I Also Wish We Lived in a World Without 7th Heaven

Lloyd Marcus, speaking to us from a better world.

Lloyd Marcus, American Wanker:
New TV Show Idea: All-American Christian

Well, well, well, if it isn’t everyone’s favorite one-man minstrel show, Lloyd Marcus. One might think our buddy Lloyd having given up sense, dignity, and basic human respect to chain his star to the plummeting train-crash that was the “Tea Party Express” might be going through something akin to buyer’s remorse just about now.

Well, if you thought that, you just don’t know Lloyd. He paid too much for the mandatory lobotomy to stop now and has decided to engage in wingnut’s favorite game: Privilege Fails.

Now, you think that might be difficult for LLoyd, what with being overly melaninated and a one-man-pride parade, but Lloyd should be committed, I mean, is committed to wingnut excellence.

And so has decided to take offense that a single show starring a muslim family has come into existence and thus has erased all Christian TV families from existence and catapulted us into Sharia Law.

Hmm, perhaps I better let him explain.

I have a great idea! How about a TV show titled “All-American Christian”? Christians have been getting a bum rap in cinema and the mainstream media for quite a while. In a spirit of fairness, compassion, and tolerance, a TV show promoting Christianity is simply the right thing to do. After all, the last thing we need is Christian-phobic Americans.

I know! It’s so terrible living in a world where there are no overly sentimental Christian families. No 7th Heaven, Touched By an Angel, Big Love, Christmas Shoes, anything on ABC Family or the Family Channel. Wait.

What world is LLoyd Marcus living on, cause I need to be living there like now.

And I love the assumption that the bad rap that Christians get is because of a lack of propaganda shows on television saying how wonderful they are and not the fact that Christians demand total ownership of all forms of culture so they can make shitty crap about white suburban families who’ll “get through” mild easily-solved sitcom problems with the “love of Christ” and a great big helping hand from the writers.

We must educate Americans to realize that Christianity is a religion of peace. Christians are not anti-American. The TV show will confirm that Christians are not very different from you and me, and they’re just as patriotic. Also, Christians would never attempt to force Biblical law down our throats.

Leave the sarcasm for the professionals Lloyd. It isn’t just trying to “mime the other side” but with an air of snide disrespect. Cause that just leads to fails like that last couple of sentences. Oh yeah, the patriotism of Christians sure is in doubt (when they support hippie liberal causes like that boring stuff Christ often talked about) and the fears about forcing Biblical law are totally as unfounded as the fear of Sharia Law.

Now, where can I find fair-minded, tolerant, and compassionate celebrities who will enthusiastically support and speak in defense of the show? I know! Russell Simmons, Bill Maher, and Rosie O’Donnell are a good start. These guys are all about fairness, tolerance, and compassion. I am extremely confident that they will leap at an opportunity to fairly portray Christianity.

Christians are not rioting, seeking to physically punish offenders, or lobbying to make it illegal to speak against their religion. Thus, beheading non-believers who reject their religion is not in the Christian recruitment manual. As a matter of fact, the founder of Christianity said, “With loving kindness have I drawn thee.”

Rosie O’Donnell, great advocate of women rights that she is, will surely love this. Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men. Under no circumstances does Christianity condone a husband beating, stoning, or beheading his wife. A Christian woman is pretty much free to be all she can be, from a mom to the governor of Alaska to president of the United States. Believe it or not, a Christian woman can even venture outside without having her head covered and face veiled. Thus, it makes perfect sense that the American Feminist Movement would rally around Christianity. Right?

What’s that Projection Meter? You can’t take anymore? Damnitt, you will take all this crazy damn you and you will like it.

Also, Lloyd? Saint Sarah ain’t coming to save your Self-Destructing Party.

Now then Projection Meter, why are you complaining when we still have gems like

I cannot think of a single group of people Christians seek to remove from the planet. While more than 18,167 deadly terrorist attacks since 9-11 have been carried out in the name of another religion, zero attacks since 9-11 have happened in the name of Christianity. We know that the American left is all about peace; “all we are saying is give peace a chance,” and so on. One can only conclude that Christianity’s nonviolent track record wins the peace-lovers’ endorsement. Correct?

to go. Projection Meter? Well fuck. It somehow managed to choke itself to death on its own extension cord. I didn’t even know it could do that.

And damn, I am really digging Lloyd Marcus’s world. No bad Christian sitcoms and a world where Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, Scott Roeder, and so on and so forth never happened.

No wonder the bullshit half actions and collection of “guerrilla troops defending their home country in war time” seem like a threat to Lloyd in safe old USA and why he feels like an overly disrespected minority (but only because of the Christian thing).

I mean, if he wasn’t from that mythical land, he’d just be an asshole filled with projection, denying all right-wing Christian violence and actions and media presence and having a freak out because one single hour of cable TV is looking at a minority his squad of Christians want to remove from the planet.

And that’d just be crazy.

Unfortunately, Christianity does not have a “lying clause.” Another religion has a privilege authorized in its holy book called “taqiyya,” which means never feeling guilty for lying. In other words, taqiyya makes it permissible to lie to protect one’s religion. Common sense tells us that anything adherents of such a religion say about the intentions and motives of their religion should be taken with a grain of salt. Meanwhile, Christians are stuck with “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

Yes, Thank All Holy Bob that Christians never ever bald-facingly lie while justifying it to themselves that its okay because they are doing it “for the greater God” and the “glory of All-Mighty Jesus”.

It is truly tragic that Bibles, after-school Bible studies, and prayer at school sporting events are being banned from public schools. Christian graduates are commanded to censor all references to God and especially “Jesus” from their commencement speeches. And yet, nationwide special concessions are being made for another religion — installing foot-bathing facilities, etc.

Damn straight. Hey, what’s public mean? And might that affect whether or not this oft-repeated whine was an example of legitimate grievance or an example of a powerful majority whining that they can’t force their religion on a captive non-believing audience.

Hey, what was that about Christianity and throats from earlier?

By the way, our government has sponsored the defacing of Christian icons. A photo of a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine was funded by the NEA (National Endowment of the Arts). The award-winning photo is titled “Piss Christ.” The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dung.

You know how Christians are a real oppressed minority unlike all those Muslims and fags out there? They constantly have to resort to the same example of “oppression” which is simply having their worldview being interpreted by a fellow-traveler in a seemingly disrespectful way 25 years ago.

Those other minorities have hosts of so-called “recent attacks” against them and rarely have to revive ancient minor grievances.

That’s how you know they are shifty lying bastards. Christians know that minor slights a quarter of a century ago are the real badge of oppression.

Keep fighting that fight, brave patriots. Some day you’ll walk in the sun, full and equal members of our society.

Sniff, so brave!

Christians are legally fighting the court-ordered removal of crosses which have been displayed — one out in the middle of nowhere — on sites for many years. Nativity scenes are becoming more and more taboo in public schools and government buildings. Our kids no longer go on Christmas break from school. It is now called Winter Fest-a-Something or Other.

It’s almost like “public” means something. I don’t know what, but I’m sure it’s short for “hates Christians”.

Some paranoid conspiracy theorists say that Christianity has infiltrated high levels of our government. Rumor has it that even President Obama is a Christian. However, this rumor has yet to be confirmed. I wish to go on record stating that I am not Christian-phobic. America was unarguably founded on Biblical principles. Therefore, I am completely comfortable with Christians influencing our government.

Ha ha! See, your well-documented proof of shadowy Evangelical forces playing with government policy is exactly as unfounded as our insane fever-dream about secret Muslims taking over the government because there’s one Muslim congressman and we’re using an old dog whistle about the President.

We just showed you liberals! Now take some ahistorical insanity and be about your day.

We can count on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to aggressively work to make Christian-phobia punishable by law the way she is for another religion.

Okay, I missed a conspiracy theory along the way. Is this one of those “other countries have hate speech laws, so hate crime laws here will take away our right to hate-speech” things or something to do with Clinton being a secret muslim as well?

Damn it, how can I snark at 100% levels when the conspiracy theories move so damn fast.

So yes, the timing is perfect for an “All-American Christian” TV show. I am sure that Hillary; Obama; and all those compassionate, tolerant Hollywood-types will enthusiastically join in our effort to get out the truth about Christianity — a virtuous, misunderstood, and wonderful religion of peace.

Folks, this is gonna be great! I am so excited. For the debut of the “All-American Christian” TV show, I wonder if we can get Tim Tebow to make a special guest appearance. Wouldn’t that be awesome?

It seems that much like facts, sarcasm has a liberal bias as well. It was a gallant effort, Lord Marcus, but it will not win the love of fair Wingnuttopia. For your dusky countenance and fey displays will always meet with stern disapproval. Sadness and consternation!

May your days grow long in your mythical wonderful world free of Christian terrorists, bad Christian programming, and where the worst thing to happen to a minority was a 25 year old art exhibit. I shall miss it greatly as I return to my own much sadder time.

Fie and rot, a 7th Heaven rerun.


Comments: 192


Another religion has a privilege authorized in its holy book called “taqiyya,” which means never feeling guilty for lying.



We must educate Americans to realize that Christianity is a religion of peace. [Emphasis mine]

“Come the revolution, comrade, you’ll eat strawberries and cream.”

“But I don’t like strawberries.”

“Come the revolution, comrade, you’ll eat strawberries and cream and like it.”


The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dung.

Wrong kind of animal excrement. I say “bullshit”.


The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dung.

I’m amazed Lloyd didn’t say “you know THOSE people live in Brooklyn.”


Scdl blggr jdgng thr ppl’s sns, dgnt nd bsc hmn rspct.



Erect the Fest-a-Something Pole! I have grievances and underwear to air!


I am just saying that when the programme gets made about how normal Kiwis are, is made. I am willing to be in it. The opression, the opression! Always in he background of movies, always sniggered about and now turning up in Gil Thorpe comics as non-tattooed tattooists.


“Titanic?” WTF?


Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men. Under no circumstances does Christianity condone a husband beating, stoning, or beheading his wife.

I snorted so loudly that I woke the cat up and he darted into the other room.


Did this ahole actually show up right after the Prager post?

Actually, reading disemvoweled quotes is slightly less enjoyable than mango harvesting but hey what’s a girl to do?


Out of respect (snort) to a certain someone, I’ll leave that pole erecting comment alone.


Christians are not […] seeking to physically punish offenders

This will come as a great relief to the staff of abortion clinics.


Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men.

No, just submissive. There’s a difference.


Erect the Fest-a-Something Pole! I have grievances and underwear to air!

Did not have liquids in hand. No damage to keyboard.


“Titanic?” WTF?
Yeah weird shit, huh?


I’d love to dive in and go after those mangoes, but the engine’s making funny noises and I need to stay on the boat to fix it.


These people are such whiners. Christianity has been around for 2000 years. I think it can survive towns not displaying some Jesus-shaped plastic babies and pee pee.


I’ll stay on the boat and help fix the engine, too.

Good luck with those tigers!


the engine’s making funny noises

I’ve always wondered what powers the Sadlyboat.


America was unarguably founded on Biblical principles.

I’ve got paper cuts from thumbing through my Bible looking for any mention of a constitutional republic.


World’s largest marine engine:



I’m going to make a really sacrilegious art piece, just to give these fuckwits something new to complain about.

The constant whinging about Piss-Christ is getting stale.


Also, thanks to Smut Clyde for the link in Comment Uno.


The constant whinging about Piss-Christ is getting stale.

Dude, right? When was that made, 1997?

It must be really stinky now, too.


I’m going to make a really sacrilegious art piece

I hope it will be inclusive; I think it should embrace the widest sacrilege possible. Maybe include a representation of the Prophet? Something suggestive about Buddha? I dunno….


I was wrong. If the sacrilegious art piece is limited to Christian symbology, it will trigger a more powerful Victimhood Response. I need to think before I type.


Plus those ‘slims will ice you if so much as depict their boy as a wacky cartoon character


I think I need to reince my filthy, filthy priebus, now.


I have a great idea! How about a TV show titled “All-American Christian”?

Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to rename “19 Kids and Counting”?


Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to rename “19 Kids and Counting”?

I doubt any Duggar can count past 20.


The constant whinging about Piss-Christ is getting stale.

1987. Thank you, Ronald Reagan!


I doubt any Duggar can count past 20.

Dad can still count to 21. Not worn to a nub yet!


Dad can still count to 21. Not worn to a nub yet!

If that isn’t speculation, I DO NOT want to know how you know that.


Not worn to a nub yet!

Bon Ami ads sure have changed.


Dish TV saw fit to bless me with a free month-plus of Sweet Thang’s favorite channel, the Hallmark. Hour after hour of white women and orphans undergoing tribulations only to be rescued through the offices of adorable angels of both sexes — at Christmastime!. Longest thirty-five days of my life.


I’ve always wondered what powers the Sadlyboat.

Hamsters. Too lazy from napping to look for link.


“Religion of peace” my genocided ass.


What? Not calling it All-American Christian CONSERVATIVE?

Why does Lloyd Marcus hate RealAmerica™???


And I love the assumption that the bad rap that Christians get is because of a lack of propaganda shows on television saying how wonderful they are and not the fact that Christians demand total ownership of all forms of culture so they can make shitty crap about white suburban families who’ll “get through” mild easily-solved sitcom problems with the “love of Christ” and a great big helping hand from the writers.

God Bless you, sir. Christ Himself would change the channel on that crap.


Christian women are not forced to be subservient to men

D00d really needs to read my stuff more carefully.


Wouldn’t it be cheaper just to rename “19 Kids and Counting”?



BTW, didn’t Promise Keepers preach that men should be the head of the family and have the final say in all matters? That sounds kinda subservienty for women to me.


But my schedule is booked solid.


“BTW, didn’t Promise Keepers preach that men should be the head of the family and have the final say in all matters? That sounds kinda subservienty for women to me.”

When the only tool you have is authoritarianism…yadda, yadda.

You go with the oppressive control of the arrested-development masses you have, not the one you want.

And, btw, these idiots get all worked up about entertainment because, in the emerging “idiocracy,” mass media has become the 1%er’s favored tool of cultural oppression–far more effective than any assemby-line public education system.


Newer, fresher and more inclusive Sacreligious artwork for your enjoyment


Re: Juses and Mo, if Juses turned water into wine would he turn beer into scotch? I’ve done it but it took a lot of equipment.


He’s calling on the President of the United States and the Secretary of State to help him develop a reality TV show?


He’s calling on the President of the United States and the Secretary of State to help him develop a reality TV show?

I’m picturing the cast of the Jersey Shore as guest stars on the West Wing and I’m not happy that I’m picturing that.


Let’s see, there are several cable networks exclusively dedicated to Christian broadcasting, and approximately 1.75 metric fucktonnes of Christian messages, evangelical preaching, Christian outreach and Christian “news” programming on other stations, not to mention commercials, infomercials and public service announcements on TV, versus one (count ’em, one!) program on cable with a tentative message that, maybe, y’know, not all Muslims are fanatical mad sharia-bombers–not a show actually promoting Islam, mind you, not proselytizing, or even fundraising–just one lukewarm reality show where the women have headscarves instead of full-sleeve tattoos…and this fucknut is demanding equal time?!?!?!?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I could get behind a show called “All American Christian” if it depicted a bunch of jolly Quaker peaceniks from the Bay Area (pick your bay, and it had better not be Michael Bay).

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I am just saying that when the programme gets made about how normal Kiwis are, is made. I am willing to be in it.

I originally read this as “I am just saying that when the programme gets made about how normal Kiwis are made. I am willing to be in it.”

AK, scientist and porn star…


Michael Bay directing a show about Quakers would be FANTASTIC! Scantily-dressed quaker chicks wearing slutty-18th-century frocks, walking in slo-mo past exploding non-explosions.


how normal Kiwis are made.

It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Nothing you learn at Riddled is likely to be useful.

address my envelope, lips!

I almost went looking for mangoes, but I decided my time would be more fruitfully (!) spent banging my head repeatedly against this brick wall.


I really love the whole “Christianity does nothing bad, not never, nuh-uh!” repetition. All he needs is a pair of ruby slippers and a gingham dress. Last I looked, Christianity was the only religion that requires its adherents to go out and attempt to convert other people. Violence is inherent in the system, as it were.


He might sound like an idiot if he Tyler Perry hadn’t already made a killing doing the crap he’s claiming hasn’t been made yet.


The fact is, it is patriotic to pee on dead Muslim Talibans. These marines should get medals, but the liberal estblishment is mean to them for upholding the consitution and spreading USA power.


The fact is, Muslims should all be deported as enemies. Muslim is not a religion it is a death cult, only Christian is a religion and only the Bible is the basis for all our law.


There has to be at least 20 or 30 strictly Christian broadcasting networks in the US.


Note –

“Taliban” = “Anyone we happen to point a gun at over there”


Steerpike said,

January 12, 2012 at 17:37

Let’s see, there are several cable networks exclusively dedicated to Christian broadcasting, and approximately 1.75 metric fucktonnes of Christian messages, evangelical preaching, Christian outreach and Christian “news” programming on other stations, not to mention commercials, infomercials and public service announcements on TV, versus one (count ‘em, one!) program on cable with a tentative message that, maybe, y’know, not all Muslims are fanatical mad sharia-bombers–not a show actually promoting Islam, mind you, not proselytizing, or even fundraising–just one lukewarm reality show where the women have headscarves instead of full-sleeve tattoos…and this fucknut is demanding equal time?!?!?!?

I just had to post that again because it is such a perfect answer to these douchenozzles. I have to program my guide to skip over dozens of Bible beater channels and they get all butthurt over one stupid cable reality show. Idiots.


how normal Kiwis are made.

I would not be looking to AK for this information, but that’s just me.


I hope that if I ever get this worried about a TV show, my junk falls off immediately. Good lord. These kids are like the little bastards at the mall screaming in panicked terror at Santa Claus.


You’re right about Seventh Heaven, but you have unfairly libeled ABC Family. Pretty Little Liars is an entertaining show, but Christian propaganda, it ain’t.

I wonder if this guy has ever seen Saved? That’s a show about an entire school full of Christians, in which the only characters who actually behave like the Christians Marcus describes are the atheist, the Jew and the girl who gets knocked up by her gay boyfriend.


The Brooklyn Museum of Art, despite considerable controversy, exhibited the Holy Virgin Mary painted with elephant dung.

Wrong kind of animal excrement. I say “bullshit”.

After reading this, it occurred to me that “elephantshit” would actually be a much better term. Considering all the crap that is spewed on behalf of the Republican base.


Oh what a beautiful morning
Oh what a beautiful day
I’ve got a beautiful feeling
James O’keefe’s going away.



…only Christian is a religion and only the Bible is the basis for all our law.

Fake Gary brings home the bacon, fries it up and stuffs it in his maw.


Shorter James O’Keefe: But journalists do illegal shit all the time! What????! AM TOO A JOURNALIST!!!!


Somewhat on topic: Mormons think they are discriminated against more than African Americans



Also, Christians would never attempt to force Biblical law down our throats.

I just… He didn’t… Oh for FSM’s sake — the massive fail of that single sentence… Projection, butthurt, historical ignorance and wanton desire all distilled into a nearly perfect representation of today’s right wing…

Sorta off topic, sorta not:

IIRC, someone here was recently being violently rhetorical about some kind of big chainsaw…?

I found some appropriate saws…

Although I think the original violent rhetoric involved some sort of anal insertion of said chainsaw, I would also suggest that you imagine what tsam could do to Dennis’s neck with it. Also too &c.


Re: Juses and Mo, if Juses turned water into wine would he turn beer into scotch? I’ve done it but it took a lot of equipment.

The Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son. Unless you’re Orthodox.


Those Mormons are full of shit. No one suffers the way straight, white, Christian, cis-gendered men suffer in this society. In a fair world, there would be an opera about it. That there is no such opera is just more proof of the discrimination.

What’s that? That’s what most operas are about? I’ll be over here sucking my thumb, then, because NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MY PAIN.


Hitler proved that the right kind of white people are an oppressed minority. While sitting in prison, he wrote a whole book crying like a bitch making a solid case for this indisputable fact.


I would also suggest that you imagine what tsam could do to Dennis’s neck with it.

Already there, my brother. Already there.


Moar OT:

Shorter NY Fucking Times: Journalism WTF is it?


Shorter NY Fucking Times: Journalism WTF is it?



Shorter NY Fucking Times: Journalism WTF is it?

That’s been today’s Eschaton topic.


Quick OT question: Does anyone here belong to Pinterest? I need an invite STAT. I don’t think I can drool on my keyboard much more before I short it out.


Does anyone here belong to Pinterest?

I mistakenly guessed that link would point to a site about being interested in pints. I haz a disappoint.


Shorting out the keyboard.


I mistakenly guessed that link would point to a site about being interested in pints.

It would be weirder if you were hoping for a site about pins.


hoping for a site about pins.

Mmm, pointy…


Everything’s all turpsy tovey.

Speaking of topics, this one has got me all weirded out. Psychotic right wing governer gives clemency–not just to someone, but multiple people icky badpersons. When did psychotic right wingers discover this clemency business for people who weren’t VP Chiefs of Staff? Also, there is a judge who blocked the releases because…?????


Everything’s all turpsy tovey.

On the “news” show I watched this morning they quoted Barbour as saying he wanted these folks to be able to get jobs and to be able to go hunting.

I second your ?????


Value system revealed:
More than half of evangelical Protestants […] say that Mormonism is not Christian […] However, they still preferred [Romney] to Barack Obama.


hoping for a site about pins.
Insert Terry Pratchett / Going Postal citation here.


We must educate Americans to realize that Christianity is a religion of peace.

I must have missed the joint Time/Washington Post study that revealed Christianity was actually a centuries-long ruse concocted by Vikings and barbarians.


No one expects the Greenland Inquisition!


Shorter NY Fucking Times: Journalism WTF is it?

Sorry; but the Princess is in another Castle.

The Principal Contributt

This whole screed was written by a guy that has never left his room, let alone his house, and experiences everything through right wing media, right?

…right? Please?

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I must have missed the joint Time/Washington Post study that revealed Christianity was actually a centuries-long ruse concocted by Vikings and barbarians.

Christian berserkers would carve the “blood dove”, representing the Holy Spirit, into the bodies of the recipients of their proselytizing.


Fake Gary brings home the bacon,

I agree. Props to the perp.


We must educate Americans to realize that Christianity is a religion of peace.

Sure sure, a little piece of Saturnalia, a little piece of northern European paganism, a little… wait, PEACE? Dude, you’re so full of shit you need a warning label.


El Manquécito and Whale Chowder’s speculations on the normality or otherwise of Deputy Assistant Supreme Leader Another Kiwi have been passed to the appropriate Intergalactic Council representatives.
Oh yes, me little beauties, they’ve been passed on. *rubs hands together*


More than half of evangelical Protestants […] say that Mormonism is not Christian […] However, they still preferred [Romney] to Barack Obama.

I mean, yeah, Romney’s a heretic and he’s going to hell and everything, but he just…I don’t know… looks the part, somehow. You know?

There’s just something about that Obama fellow…can’t really put my finger on what it is…I just get this feeling when I look at him…He just seems wrong for the White House to me.


Hands? I believe you mean tentacles!


Tentacles has negative connotations and is not used by culturally aware persons


Tentacles is Greek, right? Like Test-a-cles, the nuttiest Greek hero.


not completely OT, TIL (more likely relearned but fucket) the “John 3:16” guy is doing a life sentence.



You see, REAL Christians tell people that God told them to invade other nations. Fakeass Christians take hostages and threaten to shoot at airplanes.




No one expects the Greenland Inquisition!



The Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son.

Yeah and they always leave the seat up.

The Appropriate Intergalactic Council

The entire matter is not Appropriate. Therefore, jurisdiction is retained by the Inappropriate Intergalactic Council. And they are some badass mo-fo’s.


not completely OT, TIL (more likely relearned but fucket) the “John 3:16? guy is doing a life sentence.

I still think Bud Light commercials have gone downhill ever since.


Huh the “Inappropes” are fake ass wannabees. Crimson fecking robes, I ask you!!1
It’s all the same at the wrong end of a Protein Reassembly Ray, buddy. And look, that’s right *points*, Thought Ray Deflector helmet!! Oh yeah!


OMFG!! I totally had put this out of my mind: We spent Christmas with my daughter, her hub and the precocious one in Dallas. We watched the local news Sunday night to catch the weather for the drive home and this local CBS station did an extensive, 7 or 8 minute segment on Emmitt Smith and how he had found God through the preachings of TDJakes. The same TDJakes that had appeared at the Perry Prayer Party and the same TDJakes that hates homos somethin’ fierce. It would have been at home on Pat Robertson’s program. It was like they were contractually obligated to confirm all of the Dallas stereotypes at once! You had your Biblers, your football and your homo-hatin’ in one big lump.

So, fuck you with a fish hook, Lloyd Marcus.


not completely OT, TIL (more likely relearned but fucket) the “John 3:16? guy is doing a life sentence.

Whoever would have thought that he’d turn out to have been a religious fanatic?


No one expects the Greenland Inquisition!

Our chief weapon is surprise! Surprise and an almost unbelievable cold…
Our 2 weapons are surprise and unbelievable cold! Oh, and polar bears…
Among our chief weapons are: surprise…

…I’ll come in again


But didn’t Prager tell us lefties are the mean ones? I thought Real Christians, like Real Americans, were all conservatives?


Herschel Walker saw the light too, also. Like the scientologists the Talivangelicals focus extra hard on the famous (and rich).


As per usual, Charles Pierce has the best take on that “Best Conservative Movies” list:



Dan Savage is such a meanie!

Time to follow through on your threat to redefine “rick,” Dan.

Matt Via Twitter

Already done: To “rick” is to remove something with your tongue—the “r” from “remove,” the “ick” from “lick”—which makes “rick santorum” the most disgusting two-word sentence in the English language after “vote Republican.”


I didn’t kill it! Blame Dan Savage, not me.


The only thing that separates religion from cult is mainstream acceptance. Christianity is the zombie rabbi cult right?


Christianity is the zombie rabbi cult right?

Yes, except for the Catholic flavor – they’re all about worhipping the goddess.


Worhipping the goddess sounds hotter than it is.


the same TDJakes that hates homos somethin’ fierce.

He doesn’t hate homos, he just hates what they do.

And say.

And the fact that they exist.


I cannot think of a single group of people Christians seek to remove from the planet.

Palestinians, at least the U.S. Christians want them removed.

Gee, that was easy.


Palestinians, at least the U.S. Christians want them removed.

Since Palestinians don’t exist according to those folks, how can they be removed?


Since Palestinians don’t exist according to those folks, how can they be removed?

Yeah, that occurred to me seconds after I posted the comment.


I cannot think of a single group of people Christians seek to remove from the planet.

Palestinians, at least the U.S. Christians want them removed.

Um, Muslims…or at least there’s a subset of Christians who want that.


So you own a struggling restaurant with a liquor license but you’re barely making payroll and the banks don’t want to give you any money to fix up the joint because restaurants are a notoriously bad bet. Hearing of your troubles, the local swarthy gentleman of means offers to make you a loan at the going street rate and, since your options are down to zero, you accept the offer and cross your fingers and hope for the best. With money in hand you make a few changes and business picks up with the addition of some new customers who happen to be business associates of your investor. Of course, being good buddies, their meals and drinks are frequently comped, but that’s the price of doing, and staying, in business.


I found some appropriate saws…

Holy crap!!! I thought youse guys were kidding in an earlier thread…The first one with the Niro-and modified snow mobile muffler is a thing of beauty.

Thanks for the link OBS!


I found some appropriate saws

That’s pretty cool, but I think we need something that says “Pratt & Whitney” on it.


How about Gobble and Forsit


Prattfall and Whitey.


Panther and Witless


Franks and Beans

Spengler Dampniche

FRIST!!!! Oh.


Fristing the thread.


Ho ho, Spengler! What up?


Franks and Nancys


Nancys and Sluggos.


Rons and Cokes.


Ales and Feales

Spengler Dampniche

I have had a very painful erection for months now, alternate Kiwi. It’s been dreadful. Thank you for asking.

Spengler Dampniche

Hall and Oates?


Marezy Doates


Spengler you have to hit those bad boys with a rubber mallet. Sad but effective


Bella and Donna


Spengler you have to hit those bad boys with a rubber mallet.

When AK plays whack-a-mole, you want to be careful about where your skin imperfections are located.


When AK plays whack-a-mole, you want to be careful about where your skin imperfections are located.
No friends on the Whack-a-Mole court, N_B_.
Nota and Bella


Nota and Benny


Jets and flots?


Jets and Sharks


Sharks and loans


Taxes and Rangers


To quote Arlo, I’m not proud or tired.


I know, it’d be a worry if it was a worry.


Ball’s in your court, upsidedownman.




That’s getting awfully specific with the mole placement.


There’s no crying in whack bat!


No crying…just grimacing and sucking wind through clenched teeth.


Death and Texas


Death and Venice


Death Comes for the Archbishop


And says. “Man it’s good to scythe you again”.


Pawn to queen-five, pawn takes archbishop.


Venice and Arteries


Arteries and Jughead


Burke and Hare


Irish on the rocks


Burke and Stocks


It’s a real company, by the way.



Pratt and Whitney and the Double wasp engine have a very honoured place in history, Major.
We are just being silly with words


So what are the rules (if any)?


Bryant & May.


So what are the rules (if any)?

Based the incredible AK and N_B exchanges, I thought the rules were:

Two nouns linked by ‘and’. The next commenter grabbed one noun and riffed on it, creating a new pair of linked nouns.

Of course, the best rules are the ones you make up. Like in Calvinball.


Nude Post! I mean New Post! That may or may not be nude! Well, featuring naked hypocrisy at the least!


Darling buds in May


Ron Darling and he ’86 Mets


Pavorotti and the Met


ill met and moonlight


I know it’s far too late at night for him to see, but I just have to say- Another Kiwi is KILLLING me tonight with the funny. My Gods, I don’t think I’ve laughed that hard in YEARS.


“Christians are not very different from you…” While I might quibble with the question of degree, I very much appreciate his recognition of the difference-in-kind.


Christians are stuck with “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I really feel sorry for Christian Republicans. Their religion prohibits them from claiming that Obama is a socialist, or that he toured the world apologizing for America, or that he issued a tsunami of new regulations. Imagine what it would be like if the Republican presidential candidates were Christians. The Republican debates would consists of 90 minutes of silence.


In short: I have been won-over to the economic tin-foil-hat-wearers concerning the economic climate. Has someone found a twinkling of optimism throughout this “dip”?


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