The Biggest Loser EVER
Posted on August 17th, 2006 by Brad
Wow. As of August 2006, George W. Bush only has a positive approval rating in four states: Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma. Even Kansas has him down to a stunning 39%!
Oh, and a message to my fellow Massholes: why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state? That mofo should be at least in the 20s, if not the teens. Get. With. The. Program. People.
“Holy crap! The American people think I suck!”
Oh, and a message to my fellow Massholes: why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state?
I’m going to go ahead and blame Worcester, whether they deserve it or not.
Teddy-hatred allows certain Massholes to indulge in considering themselves superior to the proles and the ‘elites’. They have a fair bit emotionally invested in being more authentic and real than the smartasses in Boston, and Bush is their hero.
You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time. . .
Why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state?
New England wingnuts are just so fucking precious.
Having lived in different corners of the South before moving to the City of Cod, I know that the bowtie-wearing tax cheats that you find in Mass would get eaten alive by the megachurchin’, Wal-Mart shoppin’ fundies they presume to align themselves with. Damn latte-drinking conservative elites.
Or maybe it’s the mandatory gay marriage. Hope I get matched up with a breadwinner on the printout…
Tulk, do you mean the guy who (at least used to) hand out The Massachusetts News at the Westwood station?
I’m in Worcester right now. but you can’t blame me. Mitch. I live in RI*; they don’t poll me here.
* The only state in the Union with worse drivers than Mass.!
Sorry. In a fit of Anti-Kaye-ism, I seem to have removed commas that actually belong. In a simultaneous contrary fit of delusional quasi-Kaye-grammar-ism, I used periods instead.
Hey, don’t go blaming Worcester for this one! I’m from that fair city, though I now live elsewhere, and I can confidently assert that far fewer than 39% of Worcester’s residents have any idea who the president is, much less support him.
To confirm my status as a Worcester native: “Hey man, let’s go to the packy and get some Molson’s, there’s a wicked kegger out by the IGA!”
Rhode Island is by far the greatest state in the Union.
Some of the corruption is so wholesomely blatant, it’s almost like a Rockwell painting.
Worcester is like the Durham, North Carolina of the North. Or maybe Birmingham. What city is sufficiently bombed-out to compare?
(disclosure: former Worcesterite)
I would prefer to hear this in terms like:
GWB is currently polling at a 67% disapproval rate.
GWB is currently the worst rated President in history. Louis the Sixteenth had more friends before he was unseated and beheaded.
Holy crap. How many ex-Worcesterites are on this thread (I grew up about 15 minutes outside of Worcester).
Throw in Denis Leary’s anti-Mel Gibson rant during the Sox game the other night, and it’s a regular Worcester fest these days.
Time to get liquored up and steal the Polar Cola bear from the factory roof!
Bush’s main problem is that he’s not aggressive enough in telling America who is to blame for the things they dislike.
Bush’s popularity is hurt by the media lies in regards to Iraq. Bush failed to be aggressive enough in telling American’s that the media is biased against him on Iraq. Bush failed to be aggressive enough in painting the true picture of what people like Cindy Sheehan are all about.
The fact is that Bush needs to make it political poison to claim that he’s using terror alerts for the wrong reasons. Those claims are just absurd.
Bush and the Republicans are also failing to launch a counteroffensive against the emboldened liberal media.
The fact is that the media is emboldened after the fringe of the Connecticut Democrat party picked Red Ned Lamont.
And the media is also emboldened by such things as George Allen making that stupid comment towards that liberal Webb staffer. The Webb campaign lured Allen into a trap and Allen fell for it.
The fact is that the terrorist surveillence program is the sort of thing that helped prevent thousands of deaths over the Atlantic.
Bush needs to stop riding Harleys and he needs to really go on the offensive.
If America elects a Democrat Congress, they will get:
a) extremist San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House
b) moonbat soldier hater John Murtha as Majority Leader
c) Far left moonbat John Conyers as judiciary chairman
d) Moonbat Harry Reid as Majority Leader
e) Former Klansman Robert Byrd as Senate President
f) Higher Taxes, causing the collapse of the economy
g) Moonbats who are working to subert Bush, instead of working to make things better.
The fact is that the terrorist’s last hope is a Democratic Congress.
Yep, RI is certainly blatant. How many other states would try to write what essentially amounts to a no-bid casino contract for Harrah’s into the state constitution? And yet (or, “not fuh nuthin'”, as we’d say), the first thing most Rho Dilinduhs say when hearing the word “Worcester” is “I fucken hate Worcester.”
Considering Rho Dilinduhs also feel the need to pack a lunch to drive somewhere over 20 minutes away (if it’s not flat-out “too fah”), you may feel free to take such sentiments heavily salted.
Anyway, let’s get some boba at Dalat.
Gary thinks all that Bush has to do is whine to the American people that it’s all someone else’s fault and he’ll look manly and winning.
Jay C., it isn’t in the south, but you can find wonderful bombed-out looking cities in upstate NY. Try Amsterdam, Utica, Malone, or Schenectady. All good choices.
Bush’s approval here in Idaho is 67% among black males. I’m pretty sure the dissenter is Ryan, but I’m going to talk to all three to make sure.
Cheney was in Boise yesterday. He was speaking about 500 yards away from where I was listening to the Derailers. I had somewhat conflicting emotions.
Having lived briefly near Fitchburg, Brad has his work cut out for him. 30 years in the south and I say you still got some of the reddest of rednecks in the north
Shorter Gary: Weyrich got nuthin on me, bitch!
Oh, and a message to my fellow Massholes: why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state? That mofo should be at least in the 20s, if not the teens. Get. With. The. Program. People.
That would be the state that has had Republican Govenors for the last 12 years? The illusion of Massachussetts as a liberal enclave is one that is rapidly fading. The crazy wingnut NH (I’m a native, I can say that) elected a WOMAN DEMOCRAT for govenor, while Mass was electing a white male Mormon Republican. Things are not the same in ‘ole NE.
“Holy crap! They’re right!” (Recommences booze and cocaine, if he ever stopped.)
When I thought about what I would have to do to live in GaryWorld, I realized it would require a vegetable peeler and exposing my cerebral cortex.
Bush’s main problem is that he’s not aggressive enough in telling America who is to blame for the things they dislike.
A couple primetime mea culpas should correct that. I can just see him pounding the desk, shouting “It was me who invaded Iraq on lies and a pipe dream! And it was me who played geetar while New Orleans sank! It was me who stocked the government with incompetents and crooks! It was me who ran the deficit and national debt to new highs! Me! All me!!!”
The fact is that Bush needs to make it political poison to claim that he’s using terror alerts for the wrong reasons. Those claims are just absurd.
Yeah, what idiot said that? Oh, Tom Ridge said it? The first director of Homeland Security? Oh.
And the media is also emboldened by such things as George Allen making that stupid comment towards that liberal Webb staffer. The Webb campaign lured Allen into a trap and Allen fell for it.
Stupid liberals! Always letting Republican racists show their true colors!
The fact is that the terrorist’s last hope is a Democratic Congress.
No, the fact is that you need to up the voltage on your electroshock treatments.
Considering Rho Dilinduhs also feel the need to pack a lunch to drive somewhere over 20 minutes away (if it’s not flat-out “too fah�), you may feel free to take such sentiments heavily salted.
I lived for months on end without setting foot on the mainland (i.e., everything on the other side of the Newport Bridge), so the notion of driving more than 20 minutes is a bit alien. Except to join the rest of the state in the annual Xmas shopping clusterfuck at Providence Place. Where did your high school classmates end up? You will find the answer there.
I’d like to hear from Gary Ruppert on the subject of Worcester, Massachusetts.
Shorter Gary: “Bush needs to go waaaah more.”
I’m always amazed at how far some people can shove their own head up their own ass. You would think that at some point they would get so inverted they would become a Klein bottle.
Bush’s main problem is that he’s not aggressive enough in telling America who is to blame for the things they dislike.
They dislike him. I think they’vepinned the blame for that one pretty accurately.
Oh, and a message to my fellow Massholes: why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state? That mofo should be at least in the 20s, if not the teens. Get. With. The. Program. People.
Most of these people probably live in Belchertown or Athol.
Bush’s main problem is that he’s not aggressive enough in telling America who is to blame for the things they dislike.
Translation: The Uniter needs to get Americans to start hating one another again.
Who gives a shit about Bush’s problems. He’s nothing. An empty fucking suit. Our main problem is that he’s got 2 more years to run this country into the ground, and that there are still a number of blind, uncritical bitches like you who support him.
That would be the state that has had Republican Govenors for the last 12 years?
The system for the last decade or so has been for Democrats to go to DC and get the Federal Pork, and the Republicans to control the state apparatus and to manage the favors for the local powers that be.
Both parties have plausible deniability about the waste and mismanagement (the corruption is petty patronage for the most part – the outright theft is legal). The best example is the big dig. The Democrats bring in the moolah, the Republicans give it all to the Unions and to the big contractors by screwing up the schedule and letting the contracts pay off big.. Then the Unions and Bechtel give a lot of support to the Democrats in DC, and no Democrats with any mojo ever show up to contest the Governor’s race.
The two party system has this state wrapped up tight.
Don’t blame Northampton or Amherst…
Tulk, do you mean the guy who (at least used to) hand out The Massachusetts News at the Westwood station?
Was that Pawlick himself. I love that paper!
At least he knew the distinction between libel and slander, unlike Ann Coulter. There is a whole network of born-again Assembly-of-God types who act like they are living in the Soviet Union. The love to stew in their resentment and bitterness against modernity/Teddy Kennedy/”Cambridge Liberal Elite”. They are a pretty small part of the pro-Bush 33%, though. Most of them are the unenrolled (independant) voters who think that splitting the ticket is the only option they have.
Yeah, Mass (and RI, and whatever other majority-dem states apply) has the plausible-deniability thing working pretty well. The quasi-moderate, pro-business governor can appear above the fray of the hordes in the legislature, and magically nothing is ever anybody’s fault.
Actually, I just moved to Amherst. Living in the Boston area was undermining my mental health. Also just too damn expensive to raise a family there.
a) extremist San Francisco liberal Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House
b) moonbat soldier hater John Murtha as Majority Leader
c) Far left moonbat John Conyers as judiciary chairman
d) Moonbat Harry Reid as Majority Leader
e) Former Klansman Robert Byrd as Senate President
That sounds excellent.
What bothers you most about them Gary? The black man? The woman? The fact that Byrd is a former Klansman, rather than the bibots, racists, and retards in the Republican Party who’ve never left?
Or just the abject, quaking fear that if Dems obtain legislative power, that the fearmongering, corporate prostitution that masquerades as Republican Policy will be demonstrated for the destructive dereliction of duty that it is?
Democratic Congress? Horrors! We’ll be left with nothing but forty years of unprecendented prosperity, like we got the last time!!!1!
Better a former and repentant klansman as senator from West Virginia than a current klan apologist as senator from Virginia.
What, you Christians don’t go for that repentence thing any more?
Or just the abject, quaking fear that if Dems obtain legislative power, that the fearmongering, corporate prostitution that masquerades as Republican Policy will be demonstrated for the destructive dereliction of duty that it is?
More bluntly- Netvocates will start laying people off, and Gary’s neck is on the line.
Bah. Only Maine, Rhode Island, New York and Vermont had Shrubya at below 30% WTF is up with that? Then again, my native Texas had him at a bare majority disapproval. Meh, they probably think he’s not killin’ Mooslims fast enough…
Jay C. said,
Worcester is like the Durham, North Carolina of the North. Or maybe Birmingham. What city is sufficiently bombed-out to compare?
Oh. My. God. I left Worcester in 1985 (just in time to miss the Pats, Sox and Celtics make the finals in the same year, thanks guys). And where did I end up? Just outside of… Durham, NC. Hey, at least I can still get smokes down here for two bucks a pack, so my suffering won’t be needlessly prolonged.
The fact is 100% of Gary Rupperts thinks Bush is the greatest thing since sliced paste. But where’s that in your terrorist loving moonbat media?
If you count going to college in Worcester as living there, then I lived there for four years. The myth of Massacusetts liberalism is a little overblown, as fish points out, we’ve had a Republican governor since 1991. Still, the legislature is so overwhelmingly Democrat that if you want to go anywhere in politics you have to register as a Deomcrat. I don’t think anyone would confuse Tom Finneran or Stephen Lynch for liberals.
Rhode Island has had Republican governors; the current one is. My favorite corruption story is the one when the sitting (Republican) governor, Ed Deprite, had to go dumpster diving because he accidently threw away a bribe that had been wrapped with his grinder. (Do they call them grinders in RI?)
That is one of the best Gary Ruppert posts ever. My favorite line:
“The fact is that the terrorist’s last hope is a Democratic Congress.”
Right, because terrorism is almost completely vanquished. The terrorists are about to pack up their explosives, go home and convert to Wingnut Christianity unless Pelosi is installed as Speaker.
I agree JK, Gary worked hard all week on that one, and it showed.
It’s kind of like a Democratic Congress is the Luke Skywalker of the terrorists.
meanwhile, how can we have so many ex-Mass readers on this board? is everyone here secretly just Brad’s friends and family?
From Jack Murtha’s Wiki entry:
He remained in the Reserves after his discharge from active duty until he volunteered for service in the Vietnam War, serving from 1966 to 1967, serving as a battalion staff officer (S-2 Intelligence Section), receiving the Bronze Star with Valor device, two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. He retired from the Reserves as a colonel in 1990, receiving the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.
Soldier Hating?? Gary, you nasty little chickenhawk prick. I mean, there’s nerve and there’s nerve. But for you to impugn this fine American warrior is just sickening. How many hearts you got, boy? Anybody ever think about giving you a bronze star? You’re lower than a dog, you piece of merde…
Finneran was an unmitigated douchebag and he screwed my hometown Northampton by not allowing a special election because he hated the candidate who was running. As a result, Hamp was taxed without representation — they’re lucky the lesbians believe in cooperation before action, ‘else it would have been another Shays Rebellion.
Lynchie though, I dunno. He’s a pretty straight up union guy with all the economic pros and social cons that come with it. I like Lynchie.
State Rep. Guy Glodis though, now we can talk about rednecks dressing up with the D. I went to UMass with him and he was a Republican (his dad was some redneck sheriff or somethin’) straight up. I bet that even in the State House with about seven Republicans holding office in both houses combined, you’d get 33% support for Bush.
But that’s about all.
Even bible-thumping, Bucky Taft’s Land of Ney has Dub at 34% approval. That’s gotta hurt.
Bush did get another bit of good news day with the news that an extremist liberal Democrat struck down the terrorist surveillence program.
But the fact of the better is that the terrorist surveillance program is overwhelmingly popular, and overwhelmingly effective. Democrats will be forced on the defensive and forced to run from this extremist decision.
too chicken to reply to Mikey are you Gary?
that’s what I thought.
Gary Ruppert said,
August 17, 2006 at 16:59
“The fact is…�
Another one of these breathless blurts.
I’m almost convinced now he’s not real. One of you guys is trying to see how perfectly you can capture the mindset (to use the term VERY VERY loosely) of extremist rightists.
If he is real, then I suggest we try to develop a psychological profile on him, like FBI profilers. Maybe if we use our collective mind (again, a very loose use of the term), we can come up with something.
I suggest:
He’s 14. He’s on medication. He’s VERY angry at mommy. He’s only allowed “free time� for 1 hour a day, during which he hammers out his screeds on various sites until it’s time to go back to his cell, um, room.
And he’s fighting his secret gay impulses.
Murtha’s previous service would make you think that he hasn’t gone crazy
but that’s not the case. He isn’t anti-war, he’s on the other side.
“George W. Bush only has a positive approval rating in four states: Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma.”
by the time he’s done, he’ll be doin worse than that big loser (sneer) McGovern. won’t be hearin the Repubs ever smirking again after this macaca.
If he is real, then I suggest we try to develop a psychological profile on him, like FBI profilers.
Let’s see… Here’s one thing I can add to the psychological profile:
Last time he had sex was, um, never.
hmmm, not quite as good a post as your first one Gary. I guess having to come up with something on the fly like that is pretty hard. No Drudge front pager to help you out. I mean “He isn’t anti-war, he’s on the other side”?! Teh Boring.
Seriously, you can’t come up with something that hasn’t been posted 10 times a day on Blogs for Bush, to describe every Democrat in the country?
you disappoint me Gary.
he is real, then I suggest we try to develop a psychological profile on him, like FBI profilers.
Guys- I have developed a new grand unifying theory about Gary Ruppert that I will reveal when I’m not under massive deadline pressure. Just to give you a heads-up.
“Bush’s popularity is hurt by the media lies in regards to Iraq. Bush failed to be aggressive enough in telling American’s that the media is biased against him on Iraq. Bush failed to be aggressive enough in painting the true picture of what people like Cindy Sheehan are all about.”
So, you think the way a real leader gains “popularity” (Gawd, I hate that word in the context of politics – this ain’t high school, folks) is to go in front of the people and agressively say “Everybody’s against me!”?
Wow. the Captain Queeg school of leadership. That’d go over real big.
“The fact is that the terrorist surveillence program is the sort of thing that helped prevent thousands of deaths over the Atlantic.”
That simply isn’t true. It was a tip from a Muslim informant and good old-fashioned police work that stopped the London plot, not some big brother listening in on everyone’s phone calls.
“after the fringe of the Connecticut Democrat party picked Red Ned Lamont.”
I thought Lamont was an Islamo-Fascist. Now he’s a commie? Which is it?
“The Webb campaign lured Allen into a trap and Allen fell for it.”
They “lured him” how? By sending a lone person with a camera to one of Allen’s own rallies? Wow, that’s some diabolical trap.
etc. etc. etc.
He isn’t anti-war, he’s on the other side.
Repeat it over and over again, Gary. War is peace, ignorance is strength.
And he’s fighting his secret gay impulses.
Aw, come on, now you’ve crossed the line. They are SO not secret.
Oh. My. God. I left Worcester in 1985 (just in time to miss the Pats, Sox and Celtics make the finals in the same year, thanks guys). And where did I end up? Just outside of… Durham, NC. Hey, at least I can still get smokes down here for two bucks a pack, so my suffering won’t be needlessly prolonged.
When you say “just outside of Durham”, I sincerely hope you mean Chapel Hill or Carrboro, and not Butner. Or Wake Forest. Or, God forbid… Cary.
Chris, former Durhamite now safely in Soviet Canuckistan
Lemme try this:
The fact is that wiretaps are legally considered searches.
The fact is that the 4th ammendment requires warrants for searches.
The fact is that established legislation (FISA) states that you may not use any other method for legal wiretaps.
The [obvious] fact is then that the NSA searches have always been unconstitutional.
The fact is the Government could have used the FISA court to obtain warrants.
The fact is the Government decided they could not do so. Why?
The conclusion is that the Government was/is using the NSA to wiretap political enemies, journalists and any one else it felt like.
The fact is the President swore an oath to uphold the constitution.
The fact is the President ordered the illegal wiretaps.
The fact is the President, in violating his oath, has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.
The fact is the Left is not against wiretapping terrorists, drug smugglers, foreign agents or common criminals.
The fact is the Left just asks it’s government to follow the Law.
The fact is that the Rule of Law is desperately important in a Democracy.
The fact is the Rule of Law is considered an impediment by this administration.
The conclusion is, therefore, under this administration America is no longer an Democracy, but rather a totalitarian, authoritarian regime.
Mikey, Gary WILL NOT fall for your logical trap.
The fact is that logic is used by extremist liberal Democrat Professors, therefore Logic is not just un-American, it is The Other Side. Therefore True Americans will refuse to bow to simple logic.
It’s like Science see. Un-American.
Karatist Preacher said,
August 17, 2006 at 17:58
Don’t blame Northampton or Amherst…
Up here in Woburn, we figure all you ‘Paradise Valley’ cud-munching crystal bunnies in your hemp overhalls voted for Nader… twice. And, yes, we’re still bitter about that.
One reason I love this state is its fine history of Aginster-ing. Since the time Bradford came up with that ‘shining city on a hill’ batcruft and was promptly voted off the island, successive waves of immigrating & nativeborn Massholes have carefully cultivated the precious small core of diamond-hard Oppositionism. (The official motto of the City of Boston is formally translated as “God be with us, as He was with our fathers before us.” The informal translation is “God help us poor baastids.”) Not fuh nuthin (MCH, I love you!) was John Adams the first President from Massachusetts — resentfully following one good-looking, popular Virginia slacker and perpetually tagged by another from the same mold.
Just as Gary Ruppert’s bipolar missives provide the grit that Sadly, No! posters convert into pearly snark, a certain percentage of Aginsters are required to temper any human conclave lest it sink into mere self-congratulation and the endless passing of consensus referendums declaring nuclear-free gated communities with organic vegan school lunches. No political debate is possible unless some irreducible percentage of the population is willing to defend the indefensible even when it means voting against their own best interests — because the Bush-Bots are their own best argument against the Cult of Commander Codpiece.
“..Just as Gary Ruppert’s bipolar missives provide the grit that Sadly, No! posters convert into pearly snark…”
rainbows came out on that one. exquisite.
Guys- I have developed a new grand unifying theory about Gary Ruppert that I will reveal when I’m not under massive deadline pressure. Just to give you a heads-up.
you’re such a tease Brad.
Wow. the Captain Queeg school of leadership. That’d go over real big
Well, I now have an image of Shrub rolling two balls around his hand, but never mind. He was marketed as strong, decisive and Not an Girly Man. Once he starts whining like someone who’s lost on American Idol, he really *will* fall in to the teens, ratings wise.
Here in California, the only thing saving this state from being purple-ish, map wise, is that the California Republican party has never shaken off its John Birch Society aura. Except for San Francisco proper, parts of Los Angeles (basically, along the Wilshire Boulevard corridor) and a few other enclaves, the people here can be just as backward and reactionary as any people in Alabama or any other symbol of those things (see: Bakersfield).
it’s the Pioneer Valler (it’s educational x5), by the way.
oooooh, a Gary Unifying Theory? That sounds grand!
“Wow. As of August 2006, George W. Bush only has a positive approval rating in four states: Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma. Even Kansas has him down to a stunning 39%!”
It’s no coincidence that Wyoming, Utah, Idaho and Oklahoma also have the highest rates of cousins marrying cousins.
I live in Oklahoma and I’ll disapprove of Bush’s performance with such intensity it’ll throw the percentage in agreement with the rest of the country.
Just to get this whole “Nancy Pelosi is an extreme leftist” thing straightened out…….
*I* am a leftist. Not even an extreme one – a fairly moderate, middle of the road one.
I don’t like Nancy Pelosi. She’s a corporate suckup.
Extreme leftists would probably just as soon see her tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.
Here in California, the only thing saving this state from being purple-ish, map wise, is that the California Republican party has never shaken off its John Birch Society aura. Except for San Francisco proper, parts of Los Angeles (basically, along the Wilshire Boulevard corridor) and a few other enclaves, the people here can be just as backward and reactionary as any people in Alabama or any other symbol of those things (see: Bakersfield).
Ha! There was a woman in my husband’s circle of friends that was way more conservative than any of them, and any time she said something particularly galling (like, say, “Aren’t you worried about the effect not taking your husband’s name will have on the children?”) my husband would quietly reassure me, “She can’t help it, she’s from Bakersfield.”
Of course, being from New Jersey, I had no idea what the fuck that had to do with ANYTHING at first, but I picked it up eventually.
I thought Lamont was an Islamo-Fascist. Now he’s a commie? Which is it?
The fact is that Lamont is a quantum super position of the following qualities:
An Al-Qaeda Candidate
Closeted Homosexual
And I’m sure he somehow helps the Mexicans cross the border illegally somehow.
Look, I’ll continue to express my undying love for D. Sidhe, but I want to sneak around with Anne Laurie. Jeez, post more often, wouldja?
Henry’s basically right about california, but the enclaves aren’t that small. In Silly Valley the “entrepreneurs” (I mean the ones who actually own companies, not just unemployed geeks and graphic designers who call themselves entrepreneurs – the rest of us call them “consultants”) love the republicans for their pro – business at any cost legislation, but the vast majority of the workers are true blue…
That’s awfully smug, coming from someone whose Senator is Linc Chaffee.
“Aren’t you worried about the effect not taking your husband’s name will have on the children?�
Wow. I am trying to imagine what the effect might be.
I think spelling is the key, actually. Whichever spouse has the easiest spelled name should be the one that the kids take. Or that the family takes.
Yeah, Mass (and RI, and whatever other majority-dem states apply) has the plausible-deniability thing working pretty well. The quasi-moderate, pro-business governor can appear above the fray of the hordes in the legislature, and magically nothing is ever anybody’s fault.
This did not work out so well in Connecticut. See: J. Rowland, Convict #X
Oh, and a message to my fellow Massholes: why does Bush have a 33% approval rating in our state?
Ipswich. And maybe Worcester. But Ipswich for sure.
And Rhode Island is a fabulous state, despite Linc Chaffee. I wish I were having clam fritters at Misquamicut right now :=(
Oh, FSM, how I miss living in New England!
Wingnuts don’t come much nuttier than this
Gentlewoman said,
I wish I were having clam fritters at Misquamicut right now :=(
I heartily second that. I’ll bring the maple syrup!
Down here in Durham, the closest thing we have to clam fritters is “hush puppies”. I know, for us New England natives, they are shoes, but down here, they are a food! They are sort of like clam fritter blastocysts without the clams.
There are also some wingnuts down on Ol Cape Cod. I mean, the Cape historically was one of the most Republican counties in the state, but was more of the Rockefeller variety. But, in more recent times some hardcore wingnuts have emigrated or else sprouted from the ground. Take a look at Rep. Jeff Perry and his cozying up to Davey Horowitz.
As someone who was a GOP operative down there in the early to mid-90’s, I can attest to the sheer number of wackjobs and how their numbers (as I have observed from afar) have only multiplied.
BTW- Worcester is no worse than Springfield, is it? Why not pile on that city?
BTW- Worcester is no worse than Springfield, is it? Why not pile on that city?
Because Worcester (Wuusta) is kind of ‘charming’, in that beaten-up, seen-better-days, might-could-be-rehabbed sort of way. Springfield is just… serial murderers of prostitutes, hardcore Latin American gangs, and the friggin’ Basketball Hall of Ugly. Worcester, in the right light, looks like what people expect New England to look like. Springfield looks like the more defeated, bombed-out parts of the Rust Belt. Seriously, getting to the Springfield Convention Center gave me flashbacks to downtown Detroit in the early 1980s, and you KNOW that ain’t good memories…
Oh, and apologies to Mdhatter — it’s Paradise City in the Pioneer Valley where they hold the craft shows. My bad. I love the crafters, but the atmosphere can get a leetle Precious, to use the other P-word that I automatically associate, lowbrow that I am.
Btw, those four states add up to 19 electoral votes.
19-519. I like the sound of that.
Allston/Brighton checking in – I think some of it is the out of state rich students. Their frickin’ tard pigmobiles (aka SUVs) gobble up so much of our street parking and so many have ‘W’ stickers on them (don’t you love $3 gas suckers!)
One thing in Springfield’s favor: Taj Mahal grew up there.
Whenever I want to visit Boston I just read Dennis Lehane. “A Drink Before the War” is a good choice…
I’ve lived in RI my whole life so far–except for a summer wearing a badge in Rehoboth Beach, DE, but that’s a whole ‘nuther story–and yet I’ve never been to Springfield. It’s just not a place one goes, it seems. Other than the BHoF and the Big E, nobody I know has really gone there in decades.
I guess it’s like Fall River or New Bedford. I’ve been to both of those, but there’s much closer to RI than Springfield. Or Brockton. Don’t forget Lawrence…. a panoply of urban decay, and sheesh, that’s all just the east end of the state, and all without the excuse of being joined at the hip to Boston (like Everett and Chelsea).
But the place that really scares us all is Hartford. Eek. In RI, the urban decay that scares the Islanders (JayC, represent!) is really nothing to Bostonians used to Dorchester. But Hartford is really the western edge of New England; along with Bridgeport and New Haven, it’s more like Noo Yawk. It’s a whole new level of bombed-out-ness, dirt, grit, upside-down-stripped-to-frame-cars-laying-around insanity that’s instantly apparent. Even the graffiti is more impressive, like setting your monitor from 16-bit to “millions”.
We just can’t hang.
biggest loser is right – he is such a pathetic waste of space moron a-hole closet case piece of shit writer!
oh sorry – saw the title and thought this was about jg.
never mind!
darlin’, only you could think Pasty is a bigger loser than George Bush. As losers go, Jeff isn’t even in the same league as Bush.
Wow. I am trying to imagine what the effect might be.
I think spelling is the key, actually. Whichever spouse has the easiest spelled name should be the one that the kids take. Or that the family takes.
I think she thought my kids would be ridiculed mercilessly for not having the same last name as mommy, or mommy and daddy not having the same name or … or something. If spelling is the tie breaker, though, my husband wins by a longshot. Mine’s Polish. An EASY Polish name, mind you, but people are apparently not capable of writing “-ski” instead of “-sky.”
Yeah. You gotta really excel at fucking up things to be given as many top-shelf chances and handouts as GWB and to fuck up evry single one of them.
Even his daughters are way too attractive. If not for their boozing, I’d suspect they were soembody else’s
there once was a count from colorado
the story i’m sure you very well know.
help me out here folx!
Stay on topic there, Geb. We’re bashing teh Preznit here, not Pasty-G. It’s hard enough with dweebs like Jose Chung and GareBear Ruppert trying to derail every other thread here with their inane blathering, so don’t you start doing that. I’m sure within the next few weeks one of the S,N! boiz will do another “charming” article on Goldmember or one of his faaaaaabulous minionz, like p4tt3r1c0 or some other grotesque emotional cripple. They just can’t resist, plus Pasty’s crew is bound to write something stupid/offensive any minute now, and when the subject is Pasty & Palz, feel free, dig in. But this thread is about Commander Coo-Coo Bananas.
Is our Preznits learnin’?
Major, hush puppies are definitely NOT fritters. They are made with corn meal instead of good old American white flour. I’m in Missouri now. They don’t even have hush puppies, much less fritters. They eat their catfish without hush puppies. Everyone knows this is wrong, even our lackwit Preznit probably knows it.
But the place that really scares us all is Hartford.
Oh, MCH, truer words were never said. Hartford is a fucking hole in the space-time continuum. All wingnuts should be exiled to Hartford, and forced to live with the consequences of corporate capitalism and neglected infrastructure.
My family lives mostly in Windham Country, not far from Hartford. It makes me sad to remember the Hartford of my youth, when you went every Xmas season to see the displays at G. Fox, have a nice lunch, and do your shopping. Or go to see a play at Hartford Stage and not worry that your car would be gone or a burnt out wreck when you came out. Or go to J. Geils/Dr. John/Alice Cooper concert or a Yes concert at the Civic Center (hee oh yes I did).
I think the unemployment rate in Hartford was the highest among American cities, last time I looked. And the place looks like a scene from a post-apocalyptic sci-fi flick.
Hartford and Springfield sorta bleed together around the edges. I always thought of them as the same city, just separated by some suburbs.
There are three cities in Massachusetts named after former governor Endicott Peabody:
Thanks, folks, I’m here all week! Don’t forget to tip your watirons.
What’s a watiron?
What’s a watiron?
A misspelling of “waitron”, which is a gender-free version of waiter or waitress that’s easier to say then waitperson. I’m told that in some areas it’s considered derogatory, in that it hints that the service person in question is an interchangeable, perhaps mechanical, drone. Parsing the derogation level among neologisms is soooo 1980s, but then this is a moonbat site and we like to keep alive the honored traditions…
Oops. Above, I was addressing Deb, not “Geb.” Gotta keep our crazies straight–in every sense of the word.