Just How Dumb is Atlas Pam?

Tristam tries to answer the question.


Comments: 59


Gee, Brad, no love for my Pammy-based Google, ummm… readjustment? You aren’t still mad at me for posting that Bill Buckner video, are you?


I’m amazed there aren’t more comments on her blog calling her dumb for this. I can see you have to be a registered user to do it, but still. An anti-abortion whacko who can’t tell the difference between reality and The Onion gets over 1,300 comments pointing out his error in a day or two, but Pam’s post has been up for almost 24 hours and she has… five? One a double-post and at least one more who apparently shares her ignorance? Geez. I’m disappointed in the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy.


Next up: Pam decries the moral depravity of the Icy Hot Stuntaz.


“Someone get a screen capture, would ya?”
hee! she really thinks she cracked the case, doesn’t she. so-called Reuters-gate II, here she comes!



I’d really like to know a little bit more about that shrieking harpy Pam. Who the hell is she? What’s her last name? How’d she get started in this? Why can’t she lay out her web page like it’s 2006, instead of 1997? Finally, what made her such a shrieking harpy?


“Someone get a screen capture, would ya?â€?

She’s so dumb she has to ask someone to take a screencap for her. Does she not know how to do it herself?


This is a little something I like to file under “Shit that was news two years ago.”


Someone should inform Pam “look at my (fake)” Juggs that the exact same technique was used to make a fake Google error page reading “Did you mean French military defeats?” the top result for the search string “French military victories.” Maybe then she’d look at it differently, given how hateful she and the other Reich-wingers are towards the French (just look at a random sampling of Charles Krauthammer’s articles on Jewish World Review sometime)…..

Nah…I’m being too naiive to believe that would sate her need for volcano-heat hategasms.


I noticed the very next link on Pam’s site screamed out:


Hmm, thought I. Is she upset because they’re stealing her shtick? I recognize that it is generally accepted that Irony died on January 20, 2001, but this is crazy!



I can’t imagine any reason for someone to google a shrieking harpy, Doc. I mean, it’s not like you run into a shrieking harpy everytime you turn on FAUX news or something.

Let’s all hope no shrieking harpy ever learns how to blog and clogs up the intertoobz. ‘Cause then we’d all have to go back to getting our mail from trucks, all due to one shrieking harpy.


Dumber than her fake breasts?


Mikey – did you see HOW Levis was glorifying murder? I hate to say something as boring as this but, here goes:

that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.


Doc, her surname is Oshry.


You know, the more I pay attention to her little corner of the Right Bedlamsphere, the less I despise her — the more I pity her.

Girl ain’t got issues — she got a muthafuckin’ subscription.


Not only that, Kathleen, but the slippery anti semitic bastards “Claimed” it was just an old scarf. Hah, I say!!



The fact is, I think I see Gary coming.


She’s dumber than a bag full of dumb things.


just who IS atlas pam? you guys need to get out more – jonbenet ramsey, george bush, c***aleeza rice….who gives a phuque about atlas pam?



“you have crisis of confidence in the Israeli government. You have a number of, the president Moshe Katzav is accused of sexually harassing five women, Justice Minister Haim Ramon is accused of sexually harassing one woman, you have the chairman of the Foreign and Defense Committee Tzachi Hanegbi, excuse my pronunciation, I’m sorry, I don’t speak Hebrew, accused of fraud and breach of trust”


yeah I noticed that too sonic. That was classic!


Next Atlas Pam is going to tell us that she’s about to receive $4 million dollars wired into her account by helping a nice Nigerian fellow who’s in a pinch.


Ooh, ooh, I know — Pam is so dumb, this one time, when we were walking through the forest, I pointed and said, “look, a dead bird!” And she looked up in the air and said, “Where, where?”


I’m beginning to understdand why deb frisch calls herself word warrior. She seems to be conducting unrestrained warfare against the english language. Gawd, woman, give us a break with “phuque” already. Here’s a tip. When you thought it was cute in junior high school? It wasn’t. Now, it’s just stoopid. And there is a quaint english language custom where we at least capitalize a FEW words, fer crissakes…



Pam is so dumb she is still hoping someone will tell her the answer to who is John Galt so she doesn’t actually have to try to read any Rand.


She so dumb, she gave the fountain head! HAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!!

Okay, and why is Deb Frisch commenting here? Slow day at the Baby Batter Stand and Cockslappery in the Goldstein Mall food court?


The fact is, I think I see Gary coming.

Oh, EEeeeEEEeeeEEeeWWwwwwWwww!!!!!11!
Oh, wait, you meant….



Oh, and Deb? Jon Benet Ramsey? Still dead, all these years later. What is it with you and your obsession with dead, raped children? That’s really just not normal, hon.


Marq: you’re the best. Don’t ever change!


excuse my pronunciation, I’m sorry, I don’t speak Hebrew

To quote Jonathan Miller: “I’m not really a Jew; just Jew-ish, not the whole hog.â€?


Deb? Jealous much?


It’s probably a good thing she missed the “dumb motherfucker” incident.

Her blood pressure would’ve spiked so high her implants would’ve exploded.


Pam is so dumb she spent three hours staring at an orange-juice can because it said “concentrate.”

Also, her boobs are so fake she got kicked off a plane trying to bring liquids on board. Then she blamed it on the Muslims.


She so dumb, she gave the fountain head! HAHAHAHAHA!!!11!!!

Pam truly is The Simplest Thing In the World.


Bitch so dumb she got hit by a parked car. So dumb she though Master and Commander was a double feature. So dumb she opens all her groceries in the store because the box lids say “open here”.


Come on, you sadly knows. I really need to decide how mean to be to the little sissy from colorado who might be the first person in the US to file a restraining order against someone he never met. You can’t get more pathetically sissified than that, as you sadly no folx surely no.

A sissy boy from colorado filed a restraining order against a badass dyke from oregon.

he is such a sissified, stupid dingbat I don’t really understand why you guys bother with him. unless….hmmm. unless you guys are sissified, stupid left wing dingbats!

by george i think i’ve got it!

i really would like your advice about how tuff to be wit da sissybaw from colorado!



It’s probably a good thing she missed the “dumb motherfucker� incident.
What do you say we recreate it?


word warrior: She’s magically trollicious!


Here’s my advice, deb.

1. Quit drinking. I know, it’s hard, but AA will help.

2. Get on medication. Valium can be helpful in cases of OCD and uncontrollable rage. You might even consider marijuana. I know, it’s not legal, but it might help you find some peace. And slow down the tweak.

3. Turn off the computer. You aren’t using it for anything of value anyway.

4. Try to get your mind on something other than Goldstein. Fantasy football, perhaps?

4. Write complete english language sentences, spell check them. Consider a remedial grammar course. Or maybe an ESL course.

5. Try to smile. The world is not this dark place inhabited only by Goldstein and your overwhelming rage. Find something you enjoy. Basket weaving, perhaps.

6. All that failing, at least TRY posting on a different topic. Anything will do. Dogs. Music. Give us a friday random ten or something.



mikey. if i ever give a fuck what you think, i’ll be sure to read your blather.
right now, i’d rather not, snotface.


Hey, at least you spelled “fuck” like a grownup. My job here is done…



Wow. I never thought I’d look fondly back at annieangel in comparison.

Sigh. we never really value the good trolls until they’ve gone.


Have Deb and Pam ever been spotted in the same room? It would be irresponsible not to speculate…


Pam is so dumb she is still hoping someone will tell her the answer to who is John Galt so she doesn’t actually have to try to read any Rand.

Why is that dumb? I’d do anything necessary to get out of reading Rand, too. I still have nightmares about “Atlas Shrugged” twenty-five years after my abortive attempt at reading the hideous thing.



Pamela claims to be a Randian, so avoiding reading Rand for her is pretty dumb. For the rest of us, it’s just brain-cell preservation. (I see you one Ayn Rand and raise you a Henry James…edited by Ezra Pound!…on crack! Damn. I still have flashbacks…)


Nobody here is going to help you “get back” at the “pussy” in Colorado for several reasons:
1) If there actually is a restraining order in place, deserved or not, “getting back” at the persons named in it is (say it with me, kids!) against the law. If we don’t support Our Dear Leader, The Glorious Commander Codpiece, when he randomly disregards the rule of law, why would be get behind a troll we don’t know?

2) Eh, we’re just not that into him. Or you.

3) We have lives. (I know! I was surprised too!)

4) Okay. Bored now. Moving on.


by the pundit “they hate me on the left AND the right” standard of quality, deb’s existence here when coupled with Gary’s makes Sadly! No! always right about everything.


Mmmm-MMM that’s some good Crazy Broad!


Robert Green said,
August 18, 2006 at 19:59

by the pundit “they hate me on the left AND the right� standard of quality, deb’s existence here when coupled with Gary’s makes Sadly! No! always right about everything.

Unfortunately, if both S!N and Deb hate Jeff, that makes him right about everything. But then, if S!N is getting pretty ticked off at Deb and Jeff obviously finds her disagreeable, that makes her right about everything. And each of the above three parties say that the other is wrong about, if not everything a whole lot.

My head hurts.


Good thing she hasn’t entered Miserable Failure

Imagine how traumatic that would have been for her?


man I hope Mario and Dr. BLT don’t show up and make this thread a perfect storm of craziness and song lyrics.


I believe Levi’s when they say it was just an old vintage scarf they threw in to complete the look. I feel they ought to be punished for encouraging men to wear vintage scarves like that. However, they (even if unintentionally) made Atlas Pam and her little minions plotz, and that’s worth another pair of 525s. Maybe two…


Oshry? Funny, she doesn’t look Irish.


word warrior said,

August 18, 2006 at 18:56

mikey. if i ever give a fuck what you think, i’ll be sure to read your blather.
right now, i’d rather not, snotface.

Umm…Didn’t you have to read his comment to realize he was talking about you?


“Snotface?” Snotface?

Someone better up Deb’s meds. I’m not sure how this would go over in Graduate Seminar.


Wait a minute. Deb sez…

i really would like your advice about how tuff to be wit da sissybaw from colorado!

mikey. if i ever give a fuck what you think, i’ll be sure to read your blather.
right now, i’d rather not, snotface.

Inconsistent much, Deb? This would be one, out of a myriad of reasons that we consider you daffy. You know, low-cost mental healthcare is likely available in your area. Seek it out. Really.
P.S. just how would a restraining order from JG affect you in any way, seeing as you live several states over from him? Just asking.


Tristam must be a trained lifeguard because plunging the depths of Pam’s idiocy is like swimming in a blender.



Why don’t you take a quick trip to Thailand and get those testicles you are so obviously in need of emotionally?


Pam or Deb? Hmmmmmm
Both may be idiots, but only one would be fun with copious amounts of lotion and whiskey. Unlike, the other, at least she’s good for something.


[…] Instead, her online behavior became even more erratic: Posting fake suicide notes, angering colleagues on an academic listserv, claiming to pursue legal action against Goldstein, Ace of Spades HQ and Matthew Heidt of Blackfive. And most strangely, attacking the folks at lefty satire blog Sadly, No!, well known for its disdain of Goldstein, and which had previously belittled the Frisch controversy. More recently she has gone so far as to heckle Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden (whom she had claimed an interest in working for) and, apparently, now managed to stalk and harass former colleagues in Oregon. […]


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