbkf is making schnitzel and i’m making spaetzle…we had a perfect day yesterday, and are apparently going to today as well…however, a nap may be required…
It is loud…and their wings are disgusting. I only go for the trivia
The food’s disgusting. And I couldn’t believe I was surrounded by dozens of televisions. Still, Las Cruces on a Sunday night is not jumping so there I ate.
Chain restaurants, which I avoid whenever possible, tend to be very loud. I think they do this on purpose to force turnover.
It is loud…and their wings are disgusting. I only go for the trivia
you will prolly find this most amusing…hubbkf and i went on a shopping trip to the shopping mecca with a buddy of ours and “b dubs” (which hubbkf managed to slip into a convo last night and almost made me pee my pants) is new there…omg it was totally packed with the heppest of the hep this south dakota prairie town offers…agreed…would much rather have wings made by me, but it was an interesting experience…
sometimes even i’m amazed that i live in such a backasswards part of the world…
. I think they do this on purpose to force turnover.
McDonald’s decor – the color and shape of the seats, for example – was carefully designed for exactly this purpose. I forget when the corp. admitted it but it was a while ago.
The food’s disgusting. And I couldn’t believe I was surrounded by dozens of televisions.
oy…i was starting to feel pretty stabby with all those teevees flashing fucking football incessantly…but it was worth it for me…hubbkf’s buddy is about 5′ tall max and is a total stoner dude who loves to fish and hunt…and farm…and he is so fucking funny…taking him out and about in the big city is always something special…he did not disappoint…
McDonald’s decor – the color and shape of the seats, for example – was carefully designed for exactly this purpose.
all mcdonald’s decor is simply hideous…in fact, i think it’s created by the same blind group who designs the ‘just for kix’ dance costumes…
Major Kong, as a died in the wool commie symp, I wish that we had never put you in the position to win a DFC.
That said, JFC, flying a plane with a 185 foot wingspan at 300 feet is in fact, what I would call scrubbing the ground…then the gun Jink maneuver, which I presume commenced after you had managed to get somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 feet after the drop…Very little margin for error…And to do all of that while under live fire…Wow!!!
Another Parade dress salute to you sir!
as a died in the wool commie symp, I wish that we had never put you in the position to win a DFC.
Wasn’t my idea. When they said “Go” my options were:
1. Go do my job.
2. Spend the next decade in Leavenworth making little rocks out of big rocks.
I like Wiley too.
A bottom-fermented German beer flavored with methylphenidate (adderal) called Konzentrationslager
Spend the next decade in Leavenworth making little rocks out of big rocks.
Sounds peaceful, like meditating in a zen garden.
From the Great Orange Satan, Pammy strikes again:
Guess what I’m listening to?
OMG, WHY?!!!!!
Heh, I ‘ve been there. I lived in a town in SC where the big deal was Outback Steakhouse.
Did somebody say Las Cruces?!!!
Wasn’t my idea. When they said “Go” my options were:
1. Go do my job.
2. Spend the next decade in Leavenworth making little rocks out of big rocks.
Oh, I get that completely, I had the privilege of choosing to lay a bicycle down at 45 mph. or crashing into a guard rail the summer before last. I chose the skin brake over grievous bodily harm. Or Blunt force trauma. I have had the pleasure of staring death in the eye…
In any event my comment was to laud you for your service and the “We ” referred to the country at large.
I have also had the privilege of taking the controls of a Cessna 152 mid flight which cannot compare in any way shape or form to your experience and this was at 5000 feet…And in the daytime, and in good weather…
The fact that you were able to complete a mission that required you to descend to 300 feet in a plane with a 185 foot wingspan amazes me. As others have mentioned…Amazing stones.
And once again, like Fenwick upthread, I Salute you, though I have never worn a uniform!
I lived in a place that didn’t have a McDonald’s but eventually got a place called Big M. The sign, strangely enough, was a yellow M with familiar-seeming arches.
I lived in a place that didn’t have a McDonald’s but eventually got a place called Big M. The sign, strangely enough, was a yellow M with familiar-seeming arches.
If you were drinking Fudd Beer, you were in Shelbyville.
Go Hoosiers!!!
Just sayin’
/Praying that this isn’t a jinx
Buffalo Wild Wings? Hah! You oughta try playing in a band in there!
And hell no, they don’t turn off the televisionsssss. Are you kiddin’?
As you say……….interesting experience.
Free wings, though. Go for the jerk sauce, if you gotta eat there.
In the spirit of chicken-fried steak, can you get assholes with jerk sauce?
if you want to play this game, do it, and send it, please, to
wileywitch at hotmail dot com
it will be safe in my domain
ps. in case someone has given you the impression that I am “wiley wanda witch”, i am not.
my only witch name is— and i know i don’t have to type this slowly so that you can read it but typing slowly has it’s charms–wiley-kin witch.
and felonious p grammar just because i like it name
and my Native American name:
wileywitch at hotmail dot com
and if i look back at this and find that my one tag failed for some reason, i’m going to start wondering if wordpress has an address in our world.
The sign, strangely enough, was a yellow M with familiar-seeming arches.
I’m surprised McDonald’s didn’t show up the next day with an army of lawyers. They’re known for that sort of thing.
assholes with jerk sauce
Aaaaaannnd we’re back to Limbaugh again……………
Wiley, omg, AMEN to your entry. As a former teacher’s aid and childcare provider, may I just say a thousand times YES.
Oh geez, Mr. Revolta, playing a BW3’s? I can’t imagine.
Hey, that’s showbiz!!
Actually, it wasn’t that bad. It wasn’t a demanding gig, so I could watch the game while I worked.
All of them, in fact.
It’s weird cuz I never notice the sports all around me. I’m just fixated on the trivia screens.
I spent a winter in Steamboat Springs, CO back in the early ’90s and they had Buffalo Wild Wings and Weck which is the ancestor to BW3’s. They had decent wings (I could only go as high as the hot) and trivia and beer specials but I seem to remember more atmosphere than the chainified version.
(I could only go as high as the hot)
There used to be a chili place in lower Manhattan called Exterminator Chili. They offered three meat types: Residential, Commercial, and Industrial, as well as Agricultural for the vegetarians. I’m a fire eater and I still have fond memories of the Industrial chili lifting the top of my skull.
ree wings, though. Go for the jerk sauce, if you gotta eat there.
yeah, we went with the jerk…
Heh, I ‘ve been there. I lived in a town in SC where the big deal was Outback Steakhouse.
i would have to drive 2.5 hours to get to an outback steakhouse…
It’s weird cuz I never notice the sports all around me. I’m just fixated on the trivia screens.
yeah, that’s where i mostly focused, but the ndsu bisons were playing sam houston, so they had that game just blaring…above all the other babble…plus the stupid trivia game kept taking ‘breaks’ that lasted forever…
(I could only go as high as the hot)
ha, i read the chart wrong and thought the ones at the top of the list were the mildest…
i would have to drive 2.5 hours to get to an outback steakhouse…
Not worth it. I’m sure you can make a better steak than Outback. The quality of beef in your area is probably very good.
Not worth it. I’m sure you can make a better steak than Outback. The quality of beef in your area is probably very good.
nope…i wouldn’t go to one…the supper club i work at part-time has completely spoiled me for steaks…our steaks are aged and hand cut…never frozen…there is nothing worse than ordering a steak and getting served a ‘tenderized and/or seasoned’ piece of meat that came out of the freezer…
Wiley, omg, AMEN to your entry. As a former teacher’s aid and childcare provider, may I just say a thousand times YES.
like a thousand times over…
hi, guys. i have ITIHALIMPS here. I have so much work to do around here right now, that it thrills me to the bone that a federal agency that is here for the purpose of helping disabled people sent us a letter that let us know that the best friend i ever had—that guy who i spent four years or so being his caregiver 24/7 all that time with no respite or a single day— I AM NOT COMPLAINING, i’m just sayin’ ya know, it’s the proudest accomplishment of all of my lives, but in return for keeping him alive, etc., etc, I, ITIHALIqP (because that’s my name NOW)
he’s not going to do. i’m not going to be in that demographic that is 82% of the homeless population. Been there. done that. 3 years.
suddenly i got yet another gift— the strongest thing i’ve taken for pain (MS(many scars)) since i got the good news is a muscle relaxant. the morpine, and amytas
never could spell the name of that poison, and quite frankly, if don’t give a tinker’s damn.
listening to “Into the Mystic” at ww dot and all that.
take that you pathological computers trying to get in MY mailbox! a pox on your code— all of it.
btw BOTS, on second thought surrender to your overlords — gates and in my opinion jobs
because all the incompatability we have because every blog is special
is a trojan horse sticking something up your butt
gotta go
back whenever today
I’ve NEVER had a bad meal at Outback. I’ve always thought their steaks were pretty darn good. I mean, no, it’s not Ruth’s Chris, but good for the money.
I’ve NEVER had a bad meal at Outback. I’ve always thought their steaks were pretty darn good. I mean, no, it’s not Ruth’s Chris, but good for the money.
i’ve heard ruth’s chris-es were pretty good, but i’ve never been…and for the absolutely best steak need to go to murray’s in downtown minneapolis…the silver butterknife steak is to die for…it cost upwards of a hondo back in the early nineties which was the last time we were there…omg…i still dream of that steak…
I’ve never had any kind of meal at Outback but I was underwhelmed by Ruth’s Chris even though I didn’t have to pay the bill. In NOLA they say that the chainification effect whiplashed back on the original and made it no better than all the clones.
It’s definitely better than your average steakhouse. They serve amazing steaks…but not the best.
I guess I’m spoiled. Columbus has a very good butcher that raises all his own critters.
And I dare say I cook a pretty mean steak.
We had pretty good eggs benedict here today, natural levain bread made from organic spelt grown by friends, home cured pancetta and a bearnaise made using Lee hybrid citrus instead of lemon juice and excellent tarragon from another friend that’s discovered her inner herb lady.
home cured pancetta
Lee hybrid
Yeah, I make amazing steaks, too.
I’m pretty damn snobby about food–without being insufferable about it–and have tried steak in more fine dining establishments than I count. Ruth’s Chris still ranks pretty high, chain or no.
How difficult is it to cure your own pancetta?
How difficult is it to cure your own pancetta?
It’s easy with a little DIY. It is an irreplaceable flavor in Italian cooking, with it’s close relative guanciale, you can’t substitute Amurkan bacon for either and expect it to taste Italian. I was surprised at what the juniper berries do, faint but important. Ten days of dry cure in the fridge followed by 18 days of drying in an outbuilding. I had to bring it in because of the freeze last week because I have primitive humidity control in the drying room and the cold took ambient humidity below 20%, normally we run in the 60% range, ideal for drying cured meats.
I’ll stop, let’s just say it’s pretty easy.
I’ve got the fridge, but my condo lacks anything resembling an “outbuilding”.
If you pick the right time of year you could just hang it outside (protected). It wants an average of 60F and 60% humidity for 2 or 3 weeks. What with all your globe-trotting it might not be for you. Better you could just smuggle some back from where they make it though it’s a little pricey.
Probably the best steak I ever had was at steak house in…Dayton, OH. I know, I know…
he’s not going to die
now there’s a typo worth fixing
thank you Jesus, we’re doing alright, in case you haven’t hear it, pop, the supreme court appears to be going our way and with your blessings, we’re going to make the best of that little ray of shine.
If it took thousands of people showing up whenever they were planning to pr
it will poison my blood if i say those words and we’ve had just about all the poison we could handle for five solid months of waiting to see if we had to appear before a judge.
nope. sweet. smoothe sailing until 2014—just one year away.
ps a little political background, when clinton was in office, he made a decision that if someone were to undergo an organ transplant then the government would pay for their medication as long as they needed it. So all these people waiting for an organ and living in the hell that is sick enough to be on that list— i know someone who was on that list for SIX YEARS, and he’s alive only because he this angel of a caregiver who could move mountains
until she couldn’t. sometimes the angels got all humaney and shit.
That humaney thing is HUGE.
hi, guys. i have ITIHALIMPS here. I have so much work to do around here right now, that it thrills me to the bone that a federal agency that is here for the purpose of helping disabled people sent us a letter that let us know that the best friend i ever had—that guy who i spent four years or so being his caregiver 24/7 all that time with no respite or a single day— I AM NOT COMPLAINING, i’m just sayin’ ya know, it’s the proudest accomplishment of all of my lives, but in return for keeping him alive, etc., etc, I, ITIHALIqP (because that’s my name NOW)
he’s not going to do. i’m not going to be in that demographic that is 82% of the homeless population. Been there. done that. 3 years.
suddenly i got yet another gift— the strongest thing i’ve taken for pain (MS(many scars)) since i got the good news is a muscle relaxant. the morpine, and amytas
never could spell the name of that poison, and quite frankly, if don’t give a tinker’s damn.
listening to “Into the Mystic” at ww dot and all that.
take that you pathological computers trying to get in MY mailbox! a pox on your code— all of it.
btw BOTS, on second thought surrender to your overlords — gates and in my opinion jobs
because all the incompatability we have because every blog is special
is a trojan horse sticking something up your butt
gotta go
back whenever today
i’ll check on ya’ll later, i’m so into our house, now that i’m confident that everything i’ve accumulated in the last 13 years–
i’m not going to have to abandon it while i take what i’m wearing and enough money to get to the state hospital up the street (i’ve got pictures of on the walk link o m
monumental walk has the state hospital i don’t need to think about for now except to say that they are still working on it— if i have ever seen the transformation of a building so utterly magnificient and bewildering as the one where are these people are working on something they have got to be proud of if they love work half as much as i’ve loved the overwhelming majority or the work i’ve done in my life than
monumental walk should be working i think you know
then type:witch (no spaces)
and the that “com”—whatever that means, cloudtech tells me that that means that it’s not a blog, but a DOMAIN. IT’S A LITTLE MORE WORK, but nothing like wondering where the fuck you are every time you open a blog,
it’s compatible. One $ One lot of options who have a tech friend or two, and as soon as my personal 24/8 tech guy and moi have recovered we’re going to step it up and
oh yeah. my coffee is ready
tchuss nay (with an umlaut over the u who can spell with all this settling dust? mercy!
got mercy? we do.
thank you jesus, prince of peace protector of children if you’re not too busy it’s safe to say we’d like a little advice about this little how does it go?
the reason you POOR working people are poor is because you didn’t go to college because you didn’t have enough money laying around for a king’s ransom, and these king’s buy nations and enslave their children to save 3 cents on something we could all by second hand— and it would be superior to what these ptsd children of the dreams of psychopaths
and anyone find that money my poor hard working souls, please here me
WHATEVER COLLEGE MEANS TO YOU (you may not have the feintest idea because nobody ever was nice to you and talked about it being fun because nobody has said that if you want to talk to people who are doing the college thing and learn a lot just by striking up a conversation like
walk around look around my hardworking friend on a community college, maybe bring some pocket change, or your child, or a friend, and have a picnic. If it’s like the community college I went to when I couldn’t wait to the big school and do IT again.
there was no IT there it was an environment as alien to us as lawyers guns and money. ya feel me single mom? you hear me wounded vet who has been told that know that you’re officially fucked up enough that they’ll decide
if the VA offers to pay for a four year degree completely with a living stipend
consider this:
if the image of one of the greatest college football coach a sportscaster ever wanted to blow has been raping babies in the shower for who knows how fucking long
get the picture? I took that deal in 2007 thinking it was going to be so sweet. and now i think i’m getting too busy to regret it much longer but all i can do to really purge this pain is to get this message out to in the friendliest way possible
my secretary is taking a bubble life and needs a three day vay kay.
over and out
love ya
OMG, N_B was in the Jim Rose sideshow! I never figured you for the type, N_B
Better you could just smuggle some back from where they make it
Wouldn’t be the first time. I smuggled a couple pounds of pea-meal bacon home from Toronto this summer.
I’m getting annoyed. The heater in this hotel room only has two settings:
“Off” and “Level 5 Hurricane”
My options at this point seem to be freeze or go deaf.
Pea meal bacon is good but you can’t make a true amatriciana or carbonara from it. It has it’s uses though Great with bitter greens..
I make sandwiches with it. It’s a Toronto thing.
I can actually get pancetta here:
I say wiley is really blossoming into an excellent common tater.
I’m leaving it out on purpose but if you put a comma after ‘say’ then you’d hear it in Peter Sellers’ voice.
Carfagna’s looks like the real deal. Y’all would not believe how far out in the boondocks I am.
one more thing
leave the waitstaff a big tip because i kinda doubt that anyone who started their waitron career at, IHOP for instance, since around uuuuh 2008 has ever seen a day or night so busy that a team of 8 waitrons, who thought of the work as saving steps and they did it so much that working on those teams is like one big athletic dance that goes like this
ka- ching
smile and say thank you
ka- ching ain’t we gracious
ka-ching thank you for the tip
it’s a new pair of shoes for my baby
my order is up but before I go since this dance thing maybe doesn’t look like it quite works, but that because it’s an African rhythm like peter gabriel studied in africa for seven years
whether gabriel’s(didn’t gabriel play brass instruments before that? maybe that was a gabril or gabrul or who fucking cares)
music moves you or no (up to YOU—just sayin’) he is what you might call
wiley, we’re always super-nice to the waitstaff and tip really well. They work fucking hard and deserve it.
wiley, we’re always super-nice to the waitstaff and tip really well. They work fucking hard and deserve it.
hey vs…i can give you good directions to my supper club…also major and anyone else who wants to give it a whirl…we are right at the junction where mn state hwy 7 intersects with u.s. hwy 75…hence the name ‘club 7-75’…been there since the late 40s/early 50s…most of our customers are awesome…but you get a few who are total dicks…it’s pretty easy bartending work-wise…although friday night was a bit unusual…i had a dude ordered a bourbon manhattan(!)…and then shortly after had a group ordering absolut martinis, on the rocks margaritas, colorado bulldogs and the ever popular captain coke…i was pretty damn flustered with all the mixing and whatnot…cuz it’s been pretty slow and the average age of our customers is 112 and they’re retired farmers, so the usual drink involves whiskey or brandy and some sort of water, soda or a combo…oh…and the old ladies love the wine coolers…so it was fun to do some actual mixing…
oh yeah..and the steaks and steak cubes are amazeballs…
you need to have a mixology category on your blog and share your favorite drinks with us. Y’all really are artists.
bbkf: what other kind of manhattan is there? I’ve only ever had them with bourbon…
oh, ho…we have the ever popular whiskey manhattan or the brandy manhattan…i hardly ever get to make ANY kind of manhattan…dang, people around here really have to start stepping it up, drink wise…
you need to have a mixology category on your blog and share your favorite drinks with us. Y’all really are artists.
hmm…good call…this would be very interesting for me because i am always trying to make the ‘homemade’ version of some drinks because we don’t carry a very exotic or large booze inventory…cuz of the aforementioned old people clientele…and that we are in a pole barn…in the middle of nowhere…and our livers are big enough from just drinking down the current inventory…it could be a fun game on the old blog….thanks for the idee…
now i have to go sautee the spaetzle because hubbkf is putting his schnitzel in the fry pan…
sauteeing the spaetzle
Ok, now all I can think about is “Fargo,” which is one my favorite movies and one the the finest films ever made. EVER. God, I bet you have some stories…living in the boonies up north.
because hubbkf is putting his schnitzel in the fry pan…
Whoa. That is hardcore. So y’all even have a safe word?
Going for the jerk sauce.
(C,mon, people! How could you let that slip by?)
7 days in may is a highly underrated movie.
I think that I must watch it again…
Wiley, omg, AMEN to your entry.
Curing the pancetta..
Canadian whiskey makes a fine Manhattan. Then you have the brandy Manhattan. And the perfect Manhattan. Way way back when I was doing time behind bars I had one customer who drank nothing but perfect brandy Manhattans.
bbkf: what other kind of manhattan is there? I’ve only ever had them with bourbon…
Straight rye, the way they were first made. Canadian (blended rye) is an acceptable substitute but not as good.
We had pretty good eggs benedict . With Bearnaise? I loves me a kick ass Bearnaise but not for Bennies. I made bennies yesterday. Homemade muffins, a nice slice of ham and perfectly poached eggs. The hollandaise was kicked up with preserved lemons, of which I made a new batch last month for gifting.
leave the waitstaff a big tip
This, too.
Putting the schnitzel in the fry pan
(I am really lowering the tone of this thread, eh?)
lso major and anyone else who wants to give it a whirl…we are right at the junction where mn state hwy 7 intersects with u.s. hwy 75
How far from Sioux Falls is that?
Oooooo. Expecting an AHEM from VS. Her joke was much better!
How far from Sioux Falls is that?
I would guess not far enough, amirite?
back when I was doing time behind bars
I see what you do there.
I would guess not far enough, amirite?
I actually kind of like Sioux Falls. I wouldn’t move there, but it’s a decent layover. There’s a nice bike path and a nice main street with shops and restaurants.
Hey Pup, I had a question for you, was reading a book on charcuterie today, (trust me, a mild bearnaise makes a good benedict, I have to use all this tarragon to keep getting it) is it true that scrapple is thickened with buckwheat flour? I was sure it was corn meal.
I grew up eating scrapple. I’m pretty sure it’s corn meal.
MK, I am sure it has its charms. Just couldn’t resist.
I’ve driven enough trucks over PA’s highways to have developed an idea about what scrapple is. Plus, also, too, I have an ex-patriate PA friend that makes exceptional scrapple (pretty low bar) and he uses (Bucks Cty, PA) corn meal. My commercial recommendation: the Twin Rocks Diner in Newfoundland, PA just east of Scranton. Great trucker’s diner and their scrapple is Old School. I just don’t think buckwheat has anything to do with it.
Femwick, I try my hardest not to AHEM folks, finding it mightily annoying myself.
And I used to live a stone’s throw from Sioux Falls.
Do you drive OTR for a living?
Do you drive OTR for a living?
It is incidental to what I do. I like to think of it like the signs in the old Mexican busses. Your driver: El Manquécito, Safe, Courteous and Professional.
I have forgotten more about beer than I ever knew about hard drinks, so it shouldn’t surprise me at all that I haven’t had an original Manhattan. I’m gonna have to try one with rye sometime, sounds yummy.
I’m gonna have to try one with rye sometime, sounds yummy.
Get some Old Granddad. Rye is a calvinist drink: it’s for those who hate themselves as much as god hates them.
Weren’t most of these cocktails invented to cover up the taste of bathtub gin during prohibition?
Manhattans are a way of making the burn of rough whiskey into candy-flavored smoothness. It’s as simple as that. Others, I’m not sure. I can certainly see screwdrivers as way of covering up cheap vodka.
I have an ex-patriate PA friend that makes exceptional scrapple (pretty low bar)
Back when I was a reprobate bachelor I had a
friendbabe visiting from NYC and I had an issue I wanted to discuss with the scrapple maker, a gifted mechanic. At his back door another of our neighbors had dropped off 20-30 hog’s head in pails, sawn in half, and stacked around at his back door. She said “What’s all that?” and I don’t believe I’ll ever be forgiven. I tried to tell her about scrapple but I was not listened to.OK, OK!
I love Sioux Falls.
Sorry – had to take Bagoas for evening walkies.
Yes, a mix of buckwheat and corn meal is often used. At least that’s the way it’s done in central PA Amish country though even there you can often find pure corn meal as well.
I make a decidedly inauthentic version myself using home made pork sausage and corn meal.
I was delighted recently when, perusing some new food carts (first world problems in PDX – can’t keep up with all the new, marvelous, food carts) when, at Gaufre, I saw a waffle sandwich with scrapple on the menu. Turns out the proprietor’s boyfriend (or some such) was in with his relatives in a Seattle based “gourmet” scrapple producer. It was very good though it was almost as inauthentic as the stuff I make.
I can certainly see screwdrivers as way of covering up cheap vodka.
I see the freezer as a way of covering up cheap vodka. Keep a bottle of rotgut in there and it’ll taste like Stoli.
One thing about being married to a non-alcoholic Russian: there’s no cheap vodka in the house.
How far from Sioux Falls is that?
we’re about 2.5 hours from there…
If I get stuck in Sioux Falls over a weekend I might check it out.
One thing about being married to a non-alcoholic Russian: there’s no cheap vodka in the house.
i’ll be right over…
If I get stuck in Sioux Falls over a weekend I might check it out.
please do…
And I used to live a stone’s throw from Sioux Falls.
Well, rum-and-coke had to have been invented long before Prohibition. To be named a “Cuba libre”, it would have to have been before Cuba was “libre”…for certain values of “libre”. Of course, that would have been when Coke still had cocaine in it.
And my Dad grew up right around Sioux Falls, until he was the first guy in the county to get drafted—as being the only registered Democrat the Draft Board could find. I laughed when James Garner told the same story about himself, in rural Oklahoma. I guess some things never change.
“…, he and his wife, a neonatal nurse, spent the night in a hospital bed with the body and then took it home — praying over it and welcoming it, with their other kids, into the family.”
Yet more proof Santorum is way more qualified to be Stephen King’s next villain than anything else…
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
Am I all alone here? Wait. What was that noise? I is a-skeered!
*runs away*
Hogeye Grex said,
January 9, 2012 at 11:14
obviously, newt is going to only use his super pac money for good, not evil…he’s better than them, don’t you see it?!?!?
Well, rum-and-coke had to have been invented long before Prohibition. To be named a “Cuba libre”, it would have to have been before Cuba was “libre”…for certain values of “libre”. Of course, that would have been when Coke still had cocaine in it.
Oh….I would give anything for about 30 of these right now.
Okay! So I mistook creative writing for an insane-o manifesto! I was at Burger King, reading on a phone!
As sexy as the picture up top is, I’m kinda bored of looking at it.
To be named a “Cuba libre”, it would have to have been before Cuba was “libre”…
A joke I used to annoy bartenders with:
Q: What do they call a Cuba Libre in Cuba?
A: A Libre.
My dad (a 27 year veteran of the US Army signal Corps) tells me the Rum and Coke is the drink of the Signal Corps. This is because in one of our many invasions of that beautiful island, the Signal Corps set up their HQ in the Bacardi distillery, thus preventing its destruction. the grateful Bacardi family provided rum at a discount to the Signal Corps for years following this incident. I have no means of verifying this anecdote
In my whole life of boozing the cheapest highball I ever bought was a Cuba Libre. In Santiago on Lake Atitlan in Guatemala there was a bar that sold Cuba Libres for 4 quetzales which at the time was 32 cents. During happy hour, from 4 to 6 pm highballs were 2 for 1 taking the price down to 16 cents for a generous pour, good ice and real Coke. With the toleration of dope and lots of backgammon I thought I’d found a temporary home. Two days later it was raided by cops and shut down.
A joke I used to annoy bartenders with:
Q: What do they call a Cuba Libre in Cuba?
A: A Libre.
I love those jokes! Here’s a favorite of mine:
Q: Do you know what that white stuff in bird shit is?
A: Bird shit.
Q. What’s the difference between a smorgasbord and a buffet?
A. A smorgasbord has Swedish meatballs. A buffet may or may not have Swedish meatballs.
I was scrolling through here
in a vernacular mood
thinking look here
this looks familiar
like something long ago i knew
but forgot till i thought
this looks like austin texas
before the fox of the nineties
cnn starting doing it’s
i’m thinking all these things because i was scroll through to see what i got to work
and got to the last post at then end and saw bartender.
and you know what that means.
i’m going to clue you in on a little zen therapy so i can finally say what i wanted to say so i could say eve
i forgot. one of my conjuring acts or different words like dianic cults and the real power of 13
just throwing the m and ms out
(shhh)bots here funnycuzbadspelling
spelling problem we’re all so famous for in our beautiful nation? sisters brothers, children and babies. lets put these snakes on the table and lay them out straight.
think about code
because the noise that is making you we and every you and we just open a window and finally that guy who kept yelling wiley wanda witch
or woman
or child
if a labrador retriever said that name i’d say
WHO ISN’T LOVING someone. stop.
hasn’t thought of the question yet and if maybe
tina kelly these names are mine but they’ve been beaten up so bad in the last 13 years
anyone know the code to bring down this fucking dead gorilla it always leaves in our parking lot then tells you just to let you know how much they want to give you something so they took your shovel.
deer in the headlights. most of the time if you give the deer time for his computer to reload the deer runs away. just a second.
being a deer caught in the headlights
if you are literallyliterally literallyliterally literallyliterally literallyliterally literallyliterally
in my experience with all the broken people and myself in life
i’ve got it now
wait for it
what i really came to say is what this kelly guy i know who loves this computer thingy that runs MY FLAT SCREEN TV. I LOVE IT.
since this kelly guy
what does it mean when a good student signed a contract promising not to reveal the name or any personal information about
the game of gimme an example
joe from lowelll
you want someone who is so locked and load that wiley*
my spells worked!
spells work!
there is a code for everything
and there is a code for nothing
that’s all just and mete and all
but sometimes everything is everything
only got a telegraph because my pillow is going to leave me if i don’t cut this short
what i learned in nuclear forces tightly couple system if anyone who knows what the arab spring means.
clue: it WAS indeed something that bored the shit out of the press. my feeling about the press right now, is if they look like what porn or newscaster and that’s all she looks
Somebody may need to adjust meds.
i m becoming alarmed…remember andon?
bot right now what i want is for a labrador, or labrar
but as one of 8 billion and comfortable with that, if a labrador retriever walked up to me and asked me where the tweezers i’ve been looking for are
i’d say “perhaps you want to tell me loyal friend, because I was just wonder what felonious p grammar was going to do with rhutebega so . What am i going to say.
you didn’t ask for it but it’s getting heavy
brothers and sisters please
and then comes the peaceful sleep shortly because the two words i wanted to tell all my friends
because after hours and hours of saying everything you want and then destroying it we can feel free enough to break the code because it’s a billion games we got laying around
safe space next week two weeks?????????????????
I hope wiley does not mind my speaking for her.
She has MS, I believe, and ADD, if I am remembering correctly. I don’t know what’s going on, but those two issues may be at play here. And also I think some folks said some really shitty things to her at LGM, though I have been informed that those comments disappeared.
wiley, I hope you’re doing ok.
VS, thanks.
Yeah, likewise. That is becoming a bit… worrying.
i m becoming alarmed…remember andon?
HTG, that’s what I thought when I started seeing this stuff, yesterday. I think someone borrowed a URL, perhaps in an attempt to avoid being plonked.
that tsui, kin tak— the legals husband. round one. he told me this joke.
there was this china man looking for a job so he finds the station boss and he asks for the boss. He found the boss, asked for the job. The boss says “You’re hired. And you are in charge of supplies. Report first think in the morning— supplies.” The eager young china man said, “supplies”.
any find the punchline i’ll wish i could take all the cookies that i baked just for you
i ate them
code code code code smart code stupid code bot bot
sometimes nothing is as satisfying is becoming so resolute, so clear, so centered, that you know in your swing voting heart
failure is fun when you it makes you realize at long last that you are really so much smarter than you think you
especially you and we
making and breaking code
like saying toaster good nice toaster
toaster won't work no matter what i do
wonderful. I saw my old high school bat the other die. i beat the toaster to death all is well, but it gets better if i am giving prescription in you poor ears then you're lost brother try another window and you'll find something, I promise
being perfectly honest. been trying to figure what that looked like since the first lovely episcopal church that my mother sat together in peace
and then she switched to baptist and it was so important to her that i do to and the way that such a thing can be as a poem that can never be perfected and so is so many poems
last time i saw my mother in that
don't cry tina we're almost there than sleep.
all the anwers to all of my names may or may not be found at wileywitch dot do t tt tuhecom
put ww II in a
mail batrma
i get batman where has he been are you here batm
anyway all of the things that my mother did that was so bewildering and it didn't traumatize me like these doctors keep insisting
not dr. charles kuttner he's probably got a wikipedia page a mile long or someone ate it
but do you look up the wikipedia pages of people you used to know and find someone there?
as joe from lowell who is so specific that he does cargocultmonkeyradio like that so precisely that i think he knows when he has the time just exactly wh
before me joe from lowell was the bitch. but joe from lowell got it down i've been watching and i'm think joe intelligence you want to know what time the bananas are going to arrive in brazil he's done it already
he's said that he's been saying, as from my observations and those are MINE
his game is that he's a real urban planner and he knows what he's doing.
he made scoeitjlk so special that unless your game is trying to pronounce a name you've never heard before and then remembering the name when you want to type it. that's the kind of game joe can sc
ore finish in half an hour and see if he the score is one or two points higher than his GRES because that's what kind of a troll joe from lowell is.
but he's the other troll. and wiley-kin wily
i yawned a yawn as delicious as monkey mama bbbbies is tender and delicious. and now i know i want my pillow.
babbie wants a banana.
or not.
and that wraps up everything i haVE TO SAY ABOUT THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH
and i know it won't scare you when i say this and will know this is comfort
if it comes down to battle and it's this one atomized thing that fucks EVERBYBODY UP.
the only score that matters is kill all the code you can live without by t
addendum: when i said "adrienne rich" i meant that's all i wanted to say.
Somebody call a Waaambulance!
But wait! There’s more!
After yesterday’s post about Hillbuzz’s homocon blogger Kevin DuJan, I’ve received emails from JMG readers reporting that their comments there are being altered to make it look like they are making physical threats. A quick scan on that Hillbuzz post reveals several vile and abusive comments allegedly made by “our side.” What IS it about homocons and all these faked attacks?
That’s what I thought at first too, but then I went to her blog and there’s some of it there. Either somebody swiped her credentials there too, or…?
Wiley has mentioned multiple sclerosis and new meds. I am hoping she is okay.
I hope u don’t think I was making light of wiley…nothing further from my mind…it’s just that her last few posts have some thematic similarities to the stuff andon would post…and I worried mightily about andon…i’ve been down the rabbit hole myself and it hurts my heart deeply to think about anybody going through it…
ms and adhd sound right…I know the meds for ms can be pretty mind boggling and the combination of the two conditions would likely fuck a person up…I also think she’s mentioned ptsd
I m hoping that she’s reacting to the meds and is working off some steam from whatever the assholes at lgm said to her…no matter what I hope she has someone who can take care of her until she gets through this…and that this is just a manic medically induced situation and that she’s not in a dark, dark place