It’s Time for More Coach Dave!

Coach Dave has posted a new column! Rockin’! Let’s read it:


Hate Thought

I grew up prejudiced. I’m not ashamed to admit it. My dad was a country boy, and my mom was raised much the same. I don’t know if either of them ever personally knew a black person. My dad was always telling us “black� jokes, subtlety explaining that they were inferior, even though he had no first-hand information.

“It’s only right to call blacks inferior if you’ve carefully studied them, just like that Charles Murray fella with his book For Whom the Bell Curves.”

I’ll never forget the first time I ever saw Dad interact with a black man. I was about ten and we were fishing in a public lake. There were a few “Negroesâ€? (that’s what we called them outside our home–the nice version of what Dad called them in our home) fishing near us and they noticed that we were catching a lot more fish than they were.

“‘See?’ my daddy said. ‘Told ya they couldn’t do nothin’ right.'”

“Hey,� One of the black men yelled to my dad. “What you usin’ for bait?�

I stood stunned as Dad walked over to the “Negro� and showed him the dough-ball we had made out of Dad’s special recipe.

“One part flour, two parts water, fifteen parts whiskey…”

Dad gave the man a wad of it and showed him how to put it on the hook. To our delight, the old boy (that’s what Dad called him later) started hookin’ some catfish.

“Dad always had a way of givin’ out cute nicknames to the ‘Negroes.’ There was this one ‘Negro’ who worked as a janitor at the local hardware place that Daddy called ‘Darky McBlack.’ He was such a hoot.”

We spent the rest of the afternoon cheering each other on.

As we walked away from the fishin’ hole, Dad stopped and gave the man all of the fish we had caught. He told the man that he didn’t want to clean ‘em!

On the way home I asked him why he had given away our fish.

“Well Dave,� Dad said. “Most of those blacks are poor and they have lots of kids. He probably could use the extra fish for his family.�

“My dad sure thought ‘Negroes’ were stupid, but I’ll be damned if he didn’t have a good heart.”

Dad had seven mouths to feed, but felt sorry for this black man he had never seen before.

We cooked hot dogs on the grill that night. My dad was prejudiced, but he wasn’t a bigot.

I used to tell “West Virginian” jokes. Those were the only real “dumbâ€? people we sophisticated Ohio boys had ever heard about. (If you get a divorce in West Virginia, are you still brother and sister?) It was funny. It made us laugh. Although we said unkind things behind closed doors, our parents made sure we never treated anyone with disrespect in public.

“It’s OK to hate folks, just don’t go public with it.” Jesus would be proud.

When will we come to understand that your character is revealed by what you do, not by what you think?

Get a few beers in me, (I don’t drink anymore) and all of a sudden the booze would start repeating things I had heard decades ago. It is hard to get away from learned stereotypes, especially when you are sauced-up. Who hasn’t said something he regretted later? Loose lips, sink ships.

Here’s the way I see it. Mel Gibson got drunk and the booze started talking.

Whoa, how the hell did we get onto Mel Gibson? Coach Dave, I think you need to learn the art of transitioning a wee bit better.

To me the lack of character was revealed by how much he drank, not by what he said. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.â€? (Matt 12:34) There’s lot’s of evil stuff lurking in our hearts and sometimes booze loosens the lips. Gibson said some offensive things, but he didn’t harm anyone.

Let’s face facts. There is a strong Jewish influence in Hollywierd. When was the last nice movie they made about Christianity?

Here’s a pictoral conception of Coach Dave’s column so far:


The loony left is always calling us names. I don’t demand an apology from them. Thoughts don’t scare me, but actions do!

I don’t care what they think or say about me! As my dad always said, “It’s a free country.â€? Then, Mom would encourage me with that familiar ditty, “Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words can never harm me!”

“Also, ‘A stitch in time saves nine!’ And ‘Spare the rod, spoil the child!’ How many more childhood clichés can I haul out?!”

No, what someone says about me rolls of my back. What scares me is the guy who says he likes me, but spends all of his time trying to bring me down.

Sort of like the NEA. They SAY they are for education, but really, they are for teachers.

For those of you keeping score at home, we’ve just gone from black people to Mel Gibson to teachers’ unions, all in the span of a few paragraphs.

If there’s a point to this column, Bradrocket ain’t seein’ it.

It wasn’t until I became a coach that I really began to work with blacks.

Ooop, and now we’re back to black people. Coach Dave, I think you could have saved yourself a lot of time writing this column if you’d just typed “GAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! COCKROACHES AND BULGARIANS ARE SURROUNDING ME, MAX!!” and clicked “Publish.” It’d get your basic ideas across with a lot fewer words.

Some of my greatest players were black.

“And they could dance like nobody’s business too!”

They made me look really good. Funny thing is, because of the way I was raised, I always gave the black kids a little break. I remembered that my dad had told me that blacks had a harder life. I knew football was the only chance some of them had to make it out of the projects. My dad’s prejudice taught me that. I turned his prejudice into compassion.

I… man… wow.

Above: The steps Coach Dave made his “Negro” players sprint up in practice.

Well, that’s about all the Coach Dave I can handle for today. You can read the rest of the piece yourself if you want to know what it’s like to be infested with brain parasites. As for me, I’m off to do something marginally more useful.


Comments: 82


he linked to for “prejudiced.” that is so funny.


so I finished the column. wow. As funny as this is Brad, I don’t think you exactly captured the insanity. Coach Dave’s point:
“My Dad said mean things about blacks and I said mean things about West Virginia. That’s ok though because actions are more important than words. plus, what you think in your heart and say in your home isn’t as important as your actions. That is why what Mel Gibson said about Jews isn’t bad. Words aren’t important. Also, Hilary Clinton, evil Hollywood Jews, the ACLU and the NEA all say bad things. Plus, you just know they say bad things about Christians, and think bad things in their hearts. So they are bad.”

honestly, words fail me.

Karatist Preacher

He doesn’t drink anymore?!?


On the way home I asked him why he had given away our fish.

“Well Dave,� Dad said. “Most of those blacks are poor and they have lots of kids. He probably could use the extra fish for his family.�

“I was never prouder to be the son of Rudyard Kipling.”


I stood stunned as Dad walked over to the “Negro� and showed him the dough-ball we had made out of Dad’s special recipe.

“Dad!” I screamed in terror! “Remember the one about the two “negroes” fishing? Run away!”


hummanuh? What a disjointed ramble. Was that penned by Grandpa Simpson?

Here’s my shorter version:

“My Dad was a rascist bigot who prejudged people with little to no knowledge of their situation or actual thoughts, feelings or desires. I prejudge stereotypical rightwing boogymen with little to no knowledge of their situation or actual thoughts, feelings or desires. Then my dad told a funny n**ger joke.”


Not to defend the coach but “being prejudiced but not a bigot’ is a somewhat valid state of mind. Having your entire exposure to Black culture filtered through a bigot would have that effect. Sadly for The Coach he became a bigot when after being exposed to the culture himself he continued to hold dearly to that ignorance.




Is Coacherino saying that it’s GOOD to assume that someone, by providence of being black, has little or no chance of advancing above his station in life (which you assume is a lowly one) is through athletics and and should be showered with the gift of fishes because it’s safe also to assume they are serial fornicators and has a big Mess O’ Ghetto Babies â„¢ ?



Well, c’mon y’all, you just KNOW most black people are spaghetti – pushers…



Oops, I meant “except through athletics”. My bad.


Shorter Coach Dave:
Wheel about, an’ turn about, an’ do jis so;
Eb’ry time I wheel about, I jump Jim Crow.


He doesn’t drink anymore?!?

He doesn’t need to, appearently…


it’s always weird to me, as a liberal jew in hollywood, that this is somehow a category of evil. i mean, i’m surrounded by people who make movies with all kinds of “positive messages”. my company last night had a movie on TNT that was very christian positive that i’m distributing. it never occurred to me, or to the other producers, whether jewish or not, liberal or conservative, that we had anything other than a good story. and matthew perry.

i know, a shock, but what i’m saying here is that apparently coach fucknuts didn’t really learn that prejudice lesson from pa to well: he’s objectified me and “people like me” with no facts to back up his assertion. classic prejudicial behavior.

anyway, back to blackballing mel gibson.


Was that penned by Grandpa Simpson?

Well . . . let’s compare it to this:

“We can’t bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell ’em stories that don’t go anywhere — like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. ‘Give me five bees for a quarter,’ you’d say. Now where were we? Oh yeah — the important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones . . . ”

Given that that’s every bit as coherent and relevant as Coach Dave’s column, Sean, I think the answer to your question is . . . quite possibly.


All jokes about West Virginia are 100% true.

I like that part where he says it’s more evil to drink then to hate other people because of who they are. Oookay, dude.

“Let’s face facts. There is a strong Jewish influence in Hollywierd. When was the last nice movie they made about Christianity?”
Wait, you mean lIke Passion of the Jesus?
Also maybe there’s just no market for $50 million budget sunday school movies? I dunno.
I turn you all to this blog, again.
If you don’t read his stuff, you do yourself and your country a disservice.

“Sort of like the NEA. They SAY they are for education, but really, they are for teachers.”
Right. Teachers are jusr greedy little pricks, always on the look out for where they can get the most for nothing. And it’s not like they have anything to do with the process of education.


Prejudice does not equal bigotry, true, but both come from the same ignorance that must be destroyed. He says actions speak louder than words, and being “more lenient” with the nigras because they are less capable the the real humans speaks volumes as to his character and his idea of equality.


I stood stunned as Dad walked over to the “Negro� and showed him the dough-ball we had made out of Dad’s special recipe.

See, Jesus, er, Dad taught them how to fish and then when they didn’t quite master it enough, Jesus, er, Dad gave them the fish.

Some of my greatest players were black.

And I have black friends, didja ever hear the one about …

You know, I don’t what’s more disturbing, Coach Dave and his repressed racism, or last week when I watched two white-trash kids dressed like bloods call each other ni**as in a street-fight outside my apartment.


In all fairness to Coach Dave, there’s a good lesson here: most bigots aren’t mean, just ignorant. And sometimes, that ignorance is more poisonous – more deleterious to the targets of it – than outright hatred.


Hate Thought

Coach Dave summed up his entire world view in two words. Everything after that is just filler.


The loony left is always calling us names

And that’s bad. Unlike us calling them “the loony left” which isn’t namecalling at all.


Personally, I think Coach Dave is a spaghetti-pusher who thinks himself a spaghetti-puller…


“Looney left” is one of those old time favorite accountability-free insults.
“I didn’t mean the ENTIRE left is crazy, just the ones who ARE crazy and in the left! Neener!”


If you get a divorce in West Virginia, are you still brother and sister?

Teh funny!


Isn’t Coach Dave defining the basic nut of “Southern hospitality”? It doesn’t matter how you really feel about a dispised group or what you say about them when they ain’t around. It’s all in how you act when people are watching.

Man, Mel Gibson and Joe Liberman…the wingnuts have slipped a cog, man, if this is who they’re spending all their energies defending.


Kathleen, first you watch Pam the Shrieker’s vlogs, and now you read an entire Coach Dave article. Is life really so unendurable that you want to end it all? And, if so, couldn’t you find a less painful way of carrying out the deed?


Still shorter Coach Dave: “Hypocrisy rules!”


When was the last nice movie they made about Christianity?

When was the last nice movie they made about Judaism? When was the last nice movie they made about Buddhism? When was the last nice movie they made about Mithraism? When was the last nice movie they made about atheism?


Yet another remind that whatever “it” is, it’s ok if you’re a right-winger.


–make that “reminder.”


whoa – the room is spinning. coach dave makes me dizzy…


I’m taking this shit on!

When was the last nice movie they made about Christianity?

Millions by Danny Boyle. Sweet, inquisitive, nice, funny. More Christians should be like that kid.

When was the last nice movie they made about Judaism?

There have been others more recent, but I’m partial to Broadway Danny Rose.

When was the last nice movie they made about Buddhism?

Little Buddha. Treacle, But it was Bama-Lama-Ding Dong!

When was the last nice movie they made about Mithraism?

The cartoon version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. It’s a fucking loveletter to Mithraism! Grinch (representative of Christianity) tries to take the joy out of gift giving and singing (like the Puritans did). But he failed.

When was the last nice movie they made about atheism?

The Aristocrats. It had no value system other than the Bill of Rights.


Matt T hit it right on the head. The whole “Southern hospitality” idea, which clearly informs Coach Dave’s ludicrously child-like view of racial relations, has nothing to do with being kind to others or building strong communities. It’s about treating those you see as beneath you as equals when others are around, to show them what a fantastic person you are. “Look, I’m even kind to these…these blacks! Can you believe it? I mean…just look at them…they’re black!”


“It’s OK to hate folks, just don’t go public with it.�

Those instructions are a little too complicated for the likes of George Felix Allen, Jr.

P.S. Let’s take this though the wayback machine:

“That little macaca gets loose, doesn’t he?”


Dad always told me black people had a harder life, so you treat them differently?!?!

The soft bigotry of low expectations. This dude’s logical is painful; I’m not a racist, because I use my family’s racist lessons in non-racist ways. That’s like saying: “I’m not a murderer, though I was raised a murderer. Instead I just use my familial murder talents to wipe the unclean from the face of the earth. See- I’m a good guy.”


The thing about the “Southern Hospitality”…

Isn’t Coach Dave from Ohio? Um… Isn’t that “up North”? If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a bunch of Northerners pretending their Southern because they think the worst stereotypes of Southern culture are cool.


I dunno, in this one, Coach Dave just kinda phoned it in. Or shouted it in from his basement bunker, whatever.

It just doesn’t reach the classic zen parable character of the classic ‘spaghetti-pusher’ column.

Dave without a hideously contorted simile is just low hanging fruit, IMO. It’s kind of like picking on Pam from Atlas Shrugs… Oh. Right.

Carry on. Snark away.


Hey, Pam got to interview John Bolton. When’s Retardo’s turn?


“(I don’t drink anymore)”

His column may be proof that this decision can be a mistake.


Mary Jones,

If Coach Dave comes from the part of Ohio near West Virginia, that’s pretty Southern, at least in the “who needs that book-learnin’, round up the wimmenfolk, it’s breedin’ time” kind of way.

It’s important to remember that it’s Coach Dave. There is no more enabling profession in Amuriken life than that of coach. It’s a license to be an asshole–at least as long as you win 70% of your games.


“Freedom of speech is a God-given right.”

Jesus, aint that the god damned truth.


Isn’t Coach Dave from Ohio? Um… Isn’t that “up North�?

You obviously have never been to southern Ohio.


I eagerly await the Coach’s next column, in which he tells us that white guys have names like Lenny and black guys have names like Carl.


[…] Brad R. breaks it down. Posted by whig Filed in Antisocial […]


Coach Dave is in fine form, the best tear-seeping- milk-spewing-bagel-choker evar!!!!1
O the hilarity, thanks Brad I needed this…

The loony left is always calling us names.

no shit?


Wow. Just wow. I wasn’t all that impressed with Coach Dave’s first foray into literature, but this one contains some mighty fine wingnutty ignorance. It never ceases to amaze me that people will expose their idiocy in such a fashion. Why, before you know it, open racism will be fashionable in wingut circles again! Oh, wait…


You know, I really wanted to find it heartwarming, this story about overcoming the ignorance that causes us to be bigoted. But then I remembered that he grew up and hates non-Christians, gays, liberals, and probably Mexicans. I’m guessing he’s not real happy with women or lawyers or the French, either.

It kinda took some of the joy out of the whole life-affirming nature of the story.

Monkey C. Monkeydew

Shortest Mel Gibson: “Jews!”

Shortest Coach Dave: “Niggers!”


Not bad, but I was really pulling for some spaghetti in this one. Maybe Coach Dave’s Dad could have brought Darkie McNegro and his chum home and they could have all had some spaghetti, and turned the prejudice into compassion and marinara sauce. And then? Hot and sweaty black-on-white man love, my friends. Come on, you know that’s the whole goddamn subtext with every one of Coach Dave’s columns.


Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to pull spaghetti and he’ll eat for a lifetime.


My dad was a country boy, and my mom was raised much the same.

“She often wore pants and had a crew cut and listened to k.d. lang and Phrank. But, then she met my dad, and he taught her to drive stick. And, eventually, she even started sleeping with him, which is where I came into the picture. And that was how mom went from being a spaghetti pusher to being a spaghetti puller.”

I’ll never forget the first time I ever saw Dad interact with a black man.

“Them damned bastiches had repealed segregated public restrooms, so there we three were, standing at the urinals. The “Negro” whipped out his trouser snake, only it was more like a trouser python! ‘Holy Jesus fuck!” dad exclaimed. He was a bitter, broken man forever more after that, drowning his sorrows in an Old grandad bottle. Me, I knew right at that moment that I had to go into coaching….”

s for me, I’m off to do something marginally more useful.

Cripes, Brad–jerking off again?!?


Cripes, Brad–jerking off again?!?

It’s more productive than reading Coach Dave. Admit it.


Coach Dave is in fine form, the best tear-seeping- milk-spewing-bagel-choker evar!!!!1

But what good is all of that if you’re not a spaghetti-puller?


Shortest Mel Gibson: “Jews!�

Shortest Coach Dave: “Niggers!�

Shortest Charles Krauthammer 1: “Mooslims!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11!1!11!1”

Shortest Charles Krauthammer 2: “Frenchies!!!1!1!1!1!!1!!!11!1!11!1!1!!1”

Notorious P.A.T.

Why are the wingnuts defending Mel Gibson? I mean, seriously. The guy drives drunk, flees police, and spews an anti-semitic tirade, and we’re supposed to shrug it off. I don’t get it.


Maybe I could even shrug it off, but if that was me (or you), we’re on the pavement face down with a cop’s knee on the back of our head, getting cuffed and called motherfucker, with a few judiciously placed el – blows to the head. Been there, wasn’t rich OR famous…



You obviously have never been to southern Ohio.

Actually… you’re right. I’ve never been further south than Columbus. Most of my time in Ohio was spent in either Columbus or outside of Cleveland. I’m actually headed to Yellow Springs in two weeks.


It’s like that time back in Nam. The platoon was trapped by infilade on Porkburger Hill, when damn if we didn’t run out of smokes. We thought about it awhile, and decided to send Jefferson, cause he was the best runner and all. By the time he got back he was pretty shot up. But the worst part was he got menthols. We tried to explain it to him, but he must have been too hungry to understand, cause he kept yelling “Wonderbread Motherfucker”.


Mel Gibson can fire off some anti-semitic remarks when he’s drunk because he made a nice christian movie once and ‘sides, he’s always in Jew-filled hollyweird and that can drive you crazy enough to buy in to the stereotypes. Like Jews controlling Hollyweird, and ‘sides bein’ a sterotype it’s true. Oh and it can drive you to drink (and drive you to drink and drive).

Wow. Doing a shorter Coach Dave is still just as desultory as the longer version.


Well, my two cents,

Both my parents were extraordinarily friendly to any black people they actually interacted with — they really wanted to encourage someone who was such an example to their race.

‘Course, to give them a break, one of the things I’d love to see analysed–as we wake up from history–is how all ‘white’ people became equal as ‘mainstream America’ regrouped in the 60s.

For what it’s worth, my personal lesson was that most black people had learned anger management skills that my family could only dream about.

Oh, and kids, if you find yourself saying things when you are drunk that you wouldn’t dream of saying when sober, get therapy. I mean that in a good, want-you-to-be-happier, way.


“What scares me is the guy who says he likes me, but spends all of his time trying to bring me down. ”

Whuh – wait a minute. Isn’t this exactly what his dad did, according to his tender reminiscence? Talked nice to the black guy to his face, but hated him in his heart?


“I knew football was the only chance some of them had to make it out of the projects. ”

Yuh-huh… just listening on my IPod to Brian Stokes Mitchell singing “Some Enchanted Evening” while watching Oprah and reading Bebe Moore Campbell.


That Coach Dave! “I knew football was the only chance some of them had to make it out of the projects.â€? I can’t believe he’d make such an ignorant statement! There are so many other opportunities open to the Negroes, or “Blacks”. What about basketball? Or a career as a railroad porter? One could always get a trade, maybe learn a little soft-shoe or train as a field hand. America, the land of opportunity!


I dunno, it’s not bad in a standard wingnutty way, but it certaibly ain’t spaghetti pulling caliber.


Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words can never harm me!

What a total fucking lie. Bones heal, they’re just bones. But I still remember shit people said to me when I was 8 and got called “fat” and “four eyes” and “brace face” and…, sorry, didn’t mean to turn this in to a therapy session.

I was on the CBSSportsline site the other day, when Maurice Clarett (b: Youngstown, OH) had just gotten busted. This guy started a thread on the message board that started “I’m not a racist, but….” and, predictably, it went downhill from there. “Blacks are savages” was one of the nicer things he wrote. He naturally got jumped on for that but I loved his response: “I have a degree from Cornell and I make $82K a year, I can’t be a racist”, i.e. only poor, dumb Southerners could be a cracker. It was fascinating.


Blah blah blah. Pipe down, four-eyes.


You know this guy orders his players to do bear crawls just so he can watch their ass.


“I have a degree from Cornell and I make $82K a year, I can’t be a racist�, i.e. only poor, dumb Southerners could be a cracker.

WTF?!? It takes a lot to surprise me these days, but… wow! I guess it’s the complete lack of self-awareness that gets to me.


Dad gave the man a wad of it and showed him how to put it on the hook.

Because the old boy kept tryin’ to jab it with the eye end, instead o’ the hooky end.

Dad had seven mouths to feed, but felt sorry for this black man he had never seen before.

We cooked hot dogs on the grill that night. My dad was prejudiced, but he

ate the blackened dogs with the same relish he had eaten the pink dogs with. Vlasic pickle relish. In the 11.2 ounce jar that he kept on the nightstand, for Mama.

Let’s face facts. There is a strong Jewish influence in Hollywierd.

Unlike Christianity, which is all Aryan and stuff.

The loony left is always calling us names. I don’t demand an apology from them. Thoughts don’t scare me, but

they’re against NCAA rules, so when I feel one sneaking up on me, I punch my head till it hurts real good.


Coach Dave strikes me as one of those folks that would totally tell some story starting “This guy walked in the room” and then at some point “This BLACK guy walks in…”, cause you know in stories (and the “Friends” version of NYC) everybody’s white unless you specify differently.


“When was the last nice movie they made about Christianity”

I guess he’s never heard of Cecil B. DeMille?

“And there will be such a cry throughout the land that surely then you will let my wankers go.”


Coach Dave is my dad, at least in a figurative sense. I’ve been regaled dozens of times with stories of that one black guy he worked with on the assembly line that was a really good guy, my dad even tried to get him promoted when he was a foreman. But if we’re talking about social policy or the state of the city of Detroit the “n” word flies and I have to make my leave. Their generation will be gone soon enough; that doesn’t change the landscape significantly but it will be a step.


I will never understand why certain people blame their backwardsness and ignorance on “being country”. Not all rural Southerners drive with their babies on their laps (ahem, Ms. Spears), nor are all of them racists (ahem, Coach Dave).


Wow, thank you coach dave for showing us the undersung virtues of being a racist asshat. What would we have done without you.


Plus, you just know they say bad things about Christians, and think bad things in their hearts.

oh my. Conservative Projection (TM) strikes again!


“Character is what you are in the dark.” –Lord John Whorfin


This reminds me of the Final Justice episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Mike: Musn’t hate!
Crow: At least so overtly.
Mike:Yes, must disguise our hate, just a little


Coach Dave set to music:

It’s fun to eulogize
The people you despise
As long as you don’t let ’em in your school.

. . .

Step up and shake the hand
Of someone you can’t stand,
You can tolerate him if you try!

. . .

Be nice to people who
Are inferior to you.
It’s only for a week, so have no fear;
Be grateful that it doesn’t last all year!


Oh God. That’s not real, is it? I mean, sure, I went to the site to see it for myself, but that *can’t* be real. Did he get *paid* for that? Please tell me he didn’t get paid for that.

Pictoral conception was genius.

Brad, thank you.


When was the last nice movie they made about Judaism? When was the last nice movie they made about Buddhism? When was the last nice movie they made about Mithraism? When was the last nice movie they made about atheism?

I’m holding out for the nice movie about Zoroastrianism, The Passion of Ahura Mazda. I think if you niche market it right, and make it bloody enough, you could knock Gibson’s thing off its perch.


I’m holding out for the nice movie about Zoroastrianism, The Passion of Ahura Mazda.

Does 2001: A Space Odyssey count? Also Sprach Zarathustra and all. Or maybe it counts as being a movie about Nietzscheanism–a twofer!


Okay, This post made me laugh. The sinking ship photo was a nice touch. You skipped his awesome finale, though – moving from preaching against prejudice to railing against the Jews in Hollywood (and Hillary Clinton), and telling us how his dad told another racist joke. Y’see, it’s not the racists you need to worry about. It’s the Jews and the liberals. (Those damn hypocrites! They all have macaca in their hearts!)

That Coach Dave is so oblivious to what the hell he’s writing (especially the complete collapse of internal logic and unwitting refutation of his own thesis, such as it is) reminds me of a few characters from postmodern novels. It astounds me that this is not satire. He’s sincere!

Uh, I’d stay to chat, but I’ve gots-to-be-off to hatin’ me some Christians… 😉


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