Doug is one very un-gay parent

TownHall’s Doug Giles is getting upset!

I hate to sound like a freaked out parent, but I AM A FREAKED OUT PARENT! — and I?m seriously concerned about what is going on inside our public school systems, natoinwide [sic.]

Actually, Doug sounds a lot like Jerry: No I don’t! In fact, if even one corpuscles of that blood should find it’s way across that hall I will freak out on you Kramer! Freak out.

So why is Doug so excited, turned on, pissed off? Because of them homosexuals:

We should also be able to expect their teachers not to undercut the moral authority that we parents have over our children, regarding right and wrong, particularly as it relates to sexual intercourse and homosexuality.

And there is nothing wronger than sexual intercourse. And if you do say anything else, well, trouble:

Public school teachers and administrators: if you mess with my kids’ heads while they?re in your classroom or at your school, respecting what I feel is not only wrong but also foul and offensive as well as spiritually, socially, mentally and physically unhealthy — you’re going to meet with at least one angry Dad.

Danger Will Robinson! Danger!

It?s bad enough my girls have to see and hear things from fellow students that single sailors on leave in Borneo don’t see and hear, but now they get an overt inoculation regarding homosexuality sanctioned by their teachers and paid for by MY tax dollars.

One of Doug’s daughters is 12, the other 14. Are they enrolled at the local pirate school???

The pro-gay propaganda and politically correct thought-control spawned by a few, a VERY FEW liberal deconstructionists ought to be radically and unendingly challenged by the 95-plus percent of Americans who think homosexuality is wrong.

So basically, everyone but homosexuals thinks that homosexuality is wrong. That’s quite a finding.

There is much we can do, and we CAN succeed in stopping gay recruitment — but we can?t do it by burying our heads in the sand.

Hey Doug, maybe you should talk to our good friends Ben and Kyle. The three of you can get together and wonder why those darn homos are always trying to recruit you. We mean, you guys are so obviously totally straight right? Doug even has a beard and stuff.


Comments: 19


There is much we can do, and we CAN succeed in stopping gay recruitment — but we can?t do it by burying our heads in the sand.

What do you think made him pick a metaphor that involves him bending way over with his ass stuck up in the air?


And what’s with the “recruitment” nonsense? He makes them sound like the freakin’ Marine Corps or something. Are there still people out there so stupid they honestly believe that people somehow get convinced to be gay?


Are there still people out there so stupid they honestly believe that people somehow get convinced to be gay?

[sarcasm] Gee Mike, how else does one become gay? It’s completely against nature and God’s will, so it can only be the result of some pretty heavy duty recruiting. [/sarcasm] (To answer your question: at least everyone at TownHall and NationalReview.)


you guys are so obviously totally straight right? Doug even has a beard and stuff.

The picture accompanying Doug’s column shows him with no facial hair, and short hair on his head. Looks gay to me. Are you sure he conceived those kids the, um, regular way?


But it?s just fine to talk about Timmy and Tommy, the Testicle Twins? About Daddy?s male roommate?

Doug has a point. His male roommate should not be discussed in class.


The picture accompanying Doug’s column shows him with no facial hair

Ah, but you’re thinking of a Webster definition type beard, while we’re thinking of an Urban Dictionary beard.


Now how funny would it be if one of Doug’s daughters were a lesbian…ah, karma.


The real reason gay recruitment works so well has nothing to do with public school teachers. It’s all them slick brochures. And I hear they have a terrific training video!


Gay recruitment works the same way that college sports recruitment works: strippers, cash incentives, and full-ride scholarships. Just FYI.


Crap! what did I miss in Borneo? Maybe I can reenlist.


“What do you think made him pick a metaphor that involves him bending way over with his ass stuck up in the air?”

One couldn’t do much with his ass hole with his head stuck up it.


Don’t pooh-pooh this gay-recruitment thing. As a straight man who lived in Atlanta for two years, I can tell you their sales pitch is relentless — here you are, you’ve only been talking to this gay guy for like five minutes, and already he’s all, “What’s it gonna take to get you into a new sexual orientation today?” It’s a hard sell, believe you me.


“now they get an overt inoculation regarding homosexuality sanctioned by their teachers”

But…But…But…An inoculation _prevents_ disease. So they’re getting something that will prevent them from becoming homosexuals. So what’s the problem with that? What an idiot.


Farinata X has it right. You need another [sic] after “inoculation.” Not only is it the wrong word, it’s spelled wrong.


Another comment. Complaining about his daughters’ “inoculation” into the world of homosexuality, he claims that pubic schools are full of “talk about Timmy and Tommy, the Testicle Twins? About Daddy?s male roommate? About anal sex and oral sex between teenagers of the same sex?”

Again, I’m forced to ask: where was the anal and oral sex between teenagers of the same sex when I was in school?!?

Kids today have all the fun.


Farinata X has it right. You need another [sic] after “inoculation.” Not only is it the wrong word, it’s spelled wrong.

This reminds us of The Princess Bride: “That word you keep using [inconceivable.] I do not think it means what you think it means.”


What’s with all these claims that Doug misspelled “inoculation”? Looking it up at, I find:

One entry found for inoculation.

Main Entry: in?oc?u?la?tion
Pronunciation: i-“n?-ky&-‘lA-sh&n
Function: noun
1 : the act or process or an instance of inoculating; especially : the introduction of a pathogen or antigen into a living organism to stimulate the production of antibodies

So Doug spelled it correctly. And if you thought it was “innoculation,” you were mistaken. That is not a word.


Another comment. Complaining about his daughters’ “inoculation” into the world of homosexuality, he claims that pubic schools are full of “talk about Timmy and Tommy, the Testicle Twins?

Pubic schools — that’s precisely the problem! Let’s put the “l” back!


… already he’s all, “What’s it gonna take to get you into a new sexual orientation today?” It’s a hard sell, believe you me.

He must be close to getting the toaster. You can tell — that’s when they really buckle down.


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