Two-Second Townhall
Posted on August 13th, 2006 by Travis G.
Shorter Kathleen Parker: A majority of Connecticut Democrats are like Stalin for choosing a candidate who reflects their own values, instead of Joe Lieberman’s.
Neerp. I’m off to the bar.
Seb adds: Why not keep it simpler and make it: Shorter KP: Michael Moore is fat.
What I’m getting sick of is the idea that Lieberman represents a “moderate” Democratic view, while Ned Lamont is some crazy fringe-left element.
I’m beginning to think we need to start organizing May Day parades, complete with red flags, to remind people of what an actually left *really* looks like.
All you moderates out there ought to help me do this, too….because then people will stop calling you “crazy leftists”, and recognize that you do actually represent the center of a genuine left-right political axis.
That’s something I think O’Reilly started up, that anyone left of them is fringe crazy “far-left” nutjobs, who want to destroy everything and bring about Gozer the Traveller.
my only regret about the connecticut primary is that lamont isn’t a better candidate. it was like, “you’re against the war and you can finance your own campaign? perfect.” i’m glad be beat lieberman, but lamont will make a shitty senator.
also, michael moore is fat.
This is one of those things you always sort of knew, deep down, that they believed, but you’d rather not have seen them come out and say, as in this case, that democracy is only a worthwhile thing if the people vote the right way.
Moore’s manifesto, through which he may have lost a few grammarians, is straight out of Stalin’s playbook under ‘P’ for purge. Like Stalin, the operatives who ousted Lieberman are determined to remove dissidents from The Party.
“Operatives” didn’t oust or purge Joe, he did that himself with a sloppy campaign that was out of touch with Connecticut voters. The earlier Joseph’s purges involved executing or exiling dissidents at his whim. Not quite the same as our Joe’s losing his Senate fitness club pass after an honest election.
Oh, and Jillian, you should come over to my place. On May 1, we hang out the ol’ Brand n Bands flag. Pisses off the neighbor something awful.
Dammit! I did it again. I clicked through to see what KP had to say, even though mikey warned me to stop doing things like that. Somehow I’m less bothered by “Democrats = Stalin” than by her purported evidence in support of that implied claim: that voters in CT exercising their patriotic duty to go to the polls = some sort of mob hit, and opinionators like Michael Moore posting comments about whom he won’t support (and why) in upcoming elections = not-so-veiled threats of . . . I dunno, grievous bodily harm? Crikey.
I’m up for a party at your place any time, dahling!
Especially tonight….I’m all down in the dumps and stuff.
Even shorter TowneHalle:
Democracy Sux!
Sidhe, that’s a really keul flag, though I will nevah, evah declare my independence from Apple Computer. I’m way too smitten with my Mac. Those other companies can all go stroke for all I care, though.
The fact is that the strongarm tactics of the Taliban Democrats, a group of Ultra-Fundamentalist Liberals, will cause the Democrats to lose badly in November.
Americans know that they would rather have 2 years in which problems can be solved and progress can be made. Instead of two years of extreme leftist Nancy Pelosi and terrorist appeaser Harry “We killed the Patriot Act” Reid blocking obstructing the President’s Agenda and proposing extremist policies along with trying to cut and run from Iraq.
The fact is that the GOP is the only mainstream party lefti n America.
The Democrat Party is a far-left second party. They’re no longer a factor in politics in this nation.
The mainstream view is to keep spending low, which Republicans will do.
The mainstream view is to protect life, which Republicans have done, both in their valient defense of Terri Schiavo and in their support of Laci and Conner’s Law.
The mainsteam view is to fight thw War on Terror and that war on terror is being waged in Kabul, Baghdad, and all over the place.
Democrats want to spend like mad. Democrats oppose every piece of policy intended to protect life. Democrats oppose the War on Terror.
The fact is that the Republican party is a Big Tent Party.
Our party had moderates like Arnold and Rudy speaking at our convention.
The Democrat party is a closed shed party. They refuse to let people stray from their far-left belief system.
If you believe in protecting life, you won’t be able to talk about it in the Democrat Party. If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, you won’t be able to talk about it in the Democrat Party. They have tokens. But the fact is that the Democrat Party has no place for anybody to the right of Henry Wallace.
The Democrat Party will soon be in the dustbin of history.
Actually, this kind of behavior is rapidly becoming clasic bush/cheney. They wanted democracy in the mideast, right? And to them, democracy only means voting – they don’t seem to have a strong commitment to the rule of law. But then, those damn wogs – er, Palestinians, voted for Hamas. Hey, we said you could vote, we didn’t say you could vote for people we don’t like.
Connecticut is the same deal. Lieberman was worth three wackjob theocrat Republican senators BECAUSE he was nominally a dem, and therefore gave them cover for their more extraconstitutional impulses. Well, the majority of the people have had it with their stupid, illegal adventure in Iraq and want our troops home. So by voting for the guy that most accurately reflected the actual people’s actual wishes, they of course, clearly, simply pissed all over real democracy. Again, in their world black is white and up is down.
One needs truly to fear the long – term legacy of this administration. The warped ideas about what America is about and what role the constitution and the rule of law should play in governance and legislation have been planted, like seeds of a sick, stunted shrub. How they will continue to manifest themselves, insidiously, in our society, long after the originators have been forced from office, ridiculed and perhaps incarcerated, is unpredictable. Certainly, these violent, angry people who support the idea that problems can be solved by lying, killing and torturing your way out of them will continue to play a part in the discourse for decades to come. That may be the saddest bush legacy…
Also, the Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.
Lieberman is running for office because a majority of people are not willing to vote for the extreme leftist known as Ned Lamont or the little-known Republican candidate. He’s running for the good of Connecticut, to give them a choice.
Damnit, Gary!
Don’t say things like “extreme leftist known as Ned Lamont” when I’m trying to drink water.
My nose hurts now.
If the truth about Ned Lamont is too much for you to handle, then tough luck.
The fact is that Ned Lamont would probably be the most liberal Senator in DC if he is elected.
Gary, you’re adorable.
Don’t ever change, darling. I mean it.
Can I have your autograph?
Come on, Gary, sing with me!
Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes they both
Oh yes, they both
Oh yes, they both reached for
The gun, the gun, the gun, the gun,
Oh yes, they both reached for the gun
for the gun.
I’m not sure what the market is for autographs of future world leaders. But it’s probably pretty good.
I dun think the Fourth Reich is really looking for outside managment, but hey, you gotta dream, right?
Also, the Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.
Gary, my friend, if this is a true statement, you have nothing to lose sleep over. If true, Lieberman will win the election in November, and you will have torn off one of the eyes of your teddybear for naught. Of course, if you’re just whistling past the graveyard, then Lamont will be just a small part of the wholesale rejection of republican policies, and a new dawn of American polictics led by the courageous Nancy Pelosi and the always rational Harry Reid. So there’s really no need to argue here. The election is only 90 or so days away, and somebody’s world is gonna get rocked, bay bee…
“the courageous Nancy Pelosi”?
Nancy’s picture is in the dictionary with the caption of “this is an example of a deer in the headlights”
Dictionary? They hell is that? Oh, do you mean, like, Google? Or Wikipedia?
That’s the kind of archaic, out-modled thinking that will destroy the Repubs this election.
Great. I googled her up., got THIS
from here.
Thanks Gary. I can never unsee that.
Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.
Democrats oppose democracy by voting for the candidate of their choice? In what kafkaesque world is this true Gary? Why should they care what others in Conn. think? It’s a voter’s responsiblity to vote their conscience, not succumb to peer pressure like a 70s anti-drug afterschool special.
>>I’m beginning to think we need to start organizing May Day parades, complete with red flags, to remind people of what an actually left *really* looks like.
Been doing that for years now. Though the banner I’m partial too is a shade darker. I tend to fly the black.
Black Flags would work, too.
I’d love to put together a Red/Green/Black coalition, just so that people in America would finally, once and for all, shut the FUCK up about how “far left” Democrats are.
Except that people would see our flag and think we were Rastafarians.
Never mind. I give up.
Also, the Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.
Gary, even though I grade on a curve, that is just flat out stupid, even for you. I mean, you say something stupid pretty much every time you open your mouth, but this might be your Koh-i-Noor of stupidity. It is against democracy to vote against someone whose approval rating is above 50%? Then, Gary, if you were old enough to vote in 1996, you must have voted for Clinton, since his approval rating at the time was over 50%, and casting a vote for Dole would have been tantamount to treason.
Every time Gary says “Taliban Democrats” I end up with Tab on my monitor. That’s a winner on so many levels.
Toss back a few for me, Travis. According to whatever weird European time this blog is on, it’s already my birthday (though here on the west coast of the U.S., I have half an hour to go).
Happy birthday to me!
STFU to the Garybot.
Y’know, if we were serious about ‘purging’ Joe, I think we should go with the Trotskyite “he fell on his icepick 36 times” method. It’d really brighten things up, I think.
Sure is going to be a shame when they find him and his car floating in Boston Harbor.
Happy birthday, STH!
Incidentally, I love the irony in Gary claiming the Democractic party is “far left” whilst simultaneously saying they will soon be in the dustbin of history.
“the Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.”
So Gary, does that mean a politician should leave office if a majority of voters disapprove of the job he is doing?
When Gary says that the Democrats are anti-democratic because they voted for someone he didn’t want them to vote for, he perfectly encapsulates the wingnut vision of reality, wherein having people go to the polls is all that matters–the Iraqi Blue Finger Syndrome. They don’t really care to get all bogged down in dealing with what the voters actually vote for.
Senator-For-Life Lieberman – “FUCK the voters!”
Yeugh. Ned Lamont spoke of “islamofascism” in all earnestness on Radio 4’s The World this Weekend today. That’s some stupid ass shit right there.
Gary Ruppert cut and ran from military service.
The concern the GOP is showing for the democrats is touching, isn’t it? Why on earth do they think we should keep a guy who has been endorsed by some of the worst screaming ranters of the right? I mean, big tent and all, but if we include people who *Ann Coulter* thinks are swell, we might as well all be standing in the rain.
Maybe we can get Michael Moore to endorse a republican. They’d have to vote for him, right? Otherwise it’d be a purge.
The mainstream view is to keep spending low, which Republicans will do.
The mainstream view is to protect life, which Republicans have done
Stop it, please. If I laugh any harder, I’m going to cough up a lung.
Thanks, Mark S. 🙂
blogenfreude: i believe it. The Bushies, after all, have a history of planning a war and just waiting on the provocation.
What’s that’s old quote: “I arm their hands and furnish the pretence?” Something like that.
The Sy Hersh piece referred to in blogenfreude’s link is here, btw.
Thanks for keeping your eye on Tonwhall, Travis G. Know thine enemy is a powerful motto.
Harrogate has followed the anti-Conneticut voters hysteria with a great deal of interest. He fears that if this is any indication, there may be actual violence when the midterms roll around.
Unless they can find another Missing White Woman or Shiavo Spectacle to distract everyone with a week before the election, keep everyone glued to the television and away from the booth.
Right after I posted the comment they had Hersh on CNN talking about it – he said sure, you can think it’s a conspiracy theory if you want, but it’s reality. Oy. I think it can’t get worse, and … bingo!
Oh, it can always get worse. And I’m pretty sure it’s gonna.
“anyone left of them is fringe crazy “far-leftâ€? nutjobs, who want to destroy everything and bring about Gozer the Traveller. ”
Now I must get a t-shirt made up that says, “Don’t blame me, I voted for Gozer.”
Also, Gary, would you please tell me what your birthday is? I’d like to celebrate that very special day by starting every sentence with, “The fact is.”
“The fact is, we don’t have enough beans!”
“The fact is, I’m going to wash the dog now!”
You see how fun that would be?
not quite, Sniper.
“The fact is, the American people will elect me to wash the dog, because the Talibanicrats are dirty-dog sympathizing America haters. And Micheal Moore is fat.”
Is how that SHOULD read.
Is there anything that the New York Times would take as bad news for Bushco? Jim Rutenberg on today’s front page:
[,,,]That picture of Republican disunity eased dramatically this week with the defeat on Tuesday of Senator Joseph I. Lieberman in the Democratic primary in Connecticut and the news on Thursday that Britain had foiled a potentially large-scale terrorist plot.
The White House and Congressional Republicans used those events to unleash a one-two punch, first portraying the Democrats as vacillating when it came to national security, and then using the alleged terror plot to hammer home the continuing threat faced by the United States.
By the time the president’s top political strategists met at his ranch on Friday for an annual summer fund-raiser, the events had given them an opportunity to pull together the Republican Party as it headed toward the home stretch of the campaign, rallying once more around Mr. Bush’s signature issue, the fight against terrorism.[…]
Spin much?
Dammit, Sniper, you’re onto something good. Cap’n Slappy and Ol’ Chum Bucket have gotten a lot of mileage out of International Talk Like a Pirate Day, so why shouldn’t we have International Talk like Gary Ruppert Day?
The fact is that if a liberal like Ned Lamont is to the far-left, then Kathleen Parker is so far to right that she makes Atilla the Hun, Genghis Khan and Adolf Hitler look like liberals.
The fact is that if Kathleen Parker thinks that Lamont’s supporters used Stalinist tactics she obviously has no idea what she is talking about. With Stalin in charge, there would be no voters left in Connecticut as they would have been starved to death in The Great Connecticut Famine.
I’m not sure I can stand watching a full Ruppert meltdown in real time between now and November. Just take your meds and maybe go comment at Free Republic or some site more congenial to your political, um, views…
“a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.”
so.. lemme see if I get this straight. The Democratic voters who came out in the primary voted for Lamont over Lieberman. But because a poll of a different set of voters indicates that Lieberman has approval (and how nice you are Gary, to simply say “a majority” without troubling our little minds with things like ACTUAL NUMBERS), somehow the primary process isn’t legit.
Kinda like a situation when there are more popular votes for one candidate, but the other candidate “wins” due to the electoral college and a 4-5 vote in the Supreme Court…..
The mainstream view is to keep spending low, which Republicans will do.
Just a low, low $5 billion per month is buying us civil war in Iraq! What a deal! Thanks, Gary!
Gary, since you’re obviously a windbag in love with the sound of your own voice, and deeply committed to saving the Democratic Party from committing political suicide by distancing itself from the deeply unpopular Bush and Bush’s deeply unpopular war, why don’t you start a blog to get your, um, message out, instead of trolling a website where you are regarded, charitably, as insane. Just a suggestion.
Snakes? On a fuckin plane? That’s stoopid. I wanna see Crank. Now here’s a movie with a totally nonsensical premise that includes gettin high and killing the bad man with hellacious firepower. I’m right there for that…
Not being re-elected is now equivalent to a “Stalinist Purge”?
Well now if that doesn’t stink of desperation.
You can just hear her squeals of terror at Georgie and Joey being held accountable for their policies.
Hippies and Commies and Traitors!
Oh My!
Hippies and Commies and Traitors!
Oh My!
Hippies and Commies and Traitors!
Oh My!
And Democrats wonder why people think they’re wrong on national security?
From DailyKos:
“the President of the United States has abandoned American ideas for ideas thought up by Napoleon, der Kaiser, and Mussolini”
“To Ahmadinezhad’s credit he hasn’t sold out his people for American perto dollars.”
“The ‘real America’, Wouldn’t that be the 51% of the electorate who voted for someone who has killed tens of thousands of their compatriots and takes perverted delight in torturing and sèxually abusing every Muslim who falls into his clutches?
Sorry, but I know that “real America” only too well. I think we neèd to start getting to know them, not pretending that we’re somehow better, more moral and more civilized than them. Because the truth is, we’re not. And to know us is NOT to love us”
“What surprised me about the interview was not Ahmadinejad’s political posturing, there really wasn’t a single thing he said during the course of that interview that he hasn’t said before in a public statement or open letter.
What got me was Mike Wallace. The entire interview from Wallace’s end seemed to be full of Rethug Neocon soundbytes.
Wallace spouting Neocon spin like that almost made a ideological nutjob seem reasonable and rational.”
“He kept talking down to him, treating him like a precocious but bratty child. Would he address Bush that way? (And I kept thinking what an angel of peace and common sense Ahmadinejad is compared to our cretinous war criminal torturer president.)”
“Ahmadinejad is only “offensive” because Bush and his administration says he’s offensive, and most Americans are like sheep, without thinking for themselves, they instinctively follow the administration line.”
Remember, these nutjobs are in control of the Democratic Party.
OT but I just flipped by CNN and why the fuck are they citing LittleGreenFootballs, and talking about what Charles Johnson can and can’t see in a Castro photo and all about a rightist blogswarm? WTF? When did this shit start?
Holy shit, Gare Bear!
Well, that list of nameless soundbites certainly set me straight.
So, quick, give me some soundbites of Our Republican Saviors so I know what to think. Except for that loser CT Republican who doesn’t stand a chance against Holy Joe in the election later this year.
Remember, these nutjobs are in control of the Democratic Party.
Commenters at Kos? Really?
Hey Gary, you haven’t updated you blog since October of 2005…
Man am I disappointed. Without my daily affirmation of “The fact is” I don’t know what I’d do.
That’s gold, right there.
Kind of like Joenertia. Or Joeicide.
And it’s a totally vacant blog. which is also funny, in its own way.
The fact is, without a steady diet of rightwing talking points to use for his ‘comment jumbles’, Gary doesn’t apparently have a single thought of his own worth writing down.
Yeah, Gary. It’s weird how the plan to restrain Iran’s regional ambitions by destroying Iran’s arch enemy didn’t quite work out. Who would have thought, eh? Just like someone who signs up for a DailyKos account can post there freely, not necessarily representing the views of anyone other than himself.
Truth is, the electorate is beginning to realize that it takes America’s security far more seriously, or sensibly, than does the Cheney Administration. I blame the Katrina response and the amazing disappearing FEMA act. Voters are concluding that the struggle against violent religious fundamentalism is too important to allow George W. Bush and his acolytes and enablers (here’s where you come in!) to lose it for us. Under Bush, we’ll keep fighting them over in Baghdad while they organize in Khandahar and Jalalabad and attack us in London. The entire Republicans’ Party talking point roadshow (run out of the White House using your tax dollars) is aimed at keeping GOP legislative candidates from pretending they don’t know who George W. Bush actually is. Too bad we’ve got the photographs.
I did find this statement of Gary’s kind of funny. In an Orwellian-funny kind of way.
The mainsteam view is to fight thw War on Terror and that war on terror is being waged in Kabul, Baghdad, and all over the place.
Perpetually yours, Gary.
Shorter Kathleen Parker: A majority of Connecticut Democrats are like Stalin for choosing a candidate who reflects their own values, instead of Joe Lieberman’s.
But Kathleen Parker said no such thing! Disagree with her, trash her, poke fun at her, but don’t put words in the woman’s mouth. When she speaks of Stalin-like tactics, she is NOT talking about the voters of Connecticut. She is talking about Michael Moore and his fatwa.
When she speaks of Stalin-like tactics, she is NOT talking about the voters of Connecticut. She is talking about Michael Moore and his fatwa.
K. Now, when you get us to see how Michael Moore threatening to work actively within the democratic system for candidates of his choice is ‘Stalin-like,’ you’ll have made some sort of point.
The mainsteam view is to fight thw War on Terror and that war on terror is being waged in Kabul, Baghdad, and all over the place.
We know where the War on Terror is. Its in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat
You’re right, Jose. Here is what Parker wrote:
Unfortunately, she neglected to cite the portions of “Moore’s manifesto” that call for mass firing squads or forcible resettlement in the gulags of the North Slope for “dissidents from The Party.” This oversight weakens her point slightly. (She also somehow failed to mention that Michael Moore is fat, thus compeltely undercutting her argument.)
The United States is at war with Terror; therefore the United States has always been at war with Terror.
When she speaks of Stalin-like tactics, she is NOT talking about the voters of Connecticut. She is talking about Michael Moore and his fatwa.
Fatwa? No, I’ll not be distracted. Here’s the point:
Jose, it’s not all crystal-clear as you suggest. KP paints her red-baiting portrait with a very broad brush, jumping from talking about CT voters to talking about high-profile individuals like Moore. She sandwiches her most bosom-heaving hyperbole (“What else can one call the message now being telegraphed to Democratic leaders? You either stand with us against the war in Iraq, or we take you down“) between appalled statements about the vote in Connecticut and indignant accusations about Moore. You think she’s not trying to put out a message linking those voters who dared to say no to Joe to Stalin? (ooh! Joe. Stalin. nevermind). And then there’s you, begging the question that somehow it’s OK to call Michael Moore a Stalinist because he — wait for it — has the audacity to express his political opinions?
Good try, Jose, but nobody’s buying it.
Thats kind of disingenuous considering that Stalin was not made dictator in some divine miracle, but rather got to the top by manipulating the democratic procedures within the Bolshevik party.
Stalin GOT to power using ostensibly ‘democratic’ methods within the party. Specifically, he made excellent use of the “democratic” methods of enforcing party discipline – he would engineer it so a rival was on the ‘losing side’ of a vote and then engineer another vote to censure, or expell, those people who had voted “wrongly”. He brought down Bukharin, Kamenev, and Zinoviev (and, more importantly, their supporters in the party) by doing this repeatedly – it started slowly but each public admission of “idealogicol error” they made chipped away at their reputation and was accompanied by purges of their lower-level supporters (who naturally agreed with their ‘incorrect’ position). Eventually, they had no more supporters in any positions of power and could be easily killed without much fuss.
Democracy and Witch Hunts are hardly incompatible. Absent safeguards for the rights of the minority democracy can suck a fat one. Of course, I dont see Lamont-Lieberman as a witch hunt at all .. but whenever a real witch hunt does happen there are always plenty of scum willing to praise the “democratic” nature of the whole thing.
They always follow the minor purges.
Ok, maybe not “ALWAYS” . . but Stalin didn’t openly tell the 1920’s Bolsheviks “Vote for me for General Secretary…. I’m planning on killing almost all of you in the next 2 decades.”
Gary Ruppert said,
August 13, 2006 at 2:14
“Also, the Democrats are the ones who show their opposition to Democracy because they want Joe Lieberman to leave the Senate despite the fact that a majority of people in Connecticut approve of the job that Lieberman is doing.”
Gary, if the majority of people in CT approve of the job that Lieberman is doing, why did so many fail to get off their collective asses and vote for him? The closest thing to a “vote of no confidence” we have in this country is when a substantial percentage of voters don’t even bother to show up at the polls.
Connecticut doesn’t have an open primary, only Democrats could vote, which is why Lieberman lost his primary
Why, pray tell, should Republicans get a say in who the Democrats choose to represent the Democratic Party? And why should the Democrats choose a candidate that the Republicans like more than the Dems do? Because that’s what you’re saying, Garybot: the Republicans like Lieberman more than the Dems do.
Great. You love him so much, you take him. But, of course, you only “like” Lieberman now because you’re hoping he’ll split the Dem vote. And because apparently your only goal in life is to spin EVERY SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENS as a REPUBLICAN WIN!!!1!!
They had plenty of time to register properly. And, you know, I think you just explained that it was wrong of most democratic voters not to pick the guy the republicans would have chosen.
Gary, would you vote for a candidate Michael Moore and Al Franken and Bill Clinton endorsed?
I’ll never understand why, when it comes to the evils of partisanship, it’s the democrats who are at fault while the republicans suggest metaphorically castrating them, point out that bipartisanship is date rape, and say things like “to the victors go the spoils”.
What, are we not compromising hard enough until we vote for who the GOP tells us to?
Wow. Gary, your arguement fails before I even hit google to get data.
Firstly, incumbents usually have a decent approval rating. Hell, Nixon was in the mid 20% when he resigned. You get a courtesy buffer in approval, no matter HOW much you fail.
According to you, Lieberman was removed un-democratically, because he has a +50% approval rating.
Now, Lieberman LOST his party primary. HE LOST. Obviously, he doens’t hold favor of THAT part of the state.
If Republicans hold such sway over the State voting percentages, why wasn’t Lieberman a Republican?
They only way that Lieberman could have a true, honest to god +50% approval rating would be if he had almost unanimous support of Republicans (possible), and assuming a 50/50 split of the state down party lines. (If someone can point me towords where I can find that sort of information, I’d appreciate it) This is a very generous split for the Republicans, it’s probbaly closer to 60/40.
If he had such support, the most blindingly obvious thing for him to have done was switch to the Republican Party.
He didn’t.
I don’t care WHAT his approval rating was. If he was a memebr of some obscure party with 100 members, and 80 of them hated his guts, he could of had a 90% approval of the rest of the state, it DOES NOT MATTER. He LOST his PARTY’S primary. That’s how the system works.
Try reading a Middle School level Government textbook.
I’m never ceased to be amazed how hard it can be to find certain information, unless you already know where it is.
Anyways, I’ve managed to find this, which jumbles my made-up percentages about Democrat/Republican ratios in Conn.
Fortunatly, this doesn’t really have any relation to my point about how the primary system works and how Gary needs to stop whining like a baby about it.
Also, I’m trying to figure out how McCain has a nine point lead over Clinton. Not that It matters, but the math doens’t make sense to me. It looks like they messed up and switched the numbers?
“She is talking about Michael Moore and his fatwa.”
BWAHAHAHAHA! Oh, wait, it’s Jose Chung. You were serious.
Gary, dammit, you forgot to post your birthday. Now that the idea is in my head I won’t be happy until we have Talk Like Gary Ruppert day.
I think these charts at say a lot about what we can expect in November. Note that while 4-5% of Democrats seem to want Republicans to win and retain control of Congress, the number of Republicans who want Dems to win and take control is about twice that. Note also that if 100% of the “Unsure” respondents were to swing Republican, the Democrats would still be ahead.
Obviously, a lot can happen in the next three months, but these are hopeful signs. Unless you’re the GaryBot, in which case you are ecstatic, because the numbers clearly show that the Republicans are merely lulling the Dems into a false sense of security on the road to a massive GOP victory.
Michael Moore–fat-wa.
Huh huh huh.
While we’re here talking about “true” Democrats and those candidates who stand with a majority of Americans (actually *against* the war, not just waffling; etc.), I urge everyone here to support Jonathan Tasini’s primary campaign for Hillary Clinton’s seat! Make a dent in her momentum, and stop her from usurping the title “progressive”!
“Thats kind of disingenuous considering that Stalin was not made dictator in some divine miracle, but rather got to the top by manipulating the democratic procedures within the Bolshevik party.”
Stalin also tied his fucking shoes, but that doesn’t make shoe-tying “Stalinist”. Please mediate for a while on the distinctive nature of Stalin’s regime, and you may yet grasp the meaning of the word. And why it doesn’t apply to someone in a democracy stating their preferences on certain issues of the day, or which candidates they’d prefer to see elected.
You want disingenuous? Look in the fucking mirror. Look closely- you’re breathing… just like Stalin used to do!
Gary —
With my credentials as a registered commentator at Daily Kos, I would like to announce my candidacy for Senate in the state of New York.
You know, since random commenters actually control the Democratic party right now, I figure I should be a shoo-in. By your rationale, the borderline retards who post at Powerline and LGF are running the Republican party.
Re: Gary Ruppert said,
August 13, 2006 at 2:12
“The fact is…”
Wow. It just gets better and better.
Almost every RW bumper sticker slogan I’ve seen, squeezed into a jacked-up, 16-line tirade.
Just keep saying the mantras, long enough, often enough, and loud enough.
That should keep away the “demons.�
One day, you’re going to meet your soul.
And won’t you be surprised.
That’s not Gary Ruppert. You guys got played again. It’s prolly Jose Chung pretending to be Gary Ruppert. You know, like a sockpuppet! Oh wait…
And thank you Travis, if we can only have one wingnut from Clownhall, let it be my BFF, Kathleen Parker! She actually had an opinion here. A totally demented fuckwit opinion, but still. I think she’s finally coming out of her shell.