Manufacturing Amalekites
Holy fucking shit. Paging David Neiwert and the SPLC.
Pammy has been a very nauwwwwty girl. Brad caught her in a batshit tantrum over the Ceasefire Resolution. Then she reiterated her belief that Olmert and Condi stabbed Israel in the back. So then, presumably after a post-ragegasm ciggy, she accuses Google of “Jew-hate”.
Yeah — yawn — I know: She accuses everyone not a flaming wingnut of “Jew-hate” (and what was Abe Foxman saying about the trivialization of anti-Semitism?*). Anyway, in her post is this passage:
Google, owned by your typical, lefty, Jew hating, Chompskyesque Jews censors Obsession?
I draw your attention to that second link. Click on it. You will be “rewarded” with what is basically the Michigan Militia of Judaism. Really. The “shit list” is a very very long list of Jews the proprietors of the site consider race-traitors. I’m not exaggerating. When I read it, my first thought was, “Fuck. This is the Fred Phelps of Judaism. Was Meir Kahane‘s consciousness uploaded into a computer before he died as he had lived (by terrorism)?”
And sure enough when I clicked on the main page, at the top was this:
“In every generation, there are always a few who understand.
Always understand… even if you remain among the few.” Rabbi Meir Kahane
Folks, this is a hate site, absolutely the moral equivalent to some fucking awful Militia/Turner Diaries type site.
Rachel Corrie’s picture has been photoshopped to the effect that she is “wearing” a Caterpiller t-shirt.
Here’s the text on a link at the index page:
Queers for Palestine
Does it not seem a bit QUEER that gays and lesbians would support Arabs societies which kill gays and lesbians? Click Here to see some “Faggots for Maggots.”
I clicked on another random link and got this:
It is the primary obligation of the government to protect Jewish lives. Israel is first and foremost a JEWISH democratic State. It is NOT a non-sectarian, democratic country like the United States. As such, it is absurd for anyone other than Jews to be citizens in the first place! That is why Israel MUST revamp its Constitution making Israel unequivocally a JEWISH State… with NO possibility that any other group will ever become the majority. It is insane to have enemies of the Jewish people living anywhere within its boundaries. So how does Israel put a stop to the explosive Israeli Arab population growth? The same way one puts a stop to a growing cancer… REMOVE IT.
1. All ARAB Israeli villages must be dismantled and their inhabitants removed to any one of the 24 Arab countries. Israel takes care of all the world’s Jewish refugees. Let the Arab nations take care of their own. The Arab world is 600 times the size of Israel. I think they have room!
2. The repeal of citizenship of all non-Jews.
3. The immediate expulsion of all agitators or inciters.
4. The immediate and swift execution of ALL Arab terrorists.
5. Zero tolerance of any Intifada by a swift military take down. The Israeli Army should NOT waste rubber bullets unless rubber rocks are thrown at them!
As if for emphasis, on the bottom of the same page is this:
Watch and listen to Rabbi Kahane
and then YOU decide!1. “Rabbi Meir Kahane at Trunderbird Motel”
2. “Rabbi Meir Kahane at National Press Club”
To Order
If this site is in the United States, it’s worth knowing that the JDL — Meir Kahane’s group — is, according to wikipedia, deemed by the FBI to be a “right-wing terrorist group”. In Israel, Kahane’s Kach Party is banned outright, on the grounds that it is racist. It’s really impossible to detail all the overtly crazy, racist, and genocidal rhetoric on this Masada site, but suffice to say that one is treated over and over to the Joan Peters/Meir Kahane version of Palestinians, and it gets much much worse from there. Especially awful is what they say about the Gush Shalom people. This is not LGF here, or even Misha; this is basically a site representing Israel’s version of Osama bin Laden.
How well does Pammy know these people?
*Attention Mr. Abe Foxman: You were worried about trivialization of historical Jewish Suffering, including the Shoah? I think you should send Pammy a letter for this. And while you’re at it, Instapundit, too.
This ranks about a .7 on the “Suprise Meter”. This is the chick who thinks that Fox News is Liberal.
Even Bill-O and Rush have to agree that the best thing to do is quickly and quietly seal her in her own room.
Pam strikes me as the kind of person who would go to protest rallies for South America, because of the Anti-White movement there trying to take power from them.
Anything, Lord God in Heaven ANYTHING, to be the Poor Oppressed Underdog.
What do you expect from a site that has Masada in its name. A bunch of liberal wusses. It is more likely they will see themselves as Zealots.
Masada became famous for its significance in the First Jewish-Roman War (Great Jewish Revolt), when a siege of the fortress by troops of the Roman Empire led to a mass suicide of the site’s Jewish defenders when defeat became imminent. However, as the Jews had surrounded the Roman garrison in 68 CE when the Romans held it, and persuaded the Romans to disarm, and then slaughtered all the Romans after they had agreed to surrender, it was unlikely the Jews thought the Romans would show them any mercy since they had dishonored an earlier surrender agreement with the Romans.
In 70, they were joined by additional Zealots and their families who were expelled from Jerusalem by the other Jews living there shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem (and the Second Temple), and for the next two years used Masada as their base for raiding and harassing Roman and Jewish settlements alike.
Today Masada is used by the Israel Defense Forces and youth movements for swearing-in ceremonies, where participants swear the oath that “Masada shall never fall again.”
This is the chick who thinks that Fox News is Liberal.
Dude, Pamela linked to the BNP news site during the Danish cartoon malarkey. The BNP is Britain’s own Nazi party.
I think Pam’s support for Israel is a byproduct of her hatred of Muslims.
Took a look at the link, found them anathematizing a Rabbi for belonging to an organization engaged in re-planting Arab olive trees. Why was this subversive? Because “Arab terrorists were shooting from behind olive trees…. Israel is trying to maintain the Jewish character of the Jewish State while also trying to dodge Arab bullets!”
There you have it. Trees are objectively pro-terrorist.
There you have it. Trees are objectively pro-terrorist.
So that’s what that crazy fucker was on about! “Trees are anti-Christ, anti-semite” has plagued me for freaking months now, and finally I get an answer for it.
Now I feel all empty.
I pull in resolution and begin
To doubt the equivocation of the fiend
That lies like truth; ‘Fear not, til Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane;’ and now a wood
Comes toward Dunsinane. Arm, arm, and out!
In an almost entirely unrelated matter, the Masada-narrative has actually been subjected to heavy revision in recent years. See here, for example.
My brother-in-law is on that list of race traitors, with his position and employer listed. He is just about the least political person you could meet, but no doubt he signed a petition at some time supporting one of the peace initiatives.
I am on that list, along with my sister and mother. They even throw in a picture and a gratuitous fat joke for my mom. Classy folks. If you peruse the list, though, you see just how crazy they really are. Ferchrissake, Bob Novak is on there.
I take it as a badge of honor. Someday, when the Jewish community acknowledges the collective shame of a brutal fifty+ year occupation, I will be on record as having opposed it. I almost wish they’d include everyone’s email– it’d be a hell of an organizing tool.
Pammie is such a moron. The movie was removed from Google at the request of the director who, understandably, said that posting the film on Google video violated his copyright. Scroll down the comments here to see the director’s response. Frankly, that would have been the first reason any normal person might have thought was the reason that the video was removed.
Along with my dad, I’m also a proud member of the Massada2000 “SHIT” (that’s “_S_elf-_H_ating or _I_srael-_T_hreatening” Jews) list. Not sure if I’m supposed to be self-hating, Israel-threatening, or both…
Alas, David’s away at the moment, and a commenter of his is looking after the blog for justnow. But she’s doing some interesting stuff about authoritarianism, everyone should check it out.
Tulkinghorn, Alex, and BenA. Once again, upstanding members of the Sadly, No! Commentariat make us all proud. But how are the rest of us to compete? Surely there must be a list somewhere for Antisemitic Terrorsymp Liberal Asshat Sodomite Vietcong Leninist Organicfarming Gentiles, or NAMBLA.
I’m at a loss as to how someone called Bistroist is not racing out the door to found an Antisemitic Terrorsymp Liberal Asshat Sodomite Vietcong Leninist Organicfarming Gentiles bar and grill called Chompsky’s.
The organic farming part of that sounds like a lot of work. The rest sounds like fun.
And since when is ‘gentile’ an insult? Surely you can do better than that.
God bless the internet. Before its advent this poor specimen would have been driving the employees at her local copy shop up the walls daily. To say nothing of whatever bridge or tunnel or on ramp she’d have been standing on to hand out her screeds.
At least this way we have a choice not to click.
God bless the internet!
But how are the rest of us to compete? Surely there must be a list somewhere for Antisemitic Terrorsymp Liberal Asshat Sodomite Vietcong Leninist Organicfarming Gentiles, or NAMBLA.
Can I just point out that I’m a Pagan? We’re even worse than atheists. Everyone hates us, so that should be good enough.
Shorter JDL: “The Nazis had a lot of great ideas, they just implemented them on the wrong people”.
One can only assume that the organizers of Masada2000 feel besieged by the forces of the modern day Roman Empire (whatever that may be), and that they will eventually resort to the solution taken by the original Masada Zealots.
Mary Jones,
As an atheist, I respect Drui…Fuck! I just can’t do it!
Drum circles killed my buzz on a lovely shroom-filled walk under a full moon one time and for that I will never forgive your kind.
What do you expect from a site that has Masada in its name?
Uh … glamour shots of Peter O’Toole?
Drum circles killed my buzz on a lovely shroom-filled walk under a full moon one time and for that I will never forgive your kind.
Confession time–I really find drum circles annoying. No doubt this will put me on some Pagan culture-traitor list.
However, drum circles are not nearly as bad as the remake of The Wicker Man. Luckily, there’s an obvious and appropriate punishment for the makers of that “film”–and just in time for Samhain. I’m not into human sacrifice, but for them I’ll make an exception.
This mentality has a lot of Straussian roots. Strauss’ only issue with nazi germany was their treatment of Jews, other than that he supported the way Hitler ran things.
The only way Pammy could get any better than Randroid/hyperIsraelite would be if she were also a fundamentalist Protestant and/or Scientologist with a strong connection to her “Jewish ethnic roots” which caused her fanatical support for Israel. Three kinds of crazy are much funnier than two (though they might get her institutionalized; good for society, bad for teh funY).
Who is this Pamela and what is her claim to fame? She seems to have the I.Q. of a potato in to addition to being eminently certifiable. Why pay attention to her?
Why pay attention to her?
‘Cause she’s funny? Not that she realizes this.
Of course, the fact that she also gets to interview John “Plato’s Retreat” Bolton is a good reason, too.
Drum circles killed my buzz on a lovely shroom-filled walk under a full moon one time and for that I will never forgive your kind.
Oy, for a second there I thought “Kevin Drum circles? What the hell are those?”
Oy, for a second there I thought “Kevin Drum circles? What the hell are those?�
Damn, man, time to take a vacation. Get out of Blogtopia–go visit the wilds of Geocities or the sandy beaches of Project Gutenberg.
“I think Pam’s support for Israel is a byproduct of her hatred of Muslims.”
You think?
I don’t hate pagans. I just find them a bit silly. But then I’m just one of them evil, materialistic secular humanist anarchists…
Actually I dont find her amusing, just kind of sad. This isnt Ann Coulter calculated nastiness to purposely piss people off, there just seems to be something really off about this woman.
Im no psychiatrist, but her behavior and rhetoric are bizzarre. Do you think any of the “saner” Depends media crowd kind of want to distance themselves from her?
But then I’m just one of them evil, materialistic secular humanist anarchists…
And we find you silly. But that’s OK.
Why pay attention to her?
Cos she’s the Margaret Dumont of the wingnut circus — although this doesn’t quite make John Bolton Groucho Marx.
Incidentally, Israel has no constitution to be “revamped”, and its laws more than protect Jews above sub-Jews in all meaningful ways. When we noticed M2K a while back we couldn’t get over their McDonald’s color scheme or their tasteful juxtaposition of very dirty toilet seats with decaying human remains.
Incidentally, Foxman is interested in the trivialization of Jewish suffering; he’s interested in being the best and most innovative in that field. Ask him about Jesus Christ Superstar and the evil Phillip Roth some time.
How about the Freethinking Atheists & Total War-Aversive Hebrews list .. or FATWAH?
.. or maybe better, the Feh! Ashkenazi Traitors Who regard Arabs as Humans list, or FATWAH …
The fact of the matter is that the Google censorship of Obsession is part of their kowtowing to the Islamists who don’t want to be exposed further.
Meanwhile at DailyKos, the lovefest for the President of Iran continues:
“Mike Wallace was very insulting to President Ahmadinejad”
“Funny how these Newsidiots can look at Ahmadinijad and see evil, but George Bush is totally OK when he goes invading other countries, destroying their infrastructure, their antiquities, killing their people, etc.”
“Ahmadinejad seemed to be more in touch with reality than our Dear Leader”
“Sadly, due to Mike Wallace’s condescending behavior and the own demonstrated incompetence and obtuseness of George Bush, I couldn’t help thinking that in another time and place, Ahmadinejad with his education and obviously quick wit would have been more than a match for the dolt we have running our country.”
Remember, in dKosLand
Ahmadinejad with his talk of destroying Israel = in touch with reality
Bush with his liberation of 30 million people = not in touch with reality
Yeah, being dead is so liberating. You aren’t a Cathar by any chance, are you Gary?
The majority of people who died in Iraq since March 2003 were killed by terrorists, not by us.
The left shows the bankruptcy of their point of view when they get on their knees for any world leader who denounces Bush.
Also from the Kos link provided by Gary:
“Ahmadinejad showed himself to be just as oily and sleazy as Bush, with his attempts to “reach out” and be “reasonable.” He said a lot of stuff that, in my book, was pretty clearly calculated to appeal to the average American. In fact, if you go by what he said in the interview, he seems like a reasonable person.
Of course, he did not go into nuclear proliferation or wiping out Israel during the interview, so it’s not quite a complete picture.”
“He really did strike me as similar to Bush in many ways, as far as demeanor goes. I wonder if Ahmadinejad is really unable to speak English, or if that’s just some sort of faux-populist posture, like Bush’s fake Texas accent.”
“I’ve never been a big Wallace fan, but Ahmadinejad came off as either dementedly unhinged or crazy like a fox. He weaseled and evaded and reframed questions in a way that would have annoyed even the most patient interviewer. He came across to me as an Iranian version of Tom DeLay–a dangerous and irrational demagogue who presents himself as a populist and smiles when he shouldn’t. He also reminded me a lot of Bush and Cheney during our excuses for “presidential debates” in 2004, where every serious question on domestic policy was regarded as an opportunity to regale us of the wonders of the No Child Left Behind Act.
If Ahmadinejad’s interview was an attempt to convince America that he is the Islamic world’s Mikhail Gorbachev, it failed. On the other hand, if the man is trying to bait this country into yet another unbelievably stupid foreign policy act, I think he helped his cause.”
“As for Wallace asking about Iran and Hezbollah and Iran’s too-close-for-comfort support of Hezbollah and how it’s perceived in the west, why not? Wallace should have hit him hard with that. The Iranian president continuously lies about his support of Hezbollah and his nuclear weapon facilities, so why put up with it?”
Pulling quotes is fun, kids!
Clif @ 14:48
Pammie is such a moron. The movie was removed from Google at the request of the director who, understandably, said that posting the film on Google video violated his copyright. Scroll down the comments here to see the director’s response. Frankly, that would have been the first reason any normal person might have thought was the reason that the video was removed.
Gary @ 18:57
The fact of the matter is that the Google censorship of Obsession is part of their kowtowing to the Islamists who don’t want to be exposed further.
G-Rup, always bringing the facts, reality be damned.
Gary. Dood. BREATH. OK? Now, let me help you out, here. You apparently got confused about who we’re at war with and who we’re not. That’s completely understandable, we do seem to spend an inordinate amount of time starting wars, none of which do we ever seem to finish. But here’s the thing. We are NOT at war with Iran. They are not our enemy. Their President is NOT our enemy. There is no harm in liking, or not liking, Ahmadinejad. It’s understandable why he doesn’t like the American Government very much, inasmuch as we keep calling him names and threatening his nation. But you seem to think that there’s something wrong with talking to him, or perhaps just not hating him enough. But there’s no need. Starting a war with Iran would be stupid, and having these kinds of contacts with the Iranians is the best way to understand that they are not our enemies…
The majority of people who died in Iraq since March 2003 were killed by terrorists, not by us.
So much for Shrub protecting the world from terrorism, then.
The movie was removed from Google at the request of the director who, understandably, said that posting the film on Google video violated his copyright.
I think it’s a shame that he decided that it was better to make more money than to alert more people to the threat of radical Islam.
I think it’s a shame that he decided that it was better to make more money than to alert more people to the threat of radical Islam.
What are you, a Communist? Who are you to challenge his God-given right to make money?
Oh, and scrolling further down the poo-spattered walls of Pamela’s electronic mental prison (or “blog”), we come across this post:
Now, if you can get past the tweaker’s syntax and typos, check out that first link she cites as evidence of the rising tide of leftist Jew hatred … it’s pictures of pro-Israel marchers carrying signs that say “Nuke Iran” and other such lovely slogans, including: “Answer # 1: Destroy Islam”, “Israel’s Enemies are God’s Enemies”, and further down the page some really vicious and racist cartoons of demonic turbaned figures that could have been taken from the Nazi propoganda archives.
Does Pamela deliberately undermine her own arguments? Is it part of some master plan or is she just that stupid? To go with the popular construction:
Shorter Pamela: Those subhuman raghead rats are racist!
I think it’s a shame that he decided that it was better to make more money than to alert more people to the threat of radical Islam.
Um, Gary? I think he’s a she. I realize that in Ruppertland all people who do things like make money and alert people to threats are men, but how hard is it to click on a link (if only to check the, y’know, facts) and see that the director’s name is Sara?
An aside – while perusing the Anti-defamation Leaque site following the above mention of Mr. Abe Foxman, I came across this poster, and I immediately thought “I have seen that truck-mounted ZU-23 somewhere else“. Bingo. Tsk, tsk, the ADL defaming Christian militiamen by accusing them of being Hezbollah.
Gary, don’t let Smiling Mortician and the others bother you. Cup your hands over your ears … that’s a good boy … now just repeat after me, “Lalalalalala, I can’t HEAR you!” … okay, now deep breath … take a quick peek around … fantastic! It’s safe to come out now! The facts all went away to bother somebody else!
Whewwww! That was a close one!
The director of Obsession was Wayne Kopping, Sara Rivka is just someone who answers e-mails for their company
Gary Ruppert said,
August 14, 2006 at 19:03
The majority of people who died in Iraq since March 2003 were killed by terrorists, not by us.
The left shows the bankruptcy of their point of view when they get on their knees for any world leader who denounces Bush.
When you visit the White House, Mr Ruppert, don’t forget to bring your official
Mehlman Knee-Pads.
And speaking of kinky right-wing sex, has anyone else wondered if Bolton
nailed Pamela? And was it before or after the interview? I’m thinking it
was after.
GARY SEZ: I think it’s a shame that he decided that it was better to make more money than to alert more people to the threat of radical Islam.
Aw, piss off, Gar. Why should the director of that movie be obligated to give anything away for free? This is a market economy.
You want everyone to see that film so badly, purchase distribution rights. Slap a PayPal link on your site and charge each interested surfer a certain amount of money to watch the film.
I think Bolton placed his mustache between the bony, Fulda Gap-sized expanse between Pamela’s fake tits and went “Brrrrrrr!!!!!1!”
that seems so in parity with the recent attempts in Missouri to legally ratify guidlines for proclaiming the United States a “christian” nation. acknowledging a certain spiritual aspect to my existence, I wouldnt want to be viewed as a “non-believer”, much less a “godless infidel” but … hey man, that is waaay screwed up. all these people are a serious hemmoroidal inflamation on the anus of a moving humanity. anyone got a rubberband? I smell pink fish rotting in a smoke-filled sky
Pam, such a delicate creature, her fahr-head so flushed with anger. I’d love to calm her in my arms with a chilled Boone’s Farm as we watch the Hendrix performance from Rainbow’s Bridge. She may wrestle a little. But she’d see it all from hippy start to hippy finish and she’d be a better person for it.
She strikes me as a woman who, as she decides which pair of shoes to wear each day, fantasizes that she’s Sophie Zawistowski forced to make that terrible Choice. And then repeats the fantasy over two shades of bronzer, two eyebrow pencils, two places to lunch…
I just came back today … I just came back from the storm … I want to thank you my sweet darlin’ … for diggin’ in the mud and pickin’ me up (speaking of Hendrix? …. what? … who said that? …. I’ll never teh ell
Don’t knock the list. I’m a proud member.
Now, if you can get past the tweaker’s syntax and typos, check out that first link she cites as evidence of the rising tide of leftist Jew hatred … it’s pictures of pro-Israel marchers carrying signs that say “Nuke Iran� and other such lovely slogans,
But look! Glenn Greenwald mildly annoys me with his “facts” and “arguments”!
we should never have sent them 200 pallets of “Billy Beer”. They are definitely full of shit
Along with my dad, I’m also a proud member of the Massada2000 “SHIT� (that’s “_S_elf-_H_ating or _I_srael-_T_hreatening� Jews) list.
Another Ben on the list! Congrats, Hebrew homie.
LOOK! Gary Ruppert or Geckert or who ever you might be today! WE …. WE … I repeat WE killed over 230,000 Iraqi citizens … that’s before we started dressing up like some Meadow Mountain Massacre wanna be’s and fomenting the distrust that Tom Friedman refers to as “merely observers” reporting the “facts” held harmless in our dire wish for a peaceful resolution. the kinda bullshit you exude is the same stench that peoiple like Ms Rice would like to past off as “elevator gas” as she leads potty boy to the bathroom assuring him that “no one” could have “foreseen” what could happen. my achin’ ass! where and the BLEEP are the grown ups?
The queen of whores has lost her drawers and only BADSHIt knows where to find them (who shit … ? you shit! … no shit … Pass
Holy hell! Is everyone on that list? Nucking futs.
And Pam? She’s gotta be the biggest tool I’ve seen in ages.
Speaking as someone who witnessed real acts of discrimination and violence against Jews, I find it…well…kinda stupid, really, for those Kahanites and their leggy Mini-Me to make hey about the evil of people verbally dissing Israel.
I wish Pam would get some schoolin’ on what evil looks like before taking yet another leap off the deep end and into the melodramatic world of wingnut hyperbole.
Let me give Pam a hint as to how real evil can flourish: It may begin with a group that advocates…
…stripping all non-Jewish Israelis of their citizenship
…kicking Arabs out of Israel based on their race
…publishing lists of political enemies based on their signing petitions or making comments the webmaster doesn’t like
The ADL is worried about people trivializing anti-Semitism? How the hell can that walking stereotype at Atlas be taken for anything but an attempt to trivialize anti-Semitism? I would have an easier time taking that self-anointed pseudo-martyr seriously if she donned a red clown nose and floppy shoes.
it’s inner for the money … I mean she’s in it for the money lol
What are you, Gary, some kind of raging hippy liberal, trying to infringe on their right to make money? Jeez, no wonder you’re a member of the Al-Qaeda Leftie moonbat wizzywhigs.
Incidently, the terrorists weren’t there till we “liberated” them. Oops.
I know you really wish life was a simple flick of the lightswitch, but it ain’t.
I’m not sure how Pam got to be noticable, but I’ll willing to bet it hinged on two things, and a low-cut top.
It’s damn sure not for her oratory skills. No, don’t take that out of context, please.
It’s a little early in the day to be drinking so heavily, Gary.
I’m willing to bet there’s one big difference between Gary and Pam. If you pushed an Arab Muslim family, say Mom and Dad, a couple uncles and cousins and a few offspring, up against a wall and handed Gary an M4, he’d put it down and walk away. He’s just a wannabe hater. But Pam? I’ve seen a few folks like her in my day. You hand her that M4 and she’s gonna splash that family – all thirty rounds, then throw a quick mag change and spray ’em again. That’s hate, my friends. And she has it. These folks don’t ache when they kill – at least when they kill peeps they don’t think of as human. People whom they have demonized to the point where killing them, hard and fast, is the BEST approach. It’s ironic on a grand scale, ’cause that is exactly the type of person and the type of thinking that leads to killing on an industrial scale, heartless and passionless, something like Auschwitz…
Holy hell! Is everyone on that list? Nucking futs.
Actually, a lot of the list was assembled through very crude data mining. I’m pretty sure I made the list by signing Alan Sokal’s July 2002 open letter from American Jews to the U.S. government calling for a two-state solution in Israel/Palestine. I believe that everyone who signed Sokal’s letter automatically earned a place on the SHIT List.
[…] Digby: It’s probably overkill for me to post about this hour long Pamela Atlas Shrugs "interview" with John Bolton since so many others have already commented. But I thought it was worthwhile to emphasize something about it that Glenn Greenwald mentioned in passing. This interview was done last Saturday. Does everyone remember what was going on last Saturday? […]
I agree with the likelihood of Mikey’s scenario with one modification: I don’t think Gary would put the gun down before walking away. I think he’d take it with him — can’t be too careful around what looks suspiciously like the threat of radical Islam.
Righteous Bubba said “I’m at a loss as to how someone called Bistroist is not racing out the door to found an Antisemitic Terrorsymp Liberal Asshat Sodomite Vietcong Leninist Organicfarming Gentiles bar and grill called Chompsky’s”.
That’s just beautiful. Love the initials. Rock on Bubba.
Oh, and Gary: my bad on the Sara Rivka thing. I should have foreseen that you’d know the name of Obsession’s director.
(That’s how one responds when confronted with facts that counter one’s argument, by the way.)
Another aside – I was thinking about the two photos I mention above and the little grey cells went into overdrive.
The photo from the ADL poster shows the same truck-mounted ZU-23 as appeared in this photo from a series of six “photos that damn Hezbollah” that appeared in Rupert Murdoch’s Australian Sunday Mail. If you look at the fourth photo in that series, you will see the same man in an almost identical location on the cover of U.S.News and World Report that appears in Michelle Malkin’s post about fake photographs.
The Sunday Mail describes its photo as showing “fighters hiding heavy weapons in the residential areas of southern Lebanon.
Michelle Malkin describes as the scene of an Israeli airstrike or explosion caused by IDF artillery.
Somebody really is ‘avin’ a laff.
Gary Rupperty-Lips et al – I tried to use the image of the front cover of U.S.News from Malkin’s site but I was not allowed access so I found a copy elsewhere.
I’m proud to say that not one but two of my congregation’s rabbis are on that list. One, Linda Holtzman, even has a picture. I wonder why our synagogue’s founder, who has been actively pro-Palestinian in the past (don’t know what he’s been up to since moving north), didn’t make the cut.
Oy—I clicked through to find out what the Obsession movie was all about and got to a Free Republic page complaining about the removal from Where various freepers pointed out that, since the movie is now being offered for sale, it makes more sense to think the owners of the movie voluntarily took it down from the free google site.
So now Freepers are more sensible than Pam. I don’t know if I’m surprised or not.
So now Freepers are more sensible than Pam.
Dunno. Does she add ranch to her taco soup?
MIKEY: But Pam? I’ve seen a few folks like her in my day. You hand her that M4 and she’s gonna splash that family – all thirty rounds, then throw a quick mag change and spray ‘em again.
Oh, I don’t know about that, Mikey: I’ve also seen a few of her type, too, and my bet is she’d leave the actual killing to someone else.
It’s ironic on a grand scale, ’cause that is exactly the type of person and the type of thinking that leads to killing on an industrial scale, heartless and passionless, something like Auschwitz…
I’ll have to disagree with you there. of the guards weren’t strident party-line parrots; they were apathetic. Most of them didn’t hate Jews, per se, any more than they hated Gypsies or each other.
They could enter the confines of Birkenau shift after shift, not thinking even once that they were there to ensure the killing continued apace. They were there to do a job – to secure their pay envelopes…until one day, when each of them individually found himself facing down the reality of that place – say, for example, in being called off on a special duty that would win two days R&R, only to find he’d been summoned to help murder what remained of a depleted sonderkommando.
Pam’s not evil; just stupid.
A bit of unintended irony from the Masada “We must Auschwitz the
Muslimssubhuman scum or we’re all gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111!11!!1111!!1!” site:And then the whole site practically screams “F*****g Muslims… The Muslims are responsible for all the wars in the world.”
And then there’s this:
To be more honest about what it promotes, it should read:
And in line with the “faggots for maggots” gag-inducer that Retardo noted, there’s this:
The amount of hate in that site alone could annihilate the sun in a matter-antimatter explosion.
Oh, I don’t know about that, Mikey: I’ve also seen a few of her type, too, and my bet is she’d leave the actual killing to someone else.
Yeah, there’s that type too. But in my experience, the people who truly enjoyed killing had a few things in common. One, they only enjoyed killing helpless people. When there were incoming rounds, these cats were hard to find. The other thing, the thing that I see in Pam, is these types can talk all day and all night about their hate. About the people they hate. They tend to be loudmouths, working up their venom against those that they consider less than human, undeserving of continued existance. They’ll tell you why these people need to die, and they’ll also brag about their own personal body count. And I gotta tell ya, she talks like they talk…
Heh, Gary’s more the type to walk away quickly, then tell everyone how his gun jammed.
ISLAM: A Religion of Peace?
Or is it preparing to
sodomize the world!
Islam Cannot be Tamed!
I hate that. God in hell, do I hate that. “Hint:”. There’s no better way to exemplify the “Me bash skull with pointy rock” type of mentality those types of sites cater too. Need every damn little obvious detail fucking spelled out and spoonfed. God forbid the Loyal Grunts think for themselves, or create any sort of cognative thought or logic chain.
Really? I didn’t know that.
Ah, here: they’re working on it.
How DARE you insult Amber Pawlik by comparing her to Pammy??? Why, I oughta….
Let’s address the real issues here, folks:
Pam is a pretty good-looking woman. Waaaaay too skinny, but, evil and insane though she may be, still good-looking.
She ain’t no Mar’i’e’ J’o’n’, though.
Found this at while following a link above.
Is this a real Pam quote? Even if it’s not, it truly evokes her Pamessence, doesn’t it? Let’s hear it for “citizen journalists!”
Pamela: So much faith in the Lebanese government I do not understand. A puppet of Syria, who is a puppet of Iran. Iran is Barzini here. You see the Godfather? Okay? So a question about it. Who props up that government? I mean if the Israeli, if the IDF, which is, although when I was in Israel, I gotta tell you, a bunch of baby-faced kids. I know they’re always portrayed in the media with Darth Vader helmets and the Israeli war machine. I’m telling you, the cutest kids ever. But if they couldn’t contain, and I think there’s an element of that that no one really wants to talk about. I wonder how much the US government was surprised that Israel didn’t go in, bing-bang-boom, and knock these suckers out. Forget about Israel for a second, even though it’s difficult for me, right and wrong, good and evil, and all that. Let’s discuss real politics, shall we? It’s in America’s best interest that Hezbollah be eliminated. I mean this is not just Israel’s problem. You know who Hezbollah is. You know where they are. So I think there was an element of surprise. Do I think it’s Olmert’s weakness? I do. Did I campaign wildly for Bibi? I did. Do I have a vote? I don’t. So I think Israel also, you know it’s interesting, when I was in Israel, you could see the country was in short of like a shock, like a 9/11 shock. Here they had banked so much on land for peace and peace, even this sh–, even a bad peace, sorry about that, John, is better than a good war, so to speak, although I don’t subscribe to that. I understand that the current, modern civilization does, to which they’re going to pay dearly, but that’s besides the point. Such stock we’re putting in the Lebanese government, who is totally kowtowing to Hezbollah. You put every remark by the crying Siniora, I mean, another Godfather moment. You remember Godfather, Frank Sinatra, it was supposed to be Frank Sinatra, he’s crying, you’re godfather. Same thing happens, somebody slap him. So how could you have so much faith in the Lebanon government? I mean, I want to believe, John. I believe in you. I want to believe.
That is one truck I will pass on the information superhighway.
There’s an interesting bit about that on Wikipedia under the entry “Basic Laws of Israel”:
What is increasingly interesting about Pammy is how this, clearly insane, woman is getting the access she is getting.
She gets flown to Israel and manages to enter closed military areas in wartime, and now she gets an exclusive interview with John Bolton.
Who is backing her?
Sonic’s right. She should be one of those people who get stopped by security before they can even get with 20 feet of the “star”. She radiates crazy cooties… so why does she have access? Excellent question.
Of course, on the old ‘sanity’ scale, Bolton doesn’t get very high marks, either. He seems decidedly off, and given to bug-eyed rants, much like Pam’s.
Pam writes Mr. Olmert, Mr. Peretz, Mr. Halutz: You have squandered the lives of our soldiers. You have squandered our opportunity to free the nation of Israel from a deadly enemy. You have set the stage for the next war.
I thought she was an American, not an Israeli. “Our soldoiers”? What the fuck is she talking about?
Also, on her title she calls herself “citizen journalist, citizen soldier”. Is she in the military? If not, she’s not a soldier: if yes, why isn’t she on active duty?
By September, we will be under attack once more.: Again, I thought this clown lived in NY, not Tel Aviv.
Everytime I see her writing abou “hudnas” etc, and when I listen to her vlogs, all I hear is Kyle’s mom. You know, the “biggest bitch in the whole wide world”?
f yes, why isn’t she on active duty?
… preferrably in Iraq
Everytime I see her writing abou “hudnas� etc, and when I listen to her vlogs, all I hear is Kyle’s mom. You know, the “biggest bitch in the whole wide world�?
And what about Ann Coulter?
Holy shit, my aunt is on that SHIT list. I wonder why these psychos would think a researcher in medical anthropology focused on Mexico would belong on this hit list…
“biggest bitch in the whole wide world�
On Monday she’s a bitch, on Tuesday she’s a bitch, on Wednesday she’s a big ol’ bitch…
uh oh guys, Ann Bartow alert.
[…] YES!!!!! By Brendan Oh man, I am more excited than that crazyPam “Atlas Shrugged” Orshy clown licking at John Bolton’s dangling bag of balls. […]
Wow, somebody from my grad school department is on the list, and even with a write up (although the write up is mostly devoted to knocking down straw men). It’s pretty scary shit. Note that they also call Reform and Reconstructionist Jews “apostates,” and refer to rabbis from such denominations as “Rabbis,” in scare quotes.
Pam’s not evil; just stupid.
I read somewhere recently that any form of advanced stupidity is almost indistinguishable from evil, and vice versa. Makes sense to me, frankly, because to commit true evil, you gotta have plenty of stupid people to help you out. Why do all those bad guys bent on taking over the world have to have at least one brain-dead lackey?
And did Gary ever take up the Sadly, No! writing offer? Gary, do it, dude! Actually do something with your life, make your momma proud, son.
I read somewhere recently that any form of advanced stupidity is almost indistinguishable from evil, and vice versa.
That reminds me vaguely of something I read in college, by Adorno, I think: “In the last analysis, all brutality is a form of stupidity.”
I think she is insane, literally. She needs some serious help on her raging paranoia and anger.
Haha. Good thing Muslims don’t realy have a wide-spread missionary program. Hilarity ensues!
Mr. Pam *Into the comm system*: Pam, you can come out of the panic room now. The brown people have left, and the Police are outside.
Pam *over the speaker* : It’s a trick! You’re trying to blow me up! How do I know you’re not one of them?! *sounds can be heard in the backround, she nevoiusly pours herself her ninth gin and tonic*
Mr. P: Look, it was just a misunderstanding. They weren’t here to kill anyone, they were just collecting donations.
Pam: Bullshit! They had fucking red crescents on their shirts, you knaiving son of a bitch. CRESCENTS! *more noise, she knocks over the shelf of gasmasks and holy water*
Mr. P: Pam, Rabbi McFeely is here, he wants you to come out now. We promise, they bad brown men went away.
Rabbi McFeely: Pam, it’s alright. Come out, we’ll have some horseradish and matzahs.
Pam: *long silence* … How do you feel about teaching Intelligent Design in schools?
Rabbi: Well, I think it’s really very silly and a gross over step by religious…
Pam: *Sounds of a vermouth bottle being thrown to the ground, comm system gets shut off*
Mr. P: *to Rabbi* .. yeah, she’s going to need a few days.
I’m assuming she’s married. Frankly, i don’t really care, but meh.
Actually, that line goes…
On mondays she’s a bitch, on tuesday she’s a bitch, and wednesdays and saturday she’s a bitch.
(and then on sundays, just to be different, she’s a super, king-kong mega mega bi-atch).
God I’m a nerd.
Dammit, I was sure I’d closed that tag.
Double dammit!
fourth time lucky?
(sorry guys, no idea what happened there).
Regarding the Atheist/Druid Jew/Crazy-Ass-Jew divide, I boldly quote Emo Phillips:
I said, “Are you a Christian or a Jew?”
He said, “A Christian.”
I said, “Me too. Protestant or Catholic?”
He said, “Protestant.”
I said, “Me too! What franchise?”
He says, “Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?”
He says, “Northern Baptist.”
I said, “Me too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?”
He says, “Northern Conservative Baptist.”
I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist or Northern Conservative Reform Baptist?”
He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist.”
I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Eastern Region?”
He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region.”
I say, “Me too! Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 or Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?”
He says, “Northern Conservative Fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912.”
I said, “Die, heretic!”
You know, you’d think that as an ostensible Jew, Pamalama-dingdong would have the modicum of self-awareness to realize that the rhetoric she employs only leads to wholesale genocide, ala Radio Rwanda or Joseph Goebbels. And that goes doubly so for the butcher-porn addicts at Masada2K.
That she, and they, don’t is a sad commentary on their solipsitic worldview.
Poor Pam, she was so looking forward to meeting Jesus in person.
Don’t mind me, just closing a tag…
“And speaking of kinky right-wing sex, has anyone else wondered if Bolton
nailed Pamela? And was it before or after the interview? I’m thinking it
was after.”
Oh, DEFINITELY after. Pam has standards: quid pro quo not the least among them. And if Bolton had gotten his ahead of time, do you REALLY think he would have hung around and tried to parse Pammy’s “questions?”
[…] Unfortunately, her tenure as the Temptress of the Tittyass Whiny Rabies Bunch is looking like it will be mighty short as the cracks in her fleshy facade are already starting to show. Who would have guessed that in a joint appearance with the Poster Boy of Pachydermatitis, she’d make Mr. Shagnasty look like the more fetching one of the pair? […]
With Pam, I often hope it’s the booze and Vicodin talking. Someday, I will be sorely disappointed.
random_guy: I’m pretty sure the line goes, “super King Kamehameha bi-otch.” Though admittedly your version has a nice ring to it too.
I had a thought:
Pammycakes is the bourgeoisfication of the 1980s militia movement.
It’s all hate, fear and kill, kill, kill but with better peronal hygiene and Starbucks lattes.
Upper middle class hate and paranoia … just half a step from fascist.
[…] Perhaps now, through Pajamas Media osmosis, she’ll be added to the list of self-loathers. Man, for the second time in as many days, I’m forced to ask Abe Foxman to clarify what he meant with his condemnation of the trivalization of historical Jewish suffering. […]
[…] Sonic, of HitchensWatch game, asks the 64,000$ question: What is increasingly interesting about Pammy is how this, clearly insane, woman is getting the access she is getting. […]
Casting back to the other end of the thread, it’s astounding how accurate a portrait of the jewish rebellion The Life of Brian seems to be. Both the People’s Liberation Front of Judea squabbles and the Suicide Squad seem to be painstakingly researched.
Arabs are the largest group of semetic peoples around, how come attacks against them arent classified as “anti-semetism”? Masada2000 is nothing but a shithole for zionist freaks like Pam.
[…] What a surprise, huh?! I mean, no one could have seen that coming, what with Pamela Gellar Oshry’s total hatred of diplomacy, bizarre hatred of that “sell-out” Condi Rice, and links to — and outright sympathy with — terrorist websites. […]
[…] Google’s programmers and NBC network producers to and George Soros (she and her JDL friends have a list) of anti-Semitism: Jerry Falwell […]
[…] true! Instead, Pammy has recommended dehumanization, carpet-bombing, and “crush[ing] this plague on humanity [Islam]… by any means […]
[…] * q.v., c.f. […]
[…] and as a hate group by the SPLC. Masada2000 is basically the Jewish version of Stormfront. Pam Gellar has also approvingly linked to Masada 2000 without being called out for it by any of her powerful […]
I’m pleased to say that I succeeded in getting 3 blog hosts to take down M2K for egregeous terms of service violations. For my trouble, the site owner, reputed by many to be none other than former JDL felon, Victor Vancier, created a porno blog mocking me which I succeeded in getting Blogger to take down after 5 successive copyright violations.
More hilarity: M2K was registered using fraudulent contact data. It’s owner was listed as “T. Williams.” The business name & address was for the same cryogenics facility that freeze-dried Ted Williams body after he died. Pretty funny in a really twisted sort of way. Currently, M2K’s owner has hired a service to conceal his registration identity entirely.
I have some more juicy material directly taken from M2K at the post linked to this comment. I find it astonishing that anyone, even the most rabid wingnut, would read this site let alone link to it. Anyone who does so should be doused in a bucket of mud & excrement (which is, after all, what M2K IS).
[…] peas in an unbalanced neocon pod. It's “Coffee Enema” for Mr. Annan, with special vitriol for Olmert and Rice. Her rants against Shimon Peres defy […]