Credit where credit is due
We meant to get to this last week, and even though doing so now gets us a bit too much Krauthammer for one week, we would be neglecting our secret pledge by failing to highlight this from Charles “Chuckles” Krauthammer:
Obama faces two massive problems — jobs and debt. They’re both the result of his spectacularly failed Keynesian gamble: massive spending that left us a stagnant economy with high and chronic unemployment — and a staggering debt burden.
Of course! The staggering $14 trillion debt is the result of a one-time, $787 billion stimulus program. And it goes without saying, really, that government spending causes unemployment. If stimulus spending reduces economic growth, what else can you expect?
Upside: Looks like The Atlantic has a new economics editor ready if Megan ever gets canned. Then again, maybe Chuckles was going for a variation on the classic “it’s not a fact, it’s a hypothetical.”
You know, it almost makes sense for them to be doing the revisionist history on FDR. That happened nearly 80 years ago and thanks to a shitty history education constantly attacked by conservatives for being too “pessimistic” and “dour” about the fact that a lot of things that happened 200+ years ago don’t exactly look pure as the driven snow by modern standards of morality and decency, well, I can see people having shall we say a fluid understanding of when people existed in terms of huge events.
So I can almost understand them succeeding with that bit of horseshit revisionism. But this “Obama caused the recession by engaging in weak Keynesian Economics” horseshit?
This is history that is 3 years old. No one should be falling for this and every attempt at rewriting this should be met with a hearty scoff and a joke about Time Traveling Black Men.
And yet this horseshit is everywhere and I strongly suspect that it has become a shibboleth in the right-wing communities so that they can continue promoting Hooverist policies in a Depression with absolutely no self-awareness.
3 fucking years, people. 3 fucking years.
The Conservative view of history stretches all the way back to two weeks ago, Cerberus. Anything older is fair game.
When you accept the Conservative wafer onto your tongue it wipes out most of your memory.
Actually, from their point of view, they’re correct. Obama’s “spectacularly failed Keynesian gamble” worked out just the way they said it would. Of course, that was a self-fulfilling prophecy: They made sure it would fail. They made sure the stimulus package was about half of what it needed to be, that almost half of that was counter-productive tax cuts, and then managed to prevent half of what was left from being spent at all.
So when it doesn’t have the desired effect, they can turn around and say “Keynesian economics doesn’t work! Remember how FDR caused the Depression?” And the public goes: “Oh, Ya sure! Ya Betcha!”
They’re both the result of his spectacularly failed Keynesian gamble
Before his massive, uncut spending package we had 100% employment and a surplus.
Y’ know, a good way to boost the economy would be to start another war.
You can not convince me that Kraut’s brain was not just as paralyzed as his legs were in his unfortunate “accident.”
3 fucking commercials is too long for many people to remember.
That got shoved down our throats?
It must be fascinating to live in Krauthammer’s world. Don’t like the way the Sun rises in the East? Well, just spin that compass around! Voila! It now rises in the West!
Having the new high-posting rate S,N! in one’s reader is very confuzzling.
Heh, that happens all the time on these innert00bz, HTML.
At least you didn’t blow it all up, you maniacs!
we would be neglecting our secret pledge by failing to highlight this from Charles “Chuckles” Krauthammer:
Aw, fellas, you shouldn’t have.
No, really. You shouldn’t have.
Before his massive, uncut spending package we had 100% employment and a surplus.
Around 2000, that would have been close to correct. 2008? Not so much.
I strongly suspect that it has become a shibboleth in the right-wing communities so that they can continue promoting Hooverist policies in a Depression with absolutely no self-awareness.
I think you’re not taking it far enough. It was always going to be a shibboleth, because they’re so committed to the idea that government can’t do anything right. If the bill had been big enough and spent correctly and it got the unemployment rate going down to 8% or whatever, they’d be complaining that it isn’t at 7%, and why isn’t it falling faster?! Free market! Job creators! Blarg blarg fart! The goalposts will always be moved: there will never be enough proof. It’s how they work.
Every ideology, I suppose, can be a bit resistant to new theories that might challenge their old and beloved ones, but this new breed of Ayn Rand-influenced Teabagger/nihilist conservatism seems like it doesn’t even allow new theories to be considered. It’s not built that way. All the assumptions are so interconnected that you can’t let any new ideas in, like the idea that government spending could, in some ways, improve the economy, because then the whole house of cards starts wobbling. It’s monomaniacal and just frightening to watch, especially when they’ve seized control of as much as they have now.
Someone needs to lift Chuckles out of the chair and prop him up on the toilet, he’s WAY overdue.
It’s not built that way. All the assumptions are so interconnected that you can’t let any new ideas in, like the idea that government spending could, in some ways, improve the economy, because then the whole house of cards starts wobbling.
Well, yeah. If A could equal B, or possibly even E, then the entire universe collapses. The problem seems to be that they’ve decided A stood for “A government can’t not never get nothing right”.
The real problem is that we got all these Americans who think that when you’re figuring out debts that you also have to think about revenues.
The facks are that in modern conservative America we now know that book
learninkeeping is only about that part that goes out.So all them damn faggz screaming in their Kenyonesian terror baby clothes about how they’s less taxes being tooken on account of the people havin less jobs and low pay, they can shut up.
Because money shouldn’t be going into the gubmit no how. We got to pay off the debt and stop making it so dam big, but we can’t do it because it’s a spendin’ problem and not a revenue problem which means you don’t need no revenue and so don’t waste my god-damn time bittering about how you ain’t got no job and cain’t pay the taxes blah blah blah.
If we get rid of the income tax and all the corporate taxes and inheritance taxes (which take away 100% of everything when Grampaw tries to give the kids his 1 acre dust farm), then we can finally not have more money coming in and this will make the debt small because they’s less revenue.
Cid, didn’t we warn you about crossing the streams of parody & reality?
The two tributaries were fairly settled in flowing in their own paths, but a spastically constructed Conservative Army Corps of Injun-hearing intervened to built a pre-collapsed levee, thus diverting the two from their own channels to form one nasty, roiling river.
Cid, didn’t we warn you about crossing the streams of parody & reality?
Last time he did this, Rick Santelli started ranting about tea bags on CNBC….
Spaghetti Lee – I first read that as “house of canards” and I like it a little better that way. Your last sentence is, unfortunately, right on.
Look, Charles Fartel, the Kraut Scammer, is just basing his analysis on the widely believed fact that any money disbursed by a government headed by a fellow of the dusky persuasion automatically gets spent on malt liquor and scratch-off lottery tickets. The fact that you don’t accept this as self-evidently true just proves wankitty wank wank splort.