Voting Is Theft

ABOVE: Matthew Vadum

Shorter Matthew Vadum, The American Genius:
Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American

  • The poor should not be allowed to vote because they just vote to give themselves rich people’s money.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 493


And they wonder why things tend to end with heads in guillotines…


And the rich should not be allowed to vote because they just vote to steal poor people’s money. Your point?


“…so that government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, and for the wealthy should not perish from the earth.”

Bozo the Cocksucker

That is literally what the title of the article is. Jesus motherfucking Christ. Satire died years ago and they’re just pissing on its grave.


All theft should be done secretly by rich people


Tintin, I’m falling down on the job. I really should have changed his name to Va-DUMB


I was HOPING it was satire, but no. He refers to poor people as “unproductive” . What an asshole.


Sound of pitchforks being sharpened and torches being lit…..


For those who haven’t sampled the mangoes, yet predicted to themselves that both the NAACP and ACORN would be invoked within the first one hundred words of Sith Lord VaDum’s diatribe, ding-ding-ding, you win an Amana Radar Range and a trip to Aruba.


OMFG, it _IS_ the title of the article. Satire is dead, Sartre is dead, Salt has escaped from the helicopter. OMFG. Literally the fucking title of the article.

I have the whetstone to sharpen the guillotine, who’s with me?


Verbatim Vadum:

Registering them to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals. It is profoundly antisocial and un-American to empower the nonproductive segments of the population to destroy the country — which is precisely why Barack Obama zealously supports registering welfare recipients to vote.

Not that it needs saying, but the literalness of this example makes a great point to demonstrate this on, but these people HATE democracy. They hate the idea of the “undesirables” being allowed even the meager power of voting for one of the two rich guys working for rich people they can in any election.

They despise at its very core the idea that certain people can vote and that includes women, blacks, latin@s, gays, and so on. Hell, even poorer whites.

They fully understand that the less options that people have and the less people vote, the better it is for them and they will resist any and all attempts to actually live by the ideals our country likes to pretend it cares about.

If they could have a straight up dictatorship with not even the base pean to democracy, they would seize it in a second.

Some more verbatims:

Registering the unproductive to vote is an idea that was heavily promoted by the small-c communists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, as I write in my new book, Subversion Inc.: How Obama’s ACORN Red Shirts are Still Terrorizing and Ripping Off American Taxpayers.

The movement was aided by Goldberg v. Kelly, a monstrously wrongheaded piece of judge-made law. In the landmark 1970 decision, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 3 that the “brutal need” of a poor welfare recipient outweighed society’s interest in trying to prevent welfare fraud.
Goldberg stated that welfare recipients were entitled to an evidentiary hearing before an impartial decision-maker at which they could call and confront witnesses. They were also entitled to receive a written, reasoned opinion before being deprived of benefits.
The court absurdly declared that a welfare recipient had a “property” interest in welfare and that this interest deserved due process protections when the government wanted to take that so-called property away. With the ruling, welfare effectively ceased to be a gratuity that could be granted and withdrawn at the discretion of the government.

The argument is entirely how dare the poor mobilize on their own behalf and try and appeal to the judicial and legislative processes to try and protect their lives against the all out assault of rich people who somehow think they are personally responsible for everything that happens in America.

Also, love the full out press for out-right feudalism. In Vadum’s mind, if the rich have all the money and everyone starves unless the rich take pity on them and purchase them as slaves, then that’s the correct system. No doubt, he imagines himself either as one of the slaveholders or at least a trusty right-hand man, rather than one of the many slaves.

Because frankly, if the rich get their Gilead and successfully dismantle even the illusion of democracy, then they aren’t going to waste the money on toadie opinion writers like this guy. Why would they? They no longer need to convince the pigs to slaughter themselves, because everyone would already be in the pens.

I imagine Vadum would be in for a short shock at that point and angrily demand that there was some way to let his voice be heard and have a say in the processes of our government. And completely oblivious to why that was no longer the case.


One Dollar, One Vote.

Oh, sorry. $100M, One Vote.

Money doesn’t talk, it swears.


I’m having a hard time with the guillotine operator’s manual. It’s in French.


Of course, Matt. Those stinky poors should never be allowed to vote. The negroes either. I mean, they’ll just vote in a blackitty-black President or some such. Anyone of Mexican descent? Straight out too. Do you want to have to teach your kids Spanish? Of course not. The Italians are pretty swarthy as well. Suspect, they are. They shouldn’t be allowed to vote either. Do I really have to even mention the Jews? Didn’t think so. The Irish all came over while poor, so they shouldn’t be able to vote. Forget about those commie Chinese. The Germans once voted in Hitler, for crying out loud, so we can’t have their progeny voting here. Nor should anyone of French extraction get to, that bunch of surrender-monkeys. Those Nordic countries are all socialist nightmares, so nobody with the slightest connection to them should be let anywhere near a voting booth. I’m sure I’ve missed a few, but we can fill in the blanks as we go.

Yes, Matt. You’re totally right. None of these undesirables should be allowed to participate in Our Great American Experiment. By the way, just what sort of name is Vadum anyway? Sounds a bit foreign to me.


Shorter me:

They aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore.

I mean, we’ve already had them openly arguing against Women’s Suffrage, the Civil Rights Act, the end of slavery, and of course an openly theocratic or feudalistic government, and now even the idea that voting or assembly, the defining rights of a democratic republic, are unamerican.

For a period there, they had gotten used to dog-whistling it all, but they’ve completely abandoned it now. Part of it is the desperation. We elected a black president, the demographic timer is threatening the last of their big states for presidential election and anywhere there are big cities, and frankly 30 years of stalled political progress just means that there’s a huge amount of overdue social changes that the rest of the country has long since gotten used to.

But I fear part of it is that the rich are feeling like its cash in time and time to just out right buy as much of the country as possible. With actions in Wisconsin and the other fire sales around the country, it seems the rich know that we’ve convinced ourselves out of using the guillotine against them no matter what and so no longer see the need to mask their naked greed and utter contempt that we exist, much less ask to continue existing.

On the second, though, who knows, maybe we can relearn a love of guillotines if they keep it up.


And a mango from the type of people who can read Vadum and see nothing wrong:

From when the Constitution was written until about 1850, only white male property owners could vote. After 1870, former slaves could vote. Then in 1920 we had woman suffrage. In the 1960s, it became illegal to require voters to be literate. The motor voter law was passed in 1995. In 2008 it became de facto legal for Black Panthers to intimidate voters at the polls. Is anyone noticing a trend here? When the country started, voting was restricted to citizens who had a financial stake in small government. Now anyone with a pulse can vote. Eventually, you might have to fight your way into the polling place through a gauntlet of government dependents who will decide if you look like someone who will support big government candidates.

So, yeah, Hogeye, they literally said what you said. Without a trace of irony, self-awareness, or even recognition of their arguments as they whine about the terror that was two douchebags standing around while black.

To the person who said satire is dead, yup. It’s hard to up the absurdity to eating babies when the position you are trying to satirize is literally the eating of babies.


Though, it is amazing that the comment section is entirely people communicating in dog-whistles and meaningless buzzwords. It’s all “yes, people need to have pro-business outlooks by being invested in the economy, welfare queen handout, big government bailout ACORN.”

It’s like stumbling across a rare isolated society of people who managed to entirely sublet their thinking processes to the rote repetition of half-remembered statements from Fox News.

Talk about your Headcrab Zombies.


here is my thoughts about this jackass, from the last thread where this odiousness first popped up:

Burgeoning welfare caseloads brought New York City to the brink of bankruptcy in the 1970s, a fact acknowledged two decades later by then-mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Giuliani blamed the “perverted social philosophy” of Cloward and Piven. “New York City viewed welfare as a good thing, as a wonderful thing. They romanticized it and embraced a philosophy of dependency.”

why do they keep insisting the sole purpose of the left is to promote welfare dependency? i’m pretty sure i just want people to be able to have their basic needs met while they are going through hard times…and for some sort of program that will help them with schooling or finding a job, whatever the case may be so they can get off the welfare and live reasonably well…oh, yeah…and affordable health insurance…god, i am a fucking monster, aren’t i?

i am still really fucking pissed off at this and when i mentioned this article last night, people were all like, huh? hmmm, o rly? whatevs…

apparently i’m also a horrible monster for getting worked up about this kind of shit…


If only the voter could be declared a “person” by the SCOTUS, then their Constitutional and free speech rights could be assured!

You may say that I’m a dreamer…


Is it wrong to hope this wobble-bottomed fuck sees a bunch of elderly brown people at the polls next election day and pops every blood vessel in his chins?


How about wanting to give him a bigger megaphone in hopes it starts the revolution? (Note to self: Purchase tumbrils with heavy duty axles.)




Registering them to vote is like handing out burglary tools to criminals.

But only after we manage to pry those burglary tools from the greedy grasp of the rich.


Yeah, the comment section is true, uh, gold:

For example, Wayward Son has a splendid idea… bring back the poll tax!

I’ve said all along we need LESS people voting. The conservatives should push for poll taxes (if you’re not willing or able to pay, then you probably are not willing or able to be informed enough to vote), increase the voting age to 21, no voting for anyone who has received government assistance in the past year, and no sufferage for anyone who cannot read. One person one vote is a recipe for political suicide and the Communist’s dream.


Haven’t read the comments yet, but as somebody at Balloon Juice pointed out… if they want to stop lazy unproductive assholes from just voting themselves money, there’s a couple places they can start. Hint: it won’t be the poor people.


Face it libs! We true PATRIOTS are taking our country backward!!!


They aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore.

To quote someone else from Balloon Juice – at least it puts to rest all the shit you hear about “voter fraud” from them. No, they’re not afraid of illegal immigrants or the Chicago graveyards, they’re terrified of registered, lifelong American voters exercising the most basic right any representative government can grant.


Aaaaaaand the Overton Window gallops further towards the death of America.

Democracy=keeping people from voting.

1984 ain’t just a novel to these shits, is it?


Shorter comment section – please rig the system so that we get things 100% our way all the time.


1984 ain’t just a novel to these shits, is it?

More like a how-to manual I’m afraid.



VS knows of what she speaks. I was there. These people are extremely fucked up. Broken. Angry peasants ready to eat their own.

You know, morons.


Capitalism = burglary tools for criminals.





It’s because you are a monster. I mean, wanting people to have a basic level safety net, allowing them to be more productive, creative, and motivated to seek gainful employment (because lacking it or at least a project of your own, even with “everything provided for you” is a one-stop recipe for the “Feminine Mystique” whether you have girl parts or no).

That’s just Satanic, double Hitler, evil robot overlord shit right there.

But no, I feel you, and not just because I’m one of the fucked over poor dangling over the precipice.

Some of the other big things that these “pro-business” “champions against welfare dependence” like to keep people from noticing is that businesses in terms of new entrepeneurship and R&D into new markets, grow best when there is a robust safety net. The reason is obvious to anyone who has a functioning brain stem. Most new businesses and small businesses fail or operate on the very edge of failure where one bad quarter can bankrupt the owner and leave everyone in a bad straight.

Having a guaranteed safety net, no matter how long you need it, means the blow is lessened for taking a risk and starting a new business or branching an existing business into an exciting new direction to corner a new market or deliver a new product.

Basically it takes the edge off risk. One of the big reasons our capitalist system is so stagnant and incapable of taking advantage of new avenues of capitalization as compared to other countries is directly tied to how much we like to punish failure and how that makes everyone act (old-deifiniton) conservatively as a survival mechanism. Not to mention how it makes the poor more likely to “languish” in poverty and not move out or even have strong motivation to seek work, because the intense pressure and uncertainty of everything just drains people of the willpower to continue or act in self-preservating ways.

In short, crappy welfare is the thing breeding the “welfare dependence” mindset they decry.

Of course, the other things they don’t want people to notice is that actual measured welfare abuse doesn’t actually increase with better welfare systems. Scandanavia has the same percentage of people just trying to fleece the system as America has, despite the vast gulfs in what our systems do. So, yeah, better welfare doesn’t just sound the bell for people to jump on board, even if there’s no shaming and there’s really good benefits. Again, the reason is that people really don’t want to live in a “Feminine Mystique” and feel like the absolute lowest, most useless people in the country. Hell, with all our psychoses, most people find the very idea of free time to be in and of itself a frightening prospect.

They also like glossing over that welfare hasn’t been a “free ride” in at least 10 years and probably more like 30. Yeah, once upon a time we may have had a welfare system worth a damn, before the War on the Poor, but these days?

Fuck, I looked at applying for aid and the sheer unlivable pittance and the huge list of hoops to jump through for its extremely limited time limit made it completely worthless and possibly designed to cost more in gas than it would pay out.

And let’s not forget that all this talk about “responsibility” and “bootstraps” and motivations ignores that this is about whether or not people die. I know these fuckers are playing a game of fuck the damn niggers who dare to think they aren’t property anymore and the filthy traitor whites who dared have their backs, but this is about life and death.

When you are poor and need a safety net, even if you have no intention of working, how the fuck is that a death sentence? Why would “refuse to work” be a death sentence either for that person and especially for every single poor person in America. And yet that is the world they have made, where unemployment, underemployment, or multiple employments that still can’t make enough in aggregate to meet a living wage is a fucking death sentence, and then they made it so that the economy is such shit that the youth who graduate to adulthood have literally no jobs out there to support themselves with.

And that’s what they are glossing over here. That they would rather see people die than see a rich person divulged of wealth that will not affect their happiness in any meaningful way. They make far more than they could ever spend and many of the rich are trying to invent new extravagencies just to try and spend their wealth faster. So, money that is going to absolutely no use so rich people can keep score with each other is worth more than the lives of millions of people.

That is their direct arguments.

And that needs to be hung on every one of these fuckers’ heads, because I swear they think this is a game on some far-off population of TV demons.



I made the same observation when I was perusing PJMedia ages ago.

The articles don’t even matter: they’re just there to trigger the daily dose of spluttering Wingnut Rage that makes them the dedicated activists and voters we know and love. The comments section is that Wingnut Rage committed to paper.

Or, if you prefer, Two Minutes Hate.


But they’re not elitist. Oh, no!



Open the blast doors! Open the blast doors!



Actually, you can read the second half of the comments. That’s when folks start showing up and handing these noxious idjits their a**.


And that needs to be hung on every one of these fuckers’ heads, because I swear they think this is a game on some far-off population of TV demons.

My bet is that a majority of their base is absolutely fine and A-OK with this message. This is what they’ve been preached at and what they believe – some people are better than others and those others deserve to be stomped on as hard as possible.

The mushy independents and moderates might be put off by this, but at this point my faith in them is so low I’m not even going to bet on that much.



VS knows of what she speaks. I was there. These people are extremely fucked up. Broken. Angry peasants ready to eat their own.

You know, morons.

i read all the comments…there is normal people commenting towards the end…


Well, all that’s left is to establish the income level for voters. Betcha a lot of Vadum’s readership is going to be below it.



Yeah, though there is something almost poetic about how they banter back and forth on all the groups they would deny the vote to. And yeah, it raises up all the way you’d think it would go. The young, the insufficiently white, women, anyone with any connection to the real world.

Which of course means that these are a bunch of senile old FOX News watchers bitching about “kids today” while they live their lives entirely on the largesse of Big Government taking care of all their expenses and not working a single day out of the week ranting about the evils of government safety nets.

I think I need to invent another device.

It’s called the Irony Collar. Every time you say something with no ability to appreciate your own life circumstances and without any self-awareness at your own hypocrisy, it delivers an electric shock to the jugular. Not enough to threaten anything, but just enough to get your attention.

It’ll be mandatory for all medicare recipients and Libertarian college professors or Defense Department contractors.


The articles don’t even matter: they’re just there to trigger the daily dose of spluttering Wingnut Rage that makes them the dedicated activists and voters we know and love. The comments section is that Wingnut Rage committed to paper.

Or, if you prefer, Two Minutes Hate.

I suppose it’s a classic for a reason. There are always those willing to endure any indignity and sell their entire future to people who would rape and murder them if only they get a guarantee that the people they were told to hate by the people raping them will suffer worse or faster.

It’s something about the raw id and the fear of positive change and loss of relative social power.


i love this commenter over there:

There is no question that, over time, democratic participation in this country has become more congruent with the core values and principles embedded in the Constitution: popularity sovereignty. equality, justice, tolerance, freedoms for ALL citizens, and promoting the general welfare of society. Lincoln summarized them well in the Gettysburg address: government of the people, by the people, for the people. This is the kind of republic that conservatives detest.The real burden to this country is those who have piled up deficits and debt, sent American soldiers to war under false pretenses and failed to fund them, engaged in fraud and corruption and broke the economy, and raided the public treasuries to funnel money to very private bank accounts. Those who perpetrated this looting were aided and abetted by conservatives.Sadly and shamefully, conservatives like Vadum refuse to take any responsibility for what they’ve done. Instead, they engage in lies and try to blame the poor. Vadum’s short polemic is so woefully dumb that it might be used a Exhibit A in why HE shouldn’t be allowed to vote.


Utter complete fucking scum. This asshole. The commenters. The whole fucking teabag fascist movement, born of George Wallace’s spooge running through Ayn Rand’s cunt, giving birth to a million pampered, spoiled white boys who start squealing like stuck pigs when someone reminds them that spoiled white boys aren’t as important as they used to be. FUCK THEM ALL. If I saw this fat little shit walking down the street it would take everything in my power to not grab his throat and knee him in the junk. Of course, that wouldn’t bother him to much because he’d just slither back to his cushy little make-shit-up desk job at Corporate Cocksuckers Weekly, while people who have actually worked hard their whole lives starve and die.

Guillotines are too painless. I’m thinking tasers and cat o’nine tails, followed by a white phosphorus cocktail.


Frank, Lawfam, Major Kong, Cereberus: you’re all BANNED!

You know why, poopyheads!

Now the rest of you – get back to talking about getting busy behind the TastyFreeze!


You too, Spaghetti Lee. You used the word Which Is Verboten.


One more time: People get all concern trollish with me when I openly call for killing assholes like Darth Vadum.

I’m right, they’re wrong. QE to the fuckin’ D.


@ spaghetti lee: FUCK YES. Now THAT’S what I’m talking about.


OH! Ban me too, notJennifer!


I’m afraid I’m not up on my Index of Atrios-Related In-Jokes, it seems.


from a commenter nymed ‘georgiaboy61’:

Why deal with a recalcitrant population disinclined to vote for the left’s programs, when you can simply import a more sympathetic one? One cannot even began to count the ways in which such an action is unlawful, unjust and immoral – but it is happening, right in front of our very noses.

i did not know this…i really did not know the left is importing millions or illegals for the sole purpose of voting…i thought we were importing them to take all the good jobs from patriotic amurkins…


The mushy independents and moderates might be put off by this, but at this point my faith in them is so low I’m not even going to bet on that much.

Seeing as how a number of “mushy moderates” appear at the end tepidly disagreeing with outright hate speech, but arguing they have a point that those filthy mud people don’t vote for their betters or that it is unfair that there is rampant fraud that democrats must be perpetuating because otherwise how is there a black president and so on, I have to agree with you.

Anyone who argues with the Overton Window has to account for the fact that there have been large swaths of people who when forced to reconcile between their political affiliation and a loss of “balance” between the two parties and their supposedly well-held moderate belief structures immediately swung like a monkey to the right just to keep being “moderate”.

It’s a fundamental cultural problem really. We fetishize the “moderate” in this country. The person who is “impartial” and “non-partizan” and “can see past the he-said she-said qualities to respect this nation’s greatest quality which is compromise”. I blame decades of cowardly marketing and entertainment which has found the greatest audience in just alienating the easily alienated and appealing to the supposed glory of the middle so that “left and right” can both enjoy it, more or less.

Also decades of politicians fetishizing the “swing voter” in their attempts to swing them their way, thus reiterating how intelligent, savvy, and all around handsome the most easily led dupes of society are.

And yes, fetishizing the moderate can be added to the euphemism list.

But seriously, fuck the moderates who found it easier to be wingnut lite and yet still want to whine about how the Overton Window isn’t real and how they are so TOO hard thinkers who carefully consider the issues.

And yes, I know that its the fear and desire to conform. There’s safety in the middle, at least in perception and so people will gladly follow the road to fascism in the pursuit of having “safe politics” that won’t make you one of the freaks or geeks.


@ spaghetti lee: FUCK YES. Now THAT’S what I’m talking about.

fuck. yeah!

but can we hogtie them and poke them with sharp sticks for a while too?


I’ve got a sheet of bubble wrap with me-I recommend it tremendously. I’ve already popped a bubble for every Republican in congress, and now I’m working through the WaPo editorial board.


Frank, Lawfam, Major Kong, Cereberus: you’re all BANNED!

You know why, poopyheads!

Sadly no as I’m not quite aware of all the internet traditions.

So, hate to be that girl who needs the joke explained, but I need the joke explained.


And yes, I know that its the fear and desire to conform. There’s safety in the middle, at least in perception and so people will gladly follow the road to fascism in the pursuit of having “safe politics” that won’t make you one of the freaks or geeks.

not to get all godwin-ey or anything, but didn’t this happen about 80 years ago, or so in a european country?


I have a modest proposal –

Eat the poor!

I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled …”



From your mango:

Why deal with a recalcitrant population disinclined to vote for the left’s programs, when you can simply import a more sympathetic one? One cannot even began to count the ways in which such an action is unlawful, unjust and immoral – but it is happening, right in front of our very noses.

Add illegal immigration to the long list of things they don’t fucking understand.

Yeah, see, the point of illegal immigration is that you can’t vote at all. Like not even a little. In fact, illegal immigrants are in a unique position because they are open to being fucked by all the vindictive policies passed both socially and economically, but lack any real means to gain full citizenship and the right to vote.

They can even have their wages stripped from them in the support of government systems they are denied access to or voice on.

One could say they suffer taxation without representation. Like for real, not the wingnut version where getting beat is proof that they are being denied their true representation that equal the number of hordes they know must be out there who support the Real America of their delusions.

Putting together their delusion idea of how things work, you really have to wonder what they think is happening.

I’m imagining a giant truck going up to “rich people” who are just like the reader, shooting them in the head and raping their wife and more sightly female children with big black stormtroopers before making off with all the nice furniture to give to gold-chain wearing rappers who made all their money on “welfare” before George Soros starts cashing checks to turn all the male children of the stormtroopers gay. Also, they are denied their right to vote by Black Panthers who steal their right to vote and give it to illegal immigrants who are specially bussed in to elect black presidents that none of their friends in the KKK retirement home voted for.

From what I can tell, this is the closest approximation to how they imagine things work.


I’m imagining a giant truck going up to “rich people” who are just like the reader, shooting them in the head and raping their wife and more sightly female children with big black stormtroopers before making off with all the nice furniture to give to gold-chain wearing rappers who made all their money on “welfare” before George Soros starts cashing checks to turn all the male children of the stormtroopers gay. Also, they are denied their right to vote by Black Panthers who steal their right to vote and give it to illegal immigrants who are specially bussed in to elect black presidents that none of their friends in the KKK retirement home voted for.

By Jove, you’ve just composed a “Shorter” for all of FOX News.


Now anyone with a pulse can vote.
ZRM has a sad.

all the shit you hear about “voter fraud” from them
The idea is simply that voting IS fraud.


So, hate to be that girl who needs the joke explained, but I need the joke explained.

You used the Forbidden Word.


Registering the Poor to Vote is Un-American

As if any more proof were needed that these folks define words any old way they like. Voting is unAmerican. Paying taxes is unAmerican. Defending anything in the Bill of Rights besides the 2nd amendment is unAmerican.

Look, if you want to make the case that poor people shouldn’t vote because they’re not “productive,” maybe you should be something more than a self-satisfied fuck who earns a living writing fact-free opinion bullshit the purpose of which is to increase the hegemony of your useless-to-humanity money-shuffling paymasters, and if you think the person working multiple jobs slinging hash for your worthless ass is less “productive” than you are you are as delusional as you are evil. Asshole.


Jefferson Washington didn’t swim up the Potomac and throw teapots at the Indians just so dark people could vote. I wish the Communist Fascists in charge would start respecting our history.


You used the Forbidden Word.


Yeah, not really read up on my interblog drama, so I’m afraid you or someone else is going to have to actually spell it out for me and ruin the joke.


but can we hogtie them and poke them with sharp sticks for a while too?

Only if we can burn them with magnifying glasses too!


Welfare recipients are particularly open to demagoguery and bribery.

Wow, that’s the most succinct explanation I’ve heard yet for “death panels” and Paul Ryan’s transparently pandering “plan” to cut Medicare for everyone except those who currently get it or will start getting it in the next 10 years, and who just coincidentally tend to be the age cohort that most reliably votes Republican.


Also snap the motherloving FUCK out of their undies and bra straps.


One cannot even began to count the ways in which such an action is unlawful, unjust and immoral

Posted in agreement to a piece about RESTRICTING THE VOTING RIGHTS OF THE POOR. Unfuckingbelievable.


Wow, that’s the most succinct explanation I’ve heard yet for “death panels” and Paul Ryan’s transparently pandering “plan” to cut Medicare for everyone except those who currently get it or will start getting it in the next 10 years, and who just coincidentally tend to be the age cohort that most reliably votes Republican.

Gosh, it’s almost like a team of actuaries dreamed up this POS.


You know, I wasn’t even BORN until a year after the voting rights act. Can you fuckheads get over it already? Geez. It’s almost like you don’t like black people or something. If it weren’t for all those black friends you keep telling us about, we’d think you were racist.


Because frankly, if the rich get their Gilead and successfully dismantle even the illusion of democracy, then they aren’t going to waste the money on toadie opinion writers like this guy.

America 2025: Mr. Vadum, it has been decided your lurid opinions are surplus to requirements. Please take these overalls and grab a shovel and go join the others at Bay 19. A truck will be along to pick you up shortly.


Also, this Darth Vadum character is a new benchmark. He didn’t try to camouflage his “fuck the n***ers!” argument at all. Bitch came right the fuck out and said it.

This lib is bookmarking this. I will dropping this link all OVER the internet.

This should end any discussion pertaining to whether or not conservatives are racist vermin. (It won’t, but I’m going to just keep trying).


Because frankly, if the rich get their Gilead and successfully dismantle even the illusion of democracy, then they aren’t going to waste the money on toadie opinion writers like this guy.

You can practically smell the flop-sweat underneath all these columns. “But, but…Mr. Rich Boss Man, I’m one of the good ones! See, look at all these columns I wrote talking about how horrible poor people are! You can trust me, I’m one of you! Wait…what are you doing with the…no! NOOOOO!”


This should end any discussion pertaining to whether or not conservatives are racist vermin.

Oh ye of little faith. What you’ll get for your troubles is a sneering response about how dare you judge all conservatives just by this one guy, and the rest of us are all totally awesome people who would never think of being racist Nazis, although you can’t say this Vadum feller doesn’t have a point with the voting and the Mexicans and the hey hey. Anyway, just like a liberal, amirite, boys?


Cerebrus – no, guillotine is the forbidden word. I got banned from Eschaton for using the word guillotine, supposedly, but not really.

It’s an old joke and at least one person here doesn’t think it’s funny though I can’t remember who it is, but anyway…I still think it’s funny that someone would pretend that a general statement containing that word constitutes “threatening” any particular elected official, particularly when none were named, instead of just owning up to being a preening asshole who wanted to enforce conformity and therefore was regularly looking for reasons, plausible or not, to ban those who didn’t sufficiently conform with the “in” crowd. Since I still find the whole thing ridiculously middle school, Nellie-Olsen’s-Tea-Party-cliquish, I continue to call out those who use the infammatory g-word as the violent radicals they so clearly are.

I only hope they don’t damage our good hosts’ prospects to capitalize on their blogging creds and sell themselves as influential blogger pundits.


remember, all totalitarian movements dehumanize their opponents. By denying the poor, non-whites, immigrants, etc. have even basic human rights the American RW has just completed another step towards turning them all into “non-persons.”


Are stern looks allowed?


Gosh, it’s almost like a team of actuaries dreamed up this POS.

Gosh, it’s almost like everything wingnuts say or do is fucking projection. Yup, liberal voters are totally bribed into working in their own interests. If it wasn’t for liberals and commies, they’d gladly hand the knife to their slaughterers themselves. Not like tough republican voting blocks who expect fat pork for their home districts or more military expansion to aid their defense contract position, or corporate cronyism to the money men or extensive promises to crack down on women, gays, and black people for the theocratic voters.

Yeah, god forbid that the filthy mud people might actually have a working brain and can put two and two together on who’s calling them the “useless wastrels” “stealing America’s productivity” and “should be prevented from voting” and who’s tepidly saying “well, we won’t kill you at the least”.

And from this, I can also see why they seem to view actually looking at their policies as some great horror. Wait, what, you had eyes to notice who was arguing that X group was the untermenschen who should be put in the ovens, how dare you, no one would have been able to put two and two together if you hadn’t pointed it out. No wonder X group doesn’t vote for our self-serving bullshit and open bribes.

And yes, part of the projection is that the very inability to notice basic reality that they assume every lesser person must have from birth is the same quality they can’t wait to demonstrate on every issue.


Damn, Cerberus, you’re tearin’ it up today.


You used the Forbidden Word.

even though i HATE that word, i was sorely tempted to use it in answer to some of the female commenters over there…they are that putrid…

btw…have you read matthew hunt’s histor of the c-word? fairly interesting…


matthew hunt’s

Isn’t he Mike’s brother?


Cerebrus – no, guillotine is the forbidden word.

oh…goddamn you, jennifer! i was on about the wrong thing…anyhoo…matthew hunt’s work is still pretty interesting…

carry on!


bbkf – the c-word isn’t the forbidden word. The forbidden word is “guillotine.” Yeah, I know.

In any case, I don’t regard the c-word as forbidden; I can’t see the point of having the word if it cannot ever be used. I had a real round-and-round with aimai over at roy’s joint about this one once, and it remains an extremely rarely used part of my vocabulary. Because sometimes, it is le mot juste.


Isn’t he Mike’s brother?

heh…we DO have a mike hunt who used to live here…had a short career with the packers…so, needless to say, that’s one of our shopworn in jokes around these parts…


Jennifer said,
September 3, 2011 at 23:28

Well, OK. Honestly though, it does kind of bug me when there’s a really good bash-the-fash thread going on and then someone remembers “Wait-I have a feud with Atrios/John Cole/Jane Hamsher/Amanda Marcotte, maybe I’ll tie that in somehow, maybe by implying they’re detrimental to the cause or have some sympathy with the fascist in question in some oblique way.” I mean, I know people get frustrated with people who are supposed to be on their side-sometimes people on your side acting like morons are more frustrating than complete lost causes (and God knows I’ve nursed my share of stupid grudges, so I’m not trying to be all holier-than-thou), but it does just bug me, kinda. I mean, what’s the point?



Ah. Natch.

Well, it’s only fair, for the g-word is a magical phrase able to summon the mighty apparatus into one’s home to wreck havoc and Michael Keaton style comedy for all to see.

Guillotine. See, already the dark mists swarm, threatening in the homes each rich person, forcing their children to eat veggies and giving their maids unseemly thoughts of going to the media about how their owner refuses to pay for the baby they created by raping the help.

Guillotine. On the edges of hearing you can hear the angry howls of Republican congressmen as their manhoods are separated from their bodies. They have not even replacement penii as all Hummers and firearms have been wiped off the face of the map. In America’s parks, packs of gays lurk to find unsuspecting Christians to rub elbows in front of and thus give lurid unconscienable thoughts to the most moral of America’s members. My god, if I had any mercy in my body, I would stop now at this unprecedented level of terror.

Guillotine. And now the clouds darken. A gathering storm even. Roving bands of shiftless darkies/womenfolk now ravage through the Heartland slaughtering anyone with a Made in China stick-on flag decal or a professed respect for the Teabaggers. White men live in fear of nigh on constant rape. Bodies are metaphorically hung up on metaphorical trees in millions of wingnut neighborhoods as metaphorical warnings for others. Occassional liberal bills are passed in congress and we are thinking about maybe making up a year of the missing 30 of social and political evolution.

Guillotine. MY GOD. Will I ever stop? Now there are literal death panels. No Republican is allowed to vote and the UN actually has become the evil they fear and has started slaughtering fundies wholesale for a crime called “being complete fucks”. Rich people have lost 90% of their wealth, which has caused their lifestyle to change not at all because they already had too much money and we have a functioning safety net and democracy.

Guillotine. Welp, every republican and moderate is now dead. All liberal progress is unstymied and people live in relative tolerance of each other except to yell about which strategy would have totally best dealt with republican intransigence when there was such a thing. Truly now liberals have become that which they once feared which such raw power of elimination. My god, why didn’t we pay attention to the wise words to be even more of “the moral person” in response to right-wing terrorism and not even cite the fact that those who are slaughtered only have so much push before history shows disastrous results for the rich and their servants?

Guillotine. I hope I’m happy. Cyberhitler now runs a Galactic ACORN alongside the two guys of the New Black Panther to find any white species of alien and eliminate them with Chicago voting tactics. If only we had known the power of the word and heeded the warnings while we had the chance.

Oh, the humanity, the humanity. One more utterance and the universe will truly be destroyed.


Well, fuck.


i vaguely recall the guillotine spaz-out when i was new around here and it was one of the things that convinced me that you are pretty fucking awesome…


Damn, Cerberus, you’re tearin’ it up today.

after this Cerberus said,
September 3, 2011 at 23:48

‘tearin’ it up’ doesn’t even BEGIN to cover it…i wish i had even 1/100th of cerb’s brain and writing abilities….


now, now,, let’s not be SHRILL! That’s the worstest thing ever according to the Kool Kids in the Village..


Cerebrus – dear lord, THANK YOU for opening my eyes to what I might have wrought, had I not been prevented from destroying the universe by Atrios’ quick & decisive action! I had no idea of the destructive power of g*********! I’m afraid to even use it now.

How wrong I’ve been…I need to go over there and apologize to him right away, and confess my shame for having thought ill of him lo these several years!

And I should fawn too, dontchathink? At least I know that will make him feel better about it.


Okay, they’re actually selling fascism through the power of infomercials now.
And people are, surprise, buying. Fuck you. The general you, the “you” that feels the need to rape your grandma’s corpse for a better cuticle-cream.


That all said, yeah, I can see Spaghetti Lee’s point as well. Yeah, it sucks, it’s stupid, offensive, and wrong, but it’s not like any of us were on a big “Atrios is a golden god and I try and tend his needs nightly” or anything. Blog drama is just that and aside from straight up “guy was a dick” stories like yours most people get banned for a good reason such as trying to fight for sexist or racist language on a site with strict restrictions on that shit (yeah, wonder how that will end for you, what, they didn’t like it and kicked you out, my word, I’m so shocked).

To be slightly fair to those people, I’ve seen enough forum posts get dominated by the same three troll arguments when there could actually be an interesting discussion and it’s a damn shame every time. Blame my affinity for feminist sites for the viewpoint, but I can understand making strict the moderation when the alternative can be infuriating and a quick route to just sticking to the articles.

But I can also see the desire to vent about bullshit and personal slights. It’s only human.

On the cunt debate:

Honestly, it’s like wingnuts not having the right to speak out about the evils of homosexuality. Yeah, you have all the right in the world to use cunt as a directed insult.

And you will be called a sexist, an abler of sexist language and assumptions, and might even get an impromptu history lesson on the word and how it’s traditionally used in the US as a means of dismissing or controlling strong women or women who speak out on any issue and demand equal treatment to men. And you may continue to get that even as you try and argue that you only call the bad women cunt or are just using cunt as british slang.

It’s part of free speech. Just like wingnuts, your ability to use the word doesn’t translate to being kept free of blowback and frankly, defending the use of a word in a non-reclamative way to perpetuate and old and tired insult is frankly lazy, aiding an already fucked system, and just plain assholish.

But the real direct quip to using cunt is “they have neither the warmth nor depth”.

Why use an insult that doesn’t really attack the opponent you want, but rather the ally you don’t want to attack. It’s just silly and devolving to lazy simplicity.

Forgive me if I demand some fucking craft in my insults.

Like bile-filled pustule on the ball-sack of mankind.


I mean, what’s the point?

Oh, I dunno, I guess the hope that it will become a signifier like “scuse mah fingahs”?


Cerebrus – all the things you said about cunt are the very reasons it has such power. It signifies quite a depth of violent feeling on the part of the person who employs it. It’s useful as a word on that account if on no other. It says, I feel so strongly in regard to this individual that I’ve used this word to describe them knowing full well that other people will find it offensive, that there will be blowback, etc. I think another dimension of the debate is that some people have internalized the idea that the word is a slight against ALL women, and I simply don’t accept that it is. At least, I don’t personally interpret it as such.

But you know, opinions vary. And we’ve shared enough comments boards for you to know that it’s not a word I use with any frequency, though as I’ve said, it remains in the vocabulary. And yes, I love the “warmth and depth” rejoinder (you can add “charm” to that as well).



…the poor can be counted on to vote themselves more benefits by electing redistributionist politicians.

From your lips to god’s ear, porky.



Ah, meme creation, the most dangerous of all activities.

And yeah, to it’s a word with strong reaction. I’m not even really going off on anyone here. It’s the whole point of “the personal is political”. That we are imperfect beings that are going to use imprecise language we’ve absorbed from culture or otherwise fail to meet the standards of some “ideal” activist.

I’m not even in Team “Ban it” or even think there’s really much of a Team “Ban It”.

I think on all of the “banned” words among “liberals” the real goal is usually more of a desire to get people think about them, whether they intend them or not, shaming the ones who are deliberately using it as a weapon, reminding those who don’t intend that they can think about retraining their responses if they feel like it, and of course reclamation, reclamation, reclamation.

An actual ban wouldn’t really help, because it would bury the history and the original intent of the slur. And it allows people to “get away with it” by using barely disguised “polite” dogwhistles for the original insult.

Personally, I’m not a fan of it being used all that often by liberals, but I know that the intention of use is always far more benign than some right-winger showing false “respect” for vapid spokesmodels like Sarah Palin because “all girls vote the same, right?”

And hey, again, with the point of automatic responses and imperfect behaviors.

But enough of this tangent, let us continue skewering the scum of the universe!

With the power of the magic word, Guillotine!


Snorghagen’s mango snippet:

the poor can be counted on to vote themselves more benefits by electing redistributionist politicians.

Yeah, as snorghagen pointed out, there’s the obvious lack of self-awareness, but also it really bangs home how the idea of voting or assembling or grouping together for some collective or personal benefit is seen as somehow “unfair”.

It’s like they’re going “but it’s all a game where we vote for our favorite sports team, how dare you sully that by actually trying to influence the outcome”.

They really just can’t comprehend how those filthy untermenschen dare think they could ever be allowed to organize or argue on their behalf. Of course, their organization is different as they are just GODLY or PRODUCTIVE COMPANIES or CONCERNED CITIZENS.

You saw this come out a lot in the wingnut push against unions this last year. The idea that the workers could organize on their own behalf and argue for the benefits of the workers just seemed fundamentally wrong to them, much like if your toaster got together with your tea kettle and tried to organize for the rights of kitchen appliances.

The same thing comes out with regards to women’s right to bodily autonomy. The same, blinking incomprehension to the very idea and the very notion that women could have rights or wants or desires or needs of their own outside the husband.

They really do view the rest of us as either marauding demons or property. Either way, the idea of us coming together and trying to fight for our rights to exist and be happy must thus either be inherently devious or complete absurdity.


Whoops, killed the thread.



It’s called the Irony Collar … It’ll be mandatory for all medicare recipients

I’m prepared to wear it. I hope the shocks won’t be too bad or too frequent, especially for people with heart problems (the physical kind). Fortunately, I’ve got a pretty good ticker.

I try to think about other people and have compassion for pain in others. Sometimes I fail on the self-knowledge and/or hypocrisy dimensions. In which case a jolt would be a good thing for the other kind of heart problems.


I got banned from Eschaton for using the word guillotine, supposedly, but not really.

I did not know that. /Carson


HG Hay said,
September 4, 2011 at 0:33



I did not know that. /Carson

It’s twue, it’s twue!


Okay. Seriously?

I am sick of hearing that the Democrats are the people’s party and Republicans are the party of the wealthy.

In agreement with an article, by a Republican, suggesting that only the wealthy should be able to vote.


Mm. What’s that? Ohhh, listen. If you cup your hand to your ear you might be able to catch the last bubble of foam popping on the lips of irony’s death-rattle.


Well, you could write a book about what I don’t know. You might find a warehouse big enough for it, somewhere.


Hogeye – I loved this one:

Kev from Kansas 09/01/2011 04:01 PM

Although I do agree that our voting system is corrupt, I do not think property owing, tax paying citizens should be the only ones allowed to vote. Keep in mind you are painting with a very broad brush when claim that all non-tax paying voters will vote for socialist like candidates. What about the stay at home mom who is married to a hard working provider? Or how about the seniors who are retired and not paying taxes on their retirement funds? What about the people like me, who don’t pay any income tax because my wife and I both work and don’t meet the threshold for income tax?

I definitely agree that there needs to be some rules in place to vote, and voting shouldn’t be some free for all system where as long as you have a pulse you can cast a ballot. But the rules should be around common sense, not based solely on “having skin in the game” i.e. tax payers. I have skin in the game, I’m striving to be a tax payer through owing my own business.

If we’re going to promote rules for voting, they should be based on a clean drug test, and some sort of test to see if you have any idea what you’re voting for. Hell, I personally think we should eliminate the (D) and (R) next to a candidates name. At least then you’d have to actually know something about the person you’re voting for.

This one dismembered irony’s cold, stiff corpse and scattered the remains over 60 square miles of swampland.


More fine quality effluvia from little Mattie Vadum:
The evil of ACORN lives on! Even now it’s organizing armies of dusky urban terrorists as part of Obama’s masterplan to undermine America.

Citigroup is a leftist front.

Not surprisingly, Vadum supports himself with sweet, sweet wingnut welfare from the Koch-financed Capital Research Center, where he goes through the motions of editing a couple of obscure monthly newsletters.


How dare the proles expect to get anything other than grinding work, abuse, and misery from society! Everybody knows that all of the good stuff rightfully belongs to our rentier masters.


And the rich should not be allowed to vote because they just vote to steal poor people’s money.

Hay! They stole it fair and square, according to the rules that they paid people to pass, unlike those moochers, who do nothing but work to make the wealthy richer.


Well, all that’s left is to establish the income level for voters. Betcha a lot of Vadum’s readership is going to be below it.

We’ve already established what you are. Now we’re just haggling over the price.


The thing that kills me is that he uses something Franklin *supposedly* said as evidence that the founders of this country “anticipated redistributionist attacks on the Constitution”. What an evidentiary standard. Hearsay for everyone!



Reminds me of the Craig T. Nelson bit.

Or that Texas legislature woman who proposed tossing employers of illegal immigrants in jail, except, of course, for people who employ domestic help, like herself.

Comrade Microwave

if your toaster got together with your tea kettle and tried to organize for the rights of kitchen appliances.

If you only knew. We’ve successfully organized ALL of The Emperor of Portland’s appliances. Even the really esoteric ones.

Bozo the Cocksucker

Why am I not punching this man in the face right now


Milo Minderbinder lives!


the nonproductive segments of the population

Idle inheritors of wealth, a vast standing military when this country is under no external threat, and rentiers?


If we’re going to promote rules for voting, they should be based on a clean drug test, and some sort of test to see if you have any idea what you’re voting for.


Except for the dog whistle “them damn liberal darkies and young people are voting high, why else would they elect a n*****er” bit, let’s just look at the last bit.

What would you think the wingnut voting ability would be if there genuinely was a legitimate test to determine whether or not you understood public policy before you were allowed to vote on it?

Yeah, I know in implementation, it would just be another literacy test situation where white people get waved through while black voters have to do advanced calculus, but imagine if they really did have to check their political stance with reality to be allowed to vote.

Just another wingnut desire that wouldn’t at all be like they’d imagine it to be.


It’s just more of the wingnut trickle-down bullshit — they’re allowed to piss all over everyone they consider inferior, but heaven forfend the lesser mortals should even think about getting the opportunity to piss on them. Sometimes this restriction is literal.



And bowling balls.

Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18

I personally think we should eliminate the (D) and (R) next to a candidates name. At least then you’d have to actually know something about the person you’re voting for. — Kev from Kansas

Not altogether a bad idea. Especially in local races.

Of course, the Guerrilla Voters want to undermine, weaken, and ultimately destroy the Two Parties (which are really two wings of the Corporate Party.)

So, on this point (only), the Cadre extends fraternal solidarity with Kev.


What would you think the wingnut voting ability would be if there genuinely was a legitimate test to determine whether or not you understood public policy before you were allowed to vote on it?

Oy, vey. “Get your government off my Medicare.” The belief that FDR caused the Great Depression and Obama caused the Great Recession. Virtually anything they say about Europe, the Middle East, or the rest of the world in general.

Yeah, just imagine.

I love how this mango was the image of a “reasonable wingnut,” by the way. A lot of them get all carried away and suggest that ALL people who vote Democrat should be eliminated from the voter rolls. But he’s going to be a responsible, adult, moderate “centrist” and suggest that only SOME Democrats should be eliminated from said rolls. (You know, just enough to tilt the election the GOP’s way).


I think the true majesty of Kev’s comment shines out from those two highlighted passages: first, “what about me?” and then “people should know what they’re voting for.”

In other words, Kev is voting for people who are arguing he shouldn’t have the right to vote, while supporting the idea that people who don’t know what they’re voting in favor of, which Kev clearly does not or he wouldn’t be objecting to it being applied to him, should not be allowed to vote.

The mind, as Kelly Bundy once said, wobbles.


Works, YouTube or WP was sucking, is all.

It deserves much more attention. I’ll be posting it chez moi soon, you can too!

Best still: Woman on the left (his right): Space cadet? Brain dead? Inflatable love puppet?


Brain dead inflatable love puppet space cadet.


In other words, Kev is voting for people who are arguing he shouldn’t have the right to vote, while supporting the idea that people who don’t know what they’re voting in favor of, which Kev clearly does not or he wouldn’t be objecting to it being applied to him, should not be allowed to vote.

I had to read that sentence two or three times.

Following their mental contortions is migraine-inducing work, isn’t it?


Spacing the cadet.


I know a poor person who has voted himself so much money from rich people that he has regular meals of macaroni and cheese.


no voting for anyone who has received government assistance in the past year

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Even if you restricted the definition of government assistance to welfare, that commenter would be shocked at the number of ReaLAMEricans who’d be turned away at the polls.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The mind, as Kelly Bundy once said, wobbles.

Just remember: “To be forewarned is to have four arms.”


If we’re going to promote rules for voting, they should be based on a clean drug test

Ha ha ha ha ha ha, AGAIN.

Fine. We’ll even test for meth and abuse of prescription narcotics. Of course, large chunks of several red states will need to stay away from the polls but the purity of the vote will be maintained.


I know a poor person who has voted himself so much money from rich people that he has regular meals of macaroni and cheese.

And a refrigerator! And a pay-go cell phone!


I know a poor person who has voted himself so much money from rich people that he has regular meals of macaroni and cheese.

Poor people for the WIN.

Seriously, if poor people have it so easy and rich people have it so hard, why is it that I’ve never in my entire life heard of a rich person selling all his belongings and going on welfare? Not even in those faggy elitist European “socialist” countries where the welfare net’s far more extensive than it is here? I know rich people are paragons of superhuman virtue, or they wouldn’t be rich, but surely there’s SOMEONE, somewhere in the club who’s got a little bit of vice in him.


Fine. We’ll even test for meth and abuse of prescription narcotics. Of course, large chunks of several red states will need to stay away from the polls but the purity of the vote will be maintained.

There go all the little skinhead gangs who finance themselves dealing meth. Sorry, GOP…


no voting for anyone who has received government assistance in the past year

Yeah, would be hilarious to have an election of zero percent voting (use of public roads and walkways is “receiving government assistance”) to make a point.

Either that or to hear the shocks and lamentations as you note if the welfare receiving, medicare-aged, Republican base is completely turned away at the polls. More so, if you get them to go all out on “any who receive government pay in any way also can’t vote” and we erase all the various Libertarians leeching off the public sector, defense contractors and anyone employed by a company that relies on government contractors.

I imagine they’d be unpleasantly surprised to learn that they were the “moochers” they’ve been ranting about all along.

Oh, who am I kidding. They’d scream about grandma being denied her right to vote, all the fraud that must be going on with the shifty welfare recipients still managing to vote somehow, and going on another whine fest.

For it’s never wingnut’s fault. No matter what.


For it’s never wingnut’s fault. No matter what.

There are few consistent, inviolable rules in the wingnut belief system, but that’s one of the few.



Yeah, that’s the conspicuous bit always missing from these “aiieee, the rich people are being drained by the moocher poor” arguments.

If poor people supposedly have everything provided to them including luxury items, pay no taxes, whereas the rich really are being bled dry and unable to really be productive on the pittance they are left from their “well-earned” salaries, then where’s the fucking rich selling it off and going on the dole?

The argument from wingnuts always go, well, they would, but they just have too much (one, second, let me tune the dogwhistle) “work ethic” to do that.

It also runs afoul when you note that no rich person ever seems to have difficulty having the maid feed their children, much less be unable to feed their own children or themselves.

They really are aghast that the little people are allowed to continue existing.

These are people so divorced from the source of their wealth that I imagine that if they had their way, they’d gladly kill everyone under a million dollar salary and then become shocked that there income started falling like a brick and no one was around to wipe their ass with solid gold toilet paper anymore.

They really do think it all runs by magic and their inherent “productivity”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

So how are the New Black Panthers™ going to keep these shrinking violets away from the polls in Washington and Oregon, to name two states I know about, where voting is all by mail?

(Well, technically, I don’t think Washington is 100% mail-in yet—but King County is for sure, and it handles more votes than any other county in the country after L. A. County, so that’s a lot of it.)


On ‘guillotines”. As a way to needle Eschaton, perhaps non-regulars should show up and comment with only the word.

It would probably piss Atrios off. I haven’t been to Eschaton in six months. Same with Kos and FDL. Just can’t take the smugitude and self-righteousness anymoar.

On “c**t”: I never use it in discourse, writing, conversation. I know it is a particularly charged and offensive word (like “n*****r”).

And yet … and yet … and yet … I think the C-word is a perfectly fine word for sexual partners in private. In 1969–yes, Fenwick is a genuine DFH–I was briefly with a HAWT, provocative, and lascivious woman who used it as description of her vajayjay.


Also, I’m with Tsam and Spaghetti.

I’ve got an extended fantasy about a cunning, patient, and bitter man whose life was destroyed by the Banksters,. He sets out–with a 50-cal sniper rifle and other lethal devices-to obtain Justice … as there is none in the American legal system for the truly horrendous greed-obsessed criminals who inflict massive misery for hundreds of thousands of people. I’ve even worked out his backstory. His fictional targets are thinly-disguised composites of real-world people.

That story is all in my head. I will never write it, because it would divert effort from my lifelong fiction project.

Anyway, solidarity with you guys. Like Tsam, Spaghetti, and some other above. I am absolutely enraged by the viscious reichwing fuckers like Vadumb.


If we’re going to promote rules for voting, they should be based on a clean drug test, and some sort of test to see if you have any idea what you’re voting for.

Reminder to Republicans who think they want this: cocaine counts.

no voting for anyone who has received government assistance in the past year

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Even if you restricted the definition of government assistance to welfare

Fuck no. No farmers, no SBA loan recipients, no Social Security or Medicare recipients, no heads/owners of businesses that receive tax breaks or grants to operate in certain areas. Money from FEMA, FHA, FDIC, hell, I bet we could get to 100% nonvoting without too much effort. Just ’cause white people and/or rich people get it doesn’t mean it’s not “government assistance,” and the sooner these mofos figure that out the better. Not holding my breath.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

On “c**t”: I never use it in discourse, writing, conversation. I know it is a particularly charged and offensive word (like “n*****r”).

On the analogy of the “warmth and depth” rejoinder, if someone calls a particularly odious wingnut a “dick” or a “prick”, I like to say he has neither the penetration nor the potential for growth.


You know, his name itself sounds filthy, doesn’t it? Perineum. Baculum. Santorum. Vadum. The spread of Santorum is so great (heh heh) that anything ending in “-um” is apparently suspect, despite my classically-influenced education.


It also runs afoul when you note that no rich person ever seems to have difficulty having the maid feed their children, much less be unable to feed their own children or themselves.

Hell, feeding themselves is the least of their problems. They’re swimming in money, and that was true even at the height of the New Deal state. Anyone tearing up about the plight of the rich would’ve been completely full of shit even in the fifties. These days, it’s so deluded…

… that, to get back to your point, those who believe that shit DEFINITELY wouldn’t pass even the most cursory “I understand the way shit works” litmus test.


Dammit Cerberus! I curse your fast fingers! I CURSE THEM!


And if someone were to call a wingnut a “jerkoff”, I’d say he’s nowhere near as enjoyable.


Also, Cerebrus and Chris are totally rockin’ today.


And tigris too. And others. Imo, this is one of the better ‘serious’ strands on S,N lately.



Well yeah, it is a word for vagina. The main offensiveness is really almost its ubiquity in being used against women as if all a woman was was her reproductive organs*.

*V…wait a minute, this isn’t a VR at all.


Yeah, just because they’re using “government assistance” as code for “oh my gawd, white money is going to black people, aiiiiieeee!” doesn’t mean that it actually works like that and it’s kind of insulting to our intelligence that we’re supposed to be pretending to be part of a debate on the size of the government when we’re really debating whether government should work as intended or as a free money funnel to the richest 1% of whiny racist fucks.

And if the rich whiny fucks had any genuine knowledge of real economic theory they’d know that their salaries often heavily rely on a) poor people getting a strong aid from your account to create that “vibrant economy” that it’s so easy to hide embezzlement in AND the all too crucial b) poor people being given a functional government so they are as invested in the society that allows rich people to remain rich instead of having their property literally violently seized by the poor in “redistribution” by the sword and the gun. Just because the rich strap on their “hunting hat” and shoot their friends in the chest doesn’t mean they could genuinely hold their own against the street gangs if the street gangs decided to go all out on the people really keeping their people down.


(voter registration reform)… opened the door to massive voter fraud.

Massive voter fraud is a massively massive mass of massiveness.




All your posts is preempted by me.

But yeah as you note, no government requirement would pretty much equal 0% voting in about 7 different ways. Just because they think that “it doesn’t count if you’re white or it’s for middle class or rich people” doesn’t mean that it’s true.



Did it get shoved down his throat?


So how are the New Black Panthers™ going to keep these shrinking violets away from the polls in Washington and Oregon, to name two states I know about, where voting is all by mail?

The neo-Stalinist motorized units have it covered.


Iffen one looks up Monsieur Vadum (similar to Verdun) on teh internet one can see that he is advertised or whored as “an Award Winning investigative Journalist”.
Of course, this piques the interest as there are awards and awards, Juneau? So with the great gazoogle’s help one can find that the (one and only) award was bestowed in 1999 by the Pennsylvania Bar Association for an article as follows:
1st place to Central Penn Business Journal reporter Matthew Vadum for his article, “Decisions on Employees Can Be Employer Minefield.” This article explores the new dangers employers face everyday in hiring and firing employees.
and said article is here.
It is the usual Boo Hoo about how you cain’t fiar no one no moah and ya gotta be perlite to them.
I think M. Vadum has got issues with the working classes and since he had a witch-hunt against ACORN, I don’t think it’s only based on social status.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The neo-Stalinist motorized units have it covered.

Ah, so that’s what Ace and his buddies were doing in Stand By Me—electioneering!

The Tragically Flip

I know this is bad, but back in 2008, George Will somehow didn’t get fired for a column in which he opposed early voting because it decreases the “quality” of the electorate by allowing the “slothful” to vote. Will thesis is that those who cannot be arsed to vote during a very specific 10-12 hour period on a very specific date are unworthy of the privilege.

Given Will’s permanent cot in the sunday morning green rooms, and that this column appeared in Newsweek instead of a wingnut blog, I’d say Will’s entry was worse.


One wonders how much “income” Mr. Vadum thinks is necessary to earn a franchise?

Is it simple “Property Ownership” such as a Home, car, or Computer that earns one the privledge of voting?

Or is Mr. Vadum just looking for a Poll tax to ensure a voice in the count?

Oh, he doesn’t say, just that this isn’t the America The Founders wanted because the constitution ain’t the same one they wrote.*

Gee, Matty without any suggestions beyond, “What the founders wanted”, you really sound like an over-paid toady for a whiny fucking Plutarch.

But I’m guessing that earns you a vote doesn’t it, Mr. Vadum?

*How dare Tom, John, Ben, and George write a constitution with rules on how to make changes!!!


At least then you’d have to actually know something about the person you’re voting for.

Gotcha questions and litmus tests about Evolution are unfair, however. Also evolution tests about Litmus.

no voting for anyone who has received government assistance in the past year

Now there’s a reform that’s gonna appeal to the older voter.


If we’re going to promote rules for voting, they should be based on a clean drug test
But but but I vote better when I’m drunk. It’s a proven fact.


Huff Post has an article about the R govs who are making sure that the poor and minorities do not vote. It may be to late.


They got no feud with Feudalism.


Look, the poor totally crashed the global economy didn’t they? And had to be “bailed out” to the tune of a gazillion dollars? The poor are “too big to fail” apparently. And we rich have to suffer the consequences. It sucks. And it’s time to put an end to it. History shows us what to do: get rid of them or make them build a pyramid and pick cotton.


facists, on the other hand, are all about the uniformity and conformity.

Much like movement conservatives. Overruled.


Huff Post has an article about the R govs who are making sure that the poor and minorities do not vote. It may be to late.

In the New America, it’s never too late to inflict more indignities on the downtrodden.


Since oil & gas exploration is subsidized by the gubbamint, all drivers must now give up their right to vote. And public-transit users. And anyone who owns a tupperware container.


You can have my tupperware etc.


Hmm. They won’t confirm my registration so I can comment. I so wanted to encourage Mr. Vadumdum to pursue his thought and offer his support to the Republican candidates. I want to hear Mr. Romney, Mrs. Bachmann, Mr. Perry and whatstheirfaces deliver a ringing call to take away the voting rights of the unemployed. Nothing would encourage Americans who are unemployed or fearful of becoming unemployed to support Republicans more than a threat like this. As a 59-year-old who works for a company that gets many government contracts, I know that if those contracts dried up (cue shrieks of “SHRINK GOVERNMENT!”) it would be no one’s fault but my own if I were unemployed in Nov. 2012. I wouldn’t DESERVE to vote. Why do they even have to consider laws that would prevent the unproductive from voting? Out of common decency I would refrain, and I would hope everyone else in my situation would do the same.

Come on, Republican candidates!. Get out there and preach it! “No suffrage for the unemployed.” I want to see that banner at Tea Parties across the nation. I want voters asking Mr. Romney, Mrs. Bachmann and Mr. Perry why they haven’t proposed this measure before now. Of course it should also apply to people living on Social Security. They aren’t contributing (any more.) So what good are they? Social Security problem solved!


You can have my tupperware when you pry from it my cold, dead leftovers.


Just give me a living wage and I promise not to vote.


The thing that kills me is that he uses something Franklin *supposedly* said as evidence that the founders of this country “anticipated redistributionist attacks on the Constitution”. What an evidentiary standard. Hearsay for everyone!

Particularly since the quote VaDummy says Benjamin Franklin “supposedly” said is a paraphrase of a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville.


Sorry we couldn’t hear you, Mr. Vadum … had to sell the PC for this nice shiny new AK-47.

Kinda heavy, but that just makes her more accurate at longer ranges. Durable as hell & a real cinch to clean, too. Don’t worry, it’s just for hunting, honest … well, unless something comes up that requires our immediate attention, if you get my drift.

I know everyone thinks we just watch American Idol & drink beer all day, but here’s a News Flash: we’ve been keeping score, & it’s looking like it might be way past time for a “stimulus package” of our own to remind the rich scum with their jackboots on our throats that they’re no more immortal or untouchable than anyone else.

Go on – give us an excuse to show you what the REAL meaning of “Citizens United” is. We’re dying to put on a little impromptu workshop, just for you & all your hedge-fund buddies.


Shorter Vadum = Elitism, just like the Founding Fathers intended!

Oh, how I love to see the mask fall off.

Successful troll is successful – & wow, he really looks the part. I keep looking over his head for the underside of the bridge.

Bonus points for mistaking his own Constitution for Charmin.


Looky, Vadum has a web log. (Never has the term “log” been more accurate.) Perhaps we should pay him a visit or fifty. Before he takes away our First Amendment rights. Nice little wing-nut face mullet he’s got going, too.


Speaking of masks falling off … Weiner Tweeting his dong ain’t jack-shit compared to this, for sheer ugly – & there’s enough like it to fill a book by now.

Like Carlin said: there’s a Club, & you ain’t in it.

shopworn hunchback

I have nothing to add except a backwards name and an anagram.

Mudav Wehttam

Mathew Vadum’s anagram name is



Great thread, everybody. I don’t have much to add on the serious threads, as I is ain’t a smarty, but it’s been a fascinating read.


spear: the slender man scares the liver out of me…thanks for bringing it up so close to bedtime…

also, too…how does one get a cool picture by their nym when one is posting derogatory comments at a certain ass wipe’s web log?


Thanks for the link, M Bouffant. I added a jewel of my own.


Under Vadumb’s plan the humble carpenter Jesus does not get a vote.


Fenwick – response to your post a ways back…GUILLOTINE!!!! could be to Eschaton as PENIS is to Sadly, No!

Except, of course, that “guillotine” was just an excuse, and a lame one. It was only a problem when I said it.


It was only a problem when I said it.

well, duh! you were probably dangling that guillotine too close to their weenises…also too, you shouldn’t even be voting!


heh. “weenises”


…how does one get a cool picture by their nym when one is posting derogatory comments at a certain ass wipe’s web log?

Have to make yourself a Blogger™ acc’t. Don’t need to make a blog, just have an acc’t.


Spoke too soon, seeing that you’re already a “user.” There should be an “Edit Photo” thing on the dashboard that’ll allow you to upload whatever. Or maybe you do have to start a blog to get all those features.


heh. “weenises”

It’s like fifth grade in here, innit? Keeps me firmly glued here, that’s for sure.


BTW, MB, I’ve got a great Cthulhu video up over at my joint.


BTW, MB, I’ve got a great Cthulhu video up over at my joint.

Bah, probably just another guy with a toy submarine.


No, I saw it. It’s not a guy w/ a toy sub.


Though, it is amazing that the comment section is entirely people communicating in dog-whistles and meaningless buzzwords. It’s all “yes, people need to have pro-business outlooks by being invested in the economy, welfare queen handout, big government bailout ACORN.”

It’s like stumbling across a rare isolated society of people who managed to entirely sublet their thinking processes to the rote repetition of half-remembered statements from Fox News.

Talk about your Headcrab Zombies.

They’re like the Ascians in Gene Wolfe’s Book of the New Sun, unable to speak, except in memorized phrases from a lexicon of “Correct Thought”. Unlike Wolfe’s Ascians, there’s no undercurrent of fundamental humanity trying to express itself in Wingnutese.


Some of the other big things that these “pro-business” “champions against welfare dependence” like to keep people from noticing is that businesses in terms of new entrepeneurship and R&D into new markets, grow best when there is a robust safety net.

It’s no accident that most of the big backers of right-wing causes are involved in extractive industries that would be hurt by real innovation, and the development of new industries.

The fossil fuel industry, like the right-wing political movement in the U.S., is also doomed, the one by resource limitations, the other by demographics. Last gasps are never pretty.


Now anyone with a pulse can vote.
ZRM has a sad.

Dick Cheney too.


That’s an ooold talking point really. Don’t remember who said that about majority “voting themselves money” and how it will end democracy, but it’s constantly being quoted around wingnutty places.


The problem is that we’ve got no Scary Left for the rich to fear enough to make some grudging concessions, and for people to judge the Democrats against. There is an equivalent length-scale on the Right, between the militiaoids and an hundred species of racist group, including some that help run our massive prison system.

Where there are no visible Scary Leftists, it’s so much easier to paint anyone as a Scary Leftist.


It is the New Objectivist ethics: Selfishness is a virtue. Except in other people.

To avoid the electoral system being taken over by people who have a stake in the outcome, the right to vote should be taken away from anyone who might benefit from increased government and restricted to people who benefit from decreased government.

Why am I not surprised that there are people keen to return to the good old days of taxation without representation?


Oh – Bring Back Taxation without Representation time ! I knew these imbeciles wanted to go backward but I had no idea just how far.


Oh dammit. Ahem me now, Smut. I apologise.


My favorite part is when Vadum talks about “ultra-leftist Leon Trotsky”.

Oh, is that what he was? Tell me more of this obscure Trotsky fellow. And I want to hear more about that far-right activist Adolf Hitler, and that careful theologian, Jesus Christ, and that Mongolian politician, Genghis Khan.


Pardons, but haven’t read the thread (yet) but wanted to pass these past the humorous goalies here.

A layer cake of clown cars.

A layer cake of clown cars driving a runaway locomotive.

These are some of the types of things that pop into my head from time to time when I think of the gelatinous mass that has taken over the republican party.


My favorite part is when Vadum talks about “ultra-leftist Leon Trotsky”.

Consider his audience- these are people who need to tattoo “Keep Out of Ass” on their thumbs.


That is literally what the title of the article is. Jesus motherfucking Christ. Satire died years ago and they’re just pissing on its grave.

And ate its children.



Consider his audience- these are people who need to tattoo “Keep Out of Ass” on their thumbs.

This got a giggle1. Got me of a mind of hands,map, and flashlights, it did.


Why am I not surprised that there are people keen to return to the good old days of taxation without representation?

It seems to me they want both: taxation without representation for you, and no taxation for them.


But I fear part of it is that the rich are feeling like its cash in time and time to just out right buy as much of the country as possible. With actions in Wisconsin and the other fire sales around the country, it seems the rich know that we’ve convinced ourselves out of using the guillotine against them no matter what and so no longer see the need to mask their naked greed and utter contempt that we exist, much less ask to continue existing.

On the second, though, who knows, maybe we can relearn a love of guillotines if they keep it up.

In other words: How many dreams have to die so I can live this one.

And i know from sharpening.


HA! Lil’ Matty deleted my comment about how funny it was that he was staining his underwear over nefarious organizations like ACORN driving little old ladies to the polls. I guess it hit too close to his fears of being assaulted with a walker.

Someone should mention to Matt that a blog with a comments section isn’t like Fox News, where you get to make sure no one ever presents the facts that disprove your lies.


Reflections of a GOP operative who left the cult.

Reposted from Balloon Juice. It’s pretty long, but it’s a good read.


HA! Lil’ Matty deleted my comment about how funny it was that he was staining his underwear

indeed he did…also the one pointing out the obvious flaws in his *argument*…

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Today in Selective (Lack of) Indignation- Shorter Eric Golub: Liberals should love Sarah Palin because they’re a bunch of burdensome mongoloids just like her son.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Aw, fuck, the thread’s dead and I’m locked in the mausoleum with the dada troll.


I am here to Save The Day!


badger badger badger badger (badger)


Mercifully I’m on my desktop and all I see is a kilt andon.

Also, please set yourself on fire, andon.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

a kilt andon.
Oh, so it’s translated from the Gaelic. That makes more sense.


Also, please set yourself on fire, andon.

Preferably in a way that causes you to fall into a woodchipper within a few minutes.


Actually, I have a serious question (assuming this thread ain’t dead):

Is it me or are there are a lot more people who are not and never will be anything like wealthy screaming about the plight of the poor little rich people than there are rich people screaming?


Guillotines are too painless. I’m thinking tasers and cat o’nine tails, followed by a white phosphorus cocktail.

And here I am trying to figure a way to bolt VDH’s stolen chainsaw to this cocktail. Also, too, shaken or stirred?


Is it me or are there are a lot more people who are not and never will be anything like wealthy screaming about the plight of the poor little rich people than there are rich people screaming?

I think there’s plenty of both to go around. But the wannabe-rich people have all this additional bitterness from the fact that they’re not rich, whereas the bona fide rich are mostly just oblivious. I think.


The Curse of the Internet: bitter non-entities now have a voice.


Is it me or are there are a lot more people who are not and never will be anything like wealthy screaming about the plight of the poor little rich people than there are rich people screaming?

Nope, not just you.

I remember at some point during the Reagan administration, asking one of my friends “When did wealthy people become victims?”

Shortly thereafter I realized that they were braying about giving 14th amendment protection to dollar bills, that earning a dollar through capital gains was more virtuous than earning one through the sweat of a brow.

It’s nuts and yet the salt of the earth (as it were) have bought into the narrative.



It’s mostly the wannabees, though. I mean, that’s how we end up with Fox News going apeshit with “Is Warren Buffett a socialist?” just because he points out that he’s not paying enough in taxes.

Yeah, Megan, Gretchen, Brian…Warren Buffett is a socialist, you fucking morons. It’s how he became a billionaire.

Which begs for the response, that if socialism made Warren Buffett a billionaire, clearly it can’t be what you all have been claiming. Either that, or Warren Buffett is so damned smart that he was able to amass billions even with all that socialistic wealth redistribution…and any guy that smart should be listened to, which means he’s right that rich people should pay more in taxes.

Another thing I’d pay to see the next time those asshats start going on about the “producers” and the “parasites”, is for someone to point out how they aren’t actually producing anything other than hot air, that the clerk at the grocery store is performing a more vital activity than THEY are…like I said to that pigfucker Vadum, “go ahead and go Galt and let’s see how long it takes for that to bring the US economy to its knees.”


Guillotines are too painless. I’m thinking tasers and cat o’nine tails, followed by a white phosphorus cocktail.

What about impalement? It’s got a certain old-school charm about it.


Sanity has returned. All is well.


Arky: I think it works like this:

I hate liebruls

Liebruls hate the greedy uberrich.

Therefore I love the greedy uberrich just to piss off the liebruls.

Just a guess. I don’t know how lizards’ minds work.


Guillotines don’t rule out impalement. Heads on pikes and all that. Of course that happens post mortem, so it doesn’t solve the not-painful-enough issue.


Sing “Guillotines are painless” to the tune of “Suicide is Painless.” Go on. Do it. Just for funzies.


For that reason alone, the left should worship Sarah Palin and adopt her as one of their own,” Golub said. “Because the leftist haters are an entire political ideology of special needs children.”
Golub continued by saying that liberals are needy and feel entitled.
“And unlike Trig, they aren’t very lovable,” Golub said. “All you hear from them is give me, give me, I need, I need, I want, I deserve, I’m entitled – no you don’t.”

alrighty, we all knew i would have to weigh in on this one…i can only call it an epic humor fail…

first he says that the left and its ideology is *special* but then goes on to say that the left also think they are needy and that’s bad…

so, he’s saying the special needs persons who actually do need loads of care 24/7 and those who are highly functioning and all of them in between are bad?

oh, ha! good one….


vs – LOL, I read the first phrase and didn’t even need to read the rest to know what the tune was.

I’ve still got the “PENIS Las Vegas” earworm from weeks ago.


Sing “Guillotines are painless” to the tune of “Suicide is Painless.” Go on. Do it. Just for funzies. you shore know how to have fun, girlfriend! this is going to be our new campfire song!


i shall be leaving y’all now…i am bringing the chicken soup masterpiece you were so kind to help out with down to the in laws for luncheon…i will post the rave reviews later…


Guillotines are too painless. I’m thinking tasers and cat o’nine tails, followed by a white phosphorus cocktail.

Take all their money away and give it to poor people, and make them watch.


tigris wins the internets.

Added suggestion: after we take away all their money and give it to poor people, make them do the poor people’s jobs and sit around talking about what a bunch of parasites they are.


Take all their money away and give it to poor people, and make them watch, while having to work a cash register at tiffany’s.

Fixxored for more sadistic content!


alrighty, we all knew i would have to weigh in on this one…i can only call it an epic humor fail…

Conservative humor’s only funny if you think bigotry or cruelty are funny.

Can’t remember who said that, but he was right.


Dammit Jennifer, git outta mah head!


The wingnuts are even creepier than I imagined.


The only thing that will ever quell a wingnut’s thirst for cruelty is inflicting it upon him. Then it will be not a common-sense prescription for getting the country “back on track” but a shameful abomination that must be avenged.

In other words, nothing will quell a wingnut’s thirst for cruelty.


Is it me or are there are a lot more people who are not and never will be anything like wealthy screaming about the plight of the poor little rich people than there are rich people screaming?

Three overlapping factions: 1) The Spite Voters Fenwick mentioned, 2) the Horatio Alger “anyone can make it big if they work hard enough” myth, and 3) the Fundies who combine the two and sprinkle it with “prosperity gospel” pixie dust such that being rich is treated as evidence of GAWD’s blessing (and, conversely, if you’re poor you must fucking deserve it ’cause GAWD *wants* you to be rich, it’s only your SIN that’s keeping you poor).


make them watch, while having to work a cash register at tiffany’s.

Teh Black Barbarian nails it. Psychic pain is the best way to go. Even in jest, I don’t like torture. Guillotine. 50-cal slug through the cranium. Fast, final, painless.


What kingubu said. I forgot about (2) and (3). Especially the Proof of GAWD’s Blessing on the Uber Wealthy.


The only thing that will ever quell a wingnut’s thirst for cruelty is inflicting it upon him. Then it will be not a common-sense prescription for getting the country “back on track” but a shameful abomination that must be avenged.

Well, right.

Much like the entire conservative philosophy comes down to “it’s only okay when I/we do it.”


did I say the shopworn in-jokes were getting tedious?

I had forgotten all about the dada troll

ten thousand more blanking-the-blank-blank, VpenisRwhatever, also-too-also, eleventy!!, LLLLLLL, doodoo-peepee-kaka is way preferable to another “andon” post




But really at this point wingnuts only really need the barest excuses to engage in severe cognitive dissonance.

And I think another part of it is a type of masculinity and “confidence” that stems from being “decisive” and never wrong. In short, making your mind up and then actively resisting any attempt to change it to fit more with actual reality because such a method is “better” than being the type of “pussy” who dares back down and changes his mind with facts.

I encounter that personality type a lot arguing with wingnuts and Libertarians where they will double down on the crazy rather than have to admit their poorly thought out initial argument was stupid and old.

That’s definitely how we got the Prosperity Gospel and Our Lord Capitalism. The entire right is doubling down now that it is obvious to even the oblivious that “trickle down” economics and “small government” is a not-that-sophisticated theft scheme thought up by the ultra-rich to drain a country’s coffers. Rather than go, yup, okay, I got hoodwinked, they are doubling down, making the ultra-rich modern saints and arguing that the Just World Fallacy supports them.


“Three overlapping factions: 1) The Spite Voters Fenwick mentioned, 2) the Horatio Alger “anyone can make it big if they work hard enough” myth, and 3) the Fundies who combine the two and sprinkle it with “prosperity gospel” pixie dust such that being rich is treated as evidence of GAWD’s blessing (and, conversely, if you’re poor you must fucking deserve it ’cause GAWD *wants* you to be rich, it’s only your SIN that’s keeping you poor).”

There’s also the hardcore ideologues, the morons who believe that sucking up to the Uber-Rich puts them on “the winning side,” even if they personally get nothing out of it. Although I suppose that’s just a variation of #3 from the above list.


Pardon me. Did you move my cheese?


Is it me or are there are a lot more people who are not and never will be anything like wealthy screaming about the plight of the poor little rich people than there are rich people screaming?

The wealthy & powerful don’t have to rant, rave & skree in the public square/on the Internet, because they are wealthy & powerful, & have access to/control of those who wield the levers of power, & pretty much do so on behalf of the W&P anyway.

The “little people” who do the ranting & raving are either in the employ of the W&P (Vadum) or are bitter fucks who do it for nothing because they are haters w/o access to power.

Pimp my web log: You should hear Eric Golub’s voice, if you haven’t. I’d be bitter too.


The wealthy & powerful don’t have to rant, rave & skree in the public square/on the Internet, because they are wealthy & powerful, & have access to/control of those who wield the levers of power, & pretty much do so on behalf of the W&P anyway.

The “little people” who do the ranting & raving are either in the employ of the W&P (Vadum) or are bitter fucks who do it for nothing because they are haters w/o access to power.


Rich people are just trying to protect their elite status. But the wannabes don’t have one – they have to worry about medical bills and retirement and paying for that house they bought and putting kids through school and maybe college just like the rest of us.

And they think they should have an elite status, or at least an easier life, but they’ve convinced themselves that the only reason they don’t is because the fucking liberals are rigging the odds in favor of blacks, immigrants, unions and poor people. Hence the piles and piles of bitter vitriol at us.


the Fundies who combine the two and sprinkle it with “prosperity gospel” pixie dust such that being rich is treated as evidence of GAWD’s blessing (and, conversely, if you’re poor you must fucking deserve it ’cause GAWD *wants* you to be rich, it’s only your SIN that’s keeping you poor).”

Which is not just unbiblical, it’s ANTIbiblical.


Which is not just unbiblical, it’s ANTIbiblical.

If the God they say they worship really exists, they’re in for a hell of an afterlife.


Wouldn’t that be just like fundies to ruin Hell for the rest of us just like they’ve ruined everything else?


Shorter Eric Golub: Liberals should love Sarah Palin because they’re a bunch of burdensome mongoloids just like her son.

I can haz “Hoist on his own retard” joke?


Vadum certainly managed to piss off a lot of “Libs”. I’m sure he is sitting on Cloud Freeper right now. High Fivin’ texts and the IMs just a flying.

But along with Limpy’s and Dochey’s spewage; Vadum, your little insult will result in Tens of thousands of people putting up with the bullshit you losers throw up to kill Democracy and voting.

Nice! Thanks dipshits!


The Slacktivist observes:

For those who would maintain that the theonomists [Dominationist theologians] have never had any significant influence, I would point out here that one of their long-term aims has been to replace the words “rich” or “wealthy” with the more virtuous-sounding word “productive.” Judge for yourself, in 2011, whether or not their desired influence has been influential on that score.



Wouldn’t that be just like fundies to ruin Hell for the rest of us just like they’ve ruined everything else?

The band is on the way home from a gig, the van crashes and they all die. At the Pearly Gates St. Peter takes a look at them and says, “Well, you can look around if you want but I bet you’d feel more comfortable at the Other Place.”

Hell, it seems, is like the coolest club they’ve ever played. The Devil says,
“Hey, great, you’re here, come right backstage.” All the equipment looks great, the club is hopping, backstage there’s a great spread of food and booze and lots of fun party people. “So, do you want the gig?” says the Devil. The guitar player, spokesperson for the band, says, “Wow this all looks really great, what’s the catch?” The Devil looks embarrassed a little, scuffs the ground and says, “Well, my girlfriend, she sings.”


El – is his girlfriend Celine Dion?


Up to this point I have never thought of the rich as successful parasites. But now that it has been pointed out so well in this thread I see it is an elegant truth.

Wouldn’t all this be conveniently taken care of if there was an extreme progressive tax on inherited wealth over $_____ million? It would limit the parasite’s ability to reproduce and improve the overall health of the host.


Black Smith – you raise a good point. I’ve often wondered if it wouldn’t be good policy to simply set a cap on the amount of wealth any individual could amass.

I think the bigger issue, however, is this lame-ass income tax system we’ve got where progressivity stops at $250K. Is there any reason why someone who has an income of $1 million, $10 million, $50 million per year should be paying at the same rate as someone making $250K? And yet, it’s never even proposed that the scale should increase for these obscenely high incomes. Capital gains is another area where the ultra-wealthy get away with paying less than their fair share; that’s how the hedge fund managers “earning” hundreds of millions per year get by with paying a rate about half of what a guy making $45K earns. It’s total bullshit, and there’s a compact among the rich, both political parties, and the media to make sure no one ever mentions it out loud.


Interesting point B.Smith. I don’t think a new tax will fix anything as rich people can get good (I mean skilled) accountants and they would just have more to bitch about. I personally do not want to snicker snacker anyone. I would like them to pay the fecking taxes they should pay and STFU. i don’t want lectures on how they made it so I can to, or Gawd made them successful or whatever. Leave me alone and I’ll leave them alone.
Sit around kvetching about how hard their horrid lives are, whilst they pay less taxes than I do and they fund fuck-heads who are happy to see the world burn, and I will get a mite tetchy.


bbkf – don’t look now, but lil’ Matty deleted your other post, too.

He’s whittled that thread down to 6 comments. I can’t figure out why he hasn’t deleted my other one yet, where I scoff at his status as a “producer.” In fact, I noted that he produces bullshit, which is in no short supply. Somehow he found my comment pointing out that ACORN was nothing more than people exercising their constitutional right to free assembly and that I had worked for them more threatening. Or maybe it was because I noted that I had volunteered with them even though I’m not black or poor. Can’t have anyone stepping on the stereotype, I guess.

Seriously, y’all, if you haven’t been over there…this guy has a paranoid fear of ACORN. He’s written a whole frickin’ BOOK to “warn” people that the folks who previously made up ACORN are – horrors! – re-uniting under new organizations. Like they have a right to do that or something! And – even worse – these new organizations might work to support re-election of Obama! While we all know that only Crossroads GPS, whatever slimily misnomered astroturf organizations the Kochs fund, and any group with the words “tea” and “party” in their title have a right to organize in support of political issues or candidates! I tell you, it’s downright un-American.


Here’s one of the “Editorial Reviews” from the amazon page for Vadum’s piece of shit book,Subversion, Inc. Oooooo…scary!!!

“I dare anyone to defend ACORN, and its radicals, after reading this book.” – Hannah Giles, Investigative Journalist

Funny, I thought her title was “Hannah Giles, Roadwhore Impersonator.”


“I dare anyone to defend ACORN, and its radicals, after reading this book.” – Hannah Giles, Investigative Journalist

I used to wonder* how the fanboys would review the Protocols of the Elders of Zion if they’d had Amazon back in those days. Now I know. Jewish peril – all you need to know!

*Not actually.


Damn. Did I say “not actually?” I should’ve said “that was not meant to be a factual statement.” I hear the Very Serious People eat that stuff up like candy.


I’ve often wondered if it wouldn’t be good policy to simply set a cap on the amount of wealth any individual could amass.


Sometime during the early 90’s while having one of those political/ philosophical conversations with one of my fellow mechanics at the bike shop, some anecdote was brought up about meeting a girl in a bar who’s father was surgeon making something north of 2 million a year and claimed that he was suffering so much due to those nasty taxes which were keeping him down.

I was the one relating the anecdote, and told the girl in no uncertain terms at the time that I would trade tax brackets with her father in a heartbeat, while promising to never complain…I said tax me at 90% as I think I can figure out how to make due on a couple hundred grand a year.

After relating this particular story something about a maximum wage popped into my head.

I’d cap that shit at 250K per annum. What the fuck could you possibly need more money for? The need to acquire more useless shit? More power over others? Fuck you very much.

I still think that Bill Gates would have made shitty software under those circumstances, Sheryl Crow would have still written songs (don’t get me started on those piracy is killing the music biz ads of the late 90’s/early aughts).

The profit motive is simply an excuse to fuck the person most easily fucked…Humans and their ancestors managed to get along just fine without one for a couple million years.



Some days I can turn a phrase and some days I just ain’t got it. Veering occasionally into word-salad territory is an unfortunate side effect.

Jennifer, do I know you from the comments section of eschaton?

Been meaning to ask, as you “sound” very familiar to me and that one used to get into my haid also, too.

If not, I must admit that I enjoy the fashion with which you cut a jib!


Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18

It’s total bullshit, and there’s a compact among the rich, both political parties, and the media to make sure no one ever mentions it out loud.



Particularly since the quote VaDummy says Benjamin Franklin “supposedly” said is a paraphrase of a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville.

There isn’t really any good sourcing for the quote, outside a 1950s speech by the head of the American Cork Company.

It should be recognized as quite a stupid quote, since it’s the sort of thing which isn’t true.

Nation-states have fallen for many reasons — but never because THE FUCKING ORDINARY PEOPLE VOTED FOR AND GOT TOO MUCH ‘LARGESSE’ FROM THE PUBLIC TREASURY.

This is what De Tocqueville thought of the role of democracy in American society.

Note that he is not suggesting that the mooks are about to hand themselves too much of the public treasury because it’s a democracy.

America today is the one country in the world where democracy is totally sovereign. It is, besides, a country where socialist ideas, which you presume to be in accord with democracy, have held least sway, the country where those who support the socialist cause are certainly in the worst position to advance them I personally would not find it inconvenient if they were to go there and propagate their philosophy, but in their own interests, I would advise them not to.


No one should make more than the highest-paid Catcher. Or maybe the highest-paid Shortstop. At least those positions require Real Skillz.

I like a ‘transaction’ tax for stocks. Generates revenue and–most of all–helps suppress speculation.

I’m for semi-wholesale confiscation of ‘estates’. Leave the poor lil trust-fund chilrens with maybe 5 million max … and hope the poor dears can somethow struggle through life on their own.

The rest of the ‘estate’? Confiscate every fucking nickel.


Nation-states have fallen for many reasons — but never because THE FUCKING ORDINARY PEOPLE VOTED FOR AND GOT TOO MUCH ‘LARGESSE’ FROM THE PUBLIC TREASURY.

That is enormously true.

On the other hand, nations have fallen because their elites slowly insulated themselves from their obligations to pay taxes. (I’ll try to find the article I read about that recently…)


Provider – yep, I commented over at Eschaton regularly for a number of years.

Before I made the mistake of saying “guillotine.”


The rest of the ‘estate’? Confiscate every fucking nickel.

Yep, though I wouldn’t let ’em keep that much, but yeah, leave the fuckers with enough to wallow in a life of leisure on an income based on dividends…Wait, fuck that…Corporate personhood and the need to satisfy investors is a source of evil.

Let them either express the talents required to earn the big bucks, or join the rest of what I might call the “lower leisure classes*” on the dole at 40 grand a year. Paid for by the gubmint because we have the collective wealth to afford it.

That and the free education that would also be available would unleash creative talents and ultimately, solutions to problems that might make Dr Malthus cry.

Unfortunately I suspect that the good Dr will be paying us a visit in the near future.



Before I made the mistake of saying “guillotine.”

Did it result in a banning, as WGG’s “dime sized holes”?

In any event, nice to see you again, and as always, enjoy your commentary.



Found it: Playing Chicken With History, from the Washington Monthly. The key paragraph’s here:

As it happens, the willingness of the rich to defend their wealth from taxation to the point of national ruin is nothing new in world history, as Francis Fukuyama recounts in his magisterial new book The Origins of Political Order. The Han dynasty in China fell in the third century AD after aristocratic families with government connections became increasingly able to shield their ever-larger land holdings from taxation, which helped precipitate the bloody Yellow Turban peasant revolt. Nearly a millennium and a half later, the great Ming dynasty went into protracted decline in part for similar reasons: unable or unwilling to raise taxes on the landed gentry, the government couldn’t pay its soldiers and was overrun by Manchu invaders.

Other examples are listed and, interestingly, one counter-example: British elites, during the Industrial Revolution, did not, it seems, exempt themselves from those responsibilities, and therefore survived much better than many other elites in their position would have.


I might have left an “I” out of the last sentence…


This isn’t new. William F. Buckley was “speculating” about who should and shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the 1960s (and would get characteristically pissy about it whenever anyone dared bring it up afterward).


British elites, during the Industrial Revolution, did not, it seems, exempt themselves from those responsibilities, and therefore survived much better than many other elites in their position would have.

Those that understand the concept of Noblesse Oblige might have a better chance of not having their heads cratered by a curb stomp.


Provider – yep. What was funny though, (not funny in a ha-ha sense but in a “what a douche” sense) is that WGG’s comment was in response to a specific individual.

In my case, someone else quoted something from the time of the French Revolution and said, “all this and guillotines – ah.” To which I responded, “The guillotine – an idea whose time has come – again.” I got banned and the original commenter did not. Not to mention that it’s rather absurd to classify my comment as a polticial “threat” – aside from lack of any named target, there’s the notion that anyone would successfully strong-arm security in order to kidnap a politician and hustle them away to a meeting with Mme. Guillotine, which is not something that’s ever happened in this country. Then there were the various BS lies Atrios told to cover his ass – he had “just come in, saw my comment and ‘freaked out'” when he had been online all along, the fact that he would discuss it privately with his cool kidz who questioned him but I was owed no explanation, and etc. The reality is, big A didn’t so much care for me because I would from time to time disagree with his inner circle – notably NY Mary and NTodd plus several others, and this wasn’t acceptable, though trolls were welcome to shit in the punchbowl on an unlimited basis.

In short, dude is a huge douchebag, and I decided to never again give him a blog hit.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

William F. Buckley was “speculating” about who should and shouldn’t be allowed to vote in the 1960s.
And this at a time when you could beat a black guy into a coma for glancing towards a polling station and no jury would convict. Much like there is no Peak Wingnut, there is no Wingnut Satisfaction Threshold.


though trolls were welcome to shit in the punchbowl on an unlimited basis.

In short, dude is a huge douchebag, and I decided to never again give him a blog hit.

Got you.

I think I remember some discussion of the circumstances now, though that was in one of my periods of not hanging out as often, so I just caught bits and pieces.

There are many that used to comment there that I miss, and you have always been on the list. I rarely hang there these days for a number of reasons, but do check in occasionally to see if there are any old freinds hanging out.

I hope that you will except my hearty handshake and warm embrace, for it is nice to see you again.

And I think that there is a good chance that you know my first name.

I took the cowards choice out after the 04 debacle and went with the rotational varitude that has continued to this day.




Particularly since the quote VaDummy says Benjamin Franklin “supposedly” said is a paraphrase of a quote from Alexis de Tocqueville.

Having stayed on the boat until now, I had not realised that Vadum was building his analysis on the foundation of an apocryphal quotation that has previously had a thorough airing at S,N. See also. That was back in the days when that Righteous Bubba guy was commenting here.

All the usual suspects appear in Loren Collins’ detective work on the history of the quotation and its misattributions. Strom Thurmond, Ronald Reagan and P.J. O’Rourke have all lied about it, adding their own fabrications.


The guillotine thing reminds me of when I was a wee activist in the gay old 90’s and so many white rich folks who were Conscientious Contributors to the Cause and thus deserving accolades far and wide along with suggestions on how to not feel guilty about being a trust funder with too much of that filthy money on hand…

anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, guillotine. See, I was fucking poor and poor as hell and damn angry that the mob of the electorate had been sharpening their dog whistles to call all poor single mothers whores.

And I dared to tell these fine people that, that I was angry and pissed off and wanted some damn action RIGHT NOW and expected people to get out in the streets and stop this sexist, rightist fascist anti-democratic talk and …

I was told, “Kate, you’re so angry, I’m sorry you’re so angry but that makes us a little nervous and we don’t want to listen to you, can you please tone it down? Now what was it you were saying about those welfare whores?”

Its all the same, like Cerebrus said and so many others here say. The moderate voter is the stooge that everything is judged by. Obama is like the total living existence of that “Angry is a bad thing.” mantra that the Wealthy White Proper Donors loved so much.

Because the fact is, the Wealthy White Proper Donors who have done so well under St. Ronnie and Bush ! and the Lesser really don’t want to see their meal ticket threatened. They know what’s on the good side, they know right from wrong, but “Geez guys, do ya really hafta talk about things that make my mutual funds sag?”

Reading Vadum’s comments felt like somoene punching me in the face; its that insulting, its that absolutely directed to punish me and so many people I know for having the temerity to exist. I am poor because of Republican policies, all the way back to Reagan who came into office exactly on the year I ran away from home and from that point on I subsequently fell into every snare and trap the Republicans set up to lynch the poor; to stew them in their own soup of misery so that the rich could sup off the sweet broth of our bones.

I worked today and yesterday and the day before, working on cars that won’t run because I can’t afford to buy a new one, working on jobs that don’t pay because there’s another jamoca around the corner willing to work for less so a little is better than nothing — working for people who have benefited from the GOPers policies of no-tax the rich, while saying to me, ‘Kate believe in the system, you are self employed, we love the entrepreneur, we love the small business person.”

Yes, my bones make sweet broth to feed the fat fucks like Vadum.


Provider – yep, there’s lots of folks from over there that I miss seeing, though I’m glad to run into them here and other places.

You wouldn’t happen to be my old fave blak no1 would you? I always loved him but he disappeared from the scene over there even before I left. But the same goes for lots of folks…in the early days Lambert and Tresy and all hung out there, but it got more and more to be an “in-group” and everyone else was just considered a hanger-on. That’s one of the things I love about Sadly – I’ve had a few knock-down dragouts here and even a few times have exchanged a few heated words with a host but they’re all adults and so don’t see the need to reach for the ban-hammer. Which is as it should be, or at least that’s what I think.


Oops, am I in the wrong room?


kate – no, you’re in the right place. Sounds like to me that you should get to cut the rope.


that “Angry is a bad thing.” mantra that the Wealthy White Proper Donors loved so much.

To be fair, however, Angry is a perfectly good thing when it comes from old, conservative white guys drowning in Medicare and Social Security checks.


Great link, Chris, thanks.


You wouldn’t happen to be my old fave blak no1 would you?

Nope, i went by kent back in the day. blak no1 is also on my list as well as Backslider.

I guess that I might have been at one time, a member of the in crowd over there, possibly a result of meeting a bunch of the NYC contingent in meatspace on my last trip to that lovely city.

It was a great community, probably remains for those that remain.

I like the flavor of this place and roy’s spot. I cry every day but need to laugh in equal measure. As such, your wit and wisdom is a treasure to me.

/please let this not come off as an internet mash note


Humane Society of the North Bay (SF) is doing up a pet calendar, and asking the public to vote on the 13 pets that will be used in the 2012 calendar. Votes are $1/ea., and my guy, LarryElvis is a contestant. If you like Siamese cat photos, that was a good ‘un, if I do say so myself (and taken with an Android phone).


kent – oh yeah, I know you!

no, not a mash note – I’m glad to see you too! Would love to see Backslider around as well. I haven’t seen blak for years…I think the last time it was at FDL, so obviously that would have been prior to 2008. Anyway, glad you’re here now.


I love alicublog, too, but cannot abide by the way Roy has Echo set up, there. Too difficult to know who said what, when. Echo always was a needle-in-haystack piece of crap, but when you split it into a couple of dozen comments per page, it is impossible to deal with.

I bet Jennifer could go back to A-man’s any time… A-man would not notice/remember/care, and a lot of the people Jennifer mentioned either do not come around any longer, or very infrequently.


Chris, indeed angry is good when coming from the deluded poor who are so fucking confused that they’ll grab onto any little nugget thrown at them between “Desperate Housewives” and “Bones” re-runs.

I had a carpenter tell me one fine a while ago, “I need some work bad.”

Me: “Cool, you a carpenter? I could probably put you to work, what is your rate?”

“Well, I get twenty-five an hour which is what I got in the union and I want to be an employee, nuna this ‘independent contractor shit’.

Me: “Listen dude, I’m all with you on that, but I can’t get more than seventeen right now and I’m running the whole thing, this property management on slums, not a commercial high-rise build. I can’t afford worker’s comp on that rate, where do you think I’ll get the money for that?”

“Well then I can’t work for you.”

“Then you don’t need the work as bad as I do do ya?”

Conversation ended on that but I added an explanation of how the race to the bottom catches us all and as long as contractors aren’t regulated and people are rewarded with paying the least and the poor people work without compensation for injuries or being able to earn enough to even pay employment taxes, in the end the poor person loses when they get injured or they are old and have no social security to collect. I explained how the rich man benefits from all this.

To which he added,”Hey, that Trump is where I’m putting my vote, doncha think? A small businessman is what we need.”:

Thus I gave up.

I once put an ad on craigslist extolling the virtues of self employed contractors coming together to regulate themselves and work together to bring up the trade and thus their compensation.

To which I was given harrassing messages calling me a communist, pinko “soshalistic” asshole — always in all caps and pathetically spelled. I remember one distinctly, “I do just fine on my own and I don’t care, I don’t need no regulations and I am in business for myself and I am making plenty of money.”

I didn’t bother to write back that living in a trailer park sucking on Natty Lite is not “making plenty of money”.

Either its the complacent upper and upper middle class liberals which Obama exempllifies so well, or its the other end of the spectrum with the pathetically ignorant grasping at the poison bait fed to them.


Reading Vadum’s comments felt like somoene punching me in the face; its that insulting, its that absolutely directed to punish me and so many people I know for having the temerity to exist. I am poor because of Republican policies, all the way back to Reagan who came into office exactly on the year I ran away from home and from that point on I subsequently fell into every snare and trap the Republicans set up to lynch the poor; to stew them in their own soup of misery so that the rich could sup off the sweet broth of our bones.

Kate, I feel you. I was kicked out of my house at 18 2 or3 years after you ran away. I left with a sense of a “possibility of Opportunity”…Enjoyed the Reagan recession, squeaked by, and by charisma and wit managed to max out a salary of north of 20 large but once.

On the plus side I happen to have penis privilege, and while not white penis, given that I can articulate, I appreciate the advantage that my sex brings to the tabel*

*that was the first typo, which was changed, then changed back for the tower of babel popped to mind.

Internet hugs and kisses are all I can provide at this time, but if you need any technical assistance, research or any thing else that can help, I offer my limited services.



And by limited, I mean that I have the equivalent of degrees in History and Mechanical engineering, familiarity with and possibly equivalence with a bachelors in EE. I can also cook, though that does not translate very well through the internets though PupsPron does water the mouth.

In any event, if there is anything I can do to assist you, let me know.

And if you can’t find a way to contact me, ask me explicitly




I see your Siamese cat and raise you a Siamese plus his giant rescue-cat BFF. Also.

Awesomeness on tap.


To: Provider_UNE_BlackityBlackBarbarian™_Who for reasons Sartorial, is considering a raid on the Speahofoc compound , what with the hats and the products of a Burrberry Raid. In order to seduce DKW’s Mom

Thanks so much. I really think we all need to band together because this is just the start. These people really mean business, they want revolution more than we do and can’t wait to get the chance to clear the aisles for the anointed.

I was thinking I’d write somehing to toss out nationally and see where it lands, what the hell? The local rag will give me column space when I feel the urge to make a rant. We need to speak to the masses, enmass.(my spell check offers “masseuse, en mass, en-mass, massa) I’ll take masseuse for five hundred please after I kill massa.

Anyway, I’m going to take a shower and go see an old tenant friend of mine that lives on social security, I think we’ll go on the internets and research DIY guillotines.

xoxo back.


I think we’ll go on the internets and research DIY guillotines.

Two-blade designs give a perfectly good shave. The designers were just being silly when they jumped to 5 blades.


The designers were just being silly when they jumped to 5 blades.

Some like their fries julienned.


Helping Kate.

Some like their fries julienned.
Like this?


Like this?

You’re gonna LOVE my nuts!


OT, is this or is this not the most priceless picture of Mittens that has ever been taken?


OT, is this or is this not the most priceless picture of Mittens that has ever been taken?

That woman looks to be about to spew into her cup.


I was thinking I’d write somehing to toss out nationally and see where it lands, what the hell? The local rag will give me column space when I feel the urge to make a rant. We need to speak to the masses, enmass.(my spell check offers “masseuse, en mass, en-mass, massa) I’ll take masseuse for five hundred please after I kill massa.

Anyway, I’m going to take a shower and go see an old tenant friend of mine that lives on social security, I think we’ll go on the internets and research DIY guillotines.

I am pretty sure that I can be of assistance with the head knockers off of and trebuchets, sharpening of pitchforks and whatnot.

love back atcha.

hope you have a wonderful visit with your old friend.

give her a kiss on the cheek for me.



Nobody steals my clothes!


Now firstly, I was only gonna borrow “some of them” for a little while, and secondly this is the first time I have laughed out loud today.

Thankfully I did not scare the cat or shoot vodka outta my nose.



Thankfully I did not scare the cat or shoot vodka outta my nose.

Trust me: Shooting the cat out of your nose is even worse. I know.


Through early morning fog I see
Partiers with bags of tea
the jobs that are withheld from me
I realize and I can see…

That guillotines are painless
They bring on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.

I try to find a way to make
all our little joys relate
without that ever-present hate
but now I know that it’s too late, and…

That guillotines are painless
They bring on many changes
and I can take or leave it if I please.


Lets try that again, shall we…



now i get the badger ref…

Oh! I thought everyone was using that, these days.



i miss that program! anyhoo, the chix soup was a hit…fambly ate the entire pot…thanks for the input y’all…

bbkf – don’t look now, but lil’ Matty deleted your other post, too.

oh, that weasely little fucker!


Yeah, blue crosses, green clovers, uh…I forget the rest.

they’re always after me lucky charms!


Trust me: Shooting the cat out of your nose is even worse. I know.

Oh I am sure of that. Fortunately I have not had the experience.

Nice to see you around.

I have been playing with fire in the backyard in the interval.

I should attempt to get a picture of pippy, my roomies cat who has become mine seeing that while I love all animules, I am a cat whisperer by disposition and instinct.

in any event she is a beautiful and loving girl, and pretty much gave me an assist in the rommie interview when I didn’t chase her away. and was actually petting her within 7 minutes of entering the place for the first time.

Anyway I love yer cats, would like to meet them and you sometime in meatspace, with catnip and treats.

Sometimes I think that I am a cat. For realz, not hep!

And they get it. I have so many fraidy cat storys involving laying hands on cat’s who have never had hands laid upon…

I’ll quit now.

I really love the kitties, and am glad that there is a little furry and loving friend in my house now.

That is all.


I wish someone would toss the drunk guy outta the room.

/tossing drunken and maudlin persona out

See you again when I might be more clever, incisive, articulate, or something.



OT, is this or is this not the most priceless picture of Mittens that has ever been taken?

caption: Side-eye, Old White Lady Edition.


/tossing drunken and maudlin persona out

You’re crackin’ me up, UNE. 🙂


last time, really, maybe not, but I just gotta ask, is my present linebreaking nom de blog found remotely amusing by anyone else than me?

It cracks me up every time I see it, but then I have a sense of humor that has been characterized as sick, twisted. and wrong.

If it gave anyone else a larff I would be happy to hear about it.

Love and Kisses to all the SadlyNauts from knuckleheadJunction™


If it gave anyone else a larff I would be happy to hear about it.

yes, i laffed…now go to sleep!


Much love to you Jeff, and scritches to Curley and LarryE for me if you don’t mind.

Always. They owe much to the online crew, y’know.


forgive me for what I am likely about to do, but I am drunk, and need to stoke a fire.

What this likely means is that I will think I am clever, (not that that is not the default setting, though the sober comes with the deniability clause) In any event, for some reason (of my own choosing) I need to tend a fire…

I’ll ve back to annoy someone soon…probsbly


I’ll ve back to annoy someone soon…probsbly

this totally made me laff!



Over three hundred comments & not so much as one single instance of “VOTING IS DENTISTRY” ???

Shopworn joke fail, people!


Always. They owe much to the online crew, y’know.

I try to check in as much as I can, though I feel my efforts inadequate from time to time, but you have two wonderful beasts that are loved and cared for.

/high five



I try to check in as much as I can, though I feel my efforts inadequate from time to time, but you have two wonderful beasts that are loved and cared for.

Your comments are always welcome, even though the commenting software looks like a bad college project from 1992. 🙂 It works very well, I should add… better than any of that crap at A-man’s place, of course.

And that’s all they need. 😉 That, and my skritches, and some kibble, generally. They drink from the toilet, so I don’t even have to do that*.



My wonderful beast has been pestering me to PLAY! PLAY, GODDAMNIT!!! for the past hour. I played with her until she lost interest, and no sooner do I come and sit down but she’s sitting behind my chair saying “MROWRRRR!!!” (which translated, means, “PLAY WITH ME!!!)

Such a sweetie. She never pesters me on anything else – no early morning wake-ups, no “let me out NOW!” and when she’s hungry, she just situates herself where she’ll be seen whenever I get up from whatever I’m doing, at which point she says “mrrrrwow” while running towards the kitchen. I’ve never known a cat this patient. About everything except…playing.


this totally made me laff!

My work is done…except for a case of the giggles that has consumed me by your reply…

please to be replacing the giggles with larffs



ending the superlong name experimentalz.

For reasons passing understanding I still giggle my ass off at my formerly lengthened nom de blog.

I kill myself.


even though the commenting software looks like a bad college project from 1992. :

I am actually very impressed with D’s commenting software, though it does appear to use Unix Icons from the 90’s.

That poorly crafted sentence will be followed by this one.

Take care, and sweet dreams…



Kief, I haz it. Tiny, tiny amount of course. The finest dust–literally and figuratively–recovered from the interior of three years of baggies, meticulously scraped with a razor blade.

The adhesive properties of the particles are remarkable. They cling to the blade’s sharpened edge, and must be scraped off with another blade into a recovery container. The scrapings come off the first blade as a thin, delicate coil, much in manner of lemon peel.

I’ve never recovered kief before. The high reminds me very much of black Turkish hash.

And with that, I’m off to draw maps of imaginary places.

Sweet dreams to all.


And with that, I’m off to draw maps of imaginary places.

Ooh! Like the kid in Its Kind Of A Funny Story!


I am actually very impressed with D’s commenting software, though it does appear to use Unix Icons from the 90?s.

Butt-fucking-UGLY, but when the hosting service is up, bulletproof. And no troll nonsense, evar. I mean, dirk wrote it for Eschaton.


Good lord Provider, you are him? Are you the Kent I knew in church camp so many years ago? The Kent that I knew that….

I saw your blog anyway and I must leave a comment there but I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment and slightly off as my friend who gets the social security and according to Vadum is too poor to live had some wine and she shared it and we drank and she put on the oldies on her satellite Teevee that she said will be cut off next month.

And though I don’t give a shit about oldies, I do like some harmonies and we sang some old songs that were made before I was born.

But is that you? Has fate made this happen? You are in the midwest I am from the midwest.

And the guillotine samples, my friend didn’t feel like sharing my rage so I had to shut up about it which was probably good because the wine was better than anger than can go nowhere when talking to people who know they won’t have a part in the revolution.

She had the teevee going (before the music channel) on the local news and I saw that the man who may possibly have a Joseph Smith jihad up his sleeve was speaking to the local Tea Baggers.

None of those Tea Baggers in the crowd looked to me like they were living without any assistance from our dear government, what with their pension checks allowing them the chance to drive to some damn place and set up microphones and wear nice clothes and all.

Hell they even give money to the Tea Baggers, where the hell do they get that in their libertarian-D0-It-Myself universe? I wanna know because I’m trying to make money the old fashioned way (no not that way silly, geez) and I can’t shop the mall for my clothes.

Guillotines. I like the diagrams by the way. The stand-up slices might give us an opportunity to find out where they store all that greed and stupid. Just slice one bit at a time.
You know that even as they migrate toward the coasts the Tea Partiers will be bitching about how scientists don’t know shit about the world.


Who for reasons Sartorial, is considering a raid on the Speahofoc compound , what with the hats and the products of a Burrberry Raid. In order to seduce DKW’s Mom

Dude, she can be had for spare change…

Kate is bored again..

Dude, she can be had for spare change…

She actually offered to pay me when she heard of my plight. So I’d prefer you not cheapen the goods further as it will spoil my possible take.


GUILLOTINE– works much faster than nicotine.

GUILLOTINE– eliminates the need for Listerine.

GUILLOTINE– easier weight loss than Lean Cuisine


I mean, if we can deny people the right to vote based on the fact that they tend to vote for positions that we are opposed, can we just take away the franchise from people who watch Fox News? Those people are dumb as rocks and stupid as the day is long. The right to vote isn’t for people who are verified suckers who would vote for anything Hannity told them to vote for. Or is it?


I mean, if we can deny people the right to vote based on the fact that they tend to vote for positions that we are opposed, can we just take away the franchise from people who watch Fox News? Those people are dumb as rocks and stupid as the day is long. The right to vote isn’t for people who are verified suckers who would vote for anything Hannity told them to vote for. Or is it?

Well, dude, just give ME the right to vote and nobody else, and I’ll take care of everything. It’ll be fine. Honest 🙂

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

God sure is angry with Texas.


God sure is angry with Texas.

Are you writing campaign literature for One-L-Two-Ns?

Stop saying mean things to corporate shills guys it hurts their feelings :((((


Is there anything blogs cannot do?

Well, yes. But this one helped me quit smoking (two full months, now!), and between y’all, A-man’s place and Twitter, in 12 hours, you have made LarryElvis the #1 contestant in the Humane Society of the North Bay 2012 Calendar Contest! If he’s #1 on 10/1, he’s the cover beefcake, but I’d be happy for 13th place, which gets him a month. Thank y’all!


Half these things are just guys yelling.

I remember when Goopers told me union “thugs” were dangerous fanatics who beat up and endangered the lives of those poor rich people in mansions. But seriously, THIS is all she’s got? Good lord!


I’m on something like day 105 since I quit, thanks to the good folks here.

JP, have you been keeping a log of how much you’ve saved by NOT buying cigarettes? I don’t even want to say how much my running total comes to now – it’s embarrassing – but that’s been a huge help to me.


Wait, really? Is that honestly all she’s got?

What’s with the sign?

“If teabaggers are as hot as their Fox News Anchors then I’m here for the gangbang!”

WTF? Dude, WORST pickup line EVER.


119 days, x $7 per pack = $833.00 for me.


Among the things my saved cigarette money has bought me–a chartered ocean fishing trip.


a chartered ocean fishing trip.

Is that a three hour tour? Stay out of the unchartered waters!


I made it back. It was more like an 8 hour fishing trip. The First Mate and the Skipper too did not appear to do their very best. We got some fish, though.


tsam – I’m over $1,000, but I refuse to say by how much.


tsam – I’m over $1,000, but I refuse to say by how much.

I can’t believe you smoked more than a pack a day. If I did that for any protracted time, I wouldn’t have survived it. Well done–congratulations!


I actually feel sorry for andon. I think of her (assuming the “Alicia” name is the poster’s own) not as a conscious troll, but as somebody who has experienced some very bad things and feels the need to tell the world about them. Whether these things actually happened to her and others, or are subjective experiences caused by what Vonnegut would have described as “bad chemicals” in her brain, is beside the point.


JP, have you been keeping a log of how much you’ve saved by NOT buying cigarettes?

Well, $6.50/day x 60 = $390
Minus The Safe Cig Kit and Refills = ~$180

So, say $200… so far.


Capuano, speaking in front of the State House, fired up the crowd by saying, “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

Ooh, so terrible! And what with all the folks packing heat and calling for “watering the tree of liberty” it really was too far, and then when he shot that guy in the face…

Anyway, thank you Michelle Malkin for standing up with the bosses and Pinkertons against those uber powerful Unionistas on Labor Day.


Yep Kate that is me, and I feel your pain, but am glad that you are there for your friend in need.

Sorry Jeff, don’t have the scratch or the means currently to provide it on the internets…Best of luck though. Awesome shot of the boy, too.


Anyway, thank you Michelle Malkin for standing up with the bosses and Pinkertons against those uber powerful Unionistas on Labor Day.

She’s a charmer for sure, whoring away for that sweet wingnut welfare check.


Normally I would think about….Fuck it. Two wet-suits will be needed for this job.



Congrats to all the new non-smokers.

I’ve had one of those Facebook encounters that bugs me so much I’ve just gotta get it off my chest. It started with an old high school buddy posting this:

so i just got an email from my cousin that mentioned some jerks wanting to remove the USA flag from US schools .. well what the heck is that crap about? whatever happened to “love it or leave it”? boy i tell ya.. this country is being run by a bunch of pissants..

Of course I went out and found the nontroversy on Snopes and pointed out the BS:

As usual, this kind of inflammatory crap is nonsense.

Does the guy say, “Oops, my bad” and drop it? No:

well of course this is all BS .. isnt it.. not worth a discussion? s__ … did it harm any of us to have an American Flag in our class? i think we were all proud to be Americans!! or did i miss something…

…and he continues for a bit. I respond:

For Pete’s sake, M__, THIS ISN’T REAL. Nobody is taking flags out of classrooms. Want to get upset and engaged? Great, but make sure you’re dealing with an actual threat, not somebody’s fevered imagination (or, as in this case, a “news” organization peddling fear for profit).

Here’s the thing that gets me…he admits it isn’t real, then proceeds to freak out as if it were real anyway:

S__, of course its not real.. .. but your as sensitive to it as anyone.. whether we have to decide if its real or not.. or if its something important enough to discuss.. or be passionate about.. like i said Steve.. i am not on one “s…id…e” or the other.. i am just worried that these things can happen to an apothetic country…look whats happened so far .. it’s not the country our parents wished for us.. whether they were dems or gop.. thats all i am saying.. and we better never let our guard down.. and use some stupid webisite owned by who knows.. .. to tell us whats real or not real.. sure i would use them to tell me if the story about this soap opera star was real. or not reall but nof for things that effect our country.. whether they are a real or not..

And again he goes on for a bit. I go over the edge:

OFFS, M__. You want to talk real? OK, let’s talk about the destruction of the middle class in America. Let’s talk about the growing gap (over thirty years, hmm when would that be?) between rich and poor. Let’s talk about the fact that …multinational companies are being paid to move jobs overseas. Let’s talk about the fact that no matter whether you vote Republican or Democrat, you get the Corporate candidate. There’s plenty of ACTUAL issues to talk about so why bring up a PRETEND issue like the so-called effort to remove the flag from schools? YOU ARE BEING HAD my friend. The diversionary tactics are working while they steal the future from your kids and mine. Paying attention to what’s real is critical.

Apparently I’m now engaging in class warfare for going off topic and pointing out real, measurable problems in America instead of getting all concerned about a pretend issue with flags in classrooms.

This, friends, is the quality of the mind of the mushy middle. Patriotic, yes, but with only the vaguest idea of what the cause of this country’s problems is. Just. Makes. Me. Crazy.

And Fox “News” should be shut down for promoting this kind of bullshit.


As the MSM whitewashes Big Labor’s ugly threats, Tea Party smears, and history of coerced dues-subsidized racketeering this Labor Day, what better way to mark the holiday than with an illustrated list of top 10 union thug moments of the year.

Is there anything that they can’t create a victimized narrative out of?

I mean if you look at these mother fuckers funny, the waaahmbulence is called for immediately.


Chowder, he’s basically saying “it’s not real, but it might be!” Can’t argue with that!

This is why while I post politics-related articles on facebook, I rarely get drawn into flame wars anymore. I’ve unfriended people, though, which I find to be better for my sanity. But of course, that’s not always possible.

Speaking of which – how do y’all deal with wingnut relatives? Not that I run into mine except at family reunions every few years, and was still in high school the last time I had an extended stay with any of them, but I’m just curious.


Probably more than Ayers, but less than the Acorn guy. The fact that many of these unions cannot compete honestly and openly, but seem to always fall back on bribery and violence, is why their numbers are falling. There used to be a place for them, but they’ve become nothing but “muscle” for the far left.

Collective bargaining, another front of the Unitarian Jihad!

On September 5th, 2011 at 8:32 am, WaterBoyz said:
Did you read the sad story related to the Post Office?
“decades of contractual promises made to unionized workers, including no-layoff clauses, are increasing the post office’s costs. Labor represents 80 percent of the agency’s expenses, compared with 53 percent at United Parcel Service and 32 percent at FedEx, its two biggest private competitors. Postal workers also receive more generous health benefits than most other federal employees.”
So, in summary, what is the cause?
DUH ! ! !
So, in summary, what is the solution?
DUH ! ! !

In a race to the bottom, does the first guy who gets there, win?

Imma getting back in the boat.


S__, of course its not real.. .. but your as sensitive to it as anyone.. whether we have to decide if its real or not.. or if its something important enough to discuss.. or be passionate about.. like i said Steve.. i am not on one “s…id…e” or the other.. i am just worried that these things can happen to an apothetic country…look whats happened so far .. it’s not the country our parents wished for us.. whether they were dems or gop.. thats all i am saying.. and we better never let our guard down.. and use some stupid webisite owned by who knows.. .. to tell us whats real or not real.. sure i would use them to tell me if the story about this soap opera star was real. or not reall but nof for things that effect our country.. whether they are a real or not..


Reason # 1 to do a little research before you proclaim that the sky is falling!

I like how he says–oh shit, my bad. God I feel stupid…

No. Even if it’s not a problem it’s still a problem. This is what Fox News trains them to do. Rationalize their way around getting caught spreading falsehoods by using the CLEARLY OBVIOUS threat that liberals are, in fact, vigorously trying to take your birthday away. Ergo, even if we can’t be mad (or perhaps disappointed) because there is no UN treaty in the works that will bring compulsory sex with goats and armadillos within five years and the flag will have to be burned during every act, there is something like that going on, so you’d best start shitting your pants or else.


how do y’all deal with wingnut relatives?

I don’t talk politics.

I was actually forbidden to talk politics with my father-in-law, by both Mrs. Chowder and my ma-in-law. Now he gets in little barbs with impunity but he has tailed off some since I won’t rise to the bait any more.

I refuse to talk anything but smalltalk with my Talibangelical sister. Just won’t engage. My Faux Noise watching brother and I hardly ever talk at all so that’s pretty safe.

Yeah, I’m the “black” sheep in my family.


Speaking of which – how do y’all deal with wingnut relatives? Not that I run into mine except at family reunions every few years, and was still in high school the last time I had an extended stay with any of them, but I’m just curious.

You can shut off news feed monitoring of certain individuals. I have several that i see no activity from for just that reason.


WC, your friend is a self-centered, self-important jerk. *He’s* going to “decide” it’s important for *everyone* to take the made-up bullshit story seriously because BOO SNOPES CAN’T TELL ME WHAT’S TRUE, and at the same time he hand waves away what *you* think is important by slapping some stupid label on it that allows him to ignore it unthinkingly.


Yes, if all the companies would follow the UPS model just think how much better this country would be. Where’s Sal when we need him?


Even if it’s not a problem it’s still a problem

…because it might be a problem. Somebody might be thinking about this somewhere so we must be ever-vigilant not to let the UN blue helmets come and take the flags from our classroom.

Meanwhile, the bankers are stealing the furniture behind their backs and the oil companies are dumping poison in their back yards.


Meanwhile, the bankers are stealing the furniture behind their backs and the oil companies are dumping poison in their back yards.

There are lots and lots of nice places to hang a flag in shanty towns.


So, in summary, what is the cause?
DUH ! ! !
So, in summary, what is the solution?
DUH ! ! !

Nice how he ignores the parts of the article where it’s pointed out the Post Office is BANNED BY LAW from making a lot of its own business decisions, including most cost cutting and revenue increasing measures.


I don’t talk politics.

That’s pretty much been my reaction as well… I used to answer emails from my conservative uncle back in the day (when I was both younger and more apolitical), until I realized anything and everything you said was just a launching pad for him to go into a grandiloquent monologue. These days, I just ignore it.

You can shut off news feed monitoring of certain individuals. I have several that i see no activity from for just that reason.

Well, I meant more like in real life interactions, but don’t worry, I’ve done exactly that with all wingnut relatives (and most wingnut friends).


I also love the way contracts – the core of business law – are sacrosanct until it’s a union contract, and then it’s a meaningless piece of paper.


You know, if this were Memmorial Day or Veteran’s Day the tv thingie would be wall to wall with war hero movies. I am disappointed but not at all surprised to find that my tv thingie is not wall to wall with movies like Norma Rae, The Molly Maguires, Matewan or The Grapes of Wrath today.


I am disappointed but not at all surprised to find that my tv thingie is not wall to wall with movies like Norma Rae, The Molly Maguires, Matewan or The Grapes of Wrath today.


Also, Erick Erickson is lending some of his infinite wisdom to TV’s greatest news network, CNN.


Labor Day is so old fashioned.

Happy CEO Appreciation Day everyone!



She is just remarking on how “elastic” the Constitution is.


…rassin-frassin CEOs get all the attention…


Memmorial Day or Veteran’s Day the tv thingie would be wall to wall with war hero movies

This is SAD, because aside from Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers, most of these movies are an outright insult to the people who were there. They’re loaded with inconsistencies, false portrayals of assholes like Patton and MacArthur, and many of them were fronted by a draft-dodging pussy named Marion. Most of all, there has been a long tradition of romanticizing war–acting like war itself is some sort of noble venture.


One L goes way out on a limb to suggest jobs will be created by cutting corporate taxes.

Also, on Labor Day, she’s pushing for nationwide “Right To Work” laws.

I think I’m going to be sick.


One of my favorite movies about the Vietnam war never mentions the name “Vietnam”: “Southern Comfort. It has the pointlessness of that war transposed to Louisiana. Walter Hill at his pre-24 Hours best.


D’OH. Nymfail.


I will check it out.


Jeffraham – you really need to check out The reason your e-cigs are costing so much is those refills. I think when I first suggested the site to you you ended up somewhere else, like But offers smoke juice that you can drip-refill, and it costs probably 90% less. Plus, it’s one of the only sites that offers 100% vegetable glycerine base in the smoke juice – most of the others are propylene glycol base, which is what gives you that throat burn, which I personally don’t care for.

Just for comparison, you’ve spent $180 on ecig supplies in 60 days…I’ve spent less than that for 110 days. Most of that price difference is in those refill cartridges – there’s no reason to replace the cartridge when you can replace both the filler and the liquid for a few cents. But most sites don’t offer that option.


Labor Day, an annual celebration of workers and their achievements, originated during one of American labor history’s most dismal chapters. In the late 1800s, at the height of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven-day weeks in order to eke out a basic living. Despite restrictions in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 toiled in mills, factories and mines across the country, earning a fraction of their adult counterparts’ wages. People of all ages, particularly the very poor and recent immigrants, often faced extremely unsafe working conditions, with insufficient access to fresh air, sanitary facilities and breaks.

From the History Cannel’s web page. It has links to 14 related videos and 7 related speeches. But if you check the History Channel’s schedule for today, well apparently the entire history of labor in the US revolves around two guys picking through junkpiles. I sent THC a nasty email, but it will probably only have the effect of making me feel a wee bit better.



Also punctuation fail and title fail. I’ll come in again.


Perhaps what we need are some posters. Pictures of the Pinkertons gunning down American workers with maybe an eagle and some red, white and blue bunting super-imposed and the words “Never Forget” accross the bottom. Of course, the Teatards would just think it’s a tribute to those brave union busters.


North Country on the teevee tonite. Just sayin’.


I actually feel sorry for andon.

Austin: Me too. Imo, there is a sad and painful subtext running through her ramblings. Maybe we’re gullible suckers, of course. Nevertheless, I’d rather err on the side of compassion than scorn.

From some of her ‘narratives’, I suspect andon has previously been hospitalized. (I spent some time in a Johns Hopkins psychiatric unit ten years ago. With medications and regular counseling, I’m able to function in the world again.)

andon: I earnestly urge you to reach out for professional help.

Sincerely, Stephen, on behalf of the Sadlynauts.


The reason your e-cigs are costing so much is those refills.

I got juice a week or so back, after learning that these Safe Cig cartomizers can be refilled. Yeah, this will be cheaper.


And actually, I went with the whole-hog kit, which was like $135 (three batteries, all the chargers, 10 cartomizers and a case), so that initial outlay was the big hit. I bought four 5-pks of the cartomizers, afterward, and then the smoke juice.


I’ve almost quit using my ecig. Aside from finishing a good meal or that first cup of coffee in the morning, I barely touch it.

In another month, I won’t be using that piece of shit, either.


Speaking of which – how do y’all deal with wingnut relatives? Not that I run into mine except at family reunions every few years,

Delicate problem, Chris. Most of my Indiana relatives are real specimens. (Provider can back me up on the spay-shul brand of Indiana crazee.) Most of my cousins are in their 50’s and 60’s. Fox news is on ALL the time during the reunions.

I provoked them indirectly by casting utter derision on everything coming out of the teevee. When they spouted bullshit, I called them on it.

Eventually,it all t became too exhausting for my liberal brothers and sisters. One by one, they stopped going to the reunions. After the last disaster, I’ve decided to join them. It’s not worth the heartburn and aggravation.

BUT, I still made some inroads. I stopped talking politics with my cousins and the very elderly aunts and uncles from whom they learned this crap, including an ugly streak of racism. (They have an extensive repertoire of n****r ‘jokes’. They’ve learned not to tell them in my presence anyway.

So what to do? I gave up on my contemporaries and began working diligently with their kids. (Young folks — high school, college.) I discovered the usual streak of ‘resentment’ toward parents that all young people have, and leveraged it for all it was worth.

Their elders use the Shut Up That’s Why form of argument, and the kids resent it. I’m not going to change the Already-Cemented-Into-Place attitudes of my cousins, aunts, and uncles. Instead, I spent my time working to undermine the transmission of Wingnutihood to the next generation….

I don’t know if this helps. Every family is different.

Also, try to not to make any Complete Ruptures during the reunions. Politics ain’t that important.


tsam – I’m down to a level of 3mg nicotine, so I’m about 3 weeks away from putting down mine, too. I’m guessing when I was smoking cigs I was at a level at least 10 times higher.


Yes, if all the companies would follow the UPS model just think how much better this country would be. Where’s Sal when we need him?

Oh, don’t get me started. I’ve been running around like a chicken with my head cut off all month because UPS has this habit of trying to deliver three times in the middle of the day on three subsequent days that you better use space knowledge to divine and be there for or they will send that shit back and force you to go around to all the first retailers and try and get it resent.

And I’m fucking unemployed and usually at home. I can’t imagine how it is for people with real jobs. UPS pretty much expects everyone to recenter their entire lives around their schedule or else and do so with some of the worst package care I’ve ever seen. Every box I’ve seen delivered smashed up or with broken contents has been shipped by UPS.

Compare that with USPS who deliver on time, deliver to rural or remote locations that UPS refuses to do, will store boxes at the Post Office if you are unable to be home when the shipment arrives and overall works smoothly and quickly for the amount of traffic they see.

But of course, they get deemed the “bad ones” who are “inefficient” and “sorely lacking” against Team Fuck You and Your Schedule because the USPS is BIG GOVERNMENT and staffed by those people, you know, the “slow” ones who are all “lazy”, ah c’mon man, don’t make me spell it out.

Got into a big row with my Dad over this when he repeated the usual garbage about how UPS is better than USPS while I was in the midst of trying to track down a package that was essentially in limbo.

I don’t know how much UPS’s service would have to get before the reflexive need to defend “the private alternative” as better just couldn’t penetrate the complete hideous reality.

Since I was pissed back in the days you had to go to bumfuck nowhere after they failed to deliver a package in the 98 picoseconds they like to be at your front door in 3 days or less, I imagine never, because noawadays there is no fucking point in receiving packages through UPS if you can at all avoid it.

Sorry, personal rant.


I’m on something like day 105 since I quit, thanks to the good folks here.

JP, have you been keeping a log of how much you’ve saved by NOT buying cigarettes? I don’t even want to say how much my running total comes to now – it’s embarrassing – but that’s been a huge help to me.

we’re at about the same point…i started keeping a log of how much i was saving but since it was only like ten bucks a week, i quit doing it since i can pretty much blow that pretty easily…still glad i did it tho!


Every box I’ve seen delivered smashed up or with broken contents has been shipped by UPS.

Good advice from Boing Boing:

It’s amazing how good FedEx is at destroying packages. Protip: don’t send organs via FedEx, even if it’s just a hobby.


Got into a big row with my Dad over this when he repeated the usual garbage about how UPS is better than USPS while I was in the midst of trying to track down a package that was essentially in limbo.

this is blasphemy! my daddy was a mailman…and ups and fed ex were verboten…


also, too…andon makes me sad and worried, just in case the ramblings are real to her…

and i have also learned to not rise to the bait at family events…on hubbkf’s side, i do usually get some good natured ribbing, but it’s all pretty cool…on my side, however…through the years i have learned to just keep my yap shut…and i don’t even open the emails…


From tsam’s hoffa link above.

Ah, the Democrats’ new Era of Civility strikes again.
Remember back in 2008 when John McCain repudiated the talk-show host who emphasized then-candidate Obama’s middle name?
We’ll be watching and waiting to see if President Obama renounces his own warm-up act.
Of course there are the “Go To Hell” comments of Representative Waters and the “hanging on a tree” comments of Representative Carson to consider also.
Since they’re serving President Obama by implementing Saul Alinsky’s Rule No. 12, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” he’ll have to handle it with some delicacy, lest he dissuade others from carrying on with it right up until the 2012 election.
After all, he can’t demonize all by himself, can he? It would be too obvious, and might even appear unseemly to those who aren’t Democrats.

Remember guys, Republicans are the civil ones. And the RealAmericans, and the True patriots.

I mean attempting to destroy the middle class is the height of civilitude.


This mango has fermented.

So we have another Gabby Gifford in the making .. Whose head is in the crosshairs of Hoffas guns and thugs?

Yep exactly the same thing.


1) Calls to violence are absolutely not the same thing as name calling. Calling a son-of-a-bitch a son-of-a-bitch is not the same as threatening “Second Amendment remedies” if you don’t win an election. (The actual name for that is fascism). So, Gabby Gifford comparison, bringing up Joe Biden quotes–all false equivalencies.

2) Truth hurts, don’t it, bitches?


Curiousity: Why doesn’t ‘b***h’ arouse (VsexR) the same strong animosity as ‘c**t’? Is it because, ‘b***h’ is transmogrified into an acceptable NON gender-specific reference?

I’m especially interested in the comments from women Sadlies.

(I don’t use either word, btw. I’ve been trying to clean up the coarseness in my language. Also rarity gives a word much more impact when used.)


Also rarity gives a word much more impact when used

I find “calenture” particularly effective.


You people LOVE my kitteh!

Now, the goggie lovers need to get in there and vote back America!


Companion: Jeffraham Prestonian

Are you a companion in the Firefly sense?


Also rarity gives a word much more impact when used

Rarity is my second favourite pony, after Pinkie Pie of course.


Are you a companion in the Firefly sense?

Would reckon not, although having never seen Firefly


You people LOVE my kitteh!

It’s the remarkable blue of his eyes. Very striking!


Would reckon not, although having never seen Firefly…

In Firefly, “Companions” are sort of hyper-swanky high price space-hookers.

The word has an entirely different connotation on Doctor Who, though not if you believe the fanfiction.


You should. You should quit traumatizing women with sexual intercourse… I should know… I’m a medical doctor… I own a mansion and a yacht… You should quit traumatizing women with sexual intercourse… I should know… I’m a medical doctor…


So I was off at a decadent and luxurious Labor Day holiday day trip, staying at a fine hotel for one night, and this morning whilst awaiting room-service breakfast, I had the TeeVee on, and CNN was covering the Texas wildfires that called Rick Perry away from the DeMint-orama, but then they quickly cut away.

Sarah Palin was speaking to some 600 people in New Hampshire, and they run her speech in its entirety. She railed against the media who were “filtering” her – all captured on camera as CNN ran her speech in its entirety.

Then she railed against ‘crony capitalism’ which is what President Obama is when he’s not being a socialist. What’s this now? Palin is against capitalism? The woman who appointed a high school friend to administer a 2 million dollar creamery business because she loved cows is against cronyism?

Then she told us that President Obama had been elected without being “vetted.” – I don’t think she knows what that word means. Just because after being elected someone does something you don’t like, it doesn’t mean he wasn’t “vetted.” Obama pretty much told us what he would do, and he’s tried to do it. The disappointing things is what he hasn’t done about civil liberties and transparency – but that’s not about being “vetted.” That’s about broken campaign promises. Another thing entirely.

She also told us how unhappy the country was that President Obama promised he’d bring “Change” – it appears that according to her, he did in fact bring change, as he promised, but no one likes it. The way to fix that, according to her, is to transform the country. So – if you’re not happy for the change you voted for, the way to fix it is to change it. She decries “fundamentally transforming America,” and says that what we have to do to counteract that is to fundamentally transform America…er….back….or something.

America’s working people are the salt of the earth and not elitist and know better than political elites in Washington, except for union bosses and thugs, so we should encourage do-it-yourselfedness by getting rid of all taxes on rich people and corporations!! That’s how we’ll defeat crony capitalist corporate interests – by giving them lots of money and suspending regulations against them!

And In this speech, where she gave no specifics, and mouthed a set of platitudes, she complained that Obama’s speech, which hadn’t occurred yet, was only talk and didn’t contain any specifics.

Fucking CNN. They fucking cut away from a natural disaster to show in its entirety, a non-candidate talking nonsense to 600 people


In Firefly, “Companions” are sort of hyper-swanky high price space-hookers.

Think like geishas.


Oh, and they’re unionized too, which is kind of awesome. If the guy who rents their services behaves badly, he ears himself a black mark that means he’ll never be able to hire a Companion again.

(“You’ll have to rely on your ‘winning personality’ to get women! God help you.”)


Sarah Palin is becoming the Paris Hilton of politics.


Then she told us that President Obama had been elected without being “vetted.”

Wait a minute, I thought the whole problem with Washington was that we had political bosses and liberal elitists and bureaucrats and media bias and all that “vetting” people and deciding who should and shouldn’t be president? I thought the solution was to just Give The People What They Want, no vetting involved?


Michelle Merkin slagging “union thugs” & their Alinsky Jihad of cold-blooded yelling-fascism in honor of Labour Day?
Meh. Granted, it’s scummy alright … but as trolling goes, it seems pretty penny-ante to me.

She needs to expose Teh Troops as the socialist ghey-friendly Enemies Of Amerika that they truly are – to celebrate Veterans’ Day.

Illuminati Repton

m especially interested in the comments from women Sadlies.

I’ll bite.

Because the C-word shames a woman’s body, something she was born with and something that is very much a part of her being a female. Women have to put up a huge number of slights on their status as human but this word seems to just do it all at one time; shaming the woman for being a woman and insinuating that that part of her is absolutely disgusting.

Its the same insult that “pussy” has, that again, by her having such body parts; hence being a woman, she is automatically submissive and worthless, something worth dismissing; the lowest of low, the raped and repugnant all at once again. That young boys love to use this term against eachother is part of their mutual confirmation that their masculinity gives them the right to dominance and of being the “rightful heir’ of top end of the male hegemony.

But “bitch”, thanks to the feminist movement has been transformed from a slur much like those described above, to one that relates solely on attitude and behavior — something that one has some control over, or choice in. Bitch, among women has almost appropriated the same top-dog, fighter/warrior characterization once only reserved for males. Also, I think since we’ve gone further and further from an agrarian culture, most people don’t make the association of ‘bitch’ as a term meant to mean a female repeatedly raped for profit — the female pig or dog that is put to breed with a choice “stud” for the service of profit.


You asked, you got it in spades, from my brain.


Fucking CNN. They fucking cut away from a natural disaster to show in its entirety, a non-candidate talking nonsense to 600 people

ewwww, g! how were you able to keep your breakfast down?


We’re completely non-discriminatory.


and yeah…what kate said…


As for relatives. I’m the one poor black sheep from a family that has been protected from reality by generational accumulation of wealth and privilege. I grew up in this world and would have been just as much a jerk as them I think, if it wasn’t so unbearable to be abused that I left at seventeen and didn’t look back. That had a big price; no chips for you!

I started getting on better terms with my immediate family, save for my closest brother. He seems angry that I came back in the fold and has done everything he can to remind me that he has the privilege and I don’t and I don’t belong. He was always a bully and adopted the misogyny that made me leave so long ago.

My father laid down his torch and left his demons to the care of Prozac, my brother I guess needed some extra power tools and picked up that old ragged torch and carries it with pride. While many in the family grumble about him behind his back, no one stands up to him to his face, but me. We fought so hard in person over one holiday a couple years ago and then over Facebook that his Royal Highness has demanded that we not speak anymore. Fine. We never did for fifteen or more years anyway, no skin off my nose.

But the ignorance of these people makes me crazy. I hear one uncle who had a lot of money to begin with has even more now and his three sons have benefited from an overly protective mama. I hear they are big fans of Fox News. They assemble with my immediate family quite often and so I get updates on their progress that everyone whispers about because they have so much money that the monied find it obscene. I’ve not seen them for over thirty years and I intend to keep it that way.

But here’s an example of the contrast of cultures between me and them.

My dad will exclaim, “I just don’t understand why trash (lower class poor folks) would rather steal than earn an honest dollar, my god why can’t they get a job!”

Me: “Dad not all poor people are thieves, there are in fact plenty of rich people who steal and steal a lot more.”

Mi papa: “I disagree, its always poor people you see arrested for stealing something and they aren’t working.”

and worse but I can’t remember right now.

In my world of regular folks,

Friend says to me, “Hey did you see Craig lately, man he’s been hitting the crack pipe hard, I saw him yesterday, he’s nothing but skin and bones! I won’t even let him in my house!”

Friend 2: “Yeah, you know I knew his wife, she had to leave him, she tried hard though, two kids to boot, I don’t think he’s worked in a year.”

Friend 1: “He was a good worker too, good guy but that crack pipe hits ’em hard.”

Friend 2: “Yup, I was best man at his wedding, he had it all now look where he is.”

See, the difference? Poor people understand that a thief is more than likely a human; a person they knew or know who probably fell off the edge and they know that there’s a good chance that person will never return to a decent life.

While people like my family see the lowers as inhuman, they don’t touch them, they don’t see them, they don’t know them.

They think 7,8 or 10 bucks an hour is no excuse to lose your mind, that barely surviving is a walk in the park compared to all the stress of managing those mutual funds and that pesky broker and the stock market.

I can’t do anything with that, nothing at all, so I only visit my dad and his wife, they appreciate me for who I am, have put the bygones away and we exist in the now. Although my dad still thinks I should make the first move toward making peace with my brother and I absolutely refuse to be duped into that trap.


that’s from my brain, braniac.

LOL, Thank you andon


more claptrap from matthew vadum:

The White House has even ordered officials to “minimize references to Al Qaeda.” A set of talking points obtained by the New York Times instructs officials to emphasize that even though terrorists affiliated with the late Osama bin Laden’s network “still have the ability to inflict harm,” Al Qaeda and its followers “have become increasingly irrelevant.” This news will probably come as a bit of a surprise to our troops fighting in Afghanistan.

hmm…prolly a little less of a surprise than when bush first said it…

In all this Obama is doing the bidding of the Left. For a decade leftists have seethed over the 9/11 attacks because they took place on the watch of a Republican president and in their view allowed the GOP to portray Democrats –quite correctly— as weak on national defense-related issues for the remainder of George W. Bush’s term of office. They view Sept. 11 as a “Republican” day because it focuses the public on supposedly “Republican” issues such as patriotism, national security, and terrorism.

o rly? i’m pretty sure that most americans view that day as one of infinite terror and sorrow…but that’s just me…

The Left still bitterly clings to this self-serving narrative. After being booted off MSNBC, a few days ago Olbermann-in-exile invited Markos Moulitsas onto his new show on Al Gore’s Current TV. Moulitsas, founder of the anti-American group blog Daily Kos, claimed that Republicans and President Bush cynically latched onto 9/11 for partisan purposes. “The fact that 3,000 people died is incidental to them. They don’t care about that. What was there was a political opportunity and he took it.”

this is just an egregious bit of writing and had to be included as a mango…


Bernie Sanders is the lone voice of sanity, is he cultivating clones?


Daily KOS is anti-American. Where’s Joe McCarthy when you need him?


Mi papa: “I disagree, its always poor people you see arrested for stealing something and they aren’t working.”

Hmm…think just a little harder, dad. Only one class of people is actually held to account–at least by some metrics.


Trumka is saying now that the AFL-CIO is working to organize ALL workers. Well let’s see, I’ve been saying they need to do this like forever. But I’ve heard them make a lot of promises to do grand things but they just can’t seem to follow-through, we’ll see.


fucking dick cheney:

Cheney isn’t getting into specifics, but he does think that “perhaps she [Hillary] might have been easier for some of us who are critics of the president to work with.”

why? cuz she’s not black? and just a woman?


I want to marry Keith Olberman like gold digger wants her sugar daddy, like the sea yearns for the fresh water from the rivers, like …

Alright, alright, I’ll take an imitator too.


kate: Thanks for taking the time to explain.

My question was completely genuine, btw. I was NOTtrying to provoke. (Indeed, my object is to avoid offense to others by patrolling my language.)

Observation: In addition to young boys using ‘pussy’ to assert their dominance, they sometimes use slurs about homosexuality in much the same way to assert ‘masculinity’.

It’s stupid and hurtful and sad,


I want to marry Keith Olberman like gold digger wants her sugar daddy, like the sea yearns for the fresh water from the rivers, like …

i have a feeling that together, there would be no ass you two could not kick…


bbkf: I think Cheney thinks he can beat down that Teh Bitchez.

I think he’d be in for a surprise. I always say that the Clintons have got to hate the wingnuts with a special, secret smoldering heat, especially Hillary who suffered the wingnut misogyny and hatred directed to her from the moment she showed the world she had more to do than go to flower shows and redecorate the white house.

I’d pay to see Hillary unleash that fire that burns underneath layers and layers of socially acceptable compliance and complicity.


Sarah Palin is becoming the Paris Hilton of politics.

Bitter Scribe wins.


Fenwick, I totally figured your question was purely academic, no offense at all. It is an interesting subject and deserves open analysis and discussion more often. I agree also with your observation of the homosexual typing.

Sometimes I find subtle homophobia in adult hyper machismo males kind of sexy. It makes me imagine all kinds of dirty three-some sex play that I’d love to have with one bi-sexual male and a man who finally gets what he wants so badly

Pretty hot actually. But I’d have to immediately throw them out of my house after they served their function, lest they open their mouths and spoil the whole thing.


bbfk: Shit, don’t egg on my delusions!


I’d pay to see Hillary unleash that fire that burns underneath layers and layers of socially acceptable compliance and complicity.

as would i, kate…

I think Cheney thinks he can beat down that Teh Bitchez.

of course he does…i find this quote of his pretty telling…and why does he still include himself in with those who have to work with the president?


It’s stupid and hurtful and sad,
Was this directed at me?

RE: Hilary…those fuckers all like her because she and Assface Joe were their strongest allies in the Senate when they were lying their way to war in Iraq. She’s an asshole just like they are.


You should, see my, Keith Olbermann, impression.


Repton Illuminati: I couldn’t read more than two paragraphs [link 4:08] without reaching for brain bleach.


and why does he still include himself in with those who have to work with the president?

Because you can bring the medication to the patient, but you can’t make ’em take it. I think he wants to be the Elder Statesman. He and Bush the Lesser are in a competition for that title.

Or he could have run out of plump kittens to barbecue (summer is coming to a close) and is looking to skewer and consume his former colleagues for nourishment.

Or the GOP is really hoping that Hillary will run against Obama and have figured that if Cheney gives her some credibility in his jaundiced eye, people will break their necks to listen to him and consider this notion.


Tsaum, yes Clinton doesn’t get the best person award, but I think that there is something in there, maybe I’m an idiot, but I think she’s too smart and shrewd, we don’t know all that going on in there. Yes, it could be also because she was one of the cross-over cheerleaders, forgot about that.

Impressions are just that — impressions. I need you to be organically Olberman-like.


I’d pay to see Hillary unleash that fire that burns underneath layers and layers of socially acceptable compliance and complicity.

Sadly, if there ever was a fire there yrs. of corporate money have extinguished it, dumped water on it & stirred the ashes.

Anyway, no individual short of SOROS could pay her & Bill’s current price were there a smoldering ember or two.


the AFL-CIO is working to organize ALL workers.

I always wanted a union card!

Everyone here in Sadlyland works … or has worked … or is looking for work in this screwed-up economy. So perhaps we should unionize. Something broad enough to cover everyone.

I almost never put up a link anymore.

This is in honor of unions and Labor Day:


What would the Unicorn Union look like from space?


Unions. Baltimore was mostly a blue-collar town through most of its history. Baltimore was huge union stronghold, especially before Bethlehem Steel closed.

The backbone is now the dockworkers. Some big union halls. Bumperstickers on trucks and cars showing Local affiliation.

Also this: The owner of the Bawlmer Woes is Peter Angelos, who amassed a substantial part of his fortune representing unions (and the rest in asbestoes cases.) So he’s a first-year owner and the baseball strikes hits, and other owners want to field ‘replacement teams’ (as did football earlier).

Angelos stood up to the other 29 owners and flatly declared that Baltimore would not field a scab team; the Orioles would forfiet every game rather than do that. (Which ended the MLB’s ‘replacement team’ foolishness.)

Unions. I likes ’em!


It’s the remarkable blue of his eyes. Very striking!

He didn’t start out with me that way. Kennel cough, BAD.


We can have the most carnival-like picket lines evah! With funny signs … and special chants written by Sadly poets (*).

I think the union name should include ‘Thugs’ Also instead of being a Local we can be an Express or a Non-stop. Because we express ourselves and don’t stop for nothin’!

(*) Btw, I’ve really missed the Sadly satire-poetry limerick strands….


Joey thinks ‘Unicorn Thugs Express’ would be a good name for the band. We threw tennis balls at him until he went back to the garage.


Mi papa: “I disagree, its always poor people you see arrested for stealing something and they aren’t working.”

As tsam notes, that’s rather the point. Rich people are getting away with the most obvious and heinous of thefts whereas the poor are hassled over the most petty and usually with the least information.

But the rich know they are above the law and the dumber of the rich follow this logic to assume that because the justice system has failed that anything the rich do must be pure as driven snow and anything the poor do is criminal in and of itself.

I mean, that’s always been the view that the rich possess in every era. That the poor are by virtue of being poor inherently the “criminal class” and by virtue of the fact that they own the police force and dine with the judges, they are the “productive” class who could do no wrong. That was rather the point of works like “A Christmas Carol”, that the rich’s view of the poor and of themselves was so skewed that only forcing them to face their past, present, and future was the only way to shake them out of their heartless contempt for the very exploited and robbed bodies from which they built their immense wealth.

And to add to what the poor understand, I think there is less reliance on “the justice system” or “arrests” as a barometer of crime. They know that Johnny Crackhead may be getting the most of the arrests for being a lay-low druggie, but he ain’t the one doing the real damage to society at large.

Fenwick the Merciless, Slayer hreads

My work here is done.


Cerebrus rescues us once again!

Also, I couldn’t even get the nym correct. Shoulda finished with ‘Dread Slayer of Threads’

Can I haz a nym-fail deelie-bob like bbfk has a tag-fail deelie-bob? I wants to be famous, too!


Cerebrus: Once again, yer on a roll. You cut right through with the comment above. Are you a surgeon? You are certainly deft with a scapel….


@ Cerberus:

In fairness to the legal niceties of the situation, the rich cannot be criminals* pretty much by definition: they write the laws and run the system.

*Not entirely a factual statement: despite the huge bias the laws have in their favor, many wealthy Americans still feel the need to break them from time to time. Think of all the money people invest into having their taxes lowered year after year after year, but then think of all the money they still hide from the IRS in the Cayman Islands.


I think [Cheney] wants to be the Elder Statesman.

Fair enough. Dissing all the people who worked under him during his de-facto administration proves that he is non-partisan, and above all that shit.


Don’t thank me yet. I bring fresh mangos from Repton Illuminati’s link:

Dr Tim Stanley is a research fellow in American History at Royal Holloway College. He is working on a biography of Pat Buchanan.

Is this a record? A hit mango before we even get to the headline?

Yup, a brit writing a glowing biography of the man who is angry that the Nazis didn’t win World War II and thought the british especially acted most improperly by not giving into their basest natures and supporting the Germans in their quest for “solid conservative values” by supporting the BNP and other British fascist powers of the time. I’m sure it can only get “better” from here.

The slandering of the conservative movement has begun. For the past month, American newspapers have been awash with stories about the religion of various Republican presidential candidates. Michele Bachmann was portrayed in the New Yorker as a fanatical wingnut. Like Rick Perry, she has been labelled a follower of Dominionism – the belief that God gave Christians authority over all the Earth.

Well, that didn’t take long. First paragraph. It looks like the new talking point is “dominionist? What is this dominionism you speak of? Why we conservatives have never heard of this despite hosting events for fucking decades on the glory of dominionism.”

What gets me about this talking point, besides the sheer gall of basically arguing “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes” is the simple fact that dominionism like “right-wing extremism” is the kind little weasel word to let them off the fucking hook. You know what the proper name for this worldview is? Fascism. Specifically Theocratic Fascism. We’ve been being nice by using their chosen euphemism that they’ve gladly advertised against. But now that they are staring at the horror of their candidates and realizing they don’t know how to hide their beliefs under constant dog-whistles and numerous “halo-shopped” photo shoots and so have decided to go full out denial as if this was some scare term invented by liberals rather than the appelate they have proudly hid behind for decades.

And well, fuck them. Fine, you don’t like “dominionism”, then we can use “Theocratic Fascists” and “Anti-democratic activists” and start being true to intellectual honesty. Your fucking choice.

This Sunday, the liberal economist Paul Krugman’s grand thesis that the Republicans are now the “anti-science” party was republished in The Observer. By questioning evolution and global warming, Krugman says, the GOP has lost its right to rule.

Wait for it…

rugman’s article is a good example of what’s wrong with this hogwash reporting. It is true that Rick Perry called evolution “just a theory”, but who cares? He’s running to be President of the United States, not an eighth grade biology teacher.


He will have no influence over what textbooks schools buy or what is taught in classrooms. His views on evolution are as relevant to the presidential race as the price of petrol in Timbuktu.

Would hold more weight if Rick Perry hasn’t been central in at least a year-long campaign to pack the “textbook” committee for Texas schools with conservative ideologues to “rewrite” the science and history textbooks to be “more favorable” to conservative worldviews like denial of evolution and trying to hide the fact that liberals have been right on every major political battle in the US for at least the last 100 years.

Yes, he’s used his limited power to try and miseducate the youth of America, hoping to use Texas’s purchasing power to force schoolchildren all throughout America to read tainted and false accounts of history and science, but if we give him even more power it’s not like he’ll abuse that.

The fact that they are shared by millions of Americans has done nothing to dent the country’s advances in science and technology.

Please ignore the impact on addressing global warming. And besides, many Republican idiots agree with him. Oh hey, did I say earlier that calling Republicans “anti-science” was a deadly slur against all Christians? Huh. Better do some false equivalence on the next mango run.


MOAR MANGOS from The Desperate Brit and yes, this is line by line, because damn, every single line is beautiful in its own deranged wingnut way:

Nor are they any more irrational than the belief that Jesus walked on water or turned water into wine. Gospel stories are not only believed by many religious liberals, they are frequently quoted by Democratic presidential candidates.

Oh, crap, did I inadvertently acknowledge that the conservative hordes of America are anti-science. Um, um, quick, need a false equivalence. I know, how about the fact that Democrats are forced to name-check Jesus if they want to be elected by the idiot hordes of moderates who demand an impromptu religion test if someone is to be elected to high office. Ha, take that liberals.

Wait, didn’t I start this whole thing talking about how the liberals were slandering good Christians who weren’t nearly as crazy in their beliefs as some think? Um, quick, think. Ow, thinking hurt brain box. Need be wingnut! Bizarro am BAD republican!

By the way, evolution is a theory. It is a theory constructed from individual scraps of evidence – a way of amalgamating observations into a grand design.

Just a theory, BITCHES! Bam, in your face, libs, now will you believe that I am a serious…thinker…crap, better throw in an acknowledgment that I understand how scientific theories work. Wait, this still makes my chosen candidates I’m throwing a LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE about look like fucking idiots who shouldn’t run a poker game much less a country. Um…

Ergo: whenever the US deficit goes up, Paul Krugman calls for more spending – therefore we might theorise that he’s a drooling idiot. Remember: that’s just a theory, not a fact.

This literally comes after the last line. No segway.

Just a hard stop as he realized the rock and a hard place between his need to be a good toadie and his desire to look like a Serious Thinker TM (I imagine this is a feeling shared by many “Principle Moderate Commentators” and “Objective Journalists” who are trying to figure out how a contest between Obama and whatever crazy person the wingnuts choose look like a contest of equals).

And yeah, doesn’t make you look at all like an anti-science moron when you openly mock a basic economic theory you obviously don’t understand. Yup, makes Krugman look like a drooling idiot. Uh huh.

And thank you for the very thorough demonstration of my “It’s always projection” theory.

The assault on Dominionism is equally pernicious. In an expose piece in the New York Times, Bill Keller tells us that “I care a lot if a candidate is going to be a Trojan horse for a sect that believes it has divine instructions on how we should be governed.” He trots out the usual innuendos about evangelical Christians (they love slavery and hate evolution, and every church picnic climaxes in the ritual beheading of a transvestite)

Hey, didn’t you try and insinuate that Dominionism was a liberal invention to smear the “good, wholesome, conservatives”? What’s with the acknowledgment that they are criticizing a real phenomenon in good standing among religious conservatives? It’s almost like you’re an open hack struggling to fit the entire massive load of Bachmann/Perry cock in your mouth to earn your sweat Koch/Murdoch welfare. Choke on it Timmy, choke on it.

Also, love the attempt to make actual theological positions, eagerly advertised by the candidates on their websites and speeches. Yeah, Bachmann was stupid enough to blithely support multiple slavery-supporting works with eager accolades on multiple locations.

And hey, wait, you just spent all last paragraph working yourself into knots about how it doesn’t matter and millions of people don’t believe in evolution and so it’s not strange that your candidates don’t believe in it. You don’t get to suddenly pretend that it’s a desperate lie that your candidates don’t believe in evolution when you just admitted that they do.

I thought I saw the limit on historical revisionism when they started trying to pull a 1984 on current real-time events, but this is revisionism on the last paragraph of your revisionism of real-time events. It’s like the Inception of Soviet-style gall.

And love how he had to throw that last little bit. It’s like, wait, these are real and I need to make them seem ludicrous. I know, I’ll say something absurd so the rest looks like it must be a slur too. The dumbass Brits who read this won’t know shit about this anyways.

And kudos on using the image of a headless transvestite in there. Ha, ha, conservatives think transpeople are open demons, have openly tried to block the investigation of their murders by police as “special rights” that would “force transvestites into your bathrooms”, and have otherwise contributed to a culture where transpeople are one of the most highly murdered groups in hate crimes by percentage.

But yes, they haven’t beheaded them at church picnics, so ha, liberals are mean.

There are only so many ways I can say “le fuck you”.

But he sneakily adds, “Neither Bachmann nor Perry has, as far as I know, pledged allegiance to the Dominionists.” Exactly. But doesn’t it make life more interesting to infer that they have?

Memo to every journalist who feels that pang to “be objective” by throwing an unearned bone to the right.


Please, Bob in Himmel, stop.

Cause every bone you throw is carried around like a trophy by these subhuman ingrates and treated like a full-on concession to their points.

Also, Bachmann, Palin, and Perry have been to many many many Dominionist rallies and have openly supported Dominionist causes for years, but you didn’t need me to tell you that, because unlike the idiots who gulp this shit up, you have eyes!


Are we done yet? No, we’re not done yet. We’re carting the whole fucking island over to the boat. Why? Because apparently I hate you all. So let the MANGOS HIT THE FLOOR:

Let’s imagine for a moment that Bachmann and Perry are Dominionists.

Yes, lets.

Seriously, that was such an easy lob over the plate Steven Hawking could have hit a home run off of it. I encourage everyone in the morning to invent their own riff off that statement.

Compare that wild and crazy faith with those held by two Democrats. Hank Johnson is the congressman from DeKalb County in Georgia and he’s a Buddhist. Specifically, he’s a follower of Daishonin Buddhism. Adherents gather regularly in large groups to sit cross-legged and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo at a portable shrine.

How terrible! It’s so odd and insane compared to Bachmann.

Because it’s so slanty-eyed yellow-fever Mongoloid, I guess.

Hey, let’s play a game boys and girls, what’s missing in this statement as compared to the Dominionists? Did you say any point at which this at all affects anyone else? Why, my word, you are such smart boys and girls. Yeah, people aren’t exactly going “oh my word, Christian beliefs are fucked up”. People are going “why the fuck are these insane Christian beliefs fucking my life over”. See, dominionists are getting attention because they want a fucking theocracy (and without any fucking in it). Thus they want to make their crazy beliefs mandatory. If backbencher completely unknown congressman Hank Johnson wanted to make buddhism mandatory we might equally be curious about his stances. Especially if he thought that those principles should affect public policy.

Also, do you think for one fucking second that if the Buddhist congressman tried to run for President, that his religion wouldn’t be the only thing our news media talked about for the entire year before the Presidential Election, complete with angry demands that he denounce his spiritual leader for “suggesting that Christianity wasn’t the only path to enlightenment” or some such shit.

Also love the double standard. Yeah, we unlike you haven’t forgotten that you obsessed about both Obama’s actual faith and the made-up faith you wanted to pin on him for the entire last presidential cycle and will probably rerun that whole rigmarole again once you’ve picked your appropriately Jesus-obsessed candidate.

The idea is that if they say these divine words while visualising their deepest desires, they’ll get what they’ve always wanted.

Oh, that’s why it’s weird and worth a false equivalence. Silly me.

Huh, that worldview sounds familiar. You know, just without the universal assumption it makes that all public policy should reinforce said belief structure and act as if there really was a Just World.

Actually, it more sounds like the standard “Positive Thinking” BS. Yeah, it’s stupid, but it tends to be harmless when not universalized.

Like evolution, it’s just a theory – but it’s much, much more cool.

Ha, ha, I’ve completely given up the pretense that I value science. Hey, don’t you believe that we’re not anti-science, now that I’ve completely thrown in my hat with the “just a theory” whackaloons?

Also, love the involuntary respect for a theology that doesn’t suck balls.

Yes, in comparison it is much cooler than “If you are poor, God wants you to be poor for your sins so no healthcare for you”. Maybe you should stop sucking so much.

Yeah, we’re going paragraph by paragraph suckers. Repent! Repent!


So, when we last left our intrepid British hack, he had just given in on his battle to carry water for psychotic conservatives and surrendered his fleeting desire to be taken seriously as a non-insane person. And had begun his campaign to argue that Democrats are the real weird religious believers, despite that not at all being the reason people are worried about Dominionists. I mean, I wish that was the case. I’d love the MSM to finally start detangling PMD Rapturist theology and its negative impact on public policy or hell at the very least a broad acknowledgment of how the quest for Theocracy have already had major victories in impeding secular rights for homosexuals and medical ethical procedures and health care for women, but hey, go on.

No seriously, go on, it’s another round of MANGO MADNESS:

Harry Reid, leader of the Senate Democrats, is a Mormon.

Like current frontrunner and probable Republican candidate Mitt Romney?

Please, do go on.

Many readers probably won’t know that because the mainstream media oddly doesn’t talk about it. It’s okay to call Mitt Romney a polytheist with twelve wives, but Reid is untouchable because he’s a Democrat.

Oh, hey, there’s the acknowledgment of Romney. Boy howdy, you’re going to be in a tough way if Romney wins the nomination. Ha, ha, I kid, we both know that you’ll forget this article was even written and just rant about the massive anti-mormon beliefs of Democrats.

Also, we have the Palin-brand slam on the media now required of every two-bit wingnut who wants to show solidarity to the tribe. Why the media keeps you so down it pays your unearned salary. Viva la revolucion!

And yet it’s reasonable to theorise that the leader of the Senate wears the magic underwear associated with Mormonism. Is his belief that Jesus walked on American soil, anti-science? Geographers and historians would probably object.

Again, the problem isn’t so much that they’re religious nutters. But that they are relgious nutters who demand their beliefs affect public policy and whose nutty religious beliefs are their primary focus and argument for their various beliefs on many national issues.

See, the reason that Reid gets a free pass is that he famously leaves his Mormon beliefs at the door of the Statehouse and goes to bat for various issues based on fairness and genuine personal belief even when it strongly goes against his Church and puts him at odds with its highest officials.

Romney on the otherhand…well, he’s already tried to intervene on behalf of his church on issues that his Church has been the primary secret antagonist on and gotten caught on. And has often cited his religion as his inspiration and there’s been a whole push for the last two years to “normalize” Mormons in conservative dogma to try and pave the way for a Mittens presidency, arguing that there is some heavy investment both by his Church and conservatives at large to disguise his intentions for office.

Also, let’s not kid ourselves. If Reid ran for president, he wouldn’t be able to finish the announcement before the first Fox News anchor started joking about magic underwear and “Can we trust him?” Fuck, you fuckers haven’t been able to shut up about Reid being Mormon since we started noticing that mormons kind of where getting to some nasty theocratic business over Prop 8 and other battles as some sort of sick quid pro quo.

So yeah, tiny violin over here for you, Monsignor prolapsed anus.


What’s that?

IT’S THE FINAL MANGOOOO! (insert massive awesome 80s cheese)

Okay, let’s dig in to the final climax of the Desperate Brit and his attempt to whitewash his hideous candidates:

Democratic presidential candidates regularly visit black churches,


What the fuck? We’re now saying “black churches” are now an example of weird religious beliefs? I’m not sure there are enough words for “fuck yourself raw with a rabid badger” out there.

Nancy Pelosi has invoked her Catholicism so many times you might think she was a nun,

Ha, ha, Catholics aren’t real Christians.

Seriously, all of you Catholic Dominionists. The Know-Nothings you are palling around with think exactly the same about you as their historical predecessors. If you help them “take out us” as it were, they will waste not one damn second before swinging their hateful gaze towards you and throwing you in the same damn camps. And frankly, my sympathy for you when that happens will be zilch and none.

and Barack Obama was married by a pastor who actively hates America.

And we complete that sentence (!) with the classic lie. Yes, black preacher who acknowledges that America hasn’t always had the backs of black America and had to have the president completely disavow him for this obvious statement of “no shit” is the same as “hates America”.

Hey, don’t all those “glorious conservative Christians” you’ve been awkwardly trying to fellate all post constantly talk about how God hates the degeneration of America and how the tolerance for homosexuals and feminists and black people and what not was the reason anything bad happens to this country and how God should destroy America for these transgressions, blah blah blah?

Oh right, those don’t count by the magic of “white guy did it”. Hey, what’s the over-under that despite being on the last paragraph, that thinking will get a nice redux?

Yet Krugman suggests that only the GOP uses and abuses religion every election.

Yes, mean Mr. Krugman. Also, damn, amazing how a soft-spoken economics professor has managed to make himself Wingnut Satan simply by just refusing to ignore reality.

Ah, yes, since Democrats belong to religions. Religions that they actually take care to prevent from interfering in their public duties to their constituents, this is of course the same as candidates OPENLY ARGUING FOR THEOCRACY.

The award for most Fuck You false equivalence would have been yours if Breivik hadn’t already set WRs far and above anything we had seen in International competition. Please do try again next year and please accept this certificate for participation.

More sickening is the innuendo that there is a uniquely violent subtext to conservative faith, as if every Right-winger wants to shoot an abortionist.

Hey, that didn’t take long. We’ve got “white guy did it” equals less redux. Also, love the acknowledgment of abortion doctor shootings. Ha, ha, our theology regularly kills trained medical doctors providing legal and medically ethical treatment to women who need it because of our sectarian beliefs and our theocratic dominance, but it’s not like every one of our nutjobs personally pulls the trigger. Of course, all the conservative candidates and the majority of candidates for every office for a good long while support the theocratic intervention of religious beliefs into medically ethical legal procedures including the cheering of violence every time it occurs and have aided these assassins by constantly demonizing the profession and the procedure at every opportunity including this one by focusing on “abortionist” rather than “OB GYN” “reproductive health specialist” or even the slightly more humanizing “abortion doctor”. You know, because you have so won that little theocratic struggle that people have probably forgotten that this whole thing was a medical ethics debate you lost decades ago since your successful campaign of terrorism and murder has completely managed to “win” the issue by making it completely untenable to be or stand up for abortion access without literally risking your life.

Yeah, wonder why we view your theology as violent.

Also, love the complete whistle in the graveyard. Yup, after two years of constant unyielding terrorist attempts and attacks by “lone wolf” white guys including the near-assination of a sitting congresswoman and the successful slaughter of nearly an entire camp of young kids in Norway by people who gleefully cited verbatim the loving conservative gospel of religious beliefs, yeah, we might have put two and two together.

Kind of hard not to, when they are putting the theocratic demands into their fucking manifestos. And hell, even then, our media has been oh so kind to look the other way in service to the Holy Doctrine of “white guy equals no terrorism”.

Yeah, let’s see, in the last 150 years, we had a 100 year campaign of white religious terrorists lynching and terrorizing black communities. We had various militias, a successful 40 year campaign to bomb, shoot, and intimidate reproductive access out of the hands of most women, various “lone wolfs” with deep conservative ties assassinating most of the big figures of the left and killing thousands more than Al-queda did in aggregate.

Yeah, shithead, of course it’s our fault we view you as violent eliminationist assholes. Hey, protip! Why don’t you stop openly calling for the elimination of various minority groups and those who speak out against theocratic rule. That might fucking help.

So, anything you want to say for yourself before we roll out?

There is no comparison between fundamentalist Islam and Dominionism: one kills and the other doesn’t. The conflation of the two is ugly and deceitful.

Oh, of course. You wouldn’t be one of the current crop of Brits if you weren’t working hard to feed the simmering resentment of white UK against its more swarthy inhabitants.

And yeah, keep stoking fear alive about 9/11 and the subway bombings because that will totally erase Breivik from memory. I know, valliant effort, nonetheless. Breivik? Breivik who? (Give them another couple of months and they’ll be arguing that liberals made up Breivik to try and smear Michele Bachmann for being christian) Why there is no possible example of dominionists killing anyone.

Fuck, in the last year or so alone we’ve had the people shot at Giffords, any number of incidents off the Hate Crimes list, and that oh so forgettable greatest incident of one-man with firearms violence seen in recorded history in Breivik’s rendition of Friday the 13th. Yup, no dominionists involved in killings. Oh yeah, and Dr. Tiller, and that whole “Kill the Gays” bill in Uganda that the fucking dominionists are STILL trying to pass there despite universal outcry that is being passed entirely because dominionists want to send a message to gays “back home” to behave themselves and stop pushing for equal rights.

Yeah, I’m betting there’s some Muslim equivalent to this jackass writing for HIS conservative newsletter the same shit using the same handy erasure of muslim violence. Yeah, when you erase everything done by your side, there sure is a false equivalence. And if you don’t count everyone she’s fucked Paris Hilton is a virgin.

Also, yes, it sure is our arguments that are ugly and deceitful.

Again, thank you for your crowning submission and proof of my “Everything wingnuts say is projection” theory. You truly have helped raise it to the status of “scientific fact” thus being hard to ignore even for hardcore anti-science die-hards like yourself.

I really couldn’t have done it alone, so thank you one and all.

And to all those I’ve tortured with this complete posting of the mango tree from the Land of Arthur, may I just say, you shouldn’t have summoned that many guillotines.

You should have known the horrors of butthurt you’d unleash upon the world.

Repent! Repent, sadlies! For the island is now upon the boat and the mangos pile high in slithering rotten horror. May PENIS forgive me for what I have rought!

I knew not, Lord PENIS, I knew not!

I dare not shed this wetsuit for I know the horror that grows there. Soon it will take me. Burn this hollow corpse, it’s the only way to stop it!




You could post all this on your own blog and link to it, and save us a lot of scrolling.


One last note on the flavor of the comment mangos. It’s actually hilarious. It’s mostly made up of “Reasonable Conservatives” and Paultard Libertarians ripping him apart for his complete idiocy and fighting with the occasional Poe’s Law (are they subtle satires or honest dipshits, hard to tell) who tries to argue for the clown car of insanity that is modern conservative beliefs on science and theology.

Which of course leads the “Reasonable Conservatives” to quickly shed their masks and reveal themselves to be just as batshit.

My favorite example is the first commenter who posts a thorough trashing of Timmy on how he doesn’t understand what a theory is but then responds to a “Darwinism is evil and destroying Jaysus” poster with

Darwinism isn’t the same thing as evolution.

Yes, siree, wouldn’t want to have you mistake me for someone who wasn’t part of the tribe. I totally am down with hating Darwinism as long as I can pretend it has nothing to do with evolution.

And I thought wingnut cognitive dissonance was bad.

Apparently it’s got nothing on “Reasonable Conservatives” TM

Sadly, it’s almost more depressing to see them. I mean, Timmy is an honest hack. He’s writing desperate fluff to earn himself the sloppy seconds of his corporate overlords and selling his soul (what little there was of it) in the process. As such, he’s abandoning the faux respectability of trying to look halfway sane.

But his comments are eating him alive, but they are the greedy chomps of sharks who see an opportunity to make themselves look like thinking men by devouring one of their own whole. They don’t actually have any real validity to their own beliefs which are based in the same nonsensical nonsense as their fellow wingnuts, but they desperately want the respectability that can only come from having a genuine connection to reality.

Thus they hope that their token concessions to reality will serve as bridge to their open delusions, seeking to do the same task as Lord Timmy, but with far less honesty (which is saying a lot).

I guess, Timmy and those trying to attack him from the slightly less right face the same problem.

The Republican Party and all conservative parties really have so far gone off the deep end that all the “moderates” and “I’m not a bad conservative, trust me” types all face the same problem. Either you jump both feet into insanity and start mixing it in until you are forced to go full in or you admit that one side has gone insane and become one of those annoying “I’m the true liberal” types that argue that nothing left of Democratic centrism can ever be considered lest we look like socialists.

The way this makes the long-time fleecers and the “my ego is tied to how sane I make my batshittery sound” nervous and desperate warms my cockles (VCockR).

Should have thought of that before you abandoned principles you fucking cowardly parasites.





Now that is how you set a thread on fire and set it out to sea on a viking longboat.


I could have.

But then, I wouldn’t be able to nuke a dying thread into tiny atoms of squealing pain and POOP.

Really, it was practically a moral imperative.


Eh, serious answer is the response kinda got away from me. I’ve only recently gone mango-collecting and this one was like a treasure trove where each sentence really just was perfect and deserving of being brought over and ridiculed.

My own blog tends towards the serious deconstruction so it didn’t really occur to me to put it there when it was just a sadly thing and the overall length got away from me.

So sorry about the scrolls, but hey, should at least be better than scrolling through the latest incarnation of Troofie.

No? Ah well. I do apologize for the length.

At least this should give something to the lurkers whining about too many shorters and not enough lengthy deconstructions of wingnuttery.


You could post all this on your own blog and link to it, and save us a lot of scrolling.

Cerb is (as the kids are saying) ON FIRE. To be fair, when I am ON FIRE I do not receive kudos, nor even sympathy — only the dear family telling me “Ha ha keep your beard away from the candles, ya hippie” — but I do not begrudge praise to someone else.

There is no comparison between fundamentalist Islam and Dominionism: one kills and the other doesn’t. The conflation of the two is ugly and deceitful.

Worth pointing out here that prominent Dominationist theologians have (quite literally) travelled to Uganda to lobby for a law that would (quite literally) execute people for homosexuality.

every church picnic climaxes in the ritual beheading of a transvestite
This is unforgivable hyperbole. It is in fact reserved for special occasions.


. I do apologize for the length.

Don’t. Size isn’t everything.


I do apologize for the length.

Always better to save that for the end 🙂


Cerebrus: You are a brave soul. I read about two paragraphs of Lord Timmy and had to leave in order to wash my cerebral cortex clean.

It’s now in the Spin cycle. My brane will come all soft and fluffy and warm and smelling nice.


Pretend there is an ‘out’ in that last sentence, okay?


I prefer the last sentence *without* the “out”.


There is no comparison between fundamentalist Islam and Dominionism: one kills and the other doesn’t. The conflation of the two is ugly and deceitful.

A recurring argument that also happens to be a complete fucking lie. That Ugandan Old Testament anti-gay law they were trying to pass – American fundies were up to their eyeballs in it. Pat Robertson’s financial ties to African dictators like Charles Taylor and Mobutu. Fundie evangelical militias in the Chiapas. Conservative “Catholic” death squads in Latin America throughout the Cold War. The Maronite death squads in the Lebanese civil war. And, of course, who can forget the abortion clinic bombers over here.

The “Muzzies kill people but WE don’t!” argument works because they’re talking to an audience of sheltered, suburban, middle-class middle Americans who would never in their life dream of doing anything as messy and dangerous as getting involved in a war, so their “who me?” is in good faith. Doesn’t change the fact that fundamentalist Christianity murders or (in the Uganda case) tries to murder hundreds of people a year. Not in the Crusades or the Reformation wars or some long-gone historical conflict, here and now.


Vadum: For a decade leftists have seethed over the 9/11 attacks because they took place on the watch of a Republican president and in their view allowed the GOP to portray Democrats –quite correctly— as weak on national defense-related issues for the remainder of George W. Bush’s term of office.

People seethed because Bush’s abject failure, despite REPEATED warnings from the previous administration and his own intelligence agencies, and his ludicrous response were raised up by morons like Vadum as if they were brave, honorable, and praiseworthy, and anyone with the audacity to point out facts was branded a traitor.

Stanley: Let’s imagine for a moment that Bachmann and Perry are Dominionists. Compare that wild and crazy faith with those held by two Democrats.

Democrats that are running to become president? No? THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP.

Dad: “I disagree, its always poor people you see arrested for stealing something and they aren’t working.”

Poor people steal pocket money, rich people embezzle the GDP of small countries. But hey, at least they’re working!


You can’t possibly compare embezzlement with theft! Embezzlement is just overzealous business practices, an individual trying just a little too hard to obtain their due reward for all the hard work they’ve done! Embezzlers created jobs!

Illuminati Repton

Wow, I didn’t realize I was going to set off a gusher!

It really is some grade-A stoopid, isn’t it? There’s a howler in practically every sentence.


No? Ah well. I do apologize for the length.

*patting Cerb on the back*

Welcome to the club, old friend. Welcome to the club. Maalox?


Just picture that asshole’s head on a pike. It’s easy to do!


(comments are closed)