I Told You I Was Trouble

ABOVE: Anthony (A.M.) Daniels aka Theodore Dalrymple

Shorter Theodore Newton Percival Dalrymple IV, City Journal:
British Degeneracy on Parade

  • In my opinion, the real cause of the rioting and looting going on right now in the United Kingdom is Amy Winehouse.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 300


Staying on board.


“Shut up ypu peasants! There’s lot’s of cake to eat!”


The ferocious criminality exhibited by an uncomfortably large section of the English population

Short= “Lots’a scary non-white people scaring the crap out of me by proving my trickle down mindset doesn’t work.”


“The peasants are revolting!”

“They most certainly are!”


Always. Trust. The. Shorter.™

Hooray! A toilet shot!


“They most certainly are!”

“You said it. They stink on ice.”

Marion in Savannah

There is nothing that an intellectual less likes to change than his mind, or a politician his policy.

Blind hogs, acorns…

And we are told he’s a physician. If that walked into the exam room I’d run screaming into the street, with my paper gown flapping around me.


Only someone who never looked around him and never drew any conclusions from the faces and manner of the young men he saw would have been surprised.

“Not my fault I’m a racist. It’s those young mens faces and manner that make me jump to conclusions.”


The ferocious criminality exhibited by an uncomfortably large section of the English population

Just curious: what’s a “comfortably large section” of “ferocious criminals” in England?

Is this like a dozen? A hundred? Can you fit them all in a pub? In Wembley?


If that walked into the exam room I’d run screaming into the street, with my paper gown flapping around me.

I’d buy that for a dollar!


I think that I have distilled all wingnut screeds with the following shorter™

“If the darkies get anything more than the crumbs that fall from my table, civilization, as we know it, will collapse.”

This from the previous thread, which I owned, for a portion of time, by the way…

Now to gleefully jump out of the boat, and see if my universal shorter™ applies…


Britain has gone all Iron Curtain on these people now:

Housing Minister Grant Shapps was tightening the law to make sure that even if a rioter was convicted of a crime outside their borough they could lose their council home – something that is not possible at the moment.

”Criminal or anti-social behaviour in the local neighbourhood by a tenant or a member of their family can provide grounds for eviction,” he said.

”The government is looking to strengthen those powers.”

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith is considering amending a Welfare Reform Bill going through Parliament to ensure that rioters have their benefits cut.

Nice. This should settle those rioters down.


Nice. This should settle those rioters down.

It will, because shut up.


“They’ve always been revolting. But now they’re rebelling!”


The ferocious criminality exhibited by an uncomfortably large section of the English population during the current riots has not surprised me in the least.

“…uncomfortably large section of the English population…” being a euphemism for blackety, black, black, is central to my thesis!



“You said it. They stink on ice.”

How could I have missed the Mel Brooks ref?

*slaps forehead in disgust*


How could I have missed the Mel Brooks ref?

While trap shooting actual peasants….

“it’s GOOD to be da king”.



From a link that tsam threw down in the last thread:

Hans Anderson

atheist has no rights a snail has more rights than a atheist has I say throw them out to the sharks let them eat them like the ate bin laden

I hope his middle name is not Christian, for that would be the confirmed with autopsy, death of Irony.



Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters that they have nothing to fear from the law, which in England has become almost comically lax—except, that is, for the victims of crime.



Theodore Dalrymple
British Degeneracy on Parade

Now there’s as true a statement as I’ve ever seen.


I feel rather good about my megalomaniacal tendencies that drive me to want to exterminate religious zealots, one and all.

I don’t care if it comes across as hypocritical, it’s not. Like I’ve often said, there are two kinds of people in this world: The normal ones, just trying to get by, earn a living, raise their children and find a sliver of happiness to cling to until they die. The other kind actively seeks to control others. These people all need to die before they reach adulthood.


Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters that they have nothing to fear from the law, which in England has become almost comically lax—except, that is, for the victims of crime.

Is K-lo editing this website?

It is a good thing that I was not enjoying this glass of grapefruit juice when I read this or it would have certainly left my mouth via the nasal cavity…And I cannot afford a new laptop at this point in time.


Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters that they have nothing to fear from the law, which in England has become almost comically lax—except, that is, for the victims of crime.

Let’s see, what will make this sound worse….thinking, thinking…

OH–Crime victims are actually forced to do the jail time FOR the criminals–that’s how bad things are “across the pond” so to speak if you will.


I hope his middle name is not Christian, for that would be the confirmed with autopsy, death of Irony
I believe he is a member on the Unitarian-Universalist Church-militant


These people all need to die before they reach adulthood.

Almost guaranteed.

Marion in Savannah

Unitarian-Universalist Church-militant

Made me larf out loud, this did…


Three men were run over and killed as they tried to protect their property in the very area of Birmingham in which I used to work, and through which I walked daily; the large town that I live near when I’m in England has also seen rioting.

That coulda been me standing up to the Ni[Clang]’s if only I wasn’t on this sod, collecting wingnut welfare.

I wonder what the guy had to say about the tragedy in Norway. I mean you know he had to put his back into that screed…Off to look at the comments.

/dons scuba gear


necessary to keep others such as he in a state of permanent idleness, and partly because of his own characteristics.

They’re all shiftless and lazy.


“The peasants are revolting!”

I thought I remembered this from the Wizard of Id, back when it was actually worth ripping off.


“It believes itself deprived (because it has often been told so by intellectuals and the political class), even though each member of it has received an education costing $80,000, toward which neither he nor—quite likely—any member of his family has made much of a contribution; indeed, he may well have lived his entire life at others’ expense, such that every mouthful of food he has ever eaten, every shirt he has ever worn, every television he has ever watched, has been provided by others. Even if he were to recognize this, he would not be grateful, for dependency does not promote gratitude. On the contrary, he would simply feel that the subventions were not sufficient to allow him to live as he would have liked.

“At the same time, his expensive education will have equipped him for nothing. His labor, even supposing that he were inclined to work, would not be worth its cost to any employer—partly because of the social charges necessary to keep others such as he in a state of permanent idleness, and partly because of his own characteristics.”

I am sending your words with these passages highlighted to all my liberal friends here in California.

Thank you for the succinct verbal beheading of the liberal manifesto.

First, could not the quoted section describe a certain C+ Augustus aka Dubya, and who among us thinks that these prattlings will not end up in the junk folders of said “liberal friends here in California. And third, does “succinct verbal beheading”, live in California, or have any liberal friends?

I’m calling Sockpuppet…This Dalrymple is too clever by half!


I thought I remembered this from the Wizard of Id, back when it was actually worth ripping off.

Ashamed to admit this was what I was remembering. Johnny Hart was one of the biggest Xian blowhards out there–injecting subtle-as-a-blowjob-from-Coulter Christian messages into his B.C Strip (Hello? “B”-“C”?) before even his own God god sick of it and snuffed him out.


Dogs can lick their own genitals. Must be nice.


I would try it, but I’m afraid he’d bite me


At the same time, his expensive education will have equipped him for nothing. His labor, even supposing that he were inclined to work, would not be worth its cost to any employer—partly because of the social charges necessary to keep others such as he in a state of permanent idleness, and partly because of his own characteristics. And so unskilled labor is performed in England by foreigners, while an indigenous class of permanently unemployed is subsidized.

That’s right, the British worker is unskilled so foreigners do all the unskilled labor.


Well if you’re going to blame British pop culture, aim for the most obvious target, amirite?

Word from across the pond though is that Gadaffi last night recognized the looters as the legitimate gubmint of Britain. And across the Arab world, people are watching 24/7 nooz on the English Spring Shitty excuse for Summer.


Ok, I meant to ROFL Steerpike, but Spear makes me lol enough to warrant an L too, I reckon.


I always read Gadaffi as Gandalf.

It leaves me frequently confused.


injecting subtle-as-a-blowjob-from-Coulter Christian messages into his B.C Strip (Hello? “B”-”C”?)

Yes, yes, agreed. Now pass the brain bleach when you’re through with it.


Mary Wilbur August 11, 2011 at 12:03 PM
Following Vancouver’s loss of the Stanley Cup to Boston, there was a hugh riot in downtown Vancouver which caused a lot of property damage, as well as bodily injury. Although there was plenty of looting I don’t recall reading that it was caused by envy but simply thuggishness. Certain elements of society, given an excuse, will engage in anarchic criminal behavior. Others, like flash mobs, are racist criminal predators from the getgo. They are black mobs who prey on non-blacks but only in cities where the right to carry a gun is illegal. They don’t do it in their own neighborhood because the neighbors are armed. They aren’t interested in the legal niceties. Because they know the police either won’t or can’t protect them.

Hugh Grant Riot. Check!

White Rioters=thugs! That’s a new one!

Black mobs=racist criminal predators!

Order in the wingnut lexicon has been re-established. Whew. (Wipes brow)

Carry on.

Black folk do such a good job protecting the flanks of Plutocracy, that they should get 80thousand dollar educations for free and get paid to sit on their asses watching TV all day should they so choose to do so. I mean really!!!

1. Rob a poor or middle class white person blind
2. Skreeeeeeeeeee, point at a convenient negro (preferably driving a Cadillac, or listening to an Ipod).
3. Profit!


Others, like flash mobs, are racist criminal predators from the getgo.



They’re all shiftless and lazy.

Of course, it’s wired into our DNA.

When is anyone gonna tell these folks that we are all related to the same black women who was born about 70,000 years ago…

Shiftless and lazy…talk about projection!

Though I guess giving hand-jobs to the conservative id all day long might be considered a form of work.


Mitochondrial Eve was a Welfare Queen!

And she invented Cadillacs, and HandJobs!!


it’s wired into our DNA

You’ve got electric DNA? Damn…I’m still stick with steam-powered helices.


Roger Baker August 11, 2011 at 11:19 AM
I’m afraid that’s right on the money. Note that this class of person also believes he is entitled to breed children without much thought to the circumstances in which they will be raised or how they will be provided for. That has to stop. The reason to father or bear a child is not to provide you a diversion.

“The reason to father or bear…” OK, now I was originally going to curbstomp this comment because I thought Roger was talking about males of a dusky hue, but then upon re-reading I caught the “…this class of person…” part. I revel in the clinical abstraction of racism this comment represents.

ReConUSMC August 11, 2011 at 11:09 AM
This is coming to America sooner rather than later .
If Obama has his way .
When you pay anyone not to work they won’t !
It has been proven when “YOU ‘ pay for your own Education you learn far more and are more successful .
When no part’s of their young Lives are challenged to be better then won’t be ever .
When we pay male/females to made babies they have more than normal.
When we pay a man to eat he won’t till the Soil .
What Socialism creates is a totally worthless piece of nothingness that cost hard working tax payers a fortune .

Of all the fail encapsulated in this screed that challenges coherence to a cage match, I am impressed by the fact that nothing is misspelled.


Hey remember when everyone was speculating who was going to be the next dictator to fall before the Arab spring uprisings? Looks like David Cameron’s got a shot at it. Wonder when NATO is going to start in with the Freedom Bombing.


Ratfuckin’ dem nazis.

Suck it, racist fucks! W00t!


Mitochondrial Eve
Found it hard to believe
That she’d meet the Y-chromosome Adam.
She was right it turned out
For there can be no doubt
That her great × n granddaughter had him.


You’ve got electric DNA? Damn…I’m still stick with steam-powered helices.

Having grown up in the town where James Watson got his Phd, we all got upgrades from stone aged spirals.


Dogs can lick their own genitals. Must be nice.

I can do that!

I just need an extension chick.

Marion in Savannah

I am impressed by the fact that nothing is misspelled.

Maybe not, but theirs [heh, playing wingnut here] misuse of a poor innocent apostrophe (part’s) and some rather festive capitalization.


Gordon Monsen August 11, 2011 at 11:02 AM
It is encouraging to see the fundamental nature of the welfare state so challenged. Dependency does not promote character or positive societal values. The culture of consumerism that evolved from the 80’s till now could only heighten the frustration and anger of those whose very dependency assured that they could not participate in the consumption that became aspirational for those who earned their money.

Welfare and statism eliminate the need to strive and to succeed. It is effectively a modern form of slavery. It has the same effect as actual enslavement and indentured servitude. The slaves of welfare feel impotent and every acceptance of money, goods, or services provided further neuters the fundamental human nature they were born with.

Liberals have always felt that it was the duty of society to provide for those less well off or suffering. Growing from an initially positive-seeming desire to provide some form of safety net, it quickly transformed into an entitlement. That is Orwellian, since they are entitled to slavery. After all, it is the relatively wealthy and successful in welfare states that pay for those on welfare.

The twist on modern welfare slavery versus traditional slavery may be that the slave owners are paying the slaves not to riot or revolt or otherwise disturb society. Certainly, welfare can provide an education that theoretically allows the slaves to break their chains, but in practice this happens all too rarely.

When welfare slaves revolt and riot, we can expect to see the slave owners eventually become reluctant to continue providing for them. That would be a good thing. The need to struggle to live and strive for success makes people a part of society. It gives them values that begin with knowing what works and what doesn’t for them to succeed. They learn that being honest and doing what you say you are going to do makes success easier. Gradually values return.

This piece and many others recently are opening up the discussion challenging the failed assumptions of those whose original intentions were good in providing safety nets, as society realizes that the servitude welfare created was destructive to the recipients and to the society.

I’ll leave this for others to comment on. I’ll need a bath and maybe a lobotomy.


Fred August 11, 2011 at 9:44 AM
America is becoming the same. 51% pay no federal taxes so they don’t care what the people who pay have to pay. These moochers just vote for their friendly DEM pol who is glad to give him more at others expense. People are taught how to game the system. Some work full time, have a med plan for the worker who has a 2nd part time job and still gets state $ and med care for the kids. By the way she drives a new Navigator and dresses to 9’s with gold and everything. She brags about how she has it made. And people wonder why some people are fed up with the moochers.

I’ll restate my “shorter” that applies to every wingnut screed:

“If the darkies get anything more than the crumbs that fall from my table, civilization, as we know it, will collapse.”



Maybe not, but theirs [heh, playing wingnut here] misuse of a poor innocent apostrophe (part’s) and some rather festive capitalization.

Forgive me, I was being shiftless and lazy, which is how my people roll, and was relying on spellcheck, which indicated no spelling discrepancies. What can I say?

However, I am very inclined to steal the phrase “festive capitalization”.


Marion in Savannah

Provider_UNE, you don’t venture into those foetid swamps without a Hazmat suit, do you? Here — sit down, put your feet up, and have a cool drink.

Excellent try for the all-purpose shorter, however if you’re going for a real Unified Field Theory of Wingnut you may have to add something about the damn lieberals.


… he may well have lived his entire life at others’ expense, such that every mouthful of food he has ever eaten, every shirt he has ever worn, every television he has ever watched, has been provided by others.

Here we see Dalrymple playing Boswell to Doughy Pantload’s Samuel Johnson. His biographical description fits perfectly to a (high English) T.


re: Mitochondrial Eve

I am disinclined to believe a theory postulating that early migratory humans did not have sex with local hominids. If Star Trek and pulp space fantasy have taught me anything, it’s that brave exploring human beings are always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

Alkonholics Anonymous

I fucked Amy Alkon in her cute little boy-butt. Hard.


DKW: Yeah, but the Neanderthals weren’t green, therefore not as hot. QED.


it’s that brave exploring human beings are always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

Does add a new twist to Bedtime for Bonzo


Once Australopithicus never back!


always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

See Ann Coulter blowjob discussion, above…


I got out of the boat lon enough to pluck this tasty mango:

A population thinks (because it has often been told so by intellectuals and the political class) that it is entitled to a high standard of consumption, irrespective of its personal efforts; and therefore it regards the fact that it does not receive that high standard, by comparison with the rest of society, as a sign of injustice.

Sounds just like wingnut’s insistence on using incandescent light bulbs and denunciation of energy conservation, if you ask me. And eating fried butter at the Iowa State Fair, also, too.


that it is entitled to a high standard of consumption, irrespective of its personal efforts

Pot meet kettle.


Some work full time, have a med plan for the worker who has a 2nd part time job and still gets state $ and med care for the kids. By the way she drives a new Navigator and dresses to 9?s with gold and everything. She brags about how she has it made.

I love it when they get this detailed – you just know they’re full of resentment about ONE PARTICULAR PERSON in their miserable lives – whether it’s a relative, a neighbor, a co-worker – you can picture these guys peeking through the living room curtains like Gladys Kravitz, or seething at the woman in the cubicle next door.


Provider_UNE said,

August 11, 2011 at 18:51

It is a good thing that I was not enjoying this glass of grapefruit juice when I read this or it would have certainly left my mouth via the nasal cavity…And I cannot afford a new laptop at this point in time.

Heck, you can pour a glass of red wine into your laptop and it’ll be just fine still work.



I believe Mr Anthony DairyWhipple Afrikaans Daniels is a crew member of the SS Eugenics.


for a real Unified Field Theory of Wingnut you may have to add something about the damn lieberals.

If it don’t say nothin bout yer momma, trains, trucks, prison and gettin drunk, it is not the perfect country song.


I love it when they get this detailed – you just know they’re full of resentment about ONE PARTICULAR PERSON in their miserable lives – whether it’s a relative, a neighbor, a co-worker – you can picture these guys peeking through the living room curtains like Gladys Kravitz, or seething at the woman in the cubicle next door.

Pics or it didn’t happen, bitch.

That’s what I always say to these single anecdotes provided by dumbfucks in some weird attempt to prove that there is a good reason to hate black people.


Excellent try for the all-purpose shorter, however if you’re going for a real Unified Field Theory of Wingnut you may have to add something about the damn lieberals.

Thanks Marion.

How about this “That liberal is gonna give all your tax money to shiftless and lazy n*ggers”.

I am intrigued by the possibility of attempting to reconcile wingnut relativity with
quantum wingnut in search of the “Unified Field Theory of Wingnut”.

And as far a a drink is concerned…Don’t mind if I do.

By the way, when I wade in search of mango’s I usually don a couple of wetsuits for protection…the butplug is only to ensure that “exit only” protocols remain in place.



Then why the tassels?


it’s that brave exploring human beings are always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

I think “human-like” extends to what is capable of fucking on all fours.


it’s that brave exploring human beings are always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

Neal Horsley might expand that beyond “human-like”.

Lurking Canadian

That’s right, the British worker is unskilled so foreigners do all the unskilled labor.



Right yes okay so next location for a riot I think is INSIDE THIS FUCKSMELLER’S CRANIUM

Lurking Canadian

Huh. The first line was supposed to be italicized. Sorry for pirating your IP, SMcG. I think it must be that I’m just used to taking stuff that doesn’t belong to me because of the ethic of entitlement instilled by my free education that I never paid a dime for.


Stick to being C-3PO, cockjacker.


Then why the tassels?

They distract the sharks?



That TV is broken. It has golf on it.


“Ungrateful Wogs! Always agitating against their betters. Simply won’t be content with their lot in life and stay in their class.”


Without golf, I wouldn’t have any skunk pictures.


Neal Horsley might expand that beyond “human-like”.

Any thread that devolves to the point where a Horsley reference is made, is full of win IMHO!!!11

Plus, Mr. Ed could talk, so there is that.

I think it must be that I’m just used to taking stuff that doesn’t belong to me because of the ethic of entitlement instilled by my free education that I never paid a dime for.

I see what you did there.


Sounds just like wingnut’s insistence on using incandescent light bulbs and denunciation of energy conservation, if you ask me. And eating fried butter at the Iowa State Fair, also, too.

Yep. What you were commenting on translates roughly to “these people think they should be entitled to the same degree of wastefulness and easy living that I have. How dare they?”

A Fraction of The Traffic of Ace of Spades

Completely OT but I was poking around the youtoobz and happened to do a search for “xtranormal+sadly no” and happened upon this gem:

sadly no… a ship of fools

This has it all.


I am disinclined to believe a theory postulating that early migratory humans did not have sex with local hominids. If Star Trek and pulp space fantasy have taught me anything, it’s that brave exploring human beings are always with teh boinking of human-like other species.

Look, just because your mom would boldly go where no man had gone before…


Anthony (A.M.) Daniels (born 11 October 1949), who generally uses the pen name Theodore Dalrymple, is a British writer and retired prison doctor and psychiatrist.



Not getting out of the boat, but I love the “degeneracy” thing – someone I know on facebook did one better and called it “godlessness.” Apparently, everything in their world can be explained by failure to conform to weird cultural norms. Cause you know, there’s NEVER been rioting or looting in the days when everyone was a good family-values Christian…


If it don’t say nothin bout yer momma, trains, trucks, prison and gettin drunk, it is not the perfect country song.

Excuse me? You forgot…teh dead dog????


I have been writing about it, in its slightly less acute manifestations, for the past 20 years.

Hmm, who was just leaving office then, having shaped the nation with her hard-hearted philosophy of greed and the superiority of the haves? It is a mystery!

“… he may well have lived his entire life at others’ expense, such that every mouthful of food he has ever eaten, every shirt he has ever worn, every television he has ever watched, has been provided by others. Even if he were to recognize this, he would not be grateful, for dependency does not promote gratitude. On the contrary, he would simply feel that the subventions were not sufficient to allow him to live as he would have liked.

“At the same time, his expensive education will have equipped him for nothing. His labor, even supposing that he were inclined to work, would not be worth its cost to any employer—partly because of the social charges necessary to keep others such as he in a state of permanent idleness, and partly because of his own characteristics.”

Someone at Roy’s brought up the Bollinger Club. For some reason I think of it now, and others like it all over. Also: this

By the way she drives a new Navigator and dresses to 9?s with gold and everything. She brags about how she has it made. And people wonder why some people are fed up with the moochers.

Envy! Class warfare! Not, wait, that’s only when BLACK people are jealous.


If any of you would care to watch my film “The Ruling Class,” this gentleman’s inane meanderings will surely make a lot more sense.


Peter O’Toole

Boy, there’s a male porn name if I’ve ever heard one…


Boy, there’s a male porn name if I’ve ever heard one…

I object!


Boy, there’s a male porn name if I’ve ever heard one…

I object!

As do I, matey! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


You didn’t say what kind.


Excuse me? You forgot…teh dead dog????

Good point, but no dog here.


No comment about pr0n names.


Me neither.


Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters bankers that they have nothing to fear from the law, which in England has become almost comically lax—except, that is, for the victims of crime.



I wonder how many times C3PO has had to answer for this jackass…


I wonder how many times C3PO has had to answer for this jackass,,,

Why, because he’s a big dick?


I just had to pop in to say I rate for doggy-style.

First person to make a furry joke dies.


First person to make a furry joke dies.

A guy in a giraffe suit walks into a GAUAAHHHHH!!


That’s how you kill a thread, people–take away the furry jokes like a big meanie.


British Degeneracy on Parade

Ha. A transparent attempt to cash in on the popularity of the Folsom Street Fair.


They said we were going to get a blizzard, but it only snowed a little bit, off and on…

Oh wait, that’s a flurry joke…


Perfectly acceptable.


So, there’s a room full of rats, see, and someone turns on the light…

No. That’s a scurry joke.


That’s how you kill a thread, people–take away the furry jokes like a big meanie.

This could cause a degenerate riot.


A furry walks into a bar and everyone laughs and he says “What’s so bunny?”


First person to make a furry joke dies.

So you shave down there…


I’m proud to have started this. 😀


First person to make a furry joke dies.

So, in Busy, Busy Town…

No, wait, that’s a Scarry joke…


First person to make a furry joke dies.

What do you call a vixen with a runny nose?



Did I tell teh one about teh deaf composer? Oh wait, that’s a Fur Elise joke.


Ugh. Especially on all the wingnuts ranting about how we need to destroy the three filaments that remain of our social safety net, because all “their” money is being wasted, Wasted I tell you, on all the filthy darkies and poor people who are too lazy to get a real job.

I posted a longer response on my blog, but the short of it is that fear of death actually isn’t all that great a motivator to keep looking for the non-existant jobs out there. Searching as if your life depended on it just makes each rejection and “never called back” feel more personal and heart-breaking. When faced with oblivion, the mind actually moves to accept it. The urge grows strong to literally actually give up and stop productive activities. Furthermore, depression and despair become the strongest emotions so one has less time and energy to job search, because one is tired all the time and one is actually less employable because employers want happy workers.

And this is before you note that there just aren’t any fucking jobs out there, period. On purpose, thanks to the policies of right-wing fuckers that have allowed rich people hoarding the wealth instead of investing it the more profitable and worthwhile activity. So no amount of “non-laziness” and “motivation” isn’t going to cause a job to fucking appear out of nowhere.

What does motivate people to look for a job?

A Fucking Safety Net!

A guarantee that they’ll be able to afford rent and food and a minimum of luxuries to stay happy. Because the Feminine Mystique was right and people don’t actually want to laze around the house all day getting fat on bon-bons. They want to work, be productive, do something with their time that makes them feel like they haven’t fucking wasted their life.

This system also makes it so people can start new businesses, because most businesses fail and so making it so a failed business isn’t going to bankrupt a person and guarantee their death is kind of critical in getting people to take the risk and try out a new idea that may lead to massive hiring.

But then, we wouldn’t be America if we didn’t ignore the good ideas of other countries and angrily insist on only doing what has been proven to not work.

Also, I keep wanting to ask all these fuckers who rant about how much better welfare is and how the moochers are enjoying immense benefits with no effort and how much better that life is than theirs one simple question.

Why aren’t you swapping places with them?

Why aren’t these fuckers quitting their jobs or seeking to get fired so they can perpetually live in splendor with the “generous” benefits that welfare provides. If it’s such a fucking sweet deal, why aren’t they fucking on it and freeing up their jobs for the “hard-working” bastards who’d kill for their life. A simple swap.

Why it’s almost like they are fully cognizant that what they are upset about is the fact that all the darkies and the poor aren’t just dying off and that they have the gall to demand the ability to survive at all and that such a request is equivalent to “extravagance”.

Seeing as how I’m in the category of those they want to kill and who may very well be fucked a thousand ways to Sunday by their policies in very soon time, I’m afraid I now want to force them to adopt the programs they claim are so much “better” than their life and are thus unfair.

If the “benefits” are so great, then you can live on welfare and as an unemployed black mother with all that great “government money” for free and we’ll have the boring old middle class jobs that pay a reliable salary. It should be a fair fucking trade, after all, you can’t stop shutting up about how awesome it is in comparison. It’d almost be doing you a favor.



So a penguin is driving his car when he hears a bang and his car grinds to a halt.

The tow truck comes and the mechanic hops out, opens the hood and pronounces, “It looks like you blew a seal.”

“Oh. No, I was just eating ice cream.”


Two nuns walk into a……….oops, no furry jokes, I’ll go to the pron name room.


I don’t know why society looks down upon yiffing so much. After all ♫furries are jolly good fellows♫.


Also, they keep on going “urgh the government takes care of you when you are down and out, that’s so unfair”.

Yes, it does.

The alternative to being taken care of when you’re down and out is death in this capitalist country. Unless brave philanthropists are going to have well-distrubuted networks of free housing, water, electricity, and food throughout America, the alternative to having the “government” take care of people is having those people die a horrible, lingering, sputtering death of slow suffering, only elongated by their willingness to turn to violent crime and seek the wealth of those who have hoarded it by any mean’s necessary.

So what exactly is there counter-proposal?

Oh, it’s continue to die so we can be free “socialism” of having the government take care of the down-and-out.

Fuck them all.


So the vindaloo says to the masala…

No, wait. That’s a curry joke.


The optometrist says, “Wait, you can’t see–”

Oh, thought you wanted blurry jokes.


If it does not have a fringe on top, it’s just a surrey joke.


“So the vindaloo says to the masala…

No, wait. That’s a curry joke.”

Ha! Nice. Of course I’m partial to anything curry-related.


Also picture at the top is the worst Goatse hommage EVAH


So it seems Pierre and Marie were extracting some uranium isotopes when…

Not Curie jokes?


So these 12 angry men… wait, did you say no jury folk?


So the radium says to the 19th century French scientist…
never mind, that’s a Curie joke.




Sorry, misunderstood.


tigris made me chuckle. Oh yes.


OK, OK, OK, I got one….

Two Jews are in a bar when Hyman turns to his friend and says…

Oh. I’m sorry…that’s a Murray joke.


So 8 of the Eumenides walk into a bar…
No, sorry, that’s a Fury joke…



You snooze you lose around here, furry.


The counter proposal is to have people living in shacks, willing to take any demeaning, dangerous and/or dirty job in exchange for a few moldy scraps of bread for their starving children until the children reach age 5 and can themselves go to work in the match factory.

You know, like things used to be back when the nation still prided itself on it’s Christian values of justice and fair play.


So a mixture of gravel, water, sand and concrete is poured into Actor212’s car…
Whoops, slurry joke.


How many undertakers does it take to…

Oops. Bury joke


The counter proposal is to have people living in shacks, willing to take any demeaning, dangerous and/or dirty job in exchange for a few moldy scraps of bread for their starving children until the children reach age 5 and can themselves go to work in the match factory.

Looxury! I used ta haff ta get oop nine hours before I went ta bed, work 29 hours at mill for a handful of dirt to roob in my hair…


So a mixture of gravel, water, sand and concrete is poured into Actor212?s car…

aHA! J’accuse!


So anyway, the optometrist says, “Better or worse?”



I preferred him as a fey android.


So this guy needs to find the the sales figures for last quarter so he opens an SQL program…
Oops, query joke.


aHA! J’accuse!

A late 19th century joke?


…and then Smurfette said “Hungy was smurftastic!”

Smurfy joke!


So the Director of SHIELD says, “I have had it with these motherfucking Skrulls on this motherfucking helicarrier!”

Sorry, Fury joke.




So anyway, the optometrist says, “Better or worse?”



A late 19th century joke?

Turn-of-the-centurry joke, yes


A rose said to a violet… oh, sorry, no flowery jokes.

How about the baker and the… oops.


aHA! J’accuse!

A late 19th century joke?
I’m guessing he thinks that last Sunday morning at about 1:45 am when his car was double parked outside ‘Hot Rod’s Bar and Girls’ in Brooklyn, that me and 3 accomplices dressed as union concrete workers allegedly filled his car (an unrestored ’78 AMC Pacer) with about 4000 lbs of cement. To which I say, I know nothing about the incident in question, and this is the first I have heard of it.


Sorry, Fury joke.

That’s not a Fury joke…

If you break these, Eumenides…

Now THAT’S a Fury joke!


So the hen told her chicks to go… um, are fowlery jokes out, too?



We are all poorer for my having stolen your line.

Penury joke.


I’m guessing he thinks that last Sunday morning at about 1:45 am when his car was double parked outside ‘Hot Rod’s Bar and Girls’ in Brooklyn, that me and 3 accomplices dressed as union concrete workers allegedly filled his car (an unrestored ’78 AMC Pacer) with about 4000 lbs of cement. To which I say, I know nothing about the incident in question, and this is the first I have heard of it.

Oh, *whew* You got my town car…


A rose said to a violet… oh, sorry, no flowery jokes.

So the wino says to the other wino…

I guess no Bowery jokes, either.


So the Dowager Empress walks into a bar…

What do you mean, no Manchuri jokes?


What me…sorry.


So the hooker says, “That pink bunny just kept coming and coming and…”

Wait. No spermy jokes.


This guy pulls off his spectacles and says… um, four-eye jokes weren’t included, were they?


Pun threads have their own dubious charm, but methinks this particular mine, never particularly rich to begin with, has long since been played out.


Who are you, the thread police?

Oh, right, no constabulary jokes.


I’ve felt that way before. I usually don’t say it, however.


And, ftr, a lot of the jokes made me chuckle. *shrug*


Steerpike is trying to head off a Fuschia joke.


I didn’t mean to set off a Prunesqualor


I was reading through these latest puns and coudn’t help but think…
What, no funny jokes?


No, sorry, that’s a Fury joke…

God owns a Plymouth, since the Bible says that he drove Adam and Eve from the garden in a Fury.


In my opinion, the real cause of the rioting and looting going on right now in the United Kingdom is inner city pressure.


So this haruspex walks into a bar…

Oh, sorry. Augury joke.


I just like typing “haruspex”.


“… he may well have lived his entire life at others’ expense, such that every mouthful of food he has ever eaten, every shirt he has ever worn, every television he has ever watched, has been provided by others.

The story of the life of everyone under, say, 16 or so.


Question for the foodies here:

I want to make some parchment fish packets tonight. I plan on doing sort a citrus-tomato-ginger topping along with some veggies.

I want to serve it with some rice noodles. What would you put on the rice noodles to accompany the fish? I was thinking like sesame oil-garlic, but…I dunno…what do you think?

Also, is there anyway a light sprinkling of curry powder on the fish could hurt any of this?


Had London’s thugs had thought to form a corporation before hand, they’d already be getting tax breaks.


They could’ve also avoided any pesky legal problems since they were just doing their jobs maximizing profitability.

Foolish thugs!



So this muffin man walks into a lane…

Sorry, Drury joke.


They also wouldn’t be facing any pesky legal problems because they were simply doing their jobs maximizing profitability.

Silly Thugs!



So Mayor Fox is sitting at his desk in Busytown…

Oh wait, prolly no Scarry jokes either, eh?


a Fuschia joke.

Well Fuchs ya too!


So this bankster is robo-signing…

No usury joke either, I’m betting?



Sounds pretty good to me. I might slice a few green onions to put on top of the rice noodles but that’s about as far as I’d go since the fish is supposed to be the star of the show.

I don’t think a little curry powder would hurt it.


I walk to 7/11. It’s the synchatron, everyone on a schedule. An influx from Brazil and elsewhere yesterday in Saskatoon. This group is unaware that this isn’t a recent development. Many are not leaving on flights out; I hear the mantra, this is a stop over. People are wearing the corpses of others, they board the same planes as one another, as the stench is overwhelming. A steady flow of people in these disguises enter the store. These masks are more convincing. They have the false skull though, that makes the head appear over-sized, the masks I saw earlier today were better.
Earlier, I enter Safeway. Avoiding detection, shopping for groceries. I’m wearing his mommie’s face. It doesn’t look the same. He thinks I’m his mom. No, I don’t. The faces are becoming realistic. Had to put a lot of eyeliner around the eyes, to hide the thickness. It’s not that realistic. You smell. Several other people have the same idea, some with the more natural affect of constructive surgery, and others with the corpse faces. No full body suits that I noted.
The change receptacles/card readers on the buses link to impulse control inhibitor/simulator technologies. As these technologies send an unbearable and compelling urge to selected individuals, the “bus drivers” (many of whom utililize assisted driving technology) goad the targeted persons. The cab radios have similar technology’s, and are used in the planning of violent episodes. These technologies require dismantling and/or deactivation. All monitoring techonolgies should be seized, and kept out-of-use pending trial.
Transport stations have many technologies, monitoring equipment and compellors. The police stations now have compellors, as well as impulse control inhibitors/simulators, and virtual reality gear that assists criminals and police officers alike in criminal activity. Facists are treasonous, and need to be stripped of badges, weaponry and electronic monitoring systems and other related technologies.
Sasktel monitors and releases information, violating privacy laws, and assisting in gathering information for the comission of crimes.
Military presence is felt in Saskatoon and elsewhere in the province. Break-in’s, experimentation, torture, assault, and thought monitoring are objectives of these “special units”. Murder by suicide is ongoing, and population control is an unannounced agenda of the Canadian military.
There is incinerators in the hospitals. Babies and the eldery are targets. Child abduction is also common in the hospitals. Nazi’s take their turns as nurses, technicians, doctors, teachers, librarians, accountants and etc. The incinerators need to be dismantled.
A no-fly zone in the area would stop the movement of the influx and pre-existing dangerous offenders in Saskatoon and area. The numbers are many, as are abducted and otherwise displaced persons. Preventing movement would allow the remaining honest members of authority a chance to identify, and therefore appropriately respond to evasive criminals and abducted persons. These persons are overwhelmed. This is a state of emergency, the assistance of the public is necessary.
Air quality directly contributes to quality of thinking, and therefore, a no-fly zone would also eliminate the releasing of chemicals in the air. Air conditioners in the buses also need to be dismantled. There are new air-units that attach to homes, and contributr to air pollution as well, Production of these electronics and technologies must cease.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


The official policies of the Canadian governmental bodies are based upon the principles of social liberalism. This is the social contract. The government is now infiltrated and saturated with practices of facism. This is an act of treason on the part of appointed officials, elected persons, military officials and police officers. The official agenda of the Canadian military is one of humanitarianism. Those who do not comply with these standards are in fact treasonous. The policies of facism have been prevailing. Nazi’s have no authority under Canadian law.
Sincerely, The Pacific Army


Small aircraft and commercial airplanes are releasing massive amounts of chemicals in the air, creating an atmosphere of subduement, and confusion; affecting cloud cumulations and precipitation; and altering memory retention. The air contamination must cease.

The use of word transpositioning and electronic messaging with the use of various newer spyware and communication technologies in conjunction with the synchatron is creating forcefields of pressure in the atmosphere. Due to the efforts of many information technologies specialists, physicists and other talented individuals, the effects of these technologies has been minimized. Rapid increases in air pressure within flight paths and air tunnels is a public hazard, and puts passengers and flight personnel at risk. Wind tunnels force flight paths, forcing stop-overs, and creating influx’s in certain areas. Murderers and abducted persons are being sent to Saskatoon, Canada, steadily, daily.

Surgeries, procedures, disguises, alias, and fraudulent documentation are being utilized at borders and stations. Displacement and abductions contribute to mass confusion, and the evasion of culpability of terrorists.

The Pacific Army therefore recommends all nations consider no-fly zones for some areas. Airport, train and border security have the technologies, such as retinal scans that eliminate the possibility of fraudulent activity. Unfortunately, there is complicity at security levels. We, The Pacific Army encourage all racial-profiling activity to cease and desist.

This is a state of emergency.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army.


Halting the Funding.

This is an incomplete list of companies, corporations, organizations and businesses that fund, filtrate, redirect and misuse funds for the purposes of criminal trafficking, and political maneovering, especially as pertaining to nazi activity, and/or assisting in the concealment of crimes or information intended for public disclosure.

Zellers Mattel

Walmart Starbucks

Tim Horton’s Disney

Life Magazine KFC

Galazy Cinemas Faith Alive Churches

The Church of Latter Day Saints Indigo Book Stores

Dollarama Rolling Stones magazine
Playboy magazine

The following is a list businesses and organizations local to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, known to hold nazi meetings, or known to sell black market goods, or known to have purchase compellors, that instruct consumers to purchase products from companies with nazi affiliations and funds, and/or products that contain chemicals that increase phosophorence, suscepibility and memory loss, confusion. Or all of the above.

Fox and Hounds Brew Pub

Tomas the Cook

Olympia Restauraunt


Smitty’s at Lawson Height’s mall

Double Deuce

Noodle King, Ice Cream Queen

The Bassment

Bud’s On Broadway

House Of Braids


Radio Cab

Great Western Inn

The Saskatoon Club

The Willo’s Golf and Country Club

Saskatoon Star Phoenix

Rawlco Radio

Here is a list of food industries that thrive with the use of slave labor, reliance on the black market and the displacement of persons. This is an incomplete list.

bananas cocoa

coffee Wing’s sugar and other products

Sunny D Del Monte

Chiquita Banana Kellogg’s

pizza pops Sugar Pops

Pop Tarts Popsicle

Baby Bottle Pop

Other unethical Purchases

pop albums (portions of the profit go to nazi funding, many artists were unaware of how funds were directed)






I would encourage all concerned individuals to compile their own lists of known criminal funding through legitimate businesses, as it is helpful to others wanting to make informed decisions.

Sincerely, The Pacific Army

Lurking Canadian

VS, no more posts about putting curry powder on fish. It seems to attract a bad element.


As I walk around the neighborhood, the distinct stench of decaying flesh intermigled with disinfectant air freshener wafts from homes, every third home or so. The tunnels have expanded to ecompass more homes, corpses are buried underneath the houses, the bodies of displaced people, and rightful home owners, no longer relegated to the basements, never to breath the air again. I walk towards the library. A toddler-sized child falls abrubtly, skinning her knees. The expression on he face doesn’t change. She is wearing the decaying flesh of a murdered child. I wonder if she’s scared, if she ever reacts normally. She stares at me as she is carried silently into the civic centre. I wonder why she isn’t crying. She tells me he gets angry if she cries. She doesn’t make a sound; I can hear my heart breaking.
Sincerely, Alisha.


Smash-n-Grab INC



Lurking Canadian–geez, looks that way. Sorry about that!

Major Kong…green onions…it’s like you’re reading my mind.


As I walk around the neighbor hood, I wonder a-what went wrong with our love, a love that was so strong, And as I still walk on, I think of the things we’ve done together, a-while our hearts were young. I’m a-walkin’ in the rain, tears are fallin’ and I feel the pain. Wishin’ you were here by me to end this misery, And I wonder, I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder why. Ah-why-why-why-why-why she ran away. And I wonder where she will stay. My little runaway, run-run-run-run-runaway. I’m a-walkin’ in the rain, tears are fallin’ and I feel the pain. Wishin’ you were here by me to end this misery. And I wonder, I wa-wa-wa-wa-wonder why. Ah-why-why-why-why-why she ran away. And I wonder where she will stay. My little runaway, run-run-run-run-runaway. A-run-run-run-run-runaway


realistic Graphics do in fact still require real persons and other life, although virtual reality gear is no longer necessary. Blue rooms are in fact unecessary now; real environments are almost instaneously added to the action element of a movie or video. With the expansion of infrared in conjunction with sattelite, the possibilities for movie and/or footage expands to home enviroments, workplaces, and nature settings.
Sincerely, Alisha


In addition to policies in China, infanticide is a growing problem in Peru, Brazil and is ongoing in the United States; as well as the previously stated Singapore and Indonesia, where sex change operations for boys is an epidemic.


Body to my coffin/ hammer to the nail/ not the nurse, not the doctor/ you try, and you fail.
Sincerely, Alisha.


Sweet Blood of Jesus, here is an obscenity fest no one in NYC will want to miss.

PLEASE JOIN US FOR A Commentary Magazine Forum
“Ten Years of the War on Terror”
Ross Douthat, New York Times
Abe Greenwald, Commentary Magazine
Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review
MODERATOR: John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Place: Ethical Culture Society
2 West 64th Street at Central Park West
New York City

Tickets will be $15 at the door on the day of the event.

Please, someone go & report. Or, go & bring pies.


Almost as bad as the Ferreth and Jobs web address is artistsuk.co.uk


Sweet Blood of Jesus, here is an obscenity fest no one in NYC will want to miss.

All I needed to know was Commentary magazine.

Please, someone go & report. Or, go & bring pies.

I have a monthly limit on vomiting.


I have a monthly limit on vomiting.

Can you work out a spit-up/drool offset w/ Mini_B?

Smash-n-Grab INC

Heh, pies…

Giant Psychic Octopus from the 11th Dimension

PLEASE JOIN US FOR A Commentary Magazine Forum
“Ten Years of the War on Terror”
Ross Douthat, New York Times
Abe Greenwald, Commentary Magazine
Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review
MODERATOR: John Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine
Date: Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Place: Ethical Culture Society
2 West 64th Street at Central Park West
New York City

Tickets will be $15 at the door on the day of the event.

Just sayin’…


In my opinion, the real cause of the rioting and looting going on right now in the United Kingdom is Amy Winehouse.

Even nice Jewish girls have fallen prey to Negro music!!!


I’ve felt that way before. I usually don’t say it, however.

VS slides in with the subtle burn. Well played, girl.


This may already be here in some form or other, but I’ve read about a hundred fifty and din’t see it so far. dalrympe is abou the only person who isn’t concerrned how the recent riots in the u.k. may hamper the upcoming soccer games. I haven’t checkeddates but as I recall England is hosting the big one in about a year, no? now if these bad boyz had waited until, until say Manchester plays the team from Mexico, they could have had a really big riot. the footballers, the hooligans they’re called, are a rowdy bunch. how’s their violence compare with the hoodies’ brand? I bet the hoodies are no match for the experienced hooligans. but together, they might be able to start a world war.


Well, as to be expected, especially in matters of the “no hands game”, I was a little off: http://www.2018england.co.uk/


“I’ve felt that way before. I usually don’t say it, however.

VS slides in with the subtle burn. Well played, girl.”

Athankee, m’dear. 🙂
Btw, if you’re a woman and someone slides in with a subtle burn, GET TESTED.

Lurking Canadian

I am given to understand that that kind of burn is not subtle.


How’d the fish turn out, and what did you put on them noodles?


B^4, it was NOT HALF BAD. Not the best thing I’ve ever made, but it was satisfying and healthy.


Place: Ethical Culture Society

They’ll all need inoculations so they don’t catch any of that.


Can you work out a spit-up/drool offset w/ Mini_B?

He is resolutely against cap-and-trade on saliva.


Burn After Reading – when a book gives you an STD.


Oh, and sesame oil, lemon juice, red pepper flakes, ginger.


Red pepper flakes always kills thread.

Also beats rocks and scissors.


Oh sure, everybody likes Ginger.


Red pepper flakes always kills thread.

It’s difficult to type whilst shifting uncomfortably in your chair and plucking at your underwear.


Oh sure, everybody likes Ginger.

But everyone wanted to marry Maryann.


It’s difficult to type whilst shifting uncomfortably in your chair and plucking at your underwear.

Dude. If you’re looking at some hot vintage brunette, we don’t need to hear about it.


If you’re looking at some hot vintage brunette, we don’t need to hear about it.

What if I’m just enjoying the aftereffects of red pepper flakes and ginger?


What if I’m just enjoying the aftereffects of red pepper flakes and ginger?

Most people just use KY, but who am I to judge?

Oh, and this triggering me…

All those times I touched my eyes and nose after working with chiles…AUGH!!!


Wowzers, if the rioters are merely acting out their programming put in place by leftist intellectuals and politicians, why aren’t they taking over Buckingham, Windsor and Balmoral rather than pursuing a dead-end course of smashing store windows and burning cars in their own lower class neighborhoods? And isn’t it the vastly commercialised pop culture of sports and entertainment coupled with the absence of good jobs and career prospects that is driving this discontentment? And which imaginary leftists are telling poor people the secret to success is merely covetting and consuming more and more of the same luxuries that rich people “work” so hard to earn?


And which imaginary leftists

Strawliberals are numerous and powerful. Knock one down and 10 more are created in its place!!!!


All those times I touched my eyes and nose after working with chiles…AUGH!!!

Jimi Hendrix didn’t call them Voodoo Chiles for nothing.


Here’s a liveblog of the GOOPER debate.

I’m not watching, but apparently One-L went for TeaPaw’s jugular.


When ordinary leftists don’t feel what you feel
And real life situations lose their thrill
Imagination’s unreal
Imaginary leftists, imaginary leftists
You’re mine anytime

Imaginary leftists alwats disagree
They never care
They’re always there when
You need strawmen guaranteed
Imaginary leftists, imaginary leftists
You’re mine all the time


When ordinary leftists don’t feel what you feel
And real life situations lose their thrill
Imagination’s unreal
Imaginary leftists, imaginary leftists
You’re mine anytime

Imaginary leftists always disagree
They never care
They’re always there when
You need strawmen guaranteed
Imaginary leftists, imaginary leftists
You’re mine all the time


Strawliberals are numerous and powerful. Knock one down and 10 more are created in its place!!!!

This explains why my strawman imaginary leftist post came up twice.


Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters banksters and war criminals that they have nothing to fear from the law,



” One-L went for TeaPaw’s jugular.

“Rollins” has two “L”‘s.


But it was Michele.

9:43 – Michele Bachmann: “You can get money wrong, you can’t get life wrong.” Tim Pawlenty responds: “What’s wrong with that answer is that answer.” Is this debate even being conducted in English?


The Tottenham game this wknd. was postponed.

Don’t bovver clicking (What I do for you people!):

Following ongoing discussions with the necessary authorities regarding this weekend’s Premier League home match against Everton, it has now been confirmed that this fixture will be postponed due to safety concerns relating to infrastructure of the High Road and access to the stadium caused by last Saturday’s riots.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused to supporters due to matters outside of the control of the Club. We shall update fans on when this fixture will be rearranged in due course.

Supporters who have purchased tickets for this match are advised that tickets will remain valid for the re-arranged date. Anyone requiring a refund should contact the Ticket Office via email at ticketoffice@tottenhamhotspur.com


I’m not watching, but apparently One-L went for TeaPaw’s jugular.

Nothing better than a circular firing squad.


Oh, I see you meant Ed (not Henry) Rollins.

He only wishes he could control One-L when she’s ‘speaking off the cuff’.


Here’s a liveblog of the GOOPER debate.

Given Republicans’ ability to completely deny reality do you think any of them will drop out of the race before the convention?

Besides Huntsman, of course.


festive capitalization

What a wonderful term! As most Sadlienauts know, Fenwick is fond of creating Odd Proper Nouns.

Or does the term have something to with finance?


Anyone who is watching the asshole(s) debate rather than exhibition foots-ball is not an American & will be dealt w/ as if they were atheists!!

GInger still has it! Or was willing to show it, as of April 2008..


Anyone who is watching the asshole(s) debate rather than exhibition foots-ball is not an American & will be dealt w/ as if they were atheists!!

Like I just posted on Balloon Juice… this primary’s just going to be boring. Last time around, you had one candidate (sometimes more) for each of the GOP’s factions all going at each other and the party kind of imploding. Now, all you’ve got is a bunch of random candidates competing for the same uber-faction (teabaggers) by trying to out-crazy and out-psycho each other.

I watched last time. Not this time.


“Oh, I see you meant Ed (not Henry) Rollins.

He only wishes he could control One-L when she’s ‘speaking off the cuff’.

Yeah, I’m always getting those two mixed up. I’m just waiting for Ed Rollins’ spoken word album to drop.

But, for realz, Ed is just happy he doesn’t have to handle Sarah.


drop out of the race before the convention?

Believe it or shove it, only a yr. & three wks. ’til the GOP-fest.

And once the money people face some reality & stop wasting their $$$ on the most obvious losers, some of them will drop out.


When welfare slaves revolt and riot, we can expect to see the slave owners eventually become reluctant to continue providing for them. That would be a good thing.

Another outcome: The fucking slave owners go to the Wall. That would indeed be a good thing.


Henry Rollins used to live down the street from me. Sometimes he’d be standing out in front of his pad in wife-beater & shorts (How else ya gonna see his tats?) glowering.

Lurking Canadian

The fucking slave owners go to the Wall

Except in this formulation, I think the “slave owners” are the liberals who’ve been giving them all that free money. It makes sense if you tilt your head a bit to the left and have been tripping on acid since roughly the Truman administration.


I watched last time. Not this time.

No sheet. I tuned in, saw Romney standing next to Bachmann, & said to myself, “nuhn-uh.” If any of them say anything “interesting” we’ll hear about it.

Lurking Canadian

Henry Rollins used to live down the street from me.

I saw his spoken word show, lo, these many years ago. I still chuckle from time to time, remembering his stories of his days working at the pet shop with Ian MacKay.


Except in this formulation, I think the “slave owners” are the liberals who’ve been giving them all that free money. It makes sense if you tilt your head a bit to the left and have been tripping on acid since roughly the Truman administration the beginning of time.

Fixed that for you. Conservative assholes have been with us as long as the day Cain decided Abel was getting too much attention and the uppity bastard had to be put in his place.


Oh, I see you meant Ed (not Henry) Rollins.

Shorter every GOP candidate.


Besides Huntsman, of course.

I don’t think Huntsman’s going to drop out, I think the party base will cage him in a giant wicker man…

Sometimes he’d be standing out in front of his pad in wife-beater & shorts (How else ya gonna see his tats?) glowering.

I’m kinda shocked he didn’t invite you in for little cucumber sandwiches and tea.



Conservaturds are TRIPPIN BALLS


I’m kinda shocked he didn’t invite you in

Some celebs you just know better than to acknowledge.


I saw Henry Rolling with Black Flag on the “In My Head” (also last) tour.

Let me tell you–that dude can sweat like no other man. He had his long hair then, and wore nothing but the customary mid-80’s Daisy Dukes–barefoot and all. It was a fantastic show, although I was super bummed that Kira wasn’t in the band anymore.


Wait–no–it was actually Henry Rollins, not Rolling.


Also, he was all like, ironical and shit. He gave me his autograph. An “R” drawn over a swastika. It didn’t get it then–I hated him for a while.


Huntsman wasn’t wearing a flag pin (or so I have read).

Seems like he’s toast.


Wait–no–it was actually Henry Rollins, not Rolling.

Rats, I thought you saw Henry Rolling and his Rolling out the Barrel Polka Supergroup. I love those guys.


Why aren’t you swapping places with them?

Cerebrus: The reply would probably be something along these lines…

“Because WE have the work ethic of our glorious forefather. And our sense of self-worth and sense of honor wouldn’t allow us to take gubmint handouts like them lazy nig urban poor. They have such easy and carefree lives on the Dole, but WE have some pride. Argle bargle blarf. Q.E.D.”


Rats, I thought you saw Henry Rolling and his Rolling out the Barrel Polka Supergroup. I love those guys.

I would never admit that I saw them every time they came to town–not in public anyway.


Supergroup–ha. They were just a group until they added that second accordion for extra texture.

Their 2nd album is the Dark Side of the Moon of Polka.


So 8 of the Eumenides walk into a bar…
No, sorry, that’s a Fury joke…

Helmut wins. But thanks to all our wonderful contestants!


Boy, that whole “EXTERMINATE TEH BRUTES” subtext is getting reeeeeeally popular all of a sudden, huh? Almost as if the Trustifarian bastards who’ve been getting a free ride on everyone else’s backs all their lives can see the threatening glimmer of a latent clue sparkling in the peons’ eyes. Nothing like the proles looking like they might start tearing up the tracks that the Gravy Train runs on to bring out their Inner Eichmann.

See, the trick is to screw the underclass just enough to profit handsomely while providing enough American Gladiator™ & Mystery Meat Hot-Pockets™ to keep them fed & distracted. The sheer arrogance of refusing to pitch in one solitary fucking nickel while you impose mandatory psychopathology tarted up as “austerity” has consequences. It’s all good clean fun until someone gets pulled from their limo & stomped to death.

we are all related to the same black women who was born about 70,000 years ago

The truth may be even scarier!



holy crap! I stay away for one damn day to get some actual work done and you people are procreating comments like freaking rabbits! how am I to get caught up?!?!?


God owns a Plymouth, since the Bible says that he drove Adam and Eve from the garden in a Fury.

Big WIN for the Major!

(Ima gonna e-mail this one to folks….)God owns a Plymouth, since the Bible says that he drove Adam and Eve from the garden in a Fury.


Shit. What’s with the double Paste thing again? I thought I was hitting the Submit Comment button.

I doubt I’m ever going to catch-up the thread. I started late and there’s lots of good stuff in it. I never rush when I’m reading.


while providing enough American Gladiator™ & Mystery Meat Hot-Pockets™ to keep them fed & distracted.

Don’t forget the war on Christmas, jim.


See, the trick is to screw the underclass just enough to profit handsomely while providing enough American Gladiator™ & Mystery Meat Hot-Pockets™ to keep them fed & distracted. The sheer arrogance of refusing to pitch in one solitary fucking nickel while you impose mandatory psychopathology tarted up as “austerity” has consequences. It’s all good clean fun until someone gets pulled from their limo & stomped to death.

Knowing when to say when–perhaps the most underrated talent in the history of self preservation instinct. Fun and games indeed.

Know this, noblemen: When this 41 year old father is screaming ‘YEAH, BURN THE MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!’ at coverage of riots in one of the largest cities in the world, you probably have taken it a step too far.


also, i was only able to read this ponce’s work up until he wrote ‘irrespective’…and I was so looking forward to his insights into amy winehouse…


I want to make some parchment fish packets tonight.

wink-wink nudge-nudge know what I mean, eh?


Their 2nd album is the Dark Side of the Moon of Polka.

D00d, you gotta play it in synch with The Sound of Music… totally mind-blowing.


Don’t forget the war on Christmas, jim.

What the fuck, we haven’t even gone through Halloween, and the War on Christmas has started? I despise the crass commercialization of the War on Christmas.


It starts earlier every damn year. What are we teaching our children with all of the phony poutrage?


However, I am very inclined to steal the phrase “festive capitalization

u and me both, brutha!


That first year was worst!

Slash & Burn Enterprises, a division of UPYURZ Global

Sooner or later, Smash-n-Grab INC (a wholely-owned subsidiary of Slash & Burn Enterprises) will be closing Offices worldwide.


That first year was worst!

Just like when those godless Commies Papists removed “under God” from the Pledge of allegiance.


See, the trick is to screw the underclass just enough to profit handsomely while providing enough American Gladiator™ & Mystery Meat Hot-Pockets™ to keep them fed & distracted. The sheer arrogance of refusing to pitch in one solitary fucking nickel while you impose mandatory psychopathology tarted up as “austerity” has consequences. It’s all good clean fun until someone gets pulled from their limo & stomped to death.

If they were smart enough to know that, they’d never have left the Keynesian mid-20th century model behind in the first place. It’s not like the Atlases of the world were any kind of poor in those days. But the history of the last thirty years has been of them pushing for more, more, more, more, more, more, MORE MONEY!!! because for a certain mindset, there’s no such thing as “enough.”

Trouble is that they haven’t hit the brick wall that tells them when to stop yet (no, the riots weren’t it). And they’re going to continue taking until they do.


I see what you did there. I’m deeply touched. (As is andon, I fear.)


Place: Ethical Culture Society
2 West 64th Street at Central Park West
New York City

Tickets will be $15 at the door on the day of the event.

I dunno. That’s seems expensive, whatever the morality of the yeast.


See, the trick is to screw the underclass just enough to profit handsomely while providing enough American Gladiator™ & Mystery Meat Hot-Pockets™ to keep them fed & distracted.

Ah, yes, the old “bread and circuses” schtick.

But the history of the last thirty years has been of them pushing for more, more, more, more, more, more, MORE MONEY!!! because for a certain mindset, there’s no such thing as “enough.”

I believe this mindset is best exemplified by Disco Stu.

The Duchy of Grand Fenwick

Quel Fromage
(a Fenwickian medal of highest distinction)

Burn After Reading – when a book gives you an STD.



(What I do for you people!)

…is much appreciated in Sadlyland, MB.

Guerrila Voters Cadre 18

this primary’s just going to be boring. … Now, all you’ve got is a bunch of random candidates competing for the same uber-faction (teabaggers) by trying to out-crazy and out-psycho each other.

I watched last time. Not this time.

Chris: How can THAT be boring?

((Well, actually we can see how the primaries would be boring to a thoughtful and analytical person such as yourself. Because you care about ideas and evidence and polices and rhetoric (in the classic sense)…and, well, with reality.))

Guerrila Voters Cadre 18, however is totally stoked for 2012 (figuratively and literally)! The Repulican primaries promise to be a season of high hilarity for anyone who has a funnybone and a dark and/or aburdist sense-of-humor.

2012 will also be a fascinating laboratory for studying dogwhistling and message manipulation … sophisticated rumor/smear operations honed since the days of Lee Atwater. The cut-throat ruthlessness of any primary season will be all the more savage as the candidates are competing for an already narrow audience (as you note above).

And the reichwing primary audiences themselves might be the most fascinating of all!

Might be a poli-sci or social science Master’s dissertation in it somewhere. Studying audience denial-of-reality … collective delusions … triggering and reinforcement mechanisms.

Probably worth a Doctoral dissertion: Studying Democratic primary audiences for exactly the same things.

Also herd behavior.

Also watching the Money to see who’s pulling the strings in the Two-Party masquerade of ‘democracy’ of the United States.

Adios for this time, Chris.

*exfiltrates to the hills again.*


LC — I must have misinterpreted the mango. It was awfully diseased.

Guerilla Voters Cadre 18

Chris: The Cadre misunderstood the context: “Not watching” meant tonight’s Clown Car performance. Cadre 18 apologizes for the misinterpretation. (And for the windy communique. Raul gets carried away sometimes.)

Fenwick the Ruthless, Destroyer of Threads,



Back in the day I referred to Dubya, as the Whore Of Smash And Grabylon.



much appreciated in Sadlyland

Don’t encourage me in my whining.


Don’t encourage me in my whining.

Fixed. Now have another glass!


Never touch the stuff. It all tastes like onion juice to me.

Beer & bourbon, when I’m off the wagon.



With respect to our my mutual fiend, I thought you’d like to see a follow up to your MOO! MOO! post…

Sasquatch really isREAL

So’s his Facebook page.

(h/t American Nihilists Henchmen)


i think the gooper debate has broken the intertoobz today…


Helmut wins. But thanks to all our wonderful contestants!

Humph! Mine was funnier…


Just curious: what’s a “comfortably large section” of “ferocious criminals” in England?

Is this like a dozen? A hundred? Can you fit them all in a pub? In Wembley?

I don’t think TBogg’s basset hound could eat that many of them.


¿Qué tienes aquí?


Hello? Is anybody There?



Helmut Monotreme

I think everyone is pining for the fjords. I know I am.


Oopsie–new thread. That’ll bring everybody out from under the baseboards.


I think everyone is pining for the fjords. I know I am.

I’ve got my eye on the Plymouth Fjury, myself


(comments are closed)