Marty Meltdown

Call the waaaaaaaaahmbulance! Marty Peretz has lodged his cranium directly up his rear end… and he’s still trying to blog! Hurry, hurry, there’s not much time!


But, if Lamont is trying to put himself forward as a new face in the Democratic Party, the two men who planted themselves right in back of him on the stage at the victory party gave it all away. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are hustlers, and racist hustlers at that. They have accomplished nothing for African-Americans, nothing. Jackson keeps himself alive by conning big corporations out of bags of cash… And, of course, Sharpton was the chief incendiary of the utterly fraudulent Tawana Brawley case in which vicious lies tripped off his mouth for a year and more. Ned Lamont, the candidate from gentle-mannered Greenwich, should be ashamed to have had two such thugs as his intimate supporters.

[Gavin adds: Hey ‘Tardo, doesn’t Peretz apparently have a little problem with black people?]

Lieberman, of course, has such measured and dignified supporters as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin.

(And BTW, it’ll be so much fun to see how quickly they abandon Joe once there’s a Republican running against him.)

Above: ‘Marty Peretz’ is a phonetic goldmine.

Bonus waaaaaaah:

Clinton’s appearance began Lieberman’s decline. Within two or three days, Lieberman was down by ten points. (In the last few days of the campaign, Lieberman recovered considerably … but not enough.) I know there’s some nostalgia in the Democratic Party for Clinton and for Hillary, too. But for many, in the party and out, the Clintons are a nightmare. A nightmare, as James Joyce said, from which we are trying to awake. The common wisdom is that Al Gore would have won in 2000 had he embraced Clinton more or had he allowed Clinton to embrace him. Well, look at what happened to Joe.

That wacky Clenis. Who knows where it’ll pop out of (or whom it’ll pop into) next.


Comments: 53


There’s no worries. If one hospital won’t save him, another one who will is just a short ambulance ride away.


Bill Clinton’s legacy includes the destruction of the Democrat Party at the pretty much every level, including losing both houses of Congress. Democrats would be better off if they kept Clinton away from their 2006 campaigns.

Sadly, Joe Lieberman didn’t realize that, and it probably cost him the primary.

But, Joe Lieberman will win by 20 points. The fact of the matter is that Independents and Republicans recognize that they would rather have an accomplished Senator like Joe Lieberman over an empty suit elitist moonbat like Ned Lamont (D-DailyKos).

Lieberman will just unleash a ton of fact-based observations about Lamont and his radical supporters, such as racists like Jackson, Sharpton, and Maxine Waters, and nutjobs like Markos “Screw them” Moulitsas.


Gary- so you’re saying Republicans like yourself would vote for Lieberman instead of a Republican in the general election. Not. Likely.


Yeah. Republicans will camp out overnight for the chance to be first to cast a vote for a Deocrat running as an Independent. Instead of voting for the Republican on the ticket.

How about Not. Fucking. Likely?


Gary- so you’re saying Republicans like yourself would vote for Lieberman instead of a Republican in the general election. Not. Likely.

The fact of the matter is that there isn’t a legitmate Republican candidate running in Connecticut.


The fact is Gary has forgotten that Joe is pro-choice and he believes in global warming. The fact is hardcore Republicans will never vote for him.


I’m just wondering Gary, do you think President Bush should have campaigned on behalf of Lieberman rather than President Clinton?

Notorious P.A.T.

“Clinton’s appearance began Lieberman’s decline. Within two or three days, Lieberman was down by ten points. In the last few days of the campaign, Lieberman recovered considerably … but not enough.”

Soooooo. . . Lieberman was down by 14 points, then Clinton campaigned for him, and he ended up losing the election by 4 points. . . but Clinton hurt Lieberman. Okay, just wanted to clear that up.


President Bush should endorse Joe Lieberman for the November election.

While Lieberman is pro-abortion and believes in that global warming malarkey, he also supports the war on terror. You can’t say that about that empty suit elitist bug-eyed moonbat called Ned Lamont.

Notorious P.A.T.

“President Bush should endorse Joe Lieberman for the November election.”

Man oh man, I hope he does.


President Bush should endorse Joe Lieberman for the November election.

Considering the fact that Republicans are trying to distance themselves from Bush in 2006, and considering Joe Lieberman lost the Primary on the basis that he’s George Bush’s favourite Democrat, I agree with Gary that Bush should endorse Lieberman. The phrase kiss of death would take on a whole new meaning.


empty suit elitist

You mean GWB?


Gary’s attempt, as usual, is wide right. The final margin was roughly 4 points. Polls up to the primary had Lamont ahead from 6 to 11 points (the larger one is considered to be an outlier). So Clinton can be interpreted to have narrowed the gap. He’s no pariah.

It is not the accomplished senator that Gary loves, it is the ass kissing neocon that is Lieberman.

Time for Gary, however to STFU and start mailing his checks to Lieberman’s campaign. Don’t let Markos get away with it again, Gary. Mortgage your house and with righteous principle..put your money where your mouth they say..

Notorious P.A.T.

“You mean GWB?”

I guess Republicans think a person with almost no experience governing should run for President instead of junior Senator from a small state.


Lieberman’s job approval rating amongst Republicans is 65%, it’s 50% amongst Democrats, and 55% amongst Independents.

As well, Lieberman’s job approval is at 65% amongst Conservatives.

It’s a pretty solid base of support, and he’ll get even more votes from Republicans and Conservatives in November.


and he’ll get even more votes from Republicans and Conservatives in November.

Don’t you mean from craven pragmatist traitors to the party? And you’re encouraging such ideological defection? Why does Gary hate the Republicans so?


FWIW, not so long ago Connecticut did elect a former leftish-Republican running as an independent to the governorship: Lowell Weicker in 1990. On the other hand, Weicker then was to the left of Lieberman now.


Lieberman will just unleash a ton of fact-based observations about Lamont and his radical supporters

Does this make anyone else picture Lieberman going down in flames after channeling Gary with a slew of “The fact is…” delusional rantings?


And what if Weicker makes good on his rumored threat to also file as an (I) on this ballot? What of your (so far) stellar prognostications then Gary?


If Weicker runs, I would be surprised, because he’s supporting Lamont.

Nice guy Pinhead!


Goatboy, if you only had a brain, then you would be amusing, instead of just being stupid.


Nice guy Pinhead!

Non sequiturs are sometimes.


Goatboy, if you only had a brain, then you would be amusing, instead of just being stupid.

After that mega ice burn I have been driven off the comments here forever. I mean how can I show my face after such a blistering and incisive attack?

Gary. Seriously. Eat a bag of dicks. Or another bag, rather.


If Weicker runs, I would be surprised

Your previous prognostications would indicate that you are surprised often.


I’m curious, Gary (not like that!). How can one be an “empty suit” and a “bug eyed moonbat” at the same time. Surely being an empty suit implies having no political opinions of one’s own, which would tend to preclude one from being a bug eyed moonbat.


One would have to be pretty stupid not to see that a Lamont supporter who was a Republican running as an Independent could peel off a few (R) votes to help the candidate he supports.

Gary, if you only had a brain, then you’d be no longer so amusing, but you’d still be stupid.



So, if Lieberman doesn’t run, Lamont beats Schlesinger. If he does, he might beat Lamont but would definitely beat Schlesinger. So no matter what someone who’s at least nominally a Democrat wins, and I find Gary’s cheering for the Democrats to maintain, if not expand, their hold on the Senate rather touching. Cut the personal attacks, though; we already know you’re cheating on us by trolling other blog honeys, you are on thin ice here, pumpkin seed.


Gore/Lieberman 2000: Minimized Clinton support, lost.

Lieberman, 2006: Played up Clinton support, lost.

What is the common factor here? (HInt for Gary: It’s not the Clinton support).

Answer: It’s LIEBERMAN, you loser! Can you at least keep your friggin story straight, Ruppert? Either Clinton is a benefit, or he’s not; but it can’t be both. I know Logic is not your strong suit, but even youhave to be able to see that these are contradictory viewpoiints.

The fact of the matter is that there isn’t a legitmate Republican candidate running in Connecticut. But fortunately, there IS a legitimate Democratic candidate- Ned Lamont. Since CT is a heavily Democratic state, it seems like a pretty obvious choice for CT voters in November. Oh, sure, there are always some fringe loons who will vote for the dark horse candidates, but it won’t add up to enough to make a difference. I hope you’ll be around then, Gary. I look forward to your spin when Ned wins the general.

Oh, and Gary? If you’re so sure that Lieberman is a shoe in, why not commit yourself to democracy and go up there to join his campaign. Given Joe’s operational savvy when it comes to things like web sites, I’m sure your skills will be valued. After all, several Liberal bloggers put their asses on the line for Lamont, it’s the least some of you rightwing loons can do for Joe. Especially after all he’s done for you.

I’ve said it before: It’s very telling how upset the Repbulicans are about Joe’s loss, rather than the Democrats who are supposedly endangered by this exercise in democracy. Ya think it’s because they’re scared about using one of their most Useful Idiots?


The fact is that the Republicans won’t run anybody against Lieberman
The fact is that Lieberman’s approval ratings prior to the outcome of the Primary will translate exactly into the election results come November
The fact is that Joe will not be hounded and challenged everywhere he goes for staying in the race even though he was rejected in a democratic election.
The fact is that Joementum has all kinds of momentum to gain and none to lose whatsoever.
The fact is that Joe will not be fighting a two front war if he stays in the race.


Lieberman will just unleash a ton of fact-based observations about Lamont and his radical supporters…

I think it’s interesting that Gary felt the need to use the qualifier “fact-based” here. Seems to me it indicates that many of his previous observations have been something other than “fact-based”.

Dammit, Goat Boy! You got something real special there. Usually Gary is loathe to address anyone over here directly. If I were you, I’d never wash my monitor again!!



Brad, nice job on the Waaaaaaahmbulance. If you didn’t copyright that, it’s gonna be all over left blogtopia in three hours.


The fact is Gary consistently brings his knife to our gunfights.


Yeah mikey. I’m a superstar.

My being so stupid would make me some low-hanging fruit. That I’m in the exclusive club of those directly engaged by Jose Ruppert indicates nothing so much as his level of confidence in his sparring abilities.

GG, store brand troll!


The fact is Gary consistently brings his knife to our gunfights

Really, I thought he brought a piece of plastic the RNC told him was a knife in an email he got.


Yes. That would be his knife.


I think it was a spork…



empty suit elitist

Damn right. Lamont has done volunteer teaching at a poor, inner-city school. What a fucking snob!


Some day (and i do hope it is soon) Democrats / liberals / progressives
will stop responding when the Fascist Third starts in with their bleating
about Clinton.

Clinton left office in January, 200l. Yes, he may have been the ‘best’
Republican president of the latter half of the 20th century.
but Mr Bush has been president for quite a few years now.

It’s about Bush. It is not about Mr. Clinton.


I’ve been seeing the “elitest” theme (is it a theme? or just a motif?) pop up up quite a bit recently, in the “elitest moonbat” and “Blogofascist elitest” sense.

Exactly what does that mean? Elitest how? Against whom? At what point does “I won’t vote for people who don’t agree with me” become “elitest fascism”?

Oh, and the fact is that the voters of CT have a right to vote for whomever they please, even if that person if an empty suit elitest moonbat or a dry-drunk frat-party-asshole loser who can’t make money in the oil industry in Texas, even with his daddy’s connections and his “kissing cousin” in Saudi Arabia. And, yes, their votes still count even if they have obviously been duped by Teh Evil Kos or Bush’s Brain.

The fact is that Lieberman needs to get over himself and stop believing that the people of Canuckticut owe him a freaking living.


“Exactly what does that mean?”

It usually means “has a fancy university education and lives in a city and is probably Jewish too”.


It means has lots of inherited money and isn’t Republican.

John in Chicago

Oh, Gary, Gary Gary.

Why are you so “angry”? Careful, your gratuitous name-calling might lead one to think you have come “unhinged”….

Is that perhaps because you cannot debate the issues based on facts, so you have to resort to baseless, unimaginative attacks?

Let take a quick look at the maniacal ramblings of one Gary Rupert, shall we?

“While Lieberman is pro-abortion and believes in that global warming malarkey, he also supports the war on terror. ”

So let’s get this straight. Global Warming, something that is supported by any and all scientific data and is supported by 99.9999% of the scientific community (the other .00001% having been financed by ExxonMobil) is “malarky”. And yet the “War on Terror”, a war against a TACTIC — a war with no definable enemies and no definable goal (unless of course the goal is to have the word “terrorism” removed from all the worlds dictionaries) is something we should all wholeheartedly support.

Did Gary just eat a bowl of “dumb ass, bed wetting, please protect me mummy” cereal this morning, or is he just naturally this dense?

“Bill Clinton’s legacy includes the destruction of the Democrat Party at the pretty much every level, including losing both houses of Congress. Democrats would be better off if they kept Clinton away from their 2006 campaigns.”

Which of course explains how Clinton still, to this very day, has a much, much higher approval rating in this country. Dems lost both houses because they were in power too long and many of them were corrupt, too complacent, or both. Also, all the far-right, whacked out, rapture-me-now-jeebus religious freaks came out in full force to support their god-fearing, bible-thumpin, cousin-fucking candidates who are as pure as the white driven snow.

Those rethugs are so pure that they would never, ever let a woman decide to terminate an unwanted pregnancy — but of course they would have no problem dropping bombs on, ya know, thousands of children WHO WERE ALREADY BORN. No problem there, nosiree.

Well, Gary, the jig is up. You’re childish tirades about “moonbats” and “elites” will not intimidate anybody. Lamont has won a huge victory over someone who had his head so far up Bush’s ass that he had to feed himself through George’s pie-hole. This will embolden the Dems to take a firmer stance against the Iraq atrocity.

Then, the mouthbreathers like yourself will howl at the moon “they are out of touch with mainstream america”. And then we’ll show you the polls that show that 2/3’s of America is on our side when it comes to Iraq.

Then you’ll resort to the last refuge of a troglodyte, denial of reality. But who needs reality — after all, reality has a well-known and well-documented liberal bias…


Jessie and Al standing behind Ned…..

….while Ned calls for our troops to come home and for America to be like Europe and abandon Israel.


Jose and Gary supporting a Democrat running as an Independent over supporting a Republican…

…while Lieberman tries like hell to distance himself from the positions that endeared him so to them.

John in Chicago

Josie! Why aren’t you at newshounds defending Falafal O’Reilly?

Had to take a time out to spread some bigotry over here? Well its nice to see you spreading yourself around!

Hadn’t seen ya in a while, though maybe you went to enlist in that war you support so much. but then I remembered you were just another chickenhawk…


I didn’t know Gary and Jose were a tag team.

Jose, Gary is plenty rested. Tag that pushover back in already before I send my manager around the apron to give him the ol’ folding chair.


Dear Jose Chung,
Eat a bag of dicks you WWII-obsessed pissant. Hey, why not run off and sign up for one of these wars you’re so into, and while you’re at it, fuck yourself in the ass with a dead baby’s arm?
By the way, sorry to indulge in profanity. Cocksucker.


This is a perfect example of the right’s hypocrisy. Joementum was evil when it suited the left’s purposes, but they’re up in ’em when it suits theirs. I really hope this is a wake-up call to all real liberals: we are not a minority, it just seems that way when the MSM and the military-industrial complex put us in that box. The ’06 elections are beyond important, they’re crucial. I did a lot of work for Kerry, and was disappointed not only at the result but the attitude of people who saw the effort as nothing more than pissing against the wind. Good eventually wins – believe it.


While Lieberman is pro-abortion and believes in that global warming malarkey, he also supports the war on terror. You can’t say that about that empty suit elitist bug-eyed moonbat called Ned Lamont.

I always knew that a true neocon wingnut loves killing people more than saving womb babies. Thanks for the empirical data.

It’s really sad that Gary can’t see that the more that HolyJoe becomes the neocon poster boy, the more he pushes away the Democrats that voted for him in the primary. Considering that CT is pretty solidly blue, that’s a good omen for Lamont. The only way HolyJoe has a chance is if he heartily and publicly renounces the neocon agenda. When he does that, will you still break out your kneepads for him, Gary?

Oh, and a big Maryland-style FU to HolyJoe. That’s what you get for hatin’ on my video games. GTA 4 life, son!


“President Bush should endorse Joe Lieberman for the November election.�

Man oh man, I hope he does.

When you wish upon a star…


Lucky for Marty that ambulance isn’t in Lebanon or the occupied territories, or Israel would blow it away.


Jackson keeps himself alive by conning big corporations out of bags of cash…

Completely and utterly unlike anyone, say, actually holding executive or legislative power right now…. right?

Ick said,

I always knew that a true neocon wingnut loves killing people more than saving womb babies. Thanks for the empirical data.

But don’t you see, saving womb babies is just the means (getting the religious fundamentalist vote) to the truly crucial end you name. Keep a sense of perspective, man!

No offense intended if Ick happens to be a woman.


Here’s an idea:

Maybe we could convince all these winger tools that Israel’s attack on Lebanon should be stopped. Here’s how:

Remind them that alot of the lebanese women being killed by our US-provided bunkerbuster bombs are probably PREGNANT, and therefore we are aiding in the KILLING OF THE UNBORN. The ultimate abortion, if you will.


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