Single straight white people seek same
Posted on August 15th, 2006 by Travis G.
Seriously, WTF is up with these NRO in-house ads?
That first one is just a black dude with a bunch of tattoos and piercings Photoshopped in, to say nothing of the whole George Washington-as-Nancy boy thing. Also, why would a man seek a woman who’s already married?
So many questions.
I noiced that their own ad includes the issue with the “We’re Winning!” cover story.
Of course they could have just used a picture of some morbidly-obese camo-clad Minuteman-wannabe trolling for his soulmate on Hannidate, and the same point would have been made. But no enemies on the right, I guess.
I would rather die alone after being the creepy guy who keeps staring at you in the bar for 1000 years than place a personal ad at NRO.
I don’t think those piercings are photoshopped in.
I think I’ve seen him in the east village.
“No, we don’t think mother would approve either. She would say, ‘There is no way THAT man is coming into OUR basement and eating OUR Cheetos!'”
Also, why would a man seek a woman who’s already married?
Well Travis, it goes like this. Sometimes when mommy is looking worn out and run down or is just getting on daddy’s last nerve, daddy needs a new place to put his daddy wand. Sometimes, it’s easier for daddy to pay for that, sometimes, it’s easier to meet up with Mrs. Right at a hotel…
But I can’t understand what they are trying to say with the Georgette Washington frame.
Do they think that liberals cruise match-up sites longing to score with a transvestite founding father? Is the “just kidding” an excuse for them to daydream about their dream girl (she’s got mother’s hair and Washington’s face! Perfect!). Is there something I’m missing?
Is there something I’m missing?
Now you know how I feel!
It’s a blessing, in a way… it keeps the type of people who read NRO off of Craigslist. Can you imagine the horror of casual sex with an NRO reader?
Oops… i regret shoehorning that image into your minds…
I think the NRO ads are being marketed towards women, not men.
Meanwhile in other news, The DSCC is releasing ads which link illegal immigration to national security, and ads which also wrongly blame Bush for Iran and North Korea.
Hey DSCC, nice cut and paste job on those pictures. Get better software for your Mickey Mouse ads.
George Washington-as-Nancy boy thing
I saw it as ridiculing the idea of a female president (“that’s better–just kidding!”). But maybe I’m just reading too much into it.
Then again, it is the NRO…
Jiggavegas, if that’s a comment on female presidents, it’s a really obscure comment. I have no idea what that ad’s supposed to mean–which shows just how bad an ad it is. If a person can’t figure out why that image is there, and this isn’t an organization known for purposeful surrealism, then it’s just really, really incompetant.
To be fair, that first guy IS really freakish.
The second one is just sofa king we tarded.
Why, yes! I believe I shall call you crazy!
Better way then what? Then trolling the internet for poorly photoshopped historical figures? I would imagine that it is, yes.
I would rather die alone after being the creepy guy who keeps staring at you in the bar for 1000 years than place a personal ad at NRO.
I thought you were already that guy.
I’m with my pagan friend above. If they wanted to comment on femal presidents and make the joke, wouldn’t they just put Hillary in the ad? “that’s better, just kidding” would actually be funny (ish). It might even work.
Hillary is even worse than the neo-Maori freakshow. It works better for their demo too.
Wow, only 6% of containers inspected? When will the Bush administration get serious about security? Thanks for the great anti-Bush link, Gary.
Yeah, I don’t know. I guess then it’s a comment on boys who look like girls? Or girls who look like boys? Or girls who are boys who like boys to be girls… (And now I’m singing.)
I don’t get it. Why not find a modern picture, like they found tattoo boy, instead of putting a wig on Washington?
gaah. I refuse to spend any more time thinking about this. Stupid ads. Whoever answers one of those deserves what they get.
“Stupid ads. Whoever answers one of those deserves what they get.”
Adam Yoshida?
“Meanwhile in other news, The DSCC is releasing ads which link illegal immigration to national security, and ads which also wrongly blame Bush for Iran and North Korea.�
Lessee…an illegal cross-globe trillion dollar war against “enemies� to keep them from hurting us here.
Yet several thousand miles of borders unsecured after 5 years that anyone could simply walk across.
And an administration grandstanding its “success� in making us safer.
Nope. No disconnect there.
The NRO: objectively pro-adultry.
The fact is, that’s disturbing, if true!
These people think “Day by Day” and “Mallard Fillmore” are funny. They’re beyond comprehension.
You Sadly, No!sians might not get to interview John Bolton like Pammy does, but heck, you’re on Wonkette.
“Meanwhile in other news,” – Gary you have learned about the transitional phrase! I am so happy for you. Now if only you could learn reasoning skills.
I think I have the add style figured out. It is just like the blues, call and response… but slightly disjointed. I have an idea for their next add spot.
Frame 1. Picture of a girl in burka. Question: would you share an ice cream float with her?
Frame 2. Show the international symbol for “No fat chicks.� Answer: NOT !!!!11!!!
Frame 3. The money shot: We know what you are thinking, where can I get a pizza made with ranch dressing instead of sauce? Check out the NRO classifieds.
This is fun. I think I might get in contact with Mr. Kevin Longstreet to see if he needs an intern.
Yuck. We’re in some pretty nasty company on Wonkette: Captain’s Quarters and Blogs for Bush (thank goodness Crooked Timber is there as well).
Come to think of it, you guys haven’t written anything about “Captain” what’s-his-name in a while. Could be some fresh grist for the ol’ mill.
Dear NRO Classifieds: I want to make love to Jonah Goldberg’s belly folds. Is this possible? Also, who do I have to blow to interview John Bolton?
If it’s anything like Hannidate!, it’ll be comedy gold.
Also, who do I have to blow to interview John Bolton?
This is actually a very important question. The fate of the free world could well hang in the balance. It could be the answer is a tautological “John Bolton”. It could be the answer is Pam, or perhaps Ann Coulter, but who really knows just how “blowable” they really are? The answer could be Condi, but that would raise a whole series of new questions. The answer could be Colin Powell, but only his masseur, or Jeff Gannon, would really know. And what if the answer turned out to be Kofi Annan?
I think the NRO ads are being marketed towards women, not men.
Gary, can we have the link to YOUR classified on NRO?
It goes without saying (and that’s why I’m saying it), {that} the fact is Sadly, No!sians was not meant to be a racist remark, it is just a word I made up, and I apologize to any p.c. liberal surrender macacas who misheard my dog whistle racist remark with their effeminate persian cat ears.
“I don’t think those piercings are photoshopped in….I think I’ve seen him in the east village. ”
Oh, hell. I just took a business meeting with him in Santa Monica.
They ought to know better than to fuck with Washington.
He’s everywhere!
If I might borrow a little something from that worthless dirtbag, the Clenis, I did not have sex with that man!
I think the NRO ads are being marketed towards women, not men.
So it’s a lesbian personals site?
Speaking for myself, when I was younger I only wanted married women. You didn’t have to buy their clothes, feed them, pay their bills or anything else. Just have sex with them.
WTF is up with the ads? It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? “Want to meet the right kind of person (hint, hint)? It’s wall to wall straight white folks here at NRO.”
Hey, if the heroes at NRO weren’t so bravely fighting — and totally winning — the war on terror for us defeat-o-crats, we wouldn’t even have the right to paint our nation’s founding father as a cross-dressing freak.
It makes me feel better when I think of these people as performance artists.
It is just me, or is the first guy like SO TOTALLY HOT? Sure, maybe mother wouldn’t approve, but that’s kind of the point, isn’t it? Rrrrrowwlllll….
Sticky bun, lily-white, conservative-Christian girls just DON’T know how to have a good time!
Many of the ads in their regular classified section look like what we in the biz refer to as “trade.” I’m not sure what that means about their personals.
ISO young boys for BDSM, role play and water sports. No fatties.
Also, why would a man seek a woman who’s already married?
Because if you knock her up, the brat will have a father who’s not you.
Chris Buckley
. . . whole George Washington-as-Nancy boy thing . . .
I beg your pardon, I am NOT a boy!