Another White Man Enslaved By The Negroes Speaks Out
Posted on July 28th, 2011 by Tintin
ABOVE: Selwyn Duke
Shorter Selwyn Duke, The American “Thinker”:
The Myth of White Privilege
- If white privilege really existed I could say “nigger” as often as I wanted.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Then I gaze into the mirror at my alabaster complexion and say, “What’s wrong with this picture?
Does write itself.
Holy shit. This guy is a tool shed.
I think it is unfair to associate this guy with toilet paper. Toilet paper, after all, serves an important purpose.
Ain’t Obama’s post-racial America grand?
Obama is a racialist.
Great Jon Stewert quote. He said it about Hannity but it fits here also.
“STEWART: That is, if I may say, some of the most free-range, organically grown, disingenuous, ideologically marinated un-self-awareness I’ve ever seen in the wild.”
Me thinks he’s ascaired the dark hordes will treat whites like they’ve been treated.
This guy is a tool shed
I’d rank him right up there with old “Two Sheds” Jackson.
Also, Selwyn Duke? Seriously? I guess when your name is what David Duke would rename himself if he were a Sword of Truth character, you’re kind of destined to become a twat.
Got out of the boat, grabbed a mango and ran like a … You know:
Yeah! Everyone knows only darkies, kw33rs, joos, uppity women & other Islamocomsymp types hold massive meetings and conspire to deprive Caucasians of their white privilege.
Uncivil rights agitators? That’s almost cute.
Something must be wrong. My finances are in shambles; mainstream newspapers won’t publish my pieces; and, no matter how much I try to convince Fox News that they need male eye candy as well, they just won’t give me a show.
What’s wrong is you suck and you’re stupid and ugly. I can’t imagine a whitectomy would alleviate any of those issues, but hey, knock yourself out.
A tool like this getting paid for crap like this for this non-racial blog complains that whites just can’t catch a break?
Me thinks he’s ascaired the dark hordes will treat whites like they’ve been treated.
I don’t fucking blame him. I’m scared of it too.
Selwyn Duke, Duke Selwyn? That work?
What about all those white folks who couldn’t ride in the back of the bus. What about them? When I was in grade school all the cool kids sat in the back of the bus and only the losers and geeks sat up front. Why does Rosa Parks hate white people?
And and and they got their own drinking fountains too!
Then I gaze into the mirror at my alabaster complexion and say, “What’s wrong with this picture?
You caught a pail of loonies with your “Damn Obama, life would be so much easier if I was the right color” bait.
Remember that time Tintin posted a link to that Hutaree forum that had pix of men prying open their assholes?
This was worse than that. And if you value your sanity, do not read the comments. It’s the comments that’ll get ya.
Et Tu Pentagon?
The United States Department of Defense has a black budget it uses to fund expenditures, called black projects, it does not want to disclose publicly. The annual cost of the United States Department of Defense black budget was estimated at $32 billion in 2008[1] but was increased to an estimated $50 billion in 2009.[2]
Obama Reparations! Where’s the WHITE budget?! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
Sure is hard for whites to break that Congressional color barrier.
Millionaires too!
Look at these rotten mangoes I brought back for you:
It’s self-refuting! And this cobag is too damn stupid to see that he’s refuted himself in one short paragraph.
Also, I loved the guy bitching about working 60 hour work weeks and paying taxes so all those lazy layabout n***ers won’t have to work. Doesn’t he know that only rich people pay taxes? What a lying liar.
Most priceless of all though is that anyone could read Duke Jr. or the comments and not think, “hey…wait…aren’t like, 99% of elected federal officials and CEOs white guys?” Not privileged, though, nosiree – those guys all worked hard to get where they are…it’s only lazy elitist blacks like Obama who get the presidency handed to them on a silver platter.
“And and and they got their own drinking fountains too!”
I never got my own drinking fountain.
Just imagine the confluence of wildly-improbable, once-in-a-century circumstances that would allow a white man to be elected president. It’s almost inconceivable!
You’ve been listening, ladies and gentlemen, to the latest installment of “Phoned in from the Seventies.”
Shorter Selwyn Douche:
“Because I am not CEO of Goldman Sachs, there is no white privelege. There could be no other reason for my complete failure as a human being other than that it is all the darkies’ fault.”
Poor baby. Those mean old libruls calling him a racist asshole just because he is one.
A white president would have to produce a birth certficate to prove he wasn’t born in Sweden.
This quote works fine for Jennifer’s mango also.
STEWART: That is, if I may say, some of the most free-range, organically grown, disingenuous, ideologically marinated un-self-awareness I’ve ever seen in the wild.”
“And and and they got their own drinking fountains too!” I never got my own drinking fountain.
Heh. As a wee tyke in the wilds of Oklahoma in the late 1950s, I created a minor incident when I started to drink out of one of those water fountains, not being able to read the “Colored” sign.
Me thinks as well this little weiner is fearing that the world of lazy white doofus hacks is shrinking. His alabaster complexion just doesn’t automatically make him a step ahead anymore.
Dear Selwyn:
You’re absolutely correct. We’ve stolen your White Privilege and traded it for T-bone steaks and Cadillacs. What are you going to do about it?
White Privilege Redistribution, Inc.
Seriously, how do these assholes manage to spend 99% of their waking hours whining about the horrible no good rotteneness of everything, while never coming up with a single concrete solution to the horrible no good rotteness?
(TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK! is not a solution, it is a slogan.)
Nabisco gets to use the word “cracker” all the time and no one complains but imagine the outrage by the liberal media if they came out with a product called “Nigger Snaps.” See the double standard.
So, there was a ‘civil rights’ meeting at the Fox and Hounds? Progressive.
p.s. People aren’t food.
I was blind, but now I see!!!!
It’s because i’ve been discriminated against all my life.
That’s why I’m not living in my palace on the beach on St. John.
It’s a deeper shade of blue today; for the slurpees. That’s cold.
Mold interlaced throughout the margarine, it’s more worser. It’s the green, not the black. The black is for the windows.
I have been banned at GayPutzRiot. Not by America’s Dumbest Homosexual but whoever the new, even dumber and much nastier guy is. I am a broken man.
Afghanastan. Canada. Canadian troops, American troops. Good guy, bad guy. Humanitarian efforts, imperialism. Stall, continue. Stall, continue. (rinse and repeat) it’s the shampoo. (It’s the hair).
I stare inquistively at the four of them. The man manuevers himself in front of the license plate. It is a test of patience for him and the woman. They wait for me to look away, to drive away. There is a car in the parking lot, in the fire lane, that keeps peering back at them. The driver of the green sedan is the vehicle that hits the truck, not far from the hospital.
The boys are in the truck box. The younger child is injured, and hospitalized. It is the passenger side rear end of the Ford F150 that is hit. The older brother tells me the next day that he might be permanently separated from his younger brother. He’s worried about his cough, he’s needed medication for a long time, and the doctors don’t give him medication. He knows how important it is to have someone to trust. What if his little brother is left all alone?
Nabisco gets to use the word “cracker” all the time and no one complains but imagine the outrage by the liberal media if they came out with a product called “Nigger Snaps.”
That is awesome.
Because I am not CEO of Goldman Sachs, there is no white privelege.
That’s pretty much it, isn’t it? It’s the whole anecdote vs data thing… even though statistics from study after study show black folks tend to get lower pay, worse jobs, be poorer, etc. than white folks in general, and though the vast majority of positions in the job he aspires to are held by white folks, because HE PERSONALLY isn’t in the solid gold catbird seat it not only disproves anti-black prejudice it proves anti-white prejudice! Jesus Christ, dude, you want to be a journalist? Do some research and learn to think. You could maybe try writing less sucktastically, too, but wevs.
Lessee…which is worse? The copypasta troll or this andiron guy? Pretty much of a wash for me.
I’m not pretzeldent of the Untied Snakes.
You know why? That’s right…
I don’t suppose Sambo’s is still in business anywhere, right? Now by the ’70s they’d turned Sambo into a little Arab, but after 9/11 that probably wouldn’t draw much of a crowd. There are so few crummy 24-hour restaurants to go and sober up when the bars close nowadays!
Jennifer. Under the table at grandma’s house. I’m hiding because she is yelling about my manners, and she wants to hit me. Jennifer watches her walk down the hall, and then joins me under the table. You shouldn’t hide here. She can see you. I know, She doesn’t like to bend under. It’s undignified. Last time she dragged me out. Probably didn’t because i walked in the room. Heathens. You probably forgot me again. No, I didn’t. They tried to tell me the babies weren’t real, and I didn’t believe them. They said the babies were only dolls. I had a life-like doll…they said there wasn’t babies here, too, at the hotel. What babies? Did you forget? No, I mean, here. They were probably sold. I remember you helped me, because they wouldn’t give me a break to go ask someone what to do. She closed the (what do you call it again? not dresser…) on the baby when I tried to leave the room. I couldn’t leave them alone. What happened to the babies? They made me watch the video. I didn’t know there was a camera. They said it was just a movie, that it wasn’t real. That they were dolls. What happened to the babies? I didn’t know how to take care of them. You were five. No, I’m four. They said I’m four. There’s nothing we can do. That wasn’t me. They weren’t our responsibility. That’s true, but we need to find out where they are. I don’t want to talk about it.
Aunt Jemima sort of maple flavored HFCS crap sucks. This is cntral to someon’s point, somewhere.
I thought andiron *was* the copypasta troll.
At any rate, the Tea Party must be jizzing itself dehydrated right now.
So much from the last thread before even starting to catch up here:
True that.
Rodert: I surely didn’t mean to ‘out’ you! That was a wonderful story about the origin of ‘rodertrudis’.
I wouldn’t doubt it: Maddux worked so fast on the mound and was so efficient: induce the grounder; one pitch, one out. Best pitcher of my lifetime (at least for the style of pitching that I prefer). Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine, John Smoltz: Best collection of pitching talent ever. All belong in Cooperstown.
This is not to say that certain members of my own family didn’t swallow a purple micro dot the day they showed up at the nurses station to fill out the birth certificate forms
Amazing list. I remember County Line from your stories. (I hope you will continue them here!)
Of course, it isn’t really true that all we Caucasians get together in a big conference hall somewhere and, rubbing our hands together with devilish glee, conspire as to how we’re gonna get ourselves some’a that there white privilege.
Actually, one of the hallmarks of privilege is that you don’t realize it’s happening. Little Miss “Let Them Eat Cake” 1789 wasn’t exactly cackling and conspiring for her privilege either. She didn’t have to. It had permeated her entire life to the degree that she could actually say something that stupid and not be aware of what she’d said.
The shorter, yes, is spot on.
It’s also kind of self-refuting to say in one paragraph that there’s discrimination against whites because white people can’t get a job anywhere, and then admit that white people are better off on average than black people or Hispanics. How’re they doing that if they don’t have a job to pay them? You’re not telling me they get welfare, right? I thought welfare was for affirmative action thugs. And you’re not telling me they have an easier time getting loans or whatever, are you? Cause that’d be white privilege. Which doesn’t exist. Because shut up, that’s why.
pinkish-tanitywhiteness has held me back. If I were beige, I could have been an original IBM PC.Bailing for baseball. Haven’t even started catching up the thread. Back with the Night Hawks.
And THAT’S why I never see Christmas mentioned in the media, gentile families on sitcoms, or bacon at the market unless I go to the ethnic store in a distant neighborhood.
White privilege is about more than the wealth gap (although that exists and is growing). It’s about being able to go through life feeling like a “normal” person, and assuming that 99.9% of the time other people will treat you as “normal” too. Even wealthy Black people have to negotiate stereotypes and prejudices that their white colleagues do not. Meanwhile, high-school dropouts in Northern Idaho with three teeth and a glue habit are congratulating themselves on being more “American” than our president.
Privilege isn’t just about money, it is about being able to universalize your culture, so that everyone else must respond to you, but you can blithely assume that no other values or perspectives exist but your own.
The Joos aren’t really a very good example of… ZOMG FORESKIN APOCALYPSE!!!
OK, Duke, you get to use that word if I get to raise interest rates.
/Chris Rock
I bring you mangoes!
Can’t think of one good thing that Hawking has done. He’s self serving.
Maybe science meant something once, but not any more.
Wingnuts have become unstuck in time.
Chris, it isn’t welfare when it’s for white people. It’s a premature tax rebate, and it isn’t nearly enough to compensate for all the oppression they will suffer when they own a business or publish a best-seller or something – which they WOULD be doing if it weren’t for the jackboot of diversity on their necks keeping them from reaching the pork rinds and the remote.
Professor Stephen Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” is one of the books I would like to reread if I could find the time. However, after learning that he supports the global warming myth I would read the book a little more critically than I did the first time.
I choked.
Chris, it isn’t welfare when it’s for white people.
Yeah, no shit. Hence the number of red states that remain on the federal welfare rolls after eighty years straight.
When the 200-inch mirror blank for the Hale telescope was working its way from Rochester to Mount Palomar on its railcar, you had radio preachers inciting their flocks to try to destroy it on the way. I thought things had progressed a little in the last 80 years, but I guess not.
Let’s burn down the observatory so this never happens again!
…no matter how much I try to convince Fox News that they need male eye candy as well, they just won’t give me a show.
Probably that stick of desperation your trying to sell.
When the 200-inch mirror blank for the Hale telescope was working its way from Rochester to Mount Palomar on its railcar, you had radio preachers inciting their flocks to try to destroy it on the way.
Are you sure they weren’t radio astronomers?
Damn it!
Speaking of which, is it true they made a movie out of Nightfall, or did I dream that?
I would also like more male eye candy on Fox News. It’s like the women their are evaluated on their appearance and the men on their lack of ideas.
Ohhh they should, so I can watch it and complain that it isn’t as good as the book!
No peeking up God’s skirts!
Sumbitch. 3 out of 10.
That’s the stuff.
“But other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?”
But seriously, the original Star Trek owes nothing to Asimov. It’s pure Horatio Hornblower.
That celluloid abomination is one of the most heinous axe-murders of a book I’ve ever experienced. Ranks right down there with the execrable “Millennium” atrocity done to John Varley’s book.
Interesting, he has the usual conservative veiw of history: it started two eeks ago. Thus using the N word in comedy should be OK because it’s just a two week old word. It has no historical baggage or loading. This is why the prejudice against the whiteys is so bad. They never hurt no one!!!
Really? Worse than Dune? I almost burned down the theater on the way out after that one.
I read the entire Dune series, loved it, and yet also thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Sometimes I think I should be in a fucking museum.
No, I’m probably the one who should be in a museum—the original Dune was a life-changing event for science fiction, and those of us who read it. However, I’ve never been able to plow my way through any of the continuations of it.
I read the entire Dune series, loved it, and yet also thoroughly enjoyed the movie.
Herbert wrote in the preface to my edition that after the first book he received letters asking if he was founding a new religion and, if so, how to join. After that he may have taken a misanthropic turn.
Is there any way to put this fuck on ignore?
Shit! Now I’ve gone crazy and started spamming crap all over. Help me!
We are all copypasta troll now
No wonder liberals hate McDonalds so much.
What the FUCK? You take that back, shitstain. McDonalds is teh awesome.
I think he has liberals confused with Michael Pollan readers.
pedestrian, you are welcome in my fucking museum any time. If you know what I mean and I know you do.
VRBK, I didn’t say “worse.” Like my fuckung museum friend, I enjoyed the big screen Dune but I went into it with low expectations vis a vis fidelity and stuff. Cinematically it’s actually pretty interesting. Lynch skull-fucked the story but still made an enjoyable film.
needed medication for a long time
Please see someone. Seriously.
Anybody see the Dune miniseries, and if so, did they like that one?
I did. Wasn’t much for the eighties movie (at least the half that I saw), but in fairness, the book was so good any video rendition of it was going to pale in comparison, IMO.
(That’s why I like watching movies before reading books – you’re saving the best for last and giving the movie a fair chance on its own merits).
Copy paste troll deleted and banned.
pedestrian, you are welcome in my fucking museum any time. If you know what I mean and I know you do.
Is this one of those museums where you can’t touch the dinosaur bones?
Copy paste troll deleted and banned.
Pupienus said,
July 29, 2011 at 3:03
pedestrian, you are welcome in my fucking museum any time. If you know what I mean and I know you do.
VRBK, I didn’t say “worse.” Like my fuckung museum friend, I enjoyed the big screen Dune but I went into it with low expectations vis a vis fidelity and stuff. Cinematically it’s actually pretty interesting. Lynch skull-fucked the story but still made an enjoyable film.
Fenwick said,
July 29, 2011 at 3:07
needed medication for a long time
Please see someone. Seriously.
(I kid!)
“Tintin said,
July 29, 2011 at 3:19
Copy paste troll deleted and banned.”
thanks yet again but it seems there are more problems.
PedXian – I may be getti g on in years but _dinosaur_? Really.
I shall leave in a huff. A HUFF mind you!
The One True and Very Reverend is indeed a Battleaxe of Knowledge.
Yet another reason I like spending time at S,N: I learn things I might never encounter elsewhere.
Also the rollercoaster rides. Wheeeeeeee!
Oh, many thanks to our overlords and masters at S,N for freeing us from the troll. I don’t have kill-file doohickies, so it’s much appreciated!
TinTin: Another excellent shorter and photoshop. Selwyn Duck surely IS a shit-for-brains.
Also, thanks to the intrepid and bold adventurers who brought back decayed and putrifying magnoes. In all my many months on deck, seldom I have seen such thoroughly rotten and diseased specimens.
I kid, I kid. I’m sure the main attraction is an exhibition of emerging trends in performance art.
Curiously, he actually can say “nigger” as often and as loudly as he likes. I don’t think there are any laws that will put him in jail for it. It might earn him anything from a major ass-beating down to being shunned for the utter shitbag he is depending on where he says it. Hell, it might get him applause in some places.
You want to see white privilege in action? What do you think would happen if several hundred of the melanin-enhanced showed up in DC for a Black-Power rally all Open-Carry-happy sporting AR-15s? Teabaggers do it? No problem. There’s your white fucking privilege.
So often “forgotten.”
A roadside revival preacher, on the other hand… Now that’s a source I can trust.
That, and the ShamWow dude.
Why are there no straight pride parades? Dam homersexuals oppressing the downtrodden hets!
I did not know this. Sadly, it does not surprise me. Then or now.
This has nothing, NOTHING, to do with being privileged.
SHUT UP! That’s why.
Shoving it down our throats, even.
From the lovely lovey comments at American Thinker: “Indeed, what we see today is intimidation of nonblack voters by feral inner city thugs, but it’s gauche to bring this up in elitist safe-harbor society that remains untouched by such things.”
I don’t get it. Presumably the white people don’t live in the city, so they don’t vote in the precincts inhabited by the feral inner city thugs? And when did feral inner city thugs become so concerned with voting? All the people I see hanging around the polls in my 50% minority inner city neighborhood are 50 year old white guys trying to get me to vote for the guy who got their cousin a job.
Well, to be fair, if there was a “Straight Pride Parade” that was as …flamboyant…as the usual Gay Pride Parade…I’d watch it.
That’s his problem. It is no longer socially acceptable (or safe) to say it whenever he likes. Not only do the neocons want to be assholes, they want their assholery to be consequence free. ‘Cos they’re brave and bold like that.
To be fair, they had to hold their Guns R Dick Substitutes rally in Va. because they couldn’t hold it in D.C. Plus they may have gotten wind of the fact that D.C. already has plenty of melanin-enhanced people who openly tote serious weaponry. They’re called cops. (And Secret Service and some security guards and … Shit, we’ve got a lot of uniforms around here.)
Your point still stands though, since an open carry Black Power rally in Va.* will go over without comment after Satan dies of frost bite.
*MAYBE in NoVa. But probably not.
More stellar commenting from American Thinker: “I had this discussion with a black consultant. He assumed that because I was white, that I came from “privilege”. He did not understand that I could have a father who had picked potatoes in Idaho, then ride logs down a river in Michigan and have an 8th grade education. Or that my grandfather could have died at 32 from lead poisoning (working in a Chicago pencil factory), or that my grandmother could have died from mal-nutrition at 29″
Wait a minute. Your grandfather died of *lead* poisoning in a pencil factory? What, someone shot him in the head? Because last time I checked, pencil leads are actually graphite……
Yeah, those hip-hop street gangs are all about the votin’, yo!
MOAR white oppression: breakin’ rocks in the hot sun … then back home to Mom for milk & cookies!
Is it time travel? Do I remember correctly that the wisdom of Mike Soja appeared in exactly the same form years ago? Is that what makes it “timeless”?
“Nabisco gets to use the word “cracker” all the time and no one complains but imagine the outrage by the liberal media if they came out with a product called “Nigger Snaps.””
Great Jumping Hermaphrodites!! I don’t think I have laughed that hard since the pigs ate my little brother. FTW FTW FTW.
Oh, by the way, the reason the TP Dispenser is named Selwyn is because Mortimer Duke was already taken.
Scene: Ranch Home, Boyette Rd, Climax, Georgia. June, 2011, around three a.m.
Cliff, Cliff, wake up, wake up honey, there’s somebody in the house.
Huh, huh, what? what? Shirley?
Shhhhhh, Cliff, there’s somebody in the house.
Good goddamn, Shirley, what the hell…..he’s in the kitchen. Where’s my pistol. Shhhh’
It’s in the nightstand, Cliff, oh God Cliff, oh God, what’s he want Cliff?
Just be quiet Shirley. Just be quiet. Oh goddamnit, here he comes. Shirley where’s my pistol?
I don’t know Cliff, oh God, oh God.
Mister, I don’t what you want, what you’re doing here, but we ain’t got nothing.
Of God Cliff, he’s gonna kill us, he’s gonna kill us Cliff.
Hello. No, Shirley Prosser, I have not come to kill you. Or you Cliff Prosser.
Then what in the hell are you doing in my house? You scared the shit out us!
I am not here to kill you. Quite the opposite. I am here to answer your prayers.
Our prayers! What prayers are you talking about? Oh God Cliff, he knows our names!
Shirley, just shutup and listen for a minute, okay? Mister, what prayers are you talking about?
Well, first, let me tell you who I am. I am a God. You probably think that there is only one God, but that is not true.
So you’re a God. And there is more than one.
That is correct. There are thousands of Gods. We each have separate duties to perform.
And what kind of God are you?
I am the Skin Color God.
I am the God that determines one’s skin color. I am the God of Skin Color. Do you understand?
I think so. You’re the God that makes some folks white and some folks black and so on and so forth.
That is correct. You understand perfectly.
So if you’re the Skin Color God, why are you here? We’re already white. Aren’t we?
That is correct. I have been here once for each of you already.
So why did you come back?
To answer your prayers.
Our prayers. You said that already. I don’t understand.
You have prayed ten times that you wished you were black so you could enjoy all the advantages of a black man.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, there Mr God. I don’t think you understand what I was saying.
Yes. I understand. You must understand that we have rules. One is The Ten Prayer Rule.
The Ten Prayer Rule? What in God’s name is that?
The Ten Prayer Rule states that if you wish for something ten times, it must be granted.
Well, what if I said real fast, ten times, that I wanted to stay white, would that work?
No. Too late. I can only change you once. I have many prayers to answer. Good bye.
Oh Cliff, you have really messed up this time.
Oh shit, I’m black Shirley! Oh my God! I’m a negro!
Yep. Well, I’m calling Casey Hanks first thing and putting the house on the market.
That’s his problem. It is no longer socially acceptable (or safe) to say it whenever he likes. Not only do the neocons want to be assholes, they want their assholery to be consequence free. ‘Cos they’re brave and bold like that.
If I can bring back the sci-fi trolling for a minute, this mindset is one of the reasons Gul Dukat was Star Trek’s greatest villain. Not just wanting to be an asshole, but desperately needing the approval and pats on the head from everybody around him, even and maybe especially the people he was hurting. And honestly expecting their approval, and very honestly being hurt, shocked and indignant when he didn’t get it.
Unfortunately, it’s a mindset that’s all over our political culture. Biggest example being the Iraq war, where over a million Iraqis died while people at right wing blogs here were spewing anti-Muslim, anti-Arab, anti-Iraqi hate all over their keyboards to all who would listen; but those same bloggers very honestly expected the Iraqis to thank us and were bewildered and infuriated when they didn’t. (Not just righties either. The whining about Iraqi “ingratitude” for what “we’ve” “done for them” has been a constant all over Washington politics for almost a decade).
I always wondered how they got away with the whole Cardassian-Bajoran situation, since it was so obviously just the Israeli-Palestinian situation in disguise.
(Of course, I also wondered how they got away with the Ferengi being every nasty Jewish stereotype ever invented, too.)
That’s his problem. It is no longer socially acceptable (or safe) to say it whenever he likes.
Just another typical whiny wienie conservative.
Of course, it isn’t really true that all we Caucasians get together in a big conference hall somewhere and, rubbing our hands together with devilish glee, conspire as to how we’re gonna get ourselves some’a that there white privilege. Yet you wouldn’t know it listening to egghead academics, media mouths, and uncivil rights agitators.
well, we certainly don’t invite a dude named SELWYN DUKE.
andon said,
July 29, 2011 at 0:32 (kill)
p.s. People aren’t food.
fuck you if they aren’t. You just gotta grill em up right.
There are so few crummy 24-hour restaurants to go and sober up when the bars close nowadays!
Oh shut UP. Here in Milwaukee, we have Ma Fischers, but also George Webb’s, which puts two identical clocks ON THE WALL NEXT TO EACH OTHER; when you figure out that you are not actually seeing double, you are OK to go home.
speaking as someone whose real name is…unique, to say no more…I wonder how much of a tough guy somebody named Selwyn Duke was able to establish himself as growing up. I’m having a hard time imagining it. So now he needs to lord it over somebody else to give himself delusions of adequacy. But if those swarthy Untermenschen aren’t fair game any more, what is he going to do?
I always wondered how they got away with the whole Cardassian-Bajoran situation, since it was so obviously just the Israeli-Palestinian situation in disguise.
I don’t think it was quite as controversial twenty years ago as today.
Plus, people see what they want to see – and Cardassian and Bajoran cultures were pretty different from Israeli and Palestinian.
Plus, Star Trek was already known as being way out on the left. (No money in the Federation, a military that isn’t a military, etc).
It’s like the women their are evaluated on their appearance ….
Gretchen Carlson argues against this.
It’s strange how a show about what is essentially a perfect Communist utopia has so many right-wing fans.
I haven’t encountered any rightist Doctor Who fans, but they apparently exist too. Now that would be weird.
I really hate it when I discover people I hate like some of the same things I like. My first comment on here was to express horror that some anti-islamic fucktard called himself “Baron Bodissey” and was thus obviously a Jack Vance fan. That still makes my skin crawl.
As Minister of Optimism, I must report that we’re all completely fucked.
It’s strange how a show about what is essentially a perfect Communist utopia has so many right-wing fans.
It is, but it’s not. It’s a show about a near-utopian democratic civilization spreading through the universe and bringing illumination to the quaint and weird aliens. With a lot of alien cultures being one-note caricatures with a single defining trait (“logic,” “honor,” “greed,” “treachery,” etc).
Manifest destiny, mission civilizatrice, etc. I can see how neocons could identify with it.
Why are there no straight pride parades? Dam homersexuals oppressing the downtrodden hets!
Is it me, or does a straight pride parade sound like the gayest event ever? Like Republican Senator level of gay.
Is it me, or does a straight pride parade sound like the gayest event ever? Like Republican Senator level of gay.
Marcus Bachmann is definitely honorary Marshal for life.
With Miss McConnell as Annual Head Majorette.
White riot nuffin’.
White Minority.
But seriously, the original Star Trek owes nothing to Asimov. It’s pure Horatio Hornblower.
This cannot be repeated enough.
<i.Anybody see the Dune miniseries, and if so, did they like that one?
Why, yes. Was going to mention it. Haven’t read Dune since 1968(?) & the mini-series was, what, 2000, but it seemed a bit more book-faithful.
Also, the 1988 Nightfall, which I’d never heard of, even though a close personal acquaintance was in it. So bad he didn’t want to speak of it, I s’pose.
Imma vomit now.
…Ten years later.
Just go away. Please.
“I had been in enough crises to know that the first thing a leader has to do is to project calm,”
Not sure what crises he’s referring to here. Maybe that time Laura hid his bottle of scotch?
He’s spewed that “dint wanna skeer th’ childrin” bit before.
After all, the feelings of a single class of elementary school children are more important than the security of the
United SnakesPresident, who is going to hide on an Air Force Base while Cheney & Rumsfeld fight about who’s in charge in Washington. (Neither was, it turns out.)Let’s see, what crises? How ’bout the U.S. spy plane that the Chinese knocked out of the air & got a hold of in April 2001? And what did he do? Oh, right, nothing.
Well, I wouldn’t say he did nothing. I recall he asked them very politely to give it back.
Had he been a Democrat they would have labeled him the biggest appeaser since Neville Chamberlain.
Panthers w/ guns. And video.
Scared whitey so much that Ronald Reagan signed the law they were protesting, the Mulford Act, which was an infringement on Second Amendment rights.
Every time I sort of start to forget what a fucking asshole Dubya was, he comes back and reminds me. Man, I thought I hated Nixon! If anybody had told me I would spend 8 years saying: “What wouldn’t you give to have Nixon back right now?” I would have had them committed.
One has to wonder: Would they march around in one huge closet, or down the street each carrying their own, looking for all the world like a procession of outhouses?
Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks
…Ten years later.
well, that’s a pretty fucking slow reaction.
Whites lacking class privilege screaming and whining about how since they are hated by our rich white male overlords because they are filthy peons, that must mean they are off the hook for everything else.
Well, that would be the standard level of fail and the one they evoke the most on the howling shores of stupid.
But what makes this sad is that this slob of a man with a sub third grade writing and reasoning level is paid a comfortable salary to spew forth crap like this entirely because he is a white male and a conservative and the only form of “affirmative action” that actually works like conservatives claim it does is media affirmative action to literate conservatives who can spew forth dog whistles in a way that’s actually readable to the average bonobo.
And not one of these fuckers while bemoaning that they don’t have women fanning them with palm leaves then white privilege doesn’t exist seems to even want to approach the question of “would I rather be black?” Would any of them choose to be black if it was possible or have the same circumstances but lack their color or even question whether they would have what they assume is theirs by right if they were a different question.
Oh sure, they all claim that the others get “to the front of the line for government handouts” and that “they are the only group its allowed to hate”, but these are repeated like shibboleths, without conviction.
I don’t doubt that most minority groups would if it was possible grab all the privilege of being a majority group if it didn’t require them to deny themselves and the existence of the closet, skin-whitening creams, gender-neutral or race-neutral spellings of names on job applications, gender-neutral nyms for women on the internet, and so on demonstrate that dignity or the desire to fight for every inch is not a universal constant.
But here there is no real desire. No “yeah, I’m thinking about using that skin-darkening stuff and that hair-kinking product so I’ll be more employable”, or “yeah, this suburbs stuff is hell, I really need to move to the ghetto and escape the high white collar crime”, or “yeah, I used to just use my name online, but I was tired of being asked about my higher median income and cock size so now I just go by TwilightLover694”.
Just the same reaction you’d get from a child who is trying to self-justify breaking into the cookie jar even though their mother has said no.
“Oh yeah, well, I’m really the one who’s been wronged. I should be able to eat all the cookies, because I earned it. I mean, I almost completed all my homework and I thought really hard about doing the dishes and it’s not my fault that Max ran through the house after we’d been playing in the mud, I didn’t know he’d chase after that stick. So, yeah, there.”
Really, all of these overprivileged idiots, I would love to force them to experience just one singular day as “The Other”.
One day read by the world as a woman or a black person or a disabled person or so on. So they could experience how much harder and dehumanizing every fucking task becomes an how much social hatred stings.
Fuck, it still wouldn’t do any good. They sting against their lack of class privilege and take it out on those less fortunate. And their fear of getting treated like women or experiencing even a fraction of that world is their main arguments against homosexuality.
So, maybe we should just let them have their perfect all white male “traditional” society on a nicely engineered colony on the Moon while the rest of us fix the giant hellhole they’ve turned the Earth into.
Why are there no straight pride parades?
I have actually heard this before… Yes, people are that stupid.
mission civilizatrice
Ok, I agree completely with your rather interesting point, but what the fuck do you think you’re doing there. It’s une mission civiliSatrice
Also love the guy in the comments who whines about how rough white conservative men older than 40 have it in this country…
Yeah, I haven’t been able to find a job in over a year now. I have an MS in Biology, extremely motivated and have skillsets that cover a wide variety of abilities from biology to writing to teaching to programming to film editing. And that’s true for pretty much all of my friends and pity the poor fucks among them that just have a high school diploma or less. And that difficulty only gets worse without the benefits I have (white, can pass as male if I sell part of my soul, college educated, live in liberal area, have relatives who can help me survive this long with zero income). When I can’t get a job flipping burgers for sub minimum wage, I shiver to think of the poor black single mother who’s trying to find something that can pay the bills and feed her family and hopefully provide them healthcare. Especially now that Welfare has been reduced to less than a joke after decades of conservative white men who are now over 40 gleefully voting for the decimation of any worker protections, safety net, or any policy that would lead to an actual growing economy.
And especially after I’ve had to put off my own sanity for over a year because trans-inclusive health care that will cover even the fucking mandatory shrink sessions, much less medicine or procedures might as well be a pipe dream?
Yeah, I’m supposed to weep over the trials of white men over 40. Trials so bad that the only thing they can think to complain about is that the dreaded BLACK! FEMALE! ACADEMIC! (oh, yeah, let’s count the number of them versus white men in academia, bet it would be illuminating…what with the blinding light shining off the hordes of pale white skin) might dare make mild comments about them having more social power than other groups.
Oh, and “the front of the line”?
It also can be used as a light reflection surface you fuckwads. The melanin-challenged still are the main users of social services and many of the social services have been “reformed” so only the middle class get any real aid or support.
So, sorry about the seriousness, but Le Fuck You!
Straight Pride?
You mean almost all of network TV, most every movie ever released, most every work of culture that isn’t specifically labeled “LGBT Speciality”?
Oh, you mean parades or other public events.
Like Mardi Gras, Spring Break, most every bar that isn’t specifically labeled Gay Bar, most every “Meet and Greet” known to man, and thanks to discrimination, a large contingent of parades?
Oh right, nothing counts if they don’t want it to count and they are really ranting about how if they held a rally that was entirely about how fags are gross and how they define themselves in opposition to a minority group, then people will do the most anti-freedom oppressive thing ever in that they will mildly disapprove and/or think slightly less of the people who engage in the activity and may in fact engage in the activity that is worse than genocide:
Openly criticize the event and call it insensitive or bigoted.
Everyone knows that that code word instantly causes wingnut penises to fall off and all male offspring to keel over dead or turn fag. Truly gay people will never know such oppression.
When will the Lavender Hordes let the poor straight man live free and love who they want?!?
The Lavender Hordes need to be a band
Of course. And since, it’s “normal”, that’s also how they defend it. Of course it’s “nature” that they should be on third base and since they are on third base, they must have hit a triple and earned their place on third base.
It’s amazing how many privilege fails begin with the complete inability to understand “yes, you shouldn’t be able to notice it immediately while a minority group member probably can. That’s the fucking point!”
Yup, that’s the whole “anti-PC” movement in a nutshell. It isn’t about actually being prevented from telling the same tired stereotypes and shouting the same damn epithets. Nothing has ever stopped them and as was noted many cultural products will still request or demand it and many audiences will cheer it.
So what they are whining is not only to be “consequence free” but be “ALL consequences free”. Not only do they want the right to claim that their statements be free of commentary or personal judgment, but they also want to be able to claim that any person reserving a personal distaste of their actions be shamed and silenced.
They want to be cheered for being archaic, because that’s what would happen “back in the day” when minorities were scared to “rock the boat” in white-dominated environments and even the “really liberal” guy would be hard-pressed to stick their neck out for the world-views of some filthy darkie. They would make a “black joke” or call someone the n-word and would be held in esteem, but now some people might actually speak up. Sometimes even a majority of people might comment about what those statements have always been. And this use of free speech by others is seen as a revocation of their own free speech, because it’s not the universal regard they were used to as demanded by their skin color.
Of course, this is in no way privilege and saying as such is akin to ripping out their tongues and sending them to Siberian work camps.
That is shorter entire wingnuts everywhere.
When every assumed culture was white male heterosexual culture and when those filthy leftie bastards knew their place and especially once the “right people” fled to the suburbs so they would only ever have to interact with the “right culture” and live “the right way” with happy monocultures enforced just this side of legal, they could expect that everyone would basically prop up conservative white male culture as the Great Normal.
And so, we have hordes of idiots drunk on privilege that expect the world to bow down and agree with them or actively shift and change or strategically shut up so they don’t have to grow or change or think or acknowledge things they don’t want to and so they can instill the same values in their children.
It is why they react as if disagreement was oppression, feel that every minority group that doesn’t up and disappear on their say so is committing a deep personal affront against them specifically, why they are unable to understand why political battles have real consequences or that liberals want things to occur that have nothing to do with making conservatives feel like the losers they are. And it’s why, as you note, that every damn time they expect reality to just fall in line behind how they want the world to work and it doesn’t, they are deeply shocked and personally offended. How dare tax cuts not solve anything, Iraqis not treat us as gods, economy not respond to calls for poor people to sacrifice more? It must be convenient enemy number 689.
It’s like a sociopathic kid who kills their parent because they didn’t buy them more Cheetos and then are shocked and personally offended when Cheetos fail to appear in the cupboard and so think of ways to poison the neighboring family as revenge for this slight.
I ownz your thread with teh serious posting.
Your comedy will wither on the vine and the bitter laughter at wingnuts will fade on the tip of your tongue. Teh Serious has consumed all and I am its dark messenger. Look on my works teh funny and POOP in frustration for all your PENIS will be naught.
Repent to the Sadly Gods! REPENT!
Okay, yeah, late here too.
On Bush:
I don’t know. A sick part of me would love for him to think its all safe and come running back into the spotlight demanding teh LEGACY that is his birthright.
Especially since our entire news media is deliberately playing a game of convenient amnesia where the Bush years didn’t happen. It’d be nice to have Bush force everyone to talk about the War Crimes committed, the extralegal practices he made standard American operating procedures and the cause of the massive financial boondoggle all of Washington is pretending is teh “Biggest Crisis EVAR” all in the name of “protecting his legacy.”
Hell, just having him provide silent demonstration of both white privilege and the real meaning of “smug, elite, entitled, undemocratic frat boy” to all the right-wing noise about Obama is great in its own right.
And on that note, I note once again that everything the Right says and ever will say are two things, usually at the same time:
1) Projection
2) “Justified” statements that are retreads of poorly understood left-leaning criticisms of right-wing shibboleths repurposed without context into “I know you are, but what am I” kindergarten statements in some sad attempt to “get back” at the “mean things” lefties say.
Basically, they want to be praised for fingerpainting the walls with their poo.
I’m sorry. No matter how artful the execution, I still don’t want turd covered walls. The fact that they just smear it around is secondary to the fact that it’s shit.
Also, if I didn’t say it before, the “nigger snaps” comment is so full of win I cannot express.
It’s so funny that in this entire thread only one person tackled his Jewish point, and so ineffectually at that. The rest of you just bumbled along. Stay classy you guys.
“would I rather be black?”
No, because so many of them are retarded savages.
Oh shit, I’m black Shirley! Oh my God! I’m a negro!
Yep. Well, I’m calling Casey Hanks first thing and putting the house on the market.
No, Shirley, no! First find out if it’s twoo what they say about “those people…”
The one thing I’m looking forward to in the coming financial apocalypse is that I’ll be able to roam the nation hunting down these stupid racist motherfuckers while riding my giant radioactive tarantula.
Huh. One of the mangos turned sentient and climbed onto the boat.
Well don’t that beat all.
Self-awareness is over-rated.
One of the mangos turned sentient and climbed onto the boat.
The combination of radiation and toxic waste has been creating super-villians since the 1930s.
One of the mangos turned sentient and climbed onto the boat.
“agendered asexual radical feminist transwoman in a poly relationship”
I’m sorry but there goes my coffee!
It appears that we’ve been offensive because our respones to the Jewish part of the message were ineffectual and classless.
We must buckle down and try to be more politically correct next time.
giant radioactive tarantula.,
Excuse me I identify as a gender neutral, queerified lvl 21 spiderwomyn and find your intent to enslave my arachnid cousins offensive.
Hoosier, nobody properly tackled his points about minorities being successful. It was pretty sad, and then comes along a polyamorous gender something or other and some guy with radioactive tarantulas.
Nabisco gets to use the word “cracker” all the time and no one complains but imagine the outrage by the liberal media if they came out with a product called “Nigger Snaps.” See the double standard
I, for one, am outraged! Outraged, I say, that there is a product called ‘Ginger Snaps’..
If white privilege really existed I could say “nigger” as often as I wanted.
Oh no, he din’t!
Seriously, I’m all for free speech, hate speech even, but what is it with these crackers that they can only keep their dicks out of their mouths long enough to hurt someone else’s feelings?
I’m sorry you’re offended by that.
We should respect your feelings and be more politicaly correct and multi-cultural and all that.
Tag fail. Fuipad
At any rate, the Tea Party must be jizzing itself dehydrated right now.
How long will it take some wingnut blogger to take the gun shop owner to task for violating his customer’s 2nd ammendment rights by reporting suspicious behavior?
some anti-islamic fucktard called himself “Baron Bodissey” and was thus obviously a Jack Vance fan. That still makes my skin crawl.
There’s another right-wing jerkoff out there who calls himself “Mahwrin-Skel”, thus proceeding to similarly poop all over Iain Banks.
I have often thought I should rename myself Jonnie Rico or maybe Bernardo de la Paz. in retaliation.
Sorry talking mango, which of those words was so difficult it caused your coffee-related aneurism?
Made me feel:
I’m just joking, I less than 3 you really. lol.
BTW, the Wikipedia entry for Moon Is A Harsh Mistress mentions that someone is doing a movie of it. Fuckin’ A. I mean, really, gosh, we just so goddamn need more Libertarian propaganda/fap material (propafapa?) these days.
I love (and by love I mean oscillating between loath with the passion of a thousand suns and bitterly laughing at how pathetic it is) how the wingnuts have basically constructed their entire lives around fighting huge battles for essentially two things:
Ignorance and Laziness.
I mean, look at the whole anti-PC thing, it’s basically a giant temper tantrum against the universe where they bounce between demanding that they not have to know about the existence of things they didn’t know of before and angrily demanding the “right” (not that anyone is actually denying it to them) to lazily refuse to grow in any ways or adapt to social evolution.
They want to do what they always did, never grow, never learn, and always get to pretend the world works like whatever television programs happened to be on when they were 10 (plus maybe what their daddy said if they want to be a conservative intellectual).
And they’ve made these standards to go to war for. Against evil liberals, against “new” concepts, against dirty filthy science and facts, and reality itself.
All that effort so they can be spared the effort of actually improving themselves or learning about the world they inhabit.
Imagine if that power was harnessed towards just watching reruns of “Ow my balls” instead.
It’s so funny that in this entire thread only one person tackled his Jewish point, and so ineffectually at that. The rest of you just bumbled along. Stay classy you guys.
This brings back painful memories of the time when my sixth grade gym teacher had us play basketball. I saw the other team’s point guard barreling down the court toward me and so I did the only thing that came to mind – I closed my eyes and lunged. There was a soft thud and I lay on the ground, stunned. He hadn’t even broken pace. I went home that night with a note pinned to my collar: “Ineffectually Tackles Jewish Points.” They didn’t even bother to give me a foul.
Bush explains slow reaction to September 11 attacks
Bush’s reaction on that day should not have surprised anybody. A spoiled rich kid who got to be president after a life of avoiding any real work or responsibility, his reaction was exactly as I expected. It was actually the non-reaction of the secret service that still surprises me. If I had been on the presidential detail that day I would have figured the president would be a prime target possibility and would have insisted that he move from that location immediately. I would also have strongly advised that the school be evacuated. I have never seen anything to indicate that any of this was even discussed. And this is the one thing that makes me woder if the 9-11 conspiracy folks might be on to something. Oddly, I have never seen this point brought up by the conpirists either. So whenever I hear Bush say “I was only thinking of the kids, I didn’t want to panic them,” my response is if you were really thinking of the kids you would have gotten them the hell out of there.
BTW, the Wikipedia entry for Moon Is A Harsh Mistress mentions that someone is doing a movie of it. Fuckin’ A. I mean, really, gosh, we just so goddamn need more Libertarian propaganda/fap material (propafapa?) these days.
I’d pay to see it if it were made entirely in BDSM manner.
It’s like a sociopathic kid who kills their parent because they didn’t buy them more Cheetos and then are shocked and personally offended when Cheetos fail to appear in the cupboard and so think of ways to poison the neighboring family as revenge for this slight.
not to mention, shocked and offended at their trial and incarceration because, hey, they’re ORPHANS now!!!
Cerberus – always a treat to see you in the comments.
No, incarceration and the legal system is entirely for the non-melanin-challenged.
Certainly not for proper God-fearing folk.
Also… most wealthy Jews do benefit from white privilege. Are we really arguing that the Ashkenazim aren’t white? Is this the 20s?
Bush explains slow reaction is pretty much the story of his life.
No, incarceration and the legal system is entirely for the non-melanin-challenged.
Certainly not for proper God-fearing folk.
yeah, I momentarily forgot about that. how about – they are shocked and offended that people aren’t universally treating them with compassion (and cheetos) because of their pitiful orphaned state?
BTW, the Wikipedia entry for Moon Is A Harsh Mistress mentions that someone is doing a movie of it.
I will only watch that if there is a free lunch afterwards.
Definitely. You’re right about wealthy Jews benefiting from White privilege, but if they’re benefitting from the same privilege whitey gets, why the achievement and income gap between whitey and them?
Oh yes, very much so, especially with regards to filling their cupboards with Cheetos.
No wonder they’ll have to poison the town’s water supply with hate and oppression like that. Really the town brought it on itself at that point.
Well yeah, they tend to have white privilege (mostly, there are still pockets that think the 50s never ended and a big jew nose is a sign of “liberalism” and other unsavory qualities) while lacking religious-privilege (in the sense of belonging to the dominant religion and thus gaining the cultural regard that comes from that) and gaining most of their discrimination by virtue of that “violation” of “normal” (otherwise known as the assumed cultural default).
I also wonder if in the era of IOKIYAR and conservative affirmative action in media and think tanks if we are also seeing the rise of “political privilege” where holding conservative views gives one automatic unearned regard from society and a pass on really defending one’s views because one is just “defending normal” as it were.
You’re right about wealthy Jews benefiting from White privilege, but if they’re benefitting from the same privilege whitey gets, why the achievement and income gap between whitey and them?
I blame the Protestant work ethic.
I enjoyed reading The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, but it has the same wishful-thinking misconceptions other libertarian utopias have. The (libertarian) heroes always are cool, rational and never make the usual human mistakes and blunders. They are always three steps ahead of their opponents, who certainly are all too human and make the usual mistakes, but are completely predictable in their actions.
This predictability (only in fiction, of course) allows our galtian heroes to prevail with contemptuous ease every time.
Libertarian utopia iz EEZY in fiction!!!
You guys are being so unfair. The commenters have LOTS OF ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE that they got from their mother’s cousin’s barber that PROVES that white privilege doesn’t exist.
They heard that there was this one company that hired black people–affirmative action! Because no black people anywhere are ever capable or smart!
ALSO being a huge loser almost certainly means there is a minority or woman to blame!
Get with it, sheeple.
This predictability (only in fiction, of course)
First-person shooters, as well, where the bad guys continue to run single-file through a door that I’ve been hiding behind, picking off their comrades one by one.
Wasting away again in orange Cheetoville
Searching for my lost cronyism job
Some people say there’s a woman to blame
But I know…
The president’s a ni…
First-person shooters, as well, where the bad guys continue to run single-file through a door that I’ve been hiding behind, picking off their comrades one by one.
this reminds me of the Onion story (sorry, can’t link) about kung-fu fighters plaintively lobbying to be able to fight the hero all at once, instead of one at a time…
Expanding on the “political privilege” point. Notice some of the things that conservative viewpoints get:
Free pass on all beliefs.
Exemption from historical context or historical analysis of claims and arguments made.
Overexposure in all media outlets.
Full ability to assert anything and have it treated as worthy of debate.
No need to connect worldviews with any observable reality or fact owing to “your deep faith” or “strong personal convictions”.
Automatic assumption of competence on all law and order, national security, and fiscal policy beliefs in full disregard to track record or insanity of said beliefs.
Freedom from having to defend said beliefs in any rational manner without being removed or ignored in the debate.
Automatic assumption that correct policy lies halfway between whatever insane thing you decide to throw out there and whatever a moderate says.
Every opposing worldview must start from scratch even if you are just recycling old arguments.
And so on.
All I need to do is find a BLACK! FEMALE! ACADEMIC! as they are the only ones allowed to do any examination into the nature of privilege and how our cultural landscape works (a technicality as we know that every academic is a B!F!A!) and I think we could have something here. Let me just call up my local tax-payer-funded University (we call it TPFU, go FIghting Accountants) and ask to speak to the chair of the Inventing Meaningless Words to Taunt Wingnuts Department so we can discuss it over next week’s Satan-worship/fetus-barbeque that we liberals are required to attend by order of Soros. There could be another infinite dollar grant in this.
Also the big one:
Everyone pretends that your worldview hasn’t been wrong about every major issue presented in at least the last 100 years, often to such a degree that everyone politely pretends no one held what was at the time the dominant conservative belief. Furthermore, everyone pretends that liberalism (both fiscal and social) hasn’t been responsible for nearly everything we consider today to be an inherent good thing.
I mean, how the hell did liberalism become the dirty word when any conservative belief older than 20 years ends up sounding like the vilest evil when quoted today if not for the automatic “feeling” that conservatism is just a better and more “real”?
It’s Obama’s own damn fault.
So anyways, I was going to make this comment about how privilege isn’t only about who’s on top – what the make-up of the upper-most tiers of society are, &c. That privilege is an every day thing that affects everybody. About how Selwyn nevar has to worry about being stopped by teh police because he’s suspiciously ethnic or about having his drink doctored by some creep who’s going to sexually abuse him or even how he can just fucking go anywhere without people staring in judgement and pity. Well, okay with Selwyn – people probably do stare and wonder about his many handicaps, but he’s obtuse enough that he doesn’t have to worry.
But then I got a little further through the thread.
+1 doesn’t begin to describe it, Cerberus. Martini?
Yeah, Cerberus, that’s some mighty fine posting.
Excuse me I identify as a gender neutral, queerified lvl 21 spiderwomyn and find your intent to enslave my arachnid cousins offensive.
It wouldn’t involve slavery. I assume that any right-thinking giant radioactive tarantula would be eager to participate in a racist-motherfucker killing spree. In fact, I prefer to think that it would be less about me riding the giant radioactive tarantula, and more about me being allowed to accompany and film the giant radioactive tarantula as it kills and eats racist motherfuckers.
The first sentence of the first comment over there:
White men are now low man on the totem pole and its disgusting.
Its disgusting what? Don’t TEASE us like that!
Yesterday’s thought for the day: Peter Parker was damned lucky that it wasn’t a radioactive dung beetle.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress movie? Pass. I made it through the first two minutes of Starship Troopers, and that was that. The Puppet Masters was pretty bad, too. I’ve made it a policy to not see movies of books I like that I know are going to make me mad. (Should have skipped Dune, I guess.) I’ve never seen Royal Flash, either, because I knew it wouldn’t meet my expectations.
One thing I’ll defend TMIAHM over, though, is the criticism that the heroes are always one or two steps ahead of the opposition. It’s true, things do kind of unbelievably fall their way, but until people start laughing at Star Wars, where the heroes can shoot up a cramped hallway full of genetically-engineered soldiers in special armored suits, none of whom can hit the broad of a barn, I’ll defend Manny and the Professor’s Machiavellian Machinations™.
Oh, and everything Cerberus said up above.
I made it through the first two minutes of Starship Troopers, and that was that.
Then you missed one of the unintentionally funniest movies of all times.
Evidence: humans have interstellar travel, but have forgotten that hand grenades may be of use to the infantry.
Evidence: beetles shitting laser beams from a planet’s surface can out-maneuver spaceships in orbit.
Evidence: Doogie Hauser saying “We’re looking for a different kind of bug…a smart bug.”
Evidence: Someone thought Denise Richards could act.
Denise Richards doesn’t need to act. I suppose I should have a sense of humor about these things…the original is probably unfilmable anyway. And, how would you keep everybody unaware that the hero is a Filipino until the last paragraph? It sounds silly now, but in 1959 it was probably a bombshell.
Evidence: humans have interstellar travel, but have forgotten that hand grenades may be of use to the infantry.
To be fair, that’s pretty much every science fiction movie or tv show ever made.
Denise Richards doesn’t need to act.
Then the makers of ST made the mistake of having her fully clothed far too often.
To be fair, that’s pretty much every science fiction movie or tv show ever made.
Once again, Firefly wins grading on a curve.
Evidence: Someone thought Denise Richards could act.
Don’t remind me. “The World Is Not Enough…” oy.
the original is probably unfilmable anyway.
I would agree: so much of it is just philosophizing, discussing and narrating that it’s not really meant for an adaptation.
To be fair, that’s pretty much every science fiction movie or tv show ever made.
Once again, Firefly wins grading on a curve.
“Boy, sure would be nice if we had some grenades, doncha think?”
– Jayne Cobb
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress
They make it sound like “Harsh Mistress” is a bad thing.
God I don’t even.. You don’t GET TO assume what ANY tarantula’s lived experience of that treatment may be. You think after all that squishing and spraying he’d be happy with you on his back? Your action needs to be historicized, nothing happens in a vacuum, the cultural context this and that.
Yes, I think that’s partly to blame. Personally I would love to be Ashkenazi. I could be like Tim Wise, is he Ashkenazi, i dunno? Earn more than the average white person by lecturing white people about how privileged they are. Haha. Some jews have got it going on.
Anyway, I don’t think people are confused about their identities enough, or quite neurotic enough, or sensitive enough. I can’t help feeling our radical cultural critics have been slacking. Get problematizing you guys!
until people start laughing at Star Wars, where the heroes can shoot up a cramped hallway full of genetically-engineered soldiers in special armored suits, none of whom can hit the broad of a barn
Most unintentionally funny line from Star Wars – “Nobody shoots that accurately. Only Imperial Storm Troopers could have made those blaster marks”.
YOU GUYS! Did you know that if don’t talk about things, they cease to exist?
Sorry, you might want to isnert your preferred word in place of “guys”. I blame my heteronormative socialization for the slip up. Zigs maybe?
Yeah, and did you know that once you talk about them, they start to exist? true.
“Nobody shoots that accurately. Only Imperial Storm Troopers could have made those blaster marks”.
Damn…I thought they were talking about skid marks on white plastic. They were talking about guns?
Evidence: humans have interstellar travel, but have forgotten that hand grenades may be of use to the infantry.
Still not as bad as Signs, where aliens have the technology to travel intergalactic space to come to earth only to be stymied by a shovel handle jammed under the door knob.
the original is probably unfilmable anyway.
I would agree: so much of it is just philosophizing, discussing and narrating that it’s not really meant for an adaptation.
Which Heinlein novel is it where half the book is a discussion of the extent that people must go to in generation space ships to avoid inbreeding. I learned the word “moiety” from that book but was otherwise bored off my ass.
There was a question mark at the end of my first sentence before FYWP ate it.
Still not as bad as Signs, where aliens have the technology to travel intergalactic space to come to earth only to be stymied by a shovel handle jammed under the door knob.
Think like a teabagger: Humans good, aliens bad.
There was a sci-fi story called I think “The Path not Taken” where interstellar travel was incredibly easy once you knew the trick, so the aliens that had developed it were very backwards in all other aspects of technology.
When the aliens show up to conquer Earth, they’re little more than teddy bears armed with flintlocks.
When the aliens show up to conquer Earth, they’re little more than teddy bears armed with flintlocks.
I assume they conquer us because we’ve been trained to consider teddy bears cute.
Hey, shitstain! You want to know how the Ashkenazim have done so well for themselves in this country? Through a family dynamic that valued education and achievement, and a willingness to scrimp and save so that their children could take advantage of that. It’s the same reason Asian-Americans are doing so well nowadays. (Apparently without quite as many suicides by students sweating their grades as you get in Japan.)
Don’t worry, your side has managed to eliminate enough of the legs up that people used to have to higher education (student loans, Pell grants, etc.) that soon the redneck glorying-in-ignorance crowd will set the tone for society as a whole, and Cletus and Jethro will get their place in the sun.
Actually they’re defeated in about 10 minutes and the story ends ominously with humans now having the secret of interstellar travel and better technology than anyone else in the galaxy.
Yeah, and did you know that once you talk about them, they start to exist? true.
Then where’s my unicorn?
That would be Citizen of the Galaxy, N_B.
Took me a few minutes to track this down, but there was a pretty funny S, N! post last year about Signs:
Still not as bad as Signs, where aliens have the technology to travel intergalactic space to come to earth only to be stymied by a shovel handle jammed under the door knob.
Is that the one where the aliens are killed by water yet chose to take over a planet ~70% covered by it and where it routinely falls out of the sky?
That would be Citizen of the Galaxy, N_B.
Tenks. That was – at the age of 9, maybe? – my first encounter with truly boring science fiction.
Which Heinlein novel is it where half the book is a discussion of the extent that people must go to in generation space ships to avoid inbreeding.
I’m guessing Orphans of the Sky. Oh wait, you trolled me good. Heinlein would nevar advocate avoiding inbreeding.
I liked the Poul Anderson book where aliens landed in Norman times, and the knights grabbed their ship and went off conquering through the galaxy with it. Especially when they slung a bomb at somebody with a catapult, and it turned out it was nuclear—oops!
Ok, all the stuff you’re saying about Signs is true. Still liked it.
I assume they conquer us because we’ve been trained to consider teddy bears cute.
Actually, the story ends with them realizing just how badly fucked the entire universe is, now that we have warp drive, too.
Hey DKW, I think Universe and Common Sense would make a kick-ass movie!
N_B just misremembered about the multigeneration ships in Citizen of the Galaxy. True, families owned these ships and lived in them for generations, but they had FTL drives. They just had to accelerate at 100 Gs long enough to get close enough to c to activate them, without being jumped by pirates before they did.
I also wonder if in the era of IOKIYAR and conservative affirmative action in media and think tanks if we are also seeing the rise of “political privilege” where holding conservative views gives one automatic unearned regard from society and a pass on really defending one’s views because one is just “defending normal” as it were.
See Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain.
Hey, the baby elephants in Footfall were cute, too.
I’m guessing Orphans of the Sky.
No. No one in that novel was worried about inbreeding.
N_B just misremembered about the multigeneration ships in Citizen of the Galaxy. True, families owned these ships and lived in them for generations, but they had FTL drives. They just had to accelerate at 100 Gs long enough to get close enough to c to activate them, without being jumped by pirates before they did.
All I remember of that book was the endless discussion of who it was safe to marry.
BTW Cerb, enjoyed the exposition of your righteous indignation. I would happily subscribe to your newsletter.
I’d love to see some filmmaker do something with the Uplift novels, but I’m afraid the main ones are pretty much unfilmable, especially Startide Rising—which of course is the one I’d really like to see. Sundiver might make a nice little murder mystery, though, as an appetizer.
I used to be a big RAH fan but that was years and years ago. I did read For Us the Living, that would have been mid 2000’s. Anyways, it’s been long enough that all of the stories are blending together into one long purple time-worm thing on a neve-ending rolling sidewalk of incest, cats and spaceships.
See Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain.
Condi Rice. How does she constantly escape these lists?
There’s a thought that’s been bouncing around my brain for some time now. Since this is a post about white people’s views of white privilege, it kind of fits here, so I will try to write it here. I might not do a good job.
It all starts from the realization that we are sort of living at the birth of a new aristocracy. The wealth disparity in the US already matches pre-revolutionary France, and the pyramid just keeps getting taller and narrower all the time. But, in a sense, it’s aristocracy done right. The problem with real aristocracies is that eventually, your heirs are going to be a generation of lazy, drunken gamblers who piss the entire estate away in opium dens and wind up infertile because they contracted syphilis at a back alley whorehouse. Meanwhile, some energetic bunch of middle class strivers builds up wealth by trade, or manufacture, or some similarly dirty occupation and before you know it, the nouveau riche buggers are trying to marry their trashy daughters to your precious, penniless sons just so they can have a fancy title.
The other effect, of course, is that some of those idle, rich heirs are going to look around and realize they haven’t worked a damn day in their lives and maybe there’s something wrong with the fact that kids are starving next to plenty.
Instead, we are now building an aristocracy in which even the aristocrats have to run to stay in one place. Don’t put your kid in the right day care/private elementary school/prep school/university? She’s fucked. Your kid wants to study Parisian art instead of business or finance? He’s fucked. Your kid doesn’t kiss the right asses during his internship at Goldman Sachs? He’s totally fucked.
It’s not like everybody has an even shot on the level playing field, but even the people who are born on third base largely need to work their asses off if they want to score. So, even the people born on third base can genuinely tell themselves they “worked hard to get where they are”, because they did, so they never see the people around them who had to work a hundred times as hard just to get to second.
Aside: yes, I know this sort of slides over glaring examples of upper class twits like George W. Bush, who just failed upward his whole life. My thesis is not fully developed. But at least now it will stop bouncing around my head and I can get back to work.
Personally I would love to be Ashkenazi. I could be like Tim Wise, is he Ashkenazi, i dunno? Earn more than the average white person by lecturing white people about how privileged they are. Haha. Some jews have got it going on.
Hater’s gotta hate!
Don’t hate the player, hate the game White Boy!
and Cletus and Jethro will get their place in the sun.
Staring straight at, slobbering on their chins…
I heard that one of the SPECIFIC gripes the fucking scumbag POS freshmen reps had with the latest incarnation of the FUCK AMERICA RIGHT IN THE FACE ACT and raise the debt ceiling enough to make it a political issue in the race so that repukes can use it to get elected because so many people are so clueless about gov…
ANYWAY…there was a provision for Pell Grants. They threw a temper tantrum about Pell Grants.
If we ever show any mercy or understanding toward teabaggers, we are not worthy of calling ourselves Americans.
Condi Rice. How does she constantly escape these lists?
Sorry man, I think I have been simply attempting to forget that she existed.
If by done right, you mean designed to deny its own existence (aka privilege) then sure.
Sorry man, I think I have been simply attempting to forget that she existed.
God, no kidding–she was gross.
Online activism!
Join other residents of San Diego:
Bertha Venation
Faye King
Tilly Screams
Iona Knippel
Jack Mehoff
The Wally Goes Grrrrr
Dr. Orly Taitz
Sharon Needles
and sign a petition to bring charges of treason against Barack Obama.
You may sign as many times as you like and use any email address valid or not.
That creepy sexual tension between her and George…I was embarrassed for them.
Instead, we are now building an aristocracy in which even the aristocrats have to run to stay in one place. Don’t put your kid in the right day care/private elementary school/prep school/university? She’s fucked. Your kid wants to study Parisian art instead of business or finance? He’s fucked. Your kid doesn’t kiss the right asses during his internship at Goldman Sachs? He’s totally fucked.
I think that this refers to what we used to call the upper middle class and or the lower Upper class. The children of Billionaires (your modern day aristocracy) and 1/10th Billionaires will not for the foreseeable future ever be required to break a sweat.
“Don’t worry, your side has managed to eliminate enough of the legs up that people used to have to higher education (student loans, Pell grants, etc.)”
Haha, see above: haters gonna hate. You’ll have to console yourself. Your heart will go on….somehow lol
HAHAHAHAHAHAH OMFG this is hilarious:
Comment by a signer on Bob’s linked petition: (The whole thing is filled with trolls)
What, no Seymour Butts? I smell fakery!
…will not for the foreseeable future ever be required to break a sweat.
These kids will not need internships at Goldman should they deign to work there, and I figure that they will have their asses glazed with saliva after they take that corner office.
Well, “Holden McGroin” is on board!
That creepy sexual tension between her and George…I was embarrassed for them.
I was embarrassed for my race (no, not the one I share with Condi), the Human Race.
The children of Billionaires (your modern day aristocracy) and 1/10th Billionaires will not for the foreseeable future ever be required to break a sweat.
This is true. Hell, I think James Murdoch done films and history at uni or something. Don’t know how rich the Bushes were, but Georgie pulled off the professional moron stuff and still with a soft landing at the end of it. It’s very difficult for the children of the mega rich to make decisions that will fuck up their lives, unless we’re talking extremes obviously.
The first sentence of the first comment over there:
White men are now low man on the totem pole and its disgusting.
The totem pole’s disgusting what? Don’t TEASE like that!
Yeah, the top .1% have managed to convince the top 5% that they’re in the top .1%, and they’ve managed to convince the top 20% that someday they will be too, and that’s enough to win elections. Especially if you can keep the bottom 25% from voting by fair means or foul.
Comment by a signer on Bob’s linked petition: (The whole thing is filled with trolls)
Are they trolls if they agree with the websites thesis, and Orly Taitz (whose antipathy towards Obama are only related to her expertise in Law, Real Estate, and Dentistry, having nothing whatsoever to do with race)?
But, in a sense, it’s aristocracy done right.
I think I know what you’re getting at, but something’s not quite computing…
And I think it’s this. For the aristocracy of today, as before, the essence of the position is that there is no real cost to failure. You fuck up high school, college, business school, law school, your first job, second job, third job, you still get to live the high life.
Your example of the aristocracy seems more a description of the people on the margin of aristocracy, for whom one slip means you don’t get into the country club and holiday wherever.
And that’s a world that we get a window into, that’s what the aristocracy are happy to let the plebs look at (because it’s a presentable morality play), the actual aristocracy and their lifestyle remains carefully hidden from view.
Oh fuck. Sorry for the double post. WP faked me out again.
What, no Seymour Butts? I smell fakery!
Sharif Sanigar
That creepy sexual tension between her and George…
The creepiest moment was when she referred to him as “my husband.” If she were married or had ever been married, I would have attributed it to an overworked person making a dumb mistake, but since she has never had the opportunity to say those two words in any real context, it’s hard to see the slip as something other than an especially creepy fantasy of hers.
Heywood Jablomi is in there, any sign of Mustapha Thrisum?
Is Big Jim Slade on the list?
Yeah, the top .1% have managed to convince the top 5% that they’re in the top .1%, and they’ve managed to convince the top 20% that someday they will be too, and that’s enough to win elections. Especially if you can keep the bottom 25% from voting by fair means or foul.
Even back during the middle of the Reagan era, I began to find myself wondering why the wealthy were viewed as victims…Its like they were being constantly mugged, and or, pantsed by taxation, and we should feel very, very, sorry for them, and their shiftless lazy scions.
You know, back in the day when you could count the total number of Billionaires in the states using the fingers of both hands.
(that number may have only required one hand)
And the majority of them “deserved” it (by the loose standards we used to apply to such things). Now make no mistake, I think Micro$haft’s success was completely undeserved, and everybody in a position of responsibility there needs to spend the rest of their lives breaking rocks in Leavenworth, but Bill Gates did form a corporation and make it a tremendous success by selling something. These assholes who just move numbers from one column to another nowadays, though—where are the goddamn pitchforks?
Sharif Sanigar and Mustapha Thrisum sound like Islamocommiefascists to me. They’ve been expunged from the list.
where are the goddamn pitchforks?
There’s another thing the new aristocracy has done right. Now that all the manufacturing jobs have been sent overseas, there are no pitchforks around here.
These assholes who just move numbers from one column to another nowadays, though—where are the goddamn pitchforks?
The pitchforks have been blunted by the fact that “poor” people have cell phones, xboxes, and air conditioning, as well as the fact that way too many of them carry the baggage of tribal identification with the Overlords who simply need to point to a blaxicen to redirect any rage that might build from time to time.
They’re going after BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA and his CRIMINAL ASSISTANTS. From the formal charges (if you can call them that) via Bill’s link:
He gave me the runaround, that traitor!
Sorry, Bob not Bill. Off with my head!
Nabisco gets to use the word “cracker” all the time and no one complains but imagine the outrage by the liberal media if they came out with a product called “Nigger Snaps.”
Looks like we are witnessing de-evolution. White Mans Burden has become white privilege. Geuss what what Selwyn? In the near future it’s going to be white minority.
The next Rebecca Black?
Flick! Lighter held aloft.
Jesus fucking Christ, don’t “argue” against the existence of privilege if you DON’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT. Not that not understanding something has ever stopped a conservative from arguing about it. If anything, not understanding something makes them more militantly opposed to it.
Oh, and yeah, the white guy is totally fucked, y’all.
The next Rebecca Black?
I bet that poor nine year old has been home-schooled into believing all that crap.
Also, what I’d like to see is someone make a list of “private” companies that make 75% or more of their money from government contracts. I’m guessing that there are a fair number, especially in the defense business. Then compare the wages, health care benefits and retirement packages (especially among the executives) of these defacto public workers to those of the teachers and government employees.
Next week in American Thinker, Rep Joe Walsh debunks the so called Male Privilege.
Her dad got laid off because Barack Obama raised too many estate taxes! What’s not believable about that?!?!?
Ambulatory? Yes.
Sentient? Not so much.
I thought if I could express that from a child’s point of view…
Does know the mentality of his audience.
I honestly think the most evil philosophy of the Republicans (and most of the Democrats)—at least in its economic effects—is that capital gains should be taxed at a fraction the rate of earned income, or at worst the same. Unearned income like that should be taxed at least double the rate of money you earn by the sweat of your brow!
It’s got a good beat and you can lie to it.
It’s almost as good as the Young Cons’s really long video, “College Kids Saying Things Set to Jump Cuts and Music”
I don’t know how you call this anything but cruelty, a way to shit on those less fortunate.
If the Tea Party keeps showing its hand, people may figure out they’re sociopaths.
Don’t need to buy us
any medicine
I just need my daddy
workin’ again
Was this song written by some guy named Nyberg or some guy named Dickens?
Man, if only we could have this guy as president. He’d straighten out the whole mess. Warning – NSFA (not safe for anybody)
Gasp oh my thanks! Was it good for you too?
The next Rebecca Black?
Looking forward to the follow-up single “A Liars My Pa: Fired For Cause”.
Did somebody call??!!??
Oh that, yeah, caught that a couple of days ago. One of the biggest crimes a person of color in this country can commit is a demonstration that said person of color is smarter than all the white people in the room. This works for the womenfolk as well. It is analogous to some form of lynching (not particularly smart or creative enough to remember which form or pull a pithy one out of my ass at the moment), but its a lynching all right.
Man, if only we could have this guy as president.
Two things. This is why we can’t have nice things anymore. And, Also, Too, why I am usually suspicious of youtube links.
I heard that voice and killed the tab within 2 seconds.
Wonder if the second verse starts with “Pa’s unemployment checks are running out.
We’re happy Uncle Sam’s cutting costs.”
What is: ‘The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy’… the movie???? um, blue moon. I’m smrt.
I forgot to add the “travelling” in “we’re a union of travelling musicians, who…”(nazis, there’s circuit, there’s star maps.
Time Magazine, 100 photographs (all new, who was Anne Frank? I found her diary disturbing, gross, and a terrible violation of privacy and respect for the dead)
Picture 1.Nicolae Ceaseau? Romania? What year is it? That’s a picture of the freuleiN. Told you so, same person, crossdresser; like freuD and hitleR. He doesn’t like to leave the compound in Finland without his make-up on, but he might be reconsidering, as he’s come out of the closet in full regalia for millions to see. He doesn’t like to be called a cross-dresser. He’s the opposite. He thinks so. (it’s the facial expressions and the body language) I TOLD YOU SO. 😀
Picture 2. Breaker boys (that reminds me) The boys faces are shaded. It looks as though they have been prepped for construction surgery, especially in the nose area. Some of the boys are clearly`adults who have had their growth halted in childhood. “Child soldiers”, like the soldiers in the UN camps. Get, “un-“? Children are interspersed with shorter adults. How many other camps are there in Africa, where else can they be found?
3 2 1……
That, along with other comments here makes me want share this true story I saw this morning.
I forgot to remember, a vaccuum can’t exist… Because, the definition of a vaccuum is something devoid of anything. How can that be? Then there would be no boundaries. Why would there be no gases? I thought that the air was comprised of gases. That’s what I learnt in school. Also, if a vaccuum sucks things into it, it can’t possibly be devoid of anything… there must be matter… and what creates the forcefield, the pressure? That’s something. Intangibles? I can physically feel that pressure.
a vaccuum can’t exist
Of course not, they’ve all been aptly slain.
Apparently after years of oppression and being treated as second class citizens, minorities are whiners because white conservatives say the playing field has been magically created equal. Even though the Dukes of the world use inequality to their adavantage, don’t blame them because they didn’t start it.
I forgot to remember, a vaccuum can’t exist… Because, the definition of a vaccuum is something devoid of anything. How can that be? Then there would be no boundaries. Why would there be no gases? I thought that the air was comprised of gases. That’s what I learnt in school. Also, if a vaccuum sucks things into it, it can’t possibly be devoid of anything… there must be matter… and what creates the forcefield, the pressure? That’s something. Intangibles? I can physically feel that pressure…. soooo, Steve (haha) is a bit of a physicist… I’m a know-it-all and I’m smarter than him. (Haha)… anyway, a brain is so valuable, so crucial… you need to remember something important.
If the Tea Party keeps showing its hand, people may figure out they’re sociopaths.
I’m pretty convinced that anyone who is capable of figuring that out already knows.
Proxy troll
TP thinkun-
Real “Mericans like Daniel Crockett blazed their own paths. Limousine liburals want to shove tax funded sociopaths on us.
Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
You are a very reverend fucking schmuck.
I have seriously never understood why homosexuality can provoke such pathological fear,anger, and violence. Trying to justify it with religion is even more disturbed.
We don’t need no education
We don’t need no highway patrol
No park or road or public bathroom
Gubmint leave Medicare alone
Hey Gubmint leave Midicare alone
All in all we’d rather all just go Galt
All in all we’d rather all just go Galt
Bay, it is religion that _causes_ the fear and anger. Demonization of gays by the religious is the cause, not homosexuality itself.
Woo-Hoo! I think we have a Becky Transsexual sighting! Seriously, this is one of the most deranged denizens of PZ’s dungeon! She makes David Mabus look like Mahatma Gandhi!
Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge:
?somebody’s got a girlfriend, somebody’s got a girlfriend?
Dammit, where’d my sing-song music notes go?
Bay, it is religion that _causes_ the fear and anger.
I blame the patriarchy.
PZ’s dungeon?
“reverend fucking”
Oh cripes, what’s the Catholic Church up to now?
Yeah, I don’t know what she’s got against me. I don’t think I even participated in the thread she had her Starfart meltdown on.
PZ’s dungeon.
What’s wrong is you suck and you’re stupid and ugly. I can’t imagine a whitectomy would alleviate any of those issues, but hey, knock yourself out.
i lol’d so loudly, someone walking down the hallway backtracked, poked their head in my office and asked if i was okay…
Dammit, where’d my sing-song music notes go?
The MUSLIN USURPER took them.
If he were Catholic, he’d be Father Fucking. “Reverend” is what Protestants call their clergy.
Oh, thanks! I thought you were referring to his regular posters at first and I was confoosed.
Dunno, seems to be more of a visceral reaction than a zealously religious. Of course, the reaction does seem to echo the treatment of Jews throughout history, so you may be onto something.
Read Elaine Pagels’ The origin of Satan, I think it’s called. Fascinating history of the early church, more a sociological study than biblical history, the subtitle is something like “how the church founders used Satan to demonize Jews et al.
That so many cultures have existed that did not fear otherness in the form of sexual orientation, indeed more than a few have celebrated and honored that particular otherness, indicates that it is a cultural construct, not an innate psychological human trait.
Rev? Why’s this hooker on your jock?
Thank you!!! Was that so hard?!!!!! I’ve never seen so many vacuum references go by without a nod to me and my slaying capabilities. Damn!
Ohhhhh–caught your link…weird.
indicates that it is a cultural construct, not an innate psychological human trait.
Thanks, that book looks very interesting, I’ll look for it.
Good insight. I now remember watching a Nat Geo show about boys in Tahiti who are by choice or by family choice raised as girls. They live as a “third sex”, and fill an important part of family and tribal life. While I’m not so sure about the family choice part, it does prove your point of shunning not being an innate trait.
I thought you were referring to his regular posters at first and I was confoosed.
I know. I thought he was referring to some sort of underwater BDSM facility.
Also too, that Bravo, Belgium post? If there isn’t already a Cerberus Fan Club, Imma start one right now.
*Fans self*
Oh, I do declare, you do know how to flatter a girl.
No, get out of my head main character from a racist celebration of the Confederacy!
Thing I didn’t quite appreciate until having a bit of a nap:
The way Talking Mango and others of his ilk seem to boggle over my self-identification because it is long and filled with not oft-stated terms. Why, of course, because of that, it must be inherently silly.
While all the time unaware that their identification is equally long.
I mean, they’d be a masculine (snrkt), heterosexual (yeah right), patriarchal (they call it “traditionally valued”), cismale in a monogamous relationship (hands count, right?).
But see, they don’t need to identify themselves by those terms any more than they need to identify as European-heritaged white or Christian.
They don’t need to identify as all that, because that is what is seen as our cultures default. You are assumed to be all that from the get-go and have to “add the descriptors” to explain deviations. Hell, even I have that in my list in that I don’t include European-heritaged white (not a Christian though).
And what’s beautiful is that Talking Mango is basically a soldier of the Right trying to defend the idea that privilege is an illusion while basically trying to mock me for having a long self-description.
It’s such a perfect illustration of a more innocuous form of privilege that I want to frame it on the wall.
Yes, Mango, you get to identify simply as “normal”, maybe throwing in a “single” or “beating off to Red Dawn doesn’t count”. You get to do that because of privilege. Because people will assume your culture automatically and will act around you as if you belong to the culture that you are without thinking.
That would be, as they say, the point…of the CluePickaxe9000.
Because I’ve learned that nothing is too obvious to escape wingnut comprehension.
“I know. I thought he was referring to some sort of underwater BDSM facility”
And much like me incredibly disappointed to find out it wasn’t?
monogamous relationship (hands count, right?).
Both hands makes it a threesome!
Cerebus, so true. And aren’t straight white guys considered default human beings. Everyone else is some weird or inferior other.
It’s a lynching of their PENIS.
Though seriously, I can understand their fear and frustration. Here they have been told their entire life that while they may be a pig ignorant person who should be proud of their ignorance, they are still personally smarter than every woman or black man that comes along.
So when reality rears its ugly head and a woman or black man comes along demonstrably smarter than them, it must feel like a chasm has just opened under their feet and they are plummeting through the hierarchy like a penny off the Empire State Building.
Especially considering that these people are raised on a strict belief system of zero sum game where if others are gaining, they must be losing and where your place on the hierarchy means everything with regards to whether you can and indeed deserve to eat tonight and that feeling must be incredibly psychologically tormenting.
Of course, that sympathy drains once I note that the main reason that they are so tormented is because they are horrible people who don’t want to let go of “their feeling of specialness” and would rather hurt people deliberately instead.
beating off to Red Dawn doesn’t count
What abour teh pr0ns version? Red Dong.
Bay Gargarian-
Which is extra idiotic, because minority groups tend to, if anything, minimize and undersell their own pain and suffering and look with forgiving eyes to the sins of the past usually because of the whining and flailing that dominant groups undergo during the long and tortuous process of fighting for equal regard.
Even when a group has “arrived” and largely erased their history of discrimination (like say the Irish-Americans or more obviously, German-Americans), they are far more likely to join in on the scrum beating down the next group of minorities trying to reach basic dignity than turn on their former oppressors and give them some much needed karma.
Even after a big victory, there is no real reckoning. Those who lynched with abandon, fought for segregation, fought against women’s rights to vote, fought against rape laws and divorce, fought to make it illegal to be employed as a homosexual, and even the White South Africans who ran Apartheid were largely left to lead their lives after the political fights went to the side of Justice. They weren’t allowed to continue and social regard began to drift away from them if they held the same attitudes, but overall, they have always been left alone to live their lives and even spread the same hatreds as before in obvious dog whistles.
The point?
As always, everything, that a wingnut says (and this may even include them saying their own name) is projection.
Since we’re talking about privilege, over at edroso’s, there’s a Shortering of K-Lo railing about the lesbian who was asked to turn her “marriage is so gay” shirt inside-out. Okay, just to clarify – a woman was asked to hide the pro-gay marriage message on her t-shirt because the theme park staff didn’t want to offend the normals. Nevermind the shockingly offensive excuse they used (it’s a “family” park – also never mind that she was there with her family).
Okay, that’s teh background. Here’s K-Lo’s entire analysis of the thing (emphasis mine):
Got that? A woman was required to suppress her freedom of speech – to self-censor – in order to make things moar comfortable (hypothetically – let’s skip the begging teh question part too) for folks like K-Lo. And who is it that’s enforcing a new moral code?
Wow! That takes me back. Why’s she all stalking you, I thought I’d be the one on her shit list.
MAN-ogamous. For extra manliness.
Imagine a committed exclusive relationship that CAN DRIVE A MONSTER TRUCK OVER TWELVE FLAMING CARS!
Yup, pretty much.
Also demonstrated by the Mango in that I was seen as inherently hilarious and immediately dismissible entirely because of my distance from the default. The weirder and otherer you are, the more inferior.
Of course, this isn’t privilege and if it was then it doesn’t affect anything and if it did then the minority deserved it and besides its natural.
Going back to seriousness, I got the fastest crash course in this when I moved to identifying myself as female more and more in real life and online life and got to see the very different reactions the same statements, knowledge bases, and backgrounds got once it was “coming from a woman”.
But of course, privilege is all in our heads.
And there’s another reason for conservatives to hate trans people. We get to field test the shit out of the “Does Privilege Exist” question.
Condi Rice. How does she constantly escape these lists?
Had the good sense to shut up & go away after her time on the stage.
I actually heard– anecdotally– of this man who decided not to transition because he was afraid of losing that privilege. Not because he was a dick, just because he recognized how different it was for women. How fucked up is that?
Also, she’s not stupid. Evil? Perhaps. But not stupid. She’s actually pretty bright and articulate.
even the White South Africans who ran Apartheid were
S’interesting I had a quick thought last night wondering if the right fantasizes about the Afrikaans and the townships they set up. Reservations not just for Native Americans, but for “those” types that want to oppress REAL AMERICANS simply by existing.
We always wondered what liberal fascism is, but I think it’s quite obvious now.
Liberal fascism is making a wingnut think.
Liberal genocide is making a wingnut’s children think.
So yeah, of course, K-Lo needed to be protected from a worldview she doesn’t agree with or having to acknowledge that “those people” are among the everyday “normal” crowd. And this must occur so she can psychologically assume are people just like her who think like she does and holds the same values and obsessions and otherwise be encumbered by the difficult task of having to relate to a world that contains inconvenient people to her worldview and the personal growth and thought that would have to occur because of it.
Also, “family”.
It’s quite amazing to me that the scum of the universe have pretty much made such an innocuous word universally mean “small-minded biogtries hidden in the dresses of little children”.
I don’t think Dolly would approve of that lady being asked to turn her shirt inside out. At least I like to imagine she wouldn’t.
Be interesting if we could convince them that we needed to melt down all our nuclear weapons before a “black government” got their hands on them, like the Boers did.
It’s not about tolerance, but enforcing a new moral code.
“Mind your own fucking business you nosy assholes” is actually a pretty damn old moral code.
Well against the raw abyss of cultural sexism and how much it can almost physically hurt jumping into that world when you are used to the invisible advantages of privilege…
Well I can see how some would choose the closet and its accompanying problems instead.
Being a woman in American culture is not fun and men really don’t viscerally get how different and often horrible it can feel and the subtle enforcements that we all take for granted. That’s not to bash them, but to say that it is hard to viscerally feel it when you’re not the target even if you may intellectually understand.
Still a sad story.
Bay Gargarian-
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t one of the things scrubbed from our historical memories because it makes the Right look bad the fact that during the 80s (and before, but especially the 80s), the right-wing had pretty much worked itself into a froth in defense and emotional solidarity with the “persecuted” Afrikaans, seeing themselves as spiritually linked and criticism of it as akin to criticism of America itself (in much the same way as right-wing Israeli governments are treated today) and asking people to donate what they could to help the Afrikaans government.
So short answer would be yes, of course they dream of exporting that here and they would choose that route in a heartbeat if they thought they could get away with it and not be set on fire in their own houses.
FYI, for the Emperor of Portland.
Somewhat off-topic….
I’ve had the horrible feeling for a long time that the reason the South Africans went with gun-type nuclear weapons (like the Hiroshima device) was not just that they’re much easier to build, and they had plenty of uranium, but because they make thousands of times as bright a visible flash as implosion-type weapons—and the people they would be using them against would have a tendency to (to put it delicately) absorb more visible light than themselves.
h/t to John Gruber:
From the BBC:
Hogeye Grex said,
…Ten years later.
that depth of consciousness would take him 10 years to clarify…
also, too:
National Geographic said Bush gives “intimate details” of his thoughts and feelings in a way never seen before
what? clearly and coherently?
<i.“What wouldn’t you give to have Nixon back right now?”
i dare you to say this 9 more times…
Cerberus said,
i have missed you!!! so glad you are back!
Thanks T&U, tickets were already on the dresser.
Huh. One of the mangos turned sentient and climbed onto the boat.
i first read this as huo: one of the mangos…etc….
and this is one troll i really, really want to give a beatdown to, but shall refrain…i’ve learned that getting pissed off at someone of his sub-mindset who throws the term retarded around like the vile insult it is really only raises my blood pressure and puts me in a funk that can last for days…
but you know what? FUCK YOU huo…my daughter IS retarded and has more fucking self-awareness and intelligence than you will ever have, you worthless, miserable, soulless fuckwad…
there…now i feel better 🙂
Get with it, sheeple.
ha…seriously…i was going to make my fb status say that i was now going to end each status update with WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!11!!1
but now i may go with the more understated ‘get with it, sheeple’…with your permission, of course…
I wondered if you already knew, P. $35 is a hell of a deal.
The one thing I’m looking forward to in the coming financial apocalypse is that I’ll be able to roam the nation hunting down these stupid racist motherfuckers while riding my giant radioactive tarantula.
i call shotgun!
Go for it, bbkf! I’ll only charge 5 cents a usage.
Btw, did I make Huo go away? I think it would be kind of great to pwn someone with a unicorn reference.
I like this H. L. Mencken quote from the last Pharyngula page I refreshed:
Cerb still stewing at me laughing.
makes me feel:
“i’ve learned that getting pissed off at someone of his sub-mindset who throws the term retarded around like the vile insult it is”
“my daughter IS retarded”
makes me feel:
That’s pretty pathetic, dude.
I can’t believe you would say that about your daughter.
Well, “Holden McGroin” is on board!
ha, ha…as is ophelia krotch…
my fave comment: at 87 yrs i have never seen our nation so damaged by this person
I can’t believe you would say that about your daughter.
not gonna bite, dumbass…
I don’t know how you call this anything but cruelty, a way to shit on those less fortunate.
i can’t even click on that link…i am waaaaaay too pissed off today anyways…
I believe it’s been done in the US before, first with the American Indians then with the Japanese-Americans. Next up probably are Hispanics, so we can protect our border and preserve our heritage.
while riding my giant radioactive tarantula.
Is it just me, or does the Arachnoid Mastermind bear a strong resemblance to Newt Gingrich?
Photoshop project.
Right wingers are hearing the theme from Jaws!
I don’t think Dolly would approve of that lady being asked to turn her shirt inside out. At least I like to imagine she wouldn’t.
me too…but then again, i would have went with the, “what?! marriage is NOT cheerful and happy?!?!? I beg to differ sir!” line of defense…
That tarantulas Gatling gun is so wrong.
Is it just me, or does the Arachnoid Mastermind bear a strong resemblance to Newt Gingrich?
yes, except for the giant brain…
newt related…last night i believe i saw a commercial starring nancy pelosi and newt…and at the end of it they were getting it on…
two questions remain: too many martinins? or spoof?
too many martinins?
what the?
Drank too many martinins and ate too much speef.
Back the fuck off. Stop being an asshole.
tsam said,
July 29, 2011 at 23:19
this is why i heart you…
Ahem, I believe the correcr pronununciation for Friday is too moonie martoonies, while spoof is the past tense of speef, which is boof on the hoof.
I don’t think Dolly would approve of that lady being asked to turn her shirt inside out.
I approve of ladies taking their shirts off at theme parks but it should be their own idea.
Is a topless bar sort of a theme park?
Ahem, I believe the correcr pronununciation for Friday is too moonie martoonies, while spoof is the past tense of speef, which is boof on the hoof.
thanks for clearing that up…i believe i will be abstaining from teh friday martoonis in light of last night’s martinini fest…i shall, however be sufficiently recovered to partake again tomorrow night…carry on…
Is a topless bar sort of a theme park?
Is Oedipus a theme?
For GWB it is.
bbkf said,
July 29, 2011 at 23:29
I approve of ladies taking their shirts off at theme parks but it should be their own idea.
Are you trying to tell me you don’t have a T-shirt that says “Show me your tits!!”?
oh, IT. IS. ON…
it may not be martoonis tonight, and only wine, but i will get hammered to the tits just to show you a thing or two*, mister!
*NOT a vb00br because i’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be interested…
last night i believe i saw a commercial starring nancy pelosi and newt…and at the end of it they were getting it on…
I think it was made in 2008, & features Nance & Newt agreeing that climate change is a problem. Now it’s a problem for Newtie.
I think it was made in 2008, & features Nance & Newt agreeing that climate change is a problem. Now it’s a problem for Newtie.
yes, that was it! and by the way, wtf was up with the macking at the end?
That made me laugh.
Back off, woman! I will fight you for him!!!!
I keed, I keed. But he’s a keeper, ain’t he?
I’ll sum it up for you: the Tea Farty people don’t like Pell grants and think they’re exactly like welfare. And, you know, know welfare only goes to lazy black women with 30 kids.
From the next Rebecca Black link: Now send this viral!
Ok, disregarding how incredibly stupid this song is, I just can’t… how do get that tone deaf to how people on the internet actually speak? How do make sentences like that, which sound more like a spambot than a person? Are teapartiers our moronic robot overlords?
Back off, woman! I will fight you for him!!!!
I keed, I keed. But he’s a keeper, ain’t he?
yeah…pretty much sums up all our dudes and variations thereof here…
Absotively. If I weren’t an old married lady, I’d be pretty incorrigible.
Michele, if you don’t want your husband’s beliefs, business practices, and personal life examined, the same way every candidate’s spouse is examined, maybe you shouldn’t have him on every stage next to you at nearly every appearance, or misty-eyed and applauding in the audience in full view of the cameras. Don’t want us to discuss him? Keep him out of your campaign ads. Desire to be viewed apart from him? Leave him home when you go on campaign tours.
Or maybe, just maybe, if you don’t want your personal life and your husband’s under the microscope, don’t run for the highest office in the land.
this is EXACTLY what i was thinking when i heard her idiotic, ‘my husband isn’t running for office…’ yesterday…
i really, really think her whole subservienttoandlivingoutmyhusbandsdreamsand letsfastandprayoverdecisions belief should be broadcast pretty fucking far and wide…is this really how america thinks life and death decisions for our country should be made?!?!? well, wait…i know there are some that do, but really? does she not get nuttier by the fucking day?
Absotively. If I weren’t an old married lady, I’d be pretty incorrigible
give me a hollaback, sista!
and, actually i’m not really sure what that means…
Shell-Shell, you so cute!
If I weren’t an old married lady, I’d be pretty incorrigible
VS is corrigible now?
Cerberus: But see, they don’t need to identify themselves by those terms any more than they need to identify as European-heritaged white or Christian.
Caveat: By Christian you mean trinitarian and athanasian branches of Christianity, and probably still throwing out athanasian trinitarians who aren’t quite European enough for them. But yes, very much so. You can even see this in expected Hindus (if I see another comparison between Brahma/Shiva/Vishnu and the Christian trinity…) or Muslims (why do you think they labelled them after their primary prophet for so long!) or even Jews (the age-old, so you’re Christians who haven’t realized Jesus was the messiah yet, right? See also, the coulter-esque “perfected” arguments) to explain their religion in Christian terms, as if their specific brand of apotheosis is inter-religious vocabulary.
(Sorry, I’m a bitter unitarian, so it’s my job to get angsty about this)
Cerberus: they are horrible people who don’t want to let go of “their feeling of specialness” and would rather hurt people deliberately instead.
You, my good lady, have won the internets.
I approve of ladies taking their shirts off at theme parks but it should be their own idea.
I hope she at least got some damn beads.
or that my grandfather could have died at 32 from lead poisoning (working in a Chicago pencil factory)
Bay Gargarian: Next up probably are Hispanics, so we can protect our border and preserve our heritage.
Erm… also, yeah, we’ve kind of already done Apartheid light in this country on that issue.
Me neever, but I hollaed. I guess makes me a Hollabackoldlady.
Probably as corrigible as I’m going to get.
I want to make an anal beads joke here…so…I just did.
I want to make an anal beads joke here…so…I just did.
Corrigibility is waning.
Yeah, everyone here probably already knew this, but partisan pretty much officially means disagrees with GOP talking points now.
if I weren’t an old married lady…
Dude, we’ve all seen pictures. Lady, thou art, aye and married, too. But Dudeskull will be doing Jello shots at Yale before you are old.
If vs is corrigible does that mean we can corrugate her?
Selwyn Duke’s “affirmative action” beef should be with Jonah Goldberg rather than with African Americans- he lost his gig as a fat, dumb, lazy, grammatically challenged poo flinger to a right-wing legacy kid, not a poor black kid from the inner city.
Stupid f’n Windows. My computer decided this afternoon to install a bunch of upgrades, and nowI’ve been staring at “Preparing to configure Windows” for fifteen minutes. No progress bar, or other clues to suggest when or if this configuration will end. Do you think I can send Bill Gates a bill for my wasted time? I’m sure he can find my hourly rate in his couch cushions.
Look, you go to war against the enemy you’d like to have, not the enemy you’ve got.
“Dude, we’ve all seen pictures. Lady, thou art, aye and married, too. But Dudeskull will be doing Jello shots at Yale before you are old.”
On a day when I have not had a chance to shower, and have been walking around with formula throw-up (a goodly amount) on me, I kinda needed to read that. Thank you, kind sir. 🙂
I remember reading a recent switcher telling the story of the first time he printed a document with his new Mac. The printer was new too, and after he clicked “Print” he remembered”Oh shit! I need a Mac driver for the printer, don’t I?” and started to think about trying to find and download and install it, then saw the notice on the screen saying something like “Driver for printer XXXXXX found on internet…installing now…printing.” He said he almost cried.
Poor John Boehner. So he finally gets his bill passed, knowing full well it’s DOA in the Senate, and even were it to magically sail through there, veto bait for the big O. To do even that, God only knows how much TeaTurd cock he had to swallow behind closed doors this morning.
I wonder if he finally realizes that, with this hostage taking he started, there is zero fucking chance that he can get his own normally well disciplined caucus to vote for any sort of bill that could actually pass into law. Zip. Nil. Nada. The only way that the United States is going to avoid default and the destruction that goes with it is either for Obama to arrogate yet more power to the Executive and invoke the 14th Amendment, or for Boehner to *gasp* convince whatever vaguely sane remnant there may be of House Republicans to vote for some Democratic bill. Ouch.
You have to think that what he’s feeling is pretty much the same as the guy that wakes up still hazy on Jan. 3rd, looks down, and notices the sores growing on his dick. Yes, Johnny. There’s a reason that most folks don’t go all the way with that particular meth-addled piece of bugfuck crazy. Now you know. Sure was fun during the campaign, wasn’t it? Swinging that heady brew around like Thor’s fucking hammer? Who’th thor now, motherfucker?
I seriously hope we can figure something out pronto. God knows it ain’t going to come from the House. If I were Reid, I’d throw together a totally “clean” bill, raise the debt ceiling and that’s all, and push it through, just to show what the sane alternative really is and to state a realistic point to begin compromise from. Fat fucking chance, unfortunately. Actually, thinking about it, put one up that does nothing but raise taxes on the wealthy and make ’em come to the center from there.
I’ll be over here waiting for hell to freeze over.
On a day when I have not had a chance to shower, and have been walking around with formula throw-up (a goodly amount) on me
Somewhere, somebody reads this and is turned on… gotta love Rule 34!
supper time at the bbkf’s:
me: oooh…i’m a little worried about making taco salad wearing my polo
teh hubby: take it off…
It is getting hot in here…
Somewhere, somebody reads this and is turned on
hopefully that would be mr. slayer…
and a certain food pron emperor CAN STOP JUDGING ME!!!
I think I’d enjoy hanging out with hubbkf.
how did i not ever think of this!!! you r genius!
I think I’d enjoy hanging out with hubbkf.
also too…upon his advice, i would be the one hanging out…
Cerberus – always a treat to see you in the comments.
Especially for 13:17 !
b^4 are you no longer blogging?
b^4 are you no longer blogging?
No such luck, I’ve just been too lazy to link lately.
ohhhhh…that’s how that works…i want to blog also…all the other cool kids are doing it!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: white guys whining about how hard it is out there for a honky can’t help but sound like total assholes. And I’ve noticed it goes across the board. You hear a guy saying he only tips in cases of “exceptional service” or that we have to completely screw over poor kids so we can have school vouchers ’cause “we can’t save everyone”, I guarantee you he’s a guy that’s bitched about how unfair it is that Katt Williams can use “nigger” like a comma but, oh the humanity, he’d be considered a racist if he said it.
ohhhhh…that’s how that works…i want to blog also…all the other cool kids are doing it!
It’s pretty damn easy to do (I use Blogger- it’s very intuitive). I love your anecdotes, and would dig reading more from you.
Anybody else watching Bill Maher? The nutcase to sanity ratio is even higher than usual tonight.
Somewhere, somebody reads this and is turned on… gotta love Rule 34!
Anybody else watching Bill Maher? The nutcase to sanity ratio is even higher than usual tonight.
“Woo” nutcases, or “right-wing” nutcases?
right-wing. He’s got two teabaggers on, including one guy with Dr. Henry Jekyll’s facial hair, who are completely resistant to mathematics, history, logic and fact.
You know, Republicans.
I do not judge. Tee hee. Of course I do, but as a sane person I recognize that my judgments are just that – my judgment. Won’t be invoking gods law or nothing.
Went food-carting for lunch today with The Ho. Banh mi, spring rolls and iced Viet coffee. Yum. We are now well tini’d and wondering about the new Thai cart across the way.
Last night I made chix tits, flattened, seasoned, breaded by dusting Wondra, and pan fried. Farfalle with brocco, lemon zest, lemon juice, lightly browned garlic, some other shit (my go-to ingedient) and lotsa parm regg.
Tonight, tee many martoonis. Thai cart looking good…
Pine nuts. Yep, there were toasted pignoli in that there broccopasta, I remember that.
Well the Thai cart closed. Got some rich homemade beef stock and finest deli roast beef, good sourdough bread. “French dip” sammies, sort of. Iceberg wedge with Rogue Creamery blue cheese dressing (homemade mayo, Rogue Blue, Mexican crema, lemon juice, seasoning) and homemade croutons. I’ll whip up some potato chips – easy, cheap and delishus. Fuck dessert, too drunk to care.
Pine nuts. Yep, there were toasted pignoli in that there broccopasta, I remember that.
One of my favorite contorni to make is either broccoli rabe or escarole blanched, then sauteed in olive oil with currents or golden raisins, pignoli, and a shitton of garlic. Belissimo!
Matt T.: I guarantee you he’s a guy that’s bitched about how unfair it is that Katt Williams can use “nigger” like a comma but, oh the humanity, he’d be considered a racist if he said it
The awkwardly privileged message is clear – it’s worse to “suffer” being called racist (or sexist, or homophobic, or transphobic, or ablist, or…) than to actually experience racism (or sexism, or homophobia, or transphobia, or ablism, or…).
Well, unless they’re pulling the “black-people-are-the-real-racists” bullshit, or an equivalent. So basically, it’s an argument designed to say that they’re *always* in the right, even though you’re basically always in the wrong just by using it.
One more time for the kids who are turned away from the blackboard, busily texting their thumbs off to broadcast epithets across the planet…
1.) “Political correctness” is not a straitjacket (unless you have a continual and barely suppressible desire to utter the epithet “n—–” in public at the top of your voice). It is a method of exhibiting courtesy to others whose culture or values have been historically discounted. Whether you share, understand, or agree with the culture or values of the non-dominant subgroups in society is irrelevant: courtesy, kindness, and empathy are all ways of applying oil to the wheels of human interaction, which are apt to seize up and burst into flame without it.
2.) You can bash the group you belong to in front of other members of that group. That does not mean that you cannot expect challenge. Bashing your group in a group containing non-members is not permitted, nor is bashing a group to which you do not personally belong.
3.) People are no longer going to let your cracker self get away with saying “n—–“, “r—–“, or “f—–” without challenging you, and they are right to do so.
4.) If your head’s in the toilet, don’t blow bubbles.
I had an argument elsewhere today.
A douchebag: “We have to decide what kind of nation we want to be…we can have socialism or freedom”.
My snotty reply: “FAIL. False dichotomy. Try again, professor.”
The douchebag then rambled a long lamentation about how intolerant liberals are, how we have no civility, how political correctness is taking over society and…..
I gave up at that point.
I nearly always hear this bullshit through a dumbass southern accent. And yes, they always sound like total assholes. It has the same validity as “he’s playing with my toys and I don’t want him to, wahhhhh!!!” concerning toys with which the little brat had no interest until he saw someone else using them.
rule of life: If you’re white, don’t use the word. If you don’t like it, get the fuck over it.
love your anecdotes, and would dig reading more from you.
be careful what you wish for…
be careful what you wish for…
which just might be a kickass name for a blog…
Cue conservative butthurt in 3… 2… 1…
Damn, I had a long comment about how affirmative action isn’t about sticking it to whitey, but about trying to make up for such heinous acts as the destruction of thriving black communities, but it got et up.
be careful what you wish for…
While you’re at it, make that tsam guy start a blog as well, he brings the righteous anger most… uh… righteously.
is anyone else shocked by this?…anyone?….no?
Interesting* fact: The correct pronunciation of that name is “Jee-kul”
*Depending on one’s definition of “interesting”.
Cue conservative butthurt in 3… 2… 1…
cannot. wait. to. see. this. film.
While you’re at it, make that tsam guy start a blog as well, he brings the righteous anger most… uh… righteously.
Thanks dude
Thanks dude
’tis true…you have an uncommon way of combining the righteous anger AND the lulz…
formula throw-up
Worst Indy 500 event EVAR.
white guys whining about how hard it is out there for a honky can’t help but sound like total assholes
That used to be me circa my mid-20s, though it was more “how hard it is for memememememeME” … some real hardcore down-&-out time vaccinated me against the BooHoo Virus, possibly for life. Hard to justify going Full Emo when you can’t afford to lose all the calories it takes to chew scenery.
I have nothing but admiration for those who can arrive at the same place using only their frontal lobes & without some Famine Stew as incentive.
I strongly favor putting the Brookses & the K-Los of the world on social assistance for a month … then cutting them off for a month. A little Special Ed tutorial in Reality 101, if you will. Imagine what their online output would look like after the end of the second month.
Damn, I had a long comment about how affirmative action isn’t about sticking it to whitey,
I always thought of it as a stop-gap measure until evolution happens. The butthurt is good for a few laughs too.
*Depending on one’s definition of “interesting”.
i’m pretty sure the fact that i DID find this interesting, along with my revived obsession with william clark will do nothing to dispel the rumors of my complete and utter nerdiness…
then cutting them off for a month. A little Special Ed tutorial in Reality 101, if you will. Imagine what their online output would look like after the end of the second month.
The very idea of this gives me a shadenfreudeyass boner. I hope I spelled that not-word correctly. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that right shoe must feel on the other foot.
The very idea of this gives me a shadenfreudeyass boner
yeah…whatever the girl version would be…
girl version
A “wide-on.”
Or wet-on?
HONEY the godless liberals are talking about poontang again!
I had Thai for dinner. Unforch, my dish was like a fucking pina colada with vermicelli noodles, chilies, and ginger. No fun.
Is vermicelli noodles redundant?
How I read this:
Unforch, my dish was like fucking a pina colada with vermicelli noodles, chilies, and ginger
Then I asked myself: “What’s wrong with her? That sounds like total fun.”
Reading is fundamental, kids.
That’s not so bad T&U, let me tell you about the last time I had Thai . . .
o.m.g…i cannot quit giggling at the humor–i have hit the giddy point…i am taking my hungover ass to bed…full day of watching town ball tomorrow…so you probably won’t hear from my hungover and sunburned ass until sunday…
Oh, is it Friday again? Already?
Is vermicelli noodles redundant?
Vermicelli (English pronunciation: /?v?rm??t??li/, Italian: [vermi?t??lli], lit., “little worms”) is a type of pasta that is round in section and somewhat thinner than spaghetti.[1] Vermicelloni (/?v?rm?t???lo?ni/ “thick vermicelli”) is less common,[citation needed] and about the same size as fedelini (also hard to find).[citation needed] Both are thicker than spaghettini (“thin spaghetti”).
History in Italy
In 14th-century Italy, extra-fine spaghetti had varying local names. Master Barnaba da Reatinis from Reggio Emilia notes that Tuscan vermicelli are called orati in Bologne, minutelli in Venice, fermentini in Reggio and pancardelle in Mantua.”[2]
The first mention of a vermicelli recipe is in the book De arte Coquinaria per vermicelli e maccaroni siciliani (The Art of Cooking Sicilian Macaroni and Vermicelli), compiled by the famous Maestro Martino da Como, unequalled in his field at the time and perhaps the first “celebrity chef,” who was the chef at the Roman palazzo of the papal chamberlain (“camerlengo”), the Patriarch of Aquileia. In Martino’s Libro de arte coquinaria, there are several recipes for vermicelli, which can last two or three years (doi o tre anni) when dried in the sun.
History in Asia
Singapore Hokkien style mee sua with minced pork and sliced fish cake.
The vermicelli of South Asia is different from the variety found in Italy, being made from semolina, while the Italian variety is made from durum wheat. In Asia the dish is known variously as seviyan in Urdu and Hindi (pronounced save-ee-ya), shemai in Bengali(pronounced shame-aa-ee), sev in Gujarati(pronounced save), shavige in Kannada, sevalu or semiya in Telugu, and semiya in Tamil and Malayalam(pronouncedsame-ee-ya). The noodles are used in a number of dishes including a variation of kheer, a sweet dessert similar to rice pudding. Vermicelli are also used in many parts of India to make a popular dish called upma. To prepare it, dry oil-roasted vermicelli are boiled with a choice of vegetables.
In East Asia, the term rice vermicelli is often used to describe the thin rice noodles (??) popular in China, also known as bee hoon in Hokkien, mai fun in Cantonese, ????? (kya zan) in Burmese, and bún in Vietnamese. The term vermicelli may also refer to vermicelli made from mung bean, which is translucent when cooked, whereas rice vermicelli turns whitish when cooked. Mung bean vermicelli is commonly used in Chinese cuisine. Conversely, misua (simplified Chinese: ??; pinyin: mian xian; Cantonese Yale: min seen; Pe?h-?e-j?: m?-sòa?) is vermicelli that is made of wheat instead of rice. While superficially similar to bee hoon it has a very different texture and different culinary uses as well.
History in the Americas
Vermicelli (fideo)
The fideo is a type of noodle, popular in Mexican and Latin American cuisine, often referred to by speakers of English as “vermicelli.” It is commonly used in chicken soup and in sopa seca, a type of side dish.
In the United States, vermicelli is usually the pasta found in Rice-A-Roni, a pilaf-style rice-and-pasta side dish manufactured by The Quaker Oats Company.
History in the Middle East and Northeast Africa
Vermicelli, called she’reya (?????) in Arabic, is used in one of the most common ways of cooking rice in Egypt. The vermicelli is browned by frying with oil or butter, then rice and water are added.
Persian reshteh also resembles vermicelli. F?l?de or faloodeh is a Persian frozen dessert made with thin vermicelli noodles frozen with corn starch, rose water, lime juice, and often ground pistachios.
In Somalia, it is used in a sweet dish called cadriyad. The vermicelli is browned by frying with butter, then water, sugar and cardamom are added until the vermicelli has softened slightly. It is similar to the Indian kheer; however, no milk or cream is added. It is usually eaten as a dessert or as a side dish with Somali spiced rice dishes.
I fear for the dreaded imposition of she’reya law!
(low blow! DING DING! Twenty points from hufflepuff for aravind’s obvious joke)
Alas, I think it takes more than a month or two for the mindset to gel. It also takes understanding that at the end of a month or two, shit ain’t just going right back to Zabars and Ballys and limos. They’d need to be canned and blacklisted and shunned by all who know them. Not that I don’t think that would be a fine idea. Schadenfreudeholz, indeed.
“Political correctness” is not a straitjacket (unless you have a continual and barely suppressible desire to utter the epithet “n—–” in public at the top of your voice). It is a method of exhibiting courtesy to others whose culture or values have been historically discounted. Whether you share, understand, or agree with the culture or values of the non-dominant subgroups in society is irrelevant: courtesy, kindness, and empathy are all ways of applying oil to the wheels of human interaction, which are apt to seize up and burst into flame without it.
Political correctness is simple good manners. It doesn’t even have to be exhibited towards “historically discounted” people. When the Indiana Jones movies and dozens more like them refer to the bad guys as “Nazis” instead of “Germans,” that’s political correctness – e.g. an attempt not to generalize/stereotype an entire group of people (even a dominant, enfranchised one), because not all Germans were Nazis and what made the bad guys bad guys is the Nazi part, not the German part.
A black person who looks at a white, Christian Mayflower American and doesn’t assume that he must be a stealth Ku Klux Klan supporter just because of his group identity, is also practicing “political correctness.” I’m sure as hell not complaining about that.
Well yeah, which is why the anti-PC people do their damndest to never really define what they think Political Correctness is, so they can allude to it being some “kick in the doors and send to the gulag” shit.
And closely related to that is the fact that anti-PC isn’t just about being a dick, it’s about expecting to be rewarded for being a dick. They want to be viewed as brave, valiant, a trailblazer, righteous, and risk-taking for simply repeating age-old stereotypes as if they were new or being a lazy asshole too full of themselves to even stretch the slightest amount of awareness to the idea of people other than themselves. Some even want to be vaunted and cheered, not just by their fellow assholes, but their victims themselves and see any criticism for being an asshole as proof of the greatest of all crimes being committed.
It’d be like if you greeted a new person by yelling “Fuck You” as loud as you could in their ear, trying to hit on their partner and then farting in your face and then getting ready to raise hell if the person extended anything less than a full round of applause because “you were so brave and edgy”.
It’d be one thing if they were just wanting to be assholes and were genuinely okay being thought of as archaic assholes, but they want to be lazy assholes and thought of as Gods.
And it’s especially sickening when there are so many ways one can actually take risks and fight against genuine oppression if they were interested in receiving that rush of self-righteousness honestly. But they aren’t.
They’re just lazy assholes.
Interesting* fact: The correct pronunciation of that name is “Jee-kul”
Interesting! Source? Citation?
a fucking pina colada with vermicelli noodles, chilies, and ginger.
If you start with a Bloody Mary as the basis next time you’ll be away laughing.
Not sure if this would work with an Irish Coffee, and a Harvey Wallbanger is right out.
egghead academics, media mouths, and uncivil rights agitators
Is there anything here that wasn’t stolen from old Spiro Agnew speeches?
Interesting! Source? Citation?
Not proof, but I’ve heard that’s the correct pronunciation too.
Either the growing wealth gap between whites and various other shades is all part of the cover-up for a nefarious Black Supremacist take over, or Selwyn got all the breaks in the world and is still a fucking loser. I’m siding with Occam on this one.
egghead academics, media mouths, and uncivil rights agitators
Whatever happened to the simple mixed drinks, where you add a little grenadine and garnish and then call it a day?
And closely related to that is the fact that anti-PC isn’t just about being a dick, it’s about expecting to be rewarded for being a dick.
Precisely. Everyone is free to say whatever they want. What these asshats want is the protection of mommy’s skirts from the people they insult.
Some of us know the work-arounds, as some people have recently found out the hard way. 😉
I fear for the dreaded imposition of she’reya law!
Can’t be an worse than the Vermicellian infestation of the 20th Century. Hoboken is FULL of them!
the Vermicellian infestation of the 20th Century
One big Diet Of Worms.
I strongly favor putting the Brookses & the K-Los of the world on social assistance for a month … then cutting them off for a month. […] Imagine what their online output would look like after the end of the second month.
The volume would have dropped by a third or more, since some of them would have eaten the others.
I have nothing but admiration for those who can arrive at the same place using only their frontal lobes & without some Famine Stew as incentive.
I too was once trending libertarian and all about me-me-me and even had the Nice Guy™ schtick going. I wish I could claim I clued out of it through my own smarts, but I credit my parents’ unwavering example of compassion and thoughtfulness. And Dad’s quiet willingness to point out bullshit.
Political correctness bitchers always expect me to bow my head quietly when Jesus is prayed to publicly, and to wish them merry Christmas starting in September, so until they stop that shit they can just shut the fuck up about the evils of considerately conforming behavior and speech to the sensibilities of others.
Also, “lady wood.”
“I’m not politically correct” is just a shorter way of saying “Why, yes, as a matter of fact I AM a bigoted, racist, douchebag, thank you for asking!”
And if anyone should be labled PC these days, it’s the conservatives.
Oh, this will go well:
As an ardent, appreciative fan of this blog, which makes me guffaw and hope in equal measure, I detect some… smattering of jealousy among the trogs. Could it be that all the wit, charm, grasp, and depth is over on this side of the fence?
Conservative “humor” never turns out well.
Some of us know the work-arounds, as some people have recently found out the hard way. 😉
Whot hoppened?
Uh oh.
The more beer you drink, the smarter they sound!
And if anyone should be labled PC these days, it’s the conservatives.
In pop culture, examples of things that’ve been tampered with and readapted specifically to avoid hurting conservatives’ feelings are all over.
Stryker from the X-Men; in the comics, a Christian fundamentalist televangelist meant as the in-universe version of the Religious Right, in the movie, a generic rogue scientist. The Manchurian Candidate; in the original, McCarthyists who were really secretly working for the Communists, in the sequel, a generic multinational corporation. Cowboys and Aliens; the comic book hit you over the head with the fact that the alien invaders were acting exactly like the cowboys had towards the Indians, which the new movie mostly dispensed with.
Their martyrdom complex is way too big for them to notice, but the entertainment industry’s been bending over backwards to please them too. (Heck, just going back to the Reagan era, can you imagine a show like MacGyver or The A-Team making it onto television these days?)
Selfworn Puke failed at pimping himself to Fux News as “male eye-candy” and that proves what? Roger Ailes is a PC socialist? Even Ailes knows the difference between a Baby Ruth bar and a turd.
the conversation on the right has become more interesting and productive than it was.”
oh relly?
he A-Team making it onto television these days?)
oh, i don’t know…the relevance of mr. t transcends the ages…
Does Wikipedia count as a citation? I’m too lazy to dig further at the moment.
Oh, and Cerberus continues to kick ass on this thread.
just wanted to leave y’all with that before i’m off for the day…
Alas, I think it takes more than a month or two for the mindset to gel. It also takes understanding that at the end of a month or two, shit ain’t just going right back to Zabars and Ballys and limos. They’d need to be canned and blacklisted and shunned by all who know them.
Oh, I have no doubt that they’d think it was all just a big lark, right up until that terrifying day when the fridge & cupboards run dry, with no money to reload them … & that’s when the educational (de)programming really begins. As for being shunned, the mere reality of them having lived on the dole, let alone having completely hit the skids, would thin down their Rolodexes something fierce. They tend to play a mean game of CalvinistBall in that crowd – the one mortal sin is poverty, & once you get those Poor-Cooties they stick for a very long time.
some of them would have eaten the others
This is central to my point. Also: heh, indeed.
Oh, I have no doubt that they’d think it was all just a big lark, right up until that terrifying day when the fridge & cupboards run dry, with no money to reload them … & that’s when the educational (de)programming really begins.
Or they just start foraging for supplies in the local bodega, like the resourceful white people they are.
In such desperate circumstances, the original intent of the Second Amendment stretches to include armed robbery.
Sadly, No! is never active unless I’ve been away or busy. It’s like the site is in a state of quantum flux where posts only happen when the thread isn’t under observation.
I should commission a study.
Nothing clever to add at this late hour, but Chris, Cerberus, Pere Ubu, and tigris have all been more than usually eloquent on this thread and I thank them.
“Oh, I have no doubt that they’d think it was all just a big lark, right up until that terrifying day when the fridge & cupboards run dry, with no money to reload them”
Oh, I think you are vastly under estimating their capacity for self delusion.
Things are so bad that there are even black people working at Cracker Barrel! You think a white guy would get to work at “N-word Fried Chicken And Watermelon And Motherfucking Iced Tea”? Not likely.
So do you think it was Selwyn’s Ma or Pa who told him, “Son, kiss the ass of the most powerful bigot in the office and you’ll go far!”
Of course in Ma or Pa’s time that was a much easier task to accomplish, goddamn Political Correctness!!!
Poor Pud-whine Duke, no Bigot-master for you!
I’ll take four fried chickens and a coke.
Oh, I think you are vastly under estimating their capacity for self delusion.
The cupboards are bare, some shifty darkie must have stolen my shit! MOAR TAXCUTS!
Do you have white bread? Toasted?
You want chicken thighs or chicken wings?
I got a kick out of The Moon is a Harsh Mistress despite the junior-hi-skool politics, because the lead character is a sentient computer. Kind of Phildickian, that.
A ’60s SF reader might expect, this character being a digital computer and the author being a libertarian, that the computer/personality does what it/he does because of “A equals A” or some such puerile “rational thought,” but happily you’d be underestimating Heinlein; you’d be wrong. The motivation for this computer/personality leading the “Loonies” in their long-shot bid for freedom turns out to be, merely, the emotion of loneliness. His one and only friend in the world is the narrator, a computer repair tech who tells him jokes; because he’s his friend, therefore he takes his side 100%. And to top it all off, like in Podkayne of Mars, this sympathetic hero gets killed dead in the climactic scene!
Whot hoppened?
I’m under legal obligation not to talk about it.
For now.
“Wow! That takes me back. Why’s she all stalking you, I thought I’d be the one on her shit list.”
Sorry ‘Cerb’; forgot to keep my “big Jew nose” out of this.
Stupid fucking racist.
when liberals say that white privilege exists, are they still using Peggy McIntosh’s BS or have they created some new BS that will take longer than a whole 5 minutes to completely debunk?
[“quote”]Which is extra idiotic, because minority groups tend to, if anything, minimize and undersell their own pain and suffering and look with forgiving eyes to the sins of the past usually because of the whining and flailing that dominant groups undergo during the long and tortuous process of fighting for equal regard.
Even when a group has “arrived” and largely erased their history of discrimination (like say the Irish-Americans or more obviously, German-Americans), they are far more likely to join in on the scrum beating down the next group of minorities trying to reach basic dignity than turn on their former oppressors and give them some much needed karma.
Even after a big victory, there is no real reckoning. Those who lynched with abandon, fought for segregation, fought against women’s rights to vote, fought against rape laws and divorce, fought to make it illegal to be employed as a homosexual, and even the White South Africans who ran Apartheid were largely left to lead their lives after the political fights went to the side of Justice. They weren’t allowed to continue and social regard began to drift away from them if they held the same attitudes, but overall, they have always been left alone to live their lives and even spread the same hatreds as before in obvious dog whistles.
The point?
As always, everything, that a wingnut says (and this may even include them saying their own name) is projection.
the words of a truly idiotic and psychopathic ‘wingnut’, and an individual who believes that ultimately no one is born innocent due to ‘karma’.
Only such a person could believe that Apartheid somehow justifies the current merciless slaughter of the Boer.
Liberalism is either a mental disorder, or it is simply a belief system designed to uplift the hopelessly unintelligent, take your pick ladies and gentleman.