Can We Put This Jeannie Back In The Bottle?

Shorter Jeannie DeAngelis, Ruhnoomurka:
All The Wrong Things

  • When will Obama ever learn that terrorists are brown and black, not white?

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 371

Bozo the Cocksucker

She was kind enough to put a warning in the title.


The Cedarmont Kids say that Jesus disagrees.


Um, I’m not in a good enough mood to continue reading.


Shorter some essay at the Claremont Institute:

You know why Obama was so stupid as to read that thing about arugula off his teleprompter? Because the CIA hired his grandparents to breed their daughter with an African to create the perfect Marxist and destroy America. That’s why he has no birth certificate.


Um, I’m not in a good enough mood to continue reading.

I was tempted, but fortunately the web filter here at work considers Ruhnoomurka as being in the spam category and kindly blocked my access.


…neither Obama nor Napolitano have addressed the growing issue of roving gangs of teenagers on city streets terrorizing innocent people.

Particularly, those of the musical theatre variety.

When you’re a Jet
You’re a Jet all the way


Sweet Jesus, the shorter is SPOT ON.

If I might just shine a light on this one mango:

And while kids at a Norwegian youth camp being slaughtered by a lone wolf is a tragedy of epic proportions, one would never guess from the “See Something Say Something” PSA that right here in America, 3,098 people have died at the hands of radical Muslim extremists.

The “3,098 people” quote links to a page by ReligionOfPeace. Of the 3,098 murdered, it turns out, 2,996 are people killed on 9/11. The remaining hundred or so is a list of all Americans ever murdered by a Muslim in a “hate crime” (by ReligionOfPeace’s standards) in the last thirty-five years.

She’s trying to convey a sense that there’s some massive wave of Beirut-scale terrorism that Obama and the liberal media are covering up, but she had to do a hell of a lot of number-crunching before she could say it with a straight face.


Oddly enough, as concerned as the administration is about stopping lone individuals dressed in business suits removing luggage from the trunks of city cabs, neither Obama nor Napolitano have addressed the growing issue of roving gangs of teenagers on city streets terrorizing innocent people.

How many? As many as the number anti-gay assaults? Or anti-black? Because even though I’m sure this is being looked at(esp by local authorities, whose business it actually is), it’s not really what you lot refer to, with hands wringing and undies moistening, as an “existential threat” of the sort DHS should focus on.

Also nice: how she blames Obama for porous borders, as though Bush didn’t ignore it(or make it worse) for his whole fucking presidency.

And hon, the various government agencies can investigate potential crime by more than one type of person/group. Really! Idiot.

Hemuth Monotreme

All you need to know about the Claremont institute is that John Hinderaker is a fellow. Noted gambler, moral scold and former drug czar William Bennet is also a fellow.


toilet chic!!!


So, this video is offensive to her because it doesn’t specify that you should only be reporting susicious Muslims? She should know by now that that goes without saying as, in her world, all Muslims are suspicious and only Muslims are suspicious. So what’s the problem.
BTW, there are some juicy mangoes in the Youtube comments. Here’s my favorite so far:

I get it now— Be weak and tattle to the “government man” rather than doing something for yourself. Their are always weirdos? at ANY public gathering place. It is your own responsibility to protect yourself and your family. But thankfully Homeland Insecurity has given us Superpowers to snitch on our neighbors and EVERYONE that we don’t like!! Heil Hitler!!


Oh, I know what Claremont is. But the essay is so truly maniacal in its conspiracy theories to be worth sharing. The author actually says right at the beginning that he’ll be called a “birther” and “conspiracy theorist” by “Chicago Sicilians” for daring to question the president in such a mundane way, then literally goes on to assert that the CIA engineered his birth with collaboration with his maternal grandparents.


I get it now— Be weak and tattle to the “government man” rather than doing something for yourself. Their are always weirdos? at ANY public gathering place. It is your own responsibility to protect yourself and your family. But thankfully Homeland Insecurity has given us Superpowers to snitch on our neighbors and EVERYONE that we don’t like!! Heil Hitler!!

YEAH! Pussies go to the Gestapo – REAL men just lynch suspicious-looking folks on the spot.


how he goes from job to prestigious job without apparently mastering any of the previous ones.

Apparently the people reviewing his c.v. and references had a differing opinion.

No wonder some of Barack Obama’s supporters treat him as if he were anointed by an extraterrestrial power.



YEAH! Pussies go to the Gestapo – REAL men just lynch suspicious-looking folks on the spot.

Also, if I’m in an arena with thousands of other fans that some terrorists have rigged to explode and somebody notices something that tips them off, I sure hope that it’s not this guy. ‘Cause then we’re all dead. Watching the “Die Hard” movies 20 times does not make you qualified to save the worl.





how he goes from job to prestigious job without apparently mastering any of the previous ones.

I can’t click through, but now I’m curious about why she brought up George W. Bush.


YEAH! Pussies go to the Gestapo – REAL men just lynch suspicious-looking folks on the spot.

This is snark, but like most snark these days, its actually true:

There’s a legend in Lone Star politics that one of Perry’s Republican rivals in Texas tested the Willingham issue in a focus group. One Republican man, the story goes, squinted and said, “Well, I like that. Takes a lot of balls to execute an innocent man.”

These people are pro-life, you see. But that doesn’t apply to the castle doctrine or any other time a conservative dude feels threatened.


Therefore, it’s clear that President Obama is relatively unconcerned with violent flash mobs

Being relatively unconcerned with violent flash mobs is exactly right, as the link she supplies demonstrates that a 7-11 was robbed and some people got beaten up. PRESIDENT OBAMA IS ALSO RELATIVELY UNCONCERNED ABOUT CHANGING HER DIAPERS.


the link she supplies demonstrates that a 7-11 was robbed and some people got beaten up



ThreadBear, sorry I wasn’t clear, that’s from the Claremont Institute link.



We should petition to have them declared a Superfund site.


as the link she supplies demonstrates that a 7-11 was robbed and some people got beaten up

And seriously? These people think the Feds have too much power as it is, she wants Obama involved in a small time local convenience store robbery? For Christ’s sake, the first paragraph is her bitching about DHS overreach and calling Napolitano “Big Sis.”


ThreadBear, sorry I wasn’t clear, that’s from the Claremont Institute link.

Ok, but I still have to wonder why they bring up W in the middle of an essay on Obama.


Therefore, it’s clear that President Obama is relatively unconcerned with violent flash mobs

Ugh. Last week a kid here in central Massachusetts was killed by a drunk driver. The victim was 23 and apparently a perfectly nice guy, not that that really matters. Turns out the drunk driver was irresponsible on any number of levels: no license, had his three-year-old son in the car with him, ran a stop sign and hit the motorcyclist victim, dragged him for a while, tried to run away from police, backed over the (probably already dead) victim and then tried to fistfight his way through the cops. In other words, a pretty wild and horrible story. Welllllp, it turns out the driver is also an illegal immigrant.

You know what’s coming next right? Here’s what circulated Facebook:

Open Letter to President Barack Obama by Justice for Matt

It is obvious you appreciate the beauty of Cape Cod, especially Martha’s Vineyard.

Milford resident, Matthew Denice, 23 years if age, will not be visiting the “Cape” anytime soon.

You see, Mr. President, for the first time in my adult life (83 years old) I am ashamed of what my country is allowing to flourish within our borders.

Over the week-end, an unlicensed inebriated illegal alien drove his pick up truck past a Stop Sign and smashed into a 23 year old young motorcyclist, Matthew Denice, Debbie Lane, Milford, Ma who had the right of way.

[repeat of horrible details]

In case you missed it while touring our Cape Cod Shoppes, two young Americans were given eight years of prison time for straying across Iran’s borders. In this country we spent $320 billion dollars last year providing illegal border crossers with a full menu of benefits.

[. . . ]

Recently, you have taken steps to give in-state tuition and a form of amnesty to illegal aliens and their children. Your actions are seen as an open invitation to illegal aliens who are pouring over our border before law enforcement curtails their easy entry and wide array of public benefits.

[ . . . ]

Many young people, saw you in a different light, but now….they see you giving aid and comfort to illegal alien lawbreakers….one of whom killed their beloved friend.

Please take a few hours to come to Milford, Mass, and explain to Matthew’s family and friends why law abiding Americans should stand by and see millions of illegal aliens,, accessing all forms of public assistance, and “get away” with such heinous crimes? Matthew’s family and friends are inconsolable. “How can this happen, they ask, “we obeyed the laws of our country, registered to defend it and the President is catering to those who disrespect our way of life, take our jobs, our tax dollars and our lives. Our young people have established a Facebook Website entitled “Justice for Matthew.”***

What about you, Mr. President, what words of wisdom do you have to soothe Matthew’s family and our young people as they come face to face with your largesse to lawbreakers? Amnesty indeed!

***”Justice for Matthew was actually started not by your people but by an ex-state senator who is like 90 years old.


Heh, I always automatically skip over any posts from andon, so I missed this in the last thread:

andon said,

August 30, 2011 at 2:51

*T3 Alert*
as well,
*thread bear Alert*
false allegation.

Sigh, it is my burden to be the worst nightmare of all the craziest people.


A Facebook acquaintance of mine put that on his wall and told me I had no “common respect or decency” for “the kid’s mother/family” for “turning it into a forum” and leaving a comment mentioning that crime rates among illegal immigrants are about the same as for everyone else and that deportations are up under Obama.


For fuck’s sake, when Obama breathes the wingnuts probably claim he’s wrong because he’s inhaling dust mites and committing genocide.


You know who else was relatively unconcerned with violent flash mobs?

That’s right…


Recently, you have taken steps to give in-state tuition and a form of amnesty to illegal aliens and their children.

That was Deval Patrick.


what words of wisdom do you have to soothe Matthew’s family

Don’t hike along a border contested by an enemy of the US and one of our acquired-through-violence client states.


I love that it’s taken as a given by even a lot non-wingnuts that illegal immigrants come here for all of our wonderful free benefits. Where do they think these benefits come from? It’s not like legal residents are living the sweet life on the government gravy train. Do these people think that there’s special programs designed to provide free shit for Mexicans without green cards?


A Facebook acquaintance of mine put that on his wall and told me I had no “common respect or decency” for “the kid’s mother/family” for “turning it into a forum”

Holy shit, some people really are totally incapable of self-reflection.


Do these people think that there’s special programs designed to provide free shit for Mexicans without green cards
Yes they do.


I love that it’s taken as a given by even a lot non-wingnuts that illegal immigrants come here for all of our wonderful free benefits. Where do they think these benefits come from? It’s not like legal residents are living the sweet life on the government gravy train.

As the wingnut narrative goes, the reason legal residents are having such a tough time with their benefits is that they’re being hoarded for illegal immigrants, because affirmative action.

It’s no dumber than the stories Charles Coughlin and Gerald L. K. Smith were spewing during the Depression. Although those who listen to that are even dumber for believing that the wingnuts give a damn about the quality of their welfare benefits.


Back IN the bottle?

Fuck, I’d be satsified if she got back ON the bottle, if you know what I mean.


The remaining hundred or so is a list of all Americans ever murdered by a Muslim in a “hate crime” (by ReligionOfPeace’s standards) in the last thirty-five years.

So then by this logic, Timothy McVeigh ranks right alongside Muslins.


These people think the Feds have too much power as it is, she wants Obama involved in a small time local convenience store robbery?

Well, the alleged perpetrators were nig*BONG* like the President so he should be able to talk at them in a way the bruthas can unnerstand.


Heh. Good for them!

Oh, I have an amusing Ann Althouse thread for that.

Chuck66 says,

I have witnessed a labor day event in another city that was organized by the AFL-CIO. Fun and family friendly don’t really describe it. Angry and thugish are more accurate.

I think that city is in another state . . . of mind. Hey-o!


I have witnessed a labor day event in another city that was organized by the AFL-CIO. Fun and family friendly don’t really describe it. Angry and thugish are more accurate.

So lemme see…labor union AFL-CIO organizes an event in honor of Labor Day, and this guy expects a picnic.

So on Vets day, we should cancel the parades and just have a massive touch football game, in honor of the vets, right?


The “3,098 people” quote links to a page by ReligionOfPeace. Of the 3,098 murdered, it turns out, 2,996 are people killed on 9/11. The remaining hundred or so is a list of all Americans ever murdered by a Muslim in a “hate crime” (by ReligionOfPeace’s standards) in the last thirty-five years.

also too, the chart on that page refers to people killed or injured by ‘islamic terrorism.’ eight of those cases involved honor killings…how does that compare to white women who have been killed by abusive husbands and boyfriends…i’m pretty sure it pales (see what i did there?) in comparison, but that’s okay with jeannie and she would never refer to it as ‘abusive white man terrorism, would she?


With all due respect, tracing “a single weapon” isn’t all that hard if you have a plan. For example, the President could propose a modified version of the “Fast and Furious” method of tracking lone wolves, wherein potential terrorists are tracked after being allowed to load bombs into vans and possibly killing a few Americans, and are then apprehended and brought to justice.

jeannie deangelis: lone-wolf terrorist catcher!


I read some on that Wisconsin Labor Day parade yesterday.

The butthurt Congressman who has been disinvited?

It’s Rep. “I can’t get by on $174,000 per year” Duffy.


Ugh. Last week a kid here in central Massachusetts was killed by a drunk driver. The victim was 23 and apparently a perfectly nice guy, not that that really matters. Turns out the drunk driver was irresponsible on any number of levels: no license, had his three-year-old son in the car with him, ran a stop sign and hit the motorcyclist victim, dragged him for a while, tried to run away from police, backed over the (probably already dead) victim and then tried to fistfight his way through the cops. In other words, a pretty wild and horrible story. Welllllp, it turns out the driver is also an illegal immigrant.

zomg! this is the incident that really has crazy park lady afraid to leave her house…besides teh gheys that is…this happend 7 MILES FROM HER HOUSE!!! and now she does not want to leave the house…


Yes, the rep called for everyone to “start moving on”.

No, asshole, nobody wants to move on. You’re big stupid poopyhead and so is your mom. NYAH.


Umm, does Jeannie realize that the program she’s talking about relies on human intelligence, e.g. associates of the “wolves” tipping off authorities, or someone searching for troubling posts on message boards? AK47s don’t tend to do a lot internet posting.


zomg! this is the incident that really has crazy park lady afraid to leave her house…besides teh gheys that is…this happend 7 MILES FROM HER HOUSE!!! and now she does not want to leave the house…

Little does she know that the phones calls from the gay immigrant . . . are coming from inside!!!!!!!


When, exactly, did “Sadly, No!” become wall-to-wall “Shorter, yes!”?

I mean, it’s funny and all, but it’s thin gruel.

Just saying.


Like like it when they say “With all due respect” because of course they don’t mean anything of the sort.


“I like it” – Where is that lazy proof reader gone to?


I mean, it’s funny and all, but it’s thin gruel.

True, and non-work friendly. Can’t go to those sites for the tasty mangoes.


With all due respect, tracing “a single weapon” isn’t all that hard if you have a plan.

Here’s the plan: We’ll make sure that sales of guns ammunition are impossible to trace across state lines. We’ll make sure any effort by the federal government to crack down on illicit cross-border gun trafficking is framed as an attempt to disarm law-abiding conservatives, and that any similar efforts by state or local law enforcement agencies are underfunded and hampered at every turn. Whenever a crime is committed with an illegal weapon, we will only focus on the perpetrator’s race or religion–unless those happen to be “white” and “Christian”, in which case we’ll tut-tut about how impossible it is to guard against deranged “lone-wolf” criminals (while making sure we have at least a sidebar piece explaining the perpetrator’s political views, and adding a couple of quotes from people who “would never condone what he did, but it’s certainly understandable how upset he was”).


Like like it when they say ice, ice baby.


For example, the President could propose a modified version of the “Fast and Furious” method of tracking lone wolves, wherein potential terrorists are tracked after being allowed to load bombs into vans and possibly killing a few Americans, and are then apprehended and brought to justice.

I thought she was attempting to be funny there, because otherwise she’s 1. advocating basing policy on a work of fiction so shitty that suspension of disbelief requires brain damage and 2. demanding people die as a prerequisite to action. Nobody can really think that preferable to cultivating informants. Of course, nobody with two brain cells to rub together thinks only right wing nuts are the focus of informant-cultivation PSAs, so she might be completely serious.


When, exactly, did “Sadly, No!” become wall-to-wall “Shorter, yes!”?

I mean, it’s funny and all, but it’s thin gruel.

It’s been feast or famine, but I’m guessing that at times if it weren’t for “shorter” posts we’d have no posts at all (gloom, despair, et c.)


2. demanding people die as a prerequisite to action. Nobody can really think that preferable to cultivating informants. Of course, nobody with two brain cells to rub together thinks only right wing nuts are the focus of informant-cultivation PSAs, so she might be completely serious.

They sold off our civil liberties to get the Patriot Act, and now they want to wait around for terrorists to act….

Could it be that they’ve figured out surrendering civil liberties and living in a police state doesn’t reduce terrorism?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That’s hilarious. No, just another cognitive EPICMISS.


2. demanding people die as a prerequisite to action.

this…i could not believe she actually wrote this…especially after the ‘with all due respect’ b.s….respect for whom, jeannie? certainly not the brown people you are hoping are the ‘few’ who are killed for the greater good?


It’s been feast or famine, but I’m guessing that at times if it weren’t for “shorter” posts we’d have no posts at all (gloom, despair, et c.)

The last long Gavin post I remember got a lot of grumbling that it was too opaque.


True, and non-work friendly. Can’t go to those sites for the tasty mangoes.

Meh, I like the way the help round here usually brings the mangoes over without any asking. You just kick up your feet, get comfortable, and wait till the fruit arrives.

If the mangoes taste like shit, you just wait a few minutes and you get a fresh serving. It’s all rather sophisticated, the really surprising thing is that we don’t get many conservatives round here.


It’s all rather sophisticated, the really surprising thing is that we don’t get many conservatives round here.

Hugely surprising considering that comments are completely unregulated/unmoderated, etc. The andon guy does try my patience, however.


potential terrorists are tracked after being allowed to load bombs into vans and possibly killing a few Americans, and are then apprehended and brought to justice.

Who is she babbling about? McVeigh?

Seems that most of the (potential) acts of terrorism are committed by the craziest/loudest America-hater at the local mosque, who has been reported to the FBI by his fellow mosquers, provided w/ bomb-making supplies, advice, assistance & so on by FBI agents or informants & is then seized by the FBI in the nick of time. Followed by a round of self-congratulatory publicity & fear reinforcement from the FBI & its lame-stream media enablers.


AK47s don’t tend to do a lot internet posting.

Wait till I get my hands on one and bolt a web cam and web server to it.


Seems that most of the (potential) acts of terrorism are committed by the craziest/loudest America-hater at the local mosque, who has been reported to the FBI by his fellow mosquers, provided w/ bomb-making supplies, advice, assistance & so on by FBI agents or informants & is then seized by the FBI in the nick of time. Followed by a round of self-congratulatory publicity & fear reinforcement from the FBI & its lame-stream media enablers.



advocating basing policy on a work of fiction so shitty that suspension of disbelief requires brain damage and

I believe she is referring to a botched operation but the ATF which was code named ‘fast and furious’. This operation funneled thousands of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition to violent drug gangs in Mexico, and did not lead the agents to actually arrest any of the gangsters.


I have witnessed a labor day event in another city that was organized by the AFL-CIO. Fun and family friendly don’t really describe it. Angry and thugish are more accurate.



The andon guy does try my patience, however.

You should try his, boy howdy!


Guys, I just want you to let you know that Dudeskull and I can no longer leave the house. See, we were at the grocery store, and in the ethnic foods aisle there were two middle-aged women who looked as if they might be…sisters in Sappho. And they were…comparison shopping. WE ARE BOYCOTTING WEGMANS!


The last long Gavin post I remember got a lot of grumbling that it was too opaque.

I seem to remember some nasty personal stuff, too, so I can’t blame him for not wanting to post. I loves me some recondite posts, but then again I don’t mind the shorters; better than nothing, when the comment counts start getting into the “OH DEAR GOD WILL THIS PAGE EVER LOAD?” territory.


I believe she is referring to a botched operation but the ATF which was code named ‘fast and furious’. This operation funneled thousands of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition to violent drug gangs in Mexico, and did not lead the agents to actually arrest any of the gangsters.

so by all means, let’s try it again!


Kamikazes striking aircraft-carriers in 1945?
Lone wolf right-wing terrorism, libs – BOOKMARK IT.

Weaponized Bullshit File: It has been argued that the loud chorus of butthurt over the original report on homegrown right-wing terrorism may have led the FBI & DHS to back off that angle of investigation & thus actually prevented timely detection of Breivik’s batshittery before he could arm up & start playing FPS God Warrior with real guns.

But fortunately for wingnuts, because almost all the “terrorism experts” on TeeVee are alumni of AEI or other like-minded outfits, “right-wing” terrorism now means “lone wolf” terrorism by definition – the Seattle Bomber, Breivik & Loughner could’ve been caught in a torrid three-way at a No-Tell Motel & the “lone wolf” trope wouldn’t even have taken so much as a paint-scratch from it – which sends a simple message to all the martyr-wannabes on Free Republic & Stormfront: you now have unlimited mulligans, so organize away! We’ve got your back, even if you get caught!


Those of you inclined to pester Mrs. Breeder & her seven spawn (“We can’t afford anything because we have seven kids!! Waaah!”) at her CATHOLIC web log might want to give her a link to this interesting list of perverted priests from the Boston Archdiocese.

Natural Law, Baby! (Or Cardinal Law!)


I believe she is referring to a botched operation but the ATF which was code named ‘fast and furious’. This operation funneled thousands of guns and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition to violent drug gangs in Mexico, and did not lead the agents to actually arrest any of the gangsters.

Whew, good. Still, sounds like it was a teensy weensy bit ineffective, whereas my understanding is that informants have led to the thwarting of many crimes and the capture of many criminals.



Address, please? I’d like to set up a webcam


So is she attempting to be sarcastic there, like asking “why doesn’t Obama do this dumb thing that didn’t work again?” It seems more like she really thinks it was a great idea and should be done again, while actually monitoring hate groups is Big Brother barking up the wrong tree.


(“We can’t afford anything because we have seven kids!! Waaah!”)

I like my cigar, too, but I take it out every once in a while…


Those of you inclined to pester Mrs. Breeder & her seven spawn (“We can’t afford anything because we have seven kids!! Waaah!”) at her CATHOLIC web log might want to give her a link to this interesting list of perverted priests from the Boston Archdiocese.

Natural Law, Baby! (Or Cardinal Law!)

she will tell you that it doesn’t count because lots of those priests were faggoty fag pedophiles…and are like, twelve different kinds of disordered…so in the end, fags are still icky…nyah, nyah!


Back in the day, when I went to job fairs, there was always a table set out by the Catholic church. This puzzled me, because I can’t imagine anyone from a frustrated college grad to a recently downsized manager or anything in between looking at what they had to offer and saying ‘eureka!’ I will give up everything that makes life liveable in exchange for slave wages and a crappy accommodations.


the really surprising thing is that we don’t get many conservatives round here

“My child is still in diapers, & even HE had to ROFL at how hilariously moronic your argument is” = not quite the sort of mature enlightened debate that conservatives crave … also, the abundance of POOP & PENIS tend to sully their beautiful minds beyond repair (unless you’re Teh Neocon Revengencer, in which case nothing of value is lost by said sullying, & you can desperately blogwhore your latest brainfart to the people you despise, hoping they will troll it in order to feed your naked self-loathing pwn libtards whenever you want.


You’re forgetting the child-fucking benefits.


The priesthood: It’s not just a job; it’s an indenture!


Up at Monotreme with that last. OR UP MONOTREME’S!


When will Obama ever learn that terrorists are brown and black, not white?

When the majority of terrorist acts in this country are no longer committed by conservative, Christian, white people.


“My child is still in diapers, & even HE had to ROFL at how hilariously moronic your argument is” = not quite the sort of mature enlightened debate that conservatives crave

I beg to differ. Most conservatives START with that trope as their argument.


“My child is still in diapers, & even HE had to ROFL at how hilariously moronic your argument is” = not quite the sort of mature enlightened debate that conservatives crave

Yet this is the only debate style at which conservatives are in any way adept.


Up at Monotreme with that last. OR UP MONOTREME’S!
Are you a Catholic priest too?


Most conservatives START with that trope as their argument.

Seriously. Read any conservative website’s comments section at any given time and you’ll see about a half dozen posts of the “my daugher is at Commie State U, but thanks to homeschooling and Rush she puts those dopey libtard profs in their place all day!” variety.


You’re forgetting the child-fucking benefits.

Bug or feature? Bugger feature?


Worse than ‘thin gruel’ is that every thread inevitably becomes an open thread, with the same dozen “regulars” trading the same shopworn in-jokes over and over. I still learn something by hanging in the background of this virtual “Cheers” set, but I’m skimming more of late.


Bug or feature? Bugger feature?

When the late 70s experimental band, The Buggles, released their album, my bandmate nudged me and said “When did the Pope allow priests to rock?”

We knew, even back then.


Worse than ‘thin gruel’ is that every thread inevitably becomes an open thread, with the same dozen “regulars” trading the same shopworn in-jokes over and over.

Cool post, bro


I pay good money for better posts!



I pay good money for better posts!

That’s what she said.


Euphemonious Monk

Trading the shopworn over and over.


shopwearin’ the in-joke.




That’s what she said.


zombie bin laden

“Piling on the infidel.” Hey-O!


Cheese puns are not shopworn! Slightly curdled perhaps, but definitely not shopworn.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Worse than ‘thin gruel’ is that every thread inevitably becomes an open thread, with the same dozen “regulars” trading the same shopworn in-jokes over and over.

Needs MOAR puns.


And they were…comparison shopping. WE ARE BOYCOTTING WEGMANS!

>GASP< Those BITCHES! Don't they know you pay your taxes? Whose fucking community do they think this IS?


Worse than ‘thin gruel’ is that every thread inevitably becomes an open thread, with the same dozen “regulars” trading the same shopworn in-jokes over and over. I still learn something by hanging in the background of this virtual “Cheers” set, but I’m skimming more of late.

Filter the regulars if you like.


Cheese puns are not shopworn! Slightly curdled perhaps, but definitely not shopworn.

They’re a little runny…


Filter the regulars if you like.

“Ah, SN is so much better now that it’s just a bunch of folks with different iterations of ‘lurker’ in their names posting complaints.”


Concern troll lurker is concerned. Well, I’m sure the posts are pithier, the commenters more erudite, the mangoes fresher, the beer fizzier, the atmosphere more convivial, the carpet cleaner, the children better behaved, the artwok more tasteful and the quality generally better at HIS (/her/its) on blog. Shame he/she/it didn’t see fit to provide a linky to this shining, new, better site we could all go hang out at…


Filter the regulars if you like.

Or, you know, contribute something different rather than complaining that the monkeys aren’t dancing to your liking.


“Ah, SN is so much better now that it’s just a bunch of folks with different iterations of ‘lurker’ in their names posting complaints.”

I agree!


Or, you know, contribute something different rather than complaining that the monkeys aren’t dancing to your liking.

Needs MOAR badgers



That’s nothing. A few months ago, I saw two women affectionately touching each other while walking on the sidewalk.

Do you know how hard it is to boycott sidewalks? There’s even one in front of my house!

Helmut Monotreme

Dammit, I know I am a bit player here, but my shopworn jokes add value! Every single one of my comments is a manifesto, a revelation, a righteous jeremiad, brimming with cunning insight, cutting invective and wisdom for the ages. Then I forget where I was going with halfway through typing it up and, then post some weak snark or a cheese pun.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Slightly curdled perhaps, but definitely not shopworn.

Well THAT was cheesy.


Cutting the invective.


To be fair, my shtick is pretty old hat. And I know a little something about old hats, owning 5,000 of them as I do.


We could all show up at Concern Lurker’s Blog of Awesomeness like the Joads at the Gatsbys’ summer home, pee in the puchbowl, fart in the parlor, track footprints in the foyer and generally bring down the property values for the whole neighborhood. C’mon Lurkster, give us your address!


Or, you know, contribute something different rather than complaining that the monkeys aren’t dancing to your liking.

Trolling seems to work. Also my computer is better than your computer.


a righteous jeremiad

President Obama????? Is that you?????


Also my computer is better than your computer.



Also my computer is better than your computer.

Oooooh. Are you running Windows 7 and IE9?


Michael Moriarity on the current topic:

The comment section of any blog or internet site is always a re-education. Not about diversity of opinion but about the human condition itself.

No matter how close two people’s opinions might seem to be, eventually there will be a difference of some sort between them.

In short, we are all confronted eventually with the isolation everyone feels because of their own inalterable uniqueness.

Not even Siamese twins can agree about everything.

At such times, philosophers such as France’s Jean Paul Sartre conclude that “Hell is other people!”

“L’enfer est les autres!”

This inevitably leads to:

I offered, in my most provocative editorial, Sarah Palin’s Pre-Presidential Power, the only possible Presidential candidate for the 2012 election: Sarah Palin.

Only her profoundly personal value system and her classically American, conservative values can drag not only the United States but the entire world back from the brink of Red Jihadist suicide.


“That’s nothing. A few months ago, I saw two women affectionately touching each other while walking on the sidewalk.

Do you know how hard it is to boycott sidewalks? There’s even one in front of my house!”

That’s pretty funny.


. The author actually says right at the beginning that he’ll be called a “birther” and “conspiracy theorist” by “Chicago Sicilians” for daring to question the president in such a mundane way, then literally goes on to assert that the CIA engineered his birth with collaboration with his maternal grandparents.

I look forward to his expose on what the queers are doing to the soil.


Sorry if it’s been said, but…

the link she supplies demonstrates that a 7-11 was robbed and some people got beaten up

7-11!!! NEVAR FORGET!!!!


by “Chicago Sicilians”

I thought Chicago was all about deep-dish.


“7-11!!! NEVAR FORGET!!!!”



You know what *I* hate about S,N? That one poster who is always LOLing people or telling people they’re funny.


Helmut Monotreme

President Obama????? Is that you?????

Umm, not so much. But we are similar in some ways. We are both made of baryonic matter. We are both carbon based eukaryotes. We are both male adult humans. We are both citizens of the U.S.
We differ in many ways though. My birth certificate is written in French and was issued in a Belgian hospital. His was not. His life has been a series of startling accomplishments in the face of serious disadvantages, and achievement in the highest tradition of academia, law and public service. My life, ….less so. He is the leader of the most powerful country in the world with the mightiest military ever assembled, I …write database queries, bicycle and motorcycle a bunch, ski and play world of warcraft.
So while I see that it would be easy to confuse us, Barack Obama and I are in fact, two separate people.


“You know what *I* hate about S,N? That one poster who is always LOLing people or telling people they’re funny.




You know what *I* hate about S,N? That one poster who is always LOLing people or telling people they’re funny.

LOL You’re funny, FTW!


You know what *I* hate about S,N? That one poster who is always LOLing people or telling people they’re funny.

exspeshally win thay spell it lyk larffed or laffed.

Lurking Canadian

It’s all rather sophisticated, the really surprising thing is that we don’t get many conservatives round here.

It’s because it’s all snark, all the time around here. Trolling only seems to be fun for the trolls if they can get people pissed off and into fights with them. That’s how they “win”.

But anybody trolling here encounters a sort of judo approach, where the troll is not quite ignored, but deflected with nothing but scorn. There’s nothing to fight, so after a while they give up trying to nail the jello to the wall and go back to…hell, I don’t know where trolls go.


We are both citizens of the U.S.

Wait, I thought you said you were both Eukaryotes.


long Gavin post


Entirely Unconcerned Lurker

I, on the other hand, find this place unique and hilarious as it is. I demand that the naysayers be vigorously ignored lest the great Sadly turn into yet another news blog.

Helmut Monotreme

hell, I don’t know where trolls go.

Mordor. Or perhaps, Indianapolis.


The only trolls here who actually annoy me are the copy/pasta assholes.

That racist we had a while ago was hilarious.


I got off the boat for the Claremont essay, because I’m a sucker for conspiratorial whackaloonery…

No wonder some of Barack Obama’s supporters treat him as if he were anointed by an extraterrestrial power.

The projection is strong here, innit? Also, have you ever heard of anyone besides Oprah and the righties refer to Obama as “The One”?

The last section is titled Contempt for the Common Man, which could have applied to McCain just as well. Here’s the characterization of how the “leftist ruling class” sees ‘Murkans:

That class knows about America only that it must be changed, and looks at the vast majority of Americans the way carpenters look at warped pieces of lumber. Barack Obama is neither more nor less than its product and agent.

Meanwhile, Conservatives look at the vast majority of Americans the way mulchers look at pieces of wood destined for the wood-chipper.

Lurking Canadian


S,N was way cooler back when they had their original drummer, before they sold out and went mainstream.

But even then, fucking WordPress was still pissing people off.


hell, I don’t know where trolls go.

Back to the trollhouse for more cookies.


“long Gavin post


Me too. I started posting after he disappeared but I’ve read a couple of vintage, classic posts of his, and–wow–good shtuff.

Lurking Canadian

That class knows about America only that it must be changed, and looks at the vast majority of Americans the way carpenters look at warped pieces of lumber.

Analogy fail. Carpenters do not look at warped pieces of lumber and decide to “change” them. If the board is only slightly warped, you plane it until it is a rectangular prism, but that doesn’t “change” the board. It just extracts the straight board that was living inside all along.

If the board is too warped, on the other hand, then you leave it on the shelf for the next sucker to buy. If you’re the sucker, you chop it up for firewood.

I don’t know how these various approaches map onto US politics, but then again, it’s not my stupid analogy.


“S,N was way cooler back when they had their original drummer, before they sold out and went mainstream”

Tee hee! Yeah, now they’re all corporate. S, N is practically THE MAN!


Me too. I started posting after he disappeared but I’ve read a couple of vintage, classic posts of his, and–wow–good shtuff.


You’re funny!


That racist we had a while ago was hilarious.


Entirely Unconcerned Lurker

Additionally, in response to Mr. Bastard, I have to say I’ve always enjoyed how conservative characterizations of the left are invariably fantasies of their own creation: molded from fantasy, projection and intentional mangling of those fancy liberal words and ideas. While conversely, the left’s characterizations of conservatives are more often the result of the actual, provable words and actions of conservatives.

Reality, liberal bias, etc.


“tsam said,
August 30, 2011 at 21:50

That racist we had a while ago was hilarious.


He’s too busy posting racist shit to fuck.


He’s too busy posting racist shit to fuck.

I will KILL him.


Anything that keeps him from freeperducing is fine with me, tsam.


While conversely, the left’s characterizations of conservatives are more often the result of the actual, provable words and actions of conservatives

I’ll admit to some pretty wild hyperbole and purely ad hominem attacks. However, conservatives are going to destroy the world with their unique brand of fucking stupidasshole.



SO awesome. Have kids, home school. Freeperduce.

You fucking rule.



Isn’t everything a freeper spews out a deuce?


I’ve pissed off Tsam.

I’m over it now.


I thought Chicago was all about deep-dish.

Chicago Sicilians


Wow, the shorter is accurate.

It’s basically, “yeah, I know the last real incident of meaningful muslim terrorism is now close to exactly 10 years ago, while you can point to literally hundreds of incidents in the last 10 years ago of an escalation of violence by white right-wing zealots, including the most horrific and successful single-person attack in the world’s history, which just so happened to be entirely prompted by psychotic right-wing bloggers like myself, but…”

Where what follows the but is exactly the shorter.

It somehow just doesn’t count. I suspect these are just the intellectual heirs to the people who used to whine about how our national focus was being wasted on non-threats like the KKK when it really needed to be looking into the communist connections of the Beatles and MLK.

In short, it doesn’t count when we’re keeping the powerless down. It only counts when someone dusky or otherwise unliked by the people in power causes us to shit our pants in fear.

Also love the attempt to basically insinuate that Obama is over-reacting or working on political intimidation. You know, like Bush did when he demanded wire taps on Greenpeace and Sierra Club. Or like J Edgar Hoover on anti-segregationist groups and student groups. Or the way modern Republicans have always used the CIA and FBI as political hammers. You know, because worrying about threats that already took down Representative Giffords and nearly killed her, have killed scores of Americans, and prompted the most horrific one-man gun-based terrorist attack of all time, is just silly when we can worry about an organization who shot its wad in 2001, hasn’t really been able to follow up, and whose leader we turned into smoking beef fat not too long ago.

But yeah, I’m just repeating myself with the whole intellectual heirs to the people who were upset that we investigated the KKK thing.


Wow, the shorter is accurate.

Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™



Also love the attempt to basically insinuate that Obama is over-reacting or working on political intimidation. You know, like Bush did when he demanded wire taps on Greenpeace and Sierra Club.

Or when we got near-endless false alarms in 2004, gee, just in time for Bush’s re-election campaign!


Additionally, in response to Mr. Bastard, I have to say I’ve always enjoyed how conservative characterizations of the left are invariably fantasies of their own creation: molded from fantasy, projection and intentional mangling of those fancy liberal words and ideas. While conversely, the left’s characterizations of conservatives are more often the result of the actual, provable words and actions of conservatives.

I forgot who originally said it, but they attack us by telling lies about us, we attack them by telling the truth about them.


they attack us by telling lies about us, we attack them by telling the truth about them

Adlai Stevenson


the sort of mature enlightened debate that conservatives crave

Also, concern-troll’s point is moot: S,N! was NEVER cool.


Also, concern-troll’s point is moot: S,N! was NEVER cool.

Cuz we’re so hot!



I can see why Gavin M. got depressed. The initial rationale for S,N! was all about scouring the fringes of the Interlattice for Voices of the Id… the loons and nutbars who were too stupid to hide their racism and genocidal eliminationism behind a polite veil like decent media-friendly right-wingers have learned to do, but would blurt it all out in the open. And having found them, to mock them.

And now half of those loons and nutbars have been picked up by cable news networks as election analysts and commentators, with their own real-world microphones. When people started describing Breivik’s victims in Norway as “young Nazis who deserved what happened to them,” it became clear that there is nothing a right-winger can say that is so vile as to put them outside the pale.

If I were Gavin, I’d probably give up blogging too.


Also, can we see the original pre-phopped version of the cubicle cutie? I think I know her.


And now half of those loons and nutbars have been picked up by cable news networks as election analysts and commentators, with their own real-world microphones.

I blame Gavin.


It somehow just doesn’t count. I suspect these are just the intellectual heirs to the people who used to whine about how our national focus was being wasted on non-threats like the KKK when it really needed to be looking into the communist connections of the Beatles and MLK.

That occurred to me too while reading it. The country’s always had a massive slant towards the white conservative side of things. The Klan is, however, probably the most egregious example of that ever.

We bitch about Lebanon being a failed state because they haven’t been able to control Hezbollah for the last thirty years, but it took America an entire century before our government even considered taking on our equivalent of it.

Spengler Dampniche

There are some very funny posts on this thread, at which I LOLed. However, I can’t help but observe the same few posters seem to be making the same shopworn jokes over and over again. It’s almost as if all the comments eventually turn into an open thread.

Spengler Dampniche

HTML fail. Kill me.


Ohnoes, moar shoreters!

Jonah Goldberg:

If liberals are so into science, why don’t they think The Bell Curve is awesome?


HTML TAG fail. Kill me.

Fixed for shopworn consistency


why don’t they think The Bell Curve is awesome?

Cuz Kim Novak played a witch in that.

Oh. What?




If liberals are so into science, why don’t they think The Bell Curve is awesome?

I’ve got an even deeper question. If conservatives are so into thinking, why do they think Jonah Goldberg is awesome?


And, seriously (goddamnit) S,N! has always been about the comment section. Sure, its a bit less “Algonquin Roundtable Of POOP and PENIS” and a little more “Mornin’ Bob, Mornin’ Steve” than it used to be but so fucking what?


Jonah gets extra points for repeating the myth that Larry Summers lost his job at Harvard (a year later!) for talking about how stupid women are instead for just being an incredibly difficult asshole.

Fenwick who questions everything

The andon guy does try my patience, however.

Why do you assume andon is male?


Why do you assume andon is male?

Cuz if it was a she, it would be “femdon”, silly.


Why do you assume andon is male?

Because it would be ‘gynon’ if he were a she.


“Algonquin Roundtable Of POOP and PENIS”

Sort of the Viscous Circle, if you will


Damn, you, Actor!


Because it would be ‘gynon’ if he were a she.

Gynon? You crazy diamond!


Why do you assume andon is human? andon represents the current cutting edge of artificial schizophrenia. By combining excellence at copypasta with epoch making paranoid fantasy generation, andon is truely the class leader when it comes to convincing simulacrums of mental disorders. Get your andon bot today!


Whoops, last two Anonymooses were me (FYWP)


Because it would be ‘gynon’ if he were a she.



In fairness, “gynon” is funnier than “femdon” which sounds like a Mafia wife.


I would vote for “Femdom”, just cuz I’m like, kinky like that


If we’re going to be more like the Round Table, we need a cat

Or just a little pussy.


andon represents the current cutting edge of artificial schizophrenia.

A true boring machine…


I would vote for “Femdom”, just cuz I’m like, kinky like that

I usually have to pay for that sort of thing.


One mango from her post:

And there is the issue of illegal immigrants just looking to settle in the US in hopes of contributing something of value to American society, such as hard-line Muslim cleric Said Jaziri. Said was “banned from entering France and Canada after calling for the death of the Danish cartoonist, who drew images of the prophet Mohammed, Kurt Westergaard.” Discovered entering the US during a routine border check, cleric Jaziri was stuffed into a Mexican BMW wanting only to be taken to a “safe place anywhere in the US.”

Thus, thanks to Barack Obama, well-behaved Muslim extremists who manage to sneak over the border in car trunks are in a great position to eventually be granted amnesty.

Yes, yes, finally, the wingnuts after 10 years of literally begging the universe for one singular incident of someone actually trying to use “our porous Mexican border” to smuggle themselves into our country while being a Muslimy Muslim with Muslim characteristics. And here, they finally have it.

She is so giddy about finally being able to point to something besides her wild delusions to explain why a group so concerned about Muslims is somehow more worried about illegal immigrant Mexicans instead, that she can’t wait to dive forward and use it to finally link her great fears in much the same way as Crazy Park Lady used the existence of gays to link illegal immigrants and gays together.

Of course, she was so giddy that finally reality had given her one sparse example of someone stupid enough to try and take the dangerous and life-threatening route of illegal immigration from Mexico rather than I dunno, getting a fake passport and just flying in and can’t wait to blame Obama for it.

See, that amnesty would go to the only terrorists that matter, BOOM.


Well, he got caught.

The system worked. Dumbass McGee got noticed and picked up like the idiot he was in a routine border check. Fuck, the only smart part of it was he hid in a BMW which may have given him a wave-by if he’d been smart enough to put on some fake CA plates and hired a gringo looking fucker to wear expensive sunglasses and chew gun to drive the car.

So, no, the one guy in 10 years stupid enough to use that method wouldn’t have gotten “amnesty” in America.

Also, I only ask because wingnuts are that stupid, but does she realize that amnesty is only a wash on the “crime” of immigrating to America illegally, not actually something akin to “diplomatic immunity”, right?

Cause yeah, really doesn’t sound like she does. I mean, if Paolo binTerrorist gets “amnesty” he isn’t handed a map to major landmarks and a Get Out of Jail Free card, he instead gets to apply for citizenship without worrying that the application will in and of itself deport him from the United States. That process will have background checks that might notice if you know, he’s wanted by Interpol.

Actually, having an amnesty program would make it easier to catch terrorists as it’d be easier for “illegal” immigrants to get their fucking citizenship or dual citizenship and be registered and thus it would be more obvious if a handful of people were trying to fly under the radar. Plus, if they were as incompetent as that fucker, they’d probably apply and get caught once the routine background check came up.

Also, for wingnuts, illegal immigrants don’t get a free pass from crimes. Same way as how if you decided to travel to say France and shoot up a plaza because you viewed them as Cheese-eating Surrender Monkeys, the French police would arrest you and lock you up for crimes on their soil. What may happen is that a deportation or extradition takes precedence so they are sent to their “home country” to serve the sentence, but they don’t get a “well, you aren’t a citizen, so we can’t touch you”.

Again, shouldn’t need to say this, but with all of wingnutopia going apeshit over the random drunk driving killing (cause drunk white people have never killed promising young students with their reckless behavior), it seems I must.

And since I’m educating, gays don’t actually have head lasers that force you to find Ellen DeGeneres charming and watch more Broadway showtunes. They are neck lasers.


the sort of mature enlightened debate that conservatives crave

wow, michelle malkin has been at this a long time…


Jonah gets extra points for repeating the myth that Larry Summers lost his job at Harvard (a year later!) for talking about how stupid women are instead for just being an incredibly difficult asshole.

Not to mention making Harvard look like it was run by resistant to reality idiots who are unable to handle the real world in any way and are completely ignorant of actual facts.

Which is totally what you want to look like when you are a college who makes their bread and butter convincing the world that you produce the “best and the brightest” thinkers in multiple disciplines.

Fenwick who questions everything

thay spell it lyk larffed

A slam at VS? How dare you, sir?


HTML bbkf TAG fail. Kill me.

fixxed because I’M the most shopworn tag failer…



Another mango for you all:

As far as serving in the military goes, Obama should make up his mind. If the DHS is correct that military service is criteria for amnesty and that ex-military men and women are potential “right-wing” extremists, then granting amnesty based on military service could be cultivating the type of “right-wing terrorism” he’s trying to avoid. Lord knows being around all those southern redneck Rummy Dummy types is what likely pushed Ft. Hood-stationed/”Allahu Akbar”-screaming Nidal Hasan and pressure cooker/gunpowder bomb-building Muslim Pfc. Naser Abdo into “right wing”-style terrorism.

Ignoring the whole, yeah, that’s two in 10 years, whereas in the last 2 years alone there have been so many actual white christian “lone wolf” terrorist activities that the people keeping track have lists so long that it actually makes most computers whine trying to load it, let’s just talk about the obvious.

“Muslim” terrorism is also “right-wing” terrorism, you inebriated fuck.

Like the delightful mango I found yesterday noted “all orthodox religions hold the same views on homosexuality” and really agree on pretty much everything other than which rival religion is their mortal enemy who must be purged off the continent.

The “muslim terrorists” you are so afraid of tend to be heavily conservative, especially socially, and thus would also fall under the header of right-wing terrorism, if there wasn’t this orchestrated campaign to basically argue that only muslims commit terrorism and only do so for inscrutable muslim reasons because politics doesn’t count when we can demonize. Hell, it’s the same reason we can’t seem to focus on the religious underpinnings of the Third Reich, because of the orchestrated campaign to either argue they were atheists or pagans, so shut up.

But yeah, right-wing muslim theology was the reason for those two brown person attacks in the last 10 years. Compared with any number of “lone wolf” activity by white right wingers, including one that has been so successful it actually is a legitimized political position (the continual terrorism against abortion providers and access).

Yeah, I know, this has always been America. Arguing that slaves fighting back were acts of terrorism that were a threat to our great nation, whereas the slaughter of slaves for sport or “training” or transport was all a game. Ignoring the Klan while fixating heavily on “dusky” “anarchists” who only managed a handful of incidents. Ignoring Sundown Towns and the slaughter of whole municipalities while fixating heavily on the actions of liberal protest groups. And whining for decades about the lone accidental kill the Weathermen managed and how that was the only true face of terrorism and violence in this country while demanding a free pass on every Christian cult leader, Sovereign Citizen, Timothy McVeigh, militia member, Neo-Nazi, anti-abortion bomber or assassin, and every single fucker who ever assassinated the various leaders who tried to make our world suck that little bit less.

This is the latest face of that, and I should be pleased that well, at least we seem to be vaguely paying attention as a whole and noting, hey, wait a minute, white people can be scary too and this is just the frantic attempt to cover that up, but it truly is disgusting.

These are people who saw, who have seen, their actions bear rotten fruit in the deaths of countless children again and again and their only response is “how can I get away with it and ensure that no one blames me.”

And these people want me to be scared of a bunch of hacks who were only able to hit us in the first place because the airlines were too cheap to install locks on the cockpit doors and because Bush ignored direct warnings because “It was Clinton’s obsession anyways”.

No, I don’t think so.

They aren’t even close to the real monsters.

I mean, fuck, at least Al-queda targeted areas of military or economic importance, they didn’t deliberately target youth camps, medical offices, or a fucking day care center. And yeah, that shouldn’t have been a bar too high for these fuckers or their apologists. I mean, they lost to al-queda on the “who’s more dastardly” comparison. That’s like losing to Dastardly Dan from the Whacky Racers cartoon.

Shouldn’t be possible.


Don’t make me go back and read Jeannie again, but didn’t she leave out “terror babies” in her attempted all-encompassing takedown of liberals? I mean really.


If liberals are so into science, why don’t they think The Bell Curve is awesome?

Yeah, damnitt, if we’re soooo into this strange “observing reality” and deriving conclusions from what we find and can demonstrate with repeatability and a constant testing over the years, why don’t we blindly hoover up disproven bullshit! Answer that, LIBS!

And on that note, why don’t you accept my assertion that liberals are responsible for far-right-political-movements or that dumping waste that is dangerous for a time frame of several hundred thousand years in a poorly constructed concrete bunker that is already developing cracks and leaks a mere 50 years later was the awesomest idea we’ve ever had!

Or that fetuses have flying souls capable of high-level cognition and that’s why we need to reduce women to the role of slaves by proxy and prevent medically ethical medical procedures to them? Or why you go to those “universities” and take classes and think stem cells aren’t going to steal my testicles or that something called evolution takes place? Or even pay attention to reality at all instead of reiterating the naked garbage we through out repeatedly?


Yeah, who’s the real defender of this “science” thing now?

No, this isn’t snark, this is essentially what his argument is verbatim. He rants about various right-wing myths, spouts a number of oft-debunked theories that simply paying attention to basic reality would show to be wholly without merit and then claims that Liberal Fascism style, this means that he has the real claim as defender of science.

And may I say that it is truly wondrous that this man has made an entire career out of essentially doing “Nuh uh, you are” on every single legitimate criticism of conservatism. Not even an attempt at genuine attempt at reasoning or fake reasoning, but just going “nuh uh, you are”.

Ah, nepotism and conservative affirmative action, is there no product it can’t overpay for?


I mean, fuck, at least Al-queda targeted areas of military or economic importance, they didn’t deliberately target youth camps, medical offices, or a fucking day care center.

Not in America, you mean. Back on their turf, it’s standard fare day in and day out, which is a big part of why so many Iraqi Sunni insurgent militias eventually drifted back to us in the late 2000s.

I know what you meant, I just thought that was worth mentioning just the same.


Ooh, one mango from J-Load:

The idea that conservatives are anti-science is self-evident and self-pleasing liberal hogwash. I see no reason why conservatives should even argue the issue on their terms when it’s so clearly offered in bad faith in the first place.

Yes, that is totally the reason why you don’t want to have a debate in the first place. Because we’re acting in bad faith and it’s so clearly that conservatives aren’t ignoring all scientific evidence to reinforce their already decided on beliefs of “if it makes a minority group sad, we’re for it, no matter what it is”.

Another fine example that with wingnuts is that it’s always projection.

ALWAYS projection. No exceptions.



Now, that’s unfair. You know I’m American and thus incapable of viewing any other country but ours as either real or important. I mean, get with the program already.

Seriously, though, you’re right and these groups are pretty much the same everywhere as they’ll readily admit when they aren’t trying to deny any common cause with them on the terrorism front or setup for the next war against brown people.


And a great mango award for total lack of self-awareness in J-Load’s comments:

No political party should ever make a scientific THEORY into a political litmus test.
Whether anthropogenic global warming is occurring is a scientific question. No political party should take a stance on it for political reasons. Let the scientists do their job, and deal with whatever they discover.

Oh you mean the near universal consensus climate scientists have had for at least 30 years now who are now only dithering on exactly how screwed we are and whether or not it would even be possible to prevent catastrophic climate change at all?

Yes, let’s let them do their job and listen. Hey, they’ve been screaming their findings for 30 years now, that would be a good idea. Also bonus points for the scare lettering on THEORY. Yeah, because you don’t understand how science works, it must be something like the theory you’re uncle Reb has about commies trying to drill into his teeth to find his alien tracking device rather than the accumulation of so much data on the subject that it could be used to mop up the rain damage of our more disastrous hurricane seasons.

But whoops, once it came to do something, YOUR side decided to get all political and declare war on science.

And you idiots wonder why we view you as aggressively anti-science douchebags.

Though, to be fair to Captain NoSelfAwareness here, he actually went on to argue that hey, maybe conservatives should maybe look at what the science says and actually consider that some minor changes might be necessary in case those evil liberal scientists are right.

Of course, the follow up just throws up the “nuh uh, it’s disputed because a few oil company shills say there’s a controversy. Damn, them liberals sure have no respect for intellectual honesty, do they?” standard defense.

Again, it’s ALWAYS PROJECTION. No matter what.


my understanding is that informants have led to the thwarting of many crimes and the capture of many criminals.


Apologies if this is a dupe, you guys post like crazed weasels.


“if it makes a minority group sad, we’re for it, no matter what it is”.

Corrolary: “If it makes a giant corporation marginally less profitable, even theoretically, we’re against it, no matter what it is”


you guys post like crazed weasels.

that would be shopworn weasels to you, sir…


Now, that’s unfair. You know I’m American and thus incapable of viewing any other country but ours as either real or important. I mean, get with the program already.

I stand corrected and bow my head in shame.

No political party should ever make a scientific THEORY into a political litmus test.

I hate to debate with learned author of this mango, but for me personally, whether or not a person acknowledges the scientific theory of evolution is the litmus test for whether or not they’re worth having a conversation with on anything even remotely connected to politics. If they don’t, or better yet if they answer with some bullshit like “I believe in evolution, but not to the extent that you do,” don’t bother.


Shopworn Weasels is my fave indie band.


What may happen is that a deportation or extradition takes precedence so they are sent to their “home country” to serve the sentence, but they don’t get a “well, you aren’t a citizen, so we can’t touch you”.

If you’re in Perry’s Texas, you might even get denied any access to your embassy and then killed regardless of your guilt or lack thereof.

Said was “banned from entering France and Canada after calling for the death of the Danish cartoonist, who drew images of the prophet Mohammed

Christian clerics who call for the death of their ideological opponents, otoh, are a-ok.


Yeah, Fast and Furious is all over the news now. If only I’d waited instead of wearing shop! Or something.

And lurker: welcome, stay and show us how it’s done. Or, you know, ignore the comments.

Anyhoo, back to doing my thing: We are both carbon based eukaryotes.



And someone tries to point out the obvious. That, hey, Global Warming denial and Evolution denial are kind of obvious examples of right-wingers ignoring very established science.

This gets a right-wing meltdown of “nuh uh, global warming doesn’t exist”. Interestingly enough, no one seemed to be willing to go out on a limb for creationism, but rather denied that creationism argues what it has always argued in the public sphere and the high numbers of evolution deniers are completely fictitious.

And also this mango:

Chesty, you really missed the point of the post. Any scientific discussion of the posted issues would equally disqualify any Democratic candidate.

Yeah, it doesn’t matter that the guy who said evolution was real was effectively knocked out of the primaries, because Democrats would totally be knocked out if they argued that…

Well, argued nonsense. Except of course, this sadly isn’t the case. A democrat can repeat any amount of unsupported “conservative-friendly” blather on the humanity of fetii, the inhumanity of women or black people, and the inhumanity of gay people, and still be considered for really high positions.


And yeah, jumping on the sad libertarian nutjob who wanted to weakly argue for the no-shit scientific conclusions while arguing the undebatable veracity of things that have been debunked so many times that only right wingnuts can reliably bring it up to support their delusions is totally going to make you look not anti-science.

Also, sic:

I have agraduate degree in a science (math), I’m a conservative thinking individual, and my knickels don’t drag.

Yes, you look like an edumacated thunker, if I ever did behoold.

Also math isn’t science. It’s math.

Also, man do they have a hard-on for evolutionary psychology. You know, because it’s just-so stories with poor intellectual reasoning designed to argue why historic systems of oppression are totally natural and thus white men with a view of the 50s gleamed from television shows of the 60s are the most naturally perfect creations.

Also discovered, people like their one friend who tells them they look fabulous in anything, no matter what they wear.


No political party should ever make a scientific THEORY into a political litmus test.

I hope that is addressed to the various branches of the Republican party that have included “non-existence of global warming” as a plank of their political platform. Don’t know of any Democratic branches that have installed “acceptance of global warming” as a pre-requisite for party membership.

I’m sure Goldberg has some perfectly good explanation of why all those Republican presidential contenders who reject Evolution in preference for creationist theories are not really anti-science, or not really conservative, or both. Possibly it’s that “evolution” is not really science so only sneaky liberals would set it up as a test of science-acceptance.


Christian clerics who call for the death of their ideological opponents, otoh, are a-ok.

Didn’t the wingnutosphere go into defcom 1 million when the UK blacklisted people like Michael Savage because their speeches in America were enough to trigger hate crime laws in the UK and they didn’t want to have them over there spreading hate that could lead to the death of their citizens (it was before the UK went completely apeshit and decided that it actually did want to exterminate everyone in the country with a skin color darker than the Prince’s)?

Ideological consistency? What’s that?


No political party should ever make a scientific THEORY into a political litmus test.

I don’t want people in charge who can’t be swayed by evidence or admit when they’re wrong. Or who don’t know what “theory” means.


I have agraduate degree in a science (math), I’m a conservative thinking individual, and my knickels don’t drag.

Speelingk and anatomy knowledge not required.


and my knickels don’t drag.

mine would, but i wear a really good bra…


It’s perfectly OK to have bogus litmus tests for all kinds of completely subjective bullshit, but don’t you dare create one having anything to do with science. Now there’s the Conservatard mind in a wingnutshell for ya.


Red Jihadist suicide. here, sheeple!
Now, they were the best Socialist Realism, Muslimthrashmetal Interpretive Dance troupe evah!
I think he meant soap worn from “bathtime frolic fridays”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Wow! Zone out for a day and everybody goes into a posting frenzy! Cerberus, you must have all three heads going full tilt.

So…completely off-topic, but I thought this was interesting.


It’s perfectly OK to have bogus litmus tests for all kinds of completely subjective bullshit, but don’t you dare create one having anything to do with science.

Or as Smut points out, anti-science litmus tests are AOK.


These are people who think “blinkered anti-science bigot” means you won’t teach the controversy about intelligent design. Morons, in other words.


Or as Smut points out, anti-science litmus tests are AOK.

But calling them “anti-science” for it is just wrong.

I’m more agog that entirely by fetishizing meaningless macho posturing, the right manages to look like the “tough” party that can be trusted in a fight despite literally being scared to death at the very concept of minor level push-back.

Wah wah wah, they dare point out our well-publicized opinions on issues, that’s unfair, make them stop, mommy. Now, vote for me, my six-pack swagger will defend you from N***ers.

How the fuck is that working?


I am impressed by the popularity of the phrase “litmus test” within conservative discourse; at least they are using a metaphor taken from science. It’s an advance on “shibboleth”.



You know who else was a carbon-based eukaryote?

Indie exford legs

Last week I saw Shopworn Weasels headlining with Gavin Want and Smut Points

Indie exford legs

anti-science litmus tests

brain esploed / 0


Last week I saw Shopworn Weasels headlining with Gavin Want and Smut Points

WHAT?!?!? i LOL’d wasn’t there? wth?


I am impressed by the popularity of the phrase “litmus test” within conservative discourse; at least they are using a metaphor taken from science. It’s an advance on “shibboleth”.

remember long ago, there was a shampoo commercial where they did a litmus test on their brand vs bad brand…yeah, i think that’s what they are thinking of everytime they say ‘litmus test’…that’s about as scientific as they can get…

Indie exford legs

nah, they broke up. One guy went on to join LMFAO I think.


i think that’s what they are thinking of everytime they say ‘litmus test’

Blue litmus paper turns red if given enough acid, which also happened to Michael Moriarty.


At tigris:
I can’t keep up with teh Smut as much as I try.


With the rhetorical popularity of litmus paper, the touchstone industry has fallen on hard times.


Hoarded for all forms of our young people think that they\x92re being hoarded for yourself and our young people think that deportations are even dumber for all of our wonderful free benefits. Conservative dude feels threatened. Save the president Obama is catering to face. Borders, as the wingnut narrative goes, the wingnuts give a facebook website entitled “Justice for all Muslims” are s ome people think the sweet life (83 years).


“Muslim” terrorism is also “right-wing” terrorism, you inebriated fuck.

This can not be repeated enough, except for the knock against drunks!

You’ve been on fire lately, Cerberus


You’ve been on fire lately, Cerberus

Understandable. I can relate.


With the rhetorical popularity of litmus paper, the touchstone industry has fallen on hard times.

Ixnay on the ouchstonetay, old chum, or Disney will sue your ass.


+1 on litmus tests. We need that kind of test to find out if we’re about a elect a dumbass.

If you deny climate change, you are:

A) Dumb, or

2) Pandering to dumb people.

Either way, you have no business holding public office, because you’ve clearly demonstrated that you have no intention of serving the needs of the public.


As a party that views “free market capitalism” as a science, the GOP will not be following JoGo’s suggestion. As typical of all hypocrites, he didn’t actually mean the GOP has to follow his bogus standard anyway.


re: Mark f.’s horrifying Jonah link…Does it ever occur to the fuckfaces that the only kind of scientific studies they seem to have any interest in are ones that confirm the only bias that really matters to them: That white men are THE BESTEST EVAH!!!!!?

I mean, let’s say that men really ARE inherently smarter than women or naturally better at some jobs than women? Let’s say that White folks really are the SMARTEST AND BESTEST people EVAH…what should we do with this information? Where do we go from here? WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF STUDIES LIKE THIS?



The end goal is they get to dismantle any attempt to address historic wrongs or deal with historical oppressions and allow greater freedom to marginalized groups, because its now natural that said groups lead the oppressed lives they do.

In short, they are seeking scientific approval for draining the budgets of anything that might help brown people or wimmins, in favor of giving it all to rich white men who totally earned their position through their sophistimicated thinking and John Galt intellects.

So, basically, they are seeking post hoc justification for being selfish abusive douchegenerals because even they can’t ignore the sneaking suspicion that they probably didn’t “earn” their 6-8 figure salaries when they can barely spell their own names.

Fenwick who questions everything

By combining excellence at copypasta with epoch making paranoid fantasy generation, andon is truely the class leader when it comes to convincing simulacrums of mental disorders.

How is that a defect (especially at this place)? Don’t you appreciate craftsmanship?


it’s the flour.
The first rule of ergot club is, don’t talk about ergot club.

Mark f.’s horrifying Jonah link
One reason why The Bell Curve did not get much traction among biologists is that it turned out to draw heavily on the work of J. Philippe Rushton. Rushton is the biologist who reckons that Black peoples* are dumb because they have evolved to follow a “fecundity” rather than “parental investment” reproductive strategy, which is why black men have big dicks. The link between “big dicks” and “fecundity” is never clearly explained. Anyway, according to Rushton, “you can have a big penis or a big brain, but not both” (his words, not mine).

Close inspection on his data for the “black = big” thesis revealed that he was citing Letters to Penthouse as an authoritative source. Not making this up.

But anyway, liberals poked the borax at The Bell Curve, therefore they are anti-science.

* Apparently the vast range of genetic diversity within Africa are all one race, “black”, because they are not white.


Worse than ‘thin gruel’ is that every thread inevitably becomes an open thread, with the same dozen “regulars” trading the same shopworn in-jokes over and over.

All. One. Guy.


I mean, let’s say that men really ARE inherently smarter than women or naturally better at some jobs than women?

Well then Sarah Palin is a big idiot HA HA HA! No wait…

Lurking Canadian

Cerberus got there before me. The point is to devalue any claim of discrimination that is based on an examination of outcomes. Fortune 500 CEOs are 99.9% white? Well, sure, that’s because white people are genetically better at business than black people. Professors of engineering are 95% male? Well sure, that’s because male IQs have a wider tail, so men are more heavily represented in the genius population.

If it’s a law of nature, there’s no point trying to change it, you see.


Mark V. Shaney said …(83 years).

…doesn’t work quite like the old Smith-Corona, does it?


Another part of the “point” is the long-term goal of eventually targeting areas where things are slowly being balanced out and we’re seeing better representation and argue for their intense rollback in the name of “restoring natural order”. This is what’s being worked on right now by groups like the anti-feminists who come around every so often to argue that women in the workplace or in colleges are against some form of natural order and any sign of depression caused by working with pig-headed co-workers is just a real sign that they’re doing themselves great harm by not just staying at home and being some man’s unrespected house slave.

You get the general conservative beast occasionally be more forceful on this point whenever it turns out that women or brown people are peaking over white men in some arena slightly and thus we need to drop everything and “fix the problem”.

Also the reason why women’s ski jump isn’t an olympic sport and there is no combined gender performance for the sport (because women actually do better at it than male athletes).

So they want to deny that there’s any problem with there being 100% white men in charge of everything and then come back and say, that 100% is the natural order of things so in the name of “not wasting resources” we need to stop wasting the schooling and high level jobs on these “obviously untalented” “tokens”.


Shopworn Weasels is my fave indie band.

Wicked, weasel


Yeah, that’s what I thought. It’s all about saying “Hey, things are as nature MADE THEM–no sense changing anything. No systematic or pervasive oppression or discrimination here!”


the touchstone industry has fallen on hard times.

oh, the alchemy!

Fenwick who questions everything

wear expensive sunglasses and chew gun

Doncha sometimes wish the most bat-shit insane reichwingers would chew gun?

Fenwick who questions everything

And lurker: welcome, stay and show us how it’s done. Or, you know, ignore the comments.

Is tigris classy or what?


Joey thinks Red Jihadist Suicide is a way cool name for ta headknockin’ band like ours. Eddie wrestled the bong away from him.


That class knows about America only that it must be changed, and looks at the vast majority of Americans the way carpenters look at warped pieces of lumber.

The “vast majority” this lump is talking about is white… which means it’s not the vast majority any more. The righties love to talk about how much they love America, while unable to keep from blurting out how much they hate most Americans.


Shopworn weasels bored my flesh.


I’m back. Did I miss anything new and unshopworn?



I cannot tell you how much it bothers me that I misspelled relevant. I just want you all to know I’m really not an illiterate troglodyte.

Fenwick who questions everything

WC: Why don’t you simply blame Hiltre?


I was thisclose to never speaking to you again. Goodness knows I’ve NEVER misspelled anything on the Intratubes.


I miss Pell. His fresh and unique wit, his lavender-and-chive cologne, but most of all, his grants.




Sadly, No is free improv comedy writing.

I wish we had a few more opening monologues since they often acted as a focus, but the improv is great, the reciepes grand, and the lessons in life invaluable.

Hurrah for Sadly, No!



The way the economy’s going, we’re all improvished.


The way the economy’s going, we’re all improvished.

Where are we headed and why are we in this handbasket?


Pro tip: gloves keep you warmer than hand-baskets, and are less likely to cause chafing during those self-intimate moments.


As far as complaints, there’s not much of that “Good morning, how are yuh?” FDL crap here, & unlike, say, Balloon Juice, there is not some cretin w/ the keys popping up to type “Thought you all needed an open thread, here’s a dopey ’80s (Because that’s when I hit puberty, & no good music was made before then!) musical selection to kick things off.”

Nothing but self-starters/continuers here. Entrepreneurial go-getters & thread-perpetuators all.

P.S.: Come back mikey, all the irksome trolls that people wasted their stale in-jokes on are gone.


Also, Pastor Mike has made it to New York Mag.

Fenwick who questions everything

Where are we headed and why are we in this handbasket?

Major Kong: Why are you using my commenting-only-with-questions schtick, sir?

*salutes smartly*


I found this in the comment thread from the TPM article someone linked to upthread. Presented without comment: Palin Unplugged


Presented without comment: Palin Unplugged

Geez, I think the purpose that site serves is to prove that the person who put it together has an enormous axe to grind but doesn’t know where to swing it.


Geez, metaphors that are only slightly mixed are the, uh, saddest metaphors of all.


I’m disappointed that her eyebrows were not returned to their natural states as well.


andon: Failed slam poet or misunderstood genius?


Also, Pastor Mike has made it to New York Mag.

And you said there was no god. HA! What NOW?

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

1/2 cup red wine vinegar, a largish sliced onion and a cup or two of red wine goes into a pot. Into which put, several tablespoons of pickling spice. Bring to the boil and remove from heat, let cool. Big fucking chunk of beef chuck goes into a ziploc bag, pour in the spiced wine vinegar. Seal that bitch up good, removing as much air as you can (PROTIP: suck on it). toss that pup in the fridge. Wait at least three days, a week or so in this case.

Bring the pressure cooker up to medium high. Retrieve the big ass hunk of bovine flesh and wipe or rinse off the spice shit. Dry it thoroughly. Splash some oil in the PC and plop the fleisch in there to brown. I said BROWN MUTHAFUCKAH. Do it in two pieces if need be – can you fucking say Maillard reax? Flavor happening there baybee. Strain the marinate into the pot and seal it up. That shit cooks at pressure for 40 (or so) minutes.

Sliced red cabbage, red wine vinegar, caraway seed, salt and pepper, some sliced onion if ya got any and diced apple into a sauce pot. Put the fucking lid on and let it simmer for at least an hour, three ain’t too much. You can sprinkle some sugar on it too if you remember to do so which I did not but I’ve had two martinis, a Vicodin and besides I’ll go add it now so fuck off.

Spaetzle. Oh for fuck’ sake you don’t know how to make spaetzle? Why do I even bother.

After fetching that tender, flavorful meat from the PC stir in a couple crushed Ginger snaps to thicken. Off heat, drop a big heaping of sour cream in and stir. Golden raisins are a nice touch but I didn’t have any.

Akvavit. Before during and after.

Lurking Canadian

andon: Failed slam poet or misunderstood genius?

HAL 9000, after suffering 90% circuit removal.

Fenwick who questions everything

Steerpike: For bringing much laughter here–and a new loop for the rollercoaster–may I salute you, sir?

Might your link go posthaste into an e-mail to all my friends and family? Who knows?

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Oh, right. It’s called Sauerbraten, another of those “lost” treasures. Appy of baked Brie, dark pump, cornichon, sliced apples and akvavit. Home made rye bread with butter accompanies the entree. Akvavit for dessert cuz I’m too fucking lazy and wasted to make dessert which we rarely do anyway.


Geez, metaphors that are only slightly mixed are the, uh, saddest metaphors of all.

Yep, it’s a rotten apple closing the barn door after the cows come home, alright.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

I mean what the fuck is wrong with you peeplez? ANYONE CAN COOK! But nooooo, you’ll go waste money buying a dinner you WISH you could forget at fucking Applebbees or something. PAH! A pox on you all!


“Poking the borax” took this long?

Slipping, peeps.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Yo spear – I be jealous on account of because we dont have that channel with the Torchywoody thing. Does it really have HAWT man sex? With John Barrowman? Can I torrent it or something?


Torchywoody? Torching the woody…


In The Houston Chronicle? Who would ever guess?

We have to consider our energy needs, as long as that doesn’t involve reducing our energy consumption.


I mean what the fuck is wrong with you peeplez? ANYONE CAN COOK!

hubbkf just recently discovered he can make a pretty mean schnitzel…


It’s squash and zucchini time here at chez pike. I’ve been making bread out of both for the last 2 weekends and having it for breakfast & dessert during the week. I put a little struessel on top, so it’s sweet like a muffin. That and grilled zucchini, sauteed squash, steamed fresh squash and zucchini with fresh garden tomatoes. Yum! (although the replacement units are starting to rebel)


He wrote his own shorter:

actually, there really are many of those “global warming skeptics” still remaining. In fact, that number (yes- scientists with solid credentials) has been rapidly multiplying, not diminishing.


Does it really have HAWT man sex? With John Barrowman?


Can I torrent it or something?




Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Bring a pot of red wine vinegar to a slow boil. Slice the zukes along the long axis into quarters, then into wedges about 1/3 inch thick. Blanch in vinegar for three minutes. Optionally blanch some sliced onions as well. Cool then pack into pint size sterilized mason jars with some minced garlic. A basil leaf tossed in every few layers is good. Fill the jars with excellent olive oyl. I bang them on the counter to remove air bubbles then top up with oyl. The veg MUST be completely submerged. Put that shit in your larder and forget about it until January or February. At which time you will make crostini and slather them with the wondrous corporeal memory of last summer’s zucchini.

NB: Some say you risk botulism or ptomaine or some such nastiness if you do this. Preserving under fat is an ages old method, one which I have executed many many times with no ill effects thus far. your mileage may vary. Sorry Tennessee. Please don’t sue me if you die.


I mean what the fuck is wrong with you peeplez? ANYONE CAN COOK!

So I’m finding. Though I’m not really great at it yet, I’m consistently producing meals I’m willing to eat, and about 2/3 of them my wife will eat too. We can’t really afford even shit at Applebee’s, so home-cooked shit it is – and it becomes steadily less shitty, IMO. I appreciate the food-pr0ners writing about technique.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Oops. Forgot to mention the garlicky dilled pickled green beans part of the appy.


But I HATE cooking. I hate it almost as bad as coconut.


And Applebees.

Fenwick who questions everything

But I HATE cooking. I hate it almost as bad as coconut.

Can we hear an “AMEN !!!!” for tsam?


And Applebees.
we call it crapplebees


Heh. Bill Nye is pretty awesome

Bill Nye manages to explain things in such a concise, understandable way, that even a Fox viewer should be able to at least partially understand, right? No. Not this clown.


I really miss Gavin posts, but I think that he is probably making a good choice to stay away from teh t00bz for now, if that’s what’s going on. I would also like to say that for me, generic Ritalin is great, although Kaiser does not offer it by mail.


tsam’s link’s mangos:

Since 2007 more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that “…there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”

Hey, I remember that talking point.

Didn’t it turn out to be filled with dentists and people with phDs in mathematics and structural engineering and other libertarian whackjob heavy disciplines with like 3 tops actual climate scientists with degrees in environmental biology, climate science, or climatology? And of those 3-4 losers, they all were either oft discredited professional crazy people or paid shills for the oil companies.

Though, like the little evolutions in the talking point there. No, no, the 31,000 are totally from climate-related fields. One was a weatherman on CBS and a whole bunch of people have to work in really rainy weather, you know, when it happens in the middle of DumbFuck, Texas. And this one guy works really high for the power company, which is like being in the climate.

Also I love the uselessness of the whole stunt at the beginning.

Yeah, a petition saying they believe crazy things, but I notice you’re not exactly whipping out the latest copy of the recently published top journals and saying “pick one, any one” to make your case.

See, the actual scientists can. The actual scientists don’t need to sign petitions saying they believe X is true or not, because they have 30+ years of evidence upon evidence published in hundreds of scientific journals and with way more than 9000 primary authors covering every facet of global warming. In Denmark, I was taught by a researcher who was merely measuring the drift of the Gulf Stream caused by global warming by measuring fish migration patterns to see how the Danish fishing lines are going to be effected by global warming today and in the next 10 years.

That’s the level of detail we’ve mapped it onto.

So, yeah, we all know this is the show for the rubes who think science is all THEORY this and blah blah stuffy shirt, ooh new article in NY Times about women be mindless bitches its okay to rape, but yeah, to the rest of us, this petition is about as meaningful as:

Hey, my online petition to name the White House the Wang House got 1,000,000 signatures so Obama needs to change the plates.

Also, seriously? 9000? With the level of outright manipulation you needed just to get that amount? I mean, you were letting in fucking dentists and calling them PhDs. And that was the sum total of wingnuts and Libertarian fuckwads willing to sign your meaningless stunt?

Damn, that is sad. Like teabagger rally attendance sad. Only at our complete failure of media would that be allowed to stand without someone going “really? wow, you guys really suck.”


Seriously, though, this is why they are anti-science, will always be anti-science, and never can be other than anti-science. They worship opinion polls and declarative statements by positions of authority. They have no ability to operate, no desire to accept or acknowledge the presence of, and no ability to comprehend the scientific forums that are widespread for the free transfer of information. I mean, sure, they can be a little difficult to access if you’re not a student, but not impossible and I’ve put together research reports entirely from well cited scientific papers in good standing in the community that were freely available on google scholar.

Or hell, they could talk to any actual climate scientist if you can get them to stop nursing their drinks over how their well-timed warnings have been entirely been ignored by people who are literally giving blowjobs to tailpipes thinking this will get back at hippies for being fags who give a shit about whether the human race can continue at its current level of technology for more than 50 years.

But yeah, they don’t understand nor want to understand how science actually works and have found bypassing and demonizing is far more effective seeing as how reality has a liberal bias and they really don’t give a shit.

Which, frankly, fine, but then you don’t get to whine like a little bitch about how we’re noting that you are anti-science. Also, you don’t get to have anything else science made for you. So, no computers. Also, no health care until you stop thinking that your sectarian bullshit gets to override medical ethics practices on surgical procedures.

Seriously, though, how awesome would that be to cut off these fuckers from the things they malign until they accept and acknowledge their existence and the veracity of their methods and why they are in place and why their bullshit doesn’t qualify.

Either they’d have to drop the idiocy or they would die horrible brief deaths. Either way, win/win!


Cooking is boring & takes one away from the Internet & telebision. I do have a telly in the kitchen, but that’s to prevent kitchen fires if I go back to the lebensraum to watch & forget there’s something heating.

Any activity whose set-up is longer than the actual activity (eating) is a waste of time.


Hey, I remember that talking point.

When I hear shit like that, all I want to say is “Well, there are a billion and a half Muslims. Does that mean that Allah is the One True God?”


Which, frankly, fine, but then you don’t get to whine like a little bitch about how we’re noting that you are anti-science.

That’s conservatism in a nutshell. They want to be racist, but they want society to recognize them as not-racist. They want to make law based on fundamentalist lunacy, but they want you to understand they’re not theocratic. They want to kill over a million Iraqis to the deafening cheers of the Fox News couch potatoes back home, but they still want to be greeted as liberators and thanked on bended knee.

This Trekkie calls it the Gul Dukat Syndrome for lack of knowing the actual psychological term for it.

Seriously, though, how awesome would that be to cut off these fuckers from the things they malign until they accept and acknowledge their existence and the veracity of their methods and why they are in place and why their bullshit doesn’t qualify.

So, not only science but “big government?” Red states have to survive without the avalanche of federal subsidies they’re currently living under? Wingnuts having to live without electricity or clean water or highways or Social Security or Medicare or the rest of that stuff they oppressive taxes go to?

I’d pay considerable amounts of money to see that.


So maybe Eric “I couldn’t hold the whole country hostage long enough to get everything I wanted, so I’ll have to settle for using the sorriest sons of bitches around who are suffering the loss of everything they own as political hay” Cantor could get his funding cuts by torching the TVA.


Some people might not have seen this column, in which Megan McArdle accepts that global warming is happening, but blames the climate scientists and their poor rhetorical strategies for the success of massively-funded lobbyists in convincing people that it isn’t happening. The idea, I think, is that when the world’s ecologies and economies all go pear-shaped and we progress from megadeaths to bevadeaths, the angry masses can be distracted from the guilty parties and can instead be persuaded to use the last can of petrol to burn the last climatologist at the stake.

Anyway, McArdle has advice for climate scientists in how to be less shrill:

If someone is wrong about the facts, you should explain to them, calmly and concisely, why they are wrong. If it’s really that obvious, it shouldn’t be hard to convince them.

Her commentors prove their receptiveness to clearly-presented evidence by agreeing with her that this climate-change business is all just a big fraud, and by the way, they don’t believe in evolution either.


..this climate-change business is all just a big fraud, and by the way, they don’t believe in evolution either.

Yes, Yes, we get that you’re not going to help, but stop boasting how holy that makes you?

It’s gross.


Sorry to bust in on the climate change OT, but Jeannie has resumed her trademark ODS with a Michelle twist™, this time with a somewhat unbalanced look at the First Family and their (*gasp!*) “taxpayer funded” family vacations.

If you’re curious, wander on over to her site. I won’t link to it.


I miss Pell. His fresh and unique wit, his lavender-and-chive cologne, but most of all, his grants.

Yes. His last name was Mell, nest ce pas?


i go for a well deserved binge of Belgian beer ans skunk, and i come back to another thread, so sorry if im a little out of date.

Red Jihadist suicide

great band name

And now half of those loons and nutbars have been picked up by cable news networks as election analysts and commentators, with their own real-world microphones. When people started describing Breivik’s victims in Norway as “young Nazis who deserved what happened to them,” it became clear that there is nothing a right-winger can say that is so vile as to put them outside the pale.

“irony died wehn they gave Nixon a Nobel Peace Prize”


Did Nixon get it, or was it Kissinger?

Nonetheless, irony got it right between the eyes.


Her commentors prove their receptiveness to clearly-presented evidence by agreeing with her that this climate-change business is all just a big fraud, and by the way, they don’t believe in evolution either.

See? If you treat them with respect, they’ll come around.


Didn’t it turn out to be filled with dentists and people with phDs in mathematics and structural engineering and other libertarian whackjob heavy disciplines with like 3 tops actual climate scientists with degrees in environmental biology, climate science, or climatology?

Note the guy who wrote the article apparently considers his own discipline, Space Architecture(!), sufficiently climate-related to allow him to speak with authority on how dumb the majority of actual climatologists are.


Either they’d have to drop the idiocy or they would die horrible brief deaths. Either way, win/win!

kind of reminds me of the time mrs lobbey was nursing a fundie muslim guy who had a whole, obscure list of ‘halal approved medications’ that were slowly killing him. Mrs lobbey gave him the choice; “believe in our science thing and break some rules, or believe 800 year old shit and die”. He chose the former. Same shit with the Jehovahs (sp?), and there no blood product shit.


Did Nixon get it, or was it Kissinger?

yep, sorry, History fail. and it was Tom Lehrer that said it.


Note the guy who wrote the article apparently considers his own discipline, Space Architecture

It’s like architecture, but IN SPACE!

Notice me not making any architect space-cadet jokes.


Hopey’s award for transparency isn’t doing Irony any favors, either.

Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18 questions everything.

Was Hopey one of the Dwarves in Snow White? Is he perhaps the Disappearing Dwarf because he’s transparent?

And what sort of an award is that, anyway? Because Hopey is so transparent, does that mean that Democrats will be able to see right through him this time?


Space Architecture(!)

Gee….can’t imagine how easy that job becomes when gravity is removed from the equation.

“You want a gossamer stairway? NO PROBLEM!”


M Bouffant wrote: “Any activity whose set-up is longer than the actual activity (eating) is a waste of time.”

My irony detector is weak today. Any foreplay advice in that message?


Because Hopey is so transparent, does that mean that Democrats will be able to see right through him this time?

Right through to the pile of conservative dung piled up on the right, yes.



I see your nym and am reminded of Sy Sperling.

Google it. Then google what his tagline was.


Re: Space architecture douche…(He SO made that shit up. He’s probably a draftsman for a real architect)

What struck me about his article is the tone. Condescending, sneery, bitchy and designed to convey an “oh god, here go the looney climate people again” attitude. This is the same tactic that teenagers use to discredit their parents when they’re told that they can’t get their own apartment instead of going to school and that ‘dropping bomb fucking tracks in dis rap game’ is not a career choice.


Also, shopworn too. OVER AND OVER.


Also, if I’m in an arena with thousands of other fans that some terrorists have rigged to explode and somebody notices something that tips them off, I sure hope that it’s not this guy. ‘Cause then we’re all dead. Watching the “Die Hard” movies 20 times does not make you qualified to save the world.

That’s because it was JEAN CLAUDE VAN DAMME!!!!


Also, shopworn too. OVER AND OVER.

…crimson and clover…


Is this our El Cid?

You’re entirely right.
It took a complete non-scientist to point up into the sky and say that the sun is big and hot, and sends out all kinds of particles, and therefore global warming is caused by the sun, and no scientist anywhere ever thought of looking up at the sun and seeing if it’s involved with global warming.
Why had no scientist ever thought to study the sun and do measurements and such when studying climate and global energy balance activities?
It’s because they’re in their fancy ivory towers and so it took a politician to let them know that the sun is big and hot.
El Cid – Atlanta, Georgia, USA


There were hundreds, maybe even a thousand people on picnic blankets surrounding me

Dear Penthouse,

I never thought it would happen to me, but…


Crosspost blogwhore re: the OISM petition

TLDR version: Even fraud demonstrates that there is growing scientific consensus on global warming.

The original petition circulated in ’97 and by ’99 had garnered over 17,000 signatures with an interesting scam cover letter/”article” attached. Scientific American took a look at a random sampled of climate-science related Ph.D. signatories in 2001. Some they couldn’t identify, some had died, some had no recollection of the petition at all. Eleven of thirty would sign again, six would not. Those six still count in OISM’s numbers. SciAm‘s rough guess was that the petition had about 200 climate researchers signed on.

The population of denialists is not monolithic, although that is the way it is evolving. The point about the original petition is that about 20% of denialists with doctorates in some climate science related field had changed their minds in two years. Science requires that theories match the data. As moar data is collected and moar certainty is provided, even teh reality-challenged start being won over. And the past decade, decade and a half have seen a lot of new data being added to the body of knowledge.

This is reflected in the overall attitudes of the scientific community towards climate change. Certainly the design of the survey is important and flawed surveys will give you flawed results – but you can still glean information so long as they are consistently fraudulent.

Example: Bray and Von Storch conducted dubious surveys in ’96 and ’03. Comparing the two shows a slight increase in the certainty that antropogenic global warming is occuring. A third survey conducted in ’08 shows an large increase in certainty on the point. Newer surveys of scientists tend towards a range of 90% to 98% agreement – older surveys vary much moar with much greater levels of both uncertainty and disagreement.

Back to OISM. They ran a new petition campaign in 2007 in response to algore is fat. It’s hard to tell how many new signatories they got, because they’ve been collecting non-stop since ’97. BUT the total number now, 31K, is less than double what it was after their first petition campaign. Thus, despite having this established presence, despite the increased ease teh Intarspoor has given to spreading crackpot ideas, despite the supposed “widespread skepticism about climate change in the scientific community” they garnered fewer new signatures in 2007 than they did ten earlier. Because there is scientific consensus regarding AGW and their fraud is harder to perpetrate.

The field of study has gotten more attention, more work, more research and more data since 1997 and as a result the attitudes of climate researchers is increasing certainty of man-made global warming. Even the rare dissenting groups (such as economic geologists who’s entire field of study is dedicated to finding oil deposits) have moderated their dissent.

At this point, global warming is an observed fact. The “theory” that human activity is the cause of the majority of the warming is generally accepted by the scientific community. Meaning that a scientific consensus about anthropogenic global warming is an observed fact.

There is still, as has always been the case, an avenue by which denialists can challenge AGW. By using the mountains of established data and proposing their own theory as to what’s happening. But denying the data or denying that there is widespread agreement amongst scientists that man-made global warming is occurring is just make-believe fantasy. And while make-believe fantasy has its place (i.e. your mom’s bedroom) that place sure as heck ain’t where teh denialists are trying to raise it.


‘dropping bomb fucking tracks in dis rap game’ is not a career choice.


Helmut Monotreme

no, no. Space architecture isn’t architecture in space, it’s of space. You get one architect for the walls, the floors the roof, and that clown for the space that’s enclosed. I myself am in a similar profession, I am a whitespace author. I carefully craft spaces, tabs and margins to create in the space that isn’t wasted by having text thrown all over it.


that clown for the space that’s enclosed

So he designs….air?????????

That’s even MOAR stoopit!


What struck me about his article is the tone.

Yeah that shit drives me crazy.


The other thing that pisses me off is espousing the idea that accepted sciences (climate, evolution, economic…) are a matter of opinion. Among actual qualified scientists who work in a particular field, it is acceptable for them to make judgements or formulate hypotheses based on some analysis of data and knowledge in the field.

It is absolutely NOT acceptable for a fucking rightwing corporate shill to have an opinion on climate change. I don’t have an opinion on climate change, anymore than I have an opinion as to whether the Earth revolves around the sun or vice versa. WTF?


Since we’re hooring, I actually wrote an entry* that was not about how cute my baby is or hot I look with ______-colored hair. Please mark the date.

*It is about not being a toxic foodie


I don’t have an opinion on climate change

I’m against it.

Or am I?

Fenwick whoquestions everything.

Well, the tide goes in and the tide goes out, doesn’t it? That is a True Fack observation of the world, right? It gets really cold in winter and really hot in summer, so what’s all this climate change whoop-de-doo? Can’t we leave this all in God’s hands? Why do you libs hate God, ruler of all that is Seen and Unseen?

Fenwick who questions everything

Will I be able to sustain this question schtick through Thursday when my week-long experiment ends?


In other words, unless you are a climate scientist, you are entirely unqualified to have an opinion about climate science. You don’t get to have or express an opinion about it.

Similar to:

Unless you’re an astrophysicist, you don’t get to have an opinion on the existence of dark matter.


Unless you’re an astrophysicist, you don’t get to have an opinion on the existence of dark matter.

Oh, it exists.

Fenwick who questions everything

Thread needs moar shop-worn in-jokes?


You don’t like My Little Pony, fish?

Obviously you haven’t learned the magic of friendship.

Fenwick who questions everything

So what is the correct spelling? Alisha or Alicia?


Why do you libs hate God, ruler of all that is Seen and Unseen?

Could you ask this question again in a couple days? I’m hoping to have another blogpost to whore about Bastiat’s broken window fallacy.


Why do you libs hate God, ruler of all that is Seen and Unseen?

What about the stuff that’s not really seen OR unseen because you see it out of the corner of your eye and you’re not sure if it’s really there or if the glasses that have already fucked your peripheral vision are creating not-quite hallucinations and when you turn your head you’re not even sure if what you saw is gone or not because you’re not sure what it was you saw? Is God the ruler of that stuff, too?

Fenwick who questions everything

Spearhafoc: And how did ‘lil Dudeskull turn out? Will VS and Mr. Slayer’s wonderful parenting help shape him into an exceptional, mult-talented person with intelligence, humor, and compassion for others? Or will he be a politician?


I bet fish doesn’t like the Care Bears either!

Forewarned, fellow Sadlies: fish knows nothing of caring and sharing!


What about the stuff that’s not really seen OR unseen because you see it out of the corner of your eye and you’re not sure if it’s really there or if the glasses that have already fucked your peripheral vision are creating not-quite hallucinations and when you turn your head you’re not even sure if what you saw is gone or not because you’re not sure what it was you saw? Is God the ruler of that stuff, too?

No, Pink Floyd is. (See “Comfortably Numb,” last stanza)


No, Pink Floyd is. (See “Comfortably Numb,” last stanza)

I’ve always thought that was the most depressing song from a band that specialized in depressing.


Michael Walsh:

That popping noise you just heard is the sound of liberal heads exploding. Because, to the secularists on the left, there’s nothing humorous about religion — it’s the most dangerous force on earth.

The Constitution explicitly states, “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Yet some “progressives” are keen to take down Republican presidential candidates for the crime of being Christian.


Note the guy who wrote the article apparently considers his own discipline, Space Architecture

As an architect, this seems to me to be to be best left to engineers.

Notice me not making any jokes about shooting engineers into space.


you were letting in fucking dentists

Fucking dentists?

Does this mean that whole vagina dentata thing is real?


All of the real climate experts agree that climate change Isreal. And that it is a man made phenomena.


I’ve always thought that was the most depressing song from a band that specialized in depressing.

these days, I have been impressed with how clearly they see things.


Michael Walsh:

The article questioned Bachmann’s and Rick Perry’s “ties” to something called Dominionism. Never heard of it? Me neither,,,

c.f. two grafs down

Sample: “If you encounter a conflict between your faith and the Constitution and laws of the United States, how would you resolve it?” Since the Constitution is a product of the Judeo-Christian Enlightenment, it’s hard to envision such a case, unless the president’s religion was Satanism.

I suppose Michael Walsh hasn’t ever heard the term shitbag fucknuts asshole scumsucker either (actually, this is quite unlikely) – but that doesn’t change teh fact that he’s soaking in it.


I’ve always thought that was the most depressing song from a band that specialized in depressing.

Who else could make depressing sound so upbeat?


Thread needs moar shop-worn in-jokes?



Is God the ruler of that stuff, too?

All twelve inches of him.


Notice me not making any jokes about shooting engineers into space.

But you’d love to. We get it.


In other words, unless you are a climate scientist, you are entirely unqualified to have an opinion about climate science. You don’t get to have or express an opinion about it.

Well, anyone can have an opinion, but you don’t get to argue from authority if you don’t have any. I will defer to Dr Jetson on all matters related to sweat lodges on Uranus, but he’ll have to forgive me for not giving a shit what he has to say on climate change on Earth.


Hey there, stoopid punk bitches!

Punk sux ass. That’s right. You heard me.

And…need I remind you?

Up on the backstroke!

Hooh! Hooh!

Up on the backstroke!



“…the DHS warned that “prolonged economic downturn — including real estate foreclosures, unemployment, and an inability to obtain credit — could create a fertile recruiting environment for rightwing extremists.” However, to date, exactly zero unemployed pro-life Iraqi war veterans living in foreclosed homes have taken to the streets armed with AK-47s.”

And yet this map from Crooks and Liars says that you are a lying jackass.

Oh but you are narrowing it down to pro-life Iraqi war veterans living in forclosed homes. Well as an actual Iraqi war veteran (pro-life, but not in the way you think), I’m not living in a forclosed home (I left one before I joined the Army). All I can say is that you should find better quality meth before you write the first lonely thought that rattles around in your hollow skull.


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