Tacos Make You Stupid


Shorter Msgr. Ross Xavier Pius Douthat, S.J., O.P., O.F.M., S.S.J., Th.D+, The New York Fucking Times Pope-Ed Page
Messing with Texas

  • Critics of Rick Perry who point to lousy education statistics in Texas don’t mention that the reason these numbers are so bad is that Texas has more beaners than any other state, which, of course, results in really low test scores.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 710


He doesn’t actually use the word “Beaner”, but it wouldn’t make any difference if he did, including to his reputation and job status.


He doesn’t actually use the word Beaner in his column, but it wouldn’t make any difference if he did, including to his reputation and job status.


You couldn’t pay me enough to go searching for those particular chunky mangoes.


Wait, aren’t most Mexican immigrants Catholic?

Shouldn’t Saint Neckbeard be overjoyed that there are so many devout Catholics entering his country?


Paul Krugman is off today.

So we get the equivalent of Meegan McArdle blogging about the Texas economy.


OT–John Huntsman gives not acting like a fucking psycho a shot.

Apology to Rush in 4…3…2….


In fairness, Russ provided the same effect for test scores at his school.


After he launched his campaign with an extended brag about Texas job creation, there was a rush to cut Texas down to size — to dismiss the Lone Star economic miracle as a mirage conjured by population growth, petro-dollars and low-paying McJobs.

Uh no Ross. Teh vilifying Leftsists just observed that Texas rode out teh first slump in teh recession on a Keynesian policy of lotsa of Gubmint jobs.


“Teach’n people is hard when they don’t already know the stuff!”

:-p Has Douthat done a bit on Texas teen pregnancy rates where he proclaims abstinence would work better if it wasn’t exclusively being taught to horny teenagers?


abstinence would work better if it wasn’t exclusively being taught to horny teenagers?

Does abstinence work with horny adults? I hadn’t noticed.


I wonder if Ross hired illegals to do all that cherry picking for him.


Does abstinence work with horny adults?

Absolutely. Just as well as it works with teens. Rick Perry says it works with teens so who am I to doubt it.


so who am I to doubt it

You’re the Max Pup, that’s who.


Teh Douchehat: “Maybe God really is on Rick Perry’s side.”

One, ONE sentence in the entire piece that’s in his area of “expertise.” Tell me Msgr., why has god told three candidates to run? Hedging his bets or what? Is god schizophrenic? Did god tell Santorum, Perry and Bachmann the same thing? You should write an op/ed about that.


Jesus, that’s not a column, it’s a fucking mash note.


This makes me want to POOP.

Well, that and all the tacos.


Another thing that Perry will gloss over – the Texas economy also benifitted from tight government regulation.

From the first days of statehood in 1845, Texas has maintained the strictest laws on home mortgages in the nation. The Texas constitution’s blanket ban on home equity loans, born of outrage over previous land grabs by banks, has been eased substantially over the years, but a firm commitment that the total amount in loans on a house not exceed 80 percent of appraised value, and other consumer-friendly restrictions on mortgage lenders, saved Texas from the home mortgage disaster visited upon many other states.

Hooray for libertarianism!!!111!!


Sometimes, the mangoes are fresh and appetizing:

M. Martin
Houston, TX
August 22nd, 2011
8:47 am

Speaking as a native and long-time resident of Texas, I can directly address both the so-called “Texas Miracle”–and the extent to which the gentleman variously referred to “Governor Goodhair”, “Pastor Rick”, and “Bush Lite” had anything in particular to do with it.

The short answer is that Texas is a great place to be if you’re running a large corporation that wants free rein to destroy the environment at will, or if you’re (like me) a middle-class IT professional who doesn’t mind working for oil companies. It’s also a pretty good place if you’re an undocumented immigrant who doesn’t mind doing high-rise construction work sans insurance for wages that pay fast food workers in more enlightened states, or someone who is willing to trade a good price on an exurban McMansion and reasonably cheap gas prices in exchange for any semblance of public services–including a real education for your children.

Rick Perry’s contribution to this has been little more than to capitalize on the train wreck in progress that George Bush had set in motion prior to taking his special brand of executive magic and paleo-conservatism to the White House. Perry’s strong of electoral successes has a good deal less to do with God being on his side than it does convincing God-obsessed rural white conservatives that he’s as ignorant as they are–as well as being sufficiently on both sides of the immigration issue to appease this state’s surprisingly conservative Hispanic vote.

Considering what the Republican Party has descended to, I’ve little enough doubt that Perry could secure the nomination. I would like to think that his chances against Obama in a general election are poor, but I fear that is wishful thinking. Whether he deserves credit for it or not, Rick Perry’s chances for inflicting the “Texas Miracle” upon the United States are awful–and awfully good.



Maybe God really is on Rick Perry’s side.

i always thought god a a effed up sense of humor, but now realize that if this is true, he’s really just a huge asshole…


Maybe God really is on Rick Perry’s side.

Really doesn’t matter whose side Dad is on.
I’m the one they’re trying to conjure and until I get a 3 million man castrati choir they’re shit out of luck.


i always thought god a a effed up sense of humor, but now realize that if this is true, he’s really just a huge asshole… – bbkf

The old joke amongst us Jews is that the covenant of circumcision shows that God is not male but rather is a woman with a very perverse sense of humor.

Helmut Monotreme

Tell me Msgr., why has god told three candidates to run? Hedging his bets or what? Is god schizophrenic? Did god tell Santorum, Perry and Bachmann the same thing? You should write an op/ed about that.

3 different gods. The local costume shop had a sale on big white beards, so Loki, Kali, and Ares decided to have a little fun with their preferred candidates.


Ares never struck me as having much of a sense of humor. Zeus, on the other hand, cracks me up every time with the swan routine.


Sometimes, the mangoes are fresh and appetizing:

If not horrifying in their sad, sickening truths…

I agree–just about any one of these fucking clowns will stand a good chance of knocking HopeyChangey out of there if the economy doesn’t magically get better under old-fashioned austerity. I really think Jimmy Carter made it possible for a complete fuck up like Ronald Reagan (an actor who turned in fellow actors to the McCarthy nazis) able to become president. I think this ineffective “facilitator” (ie–not a leader) is giving a Perry or Bachmann their best chance in years.


Did god tell Santorum, Perry and Bachmann the same thing?

These three, ecstasy and alcohol…FUCKING EPIC PARTY.

Helmut Monotreme

is there no room for Palin at that party?


,,,one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age, even though Texas has less income per capita and spends less per pupil than California.

Also too, nice job on Ross’ part at cherry-picking a quote and blowing it all out of context. The study being cited (pdf warning) gives that comparison to highlight that there are major differences in performance. After showing the difference between TX and CA, it shows that within Texasm differences between districts is even larger. And within the same Texas district, differences bewteen schools is larger still. And finally notes that within schools, differences between students is largest of all. What does that say about Rick Perry on education?

Note that the CA-TX comparison shown in Exhibit 7? I can’t find where they got the outcomes numbers. State-by-state NAEP Grade 4 math scores are higher in CA over TX for ’05, ’07 and ’09 – the opposite of what’s stated.


is there no room for Palin at that party?

Bristol is more than welcome.


Murdoch kicks it up a few notches.

The guy who worked hard to sell the idea that all terrorists are Muslims and therefore all Muslims are terrorist can’t get behind the idea that all rapists are male and therefore all males are rapists.


Yet as shown in Exhibit 7, Texas students are, on average, one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age[…]

Exhibit 7 shows nothing of the sort.

Y’all know the process:
1. Make shit up
2. ??? (in this case, have made up shit get quoted by Douchetard)
3. Profit!

Stag Party Palin

“Murdoch kicks it up a few notches.”

The author is a fucking senior fellow at the fucking Hoover Institution, which is a really great research library run by fucking idiots. Other senior fellows at HI include Edwin Meese, Condoleezza Rice and Thomas Sowell, proving once and for all that assholes come in all colors. Their integrity can be measured by the degree to which they support Herbert Hoover’s mission statement:

“The overall mission of this Institution is, from its records, to recall the voice of experience against the making of war, and by the study of these records and their publication, to recall man’s endeavors to make and preserve peace, and to sustain for America the safeguards of the American way of life.”

OTOH, and in their favor, they do work inside a Giant Penis.


Thanks for that letter, thunder. Allow me to addend the phrase: “a pretty good place if you’re an undocumented immigrant who doesn’t mind doing high-rise construction work sans insurance for wages that pay fast food workers in more enlightened states” to include houses in all of the growing suburbs of Houston, DFW, San Antonio and Austin. Two of Perry’s biggest sugardaddies are homebuilders Bob (no relation) Perry and David Weekley. Every Texan who has had a home built in the last 20 years has had a home built by an undocumented immigrant. Every one knows this. It is part of the “miraculous” Texas economy: low wages for homebuilders means lower prices for houses. And housing in Texas is lower than just about anywhere. Believe me, I have been looking. But, I digress. The point is that everyone knows where the undocumenteds are, yet no one goes after them, because to do so would be bad for the Texas “miracle.”


How appropriate that Mr. Berserkowitz works at the Hoover Inst. He supplies a lot of suck.


After showing the difference between TX and CA, it shows that within Texasm differences between districts is even larger…

I realize this was a typo, but I think the word “Texasm” has possibilities. I would propose the following definition: “The sensation of swooning infatuation with a swaggering, proudly ignorant and arrogant faux-cowboy/good ol’ boy who promises to fix all our complex problems with simple, homespun down-to-earth common sense and prayer. Followed by utter self-loathing and guilt when you realize what it is you went to bed with.


i was a veeeeery average student here, but soon to my delight was a fucking rocket scientist in the tx school system

Why am I completely not surprised…


Dragon-King Wangchuck said,
August 22, 2011 at 17:40

Oh…I guess I’m an echo today.


The guy who worked hard to sell the idea that all terrorists are Muslims and therefore all Muslims are terrorist can’t get behind the idea that all rapists are male and therefore all males are rapists.

Also, another of these mysterious letters to which the perfesser can’t be arsed to link or provide with this STARTLING NEWS THAT YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS.

Fucking journalism. How DOES it work?


Zeus, on the other hand, cracks me up every time with the swan routine.

I like the eagle bit too, for picking up boys. Hmm, never thought about that before, all the gay bars named “The Eagle.”


i was a veeeeery average student here, but soon to my delight was a fucking rocket scientist in the tx school system

See how great the Texas school system is! It took an average student and created a rocket scientist!!!.


Murdoch kicks it up a few notches.

Don’t read the comments unless you want to kill yourself.


In March, DK-W and I went round-and-round the rugged rocks on early intervention on behalf of the Libyan uprising. Largely because of that friction–and later a general Sadlie assault on my views of the Yalta agreements– I’ve pretty much ended any poliitcal commentary here.

Or at least I’m taking a long sabbatical from it: I’m stockpiling poliitical ammo in Guerrilla Voters Cadre 18’s caches in preparation for the 2012 insurrection.

Like DK-W, I strongly dislike and distrust air power in pretty much all forms except transport, intelligence, air supremacy over the battle area, and tactical support of ground operations. I hate ‘strategic’ bombing and the militarization of space.

I also want to see the overthrow of the American Empire and the end of US exceptionalism. (Key action needed in that arena: Join the International Criminal Court pronto.)

To set the record straight: I’m NOT in favor of Freedumb Bomms (or assassination drones). One of the weakness of DK-W’s argumentation style (at least on this subject) is the tendency to divide the discussion into two neat groups: Right-Thinking People like himself … and Stoopid Peeple what wants ta indiscriminately drop Freedumb Bomms on the rest of the world and the A-Rabbs in particular.

Don’t get me wrong: I like DK-W. I’ve had a lot of fun riffing on jokes with him at S,N…. and certainly respect his opinions. (Imo, the DragonKing is one of the best on-topic commenters and sharpest wits at S,N.)

I’m just saying.

*disappears into the shadows again.*

Lurking Canadian

Does abstinence work with horny adults?

Statistically, it works better for adults than with teenagers. The reason is that sometimes adults are not horny. The same is not true of teenagers.

In Hell's Kitchen (NYC)

the douches at the NYT shut down the comments !


Don’t get me wrong: I like DK-W. I’ve had a lot of fun […] with him

Just like your mom.


DragonKing is one of the best on-topic commenters and sharpest wits at S,N

Totes agree!


OTOH, and in their favor, they do work inside a Giant Penis.
– Stag Party Palin

“It ain’t too big. I could still deep throat it” – Rick “Hot Dog Eater” Perry


my mom, dad and i all worked…mom and dad full time, and me part time since i was still in school…i was lucky enough to buy my three younger siblings their and my school clothes…and literally paid for their christmas gifts two christmases running…

i’ve never seen my parents so crushed and humiliated before or since

That was a wonderful Christmas present for your family. It’s seems sad to me that your folks reacted with humilitation. But parents so want to provide for their children and Christmas is (or once was) a special time for kids. So I can understand their reaction.

We had a big family–six children–so we used a money-saving Christmas method: All the kids drew a name for a hat and put their Christmas money into getting one spiffy gift for that brother or sister. (Preferable to buying trinkets for many, we thought.)

Even though I’m w-a-y behind on the thread, I must force myself to disengage from S,N now. Many tasks to accomplish today. Have fun!


Many of the mangoes are tasty even when they’ve been chucked at Chunky McDouchehat and are dripping from from his beard:

Ross Douhat, Who really pays you? In this shallow and poorly-researched article, you reveal yourself to be a cog in the Fox “news”-Republican propaganda machine.

Obviously you dont actually live in Texas or spend any amount of time there outside of airports. As a retired teacher who taught in both Michigan and Texas I can tell you that the texas system is financially stratified amongst schools, its poor are severely neglected and abused, its disabled and minorities regurally shunned by the system and the teachers are regurally exploited and their input ignored.


“Preponderance of evidence” doesn’t mean what Hacky McHackington pretends it means; it’s not some wishy-washy “I just feel s/he did it,” it’s the “weight of the evidence is on this side” standard for civil trials, which academic trials resemble more than criminal trials(and who wants bet this guy rails in private about guilty criminals going free because of the “reasonable doubt” standard?). He also wants to pretend “double jeopardy” is iron-clad, when he should know it doesn’t apply in civil cases, either. When colleges can put somebody in jail for a crime rather than just expel them, we can have a conversation about evidentiary standards and double jeopardy, until then please shut the fuck up you dishonest asshole.


Don’t read the comments unless you want to kill yourself.

Two wetsuits and top secret “spy grade” cyanide tooth.



I realize this was a typo, but I think the word “Texasm” has possibilities. I would propose the following definition: “The sensation of swooning infatuation with a swaggering, proudly ignorant and arrogant faux-cowboy/good ol’ boy who promises to fix all our complex problems with simple, homespun down-to-earth common sense and prayer. Followed by utter self-loathing and guilt when you realize what it is you went to bed with.

Or the yawning, unbridgeable gap between how great Texans think they are and how the rest of the world see them/how they really are.


“Preponderance of evidence” doesn’t mean what Hacky McHackington pretends it means; it’s not some wishy-washy “I just feel s/he did it,” it’s the “weight of the evidence is on this side” standard for civil trials, which academic trials resemble more than criminal trials(and who wants bet this guy rails in private about guilty criminals going free because of the “reasonable doubt” standard?). He also wants to pretend “double jeopardy” is iron-clad, when he should know it doesn’t apply in civil cases, either. When colleges can put somebody in jail for a crime rather than just expel them, we can have a conversation about evidentiary standards and double jeopardy, until then please shut the fuck up you dishonest asshole.



Two wetsuits and top secret “spy grade” cyanide tooth.


NOOOOOO! don’t do it p_une!!! vs is right…unless you really, really hate yourself, don’t go in there…is like manboobzalooza…


The author is a fucking senior fellow at the fucking Hoover Institution, which is a really great research library run by fucking idiots. Other senior fellows at HI include Edwin Meese, Condoleezza Rice and Thomas Sowell, proving once and for all that assholes come in all colors.

We would’ve also accepted “Hoohah Institute” and “The Shame of Stanford.”


They aren’t kidding, UNE:

Mike Sandifer wrote:
To many of the women of today are nothing more than tramps.


Beth Kinnane wrote:
And for all of those who think that women don’t falsely accuse men of rape, check again. I once worked for a forensic psychologist dealing with all manner of horrid cases, civil and criminal. The most common false accusation women slung at men was falsely accusing their soon-to-be ex-husbands of sexual abuse of their children. But yes, women do point the rape finger, the abuse finger, the pedophile finger falsely. Is this half the cases or the majority of cases? No. But as it does happen, and more commonly that you’d think, that alone is reason for this flimsy standard to be tossed out the window, outside the fact that it’s a flagrant violation of the Constitution.

The “I once worked…” argument by anecdote is one my favorite winger ploys.

Louis Valbert wrote:
Same Ole, Same Ole! The radical feminists and liberal minded have taken protection to the next level of ‘double speak’ These people need to be washed away with a good revolution. These people are dangerous because they realize ‘no moral authority’ except it be their own and could care less about the ‘rule of law’ except it be their own.

I haven’t drilled down too deeply, but expect to run into some spectacular misogyny.


Texasm – When a delusional native of this state ejaculates about how everything is bigger and better in Texas.


NOOOOOO! don’t do it p_une!!! vs is right…unless you really, really hate yourself, don’t go in there…is like manboobzalooza…

But the best part–THE BEST PART–is the women who want pats on the head from all the manboobzers. IT. IS. AWESOME.


outside the fact that it’s a flagrant violation of the Constitution

Little known fact: the Constitution actually applies to the federal government not your local Uni! Especially if it’s a private school like several of the ones the author mentions specifically!

Lurking Canadian

To many of the women of today are nothing more than tramps.

It’s been a long time since I was single, but even back then, I don’t think it was possible for there to be too many tramps.

I mean, seriously? Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy? What personality disorder leads you to complain about that?


Don’t get me wrong: I like DK-W.

Nuh-uh. Either you’re with me 110% or you are with teh terrarists. j/k – I apologize to all you folks who were and are still genuinely concerned about teh victims of teh Qadaffi regime. I understand that you are not motivated by BOOM! YEEE-HA! BOOM! and I did not mean to group all y’all in with War for War’s sake psychopathic assholes.

Anyways, thanks for teh kind words Fenny. That Qadaffi has gone missing and teh rebels are whooping it up in Tripoli is a pretty good argument for intervention. I mean, it doesn’t move me from my position – but I’m a stubborn, insensitive jerk.

Sorry if my excessive vocality regarding yelling on teh intartrons got you out of political commenting here. But there’s always your blog. I know a bunch of us are still hoping to see some of Fenny’s Inner Thoughts.


Guys. I brought along the cyanide tooth…

“Please cite that research. And by “false”, do they actually mean that the accuser was proven to be lying, or just that there wasn’t enough evidence to sustain a criminal charge?”

Eugene Kanin study finds 41% of sexual assault allegations to be false in a small metro community. Read this next part carefully mangi only when an accuser admitted to lying was the sexual assault allegation listed as false. So kanin did even attempt to find out what “gray area” reports were false and yet he still came up with a false rapee figure of 41%.




Somewhere, Chunky Reese is laughing her ass off.
The Comment Brigade is using Ross for a chew-toy.

Hey Ross:

Here are some inconvenient facts you managed to overlook about Perry’s lone star secessionist state:

Texas Facts:

Some other glowing statistics from Perry’s miracle State:
Sources: US Dept of Labor Stats; US Census and US Dept of Education.

•Percent of Population Uninsured – 1st
•Percent of Non-Elderly Uninsured – 1st
•Percent of Low Income Population Covered by Medicaid – 49th
•Percent of Population with Employer-Based Health Insurance – 48th
•Per Capita State Spending on Mental Health – 50th
•Per Capita State Spending on Medicaid – 49th
Health Professionals per Capita: •Physicians – 42nd
•Dentists – 39th
•Registered Nurses – 44th

•A 2009 study named Texas’ tax system as one of the ten most regressive states in the nation.
•A 2009 study found that Texas requires families in the bottom 20 percent of the income scale to pay more than three-and-a-half times as great a share of their earnings in taxes as the top one percent.
•The poor in Texas pay 12.2 percent of their income in taxes, the fifth highest percentage in the country.


47th in Literacy
49th Verbal SAT Scores
46th Math Scores

#1 birthrate in US
#3 Teenage Pregnancy
#1 REPEAT teenage pregnancies

If birthrate continues Texas will be “educating” a full 10% of American children via their revisionist public school curriculum that has removed the likes of Jefferson, MLKing and Ceasar Chavez to name but a few….

and you want us to believe that the rest of the nation would be best served emulating Perry’s Third World Trailor Park?

Perhaps your column should more accurately be titled
“Putting Lipstick On A Pig”

I guess “Texas Miracle” rated better with the focus-groups than “Guatemala 2.0” … when this amazing cavalcade of FAIL all starts pouring onto the TeeVee & the Interwebs (& his opposition will make damn sure it does), I wouldn’t bet one thin dime on Crotch Perry extending his electoral winning-streak.


It’s been a long time since I was single, but even back then, I don’t think it was possible for there to be too many tramps.

Seriously! If they were all tramps there wouldnt be any rape no more.


I know a bunch of us are still hoping to see some of Fenny’s Inner Thoughts.

hmmmmm…i dunno about that, but then again you have been known to go where no man (without penicillin) has gone before…


Or the yawning, unbridgeable gap between how great Texans think they are and how the rest of the world see them/how they really are.

Could be widened to “Southerners” or “Americans.” With a lot of honorable exception in all three cases, but the massive group-based ego trip is a huge problem for many more.


Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy?

Only when they need a reason to hate on women or put them “in their place” to use their classic term.

No, easy women are sluts, women with some self repect are frigid bitches.

The ideal woman: Sucks my dick on command, only has sex with me.


Eugene Kanin study finds 41% of sexual assault allegations to be false in a small metro community.

Huh, the wikipedia article on “Rape Statistics” includes a “professor” Lisak who claims “Kanin’s 1994 article on false allegations is a provocative opinion piece, but it is not a scientific study of the issue of false reporting of rape. It certainly should never be used to assert a scientific foundation for the frequency of false allegations.” NO! It also says “Lisak later performed his own study[you know, with scientifical standards and non-anonymous towns and repeatability and whatnot], published in 2010 in Violence Against Women, which found a false allegation rate of 5.9%.”


Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy?

Only when they need a reason to hate on women or put them “in their place” to use their classic term.

which typically is immediately after their amorous intentions have been thwarted…

still doesn’t stop cretins like that commentor from calling all the women who turn him down ‘sluts’ and claiming to have fucked them anyway…


Little known fact: the Constitution actually applies to the federal government not your local Uni!

Has anyone pointed out to the Suck Institute fellow that the guidelines apply only to disciplinary action by the Uni? That is, felony rape charges are prosecuted by the police and DA in accordance and adherence to all those principles he bitches about being corrupted? The university disciplinary system does not override the state and federal justice system.

Also FYWP.


Being a textbook chickenshit, Mo “Pyjamas” Qadaffi is channelling Greta Garbo … & by now it’s a pretty safe bet that the House Of Saud are suited up in body-armour & Depends™ 24/7.

That Qadaffi has gone missing and teh rebels are whooping it up in Tripoli is a pretty good argument for intervention. I mean, it doesn’t move me from my position – but I’m a stubborn, insensitive jerk.

I’m pretty hardcore anti-inverventionist myself … until the target is a murderous dictatorship.

They turn the best & the brightest among us into carrion & they just don’t ever tend to lean toward voluntary early retirement, for some my$teriou$ reason.

Adios, Mo – see you in the funny pages!


Or the yawning, unbridgeable gap between how great Texans think they are and how the rest of the world see them/how they really are.

Could be widened to “Southerners” or “Americans.” With a lot of honorable exception in all three cases, but the massive group-based ego trip is a huge problem for many more.

Then we would have to call it “Southerbation” or “Americhasm”


My completely made up scientific study accurately shows a 100% frequency of false accusations in cases of presidential citizenship.


Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy?

Only when they need a reason to hate on women or put them “in their place” to use their classic term.

which typically is immediately after their amorous intentions have been thwarted…

“The rejected male usually calls a woman a slut precisely because she refuses to be one.”
– Marcel Pagnol, French author


I’m pretty hardcore anti-inverventionist myself … until the target is a murderous dictatorship.

The United States of America has a solid track record of removing dictators and replacing them with dictators and then removing them when they get all uppity and try to act in the interest of their nations rather than our oil mobs.

I would release all up in my own jeans if we ever committed to stopping a genocide campaign or ousting a murderous tyrant for the sole reason of protecting human life.

I’m anti-intervention because our interventions are nearly always “to protect US interests in the region”.


Has anyone pointed out to the Suck Institute fellow that the guidelines apply only to disciplinary action by the Uni? That is, felony rape charges are prosecuted by the police and DA in accordance and adherence to all those principles he bitches about being corrupted? The university disciplinary system does not override the state and federal justice system.

He himself draws attention to it when he bemoans that the poor accused might still face criminal charges. As if getting kicked out of school for raping somebody weren’t bad enough, a rapist might even still end up in prison!



I was certain this link would have something to do with Boehner.

Lurking Canadian

I’m anti-intervention because our interventions are nearly always “to protect US interests in the region”.

I figured out a long time ago that the humanitarian reasons for whatever probably weren’t worth examining too closely. Just about every other country, and certainly every other country the US was likely to fight, has some characteristics that look like “the next Hitler” with the right spin. There’s a virtual guarantee that ANY US military action will be against a country with a horrendous human rights record. That is because most countries that are not already US allies (and some of the ones that are US allies) have a horrendous human rights record.

The trick is to look and see if there are OTHER reasons for the intervention.


The trick is to look and see if there are OTHER reasons for the intervention.

Well, not IMO, I’d say the trick is to look and see what’ll happen after the intervention. The U.S. intervened in World War Two solely because of Pearl Harbor, and the only reason it stayed in Europe afterward was because it was scared shitless of communism (not that there weren’t many well-meaning people in both cases but they wouldn’t have been able to convince the rest of the country without these things). But hey, the Western Europe that came after these things was a pretty decent place.

I could stand to have more things like that and less Irans and Nicaraguas, or Vietnams and Iraqs.


That Qadaffi has gone missing and teh rebels are whooping it up in Tripoli is a pretty good argument for intervention.

Actually, it makes a really shitty argument.

Your mom, however, makes a pretty good condiment.


Wait, all internet traditions aside, which is it, did Keynesianism save Texas, or fuck it up even more?

Just pointing out that teh Texas Miracle, where teh entire country went into teh crapper and unemployment zoomed to double digits, didn’t hit Texas as hard because they did what Keynes suggested – smooth out teh booms and busts with gubmint. It’s not about Rick Perry being a complete tool – gubmint jobs should be shooting through teh roof right now – it’s just about teh complete farce about teh high holy Market and staving off SOCIALSM!

Making Texas responsible for 47% of all new Government jobs in teh US since 2007 was teh right thing to do – and kudos to Rick Perry for doing it. But a dart to go with that laurel for now embracing teh whole austerity your way to proesperity bullshit. For maintaining teh whole “government IS the problem” nonsense when clearly Texas benefitted from teh exact opposite.

I suppose we can always hope that Rick Perry’s propensity for being loose with teh truth is more dominant than his wingnut economic voodoo beliefs. That he’s lying about teh importance of shrinking deficits and government. It is possible – Rick Perry does have a pretty loose relationship with the truth.


This might stick in a whingeturd craw or three.

I’m going to say that we could go there now and be treated as, well, almost as liberators.


There’s a virtual guarantee that ANY US military action will be against a country with a horrendous human rights record.

Yes, and military intervention is not horrendous observance of human rights.

The human rights records are an arguable upside we like to use to assuage our guilt over Shock and Awe type campaigns. It would seem that if you’re on the business end of Shock and Awe, you don’t really see it that way.

I would buy into the human rights thing just a little if we were actually looking at a place like Syria for an intervention. But we’re not.



Ain’t that a peach.


“The U.S. intervened in World War Two solely because of Pearl Harbor, and the only reason it stayed in Europe afterward was because it was scared shitless of communism (not that there weren’t many well-meaning people in both cases but they wouldn’t have been able to convince the rest of the country without these things).”

I can’t do that block-quoty thing. But I wanted to point out that the US entered WWII because Germany declared war on us- it’s a hard thing to ignore.


OT – Sad day for Canada. We’ve lost Jack Layton.


Re: Perry and government jobs

Government jobs did help smooth things out economically in Texas during the worst part of the Lesser Depression–along with buttloads of stimulus bucks that Perry railed against even while sucking them up like corndogs–but nearly all those jobs were in local government and were directly related to the state’s skyrocketing population.

More people means a need for more teachers, more police officers, more firefighters, more trash collectors, etc. Municipalities took care of that on their own. Perry should get zero credit for making any of it happen.

Keep in mind the prophetic words of Molly Ivins: “Now will you listen to me when I tell you not to elect a president from Texas?”


Here,s another rule that could be adopted….if there is no black eye on the male, no broken nose or no claw marks then consent should be presumed absent of course a police report or hospital visit within 24 hours.

That’s a great idea…

Gotta run some errands.


and kudos to Rick Perry for doing it.

Though apparently no barrier to seeking national office, isn’t the Texas Governorship the weakest in the nation? I have been under the impression that the Gov there doesn’t really control very much. So, even if there were a “Texas Miracle”, it wouldn’t be much of his to claim. You might be more accurate by giving kudos to the Legislature, who apparently know which side of the bread gets buttered. Perry himself might just believe all that crap, and been kept from implementing any of it by the strong Leg.


It doesn’t really matter if a “Texas Miracle” ever actually happened or was the result of Teh Crotch actually doing anything besides letting a stimulous package that unfairly aimed a ridiculous amount of help at one of the shittiest states in the union take it’s course.

The term is out there, and will consequently be accepted as fact by a sickening number of voters. (Same thing that happened with the Iraq-9/11 connection.)

It doesn’t have to be true to help you win an election.


Here,s another rule that could be adopted….if there is no black eye on the male, no broken nose or no claw marks then consent should be presumed absent of course a police report or hospital visit within 24 hours.

Totally! All the onus should be on the victim! ‘Specially ‘cuz bitches be CRAZY!!! They can’t wait to go out and false-allegate! Can I get an “Amen,” ladies?!!!!!!


Yes, new police reports should include a mandatory breathalyzer test and a description of the “victim’s” clothing.

Also, if the “victim” can’t beat the “rapist” in armwrestling, the case is dismissed.


Totally! All the onus should be on the victim! ‘Specially ‘cuz bitches be CRAZY!!! They can’t wait to go out and false-allegate! Can I get an “Amen,” ladies?!!!!!!

Now you got me thinking about shaving, and shopping for lipstick and wigs!!!


They can’t wait to go out and false-allegate! Can I get an “Amen,” ladies?!!!!!!

that’s what i’m doing right now! it’s fun…you other sadlygirls oughta try it!


No, easy women are sluts, women with some self repect are frigid bitches.

I believe the old saw is, “A slut will fuck anybody. A bitch will fuck anybody but me.”


False-allegatin’? I’ll give you an Amen on that.




fYWP and your lying bitch preview.

Amen. <.>


Also, wasn’t it Texas that was embroiled in bit of a to-do about basically forcing any “under-performing” kids to drop out so they wouldn’t count in the stats?

Ah, the miracle of gaming the stats.


I had teh good fortune of being able to vote for Layton when he first took Toronto-Danforth. He will be missed.


They can’t wait to go out and false-allegate!

Well, of course they deserve it. Engaging in false-allegatio like that.


I had teh good fortune of being able to vote for Layton when he first took Toronto-Danforth. He will be missed.

did some reading on him after your first post…sad, indeed…

Marion in Savannah

Totally! All the onus should be on the victim! ‘Specially ‘cuz bitches be CRAZY!!! They can’t wait to go out and false-allegate! Can I get an “Amen,” ladies?!!!!!!

Abso-effing-lutely! Just because somebody slipped you a Roofie is NO REASON AT ALL not to blacken his eyes, break his nose, and claw his face. Damn sluts.


I’ve been known to be a false-allegator from time to time.


This has nothing to do with sex. it has nothing to do with eroticism.

It has everything to do with the subordination of males to females as dictated by feminist thugs. It has to do with an ideology that is enforced by pure fear. The reason why faculty members — male and female — do not challenge the title IX dictates is that they are truly fearful of the Maoists on campus who are fearless, cruel, and unchecked by the rule of law. If one crosses these women, they will hound the apostate forever.

Want to see what fascism would look like if it ever came to America? Go to a college or university campus and speak up against Title IX. You will be the sole voice, and not a soul will make eye contact with you. You will be shunned forever because everyone will be afraid to be seen with you. Your friends will abandon you because they know that their careers will be harmed. You will be investigated. Campus newspapers will editorialize about your sexism and bigotry.

Truly, you will be a dead man (or woman) walking.

Feminist Thugs? Who knew that wimmins had all that power.

“The White Male is the Jew of Liberal Fascism” J-load “those aren’t skidmarks” Goldberg.


Why don’t you feminists pay for your own damn roofies? Oh, I see. DOUBLE STANDARD.


Why don’t you feminists pay for your own damn roofies? Oh, I see. DOUBLE STANDARD

your misogyny made me laff…

Lurking Canadian

Title IX? Isn’t that the one that says women’s sports should be funded? Seems like a pretty soft-soled boot with which to stomp on humanity’s face, is all.

Joran van der Sloot

Why don’t you feminists pay for your own damn roofies? Oh, I see. DOUBLE STANDARD.

Going Dutch is always better.


This has nothing to do with sex. it has nothing to do with eroticism.

Truly, you will be a dead man (or woman) walking.



<i.Joran van der Sloot said,

August 22, 2011 at 21:11

Why don’t you feminists pay for your own damn roofies? Oh, I see. DOUBLE STANDARD.

Going Dutch is always better.

this is soooooo wrong in so many lulz-y ways…


Title IX? Isn’t that the one that says women’s sports should be funded?

It essentially says that any program you do for males, you must do for females. The less enlightened among us HATE THAT SHIT.





Engaging in false-allegatio like that.

Hey, those actresses in the Cinemax After Dark movies get paid quite a bit for that.


DOUBLE DUTCH STANDARD: involves a jump rope




“Recitar! … Vesti la gobbler!”


It essentially says that any program you do for males, you must do for females.

Prostate exams for all!


This has nothing to do with sex. it has nothing to do with eroticism.

It has everything to do with the subordination of males to females as dictated by feminist thugs.

Hmm, what some folks find erotic never ceases to amaze. To each his own, I suppose.


Teh UNE Provider provides some fetid mangoes!

From my window here on campus I see absolutely no Maoists. I keep hearing about them so I’ll be sure to keep a lookout. None so far. I’ll post if I find any.


From my window here on campus I see absolutely no Maoists.

They’re being hunted by the Cat-licks.


A feminist said, “better that one hundred innocent men suffer than one guilty man escape.”

I am sure she did.

What I find interesting about this is how one sided this state of affairs appears. The powers that be have determined the way to prevent sexual harassment in the academic setting is to modify the behavior of males through draconian punishment and sensitivity training. Beyond making them aware of who to go to in the event of disliked behavior from guys, girls pretty much seem to be left out of the mix.

As an example consider the concept preached to me in a number of sensitivity sessions on the concept of “no means no!”. I took this at face value…and had a very lonely undergraduate experience. Years later I had a number of female classmates tell me things would have been better for me if I had been more assertive. I suppose girls aren’t told about this concept. Oh well, at least it kept me out of trouble. Like an earlier poster, I went off the reservation and married a very nice Korean girl. I’ll never touch an American female again. Too confusing and dangerous!


I think we need to come up with something along the lines of “Godwins Law” for cases wherein rape is the subject of discussion on the internets. “There will be no such discussion wherein the Duke Lacrosse case fails to be mentioned”


This guy is a genius! Are there any problems a loaded firearm can’t solve?
The crime of rape is one of the most disgusting, most repulsive.

I propose:

All girls be trained in karate as part of high school physical education.
All women be given a license to carry a concealed firearm based upon her being a woman.

Let every potential attacker assume his victim is a black belt in karate who has a loaded pistol in her hand.

Notice my solution does not change our right to a fair trial.



Those mangoes are full of maggots. Ick.

“There will be no such discussion wherein the Duke Lacrosse case fails to be mentioned”

And soon probably that Strauss-Kahn guy after he gets off* also too.



That second sentence should be with the quotey bits.

Lurking Canadian

What I find interesting about this is how one sided this state of affairs appears. The powers that be have determined the way to prevent sexual harassment in the academic setting is to modify the behavior of males through draconian punishment and sensitivity training. Beyond making them aware of who to go to in the event of disliked behavior from guys, girls pretty much seem to be left out of the mix.

Oh for…this kind of crybaby bullshit raving just pisses me off. Like it’s an unnatural burden to have to refrain from saying, “Nice tits!” to the colleague you just met at the conference, instead of common courtesy.

As an example consider the concept preached to me in a number of sensitivity sessions on the concept of “no means no!”. I took this at face value…and had a very lonely undergraduate experience. Years later I had a number of female classmates tell me things would have been better for me if I had been more assertive.

And on this I must simply call bullshit. Yes, I have no doubt being more assertive makes it easier to get a date, if we define “assertive” as “talks to women instead of griping in dorm room about how they’re all bitches”. However, I strongly doubt he has female friends tell him not to take no for an answer for anything from coffee to intercourse.

On second thought, that last sentence appears to be approximately fifteen words longer than necessary.


Like an earlier poster, I went off the reservation and married a very nice Korean girl. I’ll never touch an American female again. Too confusing and dangerous!

As an example consider the concept preached to me in a number of sensitivity sessions on the concept of “no means no!”. I took this at face value…and had a very lonely undergraduate experience.

Years later I had a number of female classmates tell me things would have been better for me if I had been more assertive

O.M.F.G…d00d…no means no when engaged in certain activities…not for EVERY thing…and if you are that much of a twunt who cannot figure the *american* ladies out, let me say, on behalf of them all…THANK YOU FOR NOT TOUCHING A SINGLE ONE OF US AGAIN!


As an example consider the concept preached to me in a number of sensitivity sessions on the concept of “no means no!”. I took this at face value…and had a very lonely undergraduate experience. Years later I had a number of female classmates tell me things would have been better for me if I had been more assertive.

Even if that is true, which I doubt, there’s a lot of not really all that confusing real estate between “more assertive” and “rape-y,” Mr Sensitivity.


OT: I know the Emperor of Food Pron prolly hates Anthony Bourdain, but I find it delightful that he called Paula “Donut-bun Cheeseburger” Deen The worst most dangerous person to America.


Full of win!

We already did let it happen.

Feminism succeeded by taking advantage of the traditional protectiveness that men have towards women.

In doing so, feminists were nearly victorian. Women are fragile, we were (and are) effectively told, and their delicate systems require constant monitoring of male word and tone. And the traditional reverence towards a woman’s body–as the bearer of children–was been appropriated to kill the children. (“Keep your laws off my body!” Avoiding the fact that it is the child’s body which is being torn apart, and the man’s body which is being used in the process of providing 18 years of child support–but men are responsible for their choices whereas women are not.)

Men love women: and always have. Feminist took advantage of that, while denying that it was true.

Of course, there is another way to look at it: men traded self respect and happiness of their sons AND their daughters for this: easy sex.

Followed immediately by

And this week Phylis Schlafly celebrated her 87th birthday.

She has been the antidote of Gloria Steinem and the view crowd.


followed by

Her son started up a great web site – for you fans of Wikipedia — called Conservapedia.

It’ll come in handy over the next year as the onslaught of liberal foaming at the mouth accelerates.




Want to see what fascism would look like if it ever came to America? Go to a college or university campus and speak up against Title IX.

Wingnut PLEASE. Fascism’s already in America, & a cursory perusal of both state & federal laws passed in it since 2000 is a much more fruitful way to find it alive & well than wandering around on any of its campuses. But hot diggity – as far as thumb-sucking BAAAAAAW goes, I’d have to give this at least an 8! You can tell the writer will put on some classic Psychedelic Furs, huff a tube of glue & start cutting right after concluding this heartfelt sob of angst.

all internet traditions aside, which is it, did Keynesianism save Texas, or fuck it up even more?

What if a decade from now it comes out in the academic wash that Texas saved Keynesianism? [ /mindfuck ]


Notice my solution does not change our right to a fair trial.

Nor does it change your knee-jerk victim blaming mentality!


This one from a Barbara:

Mike, I agree that the standard should be “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Our criminal justice system has worked for us, though not without it’s mistakes. And on that note: Better a guilty “man” go free than to have innocent men found guilty. Yes, that means a lot of guilty men may go free because in matters of rape, it is often he said, she said with little or no corroborating proof. Sad, but true.

My advice to women: Know that most men are definitely sexual aggressive, so don’t get drunk with a man you hardly know. Don’t go to his bedroom thinking you’ll avoid sex. Don’t bring him to your bedroom if you don’t want sex. And don’t get in a car or on a boat with a man you don’t know. Don’t wear highly revealing clothes that invite male overtures if you don’t want them. In other words, be smart in your dealings with men until you feel that you do know them.
Go out with a man several times before you put yourself in a high risk situation.

If you wimmins weren’t so damn tasty none of this would be a problem.

Marion in Savannah

If you wimmins weren’t so damn tasty none of this would be a problem.

Do you think if we all stopped bathing and combing our hair it would help, or would we have to cut off our tits too?


Feminism succeeded by taking advantage of the traditional protectiveness that men have towards women.

Well, now THIS is a craftly little piece of shit, innit?


I was on Romper Room once. The CBC airs child porn, from time to time. I was in one of those movies, too. You know the room with the spikes in Predator? I was in that room once. It’s not a set, it’s a real torture chamber, and people die in there. Jim Carrey had a different name then, he was an actor then too. He tried to stop me from testifying against him. He’s a convicted sex offender. He assualted me when I was a part of the Mickey Mouse Club. He changed his appearence, and mimicked the body language of Dick Van Dyke, so no one remembered him. I helped send him to prison. He shouldn’t have ever been released.
Sincerely, Alisha


early 80’s

I woke up in a recovery room, to my left was a long line of patients, in differing states of consciousness. The person beside me had bandages on his feet. I wondered why. They said it was frostbite, that the toes needed to be amputated. I knew it was summer. They were always trying to confuse me. There was an angel by my bedside, at least, she said she was an angel, anyway. Gabriel was upset, he didn’t like to be called an angel. He was at home. He explained to me before what the guardian angels really were, and they wanted him to be like them. I had already told them they weren’t my guardian angels. I did believe in angels though, because they helped me. Of course I knew angels were people, and the guardian angels weren’t angels at all. They tried to convince me to turn around, and go back to the room guarded by insurgents with oozies.

The angel beside my bed was agelss, and would appear as a child, then a woman. They would change places as I drifted in and out of consciousness. They said they were one person, and that they were beautiful. I knew the girl was Rikki, and she wasn’t beautiful at all. She had killed the baby, when they made me leave the observation room.

The voiceovers were quibbling, people were beginning to suspect that civil rights had not come into full fruition. Someone suggested that a black man would have to be elected soon (in the United States). Then someone suggested a woman should be elected instead. Maybe they could be candidates in the same election. Something about George Bush, Sr. The election, the priming and the need for someone authentic, maybe a white man could impersonate a black man. It was decided against, for the sake of authenticity. Snakes, and murderers, and rock bands. How could anyone hate me so much they wanted me to die? They said many people would. What is esoteric? I don’t want to be a Guardian.
Sincerely, Alisha.


Well, now THIS is a craftly little piece of shit, innit?

Of course, there is another way to look at it: men traded self respect and happiness of their sons AND their daughters for this: easy sex.

this is even craftier, shittier and stinkier…


Oh for…this kind of crybaby bullshit raving just pisses me off. Like it’s an unnatural burden to have to refrain from saying, “Nice tits!” to the colleague you just met at the conference, instead of common courtesy.

The other defense I’ve heard from the right is that they don’t need sensitivity training. (Usually followed by smug chest-thumping about how their traditional values taught them to be gentlemen and by beating up traditional values feminists are the ones who cause this onslaught of sluttery…)

And yes, American conservatives are the most extraordinarily thin-skinned crybabies I’ve ever met in my life.


It has everything to do with the subordination of males to females as dictated by feminist thugs.

I usually have to pay extra for that sort of thing.


I found the first reference to to the Duke case about 3/4 the way on the first page of comments.

This one is filled with wingnutty richness.

If you are taking courses of sufficient academic rigor, you will have no time for social life. I didn’t. Men should accept the fact that they have the same rights today as minority groups of a century ago, and conduct themselves accordingly. Perceived misconduct carries too high a price for your future.

Well played sir!

The White Male persecution Complex™ is a thing of beauty to behold. I can’t imagine what it must be like constantly engaged in battles with an army of strawliberals and feminists of ones fevered imagining.

That an constantly having to check under the bed for Imansters.


Like an earlier poster, I went off the reservation and married a very nice Korean girl. I’ll never touch an American female again. Too confusing and dangerous!



In other words, be smart in your dealings with men until you feel that you do know them.
Go out with a man several times before you put yourself in a high risk situation.

Then if he rapes you(as most rapes are by people you know) it’s still your fault for having bad judgment.


Provider is making me feel all suicidey. Well, not Provider, Provider’s mangoes.


…or would we have to cut off our tits too?

Sadly, yes.


I thought I saw a Maoist but it was just a hipster in one of those stupid hats.


Heard from Russia today. 🙂
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


“Do you think if we all stopped bathing and combing our hair it would help, or would we have to cut off our tits too?”

You had me up until the tits part.

Marion in Savannah

The Alisha troll has some interesting psychopathology…


Pupienus I found somebody riffing on your schtick. The format and artwork are OK, but the recipes and vulgarity are not up to snuff. You should sue.


Blue death has a different composition than lethal injection, but has the same chemical components, with blue DYE; it’s for memory loss. Blue flames licking veins.


I was certain this link would have something to do with Boehner.

You mean that picture wasn’t a picture of Boehner?


Blue death has a different composition

I had always wondered what they called the blood analog in menstrual pad commercials.



(hat-tip to wonkette.com)


A beheading, that’s that teh paln for me.


Do you think if we all stopped bathing and combing our hair it would help, or would we have to cut off our tits too?

I don’t think even that would keep Neal Horsley off of ya.


But, of course, it’s still your fault for being in possession of a vagina.


Like it’s an unnatural burden to have to refrain from saying, “Nice tits!” to the colleague you just met at the conference, instead of common courtesy.

Hey, she said it to me first!


I’ll never touch an American female again. Too confusing and dangerous!

Internet tough guys are asceert of dangerous American women.


Taking the data of the loans which failed in the bubble…

…There is no pattern to suggest that a 20% down payment would’ve stopped the bubble.

More like, mortgage brokers who were paid kickbacks (illegal in Texas) and marketing of variable rate or balloon loans (illegal in Texas) with pre-payment penalties (also illegal in Texas) had more to do with it.

It’s a sore point with me, ’cause I wouldn’t have a house if I had to have a 20% downpayment; that rule basically keeps most of the housing in rentier-class hands.


Like an earlier poster, I went off the reservation and married a very nice Korean girl. I’ll never touch an American female again. Too confusing and dangerous!

So much fail and unintentonal self-revelation in less than 30 words!

*I went off the reservation* “I found a way to get around all those uppity American girls who wouldn’t look at me, as well as the Chunkerspooners who did so without the proper level of shame…”

*married a very nice Korean girl* “..that is, a mail-order bride who wouldn’t complain when I wanted mah sexy time NOW, dammit (and wouldn’t giggle when I couldn’t dot the i)…

*never touch an American female again.* Wait, having married a non-American female, and being a good Catholic, shouldn’t that go without saying? Or does he use the word “female” as opposed to “woman” to indicate there may be some wiggle room concerning non-American females of other species?

*Too confusing and dangerous!* Kinda sums up douchebag’s whole problem with girls in general, Don’t ya think?


OT: I know the Emperor of Food Pron prolly hates Anthony Bourdain

Not at all though I don’t enjoy his schtick as much as I used to. Read his broadsides against Rachel Ray and Sandra Lee; highlarious.


Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy?
Celibates (whether through choice or necessity).

Zeus, on the other hand, cracks me up every time with the swan routine.
Take me to your Leda!


Ahhh, so THAT’s the 2 AM chili guy thing. That guy sucks if he’s anything ike his recipes. I wouldn’t deign to bless him with my attention. That would be like Jacques Pepin even acknowledging Sandra Lee’s existence.


“There will be no such discussion wherein the Duke Lacrosse case fails to be mentioned”

This would be the Nancy Grace Law


Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy?

I did!

No! Really!

I had this UTI, see…


But, of course, it’s still your fault for being in possession of a vagina.

Susie, did you bring enough vagina to share with everyone?????


This would be the Nancy Grace Law

But of course!

Thanks actor, I had almost successfully memory-holed that shrieking harpy.

Sorry VS.

Back in the boat for now…


That would be like Jacques Pepin even acknowledging Sandra Lee’s existence.

But where is Jacques supposed to go for advice on ridiculously-over-the-top-tablesettings?


I’m sorry, there are just two many nuggets of 24k fail…The Siren’s song is so alluring.



But where is Jacques supposed to go for advice on ridiculously-over-the-top-tablesettings?

Martha Stewart.


More rape crap, from TheDC.

Both Korbe and the liberals she criticizes seem to have trouble getting their heads around the idea that two things can be equally true. The first is that men — and many women, by the way — will look down on women who dress like prostitutes. As human beings, we simply have an innate, God-given sense of our own divinity, our own dignity, and we can tell when something has sullied it. Women who dress like trash just have to accept that.


Two more candidates for the Oppression Olympics

Or one can avoid the problem by not attending college. Male enrollment is down, perhaps the high price for the opportunity to be a second-class citizen is too high for many.

comes the reply

Or one can avoid the problem by not attending college. Male enrollment is down, perhaps the high price for the opportunity to be a second-class citizen is too high for many.

I find it somewhat hard to fathom that these White Guys really do feel like the most oppressed class on earth, ’cause they can’t play grab-ass with the female help with impunity or call black people what ever they want, like back in the good old days.



Copy fail, the reply should be this

Or perhaps it’s such a hostile place for men that they seek alternatives.

there we go


“Both Korbe and the liberals she criticizes seem to have trouble getting their heads around the idea that two things can be equally true. The first is that men — and many women, by the way — will look down on women who dress like prostitutes. As human beings, we simply have an innate, God-given sense of our own divinity, our own dignity, and we can tell when something has sullied it. Women who dress like trash just have to accept that.”

I would like “trash” defined.


Kinda sums up douchebag’s whole problem with girls in general, Don’t ya think?

Women, even the American ones, are not that complicated. In fact, I’ve found that regular grooming and showers, clean clothes that weren’t purchased from Walmart, and a disposition that doesn’t set off their antipathy alarms goes a long way with women.

A smile, some respect, and a presentable appearance is all it takes.


Both Korbe and the liberals she criticizes seem to have trouble getting their heads around the idea that two things can be equally true. The first is that men — and many women, by the way — will look down on women who dress like prostitutes. As human beings, we simply have an innate, God-given sense of our own divinity, our own dignity, and we can tell when something has sullied it. Women who dress like trash just have to accept that.

Bitch’s skirt was too short… And I was so repelled, I couldn’t restrain myself!

Amazing how much these guys sound like the people who justify or excuse patriarchy and extreme sexual harassment in Middle Eastern countries.


This might only be second to Korean mail order bride guy.

Title IX of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, unless of course you are male. This is the 21st century version of the Salem Witch trials. Rape is a crime that should be investigated by the police, not the college. I guess the administers of the colleges never heard of the Duke Lacrosse scandal. Any school that abides by this policy should immediately lose all not only Federal Funding, but a license to be a school. They clearly don’t know how to teach.

Not sure I have seen so much fail packed into such a small package that has been written by an amateur.



You forget. Herr Obama has replaced Constitutional Protections and Rights with inuendo, smears, and kangaroo courts. This was the Hopey Changey bull stuff he campaigned on. Just remember that the Drive-By-Lame-Stream-Media made Obama out to be a Constitutional Professor.

Your Constitutional Rights are under attack by Der Fuhrer Obama. Tell me once again that you are better off than you were 2 1/2 years ago.

This Internet ToughGuy™ uses a stylized rendering of Atlas for his avatar.


“Women, even the American ones, are not that complicated. In fact, I’ve found that regular grooming and showers, clean clothes that weren’t purchased from Walmart, and a disposition that doesn’t set off their antipathy alarms goes a long way with women.”

Hell, all I ask for is some brains, a decent sense of humor, and that I not find you repulsive to look at. That’s pretty much it. Aren’t I a bitch?


“Both Korbe and the liberals she criticizes seem to have trouble getting their heads around the idea that two things can be equally true. The first is that men — and many women, by the way — will look down on women who dress like prostitutes. As human beings, we simply have an innate, God-given sense of our own divinity, our own dignity, and we can tell when something has sullied it. Women who dress like trash just have to accept that.”

Even if we could accept this statement, looking down on someone is still a far cry from raping someone.

Appalachian Predator

Amen…from CWNY

[He] loved chivalry, truth and honour, freedom and courtesy” but was head-strong, stubborn, romantical and most unwise. – Soldiers of Misfortune by P. C. Wren

In Baroness Orczy’s magnificent novel The Scarlet Pimpernel, an English nobleman frequently risks his life to rescue members of the French nobility who have been condemned to die on the guillotine in the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity. In subsequent novels, the Scarlet Pimpernel (Sir Percy Blakeney) brings down Robespierre and the entire revolutionary government.

I think of the Scarlet Pimpernel whenever I read some underground newspaper report from Rhodesia or South Africa. The people in those nations are desperately in need of Sir Percy Blakeney. But would he be of any use to them? The French aristocrats were given refugee status in England while the beleaguered whites in Rhodesia and South Africa are denied refugee status in every nation of the world. Where then could the Scarlet Pimpernel take the Rhodesian and South African whites? It is against the rules of Liberaldom to flee paradise, and don’t you realize that Rhodesia and South Africa are paradises now that black men are running the show? No matter how trivial the reason, a black African can be granted refugee status in the white countries, but a white Rhodesian or South African is denied refugee status in the face (at least it would be ‘in the face’ of the liberals if they hadn’t turned all their faces away) of an unrelenting campaign to murder every single white person in Rhodesia and South Africa.

You would be incorrect if you claimed that the Scarlet Pimpernel only existed in the imagination of Baroness Orczy. He exists in the spirit of every European who refuses to allow colored barbarians to torture and kill other Europeans. Christian chivalry was embodied in Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan; in Henry Havelock, the British avenger of Cawnpore and liberator of Lucknow; and in Andries Pretorious, the hero of Blood River, who led the punitive expedition against the Zulus after they massacred Piet Retief and his followers. The Scarlet Pimpernel is a true myth; he is the embodiment of the antique European’s vision of the proper response to bloody tyranny and the murder of the innocents. The response must be non-democratic — no petitions against murder and torture to a people addicted to murder and torture — and it must be violent if violence has been used against one’s people. We react according to how hard the enemy is attacking. In the case of the modern liberal and the black barbarian attack on white people, there is no question that the white man must fight back, certainly using different tactics than men like Forrest and Pretorius, but never doctrinally renouncing violence, claiming it is unChristian or impractical. What could be more unChristian than standing idly by while your white countrymen and kinsmen are slain, and what could be more impractical than declaring your Quaker-like pacifism in the face of savage, bloodthirsty barbarians?

Of course any plea for white people to start defending white people falls on deaf or hostile ears. Satan has destroyed the spiritual resolve of the European by poisoning his love for his kith and kin. Without that spiritual resolve the European is cut off from his source of strength – the God who comes to man through His love of kith and kin. If a man does not love his own, he cannot know God, which is why the godless liberals have joined with the black barbarians in a bloodbath that equals in horrific intensity and surpasses in numbers the massacre of Piet Retief and his followers.

The Boers died fighting hopelessly to the last. Retief was made to witness the death of his son and his followers. The young boys were killed with the others. The bodies were piled upon the hill of death, and over them were the bodies of the grooms and attendants. The heart and liver of Retief were removed and taken to Dingaan so that he might look upon them. Over sixty Boers, one Englishman, and numerous attendants lay dead in the sunlight of that morning in February, and the vultures of Hlomo Amabuta came down from the sky. – In Search of South Africa

The Zulu chief Dingaan always feasted and celebrated after the torture and murder of white people, much like The Obama who recently partied at the White House with rapper Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., who sang a song of rapture about Assata Shakur, convicted murderer of the white New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foester. It’s an ongoing race war with only one side fighting, the liberals and the black barbarians. And let no white man hope to vote the war away. Every Republican candidate renounces white people before he runs for office. Witness Ron Paul, one of the better candidates, who recently decided that the deportation of illegal aliens was “too harsh”! Is this the promised end? The white Democrats campaign under the banner of an immediate extermination of the white race while the Republicans campaign under the banner of a gradual extermination of the white race. The promised end of the white man that both parties yearn for is not the promised end that a European, who still remains a European, longs for or supports.

In 1971, two men, Nathaniel Weyl and William Marina, published a book called American Statesmen on Slavery and the Negro. In the book Weyl and Marina made a modest proposal that they thought would end much of the racial conflict in the United States. They suggested that white people should have the right of private association, in other words, the right to segregate themselves from blacks in sport, in housing, and in schooling. Such a practical measure, the authors felt, would eliminate the racial tension which was sweeping the country. The authors of American Statesmen on Slavery and the Negro were right, and they were wrong. They were right in saying that their proposals would eliminate much of the racial unrest in the nation, but they were wrong to think that white liberals want to live in a diverse society where black and white get along by respecting their neighbors’ segregated fences. Liberals don’t want the blacks to have their culture and the whites theirs; liberals want to eliminate the white European culture altogether and replace it with the black Babylonian culture. And now, some 40 years since Weyl and Marina penned their modest proposal, the liberals have created their own version of a “diverse” culture. It is a culture dominated by anti-European liberals and black barbarians.

Weyl and Marina were well-meaning, practical sons of Martha who lacked a deep understanding of good and evil. The liberals do not want to co-exist with antique Europeans; they want to eradicate them. The false assumption behind every practical, well-meaning proposal to prevent bloodshed between the black and white is the assumption that the liberals want to prevent bloodshed. Quite the contrary is true. The liberals want to see rivers of blood flowing from white victims who have been offered up on sacrificial altars built to appease the black gods of the liberals.

If you doubt that the liberals want blood, the white man’s blood, just look at the evidence. What happened when blacks ran amuck in the New Orleans Superdome and the surrounding areas where white people were especially vulnerable, because of the flood, to black marauders? Were the liberals outraged? Yes, they were outraged. They were outraged that some white people armed themselves with shotguns in order to save their families from being sacrificed to the black gods. Recently the columnist Matt Drudge reported that which is not supposed to be reported: black on white crime. Again, are the liberals outraged? Yes, they are, but not with the black atrocities; they are outraged with Drudge for reporting the atrocities. And such is always the case, from the “cry me a river” black columnist exulting in the torture murders of Channon Christian and Christian Newsom, to the satanic “loving forgiveness” of Pope John XXIII after black savages tortured and murdered his own priests and nuns. The message is clear: our ancient foe is using his minions, the liberals and the black barbarians, to destroy the Christ-bearing race. He hopes to strike the Creator by attacking His Creatures.

There are two fallacies in the modern propaganda of tolerance, “you respect my culture and I’ll respect yours.” The first fallacy is what we have just articulated: liberals and black barbarians do not want to respect any culture other than their own, especially the white European culture. And the second fallacy is linked to the first: how can people who have no concept of charity or mercy, like the liberals and the black barbarians, have any respect for a people who want to maintain their link to Christian Europe where men revered the God of charity and mercy? The principle of “you respect my culture and I’ll respect yours” can only be applied to differences between Christian European nations. The non-European does not respect other cultures; he wants to destroy them. The Christian European was the only man who could be trusted to treat “the lesser breeds without the law” with paternal charity instead of merciless cruelty. Now that there is no Christian European presence of any significance in the formerly European countries, there is no charity or mercy to be found there. We live in Babylon, where a green-haired, white girl can walk into any abortuary and destroy her child or, if she so desires, cohabit with one of the black gods. In either case the green-haired girl with the ring through her nose is a citizen of Babylon, a nation ruled by merciless, techno-barbarian liberals and black, barbarian demigods. The European hero is a hero because he still has his spiritual resolve, his love for kith and kin. “Mock my people and my God, and I’ll strike you. Strike my kith and kin, and I’ll kill you.” That is the vow of the hero: William Tell, Alfred the Great, Robert Bruce, Henry Havelock, Charles Martel, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Andries Pretorius, and every European who love their own so much that they see His blood upon the rose.

While wandering through Britain in the early 1970s I saw an old English newsreel in an old, small town movie theater that proudly proclaimed Piccadilly, the center of London, to be the center of the civilized world. The newsreel went on to praise such stalwart Brits as Lord Wellington, Lord Nelson, and Alfred the Great. There was even great praise lavished on Andries Pretorious and Robert E. Lee as men of the heroic temper, and therefore spiritual brethren of the Brits. Such respect for the heroes of our race has completely died out. The mere mention of the fact that your heroes are antique Europeans is enough to label a man an imbecile and/or a racist. But we are a race of Scarlet Pimpernels. In fact we are the only race of people who hold the heroes of charity, the defenders and not the conquerors, to be the greatest of heroes, because they follow Him, the King and Lord of Heroes. In that hideous plastic song of the sixties, “The Age of Aquarius,” the lyrics speak of the wonders that will ensue when the stars are in alignment. The European does not care about the stars; he cares about the things of the heart. When the European’s heart is aligned with His heart, the age of the hero will return; it will be “The Age of the Man on the European White Horse,” who rides in defense of the European things, faith, hope and charity; above all charity.

I like the sagas from the Christian era that the liberals call the Dark Ages. (Of course the age when the Europeans saw the light of Christ’s love would be considered the Dark Age to liberals.) I recall one such saga from my childhood. An Icelandic warrior, newly Christianized, was in constant strife with his still pagan neighbors. The Christian Icelander called the heathen world the “twilight world” and his new-found Christian world he called the “world of light.” Every time the twilight world infringed on the Christian warrior’s world of light, he felt compelled to defend his world by driving the heathen back to their world of darkness. The task of the modern European Christian is the same as that of the Icelandic warrior. We are called upon to drive the heathen back to their world of darkness. Blackness is sacred to the liberal and the black, but it is virulent poison to the antique European, and the people who peddle it are the European’s enemies. But the psalmist assures us that He will not fail us in the day of battle.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.

A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. — Psalm 91: 1-7

The hero believes that God’s word applies to him. How can we doubt it? He set His love upon our ancestors, and He will set it upon us if only we listen to and heed the wisdom of our European hearts.

Cambria Will Not Yield


Hell, all I ask for is some brains, a decent sense of humor, and that I not find you repulsive to look at. That’s pretty much it. Aren’t I a bitch?

That’s WAY too much to ask.

Hey–you on hotmail anymore?


OIC the fuckface is back with racist copy pasta.


The set up.

Are they crazy? Men should only date Townies. Why take a chance with a coed that has that title 9 hammer to wield whenever she feels scorned?

The reply.

That is why I gave up dating american women a long time ago. I met and married a wonderful asian woman who is a healthcare professional (I am a research scientist) and have never looked back. Don’t walk into an american courtroom with a set of nuts…you are a second class citizen at best.

17 and 28 recommendations respectively.


Appalachian Predator said,

Something REALLY Boering.


Cambria Will Not Yield

according to my mom, it will to the wrong cleanser and/or scrubbie…


The first is that men — and many women, by the way — will look down on women who dress like prostitutes.

I prefer to look down upon them when they UNdress like prostitutes…


Hell, all I ask for is some brains, a decent sense of humor, and that I not find you repulsive to look at. That’s pretty much it. Aren’t I a bitch?

… in that you just excluded every conservative male in the country, I can certainly see how conservative males would think so.

Appalachian Predator said,
August 22, 2011 at 23:22

There’s something beyond ludicrous about whining about “European Christian” culture as opposed to everyone else, when Christianity itself arose from the “colored hordes.”


Don’t walk into an american courtroom with a set of nuts…you are a second class citizen at best.

Yes, dump your lawyers and represent yourself


Even if we could accept this statement, looking down on someone is still a far cry from raping someone.

But it does speak to the whole trashy dress and alcohol consumption turning rape into a self-inflicted injury bullshit that is entered into wingnut evidence.


Are they crazy? Men should only date Townies. Why take a chance with a coed that has that title 9 hammer to wield whenever she feels scorned?

cuz the men are ALWAYS turning the ladies down…

Appalachian Predator

The Ancient Israelites were and are apart of the White Race. Christianity was spread across the world from our own. Later, God used White Europeans to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the earth. Christianity was and always has been a predominately White religion.


Can we disemvowell the Stormfront troll, please? The grownups are trying to talk…


Its amazing this Topsy-turvy world that I read descriptions of on the interwebs. Who knew that misandry was a vastly bigger problem than misogyny, and that virulent gangs of Racist Black Barbarian thugs have been keeping whitey down lo these many years.

I see quite a different world with my lyin’ eyes.


Later, God used White Europeans to wipe his ass, thus creating their obsession with tanning.


I think some people just love the warm tingles a good scare gives ’em.



As human beings, we simply have an innate, God-given sense of our own divinity, our own dignity, and we can tell when something has sullied it.

Yeah, I think rapists are filthy criminal bastards who should get a hot poker up the ass, too!

Women who dress like trash just have to accept that.

Wait, what? On the one hand we have someone who shows about as much skin as you can see on TV at any time of the day, less if you include Sabado Gigante, the summer Olympics, or the Miss America contest. On the other we have someone who forces another person to have sex against that person’s will. And you’re bagging on the clothes wearer. Riiiiight.


This is why we should just outlaw clothes altogether. If everybody were in the altogether then nobody could dress like a tramp. Problem solved!

Appalachian Predator

I have got news for you liberals. The StormFront is coming. And there is nothing you will be able to do about it. White Nationalists will be going to the polls in droves this election and will elect our own to the Presidency and to Congress.

We have far greater numbers than you nigger loving droogs would think. The election shall be our victory.


I had this UTI



Disemvoweling commencing!

Th ncnt srltes wr nd r prt f th Wht Rc.

Too much work no real payback.


We have far greater numbers than you nigger loving droogs would think

and they fap all night long to the palin posters scotch taped to a wall in the basement…


I have got news for you liberals. The StormFront is coming.

Good luck with that Bubba. One of “your own” might be elected, but it won’t be because a bunch of ignorant cracker-assed racists descend on the polls. Your days are numbered and it won’t be long before “the White Race” is less than 50 percent of the population.

That day can’t come soon enough for this Black Barbarian.


Problem solved!

New problems created. We would need to establish* a Center for the Visually Unpleasant to address certain people. Our national talcum consumption would skyrocket or we would risk chafing on an unprecedented scale. And it would be that much harder for immature architects, engineers, and contractors to keep from giggling while discussing erection drawings.

*RIP, George Carlin.


That day can’t come soon enough for this Black Barbarian.

i, for one, welcome our black barbarian overlords…


Not necessarily: It was a townie who got the Duke Lacrosse team in trouble.

In reply to the genius who suggested townie’s instead of coeds above.


i, for one, welcome our black barbarian overlords…

I knew you were a lover!!!


There is a whole industry of people in the legal-police complex who live off these accusations – sex crimes cops, rape nurses, polygraph experts, women organizations funded by college general fees, forensic labs, you name it. This complex is constantly hunting for justification to exist by finding criminals where there are none. It’s sort of like, how in every country during World War II, those lucky enough to not be drafted but to stay in the internal security forces found “spies” under every bed to justify why they should not be sent to a rifle platoon. Each rape accusation is worth many tens of thousands to this complex.

Like any rent seeking group, this complex strives only to perpetuate its own existence. This can range from the benign – making up alarming statistics (one out of X women will be sexually assaulted, where X is always in single digits) to virtually advertising for victims (I mean the accused, not the accusers) by subjecting women on campus to a barrage of advertising asking them to accuse someone.

Ahhh, the self inflation conspiracy projection loop!

Appalachian Predator

You had better watch your tongue with me nigger. My people don’t take too kindly to threats. Why don’t you come down to West Virginia and talk that way about White people?

My guess is you wouldn’t last five minutes.


i, for one, welcome our black barbarian overlords…

Size queen.


Damn Smut, it will be a long time before I find an occasion to steal “Take me to your Leda.” but steal it I shall.


Why would anyone go to WV,” home of incest and green teeth”?


There is a whole industry of people in the legal-police complex who live off these accusations – sex crimes cops, rape nurses, polygraph experts, women organizations funded by college general fees, forensic labs, you name it. This complex is constantly hunting for justification to exist by finding criminals where there are none. It’s sort of like, how in every country during World War II, those lucky enough to not be drafted but to stay in the internal security forces found “spies” under every bed to justify why they should not be sent to a rifle platoon. Each rape accusation is worth many tens of thousands to this complex.

Rapistry is theft!


Another more equal than others group? We have lots of those now. I can imagine the havoc this will create that won’t be apparent for years leaving in it’s wake anger and resentment and will seriously damage all it touches.

Not only do these idjits have serious problems understanding the concept of consent, they can’t wrap their heads around the fact that granting historically disadvantaged groups “equal rights”, i.e. the rights they have always taken for granted, does not represent a diminution of their own rights.



Can we disemvowell the Stormfront troll, please? The grownups are trying to talk…

Yes We Can!


Size queen.

well, you know what they say…once you go black, you’ll never go back to appalachianprdatorswhoareignorantracistdespicablesoullesspiecesofshitwithreallysmalpeepees…


You had better watch your tongue with me nigger.


Cracker is a tough guy!!! I am so scared. The only thing you got going for you is that the underoos you wear has some nice brown racing stripes.

After you’ve taken a stroll through the Black side of Pittsburgh with that pretty mouth of your get back to me. InternetToughGuy™


I would like “and that I not find you repulsive to look at” defined.


I have got news for you liberals. The StormFront is coming. And there is nothing you will be able to do about it. White Nationalists will be going to the polls in droves this election and will elect our own to the Presidency and to Congress.

I will murder every last one of you fucks. Bring it the fuck on. I fight for America and you will all die.

/internet tough guy who can actually back up his big mouth.


by subjecting women on campus to a barrage of advertising asking them to accuse someone.

you mistake ‘asking’ with encouraging women who have been raped to not feel scared, ashamed or like trashy sluts and to go directly to the police so they can arrest said rapist who is likely to be a a self-identified predator from the appalachians…


Susie, did you bring enough vagina to share with everyone?????

There’s always room for vagina.


I have got news for you liberals. The StormFront is coming

Too bad for him I’m not the anti-gun kind of liberal.


My guess is you wouldn’t last five minutes.

I bet I would. You see, I happen to like most white folk, and get along with the vast majority.

I can also smell the stink of ignorant cracker racists from miles away. So I only use certain language when I run into one of you fools. If it sticks in your craw, so much the better.

I know my place boy, and it is about 50 IQ points north of you.


I would like “and that I not find you repulsive to look at” defined.

get your webster’s dictionary…look up appalachian predator…helpful picture also provided…


Cambria Will Not Yield

Coheed, however…

Appalachian Predator

Now now, my ignorant sub-human friend, the same could be said of you. Why don’t you run your trashy ghetto mouth down in the sticks of rural West Virginia and see how long you survive?

My guess is the so-called “Black Barbarian” would be too lazy to get his fat welfare collecting ass off the couch and leave the tv long enough to get on a plane and go down to the Real America.


“M. Bouffant said,
August 23, 2011 at 0:14

I would like “and that I not find you repulsive to look at” defined.”

Well, I ask that guys not be morbidly obese and not look like the Elephant Man.

I mean, I’m obviously pickier than that, but I certainly don’t expect men to look like models.


My guess is you wouldn’t last five minutes.

And you would be wrong. I like most of the white people I meat, my best friends happen to be white. I grew up with and went to schools that were overwhelmingly white. I got along so well with the kids in school that they elected me Senior Class president. So I think I’d be fine in WV.

I just don’t have much truck with ignorant-assed crackers like yourself, and feel mostly pity for you.

Boy, I know my place and its 50 points of IQ north of you.


Why take a chance with a coed that has that title 9 hammer to wield whenever she feels scorned?

This common tater does not not have a fullany comprehension of Title IX, does he?


Why take a chance with a coed that has that title 9 hammer to wield whenever she feels scorned?

Whenever I get hit with a bitchez-be-equal hammer, I have massive butthurt and rally the other h8ers so we can remember the good old days when men were men and everyone else was a second class citizen?


I’m so gotdamned manly, I can hold a weighty e-cig in my face like mere mortals do with real cigarettes!

Coming up on two months smoke-free… and I have the crew here @ S,N! to thank for it.


Similarly, I invite you to visit me in DC, fuckface. Let’s see how long you last HERE.


Why would anyone go to WV,” home of incest and green teeth”?

I doubt if that’s where the (parody?) troll is from, but there is reason to go


Can people please stop bringing back mangoes from the Yay, rape! thread? If we’re going to have a Klansman here fapping to thoughts of Percy Blakeney slaughtering the government of South Africa, the pool is sufficiently fouled. There’s no need to add to it.


Too bad for him I’m not the anti-gun kind of liberal.

Me either. In fact I’m more the trigger happy type and dying to eliminate a few of those eliminationist stormfuck guys.


Now now, my ignorant sub-human friend, the same could be said of you. Why don’t you run your trashy ghetto mouth down in the sticks of rural West Virginia and see how long you survive?

I got better things to do, son.

My guess is the so-called “Black Barbarian” would be too lazy to get his fat welfare collecting ass off the couch and leave the tv long enough to get on a plane and go down to the Real America.

Funny, as I live in Southern Indiana, I think I know all about “the Real America.” Of course this has given me an enormous amount of insight into your retrograde vision.


I ask that guys not be morbidly obese

SIZIST!! This shall not stand!!


Too bad for him I’m not the anti-gun kind of liberal.

To each his own: I’m not the anti-fist, anti-knee, or anti-knife kind of liberal, and I suspect B^4 and tsam may agree with my views.


the sticks of rural West Virginia…

…his fat welfare collecting ass

This from someone from, oh, isn’t it #1 on that list of Red State Welfare Queens? If not, it’s close.

Pot:kettle, pigfucker.


Oh and spanky, since we’re employing baseless stereotypes for fun and profit, I do believe that there is an unsatisfied ewe waiting for you to pleasure her.


Appalachian Predator

To all of the multi-cult, anti-White liberal swine here. Remember one thing…



I do believe that there is an unsatisfied ewe waiting for you to pleasure her.

What do you have against sheep, UNE?


Sheep? Ize confused, I thought we were swine. Do piggies and sheeps have oingo-boingo?


Appalachian Predator said,

August 23, 2011 at 0:31

Funny, I’m absolutely 100% white, and all I want to do right now is cut your guts out and feed them to you.

Why don’t you go back to your little barn and rape your little animals and leave the adults to their business? You’re too fucking stupid to be here. Go away. Better yet, kill yourself before the big black horde comes to get you. Do it quickly.


Lawmaker Quits After Wife Sent Racist Email
Former New Jersey Assemblyman Pat Delany (R)* abruptly resigned last month after his wife sent a “racially tinged email” to state senate challenger Carl Lewis, the former Olympic Gold medalist, PolitickerNJ reports.

The text of the email: “Imagine, not having to pay NJ state income taxes…It must be nice. Imagine getting a court ruling overturned so your name could get put on the ballot. Imagine having dark skin and name recognition and the nerve to think that equalled (sic) knowing something about politics. Sure, knowing someone with fat purse strings is nice, but you have no knowledge.”

Delany said he was “deeply disappointed in my wife’s decision to send that email,” adding: “In an attempt to repair the serious damage this has caused to our marriage, and to protect our kids from public humiliation, I decided to leave public life. On behalf of my family, we sincerely apologize to Mr. Lewis for any pain this caused him.”


*S/b “R” as in Republican, not ®. In every possible orifice, WP. Every last one!


Dare I point out that Cambria has been home to all sorts of non-white people?


And again for preview’s lies!!


tsam may agree with my views.




I assume “right turn on red” is not an issue though? I have a feeling “keep right except when passing” is also cool.


We have far greater numbers than you nigger loving droogs would think

Oh yeah? How high can you count without scraping the manure offen your feet?

Also: droogs? Shall we bookmark these predictions?


St Ross of Sacred Bendown cites Matthias Shapiro. “Policticalmathblog” (keep an eye out for this one). Math for wingers is always right.

ROVE: I’m looking at all of these Robert and adding them up. I add up to a Republican Senate and Republican House. You may end up with a different math but you are entitled to your math and I’m entitled to THE math.


Hey, if we’re going on a skinhead scalping expedition this gun-toting knife wielding trained in the martial arts gay white guy wants in on the action.


Sixth of the states (eighth in states and territories).


Oh yes, I do have knife skills.


Oh yes, I do have knife skills.

your food pr0n has made us aware of this, yes…


Do you hire out at Thanksgiving?


Hey, if we’re going on a skinhead scalping expedition this gun-toting knife wielding trained in the martial arts gay white guy wants in on the action.

Just remember, some of us liberals are really, really white, and “follicly challenged” — so don’t come after us. Although now that I think about it, I could volunteer for an infiltration campaign…


this gun-toting knife wielding trained in the martial arts gay white guy wants in on the action.

The more, the merrier.


Ugh. I instantly regret being an Internet Tough Girl. It doesn’t suit me.


[waggling eyebrows, Groucho-style] We can tenderize you, tutz. [/waggling]


I have pretty terrible hand eye coordination, otherwise I would join in the anti-fascist internet tough guy banter. I will totally hide any and everyone in my attic and get a hold of a fake ration card for all y’all up in there.


STFU racist moron. Cambria will continue to lick balls like it always has.


Do not bring a knife to a gun battle!

(OK for a gub battle, howev.)


He also wants to pretend “double jeopardy” is iron-clad, when he should know it doesn’t apply in civil cases, either.

He also seems to think that the appeals process itself constitutes double jeopardy.

Wonder if he got his legal learnin’ from watching afternoon network TV game shows…


Do not bring a knife to a gun battle!

You’re assuming a frontal assault.


I have more confusion. I was wondering why all the back and forth about the Welsh. (Cambria is the traditional name for Wales)


I have more confusion. I was wondering why all the back and forth about the Welsh.

okay, i’ll admit it now…i don’t get it either…


The racist pig-fuckers are stuck in the past.


The racist pig-fuckers are stuck in the past.

i was aware of the cambrian period, but am not sure why the mouthbreather referenced it…


The “I once worked…” argument by anecdote is one my favorite winger ploys.

Sadlies would never do that.


Well, we don’t fabricate shit. But I’ve a lot of ‘argument’ based on anecdotal personal experience. I’ve done it myself.


i was aware of the cambrian period, but am not sure why the mouthbreather referenced it…

Years of wet dreams about Protichnites.


Pretend that the word ‘seen’ appears in the sentence above.


“August 23, 2011 at 0:50

[waggling eyebrows, Groucho-style] We can tenderize you, tutz. [/waggling]



Do not bring a knife to a gun battle!

You’re assuming a frontal assault.

Dude, do NOT turn your back on these cracker ass crackers. Your sexy, sexy ass that doesn’t even have a tail to hold out of the way.


Christian Identity writ extra-small, perhaps.

“The Welsh are the only (real) White Christian People!!”

Was that paste-eating pasta completely stolen from Breivik’s screed?


Ah, so you can trace your lineage back to basic bilogical organisms that were white. Cambrian or die!



Even by Pup? He knows his way around a kitchen…


above is not a sentence.


What do you have against sheep, UNE?

Nothing of course, just had to, you know, take it there.


I do so have a tail. It’s small, but size isn’t everything.


“I once worked w/” assholes in every single job I ever got near. Most of the jerks were in management, but some of the common clay were too.


“Even by Pup? He knows his way around a kitchen…”

Well, Pup IS such a good cook, he may get me to taste myself.


Rest easy vs, one doesn’t tenderize fish.

No, smarties, octopus isnot a fish.


Christian Identity writ extra-small, perhaps.

“The Welsh are the only (real) White Christian People!!”

I’m Welsh and German. I don’t hate anybody except racists and bigots. So WTF? I don’t know what Cambria is and don’t give a fuck. All I know is I’m prepared for your little storm, Stormfucks.


Listen up, all you brie-biting bolsheviks…




Not until the moment is ripe.


Camembert will sure ‘nough melt!


Too bad for him I’m not the anti-Doomsday Device kind of liberal.



You didn’t leave it at room temperature long enough. And don’t forget the crackers!


I would ahem, but the “crackers” saved you.


Too bad for him I’m not the anti-Doomsday Device kind of liberal subterranian mutant

Fiqqst for more apes.


the “crackers” saved you.

Oh no–the old moral dilemma? What’s a tigris to do?

Attack and maul the crackers. That’s my advice.


Chippah shreddah.



That joke’s a little cheesy.



It’s a little runny.


To all of the multi-cult, anti-White liberal swine here. Remember one thing…



“I’m Welsh and German. I don’t hate anybody except racists and bigots. ”

No way. Me too.

Also, I like Cambria on crackers with pear slicEs


We have far greater numbers than you nigger loving droogs would think.

Well, to be fair, one IS a number.


The racist pig-fuckers are stuck in the past.

We must prevent another Precambrian explosion!! 11

It’s a little runny.
The cat’s eaten it.


I do so have a tail.

I am shocked to discover that the Internizzle contains websites devoted to bear butts.



And he gots really bad BO!


Well, to be fair, one IS a number.

It’s really not very great though. Multiplying by it gets you nowhere.


Rule 34

I gotcher 34 right here.


How did they film that horror movie Apollo 18 on the moon? I call fake.


I gotcher 34 right here.




Well, to be fair, one IS a number.

Indeed. I believe it is, in fact, the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.


Can we disemvowell the Stormfront troll, please?


Also for UBE: You are among the bravest and most diligent mango retrievers I’ve seen here. Those of us who never ever ever leave the boat salute yer effort, sir.

Be careful, though! Some of these mangoes appear to be coated with lethal toxic sludge.


I believe it is, in fact, the loneliest number that you’ll ever do.

Two can be as bad as one. It’s the loneliest number since the number one.


Be careful, though! Some of these mangoes appear to be coated with lethal toxic sludge.

And some seem to have rotten, chalky teeth. Sure they can’t pierce the skin with those sad little nubbins, but they could abrade it real bad.


Quick–what’s this from?

“It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!”


The Cinema Snob’s review of that Bigfoot porno?


Sarah Palin’s thanksgiving speech?

As I type, David Cameron tells me that Freedom and Democracy are flourishing in Libya. I feel so much better.


Bring it the fuck on.

I’ll give you covering fire, tsam. I was a lousy shot at Leonard Wood…but 10-for-10 on quickfire. At least I can make ’em keep their heads down while you work in close.


Bigfoot porno
The movie versions of Robert Crumb’s “Whiteman meets Bigfoot” were never completed.
There was a stage production, though.



I larfed.


Back on the helmet tip:

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Lil Wayne said Monday he is recovering after gashing his head at a St. Louis-area skateboard park.

The 28-year-old rapper whose real name is Dwayne Michael Carter Jr. was in suburban St. Louis Sunday for a performance at the outdoor Verizon Amphitheatre. KTVI-TV reported that Lil Wayne, accompanied by a large entourage, showed up Sunday at DePaul Health Center’s emergency room.

Hospital spokeswoman Jamie Newell said she could not confirm Lil Wayne was at the hospital, citing privacy laws. But Lil Wayne wrote about it on his Twitter account.

“The Lou was good but I busted my … head at the sk8park! 9stitches! Gnarly gash over my left eye! Luv the people,” he wrote.

Apparently had no effect on his Twitter talent.


The movie versions of Robert Crumb’s “Whiteman meets Bigfoot” were never completed.

This Bigfoot porno wasn’t completed either, judging by the ending, but it was released in theatres.

Link safe for work, unless your work has a problem with loud swearing.



We have always been at war with Cambria.


I am feta up with Sadly, No! pun wars!


Andrew Malcolm once again pens a hard-hitting expose on the Obama family:


Shorter Andrew Malcolm: “The Obama’s marriage is on the rocks because Michelle listens to an I-pod.”


“It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!”

I admit, I looked it up ’cause its familiarity was drivin’ me nootz. Big laffs, but I won’t spoil it for those playing at home.


Boy, I know my place and its 50 points of IQ north of you.

Perfect. ‘Boy’ cracks like a whiplash. As it were.

Southern Indiana is the most racist region north of Ohio River. Goes w-a-y back to before the Civil War. Southern Indiana was an early KKK enclave. Today Southern Indiana elects people like Mike Pence to Congress.

(UBE: Correct me if I’m wrong. That’s 6th District turf, right? Some really odious creatures have used Southern Indiana has a springboard, too, e.g. Pence for Gubner. Looking forward to some gory tales of its politics.. With Monsters. If you’ve got time.))


Okay, now pretend there is ‘the’ in the first sentence. Then pretend ‘has’ is really ‘as’. Pretending is fun, isn’t it?


Pretending is fun, isn’t it?

I like to pretend that DKW’s Mom is…anybody other than DWK’s Mom.


Spearhafoc, who, what, when, why and where said,

I like to pretend that DKW’s Mom is…anybody other than DWK’s Mom.

You don’t want the truth, because you can’t handle the truth of the momminator


Everyone is apparently off having dinner. That or watching the Rockies dismantling the Astros.


Also for UBE: You are among the bravest and most diligent mango retrievers I’ve seen here. Those of us who never ever ever leave the boat salute yer effort, sir.

Be careful, though! Some of these mangoes appear to be coated with lethal toxic sludge.

Fenwick, first it is UNE, second, thanks for the praise, though I only get of the boat with hermetically sealed, top quality wetsuits. and on occasion if I think that I might need to, well, find myself in a position where I might have to “take on for the team”, I travel with a cyanide tooth. I will enjoy a well deserve repast with a mint Julip on the poop deck in a deck chair adjacent to yours one of these threads.

Perfect. ‘Boy’ cracks like a whiplash. As it were.

Southern Indiana is the most racist region north of Ohio River. Goes w-a-y back to before the Civil War. Southern Indiana was an early KKK enclave. Today Southern Indiana elects people like Mike Pence to Congress.

(UBE: Correct me if I’m wrong. That’s 6th District turf, right? Some really odious creatures have used Southern Indiana has a springboard, too, e.g. Pence for Gubner. Looking forward to some gory tales of its politics.. With Monsters. If you’ve got time.))

It has been a while since I have been called a nigger on the internets, and thankfully a while longer since I have had the experience in meatspace. That said I have always been a proponent of the idea that Indiana is the Northern most state South of the Mason Dixon line, though I would probably include the first thirty miles into Michigan, and everything South of Columbus Ohio.

Prior to the recent Gerrymandering I was in the 9th district, and may still be. The thing about Pence for gub, was to get his ass out of the way of the little campaign that couldn’t to open up space for the Mighty Mitch Daniels.

I tend to focus on the long ball, Doghouse
Is the best concerning our laughable state of affairs and I would defer to his voluminous archives, if anyone is interested in the politics of our fair state.

Thanks again, and if you don’t mind, next Julip is on me.


from a different article that caught my eye while reading the linked article provide by g:

Studies so far suggest that hookah smoking carries many of the same health risks assmoking cigarettes.

i am now going to smoke cigarettes again…i didn’t realize it was unhealthy only if your were smoking them with your ass…

also, too, does smoking the hookah count as backsliding on the ciggies?


I am apparently unaware of all internet traditions…Though I am pretty sure that I have established one or two…What is rule 34?




“It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!”

harry and the hendersons?

Appalachian Predator

You liberal pussies will be no match for the Armed Stormfront Centurions in West Virginia. We grew up with guns and are as used to them as you are with cell phones.

All I can say to you lefty droogs if you dare go on a “stormfront scalping expedition” is good luck. We will fight to the death. Which is something I am sure you leftys would not be willing to do.


Provider: Sorry for the nym-shorthand fail.


“It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!”

i googled it also and now totally remember that line…then i laffed a lot…


It’s b-a-a-a-c-k….


UNE_TheBlackBarbarian™ProudlyPre-Cambrian said,
August 23, 2011 at 4:43

here is rule 34 from urban dic:

Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject.

Additionally it is accepted that the rule itself has limitations and you cannot be too specific on the content of the item in question.

so, to answer your question, yes you can go on the intertronz and look at appalachian predator fucking his gun and/or various barnyard animals and relatives porn…


ewwww…i may have just rule 34’d myself…


It’s b-a-a-a-c-k….

Making badgers do half-hearted jumping jacks since 2011.


I am feta up with Sadly, No! pun wars!

You cheddar watch out then, it could get muensterous.


You liberal pussies will be no match for the Armed Stormfront Centurions in West Virginia. We grew up with guns and are as used to them as you are with cell phones.

All I can say to you lefty droogs if you dare go on a “stormfront scalping expedition” is good luck. We will fight to the death. Which is something I am sure you leftys would not be willing to do.

You just keep thinking that, little man. Just keep thinking that. You’re right, I am a liberal pussy and stand no chance against a tough guy like you.

Where are you, anyway?


I am apparently unaware of all internet traditions…Though I am pretty sure that I have established one or two…What is rule 34?

Think of it this way: If the previous comment inspired or reminded you of porn, you call Rule 34. It is a limitless rule, and nothing is off limits.

So if I were actually having a conversation about beavers (the animal, not the sweet sweet lovely lady bits), you could call rule 34, although that one is a little obvious and not clever.


Occasionally I indulge fantasies of running for Congress. I need a decent Job with benefits and we are currently represented by the teabagger Todd Young.

The recently elected chair of the county Republican party loved me until I pointed out that unfunded wars of choice were a far bigger problem than teachers unions, though I could probably charm his socks off and present myself as an enlightened negro, and possibly primary Young’s ass as a respectable Republican…with you know, that special cachet.

Or I could examine a route through the Democratic party, and familiar with the shakers, including a friend in the mayor, author of one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life, upon introducing me to the recently elected prosecutor, proclaimed that I was smarter than both of them combined. Prosecutor dude was not impressed, possibly insulted and i don’t blame him. The mayor and me go way back. I met him when he was in law school, and when we were both dating each of a previous mayors daughters.

The previous exposition should disqualify me from office, Though I would love to go Grayson on some ass if I were to get the chance.


Now, I’m from the west, born and raised, so what do I know about this kind of shit, but it seems like the racism is of a different nature in the states bordering the old confederacy: angrier, more defensive, and more vicious than the sort of genteel, paternalistic certitude of racial superiority one finds among whites in the heart of Old Dixie. Oh I know, Klan and its hate-crimes are more prevalent in places like ‘Bama and Miss’sip, but generally these are the reptilian brains of good ‘ol bo-ahs who’re jest sick of all these uppity niggers. Racist throwbacks in the bordering states like Indiana, Florida and yes, W. Virginia tend to see themselves as some sort of holy warriors. They don’t just want to keep the darkies in their place, they want to vanquish them in some mystical, Wagnerian war. Idiots like our fine Precambrian predator fancy themselves in a solemn brotherhood with other brave knights, terribly outnumbered by the wicked foe and his dupes, but proud in their defiance, and certain that God and Christ on on their side. He probably has the soundtrack of O, Fortuna! running through his head whenever he sits in his garage (draped with swastikas and Nathan Bedford Forrest posters) and trolls liberal satire blogs all day.


Trolling the Sadlies

Appalachian Predator

You liberal droogs are in for the mother of all battles if you dare attack the White Christian Brethren here in West Virginia. We have been shooting firearms since we were old enough to walk and are as familiar with them as you libs are with a fork and a spoon.

You lefty bloggers would have to be a special kind of stupid if you dare come down to our land and mess with us. We are law abiding, God fearing White Patriots who are armed to the teeth. We will not initiate attack, but if you lefty bloggers dare attack us you have signed your own death sentence.


What is rule 34?

There are several versions of it, but this should suffice.

It seems we could remember a little Rule 14 around here right at the moment. Picking on Assholation Pigfucker does have a bit of a cathartic effect though.


You liberal droogs are in for the mother of all battles if you dare attack the White Christian Brethren here in West Virginia

WHAT FUCKING PART of West Virginia, stupid?

Appalachian Predator

Why don’t you come down to any part of Rural West Virginia and find out. In West Virgina there are legions of us. I am just a nameless faceless White Christian Patriot. ONE OF MANY!!!


Ok–yeah, hide behind all the other racist pigfuckers.

Go to hell and die you fucking scumbag.

Appalachian Predator

Who I am isn’t important. I am expendable. Even if I am killed there are many more who will take my place. I am an armed White Christian Patriot who will fight and die to defend myself and my homeland. I will not intitiate attack. But if attacked will fight to the death.


He won’t initiate attack, you see. So ignore the sadarse and eventually he will die.
Yes ignore A A A Charade Print Plop or should we say A A A Parch Earn Dolt Pip?


A Panic Alpha teardrop?


It’s a parody troll, or perhaps even the parody troll.

In other news, a little bird told me that the Just Alison writes all A.K.’s and Smut’s funny stuff.


Who I am isn’t important. I am expendable

Ooooohhhh, all mysterious and shit.

Well, why don’t you go ahead and expend yourself now. For the cause…yes?


The contract that we put under her signature sample form clearly states that she didn’t want any credit for it.


And it stipulates that she must eat the poison cookies that ban her from FYWP?


You liberal droogs are in for the mother of all battles if you dare attack the White Christian Brethren

As opposed to the battle of all mothers, which DKW has already won.


Armed Stormfront Centurions

Truly, such people are fearsome.


And it stipulates that she must eat the poison cookies that ban her from FYWP?

Poison cookies are a feature not a bug, actually.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Even if I am killed there are many more who will take my place.
Oh, I guess the troll IS a real Nazi.
This joke would be so much more effective I know how to make-a da linky-linky. But I’m still in a happier place than Mountain Man from Deliverance Troll.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

Also, did anyone else click Snorg’s link and instantly think “constipated Michael Dukakis” upon seeing that picture?


Poison cookies are a feature not a bug, actually.
Moar food p0rn.


Armed White Christian Patriot

Fearsome indeed.

Looks like a big-city elitist to me.


I’ll bet you’re the one with the HUGE tits.

The Kid from Kounty Meath

I love how the squatting guy has somehow gotten his moobs into a dynamic action pose.


I love how the squatting guy has somehow gotten his moobs into a dynamic action pose.

I love how the fat one in the back is too exhausted from lifting that heavy pistol to strike a really super fucking cool pose. Have another stick of butter, lunchbox!

The Kid from Kounty Meath

That guy in the back looks like Jonah cosplaying as Mario.


Armed Stormfront Centurions

Geez. You’d think they could at least have the taste to obsess over one of Billy Joel’s decent records.


Snorghagen’s link:

Jack Grimes would be the ideal man to become President of the United States. He does not come from an old, moneyed political family such as other prominent politicians like Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, John Forbes Kerry, etc. do. Since he is just an average American he is much more in tune with the public’s wants and needs than his privileged competition is.

Yeah, that Bill Clinton sure came from an old, monied political family. He may have started one, but he sho’ nuff didn’t come from one.

Applacheean Preedatore

We, the White Stormfront Welsh-German Christo-Patriots, were created by the Cambria. We didn’t really evolve. We mindlessly plodded on. There are many copies and we have a plan.


He is deeply concerned about the restrictions placed on the general public by the government including smoking bans, vehicle licensing, vehicle emissions testing, and also about the attacks on personal freedoms and liberties under the guise of “terrorism” that are being used as an excuse to strip the public of their rights, including the creation of the Department of Homeland Security and other police agencies.

And yet he calls himself a fascist…?


Fenwick said…..In March, DK-W and I went round-and-round the rugged rocks on early intervention on behalf of the Libyan uprising. Largely because of that friction–and later a general Sadlie assault on my views of the Yalta agreements– I’ve pretty much ended any poliitcal commentary here.. …. etc etc

Sorry to respond to this way after the event, but time differences, etc etc, and apologies to anyone else that said the same thing.

I was one of those who found your Libya riff(s) rather simplistic, and dare I say irritating. This was not from the fact that I am ‘one of those people’ that see the world as bi-polar, which I think was DKW’s viewpoint as well (although as usual, he put it better than I could). My view, was and is more nuanced than the pro interventions folks like yourself assumed and I still stand by it, despite the developments in Libya. basically it is, while I don’t have a problem with ‘intervention’, Libya was an interesting target (oil, insane leader, but not very repressive in the whole scheme of things). When we start bombing Burma and/or Syria for freedom, then you may get my support.

As for the Yalta discussion back in May, I recall that you commented, but when (yes rather directly) you were challenged on your views, you didn’t come out and defend them.

Yes, things can get a little rough round here on occasion, particularly when (with all due respect) you get caught talking shit. Its like a Glasgow bar near closing time, with the usual disreputable characters and sexual deviants you would expect. Rather than slink into the shadows, it might be worth arguing the toss if you feel strongly about the situation, or perhaps just don’t bother with the political commentary in the fist place.

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t have a problem with rehashing old arguments, but timing wise, it does look suspiciously like your saying; ‘Ha look at Libya, suck it libs…”, or whatever the pro intervention line is these days. I would have been more impressed if you had stuck to your guns during the last few months.


tsam: And yet he calls himself a fascist…?

Well he does say that he bases his economic theories on Mussolini and Saddam Hussein… which certainly implies some sort of centralized authority (which will somehow be magically benevolent and non-bureaucratic).

So basically, a banana republic.


I also want to see the overthrow of the American Empire and the end of US exceptionalism. (Key action needed in that arena: Join the International Criminal Court pronto.)

and another thing. You really think the ICC has been a positive influence the last 6 months? Helpfully throwing out indictments against Quadaffi, but Bahrain, Syria, etc, fuck all. The ICC is another big powers talking shop.


Sorry about the above, back to snark and PENIS

I mean, seriously? Has there ever been a straight man who complained that the women around him were too easy? What personality disorder leads you to complain about that?

only Ross Douhat could answer that one.


don’t bother with the political commentary in the fist place.

That seems to be where most people pull it out of, so…


Moar food p0rn.

You wish it, I dish it.


To all of the multi-cellular, anti-protista liberal swine here. Remember one thing…



This is a song about… TACOS.


Well Tacos make you stupid
Burritos make you smart
But the beans that mother refries

Ran out of inspiration at this point.


“Taco a walk on the wildside”


I am an armed White Christian Patriot who will fight and die to defend myself and my homeland.

You lefty bloggers would have to be a special kind of stupid if you dare come down to our land and mess with us.

Yeah, as if we’d ever want to set foot in Mordor.

Years ago, I went rafting on the New River (insert “Deliverance” joke), and the scenery was gorgeous. Now, thanks to deregulation, the whole state is degenerating into a hellhole.

Also, the “liberal droogs” bit was a tell that this could very weLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL be the authentic Tr00fus. Been a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLong time since he troLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLed here.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Listen guys, I know it’s fun to play with the white power creepbags, but make sure you wash up before you come back inside. God only knows what kind of horrendous diseases you could get from it.

I mean, do I have to remind you people about the things that’ve been lurking in S,N!’s basement?

You Just Might Be A Redneck

“Bobby! That boah ain’t right.”


“Taco a walk on the wildside”

Taco ‘nother little piece of my heart, baby


“I’m an armed white christian…”

And this makes you special ‘cuz Limpball and Handjob tells you so?


Taco me to the River.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

What, nothing about how we knew all about Monsignor Douchehat’s taco phobia from the Chunky Reese Witherspoon incident? What do you people do all day?


Taco this job and shove it.

What, nothing about how we knew all about Monsignor Douchehat’s taco phobia from the Chunky Reese Witherspoon incident?

I don’t think he got quite that far- he probably still thinks that Barbie is anatomically correct.


What do you people do all day?

Falsify hundreds of welfare applications? That Caddy ain’t gonna buy itself.


Taco chance on me.


Taco me back to the the land of pukey.
Hork away, Hork away, pukey land!


Excuse me, troll. I am a white South African and I do NOT want you speaking up on my behalf. Go peddle your pathologies elsewhere, please. My personal hero is not some bloodsoaked old Boer landraper but (much like the rest of the civilized world) our First Real President, Nelson Mandela.
This has been a PSA on behalf of a land that so does not need to import US racism.


In West Virgina there are legions of us.

Actually, there are fewer than 1,900,000 people in West Virgina. Eliminate the children not old enough to fight (because civilized people don’t use child soldiers, right asswipe?), women (not dick-carrying enough to be centurions, right?), and men who aren’t racist dirtbags, and I’m guessing that your legions are outnumbered by the scary brown people in the Bronx alone.


Not only does Troofus have WV legions, he has a follower in NYC.


It’s funny, looking at the troll’s comment:

You liberal pussies will be no match for the Armed Stormfront Centurions in West Virginia. We grew up with guns and are as used to them as you are with cell phones.

I am struck by his homespun naivete stupidity. He’s wallowing in a mid 20th century mindset, he thinks that, if he’s embroiled in a guerrilla war, that he’ll be facing “liberal pussy” conscripts, rather than unmanned drones. If there’s ever a “shooting war”, one of the eggheads in R&D will come up with an iPhone app allowing control of missile-equipped Predator drones. One moment, he’ll be hiding in the hollow, his mind filled with “WOLVERINES!!!” fantasies, the next, he’ll be staring at the arterial spray from his stump of a leg, never realizing that he was blown to bits by some 22 year old hipster chick sitting in a Starbucks in Portland.

Bookmark this, Troofus, you keep on being a pig, the birds will really be angry.


The Tacometer on this thread is revved rather high.


You liberal pussies will be no match for the Armed Stormfront Centurions in West Virginia.

Yea, but us liberal dicks from Noo Yawk can slice your ear off before you’ve had a chance to raise your…weapon.

Is that a cap pistol? I haven’t seen one that small…


he’ll be staring at the arterial spray from his stump of a leg, never realizing that he was blown to bits by some 22 year old hipster chick sitting in a Starbucks in Portland.

…followed by “Double foam, please.”

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I don’t think he got quite that far- he probably still thinks that Barbie is anatomically correct.

And the theory that Ross himself is anatomically correct is based on…what, exactly?

Very good point about the realities of 21st-century warfare, BBBB. Most of the…infelicities, shall we say…of our drone attacks in AfPak can be attributed to basically shooting in the dark. Think how much better our targeting intelligence would be on home soil.


And the theory that Ross himself is anatomically correct is based on…what, exactly?

His mom told him “Of course it’s supposed to be that small. Look at Daddy’s.”


Very good point about the realities of 21st-century warfare, BBBB.

I’m picturing a young lady in cat’s eye glasses blowing Troofus to bloody gobbets, then saying, “LOL, gross.” Of course, she’d probably say that before gibbing him.

Hipster chick in Portland

Shit, only got his leg! I’m never gonna get 3 stars on this level!



Hipster chick in Portland said,

August 23, 2011 at 13:36 (kill)

Shit, only got his leg! I’m never gonna get 3 stars on this level!

To quote Father Grigori in Half Life 2, aim for the head.

Lurking Canadian

Talk about your rule 34.


To quote Father Grigori in Half Life 2, aim for the head.

If you kill the body, the head will die!


arf! arf arf arf arf!

[translation: no more stormfront asshole, plz.]


If you kill the body, the head will die!

With Zombies, not so much.


Don’t know how many other nerds out there have been relishing the pulitzer-worthy Bloomberg reaming of the banking industry. Aside from a brilliant summary of truckloads of data, I probably love most the juxtaposing of the management comments about their firms’ awesome liquidity position… all while they were drawing on unlimited Fed facilities.

Just genius.


You liberal pussies will be no match for the Armed Stormfront Centurions in West Virginia. We grew up with guns and are as used to them as you are with cell phones.

In addition to everything BBBB just said, I’m struck by the naivete in their belief that they’re the most badassed, war-adapted people in America. Having your dad drive you to a range so you can get your rifle shooting merit badge isn’t quite the same as growing up in a ghetto where people still regularly use these guns to, y’know, fight each other. And if it comes to war, those guys in the ghetto will sure as hell not be on their side.

Furthermore, the idea of the Keyboard Commandos turning into Wolverines runs into the same reality-based problem as the “going Galt” myth; can anyone honestly see these guys abandoning their air conditioning and electricity to make a philosophical point? Of course not. Let’s face it, they already think they’re living under communist occupation. If they were going to go Wolverine, they would’ve.


just heard a snippet on the news that the percentage of people making late car payments has gone down…wanna know why? car loans are being given mostly to people who can afford them and with better credit history…shocking, i know!


I missed a Stormfront troll?! Nuts. All I gots is:

Cambria ought to learn how to yield, what with all those citations for moving violations.


I love how the squatting guy has somehow gotten his moobs into a dynamic action pose.

gah…this line and image are likely to stick with me all day…


“Appalachian” Predator is a frequent troll under many names here. He is no more from Appalachia than I am. His IP address locates him squarely in Cranston, Rhode Island, quite a distance from the Appalachians and from West Virginia. Seth McFarlane has said that he modeled Quahog, Rhode Island after Cranston.


I missed a Stormfront troll?! Nuts. All I gots is:

if it makes you feel any better i’m pretty sure you’ve both fucked his mother…


Tintin said,
August 23, 2011 at 15:27

well, now i’m going to have to re-set my gps…


G.I.Joe Keyboard Commando, now with kung-fu grip and poseable moobs.

In stores this holiday season!


Tintin’s not from Appalachia? I’m crushed.


Tintin’s not from Appalachia? I’m crushed.




Excuse me, troll. I am a white South African and I do NOT want you speaking up on my behalf. Go peddle your pathologies elsewhere, please. My personal hero is not some bloodsoaked old Boer landraper but (much like the rest of the civilized world) our First Real President, Nelson Mandela.

Just wanted to acknowledge this beautiful post.


His IP address locates him squarely in Cranston, Rhode Island

Peter! Peter Griffin!


Tintin’s not from Appalachia?

Dude, I’m from New York, man.

Appalalien vs. Predator

if it makes you feel any better i’m pretty sure you’ve both fucked his mother…


In addition to everything BBBB just said, I’m struck by the naivete in their belief that they’re the most badassed, war-adapted people in America.

They’ve always thought that. They still think they could take on the federal government with their Smith & Wessons and hunting rifles. I think the Whiskey Rebellion laid that idea to rest before 1800.

But you guys keep fucking that chicken.


Ted the Slacker said,

August 23, 2011 at 14:56

Comments there are predictably nauseating…

“Why don’t you PAY YOUR BILLS???” with 10% (official, not real) unemployment and ever shrinking wages….yes, why don’t we you fucking scumbag.

It’s the government’s fault BECAUSE N***ERS SHOULDN’T HAVE HOUSES!

Motherfuckers. To the apologists for slimy banks, brokerage firms, insurance companies, oil companies and the US Government: What the FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?

guitarist manqué

Troll comments become funnier if read/spoken in a Cranston, RI accent.


They’ve always thought that

And as you point out, they really should know better.

But you guys keep fucking that chicken.

I suppose there’s some perverse comfort in knowing that if they ever start another turkey shoot, they’ll go down as ignominiously as before.

Besides the Smith & Wesson vs Predator Drone thing, they also have little appreciation for the non-shooting aspects of the war, like economics (the South’s big disadvantage in the Civil War) or foreign policy (the fact that the South unlike American colonists never got any outside help, and to this date very few of them recognize the importance of it in either war).


like economics (the South’s big disadvantage in the Civil War) or foreign policy (the fact that the South unlike American colonists never got any outside help, and to this date very few of them recognize the importance of it in either war).

I think that on some superficial level, they do understand that. They know they don’t have the numbers, and they know their bank robbing and petty scams won’t fund their little race wars they’re forever yammering about. I thought Stacy Keach’s character in American History X was likely the best quality representation of what these assholes are really like, assuming they are anything other than charter members of the Chairborne Hot Air Assault Team, beating off to pictures of Navy SEALs and Galil rifles.


Oh, I guess the troll IS a real Nazi.

I was going to make a Hydra joke! You bastard scumbag!


Maybe Appalachia Teh Mighty is rerouting through a wide network of zombie servers. Ever think of that? Who are we to doubt some random hate-filled troll with zero perception and a complete disconnect from reality? If he says he’s a gunslinging badass from West Virginia, directly descended from William Bonney (on both sides) – then we should take him at his word.


His IP address locates him squarely in Cranston, Rhode Island

I know a douchebag from Cranston. My father-in-law.

Probably not him though, he wouldn’t know a blog from a hole in the ground.


Probably not him though, he wouldn’t know a blog from a hole in the ground.

You mean this isn’t a hole in the ground?!


A hole in the ground? Luxury.


Besides the Smith & Wesson vs Predator Drone thing, they also have little appreciation for the non-shooting aspects of the war, like economics (the South’s big disadvantage in the Civil War)

Well, in fairness to the South, they had England’s tacit backing, but no navy to run blockades. Bermudans tell stories of all the British ships lined up (and then sunk on the reefs) waiting to bring guns, ammo and medicines to the Rebs. One or two made it through on occasion, but the Union had the stronger navy, the Monitor notwithstanding.


Well, the sergeants tried to take the field, but Cambria refused to yield. Do you recall waht was revealed the day the Trooooooofus died?


Well, in fairness to the South, they had England’s tacit backing, but no navy to run blockades. Bermudans tell stories of all the British ships lined up (and then sunk on the reefs) waiting to bring guns, ammo and medicines to the Rebs. One or two made it through on occasion, but the Union had the stronger navy, the Monitor notwithstanding.

which side had the submarine? i forget and am too lzy to look it up…


,,,but the Union had the stronger navy, the Monitor notwithstanding.

Are you disparaging teh USS Monitor or did you mean CSS Merrimack?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

which side had the submarine? i forget and am too lzy to look it up…

The C.S.S. Hunley. Submersibles were always the resort of the weaker side since the Greenland colonists used to go out in covered kayaks and drill holes in the bottoms of trading ships from Norway to sink them and get the goods they had no way to pay for.


The more they taco bout our love
The more they make it obvious
The more they seem so envious
How can they taco bout our love
When they don’t know one thing about
Instead they just runnin they mouth
So all we do is tune them out

Helmut Monotreme

which side had the submarine? i forget and am too lzy to look it up…

You are referring to the CSS Hunley, a submarine built from a steam boiler that while it did manage to sink one ship also manged to sink twice one training missions and once more on its combat mission, each time killing its entire crew, including its inventor.


thanks helmut and battleaxe…it is all coming back to me now…

Helmut Monotreme

Oops, according to Wikipedia, it was not made from a steam boiler and was in fact purpose built.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, to be fair, the USS Monitor was practically a submersible, and not long after its battle with the CSS Virginia accidentally became a submersible.


If Cambria doesn’t yeild, how can they make wine without grapes?


It seems to me that the Hunley, the Merrimack and the Monitor were all submersible…..

Lurking Canadian

each time killing its entire crew, including its inventor.

Presumably, it only killed the inventor once.

Helmut Monotreme

Well, to be fair, the USS Monitor was practically a submersible, and not long after its battle with the CSS Virginia accidentally became a submersible.

I thought one of the key characteristics of submersibles was the ability to surface after diving? Of course, if we apply that standard, the Hunley wasn’t a submersible either.

Lurking Canadian

In magic, it’s not enough to make something disappear. You have to bring it back.


Pretty much every boat is a sbmersible. The good ones are de-submersible.


Presumably, it only killed the inventor once.

ha, ha…this reminds me…last night at our writer’s group, this dude said something about custer’s record of being in a bunch of battles but never getting wounded…our instructor totally deadpanned, ‘he did at the last stand…’ i almsot peed my pants…


“You Go Down There”


The good ones are de-submersible.



“You Go Down There”

that is one of my all time favorite movies AND books…i remember all my siblings and i watching it every time it was on and just cracking up…and i think we all read the book…


The legend lives on
From the Chippewa on down
Of the big troll they call Appalachian
The troll it is said
Never calls off his threats
Till all the ‘Nauts sides are achin’.


and i think we all read the book…

I had a weird Thomas Berger fixation through my teens and twenties, starting with Little Big Man and Arthur Rex.


I had a weird Thomas Berger fixation through my teens and twenties, starting with Little Big Man and Arthur Rex.

hmmm…i’ve only read little big man…are the others any good?


Are you disparaging teh USS Monitor or did you mean CSS Merrimack?



Hey, I’m too lazy to read upthread and see if anyone finally guessed where “It smells like Bigfoot’s dick!” is from. I applaud those of you who Googled but didn’t share.

Anyhow, here’s where the quote is from.


Arthur Rex is a strange retelling of the Morte d’Arthur, but I liked it and it did add the phrase “Canst thou do better, little shit?” to my vocabulary. The series starting with Crazy In Berlin did nothing much for me. Who Is Teddy Villanova and Being Invisible have their good points but read like they were translated from Russian to Japanese to English. Neighbors is as bad as the movie. Killing Time is fantastic but unsettling.


i’ve only read little big man

Coincidentally, mom’s nickname for DK-W


Well, in fairness to the South, they had England’s tacit backing

For very high measures of “tacit” and very low measures of “backing.” They had the general goodwill of the British governing establishment, mostly in the form of their hoping the South won, and occasionally a little smuggling – and that was less because of the cultural ties and more because the Brits hoped to see the Union split, creating two American nations they could’ve played against each other for their own ends like they did to European nations. But a Civil War Yorktown wasn’t in the cards at any point.

I just meant the way the foreign policy angle is completely overlooked in today’s memories of the Civil War – as opposed to the way people, especially Southerners, remember every excruciating detail of every skirmish in the war. I wrote a paper on it in college, and the shortage of existing material surprised me. Considering that foreign help was what tipped the scales in the Revolution, you’d think there’d be more interest in the subject.


It seems to me that the Hunley, the Merrimack and the Monitor were all submersible…..

All boats are submersible, and already sinking. Its just a matter of rate.


They had the general goodwill of the British governing establishment, mostly in the form of their hoping the South won, and occasionally a little smuggling – and that was less because of the cultural ties and more because the Brits hoped to see the Union split

It was economic, more than anything else, I think. Britain had just banned slavery, while the South was a continual source of cheap cotton. NO doubt a measure of schadenfreude was involved, to be sure.


each time killing its entire crew, including its inventor.

Presumably, it only killed the inventor once.

Damn zombie marine engineers…


All boats are submersible, and already sinking. Its just a matter of rate.

A rising tide submerses all boats.


A rising tide submerses all boats.

The tide is high

But I’m holding on.


i’ve gotten a few teen girls named morgan

Where the hell do you live that Morgan is a common female name?


mrgnlfay was my very first screen nym. *sniff, tear&\*



Mr Gin Elfee? Huh?


mrgnlfay was my very first screen nym.

You misspelled ofay.

Lurking Canadian

mrgnlfay was my very first screen nym. *sniff, tear&\*

Was that back when Compuserve charged more for vowels?


You misspelled ofay.

oh, i thought she was hungry and going for silflay…


Ha!Ha! smartypantses!


Where the hell do you live that Morgan is a common female name?

hey, moms out in the sticks of western mn can be trendy, too! but no lie there are three of them out here…


ooooh, i like…

Berger starts it off with a bang, so to speak, with his version of Uther Pendragon: horny and impotent.


Dudeskull was almost a morgan


Dudeskull Le Fay has much nicer ring to it.


Dudeskull was almost a morgan

We’re all glad that you ruled out castration.


We’re all glad that you ruled out castration.

none more than dudeskull…




I was always liked her sister Morgawse better. Maybe because she’s a mom.


My second nym was MorgseLot, as in Morgause Lot. She was my fave cuz she was the spoiled naughty sister.


OK, I always knew I was good at killing threads, but I never dreamt I’d do one in by mentioning Morgause.


The woman who plays “Morgana” is very pretty and has an Irish accent.


Berger starts it off with a bang, so to speak, with his version of Uther Pendragon: horny and impotent.

So basically, Clash of the Titans meets Cyrano de Bergerac.


OK, I always knew I was good at killing threads, but I never dreamt I’d do one in by mentioning Morgause.

We were waiting for your Morgasm to subside.


So after reading this entire thread over two days, my entire contribution is for those of you with a jazzier bent:

Taco the A Train

You’re welcome.


OK, I always knew I was good at killing threads, but I never dreamt I’d do one in by mentioning Morgause.

Think of it as a Morgopause.


It was economic, more than anything else, I think. Britain had just banned slavery, while the South was a continual source of cheap cotton.

Not continual, actually, which was part of the problem. At the beginning of the war, the South slapped an embargo on cotton exports to the U.K, thinking economic blackmail would force them into the war. Instead, the Brits took it as a slap in the face, decided “okay, FUCK YOU TOO” and started growing their own cotton in Egypt instead. They also had their own stockpiles of cotton to hold them over in the meantime.

The South eventually realized they’d fucked up royal and lifted the embargo, but by that time the Union blockade had fallen into place and stopped something like 90% of the shipments. And while that whole drama was playing out, the North was still exporting grain. Economics worked for us too.

NO doubt a measure of schadenfreude was involved, to be sure.

Sure, I’ll bet there was a fair share of “I hope those bastahds get their own tea party” going around. But in terms of emotional arguments, the disgust the British public felt at the notion of fighting for slavers’ rights would’ve more than offset that.


OK, I always knew I was good at killing threads, but I never dreamt I’d do one in by mentioning Morgause.

You didn’t kill it, it just needed to be degaussed.


Here, have a salad recipe. Not really food pron, but amusing.


Well Tacos make you stupid
Burritos make you smart
But the beans that mother refries

Can give you such a shart!



We felt it all the way here in NYC.

Cue wingers saying it’s divine providence in 5… 4… 3…


perhaps just don’t bother with the political commentary in the fist place.

That’s the plan. I’ve kept to it well, I think.


I’ll let somebody else riff on the type.


Whoa, 5.9 earthquake near DC.

Cue dominionist claiming it’s a warning sign from God to Obama in 3, 2, 1…


Why is everyone getting all Serious about the political commentary? Did I miss a big fight?


You really think the ICC has been a positive influence the last 6 months?

Dunno. Perhaps we might use a longer lens. So what’s your take on Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic?

I can toss out rhetorical question with the best of them….


<i.Earthquake in New York City/The Chrysler Bldg. fell in my yard

the ears…wtf?


Cue tsam losing his fucking temper and beating the shit out of the nearest hapless conservative wandering by….


Why is everyone getting all Serious about the political commentary? Did I miss a big fight?

i’m just sticking to my tag failing, obviously….


Dammmit, that’ll teach me not to post without refreshing first…


Cue wingers saying it’s divine providence in 5… 4… 3…

is the isb showing his displeasure in obama continuing to insist he’s not muslin?


Cue wingers saying it’s divine providence in 5… 4… 3…

Ha ha, crazies on my FB got the OMG END TIMES! post out before your comment even.


the ears…wtf?

Stereo. Cubism. LSD.


Lol Allah’s getting sick and tired of his taqiyyah, just admit it already! The better to sharia your laws, my dear!

Marion in Savannah

The NYT has a bit on the earthquake here:

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/24/us/24quake.html?_r=1&hp (I’m linky-challenged)

The money line?

The Virginia epicenter was just miles from a decades-old nuclear power plant, the North Anna, operated by Dominion Power in Richmond.

DOMINION POWER, PEOPLE!!!!1111!!! Talk about yer warning signs from Gawd…

Helmut Monotreme

Cue tsam losing his fucking temper and beating the shit out of the nearest hapless conservative wandering by….

I am going to assume that conservative had it coming.


God hates nuclear power!


“DOMINION POWER, PEOPLE!!!!1111!!! Talk about yer warning signs from Gawd…”

That’s who we send the checks to. I grabbed the baby and ran when it hit. It scared me shitless. I am currently without shit. We are fine, thanks for axing.

Marion in Savannah

Now, if only it had been named Dominionist Power…

Marion in Savannah

Geez,VS… That’s some skeery stuff. Glad you’re currently shitless, and hope Dudeskull is the same.


Thanks, Marion. He is CURRENTLY shitless.

Btw, I hit a new low yesterday when I walked around with a little bit of poo on me for a bit. Motherhood is so glamorous.


God hates nuclear power!

I think it’s red heads that really draw his ire.


Motherhood is so glamorous.

Hawt. Uh,,, nevermind.

So Ultra Ninja’s digestive system has switched over in the past month or so. Youstabee a couple or more poopy diapers a day – now it’s barely two a week. You might think that’s an improvement, but I assure, it is not.


Btw, I hit a new low yesterday when I walked around with a little bit of poo on me for a bit.

Where? Damn it, the fantasy isn’t complete unless I know what part of you was be-pooped.


Also, the earthquake was entirely the fault of Mini__B. He’s out of town, and without his weight holding down the bedrock…


Cue dominionist claiming it’s a warning sign from God to Obama in 3, 2, 1…

It would’ve hit the Vineyard were it a warning to The Prez. Virginia, I’d guess it was a hint to the Pentagon & all the Republicans who live in Old Virginny.


It’s funny how teh epicentre was Virginia but all teh stories are about what it felt like in NYC or Boston or Washington.


Yeah, I just made an appt for my oldest to get her senior pictures. She. Stopped pooping on me weeks ago.


Hee hee. and Montreal!

Despite reports that offices in LEAFS SUCK were evacuated, I think that’s moar related to the lovely weather we’re having. Out here in teh western out-burbs, nobody noticed.


This just in…Bono and Lady Gaga have announced plans for a benefit concert for the ravaged victims of the terrible East Coast Earthquake (now known as SQUEE).



She. Stopped pooping on me weeks ago.




We felt it all the way here in NYC.

Baltimore too. At my place a glass object fell off a shelf and shattered.

Lurking Canadian

Btw, I hit a new low yesterday when I walked around with a little bit of poo on me for a bit. Motherhood is so glamorous.

Wait ’till he starts doing it while walking around. I once had to throw mine in the bathtub fully dressed then peel him, laundering each garment as I went along, and all the while yelling, “Sit down! Stay down!”. The socks could not be salvaged.

In non-POOP news, I’m glad you and Dudeskull are safe.

Where? Damn it, the fantasy isn’t complete unless I know what part of you was be-pooped.

Rule 34!


Of course, Baltimore is a hop-skip-and-jump from DC, if that’s where it was centered, so no surprise. VS? Chris? Others in DC, NVA metro area?


Cue wingers saying it’s divine providence

And an Omen that the Days of Prophecy are at Hand.

Get ready for the (rolling) Rapture.

(getting ready for the rolling rapture)


I’m actually on the other side of the Atlantic right now, so nothing to report earthquake-wise. Hope everyone else is good. I hear the DC metro’s running slower than usual, and given what “usual” means for them, I’ll bet that’s upsetting…


aarvid: I shoulda refreshed, too…


Late: Taco me out to ballgame, taco me out with the crowd.

Gots baze-boll on the brain.


benefit concert for the ravaged victims of the terrible East Coast Earthquake

Larfed, I did.benefit concert for the ravaged victims of the terrible East Coast Earthquake


Felt the earthquake all the way up here in Toronto Leafs Suck. I’m on the 19th floor of the hotel and I could feel the building swaying.


Shit. Another redundant copy. I blame Hiltre.


I did not feel any earthquake here in Spokane, WA.


I am going to assume that conservative had it coming.

Conservative..hello? Less of an assumption than an axiom, dontcha think?


Cue wingers saying it’s divine providence

Drudge has already slammed President Obama for golfing during the earthquake.

Presumably, he should have been prescient enough to be doing some other thing while it it.



Oh, YEAH, fer sher dude. Yes. Did you think??? HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I meant meteorically definitely. Mmmmhmm.


If your daughter is shitting meteorically, seek a medical professional. Even Ultra Ninja’s four-day atrocities do not compare to astronomical events.


Yes, I meant meteorically definitely. Mmmmhmm.

No worries, she’ll be cleaning you up soon enough.


Drudge has already slammed President Obama for golfing during the earthquake.

Wow. Just wow.

Presumably, he should have been prescient enough to be doing some other thing while it it.

I’m pretty sure the only thing that would have made the mouth breathers happy would be if he had wound up under a collapsed building.


Now, if only it had been named Dominionist Power…

More Light! More Power!


If your daughter is shitting meteorically, seek a medical professional. Even Ultra Ninja’s four-day atrocities do not compare to astronomical events.

She’s 17. I don’t question any atrocious or astronomical events. I consider them hormonal and inherently evil, and fairly normal for a teenage girl.


I’m in LEAFS SUCK, and I didn’t feel anything.

<a href=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_eHkTwd4aRic/TC3rytTgOVI/AAAAAAAAUJM/UhGJju8Py94/s1600/la-bella-katie-mcgrath-durante-una-scena-dell-episodio-the-poisoned-chalice-della-serie-tv-merlin-99925.jpgHere’s another picture of Katie McGrath. Enjoy.


Tage fail, You’re it!


All you Northeasterners should send Rick Scott, the dumbest governor of the dumbest state, a thank you card.

WASHINGTON — Half a year after Florida Gov. Rick Scott rejected $2.4 billion in federal money to help build high-speed rail structures inside his state, the cash has been sent to other portions of the country.

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced on Tuesday that roughly $745 million of Florida’s portion of high-speed rail money had been “obligated” toward upgrades on heavily used Amtrak lines in the Northeast Corridor — $449.94 million alone will be spent on upgrading electrical systems and tracks between Trenton, N.J. and New York City; another $295.78 million will be spent on alleviating traffic congestion on those lines.


Spearhafoc: How did you select your nom de jour?

(See what I did there?)


Bono and Lady Gaga

Zombie Sonny?


who, what, when, why, and where

An Abbot and Costello infield?


Has the international community offered to send a bunch of people with rakes and yard waste trash bags to help clean up?


“I did not feel any earthquake here in Spokane, WA.”

Not even the one caused by new hair color?


Should I start writing all my comments as questions? Should I try that for a week or so?

Would that be a way to avoid making unsupported assertions? Should I attempt even more careful hedging? Perhaps ‘perhaps, ‘imo, ‘may be’, ‘might be’ are simply not enough? Would Sadlies miss the declariative sentencse with praise and appreciation for their efforts?

Is it really possible that Fenwick might do this for a week?

*Is it likely that Fenwick has disappeared into the shadows?*


Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?

Séraphin Lampion

Tag fail…Try again


The use of compellors combined with psychological torture is reaching intolerable levels in the Middle East, as well as parts of Canada. An I.N.G.O based out of the Middle East, (there is members in other area of the world), that predates The Pacific Army has requested the assistance of information technology professionals to mitigate this problematic issue. The good people of the Middle East involved in peaceable efforts have tirelessly, selflessly and silently been assisting in various regions of the world, and I am forever grateful for their assistance and information sharing. Many of these persons are now members of The Pacific Army as well, and instrumental in our ongoing efforts.

This organization was the inspiration and the catalyst for the advent of The Pacific Army. In years previous, it was requested of me to share any pertinent information I came across, and to focus on the situation in North America, as they were becoming overwhelmed, and needed to focus on the situation in the East. I am proud to say I have honoured that request. This new request for assistance is a clear indicator to me that help is desperately needed. As, well, there is a request for consultation regarding how nazi (nazi’s are of any ethnicity and culture, and they all work together) funding is directed, as well as options for halting and/or seizing funding in the regionally. What is good for the people, is good for the world. Thank-you to those already assisting, and in advance to those who will.

I received word that mecury levels are rising in the Dead Sea, as well as the atmosphere. I also have been informed that acid rain is slated next for Western Canada, and possibly the United States.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


As The Pacific Army does work in cooperation with ethical officials worldwide. Strategies may not at all times be made public, for example, the details of illegal funding seizure, so there are instances that I am not able to give full disclosure as to our strategies and solutions on this wall. The officials we are associated with, however, are very much interested in disclosure of nazi activities and tactics, as such, The Pacific Army will continue to share all such information publicly, and still maintain a good relationship with said persons. We thank them for said disclosure. Although we are now able to communicate more effectively than before, there are topics of communication that are still being thoroughly oppressed, and we anticipate an improvement in the near future.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


We, The Pacific Army, are opposed to the policies of protectionism.


On the divine front, FB friend says “Even the experts can’t tell you why this happen.” Because faults only exist in California!


Even the experts can’t tell you why this happen parse this illiterate sentence.


Spearhafoc: How did you select your nom de jour?

I’d been lurking for years. When I finally de-lurked, I started posting as Blanco. I just posted “First!” hundreds of comments into threads. Well, I thought it was funny.

Anyway, I was reading an article on Comics Alliance about an issue of Action Comics. In the story, Vandal Savage had a servant named “Spearhavoc”. Comics Alliance mentioned that the name comes from an actual historical figure named “Spearhafoc”, who was a monk, artist, thief and conman. His Wikipedia article is hilarious in the sheer mendacity of the guy. I also thought the name was ridiculously badass, so I decided to use it.

The extra stuff I add to the name comes from an early thread I participated in where I was defending bow ties to all the other posters who were making fun of several wingnuts for wearing them. I called myself “Spearhafoc, who thinks bowties are cool”. Then it just sort of became a thing.

Now here’s Katie McGrath again.


The earthquake was the eastern seaboard stretching to limber up before getting smacked by hurricane Irene later in the week.

tsam who is impressed by the effort Spearhafoc who put a lotta effort into coming up with a nym


tsam who is apparently illiterate and incapable of formulating a coherent sentence

Please ignore my last nym.

Also, I miss the Goddamn Batman.


Glad nobody got squashed, barbecued or impaled.

FUN FACT: Oil is to tectonic plates what Astroglide is to buttsex.



jim: Oil is to tectonic plates what Astroglide is to buttsex.

Well, I’m off to go make bumperstickers of that. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


Motorcycle pron:

It’s not a CB400F but a close two-cylinder cousin, and it’s cheaper than the four — CB360.


Justice a la Wall Street

“We couldn’t get him on that 37th hooker he decapitated, so it looks like now we gotta throw out all the evidence for the other 36, too.”

“Wow! Tough break, Sarge.”

“You bet. On the other hand, my 20,000 shares in Dead Hookers Inc. are through the fucking ROOF! BOOYAH!”


Btw, I hit a new low yesterday when I walked around with a little bit of poo on me for a bit. Motherhood is so glamorous.

teh daughter,who was 8 wks preemie, had a valve that wasn’t completely developed which caused her to puke up EVERYTHING…i smelled like curdled milk/formula/juice/wev for 18 months and did not have a single item of clothing that had not been hurled upon…even the bespoke bridesmaid dress for my bf’s wedding…


The earthquake was just a minor re-alignment in the North American tectonic plate to compensate for the redistribution of the weight of stupid caused by Rick Perry flying from Texas to New Hampshire. Nothing to be alarmed by.


Motorcycle pron:

Well that 360 is ver nice but there’s actually quite a few CB400Fs around to be had.


quite a few CB400Fs around to be had.

I like the blue ’75. Prices are better than last time I looked too, although my CB500 was only $800.


Also, I miss the Goddamn Batman.

o my gosh, i do too!


tigris said,

August 23, 2011 at 23:23

The Horror!

Teh, link, it does not work. (goes to the site, but the story’s broken or something…)


goes to the site, but the story’s broken or something
Almost as if there are no photos of devastation…




JOHN BOEHNER’S $520 PER HOUR LAWYER CAUGHT MISREPRESENTING STUDIES TO A FEDERAL COURT | Earlier this year, House Republicans signed a contract to pay former Solicitor General Paul Clement $520 per hour in taxpayer dollars to defend the unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act. As it turns out, that money bought the American taxpayers a legal brief that misrepresented scientific research to a federal judge. Clement cites a study by University of Utah psychology professor Lisa Diamond to claim that gay people can somehow transform into straight people. Diamond responded yesterday with an affidavit explaining that Clement “completely misrepresented my research.”


Almost as if there are no photos of devastation…

Yeah, I initially thought that might be what they were trying, but none of the links in their little box thingy go anywhere, and they’re obviously meant to.

Ah, it’s just their sucky coding — works in Safari but not Opera (or Firefox with various “fuck off advertisers” plug-ins).

It gets a “heh” but is not worth opening a second browser.


Huh, it works for me. Well, it’s #1 on the list from the main page, center top. PREPARE YOURSELF!


IF I was going to get one I would pick up http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/mcy/2556948262.html and do some resto.


I use FF, and it worked fine. Oh well, like you say, it wasn’t worth too much effort.


Huh, it works for me. Well, it’s #1 on the list from the main page, center top. PREPARE YOURSELF!

worked for me the second time i clicked your link…and i must say, i was not prepared…


IF I was going to get one I would pick up http://portland.craigslist.org/wsc/mcy/2556948262.html and do some resto.

it’s funny because i thought you said pesto


Mmmmm but an awful lot of money for a RingDing350.

spukhafte Fernwirkung

Diamond responded yesterday with an affidavit explaining that Clement “completely misrepresented my research.”

“You know nothing of my work.”


OBS–the link worked for me, and I can’t tell you how moved I was by this picture of hell on earth. The sheer devestation, the scale of human suffering was beyond imagining. Surely there will soon be a massive worldwide outreach to the victims of this horrific disaster, and that the International RedCross will be mobilizing and beginning to collect funds to help the victims of this trauma.


And now I’m reminiscing over the CL350 I rocked in the early 80s.


OBS–the link worked for me, and I can’t tell you how moved I was by this picture of hell on earth. The sheer devestation, the scale of human suffering was beyond imagining. Surely there will soon be a massive worldwide outreach to the victims of this horrific disaster, and that the International RedCross will be mobilizing and beginning to collect funds to help the victims of this trauma.

Indeed, I saw it — it’s horrifying. It almost matches the devastation of the hurricane that took that guy’s greeyul that one time. [sniff] That still makes me get all teary-eyed.



That is a purty bike, but yes, totes expensive.


Here’s local beer action this Sunday. Never heard of this dump, but it’s w/in staggering distance.


“…$449.94 million alone will be spent on upgrading electrical systems and tracks between Trenton, N.J. and New York City; another $295.78 million will be spent on alleviating traffic congestion on those lines.”

Watch Chris Christie try to find a way to fuck this up in three, two, one…


Watch Chris Christie try to find a way to fuck this up in three, two, one…

Motherfucker could derail a freight by lying on the tracks.


It almost matches the devastation of the hurricane that took that guy’s greeyul that one time.


Gawd attempts to separate church & state.

“National” Cathedral, my ass.


Fucking scientists, why do they hate Michelle Bachmann (et al.)?



I miss Jillian too. Hope she is OK.


Smut Clyde said,

No, it’s too heart wrenching, don’t make me revisit that sad, sad day! Tragedy!


From M. B.’s link: A spire on the National Cathedral in Washington was damaged by the quake.

It’s a pinnacle, not a spire, you illiterate shits.


Meanwhile, in other White people’s problems:

@asymmetricinfo Megan McArdle
Waiting for a UPS package to arrive 8 hours after our ordinary UPS guy was here and departed. Sigh.


It’s a pinnacle, not a spire, you illiterate shits.

Almost an exact quote of Luke Russert on MSNBC. (Almost.)



ahhhhh…this was all pretty funneh…i wish i would have stumbled upon s,n! years ago…


Almost an exact quote of Luke Russert

It may take me the rest of my life, but I’ll get you for this.


Watch Chris Christie try to find a way to fuck this up in three, two, one…



E-Z there, N_! (Alt: Come & get me!!)

Li’l Luke was advising M. Bashir that it was indeed a pinnacle, or that was what he’d been told, when Bashir asked if that was the correct term.

(Criminy, another drone who’s stolen my initials.)


Kindly post the difference between a pinnacle and a spire, smarty pants. I have no clue.


Oh, Jeebus, M.B. said “pentacles.”

Whatta pair of maroons.

Preview looks bad. We’ll see.


A spire is a tapered tower that is a substantial percentage of the size of the building – often larger than the body of the church itself. A pinnacle is a piece of pointed ornament several feet tall.


@ N_B

Thank you.

Would like to know anything about doors, hardware or access control?



A pinnacle is a piece of pointed ornament several feet tall.

With a PENIS several times longer than itself.


With a PENIS several times longer than itself.

Pinnacle envy is just pathetic.


Spire, not phallus.

Screw-in phalli are at an evolutionary disadvantage.


Comment from the not phallic conceptual design…

Anonymous wrote:

Does no one get it? It’s clearly a giant dildo. Imagine it made out of pink plastic and it’s obvious.

How long do you think it will take for people to refer to this as the “dildo building?” How long do you think it will take for this building to become the butt (no pun intended) of jokes and ridicule? And (present company excepted) who will want to live in it once it becomes known as the “dildo building”?




Screw-in phalli are at an evolutionary disadvantage.

It seems to me the phalli that aren’t screwin are even more so.


They said the Dublin Spire was pointless but I disagree.


Screw-in phalli are at an evolutionary disadvantage.

Tell that to the pigs


Tell that to the pigs

Phillips or regular pigs?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

How long do you think it will take for people to refer to this as the “dildo building?” How long do you think it will take for this building to become the butt (no pun intended) of jokes and ridicule? And (present company excepted) who will want to live in it once it becomes known as the “dildo building”?

I used to work in the Circumcision Tower before the City took it over….

Lurking Canadian

It’s only an evolutionary dead end if the females are left-hand thread.


My fave Seattle bldg.: It’s like it’s upside down!


Glad nobody got squashed, barbecued or impaled.

But what about their barbecue grills?


I used to work right across the street from that building, M.B.


Phillips or regular pigs?



Glad to see g alive & I hope, well, or none the worse for wear.

Weren’t you afraid it would fall on you in a strong wind?


When I was hanging out with the Suzuki factory mechanics, many many moons ago, I learned to ask for a “plus” screwdriver or a “minus” screwdriver, usually shortened by eliding the “screwdriver” part. At first is was all “WTF” but then I was like “brilliant!”


Weren’t you afraid it would fall on you in a strong wind?

The fans in the colonoscopy suites aren’t that powerful.


Pupusa is being obtuse on purpose!


I went to El Cholo after.


I went to El Cholo after.

that was a brave move…


“Glad to see g alive & I hope, well, or none the worse for wear”

And me? I can just DIE, is that it?!!!!


And me? I can just DIE, is that it?!!!!

no…they are prolly just trying to make g feel better because men are such babbies about these things…


No, not at all vs. You should die and rise again.


I can just DIE, is that it?!!!!

Oh pshaw. You already got sympathy. Why, back in the Bay area, we used to have 5.9 earthquakes twice a year.

Rub a little dirt on it and get back in the game!


M. Bouffant said,
Pupusa is being obtuse on purpose!

M. Bouffant is being acute by accident.
“A cute what?” you ask, but SHUT UP.


“No, not at all vs. You should die and rise again.”

Ok, but I’m not sure I can handle the pressure of being teh savior. And being Jesus Zombie is kind of a pain and I totally don’t like the uniform.


“Rub a little dirt on it and get back in the game!”

SOMEONE is a hardcore Scrabble player.


Strip Scrabble was not one of my more successful inventions.


Screw-in phalli are at an evolutionary disadvantage.

Duck PENIS again!!!!


My spouse just called from the road that a coyote ran out in front of his car and he couldn’t avoid hitting it. Then another car in the other direction hit it, too.

We just bought this car brand new on Friday after our other car burned up.

He says there’s not any damage. I’m waiting for him to get home for me to see.


I walked by all those buildings last weekend–seeing my brother on the way to Ocean Shores and Westport.


The fact is, it is well known that many liberals compared Bush to Hitler. This is why any comparisons made by me and my Tea Bag Party patriots between Obama and Hitler are not only fair, considering what your side has done, but accurate, considering that Obama is a socialist who hates freedom.


That was me, btw


tsam is Gary Ruppert?!


Duck PENIS again!!!!

How much duck penis do you have to make that you get a week of leftovers?


My spouse just called from the road that a coyote ran out in front of his car and he couldn’t avoid hitting it. Then another car in the other direction hit it, too.

oh, scary…i hate coyotes…we have a bunch of them around our house…we live right next to a wildlife refuge and at night it sounds like they are RIGHT there…*shudder*


How much duck PENIS do you want, SM?


Beep beep!


The plus side to having a corkscrew PENIS is that you can fuck open a bottle of wine.


g’s been having a rough time (for a white car-owning person) lately, & I’m trying to cultivate some empathy in my black heart.

no…they are prolly just trying to make g feel better because men are such babbies about these things…

I’ll add that I have had a fiber-optic tube rammed up my urethra so some croaker could look inside my bladder. Said urethra does not expand like lady parts being speculum-ized, ladies.

Plus which, I live in an 88-yr. old bldg. make of brick. No amount of masonry reinforcement will save me when an actual ‘quake happens.

And I am not a babby about walking around w/ poop on meuh, my clothes!!


Damn it, I thought I made that “k” a “d”!


This has made my Twit stream twice, so it must be worth seeing.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to meeeeeeee
Happy birthday to me.

The Ho has pre-tapes early tomorrow so we’ll go out later this week for my bday dinner. To Le Pigeon! My favoritest restaurant in PDX, serving the best of offal. The sweetbreads are excelent, as is the beef-cheek bourgignon. Maybe Gabe will have someithing else interesting, he usually does. Oh, fuck, i hope he’s got the foie gras on the menu – my b’day dinner MUST include foie. And bacon maple cornbread with maple ice cream! Ooo fucking la fucking la.


happy b’day pup…we had ribeye steaks on the grill for din din…they were awesome…


tsam is Gary Ruppert?!

The fact is, NOT.


Happy birfday, Poopy! Enjoy your dinner of guts.


Happy birthday Pup. you read these guys?
They make some good stuff.


I’m trying to cultivate some empathy in my black heart.

I’m touched, M.B. Truly.

Food pron obsessed Emperor of Portland Pupienus Maximus

Not only have I read them, I fucked them!

Erm, maybe.

Okay, no, I haven’t (don’t think so anyway) though it seems fun. Fucking (with) them, that is. I suffer from cognitive impairment (permament and temporary (if you’ll excuse the parentheses)) but I just *might* know those guys. If I don’t, I’d like to.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Happy Birthday PM! Enjoy your offal—that much less for me.


but I just *might* know those guys. If I don’t, I’d like to.

i would like to know them because the hot chocolate w/homemade marshmallow cakes looks fucking delicious…


Appalachian Predator said,
August 22, 2011 at 23:32

The Ancient Israelites were and are apart of the White Race. Christianity was spread across the world from our own. Later, God used White Europeans to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the four corners of the earth. Christianity was and always has been a predominately White religion.

Hilarious! Thats’s funny stuff man.


Appalachian Predator said,
August 22, 2011 at 23:46

I have got news for you liberals. The StormFront is coming. And there is nothing you will be able to do about it. White Nationalists will be going to the polls in droves this election and will elect our own to the Presidency and to Congress.

We have far greater numbers than you nigger loving droogs would think. The election shall be our victory.

Wowie zowie! This guy is killing me!


Howdy. I’m so late. Went to the coast today and bought a bucket of fresh snapper. Yum yum. So I haven’t read all 6000 comments, and what I have read I read in reverse, which is a lot like riding in the third seat of an Olds Vista Cruiser, making faces at the drivers rolling up behind (behind? is that right? not in front, of you, huh?). Even so I didn’t get very far before I choked when I read this:

“The plus side to having a corkscrew PENIS is that you can fuck open a bottle of wine.”

Well now, twist and shout. So if PENIS is hook shaped, it’d be good for hanging towels on, unless the hook points down, then it’d be good for dowsing.


How’d I miss this? damn cursor…

Happy birthday to me
happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to meeeeeeee
Happy birthday to me.

Happy birthday! I’d share some of my snappers with you if I could. Do you have a favorite fish recipe? Iris sauteed some fillets in garlic and ground pepper. I scraped the bones and head for soup later. That’s the thing to do, no?


Many happy returns, PeeJ!

(Though I hope you don’t have to return any of your gifts!)


You know who else had a Birthday?


I’m touched, M.B. Truly.

[Shuffles feet, kicks dirt & so on.] Well, I’m far from normal myself.

Fenwick who questions everything

Why do I have this goddam burr under my saddle today? Why am I so bitter and pissed off at the whole fucking world?


Because the world is an asshole?


Also too.

Happy bday & offal, Poop.


I wish I only had a burr under the saddle rather than a fucking burr saddle


Bob Somerby’s take:


Special report: There’s no surviving the Times!

EPILOGUE—MAKING THE PURCHASE (permalink): In fairness, Ross Douthat gets a major point right in today’s credulous column.

Good lord! Douthat notes a basic fact about the Texas public schools! Avert your gaze as Arne Duncan arranges to bungle again:

DOUTHAT (8/22/11): On Friday, in a Bloomberg Television interview, Education Secretary Arne Duncan tried to open up another anti-Texan front, saying he feels “very, very badly for the children” in Texas’s supposedly underfinanced public schools. But here, too, the evidence doesn’t back up Duncan’s criticism. Texas does have higher high school dropout rates than the average American state. But then again, Texas isn’t an average state: it’s an enormous melting pot that shares a porous, 1,969-mile border with Mexico. Once you control for demographics and compare like with like, the Texan educational record looks much more impressive.

When a 2009 McKinsey study contrasted Perry’s home state to the similarly sized and situated California, it found that Texas students were “one to two years of learning ahead of California students of the same age, even though Texas has less income per capita and spends less per pupil than California.”

When it comes to minority achievement, Texas looks even better: On the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress math exam, black eighth graders in Texas outscored black eighth graders in every other state.

As we noted a few months ago, Texas kids outscore their national counterparts on the NAEP in every major demographic (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 3/28/11). Black kids, Hispanic kids, white kids, low-income kids: They all outscore the rest of nation on the universally-praised “gold standard of educational testing.” But leave it to Duncan to shed those big tears for the poor abused children of Texas! Presumably, he’s the guy who had Obama give major speeches, including the State of the Union, in which he lavished praise on high-profile schools which had horrendous test scores.

See THE DAILY HOWLER, 7/13/11. Prepare to avert your gaze.

Why have Texas kids scored so well on the NAEP? We don’t know, and we’ll never find out! You see, your nation doesn’t traffic in facts or analysis—our culture simply isn’t like that—and the liberal world doesn’t give a fig about low-income kids. We’re surprised to see Douthat mention those facts—but those facts will never be scrutinized. Your nation simply isn’t like that. Instead, your nation is split into two warring tribes who hurl dumb insults around.


You really think the ICC has been a positive influence the last 6 months?

Dunno. Perhaps we might use a longer lens. So what’s your take on Milosevic, Karadzic, and Mladic?

sorry, time differences again…

Milosevic, et. al. are being tried/were convicted at the International Tribunal for the Ex Yugoslavia. the ICC is a different court, same city, different court.


oh and by the way, Fenwick, apologies the snippy tone yesterday, just got fucked off at how quick the Libyan ‘told you so”s kicked off.

you have probably read this, and I dont agree with all of it, but some of the summation points are reasonable;



grammar fail;

“….apologies for the snippy tone yesterday….”


Duck PENIS again!!!!

Eurgh. I didn’t duck, and it got me right in the face.


I am just a brainnameless dickfaceless White Christian Patriot. ONE OF MANY!!!

Pretty obvious, but need doing.




Plus, thanks to FYPreview, you get to work out where the strikethroughs should go.


kiki, you have to spell strike. <s> only works in preview.


Let us take a moment of silence to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passing of the Empooroar of Poortland.


New Sadly koan: If someone tagbreaks the thread, and it is with the <s> tag, does it make a difference?


Shorter Somerby:

These test results of 13 year olds totally proves you’ll get your correct change from the 17 year old fast food joint workers in Texas. So fuck you California!


Plus which, I live in an 88-yr. old bldg. make of brick. No amount of masonry reinforcement will save me when an actual ‘quake happens.

Eh. Age doesn’t matter. Unreinforced masonry’s not good, but survival correlates better with the type of connection between the floor joists and the walls than with anything else.

Lurking Canadian

Happy birthday PM!


Unreinforced masonry’s not good, but survival correlates better with the type of connection between the floor joists and the walls than with anything else.

This is why my office evacuating in a panic was laughable. We have reinforcing columns every sixteen feet or so. We were safer in the building than we were in the stairwell or on the street under 1910 and 1920s constructed brick buildings. Facades would fall, not interiors


Happy Happy Natal Anniversary PupMax!!!!11!!!!



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